Deposits for pensioners with maximum interest - review of banks. Deposits for pensioners with maximum interest - the best offers from Sberbank and Russian banks

When retirement age approaches, every pensioner thinks about how to preserve and increase their savings. Banks offer profitable deposits for the privileged category of the population, and there are actually quite a lot of offers, which makes it much more difficult for the depositor to choose. Let's consider all the profitable pension deposits in banks in our country, their features, rates and basic conditions.

Distinctive features of pension deposits

Pension deposits differ significantly from other deposit products of banks, primarily in that they are available only to a narrow circle of people, that is, recipients of social benefits from the state. Actually, the main requirement for the client is to have a pension card and an identity document.

As for the deposit itself, it has the following characteristic features:

  • the ability to manage funds to a trusted person, that is, replenish the account and withdraw interest under a notarized power of attorney;
  • the ability to formalize a testamentary disposition;
  • higher rates;
  • low contribution amounts;
  • the opportunity to open a social card with free services for transferring income.

Thus, a pension deposit is a product created for social category population to increase their own funds. But the profitability largely depends on the duration of the deposit you choose, and there are several different types:

  • time deposit is a deposit that has specific terms; depending on the individual terms of the agreement, interest is accrued at any frequency (for example, once a month) or at the end of the term;
  • on demand is a deposit that has no maturity and is characterized by low profitability, but the bank does not impose restrictions on the withdrawal of funds or part thereof.

In addition, you can open a deposit account at a bank branch or online.

Please note that the last option is suitable only for bank clients, namely recipients of social payments to a bank account and owners of plastic debit cards.

Product selection

Before you figure out what interest rates on pension deposits are offered Russian banks Today, it’s worth finding out which contribution will be truly beneficial for a pensioner. By the way, the interest rate, of course, matters, but there are other parameters that are worth paying attention to.

The first parameter is interest capitalization. This is beneficial if you do not plan to periodically receive income from your account. That is, the accrued interest is added to the body of the deposit and the bank charges interest on it again.

It is equally important to choose a replenishable deposit; this will give you the opportunity to increase your savings, for example, replenish your account with a certain amount with each payment. It is worth noting that if you combine the deposit with interest capitalization and the possibility of replenishment, then this deposit will be more profitable, but only at the end of its term.

Pension deposit in Sberbank

A fixed-term pension deposit with interest is undoubtedly more profitable, but here it is worth considering one nuance - you will not receive the expected income from the deposit until the contract expires. For example, you opened an account for 10,000 rubles for one year at an interest rate of 8% per year. At the end of the term you could have received 10,800 rubles, but you took your savings ahead of schedule and made no profit at all.

If you plan to manage your funds at any time, then it is more advisable for you to open a demand deposit. True, it is impossible to make a profit here, because the interest rate is very low, for example, in Sberbank - 0.01% per year.

Banking offers

Today, many pensioners receive pensions into a bank account, so financial institutions have prepared a separate deposit product for them, within which recipients of social benefits have the opportunity to open an account and replenish it non-cash. Let's look at a few current proposals.

Sberbank of Russia

Owners of a social savings card of this bank can make a profit without opening a deposit account. The fact is that the bank charges interest on the account balance in the amount of 3.5%. There are no restrictions on the terms of disposal of funds, that is, at any time the investor can receive his savings or interest.

If the profitability of this deposit does not suit you, that is Alternative option– deposit Top up Online. You can open it only in your personal account of the Sberbank Online service. If you receive your payments on a social card, you can top up your deposit account online monthly. This deposit is fixed-term from 3 months to 3 years, interest rates from 5.47% to 6.69% per year, taking into account interest capitalization.

Please note that you can only apply for a pension savings deposit with Sberbank online; at a bank branch, conditions may differ significantly.

Deposit in Rosselkhozbank


This bank also has a current offer for pensioners in its product line. Moreover, it can be used not only by recipients of social payments to a bank account, but also by all elderly citizens who wish. This deposit is issued for a client who has presented a pension certificate.

There are two offers for pensioners:

  • Pension plus;
  • Pension income.

