So that the neighbors don't fight.  Conspiracies from evil neighbors

Conspiracies from bad neighbors

Everyone wants to have good neighbors

It just so happens that we do not have the right to choose our parents, relatives and neighbors, but if we manage to resolve the situation peacefully with our relatives, then with our neighbors this is not always possible. Most respectable people from time to time suffer from noise behind the wall, from regular gatherings that end in the morning, and how to deal with this?

There are a huge number of ways to pacify overly violent residents, and one of the most effective is conspiracies from bad neighbors. Magic offers a lot of rituals, the action of which is aimed at unwanted neighbors.

Conspiracies from bad tenants living next door to you

We pronounce conspiracies against bad neighbors

How to get rid of neighbors? Surely every second person living in a high-rise building is interested in this question. Some people are tired of their alcoholic or drug addict neighbor, some are constantly disturbed by the downstairs neighbor's dogs, and for others, their dacha neighbors pose a threat due to their evil intentions and witchcraft abilities. But, no matter how different the situations may be, there is one very effective way solve the situation - make a conspiracy against evil neighbors. This method will certainly help you get rid of noisy, smoking and other residents of neighboring apartments and houses who find ways to prevent you from living peacefully in your house/apartment.

There are various conspiracies that help both to pacify neighboring curious and aggressive residents, and to encourage them to move out of the apartment.

Getting rid of unwanted neighbors

If you want your neighbors to move out, then helping a malicious neighbor or neighbor out of your house will help white magic, or to be more precise, strong magic spells, with the help of which it will be as easy as shelling pears to get rid of evil thoughts on the part of your housemates.

With the help of this conspiracy, you can both calm down a violent neighbor behind the wall of your home, and force lazy and annoying tenants to move out of your apartment, who constantly ruin the lives of you and your neighbors. In any case, this plot will provide you with complete peace in your home.

To put this ritual into action you need to take:

  • salt – five small pinches;
  • used pre-washed glass bottle;
  • bay leaf – 3 pieces;
  • 18-20 medium cloves of garlic;
  • dill seeds - 3 pieces;
  • black peppercorns - 3 pieces.

Having collected the components and waited for the sun to set below the horizon, we throw them all into the bottle in the order in which they are given in the list. As all the components of the plot fall into the bottle, you need to pronounce the following words once:

“Unite as one to protect me, the servant of God (your name), my house and my relatives from an annoying, boring and noisy neighbor. Whatever you want, it will come true.”

As soon as all the ingredients of the conspiracy are in the bottle, you need to shake it three times and say the following phrase: “In the name of all protective forces, help calm down the noisy and cunning neighbors so that they do not harm or wish harm on me and the people close to me living with me. Protect those who think badly of me from the envious thoughts. Calm the hatred, envy and malice of the one who dares to think that way about me. Help me find peace and quiet in my home. My words are strong as a block of stone; they cannot be broken or destroyed. Amen".

After the conspiracy against evil neighbors is pronounced, you should hide the vessel in a place where no one can find it.

Surviving bad neighbors from home

If you are wondering how to get rid of noisy neighbors, pay attention to this plot. It happens that the residents of the house living above or below your apartment greatly interfere with your ability to live peacefully in your home:

  • the apartment is constantly heated and flooded;
  • they smoke, which causes discomfort, because the smoke enters directly into all rooms, preventing them from breathing fully;
  • throw noisy parties;
  • fight from time to time.

And if you want to get rid of such unpleasant residents from your home, then a conspiracy from your neighbors will probably help you, with the help of which you can get rid of people who are interfering with your full-fledged life.

Conspiracies of this kind are carried out at sunset. Sorcerers and magicians recommend reading this plot on the new moon, since during this time period magical rituals are most powerful.

Enmity between neighbors is eternal problem our all

Living in apartment buildings we often encounter

To put this ritual into action, you need to take:

  • table salt - one teaspoon;
  • a candle, if possible yellow color, purchased in the church;
  • one chicken feather;
  • olive oil – 100 ml;
  • a clean tablespoon.

It is better to choose a place where no one will disturb you as the location for this ritual. This can be a suburban area, or a secluded place in a park, square, or behind the house.

And this ritual is simple to do: place a candle in the ground and set it on fire, pour salt into a container and add olive oil there and place the bowl near the candle. Now we take a chicken feather in our hands and pronounce the following plot:

“Help me, Lord, protect me from hatred. I ask for protective forces, calm down the neighbors. Help me put an end to the evil acts of my neighbors, of which everyone is tired, so that they leave behind, don’t come here anymore, so that they don’t bother people to live normally. Help us drive them away from our home, punish them fairly, let them feel uncomfortable here. Let life here be harmful for them and let everything be against their living here. I ask for myself and for my good-natured neighbors. Amen".

As soon as the ritual is completed, you should dip a feather in an oil-salt solution and draw a line between your apartment and the apartment where the neighbor or neighbor you want to get rid of lives.

Conspiracies against unwanted neighbors from Natalia Stepanova

Are you tired of the clatter of your annoying neighbor who sticks her nose in everywhere, or don’t you want anyone with evil intentions to be interested in your life? Solving problems with the help of magic is a conspiracy against neighbors, which is a simple and not too labor-intensive process. And its effectiveness is much higher than, for example, calling a police patrol car or writing a report against troubled neighbors.

Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova offers all kinds of prayers and spells to help get rid of unwanted neighbors. Knowing that prayers are an appeal to the Lord, you can be confident in its effectiveness. This method can once and for all protect you from neighbors who cast spells and can cause damage, or from those residents of the house who are constantly jealous of you and always want to do a mischief (flood, flood, or, worse, make a magical hex by resorting to black of magic).

Here is one of the prayers suggested by Natalya Stepanova:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I turn to you, Lord. Help me, God, Hard time. Protect me from all adversity. Help the Lord too, Saints Paul and Peter, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and other archangels of God. Come all of you to me. Take by the hands those people whom I avoid, with whom I do not want to live next to, and take them away from me. So that there is no smell of them here. Jesus Christ himself guards my home, protecting me from theft by the unclean. So that the mouths of the evil ones are closed, so that they respect me and talk to me without pretensions. So that their hands will no longer be raised against others. Let my enemies not open their mouths against me, let them not puff out their cheeks in anger. I am changing my destiny for the better. Let it be the way I want it! My words are strong as a block of stone; they cannot be broken or destroyed. Amen".

Build friendships using spells

Along with conspiracies, there are a lot of rituals with the help of which you can both pacify annoying, noisy and aggressive neighbors, and resolve conflicts with a harmful neighbor, and “show” a place to an aggressive neighbor. Magic rituals can protect you from the machinations and misdeeds of the harmful inhabitants of your home.

Baking for embittered roommates

If you are tired of the gossip of the people living next to you, treat them with enchanted pies, squabbles and quarrels will disappear once and for all. Restoring friendly relations is the solution to all problems.

Get up early on Sunday morning, light three church candles and start making the dough. While preparing the filling, say the following words:

“The evil old woman will be silent, like all other evil tongues. I made delicious pies, may our friendly speeches be just as sweet and tasty, may all hatred come from us. I only need peace, joyful and peaceful relationships. My words are strong as a block of stone; they cannot be broken or destroyed. Amen".

When the charmed pies are ready, find an excuse and offer them to the neighbors with whom you were in a quarrel. As soon as the pies fall into the hands of your roommates, say the following phrase to yourself: “I only need peace and friendship from you. For your health, and for my peace of mind.”

If the neighbor casts a spell

Have you ever found a puddle of water, a handful of earth, any garbage or seeds under your threshold? If yes, then this can only mean one thing - they have damaged you, trying to take away all the blessings of life or simply ruin your life.

And if you want the evil granny, who constantly spoils all the inhabitants of the house, not to change your life in the worst side, then use conspiracies on your neighbor.

Pretending that you don’t hold a grudge against your neighbor, go to the store to buy something. The best days for this ritual are when there is a full moon. You need any item made of silver. The key word is “silver”, because it is this material that promotes cleansing.

Find the product you need (it could be a brooch, cross, pendant, pendant, etc.) and purchase it. While you are paying for your purchase, say:

“We need peace, we also need friendship. I’m buying an item for reconciliation with (Olga Petrovna, for example).”

You need to pronounce the words of this spell out loud so that the cashier can hear them. What he thinks about should not concern you. After this phrase is said, you should be silent and not talk to anyone. Having taken the purchase, go home, without turning around or talking to anyone along the way, and give it to the person with whom you are in a quarrel. If he doesn't want to take the gift, then try to get him to at least touch it.

This ritual is applied both to neighbors and family members. Therefore, by giving your husband, for example, a silver chain and casting a spell, you can count on a speedy reconciliation.

Tying our neighbors' problems into knots

Knot magic is recognized as one of the most effective acts higher powers. So, to carry out this ritual you will need to purchase a spool of black, not very dense thread.

We take a piece of thread and begin to reproduce in our memory all the negative moments associated with insults and quarrels from roommates. Remember how much pain they brought you, how much they offended you. You might even let your emotions out by crying or even shouting something like this:

“So that you leave this house!”

As soon as emotions reach their maximum boiling point, we tie a knot on the thread so that the thread does not break (after all, from an overabundance of emotions one may not be able to calculate the strength).

That's all! You have tied all the problems into a small bundle and put an end to them. After this, it is recommended to leave the place where the ritual was performed and, with a calm soul, do cleaning, laundry and other household chores. The best way to remove negativity is to take a relaxing bath or shower, which will help wash away negative emotions. Switch from ritual to interesting film, a book or an exciting walk.

Having controlled yourself, calmed down, return to the room where you left the bundle and untie it. While doing this, visualize how all problems dissipate and dissolve into thin air. Look, not a trace of the former anger will remain!

Protecting your home from evil neighbors with amulets

The use of amulets is sometimes necessary

If you left from old apartment and you are about to move into a new one, then you don’t need to wait at all for the moment when quarrels and disagreements begin between the residents of the new house. You can protect yourself from evil thoughts in advance. In this case, you need a special amulet that you can make on your own:

  1. Buy a souvenir broom at a specialized store. To make a talisman out of a decorative object, weave a willow twig and a stem of sedge grass into it. Hang the finished protective amulet above your front door. And look, not a single evil tongue will cross the threshold of your house and do anything dirty. Even if you are going to make repairs (and such a process, as a rule, makes your neighbors nervous), then the people living in the same house with you will not dare to judge you and say a bad word in your direction.
  2. A sprig of juniper is a powerful and very effective amulet that can absorb negative energy emanating from annoying roommates.

