Donald trump biography. Donald Trump: biography, success story, books. Political career of Donald Trump. Most Influential Republican

The biography of the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump is interesting both in terms of his business and in terms of the details of his personal life and political career. And this is not at all surprising, given the peculiarities of the extraordinary personality of the entrepreneur who became the head of the American state.

Donald Trump is a hereditary entrepreneur, more recently one of the largest politicians in the world by virtue of his position. Consider the key facts from his biography.

The newly elected head of the American state was born on June 14, 1947 in New York, in the construction business, and his wife Mary McLeod. Donald was one of 5 children born in the family.

At the age of 13, the future US president was sent to study at the New York Military Academy. He studied there very successfully. After graduating from the Academy in 1964, Donald entered Fordham University (New York), after which he entered the Wharton School of Business (University of Pennsylvania), from which he graduated in 1968.


Let's start our consideration of the key facts from the biography of Donald Trump by studying the history of the emergence of his business empire.

Trump met big business when he started working as a student at Elizabeth Trump and Son, founded by his grandmother and father in 1923. This firm specialized in mid-range real estate transactions located in various areas of New York.

Subsequently, the family corporation was renamed The Trump Organization. In 1972, the future tycoon made the first multi-million dollar deal in the real estate market, participating in the sale of a respectable residential complex in Cincinnati (Ohio).

A young businessman gets into his Cadillac with a DJT nameplate to go to work. 1973

Mostly, Trump was engaged in real estate activities until the end of the 1980s. But, along with this type of commerce, the entrepreneur also masters the gambling business. Having entered into a partnership deal with the Holiday Inn Corporation, which owned the Harrah's hotel-casino chain, in 1984 Donald built the $250 million Harrah's at Trump Plaza hotel complex.

Later, the entrepreneur buys out a share in the project in full, after which the complex is renamed the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino. In 1985, Trump opened another major complex, Trump's Castle in Atlantic City, worth $320 million.

In 1989, the businessman acquires several as a fleet for his own Trump Shuttle airline, which is present on the market until 1992, when the rights to it began to be transferred to US Airways in the course of a chain of transactions (the airline's assets were completely bought out by US Airways in 2000).

In 1990, the entrepreneur opens another casino - Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. Trump subsequently concentrates this facility and other major assets in the jurisdiction of Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts, registered in 1995.

Entrepreneur in front of Taj Mahal Casino Hotel

In the mid-90s, the media business began to play an important role in Trump's activities. In 1996, the American buys the rights to organize the Miss Universe, Miss USA and Junior Miss USA contests. The businessman owns these show business brands until 2015.

In 2003, the entrepreneur becomes an NBC channel partner and becomes the producer of the reality show The Apprentice, which becomes an extremely successful project. Its continuation is the new show The Celebrity Apprentice.

In 2004, difficult times come for Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts: the company goes bankrupt, but soon exits it, however, under a different name - Trump Entertainment Resorts Holdings. In February 2016, this corporation is bought by Icahn Enterprises.

The Trump Organizations continues to be the main business of the 45th President of the United States. The total value of the assets of this corporation, according to Forbes, is about 4.5 billion US dollars.

Donald Trump remains the owner of The Trump Organization even after taking office as the head of the American state. He delegated key positions in the company's management system to his sons Donald, Eric and the financial director of The Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg.

Political career

The first thoughts about a possible participation in the US presidential election were voiced by Trump during the 2000 election campaign. In the sources of Trump's biography in Russian, very little is known about the entrepreneur's involvement in earlier significant political processes. The businessman ran in the California primary in the 2000 campaign, but voter turnout was low and he put off actively engaging in a political career.

Until 2010, with varying degrees of intensity, entrepreneurs participated in political processes both on the side of the Democrats and on the side of the Republicans. In 2010-2012, Donald publicly announced his desire to participate in the presidential election. He began to become active in the foreign policy arena, supporting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the 2013 elections.

In the 2016 campaign, Trump managed to become the main candidate for the presidency of the United States from the Republican Party. In November 2016, he defeated Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. In January 2017, he officially took office as the head of the American state.

The elected 45th President of the United States, his son Barron and wife Melania

Personal life

We will also briefly study Trump's biography in terms of his personal life.

In 1977, Donald married model Ivana Zelnichkova, who was a substitute for the 1972 Czechoslovak Olympic ski team.

A young entrepreneur with his wife Ivana

The couple had three children - and Eric. The wife of the entrepreneur took the position of vice president at The Trump Organization and was actively involved in the business. The marriage was annulled in 1992.

In 1993, the wife of a businessman becomes American actress Marla Maples.

Donald Trump and his second wife, Marla

2 months before the wedding, Marla gives birth to a daughter from Donald. In 1999, the couple divorced.

In 2005, Trump marries a model from Slovenia.

Businessman and his third wife, Melania

In 2006, the couple had a son, Barron William Trump.

Now the eldest children of the 45th President of the United States, and Eric, work in senior positions in The Trump Organization.