For the Pension Income deposit, the minimum contribution amount is 500 rubles, the deposit terms are 13, 18, 24 months, and the interest rates are 7.3%, 7.7%, 8%, respectively, regardless of the deposit amount. The maximum amount is 2 million rubles. Interest is calculated monthly on the last day.

Under the terms of the “Pension Plus” deposit, interest is transferred to a deposit account, that is, there is no provision for making a profit during the term of the agreement. Term 1 or 3 years rates 6.8%, 7% respectively. It is possible to replenish the amount from 1 ruble. The minimum amount is 50 rubles, the maximum is 10 million.

Upon expiration of the contract, an automatic extension occurs for the same period, while maintaining the terms of account servicing.

Post Bank

There is no separate offer for the preferential category of the population, but pensioners can count on an increased percentage in relation to the base value of up to one point. For example, when opening a savings account, the interest rate is 1% higher for Social Security recipients. For deposits, the rate is 0.25% higher than the base rate. Here you will find several offers that differ in terms: with interest capitalization, with interest withdrawal, and regular replenishment. In addition, investors can receive debit card Visa.

Bank of Moscow

There is one offer for retirees here - a savings account. That is, it is available only to recipients of pension payments to a bank account. The rate is 4% per year, regardless of the amount. Interest is accrued once every three months on the account balance, and it does not matter how long the amount has been in the account. Interest capitalization and early cash withdrawal are available to clients. In general, there is no deadline or other restrictions on amounts.


There is a rather advantageous offer for pensioners - the Pension deposit. The conditions here are quite transparent: amount from 10,000 rubles, period up to 365 days, rate 9.7% per year. Interest is accrued every month, it is acceptable to receive profit monthly. In case of early withdrawal of funds from the account, the bank pays the actual profit on the deposit on the day of cash withdrawal.

Home Credit Bank

This credit institution also offers deposits for the privileged category of the population. The minimum amount is 1000 rubles, the rate is from 8.75% per year, the term is 1.5 years, a monthly replenishment of at least 1000 rubles is possible. If the account is closed early, the actual profit will be 0.01% per year.

Deposit in Home Credit Bank

note that up-to-date information You can obtain information about the terms of service for depositors only at a bank branch or on the official website.

How to get interest on a deposit

Usually the owners open the treasure equity in order to preserve and increase them. Some depositors do not withdraw interest from the deposit until its expiration date, while others, on the contrary, invest money in the bank in order to receive a monthly increase in social benefits.

For those who want to receive additional income every month, it is wiser to choose a product with monthly interest accrual. Please note that some banks only charge interest at the end of the term or once every three months. You can receive interest by wire transfer to a bank account, usually linked to a debit or pension plastic card.

Deposit protection

When choosing a bank, pay attention to its participation in state program deposit insurance. This is government protection, which allows investors to receive their funds and profits from them in the event of revocation of the license before the liquidation of the enterprise. Accordingly, today depositors risk absolutely nothing by leaving money in the bank.

There is a significant limitation - the amount of insurance coverage should not exceed 1.4 million rubles.

This only means that the maximum that the investor can count on is the return of the maximum guaranteed amount. If the amount of your savings is higher, then it is wiser to distribute it to different banks, because even if each of them has their license revoked, the payment from each will be a maximum of 1.4 million rubles.

By the way, you shouldn’t take money to a bank that offers too much high percent, this may indicate that the organization urgently needs an influx of capital from investors and is on the verge of financial collapse.

So, as you can see, there are quite a lot of offers on the market, so it’s up to you to decide which pension contribution to choose. Many large and reliable banks are ready to offer favorable interest rates, so you focus more on additional conditions, such as account replenishment, interest capitalization and restrictions on early termination of the contract.

Today there are several types of deposits for pensioners in Sberbank of Russia. Each banking product has its own favorable conditions and will be useful for you in one case or another. A pension contribution is a convenient opportunity not only to preserve, but also to increase your capital. Interest rates are high and most often do not depend on the amount you want to use.

