Hot resorts in May. Vacation options in May include sun, sea and new experiences. Türkiye is a favorite destination for Russian tourists

Where to go on vacation

May is a great time to travel. Moreover, both abroad and in Russia. The May holidays provide an opportunity to organize a short vacation for yourself. Everyone decides for themselves where it is better for them to go on vacation in May. You can go to the country, sleep peacefully and soak up the soft May sun, or you can go on a bus tour of European countries. Beach lovers who miss the heat and bright sun, will find many tours to countries where you can go to the sea in May. Türkiye and Egypt, the islands of Cyprus and Malta, as well as many exotic countries We are happy to welcome tourists from all over the world to our beaches and resorts.

One of the most popular activities in May is cruises. You can go on a cruise both around Russia and travel to the countries of Scandinavia or Europe. Cruises between Russian cities exist of varying durations - from weekend cruises to 10-14 day cruises. It is interesting to visit the islands of Valaam or Kalyazin, and you can take a bus tour, which will be much cheaper. But traveling along the rivers of Russia will be more exciting and, of course, more convenient. Cruise ships to Finland, Sweden and Estonia have long been common. 7-12-story giants with many cabins on their decks different classes, restaurants, bars and even shops! View of the endless water of the Baltic Sea or the Gulf of Bothnia from the open deck cruise ship- a truly breathtaking sight. And in bad weather, you can admire the beauty and power of nature through the porthole or while away the evening in one of the bars or restaurants. There are also longer cruises in May with excursion visits to European countries.

Where to go on vacation at sea in May

Holidays in Turkey in May are an excellent combination of the cost of a holiday and the quality of services provided. Prices for tours to Turkey are always reasonable, and the all-inclusive feature makes holidays in this country even more carefree. At the resorts Aegean Sea the season already begins in May, and in the Mediterranean - from April. In May, the sea in Turkey is already quite suitable for swimming; the water temperature at this time varies depending on the resort, but on average is about +20-27º C. Of course, it is better to familiarize yourself with the weather forecast in advance, but, unlike the unpredictable April, the weather in May it is usually sunny and does not bring any inconvenience. Visit Izmir, Turkey's second largest port after Istanbul. City with rich history and culture now surprisingly combines in its appearance buildings of the 16th-18th centuries with modern skyscrapers. Belek is a modern resort with only 4 and 5 star hotels on its territory. High-quality service and a full range of entertainment attract vacationers of all ages and families with children. Antalya, Kas, Fethiye, Marmaris are just a small part of the list of resorts in Turkey, each of which offers high level service. A seaside holiday in May will be easy and unforgettable at the resorts of Turkey. Your only task is to choose a resort depending on what kind of weather you prefer. After all, in Turkey in May it can be both moderately cool for excursion and beach holidays, and hot enough to spend a holiday in the water.

The most popular African countries for seaside holidays - Egypt and Tunisia - are already opening their season in May, but so far the beaches are not yet crowded with vacationers. So, if you prefer a quiet holiday on golden beaches instead of hot sun and vibrant nightlife, then you will enjoy a holiday in Egypt or Tunisia in May.

The weather in Tunisia can be changeable, so if you are going for a tan, it is better to choose a hotter country. The air temperature is about +25-28º C, the water warms up to 22º C. Of course, depending on the region, the weather may vary slightly, but in general, Tunisia in May is perfect for a relaxed beach holiday, you can also come with children in May - that’s enough The air and water are warm, and the gentle May sun will not leave any burns. In addition, in May it is interesting to travel to the sights of Tunisia - ride a jeep across the Sahara, visit ancient city Carthage or the island of Djerba. No one will be bored in Tunisia; there is a lot of entertainment for every taste and age: camel riding, diving, golf, as well as the famous resorts of thalassotherapy - a set of procedures based on the healing effects sea ​​water and mud baths. In Egypt, the weather in May is hotter, on average in resorts in May the air temperature is +28-30º C during the day and +20-21 º C at night, and the water temperature is +26 º C. During the month the heat intensifies, so if At the beginning of May you can still go for long walks, but by the end of the month even on the beach without a hat it will be uncomfortable. But Egypt in May guarantees a delightful holiday with swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, diving and other sea activities.

Perhaps you shouldn't go on holiday to Dominican Republic or to Cuba in May. This is the rainy season in the Caribbean, so your holiday may be slightly spoiled by downpours or even light typhoons.

Holidays at sea in May will be especially interesting. Cote d'Azur in France. The swimming season begins in May, when the water temperature reaches + 20-25º C. By the end of the month it can be quite hot, but due to the low humidity it does not feel stuffy. In addition to a delightful beach holiday, a holiday on the Cote d'Azur in May promises to be memorable due to the famous cinema festival held at the end of the month in resort town Cannes. The Cannes Film Festival is the oldest and most prestigious film festival in the world, so visiting it during your holiday is sure to be a great experience. In addition to the festival, in May there is a rose exhibition in Grasse, yacht races in Saint-Tropez, and on the last Sunday in May there is the opportunity to attend the Formula 1 Monaco Grand Prix auto racing.

Abkhazia is worth considering if you are interested in ecotourism in May. At this time, the sea temperature does not exceed +14-16º C, so it is too early for a beach holiday. And although average temperature it is already about +22 degrees, there are still glaciers on the tops of the mountains and, if you are planning a trip to mountain lakes, it is worth bringing jackets. Subtropical climate and snow-capped mountains combined with beaches, caves, mountain lakes, architectural heritage makes this country extremely attractive for tourists.

Exotic holidays in May include Jordan, Indonesia, Thailand and African countries.

Jordan has a dry and warm climate due to deserts. In May, the air temperature ranges from +25 ºC in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv to +35 ºC in Eilat. The water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea is +19 ºC, in the Dead Sea +24 ºC and in the Red Sea +22 ºC. So in Jordan in May there are very wide opportunities for seaside recreation. You just need to decide what temperature you prefer.