The fourth of five children of Frederick Christ and Mary Macleod Trump, Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in the Queens area of ​​New York. Frederick Trump was a builder, a real estate developer who specialized in the design and implementation of middle-class housing projects in the Queens, Staten Island, and Brooklyn areas. Donald Trump was an energetic and assertive child, and, at the age of 13, his parents send their son to the New York Military Academy, in the hope that the strict discipline of the institution will direct his energy in the right direction. At the academy, Trump is making great strides, both socially and curriculum: by the time of graduation in 1964, he becomes a brilliant athlete and leader among students. After that, Donald entered Fordham University, but soon transferred to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1968 with a degree in economics.

New York real estate developer

Strong influence on choice future profession Trump was provided by his father, but the plans of the son are much grander than the plans of the parent. As a student, Donald works part-time with his father in the summer, and then gets a job. permanent job to his father's company, The Trump Organization.

He finds the means to expand the company's influence by persuading his father about the benefits of loans secured by the real estate of Trump housing estates. But, nevertheless, due to strong competition in the market, profits were not high. In 1971, Donald Trump moved to Manhattan, where he met many influential people. After examining the economic opportunities of the city, Trump takes on large, high-income construction projects in Manhattan, architecturally attractive as well, which wins public recognition.

After declaring the Pennsylvania Central Railroad bankrupt, Trump gets the opportunity to buy out a piece of land she owned in the western part of Manhattan. When initial housing plans prove unfeasible due to the unfavorable economic situation, Trump proposes a site for a convention center, and in 1978 the government chooses it from three possible locations. True, Trump's offer of a free transfer of the site in exchange for the center being named after him was not accepted, as well as a request to build an entire complex, which was proposed to be called "Senator Jacob Javit."

In 1974, Trump purchased one of the Penn Central hotels, the Commodore, which was unprofitable, but had an excellent location, located in close proximity to Grand Central Station in New York. The following year, he signs a partnership agreement with the Hyatt Hotel Corporation, which just lacked a large hotel in the city center. Then Trump makes a package deal with the city, receiving tax cuts for as much as 40 years, finds sources of financing and begins a major overhaul of the building, replacing the old facade with a stunning design of shiny glass by architect Der Scutt. When, in 1980, the new hotel, renamed The Grand Hyatt, opened, it immediately gained wide popularity and quickly justified the cost of redevelopment, making Donald Trump the city's most famous, as well as the most controversial, real estate developer.

Empire expansion

In 1977, Trump marries New York model Ivanna Zelnikova-Winklmayer, who in 1968 was a member of the Czech Olympic ski team. In 1978, after the birth of the first of three sons, Donald John Trump Jr., Ivanna Trump is appointed vice president of the Trump Organization, playing a major role in the renovation of the Commodore Hotel.

In 1979, Trump takes a long-term lease on the Fifth Avenue site adjacent to the famous Tiffany building for the construction of a grand $200 million apartment complex designed by Der Scutt. After its opening in 1982, the complex will be named "Trump Tower". As a result of this project, a 58-storey building with a 6-storey courtyard and an 80-meter waterfall appears in the city center. The space in the new building has been rushed to rent well-known brands for shops and celebrities for offices, which attracts the attention of the whole country to Trump.

Meanwhile, he himself is studying the profitable gambling business, which he starts in 1977 in New Jersey. In 1980, Trump manages to acquire land plot in Antarctic City. The head of a complex project to obtain land rights, a license for the right to conduct a gaming business, all kinds of permits and funding, Donald puts his younger brother Robert. Holliday Inns Corporation, a partner of Harrah's Casino & Hotel, offers the Trumps a partnership agreement, and in 1982, the Harrah Casino Hotel opens in the Trump Plaza complex, in which 250 million US dollars was invested. In 1986, Trump buys out Holliday Inns and renames the establishment the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino. When corporations refuse to issue a gambling license, Trump buys out a casino hotel in Atlantic City, company-owned Hilton Hotels, and calls the $320 million complex "Trump's Castle". Later, he has the opportunity to buy out the largest casino hotel in the world, the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, which will open in 1990, under construction.

At the same time, in New York, Trump is purchasing a residential building and the adjoining Barbizon-Plaza Hotel overlooking Central Park, hoping to implement a major investment construction project in their place. However, the struggle of the residents of the building, who were protected by the city's rent control and stabilization programs, against Donald Trump ended in a victory for the population. Trump then proceeds to reconstruct the Barbizon, renaming it Trump Parc. In 1985, Trump buys 307.5 km² of land in the western part of Manhattan for $88 million, with plans to build on it a complex called "Television City", which, according to the project, was to consist of a dozen skyscrapers, a shopping center and overlooking the river parka. A grand undertaking that would show the world the most high building on the planet, was intended to emphasize the importance of television, but public opposition and protracted red tape to obtain city government approval are delaying the project. In 1988, Trump purchased the Plaza Hotel for $407 million and invested $50 million in a renovation led by Ivan's wife.

Business ups and downs

Trump expands southward for an investment project in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 1989 opens a subsidiary that buys out Eastern Air Lines Shuttle for $365 million, which changes its name to Trump Shuttle. ". In January 1990, Trump flies to Los Angeles revealing his intentions to build a commercial and residential project that includes the construction of a 125-story office building at a cost of 1 billion US dollars.

