September 28th is a significant date. Military calendar: Significant dates of September. Russian Guard Day


(551 BC - November 21, 479 BC), Chinese thinker.

1573 - Michelangelo da CARAVAGGIO /MERISI/
Michelangelo MERISI da CARAVAGGIO/
(1573 — 18.7.1610),
Italian painter.

The founder of European realistic painting (“Penitent Mary Magdalene”, “Young Man with a Lute”, “Rest on the Flight to Egypt”).

1797 - Fedor Petrovich LITKE
(1797 — 20.10.1882),
count, navigator - Arctic explorer, president of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

1803 - Prosper MERIME
/Prosper MERIMEE/
(1803 — 23.9.1870),
French writer.

Merimee made his debut in the literary field very early, when he was only 20 years old. His first experience was the historical drama Cromwell. Mérimée read it in Delescluze's circle; it earned Bayle's warm praise as a bold departure from the classical rules of the unity of time and action. Despite the approval of his circle of friends, Merimee was dissatisfied with his first work, and it did not get into print, so it is difficult to judge its merits (this was even before the literary revolution undertaken by V. Hugo). In 1825, he wrote several dramatic plays and published them under the title “Theatre of Clara Gazul” (Théâtre de Clara Gazul), stating in the preface that these plays were translated by him from Spanish and were written by an unknown actress of a traveling troupe; some copies even had a portrait of her attached, that is, a portrait of Merimee in a woman’s dress. Ampère proclaimed in the then influential Globe that Shakespeare's son had appeared in France in the person of the author of the Théâtre de Clara Gazul.

1841 - Georges CLEMENCEAU
(1841 — 24.11.1929),
French politician.

1871 - Pietro BADOGLI
(1871 — 31.10.1956),
Italian military and statesman, Marshal.

Under MUSSOLINI, he was chief of the General Staff and commander-in-chief of the Italian troops in the Italo-Ethiopian war. During World War II, he retired after the first setbacks, became a participant in the 1943 coup d'etat, and was appointed prime minister. In this post, he concluded a truce with the anti-Hitler coalition, declared war on Germany and restored diplomatic relations between Italy and the USSR.

1882 - Alexander Pavlovich KUTEPOV
(1882 - unknown 1930),
White Guard general, since 1928 the head of the Russian All-Military Union (EMRO). The son of a modest forester, young second lieutenant Kutepov during Russo-Japanese War For military merits he was transferred to the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment. Having been wounded three times on the German front while fighting in this regiment, he became its last commander in 1917. Having accidentally found himself in Petrograd during the days of the February Revolution, Colonel Kutepov was the only one who successfully acted against the rebels on the orders of the commander of the Petrograd Military District, General KHABALOV.

In December 1917, Kutepov joined the Volunteer Army and went on its first Kuban campaign as commander of the third company of the 1st officer regiment. General L. G. KORNILOV, before his death, appointed him commander of the shock regiment, and A. I. DENIKIN promoted Kutepov to general. Together with his division, he took Novorossiysk and for some time served as its governor-general. The Bolsheviks accused Kutepov of brutal repressions against the population when he was governor general. Soon Kutepov became the commander of the 1st Army Corps, with which he took Kursk and Orel, and later under WRANGEL he was the commander of the 1st Army. After the evacuation from Crimea, Kutepov’s corps was landed on a deserted field near the Turkish town of Gallipoli, where it remained for more than a year. Then the Gallipolians, who remained loyal to their general, formed the backbone of the White Russian emigration. The general himself, having headed the EMRO, became the main generator of ideas and the undisputed leader of the emigrant officers. He led all the combat and intelligence activities of the EMRO, which so worried the authorities in Moscow. A decision was made to liquidate it. In January 1930, in Paris, in broad daylight, Kutepov was kidnapped by OGPU agents, among whom was Sergei EFRON, the husband of Marina TSVETAEVA. The general’s entourage could not understand where Kutepov had disappeared. In response to the accusation by the emigration of the abduction and murder of a general of Moscow agents, the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs issued harsh notes to the French Cabinet of Ministers, and Izvestia put forward a version that Kutepov decided to leave the political arena and quietly left for one of the republics South America, taking with him a substantial sum of money. The French authorities conducted the investigation without much zeal, and the emigration was powerless to prove anything. There is no reliable information about the death of Kutepov. According to one version, he was killed in Paris, and his corpse was dissolved in a bath of acid. According to another, he was taken to Moscow by ship to be tried and then hanged, but Kutepov died of a heart attack when there were a hundred miles left to Novorossiysk. You can learn more about the work of Soviet intelligence against the leaders of the White Guard emigration from the book “Alibi for the Great Singer” by Leonid Mlechin.

1883 - Albert Rees WILLIAMS
(1883 — 27.2.1962),
American journalist, participant in the Russian Civil War on the side of the Bolsheviks. Met with V.I. LENIN, about whom he wrote a book.

1887 - Avery BRANDAGE /right. BRANDING/
(1887 — 8.5.1975),
American sports figure who led the International Olympic Committee(1952-72). His activities in the Olympic movement are not clear-cut. Even today, professor, Olympic champion Arkady VOROBYEV calls him nothing more than “a member of the fascist party of Linberg and a friend of the notorious witch hunter in the USA D. McCarthy.” Winter and summer games 1936 took place in fascist Germany largely thanks to the head of the IOC special commission, Brundage. During the competitions themselves, the head of the American delegation, Brundage, excluded Jewish athletes from participating in them. During the years of his presidency, conflict situations arose more than once with the participation in the Olympics of racist states divided by Germany, Korea and China. More than once then politics and Olympic principles clashed with each other. The conservative multimillionaire behaved extravagantly only once, when he married his 30-year-old secretary at the age of 86. It is not difficult to calculate that she almost immediately became a widow.