Page content

Everyone can count on special conditions. It is worth considering popular and new deposits available today:

  1. "Save."
  2. "Save Online."
  3. “Replenish.”
  4. "Pension Plus".

Important! If you open a deposit using personal account in Sberbank Online, the interest rate will be higher. To receive maximum income, the bank also offers to issue a special savings certificate.

You can draw up a testamentary order or a power of attorney for your savings deposits, which is very convenient for those who are too worried about the safety of their own money due to health problems or are not able to withdraw the deposit on time.

Deposits for pensioners in Sberbank are updated at different intervals; you can find out in detail about the benefits on the official website of the financial institution at any convenient time.

The interest rates on deposits in Sberbank for pensioners today are as follows:

The pension deposit “Save” may have an increased interest rate, if you apply for it remotely at an ATM or Sberbank Online. According to the calculator, annual interest can reach up to 5.63 (in rubles). If in dollars, then - up to 1.25%, and in euros - 0.01%. The minimum amount for a deposit is 1 thousand rubles, 100 $ or 100 €.

Deposit "Pension Plus"

Not the most profitable option for pensioners is the Pension Plus deposit. The conditions for such a deposit are not bad, but the interest is weak (3.67% per year). The deposit was created for pensioners who receive payments from the Pension Fund Russian Federation or a non-state pension fund.


  • the deposit is created for a period of 3 years;
  • you can replenish and partially withdraw funds from the deposit;
  • the bonus percentage is not lost when making deposits or partial withdrawals;
  • minimum balance – 1 rub.
  • If we look specifically at deposits, then today it is most profitable to issue “,” where the bank promises up to 6.13%. This is a profitable deposit for pensioners, which can be created using the Internet or an ATM. A large percentage will be a pleasant bonus.

    Here is the most favorable interest rate:

  1. From 4.05 to 5.63 in Russian rubles.
  2. From 0.01 to 1.25 in US dollars.
  3. From 0.01 in euros.

If you are not sure or simply do not know which deposits in Sberbank are the most profitable, then you can call hotline(900 or +74955005550) at any convenient time.

Pensioners in our country cannot be proud of their high monthly income. However, many of them prefer to deposit part of their income into a bank account, and they, in turn, offer a certain category of the population favorable conditions for placing capital and a high rate. There are quite a few commercial banks in Russia, so choose Best offer among such diversity it will be difficult. Let's consider which commercial banks offer good interest rates on deposits for pensioners, as well as their conditions.

Features of deposits for pensioners

To begin with, it is worth noting that in order to register a specialized product for a privileged category of the population, you will need a pension certificate. In addition, people who have not reached retirement age but are already on government support, for example, a disability pensioner, military personnel, and so on, can take advantage of this offer. What are the characteristics of deposits for pensioners:

  1. A small amount of down payment when opening a deposit account, insofar as representatives of this category of the population cannot place large sums at a time. For them, the bank offers a deposit, where the minimum amount is 1000 rubles.
  2. Interest rates for these types of deposits are usually higher, but not much, on average 0.2%, 0.5% per year.
  3. Deposit terms can vary significantly, on average they range from 1 to 3 years.
  4. Other conditions are strictly individual, but it is worth noting that to obtain maximum profit, it is wiser to choose an offer with interest capitalization and the possibility of partial replenishment.

Banking offers

To choose best contribution For pensioners, you need to consider several bank offers. This will help not only determine potential profit, but also compare conditions from various financial institutions. Let's consider the conditions of large commercial banks in Russia, namely Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Post Bank and others.

Sberbank of Russia

Sberbank of Russia has several deposit offers, including:

  1. “Save” interest rate is up to 5.63%; according to its terms, there is no partial withdrawal and replenishment; the maximum deposit period is up to 3 years.
  2. “Top up” the interest rate on the deposit up to 5.12% per year. Partial replenishment is possible, cash withdrawal is not possible.
  3. “Manage” rate up to 5.82% per year, both replenishment and partial withdrawal are possible.

Please note that rates are indicated for ruble deposits, taking into account interest capitalization.