But in 1990, the real estate market collapses, which entails a decrease in the estimated value and income of the Trump empire: the value of the entire network of 1.7 billion US dollars in one moment drops to 500 million. To keep the Trump organization from collapsing, numerous third-party injections are required, which gives rise to rumors about the possible bankruptcy of the company. Some call the fall of the Trump empire a symbol of what lies ahead for all the business, economic, and social giants that emerged from the 1980s.

But Trump is successfully getting out of $900 million in debt: in 1997, Donald Trump's net worth is estimated at just under $2 billion.

Personal life, politics and reality TV

Donald Trump's image has been tarnished by the publicity surrounding his unexpected separation and subsequent divorce from his wife Ivana. But he marries again, to the young actress Marla Maples. In 1993, two months before the wedding, the couple had a daughter. In 1997, the sensational divorce proceedings between Trump and Maples begin, which will end only in 1999. According to the marriage contract, Maples receives $ 2 million. In 2005, Trump again plays the wedding, which has become a high-profile event in the celebrity world, with model Melania Knauss. In March 2006, Melania's firstborn and Trump's fifth child, Barron William Trump, was born.

October 7, 1999 Trump announces convening of an exploratory committee to decide on Trump's participation in the 2000 presidential race for the Reform Party.

In 2012, Trump returns to the political arena, making a statement that he is going to run again for the presidency. But his association with the birth movement - a radical group that firmly believes that President Barack Obama is not a native of the United States - has largely discredited him as a politician. Nevertheless, Trump continues to speak out strongly against President Obama, not only because of his birthplace, but also on a number of points in his policies.


“Going through hard times is great, I would like everyone to experience it. At least once".

Biography score

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Name: Donald Trump

Age: 69 years old

Place of Birth: New York, USA

Growth: 191 cm

The weight: 100 kg

Activity: businessman, writer

Family status: Married to Melania Knaus

Donald Trump - Biography

There are still a few months before the US presidential election, and experts have already predicted the chair of the head of the White House to billionaire Donald Trump. The reason for his popularity is simple: Trump is the personification of the American dream.

Donald Trump's childhood biography can be called successful: he was lucky to be born in rich family. His father built a business by building cheap single-family houses. But, despite the wealth, the five children of Fred Trump were not spoiled. On the contrary, he was quite pragmatic about education, which is why he decided to send Donald, who harassed teachers elite school Kew Forrest, to the military academy. Trump Sr believed that military education will help his son to become a man - and he was not mistaken.

Donald Trump - business

Difficulties only tempered Donald's character, and soon he became one of the best on the course. At the end of the academy, the question arose - what next? In a book about his biography, Trump wrote: “In 1964, I was thinking about going to film school, but in the end I decided that real estate was more profitable business. I started at Fordham University, then applied to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and got in... I was so excited when I graduated. I immediately went home and started working for my father.”

One of the first projects in the biography of Donald Trump was an apartment building in Cincinnati with 1,200 apartments. The building was occupied by only a third of tenants, which barely covered the maintenance costs. Donald renovated the façade, replaced the elevators and halls, and after loud advertising rented out all the apartments for good price. And then the owner company sold the house for $12 million, of which 6 were net profits.

Donald liked his father's job, but the two captains were cramped on the same ship. In addition, Donald was trying to find new niches, and Fred did not want to take risks. Then the son decided to open his own business, for the development of which he asked his father for $ 1 million. This is a decent amount even now, and even more so in the late 1960s. But the parent understood that the son would manage the money properly. The area of ​​interest for Trump Jr. was the fashionable area of ​​New York - Manhattan Island, where he soon moved. But in order to enter this closed market, one desire or money was not enough. And Donald found a way.

Donald Trump is on top

In New York in the early 1970s, a club for the rich of French origin was popular among big businessmen. For Trump Jr., who has German and Scottish roots, the entrance there was closed. But he persistently sought a meeting with the manager of the club, until he gave him a membership card.

The miracle did not happen: they were in no hurry to take Donald as a partner. Still, perseverance paid off. At 28, he became the owner of a piece of land in the west of Manhattan, where he built a modern business center. Donald's authority grew, and soon he received from the mayor's office, in exchange for a 40-year tax credit, the right to repair and manage the money-losing Commodore Hotel. Trump appreciated its advantageous location and, after bringing it to a luxurious look, signed an agreement with the well-known brand Hyatt Hotel Corporation, which did not have a large hotel in New York at that time.

However, being a New York City partner is not easy. The mayor often overestimated the amount of investment that the developer was obliged to invest in the resulting object. Trump insisted that the reconstruction could be carried out for much less money. Deals fell through, objects were “frozen”, and only a few years later the mayor’s office agreed with Trump’s arguments.

But in the field of private investment, Donald was impeccable. In 1983, he built the 202-meter-high Trump Tower, a luxurious business center. The commissioning of a 68-story skyscraper with a waterfall became an event in the life of New York. The apartments here were bought by Sophia Loren and members of the royal family Saudi Arabia which played into the hands of advertising. By the way, competitors tried to win back a part of the market from Trump by lowering prices in similar complexes. And Donald, on the contrary, raised the price, taking into account the psychology of the rich: they do not have a question of price, they have a question of prestige.

