Fill out the tree life expectancy table. How many years do trees live? How long do fruit trees live?

The same list is dedicated to trees.

TOP longest living trees

1st place was taken by several types of trees.

aspen poplar(Populus tremuloides) is a deciduous tree, whose homeland is the cold zones of North America, known as Canadian aspen, quaking aspen, quaking poplar, and can copy itself, forming entire colonies of clones. The age of the oldest colony is estimated at approximately 10 thousand years.

Also in first place: Norway spruce or Norway spruce(lat. Picea abies). The oldest spruce in the world is 9550 years old, this discovery was made by scientists from Umeå University (Sweden). The tree was discovered on Mount Fulu, its age was determined by carbon dating, or rather not one tree, but four trees, 375, 5660, 9000 and 9550 years old, all of them have the same genetic code, like the dead trees under them. That is, in fact, the tree did not die, but gave a new shoot. Spruce trees are distinguished by their ability to produce a new shoot to replace the dead one. And a little further, about 20 trees over 8,000 years old were found. Previously, the oldest pine trees from North America were considered to be between 4,000 and 5,000 years old.

The oldest non-cloned pine of the species Pinus longaeva was just under 5000 years old, but, unfortunately, was cut down in the 60s of the 20th century.

2nd place Baobab, or Adansoonia palmata(lat. Adansonia digitata) - a species of trees from the genus Adansonia of the Malvaceae family, characteristic of dry savannas tropical Africa. The thickest tree in the world, in circumference it can reach 25 m, but not particularly high 18-25 m. This tree in the middle resembles a sponge, it absorbs moisture during the rainy season, and due to this survives during the dry season, the baobab has no growth rings , like other trees, so it is very difficult to determine their age. Age calculations carried out using radiocarbon dating showed more than 5,500 years for a tree with a diameter of 4.5 m, although more conservative estimates of baobabs live about 1,000 years.

3rd place. Yew(lat. Táxus) - yew family (Taxaceae). Evergreen trees and shrubs, genus conifers. As we wrote in the ranking of the most poisonous plants, yew is poisonous. The oldest yew is the Fortingall yew, a long-lived tree growing in Scotland in the churchyard of the village of Fortingall in Perthshire. Its age is determined from 2000 to 5000 years, which gives it the right to be called one of the oldest trees in Europe.

4th place. Cypress(lat. Cupréssus) is a genus of evergreen trees and shrubs of the Cypress family. The age of one tree of this species is reliably known to be 3.5 thousand years old, this huge tree which bore the name "Senator" burned down in a fire earlier this year, scientists managed to examine its growth rings and calculate its age.

Also in 4th place is a relative of cypress. Fitzroya cypress(lat. Fitzroya) is a monotypic genus of woody plants from the Cypress family. Oldest species trees, and one of the longest living, the oldest tree approximately 3600 years.

5th place. Giant Sequoiadendron(lat. Sequoiadendron giganteum), also wellingtonia, giant sequoia, a big tree, mammoth tree is the only one modern look tree genus Sequoiadendron (lat. Sequoiadendron), Cypress family. These are the largest trees in terms of wood volume, the tallest among them reach 100 meters, that is, they are slightly lower than ordinary sequoias, but they are larger in diameter 10-12 m.

Oldest on this moment The giant sequoia has an age of 3,200 years, reliably determined by annual rings, although the age of some living trees is estimated at 3,500 years.

6th place. Banyan- a forest tree, this is a tree with the largest crown in the world, in the center of the tree there is a main trunk, thick shoots grow from it, from these shoots branches stretch down, which, having reached the soil, take root, there can be 300 such shoots. The oldest tree of this species is believed to be almost 3,000 years old.

7th place. Western juniper(lat. Juníperus occidentális) is a species of plants of the genus Juniper of the Cypress family, in natural conditions grows in mountainous regions in the western United States at an altitude of 800–3,000 m above sea level. The age of the oldest representative is 2600 years.

8th place. Sequoia(lat. Sequoia) - Cypress family. These are the tallest trees in the world, the average height is 90 m, the most tall sequoia 115.5 m. Sequoias grow in North America, these trees love humidity very much, so the largest of them grow in ravines. According to scientists, old sequoias are on average 2000 years old, there is a fairly weak correlation between size and age, so large trees cannot be much older, compared to other trees in their cohort, trees grow to their size in 200-300 years. But as scientists themselves claim, coniferous trees do not age; they die from diseases, floods, etc. reasons.

Lyell's larch(lat. Larix lyallii) is a species of coniferous trees from the genus Larch (Larix) of the Pine family. The age of the oldest representative is one and a half thousand years. They live the same amount thuja- evergreen coniferous trees from the Cypress family, and oaks. Oak(lat. Quercus) is a genus of trees and shrubs of the Beech family. We all know stories about their longevity.