As you can see, this bank does not have specialized offers for pensioners. However, for each of the above products, upon presentation of a pension certificate, the maximum interest rate applies; it does not depend on the amount of the down payment. As for interest rates, they are not the highest in the financial services market, however, most elderly clients prefer to place their funds in Sberbank, only for the reason that it inspires more confidence among potential clients. Although today a depositor does not risk being left without his savings even if the license of a commercial bank is revoked, because they are all in mandatory take part in the Deposit Insurance System, and this is a state guarantee.


Rosselkhozbank has a specialized program: “Pension Plus Deposit”. Its main advantage is that the minimum amount when opening a deposit account is only 500 rubles, You can take advantage of this offer only upon presentation of your pension certificate. In addition, it is possible to top up your account with an amount starting from one ruble. The maximum deposit amount is up to 10 million rubles. Here you can withdraw cash from a deposit account, without losing interest, only on the condition that the minimum balance is at least 500 rubles.

As for the interest rate, it depends on the term. By the way, terms range from 1 to 3 years. Rates from 7.15% to 7.20% taking into account capitalization which is carried out monthly. Upon expiration of the contract, renewal for the same period occurs automatically.

Post Bank

If you are looking for the most profitable deposits for pensioners, here you can choose from several offers. This bank does not have a specialized program for pensioners, but each deposit product has a “Pension” tariff. This means that 0.25% is added to the base interest rate, only for the preferential category of the population. As for other conditions, here you can open three types of deposits:

  1. “Accumulative” base rate up to 7.5%, with the possibility of replenishment and interest payment once every 3 months, minimum amount from 5,000 rubles.
  2. “Profitable” amount from 500,000 rubles, term up to one year, base rate from 7.75% per year. Interest is paid monthly.
  3. “Capital” deposit base interest rate up to 8.25% per annum. The period for placing funds on the account is 6 or 12 months. Amount from 50,000 rubles. Capitalization of interest is provided.

Bank Rosgosstrah

This bank has a specialized program for pensioners. The interest rate on a deposit in rubles is up to 7.2% per year, the deposit period is from 6 months to 3 years. It is possible to replenish the deposit. The minimum amount is 1000 rubles. Interest is paid monthly, and the contract is renewed automatically upon expiration.

In fact, most commercial banks can offer the most profitable deposits for pensioners, even if there is no specialized one in the product line. That is, banks increase rates and reduce the amount of the minimum contribution for clients belonging to preferential categories.

How to choose the right deposit

The main task for any potential investor is to choose the right bank offer. First of all, it is worth paying attention Special attention on conditions. The most profitable deposit in terms of profitability is the one that provides for capitalization of interest. That is, interest is accrued on the deposit body at a certain frequency, for example, once a month or quarterly. Then this profit is added to the body of the deposit and interest is again charged on the amount received.

Next, you should pay special attention to the possibility of replenishing your account. That is, the ability to replenish your account monthly with any free amount will allow you not only to reliably store your savings, but also to receive maximum profit from them. Banks also offer customers interest payments to a separate bank account or a bank debit card issued for this purpose. This offer is only beneficial if you want to increase your monthly income through interest on your deposit. Just note that there may be a fee for servicing the card.

As you can see, finding a profitable deposit in rubles for pensioners will not be difficult. In addition, some banks hold seasonal promotions for pensioners. Also, it is worth saying that all deposits are insured for up to 1.4 million rubles, so owners large sums It makes more sense to place funds in several banks. All banks licensed by the Bank of Russia take part in compulsory insurance deposits, the depositor himself does not need to pay for insurance; this is done by the bank in the amount of 1% of the amount of all placed on his accounts and deposits.

Not every bank offers special conditions for deposits for pensioners. If such specialization exists, it is expressed in higher interest rates (0.5 - 3.5% more) compared to other products in the line of offerings of one savings institution, with other requirements for spending or replenishment being equal. All pension contributions can be increased with additional contributions. Some of them provide for partial withdrawal of money during the term of the contract, but the profitability in this case falls by 3-5%. The minimum down payment level is usually very low - it can be 10,000, 1,000, 500 and even 1 ruble. In some deposit products, the rate does not depend on the size of savings and is equally high for any amount: for one thousand and for one million.

