Children of Victoria Isakova. Trials in the personal life of Victoria Isakova Public recognition and awards

Victoria Isakova– talented Russian actress. Personally, I didn’t know anything about her until I watched the series.Valery Todorovsky "Thaw". There are very few good Russian TV series, all of them can be listed on the fingers of one hand, but here is the series"Thaw"is a masterpiece, it is thought out to the smallest detail, every actor, every scene, every dialogue is in its place, everything that happens in the frame is so vital and believable that there is no doubt about all the twists and turns that happen to the heroes of this epic. Series"Thaw"about how in the early 60s, a group of talented actors, directors and cameramen shot a film, a musical comedy, about how the fates of the main characters were intertwined, because each had their own drama, their own life path, experiences and dreams.Victoria Isakovashe played one of the main roles in this series, she is a film star60's, Inga Khrustalevaex-wife a brilliant cinematographer, a little forgotten about her, the young woman is tormented while waiting for the director's call, she dreams of new roles, of well-deserved success and in the end gets what she wants. Ex-husband cannot forget his beautiful wife, despite the abundance of women who always hang around him, he is drawn as before to the only one. I was able to play such a woman, whom it is difficult to forget, but you can love all your life, admire her subtle mind, appropriate ironic phrases, turn of her head, her unusual squinting gaze, her care and ability to lend her fragile shoulder in the most difficult and difficult period of life.Victoria Isakova. Her heroine turned out to be extraordinary, but not ideal, making mistakes, but not suffering from remorse, simply living in harmony with herself and the world around her.

Victoria Isakovashe played amazingly, so graceful, infinitely feminine, alluring, eye-catching, always on parade, wearing makeup, hair neatly styled, outfits in the latest fashion. I think that Victoria Isakova might not have played anything else, but she would have already gone down in cinematic history thanks to this role, but fortunately this actress has a lot of amazing work, she is filming 22 years old, at the time of writing this article she is already 40 years, and in her piggy bank there are more 60 works, she is in demand, although fame came to her in mature age, exactly after the series "Thaw".

Initially, her filmography included episodic roles, but when Victoria Isakova was 30 years old, she starred in the film "Piranha Hunt", maybe you saw this widely advertised action movie, where this actress played a frostbitten girl named Sinilga, I no longer remember exactly the plot, but I remember that I was impressed by the image created Victoria Isakova, long white dreadlocks, eyes outlined in black, skillful use of weapons, who would have thought that this heroine was played correctly, restrained, elegant Victoria Isakova.

Victoria Isakova married, her husband is a famous film director Yuri Moroz, series "Kamenskaya" his creation. The point is that previously Yuri Moroz was successfully married to Marina Levtova, but in 2000 year his wife died, she was riding with her seventeen-year-old daughter Daria Moroz on a snowmobile, flew out of it and hit her head on a tree, the injuries turned out to be incompatible with life, but Dasha escaped with fractures. Two years later Yuri Moroz, who was actually very grieving for his dead wife, met Victoria Isakova, she was his daughter's friend Daria. Yuri Moroz older than his wife Victoria Isakova, but this couple looks very harmonious, both are beautiful, stately, talented, in general, you can’t take your eyes off them. Daria at first she reacted poorly to the fact that her father had new love, but later softened her heart and accepted her new stepmother.

In these photos you see Victoria Isakova with my husband Yuri Moroz.

And in this photo you see the first wife Yuri Moroz Marina Levtova and their daughter Daria Moroz.

Yuri Moroz with his daughter from his first marriage Daria Moroz.

And in this photo you see Victoria Isakova as a child, even then she was amazingly beautiful.

Take a look at these photos, Victoria Isakova Always stunning on the red carpet, this woman is very beautiful, well put together and has the perfect sense of style.

And this is a still from the movie "Dot", in him Victoria Isakova together with his stepdaughter Dasha played prostitutes, and the director, by the way, was her husband Victoria, part-time father Daria - Yuri Moroz.

Photo: Vadim Gortinsky

Film director Yuri Moroz has shot many excellent films, including “Kamenskaya”, “Tochka”, “The Brothers Karamazov”. Both work non-stop. Vika and Yuri recently visited Italy . Club Hotel Portrait Roma, located next to the famous Spanish Steps, Trinità dei Monti penthouse, magnificent weather - what could be better for a Roman holiday?

After Vika and Yura returned from a romantic trip, the rhythm of their lives immediately gained rapid momentum. Vika immediately flew off on tour for one day, after which we were finally able to talk.

Well, busy, busy people? I, Vika, simply have no words for how hard you work. I remember a year ago you were on my radio and didn’t get out of your iPad - I read new script. Then you complained to me that you live without days off. Since then, as far as I understand, nothing has changed. Because you were tired, you even lay down on the sofa. Just don't close your eyes, okay?

Victoria: Yes, yes. I will say everything is fine. ( Smiling.)

