What can be done on the growing moon. Growing moon as a source of wealth and attracting money: folk signs

The growing moon is the beginning of everything new, the accumulation of strength, energy. In general, the time is good, and it should be used to achieve success in various areas of life.

To understand which moon is growing, you need to look at the night sky. A thin month at the very beginning of the cycle gradually increases, turning towards the end lunar month in full moon. Along with these changes, strength in the human body increases, an unprecedented supply of vigor appears, a surge of strength is felt.

You can check with the heavenly body every night and watch how every day a thin month grows and increases in size. Knowing this, everyone will understand how to determine the growing moon.

auspicious beginnings

1. When the growing moon is gaining strength, you can take on new business, projects, start work for which you did not have enough strength. You can even start looking for a new job. The influence of the moon at this time is expressed in the fact that all matters must be resolved successfully, and there will be enough strength for everything.

At the same time, you should look into the calendar of the growing moon and remember that in the very first days the energy is just beginning to wake up - this time should be used to make plans and accumulate strength for a throw. The period of the growing moon should be used to the maximum, knowing that after the recession will begin and many issues can no longer be resolved so easily.

2. On the days of the growing moon, it is good to do something that can change your appearance. To strengthen your strength and get a charge of vivacity, it is recommended to take a course of wellness massage, visit a beautician, and make a nourishing mask. All this will bring great benefits to the body, cheer up, give even more confidence and strength.

3. A haircut for the growing moon is sure to please. She will bring renewal, cheer up, heal hair. Cutting on the growing moon is also possible for those who dream of long hair. It is enough to trim the length a little, and the strands will grow back very quickly.

4. Knowing how the growing moon affects a person, you can use these days to start new life. For example, enter into your daily routine a jog in the morning or a cold shower. Getting up these days is very easy, and from the very morning you want to move mountains. Therefore, it is easiest to start a new life during this period.

5. What to do on the growing moon is to do some very important goal and concentrate only on it. It's not worth getting bogged down in a lot of small things.

6. The desire to fall in love will also be quite justified. If this feeling comes, it will bring a lot positive emotions and most likely lead to a serious relationship.

7. On the growing moon, gardeners usually plant seedlings, sow seeds, plant trees. You can do any beautification of the site: break flower beds, form compositions. It is useful to do indoor flowers.

What is best to avoid

1. During the growing moon, it is recommended to carefully monitor your diet. Energy is spent actively, and in order to restore it, the body needs additional calories. You can afford it only if you have physical exercise, - then everything superfluous will burn. If physical activity missing, everything will be deposited on the sides and waist. Therefore, preference should be given to fruits and vegetables.

2. Despite the fact that recovery at this time is useful, it is impossible to interfere with the work of the body. It's about about any operations - they can lead to an undesirable result. You can perform all the manipulations that add something to the body: for example, you can treat teeth, but you can’t remove them.

4. You can not put an end to the relationship. You should wait for another moment or thoroughly understand everything. It is possible that some time after the breakup it turns out that you made a mistake, and it will be very difficult to fix something.

5. You can't quarrel these days. Even a small conflict will grow to a large scale. The process of reconciliation will not happen soon. And if it close person, the situation will cause severe discomfort. It is wiser to keep emotions under control these days.

6. As for garden work, it is not recommended to mow lawns, cut trees, weed beds. These works will not bring any positive result.

Dreams, divination, rituals

Dreams on the growing moon are important. And even if they were a little like reality, they still have a hint hidden in them that will help in solving some problems that concern a person in reality. You just need to find her. At this time, you have dreams that suggest the right course of action and may indicate some traits in your character that require close attention and introspection. In any case, this is an occasion to understand yourself.

On the growing moon they tend to come true. You just need to really want something. And for this, it is desirable at night, looking at the night sky, to concentrate your thoughts and clearly define your goal. The only point that you need to pay attention to: thoughts must be pure, not harming anyone else. Only such wishes can come true.

Fortune telling on the growing moon will help you find out if your plan will come true. To do this, they take out any thing from their wardrobe, take a needle, thread and make a stitch on the clothes. Every day for 40 days you need to add a stitch. Thread that ended ahead of time, will say that the desire will not come true. If the thread is enough, everything will come true.

There is another option to bring the realization of desire closer. While the moon is gaining strength, you need to take a white sheet and capture your desire on paper. Place the leaf in a pot with earth, plant a plant in it. If the flower grows well, the wish will surely come true. If it withers, alas, dreams will not come true.

There is another ritual. On a piece of plasticine with a thin needle, you need to write a desire. Then crush the plasticine in your hands, imagining how everything will be fulfilled. Roll up a ball and put it in a secluded place until the wish comes true.