For example, the most popular savings book among older Russians, Sberbank, offers a not-so-high annual interest rate of 3.5. Even though the contract is called time deposit“Pension Plus”, but in fact the operating mode of the account is “on demand”, i.e. it can be spent at any time without restrictions, leaving only 1 ruble in the bank. The contract lasts 3 years, but each time it is automatically extended on the same terms, so that pensioners who have been receiving government benefits for many years in this account social Security, sometimes they don’t even notice that they are using a regular bank deposit product with its own time limits.

Interest in “Pension Plus” is added, although quarterly, but on each of the daily balances. If you look at the conditions of an ordinary Sberbank “on demand” account, we will see that here only 0.01% per annum is accrued to a completely different balance - the one that was formed only on the last day of the calendar quarter. That is, if during the billing period the amount changed from 1 to 30,000 rubles. (for three months there were both income and expenses) and on March 30 almost all the funds were withdrawn (i.e., only 10 rubles remained), then a profit of 0.01% is accrued only on the last 10 rubles. But the same operations, but on the “Pension Plus” deposit will lead to the accrual of 3.5% for each day of the 90 days of the quarter, and for each balance from 1 to 30,000 rubles. The benefits are obvious.

However, with increased rates of 6.05 - 8.75% per annum, but with the absence of expense transactions and other urgent conditions. These products are not included in our review, as we have chosen an even more attractive profit margin of up to 12%. Such rates are suitable for those pensioners who want to not only save, but also significantly increase their savings. All of the above banks are included in the TOP 100 Russian credit institutions. All described deposits are opened upon presentation of a pension certificate. Everywhere the conditions provide only for replenishment without the possibility of consumption.
By the way, pensioners can write an application for regular transfer of their pension to a deposit in any commercial bank. And some pension deposits with increased returns are opened not only for long-service pensioners, but also for other categories of citizens of the Russian Federation who have social benefits from the state.

Russian Standard Bank, Pension Plus deposit
(highest % for large amounts in rubles and foreign currency)

The product works with three currencies. For dollars, rates range from 3.5 to 7%, which are 0.5 points higher than for euros. Rubles grow annually by 8.5-12%. Profitability depends on the term and amount. The profit of two amount ranges for deposits in any currency differs by 0.5 points. For rubles from 10,000 (8.5 - 11.5%) and from 300,000 (9 - 12%) rubles, for foreign currency from 300 (3 - 6% in euros) and from 10,000 (3.5 - 6, 5% in euros) units. The placement period from 90 to 720 (2 years) days can be selected individually, down to the day. Interest is not capitalized. It is possible to choose the order of their payment - quarterly or monthly. During the term of the agreement, savings can be replenished with any amounts without restrictions. There is auto-renewal, but there are no benefits for early closure.

Asian-Pacific Bank, “Pension Savings Book new”
(highest% for the smallest ruble amounts)

The minimum investment amount for both rubles and foreign currency is not limited. The rate is the same for large and small amounts in one currency: 11.9% in rubles, 4.85% in dollars and 4.65% in euros. There is only one contract term – 36 months (or 3 years). During this time, interest will be accrued and paid 12 times, quarterly, without the possibility of capitalization. Replenishment is allowed at any time and in any amount. Preferential conditions are provided for early closure of the contract - the rate will decrease, and its size will depend on the actual period during which the money was in the bank. For example, in rubles - up to six months 4%, from 6 months 9%, from 33 months 11.75%. There is auto-renewal.

NS Bank, deposit “Pension (at the end of the term)”
(highest % for the smallest amounts in foreign currency)

Three currencies for savings, each of which has three bet values. Profitability increases with increasing term and does not depend on the size of the deposit. Annual percentage the euro and the dollar are the same. The rate for rubles is from 11 to 11.5%, for euros/dollars - from 4.5 to 5%. To open a deposit, 500 rubles or 50 euros/dollars are enough. During the validity of the deposit, it can be increased without restrictions on amounts and terms. The contract is concluded for any number of days in the range from 185 to 1090 (almost 3 years). Interest is not capitalized; it is paid at the end of the term to a free bank card account. Early termination of the deposit entails a reduction in the interest rate to the “on demand” level for any actual period. The deposit has an automatic extension.

