Healer June is the real year of birth. Juna Davitashvili: biography, predictions about Russia and Donbass. In the “labyrinths” of her biography


Famous healer Juna Davitashvili became a person who managed to bring extrasensory perception to new level. It was through her efforts that psychics stopped being called charlatans everywhere. They began to listen to their words and take them seriously.

By the nature of her activity, Juna was an astrologer and was engaged in healing people. She didn't like being called clairvoyant. However, during her life she did, some of which came true. In addition, she painted a lot, wrote poetry and prose.

Childhood and youth of Juna Davitashvili

Juna was born in Krasnodar region. Happy event happened in the village of Urmia on July 22, 1949. The mother of the future healer was a hereditary Cossack woman whose name was Anna Grigorievna. In the late forties she met an emigrant from Iran. The man's name was Yuvash Sardis. According to some sources, the surname of Juna’s father sounded in the Caucasian manner of the Sarkises. At birth, the girl received the name Evgenia, which she later changed when she began to practice healing.

Accurate information regarding early years the life of a child who later became a celebrity does not exist. According to some sources, Evgenia entered the Rostov College of Cinema and Television. She spent exactly two years there, and then left her studies and moved to the capital of Russia. According to others, she still completed her education in medical college in Rostov-on-Don. And then, according to the methodology adopted in those years, she was assigned to work far from her native land.

She ended up in Tbilisi, where she met her future husband. The girl's chosen one was a Georgian Victor Davitashvili. A son was subsequently born from this marriage Vakhtang. However, Juna did not stay with her first husband until the end of her days. After some time, the couple broke up. And in 1986, the woman married Igor Matvienko, but they were together for a very short time.

Career of Juna Davitashvili

Juna Davitashvili began her healing work in Tbilisi. There she met many famous and influential people who came to her for help in the most desperate moments. Among her acquaintances was himself Zurab Pataridze, who in those years served as chairman of the Council of Ministers of his republic. It was he who gave Evgenia patronage to Moscow.

In the family of the head of the State Planning Committee, Nikolai Baibakov, it was a difficult period. His wife was seriously ill. Official medicine has given up on the woman. Juna became the last spark of hope. Baibakov helped her move to Moscow and get a job at one of the departmental clinics, where she became an expert.

Juna gained popularity in June 1980. It was then in " Komsomolskaya Pravda"The first article about the young healer appeared. It came from the “pen” of Lev Kolodny. After this breakthrough, the woman received new job at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics. It was there that it was planned to study the so-called “Juna effect”. A separate department was even created for these purposes.

Evgenia allowed herself to be experimented on and became part of the experiment, during which she was examined using particularly sensitive instruments. Some have been inspired by these studies. For them, the results obtained were enough to believe in the superpowers inherent in some people. But there were also opponents of the theories put forward who disputed the results of the experiments. One of them was academician Eduard Kruglyakov, who in his article called Juna a “highly qualified masseuse” and expressed doubt about her ability to cure someone.

Ten years after gaining all-Union fame, Evgenia Davitashvili, whom everyone now called exclusively Juna, became one of the organizers International Academy alternative sciences. And after another four years, she was offered the position of vice-rector at the Open University, which specialized in alternative medicine.

Juna had a high opinion of herself and was never afraid to take risks. In 1995, she tried to enter State Duma. And two years later she publicly proclaimed herself the Assyrian queen.

Juna disappeared from television screens at the beginning of the new millennium. The healer became a recluse after she died in a terrible accident in 2001. The only son Vakhtang. Some of her friends claim that after the tragedy, her gift began to disappear. In addition, she developed vision problems.

Cause and date of death of Juna

In June 2015, the healer was admitted to the hospital, where she underwent serious cardiovascular surgery. It was unsuccessful, and on June 8 Evgenia Sarkis (Juna Davitashvili) passed away. At that time she was sixty-six years old.

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The last time Juna visited doctors in the hospital due to unstable angina was back in May of this year. She spent a day in the cardiac unit. When her condition was stabilized, she immediately asked to go home.


Three days later, a team of doctors was called for her again, but they did not hospitalize her. Doctors recommended seeing colleagues at the clinic, writes LifeNews.