By 1989, Trump's empire included not only construction projects, but also non-core assets, such as a stake in General Motors and the Miss America and Miss Universe pageants. But after the rise, a protracted decline followed, caused by a reassessment of the possibilities. Donald almost lost everything. Fortunately, everything worked out, but he could no longer achieve the success of the 1980s.

Donald Trump - biography of personal life: Married three times - and every time successfully

Trump's personal life has been interesting. At the university, he surprised classmates by not taking part in drinking bouts, did not smoke, and had almost no relationships with girls. Business has always come first.

In 1976, in a New York club, Trump met the blond beauty Ivana. Sympathy turned into love after a joint trip to a ski resort in Aspen. A year later, a wedding took place, to which Donald invited all his partners. As befits the status of newlyweds, the wedding has become a landmark event in secular life New York. And a year later, Ivana gave birth to his son. Like his father, the boy was named Donald. When the daughter was born, Trump announced: "Ivana is the only possible name for my daughter, because I adore my wife!" The youngest son was named Eric. The couple's personal life lived for 13 years, until in 1990 Donald lost his head from another beauty, Marla Maples.

Ivana knew that her husband had an affair on the side, but she hoped that, as before, her mistress would disappear over time. However, the relationship continued, and in 1992 the wife decided to file for divorce. A year later, Donald married Marla, but this marriage, despite the birth of his daughter Tiffany, broke up after 7 years.

The next chosen one in the personal life of billionaire Trump was a model from Slovenia, Melania Knavs, 24 years younger than him. The marriage registration took place on January 22, 2005 in Florida, and a year later the wife gave him a son, Barron.

Donald Trump - political games

With age, interests in Trump's biography began to shift from business to politics. During his life, he managed to visit both a member of the Democratic Party and the Republicans. He donated considerable sums to the treasury of various candidates, based on personal sympathies, until he finally decided to try his hand at the presidential race.

On June 16, 2015, at his headquarters, he announced: "I will be the greatest president God has ever created." Polls conducted in December showed that Trump is rightfully a candidate for this position, with the support of 38% of voters. This result was the highest among all candidates. And what is the most pleasant. Trump openly declares his sympathy for Russia and its president: “Putin treats me well. I honestly feel good about him. I think we can work together with Russia to our advantage. For the benefit of all."

Donald Trump now

Already in March 2016, Donald Trump was predicted to become the Republican presidential candidate, predicting that Hillary Clinton would be his direct rival in the decisive round of elections.

The predictors were not mistaken: At the end of May 2016, Donald Trump won the necessary number of votes of delegates to automatically nominate a candidate for US President, and thus Trump became the Republican Party's US presidential candidate along with Democrat Hillary Clinton, who will compete for the presidency.

On November 8, the 58th US Presidential Election took place. Donald Trump won the election. Hillary Clinton lost to Trump. Thus, Donald Trump becomes the new President of the United States. The inauguration of the newly elected President of the United States, Donald Trump, will take place on January 20, 2017 in Washington.

After winning the presidential elections that took place on November 8, 2016, Donald Trump Becomes America's 45th President. His rival, the candidate of the Democratic Party, despite the total support from the world and American media, lost by a significant margin. So, Clinton won only 232 electoral votes, against 290 votes for Trump.

This created a real sensation in the world community. When the eccentric, incredibly temperamental and unlike other businessman announced his intention to run for the presidency of the United States in 2015, no one took it seriously.

After all, Trump has never been involved in politics, devoting his whole life to business.

An interesting fact is that Donald himself, having announced his intention to run from the Republicans, said the famous phrase: "I will be the greatest president ever created by God." Ambitious claim!

The election results broke the pattern with such a bang that many prominent world politicians looked extremely confused, not knowing how to behave in this situation. After all, everyone was confident in the victory of Clinton!

However, we should wait for the newly elected president to take office. The event will take place on January 20, 2017, therefore, a lot can change during this period of time.

We bring to your attention the most Interesting facts about Donald Trump.

Donald Trump in his youth

It is authentically known that at the age of 13, Donald Trump began serious problems at school. The fault was the unrestrained and incredibly expressive nature of the young Donald. In order to somehow solve these difficulties, his father decides to send him to a private boarding school "New York Military Academy".

It was there that the true formation of the personality of the future president began. According to Trump himself, at the military academy, his boundless energy was directed in the right direction. There he learned to survive in the face of colossal competition.

His extraordinary organizational skills began to manifest themselves very early. At the military academy, he managed to establish his leadership among his comrades. He graduated with the rank of cadet captain S4.

New York Military Academy student Donald Trump in 1964

In 1968, Trump received a Bachelor of Science in Economics, specializing in finance.

Donald Trump's father had a real estate company. Actually, a young guy began his career there, who later became the 45th President of the United States.

Interesting fact: the surname "Trump" is translated from English as "Trump". Donald was always very proud of such a trump card name, believing that it brings him good luck.

Thanks to his outstanding abilities, he turned it into an expensive brand. Various accessories, perfumes, vodka and much more are produced under this name.

How old is Donald Trump

In 2016, Donald Trump is exactly 70 years old. He was born on June 14, 1946. By the way, this is also a very interesting fact. Trump became the oldest president in US history, having been elected at the age of 70.

Before him, the record belonged to Ronald Reagan, elected to the post of head of state at 69 years old.