Mauritius and Madagascar are islands of amazing beauty and richness of nature. In May, the dry season begins, the temperature and humidity drop to comfortable levels. Madagascar will be especially interesting for fans wildlife- this island is home to more than 70 species of lemurs, which became famous after the release of the cartoon “Madagascar,” as well as many exotic animals and birds. The island of Mauritius is perhaps one of the most romantic places on the planet. Starting in May, the temperature on the island decreases and rarely goes above +26º C. Prices for tours to Mauritius in May are reduced by 40%, so you can treat yourself to a tour at fairly reasonable prices. In addition, on May 25, Africa Day is celebrated throughout almost the entire continent. This is a truly colorful and African fiery spectacle that is worth seeing.

Kenya has a rainy season in May, but unlike most other countries, this will be a huge plus for your trip. After all, it is in May that animals migrate and concentrate wild fauna is at its peak. It's time for exciting safaris and animal watching, as well as exploring delightful and lush landscapes. Thanks to the rainy season national parks there are far fewer tourists, and prices for tours and hotel accommodations are significantly reduced. So, if you are a fan of wildlife and are not afraid of rain, then a tour to Kenya in May will certainly appeal to you.

Where to go on an excursion tour in May

Excursion tourism in May opens up great opportunities. Bus excursions to nearby European countries are becoming increasingly popular among young people. The Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland are magnificent in May, and the comfortable weather allows you to walk or drive without any inconvenience. In May, many festivals and celebrations are held throughout Europe. For example, on the night of May 1st, many countries celebrate Walpurgis Night. In the Czech Republic, a gypsy festival takes place in May. Victory Day is celebrated in all countries of the world. The parade in honor of May 9 on Red Square in Moscow with a festive display of armored vehicles will also appeal to both adults and children, and the evening fireworks display on May 9 is held in many cities of Russia, each more beautiful than the other. In general, May is full of holidays, so wherever you go, new experiences and unforgettable moments in any country in the world.

Summer is approaching, and the longing for vacation is increasing?

No problem - plan your trip in May!

Go to the sea, or relax in one of the beautiful countries, suitable for excursions.

You can also create a route around Russia - there are many places in our country that are worth visiting.

Where to relax in May at sea abroad and in Russia, as well as where it is better to go on excursions, read on.

Where to go in May to the sea abroad and in Russia

In May, you can already swim in the sea with all your might, going to Abkhazia, Cyprus, Turkey, Sochi, Israel, Tunisia, Mexico, the Canary Islands, as well as Altai, Yalta, France, Poland, Jordan.


At the end of spring, tourists begin to come to Cyprus, because it is at the end of spring that the beach season.


The weather in Cyprus in May is magical - the average temperature during the day is from +24 to +28 degrees, in the evening the air is already cooling, this is especially noticeable at the beginning of the month. Therefore, it is better to take a couple of warm sweaters with you just in case.

In the first half of May, precipitation is possible, but closer to summer it stops completely.

What to do in Cyprus in May?

  • Dry, sunny weather allows beach lovers to sunbathe to their heart's content. There is no such heat as expected in the next months, and the sun's rays do not pose any health risks. However, we still advise you not to neglect your protective equipment.
  • In May there are many holidays and festivals in Cyprus. So, on the 1st, Spring and Labor Day is celebrated here, at the end of the month - on the 27th - you can visit the Antestiria Flower Festival in Paphos, and participants of the European Contemporary Dance Festival are in Limassol. A chamber music festival is held in Paphos, Nicosia and Kouklia.
  • You can also choose sightseeing tours.


Beaches of Cyprus

Flower Festival

Prices for holidays in Cyprus in May 2019

Tours to Cyprus at the end of spring 2019 cost from 45,200 rubles.



At this time, summer weather already reigns here - there is no rain at all, the air temperature rises to 25 degrees. However, it is worth remembering that Israel boasts temperature differences. So, in Eilat, in the southern part of the country, the sun in May is already active like summer, and sometimes warms the air to +31 degrees.

In the north, and in Jerusalem, the average is +25 degrees.

The beach season has already opened - the water is heated to an average of +22-24 degrees in the Galilee, Mediterranean and Red Seas.

What to do in Israel in May?

  • If you are a history buff, or you are simply interested in seeing ancient structures, go on excursions around Israel. April and May – best months for this.
  • At the same time, Israel celebrates the country's main holiday - Independence Day. Military parades, receptions, folk festivals - dances, songs - all this awaits tourists. It seems that every house and car is decorated with the national flag on this day. At the end of the celebration there are fireworks.

Prices for holidays in Israel in May 2019

A tour to Israel - to Jerusalem - at the end of spring 2019 will cost 68,000 rubles.



On Monastir the average is +23 degrees, in Djerba – +25. The swimming season, which began in April, is now in full swing, but there may also be unforeseen situations in the form of thunderstorms and rains, which often drop in here. However, every day it gets hotter.

The sea is warm, but in some places the temperature does not exceed +16 degrees. The most popular resort is the island of Djerba, where it reaches +22.

What to do in Tunisia in May?

  • At this time, the heat is still well tolerated, so we advise you to go to the desert - this is a very popular entertainment here. You can watch the blossoming of almonds and citrus fruits.
  • In May it is time for festivals and holidays. For example, in the first days of the month in the small town of Tabarka there is a Spring Festival. In Ariana - the Rose Festival - all houses and streets are decorated with flowers, various sports competitions, competitions, games, concerts, and fairs are held.
  • You can get – either with a tour or on your own – to the city of Monastir. Here is the mausoleum of the Bourguiba family, the old fortress of Ribat.


Oasis Festival

Trekking in the desert

Prices for holidays in Tunisia in May 2019

Holidays here at this time are quite expensive - flights and hotel accommodation cost from 98-2000 rubles.


In May, after the opening of the beach season, regular charters finally begin to operate from our country to Turkey. Prices in the country are increasing due to the flow of tourists.


In the first week of May the weather is always good, and in general the whole month resembles Russian July. The average temperature is +26 degrees, by the end of the month it approaches +28. At night this value is +12-14. It is coldest on the Black Sea coast - in the northern part of the country. And if the Mediterranean Sea is conducive to swimming, it is too early for a beach holiday here.

What to do in Turkey in May?

