Take survival courses. Survived on "survival". The contract soldiers completed general arms training courses. What is the difference between regular service and contract service?

Returned from survival school Khabarovsk, p. Prince Volkonsky. I’ll tell you everything as it is, everything I remember according to the chronology of events.

I decided to go to the survival courses for contract soldiers as the first group myself, since May-June is not yet hot, there are no midges, mosquitoes, and in the first stream the machine of the survival courses will only accelerate. I signed up for the volunteer list and went to buy everything I would need during the courses.

Now I can already say what everyone really needs and will find useful in survival courses.

1 Tablets

*Vitamins– We put heavy loads on the body.

*Antibiotics– everyone had a sore throat 100%, it’s a necessary thing, it’s also better to take it for diarrhea and poisoning – they came in handy for me.

*Head and temperature were not useful, but gave them to comrades.

*Patch per roll 3-5 pieces.

*Hydrogen peroxide– calluses on the feet are inevitable.

*Glue for wounds, which is sold at the pharmacy helps a lot when an open wound appears. For example, on your palm after digging trenches, you fill it with this glue and wait until it dries and everything is fine.

2 Equipment

*Substitution – old uniform , you can wear a camouflage suit, it’s needed because most For about 6 weeks you will be crawling on the ground, and it is rarely dry in the Khabarovsk Territory, when you come to the barracks you take it off and put it on clean, turning from a pig into a man.

*Lightweight boots– I arrived in the regular ones, they were worn out and did not rub at home, but when you walk long distances everything changes a lot - I killed my legs on the 3rd day, after which I ordered lightweight ankle boots for 1600 rubles. with fabric inserts. They don’t rub your feet, they breathe and are much easier, which is very important. There is another option for 2500, they are generally lighter than sneakers.

*Field bag (tablet)- it’s only needed at a drill review, but you need to carry it with you, so all the contents are laid out from it and used as an asshole during smoke breaks.

*flask- it came in handy, without water there is death, there are always battles for water.

*Cloak-tent- at first I carried it in a duffel bag, but then I laid it out - if it's raining, you put on an RKhBZ raincoat and everything, but you really don’t want to carry around even an extra 100 grams. I recommend buying a regular Chinese cellophane raincoat for 60 rubles. and the question is removed.

*Sleeping bag- don’t take the charter too heavy - regular Chinese for 800 rubles. that's it! I had a statutory one, I suffered with it.

*Penknife- don’t spare money, buy a strong one – this is a necessary thing when you live in the fields!

*Flashlight- needed only in last week when they lived in the field.

*Mosquito net- take it, you can live in it - the midge does not spare anyone and only beekeepers in mosquito nets enjoyed life. Ointments and sprays are complete nonsense.

*Duffel bag– if possible, it is better to get unloading. The bag is an extremely uncomfortable thing - the thin straps dig into your shoulders and they begin to hurt terribly. We modified the straps by wrapping them with cardboard and tape, best option wrap them with a piece of a travel rug.

*Hemming tags, buttonholes,- tags are needed on the first day at the drill review, then they all fly off. They didn’t bother us for the hemming, since it could have been changed by lunchtime. I only hemmed the output form, but not the substitution. The buttonholes are only on the output uniform; the replacement ones also didn’t have them because they flew off. Behind appearance they didn’t build us up at all, the company commander said go around naked, I don’t care, the main thing is to comply with the standards.

*Tent– the ordinary Chinese tent in which we lived in the field was very useful; midges and mosquitoes do not fly into it, which ensures restful sleep. We were able to buy it while already on the course, the price was 600 rubles.

*Sports uniform- you need good sneakers with soft soles. Sneakers and all kinds of slippers kill your feet, since you need to run a lot and every day. I had Chinese sneakers for 320 rubles. my heels hurt constantly. Light shorts and a T-shirt of any color and size, that’s basically all for sportswear.

*Pea coat and quilted jackets which we locked away were of no use.

*Cellular telephone- it was not prohibited, take the simplest and most unpretentious Philips for 900 rubles. Everything that is more than 1000 rubles. can technically swim away. We had enough cases and the thoughts “well, I’m sure I won’t miss my cell phone for 20 thousand” disappeared instantly, looking at the people who were running around the company location with round eyes and shouting “ahhh where is my technology!!!”, and in response to him “What are you looking at, didn’t you save it or something)))”

A good option was already in Khabarovsk at the station to buy a local SIM card so as not to make calls while roaming.

