Astrological signs and symbols. The designation of the planets in astrology and their decoding according to the natal chart

With a fragment from the book "Astrological Primer" by American astrologer Donna Mickler, the editors continue the series of publications for beginner astrologers. Donna Mickler's book, which is distinguished by a peculiar and original approach to teaching the basics of astrology, will be released before the end of 1993 in the Urania Anthology series.
Translation from English by Tatyana Konyukhova

For several days I have been trying to find a way to show how the symbol itself can contain a large number of various information. One day I went to the post office for correspondence. And when I opened the mailbox, through the hole in it I saw a room where there were bags of letters and parcels, and people who were sorting them. I must have looked terribly stupid at the time, looking through the hole in the mailbox sorting office, but it was here that I found the answer to my question.

I imagined that my "logical" mind was like a sorting post office with small boxes, each containing a corresponding idea or concept. Everything is very logical. Astrology easily fits into this "letter box" idea. Each symbol is like a mailbox, through the openings of which the space of the room is revealed from the other side. This logic develops, striving for the infinity of understanding.

By definition, logic is "the ability to think correctly," in other words, "a system or method of thinking." Our mind performs its function of thinking by interpreting symbols. Information comes to us through the five senses, and our brain stores it in the form of symbols. To think logically, the mind constantly refers to this repository of symbols. Our conscious mind interprets the symbols based on individual experience, which does not change their original meaning, but only individually colors it. For example, when you hear the word "boat", the image of a certain boat pops up in your mind: it can be a canoe, a kayak, a metal boat - it all depends on your own experience.

We use symbols to communicate because the functioning of the brain depends on the symbols that come to it. The first monuments of human writing were rock paintings. They portray various events or history. Looking at the figurine of an animal followed by a figurine of a hunter with a weapon, it is easy to reproduce the whole picture of the hunt. The details of it always depend on the imagination of the viewer, resulting from his personal experience.

The two most common kinds of symbols that serve as a means of communication are letters and numbers. Before we start reading, we study the alphabet and learn how to combine letters into words. The same is true with numbers. First we learn counting, and then - addition and subtraction. When we see a combination of letters "K-O-T", an image of this animal appears in our brain. At the same time, our individual experience gives This painting a different size, color and shape.

The numbers correlate with each other quantitatively. Instead of making icons for each item, we use the symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. By making various combinations of these ten symbols, we can count a huge number of items. In addition, the use of additional characters, such as the addition sign "+" or the subtraction sign, expands the number of basic characters.

In modern computer technology, other symbolic signs are used. And a programmer, before writing a program, must master the basic elements given language programming, such as BASIC or COBOL. To become an astrologer, you must first master the symbolic language of astrology and only then begin to plot horoscopes.

In astrology, there are initial symbols that are similar to letters or numbers. These are circle, semicircle, vertical line, horizontal line, cross and arrow. Each of the symbols is like an acorn. This seed contains everything you need to grow into huge tree. Key astrological symbols carry great information, and their combinations in the signs of the Zodiac are even more important.

Symbols are interpreted using keywords. The combination of symbols forms a complex symbol of the Zodiac sign, and keywords are combined into phrases. Key phrases describe the more complex meaning of the planets and signs.

A circle

In the circle you can see an egg - the infinity of a continuous line that has neither beginning nor end, complete and complete. It contains all the information necessary for further growth. We say that the Spirit is eternal, has no beginning and no end. It contains everything, it is complete, and therefore the circle is a symbol of the Spirit and God. The keyword for the circle is Spirit.


A semicircle is half a circle. It contains the potential for further growth and transformation into a circle. A semicircle resembling a radar disk or a crescent moon is both a transmitter and a receiver. It receives and transmits the spark of life from the middle of the circle, just as the Moon receives and reflects the light of the sun.

Our soul perceives the spark of life from the spirit, and our consciousness receives and reflects the Superconsciousness. We believe that the circle is the Spirit-father, and the semi-circle is the Soul-mother. Key words for the semicircle - Consciousness and Soul.

Straight line

A straight line is a line segment that has a beginning and an end. This line can be vertical or horizontal. The vertical line resembles the rays of the Sun, this is spiritual energy emanating from top to bottom. This line can also symbolize the movement of energy between the earthly and the spiritual. The earth meets the sky on the horizon, which means that the horizontal line is the plane of the earth, or earthly forces. The keyword for a straight line is Strength.


A cross is a combination of vertical and horizontal straight lines. The combination of spiritual and earthly forces gives rise to matter. By definition, matter is "the stuff of which physical objects are composed." The keyword for the cross is Physical or Earthly matter.


The arrow is a modification of the cross, indicating what the direction of the force is. In mathematics and other sciences, an arrow is used to indicate the direction of movement. The keyword for the arrow is movement.

Each symbol (or icon) for a zodiac sign or planet is a combination of these six basic key symbols. The way they are connected, as well as the direction of movement of energy within the symbol, describe the nature of this sign or planet. Interpretation begins with key characters combined in various combinations to form a new keyword or phrase.