Vneshprombank, Pension Plus deposit

In addition to rubles, both American and European currencies are accepted for deposits. The deposit rate depends on three amount ranges and the higher the longer one of the four terms. You can fix the duration of the contract for 3 months, six months, 9 months or 1 year. The yield for rubles is from 5.95 to 11.5%, for dollars and euros the same from 2.45 to 5.5%. The minimum contribution is 10,000 rubles. or 500 euros/dollars. The maximum profit will be for deposits of more than 500,000 rubles. or more than 15,000 euros/dollars placed for 367 days. Income is accrued and paid at the end of the term without the possibility of capitalizing it. But the account can be replenished; incoming transactions are not limited either in terms of terms or amounts. Termination of the contract before the deadline entails a reduction in the rate to the minimum level “on demand”.

Rosgosstrakh Bank, “Pension Income” deposit

The minimum possible contribution here is 1,000 rubles. or 50 dollars or 50 euros. Each currency has its own bet value. Deposits in dollars are 0.5% more profitable than euros. In rubles it is 4.5-5% more expensive than dollars. The rate depends on the duration, but not on the amount. There are 5 timing ranges for different percentages. You can choose an individual term for any number of days from 181 to 1080 (almost 3 years). The maximum ruble rate is not fixed for the longest period, but in the range from 367 to 732 days. The yield for rubles is 9.75 - 11.25%, for dollars 4.75 - 5.75%, for euros 4.25 - 5.25%. Interest is not capitalized, but due to the fact that it is paid monthly, you can replenish your account. Restrictions for incoming transactions relate only to the timing - the last three months of the deposit are excluded.

Tatfondbank, “Deposit for those who save (pension)”
(the shortest possible time is provided)

Only Russian rubles are accepted for deposits. The minimum down payment is RUB 1,000. The profitability depends on the selected period, as well as on one of two amount ranges (more than 1,000 or more than 100,000 rubles, where the rates differ by 0.4 points). The duration of the contract can be chosen from the proposed 31, 91, 184, 367 days. A minimum profit of 3.6% per annum is accrued on deposits up to 100 thousand rubles. for 3 months, maximum rate of 11% per year for amounts over 100 thousand rubles. Interest is calculated monthly and paid as rental income or added to the deposit amount at the client's choice. There are restrictions on the size of incoming transactions - at least 1,000 rubles. Early termination of the contract occurs on the condition that the interest rate is reduced to the “on demand” level.

Moscow Credit Bank, deposit “Loyal Online”
(the only one that can be opened via the Internet)

The deposit has three terms, three currencies, each of which has three rates. The yield on dollars and euros is the same. The minimum amounts for concluding an agreement are 1,000 rubles, 100 dollars or euros. There are restrictions on the maximum contribution – up to 10 million rubles. or 200 thousand in any currency. The deposit is opened for 95, 185 or 370 days. Ruble rates from 9.65 to 10.85%, foreign currency rates from 2.9 to 4.1%. Interest income is calculated monthly, paid to a free bank card account or capitalized on a deposit. You can top up at any time and in any amount. There are benefits for early termination within certain periods. If more than half of the period has passed, the rate will be reduced by only half. It is possible to open a deposit via the Internet.

Bank Soyuz, deposit "Pension"

The deposit is opened in one of three currencies: rubles, US dollars or euros. The minimum amount to open is 1,000 rubles or 100 euros/dollars. The rate does not depend on the volume of investments, but the higher the longer the period, of which there are only three: 93, 183, 367 days. The yield for ruble savings is 8.65-10.65%, for US dollars 3.35-5.1%, for euros 2.6-4.1. Receipt transactions that increase savings are not limited in time, but must be at least 500 rubles. or 50 euros/dollars. Interest is calculated and paid at the end of the term. Early termination reduces the interest rate to the “on demand” level. Automatic renewal is provided.