1896 - Alexey Innokentievich ANTONOV
(1896 — 18.6.1962),
army General. During the Great Patriotic War he was the head of the Operations Directorate of the General Staff, the first deputy chief of the General Staff, and in the last period the head General Staff Red Army.

He was awarded many Soviet and foreign orders and medals, including the highest military leadership award - the Order of Victory.

1900 - Boris Efimovich EFIMOV, graphic cartoonist. He turns 108 years old!!!

On September 28, 2007, on his 107th birthday, he was appointed to the position of chief artist of the Izvestia newspaper.

1901 - Ed SULLIVAN
(1901 — 13.10.1974),

The host of the popular American TV show, which was called “The Ed Sullivan Show.”

1906 - Alexander Petrovich STEIN
(1906 — 5.10.1993),

1915 - Georgy Alexandrovich TOVSTONOGOV
(1915 — 23.5.1989),
theater director, National artist USSR (1957), Hero of Socialist Labor (1983).

Since 1956, he headed the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater, which then bore the name of Gorky (since 1992 the theater has been named after its director).

1916 - Olga Vasilievna LEPESHINSKAYA, ballerina, People's Artist THE USSR.

1918 - Vasily Alexandrovich SUKHOMLINSKY
(1918 — 2.9.1970),

1920 - Yaropolk Leonidovich LAPSHIN, film director (“Gloomy River”, “Demidovs”). He was the secretary of the board of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR.

1924 - Marcello MASTROIANNI
(1924 — 19.12.1996),
Italian film actor.

He most often starred with Federico FELLINI and Vittorio DE SICA. His focused, restrained performance provided the perfect backdrop for these directors' artistic explorations.

1929 - Nikolai Ivanovich RYZHKOV, political figure.

Former Soviet prime minister.

1932 - Victor HARA
/Victor JARA/
(1932 — 16.9.1973),
Chilean singer-tribune. After the fascist coup on September 11, 1973, he was arrested and subjected to brutal torture for five days at the National Stadium in Santiago, where he had previously performed in front of packed stands more than once. His influence on Spanish-speaking audiences has been compared to Bob DYLAN's on Anglo-American audiences.

1934 - Brigitte BARDOT
/Brigitte BARDOT/,
French film actress and animal activist.

Congratulations, Madame Bardot! :)

1936 - Mylene (Marie-Hélène) DEMONGEAU
French film actress who played Milady in The Three Musketeers and the friend of the journalist Fandor in the films about Fantômas.
When French cinema discovered Brigitte BARDOT, other actresses appeared after her, whose main advantage was not acting, but their charm and naturalness of existence in any proposed situation. All that remains of Bardot is her name, and the viewer most likely remembers not her, but Michel MERCIER, who played the beautiful Angelique, and Mylene Demongeau as the treacherous Milady.

No one will remember Mylene’s partners in “The Three Musketeers,” but she entered the life of the generation growing up in the 60s and 70s of the last century, albeit not as the face of an era that was already acquiring stagnant features, but as a part of it that still retained hope and preserved illusions.

1938 - Alexander Alexandrovich GOLOBORODKO, theater and film actor.

1941 - Valentin Nikolaevich PISEEV, President of the Russian Figure Skating Federation.

1952 - Sylvia KRISTEL
/Sylvia KRISTEL/,
Dutch film actress.

The famous Emmanuelle.

1960 - Jennifer RUSH
/Jennifer RUSH/,
American pop singer.

1967 - Mira SORVINO
American film actress.

Good friend of Quentin TARANTINO.

1968 - Mika Häkkinen
Finnish racing driver, two-time Formula 1 champion.

1972 - Gwyneth Paltrow
/Gwyneth PALTROW/,
American film actress, winner of the 1999 Oscar for main role in the film Shakespeare in Love.

Married to the leader of an English rock band Coldplay CHRIS MARTIN.

1974 - Maria KISELOVA, three-time Olympic champion in synchronized swimming.

Host of the game show "The Weakest Link".



1066 - Duke of Normandy WILHELM landed in Britain. After the death in the summer of the childless king of the Anglo-Saxons, EDWARD THE CONFESSOR, the throne was taken by his brother-in-law HAROLD II, who a year or two earlier had been captured by William, took a vassal oath and promised to support his claims to the English throne (William was a relative of Edward on his mother’s side). William declared Harold an oathbreaker and enlisted the support of the Pope, who sent him the banner of St. Petra. And since this was the case, the invasion immediately became a holy war for faith and justice, which probably helped William soon defeat the king and take the throne himself.

1773 - The fugitive Don Cossack Emelyan Ivanovich PUGACHEV, who appeared in the Orenburg steppes in August, managed to establish contact with the Yaik Cossacks, declared himself PETER III and began to assemble his detachment. By mid-September it numbered 80 people. On this day, on the Tolkachev farm, Pugachev issued a manifesto in which he granted the Cossacks, Kalmyks and Tatars “a river from the top to the mouth, and land, and herbs, and cash salaries, and lead, and gunpowder, and grain provisions.”