Signs on the growing moon indicate that this time should be used to make a profit, improve material well-being. There are several ways, like on the growing moon. You need to put the wallet on the windowsill as soon as the new moon appears, and leave it overnight. At the same time, a bill should be placed in the wallet in advance, preferably larger.

Money rituals for the growing moon suggest another simple way. You just need to hold coins in your hands or paper bill while looking at the growing month and turning to it with a request that, along with its growth, the amount of money also increase.

Rites for the growing moon help to improve any situation, but at the same time, all thoughts should be only positive. Nothing and no one can be done to harm. A conspiracy for love is recommended to be done on Wednesday, as this is a "women's" day, using candles. And on the "men's" day - Thursday - it is wiser to engage in attracting money.

Conspiracies for money on the growing moon are recommended to be carried out in a quiet place, all alone. To enhance the effect, it is better to take twelve identical coins, wrap them in green cloth and tie seven knots. Then put this bag on the window so that the light of the moon falls on it. Whispering for money is always best done on new wallet- so success will come faster.

Health conspiracies should be read with holy water, which can be taken in church during religious holidays. You don't need to know any special words. The main thing is to sincerely ask for recovery. For seven nights, the water should be charged with moonlight, after which you can begin the course of taking charmed water.

All conspiracies on the growing moon have magical powers. You just need to believe in them and approach everything with good intentions. Any conspiracies to the detriment of other people will return as a boomerang and bring misfortune.

Write your opinion

Everyone knows that the change of seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter) is a solar rhythm. The lunar rhythm can also be divided into four "lunar seasons": lunar "spring" - from the new moon to the end of the first quarter; lunar "summer" - from the beginning of the second quarter to the full moon; lunar "autumn" - from the full moon to the end of the third quarter; lunar "winter" - from the beginning of the fourth quarter to the new moon.

In the lunar "spring" and "summer" all the juices in the plants rise from the roots up into the foliage. Maximum life force falls on the full moon. Then a decline follows - the juices from the foliage go down to the roots, the lunar "winter" comes. At the new moon there is a minimum of vitality.

Something similar happens with animals, including humans. Period, when the moon is coming- favorable for development, health and growth, both spiritual and material. Therefore, from ancient times it was believed that everything that should actively grow and develop should be planted during the “growing moon”, and during the “waning moon” harvest should begin, do general cleaning, get rid of everything superfluous, start treatment, cleanse the body, cut hair, etc.

Astrologers are sure that the Moon influences not only our biorhythms, but also really favors conception. In some countries Western Europe and the United States, when deciding on the issue of fertilization, be sure to focus on the lunar calendar. Even the sex of the child can predetermine the luminary. If you want a boy, make sure that at the moment of conception, the Moon passes through one of the male planets. There is such a concept in astrology: the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto .. And vice versa, if you want a girl, then through the female planets: the Moon, Venus and Neptune.
Neutral - Mercury, Saturn, Uranus. Jupiter is considered a hermaphrodite - both male and female planet at the same time.
In Indian astrology, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are considered male planets, while Saturn and Mercury are considered "impotent".

Here are some more interesting patterns:

« During the waxing moon plan the most important and responsible things (especially important phone calls and letters, they turn out to be very convincing), and for the period of the waning moon - things already established, not requiring special efforts. important to you phone call, produced during the waning moon, most likely will not give the desired effect, because on the other end of the wire you are listening to a person who also has biorhythms on the decline. He will rather redirect you to another instance than begin to delve into your problem.

New ventures, especially those requiring public support, start from the first quarter to the full moon. Cases that require calm conduct, making inquiries, searching for information, reports - from the last quarter to the new moon. Marriages, signing of documents - from the first quarter to the full moon. Best time for advertising, publicity, public speaking- full moon. Travel, resettlement, change of job start from the first quarter to the full moon. Getting a job - during the growing moon, minus three days after the new moon and one - before the full moon. best moment for correspondence, sending letters, repairing a house, painting, changing wallpaper - last quarter and new moon."

At the time of the full moon a person has a surge of strength, increases excitability nervous system may increase irritability. But on the new moon, experts say, on the contrary, there may be a decline in activity.

The new moon has a stronger effect on men: they become less sociable, and the full moon affects women: the psyche becomes less stable, possible abrupt shifts moods. But, on the other hand, closer to the full moon, women become more romantic and more passionate. Numerous studies recent years proved: in the full moon, the frequency of sexual intercourse increases significantly. Moreover, at this time, activity for the most part comes from women. So, dear men, if you decide to finally seduce the object of your passion, choose the night of the full moon for this.