  • If you're coming for the beach and sea, go for the Mediterranean and south coast Turkey - Kemer, Antalya, Alanya and Side. In the second half of May you can already visit Fethiye and Marmaris.
  • Starting from the second week, clubs, discos, bars, restaurants, shops open, and attractions begin to operate. It’s not hot yet, there’s very little rain, so tourists go to the beach.
  • Resort guests also enjoy water activities and water sports - snorkeling and diving. You will also enjoy excursions.


Night life

Prices for holidays in Turkey in May 2019

A tour to Turkey costs about 35,000 rubles last month spring.


You can no longer wait for June, dreaming of plunging into summer heat? Mexico is waiting for you!


In Mexican resorts the temperature rises to +30 degrees, but there is also a big minus that can ruin everything. Begin heavy rains, which will last until mid-autumn.

There are downpours almost every day, and Cancun, a resort town, is hit by a tropical cyclone at this time. So we do not recommend visiting this area from late spring to October.

But Playa del Carmen - perfect place for a holiday if you are dreaming of dry weather. Rainfall here is scanty, but most often there is none at all. tropical cyclone in most cases it passes by.

What to do in Mexico in May?

  • Tourists are advised, upon arriving in Mexico, to explore mysterious caves, swim in the pools of waterfalls, and raft down a stormy mountain river.
  • Here you can visit many excursions - if you visit each of them, even a month may not be enough!
  • There are many holidays celebrated in Mexico in May. For example, May 5 – Cinco de Mayo – Mexican Independence Day. On this day in 1862, the Mexican army defeated the French army, which led to the overthrow of the monarchical regime of Napoleon III. May 5th can take a whole week - national dances and music, carnivals, festivals.

Prices for holidays in Mexico in May 2019

Spending a vacation in exotic Mexico is even more expensive than in Tunisia - it will cost 132,000 rubles.

Canary Islands


At the end of spring Canary Islands very good - no winds, rains, or other weather vagaries. During the daytime the air temperature is about +24 degrees, and never higher, at night – +16. Daylight lasts for a full 14 hours, and the sun is pleasantly warm. The water is heated to +21 degrees.

What to do in the Canary Islands in May?

  • Water activities include surfing, windsurfing, and karting. Tourists also go on ocean cruises on yachts and play golf on a perfectly equipped course. Many people are attracted to diving - undersea world this place is amazing!
  • Attractions include the Guimar Step Pyramids, Pueblo Chico Miniature Park and the Basilica of Candelaria. Many people like the dormant Teide volcano - it is protected by UNESCO and a National Park. The main symbol of Teide is the Dragon Tree, which, as local residents assure, has healing properties.
  • Festivals are also held this month - for example, in Caravaca de la Cruz - the Wine Horse Festival. Also Canary Islands Day, which has been celebrated here for almost two centuries.


Pueblo Chico Miniature Park


Prices for holidays in the Canary Islands in May 2019

A vacation in the Canary Islands costs almost 68,000 rubles in May 2019.



In May, Abkhazia is not as warm as we would like - the air warms up to only 19 degrees during the day and up to 12 at night. Therefore, we recommend taking a couple of warm clothes with you. Towards the end of spring, heavy precipitation is expected, sometimes turning into downpours, from which you cannot hide even under an umbrella.

The sea water is also not warm enough to swim in - only 18 degrees above zero on average. Therefore, we advise you to spend time on excursions rather than on a beach holiday.

What to do in Abkhazia in May?

  • This month is good for walking around Abkhazia - there are not so many tourists, and no one will disturb or distract attention, there are no crowds, and you can calmly admire nature and architecture. Visit lakes, gorges and waterfalls.
  • In May, the Day of Simon the Canaanite is celebrated here - this is one of the apostles of Jesus Christ. Many believers come to the New Athos Monastery for such an occasion. Victory Day is also celebrated.
  • Tourists go to see the Sukhumi cathedrals, which amaze with their grandeur - the Annunciation and Drandsky. Also, many take photographs of the “house with a clock” - the city administration, and explore the ruins of the Kelasur wall near Sukhum.

Day of Simon the Canaanite

Dranda Cathedral

Walking around Abkhazia

Prices for holidays in Abkhazia in May 2019

A tour to Abkhazia can cost only 20,000 rubles.



At the end of spring, the swimming season is not yet open, but this does not stop some tourists from swimming in the sea with all their might. Towards the end of May, this situation occurs more and more often. The air is warmed up to +18 during the daytime and +12 at night.

What to do in Sochi in May?

  • In the second and third weeks of May, water parks open in Sochi, attracting many visitors. For example, “Mayak” in Central Sochi, “Amphibius” in Adler, “ Starfish"in Lazarevskoye, and others.
  • Also interesting is the “Tree of Friendship” garden-museum - about 45 types of citrus fruits grow there - Italian lemons, Japanese tangerines, and grapefruits with Spanish oranges. In May the Tree blooms incredibly beautifully.
  • Take excursions - you can go to Sochi national park, to a trout hatchery, an ostrich farm and to waterfalls.

Waterpark Starfish

Friendship tree

Sochi National Park

Prices for holidays in Sochi in May 2019

The cost of tours to Sochi starts from 14,000 rubles.



Over the entire month, there are only 10 clear days, 3 with precipitation - 70 millimeters of precipitation. This is 11% of the annual norm. Relative air humidity is 59%. Daytime temperatures are from +6 to +16 degrees, at night from +4 to +11.

What to do in Altai in May?

  • The most amazing entertainment in Altai is mountaineering. The most famous peaks are the Altai mountain ranges mountain system– North Chuisky, South Chuisky and Katunsky. Also of interest is the double-headed Belukha Mountain - the highest.
  • There are also many rivers flowing in Altai - the Katun for 688 kilometers, its right tributary Chuya, Chulyshman and its tributary Bashkaus. Extreme lovers raft on these rivers, preferring the Behemoth rapids.
  • It is also useful to know the so-called places of power - the Yarlu Valley, Akkem Lake, the Ukok Plateau and the Lake of Mountain Spirits.

Prices for holidays in Altai in May 2019

The cost of tours to this resort in May starts from 83,600 rubles.



