Twenty-third lunar day. Lunar day forecast

23 Lunar day is energetically very saturated, but this energy is aggressive and heavy, and not everyone is able to digest it. Energy vampires are being activated today. Conflicts and disputes can be observed around. People themselves look for scandals and troubles. Do not give in and do not get involved in conflicts, but try to maintain inner peace. On this day, our energy aura is subject to powerful influence, and people who are poorly developed inside experience a kind of overload effect, thereby the energy splashes out and is mastered through conflicts and quarrels.

Believers, people who practice different types of yoga, and those who live in harmony with nature, their energy channel is constantly training and this powerful impact of energy only benefits them, they are able to digest it. This allows them to solve very difficult problems, make great discoveries and create beautiful works of genius...

On the 23rd lunar day, many hooligan acts are committed. Immoral people are at the peak of their activity today. It is recommended to avoid crowded places, as the energy there will be unfavorable.

Dreams today may include things, but they are difficult to decipher

Love and relationships

Today is not the most favorable day for romantic dates and meetings. It is not recommended to arrange weddings.


The twenty-third lunar day is well suited for any household chores that require a lot of physical activity. The day is perfect for finishing something you started, but you never got around to it, today is the day to complete everything.


This is a good day for self-medication and healing, and that’s where everything positive ends. Today we do not recommend any surgical operations. The spine is vulnerable. A one-day fast will be useful, as well as any procedures aimed at cleansing the body of toxins.

Business and money

This is an unfavorable day for business and career. Try not to do anything important. On such a day, it is good to close an enterprise or abandon financial schemes that bring losses.

The moon today is unpredictable, and the twenty-third day seems unusual, strange and mysterious. It’s as if the Universe is testing us by arranging all sorts of tests. But we have been warned, which means it will be easier to cope with temptations.

  • Element 23 lunar days Earth. The earth is reliability and stability, it is no coincidence that the elements are considered the flesh of our huge world. The earth gives strength and confidence in the future.
  • The symbols of today, guys, are complex and serious: Makara - a mythical monster with a fish body and a crocodile head, symbolizes chaos, aggression and destruction; and a three-headed dog, known to everyone as Cerberus - this comrade stands on the border between our world and the kingdom of the dungeon. But we are not afraid, and we remember that you can come to an agreement with any monster, the main thing is to behave correctly.
  • Lucky colors for the 23rd lunar day: Orange (holiness, health, warmth), and Brown color(stability, devotion, comfort). But we won’t dress up in an orange costume, we’ll just find an orange scarf or tie a brown belt.
  • The strange and mysterious number Five is the lucky number for 23 lunar day. This number is patronized by Jupiter, and the planet is associated with excesses. So is the Five - it unites love and hate, friendship and enmity, flesh and spirit. But this figure can become our mark in the Lunar Journal - let’s make friends with the Five and become lucky.
  • Let's bewitch your loved one with the help of Rauchtopaz - this stone is the main talisman of the 23rd lunar day. But let's not downplay the power of other amulets. Black Jade will help you achieve peace of mind, Crocodilite (a stone from the agate family) will drive away vampires, and Sarder will improve the well-being of the owner.
  • Stand up, people, stand in the Center - all directions have united at one point, and it is in the middle that we will find our luck on the 23rd lunar day. But it is not necessary to stand in the evening magic circle, you can go out on business if you have magical protectors with you. By the way, the element of the twenty-third day is also the element of the Center. Of course, we will not carry a backpack with soil on our backs, but a handful of dirt from the garden will not harm us (all that remains is to sew a small canvas bag).
  • The genius of the muses, the gentle angel of the morning wind named Batis, will help us achieve our goal on the 23rd lunar day. Batis controls our mood, but his patronage is felt mainly by women.

Characteristics of the 23rd lunar day

To avoid being crushed by lunar and cosmic energy, on the twenty-third lunar day it is important to be nimble and active. Certainly, atmospheric column It's a tough thing, but we can handle it.