The sun

Circle + dot = spiritual center

The Sun is the center of our Galaxy. This fire ball is the lifeblood of the earth. In the horoscope, the Sun is also the center. It represents the nucleus of the individual, the focal point of will and ego. The symbol of the Sun is a circle with a dot in the middle. This central point shows how the will or ego gives life energy to the person's personality. The sun is the center of our being and our physical body; it expresses in the card the will or ego, as well as the heart.

The Greeks associated the Sun with the god Apollo, the beloved son of Zeus. Myths portray him as a fine young man, a good musician and performer; He has amazing healing abilities. He connected people and gods, was a conductor of the divine will, taught people to live in peace with the will of the gods.

The circle is God-Spirit, and therefore the Sun has a masculine nature. In the map, it always symbolizes a male figure, it can be a father, husband, any person who enjoys authority. Like a circle, it is an inner spirit that gives free rein to be. The key word is will.


Semicircle + semicircle = consciousness and soul

The moon is symbolized by two semicircles. Moon - receiver sunlight. It is filled with the fertilizing power of the Sun. The Moon represents the feminine or maternal principle, her creativity is waiting to receive the masculine or paternal (activating) principle in order to give birth to a new consciousness. The moon represents everything in the chart that relates to the feminine.

The Greek goddess Selene is the archetype of the Moon. She was the sister of Helios - the Sun, a chaste virgin of fertility. Other moon goddesses are Diana and Hekate. Diana, the twin sister of Apollo, was the patroness of children, the goddess wildlife and a huntress. Hecate, personifying dark side The moon, was usually associated with darkness, ghosts and sacraments performed under the cover of darkness. These three goddesses represented the three phases of the moon in its development from new moon to full moon.

The moon does not have its own light, it personifies the unconscious in each of us, our instincts and desires. In an effort to satisfy the needs of our "I" (ego), the needs of the Sun, we remain dependent on our instincts, feelings and habits.

Emotions and feelings are unconscious manifestations of our soul. In astrology, the moon symbolizes feelings and emotional nature person. Key word - Feelings.


Cross + circle + semicircle = matter, spirit, consciousness

The Mercury icon consists of three symbols. The cross below symbolizes matter, personifies the earthly world, the world of things. The circle on top is the spirit, the semicircle is the receiver, and in general the symbol looks like a person open to perception. The Mercury symbol indicates a continuous flow of energy from Earth to spirit and from spirit to consciousness, or a flow from consciousness to spirit and on to the earth plane. Mercury is the planet that personifies the mind, Mercury is the messenger of the gods. It is only through the mind that we are connected with both spirit and matter. IN Greek mythology Mercury, or Hermes, was the messenger who delivered the news of Zeus to the gods and goddesses. On his sandals are wings, on his head is a helmet, and in his hands is a magic caduceus wand. As a messenger, he moves at the speed of thought. In myths, Mercury is found more often than all other heroes, since, being the messenger of Zeus, he visits all the heroes. He was reputed to be the most cunning of all the gods and was nicknamed the "Great rogue".

The will of the Sun and the feelings of the Moon are manifested in the horoscope through the mind of Mercury. Mercury indicates how a person communicates with the world. The key word is Mind.


Cross + circle = matter and spirit

The icon of Venus is a circle based on a cross. He shows that higher aspirations dominate material and sensual desires. When spirit unites with matter, it is a manifestation of love and beauty. The feminine nature of Venus symbolizes the need for spiritual and material growth.

The Greeks called the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite: "The laughing goddess of love, equally subjugating both people and gods; she is gentle and mocking with those who were subdued by her spell; she is irresistible in her ability to deprive the mind of the sages." The Romans, who showed more interest in heroic battles, considered Venus to be evil and ruthless, with a truly destructive power over people.

Love, harmony and beauty adorn life on Earth. The key to life is the symbolic manifestation of divine or spiritual love on earth. Key words - Love and Beauty.


Circle + arrow = movement of the spirit

The Earth has two nearest neighbors: on the one hand - Venus, on the other - Mars. The icon of Mars is an inverted symbol of Venus, where instead of a cross there is an arrow. If Venus is love and harmony, then Mars is the spirit held by the weight of the cross. As an angry twin brother, Mars actively strives to overcome the balance of energies of Venus.

The Greeks called Mars Ares, the god of war. According to some myths, he was a brother, according to others - Aphrodite's lover. But all myths agree that his parents - Zeus and Hera - hated him. Mars was called "a bloody killer, the embodiment of a desecration of morality and, oddly enough, also a coward, groaning in pain, taking flight when wounded." In some poems, he acts with his sister, Strife, her son, Spore, and their friends Horror, Trembling, and Panic.

The Romans, on the contrary, greatly honored Mars and always depicted him in all the splendor of the shining armor of an invincible warrior. Mars was considered the leader of the Roman legionaries in all battles.