Endless rehearsals, filming, tours... Don't you have the feeling that you are trying to embrace the immensity?

V.: Well, so far “encompassing”. Although, of course, there is a feeling that I am a little overestimating my strength. Sometimes you need to stop, just relax, gain impressions.

But for you it's more in theory.

V.: In theory. But in practice, unfortunately, it doesn’t work out, because the most difficult thing was to say “no.”

Yura, you smile now when you listen to your wife. Can’t you say: “Vika, stop”?

V.: Hit the table with your fist.


Yuri: Firstly, it’s useless, and secondly... Vika has always strived for such rich life, to such realization in the profession. Is this what you wanted? Here, get it. And I understand how important this is for her. But no one warned that all this was added to by a whole backpack in the form of lack of sleep, endless travel, not to mention the fact that you stop taking care of your health. And there is also a family, a home... important detail, although you, Yura, said this very timidly...

V.: ...granddaughter, dogs.

It’s funny that you, Vika, call Dasha Moroz’s daughter a granddaughter. After all, you and Dasha have an age difference of only seven years.

V.: Dasha jokingly calls me stepmother, and when her daughter Anka was just starting to talk, she taught the child to say “grandmother” to me. I adore Anka! She is four and a half years old; unfortunately, we don’t see each other as often as we would like. I demand that Dasha brings her to us more often, then there is a chance to wake up in the morning and cuddle with her before leaving for work.

So much for relaxation! What about household chores, for which, as Yura noted, there is not enough time? You live outside the city.

Yu.: Our economy is in full swing. We plant trees, dig beds...

V.: I also want to get chickens. ( Laughs.)

Yu: Seriously? I don’t agree because I will have to take care of them.

V.: Okay, let's discuss. On our site there are many different birds. We placed a birdhouse on such a high leg. Now for Yura, every morning begins with a ritual: he goes to this birdhouse and leisurely sprinkles special food for the birds. And before I go to a performance or filming, I can sit by the window and watch this picture for a long time.

In general, a family idyll.

V.: The idyll, as you say, ends when I release a play and everything turns into a home hell. ( Smiling.) Except we played the premiere of the play “The Cherry Orchard” at the Pushkin Theater.

Congratulations, Vika, on the premiere! I’ll definitely come and see your Ranevskaya.

V.: Of course, come. Now, Vadik, we are talking about me ( Vika sits on the sofa), but there is also Yurina’s side. When Yura starts making films, he also becomes a deranged person.

Yu.: Yes, two “not very good” people live together. ( Smiling.) That's why I endure everything. So what to do? I'm like that myself.

As far as I know, you are editing a new film.

Yu.: Yes, I’m editing it. I shot the film “The Inquisitor” with Vika’s participation, it has been waiting for a year to be released on television. During this time I managed to make another film called “The Player”.

According to Dostoevsky?

Yu.: No, this is Alena Zvantsova’s script.

Obviously, modern history.

Yu.: This is about the time when casinos were still allowed in our country. Such a big saga.

Vika, of course, was filming?

V.: I asked for it, but they didn’t take me.

Yu.: At that moment she was filming with Pavel Lungin in “Motherland”. Sorry.

And you, Vika, wanted to be with both Moroz and Lungin at the same time?

This is about the question of “embracing the immensity.”

V.: I always want to act with Moroz.

I understand you. Besides the fact that this dear person, so also every picture of Yura opens you up in a new way, and this is a great happiness for the actress. This is how it was when Moroz was filming “The Point”, then “The Brothers Karamazov”... I read that you somehow met very romantically: a ship, the open sea...

Yu.: It was not a ship, but a ferry - from one bank of the Volga River to the other. Dashka introduced us. She starred in “Savage” in those parts, and Vika rehearsed the play “Forest Song” nearby, which she later played at the Moscow Art Theater. “Hello - hello. Vika - Yura." And all the acquaintance.

V.: And six months later we met at Dashka’s at a show at the Moscow Art Theater School, and I invited Yura to “The Forest Song.”

What, Yura, do you go to all the performances when the artists invite you?

Yu.: Yes. Moreover, I even go to student performances to get to know new actors. So I didn’t have any hidden thoughts then.

Still, such things are not forgotten, Vika.

Yu.: After the performance we went... Where did we go? To Bronnaya. We sat in a cafe. And they never parted again.

How did you, Vika, feel that this was your person?

V.: This, Vadik, cannot be explained in words. ( Laughs.) I just felt that I would continue to be with this person.

Yu.: I didn’t feel it, but I lingered. ( Smiles.)

V.: Because I didn’t give any other chance, right?

Yu.: Apparently, yes. We are very different, diametrically different. Vika is explosive, but I don’t react right away, I prefer to digest and analyze everything within myself. We are completely different in everyday life. Let's say I'm a neat person, and Vika is the opposite: she loves...

....creative chaos?