But, we fuss, and remember - no one will take away our peace of mind, and we can run about business, but at the same time maintain composure.

A sober head is the key to success; with this motto we will overcome all temptations of the 23rd lunar day. However, you should avoid crowds of people - the influence of the day is quite aggressive, and you can’t keep track of everything.

Scandalists, intriguers, swindlers and bandits are more active today than ever. Naturally, on the twenty-third day, vampires of all stripes emerge from the shadows. None of them need our blood, but they will pump up energy with pleasure, and have already stocked up on straws for cocktails.

You can go into the wilderness and run around with a tambourine, pretending to be shamans, or you can read the necessary literature and do yoga - we may not fly to nirvana, but we will achieve peace.

It will take a lot of courage to fight the aggressive environment around us, and you can’t do it with a mental count to ten, and valerian won’t save us either (even if you drink it in liters).

As they say, we smile, because it annoys everyone. We won’t pester our family and friends, but we can shake the nerves of our enemies and competitors, as long as things don’t come to blows.

If we are deceived or robbed, we don’t panic, and we don’t tear our hair out, and even more so, we shouldn’t bite our elbows, scolding ourselves for carelessness - the Moon did its best and made room for new victories. Money stolen? So, soon we will get the sea advantageous offers from business partners, or people will start talking about our talents influential people. Broke up with your beloved one? This means that he was not so beloved, and in the near future he will appear in life new lover, truly “one of our own,” worthy and reliable.

Everything that happens on the twenty-third lunar day is not accidental - maybe it’s time to work off karmic debts, or we need to face the boomerang that we launched many years ago? The main thing is to analyze what happened and draw the right conclusions.

If we are doing something important, and suddenly there is a feeling that we need to quit and hide from everyone in a secluded corner, we should stop and think - most likely, this nosy little vampire has managed to get a hold of it and is draining our energy with all its might. They realized and forgot - discovered bloodsuckers become weak and immediately retreat.

Let's forgive the offenders, and you will immediately feel better - on the 23rd lunar day you just need to try, the main thing is not to stop there, and in no case be a hypocrite. But with forgiving ourselves, the situation is not so simple - for this you need to at least go to church and repent.

Today, housework is useful, we can arrange a grandiose spring cleaning, and get rid of the accumulated trash, and magical cleaning of the home will not hurt. For some, it’s enough to walk around with a lit candle, while others need to call the ghost hunters (as long as they don’t disturb the brownie).

Working on the land today is welcome, but digging holes and weeding beds is undesirable. It’s better to plant flowers or water the garden. Picking flowers on the twenty-third lunar day is not recommended - if the need arises, you can buy a bouquet.

All sorts of feasts and celebrations are held on a grand scale today, but the festivities do not end very nicely. Therefore, alcoholic drinks under the lunar ban are aggression everywhere, and there is no need to aggravate the situation.

So, we don’t judge, we don’t quarrel, and we don’t get angry - Cerberus and Makara will be taken aback, forget that they are evil monsters, and the 23rd lunar day will pass with a plus sign.

Haircut on the 23rd lunar day

On the twenty-third day, do not cut your hair, and take care of your health. If you believe astrologers, today cutting hair is fraught with many problems - illnesses, nervous breakdowns, and other troubles are possible in the most different areas life.

Are we really going to leave hairdressers without work and run through the streets, proudly waving their hair with split ends and shaking dandruff everywhere? The moon will always help and find a way out. After all, there are a lot of “gentle” haircuts - even the negatively minded cosmos will not notice that we have done something to our hair, and it has decreased by one or two centimeters.

If we made the Ladder, then it is not at all necessary to style your hair with hairsprays and a hairdryer - the classic mess achieved through natural drying will be appreciated by the Moon, the Universe, and our fans.

We'll comb Cascade and Debut with our fingers and say thank you to the hairdresser - these haircuts suit ladies of all ages, and there's no need to spend time on styling.