Mars indicates the upward movement of the vital energy of the Sun or the tendency of the desires of the flesh to prevail over higher thoughts. The sun is our ego or will, and Mars is the manifestation of the will or ego of man. The arrow in the symbol of Mars is exactly the same as that of the sign of Scorpio, of which Mars is co-ruler. Mars also represents the sexual impulse, passion, the need to be, anger, aggression. Key words - Aggression and Action.


Half circle + cross = consciousness and matter

In the sign of Jupiter, a semicircle and a cross are connected. The semicircle, or consciousness, goes beyond the physical plane to receive the signals of the universe. Each received message or energy contributes to the growth of physical matter, its expansion. Jupiter symbolizes the triumph of the soul over earthly experience.

Jupiter, or otherwise Zeus, was the head of the pantheon of gods. When he overthrew his father Kronos, or Saturn, a golden age of peace and happiness began. Zeus divided the world with his brothers, Poseidon and Hades. The kingdom of the first was the water element, and the second - the underworld. Then Zeus began to be considered a deity, the lord of the sky, the god of rain and the gatherer of clouds, the thrower of thunder and lightning. As a child, he drank from a goat's horn that never emptied. In all myths Zeus is the benefactor of men, the source of truth and abundance. But he never helps liars or those who break an oath.

Jupiter rewarded people with the gift of prophecy and optimism. He teaches to see what lies beyond the form in order to understand philosophical meaning of things. Key words - Growth, Expansion.


Cross + semicircle = matter and consciousness

The symbol for Saturn is like an inverted icon for Jupiter. Here the semicircle supports the cross. The flip side of Jupiter's growth and expansion is Saturn's limitations. The cross of matter restrains the aspiration of the semicircle of the soul. Saturn indicates the trials we must go through, the requirements we must fulfill before we reach the highest state of consciousness.

The Greeks tell us the story of the first creatures that appeared on Earth. Mother Earth and Father Sky gave rise to three types of beings. The first were huge dinosaur-like animals. The second type is the many-headed ugly monsters called cyclops. The third are the titans, the first gods of Olympus. Kronos, who was one of the titans, hated monsters and destroyed them all. He then killed his father and became the ruler of Olympus. Once, having learned that one of his children would deprive him of the throne, he began to devour them all. Trying to save younger son, the wife of Kronos wrapped a stone instead of a child in a blanket, which Kronos swallowed. This saved son turned out to be Jupiter, who later overthrew his father.

Saturn, or otherwise Kronos, the oldest of the gods, was the lord of time and the founder of laws, as well as the main observer of what people do on Earth. Saturn is our teacher, he creates limitations, forms structure and self-discipline. He is the personification of the highest justice, great achievements, liability. Key words - Teacher and Restrictions.


Cross + semicircle + semicircle = matter, soul, consciousness

The combination of a cross and two semicircles forms the trident of Neptune, god of the sea. Here, both semicircles are receivers that create the effect of simultaneous operation of the TV and radio. Soul and consciousness send their messages physical world, creating illusions or delusions.

If the two semicircles of Neptune were joined together, then a half mile would be a circle icon, similar to the symbol of Venus. And if Venus symbolizes earthly love, then Neptune is love for the sake of love itself. The open circle of Neptune enables the spirit to freely descend to Earth, brings a person a sense of God inside, in himself. Neptune shows how material reality can be transformed into higher states of consciousness.

This planet of the water element gives the Earth the potential for the growth of cosmic consciousness, capable of transcending the boundaries of earthly reality. His positive influence clearly manifested in music, poetry, dance, cinema, photography. The negative side of the influence of Neptune is an escape from reality due to drugs, alcohol, states of "waking dream". Key words - Illusions and Spirituality.


Cross + two semicircles + circle = matter, spirit, soul, consciousness

The sign of Uranus can be seen as two semi-circles held together by a cross and resting on a small circle. These are two antennas that receive new energy from the collective unconscious in order to transfer it to matter. The small circle, symbolizing the spirit, is the main support for physical matter. The main idea of ​​the symbol is that God lives on Earth in each of us. He awakens humanity to the realization of the spirit within us.

Uranus, Prometheus in Greek mythology, is one of the Titans. His name means "ahead of thought", and he was wiser than the gods. When the Earth was ready for the first people, the gods instructed Prometheus to create them. He created humans, beings more perfect than animals, walking upright on two legs like gods. To protect and warm people, Prometheus went to the Sun and lit a torch, bringing fire to Earth. This angered Zeus, who sent a woman named Pandora to the people. She was beautiful, but when the lid of the box she brought opened, all the illnesses, sorrows and misfortunes sent to humanity flew out.

Uranus can be seen as a child coming into the world in the process of childbirth. It represents new ideas and discoveries. Thanks to new ideas, people are freed from the fetters that bind them, they are, as it were, born into a new life. Uranus is seen in the horoscope as an expression of originality, intuition, self-expression. It personifies everything unusual, new, individual. Keyword - Awakener.


Cross + half circle + circle = matter, soul, spirit

In the sign of Pluto, the cross supports the semicircle in which the circle rests. The icon resembles a figurine of a man who raised his hands up to receive the good news. Consciousness receives the life energy of the circle and transfers it to the material plane.

