The end of the war in the Donbas vanga. Donbass Elder Predicted Religious Chaos in Ukraine Long Before the War in Donbass

The seer revered by believers, Father Zosima (Sokur), the founder of the Holy Dormition Nikolo-Vasilevsky monastery in the Volnovakha district of the Donetsk region, passed away in 2002. And his prophecies surprisingly accurately convey the essence of the current situation in UkraineSchiarchimandrite.

Zosima enjoyed unquestioned authority in the Donbass. Actually, not only in the Donbass. Believers knew and revered the ascetic far beyond the region, from Moscow to Athos, from Jerusalem to Kyiv. The elder enjoyed the special favor of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill.

The parishioners revered Father Zosima both during his lifetime and after his departure to another world (by the way, he accurately predicted the day of his death, he was buried on the territory of the monastery he founded) as a saint. Although he is not canonized.

People came to Father Zosima for advice, spiritual support, and blessings. His sermons were immensely popular. Of course, the shrewd words of the schiarchimandrite occupied a special place. After all, such a gift is rarely given to anyone.

For example, here is how Father Zosima predicted the upcoming war, which has been shaking the Donbass for the fifth year already:

“The wrath of God — wars — is rapidly approaching, and we will not go anywhere,” he said, “No matter how we shout about peace ... We ourselves are already bringing the wrath of God closer. This fiery bowl of God's wrath will fall on our heads, there will be trouble.

And isn’t this a reliable description, but only in the format of a sermon, of what news agencies bring us daily from Ukrainian territories?

"And the time will come soon, there will be more criminals than us, more or less normal people."

“Times are tough, don't hope for the best. The future generation is even worse: glass eyes are everything, weapons are everywhere. He can shoot you at any moment for fun. Such an evil time is now coming, the world lies in grave evil. Already the struggle of the Antichrist is approaching and a terrible corruption and decline in the morals of our society, which we see.”

Elder Zosima was remembered by many today in connection with the events in Istanbul. Consequences of the actions of an excommunicated layman Denisenko(also known as Filaret) and, more than aspirations, the Patriarch of Constantinople who warmed him Bartholomew a seer from Donbass saw this:

“What an allowance! There will be the same Gethsemane, it will be repeated in our country soon, it is already being prepared. A betrayal of the Church, a betrayal of the Motherland, a betrayal of all that is holy.

“The autocephalists will be expelled, somewhere the Lord will give shelter. Prison awaits us all. Somehow they’ll give a shelf there, and that’s all, “never renounce prison and the bag” - that’s what people say, like that.

“Khokhols-Westerners will twist and turn against the holy Orthodox faith. Well, you need to go to jail. You won't be a priest if you don't go to jail. And you need to prepare for this, and for the path of confession. Well, as God wills. Better to avoid it. But never renounce prison and the bag. God is all around - and in prisons, and wherever we are - God is all around. And with God, nothing in life is ever scary.”

However, the Schema-Archimandrite knew for sure that there was a force capable of resisting the darkness that had overwhelmed Ukraine.

“Monasticism will stand as an army against the Antichrist until the end of time. How many more venerable martyrs there will be monks, how many more ascetic monks there will be, who courageously stand up when everyone bows to the Antichrist.

“We are standing in the temple of God, and the Lord has already prepared for us a crown of martyrdom. And some of us will have to suffer, and shed blood, and innocent heavy suffering - to go through Golgotha, so that, through this, being cleansed of sins, to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, to reach eternity.

“The most terrible thing for the Antichrist will be monasticism and monastic clothes. This apostle and the mantle of the monastic Antichrist will be afraid. Although he will torment the monks hard, he will not be able to defeat them.

Certainly, terrible prophecies Father Zosima did, but he also gave us faith, firmly indicated on whose side the truth is and to whom the victory will belong in the end.

“So the spirit of Russia is mighty, always invincible! .. The Russian bear sleeps, sleeps, endures, endures, but as soon as he wakes up, as he takes this shaggy cudgel in his paw, as he unwinds, then the whole of Masonic Europe will then fly from this cudgel real, Russian, holy.