The healer went to a store near her house, where she became ill. She was quickly hospitalized, assigned to a ward intensive care in the department of acute cerebrovascular accident. However, the doctors were powerless.

Juna, who died at the age of 66, will be buried at Vagankovsky cemetery next to the grave of her son Vakhtang, who died in 2001 in a car accident. According to some reports, farewell to the healer will take place on June 12.

As they wrote Days.Ru, actor Stanislav Sadalsky announced Juna’s death on June 8. In particular, he said that ambulance I took her straight from the store on Arbat, where she became ill. The 65-year-old healer was in a coma for two days.

“However, she had been dead for a long time, she died then, together with Vakhtang - her soul, but she did not live with her body, but survived, her energy was gone, she could no longer heal, she quickly became blind. Chekhov, it seems, said that a person dies so much times, how many times he loses people dear to him. The death of his son Jun did not survive,” Sadalsky wrote.

June 23rd, 2015

Original taken from sadalskij Juna was actually born in 1935, not 1949. I just always hid it.

Dmitry Bykov about the mysterious fate and abilities of Juna, as well as how her personality foreshadows the revolution in Russia.

Not a single kingdom in an era of decline can do without its Rasputin. His role is threefold. First of all, it heals. Secondly, it predicts. And thirdly, it establishes a connection with the people from which it came. True, he necessarily comes out not from the midst, but from somewhere on the side: Rasputin was a sectarian, a man with a mysterious biography.

Juna and M. Mastroianni

It seems that Juna’s true biography is now impossible to restore. There is no documentary data: how to prove that she treated and, most importantly, cured Brezhnev? How can I confirm or deny that I worked as a waitress in Tbilisi? Vasily Aksenov, let’s say, told me himself that he saw this waitress in a cafe and was struck by her unusual beauty, and most importantly, her gaiety: everyone loved her. And when he saw her in full glory, being already in exile himself, he recognized her immediately. No one will ever know how she got to Moscow.

Juna with Arkady Raikin, Leningradsky Prospekt, July 27, 1983

It is more or less reliably known that Raikin took her to the very top of Soviet power: she gave him several massage sessions, he felt relieved and asked Brezhnev, using a long-standing acquaintance, for an apartment for Juna.

In 1979 - again, we have to rely only on rumors - she received it, and in the eighties, in the fall, Brezhnev suddenly spoke quite briskly, stopped swallowing his words and even began to look up from the piece of paper. And it was in vain that sensible skeptics repeated that they simply changed his dentures: the word “biofield” had already come into use, and there was more than enough occultism under the guise of science in the late USSR.

The “Obvious - Incredible” program existed to give all these hobbies the appearance of science. Let me remind you of the main intellectual fashions of this era - their detailed chronicle was left to us by Vysotsky, who himself was passionately interested in all these things (and, by the way, gave birth to the same pseudo-religious cult): talking dolphins, aliens, Filipino healers, Bermuda Triangle, Indian-yogis-who-are-they, spiritualism, and, well, Juna.

Stephen Kotkin, the famous American Sovietologist, author of the most detailed and best biography Stalin even mentions this phenomenon in lectures on Soviet history:
- My God, of course, she was no healer. I even doubt that she was allowed, so to speak, to the body. All European courts considered it prestigious to have their own Nostradamus; even Yeltsin had his own occultist - General Georgy Rogozin, who died last year. And since power in Russia is the main brand, Juna became popular among bohemians; poets and singers revolved around her, like Rasputin...

Juna, Pope

She was good actress, made an impression, widened her eyes. superstitions in general are always strong in Russia... As for Brezhnev, he was treated by the best Soviet specialists, and he did not need psychics. More or less lethargy depended solely on the dose of sleeping pills.

Juna next to her apartment on Arbat. Mastery lessons.

Leonid Mlechin, historian, journalist, biographer of Brezhnev:
- Only person who mentioned Juna in connection with Brezhnev is Baibakov, Chairman of the State Planning Committee. By his order, they gave her an apartment on Arbat, hence the rumors about her helping the Secretary General. Chazov never mentioned anything like that. Although he does not hide, for example, that Brezhnev was visited and successfully treated by Mongolian healers. I seriously doubt that Juna was even taken to him. A person who would heal Brezhnev (and the main problems there were with atherosclerosis; laying on of hands cannot be cured) would receive unlimited influence over him. And somehow there would be people at court who could prevent this.