In Greek mythology, Pluto is the god Hades (Hades), the ruler underworld. He is also the god of wealth and the lord of the dead. In his kingdom, he felt lonely and, having once visited Earth, kidnapped Persephone, the daughter of the goddess of fertility Demeter. From the wrath of Demeter, all plants on earth died. Then Pluto allowed Persephone to visit his inconsolable mother. When Persephone set foot on earth, flowers bloomed again and cereals ripened, and when she returned to the kingdom of Hades, the plants died again. This story tells about the change of seasons, about death, rebirth and purification.

Pluto represents transformation, going beyond form through spiritual awareness. Consciousness, or soul, directs its highest aspirations for the benefit of the evolution of mankind. Keyword - Transformation.

Donna Mickler, Urania, 1993, No 5.

Astrology (from the Greek astron - star and logos - word, doctrine), the doctrine of the influence of heavenly bodies on the earthly world and man (his temperament, character, actions and future), which was determined through visible movements in the celestial sphere and the relative position of the stars ( constellation) in this moment time. Astrology arose in ancient times and was closely connected with astral cults and astral mythology. Astrology (belief in the influence of stars on events occurring on Earth) is integral part the history of religion, the role and importance of which for the development of culture can hardly be overestimated. Underestimation of this worldview prevents a deep understanding of the cultural heritage of the ancient, ancient world, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance.

Traditional astrological signs of the zodiac

What are the reasons for such strong influence faith in the power of the stars?
First, the belief that the star gods were powerful was born from the grandeur of the spectacle of the starry sky reflected in the human mind. The beauty and grandeur of the night starry sky gave rise to a person’s thoughts about the existence of an eternal world law, captivating and inspiring the observer, since faith in the power of the stars was not based on a sense of fear, but rather on awareness of the beauty and harmony of the world.

Secondly, belief in the power of the stars combines the features of religion and science. Belief in the stars gave rise to attempts to scientifically master the mechanics of celestial bodies, but the force of the direct impact of the starry sky on human consciousness is so great that for many millennia no discoveries regarding the actual order of things could overcome religious beliefs arising from the contemplation of the constellations.

Thirdly, the history of astrology is a single, indissoluble whole, which makes it the property of all religions of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Perhaps there is no other such fact in the spiritual life of peoples that would serve as a more irrefutable proof of such a continuity than the history of astrology.

Traditional astrological signs of the planets

The deification of heavenly bodies by Mesopotamian priests contributed to the emergence of complex astrological systems for predicting the future based on the location of planets and stars in the sky. The Sumerian and Babylonian priests from the height of their temple towers carefully observed the movement of heavenly bodies, laying the foundation for the science of astronomy.

The early stage of the development of astrology in the Mesopotamian civilization was reflected in the Old Babylonian tablets with rather primitive astrological signs found in Bogazkeya, Qatna, Mari and Elam and confirming the existence of an astrological tradition, quite complex already in the Old Babylonian period.

Zodiac signs

The development of astrology in Hellenistic Greece was carried out in three directions:
1. Star cult, when each star was considered as a certain Deity, to whom the appropriate prayers were offered and sacrifices were made.
2. Interpretation of stars, when the purpose of observing the stars was to identify circumstances related to human destinies. There were two different conceptual approaches:
The stars make...
The stars show that...
3. Astral mysticism, that is, the belief in the existence of the interdependence of metampsychosis (transmigration of souls) and stars. Astrology has always considered the relationship of certain periods of human life with the seven planets. The seven deadly sins also corresponded to the seven planets, which was reflected in Horace: Saturn - laziness, Mars - anger, Venus - voluptuousness, Mercury - greed, Jupiter - ambitiousness, Sun - gluttony, Moon - envy. Astrology became widespread in the Roman Empire (the first horoscopes were at the turn of the 1st century BC).

The first systematic guide to astrology, Tetrabiblos (Four Books) or Mathematical Treatise in Four Books, was written by the greatest astronomer of antiquity, Claudius Ptolemy. The status of the main manual on astrology "Tetrabiblos" lost (continuing to be one of the most authoritative manuals) only at the turn of the 5th-6th centuries with the advent of "Introduction to Astrology" by Paul of Alexandria. Christianity criticized astrology as a kind of pagan fatalism. Arabic astrology, which has reached significant development in the tenth century, from the twelfth century penetrates into Europe. IN European countries astrology enjoyed considerable influence during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance until the middle of the seventeenth century, and then gradually replaced with the spread of the natural scientific picture of the world. The revival of interest in astrology occurs after the First World War, the phenomena of astrology are associated with subtle cosmic and biocosmic rhythms, etc. Since the middle of the 20th century, astrology has regained wide popularity due to the regular publication of horoscopes in the media.

The Shestopalov school of astrology adopted the following symbols for the planets that he used :

Accordingly, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn (planets of the lower octave) Uranus, Neptune, Pluto (planets of the higher octave).

Used for higher planets symbols have an astrological basis.

The planets of the higher octave repeat, as in music, the note of the lower octave.