How and when will rituals take effect?

All rituals must be believed

Each ritual, conspiracy from neighbors has its own power, but requires the performer to have due faith. If a person who uses white magic believes in its power, then the rituals become more successful. Moving conspiracies have always required perseverance and patience, since they cannot be carried out either physically or legally within one or two weeks. Judge for yourself, to decide to move you need to think carefully about everything, weigh it, and even if this decision was inspired by magic, it will still not be made hastily. And it can take more than one week to collect things, transport them and sell the apartment.

As for conspiracies and rituals, the action of which is aimed at restoring friendly relations between neighbors, they begin to “work” within two weeks after reading or putting into action the ritual.

Experienced sorcerers and magicians recommend performing magical acts not once, but two or three times. Ideally, to achieve maximum effect from one or another magical ritual, you should repeat it exactly 7 times. So, conspiracies and rituals will be effective if they are done with an interval of 3, 9, 12, 33, 40 and 90 days.

And in conclusion I would like to add. All kinds of folk conspiracies, magical acts to rid you of evil roommates, prayers and amulets will be useless if you yourself do not show courtesy when communicating with people living in your neighborhood. No matter how the relationship develops between you and your housemates, do not quarrel, but try to come to a peaceful resolution conflict situation. Sometimes it’s easier to move to a new place of residence, or you can try to improve relations with your neighbors. Radiate goodness and everything will be fine!

We wish you good health and good luck in all your endeavors!

Conspiracies and rituals to get rid of bad neighbors

Absolutely everyone has those people who surround them every day and it is simply impossible to refuse them. Among them are relatives and neighbors. And there are situations where it is simply impossible to live with people next door. They constantly try to spoil things or make noise as luck would have it. And the question immediately arises of how to get rid of bad neighbors.

Conspiracy from bad neighbors

It's very simple - there is a special conspiracy from your neighbors that will help influence their behavior. Modern Magic provides a bunch of ways to do this, both through prayers and black magic has some methods.

How to get rid of bad neighbors

Almost every person worries about how to calm down their neighbors. This question is especially relevant among those who live in an apartment. Many suffer from drunks and drug addicts who live nearby. There are also those who try to poison your dog because it bothers them. Different situations may arise, but for each of them there is a conspiracy. This method will allow you to survive scandalous, annoying, nosy neighbors.

You can use the power of white magic to make your neighbors move out. But to be more precise, this is a white conspiracy against the neighbors. It will help calm even the most violent residents. Be that as it may, this ritual will help you achieve what you want.

To do this, you need to prepare the following items:

  • salt, a pinch;
  • small jar;
  • three laurel leaves;
  • several cloves of garlic;
  • a handful of dill seeds;
  • black peppercorns.

“Unite as one to protect me, the servant of God (your name), my house and my relatives from an annoying, boring and noisy neighbor. Whatever you want, it will come true"

“In the name of all protective forces, help me calm down noisy and cunning neighbors so that they do not harm or wish harm upon me and the people close to me living with me. Protect those who think badly of me from the envious thoughts. Calm the hatred, envy and malice of the one who dares to think that way about me. Help me find peace and quiet in my home. My words are strong as a block of stone; they cannot be broken or destroyed. Amen".

This ritual will allow you to calm down or evict neighbors who are constantly trying to harm you. When the plot is read, you need to hide the container somewhere away so that no one can find it.

How to evict neighbors

What needs to be done to make the neighbors leave forever? This interests many, because such “special” people exist absolutely, everywhere. Getting rid of noisy neighbors is a constant dream of those who live in multi-storey building. After all, a person cannot live normally when the neighbors cannot calm their dog, they yell or smoke so that the whole house smells.

If you dream of your neighbors moving out, then a plot from evil neighbors will help you. After all, it will allow you to influence those who bother you to move out in the near future.

Such rituals are carried out only when the sun begins to disappear behind the horizon. It is best to read such words on a new moon, because experienced sorcerers say that during this period all rituals have great power.

In order to carry out the ceremony, you need to prepare your thoughts and some objects. Among them:

  • salt;
  • church candle;
  • small chicken feather;
  • a little olive oil;
  • tablespoon.

Choose a place to read the plot where it will be quiet and calm. You can go to the countryside, nature, or go out into an open field. Next, you need to place the candle on the floor and set it on fire. Take some container and put oil and a little salt in it. Place this mixture near the candle. Take the pen and say these words:

“Help me, Lord, protect me from hatred. I ask for protective forces, calm down the neighbors. Help me put an end to the evil acts of my neighbors, of which everyone is tired, so that they leave behind, don’t come here anymore, so that they don’t bother people to live normally. Help us drive them away from our home, punish them fairly, let them feel uncomfortable here. Let life here be harmful for them and let everything be against their living here. I ask for myself and for my good-natured neighbors. Amen."