...The closest friendship with Juna was maintained by Stanislav Sadalsky, a favorite of Moscow bohemia, a comedian, an expert on other people's secrets and a spreader of rumors. He brought me to Juna the only time in the mid-nineties.

The atmosphere was exactly like in the famous Rasputin apartment on Gorokhovaya. I saw the same one in the studio of the famous hypnotist Vladimir Raikov - he was also in great fashion in the late eighties, he starred in Klimov’s “Agony” as Khvostov, Klimov believed in hypnosis and psychics, was friends with Juna and visited her (and on the set Even Messing brought the “Agony” set, who noted that Petrenko, who was cast in the role of Rasputin, also has a small gift of clairvoyance).

Juna with Andrei Tarkovsky, Leningradsky Prospekt, September 12, 1981

Something was constantly brewing in Juna’s apartment, silent women in black scarves glided by as shadows, the hostess herself only drank cold water, which she called her favorite drink. No healing or predictions were demonstrated - Juna at that moment relied on her talent as an artist and poet. She told me how in 1986, at the beginning of April, she suddenly wrote poems about “black and white reality” - and then Chernobyl struck.

She showed her paintings, all identical, with big-eyed horses and oriental princesses. She gave the impression of not being very smart, but essentially a good-natured woman who was out of her depth. Subsequently, a rather harsh article “Marshal Juna” appeared in the “Interlocutor” under the heading “Sacred Cow,” which ridiculed her passion for all kinds of tchotchkes (she constantly called herself an academician of countless academies). Then her secretary, a rather poor poet, and then she herself called me several times expressing various indignations, and Juna even warned me that if I continued to write such articles, I would definitely become a murderer - literally or figuratively, not specified. Then, however, either extrasensory sense or mutual acquaintances explained to her that the article was not mine, and the onslaught stopped.

“Stas,” I asked Sadalsky, whom I have known for many years and consider, with all his incessant clowning, a man of great intelligence, “how did you two meet?”
- Through Kostya Raikin. I served at Sovremennik, she helped his father a lot, and I wanted to meet her. Baibakov actually gave her an apartment then. That she helped Brezhnev is absolutely certain.

- Has it ever helped you?
- I didn’t ask, I’m not sick with anything. Only once, when I swore in front of her, she bit me jokingly - quite seriously, until I drew blood. And then she licked it with her tongue - and everything healed, even without a scar.

- Do you think she really could do something?
- Without a doubt. I just couldn’t last years when I got old. She was actually born in 1935, and not in 1949. I just always hid it. I wanted to be like Alla Pugacheva, I always competed with her. All her relatives could do something like that, her sister burned through the fabric with her fingers...

But Juna didn’t like her relatives. She liked strangers much more, but she didn’t get along with her family, and I think now they will quickly tear apart all her property. I wonder where, for example, a three-kilogram will go gold Crown Assyrian kings.
-Where did she get this crown?
- I don’t know where it comes from, but where it will go is very interesting.

- Why do you think she singled you out from everyone else and never drove you away?
- I was a jester at her court. I'm a clown. Maybe she was amused by my blah blah blah, or maybe it was just that the jester was allowed to tell the truth, and sometimes she wanted to hear it.

...Of course, not a single word of Djuna Davitashvili could be trusted. I’m now reading the interviews with her that were pulled out into the light of day. different years- this is a feast of self-PR without the slightest connection with reality. So she says that she cured Robert Rozhdestvensky of burr - but Robert Rozhdestvensky never burred before meeting her, and if he stuttered - he stuttered until the end of his days, and this did not interfere with his pop fame.

Andrey Dementyev, Andrey Voznesensky, Dzhuna, Ilya Reznik

Here she says that she treated Ronald Reagan, although no one would allow her to see Reagan for any kind of massage, in this case American medicine is invariably vigilant... There was so much Khlestakovism in her speeches that no one took them seriously, and her attempt to replace official medicine was probably not harmless and seduced many, and even drove them crazy. But at the same time, here’s the strange thing: she was still kind.

Vladimir Motyl, Dzhuna

The same Sadalsky told how Vladimir Motyl (Stas starred in “The Forest”) was worried that he did not have a single state award. Come on, said Juna, I’ll make you a prince? And from then on she called him “Prince Motyl”, and he beamed. The joke is quite in the spirit of “ White sun desert."