The above sequence of planets has a connection with the digital series:

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

In addition, in this series, the luminaries are arranged according to the periods of circulation:

25 days around its axis

27 days and 8 hours around the Earth

Approximately 3 months around the Sun

About 8 months around the sun

About 2 years

About 12 years old

The periods of revolutions are equal to the reciprocal of the frequency, which corresponds to the tone.

Thus, the first 7 planets create the lowest octave. And the highest octave begins with Uranus. And Uranus is the same sol note as the Sun, only on a higher octave.

Therefore, in the symbolism of Uranus, a circle with a dot in the center is used, as for the Sun, which means "consciousness". But Uranus has an arrow pointing upwards into the Cosmos - cosmic consciousness.

The symbol for Neptune contains an arc, as does the Moon. Neptune is the Moon of the highest octave, the highest sensitivity.

The symbol for Pluto uses the elements of Mercury. Pluto - Mercury of the highest octave, universal communication.

The symbol of Proserpina should use elements of the symbolism of Venus, since it is the Venus of the highest octave. Etc.

In more detail, astrological signs in astrology are deciphered as follows. In the formation of the symbols of the planets, 3 main elements are used: a circle, an arc and a cross, and 2 additional ones - a point and an arrow.

The symbol of Mars is created by a circle and an arrow. It means an aspiring spirit. But the arrow is not directed vertically upwards. This is not a desire for the highest, but a desire to gain the upper hand.

The symbol of Jupiter is created by an arc and a cross - the soul (arc) dominates the material (cross). The essence of Jupiter is mercy.

In the symbol of Saturn, on the contrary, the physical (cross) dominates the spiritual (arc).

The symbol of Uranus is created by a circle with a center and an arrow pointing vertically upwards. A circle with a dot in the center like the Sun means that Uranus also symbolizes the individual consciousness. And an arrow pointing vertically upwards speaks of individual consciousness directed to the sky - cosmic self-consciousness.

Neptune represents the Moon of the highest octave. Its symbolism uses an arc in combination with a cross. But the arc does not completely prevail over the cross, as with its counterpart Jupiter, but partially prevails, but at the same time is in conjunction with the physical. This indicates a greater participation in earthly suffering than that of Jupiter, not mercy coming from above, but compassion and participation with equals in misfortune.

The symbol of Pluto, like that of Mercury, consists of all three basic elements. Pluto is Mercury of the highest octave. At the same time, the hierarchy of elements reflects the natural order of things: the spirit is above the soul, and both are above the physical. It is the only planet with such an order of the main elements. No wonder Pluto is the ruler of the first sign, Aries, and according to the principle of the beginning, he is the master of the entire Zodiac.

We care about which characters to use. It has a deep occult meaning.

IN astrology Each zodiac sign has its own planet. There are as many planets in astrology as there are zodiac signs a twelve. The meaning of the planets in astrology is key.

planets in astrology


The sun is the main element of the horoscope. It completely bypasses the zodiac circle in a year and it is it that determines your zodiac sign. The sun embodies peace of mind, inner harmony, tranquility, balance of day and night, energy yin And Yan. It corresponds to the symbol of the cycle or wheel. Our luminary is always associated with the good: it, by the very fact of its existence, bestows confidence and strength.

The presence of the Sun in the sign of the Zodiac always has a positive effect on the situation, softens Negative influence other planets.

The sun is a planet lion. Representatives of this zodiac sign are full dignity, he does not like criticism, they are confident in themselves and always achieve their goals. Lions, calm and confident, always keep the situation under control, as a rule, the fate of other people depends on them.

The sun is responsible for the human heart chakra, therefore, in Leo, it is the heart that is most vulnerable. Representatives of this sign love to dominate everything, including love.


The lunar rhythm, consisting of 28 days, was the main measure of time in ancient civilizations and forms the basis of one of the important emotional rhythms.

moon symbolizes the variability, transience of all things, it symbolizes weakness, flexibility, lack of bone and immutability, amorphousness (the opposite of crystal hardness). She is detached from a fixed life in one place, she wanders and changes day by day.

The full moon is a symbol of the rebirth of life, motherhood and home.

The moon in astrology is considered the guardian of the traditions of the past; in ancient myths, the ideas of immortality were associated with it. This planet symbolizes daydreaming, escape from reality into your inner world.

The moon is the patron planet Cancer. Life for this zodiac sign is complex and uncertain, it is considered the most strange, changing and unpredictable. Cancer does not take everyday life too seriously, he knows that everything will change and life will put everything in its place.

The subtle psyche of this sign needs protection and guardianship, he needs a leader or patron in life. Representatives of this sign love to dream and often break away from reality, they need an interlocutor who will understand them. They are travelers and romantics. They are sentimental, sadness that everything passes is always with them.

In love, Cancers, on the one hand, appreciate stability, on the other hand, they are constantly waiting for changes ...