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Like every living organism on Earth, they have their own age. In the bustle of the city, we don’t often think about the lifespan of certain trees, and certainly not everyone knows which tree lives for 1000 years or more. Our article will help answer these questions: who knows, maybe a long-lived tree lives in your yard.

What does the life of trees depend on?

The maximum age is largely determined by their type: the most short-lived are fruit trees, deciduous and are the basis of “evergreen forests”. How long a plant will live also depends on the conditions in which it grows.

The mild climate contributes to the long existence of plants, and severe cold and winds quickly deplete even the most powerful plantings. For high life expectancy, conscientious care plays an important role.

Cleaning dry branches, treating pests and fertilizing significantly increases the chances of a long life for ornamental trees.

Popular cultures

It is difficult to imagine familiar streets without green spaces. Almost all deciduous (summer green) species of oxygen “producers” are common in our region. Walking around the city, you can count about 20 species of fruit, deciduous, and in some places coniferous trees. Let's look at the growth features of some of them.


  • In its genus, it unites about 600 plant species. The height of the oak tree reaches 50 meters, and the lifespan of the oak tree is the envy of any plant on the planet. Oak is easy to recognize thanks to its wide leaves and fruits - acorns, which are widely used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Oak wood is highly valued in furniture production, and red oak products are considered a sign of luxury.

  • Hornbeam grows throughout Europe and is found in Asia Minor and Transcaucasia. The wide crown of the hornbeam prefers to hide in shady areas deciduous forests and grows slowly, gaining a width of up to 8 meters. Hornbeam is a member of the birch family, and just like her, it blooms with catkins. Young hornbeam leaves are used as livestock feed, and oil is extracted from the fruit.

  • has a branched and spreading crown about 30 meters high, which speaks of the wealth it can bestow on a person. After all, linden has many beneficial properties. Yellowish white Linden blossom very popular in health and beauty treatments. Linden wood is easy to process, its soft fibers lend themselves well to carving.

Did you know? The linden tree has been recognized as a national symbol of the Czech Republic since June 1848.

  • Beech is widely represented in European forests. The smooth beech trunk reaches two meters in width and 30 meters in height. Beeches grow slowly, but live long. Acorn-shaped fruits appear on the tree after 40-60 years of life. Beech nuts are edible and have properties that regulate metabolic processes and are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart.

  • got its name thanks to its crown: spreading branches with sparse foliage allow a lot of sunlight, so it’s always light under the tree. In the spring, the ash tree takes on a purple hue and forms winged fruits that will fall only in winter. The wood of 30-meter trunks is particularly durable, which is especially valuable in construction and facing work. In medicine, the bark, leaves, and fruits of ash are used, and tree sap is also extracted. Despite medicinal properties, ash is considered a poisonous plant, therefore, without knowing the exact dose calculation, it is better not to abuse decoctions. Ash can live up to 300 years, while the trunk width is rarely more than 1 meter.

  • usually reaches 40 meters, although some species grow as. A young elm tree has a particularly smooth trunk bark; with age it becomes rougher and flakes off. The leaves of the elm are large and oblong; winged fruits are visible on the tree in the 7-8th year of life. Elm is an unpretentious plant; it can be found both in shady areas and in the middle of a plain or on the top of a hill. Elm grows up to 300 years.

  • Poplar is a plant with a columnar trunk up to 35 meters in height, and has small rounded leaves. The fruit has the shape of a box. Glue is collected from the blossoming poplar buds, which is processed into. Poplar has the ability to absorb radiation and harmful substances, so you can often find poplar plantations in areas of factories and various industries. Also Poplar fluff is an allergen. Unlike many other trees, poplar is a dioecious plant: the female does not have grains in the flower, while the male does.

Important! When choosing a poplar for planting, take into account the peculiarities: after flowering, only the female is capable of spreading “poplar fluff”.

  • Maple is especially noticeable in autumn: leaves on different branches of the crown can take on different colors. Maple plantations are low and reach an average of 15-20 meters. The leaves have serrated lobes, which distinguishes the maple from many deciduous trees. Maple fruits are capable of dispersing seeds over long distances, since the two-winged fruit rotates when falling and is picked up by the wind.

  • Birch reaches 45 meters in height, and the trunk can reach 1.5 meters in girth. Birch also has dwarf subspecies. The birch tree acquires its usual color in the 8th year of life; before that, its trunk is light brown and smooth. The leaves are shaped like a rounded triangle with jagged edges. It is impossible to say with certainty how many years a birch tree lives, since there are many species: some grow up to 150 years, others can exist for 300 years.