The next secret is for women. Take advantage of the ability of water to absorb and transmit moonlight well. There is an ancient recipe female beauty, which has come down to us from the books of medieval magicians and healers. Fill a clear glass jar clean water and leave it all night in a place where it would be well lit by moonlight, with the growing moon. In the morning, remove the water to a dark place and use it for taking a bath: pour it into a bathtub already filled with plain water. And then, having entered the water, imagine how the lunar energy belonging to it passes into you, gives you strength, beauty, health, self-confidence. Knowledgeable people claim that a woman using the power of moon water becomes irresistible.

best time for surgical operations- waning moon. Surgeons in Florida (USA) noticed that abdominal operations and operations on the larynx proceed with less blood loss if they are done on a new moon. The same applies to tooth extractions, fillings and crowns.

It is possible to remove warts and other benign formations on the skin only during the waning moon, and when the new moon comes, stop the procedure and wait for the full moon again. Most effective time for the treatment of nail fungus, foot fungus - the waning moon.

Yogis are advised to start fasting and hungry days on the full moon and complete before the new moon. When the moon is rising it's easier to dial excess weight than with a waning moon.

Nourishing masks should be applied on the growing moon, and cleansing procedures should be carried out on the waning one: skin healing during this period will be faster.

Medicines taken on the full moon are more effective.

Folk wisdom notes that a rich harvest cannot be preserved if it is harvested without taking into account lunar phases. The rule is simple: - everything that grows above the surface of the Earth should be planted or sown in the periods before the full moon, and everything that bears fruit under the Earth - potatoes, carrots, beets, etc. - in the period after the full moon.

Trees can be replanted during the waxing moon, and diligently watered daily, exactly at noon before the first rain. By the way, ancient beliefs say that trees need to be replanted in accordance with its former position - in a new place, the side of the tree facing east must certainly be turned there.

If you are growing a lawn, cut it in the first and second phases of the moon for good green growth, and if you want to slow down growth, cut it when the moon is at its worst.

Based on an article by Galina Bikmullina

The first quarter of the lunar month, which is also called the first phase of the moon, lasts from the moment of the New Moon to the 7th lunar day.

The 2nd quarter of the lunar month begins on the 8th or 9th lunar day.

The period of the Young Moon is always the beginning of a new stage in our life. On the one hand, there is still little strength and energy, since the Moon is barely visible in the sky, and we do not receive the proper amount of its energy. On the other hand, this is the time of beginnings and important decisions. It is in the New Moon that it is most favorable to start new business.

On the day of the New Moon, we have a small supply of energy. Therefore, on this day it is recommended to rest more and gain strength. As the moon grows, so will our energy. But the first quarter of the lunar month is not intended for great accomplishments, but only for the beginning of various things.

it mystical time- the best to create Wish Cards and visualization of your goals.

Also, the New Moon period is a great time to attract wealth and abundance into your life.

But let's list all the important things that can be done on the growing moon:

A haircut. Haircut on the Young Moon is very favorable. And first of all it concerns women who grow hair. Haircut on the Young Moon promotes rapid hair growth. The most favorable for this is the 5th lunar day.

Dreams. It is on the New Moon and on the growing Moon that our desires, goals and dreams have great power. Dream on the New Moon, and then your life will move in the direction of your desires.

Start of new business. On the New Moon, it is favorable to start any business. But on the descending one, you can only finish.

Acquaintance. Acquaintances on the Young Moon most often develop into friendships.

Diet. It is on the Young Moon that you need to start a diet and healthy lifestyle life. And on the 2nd lunar day it is easiest to quit smoking.

Sport. Where without physical training. If you have been planning to go to the gym for a long time, do it on the Young Moon.

Rituals to attract wealth. If you have long planned to start a piggy bank or install symbols that attract wealth in your house, do it on the Young Moon, and best of all on the 2nd lunar day.

Risk. It is the 3rd lunar day that is intended for bold deeds and risky deeds. If you have been unable to decide to start or undertake something for a long time, do it on 3 lunar day.

Reading, learning. It is the 4th lunar day that is associated with information. Start your learning during this period and it will be easy and fun.

Performances before the public. You can show oratory and leadership skills on the 7th lunar day. It is on this day that you have the opportunity to successfully speak in front of an audience. Also on this day, our words affect our lives. So be sure to voice your desires.

Search original ideas. If you have long wanted to come up with something new and interesting, then do it on the growing moon.

What not to do on the New Moon:

You can't repay debts. The New Moon period is more suitable for accumulation, so keep the money to yourself.