“And now, in our time, the whole pounding begins with Kyiv - the mother of Russian cities, from the cradle. And from there this pounding will roll all over the Russian land, it will not bypass Russia, nothing, there will be demonic possession all around. But Russia will stand, and there will be great grace there, even the forces of hell, the Antichrist, will not overcome the Russian Orthodox Church.”

“The holy elders said: “Orthodoxy will remain pure only in the Russian Orthodox Church. The rest will all depart, everyone will fall into the charm of demons, and the Russian Orthodox Church will preserve the purity of faith until the coming of the Antichrist… This is the last day of the Antichrist. In Russia, the lamps of the true faith will burn. And neither the charm of demons, nor persecution, nor any other tricks of Satan will extinguish them. Lamps will burn on the holy Russian land.

* All quotations are from the collections of sermons by Schema-Archimandrite Zosima (Sokur), prepared in different years Sretensky Monastery Publishing House.

For the fourth consecutive year, the military and political situation in Ukraine remains extremely tense. Thousands of dead soldiers, hundreds of destroyed cities and towns, millions of crippled destinies. More and more people are exhausted physically, morally and financially. In spite of financial support international partners, the country's economy is still in a difficult situation. In such realities, the first question that interests Ukrainians is this: when will the war in Donbass end? In addition to politicians, analysts and political scientists, psychics also try to give their forecasts.

Isn’t the Bulgarian Vanga recognized as the most famous seer of all time. Although the woman was blind, she could clearly see with her inner eye not only what was happening around her, but also what would happen in the distant future. It was she who predicted the bloody events of the Second World War and the collapse Soviet Union. Most of the Bulgarian prophecies are not accurate, and therefore open and become clear only after they take place.

Some of the followers of this seer are convinced that when a woman spoke about military conflicts in Eastern Europe into which many peoples will be drawn, she had in mind exactly what is happening in our time in Ukraine. Vanga's prediction for the Donbass (if the words of the seer are correctly interpreted) are very ambivalent. The country will have to go through serious trials, poverty and devastation. The basis of the conflict is the struggle for power. Meanwhile, this situation should not continue for a long time. Every crime comes to an end. A person under the sign of Sagittarius should come to power. It is he who will help restore order in the country and end the war.

Another woman's prediction indicates the territorial disintegration of the country, which has access to the Black Sea. This phrase caused a whole wave of discussions. Some soothsayers claim that the Bulgarian woman thus pointed to Ukraine, because Crimea has already been annexed and it is unlikely that it will be possible to return it home without a military confrontation. Other connoisseurs of Wang's prophecies are convinced that we are talking about the Russian Federation. This is one of those empires that has so far been based on authoritarianism and intimidation. Meanwhile, resistance to such orders in the state has already begun.

What does Pavel Globa say?

An old friend of Vladimir Putin, astrologer Pavel Globa, assures that he learned about the military conflict in a neighboring country thanks to the stars 10 years ago. By 2020, he assures, the country's economic opportunities will drop to critical levels. Territorial changes are highly likely to take place: some parts of the country, if you believe in such predictions for Donbass for 2019, will want to gain their independence.

The politicians who will come in 2020 will initiate a political dialogue with the Russian side. It is worth remembering that earlier Pavel Globa already foreshadowed the collapse of the EU and Russia's global dominance. But, as we see now, such astrological forecasts turned out to be in vain.

Carpathian molfars are one of the strongest soothsayers. There are stories among the people that such people could not only learn about upcoming events, help people and livestock out of trouble, but also influence natural phenomena, in particular: to make rain or disperse clouds.

It is interesting to know their opinion on the topic of when the war in Donbass will end, predictions for Ukraine. One of the oldest and most experienced, however, now deceased, medicine man Mikhail Nechay told Ukrainians at the beginning of 2011 that they should beware of war. He knew that the east of the country would burst into flames. Such a war, although it will take many lives, still must end. This should be expected when both Ukrainians and Russians understand who exactly uses such a conflict and for what purpose.