*Slippers– it seems like bullshit, but it’s necessary.

*About personal hygiene products I won’t talk anywhere without them - unless you’re a pig in the first place.

About everyday life...

After arriving, we were placed in the company’s headquarters; bunk beds and bedside tables, like everywhere else, became our temporary home.

The water in the washbasins is only cold, so take with you a small kettle, a boiler, or some kind of cheap carrying case. There were very few sockets in the company - 7-8, and there were about a hundred of us, so cobwebs were woven from the carriers and there was still a line to charge the phone.

The most in a simple way you could wash yourself using a hose that was stuck into the sink - but the water was simply ice-cold, an option only for walruses), the second method is more difficult - you take the TV from the company sergeant-major, pour water, throw a boiler in there and guard it so that no one uses this stuff. The bathhouse was on Saturdays, and you had to wash every day.

The toilet became clogged after a week, the company commander tied up the clogged stalls with wire, there was only one left in one wing and 2 in the other wing of the company, so you always have to wait in line to sit on the nest.

You put all your personal belongings in a bag and give them to the foreman in the quarters, you leave the essentials in the nightstand - shoe polish, a brush, a towel, soap supplies - I didn’t lose anything.

About classes...

When we arrived at the unit, the company commander lined us up and introduced himself as the commander of the 8th training company. R. Paustyan, briefly told us what was facing us, only 70% would survive and sent us to physical therapy. We ran about 5 km around the unit and after that the 2nd got ready to go home, these were the first losses in our ranks.

We were taken to the sanatorium. the part where the doctor made notes that we were healthy and ready for physical activity. Since we had not yet been provided with food, lunch and dinner were leftovers brought from the train.

A sample dismissal report appeared on the stand in the company...

From 9 to 10:40 there was an evening roll call at the parade ground, after which we went to the unit to get ready for bed. The first night no one could sleep, everyone was fidgeting, talking, playing with their phones. I don’t remember how I fell asleep, I opened my eyes at 5:40 from the squeaky cry of the orderly, “The company is getting up,” at 5:50, “The company is going out for morning exercises.”

The exercise was on the parade ground under the old Soviet music, after which we were charged for 3 km. Then breakfast, and immediately we go to the warehouse, we get machine guns, an hour later they were already enshrined in military IDs. Cleaning weapons for 30 min. and to class, then everyone realized that they urgently needed to lighten their duffel bag, since this infection was putting a lot of pressure on their shoulders, and they had to carry it all day.

So the classes were held behind the barracks, 500 meters away on the so-called tactical floor. training places were marked with squares of flags with barrier tape and a tag with the name of the training point. There were about 10 training places - NBC protection, tactical training, engineering, medical, etc.

We were divided into squads and sent to training sites; our valiant 1st squad of the second platoon that day ended up at tactical training- fulfillment of standard No. 10 (you run 15 meters like a snake holding the enemy at gunpoint, fall, crawl 20 meters, then run again 15 meters. Prepare for shooting while sitting and make a report “Private Pupkin is ready to shoot”). You need to complete it in 45 seconds. It wouldn’t be a big deal if you didn’t have 20 kg hanging on you. bag + gas mask and tablet)) and the crawling area was not dry at all, after an hour everyone was wet and tired.

After a 20-minute smoke break, the command was sounded to change training positions and we went to engineering training, where we were subject to the standard for digging a trench for shooting from a prone position. Everyone took out shovels (they were also given out), they explained to us what and how and showed us the place to dig. It was necessary to dig a trench in 30 minutes. lying on your side without raising your head. Everyone fell and began to blast the ground with blunt blades, and the company commander gave us bonuses in the form of a smoke bomb or an explosion of packages towards those who tried to raise their heads or bodies. Half an hour passed, the palms of half of the hands were torn off, and this misfortune also affected me. The calluses hurt terribly and my hands were very dirty, because... The ground is damp, and it’s easier to rake it out by hand.

Subsequently, many acquired gloves (ordinary Chinese ones) and sharpening the blade became an integral part of preparation for entering the tactical field.

By 14:00 everyone was lined up and taken to lunch (another trick in the infantry is to carry the material base on yourself). Heap wooden boxes with flags, signs, helmets, bulletproof vests and all sorts of other nonsense. Dragging the material base was very annoying because... and so everyone was already severely exhausted by infantry wisdom.

And so it’s lunch - we throw all our stuff on the parade ground, appoint one guard and march in formation to the dining room. At the dining room we wait another 20 minutes for our turn and finally there is food))).