For three out of four weeks in May the weather is clear, the sun is active again, as it was in the summer, and, finally, it is noticeably warmer. Rare precipitation is possible this month, with 30 millimeters falling towards the end.

What to do in Yalta in May?

  • Among the May holidays that are celebrated in Yalta at the end of spring are Labor Day and Victory Day, but in addition, various festivals are also held. For example, Jaliton is a jazz festival.
  • It is worth taking a walk around the resort and admiring the nature. More than two hundred years old Nikitsky Botanical Garden worthy of attention.
  • Clubs and bars open in May, and Yalta is one of the most party cities.

Jazz festival

Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Night Yalta

Prices for holidays in Yalta in May 2019

You can relax in Yalta in May for 40,000 rubles.

Where to relax abroad: excursion holidays



The first calm and warm days begin in the Czech Republic at the end of spring, and, despite the fact that the landscapes here are very diverse, the climate in almost the entire country is moderate continental. The average temperature is +18-19 degrees.

What to do in the Czech Republic in May?

  • There are more than enough excursions in this country! The architecture here is stunning, there are many beautiful buildings - there are approximately 2000 historical monuments alone.
  • May is the time for holidays. For example, Labor Day on May 1 is celebrated magnificently - with manifestations, demonstrations, concerts, and evening fireworks. On the night of May 1st is Walpurgis Night, and May 5th is the anniversary of the Prague Uprising of 1945.
  • The International Festival of Puppet Theaters is also held.

Prices for holidays in the Czech Republic in May 2019

The cost of a tour to the Czech Republic this month is 38,000 rubles.



The air temperature in May is consistently above +15-20 degrees, and the hot summer begins. At night the thermometer shows an average of +6-10 degrees. However, the water has not yet warmed up, and it is too early to start the beach season.

What to do in Poland in May?

  • Among the attractions of Poland are stunning churches, gloomy castles, medieval squares, and much more that is worthy of the attention of visitors.
  • Many routes start in Warsaw - the Palace Square, a faithful recreation of the Royal Castle turned into a museum, the Stare Miasto quarter, Krakow with its royal residence and the Market Square.
  • In the Krakow region is Kazimierz, a Jewish town where Schindler's List was filmed, as well as the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
  • It is worth visiting the Dragon Cave in Krakok on Wawel Hill, the tourist route called “Eagles' Nest Road”, and the Crusader castle in Malbork.

Będzin Castle

Eagle's Nest Road


Prices for holidays in Poland in May 2019

A flight to Poland and a week’s hotel stay at the end of spring 2019 costs about 49,000 rubles.



In Jordan, closer to summer, the heat begins - the temperature reaches +30 degrees, and, nevertheless, it is more suitable for excursions - you do not feel much heat. There is no rain, and closer to the sea the heat is much easier to bear thanks to the coolness and breeze. The sea is also warm.

What to do in Jordan in May?

  • One of the most stunning historical attractions is the ruins of the palace of Herod the Great, which are located near Madaba right on the top of the mountain. From here you can see Jerusalem and the magnificent beauty of the Dead Sea.
  • Jordan is also home to Wadi Harar, where, according to legend, Jesus Christ was baptized in one of the tributaries of the Jordan River. Nearby are the Dead Sea and Mount Nebo. For a long time there has been a tradition of bathing in these waters - this ritual is performed by all pilgrims who come here. You need to plunge your head seven times.
  • As for entertainment, we recommend visiting Kan Zaman, a museum and entertainment complex located south of Amman, 12 kilometers. There are also water parks - in the east of Amman, Amman Waves Aqua Park, on the shores of the Dead Sea - Al Wadi Water Park. There is a children's playground, slides, and a swimming pool.

Wadi Harar

Dead Sea

Ruins of the palace of Herod the Great

Prices for holidays in Jordan in May 2019 are 60,000 rubles.


Blooming gardens and parks, a pleasantly warming sun and a festive atmosphere draw crowds of tourists to amazing France at the end of spring like a magnet.


The average air temperature in May reaches +25-27 degrees, but this applies more to the second half of the month, when the beach season opens. The breeze is light, the whole country begins to bloom.

What to do in France in May?

  • Among the largest and most popular cities in France we can name the impeccable Paris, which is not possible to get around even in a whole month, Marseille, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lille, Lyon.
  • The country is home to many of the oldest and most romantic monuments, basilicas, cathedrals and monasteries, towers and mansions, and fountains. The architecture is amazing, but those who are interested in archeology will also like it here - the history of France goes back dozens of centuries. You can visit Alyscamps - a Roman necropolis, not far from Marseille, which was built back in the 3rd century, Pont du Gard - an ancient Roman aqueduct and much more.
  • France is not only luxurious architecture and a pleasant atmosphere, but also wonderful parks - they occupy as much as 27% of the entire territory of the state. There are seas, fields and mountains. It is especially beautiful in May when the flowers bloom.
  • What to do in France in May, Paris

    Prices for holidays in France in May 2019

    A vacation in France, taking into account the cost of flights and hotel accommodation, will cost about 55,000 rubles for one week.


When we talk about the month of May, we mean that it is already warm and sunny. And if so, then we want to enter the warm sea and swim. But where is the warm and gentle sea in May? There are such places, and we will tell you them. And you will know where to go to the sea at the end of May, so that the sea is warm and you can enjoy your vacation. So, let's look at our list of what we have prepared.

Islands of Greece.

IN warm Greece The beach season can open as early as April. But it’s still better to swim in May so as not to get sick and have fun. But in May, not throughout Greece you can swim. After all, somewhere the water is heated to +22 degrees and above, and somewhere it barely reaches +17 degrees. So be careful when choosing a place to stay.
For example, the island of Rhodes will gladly welcome you and delight you with excellent sea. You can swim in the sea, where the water will be heated to +23 degrees. And the air will be above +25. But even at such a comfortable temperature, you shouldn’t overuse bathing. Do not stay in the water for more than 30 minutes and do not swim very far.
Also, the island of Crete will delight you with warmth and almost summer sea. The water will also be heated to +23 degrees. And the air may be even warmer and reach +26 degrees.
So see for yourself where it is better for you to go.
Since the season is just opening in May, and there are no mass holidays, you can travel to Greece at a very low price. So take this fact into account. And if one tour operator offers you an overpriced tour, then look at others to see how much the same tour to the same hotel costs.