Vadim Erlikhman, historian, biographer of Nostradamus:
- Juna perfectly learned all the lessons of Nostradamus - he also made all his predictions either retroactively or in an extremely confused form. But Nostradamus is a prediction in itself: the appearance of such figures always marks a decline. After all, it arose at the beginning of the French religious wars. At other times, his chances of success were negligible.

Juna, K. Gundyaev

And here it seems to me that the prediction contained in Juna’s very fate is important. It was not me who noticed that our time almost literally, even abundantly copies the revolutionary era of the beginning of the last century. Here is an outbreak of protests, reminiscent of the fifth year, and the reaction, and the war of the fourteenth, and Chelyabinsk meteorite- a copy of the Tunguska, but adjusted for scale by about 10,000 times. That's all the rest - with the same amendment. So here it is.Grigory Rasputin, with whom Djuna Davitashvili so accurately relates , died just shortly before the Russian February Revolution. After the start of the war. And he often said that while he was alive, nothing threatened the monarchy, but then...
In Russia they don’t like analogies, they are afraid of them and call them quackery.
And all over the world it is called comparative studies.

Maria Lenormand, Vanga, Rasputin Grigory, their names are shrouded in mystery and mystery. Disputes are still raging whether there is mysticism in the world or not. Evil tongues say that the information was not given to them by spirits or others. otherworldly forces, and intelligence agents. Some are recognized by the church as saints, for example, like Matrona of Moscow, while others, like Vanga, are recognized almost as servants of the devil. Are there such people today, or are there only Pavel Globa and the team of psychics left on TNT?


  1. Full name: Davitashvili Evgenia Yuvashevna ( maiden name Sardis);
  2. Date of Birth: July 29, 1949.
  3. Zodiac sign: Leo.
  4. Sign eastern horoscope: bull.
  5. Born: in the village of Urmia, Krasnodar Territory.

Clairvoyant Juna, whose biography is complete interesting facts, was a phenomenon of our time. The seer herself said that she wanted to create atomic bomb so that the whole world would be covered by it, only a medicine bomb. followers and students can be found even in small towns in the Urals. She said this about people and her work: “I love people when they come to me, I help, but I don’t allow anyone to look into my soul.”

Juna's biography and cause of death are still controversial. She was the first psychic in the Soviet Union and received the approval of the church. scientist, professor, holder of the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and a person with tragic fate. She managed to conquer Hollywood and bring from there the order “Woman of the World,” this title describes her essence. Glory came after the doctor of the Queen of Great Britain was brought to the capital of Georgia. He was diagnosed with and could not cure atrial fibrillation.

After this meeting, the whole world learned about her, but was the life of the most popular woman in the world really so rosy? There were influential patrons, including Brezhnev, Antropov, Baibakov, but there were plenty of enemies. Even her death itself raises many questions among loved ones. Not to mention the fact that no one knows exactly how old Juna is. She herself said that her age is much higher than the number on her passport. Not every Soviet woman becomes a senior research fellow at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics.

The childhood of Juna Davitashvili

Juna's childhood was reminiscent of the childhood of other people with gifts such as Maria Lenormand, Vanga and others. They avoided the girl, didn’t want to play with her, didn’t want to take her into company. The only close person who felt her abilities was her father. He knew that his daughter had amazing hidden abilities. When a man’s back hurt, he called his daughter. According to the recollections of Juna herself, when she stood on her father’s back, her legs first burned, and then became cool, then the man let her go. He was the only one who protected her from the last day cruel world, but died too early.

The beginning of the legend of June

Zhenya's little brother fell into the well. The girl dove headfirst, snatched the baby, and the people standing above picked him up. Juna herself lay upside down for about half an hour and did not swallow any water. After this incident, they began to tease her as a witch.

First vision

Little Zhenya was looking for a book and between the lines she saw the girl’s face, like two peas in a pod like herself. The only difference was the length of the hair. The girl was shaved until she was 11 years old, and the second one had long hair. After some time, Zhenya met her recent vision on the street and realized that she had a twin sister, but did not dare to speak. According to the clairvoyant herself, when she was just a baby, a woman came to her with her father, put the girl in her arms and sat next to her for a short time. Her name was Natalya. Until her death, the clairvoyant believed that this was her own mother.