Don’t worry, you won’t harm anyone with this ritual. After all, there are often situations when neighbors themselves make evil conspiracies in order to leave you without a job or try to poison your dog. Therefore, if you have such neighbors living through the wall, then be sure to install protection and try to get rid of them.

How to improve relationships with neighbors using white magic

There are different rituals that allow you to destroy, take revenge or survive your neighbors. Anyone can do this, but it is not always possible to resolve the issue peacefully. Therefore, before you do rituals that will allow you to punish or survive your neighbors, try to improve your relationship. You can do this with the help of baking, go to visit them, find out their name and what they are interested in, what their name is angry dog. This way you can not only establish relationships with them, but also make friends.

In order to carry out such a ritual, it is necessary to light candles on Sunday morning and prepare baked goods. Read the words as you go:

“Evil old woman, shut up, like all the other evil tongues. I made delicious pies, may our friendly speeches be just as sweet and tasty, may all hatred come from us. I only need peace, joyful and peaceful relationships. My words are strong like a block of stone; they cannot be broken or destroyed. Amen".

After the baking is ready, at the end of the work, go to visit your neighbors and treat them to pies. You can also give your neighbor's angry dog ​​a treat. When they pick up the baked goods, you need to mentally say the following words:

“I only need peace and friendship from you. For your health, and for my peace of mind.”

What to do if your neighbor harms you with magic

If you have ever found some strange objects near your dacha or under the door of your apartment, then this is a sign that your neighbor is making slander. Also think, maybe they came to you with something.

In such a situation, only a conspiracy from evil neighbors can help you. Make sure your neighbors don’t even think that you guessed everything. Try to behave peacefully. Go to the store and buy some silver item. The ritual must be performed on the day when the full moon is due to occur.

When purchasing, read these words:

“We need peace, we also need friendship. I’m buying an item to reconcile with (neighbor’s name).”

This must be said not mentally, but out loud; the seller must hear it. Don't worry about what they will think of you, because you are doing this for your own good. After that, don't talk to anyone, just go home. What you bought must be given to the person who is trying to harm you. After all, sometimes such people try to use various magic to get you out of a normal rut, they also say to starve you out. Therefore, do not spare money for the well-being of your family.

Believe me, you should beware of such people, because you don’t know how it will all end, first they poison the dog, and then they will slip you poison. If your neighbor is trying to hurt you, then make sure she ends up hurting herself.

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Hidden conspiracy from evil neighbors

There is a very necessary conspiracy that everyone is recommended to do. He is not only against his neighbors, but also against everyone else bad people. To carry out the ceremony you need to take a mirror. And hold it in such a position that your reflection is visible in it and at this moment say the following:

“I’m walking, I can’t be seen.

I'm walking, you can't hear me.

Just as in the glass I am not me, so all the anger is not mine.

People will argue with me, I will not find evil in anyone.

Around me are only those who are dear to me, there is no place for others here.

I will live without troubles and walk without troubles,

Life will be clear, like a mirror light.”

Even old people scattered the ashes, which were made from various herbs, and read the conspiracy. After all, in order for neighbors to fall behind, extreme measures have to be taken. And no one can help you except yourself.

Protection from neighbors

Neighbors surround us everywhere, because no matter where you move, there will definitely be someone who will not be happy with the fact that you live here. Neighbors above, below, on the sides, it doesn’t matter; everyone or just one person may be unhappy. Therefore, it is best to protect your home from a harmful neighbor or those who are trying to harm you. If it is already harmful, then everyone simply has to do such a ritual. Help will not come on its own until you make some effort for it.

Experienced magicians suggest using special amulets, including:

  1. A small broom that can be bought at any souvenir shop.
  2. The most a strong talisman is juniper.

You should beware of cunning neighbors, and respond to bad ones in the same coin. Always repeat the words, I can do anything, no one will hurt me. The universe will hear these words and everything will be as you wished for yourself.

A strong conspiracy against noisy neighbors

How to influence noisy neighbors without entering into long negotiations with them? How to make yourself heard without unnecessary emotions? Appeal to magical rituals best option in order to get rid of ill-mannered people living nearby. They will simply turn off the music and stop being loud. A conspiracy from bad neighbors will not harm you, because the truth is on your side.

Salt spell

You will need a dry broom, collected independently, for example, birch or spruce, and salt. At midnight, on the waning moon, sweep the rug at your door, in the direction away from it, saying:

“I put all extraneous noises away from me, everyone harmful people I’m fenced off from my apartment (house)!”

Then fry the salt in a shallow frying pan, saying:

“The salt is hot and strong, no one can overcome its power.”

Pour it in a thin strip under the threshold (in front of the door) to those who irritate and harm, with the words:

“Let no evil noise come out of this apartment, and let it not disturb me or anyone else again.”

The salt will darken and will not be noticeable.

You can also say while walking through the doors of unloved people living nearby:

“You show respect to everyone living here; your apartment is always quiet and calm.”

This will also be a kind of conspiracy against the neighbors.