Another representative of the Molfars, Orest Stafiychuk, gives positive predictions of what awaits Donbass in 2019. According to him, positive changes will occur already at the beginning of 2018. The “freezing” of the conflict will take place in 2019, but Ukraine should expect a complete solution to the problem and the restoration of its historical borders only in 15 years (that is, closer to 2029). The most successful, assures the sage, the way to the cessation of hostilities is very cautious, gradual and long negotiations with representatives of the world community. It is unlikely that the country will be able to cope with the aggressor on its own. Entering a full-scale war will not bring benefits, but will completely destroy the country, therefore careless decisions are best avoided.

As for the elections, as the Molfars make it clear, a person who enjoys authority in the eyes of European partners will most likely come to power. He is distinguished by his impatience with the oligarchs and is able to pull the country out of a difficult situation.


A few years ago, one of the most famous Odessa astrologers, Vladislav Ross, compiled in detail astrological forecast for the country in the near future. According to this star specialist, Ukrainians should expect turning points only in December 2020. It was then that in the sky the most major planets our system. With the beginning of 2021, Ukraine is waiting for a sharp economic recovery. This may be some kind of particularly useful law for entrepreneurs and foreign investors, or else the promotion of Western countries. From the astrological side, this phenomenon is associated with the sign of Taurus, which is directly related to money. The maximum financial prosperity of the Ukrainian state will be achieved in 2025. The country will become attractive to many investors.

New predictions for Donbass from Vladislav are quite positive. In 2019, all military clashes must finally stop. Pluto - Platen, which increases aggression and conflict - will weaken more and more. The peak of her strength was observed in 2014.

The Crimean peninsula, according to the soothsayer, will never return to Ukraine. However, he will not have to be Russian for a long time either. With a high probability, a third force will intervene in the conflict - most likely Turkey. She can establish a protectorate over the territory. Another possible scenario is the presence of representatives of several states on the peninsula.

Predictions of Vera Lyon in Donbass for 2019

Kazakhstan Vanga (namely, so in last years began to call the clairvoyant Vera Lyon) not so optimistic in her assumptions for Ukraine. The struggle between Russian-funded militias and the Ukrainian army will continue throughout 2019. True, such strong collisions and massive shelling settlements there should be no more. The self-proclaimed republics of the DPR and LPR will move into a new format of existence and unite into a single quasi-state. As in previous years, military weapon, technology, and humanitarian aid these parts will go from Russia.

Maxim Gordeev and his vision of the situation

Gordeev is one of the psychics who uses tarot cards in his "work". In power, he assures, will still be those people who in the past enjoyed natural wealth states. Re-elections are the most successful and bloodless way to change your history. Otherwise, clashes between the Ukrainian people and the authorities will resume again.

As for the Donbass, the conflict will gradually begin to decline. Shooting will be less and less. The country's energy potential is still quite large, which will allow it to stay afloat even further. There is no question of any split into separate parts in the future. Meanwhile, Ukraine will be able to achieve its integrity only in 5-6 years.

Other predictions

It is also worth pointing out other predictions in the Donbass for 2019 from the strongest psychics.

Natalya Nesterenko. Astrologer Natalya Nesterenko calls 2019 a time of change. Prerequisites for complete replacement existing political system give Ukrainians a chance to free themselves from corruption and poverty. The interaction of Venus and the Moon, into which the country is now being drawn, has a positive effect on the implementation of any reforms. Meanwhile, revolutionary changes (which are likely to take place in the coming years in Ukraine) will only benefit and help establish an effective course.

Elena Osipenko. Reassures the Ukrainians, pointing out that positive changes in politics and economics will definitely take place in 2019. By this time, the population will have to endure lack of money and social imbalance. The period before the elections will be critical for the country. With great efforts, the people will still be able to tear the insatiable oligarchs away from the "trough".

The head of the Moscow Astrological Academy is also convinced that soon global community will talk about Ukraine in a completely different aspect. The country will not finally join the EU, but the state will be able to function very effectively on its own. The country's authorities, he points out, by and large will not change for another 10 years. Of course, the country will have new leaders, but they will not be strong enough to solve a difficult situation. Only after two presidential terms will the country be led by strong people. The peak of the heyday of the Ukrainian state Levin prophesies for the year 2080.