Slightly cool Cyprus.

If in Greece the water in the sea is already warmed up for swimming, then in Cyprus it begins to warm up. Although almost all tourists swim in the Mediterranean Sea from the Cyprus side. And they swim because the air is warm enough and you won’t freeze when you get out of the water.
And the water will be heated to +21 degrees. Meanwhile, the air will have time to warm up to +25 and above. So nothing will spoil your holiday in Cyprus in May.
As for the prices, they are not very high. After all, the season is just beginning and the locals need to lure tourists to their place after the winter downtime. And tourists happily fly here to relax and not spend a lot of money.

Israel is a great place for a seaside holiday.

But in Israel, on the Red Sea, the beach season is already in full swing. And this is not surprising, because the water is higher than +25 degrees! And the air is absolutely fiery +33 degrees! The only disadvantage of a beach holiday in Israel is that the beaches often border on military installations. And this is all explained by the safety of tourists. It is no secret that Israel is in conflict with many of its neighbors. And sometimes they exchange missile strikes.
But this is the only inconvenience. But there are a huge number of advantages. This is a first-class holiday. This includes treatment in the best spa salons in the world. And this is a treatment by nature at the Dead Sea. And you don’t need to apply for a visa.
As for prices, after the closure of Turkey and Egypt for Russians, the Israeli authorities immediately reduced the price for our tourists. This was done in order to attract as many tourists as possible in the first years. So don’t miss the chance to relax in the country for a meager amount. Because in just a couple of years, prices will go up when demand is higher than supply.

When planning a holiday in May, you will find a large selection of places. The sun has warmed up the beach resorts, but there is no sweltering heat yet. In Europe good weather for walks.

Beach holiday

The water in May is warmest at resorts in distant destinations. This Indian Ocean in Bali and Seychelles, South China Sea in Vietnam. The nearest coast with sustainable warm weather and well-warmed water - these are Israel and Jordan on the Red and Dead Seas.

In the Atlantic Ocean, the beach season is open in the Canary Islands. The Mediterranean begins to warm up from the eastern part. The warmest water is in the south of Turkey and off the coast of Cyprus. You can already swim in May on the islands of Crete and Rhodes. It's starting to rain in the Caribbean.


What is the weather like in May in Bali?

The days were clear and the rainy season was over. It is warmest in the south of the island - up to + 33 °C, the Indian Ocean warms up to + 28 °C.

Which area to choose in Bali for a beach holiday?

For swimming, look for places with calm water on the Bukit Peninsula, in the village of Jimbaran, on the beaches in Nusa Dua and Sanur.

Yes Living in May is available: in Padangbai, Amed and Tulamben - on northeast; on Menjangan Island in the northwestern part; Nusa Penida, Nusa Ceningan and Nusa Lembongan in the southeast.

Experienced surfers are interested in Kuta and Uluwat, while Jimbaran, Seminyak and Legian are suitable for beginners.

What to do in Bali in May?

Visit popular rock monasteries and temple complexes. Take a walk in national parks, nature reserves and botanical gardens. Go rafting on mountain rivers and a jeep safari into the jungle.

From interesting events in Bali in May: Hari Visak - the birthday and death day of Buddha, rice harvest festival, National Awakening Day, colorful celebrations during Odalan - the birthday of the temple.


What is the weather like in May in the Seychelles?

Comfortable and not as hot as other times of the year. There is little precipitation. On average, the air warms up to + 31–32 °C during the day. The water temperature fluctuates between + 29–30 °C.

Which area to choose for Seychellesfor a beach holiday?

You can swim anywhere at this time. Popular resorts are the islands of Mahe, La Digue, Praslin, as well as the island hotels - Silhouette, Frigate, St. Anne and Denise.

Beaches suitable for surfing:

  • Beau Vallon, Carana, Anse Bougainville, Anse Royal, Barbaron, Misfit Bay, Belle Ombre, Anse Intendance - on Mahe;
  • Anse Lazio - on Praslin;
  • Anse Lascar - on Silhouette;
  • Anse Goulette - on La Digue.

Interesting dive sites:

  • Saint Anne Marine National Park off the coast of Mahe;
  • the world's second largest coral atoll, Aldabra;
  • Ennerdale Rocks area with a sunken English tanker;
  • the islands of Desroches, Denis, Silhouette, La Digue, Praslin, Mammel and Tropheus Rocks.

What to do onSeychellesin May?

View attractions:

  • Cathedral Immaculate Conception, botanical garden of Mont Fleury and clock tower, the spice garden of Le Jardin du Roi and the Three Brothers mountain - on Mahe;
  • coral lagoon and giant land turtles- on Aldabra;
  • national parks Vallee de Mai and May Valley - on Praslin;
  • Union Estate National Park and natural beauty - in La Digue;
  • Bird Island is a half-hour flight from Mahe.

Go to events:

  • the annual festival of African and Creole culture Fetafric;
  • a sailing regatta on the inner islands with the participation of national teams;
  • International classical music festival.


What is the weather like in May in Vietnam?

Coming wet season. IN central regions The rains arrive last. The air temperature reaches + 31…33 °C during the day, and the South China Sea has warmed up to + 27–28 °C.

Which area to choose in Vietnamfor a beach holiday?

Due to the weather conditions, it is worth going to the center of the country - to Hue, Da Nang, Hoi An, or southern Nha Trang bordering it.

The most popular place among divers is Nha Trang. Phu Quoc, Con Dao and Hoi An are also good.

Things to doin Vietnamin May?

In Da Nang - admire the view of the Marble Mountains, the ruins of Michon - a complex of Hindu temples, unique Buddha statues in the Tam Thai and Linh Ung pagodas. Go to the Cham History Museum. Go on a mini-cruise to the nearby island of Kulao Cham.

In Hoi An - see the UNESCO-protected old town center, go to a silk factory, stroll along the Thu Bon River.