You can't make big purchases. Large purchases can also drain you of energy these days. It is better to do them in the 2nd and 3rd quarters of the lunar month.

You can't talk about the negative. And also swear, quarrel, voice bad thoughts.

You can't be lazy. Laziness and apathy these days will lead to poverty and take away all luck. Don't overdo it, but don't be lazy either.

Finish things. During this period, you can start, but not finish what you started.

Overeat. The first days of the lunar month are more suitable for purification. The exception is the 3rd lunar day - on this day you need to eat your fill.

Overwork. There is still little strength and energy on the Young Moon in the 1st quarter of the lunar month, so you need to use this resource rationally. It is important to rest enough and gain strength for further achievements.

To complain. all complaints during this period attract problems and worsen your situation. This is especially true in matters of money. On the Young Moon, you can improve your financial situation, and worsen.

The growing moon is a very fertile time. You are full of energy, you succeed in everything, and even the tiring heat does not knock you down. positive attitude. The more the Moon rounds, the easier it is for you to do what a couple of weeks ago seemed difficult or completely impossible.

It’s like someone pours extra strength into you and feeds your brain. Everything that you start, sprouts, bears fruit and returns with interest. This is a period of creation and "scattering of stones", because while the moon is growing, you can lay a solid base under your future life. But there is something that is not recommended to do on the growing moon. That's what we'll talk about today.

There is so much to do on the Growing Moon that you just have time to turn around. But do not try to redo everything in one phase - in a month a new New Moon will come and the Moon will begin to grow again, again giving you the opportunity to catch up on what was not enough time in the last favorable phase.

Cases and cases

If you are going to build a house, then lay the first stone (symbolic) on the growing Moon, then the construction will be fast, and then it will be very comfortable to live in such a house. The same applies to repairs - start it on the growing moon, but do not rush to get rid of old and unnecessary junk - do it on the waning one. Although it’s better to get rid of everything unnecessary on a decreasing one, and only then, on a growing one, start alterations.

Putting money in a bank at interest and investing it in a business is also better on a growing moon, so you insure yourself against unsuccessful investments, and every ruble (or dollar) will “work” and not lie dead weight.

Make large purchases for the long term - cars, furniture, large Appliances etc. - all these things bought for the growing moon will be for a long time serve you faithfully.

In this phase of the moon, it is recommended to ask for an increase in salary, look for new job, if for some reason the old one does not suit you, offer new projects to the authorities and push through your ideas. During this period, you feel more confident, it is easier for you to find mutual language with higher people, you are open to communication and constructive dialogue, so you can show yourself to both current and potential bosses from the best side.

On the growing moon, it is good to discover new abilities in yourself. You can try fortune-telling, clay modeling, hands-on healing, or reading other people's fates from faces. If you have potential, it will show up immediately. And it will bring you a lot of benefits in life. If you are not adapted to creativity and mystical practices, then a brilliant financier, a talented matchmaker or a virtuoso wallpaperer can open up in you. Experiment!

Meet, enter into new relationships - sexual, friendly, business. All this will be productive and promising. If everything suits you in your personal and business life, and you don’t need new acquaintances, then it’s good to develop what you already have on the growing moon. Communicate, have fun, contribute your ideas - others will appreciate your enthusiasm.

beauty and health

On the growing Moon, be sure to take care of your appearance: a haircut made during this period, especially on days when the Moon is in Leo, will perfectly “take root” on your head - the hair will be silky, obedient, will grow well, and the haircut that suits you you pick up easily. Coloring, highlighting and toning of hair will give an excellent result - the paint will last for a long time and the color will not “wash off”.

In this article we will tell you which powerful ones you can carry out. The satellite of the Earth was considered a faithful assistant in magical rituals. The energy of the growing moon contributes to all positive undertakings and fulfills all innermost desires and dreams. She will attract wealth and prosperity to your home, help in matters of the heart and career. It is safe to say that this is a period and renewal.

The satellite of the Earth does not have its own light, but reflects the light of the sun. Depending on how the Moon is located in relation to the Earth and the Sun, its appearance which we can observe. There are phases of the moon twenty-nine and a half days long, each of which favors certain magical rites.

In the period when the Moon entered the renewal phase, the time comes to attract a new flow of energy into human life. Part of the universal energy field, which is activated in this phase on Earth, can be directed to love, creation and universal harmony. Therefore, during this period magical rituals on the material well-being, promoting health, happiness in love and career success. These are necessarily set up for creation and positive changes in a person's life.