About the diet:

- breakfast- this is usually rice or buckwheat with a piece of meat or liver and gravy, a coffee drink, a carton of milk, 15 grams. butter, boiled egg and a bun or 4 cookies;

- dinner– soup, again meat or fish with buckwheat or rice, tea, butter, bun;

- dinner- fish with gravy and buckwheat + tea with bread and butter.

Sometimes they gave dumplings, cheese, candies, gingerbreads, salads as a side dish at lunch, herring, squash caviar. Everything tasted fresh and not salty, but no one returned hungry and rarely did anyone finish everything they were given.

After lunch, a 15-minute smoke break and back on the parade ground we take our junk and go to practice on the tactical field until 17.00. Then we finally return to the barracks and hand over our weapons.

В 18.00 все уже стоят в спортивной форме и заряжаемся на 3 км., потом сдаем 100 м. Бегали в парке гарнизона, после чего можно было сходить в магазин купить себе какой-нибудь сниггерс и коллы, очень не хватало сладкого и вообще какой-нибудь chemical food.

We must give credit to the platoon commanders, they always ran with us and went to the training ground on foot, albeit without a duffel bag and a machine gun, but they also felt the delights of large transitions.

This is how our first week passed, on Saturday there was a bullpen where we took PHYS (3 km, 100 m pull-ups) and tests on the tactical field in subjects that we studied all week. Sunday - sports holiday again we run for half a day, but half a day free time and a bathhouse!


This is generally another story, our first one was on Tuesday of the second week. We get up at 5.30 and get weapons and packed rations. We take our favorite duffel bag and walk with this stuff for 12-15 km. over rough terrain (fields, forests). The transition lasted 2 hours 40 minutes. In fact, it was very difficult to walk because of the bag, the machine gun, the RKhBZ was constantly unfastened from the bag, it was stuffy, the midge was spinning in front of the face, all wet, the legs in the ankle boots were boiling. We were just languishing there.

Water scarcity(I took half a flask with me in a bag and filled a full flask, you drink half a flask on the way there, a half flask there, and half a flask back, I thought, but the water ran out there).

There were people with bleeding from their noses, my lips were very chapped, the urine was dark in color - it was burning, of course. We drank water from some lake, it stank of a swamp with an aftertaste of some nasty thing, but it was cold and clear, and no one even got sick after it.

At first they shared water, but then friendship became friendship, and everyone carried their own water. By the end of the day, everyone is dehydrated, their legs are sore, their faces are sour and burnt.

At the training ground we met the same standards as at home, passing the fire-assault line deserves special attention, everything is like in an American movie, you run 600 m. full equipment through various obstacles everything smokes, explodes, and you climb through a web of barbed wire)), in short, this exercise was very exhausting.

We had lunch at the training ground at about 2 o'clock, after which we had a smoke break and went home.

They arrived at 5, handing over weapons until 6, dinner, evening verification - it always took a while for us. less than an hour, it happened that 2 stood on the parade ground, but they all survived.

There is such a joke in the infantry, the duty officer of the unit forms us, the battalions are all 1200 people on the parade ground, the duty officer commands, stand up, after which the command is to stand down, then stand up again, stand down again, and so on 15 times lightly, then just at attention, at ease.

Even when battalions greet the regiment commander, the infantry doesn’t have time to take a breath before blurting out good health, as soon as he said, hello comrades, you immediately shout the answer.

So we flew day after day for all 5 weeks (2 training grounds per week) and KZ every Saturday.

The platoon leaders themselves died towards the middle of our training, and after lunch they began to hide us in the forest, which we were very happy about!!!

The last week is a field trip, where we lived in the fields, ate dry rations, sabotage groups attacked us, trying to steal a machine gun at night. Constant lack of water, bitten by mosquitoes and midges, dirty and smelly, I dreamed of getting home, everyone dreamed of home.

BMP-2 was tested, shooting day and night, a lot of regulations, everyone was looking forward to the night to sleep. On the last day of the field trip, they decided to arrange a march for us to the house, 30-50 km away. We walked about 35 km. Based on time, we left at 6.30 and reached the unit at 14.20. The last kilometers were especially difficult, everyone had run out of water, and the heat was simply unbearable. The last kilometer, when part of it was already visible, we walked through a swamp, almost knee-deep water and unfortunate hummocks. That day the company commander led us, he was especially dying because on the eve he had been drinking like crazy)) he killed his hooves, felt how hard it was for us to walk, it was he who did not yet have a machine gun and a bag.