The uniqueness of a clairvoyant

Promyslov, the then mayor of Moscow, did everything possible to transfer the healer from Georgia to Moscow. Although the first acquaintance with Brezhnev took place back in 1973.

Usually people who have some extraordinary abilities, trying to close themselves off outside world. Too many of them are accused of trying to profit from people’s misfortune, of quackery, of failure. Juna - famous psychic, who was not afraid to appear to science. She took part in many experiments and studies. This, in addition to her gift, was what made her unique. Those who visited her could see how in a fragile woman of incredible beauty there was hidden the ability to treat the most hopeless patients. Some idolized her, others threatened her with arrest or liquidation in order to save Soviet ideology from the threat. In a country where nothing supernatural was recognized, a living phenomenon appeared that refutes the laws of human development and its possibilities. Scientists believe that the secret of Juna's abilities lies in the energy released from her. Its frequency differs from those released into space by other people.

What the healer didn’t undertake

According to the recollections of friends and the creators of the series, people came to her for a miracle. For some, the miracle was healing from an illness , someone was looking for advice. Others believed that the healer Juna could easily buy them an apartment, a house, or a car. Sometimes they directly asked for money. She treated cancer, restored Sofia Rotaru’s voice, was Brezhnev’s personal physician, but did not treat alcoholism. Immanuel Vitorgan, who came to the reception, was amazed by his honesty. The woman said that she would not treat him, but advised him to see a cardiac surgeon. This extended the man's life by three decades. Didn't contact for a long time with epilepsy. It did not treat tobacco addiction and hereditary diseases. People were attracted by Juna's predictions, but she devoted herself entirely to the medical side.

Night is the time to create

During the day, Juna's doors were open to guests. She received people with full dedication. Tatyana Heyer said this about her: “She didn’t accept, she worked hard. When I saw how she received people, I wanted to fall on my knees in front of her. God knew who to give such a valuable gift to.” She called the night the time when the whole world belongs to her. While others slept, she drew, sculpted or wrote poetry. Juna is a creator to the core. Like many creative personalities From her time of solitude she drew new thoughts and ideas. She loved to reason. She wrote poems and stories, and one of her patients, the poet Andrei Dementyev, published her in the magazine “Youth”.

Andrey Dementyev about the healer: “She is very talented, and has always professed a great idea: help others and God will help you.” One day, the poet came to a clairvoyant’s house in the middle of the night because he was sick with the flu, and had to go to filming in the morning. Juna put her hands on her lungs and after a few minutes everything went away.

Video: “Actually” program about June


Mikhail Muromov, Igor Talkov, Federico Fellini, Vladimir Migulya, Arkady Ukupnik, " Tender May", Andrei Tarkovsky, Stanislav Sadalsky, and many others creative people found a reception with Juna. The secular elite loved Juna for her openness and generosity, delicious cuisine and atmosphere. Poets and artists confessed their love to her, she attracted people like a magnet.

Interesting fact:

The words for Muromov’s song “Katyusha” were written by Juna herself. The singer performed it at the youth festival. He was a guest at every healer's party.

Arkady Raikin about June: “I felt bad with my heart. I called an ambulance and it arrived. And at the same time Juna came in. I told her how good it is that Juna is here, she can conduct a psychic reading session with you. She doesn’t give medicine and treats every patient this way. Nothing but hands, not even touching. We took an electrocardiogram before Juna and then 15 minutes after her work. There were two documents. But it felt like two different people. It was amazing fact, certified by documents. Facts are stubborn things."

Andrei Tarkovsky

Juna herself remembers her time with Tarkovsky with a smile and calls her a good friend. They could not help but meet in the vastness of Moscow. Two loneliness, two extraordinary personalities. Andrei was surprised by his girlfriend’s mystical abilities. Indeed, the clairvoyant Juna was able to extend his life before he left the country. Andrei even took non-contact massage lessons and treated a healer when she had the flu.

Shortly before Tarkovsky’s death, the seer painted a prophetic picture in a sense: a portrait of the director on a blue background, saying that she felt he was going somewhere. A few days later the man died of a heart attack.