If you decide to seek help magical powers during the growing moon, be sure to consider some of the rules for such rituals.

When conducting magical rites, the phase of the moon is usually always taken into account. Take into account some of the nuances of conspiracies: if they turn to the growing moon, they must be performed during new moon. If – , then decreasing.

Coordinate the time of the ceremony with lunar calendar, since, visually determining the phase of the moon, you can make a mistake. Then the rite will be ineffective, or even work the other way around.

Do not experiment with the words of conspiracies, because if you are not a magician, you can make mistakes.

If you, nevertheless, wish to address the Moon in your own words, treat her with respect and reverence. A disrespectful and familiar appeal to the night luminary will lead to an undesirable result.

Do not be selfish, because the universal energy flows are for everyone. Ask for love, wealth, health for all residents. In such a case, the probability that Higher power will help you, increases many times over.

Strong protective plot on the growing moon

During the new moon period, strong ritual to protect yourself and loved ones from various negative influences and energy attacks. It must be carried out on the first day of the new moon, with each subsequent day the force of the impact decreases. Beginners are advised to update protection every month, because if you are constantly getting energy or magical influences She might not be able to take it. The strength of protection weakens not from a specific time, but from intensity negative impacts on you. If you are spoiled for death by a strong magician, then, for sure, such protection will not work.

Looking at the new moon, say:

Love rituals with the growing moon

The young month is the most auspicious time for various love rituals. This is not casual, because the first phase of the moon is a symbol of the birth love relationship or the beginning of a new stage in existing ones. There are many rituals and rituals during this period. But keep in mind that if you find love ritual on the waning moon, it is better not to use it. Most likely, its result will not be what you want.

Ritual for the return of a beloved woman

Perform on the growing moon on Saturday night. Take three church candles, a mirror, a key with a lock and a photo of your beloved. At 12 o'clock at night, place a mirror on the table and light three candles in complete darkness and put a photograph. Take the key right hand, and the lock is left and say:

Read the plot three times, extinguishing one candle after another after each reading. After extinguishing the last, insert the key into the lock and close it. Then go to sleep, and in the morning you need to take out all the objects of the ritual to a place where people do not go, bury them and not return there.

Strong money rituals for the growing moon

The waxing moon has a powerful effect on gravity material assets into a person's life. Therefore, during this period, various money rituals and rites. But in no case do not try to get rich at the expense of other people - in this case, the Higher Forces will not help you.
A powerful ritual that attracts money

Will definitely help if you urgently need money for something very important. Perform it on Sunday with the growing moon. You need to prepare an astrological candle, 2 green candles, one brown candle and yellow color, jasmine oil, cinnamon stick and brown piece of paper.

First, light a green candle, which is larger in size, and a cinnamon stick. Candle Brown color you need to smear from top to bottom with jasmine oil and scratch some kind of sign that you associate with money. Write the exact amount of money you need on the paper sheet. The rite will not be valid if you write the amount more than the one that you actually need.

Set the brown candle in the center. The remaining candles also need to be rubbed with jasmine oil from top to bottom. Put in this order: astrological behind brown, to the left of it - green, and to the right - yellow. Now you need to light the candles and read the words of the conspiracy 2, 4, 6 or 8 times:

With the help of a brown candle, you need to burn a sheet of paper and dispel the ashes.

Powerful ritual to attract money

It must be performed for three nights during the growing moon. Prepare on the table a green candle, orange, bergamot and cedar oil, a stick with one of these fragrances, a candlestick, a thin candle white color, pen with paper and bowl. As you place these items on the table, think about the fact that money is starting to come to you.

Before the ritual, it is recommended to take a cleansing bath with herbs. Draw a circle and light the wand. Sit in the center of the circle and imagine a luminous in green a ball containing you and the objects of the ritual. Holding the candle with both hands, charge it with your energy. After that, install it in a candlestick. On a piece of paper you need to write all your desires for wealth and ideas on how you can achieve prosperity. Place a sheet of paper under the candlestick so that the words are on top.

Perform the ritual on and the next two nights. At the last, you need to take out a note, burn it with a candle and throw the ashes into the bowl. After collecting the wax of a candle that has completely burned out and the ashes from a piece of paper, bury the remains under the wall of your house. During the ritual, imagine yourself inside a luminous green sphere all the time.

In this article, we have introduced you to some powerful rituals that are performed during the growing moon. But do not forget that the ritual will help you only if you yourself make efforts to achieve your goals. The essence of magic is that you see new opportunities for the fulfillment of your desires and take advantage of them. But just lying on the couch, it is unlikely that in the morning you will find a pack of banknotes under your pillow.

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