As you can see, the opinions of psychics are very different, so it is quite difficult to draw any single conclusion regarding the future of Ukraine. The clergy are asking Ukrainians to pray more, and entrust the fate of the country to God, and also, if possible, help each other and the soldiers who are now on the front lines.

And his prophecies surprisingly accurately convey the essence of the current situation in Ukraine.

Schema-Archimandrite Zosima enjoyed unquestioned authority in the Donbass. Actually, not only in the Donbass. Believers knew and revered the ascetic far beyond the region, from Moscow to Athos, from Jerusalem to Kyiv. The elder enjoyed the special favor of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

The parishioners revered Father Zosima both during his lifetime and after his departure to another world (by the way, he accurately predicted the day of his death, he was buried on the territory of the monastery he founded) as a saint. Although he is not canonized.

People came to Father Zosima for advice, spiritual support, and blessings. His sermons were immensely popular. Of course, the shrewd words of the schiarchimandrite occupied a special place. After all, such a gift is rarely given to anyone.

For example, here is how Father Zosima predicted the upcoming war, which has been shaking the Donbass for the fifth year already:

“The wrath of God - wars - is approaching rapidly, and we will not go anywhere,” he said, “No matter how we shout about the world ... We ourselves are already bringing the wrath of God closer. This fiery bowl of God's wrath will fall on our heads, there will be trouble.

And isn’t this a reliable description, but only in the format of a sermon, of what news agencies bring us daily from Ukrainian territories?

"And the time will come soon, there will be more criminals than us, more or less normal people."

“Times are tough, don't hope for the best. The future generation is even worse: glass eyes are everything, weapons are everywhere. He can shoot you at any moment for fun. Such an evil time is now coming, the world lies in grave evil. Already the struggle of the Antichrist is approaching and a terrible corruption and decline in the morals of our society, which we see.”

Elder Zosima was remembered by many today in connection with the events in Istanbul. The consequences of the actions of the excommunicated layman Denisenko (also known as Filaret) and, more than aspirations, the seer from the Donbass, who warmed him Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, saw this:

“What an allowance! There will be the same Gethsemane, it will be repeated in our country soon, it is already being prepared. A betrayal of the Church, a betrayal of the Motherland, a betrayal of all that is holy.

“The autocephalists will be expelled, somewhere the Lord will give shelter. Prison awaits us all. Somehow they’ll give a shelf there, and that’s all, “never renounce prison and scrip” - that’s what people say, like that.

“Khokhols-Westerners will twist and turn against the holy Orthodox faith. Well, you need to go to jail. You won't be a priest if you don't go to jail. And you need to prepare for this, and for the path of confession. Well, as God wills. Better to avoid it. But never renounce prison and the bag. God is all around - and in prisons, and wherever we are - God is all around. And with God, nothing in life is ever scary.”

However, the Schema-Archimandrite knew for sure that there was a force capable of resisting the darkness that had overwhelmed Ukraine.

“Monasticism will stand as an army against the Antichrist until the end of time. How many more venerable martyrs there will be monks, how many more ascetic monks there will be, who courageously stand up when everyone bows to the Antichrist.

“We are standing in the temple of God, and the Lord has already prepared for us a crown of martyrdom. And some of us will have to suffer, and shed blood, and innocent heavy suffering - to go through Golgotha, so that, through this, being cleansed of sins, to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, to reach eternity.

“The most terrible thing for the Antichrist will be monasticism and monastic clothes. This apostle and the mantle of the monastic Antichrist will be afraid. Although he will torment the monks hard, he will not be able to defeat them.

Of course, father Zosima made terrible prophecies, but he also gave us faith, firmly indicated on whose side the truth is and to whom the victory will belong in the end.

“So the spirit of Russia is mighty, always invincible! .. The Russian bear sleeps, sleeps, endures, endures, but as soon as he wakes up, as he takes this shaggy cudgel in his paw, as he unwinds, then the whole of Masonic Europe will then fly from this cudgel real, Russian, holy.