Yu: That's it. So we complement each other.

V.: In general, everything came together.

Yura, I want to ask you a very personal question and I hope that Vika will understand me. Your first wife, actress Marina Levtova, Dasha’s mother, tragically died. By the time you met Vika, were you internally ready for a new relationship?

Yu.: It was a rather difficult period in my life. But by the time we met Vika, I had already found some kind of support for myself and my place in this life. I answered the question of why I need to be here. If I didn’t have the answer, I don’t think the relationship would have worked out with anyone. Because the loss for me was strong, serious. And you know, it’s like they’re tearing you in half and throwing away the other half. And until it all began to grow further, into some other life... That is, I realized that that life was over, a new one must begin and we must move forward.

How did Dasha react to your union?

Yu: Difficult. It was still such an age for her...


V.: Probably. And then Dasha began to have some kind of life of her own and she became a little less emotionally dependent on Yura. She got married, and simply began to understand that dad has the right to his own life.

Yu.: Vika is complex, Dasha is complex, I am complex, Kostya is complex (director Konstantin Bogomolov - Dasha’s husband. - Note OK!). Everyone is so complicated that sometimes you want to say: “Guys, fuck you all!” Well, that's okay. And when you go through such difficulties, understanding and acceptance arise... Acceptance or acceptance?


V.: That’s it, enough about personal life.

Well, let's talk about something else. Yura, while Vika and I were waiting for you, I remembered funny story on the set of my program “Who’s There...” on “Culture”. This was ten years ago. A few days before the shooting, I asked Vika: “Do you have a hobby?” She replies: “Yes, I draw.” I say: “Do you have an easel?” - "Eat". - “Are there any paints?” - "Eat". - “Well, great, you’ll put the paintings on the easel...” That’s how it all happened. But the most amazing thing is that after the shooting Vika admitted to me that she painted for the first time in life and an easel with paints I bought especially for our shooting.

Yu.: I even know where this easel is now.

Is he really alive and well?!

Yu.: You enter the room - in the right corner.

Well, Vika, have you drawn at least one more picture since then?

Yura, this act is like...What characterizes Vika from a psychological point of view?

Yu.: You know, Vadik, Vika connects to a person in such a way that she can come to an agreement, say: “Yes, we’ll meet tomorrow at six o’clock.” Then he comes home: “Oh, wait, I have another appointment tomorrow at six... What should I do, what should I do?” This is fine. She is an actress and knows how to quickly get into a role. Vika told you: “I draw.” And I am sure that at that moment she sincerely believed in her abilities.

V.: Despite all my impulsiveness, I am still a sober-minded person. I know very well where to pay the rent and how much food costs.

This is already a great achievement, Vika! You've been together for quite a long time. Tell me, have you changed under the influence of Yura? He is an energetically strong person.

V.: Naturally, I perceive a lot through the prism of Yura. It’s not that I started doing something like him... My tastes have changed.

More specifically?

V.: Look. I have never eaten porridge with sugar. Since childhood I knew that porridge should be salty, just like cottage cheese. But for Yura it’s the other way around. Well, now my porridge is sweet too. ( Laughs.)

A touching example.

V.: In most cases, our tastes coincide. We live in the same coordinate system - this is the main thing. After all, we've been together for twelve years.

You are twenty years apart in age. Does this feel somehow?

V.: Well, for now it feels like I can work all day, then communicate with friends until four in the morning, and then come home and still read, let’s say.

Yu.: And I want to return home at eleven in the evening.

And how is the problem solved?

Yu: I'm going home.

V.: Yura loves when guests come to us outside the city.

Yu.: When guests gather, Vika always cooks herself, and this is her signature story. You should see how quickly and beautifully she does it - a born cook!

Great. Your career paths were different. But there is common feature: Both of you, as far as I understand, are internally free and act only as you see fit. Vika started studying at GITIS and left a year later - she didn’t like it. Yura was a successful actor, worked in the most fashionable Lenkom theater at that time and, unexpectedly for everyone, left the theater to look for himself in cinema and directing.

V.: I entered the drama department, but accidentally ended up in the pop department, and this, as it turned out, was not at all what I needed. I soon left GITIS, chatted a little and realized: acting life- this is the world I want to return to. And I already consciously went to the exams at the Moscow Art Theater School. Now, many years after graduating from college, I understand that I could not have had any other option.

And you, Yura, saying goodbye to acting career, were you sure that you would succeed in directing?