  • - a tree reaching 35 meters in height, has a lush crown. Age can reach 300 years. The leaves look like 7 petals located on the cuttings opposite each other. In May, the chestnut tree blooms; its cone-shaped inflorescences are pale pink or white color. Chestnut fruits ripen in autumn and are round boxes with thorns, inside of which there is a nut. The seeds ripen in it. Medicines based on chestnut fruits have analgesic properties.

Among the popular deciduous crops, fruit trees cannot be ignored.

  • In its own way it has both wild and edible varieties. The tree grows to a maximum of 15 meters in height, and some species form low-growing shrubs. Any of the varieties needs care and certain conditions that must be created for the apple tree to be highly fruitful. There are heat-loving varieties and frost-resistant, moisture-loving and drought-tolerant varieties. Choosing an apple tree is not difficult if you know the characteristics of your site. This will ensure the longest life of your tree and a rich harvest.

  • Today there are about 60 species and more than 3,000 varieties. Growing up to 20 meters, this tree can bear fruit for up to 50 years. The pear, like the apple tree, does not grow well in high places groundwater. Therefore, if you want the pear to last as long as possible, choose a place to plant it on a hill. To extend the life of your favorite plant, you need to feed it and treat it from pests.

Did you know? The leaves on pear trees grow in a strictly defined order, being at an angle of 135 from each other.° . This allows you to get maximum moisture and sunlight.

  • It is distinguished by early fruiting - already in the 3rd year of life it is able to produce a harvest. Unlike pear and apple trees, plums love soil with high humidity, but at the same time the place should not be blown. Caring for plum trees is not much different from caring for other fruit trees. If you want a long-lived plum tree on your property, loosen the soil near the trunk, destroy it, treat it against pests and apply seasonally appropriate fertilizer.

  • Cherry does not grow higher than 10 meters, so if you want a compact fruit tree on your site, choose it. At its peak, one tree can produce about 20 kilograms of cherries per tree. IN the right conditions Once grown, cherries can delight you with their berries for 25 years.

  • or bird cherry is the undeniable taste of summer. Unlike cherries, it has a larger and fleshier berry. It is also more whimsical, as it has special requirements regarding heat.

  • also differs in average height and crown circumference. In warm climates, apricots grow for an average of 100 years and begin to bear fruit early, from 3-5 years. Most apricot varieties are frost-hardy, drought-tolerant and can germinate in areas with minimal rainfall.

Important! The difference between dried apricot fruits is that apricots-apricot, dried directly with the pit, and dried apricots- dried apricot from which the pit has been removed.


  • - a symbol of the New Year, reaching a height of 50 meters. The conical shape of the crown is formed over many years, since in the first years the spruce directs all its forces into growth. Depending on the species, the splendor of the branches and the length of the needles differ. Cones spread seeds in the 20th year of spruce growth. The green beauty can be found in different parts of the world, although there are species that are found in a specific area.

  • Pine as a plant exists in three types:
  1. Tree.
  2. Bush.
  3. Stlanik.
Pine plantations are very photophilous and moisture-loving. Otherwise, pine is an unpretentious tree and is long-lived. The active phase of pine growth is observed at the age of 5-20 years, then growth slows down.
  • - a light-loving tree, resistant to drought, sudden temperature changes, etc. The longevity of juniper can be the envy of any coniferous plant. The oils that juniper produces heal the air and saturate it with phytoncides. Among the decorative coniferous plantings on the site, juniper is most often chosen because of its unpretentiousness to moisture and soil, which ensures its longevity.

Some trees decorate our planet for only a few decades, others live for thousands of years. As the environment deteriorates, the lifespan of trees decreases. Find out how long trees live different breeds, and how to determine their age.

How long do certain tree species live?

Let's first find out how long trees live under favorable conditions - if the tree grows in its “own” climatic zone without experiencing adverse effects.


The lifespan of a maple tree can reach 400-500 years. In Russia, such long-livers are rare. For example, the lifespan of the ash-leaf maple, imported from North America, does not exceed 100 years. Spreading tree with noticeable ornately shaped leaves.

Maple seeds can be carried very far - the two-winged fruits, falling, begin to rotate and, caught by the wind, fly away.

The height of maple plantations reaches 15-20 meters.


Beeches live 400-500 years. Widely distributed in European forests. Characteristic signs:

  • smooth trunk, which reaches a width of 2 m;
  • maximum height – 30 m.

The tree grows slowly, but lives long. Beech has fruits that look like acorns. Moreover, they appear only in trees that have reached 40-50 years of age. Beech nuts have unique ability regulate metabolic processes.


In nature, poplars grow for about 1000 years. This tree is actively planted in cities and along roads. If poplars have to grow in an unfavorable environment, they live less - 60-70 years.