In astrology Mars symbolizes the movement only forward, and no one can stop him from going to the goal, sweeping away everything in his path. This is pure energy, fire and storm, movement towards victory. This planet symbolizes nobility, optimism, getting rid of daily boredom, but at the same time rudeness, harshness and destructive influence. This is creation through destruction, faith in one's own strength, conquest of the elements and victory over the enemy.

Mars, passing in the sign of the Zodiac, speaks of the time favorable for achieving the goal. At this time, luck accompanies you and you will succeed in the most risky activities.

Mars is considered the patron planet Aries. Representatives of this zodiac sign are morally strong, self-confident, energetic, jealous and insatiable in love. Their energy is enough for everything. They are temperamental and ardent, sharp and truthful. They do not need to enter into a physical conflict - opponents always feel their strength and fury of feelings and prefer to retreat. They are harsh and impulsive in their judgments and actions. The opinion of others is of little value to them.

Aries are people who set realistic goals for themselves and achieve them, and then strive for new heights.


planet in astrology Venus symbolizes earthly material sensuality, passivity, bliss, relaxation. It is a symbol of everything material, beauty and creativity. She personifies softness and tenderness, love, flowering, fertility and pleasure.

Venus is also a symbol of comfort and good conditions life. It is also a symbol of aesthetics and fine arts.

This planet is the patron Taurus. This is an earthly sign, personifying the practical creation of material wealth and the possession of them. He is characterized by the desire for stability and the multiplication of the material. This sign strives for lasting financial position and wants to have solid ground under their feet.

Only on solid material ground can Taurus fully relax and indulge in sensual pleasures. Representatives of this sign feel especially good in the spring, during the awakening and flowering of nature, then both their feelings and their love fully bloom.


This planet in astrology symbolizes active contacts between people, everyday communication. It is a symbol of rationality and information, lightness and mobility of thinking. Mercury- the patron of trade, eloquence, he is the messenger of the gods and mediator in all spheres of life. He manages everything, and everywhere he is well oriented.

The presence of Mercury in the sign indicates that during this period you will be in complete control of the situation and will have time for everything. All meetings and contacts will be successful and fruitful. Mercury has positive value for any purposeful activity.

Mercury is the ruling planet Gemini. Many of them are sanguine, they are always up to date, which allows them, ultimately, to do all the necessary things on time. Representatives of this zodiac sign are constantly in need of new impressions and sensations. They are often dependent on the environment in which they find themselves. If this does not suit them, Gemini will easily find another.


This majestic planet symbolizes authority and social order, firm and fair attitudes, traditions and law. Jupiter- a symbol of conservatism and calm self-confidence. This is harmony with nature, but also the rejection of change and other people's opinions. Woe to him who does not accept his opinion. Terrible Thunderer will quickly put the opponent in his place.

Jupiter in your constellation speaks of the correctness and correctness of the decisions made, under the auspices of this planet everything will work out for you, you just need not to miss this good moment.

Jupiter is a planet Sagittarius. Representatives of this zodiac sign are often majestic and kind by nature, at the same time they are smug, conceited, ironic. They are adherents of traditions and always think soberly. They value their authority very much and strive to achieve a position in society. Sagittarians are usually internally calm and self-confident.


This planet symbolizes concentration, crystallization, limitation that generates matter. Saturn is individuality and memory, completeness and result. This is the construction of one's path, destiny and the fulfillment of one's duty, the ability to bear one's cross and achieve success. Achieving success by mastering matter.

Saturn in a sign indicates that you can achieve your goal through concentration and detachment, putting duty above petty insults and everyday fuss.

The planet Saturn is the patron Capricorn. Representatives of this sign are materialists, they strive to get everything possible wealth. Step by step they go towards their goal, limiting themselves, organizing and criticizing. They are purposeful and responsible, at the same time, many Capricorns experience difficulties in communicating with people.


This planet is a symbol of creativity and new productive thoughts. Uranus- a symbol of instantaneous thought, insight, revelations and discoveries. Novelty, positive transformations are the essence of this planet.

The birth of ideas and discoveries, but not a material result. A game of the mind, which can be creative, but can also be dangerous, destructive, because the mind, not limited by what is permitted, can create monsters. Uranus is also a symbol of revolution, anarchy and freedom from conventions.

Uranus is the ruling planet Aquarius. This zodiac sign is open to the world, public, he actively participates in life and feels good among people. Often representatives of this sign are generators original ideas, but they cannot always bring them to a material result - for this they need to convey their ideas to other people. By nature, Aquarians are often contact, accommodating sanguine people.


Planet Neptune in astrology it symbolizes sympathy and ideal love, the music of cosmic rhythms, it is a belief in mysticism and one's own illusions, the personification of the eternal secrets of the universe. This is contact with the subconscious and the perception of subtle vibrations of the astral. Neptune is the ruler of the deep sea and sea storms. This planet is a symbol of a passive attitude to life, faith in fate, fate.

Neptune is the planet of the sign Fishes. This sign of the Zodiac closes the zodiac circle, its representatives are naturally energetically weak and lack solid ground under their feet. They are influenced subtle world, they are prone to mysticism and dreamy. Their strength is in their weakness. Representatives of this zodiac sign reach greatest success in areas far removed from the rough material everyday life.