Yu: Of course not. By chance I fell into the company of fellow directors who were finishing their studies with Marlen Khutsiev (an outstanding film director. - Note OK!), starred in their graduation film, we spent a lot of time together, and this world became very interesting to me. And I left the theater only when I graduated from the directing department of VGIK. Of course, at that moment I was taking a risk. But my risk is always associated with overcoming. While I was still at school, and it was in Ukraine, in Donetsk, my friend and I rode bicycles - short distances and long distances: “I wonder if we can ride forty kilometers there and back?” - "Let's try". It's the same in movies. My master at VGIK, Sergei Gerasimov, before I was supposed to shoot my graduation film, said: “You have a good script, do you like it?” I say: “Yes, I like it.” - “Will you make a movie based on this script?” “Yes,” I answer, “I’ll take it off.” - “Well then, go look for something else.” This is the question of overcoming. And I remembered these words of his for the rest of my life.

Great, we should take note. Vika is looking at you now, Yura, with such loving eyes! But several years ago there were persistent rumors that you had broken up. Tell me honestly, did these rumors have any basis?

V.: Listen, I think that if there are rumors, it’s generally cool. As soon as there are no rumors, it means that no one is interested in you. ( Smiling.)

Agree. But still...

V.: Any relationship develops in a spiral, and we were worried different periods. But if we felt bad together, we would have fled long ago. And we feel good! It’s good for us to be silent together, we can be completely calm in the same space, each doing our own thing, and at the same time enjoy only the fact that we are nearby. For example, I get very worried when Yura is not at home, when he leaves. For me this is a disaster. And Yura also feels uncomfortable when I leave. Having been together for many years, we rarely annoy each other. This is how to say: “This pisses me off! It’s infuriating!”

Yu.: Leo Tolstoy, by the way, went into the forest in the morning because everyone at home annoyed him. Vicky has one peculiarity: she reacts to the moon. And when she gets “stirred”, I say: “Vikochka, it’s a full moon.” And that’s it, she immediately calms down. Living with Vika is, of course, a risk and such a long adventure. ( Smiles.)

You've just had the perfect opportunity to experience a joyful adventure - I mean a trip to Rome.

V.: Italy, I think, is an ideal place for a vacation, especially when you have the opportunity to get away for only three days. The people there are passionate and also very warm. In Rome we walked all the time, gaining new impressions. We were lucky with a hotel that is located in the heart of Rome. The Portrait Roma hotel is a club hotel, with only 12 rooms, and very cozy. Was in Rome beautiful weather. On the first day we went out onto the terrace and saw a rainbow. And what an amazing kitchen there is!

Yu.: Vika says “impressions,” but for me this trip is primarily a pause in work. When you're working on a new film, your brain is constantly working. Even in my sleep I am editing. And when you leave, especially to a city like Rome, a reboot occurs and an opportunity arises to make new discoveries.

Well, dear Vika and Yura, let the energy of these Roman holidays warm you for as long as possible!

Luck did not immediately smile on Victoria Isakova; life seemed to test her strength. After the death of the artistic director, she was kicked out of the theater without explanation. The actress received the status of a cinema star when she already had four dozen films and brilliant theatrical roles behind her. Popularity, according to Isakova, among other positive aspects, provides the opportunity that every artist dreams of - to choose what you want to do on stage or in front of the camera.

“And I still remain with my ideas about myself, with the same requirements for myself, with the same views on the profession and on myself in the profession,” says Victoria.

Childhood and youth

The star of the hit films “Mirror” and Victoria Evgenievna Isakova was born in October 1976 in the Dagestan city of Khasavyurt. My father is a poet and football administrator, my mother was a housewife and raised children. There were three of them in the Isakov family: two daughters and a son, Vika was the youngest. When the girl turned 12 years old, the family moved to Moscow. The reason for the move was his brother’s enrollment in an Olympic reserve school.

The first prestigious theater award, the Seagull Award, went to the young artist in 2003. At the theater named after her, she played together in the play “Viy”.


Victoria Isakova made her film debut in 1998, in student years. The first episodic role - a pensioner in the TV series “Chekhov and Co” - was a good start in Isakova’s filmography. In 2000, she was offered a more serious role in the historical drama Empire Under Attack.

2006 turned out to be a turning point for the artist. The girl reincarnated as the villain Sinilga in the action-adventure film “Piranha Hunt.” Her partners on the set were Russian cinema stars and.

In the same year, Victoria Isakova received a role in Larisa Sadilova’s film “Nanny Wanted.” These two films became the actress’s ticket to a big movie. Famous producers began to notice the young talent, and viewers are increasingly enjoying films with her participation.

Victoria is often invited to her projects by her husband, a director. His drama "The Point", the heroines of which were his wife, daughter and actress, amazed the audience. The actresses played priestesses of love with broken destinies, who stand on the street every day waiting for clients. For this work, all three were awarded the Silver Hugo Award.

In 2008, Yuri Moroz presented to television viewers an adaptation of the novel The Brothers Karamazov. In this multi-part project, Victoria Isakova played Katerina Ivanovna. She got a great feel for the character and received flattering reviews from film critics. The film premiered on Channel One.