But we will leave all sorts of torn strands, backcombing and unusual bangs to fashionistas who cannot live a day without experimenting.

What should short-haired and bald people do? Shaved guys can wet their heads with water and flaunt a fashionable cap, and those who wear a Gavroche, Bob, or Garson hairstyle should understand that hair is defenseless today, and you need to think about its safety - a pair of gilded bobby pins, or a hairpin decorated with beads, will become amulets , and will add originality.

Whether or not to dye your hair on the twenty-third lunar day is up to us, but the Moon hastens to give a little advice: you need to trust the person with whom, as they say, we ate several pounds of salt. For some it will be a hairdresser friend, and some may involve their household members in hair coloring. The main thing is to do everything according to the instructions and keep track of the time - overexposure today is more harmful than ever.

It is not necessary to dye your curls bright orange, but brown hair is in price today (unless, of course, we are natural blondes). In general, we do whatever we want, but we try not to wander into the color jungle.

Hairstyles and styling today should be as simple as possible, and we’ll leave all sorts of hairstyles to the artists who star in films about past centuries. But the stars don’t forbid experimenting – unusual buns and strangely tied ponytails won’t do any harm. It is important to listen to intuition - if we really want to braid twenty-three braids, we look for elastic bands and get to work.

If you go with curls, you will find your happiness - this motto is ideal for the 23rd lunar day. We curl our hair and attract good luck to life - cosmic energy will stick to every hair, the main thing is not to overload your head with unnecessary information.

We'll be lucky if we go outside with our hair down and get caught in a hurricane - that's it bad thoughts the wind will blow out, and instead of them, brilliant and unusual ideas will appear in your head. So, just in case, we carry a piece of paper with a pen, and write down everything that the Moon and the Muse inspired us.

Let’s take the flowers of meadowsweet and sage, the leaves of currants, raspberries and nettles: “The tenderness of sage, the energy of meadowsweet, the beauty of currants, the brightness of raspberries and the strength of nettles. Connect with water, make friends with the moon.” Throw the herbs into the water, wait for it to boil, cool, strain and rub into the roots of the hair. We pour the rest onto the top of the head: “The bad days are behind us, lunar happiness is ahead.”

With the help of this simple magic we will heal your hair and drive away the negative energy of the day, the main thing to remember is that the power of any magic depends on our faith.

Also read: Lunar haircut calendar

Beauty on the 23rd lunar day

From eyebrows to toes, I’m in order - if you start the difficult twenty-third day with these words, then, perhaps, it will go well, and we will be both younger and prettier (it’s unlikely that we will lose twenty-three years, but it’s quite possible to look five years younger really).

To take care of your face and body, we need homemade cosmetics. We act without fanaticism and extremes - only proven recipes. Our forehead and cheeks are glad to meet clay, but we are not in a hurry to go to the quarries with a shovel, but calmly go to the pharmacy. Mix the clay with milk or cream and hold it on problem areas for five minutes.

On day 23, your lips need a massage - take a toothbrush, dip it in boiling water and touch your lips for thirty seconds. And then it comes to the mask - honey lipstick is what the caring Moon prescribed.

We'll give the neck a day off and just lubricate it with baby cream, and distribute the excess over the décolleté area.

Introducing beauty is a troublesome task, but not on the twenty-third lunar day - makeup should be natural, and no blue eye shadow, black eyeliner or bright red lips. A couple of strokes of a mascara brush, a colorless lip gloss, and now we are approaching the doors of the manicure salon.

Today we will cut our nails very, very carefully (we will shorten the nails by a millimeter, no more). And you can do nail extensions on day 23, but there are some restrictions here - Luna didn’t delve into the intricacies, but she hopes that we will find a competent master. Strive too long nails we definitely won’t - it’s a nervous day, as we remember, and suddenly there’s a desire to fight and scratch someone’s face?