You should accurately voice your desires: if you want silence, ask for it correctly, magic hears everything literally. For example, if the grandmother who lives above you listens to loud TV, you shouldn’t ask like this: “so that the harmful grandmother’s demonic box burns down.” The result can be the most unexpected and “burned out” is far from an abstract concept, especially for those nearby. It’s better to ask like this: “I wish that her hearing would be restored” or “I wish that grandma would get tired of watching TV in the evening.” Perhaps she will get a hearing aid or an evening hobby.

A spell to make evil neighbors move out

Ritual with a nail or needle

Buy a carnation at a hardware store, on a full moon, light a church candle and heat it in the fire, read the following words.

“I will harden the nail with fire, I will give it great strength, so that it will help me sell an apartment from the servants of God (names).”

Then sprinkle your apartment with holy water:

“Let no stranger’s noise, no scream, no sound harm my house.”

On any other day, you will need to go into the house of people who are harming you and stick (drive) a nail into their doorframe, with the words:

“May they not like the apartment, and the noisy neighbors will sell it to quiet people.”

In order for this action to be quickly completed, you need to choose a small nail that can be inserted unnoticed.

In this ritual you can also use a needle, like this magical lining it will be possible to leave it completely unnoticed. But the ritual on a needle will take longer to work.

A conspiracy to make neighbors kinder

Sometimes the people next to you, even those who are not noisy, cause great trouble with their arrogance and rudeness, and you want to make these harmful comrades kinder. There are strong conspiracies for this case.

Ritual for salt

For such a sacrament, you need to borrow salt from your neighbors. On a new moon, put garlic in a bottle (you can have a clove), sprinkle it with salt and read the following:

“We have exchanged salt, we have settled our quarrels, let there be peace between our houses. Amen".

Cemetery ritual

It is possible to pacify a neighbor who gathers a noisy company every day only with the help of rituals aimed at him sober image life. To do this you will need a bottle of vodka, candles, food and candy. You should visit the graves of his loved ones; if this is not possible, then find several unkempt graves and tidy them up. Before leaving, leave food and candy there, saying:

“I take care of you, and you take care of the servant of God (name), so that he comes to his senses and stops drinking.”

On a full moon, place the bottle on the window so that the light falls on it completely. Place candles around it and light it, say the following words:

“As you are disgusting to me, water of fire, so would you become disgusting to the servant of God (name), so that he does not look at you, does not think about you, does not desire you, my words are strong as stone!”

Put out the candles and leave the bottle until dawn under the moon. The next day, under any pretext, give it to someone who is causing you trouble. The same can be done with food, which you can then treat to someone living nearby, if, of course, he accepts it. Such a ritual will not help evict your neighbor, but he will behave more quietly and become more friendly with you.

Prayer for protection from harmful neighbors

You can perform a ritual on the husks of the seeds. You need to know that the husks from sunflower seeds often lead to, such a plot should be used as a last resort with the most scandalous and drinking people, with whom it was not possible to come to an amicable agreement.

Conspiracy for seed husks

Prepare the husk and scatter it in front of your neighbors’ doors on the full moon, reading the following words:

“There is litter outside the threshold, quarrels in the house, there is no reason to stay here anymore.”

There are cases of extreme necessity, and the family is socially stable, quite peaceful among themselves, in order to evict them you can use the husk with the following speeches:

“Just as there is a lot of husk, so let you have a lot of money, so that you can buy yourself a home twice as big, twice as good, and move out of here as soon as possible.”

Instead of husks, you can perform the ritual through garbage. Tear up a lot of small pieces of paper, collect different bits of paper and use the same text to speed up the move.

From floods and other damage

There are often people who flood those who live on the floor below. Perhaps they are not evil, and it is not even their fault, but the fact remains that we must make sure that there are no more floods.

First of all, you should visit the church and light candles for your defenders, as well as St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, asking him to perform a miracle and put on the right path those who will not stop annoying you. Then, on the waxing moon, stand under their door with a lit candle in your hands, letting the wax drip onto the floor. Read the following:

“Lord, work a miracle, give them forever the memory of turning off the water in their absence, give them money to fix all the taps and pipes, help them establish relationships with those who monitor the condition of the house, so that they always come to them on time. Amen".

A prayer read from the bottom of your heart cannot fail to bring happiness to your home. It will be useful to light church candles near the threshold and walk around the perimeter of your door with fire asking for humility.

When and how rituals will work

Each ritual is effective and powerful, but backing it up with faith will bring much more success. Moving conspiracies require patience, since they cannot be carried out either physically or legally short time. The conspiracy from bad neighbors works much faster, about two weeks after reading.

They will be more effective if you devote not one day to the ritual, but several, suitable for this number: 3, 9, 12, 33, 40, 90. Harmful people living nearby can be appeased with prayers and candles placed for their health and cordiality. The more often you remember them kindly, the kinder they really become.

If you are unlucky with your neighbors, this can greatly ruin your life. After all, the constant parties of neighbors and noise do not allow you to fully relax in your own home. But in order to bring your neighbors under control, it is absolutely not necessary to turn to law enforcement agencies, and there is certainly absolutely no need to create scandals and quarrels. To solve the problem you need to use magic.

You can ensure a quiet stay by using a spell to protect yourself from noisy neighbors. This is very effective remedy, which at the energy level will have a completely painless effect on the neighbors. Moreover, the directed influences can be different. A conspiracy from noisy neighbors can lead to the neighbors simply moving out, or circumstances will develop in such a way that you become friends with them and can easily come to an agreement.