The doors of the house on the old Arbat in Moscow were always open. Creative people, country leaders, and English lords gathered there. Juna did not see the difference between the president of the country and a simple person. Maybe this is why she received many thanks from people all over the world.

Personal life

At the age of 30, the young woman married Viktor Davitashvili.

The happiness was not destined to last long. Juna lost her daughter and before last days I couldn’t talk about it calmly. Soon Juna was forcibly brought to Moscow. Baibakov himself contributed to this. His wife was dying of illness and the doctors did not give up hope. Only Evgenia Davitashvili remained. She moved to Moscow, and her husband remained in Tbilisi. The marriage broke up due to constant quarrels and distance between the spouses. She didn’t let anyone else into her life, choosing loneliness and devoting herself to her son, whom she called VahO.

Diva of Russian show business

After staying in the Chernobyl zone, Alla Pugacheva received a dose of radiation and wanted to meet Juna in person. The clairvoyant responded politely to Alla’s call. She was preparing for the flight with her son and could not accept the star. Pugacheva called back several times, hinting that it was not customary to refuse her invitation. The clairvoyant did not like alcohol, and every time during a feast she would only lightly touch the wine with her lips and go upstairs to draw her pictures. The prima donna insisted that the healer Juna join the feast. This was expressed in a very rude form, after which between the two strong women a fight broke out. The seer broke the vase on the head of the people's favorite.

None of them decided to extinguish the former conflict. Juna did not hold anger but did not make contact. She said that she and Alla were equally charged and they were destined to push each other, they would not be able to make friends.


Vakhtang, Juna’s son, was born on the same day as his star mother. She saw her continuation in him. From an early age, according to eyewitnesses, he helped and conducted non-contact massage sessions. They traveled around the world, Vakho became an outlet among the cruelties that a person gifted with abilities faces. She was again forced to prove her abilities. Six months before the tragedy, her son was injured in an accident. She treated me day and night and never left a step. He was already getting to his feet. He gave up his crutches, but was destined to live only six months. The biography of Juna Davitashvili’s son turned out to be short To a young guy was only 26 years old. At the funeral, Juna, blinded by grief, was placed in his coffin cellular telephone and paid for it for the rest of my life. She called the dead Vakho for 14 years, confident that he was in touch with her. The seer Juna asked not to tear her away from her son’s coffin. Or bury him with him. It is not known for certain what Juna’s son died from: a medical report says that his heart could not stand it in the sauna. The clairvoyant did not believe in such a diagnosis; Vakho’s arms were broken and there were traces of blood on his face. The second version of why Juna’s son died is a drunken brawl. Still others say he was a drug addict.

Relatives say that maternal love did not see that her son grew up a little arrogant, rude, untied, under the influence of his famous mother.

She celebrated her birthday at his grave. She said it was a holiday to be close to her son.


How many children did Juna have? - a girl who was not born as a result of a miscarriage, and Vaho. The seer Juna wanted to adopt one of the members of the Tender May group, Viktor Sukhomlin. But I couldn't. Despite the fact that he and his son were best friends, Vakho did not want anyone other than himself to call his mother mom. Sukhomlin became the lead singer of the group and Juna was very proud of her pupil. But he was soon found not far from Shatunov’s apartment. Some insist that they were confused with Yura, others say that the guy has embarked on a slippery slope.

Arkady Raikin about Evgeniy Davitashvili

Arkady Raikin wrote to Brezhnev: “Juna is the person who needs to be given green light. She does only good.” In his letter, Raikin petitioned for the clairvoyant to register in Moscow.

Igor Talkov

She did not talk about her beloved men, claiming that they simply did not exist, and did not fall in love with all her heart. But she remembered one thing with particular warmth, and until the end of her days the feeling of guilt would live with her. Igor Talkov and Juna were supposed to fly together to his last concert. But she was called to save the next president. From the memoirs: “I was lying in the bathroom, when suddenly boiling water splashed, my whole face burned, and I realized that something bad had happened to a loved one.”

Matvienko and Juna: the shortest marriage in the world

To annoy her cousin, Evgenia married Igor Matvienko, who more than once, while still unknown to anyone, stayed at her house, like the entire creative community of that time. Juna and Matvienko entered into a marriage that lasted only a day.