Poplars can often be seen in industrial areas - they are planted here because of their ability to absorb radiation and harmful substances.

The height of poplars with columnar trunks reaches 35 meters. The leaves are round in shape. Poplar is a dioecious plant; there are female and male species. It is female trees that are the source of fluff, which causes allergies in many city residents.


Oak lives up to 1000 years. This is a well-known long-liver in our area. English oak (Quercusrobur) grows predominantly in Russia. There are approximately 600 species in the oak genus. Oak is easily recognized by its powerful trunk and spreading crown. Oak can also be unmistakably identified by the following characteristics:

  • figured leaf of a uniquely beautiful shape;
  • original fruit - an acorn, which is adored wild boars and pigs.

The tree is distributed throughout Europe. Oak wood is valued in furniture production.


The hornbeam lives for about 300 years. It grows in Europe, less so in Transcaucasia and Asia Minor. It has a wide crown. Likes to grow in shaded deciduous forests. Growth is very slow. Belongs to the birch family. The leaves serve as excellent feed for livestock. Hornbeam fruits are used to obtain oil. Tree height – up to 30 m.


Linden lives on average 300-400 years, in some cases it can live 1000 years. There are many varieties of linden growing in Russia - Amur, Caucasian, large-leaved. The European linden can reach 40 meters in height. This beautiful tree– a source of linden blossom, which is actively used in cosmetology and medicine. Wood is easy to process - due to the softness of the fibers, it serves as an ideal raw material for carving.


The lifespan of birches is 100-150 years. If conditions are favorable, the tree can live 300 years. The distribution area of ​​birch stretches from French lands to Altai. The most common species is the warty or weeping birch (Betula Verrucosa). Average indicators of birch:

  • height – up to 45 m;
  • trunk girth – up to 1.5 meters.

The tree has several dwarf subspecies.

U young tree the trunk is completely smooth, light brown in color. Birch acquires its famous trunk color – white with black stripes – only after reaching 8 years of age.

Birch leaves are small, in the form of rounded triangles, the edges are jagged.


Average duration The life of an ash tree is 500 years. Its fruits are in the form of lionfish, falling into winter time. It has a sparse foliage cover that is highly permeable Sun rays. Peculiarities:

  • tree height – up to 30 m;
  • trunk width – up to 1 m;

Ash wood is particularly durable, which is why it is valued in construction. Ash bark, its fruits and wood sap are used in medicine.


On average, elms live up to 300 years. The tree can grow as a shrub. Young trees have smooth bark, which hardens with age. The leaves are elongated, the seeds are winged fruits. The height of the elm is up to 40 m.

It grows on plains and hills, in shady places and in open sunny heath.


Chestnuts live from 200 to 300 years. Differs in original flowers and leaves. The height of the chestnut is up to 35 m. The inflorescences are in the form of cones. In autumn the fruits ripen - they are in a spiky capsule. Painkillers are made from the fruit.


Lives on average 80-90 years, rarely lives to be 150 years old. It has a columnar trunk. It reaches a height of 35 m. In diameter - up to 1 m. It burns poorly - it is not valued as fuel.


The lifespan of alder is about 100 years. This unique tree, capable of improving the soil - it is enriched with nitrogenous fertilizers. Raspberries and other shrubs grow well near the alder. Height – up to 20 m.


The tree lives on average up to 600 years. This is one of the most common trees in the forests of Europe and Russia. Widespread varieties of pine:

  • Siberian cedar - lives up to 500 years;
  • European cedar - lives up to 1200 years.

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) covers over 20% of the territory former USSR. Its height is from 20 to 40 m.


Lives from 600 to 1200 years - depending on the species. Grows all over the world. There are species that grow in a certain area. They reach a height of 50 m. It has a cone-shaped crown. Seeds appear in the 20th year of life - they are contained in cones.


On average, they live 300-400 years. Can live up to 700 years. Coniferous plant with vertically growing cones. The tree is evergreen. The needles do not fall off even after the branches dry out. The height of the fir depends on the species.


Lives from 1500 to 2000 years. Under favorable conditions it can live 3000-4000 years. Yew berry grows very slowly. Height – 10-20, sometimes up to 28 m.


Thuja lives 150-200 years. She is classified as coniferous plants, but she doesn’t have needles. This evergreen tree unpretentious to soils, so it is one of the most popular ornamental plants. It reaches a height of 2.5 m. Thuja folded or giant can grow up to 6 m in height, thuja occidentalis - up to 20 m.


On average, junipers live 200-300 years. There are species of juniper that live 500 years or more. Height and lifespan depend on the species. Maximum height – 8-12 m.