Moscow Industrial Bank, Pension Accumulative deposit

For pensioners, the bank offers high rates for small amounts and the ability to choose a deposit in one of three currencies. There are two ranges of terms on which profitability depends: from 91 to 180 days or from 181 to 365 days. The investor can fix his individual term for any number of days. The amount range also affects the profit. The minimum rate of 7.5-8.75% is calculated for investments from 1,000 to 30,000 rubles. The maximum profit is 8.5-10.5% for accounts over 1,000,000 rubles. The rates for US dollars and euros are the same - from 3.5 to 5%. The client can choose how to pay interest - monthly rent or capitalization. Replenishment is not limited by terms and amounts. Regardless of the actual period elapsed until the day of early termination, half the bet is paid.

Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, Pension deposit
(the longest period is provided)

The bank offers pensioners to open a special deposit in rubles. Here, the profitability does not depend on the amount of investment, only on the period. The minimum down payment is 1,000 rubles. Five urgent offers for 93, 182, 362, 730 and 1100 days, for each of which the contract rate will be fixed from 7.75 to 10%. Interest is not capitalized and is paid at the end of the term free of charge. bank card Visa or Maestro. The deposit is replenished throughout the entire term of the contract. If additional contributions are made in cash at the cash desk, then the minimum amount is 1,000 rubles. If incoming transactions are non-cash in nature, then there are no restrictions. Early termination benefits provide for payment of 4% per annum, instead of the usual “on demand” rate in this case.

Do you want to know the opening details? Pension deposit at Sberbank in 2019, in particular - the interest due to depositors? For pensioners, the bank does provide favorable conditions for saving and increasing their income, which will be discussed further.

We invite you to choose one of the products presented below. Please note that you can apply for “Replenish”, “Save” and “Manage” online and receive increased income, we will talk about this in detail.

  1. Savings certificate is a security that has the same functions as a deposit. The only difference is that the certificate funds are not insurable. Due to this, you can get the maximum income on it - up to 7.1% per annum. The minimum amount is 10,000 rubles, the period is from 91 to 1095 days, we talk about it;
  2. "Save"- a convenient option for small amounts (from 1000 rubles). The rate depends on the validity of the contract and ranges from 3.80 to 5.00%; when registering via the Internet, an increased rate is offered - up to 5.85% per annum. The investment period is from 1 month to 3 years, details are available at the link;
  3. « Replenish» — replenishable account with interest capitalization. Its validity period ranges from 3 months to 3 years, the percentage ranges from 3.70 to 4.50%. If you submit an application through the Sberbank Online system, you can receive a yield of up to 5.05% per annum. The minimum contribution is 1000 rubles, full conditions are presented in this article;
  4. “Manage” deposit— this offer is available for amounts starting from 30 thousand. The validity period is from 3 months to 3 years, the rate is from 3.25 to 4.70%, and if opened online - up to 4.75%. You can top up your account and also withdraw cash up to a minimum balance, you can find out more;
  5. « Pension Plus"- a special program for pensioners who receive their pension from Sberbank. On the “Social” card you can store from 1 ruble for 3 years, while a guaranteed rate of 3.5% (with capitalization - 3.67% annually). Payments are made to the actual balance that has been on the card account for at least 3 months, accrued quarterly. It is possible to replenish your account and partially withdraw funds from it, you can read more.

What benefits apply to pensioners? If they make the second or third deposit listed in our article and present a pension certificate, they will be able to count on the maximum%, which will depend only on the selected period. The size of the deposited amount does not matter.

For all deposits, you can draw up a power of attorney in advance, as well as a testamentary disposition, thanks to which the heirs can withdraw without any problems cash from the account in the event of the death of the main depositor.

We recommend calculating your yield in advance using the online calculator on this page. Thus, if you are interested in one of the deposit options presented in the article, you can apply for it at favorable conditions in any Sberbank branch in 2019 at your place of residence.

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