Nail designs can be anything you want, so don’t limit your imagination and get creative. Let's be brave and walk around with tigers on the nails of our big toes and fantastic snakes on our little fingers. And paint the nails on the ring, middle and index fingers with bright orange polish.

You can arrange a Geometric Fantasy and surprise the Moon with intertwining circles, squares and triangles.

If we have homework to do, we'll limit ourselves to applying colorless varnish with glitter - nothing is visible under the gloves anyway.

The situation with toenails is as follows - the more complex, the more interesting. We play on contrast and combine gold and silver varnishes, black and orange tones - even cosmic energy will change direction and move in our direction, losing all the negativity along the way.

A lunar pedicure is appropriate on any day and with any outfit, and on the twenty-third day our nails will thank us for it. And so we all go out looking so elegant and sophisticated, but wait – we haven’t chosen an outfit, and today every detail of the wardrobe is important.

If we feel comfortable in a colorful rooster robe, then we don’t hesitate for a second and jump into a red skirt, combine it with a blue polka dot blouse, and tie a purple belt. Well, for lovers of the classics, the green light is on on the 23rd lunar day - simplicity always wins.

We are not going to get our ears pierced - this is the advice of the Moon, Stars and the Universe. Those who dare to break the ban can check what will come of it - either the master will get sick, or repairs will begin in the salon, or new expensive earrings will be lost altogether. We are not talking about piercing the navel, eyebrows and tongue at all - it is advisable to throw these thoughts out of your head.

Even the most charming ladies understand that the saying: “Nothing can spoil beauty” does not work on the twenty-third lunar day. And even though fifteen stylists worked on our appearance, in the evening it is advisable to plunge into the bath and get rid of everything unnecessary.

We draw a bath, immerse our left hand in the water, and stir, making a funnel. Right hand we throw five rose petals into the whirlpool: “Tenderness and freshness, beauty, charm and youth. Always be with me, help me, magic water.”

The water will charge the body with the necessary energy, and the soul will sing with happiness - the 23rd lunar day will be the beginning of a beautiful life.

Wedding on the 23rd lunar day

Near the registry office there are gloomy big men, and the receptionist locked herself from the inside and turned off the phone - the poor woman is afraid of becoming the cause of family misfortunes. Indeed, getting married on the twenty-third lunar day is not recommended, and even if a guy and a girl are crazy about each other, love will give way to hatred and the distance between these feelings will decrease from one step to one centimeter.

It is also undesirable to submit an application on the 23rd day - the young people will quarrel right in the registry office and start tearing up their passports. If lovers decide to arrange a meeting for their parents and invite future matchmakers to a restaurant, they can prepare for a huge scandal. The bride's mother will start calling the groom's mother names, and the boy's father will start a fight with the girl's father - the young couple will either run away from aggressive relatives, or they will completely change their mind about getting married.

A couple who ignored the lunar advice and still went to the registry office can prepare for a “fun” life together. Quarrels will be daily, jealousy will become the eternal companion of husband and wife, and there will be such neighbors that the spouses will turn into misanthropes in a month. But if the groom is smart beyond his years, and the bride is wise, like a thousand ancient old women, the union can turn out to be quite harmonious. True, few people are able to work on relationships every second, maybe it’s better not to risk it and postpone the ceremony?

Lovers who decided to live together and chose to start civil marriage exactly the twenty-third day, no luck. First, the chandelier in the house falls off, then the wallpaper peels off, and after the girl burns the scrambled eggs and the guy breaks the faucet in the bathroom, the owners of the apartment will come running to them and tell them that they need to move out tomorrow, since the house is intended for demolition.

Start on day 23 Honeymoon Couples who can’t live a day without adventure can. The bride will jump with delight if a storm warning is given, and the groom will faint with happiness if the local gopniks pester him.

It is better not to visit church today, the twenty-third day has very dangerous symbols - Cerberus and Makara are not afraid of God or angels, and will try to arrange a test for the lovers. If the wedding ceremony is scheduled, and the newlyweds are more confident in each other than in themselves, there will be no obstacles, and the lovers will create a happy family.