From the farmstead, the rebels moved to the Yaitsky town. Thus began the Peasant War under the leadership of Pugachev of 1773-75.

Along the way, new forces joined the detachment, and the next day 200 people approached the town. Another 200 Cossacks joined the rebels, but Pugachev did not dare to storm the fortress, since there was a strong garrison with artillery there. To begin with, he decided to capture the Upper Yaitsk fortifications and get guns. In the following days, a number of fortress garrisons, one after another, went over to the side of the rebels without a fight. On October 16, Pugachev's troops in the amount of 2,500 people with 20 guns appeared near Orenburg and began to besiege it, and by the end of the year the peasant army already numbered about 30,000 people and 86 guns.

The tsarist government, unable to cope with the uprising with local forces, was forced to create a punitive army led by Chief General A.I. BIBIKOV.

1864 - In London, with the participation of Karl MARX, the International Workers' Association - the First International - was founded.

1939 - The USSR and Germany signed an additional secret protocol to those already existing, which determined the borders of Poland and Lithuania, which fell into the sphere of influence Soviet Union, like Bessarabia.

1948 - FAITH, the first cat to be awarded a medal for courage, has died.
Abandoned by her owners, in 1936 she found shelter in one of the London churches, catching mice in gratitude. She accomplished her feat in September 1940, when during World War II the English capital was subjected to massive bombing by German aircraft. She gave birth to a kitten, which Faith for some reason never wanted to leave in the comfort of home and stubbornly took it to the basement. Three days later, after another raid, only ruins remained of the church. Father Henry ROSS found Faith under the rubble, covering the cub with her body.
This story became known to the parishioners, and five years later it reached Maria DICKIN, who established a medal during the war years, which was awarded to animals whose courage saved people's lives. Faith did not fall into this category, but they made an exception for her and made a special silver medal, which the Archbishop of Canterbury himself came to present!

1953 - N.S. KHRUSHCHEV was elected first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

Nikita Sergeevich's ascent to the very top began.

1970 - 500 teenagers came to Moscow for the first training session of the Sambo school, the organizer and coach of which was the multiple champion of the USSR, Honored Master of Sports David Lvovich RUDMAN. It was created on the basis of a comprehensive school (for some reason, various sources indicate different numbers) and turned into the military-patriotic club “Sambo-70”.

1992 - The first conscription into the Russian Armed Forces has been announced.

2008 (today)- Parliamentary elections in Belarus.

Suvorov throw.
Fragment of a painting by artist Alexander Samsonov

1939 – The troops of Nazi Germany invaded Poland. The Second World War began.

1939 – The Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the Law “On General military duty" Before this, the Law on Mandatory military service, adopted in 1925 (as amended in 1930).

1939 – Tests began in the USSR jet system multiple rocket launcher MU-2 (future Katyusha BM-13-16).

2004 – There was a massive hostage-taking at secondary school No. 1 in the city of Beslan (North Ossetia). For three days, negotiations took place with terrorists who were holding over a thousand people. During the liberation of the prisoners, more than 350 civilians (half of them children) and military personnel died. 31 militants were killed (one was captured and sentenced to life imprisonment). Shamil Basayev (killed as a result of a special operation in July 2006) took responsibility for organizing the terrorist attack.

Day of the Russian Guard.

1944 – The Finnish government announced its country’s withdrawal from World War II, in which it participated on the side of Nazi Germany.

1914 – During the First World War, the Battle of the Marne began on the Western Front - a counter battle between the Anglo-French and German troops. It lasted eight days. The Allies stopped the advance German armies to Paris, and then forced them to retreat (this was facilitated by the transfer of a number of enemy formations to the Eastern Front). Thus the German collapse collapsed strategic plan quick defeat of France.

1944 – Vladimir Ivanovich Kuroyedov was born. Admiral of the Fleet. From 1997 to 2005, he was Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy.

1634 – Near the city of Nördlingen in Germany, during the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648), the troops of the “Holy Roman Empire” (35 thousand people) under the command of Archduke Ferdinand defeated the 25 thousand-strong Swedish army led by Duke Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar.

1914 – The famous Russian pilot, Staff Captain Pyotr Nesterov, for the first time in the history of aviation, carried out an aerial ramming, shooting down a two-seater Austrian reconnaissance aircraft, and died in the process (buried in Kyiv). He was posthumously awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree.

1944 Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War they launched the East Carpathian offensive operation with the aim of assisting the Slovak National Uprising (which broke out on August 29, 1944). The operation was completed on October 28. The Red Army units failed to complete the assigned task in full.

1944 – During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet troops entered Bulgaria (on September 5, 1944, the USSR government announced that the Soviet Union was at war with Bulgaria). However, its army did not offer resistance (on September 9, as a result of an uprising in the country, the monarchical regime was overthrown), and soon the entire Bulgarian territory was cleared of Wehrmacht units.

1939 – The first radio detection station “Rhubarb” (RUS-1) was adopted by the Red Army.

1709 – Near the village of Malplaquet (Belgium), during the War of the Spanish Succession, a battle took place between a 117,000-strong Anglo-Austro-Dutch army under the command of Prince Eugene of Savoy and Duke John of Marlborough and French troops (90,000 people) led by Marshal Claude Louis Villard . The French were forced to retreat.