A ritual to make the neighbors move out

If you can’t come to an agreement with your neighbors about observing the rules of the hostel, then you can hold a ceremony aimed at getting them to move out. In some cases, this ritual works in such a way that the neighbors remain, but for reasons known only to them, they become flexible and accommodating.

In the ritual you will need to use the following attributes:

  • A tablespoon of table salt;
  • Glass bottle;
  • Bay leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • Garlic – 3 heads;
  • Dill seeds – 3 grains;
  • Peppercorns – 3 pcs.

One evening after sunset you need to throw all the ingredients into the bottle one by one.

All actions are accompanied by the following words:

“All components are natural and strong, unite into one and protect me, the Servant of God ( given name) and my home and family. Amen".

After all the ingredients are placed in the bottle, it must be tightly corked.

Then you need to shake the vessel three times and say other words:

“The composition is magical, created by me, help calm down the noisy and restless neighbors. In the name of all protective forces, I ask you to protect me and my family, so that no one interferes with our peaceful life. May what I say come true. Amen".

After such words, a bottle with mixed ingredients turns into a talisman. Therefore, it must be stored in a secluded place. As long as the enchanted bottle is not touched by strangers, or it does not catch the eye of other people, there will be no more problems with neighbors.

Against evil neighbors

It happens that neighbors, in addition to not behaving tactfully, also try to harm you. Such manifestations of an unkind attitude towards you can also be dealt with with the help of magic.

This ritual must be performed at any time when you hear noise behind the wall. If such a manifestation can be predicted by time, then the ceremony can be performed half an hour before.

You need to turn towards the neighbor’s apartment and recite the following plot 40 times:

“You, neighbor, want to seem like an atamanushka. So I, the Servant of God (name), order you, do not make noise and do not be foolish. Go to the dense forests, there will be a riot there, make a noise over the black waters and mud, let it spread over the hazelnuts and swamp bogs. Just as a weeping willow and a trembling aspen cannot grow without roots, so there will be no noise or shadows in my house. You will not frighten me, but there will be peace and quiet in my home. In the name of the Lord Almighty, and with the intercession of the Holy Mother of God. Amen".

After such a ritual, the neighbors will soon begin to behave appropriately.

To reconcile with neighbors

You don’t always want to get rid of your neighbors; more often there is a desire to find a way of reconciliation in order to coexist peacefully in the future.

In order to be able to peacefully resolve the problems that have arisen, you need to perform a special ritual on one of the days in the waning moon phase. The conspiracy aimed at reconciliation with neighbors is read three times: at dawn, at noon and at sunset.

Before pronouncing the magic words, you should cross yourself and then say:

“Scream and noise, go into the deep dark water to the king of the swamp, to the snake under the well. Live there freely, but don’t interfere with my life. Amen".

Soon, you will notice that your neighbors have begun to behave calmer and you will soon be able to establish relationships with them, and maybe even make friends.

If you notice that your neighbors are spreading gossip about you, then you can perform the most harmless ritual, but at the same time very effective. To do this, you need to bake pies or buns, charm them, and then treat your neighbors to them.

The dough for the pies must be kneaded early on Sunday morning, and the pies must be prepared with lit church candles.

For the filling that you plan to use in pies or as a powder for buns, you should say the following spell:

“I, the Servant of God, (my name), command evil tongues to be silent, in vain not to start gossip about me and my family, and not to spread them. It will be as it is said! Amen".

After you bake the pies, you need to treat your gossiping neighbors to them, coming up with any reason.

After one of the neighbors picks up the pies, you need to mentally say:

“A tasty treat for you, and peace of mind for me.”

The main thing is that such a treat does not arouse any suspicion among neighbors. After such a ritual, you need to maintain relationships with your neighbors to prevent envy on their part.

When visiting new apartment, the new residents are sincerely happy about the large and spacious rooms in which they will live and are happy to get to know their neighbors on the site and on the floors. But human characters are structured in such a way that any sympathy will inevitably result in the complete opposite of a good feeling. Minor quarrels and unpleasant clashes with neighbors whose newcomers are stuck like a bone in their throat sooner or later lead to larger conflicts. Then the new housing ceases to please, and sometimes the mood is ruined for the whole day.

There is no way to get rid of the involuntary desire for harmful neighbors to move out. And sometimes a conspiracy from evil neighbors actually helps. The conspiracy works in different ways: either the neighbors become quiet, silent and calm, or they suddenly begin to prepare to move. But in any case, the problems for suffering new settlers become significantly less.

In order to get rid of annoying neighbors, you can perform the following ritual, which must include a conspiracy. The following items will be needed:

  • Thin yellow church candle;
  • A little vegetable oil, preferably olive;
  • Chicken feather;
  • Tea spoon;
  • Cup;
  • A little salt.

You need to go with them to a wasteland or any other deserted place. The candle must be secured in an earthen embankment, and a cup must be placed next to it. Pour a pinch of salt into a container and pour olive oil into it. Then you need to hold the chicken feather in your hand and say the spell:

“Help me, Lord, protect me in my time of need. Let the unkind neighbors leave their homes and, like chickens, disappear into a new nest. May there always be peace and quiet in my house, the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

When all the words have been spoken, you need to dip the pen in oil, return to the house and draw a line with the pen between two apartments: yours and your neighbors’.