“And now, in our time, the pounding all begins with Kyiv - the mother of Russian cities, from the cradle. And from there this pounding will roll all over the Russian land, it will not bypass Russia, nothing, there will be demonic possession all around. But Russia will stand, and there will be great grace there, even the forces of hell, the Antichrist, will not overcome the Russian Orthodox Church.”

“The holy elders said: “Orthodoxy will remain pure only in the Russian Orthodox Church. The rest will all depart, all will fall into the charm of demons, and the Russian Orthodox Church will preserve the purity of faith until the coming of the Antichrist… This is the last day of the Antichrist. In Russia, the lamps of the true faith will burn. And neither the charm of demons, nor persecution, nor any other tricks of Satan will extinguish them. Lamps will burn on the holy Russian land.

* All quotations are from the collections of sermons by Schema-Archimandrite Zosima (Sokur), prepared in different years by the publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery.

The war on the territory of Donbass managed to affect not only the whole of Ukraine and the Russian Federation, but also stirred up everything with its scale. European states who until recently doubted the veracity and seriousness of this conflict. Many psychics made their predictions about Novorossia, how the war would end in their opinion, and among them those who died long before it began

What do the predictions of psychics and elders say about what will happen in Ukraine in 2017? Read on site

The fate of the young state directly depends not only on the resilience and endurance of the inhabitants of Donbass, but also on the firm hand of Russia.

War or peace await Lugansk and Donbass according to psychics?

In 2018, Novorossiya continued to strengthen its position in front of Ukrainian Kiev, proving its absolute independence and love of freedom. Despite impressive successes in the clashes and liberation of their own territories, Lugansk and Donbass are daily subjected to impressive political pressure from Ukraine, the United States and Germany, whose actions are aimed at suppressing the uprising of Russian-speaking rebels and returning them to the Ukrainian state.

What the clairvoyants say

Not only politicians are interested in the fate of Novorossiya, but also psychics and visionaries who believe that the formation of this state will entail incredible changes in many powers of the world. Having endured unbearable torment and oppression, defending their own right to speak mother tongue and honor the traditions of Russian ancestors, Donbass got a great chance to carve out a place for itself in the sun and get reliable protection from Russia.

So, going through today not the best and sweet times, Novorossiya is gradually getting stronger, gaining more and more independence from Kyiv. Despite the fact that the armed confrontation has somewhat cooled down and entered a sluggish phase, the new state is still in great danger due to the possible manifestation of aggression by Ukrainian military personnel and foreign mercenaries who do not want to obey the Minsk agreements and aim to intimidate the inhabitants of Luhansk and Donbas.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Predictions about Novorossiya for 2017 differ from each other. Real confrontations and discussions break out between psychics and magicians when it comes to the fate of the young Russian state.

There are a number of opinions of well-known visionaries who believe that the future of Novorossiya will depend only on its own hands and the people who hold the levers of power. The economic stability that has come in the two regions makes it possible to take impressive steps forward, leaving issues of conflict and disagreement between political clans in the background.

What do the predictions of the future of Ukraine and New Russia from well-known seers say?


What did Vanga see about Donbass and Lugansk?

The predictions of the Bulgarian seer Vanga have always been ambiguous and ambiguous. However, over time, there was no doubt that the words she had spoken came true and loomed into certain events and incidents. Vanga also did not disregard Ukraine and Russia, on which, in her opinion, the fate of many innocent states and nationalities depended.

Vanga. She repeatedly dwelled on this issue and made dozens of predictions regarding not only the development of political relations between the two fraternal states, but also the conflicts that threaten them. So, the Bulgarian witch predicted a war and a crushing defeat for Ukraine, which, due to her own negligence and negligent attitude towards her lands and natural resources, will lose the most valuable territories that he will never be able to return.