Birthday on the 23rd lunar day

There is a calm in the maternity hospital on the twenty-third lunar day - babies are in no hurry to be born, because even in the womb they decided not to fuss. When the “twenty-third babies” are born, they don’t scream or whine—the unusual creatures wait for everyone to calm down and raise their little hands as if they’re about to speak at a meeting.

The “Twenty-third Moon Children” do not cause much trouble - if they could, they would swaddle and feed themselves, and would generally leave the hospital and happily go to meet their relatives. But “twenty-thirds” cannot be called overly sociable - they build relationships only with those who can be useful. The name of the chief physician is instantly entered into the mental notebook of “twenty-thirds”, and the cute baby neighbors remain in the memory for many years - what if they come in handy?!

“Twenty-third creatures” should under no circumstances be irritated or bothered - these guys are scary in anger, and, perhaps, Makara (the symbol of the day) would run away from their hysterics, and Cerberus would cowardly tuck his tail between his legs and go straight to hell.

Therefore, with the “twenty-third moon people“No one argues or argues - they are always right (by the way, that’s how it is).

At school, the “twenty-thirds” do not particularly shine, but this does not mean that they are ignoramuses and slackers, these guys simply reason: they can show their talents later, but it is not necessary to surprise teachers and peers.

Among the “twenty-thirds” there are many geniuses, sometimes they are considered strange, and even crazy, however, when the guys find out about this, they begin to have fun from the bottom of their hearts, rejoicing that they managed to deceive those around them. And even if genius sometimes borders on madness, the “twenty-thirds” will always achieve their goal, and will not even wince if this means going over their heads.

They often become bosses, competitors are afraid of them, and business partners try to negotiate via the Internet. But money, power and fame are not the main things that the “twenty-third bosses” strive for. These guys have a desire to invent something unusual and useful, and they quickly achieve success without expecting praise or recognition.

“Twenty-thirds” are incorrigible dreamers, but unlike most dreamers, they realize their desires with incredible ease. Although this quality causes trouble for family and friends, the “twenty-thirds” love and regret. They have more than enough fans, but the “twenty-thirds” are in no hurry to go to the registry office - a family should be created only by great love, and if the other half is not found, it will definitely be found in a year or decade.

“Twenty-thirds” are touchy, but few people know about this - these lunar guys have excellent self-control, and they always look like they just won the lottery or found a chest of gold.

Only close people can guess what is in the souls of the “twenty-thirds” - a happy smile on their face does not mean that the life of these creatures is easy and carefree.

When “twenty-thirds” fall in love, the chosen one gets all the attention - the guys forget about business, abandon friends, don’t sleep, don’t eat, and generally walk around like zombies. But having achieved the favor of their loved one, the “twenty-thirds” are ready to move mountains and tell the whole world about their luck.

“Twenty-thirds” are active and fit, and will not live a day without exercise - they will never put off a run because of some seedy downpour. And even more so, they will not endure the trip if it turns out that the climate at the resort has changed, and instead of a beach there is a desert. “Twenty-third extreme people” rush through life and seek adrenaline, but despite the craving for adventure and adventure, they remain kind and reliable people.

Dreams on the 23rd lunar day

The lunar path disappeared into the night, and strange guests began to emerge from behind the clouds - on the twenty-third day you wouldn’t meet anyone in the sleepy labyrinth. There are mythical monsters, fairy-tale creatures, angels, demons, and even lunar guards - some came to guard our sleep, while others decided to play with the subconscious.

You will have to cast a spell on the dream catcher and enhance its effect with the help of five magical objects. The main character will be a scarf, but not the one that grandma wears when going to the garden, but a beautiful silk cloth orange color. We spread a handkerchief on the bed and place amulets on it: a silver ring, a five-kopeck coin, a gold earring and an earring with a stone (preferably with jade).