In Hue, get acquainted with numerous cultural monuments and look at unique handicrafts.


What is the weather like in May in Israel?

It’s warm, sometimes sultry, but a light sea breeze helps. The hottest place is on the Red Sea coast in Eilat - up to + 35 °C, water up to + 25 °C. The Dead Sea in Ein Bokek is warmer - up to + 26...28 °C, and the air - up to + 31 °C.

It's cooler in the Mediterranean. In Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Netanya and Haifa, daytime temperatures average up to + 24...27 °C, and water up to + 22 °C.

Which area to choose in Israel for a beach holiday?

The beach season in May is open at all resorts. In Eilat on the Red Sea it is good in the first half of May. Towards the end of the month, the area loses its relevance due to soaring temperatures.

On the Mediterranean Sea more waves. It is not worth going here with children, with the exception of areas with calm water on the south side of Tel Aviv and in a quiet bay in Netanya. Surfing is developed in Tel Aviv, and diving is in Eilat.

What to do in Israel in May?

Travel to the sacred places of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Caesarea and Nazareth. Look at the architecture of modern Tel Aviv.

Attend a large-scale celebration of Israel's Independence Day, International Day museums in Jerusalem, a festival with the participation of artists from the country, fairs in Tel Aviv and Rosh Pinna.

Visit water parks, the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, the Safari Zoological Center in Ramat Gan, and the Mini Israel Park in Ramla.

In the first three weeks of May, have time to look at the amazing beauty of Israel before the heat sets in: fresh greenery, exotic flowers, fields of scarlet poppies filling the plains and mountains. Get healthy with the healing waters of the Dead Sea in medical centers.


What is the weather like in May in Jordan?

Dry and hot, but not yet maximum temperatures. In the north the evening cool still remains.

The Dead Sea warmed up to + 26–27 °C, and the coast to + 28…30 °C. On the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba of the Red Sea, the air temperature reaches + 30...35 °C, and the water temperature - + 24–25 °C.

Which area to choose in Jordan for a beach holiday?

You can swim along the entire coast of the Red and Dead Seas. This is a good place for a family holiday with children. People come to Aqaba for diving, surfing and fishing.

What to do in Jordan in May?

Travel to biblical places. Visit the famous cave complex of Petra, Bedouin and Muslim monuments, the ruins of ancient Jerash and the palace of Herod the Great in Mukawira. See the impressive mosaics of Madaba.

Visit Wadi Harar - the site of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River near Mount Nebo and the Dead Sea. In the capital Amman, go to museums, art galleries, colorful oriental markets, and the royal palace of Raghadan.

Get healthy in the treatment and rehabilitation centers of the Dead Sea.


What is the weather like in May in the Canaries?

It is worth coming here in the second half of the month. By this time the weather becomes steadily warm, but not hot. There is almost no rain or wind. IN last weeks the air warms up to + 24…26 °C, and the water in the ocean to + 22 °C.

Which area to choose in the Canaries for a beach holiday?

It is worth choosing resorts on the southern and southwestern coasts of Hierro, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Gomera and Palma. These places warm up better and the sea here is warmer than in the north and northeast.

For surfing in May, the island of Lanzarote, the south of Tenerife and the north of Fuerteventura are interesting. The best places for diving are in Tenerife and Gran Canaria.

What to do in the Canariesin May?

Go on boat trips, climb the mountains, study the history of the islands through the architectural masterpieces of the past. Visit biosphere reserves, national and theme parks in Tenerife, Lanzarote, La Gomera, Hierro and Palma.

See the pyramids of the city of Guimar and the famous sand dunes of Maspalomas in Gran Canaria. Watch Tropical whales swim between the islands of La Gomera and Tenerife.

Among the highlights: Feast of the Cross, Feast of Cheese, Day of the Canary Islands.


What is the weather like in May in Turkey?

It's already warm, but not yet swelteringly hot. The evenings are still cool, but during the day the air warms up to + 25...28 °C. The Mediterranean Sea in May is invigorating - up to + 21...23 °C, but you can swim. But the Black and Aegean seas are warming up much more slowly. The water temperature in them does not exceed + 16…19 °C.

Which area to choose in Turkey for a beach holiday?

The beach season begins here in May. Choose southern resorts for swimming Mediterranean Sea- Kemer, Antalya, Alanya, Side. By the end of the month, you can already swim in the Aegean Sea at the resorts of Marmaris and Fethiye.

Popular surfing spots in Turkey include Alacati on the Aegean coast and Akyarlar on the Bodrum Peninsula. And also the town of Akiyaka near Marmaris.

There are many places for diving in Turkey: Fethiye, Marmaris, Kas and Kalkan on the Mediterranean Sea, Bodrum and Ayvalik on the Aegean.

What to do in Turkey in May?

Visit cultural and historical monuments:

  • Topkapi Palace and Ataturk's Tomb in Ankara;
  • Basilica Cistern, Rumelihisar Fortress, Haydarpasa Station, Galata Tower and Grand Bazaar in Istanbul;
  • ruins of ancient Phaselis in Kemer;
  • St. Peter's Castle in Bodrum;
  • Hidirlik Tower, Hadrian's Gate and Duden Waterfalls in Antalya;
  • Alanya fortress in Alanya.

View natural attractions:

  • "Cotton Castle" Pamukkale and the ancient city of Hierapolis;
  • The Lycian Trail, which runs along the ridge of the Taurus Mountains;
  • Manavgat waterfall in Antalya;
  • volcanic landscapes, canyons, cave and underground monastic cities in Cappadocia. Here you can fly hot-air balloon and see all the beauty of the nature reserve from above.

Admire local architectural masterpieces - mosques - in Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Adana, Konya, Selcuk, Edirne and Zeytinbaghi.

Visit the festivals of gypsy culture in Kirklareli and theatrical art in Istanbul, the Hidrellez spring festival.


What is the weather like in May in Cyprus?

It's already real summer here. Warm and clear, little rain. At the beginning of the month the air warms up to + 18...23 °C, and at the end - to + 28 °C and higher.