1964 – The Soviet leadership was shown the “object 150” created at Uralvagonzavod (Nizhny Tagil), a tank destroyer that destroyed three targets with three ATGMs from a distance of 3 thousand meters (put into service in 1968 as the IT-1 missile tank).

Tanker's Day.

1944 – During the Second World War, an agreement on a truce was signed in Moscow between the USSR, the USA and Great Britain, on the one hand, and Romania, on the other. Romania pledged to enter the war against Germany and Hungary.

1829 – The Treaty of Adrianople was concluded, ending the Russian-Turkish War of 1828–1829, which was successful for Russia.

1944 – During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet troops launched the Baltic strategic offensive operation. It ended on November 24 with the defeat of the 700,000-strong German group and the liberation of the entire Baltic region from the enemy, except for the Kurland Peninsula (33 German divisions were blocked there).

1954 – At the Totsky training ground (Orenburg region), under the leadership of Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov, exercises began using nuclear weapons(an air atomic explosion was carried out). 44 thousand military personnel took part in the maneuvers, 500 artillery pieces, 500 tanks, 600 armored personnel carriers, 6 thousand tractors and vehicles, and 320 aircraft were involved.

1914 – During the First World War, the so-called “Run to the Sea” began on the Western Front. Ended October 15th. As a result of three successive operations of the Anglo-French and German troops (the parties tried to bypass each other's open flanks in the Oise River-North Sea zone), a continuous positional front was formed.

1809 – The Friedrichsham Peace Treaty was signed, ending the Russian-Swedish War of 1808–1809 (the entire territory of Finland, including the Åland Islands, went to Russia). This was the last war between Sweden and Russia.

1894 – During the Sino-Japanese War of 1894–1895, a battle took place between the Japanese (12 ships) and Chinese (16 ships) squadrons near the mouth of the Yalu River. Ended in victory for the Japanese.

1939 – Units of the Red Army entered the territory of Western Belarus and Western Ukraine, which belonged to Poland (its troops had already been defeated German army, and the government fled to Romania).

1944 – Arnhem has begun airborne operation troops of the Western Allies during the Second World War (in total 34,876 people were landed, 568 guns, 1926 Vehicle, 5227 tons of various cargoes). It ended on September 26 and contributed to the entry of the Anglo-American armies into the Lower Rhine. However, the Airborne Forces suffered big losses and were unable to fully complete the assigned tasks. appeared integral part Dutch offensive operation which ended on November 10 with the liberation of the southern Netherlands from German troops.

1954 – A directive was signed by the General Staff of the USSR Navy, which approved the organizational and staffing structure of the Northern Marine Research Site on Novaya Zemlya (now the Central Test Site of the Russian Federation).

1909 – Pyotr Ivanovich Ivashutin was born. Army General (1971), Hero of the Soviet Union (1985). In 1963–1987 he was the head of the Main intelligence agency General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces. Died June 4, 2002.

1854 - During Crimean War(1853–1856) in the battle on the Alma River (western coast of Crimea), a 55,000-strong Anglo-Franco-Turkish army (commanders: Marshal Armand Jacques Saint-Arnaud and General Fitzroy Raglan, 120 guns) defeated Russian troops (about 34 thousand). people, 96 guns), which were headed by His Serene Highness Prince Adjutant General Alexander Menshikov.

1799 – Troops under the command of Field Marshal Alexander Suvorov (21.5 thousand Russians, 4.5 thousand Austrians) began a campaign from Northern Italy through the Alps to Switzerland. Ended October 8th. Suvorov inflicted a number of defeats on the French and did not allow superior enemy forces to defeat his regiments.

1789 – On the Rymnik River (now on the territory of Romania) during the Russian-Turkish War of 1787–1791, troops under the command of General Alexander Suvorov (7 thousand Russians and 18 thousand Austrian soldiers and officers) completely defeated the 100 thousand-strong Turkish army.

1739 – Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin was born. His Serene Highness Prince (1776), Field Marshal General (1784). Outstanding statesman and military figure Russian Empire. Died October 16, 1791.

1924 – The Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR adopted a three-year plan for the development of the Soviet military aviation, which envisaged increasing the number of combat aircraft to a thousand by 1927.

1799 – Not far from Zurich (Switzerland), during the war of the 2nd anti-French coalition against Republican France, a two-day battle began between the 24,000-strong Russian corps under the command of General Alexander Rimsky-Korsakov and the 38,000-strong French army led by General André Massena. It ended in the defeat of the Russian troops.

1854 – During the Crimean War (1853–1856), the heroic defense of Sevastopol began. For 349 days - until September 8, 1855 - Russian soldiers, sailors and officers defended the city from the Anglo-French-Turkish troops besieging it.

1949 – The first flight of the experimental long-range ballistic missile R-2E was carried out in the USSR.

1944 – Soviet troops and Baltic Fleet during the Great Patriotic War they began the Moonsund landing operation. By November 24, the islands of the Moonsund archipelago were cleared of the enemy.

1914 – During the First World War, the Warsaw-Ivangorod operation began on the Eastern Front. Russian troops repulsed the offensive of the Austro-German armies, counterattacked them and drove them back to their original positions (the operation ended on November 8).

1739 – Ended with the signing of the Belgrade Peace Treaty Russo-Turkish War 1735–1739. Despite the victories, Russia was only able to regain Azov, lost 30 years ago.