Pluto- the God underworld, in astrology this planet symbolizes potential and natural power, passion and sex, death and destruction, passive mass energy and at the same time power. This planet is a symbol of the power and unpredictability of otherworldly forces.

Pluto is a symbol of receiving energy from different, not your own sources, from other people and useful situations. It is a symbol of survival in any extreme situations. Also, this planet is a symbol of incalculable wealth and benefits.

Pluto patronizes Scorpio. Representatives of this zodiac sign have a huge irrepressible energy. This sign also knows how to use the energy of other people for their own purposes, both in work and in love. Scorpios are often phlegmatic, but under the outwardly impassive mask lies a huge energy of dark Water. They value the material and easily part with what is not useful. In an unfavorable situation, the energy of Scorpio can be destructive to others.


Chiron- a planetoid (asteroid) the size of the Moon, its orbit is significantly elongated, it approaches Jupiter, crosses the orbits of the planets Saturn and Uranus. Volcano is a hypothetical planet that travels between the Sun and Mercury.

In astrology, these planets symbolize the same qualities: the justice of life and peacefulness, the desire for balance and harmony, healing. Chiron is a symbol of aesthetics and refined taste. It is a symbol of the search for balance in life, the desire for understanding and partnership.

Chiron (Vulcan) - patron Libra. Representatives of this zodiac sign often put themselves in a situation of choice and sometimes they cannot choose for a long time. In youth and youth, this concerns love, then professional choice, and so on. Such situations haunt Libra all his life. By nature, they are often gentle, vulnerable people with a fine mental organization. They strive for harmony and perfection in everything.


Ceres is a small planet (asteroid). It is located in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter. Proserpina is also a small asteroid that is found in the main asteroid belt. It's different celestial bodies. IN ancient roman mythology Proserpine is the daughter of Jupiter and Ceres.

In astrology, both of these asteroids (planetoid) show the same qualities. Ceres (Proserpine) personifies practicality, prudence and rationalism, careful housekeeping and scrupulousness. This is a symbol of great self-control, service to ideas and one's work, this is order and will. This is the pursuit of excellence.

Ceres (Proserpina) patronize Virgo. Representatives of this zodiac sign creators and creators of the material world. They stand firmly on their feet, know what they want from life and achieve everything with their work. These people do not need a patron, they themselves are the smiths of their own well-being. Practical Virgos know how to succeed. They are true representatives of the Earth element.


Minerals are able to store information for a long time. They initially have an energy charge and astrology recommends wearing stone jewelry in accordance with the sign of the Zodiac. At different authors- various recommendations. But all astrologers agree on one thing - the energy of the stone has a positive effect on a person.

Let's continue talking about the basics of astrology. And today we will consider zodiac and planets. The zodiac is the scene of planetary action. The planets move along a narrow strip of the ecliptic. The zodiac circle has clear boundaries. This happens because the rotation of the planets in the solar system and the Moon around the Sun occurs in the same plane, and to us, observing this process from the Earth, celestial bodies are seen in a narrow belt of signs of the Zodiac.

The 12 signs of the Zodiac are equal sections of the ecliptic of 30 degrees each. Visible let the Sun in the celestial sphere is the ecliptic. All planets in the solar system move along the ecliptic.

The zodiac has a beginning - a point spring equinox(TVR) March 21, she is the beginning of the sign of Aries.

Dot summer solstice(TLS), when the day is the largest in the year in time, corresponds to the beginning of the sign Cancer - 21.06.

Dot winter solstice(TZS), when the night is the longest and the day is the shortest, corresponds to the beginning of the sign Capricorn - 21.12.

The vernal equinox (TVR) is actually now at the very beginning of Pisces at the end of Aquarius.

For almost 2000 years, this point has been moving along the constellation Pisces. The period of time when the vernal equinox occurs in a particular constellation is called the epoch (period) of that constellation. The vernal equinox is gradually moving along the ecliptic.

Gradually, TVR passes into the constellation of Aquarius, which is why they say that the Age of Aquarius is coming. If the era of Pisces was a symbol of faith, secrets, then the era of Aquarius will become a symbol of the exposure of these secrets.

Aquarius is a symbol of open knowledge, a symbol of astrology. I think everything that was secret in past centuries, sealed with seven seals, under the heading of secrecy, will become public and we will be surprised at many things. A full transition to the Age of Aquarius is possible already in 2017.

As I already mentioned in my articles. Zodiac signs and constellations of the same name are different things, the same as astrology and astronomy.

The circle of constellations and the circle of signs are two different circles independent of each other. The circle of zodiac signs is tied to the seasons and is within solar system Tropical Zodiac. And the circle of constellations - the Sidereal Zodiac, is located outside the solar system.

Let's go back to our solar system.

The circle of signs of the zodiac is a circle of longitudes, each sign in this circle corresponds to a section of longitudes of 30 degrees.

Center zodiacal circle we have the Earth, man is an observer. From different signs of the zodiac, energy comes to the earth, which differs in quality and properties.