Facts from the biography of Donald Trump

Donald Trump's fortune, according to various estimates, ranges from 4 to 9 billion US dollars. During his career, he suffered complete bankruptcy several times. However, incredible perseverance and self-confidence helped him rise again to the level of the richest people on the planet.

One of the last crises of a businessman occurred in 1991. At that time, Trump's debts amounted to $ 9.8 billion. Taking a desperate step, he mortgaged his famous skyscraper "Trump Tower" in New York and received a good loan from financial institutions. Literally a few years later, he managed to pay off all creditors and again began to increase his capital.

An interesting fact from Trump's biography. One day, a businessman took out a $500 million loan from a bank, securing the deal only own name. Probably, the creditors knew that even under the most unfavorable circumstances, the dodgy Trump would definitely find a way out and, sooner or later, return the money with a profit. In the end, they were right!

Often, American developers approached Donald Trump with a request to sell their buildings, securing a successful deal with his own name. For this reason, many buildings bearing his name are not owned by his companies.

Not everyone knows that Donald Trump is also a successful writer. He is the author of more than 15 business books. Given Trump's biography, all the books have sold millions of copies around the world. Every businessman with pleasure and undisguised interest studies the life of a billionaire in order to understand what principles allowed him to become so successful.

An interesting fact is that Trump took part in the filming of more than 100 films. Of course, all his roles are episodic, but this testifies to the versatility of Donald's personality.

Moreover, in 2004 he became the main host of his own television program "Candidate". Its winners, under the terms of the reality show, are guaranteed to hold a senior position in the Trump business empire with a salary of $250,000.

The essence of the show was that all applicants (candidates) for a certain period became managers of various Donald companies. Those who did not manage affairs well heard the phrase “You are fired” from the host, after which they dropped out of the game. By the way, this phrase became so famous that the businessman wanted to patent it.

Donald Trump has always been known to be a harsh critic. Once he publicly stated that the fact of being born in the United States incumbent president has no evidence. As a result of the strong reaction of the American community White House forced to release Obama's birth certificate.

In 2014, when the Ebola virus became known, Barack Obama refused to ban entry to the United States from persons arriving from the infected area. In this regard, Donald wrote on Twitter the following: “I'm starting to think the president isn't exactly mentally healthy. Why didn't he ban flights? Psycho!" .

An interesting fact is that Trump's hairstyle has become, in a way, the hallmark of a billionaire. Throughout his career, he has repeatedly had to refute rumors that he wears a wig. He himself says that hair is his image.

Moreover, he considers his hair the most famous in all of America. It should be added that he washes them with inexpensive shampoos, but he does not use a hair dryer on principle.

By his own admission, the billionaire, he does not drink alcohol at all, and also ignores tea and. However, this does not prevent him from being known for his sweet tooth.

I must say that, being a fairly gentle father, he brought up his children extremely strictly in terms of attitudes towards alcohol and any drugs. None of his children use these things. Perhaps the reason for such a radical attitude was the fact that Trump's younger brother died of alcoholism.

Tony Sinical, the businessman's butler, says that his master sleeps no more than 3-4 hours a day. And he gets up long before dawn. Involuntarily, associations arise with others who spent very little time on sleep, while maintaining tremendous efficiency.

Donald Trump's Wives

Trump got married at 31. His chosen one was the Czechoslovak model Ivan Zelnicek. This happened in 1977. However, they divorced in 1992 after Ivana found out that her husband was cheating on her. During the divorce, she demanded 25 million dollars.

A year later, in 1993, Trump marries again, having previously entered into a detailed marriage contract. Still, business thinking forced him to calculate all his risks. This time his wife was the American actress Marla Maples. They had a daughter, Tiffany, but divorced in 1999.

In February 2008, on a television program, Donald Trump said the following about his wives: “I only know that it was very difficult for them (Ivana and Marla) to compete with what I love. I really love what I do" .

In 2005, fashion model Melania Knavs from Slovenia became Trump's third wife. She is 24 years younger than her husband. At the time of 2016, Melania Trump, in fact, had already become the first lady of the United States, since the elections ended in the victory of her husband.

Donald Trump and his wife Melania

In total, Donald Trump has 5 children and 8 grandchildren.

By the way, the favorite hobby of the 45th President of the United States is golf. The billionaire regularly takes part in various competitions at his own sites.

Photo by Donald Trump

Here you can see photos of Donald Trump. Among them you will find very rare family chronicles and some others. Happy viewing!

Trump with wife Melania and son Release of emotions near the wife
Trump International Hotel Las Vegas
Donald Trump with parents
Donald Trump with Ronald Reagan in 1987
Family photo Trump
Trump with Fedor Emelianenko

Melania Trump - the third wife of a businessman
Trump in Phoenix, August 2016
Trump's personal jet with exclusive layout and interior design
Donald and wife

Now you know everything interesting facts from the biography of Donald trump.

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11/17/2016 12/13/2016 by Vl@dimir

Donald John Trump is an American businessman, billionaire, construction magnate, owner of a large chain of hotels and casinos. Author of an impressive number of books on business and self-development. Member of the Republican Party. On November 8, 2016, Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States. We have studied all life path highlighting the main facts.