Attempt to resurrect Vakhtang

For a mother, burying a child is a terrible grief... After it tragic death the mother took the genetic material to make a clone. The seer wanted to make Vakhtang’s beloved a surrogate mother. Over time, the mother began to realize that her son could not be returned in this way, and her beloved Vakho was gone forever. Born a clone, it could only resemble him in appearance. Internally it will be a different person.

Life after the death of my son

A few years after the death of his son, a whole gallery of Juna’s paintings appeared. They were a match for their owner: mystical, filled with deep meaning. Some can be seen in documentaries, in particular in last job first channel "Juna: the gift of loneliness." Juna herself spoke about Vakhtang’s death like this: “They say, why didn’t you save him? Tell me how a human corpse can be saved.” The death of her son became the point after which all of Juna’s merits came to naught, because it turns out that she is a charlatan, since she could not save her own son. In recent years, almost no one has come to see her.

« Let them talk"

In 2011, Channel One aired the episode “Let Them Talk” with Juna. The broadcast turned out to be painful. Many people wanted to watch the video with Juna and see her as she was three decades ago. Most of comments under the video after its release were negative. She was called an arrogant, stupid woman who, despite all her influence and popularity, could not foresee that her son would die. They could not hide from the audience the condition of the woman who was in voluntary captivity for ten for long years.. Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya and actress Irina Lachina unanimously argued that the seer Juna works miracles and saves lives. Honored artist Svetlana Toma called her a goddess on camera on Channel One. Stanislav Sadalsky: “Being friends with Juna is a big responsibility. She - great woman" An old friend of the clairvoyant Galina Kalinina, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, appeared in the studio. One after another, friends appeared in the studio, among whom was deputy Alexey Mitrofanov. As often happens in such shows, there were some provocations. Circus actress Lyudmila Moskaleva claimed that Juna had never known Brezhnev. This caused a storm of indignation and protest.

Video: Juna in the program “Let Them Talk”

Please let me know in the comments if the video stops playing.

Last year

The seer Juna's closest friend, Tatyana Heyer, said that she knew about her death in October 2014. A vision of death came in 2015. In her last year of life, Juna worked very hard, as if she wanted to do as much as possible before entering into an unequal battle with the disease.

she was often left alone without the people who surrounded her. to her friend Tatyana, she said that she cured many, but at the very end none of them were left around.

At the beginning of July 2015, the famous Juna became ill on the street. The emergency doctors arrived and diagnosed a stroke.

Death of Juna

Wikipedia states that Dzhuna Davitashvili died in 2015 . In fact, this is true. Moral Healer Juna, died long before physical death, in 2001, having buried her beloved son, building a crypt for two 14 years before her departure. Documentary Juna: The Gift of Solitude was a revelation. like this strong personality, shared everything she wanted to say over the years. This is the interview that Juna gave to Channel One, the last one done a few months before her death.

How did Juna die? , like most people, despite their abilities. According to the testimony of relatives, it was impossible to persuade her to go to the hospital, and she remained there for an extremely short time. Only at home I felt calm. Juna needed treatment even more than the patients. Doctors named the reason why Juna died: obstruction of the carotid artery. Initially, experts assumed 90%, but an autopsy showed 96% obstruction. It was also found in other organs. This was the price to pay for the health of other people.

She tolerated the operation well and the doctors were already hoping for the best, but a few days later she fell into a coma. On the last night of her life, the healer Juna suffered several cardiac arrests. Doctors resuscitated her three times. In the morning, around 10 am, the woman achieved her goal, which she had been pursuing for 14 years, and left after her son.

Narrow-minded evil tongues today call her a fool and incompetent who could not save her own son. But millions of people are grateful. Djuna Davitashvili left an immortal mark in our hearts. It is not known whether the vision came true, or whether circumstances just so happened. it is known for certain that reality and mysticism walked hand in hand in her life so closely that it was impossible to understand exactly where the line between them was.

Where is the clairvoyant buried?

The clairvoyant Juna is buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery next to her beloved son Vakhtang. It was a case of daring being a cause for joy. She walked towards her for a long time and purposefully, bringing everyone closer possible ways. After all, Juna’s children are there - a daughter, a son and a musician sweet May, and also Igor Talkov, close and dear people.