About exams

Even in the middle of the course of the week, on the third day, people started asking about the exams, oh, how are we going to pass, oh, what will happen if we don’t pass, but we can come to an agreement, etc. etc. As a result, we were charged a fee for exams of 4.5 rubles for combat training items, 2.5 rubles for physical training, half were indignant at the prices, they said we would pass it ourselves, to which the platoon commanders gathered us and had a conversation at which they explained that the standards can be adopted according to in different ways and you can even get to the bottom of the post, so whoever dulls it and doesn’t pass will leave with two marks on their certificates. And a bad grade means dismissal from the RF Armed Forces, in short, it’s terrible!

Before the week-long field trip, everyone passed the exam with a 7, those who were confident in PHYS passed with a 4.5. In order to collect more, the platoon commanders told us for 2 weeks that Khitrik would come to FIZO, the head of the district physical department would take a 5 km march, with a machine gun, a gas mask, a pouch, a 3 km run, a 100 m run, and pull-ups, they said that the march- no one will pass the throw. You cannot choose other exercises. As a result, Khitrik did not come, but we passed 100 m. 1000 m., and pull-ups, 80% of them, including me, passed on our own, the rest were given 3s because the big boys passed everything.

On the last day, when we returned from the fields, we were gathered at the club and the political officer of their unit said that he had heard rumors that platoon commanders were collecting money for exams, explained that if we came with bad marks, then at home we could retake all the negative grades at the certification commission and it’s not so easy to fire us, he gave us his hotline. Naturally, everyone was afraid to complain, and with the feeling that we were cruelly used, and we also paid money for it, we went home.


If you are not a bad guy in your unit, and you honestly survived 6 weeks there, you don’t need to pay a penny for exams, no matter what they tell you. We had guys who didn’t pay 2-3 people because there was no money and family problems and they also arrived with triplets. Let these ghouls graze in our unit and no one looked at our certificates, they were filed in a personal file and that’s it.

There is a lot more that could be written, but it will be a short book. I stopped at important points, which can help future cadets of the survival school.

In the Southern Military District (SMD), out of nearly six thousand contract soldiers, about a thousand failed the first stage of testing as part of an intensive combined arms training course, during which soldiers must undergo a “survival school.”

According to the district's press service, more than 5.5 thousand military personnel under contract from formations and units of the Southern Military District have successfully completed a course of intensive combined arms training with elements of “survival.” “About a thousand people did not pass the test and will be reviewed by certification commissions for compliance with their positions,” the press service said.

They also reported that the result of the preparation was a 40-kilometer forced march. During the forced march, the cadets acted behind the lines of the mock enemy, and also organized military guarding of the camp and camouflage of military rest areas.

According to the Ministry of Defense, a total of five stages of intensive combined arms training courses are planned to be held at the military department’s training centers. It is expected that by the end of January 2013, all military personnel under the contract of the Southern Military District will undergo such courses.

It is known that during the most difficult tests, military personnel improved their skills in tactical, fire, reconnaissance, engineering, military medical, physical training, military topography, radiation, chemical and biological protection.

The press service explained that as part of the “survival course”, military personnel received the skills to navigate the area using a compass and landscape features, start a fire using improvised means, get water and cook food. In addition, all test participants passed a first aid exam. Those servicemen who fail to cope with this tough program will not be allowed to serve under contract in the future.

Please note that since May 2012, in several divisions Russian army launched contract soldiers serving in ground forces Oh. As noted in the message from the Ministry of Defense, the program includes a survival course, in particular, special sets of exercises for overcoming fear, methods of self-control and psychophysiological self-regulation.

A six-week program for training units for intensive combined arms training of contract soldiers with a “survival” course was approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Colonel General Alexander Postnikov. New program, as experts note, “will add elements of surprise and reasonable risk to the training of military personnel.”

“The study of the basics of survival, embedded in the new training course, includes knowledge about survival factors and autonomous existence in various climatic zones, the influence of temperatures, high altitudes on the body, methods of self-control and psychophysiological self-regulation. “We are learning psychophysical exercises for the purpose of self-conviction and overcoming fear,” said Colonel Sergei Vlasov, a representative of the press service and information department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the Ground Forces.

It is quite possible that the tightening of requirements for contract soldiers is due to the fact that in January 2012 a law came into force that significantly increased the level of pay for military personnel. The salary of an ordinary contract soldier, depending on his position and length of service, should range from 25 thousand rubles to 36 thousand rubles. In addition, taking into account allowances for special conditions of service, in a number of units of the Russian army, the salary of a contract soldier will be 30-42 thousand rubles.