Childhood of Donald Trump

His full name is Donald John Trump. Born June 14, 1946 in the Jamaica Borough of Queens, New York.

In 1930, 18-year-old native of the Scottish village Mary Ann Macleod came to New York for the holidays. There, fate brought her together with 25-year-old Fred Trump, the son of German immigrants, who already owned his own construction company at such a young age. And she stayed in America forever.

In 1936, the couple got married; the couple bought a cottage in a respectable area of ​​Queens, the father of the family continued to engage in the construction business, and Mary devoted herself entirely to motherhood. Donald Trump was the fourth child in the family, but, having inherited a tough and assertive character from his father, he was not going to get used to the role of a younger brother.

Donald Trump (far left) with siblings

"Trump" is a German surname and in German it sounds like "Trump". The grandparents of the current presidential candidate came to America from Germany. Grandfather's name was Friedrich Trump, he emigrated to America in 1885, received citizenship in 1892. The beginning of the family capital was laid by this grandfather - he was a successful restaurateur in the Klondike during the "gold rush". Trump's father's company was called "Elizabeth Trump and Son," with her grandmother at the center of the name, in tribute to the love she shared with everyone in the family. Trump built his first skyscraper at the age of eight. He just stole a constructor from his brother and made a high-rise building from his blocks, tightly gluing it with glue. Neither brother nor father could dismantle the skyscraper.

Donald was difficult child, with excessive energy and ambition. His parents tried to put all this into some positive direction and sent him to the New York Military Academy. Trump himself admits that he was completely devoid of any concept of organization until he got there. “But there I was so accustomed to order, as few people are,” he recalled.

As a cadet, Trump proved to be a disciplined student who boasted both good grades and high social skills and athletic success. Parents could not get enough of their son, who sharply took up his mind, and even began to set him as an example to other children.

Early career of Donald Trump.

In 1964, Trump graduated from the military academy with honors and entered Fordham University. After studying there for 4 semesters, he transferred to the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1968, he received a bachelor's degree in economics, after which his father accepted his son into the family business. Donald became seriously interested in real estate, hoping in the future to become the heir to the Trump construction empire and multiply his father's fortune many times over.

It was easier for Donald to start his career than for many. His father was already considered a successful real estate businessman. In his company, Donald made the first deals.

The first project entrusted to Donald was the grandiose residential complex Swifton Village in Ohio, designed for 1200 apartments for the "middle class". Under the direction of younger trump the company was able to complete the project within a year, spending $6 million to build and $12 million from the sale of the apartments.

Double income - more than great start career, but Trump was not going to stop there. The construction of apartments in Ohio was funded by the state, but Donald understood what financial support for more serious projects, it is worth contacting not government organizations, but strong of the world this: bankers, top managers, oil tycoons. In 1971, Donald rented an apartment in the heart of New York - on Manhattan Island. Here his circle of acquaintances quickly replenished with influential people.

Career flourish. The rise of an empire.

In 1974, with the help of new connections, Trump won a tender to restore the dilapidated Commodore Hotel. Since many of the buildings near the hotel were also in a deplorable state and needed financial injection, as, indeed, the city itself, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, Donald managed to get tax benefits from the mayor's office for a period of 40 years. Moreover, the largest banks in New York gave him mortgage the total amount$70 million. There was only one condition - Trump had to put the area in order.

Donald's firm hit the ground running, and six years later, Manhattan residents were able to see the 25-story glass-and-steel monolith that replaced the dreary yellow building surrounded by new, functional, and livable neighborhoods. Much later, in October 1996, one of the largest hotel chains Hyatt bought half of the rights to the hotel, increasing Trump's fortune by $142 million.

In 1979, Donald had his eye on a piece of land on 5th Avenue across from Tiffany & Co. When the businessman was asked what made him buy this particular place, he replied: "The wealthiest people in New York always spin around Tiffany's stores." By 1983, the 58-story skyscraper Trump Tower had grown on this site, surpassing all city buildings in height.

The house instantly gained fame as an elite complex: the windows of the apartments overlooked Central Park, a series of boutiques and restaurants were located below, the floor was tiled with pink marble, and a three-meter fountain beat in the hall. All apartments were bought up within a few months, and Trump became richer by $ 200 million.

When gambling was legalized in New Jersey in 1977, Trump realized that in front of him was a tidbit that should never be missed. In 1980, he purchased a piece of land in Atlantic City, entrusting his brother Robert with obtaining a gambling license. In 1982, the grandiose hotel and entertainment complex Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino was opened at a cost of $250 million. In 1986, Donald bought the city's Hilton hotel and built the $320 million Trump's Castle in its place. In parallel, he began construction of the Taj Mahal, the largest hotel-casino in the world, which opened its doors to visitors in 1990.

On the brink of bankruptcy

By the beginning of the 90s, Donald's fortune was estimated at $1 billion. In addition to a chain of hotels, casinos and luxury residential skyscrapers, the Trump empire was listed as Trump Shuttle Airline, football team New Jersey Generals and a huge number of small businesses that Donald himself lost count of. Gradually, he began to lose control over the business that had grown to incredible proportions.