Great fame fell on Victoria after the release of the acclaimed series about cultural life Soviet Union times of the 60s. The project was called "Thaw". The role of Inga Khrustaleva, a fading beautiful actress who sadly realizes that she is aging and becoming superfluous, is performed brilliantly by Isakova.

This movie hit contains the color of modern Russian cinema:, and many others. The series was received with enthusiasm by viewers and film critics.

In the same 2013, Victoria Isakova appeared in another historical film - the series “Mirrors”, where she played a key role in the film. Marina Migunova's drama also received flattering reviews. The actress managed to literally captivate the audience: she read the poems of the brilliant poetess so soulfully that some impressionable viewers started talking about reincarnation. As it turned out, Migunova singled out Isakova from six contenders and was pleased with her choice.

In 2014, Victoria Isakova first tried her hand at being a TV presenter. She participated in the program “Real”, which aired on the “Friday” channel. The project is positioned as a “program for real intellectuals.” Its essence is a demonstration of outstanding short films shot by world-famous directors. And 2014 is also memorable for Victoria Isakova and her fans with the release of the film, in which the actress played private detective Natalya Pavlovna Serebryanskaya.

In March 2015, the Rossiya-1 channel presented viewers with a large-scale project - a psychological thriller, in which Victoria Isakova and. The actress played Anna Zimina, an analyst at the FSB counter-terrorism center. This picture is a remake of the super successful Israeli project"Prisoners of war".

No one even disputes Victoria Isakova’s star status in Russian cinema. The actress confirms her talent every year, delighting fans with new projects. In 2016, 3 films were released at once, about which there was a lot of talk and debate. This is the dramatic film “The Apprentice,” a 12-episode film and a tragicomic mini-series in which Isakova again met with Mikhail Efremov.

In The Apprentice, Victoria Isakova plays a biology teacher who gets into a heated philosophical discussion with a fanatical religious teenager. He was played by a young man talented actor. The premiere took place at the Cannes Film Festival. The film was awarded the François Chalet Prize of the Independent French Press, after which a number of European countries bought the rights to show it.

Filming international project about the famous spy-courtesan took place in Portugal, Russia and Ukraine. Russian star found myself in again key role.

Victoria Isakova (still from the series “Mata Hari”)

At the very beginning of 2017, television viewers saw the new comedy series “You’re All Infuriating Me!”, where Victoria Isakova appeared.

In 2017 and 2018, the actress appeared on screens in films of various genres, including and, where she got the role. Isakova also participated in the filming of the film “About Love. For Adults Only.”

In the touching short film “Tenderness”, filmed on mobile phone, Victoria plays a woman looking for a sexual partner on a dare. Evgeny Tsyganov reappeared in the frame with the actress, reading the voice-over text. Money from a charity evening at which the film was presented to the audience went to his foundation.

The title of the series speaks for itself. The film is about space and love. At the center of the story are the relationships between members of the same crew, who important mission– eliminate the accident on the ISS. The drama lies in the fact that Isakova’s character, the wife of one cosmonaut, wants to leave for another. Before and during the flight, men need to abstract themselves from personal experiences, and women need to suffer in silence.

In the drama staged, Victoria played Dolly Oblonskaya in the musical film “Burn!” - opera singer, sitting in prison, in a detective story - an employee design bureau, from which secret documents disappear.

Gregory of Constantinople, who directed Isakova in “Drunk Firm,” invited the actress to the comedy “Russian Demon.” This is the name of the restaurant that he wants to open for the woman he loves. main character in performance. The film was awarded the Kinotavr prize for directing and was selected for a special screening for people with hearing and vision problems.

Personal life

Victoria Isakova’s first serious love came during her student years. Unfortunately, she was dramatic. Vika began an affair with a talented classmate, Alexander Chizhevsky. Sergei Novikov, a former classmate of Isakova and Chizhevsky, spoke about this. Alexander did not live to see graduation for 2 weeks. Early in the morning he was hit by an unidentified car. The girl was grieving the loss of her loved one, but managed not to break down and focus on her career.

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Victoria Isakova and Yuri Moroz

After 3 years, Victoria Isakova’s personal life acquired meaning: the actress met the man she fell in love with - director Yuri Moroz. Vika was introduced to him by her friend Daria Moroz, who is the director’s daughter. Dasha could not even think that her father, who 2 years ago buried his wife and her mother Marina Levtova, would have a relationship with a girl who is 20 years younger than him. And the age difference between stepmother and stepdaughter is completely insignificant. After some time, Daria understood and accepted the relationship between Yuri and Victoria.

The couple's family life did not immediately develop happily. The grinding of characters was long and painful. In addition, at the very beginning a tragedy occurred that darkened their joint existence. Victoria gave birth to a daughter, who was named Masha. But motherhood turned out to be short-lived: Isakova lost her child. The baby had a congenital disease that ended her life at 4 months.