Nuclear Scientist Day

Nuclear Industry Worker's Day is celebrated on September 28. It was on this day in 1942 that the State Defense Committee of the USSR issued a decree “On the organization of work on uranium” and approved the creation of a special atomic nuclear laboratory at the Academy of Sciences. The holiday was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2005.

World Maritime Day

World Maritime Day has been celebrated since 1978 by decision of the 10th session of the Assembly of the Intergovernmental Maritime Organization (IMO), held in November 1977. Until 1980, it was celebrated on March 17th. It is currently celebrated in last week September.

The purpose of this holiday is to attract the attention of the public, government and private structures to the problem of preserving the seas and their biological resources. Often public organizations This holiday is celebrated by cleaning beaches, as well as rallies and marches in defense of the seas.

Foundation Day of the International Working Men's Association

Founding Day of the International Working Men's Association (First International - founded in London on September 28, 1864).

The first congress of the International took place in Geneva in 1866. At the congress, reports were heard from representatives various countries, but the main subject of the classes was a discussion of the manifesto and rules of the International, written by Marx. After the end of the congress, the General Council of the 1st International energetically began to lead the strikes that took place in 1866 - 1868. throughout Europe.

The headquarters of the Red Guard was created in Saratov

In 1917, the headquarters of the Red Guard was created under the Saratov Soviet.

Veteran artillerymen met in the center of Saratov

In 1980, on Revolution Square (now Teatralnaya) in Saratov, a meeting of war veterans, former soldiers of the 720th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment, stationed in the city in 1942-1943, took place.

Created a consumer movement in the Saratov region

The first consumer associations began to emerge in the USSR in 1988-89 in Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Moscow, and Kyiv. September 28, 1990 created public association in Saratov. SGAP professor Vladimir Ionovich Novoselov stood at the origins of the regional movement and led it.

On this page you will learn about the significant and memorable dates of the autumn day September 28, what famous people were born on this September day, events took place, we will also talk about folk signs And Orthodox holidays this day, public holidays different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and September 28 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I should always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The day of September twenty-eighth has left its indelible mark on history; events and memorable dates, like those who were born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the twenty-eighth day of September, September 28, what events and significant dates it was marked and remembered for, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on September 28 (twenty-eighth)

Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot (French: Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot; born September 28, 1934) is a French actress, singer and public figure.

Marcello Vincenzo Domenico Mastroianni. Born on September 28, 1924 in the village. Fontana Liri in the Apennines - died December 19, 1996 in Rome. Italian actor.

Alexander Alexandrovich Goloborodko. Born on September 28, 1938 in Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovsk region. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988).

Sylvia Maria Kristel. Born on September 28, 1952 in Utrecht - died on October 18, 2012 there. Dutch model, actress, writer. The famous performer of the role of Emmanuelle.

Georges Benjamin Clemenceau (French: Georges Benjamin Clemenceau) (September 28, 1841, Muiron-en-Paré, Vendée department, - November 24, 1929, Paris) - French politician and statesman, journalist, Prime Minister of France.

Vladimir Ivanovich Zaitsev. Born on September 28, 1958 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Soviet and Russian theater, film and dubbing actor. Honored Artist of Russia (2014).

Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko. Born on September 28, 1976 in the town of Rubezhnoye, Lugansk region. Russian athlete, four-time world champion in MMA heavyweight according to Pride FC, two-time according to RINGS, two-time according to WAMMA, four-time world champion and nine-time champion of Russia in combat sambo. Honored Master of Sports in Sambo, Master of Sports of International Class in Judo.

Georgy Tovstonogov (09/28/1915 [Tbilisi] - 05/23/1989 [Leningrad]) - Russian theater director, People's Artist of the USSR;

Vasily Sukhomlinsky (09/28/1918 [Vasilievka village] - 09/02/1970 [Pavlysh village]) - an outstanding Soviet innovative teacher, writer;

Vladimir Turchinsky (Dynamite) (09/28/1963 [Moscow] - 12/16/2009) - TV presenter, actor, wrestler, singer;

Anna Dimova (09/28/1980 [Olenegorsk]) - Russian actress;

Olga Melikhova (09/28/1961 [Leningrad]) - Soviet actress;

Yana Krainova (09/28/1986 [Jurmala]) - Russian actress;

Mika Hakkinen (28.09.1968 [Helsinki]) - Finnish racing driver;

Naomi Watts (09/28/1968 [Shoreheim (Kent)]) - English-Australian actress;

Carrie Otis (09/28/1968 [San Francisco]) - model who starred in the film "Wild Orchid" ex-wife actor Mickey Rourke;

Francois Botha (09/28/1968 [Witbank]) - South African boxer; Dita Von Teese (09/28/1972 [Rochester]) - American model;

Olivia Jordan (09/28/1988 [Tulsa]) - model and actress, Miss USA 2015;

Peter Finch (09/28/1916 [London] - 01/14/1977 [Beverly Hills]) - Australian film actor, winner of the 1977 Academy Award for Best Actor;

Mathieu Valbuena (09/28/1984 [Bruges]) - French football player, midfielder;

Boris Efimov (09/28/1900 [Kyiv] - 10/01/2008 [Moscow]) - graphic artist, master of political caricature;

Lenny Kraiselburg (09/28/1975 [Odessa]) - American swimmer;

Immanuel Wallerstein (09/28/1930 [New York]) - American thinker, founder of world-systems analysis;