Apple tree

Life expectancy is from 100 years, depending on the species. This tree happens:

  • fruity;
  • decorative;
  • growing wild.

The maximum height is 15 m; there are also low-growing shrubs among the apple trees. Trees vary in frost resistance and moisture needs.


Lives on average 70 years. Some species can live up to 150 years. Fruiting continues up to 50 years. There are approximately 60 species. Height - up to 20 m. Does not like to grow in places with high groundwater levels. To make the tree live longer, it should be planted at higher elevations


The plum tree lives no more than 20 years. The tree bears fruit already in the third year of life. Prefers moist soils. Doesn't like drafts. Reaches 15 m in height.


The lifespan of cherries is 25 years. Does not grow higher than 10 m. Compact and productive. One cherry bears up to 20 kg of fruit. IN wild conditions lives up to 5 years longer.


This heat-loving tree lives 25-30 years. Much more whimsical than cherries. Gives tasty and juicy fruits. It reaches a height of 8-12 m.


Lives up to 100 years. It reaches a height of 5-8 m. It is not able to regulate fruiting - because of this, there is an overabundance of fruits. Drought resistant.


Lives 50-80 years. It happens that some individuals live up to 200 years. There are 190 species. It comes in the form of a tree and a bush. Height – 8-12 m.

How to find out the age of a tree?

Receiving energy from the sun, trees grow at different rates, depending on solar activity. There are two ways to determine age - accurate and inaccurate, let's consider both.

Accurate – based on tree rings

To determine the exact age of a tree, you must first cut it down. Let's figure out why.

The trunk expands due to the cambium - a special tissue that creates cells in both directions - inside and outside the trunk. How the cambium develops depending on the time of year:

  1. Spring. The cambium produces cells characterized by large width and narrow walls. Such cells deliver nutrients more efficiently. Fabrics formed in spring have a lighter shade.
  2. Autumn. At this time of year, the cambium produces thick-walled cells that give the wood increased strength. The autumn layer differs from the spring layer in being darker in color.

By the number of stripes - light and dark, you can find out the age of the tree. To accurately determine the number of years lived, experts use:

  • microscope;
  • dyes.

If dark stripe wider than usual - this means that the tree survived a cold autumn and a long winter that year.

By the number of dark and light rings you can determine:

  • how old is the tree;
  • in what climatic conditions did the tree grow?

Inaccurate - based on indirect evidence

But how can you find out the age of a tree without cutting it down? In this case, a calculation is used based on average statistical indicators:

  1. Determine the circumference of the trunk at a level of 1.5 m from the ground.
  2. The resulting value is divided by 3.14 - the number “Pi”. The result obtained is the diameter of the trunk.
  3. The diameter is divided by the average annual growth of a particular tree in the region under study.

The result obtained is not accurate; the error may be 20-30%.

Tree life tables

The average lifespan of some deciduous trees is given in Table 1.

Table 1

Name How long does a tree live (average/maximum), years
Gray alder 50-70 (150)
Black alder 100-150 (300)
Aspen 80-100 (150)
Birch warty 150-300
Common ash 150-200 (350)
Smooth elm 150 (300-400)
Rough elm up to 300
Small-leaved linden 300-400 (600)
Beech 400-500
English oak up to 1500
Maple 100 (300-400)
Poplar 100
Hornbeam 300
Ash 300
Elm 300
Chestnut 300

The average lifespan of some common coniferous trees is summarized in Table 2.

table 2

Name How long does a tree live, years?
Norway spruce 300-400
Blue spruce 400-600
European larch 400-600
Siberian fir 700
Common juniper 500
Scots pine 100
European cedar pine 1000
Siberian cedar 1000
Yew berry 1500-2000

The average lifespan of fruit trees is summarized in Table 3.

Table 3

Name How long does a tree live, years?
wild apple tree up to 200 years
Homemade apple tree 100-120
Plum 15-60
Pear 150
Peach 5-20
Apricot 100
Rowan 80-300
Cherries 25-30
Cherry 20-25

What affects lifespan?

The main factor influencing the lifespan of a tree is its type. Thus, fruit trees live the shortest - their lifespan is calculated in decades. But deciduous and coniferous trees can live for hundreds and even thousands of years - they are the basis of the “evergreen” forests of our planet.

Coniferous trees have a longer lifespan than their deciduous counterparts. Reasons for longevity:

  • Representatives of coniferous species tolerate harsh climates more easily.
  • Unpretentious regarding soil. They can grow on poor sandstones and clayey soils.
  • Thanks to their branched root system, coniferous trees are hardy and absorb water from the soil well.
  • Thanks to the special shape of the crown, they get maximum solar energy even at high growth densities.
  • The needles, unlike the leaves, have a small surface area and are covered with wax - this helps retain moisture in it.