New projects were financed with borrowed funds, which was quite risky. Trump's creditors were large banks and investment companies: Citicorp, Merrill Lynch, Chase Manhattan. The businessman's debts were growing rapidly, the threat of bankruptcy was exacerbated by the crisis brewing in the real estate sector. In the early 90s, debts to creditors reached $9.8 billion, of which Trump had to pay $900 million out of his own pocket. On the verge of bankruptcy, the businessman was forced to lay the Trump Tower skyscraper. The press added fuel to the fire, criticizing Donald's every move.

Thanks to innate perseverance, Donald managed to get out of the debt hole. Income from the gambling business covered most of the debts; by 1997, the tycoon had paid off his debts in full and started working on new projects. In 2001, Trump's company, together with the Korean company Daewoo, completed the construction of the 72-story Trump World Tower. The 262-meter skyscraper has grown exactly opposite the UN headquarters in Manhattan.

The 2008 financial crisis was another shock to Trump's building empire. Due to falling sales, he was unable to pay the $40 million loan on time. Although the billionaire could easily pay off the debt with his own funds, he filed for bankruptcy, claiming that the crisis was a force majeure. On February 17, 2009, Trump announced his decision to leave the Board of Directors of his own company.

Donald Trump's television career

In 2002, Trump launched the prime-time reality show The Candidate. The participants had to compete among themselves for the right to become a top manager in Trump's company. Unsuccessful contestants were waiting for the businessman’s signature phrase: “You are fired!” (In 2004, he even applied for the trademark "You are fired!"). For each episode of the first season, Donald received about $50,000, but with the start of the second season, the cost of one episode rose to $3 million - so Trump became one of the highest paid presenters on television.

In 2006, Trump, together with NBC, bought out the Miss Universe Organization, which organized the Miss Universe and Miss America beauty pageants.

Trump has received two Emmy nominations for his roles as himself. He's not shy about making himself comedic, having done so in movies like Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, The Babysitter, The Prince of Bel-Air, Days of Our Lives. For example, in the comedy Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, he explained to young Macaulay Culkin how to get into the hall.

In 2007, Trump got his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, which the businessman received for creating the reality show The Candidate.

In October of the same year, Donald was invited to the studio of Larry King, where he abruptly walked through foreign policy George Bush Jr. and Angelina Jolie's appearance. Many remembered other words uttered on the evening air: then Trump said that in the next election he would certainly support Rudolph Giuliani and Hillary Clinton if they put forward their candidacies for the presidency. This speech was remembered to him in 2013, when Trump was again visiting the host.

Political career of Donald Trump

Trump has been predicted for the presidency of the United States since the 80s, but at that time the needle of Donald's political compass was constantly rushing between the right and left poles. By 2009, he was more or less determined in his own views and joined the Republican Party. They tried to nominate Donald, an outstanding economist and manager, to participate in the presidential elections back in 2011, but the businessman said he was not ready to leave the private sector.

On June 16, 2015, Trump made it clear to the people of the United States that he had changed his mind, announcing his readiness to fight for the presidency. Trump's presidential campaign was strictly thought out: first of all, he visited the state of New Hampshire, traditionally considered a stronghold of the Republicans, then toured Nevada and California, states that had previously received a solid financial injection from Donald. Also, Trump has repeatedly held rallies in his support for the entertainment of the electorate.

Trump's popularity was influenced by his character: the newly minted politician is used to speaking openly, not veiling his speech with euphemisms. Because of this feature, he gained fame as an eccentric truth-seeker.

The main theses of the Trump campaign concerned the following areas of American society: immigration, health care, economics and domestic politics. The Republican was extremely cold towards the people of Mexico and the Middle East. If he wins the election, Trump threatened to build an analogue of the Great Wall of China on the border with Mexico. Trump has also repeatedly advocated the immediate elimination of ISIS military forces.

Donald demanded the abolition of Barack Obama's medical program, saying that its provision is too expensive for the state, and that he would have no problem finding more effective and cheaper methods for taxpayers.

In the economic sector, even Democrats listened to the billionaire; he argued about the need to return production to the United States, increasing duties on goods of American companies manufactured abroad, and also argued the need for a trade war with China.

In more detail, he stated his point of view in the book "America Shattered", published in 2015.

According to Forbes magazine, in 2016 Donald Trump's net worth crossed the $4 billion mark. It continued to increase, including through real estate licensing - developers themselves paid Trump to build and sell new projects on his behalf.

In March 2016, Donald Trump was named the most likely Republican presidential candidate, predicting that he would face Hillary Clinton in the final round of the election. In Russia, Trump's nomination for the presidency was warmly received, as the billionaire has repeatedly promised to improve relations with the Kremlin.

Personal life of Donald Trump

Donald Trump has been married several times. His first wife is the Czechoslovak model Ivanka Zelnichkova.

They got married in 1977. In the same year, Trump's first child, Donald Jr., was born, four years later, the businessman became the father of Ivanka Jr., and in 1984, his second son, Eric. The marriage of Donald and Ivanka Trump ended in 1992. After the divorce, the ex-wife assigned him the nickname The Donald, which the press really liked.

Donald Trump's second wife, actress Marla Ann Maples, whom the businessman married in 1993, also gave birth to a daughter. The actress got the most out of this marriage: for six years of marriage (1993-1999), she starred in 15 films. After 6 years of marriage, the couple divorced.