Sofia Fedorova (09/28/1879 [Moscow] - 01/03/1963 [Neuilly-sur-Seine]) - Russian ballerina;

Koko Taylor (09/28/1928 [Memphis, Tennessee] - 06/03/2009 [Chicago]) - American singer, “Queen of the Blues”;

Caravaggio (09.28.1573 [Lombardy] - 07.18.1610 [Tuscany]) - Italian painter;

Vladimir Obruchev (09/28/1863 [village of Klepenino, Tver province] - 06/19/1956 [Moscow]) - Russian geologist, geographer, science fiction writer (author of the famous novels “Sannikov’s Land” and “Plutonium”), court adviser, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences ( 1929), Hero of Socialist Labor (1945);

Semyon Tsvigun (09/28/1917 [Stratievka village] - 01/19/1982 [Moscow]) - Soviet statesman;

Pietro Badoglio (09/28/1871 [Grazzano-Monferrato in Piedmont] - 10/31/1956 [Grazzano-Monferrato]) - Prime Minister of Italy in 1943–1944.

Dates September 28

The Czech Republic celebrates St. Wenceslas Day

It's Teacher's Day in Taiwan

In Guinea - Referendum Day

The Philippines celebrates Anti-Child Pornography Day

World Rabies Day

According to the folk calendar, this is Nikita Gusyatnik

On this day:

Confucius, the famous Chinese thinker and educator, was born in 551 BC

in 1797, Fedor Litke was born, a navigator who gave his name to more than one ship

Prosper Merimee, a French writer who spoke about the tragic fate of Carmen, was born in 1803

Louis Pasteur, the first true microbiologist, died in 1895

Irakli Andronnikov, the most famous literary critic of Russia, was born in 1908

in 1918 Vasily Sukhomlinsky was born, who gave his heart to children

in 1920, Yaropolk Lapshin was born, who showed the Gloomy River and Smoke of the Fatherland on the screen

in 1924, Marcelo Mastroianni was born, an actor who showed his Private life divorced in Italian

Brigitte Bardot, an actress who became a great friend of animals, was born in 1934

Sylvia Christel, better known as Emmanuelle, was born in 1952.

Edwin Hubble, whose name the famous orbital telescope bears, died in 1953.

Vladimir Turchinsky, actor and presenter, known for his dynamite character, was born in 1963

in 1968, Roman Trakhtenberg was born, a showman who claimed that money has no smell

Carrie Otis, the famous Wild Orchid, was born in 1968

Naomi Watts, King Kong's last love, was born in 1968

Maria Kiseleva was born in 1974, never a weak link in the pool

Fedor Emelianenko, multiple world champion in mixed martial arts, was born in 1976

born in 1987 Hilary Duff, superstar who narrated modern History Cinderella

In 1994, the ferry Estonia sank in the Baltic Sea, killing 852 people.

Events of September 28

World Rabies Day

Every year, September 28th is celebrated as a day that draws attention to a disease such as hydrophobia, that is, rabies. In the world today, one person dies from rabies every 10 minutes. And only 55 thousand people and a large number of animals.

Rabies occurs in more than 150 countries. Great importance When infected, a rabies vaccine is available - if it is administered within a few hours, the development of the disease can be prevented.

Grandmother's Day in Moldova

This is real Public Holiday, established by government decree, which is celebrated in Moldova annually on the last Saturday of September. “Granny’s Day” was established in 2007 on the initiative of the first lady of the state Taisia ​​Voronina, with the support of the Ministry of Social Protection.

Society recognizes and respects grandmothers and their role in raising the younger generation. In Moldova, much attention is paid to the continuity of traditions and respect for national values. Grandmothers also raise orphans, or leave their jobs to raise their grandchildren. On this day, funny concerts are organized, in which grandmothers accept congratulations and become participants in the performances themselves.

Birthday of Teacher Confucius

The Chinese greatly revere the ancient philosopher Confucius, whom they call their teacher. The philosopher rendered big influence on the worldview of the Chinese, they have been honoring it for more than 2.5 thousand years. His theses on self-education have five components, highlighting five virtues: kindness, integrity, wisdom, justice and loyalty.

They became the basis of the ideology of the Chinese state. On the birthday of the sage, a festival is held in the temples of Confucius. They hold festivals and exhibitions. The importance of the concepts of Confucianism is celebrated in China even twice a year - also on the 27th day of the eighth lunar month, this could be the end of September - beginning of October. The main message: anyone can gain knowledge, regardless of wealth or status.

September 28 was popularly called differently: the day of the Hussar, the day of Nikita Guseprolet, the day of the Gusyatnik, Reporez. It is now that they begin to cut turnips and prepare various dishes from them. Also on September 28, geese begin to be slaughtered, and it is with this event that the name of the holiday is associated. Wild geese fly to warmer climes.

Sheep shearing also begins on September 28th. There was a widespread tradition of appeasing the merman, and they did it in a very unusual and strange way: they threw a headless goose into the pond, and the head itself was taken home, since it was intended for the brownie.

On September 28, they began harvesting turnips, and they tried to harvest other root crops early, since quite severe frosts were observed in the morning. Many different dishes were prepared from turnips - they were boiled, steamed, and eaten raw. They also made porridge from it. There were many stories and tales related to turnips. One of the most famous is “Turnip”.