The lifespan of coniferous trees can be influenced by the following factors:

  1. Genetics. Each plant has certain adaptation capabilities.
  2. Soil characteristics– the effect is much less than on the growth of deciduous trees.
  3. Humidity and temperature the effect is insignificant - coniferous trees grow in their usual environment. Their lifespan can only be affected by global changes climate.
  4. Terrain– plain, slopes, mountains. The strength and direction of the wind depends on it.
  5. Forest density– the effect on coniferous trees is minimal, since their crowns are adapted to difficult conditions.
  6. Diseases and pests. Fungal and bacterial infections can significantly reduce the lifespan of any tree.

The lifespan of deciduous trees can vary greatly even within the same species. The following factors may influence lifespan:

  1. Soil characteristics– its density, composition, saturation with nutrients and microelements.
  2. Climatic conditions– humidity, average annual temperature, wind strength and direction, other indicators.
  3. Environment– how close neighboring trees grow. If the growth density is high, then only the strongest individuals live long.
  4. Insects and other pests.
  5. Locationhabitat or urban conditions. It is clear that in a city where the air is polluted, trees live less.

Fruit trees

For life fruit trees affects:

  1. Type of fruit tree.
  2. Soil quality and...
  3. , treatment, winter insulation and other care measures.
  4. Destruction of pests, especially bark beetles, which can destroy a tree in a couple of years.

Why, despite increased care, do fruit trees live so short? Large harvests are expected from fruit trees. By artificially accelerating the growth of a tree, a person forces the tree to waste its resources - it, having used up its reserve of strength, weakens ahead of time and dies.

The oldest trees

Given favorable conditions and appropriate genetic capabilities, some trees can live for thousands of years:

  • Pine Methuselah. The record holder for centenarians is growing in the western United States. Its location is California, National Forest, White Mountains. The tree is located at an elevation - 3000 m above sea level. Its exact location is a mystery. The staff of the reserve protect the tree from tourists who will definitely want to cut off a piece of bark from it or take a photo with it. The old tree needs rest.

    The age of the Methuselah pine is 4580 years. This is the oldest tree on the planet.

  • Sequoia General Sherman. Location: USA, California, National Park Sequoia. This is the oldest and tallest sequoia in the world. Her age is 2300-2800 years. The height of the tree is 84 m. In girth it reaches 31 m - at the base. The tree is always full of tourists.

    The oldest sequoia in the world continues to grow - every year it adds 1.5 cm in girth.

  • Skhtorashen plane tree from Nagorno-Karabakh. Its age is 2000 years. The height of the plane tree is 54 m. At the base there is a giant hollow, its area is about 45 square meters. m. Plane tree leaves reach 50 cm in length. Crown area – 1.5 thousand square meters. m, so the old plane tree is visible to astronauts in orbit.
  • Chestnut "Tree of a Hundred Horses". Grows on Mount Etna, Sicily. The girth of the trunk is 58 m. Its approximate age is 2000-4000 years. The relic chestnut tree is located 8 km from the crater of the volcano; how it managed to survive so long is amazing!
  • Cypress "Zoroastrian Sarv". Location: Yazd province, Iran. Age – 4000-4500 years. It was then, scientists believe, that the wheel was invented.
  • Yew in the village of Hyangernyf, North Wales. Age – 4000 years.
  • El Tikko. This tree is a clone of an old spruce tree, which is 9500 years old. Or rather, this is the age of its roots. The current spruce trunk is several hundred years old, its height is only 5 m. When the relict tree died, its roots sprouted.

Video about long-living trees. Look interesting video about the five oldest trees in the world:

Table 4 shows the life expectancy of long-lived trees:

Table 4

Name Average life expectancy, years
Sequoia 5000
Baobab 5000
Yew 3000
Cypress 3000
Cedar pine 1200
English oak 1000
Silver poplar 1000
Sycamore 1000

Trees are priceless - they are the beauty of our planet, fresh air and the source of all blessings. It takes years before a tree grows. The task of man is to increase natural and artificial plantings. When planting trees for a specific purpose - decorative or economic, it is useful to know how many years it will decorate your garden, yard, city, world.

Over its thousand-year history, man has built a huge number of different buildings and structures that promised to serve people for many years. But nature never tires of demonstrating that it is the founder of all life on our planet and only it chooses and guarantees the life of any creature and structure on Earth. Perhaps the plants discussed below are the guardians of the life and development of our planet in the future.

Nature has created and preserved for thousands of years trees and shrubs that were present at all known events on Earth and know the answers to almost all the questions that have tormented the minds of thousands of scientists for many years. If a person could read information from plants, then now there would be no mysteries left on earth because the information would have been received from contemporaries of construction Egyptian pyramids and Mayan cities. Long-lived plants, their types, names, territories in which they grow and how many years they have been decorating our planet Earth.