The couple had a hard time with grief, but did not give up their dream of having children together. Now they are happy and full of hopes for the best. In November 2018, Isakova spoke for the first time in an interview about what was in the family. The event supposedly happened in 2016, but the parents decided to keep it a secret, so the exact age of the baby is not known. There is also no official confirmation that the daughter was named Varvara.

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The actress gained particular popularity after participating in the films “The Thaw” and “Mirrors”, although before that there were already notable roles in her cinematic biography, Isakova’s professional fate was not easy, as if postponing recognition and universal audience love for later.

Now she famous actress with a successfully developing career, and Victoria Isakova’s personal life is developing quite successfully, although there were not only bright periods in it.

Personal life of Victoria Isakova

Now Victoria has a loving and beloved husband, for whom she is eternally grateful to fate, and at the dawn of her student youth she had an affair with a classmate, which ended very sadly. She loved Alexander Chizhevsky, who studied with her in the same course. He was a talented student who gave big hopes, and, perhaps, in the future he would have become the husband of Victoria Isakova, but a tragic accident interrupted not only his plans, but also took his life.

There was only half a month left before graduation when Victoria Isakova learned of the death of her lover. Alexander was hit by a car, and since he had no documents on him, he lay in the morgue for several days as if unidentified. Chizhevsky was found by his brother, an entrepreneur and owner of a long-distance transportation company.

Farewell to Alexander took place in parallel with graduation, so the celebration turned out to be with tears in our eyes. But the hardest thing was for Victoria, who, nevertheless, managed not to break down and cope with her grief.

The next changes in the actress’s life occurred three years later - Victoria met her future husband.

Film director and producer Yuri Moroz was relaxing in a creative house in the suburbs of Kineshma with his daughter, actress Daria Moroz, a friend of Victoria Isakova.

Dasha introduced Vika to her dad, and they spent all the remaining days together.

Husband and children of Victoria Isakova

When Daria found out that a romantic relationship had begun between her friend and her father, she was not happy about it and took the news that Vika was marrying him very painfully.

However, Moroz might not have become the husband of Victoria Isakova if not for her determination and assertiveness. Isakova truly fell in love with Yuri, although many from her close and not so close circle believed that her desire to be close to the famous director was dictated by purely mercantile considerations.

The actress’s friend and colleague Valery Polushkin said about this:

“Vika was not driven by a passion to get the director for personal use - well, so that he would help her build a career. She truly fell in love. And I sincerely wanted to return him to normal life.”

The fact is that Frost has not yet completely moved away from terrible tragedy, happened in his personal life - two years before he met Victoria, his wife, actress Marina Levtova, died in a snowmobile accident.

Perhaps his daughter Dasha did not want to accept Isakova, who was only six years older than her, into her family because too little time had passed since her mother’s death.

Fortunately, over time, Yuri Moroz’s daughter was able to understand and accept his new love.

The personal life of Victoria Isakova in the first years of her marriage with Yuri could not be called simple - the hot-tempered Vika and the sensible Yuri spent a long time getting used to each other. In addition, family happiness was overshadowed by a sad event.

The couple dreamed of children, so the news that Vika would soon become a mother made both of them happy. Unfortunately, Victoria Isakova’s daughter was born weak and died barely reaching four months. Now they continue to dream that one day they will become parents, and until Victoria Isakova’s own children are born, the couple give their love to Yuri’s granddaughter Anya, who often comes to visit them.

Isakova and Moroz have been together for more than fifteen years, and during this time their relationship has become even better than it once was.

Spouses are connected not only by love, but also general profession, which allows them to understand each other perfectly and always find mutual language and look at the world with one eye.

Victoria Isakova says about her husband:

“He is infinitely decent. He is not selfish in relationships, despite the fact that he is an artist and can sometimes afford to be selfish. Yura is my friend, he gives me the opportunity to exist in parallel with him. Not “under” him, not “behind” him, but next to him.”

Brief biography of the actress

The “Thaw” star comes from the Dagestan city of Khasavyurt, where she lived for twelve years, and then Victoria Isakova’s biography continued in Moscow, where the family moved because of her brother, who was enrolled in an Olympic reserve school.

Moving to the Russian capital played a huge role in Isakova’s life - here she had ample opportunities to choose future profession, and she made her choice.

After graduating from high school in English She, contrary to the expectations of her parents, who dreamed that her daughter would acquire a serious profession, entered RATI-GITIS.

After studying for a year, Isakova transferred to the Moscow Art Theater School, after which she served for two years at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. And then Victoria moved to the Theater. Pushkin, where she was invited by former teacher Roman Kozak.

Film career

Victoria Isakova’s creative biography in cinema began in 1998, when she starred in a cameo role in the mini-series “Chekhov and Co.”, and two years later viewers were able to see the actress in a more prominent role in the film “Empire Under Attack.”

The role of a negative character, Sinilga, in the film “Piranha Hunt” turned out to be very interesting for Victoria, after which many directors paid attention to the young talented actress.