In the church on September 28, the memory of St. Nikita of Gotha, who lived around the 4th century near the Danube, is honored. When Nikita converted to Christianity, he immediately began preaching among his fellow Goths. The pagan Atanaric ruled here, whom Nikita openly denounced, which led to the martyrdom of the preacher

The pagans grabbed Nikita and began to force him to renounce his faith, but Nikita refused to do this. For this they decided to burn him, but the fire did not touch Nikita. Subsequently, the preacher was tortured anyway, and his relics were transferred to the territory of Constantinople.

People called the day September 28th the Goose House, since it was now that it was possible to slaughter geese, which had previously been carefully fattened. In turn, wild geese flew to warmer climes, which meant that hunters were going out for the last hunt of the year. Of course, the main dish that day was baked goose.

Folk signs on September 28

Wild geese fly south - a sign that there will be a cold snap soon

Geese often land on the ground, and starlings are not planning to fly away yet - autumn will be dry and warm

If a goose stands over a puddle with one leg raised, it will be frosty

A goose is rinsing itself in the water - according to signs, expect warmer weather.

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read? Agree that it is very useful to know the history of events and dates, as well as those who famous people was born today, on the twenty-eighth day of September, September 28, what a mark this man left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world.

We are also confident that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with their help, you can check in practice the reliability and truthfulness of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and business, read more of what is necessary, important, useful, interesting and educational - reading broadens your horizons and develops your imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

Why is September 28th interesting and significant in world history, science, sports, culture, politics?

September 28, what events in world history, science and culture make this day famous and interesting?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on September 28?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on September 28? What religious holidays are celebrated on September 28? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What national day is September 28th according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with September 28? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on September 28?

What significant historical events on September 28 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? The day of remembrance of which famous and great people is September 28?

Which great, famous and famous died on September 28th?

September 28, Remembrance Day for which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, entertainers, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes celebrated on this day?

Events of the day September 28, 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2017, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth day of September of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day September 28, 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2018, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth day of September of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day September 28, 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2019, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth day of September of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day September 28, 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2020, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth September day of the month of the twentieth year.

Events of the day September 28, 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2021, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth September day of the month of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day September 28, 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2022, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth September day of the month of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day September 28, 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2023, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth September day of the month of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day September 28, 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2024, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth September day of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day September 28, 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2025, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth September day of the month of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day September 28, 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2026, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth September day of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day September 28, 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2027, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth September day of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day September 28, 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2028, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth September day of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day September 2, 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2029, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth September day of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day September 28, 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 28, 2030, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-eighth day of September of the month of the thirtieth year.

VLADIVOSTOK. On September 28, from 11.00 to 16.00, “Mortgage Saturday” will be held at the offices of Far Eastern Sberbank. Residents of the region who want to purchase housing will have a unique opportunity to save their time and get advice from realtors, developers and mortgage lending managers in one place. The meeting format is convenient in that the Sberbank client will be able to receive individual consultation and maximum information of interest related to the purchase of an apartment. In Primorye the action will be held at the following addresses:
Vladivostok - st. Russian, 66; Cheryomukhovaya, 7; Svetlanskaya, 59; Okeansky Avenue, 110a; Okeansky Avenue, 18; Svetlanskaya, 143; Kalinina, 29;
Nakhodka - st. Portovaya, 3;
Ussuriysk - st. Lenina, 56; Oktyabrskaya, 56;
Spassk-Dalniy – st. Leninskaya, 42;
Luchegorsk – 1st microdistrict, 5;
Arsenyev - st. Leninskaya, 10-b.

VLADIVOSTOK. On September 28, Rosbank will hold “Mortgage Saturday” at bank branches in Vladivostok, Artyom, Nakhodka and Ussuriysk.

VLADIVOSTOK. On September 28, the annual Traveler’s Day festival will be held in Vladivostok, timed to coincide with the celebration of World Tourism Day. The entertainment program of the festival will include performances by folklore, ethnic vocal and dance groups, fashion shows in national costumes, photo exhibition of attractions of Primorye. The program will end with competitions for guests, the winners will receive valuable prizes and gifts. In addition, the festival will feature a “Street of National Cuisines”, where cuisines from Asia, Europe and America will be presented. The program also includes master classes and tastings. The festival will take place on the central square of Vladivostok from 12.00 to 19.00.

VLADIVOSTOK. September 28 at 14.30 in the children's territory art school No. 3 (Kharkovskaya St., 36a) a real creative workshop will unfold. The “Courtyard of Masters” festival will be held here. Guests of the holiday will be treated to fun puzzles, puzzles and sweet prizes. The program also includes lively music, master classes on ceramics, drawing, painting and much more.

VLADIVOSTOK. On September 28, residents and guests of Vladivostok are invited to a large concert by masters of art from the Republic of Korea, dedicated to the 23rd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea. The concert will begin at the Pushkin Theater of the Far Eastern Federal University at 18.30.

VLADIVOSTOK. On September 28, the Primorsky Key charity festival begins in Primorye. The creative team of the Primorsky Opera and Ballet Theater will perform in 13 cities of the Primorsky Territory, and charitable foundation Yuri Bogdanov’s “Ecology of Culture” will raise funds from patrons. Participants in the festival will include not only artists from the Primorsky Opera and Ballet Theater, but also invited musicians from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The closing ceremony of the festival will take place on October 6 on the stage of the Primorsky Regional Philharmonic.