The only one now existing look class Gnetovye. Welwitschia grows in a small area of ​​coastal Africa in Namibia and Angola. Due to the small amount of moisture in Africa, the plant is very rarely found in the interior of the continent more than 100 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean. Velvichia, unlike other plants, does not have longevity big size, its height reaches a maximum of 50-60 cm, the stem is thick, reminiscent of wood. Welwitschia leaves grow throughout the life of the plant and can reach eight meters. Reproduction of the plant occurs with the help of wind transporting seeds over long distances. By using modern science it was calculated that Welwitschia can live 2000 years or more. The largest Velvichia reached a height of 1.4 meters.

Ficus bengal is common in southern Asia. This is not just a tree, but a huge living organism with not one, but thousands of trunks; the length of the crown can reach 600 meters. The oldest is the ficus growing in India and called the Great Banyan, its age about 2000 years. The height of the tree is 25 meters and the area is about 1.5 hectares.

Sequoia grows mainly in North America on the Pacific coast. The size of the trees is amazing; the height of the sequoia reaches 100-115 meters. These evergreen giants are a natural decoration; when you see them, you feel how small and powerless a person is against the backdrop of the creations of nature. The oldest sequoia "General Sherman" is located in California, and its age is approximately 2500 years, the weight of the tree is even scary to imagine 1910 tons, the height is 83.8 meters, and the diameter is 11 meters. The tallest sequoia discovered by man in our time, “Hyperion,” reaches 115.5 meters, but it is still young, only 700 years old, and there is a chance that the record will be updated over time.

Western juniper grows mainly in the mountains of the USA, the optimal height for their life is 1000-3000 meters above sea level. The juniper tree can grow up to 30 meters. It grows in mountainous rocky areas and is one of the most common plants. For its spread on mountain slopes great importance have birds that feed on juniper fruits, and then spread their excrement over vast territories. There are now more than 20 junipers in the world over 2000 years old. The oldest representative of the species grows in California 3000 years, trunk thickness is 3.9 meters and height is 26 meters.

Cypress trees grow in subtropical and tropical climate northern hemisphere. The oldest cypress growing in the world is the Zoroastrian Sarv growing in Iran, its age is equal to 4000-4300 years. The height of this Iranian old-timer is 25 meters and the circumference is about 20 meters. Fitzroya cypress is another giant, an old-timer on the planet, growing in South America. Fitzroya, native to Chile, has a height of 58 meters and a trunk diameter of 2.5 meters and its age is about 3600 years.

Yews are distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Europe, northern Africa and southwest Asia. The average height of trees is 15-20 meters, but sometimes yews grow up to 28 meters. Excellent wood that can serve people for decades and has protective qualities against almost all microbes known to mankind. The oldest yew in the world, called the Fortingall yew, grows in Scotland. Age that cannot be determined accurately and different numbers are given from 2000 to 5000 years. According to legend, the Fortingall yew saw Pontius Pilate himself and is considered one of the oldest plants in Europe.

One of the main long-lived plants is bristlecone pine. These trees grow in the mountains at an altitude of 3000 meters and above. Pine survives in harsh natural conditions, rocky soils and virtually no rainfall. Where other plants cannot take root and grow at all, these trees can grow for decades. In the middle of the 20th century, a bristlecone pine was cut down in Nevada, the age of which was, it’s even hard to imagine, about 4900 years.

Nowadays in America there are still several pines growing that are over 4000 years old, and quite a few young trees that are only 1000 years old. The average size of trees reaches 10-15 meters, and the trunk diameter in rare cases exceeds 150-160 cm. The oldest bristlecone pines even have their own names known all over the world. For a long time The oldest tree on our planet was considered to be a pine growing on Mount Wheeler in Nevada, which was cut down in 1964. The approximate age of the tree, which received the name Prometheus, was 4862 years. Today, the oldest bristlecone pine grows in California, its age 4842 years, and the name is Methuselah.

Baobabs grow in African savannas and are among the thickest trees on our planet. The height of African giants reaches 18-25 meters, and the trunk diameter is 8-10 meters. Due to the geographical features and climate in which the trees grow, during the dry period of the year the tree begins to feed on its moisture reserves and decreases slightly in volume. In order to fully restore your strength and moisture reserves during the rainy season. But this is not all the differences between baobabs and other trees; they also do not have growth rings, thanks to which the age of the plant can be calculated. According to experts, the average age of baobabs is 800-900 years. But there is information that trees with a diameter of 4.5 meters live for more than 4,000 years. The man who discovered baobabs to the world, Michel Adanson, at the end of the 18th century discovered a baobab whose age was equal to 5150 years.