The issue of significantly increasing compensation for rental housing for military personnel is also being considered. Improvement of conditions contract service, of course, leads to stricter requirements when selecting applicants for service. A contract employee must have completed secondary education, be at least 19–20 years old and not older than 30, have no contraindications for physical and psychological health, and have successfully completed the required professional aptitude tests.

. “I consider mandatory courses for contract soldiers to be almost the only correct decision of the command. We must have a real capable army. The (unspoken) task of screening (dismissal) is quite adequate from the point of view of the combat readiness of the armed forces,” writes one of the site’s readers. “This is not a survival course, as the higher management called it, it is a screening of contract service personnel. In just one week, more than 20 people have quit. And, most importantly, we are sailors on surface ships. Why do we need to go to sea? field conditions and march throws?.


Combat Training Directorate of the High Command

Ground Forces

intensive combined arms training

with a "survival" course
(for military personnel admitted to military service by contract)



This Program was developed by the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Ground Forces and is intended for training in military training units of military personnel who entered military service under a contract (who have previously completed military service).

When developing the Program, the following were taken into account: new directions in combat training of combined arms units, modern requirements to the content and scope of training tasks, the requirements of the Combat Manual for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat (BUPVOB), the experience of combat operations and training of units during local wars and armed conflicts.

1. Combat training is the main content daily activities troops in peacetime. It is organized and conducted on the basis of the requirements of General Military Regulations Armed Forces Russian Federation, the Battle Manual for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, his deputies, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces; organizational and methodological instructions for operational, mobilization and combat training of the Ground Forces; thematic plans for public and state training and organizational and methodological instructions of the Main Directorate for working with personnel Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; orders and directives of the military district commander; instructions, courses, manuals, collections of standards, methodological recommendations and this Program.

The learning objectives are: training contract military personnel (cadets) for independent actions when performing combat missions in the complex environment of modern combined arms combat; education of high moral and combat qualities.

2 . A trained military personnel must comply qualification requirements for military professional training (contract servicemen) approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces.

3. The duration of training is 6 weeks, with 286 hours allocated for classes in the subjects of study (30 hours (10.5%) for theory, 246 hours (86%) for practical classes and 10 hours (3.5%) reserve time).

Training sessions are held 6 days a week: 5 weeks ( 5 days duration school day - 8 hours, 1 day (Saturday and pre-holiday days) length of the school day – 6 hours); 6- I'm school week ( 5 days control-comprehensive lesson (field trip) with a “survival” course, 1 day the length of the school day – 6 hours), school hour - 50 minutes. When conducting field classes or outings, the duration of the school day can be increased, without time restrictions.

Classes with personnel are organized and conducted on the scale of a training platoon (company) in relation to the daily routine (Appendix No. 1) , in specially equipped classrooms, at field facilities of the UMB, at educational and training facilities (UTF), with weapons and on military equipment. At the same time, no less 50% All field activities are carried out using personal protective equipment and night time. Night classes are planned and carried out without any restrictions.

During training with military personnel, actions are practiced that are regulated by the requirements of combat regulations, manuals, courses, a collection of standards and instructions, taking into account international obligations of the Russian Federation, the requirements of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the “Manual on International Humanitarian Law for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

When conducting classes, along with acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, by creating an appropriate environment and conditions, the following tasks must be solved: psychological training of trainees; their readiness to overcome the dangers and difficulties of a combat situation; developing the ability to withstand high neuropsychological and physical exercise that may arise during preparation and during combat. This is achieved by introducing into the course of the training elements of tension and surprise, danger and reasonable risk inherent in a real combat situation, repeated training of cadets in performing the learned techniques and actions, and instilling confidence in their commanders, weapons, military equipment and protective equipment.

To conduct classes with cadets educational units in addition to full-time commanders, officers of the management and headquarters of the training battalion, heads of military branches and services of the training military unit (district training center) should be involved.

The commander of a training company, when drawing up a schedule of classes for a week, is given the right to clarify the number and numbers of standards recommended by this book of the Program for testing during classes, taking into account the fact that by the end of training each cadet must be assessed based on the results of fulfilling all standards defined Collection of standards for combat training of the Ground Forces.

4. Combat training planning carried out by headquarters based on the decision of the commander, with his personal participation.