Series about June

Evgenia Davitashvili’s biography is presented in the 2015 series “Juna”. Actress Laura Keosayan, who plays the healer Juna, spoke about the idea of ​​the film:

“We didn’t try to dig up any personal moments from life, we came from afar with great respect for all of this.” The series about “Phenomenon D” showed the main moments from the life of the most mystical woman of her time.

About Me

This is what the psychic and just a person who was called “Phenomenon D” said about herself:

“It’s not scary to die, she died in 2001, when she buried Vakho. This gives me the strength not to be afraid. I'm not afraid of anyone or anything. I am a warrior who speaks the truth. I've never fallen in love. I loved Vakhtang so much. This love would be enough for a hundred children. My son was killed out of black envy and anger. Now I cannot name the names of those who did this. They have too much influence. there was no simple human and female happiness. I don’t feel my age, I’m still a tomboy.

If before she aroused admiration as ordinary people, and presidents, the last years of seclusion made her lonely. A few years before her death, Juna talked about her life. Last interview was dramatically different. There was a lot of regret in him. Not only about my son, as was the case before. She regretted that all her life she was not allowed to simply live. Research, irradiation with waves of different frequency ranges, countless ability tests. With particular resentment I recalled how they were forcibly brought to Moscow under machine guns and 4 bodyguards replaced each other for several years.

IN different time Juna's patients included Leonid Brezhnev, Ilya Glazunov, Giulietta Masina, Robert de Niro, Marcello Mastroianni, Andrei Tarkovsky, Federico Fellini and many other famous and unknown people.
In addition to healing, Davitashvili devoted a lot of time to creativity: she painted, wrote poetry, stories, and performed on stage.

In recent years, Juna greatly missed her son Vaho and devoted a lot of time to preserving his memory. Let us remember that in 2001 the young man died at the age of 26. Since then, Davitashvili has become a recluse. But every holiday she came to the cemetery where he was laid to rest, and together with her friends she remembered her deceased son.
First, Vakho was buried on the outskirts of the Vagankovskoye cemetery. And a year later, the grieving mother managed, by paying a lot of money, to have his ashes transferred to the central alley and a sculptural group installed on the grave. In one of the figures it is not difficult to recognize Juna herself. She towers over her bronze son, as if protecting him.
Most likely, the healer will be buried next to Vakhtang.

Actor and popular blogger Stanislav Sadalsky told how his close friend died:
- Juna was in a coma for two days, today she passed away. The ambulance picked her up right on Arbat - she went to the store next door to her house to buy something to eat and she felt sick there. A few days ago she was brought from the hospital, where she was operated on, serious problems with blood, it almost did not circulate - the hands were icy, like those of a dead person. However, she had been dead for a long time, she died then along with Vakhtang - in soul, but in body - she did not live, but survived, her energy was gone, she could no longer heal, she was quickly going blind.
Chekhov seems to have said that a person dies as many times as he loses people dear to him. She did not survive the death of her son Jun. Goodbye, darling. Thank you for everything, for our youth, for life, for love, for the warmth of your great hands and great heart.

Healer Juna will be buried next to her son at the Vagankovskoye cemetery

Preparations for the funeral ceremony have already begun, a source close to 66-year-old Evgenia Davitashvili said.

Healer Juna Davitashvili, who died at the age of 66, will be buried next to the grave of her son Vakhtang, who died in a car accident in 2001. They will say goodbye to Juna at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, a LifeNews source reported.

She went through many troubles. She had an internal struggle, I think it was hard for her,” said Eduard Grekov, a friend of the deceased healer.

Actor Stanislav Sadalsky announced the death of the healer. In particular, he said that the ambulance took Juna straight from the store on Arbat, where she became ill. The 66-year-old woman was in a coma for two days, and today she died.

Famous healer Juna died of a stroke

65-year-old Evgenia Davitashvili died in the intensive care ward of one of the departmental clinics in Moscow.

According to preliminary data, the healer died of a stroke. IN last time Juna went to the hospital to see doctors because of unstable angina pectoris back in May. She spent a day in the cardiac unit, and when her condition was stabilized, she immediately asked to go home.

Three days later, a team of doctors was called for the woman again, but they did not hospitalize her. Doctors recommended that she definitely see her colleagues at the clinic.

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