Vanga constantly described the "traitor brother", who undermined not only his own well-being, but also the normal life of his loved ones. The clairvoyant spoke about the incredible hatred and enmity that the "wanderer who came from across the ocean" would sow between Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine will be infected with ideas about a new life, in which there is no place for Slavic customs and foundations. Russia will cease to be an authority for it, which will significantly undermine the standard of living of ordinary Ukrainians. She did not disregard Wang and Novorossia, which was also mentioned in her predictions.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant several times mentioned a new state, which will appear immediately after Ukraine stumbles and decides to start living by new rules. Vanga talked about courageous warriors who would not want to live according to the traditions of foreign peoples, but would like to leave only their own and coexist in peace and tranquility with fraternal peoples. But disobedience will lead to the fact that the ground under the feet of the rebels will burn, and the new state will face economic instability and famine.

Vanga's predictions about Novorossia sound somewhat ambiguous. The blind clairvoyant predicted the most difficult first years after independence and constant pressure from the opponents of the Russian world. The rulers will achieve partial recognition, and Russia will help restore financial well-being and bring the country out of starvation. But Vanga never managed to see if the new Russian state full and complete.

Julia Wang

What predictions did the winner of the Battle of Psychics give to Lugansk and Donetsk?

Julia Wang is one of the strongest participants in the Battle of Psychics project 2014. Her predictions have always amazed with their veracity and accuracy. Like any compassionate and caring person, Julia is worried about the latest events in Ukraine and the fate of the new Russian state, which still has not been fully recognized, but is already an independent participant in political proceedings.

Julia does not hide the fact that she fears for the fate and well-being of Ukraine. She predicted that this state would irretrievably lose Donbass, which would build and improve political relations with Russia and Belarus, but economic cooperation will not stop with Ukraine. Novorossiya will long time move away from the experienced horrors of the war, but 2017 does not promise a final end to the conflict, as the current authorities of Ukraine are still aggressive and skeptical not only in relation to Donetsk and Luhansk, but also to the Russian Federation.

Nazar Lebedyak

Nazar Lebedyak is famous soothsayer and a participant in the Battle of Psychics competition. Previously, he did not touch on the conflict that took place between Ukraine and the rebels from the Donbass. However, now Lebedyak is seriously concerned about what is happening on the territory of these two states.

In their latest predictions Nazar assured that peace in Ukraine and Novorossia would come with the signing of a peace treaty that would help get rid of weapons and prevent senseless deaths. civilians. But now Lebedyak assures that signatures on paper alone are not enough. In order to achieve peace and recognition in the state of Novorossiya, it takes time and a change in the current authorities on the territory of Ukraine and the United States.

Khayal Alekperov

What awaits the rebellious Donbass in 2017?

Khayal Alekperov made the first predictions about Donbas during the Maidan. Then he saw the first revelation, in which Jesus stood in the middle of a huge, ruined and empty square. There was a handful of bloody earth in his palm, and tears rolled down his face. Then Khayal made a statement about the bitter fate of the Ukrainian state.

But the second vision seemed to Khayal even more terrifying, in which Jesus was holding a burning Ukrainian flag in his hands. Then Khayal made a statement that the conflict in Ukraine would not be resolved peacefully and that the authorities might have to say goodbye to part of their lands. Thus, Khayal mentioned that there would still be Novorossiya.

Pavel Globa

Pavel Globa said that Ukraine will fall apart into 3 parts, which will never be able to reunite again. Perhaps he meant the DNR and LNR.

According to the prophet, Ukraine will have to hold another Maidan, as a result of which people will come to power that will be friendly with Russia and the Customs Union.

Juna Davitashvili

Juna did not have time to make statements about the future of Novorossia during her lifetime. But even in her interview there are clues that analysts are now increasingly remembering and thinking about. So, Juna often talked about a young power that could bring the USSR together with its own fortitude. The power itself will be “under the wing of Russia” and, despite its youth, it will become an identification of the strength and power of a great power.

holy elders

According to the holy elders, the current conflict is the beginning of the Third World War

The predictions of the holy fathers about New Russia have a more pessimistic connotation. They lead to the fact that it is the formation of this new state that will entail the development of the Third World War. Russia is the leading state in these predictions, which will be destined to defend the rights of all Russian-speaking people and their traditions.

The war, according to the holy fathers, will be short-lived, but incredibly bloodthirsty and cruel, as a result of which Russia will lose most their lands. But at the same time, the country will undoubtedly survive, united with Belarus.