Taking into account the tasks of training cadets, when planning combat training, the head of the district training center, commander of a military training unit, commanders of training battalions are required to make a decision to clarify the training time for each subject of training for training units and command training of sergeants: in the training center and training military unit - in writing, as an attachment to the training plan; in the training battalion - in thematic calculation of hours.

The decision is made on the basis of orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, his deputies, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces; organizational and methodological instructions for operational, mobilization and combat training of the Ground Forces; thematic plans for public and state training and organizational and methodological instructions of the Main Directorate for working with personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; orders and directives of the military district commander; instructions, courses, manuals, a collection of standards, methodological recommendations, this Program and the capabilities of the educational material and technical base.

When planning combat training, the following are developed:

at the district training center (military training unit)– a preparation plan for the academic year with appendices and a calendar plan of main events for the month; summary schedule for the month;

I'll try to explain in other words. Literally not so long ago, in pursuit of certain humane goals, in accordance with the instructions received, on the basis of guidance documents, the troops received an order: - “In order to improve military skills, acquire established skills and theoretical knowledge, send military personnel under a contract to “Survival Courses.” Classes will be held within a specified period of time in three stages. I warn you that the issue of sending military personnel should be approached in the most serious manner. Those military personnel who refuse to participate in "Survival Courses" dismiss under the article of non-compliance with the terms of the contract on the part of the serviceman"

The instructions were distributed among the troops, established by the order. The order has been received and must be carried out. There's nothing to be done about it. The commanders of units that have such servicemen have begun to form lists for sending contract servicemen. Contract servicemen, which include not only men, but also women, were not very happy. After it became known that the planned event would be held in Spartan conditions, people generally hung their noses.

Not really for us infantry troops, these activities in the field have always been something special. The concern of higher authorities for such contract servicemen is understandable. Today society wants to see a highly professional army that is capable of fighting in any conditions, including the field.

The idea itself is not bad, but taking into account the details and trifles of this company, I will simulate a completely normal situation, to which, our fathers-commanders, are especially sorry for the high Unzhi.

Let's imagine that you contract soldier and you have five years left to serve until retirement. You have three children of different ages. You are a female military personnel without a husband. You have served for a long time and during your service you have become an excellent specialist in your field. A true professional in combat work, capable of reading and drawing the maximum number of air targets at the same time. Due to health reasons, he is still capable of service. He knows how to serve for himself and for that soldier who managed to avoid being drafted into the army. Ready to be on duty for a sick colleague at any time. Having positive ratings for passing control classes, final examination for the training period school year. Passed the standards for physical training not lower than “satisfactory”. This list could be continued further, but the task is to arrive at the “Survival Course”. You need to take all the necessary equipment and go to the designated area to gain knowledge and experience.

At first glance, everything is simple. I received the order and began to carry it out. There’s just something you don’t really want to do when you have sedentary image service and the age limit is just around the corner, as well as so many family affairs that these courses are like a bone in the throat. Now we have to choose what is more important and where it is - the moment of truth.

However, nothing can be done. The commander's attempts to delve into his personal problems do not work. The command stands its ground. And it's so clear. New times and new demands make it difficult to delve into the family and personal problems of their subordinates. Here, as in a game without rules, whoever has more rights is right.

And so, you leave the commander’s office in tears and covered in snot with only one decision - to leave on a business trip, but you don’t want to leave. Everyday life doesn't let me go. Problems, loans, sick mother, and you need to go for three and a half weeks. To the fields, in difficult conditions, to survive. Become even more professional than you really are. Learn to dig a trench under an armored personnel carrier, light a fire without matches, acquire special forces skills radio technical troops Air Force Russia, so that it has something to celebrate the centenary of the Russian Air Force. Not all of yesterday's contract soldiers are ready to make such sacrifices.

You will have to put a dismissal report on the table so that the unit commander feels more confident than he actually is. The time has come when the army can throw away specialists in their field. To replace yesterday's contract soldiers The newly minted sergeants are already on their way. They are trained and always ready for unpredictable orders from military leadership. Because they know that they receive high monetary compensation for their military work. It will be enough for them to live in conditions as close as possible to combat conditions. They are sure that there will be enough money to order themselves a pizza with mushrooms, which will be delivered straight to the trench for the armored personnel carrier. This money is enough for him to complete his duffel bag. The rest of the funds will be used to pay off the car loan and for every little detail of official activities.