In early 2005, Donald married another fashion model from of Eastern Europe- 34-year-old Melanie (Melanya) Knauss.

Trump's third wife is from Slovenia, in the past she shone on the pages of glossy magazines, not embarrassed to act in a very frank manner. Trump and Melanie's wedding was on the list of the most expensive wedding ceremonies with a budget of $45 million. In 2006, their common son, Barron William Trump, was born.

Of his latest wife, Trump says: “She is exquisitely beautiful both internally and externally. Melania is elegant, sensual and smart, knows all my strengths and weaknesses.

To the question - "What gives you the greatest pleasure in life?" “Trump invariably replies, “My kids and wife.”

The results of the election of the 45th President of the United States were unpredictable. A month before the final day, both candidates received a good portion of "black PR". Clinton was involved in a scandal involving the FBI, Trump was accused of sexual harassment. Clinton confidently predicted victory, especially after the third, final debate. However, the results surprised everyone - Trump effortlessly beat his rival, gaining 276 electoral votes out of the 270 required for victory, thereby securing a seat in the Oval Office of the White House.

Officially, the results are recognized on December 19, 2016, after the vote of the Electoral College. However, this step is usually a formality. The inauguration of the elected president was scheduled for January 20, 2017.

Little known facts about Donald Trump

  • Trump had two brothers and two sisters. Only one of them turned out to be a loser - Fred Jr., who died of alcoholism in 1981. most famous older sister Marianne Trump-Barry is a federal appeals court judge and the mother of David Desmond, a well-known neuropsychologist and writer in the United States.
  • Trump's three older children - Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric - work for their father's company in vice presidential positions.
  • In his youth, Trump was a very good athlete. When he studied at the military academy, he was the captain of the baseball team and received a special prize from the coach as the best player.
  • At the New York Military Academy, Trump became one of the best in drill training. Together with a friend, he prepared a demonstration platoon of cadets that marched impeccably down Fifth Avenue in New York on Veterans Day in 1964.
  • Trump could have gone to the Vietnam War, but received deferrals for his studies twice, and again for medical reasons. Once again, no longer having any delays, he pulled out a lucky ticket in the draft lottery. And yet, in 1968 he received a summons - but again he did not pass the medical examination (because of the "spurs" in his heels) and was finally declared unfit for service.
  • Trump's reserves of internal energy are truly inexhaustible. There were times when he worked for several days in a row without sleep.
  • Trump is already a brand. Many developers pay Donald Trump to sell their properties and be the "face" of the projects. According to Forbes, this part of the Trump empire is the most valuable - at least $562 million.
  • Trump's name is worn by restaurants, watches, clothes, a travel site, perfumes, a magazine, a board game, steaks, chocolate candies, mineral water, vodka and much more.
  • Trump is squeamish. Forced to make hundreds of handshakes every day, he always has a supply of napkins to constantly dry his hands.
  • Trump loves to drive fast. My favorite car brand is Mercedes.
  • Trump does not drink or smoke on principle. And he claims he never even tried it.
  • Trump is the author of 16 books. The protagonist all of them - himself, his way to the top, his recipes for success, his response to critics, his women and his fame.
  • Trump's famous hairstyle (a lush bouffant on his forehead) is interpreted by some psychologists as a manifestation of a highly developed inferiority complex.
  • Trump's equally famous habit of naming built objects by their proper names, on the contrary, is considered a clear symptom of megalomania.
  • Everywhere and always, Trump tries to act actively. "Don't be shy, go ahead, get in a fight and fight back - these are some of my commandments," he says.
  • Trump's divorce proceedings were not easy, so one of his commandments was the phrase: "Do not neglect marriage contracts."
  • The most expensive purchase in Trump's life - a luxury yacht - after the divorce went to Trump's first wife Ivanna. She still owns this “thing”, in fact, turning it into her home.
  • At the height of the pre-election struggle between the Republican candidates, photos of naked Melania, taken at the time for GQ magazine, were used as "black PR" against Trump. This was done by activists who supported his rival Ted Cruz. The photo was captioned: "Look at her, she could be your first lady."
  • Celebrities who are most vocal in supporting Trump include tough guys Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone and Mike Tyson.
  • Trump was the inspiration for billionaire anti-hero Bif Tannen in Back to the Future 2.
  • Trump was Mike Tyson's financial advisor and ringleader during the Tyson-Michael Spinks fight in Atlantic City.
  • Trump is a wrestling fan, actively participates in the show main organization this peculiar entertainment - World Wrestling Entertainment - and inducted into its Hall of Fame.
  • Trump is a big fan of golf, owning courses for this game in different parts of the United States. In 2006, he bought a site in Scotland with the intention of creating a the best complex for golf in the world. He was ready to invest $1 billion in this project, but construction ran into trouble. negative attitude local residents and has not been started yet.
  • AT different time Trump has been compared to Harry Potter's Lord Voldemort, Game of Thrones' vicious, disgusting sadistic King Joffrey Baratheon, Star Wars' devastating Death Star, and Godzilla.
  • Trump's height is 191 centimeters, current weight is about 100 kilograms.

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