The water in Cyprus is the warmest in the entire Mediterranean - up to + 21–22 °C in mid-May and up to + 24 °C in recent weeks.

Which area to choose in Cyprus for a beach holiday?

You can swim comfortably in the second half of May at the warm southern resorts of Ayia Napa, Larnaca and Limassol.

Surfing in Cyprus is more suitable for beginners and amateurs due to the low waves. You can ride a board on almost the entire coast in Protaras, Ayia Napa, Larnaca, Limassol, Paphos, Morphou Bay in Northern Cyprus.

For diving, go to Ayia Napa, Larnaca, Limassol and Paphos.

What to do in Cyprus in May?

Go on excursions to Paphos, Nicosia, Kyrenia, Limassol, Larnaca. Go on boat trips on yachts and boats. Climb the Troodos Mountains, visit the famous monasteries, the Church of St. Lazarus, Aphrodite Bay and Millomeris Waterfall.

Go to the European Dance Festival in Limassol and the Chamber Music Festival in Paphos, Kouklia and Nicosia. Visit the Cyprus Flower Festival, held in many cities. Watch the Aphrodite Rally with racing cars from Limassol to Paphos.


What is the weather like in May in Greece?

Warm, but not hot. There are no strong winds or rain. The average air temperature is + 25…28 °C, and at night - up to + 13–14 °C. The water warms up to approximately + 20–22 °C.

Which area to choose in Greece for a beach holiday?

For swimming it is better to come here in the second half of the month. By this time you can already swim comfortably. It's warmest on the most southern islands- Crete and Rhodes. Here you should choose shallow bays with well-warmed water.

Suitable for families with children sand beach Elafonisi in southwest Crete. As well as the beaches of Ornos on the island of Mykonos and Koukounaries on Skiathos.

For the rest, it’s good to swim in the following areas:

  • Mylopotas on the island of Ios;
  • Perissa and Red Beach in Santorini;
  • Plaka on Naxos;
  • Logaras on Paros;
  • Paradise Mykonos;
  • Paleokastritsa in Corfu;
  • Kamares on the island of Sifnos;
  • Shipwreck beach on Zakynthos island.

Divers love the Panormo area, north and west Crete, the islands of Thassos and Santorini, Paleokastritsa and Agios Georgios in Corfu, Staphylos beach in Skopelos and St. Paul's Bay in Rhodes.

Popular places for surfing in Greece: the resorts of Ialyssos and Ixia in Rhodes, Amoudara in Crete, as well as on the islands of Paros, Mykonos, Naxos, Kos and Karpathos.

What to do in Greece in May?

Visit the Palace of Knossos and the Labyrinth of the Minotaur in Crete. See the Acropolis in Athens and Lindos in Rhodes. Climb Mount Olympus. Go to the Asklepion sanctuary on the island of Kos and the castle of the knights in Rhodes.

See how Workers' Day and the ancient holiday of Anastenaria are celebrated. Visit museums for free on International Day of Museums and Monuments.

Visit the Flower Festival and the Medieval Costume Festival in Rhodes. Watch a grand rally that attracts drivers from all over Europe.

Do thalassotherapy on mainland Greece, improve your health in the resorts of Halkidiki and Loutraki.

Excursion girl

Traveling around Europe in May is comfortable. It’s already warm everywhere, but it’s not too hot yet. A good time for bus tours and walking. Many countries have opened seasonal amusement parks.

To see several countries at once, choose a long bus tour around Europe. Popular are the Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and Germany. But keep in mind that there is little free time on such a trip. For those wishing to see the sights in detail, it is better to plan independent travel to one country.

If your budget allows, take a cruise on the Mediterranean Sea. Here you can enjoy boat trips and visit several European port cities. Popular destinations include tours with stops in Italy, Greece, Malta and other countries. Interesting cruises in the Baltics and Scandinavia, as well as river routes.

Flights to Milan or Cologne for 499 rubles, to Spain for 3,000 rubles, to Thailand or the USA for 6,000 rubles! A week-long tour to GOA for 5,500 rubles, a month’s tour in Bulgaria for 27,000, three weeks in Thailand for 35,000! ⚡ If you want us to send you such offers, subscribe to our daily newsletter for the coolest promotions!

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Where to go on vacation in May is a question that worries many Russians, especially on the eve of the May holidays. It is impossible to answer it unequivocally.

Travel abroad, or travel to healing places native land, fly to the sea or go to the mountains, at the beginning of May or at the end? It all depends on age marital status, preferences and wallet. But there are several popular destinations that may be attractive to Russian tourists.

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Where to holiday abroad in May inexpensively and without a visa

Visa-free destinations are always the most popular among tourists.

There are several options to consider:

  • visa-free entry into the country using an internal passport;
  • visa-free entry into the country with a foreign passport;
  • obtaining a visa for 30, 60, 90 days upon arrival at the airport.

The first option works for the countries of the former CIS: Belarus, Abkhazia, and Kyrgyzstan. Naturally, these directions are not particularly attractive.

Nesvizh Castle in Belarus

A tour of the castles of Belarus, such as Mir, Nesvizh, can be very exciting, and the Tien Shan mountains, Pamir ranges and Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan are unique, and you should definitely see them at least once.

The second option is for those who love an inexpensive, but more respectable vacation at world-famous resorts with developed infrastructure.

In May, Russians may well visit:

  1. Turkey – up to 30 days of stay in the country using a foreign passport. Interestingly, Turkey is an excellent choice for families with small children; the resorts in this country have everything for a comfortable children’s holiday.
  2. Thailand – you can stay in the country for a whole month without a visa. The most popular resorts among tourists are Phuket, Pattaya and Samui.
  3. – You can stay in the country without a visa for up to 90 days. Holidays in Tunisia are very cheap, and the service is high quality. The most popular destination is Hammamet and the capital of the country is Tunisia.
  4. – a great place for lovers of oriental exoticism and beach holidays on the Mediterranean Sea. The most popular place is Agadir.
  5. – a place for those who love diving (Red Sea); for those who like to get well (Dead Sea); for those who like to explore the sights and holy places (Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth); and for those who like to have a good time in the evening ().