Let me give you another example. He was a conscript soldier. Signed a contract. He attended sergeant school. I was on business trips in the Caucasus. Young, healthy, not married. The service and everything else suits me, but now I need to go to the “Survival Course”. Suddenly there's something inside contract soldier breaks and prevents him from going into the fields. Such a serviceman will also be fired under the same article. Contractor writes a report.

In this case contract soldier young and full of strength. In the first case contract soldier I’m not young and I don’t have much strength. Two different specialists, but the same solution - dismissal due to non-compliance with the terms of the contract on the part of the serviceman. Essentially everything is correct. There is no desire to follow orders, so quit, period. It turns out everything is simple. Today no one is holding anyone back. They won't wipe your runny nose. There is a desire to serve, but there is no desire to follow orders, quit. This statement is being heard more and more often by our bosses. It's as if they were bewitched. One gets the impression that one of the bosses does not have enough money to live on, and they are trying with all their might to squeeze their subordinates out of action as much as possible. Survival courses are not for the sake of professionalism, for the sake of fulfilling the dismissal plan. Many people see it this way.

But let's look at this problem from the other side. If the state is ready to pay a decent salary, it means that on your part there should also be a more sensitive attitude towards fulfilling your duties. In principle it is logical, but in reality it is somehow not so. It turns out that it’s not a matter of monetary allowance. Maybe it has a different meaning and is difficult to understand, although if attempts had been made to do this, maybe the solution itself in the approaches would have been different.

There is a rotation for officers, contract soldiers"Survival Courses" I think that's fair. All military personnel have to make a choice. But whether such activities will be of any use will be shown to us by the next military turmoil. Experience is hard to drink away, but you can lose it. So in order not to lose it, you need to decide for yourself what is more important, military experience or the civilian everyday life of a “soldier of fortune.”

To a greater extent, such experiments will affect those who have dreamed of quiet service for themselves. It will no longer be calm for us. Interesting times are coming every day. You need to be prepared for official “troubles” so that you can then march across the parade ground as a winner.

A heated debate has flared up in the press and on the Internet regarding the innovation of the domestic Armed Forces - “survival courses”. Some call them “humiliating” and “illegal”, some say that “women terminators will serve in the army”, some say that it’s all fiction, and some say it’s idiocy. Some of the negativity expressed about a completely sensible innovation is probably justified. But first things first.

What we call “survival courses” are six-week sessions of intensive combined arms combat training. Now they will become mandatory for all contract soldiers and sergeants, both those entering service and those who have been serving for a long time. This applies not only to military personnel of units who must directly lead fighting“in the field” (motorized infantry, airborne forces, MP, etc.), but also all specialists of the Armed Forces, not excluding technical specialists and female military personnel. Failure to complete the course or failure of the examination part may become grounds for contract soldiers to be dismissed from the Armed Forces as not meeting the requirements for professional military personnel.

Actually, this is what happens. The head of the press service of the Eastern Military District recently announced that based on the results of the second series of these courses, another 350 military personnel will be dismissed. In the Southern Military District this summer, almost a thousand military personnel did not complete the course. What’s interesting is that a number of them wrote reports refusing to take part in the training camp even before it began, and some were eliminated at the medical examination. That is, not everyone left the training camp early, unable to withstand its severity.

Now to the courses themselves. It's really combined arms training, which, it would seem, is not directly related to representatives of the Air Force, Air Defense (VKO), communications, Navy, and technical and operational units. The intensity of the course and the load on those taking it are really very high. Although this, of course, depends on the conditions of the specific training unit. But in general the course is universal for everyone training centers. It includes very intense physical training and no less intense combat: fire, tactical, medical, engineering, chemical warfare, etc., which is carried out both in training and with passing standards. The course is accompanied by numerous “field trips” - to training grounds. And it ends with a long march (about 50 km) in conditions as close as possible to combat (as far as possible in training). Food - dry rations, march secrecy and camouflage, setting up a field camp, security and actions against “survivors” - “training sabotage groups», practical lessons according to the tactics of small units, physical fatigue and the absence of a kiosk around the corner - everything is like in American films, a la “G.I. Jane”. Well, final exams in physical training and combat disciplines.