The audience began to recognize her, although, according to Isakova, this happened quite late.

“Fortunately for me, I became recognized quite late. I was already an adult, fully formed, having experienced torment, joy, and indifference... And at that moment when I first heard on the street: “Oh! It is you! Hello!" - I laughed: “Well, cool.” I avoided a test that happens to others in their youth and breaks terribly. Few people manage to truly cope,” says the actress.

Victoria Isakova’s husband is also not averse to featuring his wife in his films, and does this at every opportunity. Collaboration gives them the opportunity, among other things, to spend more time together.

The films “The Thaw” and “Mirrors”, which gave Victoria enormous popularity, were released almost simultaneously, in 2013, by which time she had already starred in more than forty films.

Isakova perfectly reveals the images of heroines belonging to different eras, and she succeeds not only on the screen, but also on the stage.

Now Victoria Isakova’s career and personal life are at their peak - she cannot complain about the lack of work and the lack of interesting roles, and her husband is waiting for her at home, for whom she is not only his beloved wife, but also his muse.

In one of his projects, the film “The Point,” Yuri Moroz filmed not only Victoria, but also his daughter, actress Daria Moroz, who played women with broken destinies, whom life pushed into the “panel.” These images amazed not only the audience, but also film critics, and the actresses received the prestigious Silver Hugo award for their work.

The latest high-profile projects with the participation of Victoria Isakova were the films “Optimists” and “Demon of the Revolution”, in which she played the role of Inessa Armand.

A current husband, director Yuri Moroz, left her after tragic death baby

In the acclaimed TV series “Motherland,” 39-year-old ISAKOVA played a nervous but intelligent expert analyst at the FSB counter-terrorism center. And in the TV audience’s favorite “The Thaw” - an actress with a stalled career and a complicated personal life. Famous directors and film critics unanimously insist that Victoria looks so organically in the frame because she “models” all her heroines with difficult fates from herself: they say, something, but there were always enough difficulties in her life...

Victoria Isakova was born in Khasavyurt, Dagestan, into the family of an administrator football club"Anji" and an ordinary housewife. And although the Isakovs moved to Moscow 25 years ago, hometown they are still remembered.
- Vika was youngest child in the family,” their neighbor Zarema Medzhidova shared with me. - She also has a brother Rudolf and a sister Lyubasha. By the way, in fact, Vikulya was born on October 11, but Nadezhda decided to enroll her daughter on the 12th, because she herself has a birthday on that day. I wanted it that way! And you can save money by celebrating double birthdays. Of course, it was not easy for Nadya with the children - they are all the same age. If the son somehow grew up on his own, then the girls were always hot: either they couldn’t divide the outfits, or they started a war for his mother’s attention. Evgeniy, Nadezhda’s husband, disappeared all the time at work. Therefore, the house and children were always on it. The boys were afraid of their father - Zhenya raised them in strictness. Vika, for example, grew up as a very active girl: I remember she would gather the boys and go “on a hike” with them to the neighboring yard. She also loved to play war games. But all the guys knew: if even one hair fell from Isakova’s head, Evgeny Hertselyevich would blow everyone’s heads off indiscriminately. I can imagine how worried he was when he had to move to Moscow - you have completely different morals there.

Plastic roses

The Isakovs made the decision to move to the capital when their son became seriously interested in sports and entered the Moscow Olympic Reserve School. Vika was almost 13 then. Her parents wanted to give her a good education, so they enrolled their daughter in a special school with in-depth study foreign languages. And, of course, they did their best to protect the girl from excessive communication with the opposite sex.
“If a boy called me in the ninth or 10th grade, my dad invariably answered the phone,” the actress recalled in one of her interviews. - At the other end they asked Vika, and then dad began the interrogation: “Who is this? Are you in the same class? And what do you need? I stood nearby and hissed - the boy just wanted to know homework, but the father was adamant.
Isakova’s dad instantly rejected all her suitors, which greatly upset her daughter, because all of Victoria’s friends had already had their first love by this time. True, one day Evgeny Hertselevich nevertheless took pity and allowed his daughter to be friends with a classmate. The boy even visited the Isakovs’ house several times, but it was all over before it began. When a young admirer presented Vika with seven plastic roses for her birthday. The future star did not appreciate the boy’s practicality and decided not to communicate with him anymore.
For real serious feeling Isakova survived when she was already a theater student.

Character of the fighter

Isakova chose the profession of an actress only because she lived next to GITIS and every day watched the carefree, as it seemed to her then, happy students of this university. True, Vika herself for some reason decided after school to conquer the Shchepkinsky school, where, by the way, she was turned away after the first round: one of the members admissions committee he transparently hinted that there was nothing to do with such a non-Slavic face in the Russian theater.
But Isakova did not give up and first conquered GITIS, and a year later she easily transferred to the Moscow Art Theater School of Judges on the course of Oleg Efremov. She remembers that time with sadness:
- My wonderful teachers didn’t really like me. My star faded and faded compared to others who were brighter and more gifted. But I was wow, so cute. They told me: “Vika, just walk back and forth, that’s enough for you.” I fell in love, drank terrible Isabella wine, cried, got upset, bit my nails and got ulcers.