We consider and deal not with the true movement of the luminaries relative to the stars, but with what is visible to us from our own planet. The sun and moon move in the sky relative to the earth in the same direction. The planets revolve around the Sun, but in their apparent movement in the sky relative to the Earth, they perform complex loops and trajectories. At times it seems as if the planets are moving in reverse direction. Such movement is called retrograde (backwards) and their influence on the Earth is changing. The Moon and Sun are not retrograde. Direct planets act directly, immediately manifesting themselves in the outside world. Retrograde planets act differently and what is retrograde planets we will discuss in the next article, subscribe to .

The planet is the driving force. Therefore, although the Sun is a star, it is also a planet. The stars are fixed luminaries, the planets are moving. Each planet controls a sign and can manifest itself most clearly if it is in its own sign (in the figure above you see which planet controls which sign). All planets move counterclockwise.

In astrology, there are a great many elements of the horoscope: signs, houses, stars, planets, fictitious planets, asteroids, Arabic points, major and minor aspects. If we take into account everything that we have in the analysis of the horoscope, then it will be possible to find any events in the horoscope. Each fate is individual and in order for us to see exactly this individual fate in the chart, with its karma accumulated in past lives, it is enough to take into account the houses of the horoscope, 10 planets of the Black Moon and major aspects.

So, when constructing a horoscope, we take into account 10 main luminaries.

Functions and properties of the luminaries.

The planets are divided into inner and outer. The inner planets do not move far from the Sun, these are the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars, the maximum deviation of Mercury is 28 degrees, Venus moves away from the Sun at a distance of about 48 degrees no more. Outer planets Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter.

The sun is a lion characteristic - the desire to occupy central position. Describes the center of the human psyche, his inner self. It is possible to determine how a person sees the world, how he perceives it (through the prism of his sign). Characterizes the waking consciousness, the center vitality, energy, human health.

Moon - Cancer - mood, feelings, well-being, susceptibility (sensitivity), the ability to adapt, a tendency to change, parental instinct, the ability to take care, attention, calm. Responsible for the subconscious.

Mercury - Virgo, Gemini - reflects the human mind, rational, organizational abilities, intellect, intellectual capabilities, contacts, connections, sociability. Mercury is the planet of interest. Responsible for speech and writing.

Venus - Libra, Taurus - harmony, beauty, a sense of beauty, a sense of taste, the desire for peace and peacefulness, interest in art, accumulation and assimilation, talents, skill, finances and things, love and friendship.

Mars - Scorpio, Aries - passion (desire to possess) everything volitional qualities how energetic a person is (physical strength and energy) aggressiveness, hostility, conflict, decisiveness, courage, enthusiasm, enterprise, enthusiasm.

Jupiter - Sagittarius, Pisces - going beyond the boundaries, the desire to expand opportunities, enriches, gives generosity, optimism, travel, wandering, creativity, science, religion, high ideals, issues of morality and justice.

Saturn - Capricorn, Aquarius - purposeful, the ability to plan, reason and logic, the ability to concentrate, focus, gives depth, foundation. The ability to notice and use, the desire to foresee everything.

Uranus - Aquarius, Capricorn - intuition, foresight, clarification, insight. An informal, extraordinary view of the world inclines to extremes, gives love of freedom and independence. Perseverance.

Neptune - Pisces, Sagittarius - all secrets, fantasies, dreams, dreams. Deception, duality in everything. It endows with subtle susceptibility, psychologism. Compassion, empathy, spirituality, mercy, justice.

Pluto - Aries - self-affirmation and unification, energy, strength, determination, the ability to win sympathy, the desire for popularity, gives abundance. Commander, power.

The periods of passage of the luminaries of the zodiac circle.

The moon is the most fast planet in 27 days and 8 hours it travels the entire zodiac. It stays in one sign for about 2.5 days.

The sun - the entire zodiac passes in 1 year. Changes from sign to sign once a month around the 22nd or 23rd.

Mercury and Venus move through the zodiac approximately the same as the Sun in 1 year.

Mars moves through the zodiac for 1 year and 10 months.

Jupiter 11 years and 10 months. The year is in one sign.

Saturn moves through the zodiac for 29.5 years.

Uranus is a slow planet - 84 years.

Neptune - 165 years.

Pluto is a slow planet moving through the zodiac for 250 years.

The fictitious luminaries are the Black Moon - the most distant point of the Moon's orbit from the Earth, makes a complete revolution in 8.85 years (an article about the Black Moon can be found using the search on the site, or by going to the All blog articles page). The ascending lunar node, the descending lunar node, they are opposite each other at a distance of 180 degrees, the period of passage of the zodiac is 18.6 years. They move in the direction opposite to the movement of the Sun and Moon. Let's clarify again: the Black Moon and Lunar Nodes these are not luminaries, but special fictitious points in space.

The quality of the lights.

In astropsychology, the Sun, Venus and Jupiter are considered good planets. The Moon and Mercury are considered neutral planets. Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto in their properties and action are considered evil planets.

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