VLADIVOSTOK. On September 28-29, the All-Russian Greco-Roman wrestling tournament “Cup by the Sea” will be held in Vladivostok, the participants of which will be about 200 young men born in 1996-1997, 1998 and younger. The tournament will be held in the regional House of Physical Education (Partizansky Avenue, 2). The competition starts on September 28 and 29 at 10.00. The grand opening of the competition is September 28 at 12.00.

VLADIVOSTOK. On September 28-29, the third stage of the regional karting championship will be held at the Primorskoe Ring sports and technical complex. Racers from Vladivostok, Artyom, Ussuriysk, Nakhodka, Khabarovsk and Blagoveshchensk will take part in the competition. A photo session with the strongest racers is planned for guests Far East. Also, as part of the championship, on September 29 there will be a presentation of the Subaru BRZ car. Guests will have a test drive entertainment, competitions, buffet table, master class from a famous racer.

VLADIVOSTOK. On September 28 - 29, the penultimate youth regatta of the Primorye Sailing Summer will be held in the waters of the Amur Bay this season - “ Autumn leaf" About 60 young yachtsmen from the yacht clubs of Vladivostok, Artyom, and Bolshoy Kamen will take part in the competition. Starts at 12.00.

VLADIVOSTOK. On September 28, the second stage of motorized inflatable boat racing will take place in Novik Bay on Russky Island. Anyone can compete for the main prize of the competition - an inflatable boat. Inflatable boats with an engine capacity of up to 500 cc are allowed to participate in the race. see. The crew consists of 2 people: a helmsman and a navigator. Registration of participants on the day of the competition will take place from 10.00 to 11.30, and the second stage of racing will begin at 14.00.

VLADIVOSTOK. On September 28, the Vladivostok chess championship will finish at 11.00 at the Chaika children's club.

VLADIVOSTOK. On September 28-29, Primorye will host “Assault on Pidan-2013”. The Primorsky Federation of Sports Tourism is organizing the sports tourism championship “Storm Pidan-2013”, dedicated to World Tourism Day (celebrated on September 27). The event will take place at the foot of Mount Pidan (Livadiyskaya) on the territory of the Center active rest“Pidan-Sikhote”. The event is designed for participants of various sports backgrounds, so both athletes and simply lovers of active recreation are invited.

BLAGOVESHCHENSK. On September 28, in the AODNT park (Lenin St., 167) at 14.00, an unusual photo exhibition on clotheslines - “Photo Drying” - will begin. This photo sharing event was first held in 2010 in St. Petersburg. Since then, it has been held in more than 90 cities of Russia, where it gathered more than 40 thousand participants. Any project participant will be able to hang their photographs, as well as take any work they like in exchange for their own.

PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY. On September 28 - October 4, the traditional interregional camp-seminar of student self-government “IRISS” will be held in Kamchatka. In total, the camp will bring together more than 100 student government activists educational institutions higher and secondary vocational education from different regions of the Far East and Siberia.

VLADIVOSTOK. September 28. VOSTOK-MEDIA – September 28 is Nuclear Industry Worker’s Day.

September 28 according to the folk calendar - Nikita Gusyatnik. In the villages, the slaughter of geese that had been fattened over the summer began. At the same time, wild geese flew to warmer regions, and hunters went out for their last hunt. The bird went both for sale and for the peasant table. The main dish that day was, of course, baked goose.

On September 28, 1897, concrete masses were laid in Vladivostok for the construction of a commercial port embankment. It was a busy time. Construction assistant engineer Trenyukhin carried out surveys at the First River for the future commercial port.
On September 28, 1929, the population census began. Unlike the 1926 census, this one was carried out by volunteers. In a week it was necessary to enumerate the 140,000 population of Vladivostok, and many homeowners greeted the cultural census takers with hostility. Ardent opponents of the Soviet regime tried to discredit the census and the entire cultural campaign. The census showed significant population growth.
In the last days of September 1975, in the suburbs of Vladivostok, the First All-Union School-Seminar on the theory of sensitivity of the control system and its application began. This was the first time a school-seminar of this kind was held in the Soviet Union. The Vladivostok school of sensitivity theory was recognized as one of the leading in the country.

1773 - the fugitive Don Cossack Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev, who appeared in the Orenburg steppes in August, managed to establish contact with the Yaik Cossacks, declared himself Peter III and began to assemble his detachment. By mid-September it numbered 80 people. On this day, September 28, on the Tolkachev farm, Pugachev issued a manifesto in which he granted the Cossacks, Kalmyks and Tatars “a river from the top to the mouth, and land, and herbs, and cash salaries, and lead, and gunpowder, and grain provisions.” From the farmstead, the rebels moved to the Yaitsky town. Thus began the peasant war under the leadership of Pugachev of 1773-75.
1785 - 16-year-old Napoleon Bonaparte graduated military school. He became 42nd in academic performance out of 51 graduates. Apparently, he didn’t know the history of Russia well.
1887 - The Yellow River in China suddenly changed course, flooding hundreds of cities and villages, and more than 100 thousand people drowned.
1942 - Canadian aircraft made their first attack against Japanese warships in the Aleutian Islands area.

Birthday boys: Andrey, Vissarion, Gerasim, Grigory, Dmitry, Ivan, Ignatius, Joseph, Leonid, Makar, Maxim, Nikita, Nikolai, Osip, Porfiry, Stepan, Lyudmila, Maria.


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