Nothing like this! - Alla Pokrovskaya, Isakova’s mentor at the Moscow Art Theater School (she is also Oleg Efremov’s wife and Mikhail Efremov’s mother), was sincerely indignant when we conveyed Victoria’s words to her. - Of course, she didn’t grab the stars from the sky. But she wasn’t untalented either - we didn’t hire people like that. Of course, sometimes I suffered because of my oriental appearance. For example, I staged the play “The Indian Kingdom” based on Chekhov, in which all the girls in the course took part. But not Isakov. Because exclusively Slavic faces were needed there. This probably hurt Vika. But I believe that such moments only strengthened the character of a fighter in her, without which it is impossible in our profession. I think Vika understands this now. We see her often. Recently she invited me to her performance. Of course, success changes people a little and elevates them above others. But Isakova did not deserve success and demand in her profession due to some connections or love stories, but solely through hard work.

No witnesses

Her classmate Sergei Novikov also spoke with me with pleasure about Vika.
- Victorina, as I affectionately called Isakova, was an ordinary girl. Cheerful, kind, sociable. But none of us even thought that she could one day become a star,” Sergei smiles. - She lived with her parents. And most of the guys from the course are in the dorm. And Vika often fed us with pies and sweets. I baked with my mother. Nadezhda Sergeevna is an excellent cook. And Vika is the same. I know that her dad was against her daughter becoming an artist. I considered this profession frivolous. I approved the choice only when I saw Vika on the theater stage.
Isakova said that rather strict morals reigned in their family: even when Vika was invited on a date, she had to take her mother with her to cover.

Vika’s first serious love was our classmate and my friend Sasha Chizhevsky. Sashka showed great promise, but he didn’t live to see graduation for only two weeks - he was hit by a car. It was early morning, so no one saw the accident itself and no one has yet found the culprit. And since no documents were found on Sashka, he lay “unattended” in the morgue for more than a week. Chizhevsky’s mother went missing in the early 90s, and I had never heard of his father at all. His older brother was involved in the search for the missing Sashka. At that time, he ran a company for intercity passenger transportation and sometimes “allocated” a bus to us, on which we all went to the camp site to relax with a guitar and vino.
Of course, when Sashka passed away, no one could believe it. They said goodbye to him at the Studio School - they placed a coffin right in the classroom. By the way, his brother soon died tragically. They say he tried to find the culprit in Sashka’s death. It is possible that because of this he was removed... In short, our graduation was overshadowed: we, of course, smiled, drank, but it was all on the verge of hysteria. But I am very glad that Vika did not break down and achieved success. Despite everything!

Passion on the Volga

And three years later, Vika met her future husband. It happened in the cinema house of creativity near Kineshma. Her friend, and now famous actress Daria Moroz, during a ferry ride across the Volga, brought a tall man to Vika handsome man. It turned out that it was Dasha’s father - famous director and producer Yuri Moroz. The three of them had fun throughout the trip. And when they returned to Moscow, they began to meet. And if it weren’t for Isakova’s assertiveness, she and Yuri would still not have gotten married.
- Moreover, Vika was not driven by a passion to get the director for personal use - well, so that he would help her build a career. She truly fell in love. And she sincerely wanted to return him to a normal life (two years before meeting Isakova, Moroz lost his wife - actress Marina Levtova crashed on a snowmobile with her oligarch lover. - A.V.), says Vika’s theater colleague Valery Polushkin.
What is noteworthy is that Daria Moroz, with whom Victoria had previously communicated well, reacted painfully to her father’s new marriage. From then on, when Isakova made any comments to her, Dasha, either jokingly or seriously, publicly snapped: “Stepmother!” The awkwardness of the moment was that Isakova is only six years older than her stepdaughter.

The best mom

Early years family life turned out to be difficult for Victoria and Yuri. Their firstborn, daughter Mashenka, was born with some pathologies and lived only four months. Work helped the spouses overcome this grief - both plunged into it headlong. Friends of the couple say that Isakova and Moroz spent a long time getting used to each other and often quarreled. And they even broke up - they say they are too different. Yuri is calm and reasonable, and Vika is hot-tempered and impulsive. He is a neat guy, and she is in eternal creative disorder. And, of course, they madly want to become parents, but for now they are “training” on five-year-old Anechka, Moroz’s granddaughter, who often visits them.
- I wish Vika enormous female happiness. In her profession she has achieved high altitudes. And she will be the most wonderful mother. I'm absolutely sure of this! - Elena Popova sends greetings to a former classmate from distant South Dakota.

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