2. Pando, aspen poplar

Pando, the aspen poplar, is located in the United States and is the oldest living organism on planet Earth. The age of the single root system of all poplars growing here is 80,000 years. The total area of ​​this miracle of nature is 46 hectares, on which about 50,000 plants grow, approximately 150 years old. The life of this organism is cyclical and does not stop for a second for thousands of years. Pando also has a tremendous weight of 6000 tons.

Norway spruce is distributed throughout Europe. The maximum height of the trees reaches 50 meters, and the trunk diameter is around 1 meter. Average age The lifespan of plants is 300 years; in some cases, trees can live up to 500 years. But in Sweden there is a record-breaking spruce; the age of its root system has been calculated by scientists and is equal to 9550 years, she's called Old Tikko.

When we look up at this or that tree, we don’t think about how much it has already seen in its lifetime. But sometimes the question still pops into my head about how long it has been standing here. And in general, how many years do trees grow or live?

After all, not only humans or animals were assigned their own “limit” of stay on Earth. Each tree has a certain life expectancy.

But you can go through their varieties and types endlessly, so let’s try to answer the question regarding the most common trees: birch, oak and linden. How long do they live?


A primordially Russian beauty, praised in songs, mentioned in proverbs and Russian folk tales. But it grows not only in our vast expanses; you can find birch in American and Chinese forests. The slender tree is easy to recognize by its color: white bark crossed by black stripes.

In early spring, when the buds are just beginning to swell on most trees, birch trees are already covered with the first green leaves. In two weeks, the birch forest turns from a gloomy forest into a colorful grove.

How many years does a birch tree live?

Here it is worth noting the fact that it is difficult to reliably answer this question: it is impossible to keep track of the second, tenth or hundredth tree. In addition, birch has a bunch of various types and subspecies, each of which has a number external features and its life expectancy.

Known to many Karelian birch It lives for a relatively short time, compared to other trees: only 30-50 years.

But its common “relative”, drooping or warty, is capable of living up to 120. But along with them, there are also long-livers, whose age dates back to the fourth, or even the fifth century.

If we talk about “average” values, they fluctuate around 100–300 years. But this is not the limit: during all this time, the birch tree is diligently developing, stretching in height and growing long branches. And when growth stops, movement in the trunk nutrients begins to gradually slow down - in this state the tree can live for more than one year.


Nowadays it is not so often possible to find an oak grove in Russia. But if you happen to visit one, you will immediately realize all the mystery and majesty of these trees. Maybe they don’t sing songs about them, but they make up legends. Oak is the personification of strength, wisdom and longevity.

It grows mainly in and territories located in the northern hemisphere. Starting its journey as a small and slender tree, over the years the oak acquires its inherent massiveness: the spreading crown can reach 40 meters in height, and the circumference of already “established” trunks is 9 meters, which is also quite a lot.

The tree is also known for its healing properties: a decoction of oak bark has good anti-inflammatory properties and is used in folk medicine. And acorns are an excellent component for relieving spasms, swelling and inflammation.

How many years does an oak tree live?

This is a tree is considered one of the longest living. And it’s not easy - oak can survive fire and water, reaching up to two thousand years! But it’s worth making a reservation: the average life expectancy of one of the “representatives” of the oak forest ranges from 300 to 450 years. And only under favorable conditions these years can stretch for tens of centuries.

During the first 100-150 years, the oak tree actively develops, blooming only by 20 or even 30 years. But the diameter of its trunk increases throughout its life, becoming overgrown with new layers of bark.

There are two particularly old and therefore remarkable trees on the planet:


We are all familiar with this seemingly unremarkable tree. Botanists and scientists count about 45 species of linden and more than 100 of them hybrid varieties. It gained popularity thanks to its inflorescences and linden honey, one of the most delicious and healthy.

Interesting fact: in June 1848, the Czech Republic recognized the linden tree as its national symbol.

The tree has a spreading crown, stretching up to 30 meters high. The power of the trunk cannot be compared with that of an oak tree, but you can’t call it “slender” either - it can reach three meters in diameter. The leaves are predominantly oval or closer to a “heart” shape. But linden blossom is much more interesting: the yellowish flowers of this tree are fragrant, they are brewed with tea and added to medicinal preparations.

How long does a linden tree live?

Not everyone would call this tree a great long-liver, but the linden tree is capable of growing and living for quite a long time. Average life expectancy is 300−400 years, and this is almost half a millennium. However, in good conditions or with artificial planting with proper care, certain varieties of linden can easily survive the milestone of 1 thousand years.

Among its species there are also wonderful rarities:

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