Rite of reconciliation

When the feeling of hostility towards people behind the wall does not drive you crazy, and your intentions are more peaceful, and you really want the confrontation between two apartments to end in peaceful negotiations, you can use another, no less effective conspiracy.

The text is recited three times during the day: at dawn, at noon and at sunset. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the Moon: it should be waning. After the conspiracy from the neighbors has been heard, you need to make the sign of the cross three times to consolidate the result. The words are as follows:

“Scream and noise, go to the black water of the king of the swamp, the snake under the well. There's plenty for them, and peace for us. Amen."

Whether your neighbors are evil or not, before you get rid of them, you need to think: was it the wrong behavior of the new residents that caused the disagreement? Getting people to move out of their “familiar” place is not so difficult. But if not only these, but also other neighbors are annoying, sooner or later the moment will come when the entire entrance will be empty. Or the informed household members of another apartment will read it themselves strong conspiracy, and then the new settlers will have to retreat. It’s better to wish each other well and settle disputes through negotiations!

You don’t have to choose your neighbors, so not all people can boast of friendly relations with those who live nearby.

The ability to resolve a problem that has arisen between neighbors peacefully is only possible if people have a positive attitude towards each other.

If the behavior of neighbors causes you to experience psychological discomfort, then conflict is inevitable. In esotericism there is a good choice conspiracies from angry, grumpy and problematic neighbors that interfere with a comfortable life.

Conspiracies from evil neighbors

All conspiracies that affect neighbors can be divided into those that allow you to get rid of people’s obsessive behavior, and those that help speed up their move.

There is one effective plot that will help pacify the violent behavior of neighbors living behind the wall. This ritual will also help to say goodbye once and for all to careless tenants who have no intention of moving out.

To carry out a magical ritual against neighbors you need to prepare:

  • 5 pinches of salt;
  • glass bottle;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 20 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 pieces each of dill seeds and black peppercorns.

Immediately after sunset, you need to put all the ingredients into the bottle, but strictly in the same sequence as they are given in the list. When any ingredient gets into the bottle, you need to read the following text above it:

“Unite as one to protect me, the servant of God (your name), my house and my relatives from an annoying, boring and noisy neighbor. Whatever you want, it will come true.”

When all the components are added to the bottle, read the following spell:

“In the name of all protective forces, help me calm down noisy and cunning neighbors so that they do not harm or wish harm upon me and the people close to me living with me. Protect those who think badly of me from the envious thoughts. Calm the hatred, envy and malice of the one who dares to think that way about me. Help me find peace and quiet in my home. My words are strong as a block of stone; they cannot be broken or destroyed. Amen".

After reading the plot, the bottle is placed in a place where no one can find it.

It happens that neighbors, with their excessive curiosity and envy, do not allow you to live in peace. A powerful magical ritual will help to pacify the interest of ill-wishers in your personality, family and home.

First, you need to fill the pan with water and throw the fish into it, letting it cook. The fish should be cooked until completely cooked. Without turning off the heat, you need to add the needles to the pan, letting them cook with the fish for a while. Then a conspiracy is read over the pan:

“Just as fish swim dumb in the water, let my neighbors walk dumb, and don’t open their filthy mouths in vain. They just smile, and let them forget about quarrels and swearing with me forever. Amen, amen, amen."

After the ceremony, all needles are removed from the pan. The water itself with the remains of the fish must be taken out to a deserted place, saying:

“It’s not only good for the fish, it’s also good for people to keep quiet.”

Upon returning home, you need to take the needles and insert them into the door frames of your neighbors, but so that the needles are not visible. As you insert each needle, you need to say:

“But now you will be dumb as fish, but you will agree with me on everything. Amen".

For the plot to work, it must be carried out without any feelings of anger towards the neighbors. If everything is done correctly, people living nearby will change beyond recognition: they will stop showing excessive and inappropriate curiosity and spreading gossip.

If your neighbors do not allow you to live comfortably because they are constantly making noise, the following magical ritual will help to pacify them. You need to take a birch broom, made with your own hands, and at exactly midnight, sweep your threshold with it in the direction from the door, while saying:

“I block all extraneous noises from myself, I fence off all harmful people from my apartment (house)!”

After this, you need to fry a small amount of salt in a hot frying pan, reading the plot over it:

“The salt is hot and strong, no one can overcome its power.”

Salt should be poured in a thin strip under the door of annoying neighbors while reading the plot:

“Let no evil noise come out of this apartment, and let it not disturb me or anyone else again.”

If you don’t want to perform complex rituals, you can learn the following conspiracy:

“You show respect to everyone living here; your apartment is always quiet and calm.”

You need to understand that noise from neighbors’ apartments does not always arise due to their immoral behavior. For example, people living behind a wall may have a restless Small child, who for one reason or another cannot be calmed down.

In this case, people certainly cannot wish harm. Instead, you need to mentally or out loud wish constantly crying child health, peace of mind and other benefits.