In general, there is nothing beyond the general combat training of the ground forces, with the exception of high intensity training and the real consequences of failure to pass the standards. The standards themselves take into account five age categories. The course for women has minor differences, but overall it is quite passable. For example, in the Eastern Military District, out of 1.5 thousand “surviving” ladies, including those of the so-called “extra age limit”, only five dropped out early. In essence, this is a course for a young fighter, only delivered with high quality high level and not including drill training and performing internal service - this is enough in units - pure combat training with high intensity training. Actually, “survival” should include some everyday restrictions on “exits”, physical activity, and sad prospects in case of training that does not meet the requirements of the Armed Forces. That is, everything that usually serves as an excuse for low level general combat training in some units - discrepancy between personalities. composition of the “ideal”, objective difficulties, the “complexity” of training in a specialty, leaving no time for general training, etc. - are simply not taken into account here.

Do military personnel of “non-combat” units (sailors, signalmen, technicians, etc.) need this? In my understanding - yes.

Firstly, since there cannot be “non-combat” units, and real combat operations may require a soldier of any specialty and gender to act while lying in the mud with a machine gun, and not pressing buttons or turning a steering wheel and a wrench. And poor preparation and complexity of specialization, as well as age and health status, in such a situation will not become an excuse to the enemy. To consider such a situation unlikely means to “serve your service,” and not to prepare for war, for which any military man studies in peacetime.

Secondly, since the requirements for suitability for service in any unit presuppose a certain physical fitness and the absence of health contraindications. And also the readiness to defend the Motherland not only in one’s specialty, but also to “steadfastly and courageously endure all hardships and hardships.” military service“, since the service itself presupposes these hardships and deprivations.

Thirdly, since the advantage of voluntary manning of the armed forces over compulsory recruitment presupposes a qualitative difference in the level of training and professionalism. Of course, the main reason for the increase in the share of contract soldiers is the difficulty of mastering modern military equipment. Training a professional is difficult during conscription service. Rotation in the unit of those being transferred to the reserve and young conscripts makes general level training is “average”, and combat readiness is insufficient. However, a professional who receives a salary for his knowledge and skills and comes on duty as if it were a job, must remain a military man, and not just an employee.

He must understand that he has chosen a profession associated with the risk of life and the willingness to sacrifice his life not for a salary, but for the Motherland - this is the only thing that distinguishes a military profession from any civilian one. A salary only provides a decent standard of living for someone who is ready to give their life. And if the person signing the contract does not understand this and considers the service to be just a good job option, it means that he chose the job wrong. Therefore, I am embarrassed to listen to some who are preparing to “survive” talking about the idiocy and pointlessness of the course for a “super specialist” who “is supposed to be on duty at a communications center, and not crawl through the mud.” So you can be on duty at any civil work, which is generally free from many military features and does not require a good specialist to strain to maintain physical fitness and sacrifice comfort from time to time.

Now about the problem of the courses, which is more real than discussions about “female terminators” and the fears of those who have relaxed a little while on duty at the consoles for their health and future inconveniences. In general, the host side of the training centers is quite loyal to its cadets. Let's say, giving a little rest on the way out to someone who is too exhausted training platoon, they are unlikely to reduce the overall workload and benefit of the courses. Moreover, the load is really very high, and the goal of the training is not to weed out the “unsuitable,” but to provide high-quality combat training, the intensity and conditions of which bring the cadets as close as possible to the situation of real combat operations. But when they start collecting money for passing exams, hinting that exams can be taken in different ways, and if you get a bad grade you will be fired from the Armed Forces - this is the first step towards profanation of the very idea of ​​“survival courses”. This “business” is practiced at the platoon level and is often provoked by the overly frightened “survivalists” themselves.

Those who are going to the training camp should not fall for it. Firstly, because there is NO installation for screening! Even despite the cheerful assurances of the host party about how many of those who arrived will not be able to pass, one must understand that they also watched films about American sergeants, and they want to put them in a serious mood right away. Secondly, since all failed standards can be retaken by the certification commission. And the majority of those who will actually be fired because of the courses are either those who wrote reports in advance, or after the first strains to which they were not accustomed in the service, or desperately trying to get through the medical line, or truly unfit for the profession - frankly speaking, such are among their colleagues everyone will remember.

Another problem is equipment. No one provides those leaving for the training camp with clothing and will not compensate for what they bought with their own money. To be fair, I want to say that those who came to the training camp with the required equipment have more difficulties than those who took care of comfortable and light shoes, a duffel bag with wide straps, a light sleeping bag, a change bag, etc. However, much of what is already bought for service on one’s own is not provided for by any clothing allowance. One can only hope that some measures will be taken to improve this situation over time. But for now it’s better to rely on yourself.

In conclusion, I would like to wish those who are preparing to “survive” good weather and patience! You will definitely have something to remember.

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