You can also visit more remote areas. Such as:

  • Sri Lanka is a paradise with magnificent landscapes. You can stay here for up to 3 months without a visa;
  • Cuba is an incredibly colorful country where a Russian can stay without a special document for up to 30 days;
  • – the place is not cheap, but incredibly beautiful. Without a visa, a router can stay here for up to 14 days. Beach resorts such as Lamma and Lantau are in particular demand.

The third option is perfect for exotic lovers. You can obtain an entry visa in the following countries:

  • Vietnam - a visa is issued at a travel agency or upon arrival in the country, at a hotel. Holidays in Vietnam are cheap and comfortable, you can choose a beach destination, for example, relax in or on the island of Phu Coc, or you can choose an excursion destination and visit, for example, Hanoi or;
  • Egypt – upon entry you can obtain a residence permit for 30 days; Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh are a must-see.

Visa on arrival can also be obtained in countries such as:

  • (6 months with a visa obtained at the airport) - you can relax on the coast of Krasny or Dead Sea, for example, in Aqaba; visit Petra - the famous rock city;
  • Maldives - a holiday on the islands here in May will be very welcome;
  • Cambodia;
  • United Arab Emirates - most often tourists prefer to vacation in Dubai, but you can also afford to relax on Jumeirah, an artificial island in the shape of a palm tree.

Interestingly, May is the best time to visit all these countries located in different parts Sveta:

  • there is no stifling heat in northern Africa;
  • on the islands and southeast Asia the rainy seasons have already ended or have not yet begun;
  • the only exception is Vietnam. In May, the rainy season just begins here, but they are unobtrusive, and the temperature is very comfortable - +27-33°C.

Where to go on vacation with a sea visa

So, where to go to the seaside in May if you have a Schengen visa? The choice must definitely fall on Europe.

Most popular beach destinations are:

  1. Greek– in Greece you can visit any island, any area, from to. In April-May, the beach season opens in Greece, and it is also celebrated a large number of a wide variety of holidays: Flower Festival, Pirovassia, Workers' Day;
  2. Cypriot– the most popular resorts are Paphos, Ai-Napa, Limassol, Larnaca. It’s a little colder here than in Greece, about 21 degrees Celsius during the day, but the sea is already warm enough, which means beach holiday in May in this place is possible. In addition, various holidays take place at this time - Anfisteria and carnivals. Please note that you can enter Cyprus with a Schengen visa only if it has already been used to enter the territory of the countries participating in the agreement, but a regular state visa is issued for Russians free of charge.
  3. Maltese(since 2017, you need to apply for either a regular visa or use a Schengen visa) – in Malta you can have a wonderful holiday on the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea, as well as diversify your leisure time with various excursions around the island.
  4. Spanish– in Spain you can relax on the famous coasts of the Costa Brava and Costa Dorada. For example, in Salou, where all the necessary infrastructure for families with children is well developed. You can also relax on the more exotic Canary Islands, for example, on Gran Canaria, where the level of comfort is off the charts and there is plenty of entertainment for people of all ages. In addition, in Spain the beach season has already begun in May, you can sunbathe and swim to your heart's content.

Where can you relax in Russia

Where to have an inexpensive holiday in May, it’s interesting to spend the May holidays - it will obviously be cheaper in your homeland. You just need to immediately decide on the direction of your vacation.

If you want to bask in the sun, you can go to Krasnodar region or Crimea.

Take into account: the air temperature in these regions is already quite high and even if you can’t swim in the sea yet, it is quite possible to enjoy water treatments in pools at hotels or water parks.

The resort infrastructure of such places as:

  • Anapa;
  • Tuapse;
  • Sochi;
  • Balaclava;

The Azov Sea coast can also be an excellent alternative to the Black Sea coast. The sea here has not yet warmed up either, the water temperature is somewhere around +17°C, but the air has already warmed up to +25°C, and you can already sunbathe. Holiday season holidays in May have already begun in Yeisk, Dolzhanka, Shchelkino and other places.

If you want to take a break from civilization and be alone with nature, then you can go:

  1. To Karelia. May - best time for rafting, in addition, the fishing season is already open at this time. Here you can visit Valaam and look at the legendary Kivach waterfall, Ruskela and the Marble Canyon;
  2. On - here the fishing season also opens in May, you can visit the source of the Volga, the famous Holy Okovetsky Spring and the Nilo-Stolbensky hermitage;
  3. On Mountain Altaithe best place For complete unity with nature. Here you can look at Lake Teletskoye, the Katun and Chuya rivers, Mount Belukha, Lake Aya, and breathe clean air"Russian Tibet".

Let's summarize: where it is best to relax in May is up to the tourist to decide, because everything depends on financial capabilities, personal preferences, direction and what you want to do.

Fans of active tourism should consider the possibility of taking excursions to such “tourist meccas” of Russia as:

  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Montenegro is rapidly developing its tourism infrastructure, but due to the fact that it is not yet very popular, prices here are quite moderate, but recreation is beyond praise.

    Among other things, holidays in Montenegro mean:

    • warm May weather (average water temperature - +21°C, and air temperature - +25°C);
    • magnificent nature of the Adriatic;
    • developed infrastructure of such resorts as Podgorica, Budva, Tivat;
    • a large selection of different excursion routes.

    You can also consider it as an alternative vacation spot. But you will need a visa to enter this country.

    In May, the temperature in Bulgaria is comfortable (+25°C), but the beach season is not yet open. You can simply enjoy the magnificent nature, clean sea air, sights, local cuisine, and also visit the famous Rose Festival, which takes place right at this time.

    Particularly popular among tourists are the following resorts:

    • Golden Sands;
    • Nessebar;
    • Bansko;
    • Borovets;
    • Sunny Beach.

    A vacation at the end of May is an excellent decision for other reasons. Firstly, high season It hasn’t started yet in almost all resorts, which means prices are quite reasonable and there are no crowds of tourists. Secondly, the weather is ideally warm almost everywhere, you can either simply enjoy the sun or swim in the sea. Thirdly, this is simply a great opportunity to take a break from the long winter and open the summer season.

    You can find out where you should go on vacation in May from the following video:

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