The fate of Novorossiya will depend on its own patience and ability to wait out troubles. Being under the warm and reliable wing of Russia, this young state will have every chance to start new life without dictatorship and oppression.

Novorossiya will cut off all ties with Ukraine, preferring cooperation with Russian Federation, Serbia and Belarus. Novorossia will not be part of Russia, as it wishes to remain intact independent state from own preferences and laws.

The most accurate forecast for 2018

Predictions about Novorossia: how the war will end in 2018 vary greatly. On the this moment there are no exact estimates of the future of the self-proclaimed republic. There are very few things to highlight. One of the most interesting is the prediction of the clairvoyant Andrei Hyperborea.

Andrei has repeatedly announced the approach of disasters in the form of tsunamis, earthquakes or hurricanes. A month before one of the latest earthquakes, which greatly affected Afghanistan, Andrey predicted the amplitude of the tremors with an accuracy of up to a point.

Andrei Hyperborea made predictions about Novorossia more than once. And about 70% of what he said came true within the next three months. In his new prediction for 2018, Andrey said that Novorossia will become a symbol of unity and strength. Russian people. It will not yet become a fully independent state, but 2018 will bring the republic closer to its goal. In 2018, not too active are possible fighting in the territories of the LNR and the DNR. But they will quickly stop with the onset of the crisis predicted by Andrei in the United States.

Video: "Prediction for Novorossiya 2017-2018"

Published on 23.10.18 10:43

Meanwhile, Ukraine does not have enough shells for the war in the Donbass - more than 40% of the ammunition in the arsenals flew into the air.

Odessa elder Iona Gnatenko many times accurately predicted future events that should take place in Ukraine. Recently, his words regarding the development of the conflict in Donbas appeared on the Web.

When asked if a third World War, the elder replied that there would be no such war. And most countries, including Ukraine and Russia, will live in abundance and prosperity. About the future of the United States, the elder said that a great power intkkihs will have to endure a terrible default, but America will quickly get out of this situation and stabilize the economic situation.

According to the elder, peace in the Donbass should come at the beginning of 2019. After 2025, Ukraine will prosper, although this will require huge cash injections. At the same time, despite the end of the war and the stabilization of the situation in the world, Novorossia will not receive an official status and will not be recognized by the world as a full-fledged state.

By the way, 2019 is called the year of the end of the war in the east of Ukraine and others famous psychics and parapsychologists. So, according to Sergei Shevtsov-Lang, the cause of the war in the Donbas was Uranus, which is in Aries, and Mars patronizes Uranus. Under fire element Ukraine will stay until 2019, after which the situation will gradually normalize. After that, in Ukraine there will be an increase in the standard of living of the population.

Another fortune-teller Julia Wang predicts an imminent peace in the Donbass. According to her, in 2019, a new leadership of the country will be elected in Ukraine, which will give broad powers to the leaders of the rebellious regions of the country. This will end the war.

In turn, the Kazakh Vanga Vera Lion predicted that in the south-east of Ukraine in 2019 the conflict between the militias and the Kyiv authorities will continue. But there will be fewer attacks.

Shelling, indeed, may become less, but for a different reason. So, "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" writes that Kiev does not have enough shells for the war in Donbass. Explosions in warehouse No. 6 (Ichnya, Chernihiv region) have ceased. The overall result of material losses as a result of fires in Ukrainian arsenals over the past year and a half has been summed up. The fire destroyed more ammunition than the Ukrainian army used up in the Donbass and during all the firing exercises.

In March 2017, fire destroyed about 100,000 tons of ammunition at a military depot in the city of Balakleya in the Kharkiv region. As a result of a fire at military depots in Kalinovka, Vinnytsia region, in September 2017, 39,000 tons of ammunition were lost. In May 2018, fire engulfed the field depot of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the frontline zone near the village of Staraya Nikolaevka, 1,000 tons of materiel flew into the air, and the losses of the 6th arsenal amounted to 70,000 tons.

In total, the Armed Forces of Ukraine were left without 210 thousand tons of ammunition, which is 40% total number cartridges, grenades, shells and rockets, which the army of Ukraine has.

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