How to survive your neighbors from your apartment

There are situations when you want to punish your neighbors because their lifestyle prevents you from fully relaxing at home. We can talk about neighbors with strong alcohol addiction, drug addiction and other behavioral characteristics that are not only annoying, but can also be potentially dangerous.

In this case, there is a desire to immediately survive the neighbors with the help of magic. In esotericism there is one powerful ritual that helps once and for all to get rid of bad neighbors who prevent you from living a normal life.

First you need to take an ordinary nail and a candle bought in the church. Exactly at midnight, a man lights a candle flame, on which he heats a nail. During this ritual you need to read the plot:

“I will harden the nail with fire, I will give it great strength, so that it will help me sell an apartment from the servants of God (names).”

After this, the apartment must be sprinkled with blessed water while reading the plot:

“Let no stranger’s noise, no scream, no sound harm my house.”

The next day, under some pretext, you need to get into your neighbors’ home and stick a nail into the doorframe, whispering:

“May they not like the apartment, and the noisy neighbors will sell it to quiet people.”

To carry out the ritual, you need to choose a small nail so that the neighbors do not notice it. The ceremony will help speed up the move of careless neighbors, thereby improving their lives.

There is another ritual that will allow you to survive neighbors who haunt you with their behavior. The ritual must be performed in the most deserted place, where there will certainly be no witnesses. For the ritual you need to prepare a teaspoon of certified salt, a candle bought in the church, half a glass of vegetable oil, a chicken feather and a tablespoon.

First you need to insert a church candle into the ground and set it on fire. Pour oil into the prepared bowl, add salt and place the container near the candle. After this, you need to take a chicken feather and read the following plot over it:

“Help me, Lord, protect me from hatred. I ask for protective forces, calm down the neighbors. Help me put an end to the evil acts of my neighbors, of which everyone is tired, so that they leave behind, don’t come here anymore, so that they don’t bother people to live normally. Help us drive them away from our home, punish them fairly, let them feel uncomfortable here. Let life here be harmful for them and let everything be against their living here. I ask for myself and for my good-natured neighbors. Amen".

After reading the plot, you need to take a pen and dip its tip into the resulting mixture. Arriving home, you need to draw a conditional line between your apartment and your neighbors’ apartment.

Often a good relationship communication with neighbors is impossible due to the fact that these people are constantly dissatisfied with something and are looking for a reason for conflict. Some magical rituals help make neighbors kinder, thereby establishing positive communication with them. To perform a magical ritual, the day before you need to take salt from your neighbors under the pretext that you have run out of your own salt.

Afterwards, you need to wait for the new moon, take a bottle and put a clove of garlic in it, which is then sprinkled with salt taken from your neighbors. When performing this action, you need to read the following plot:

“We have exchanged salt, we have settled our quarrels, let there be peace between our houses. Amen".

The text is read 40 times. After the ritual, the neighbors need to return the salt, adding a little of the charmed salt to it.

If the neighbors make a lot of noise, not giving a chance for peace comfortable life, then in this case the following magical rite, which is performed in the cemetery, will come in handy. For a magical ritual you need to prepare a bottle of vodka, candles, some sweets and some food.

Ideally, a person should find the graves of a neighbor’s relatives, but not everyone may have such an opportunity. In this case, you need to find any old unkempt grave and clean it up. Before leaving, you need to leave the prepared treats on the grave, saying:

“I take care of you, and you take care of the servant of God (name), so that he comes to his senses and stops drinking.”

After waiting for the full moon, you need to take the bottle that the person carried to the cemetery and place it on the windowsill, but so that moonlight falls on it. Afterwards you need to light the candles. In this case, you need to read the following conspiracy:

“As you are disgusting to me, water of fire, so would you become disgusting to the servant of God (name), so that he does not look at you, does not think about you, does not desire you, my words are strong as stone!”

The candles must be extinguished, but the bottle must be left on the windowsill until the morning. Under any pretext, the charmed bottle must be given to a neighbor with whom conflicts constantly occur.

Other conspiracies

There are conspiracies from a neighbor that do not require prior preparation.

List of conspiracies:

  • Before the new moon, they prepare the husks of the seeds, and on the full moon they scatter them at the neighbor’s threshold, reading this plot:

“There is litter outside the threshold, quarrels in the house, there is no reason to stay here anymore.”

  • If a person wants to resettle neighbors without causing harm to them, you can read the following plot:

“Just as there is a lot of husk, so let you have a lot of money, so that you can buy yourself a home twice as big, twice as good, and move out of here as soon as possible.”

  • If your neighbors are constantly flooding, then you can also protect yourself from such troubles with the help of household magic. To prevent your neighbors from causing emergency repairs, you need to light a candle on the waxing moon and go to your neighbors’ door. The wax must flow onto the threshold. In this case, you need to read the following plot:

“Lord, work a miracle, give them forever the memory of turning off the water in their absence, give them money to fix all the taps and pipes, help them establish relationships with those who monitor the condition of the house, so that they always come to them on time. Amen".

Domestic conflicts with neighbors are a common occurrence, especially when people live in apartment buildings. However, household magic can always come to the aid of those who sincerely wish to bring peace to relationships with those who live nearby.

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