“I carry all the objects, and I cast a spell on you. Strong, strong amulet, provide me with an overnight stay. Let the moonlight shine, there are no obstacles for you.” We wrap everything in a handkerchief and put it under the sofa (you can put it in a bag for safety, just so that your pets don’t start investigating what’s interesting rustling there).

Finding meaning in 23 lunar dreams is not an easy task. The pictures change at incredible speed, the plot is somehow meaningless and overloaded with symbols and signs. Often after the twenty-third night, we wake up tired and overwhelmed. And there was such a feeling in my soul, as if a crowd of devils and vampires were chasing us. But we don’t give up, because the Moon gives advice for a reason, and in any strange dream there is an answer to the question that interests us.

If on the twenty-third night we are fighting monsters, running away from monsters, or hiding from ghouls, we should wake up, cross ourselves and say: “Thank you, Moon, the clue is clear.” This plot says: stop pretending to be an ostrich, it’s time to pull your head out of the sand and get serious about your life.

In the twenty-third dream, you should pay attention to your appearance, especially your hair. Long, lush and beautiful curls promise good luck in the love sphere, and if we braid our hair, then such a plot suggests that confusion in relationships is possible, and it’s time to get rid of annoying suitors. Those who are tearing out their hair should not wake up in panic and run to the mirror - a bald person will not be reflected there, this is the Moon telling us: soon all the troubles will end, and we will walk along a white and happy streak.

A successful dream in which a cat appears to us, but let us be careful: small cats will bewitch the joyful news from relatives, and adult and imposing animals come to those who spend too much time creating an image, forgetting about inner world. The black cat will come running with good news, and will appear on the horizon new love, and a tricolor cat promises a sweet and beautiful life.

The scene in which we enter a church and wander among ancient icons says: stop and think about whether it’s time to do something more worthwhile. And if in this dream we meet angels and hear their unearthly voices, it means we need to roll over to the other side and, snoring sweetly, wait for the morning - this picture foreshadows new and extremely useful acquaintances.

On the 23rd night, important guests may also come to us: Makara and Cerberus are on fire today, and even our orange scarf protector will not stop them. We can’t hide from them in any sleepy labyrinths, so let’s turn our face to them and boldly ask why these guys came to us? The answer will be surprising - the taciturn creatures today will be eloquent, and perhaps they will predict the future for us, or warn us against rash actions. They only have an unattractive appearance, but inside they are kind and fluffy (probably).

In general, we lie down quietly, admire the moonlight, which is reflected in the dark windows, and wait for the kind Morpheus to come and embrace us in a tender embrace.

Business sphere of the 23rd lunar day: business, work, finance

Businessmen tear important documents to pieces, oligarchs destroy dubious contracts in panic, and ordinary workers look to the sky with hope, expecting a shower of money.

This is what a busy and strange twenty-third day awaits us. Everyone seems to have gone crazy and is trying to complete previously started tasks. The moon, of course, will help us, but the earth’s satellite is wary of any undertaking - there is a high probability of failure.

Money is not falling from the sky today, but it is lying under your feet. The stars don’t know where the banknotes came from, but we won’t yawn - we prepare containers and use the gifts from fate.

Before starting any business on the 23rd lunar day, you need to clearly plan your actions and think through the details - the situation can change at any second, and we must turn into chess players in order to calculate every step of our opponents and competitors.

Intuition plays with us today - either it will suggest the right decision, or it will whisper some nonsense. But we don’t scold the inner voice, but learn to “read between the lines” - the instinct works, it just sometimes fails.

Those who are one hundred percent confident of success can go to banks, sign contracts and make deals on the twenty-third day. If doubts have settled in your soul, it is advisable to refuse decisive actions.

We remember that on the 23rd lunar day we need to contact people less often, and we do not enter into discussions with colleagues, stay away from management, and do not run to the smoking room every hour to discuss last news. Even an ordinary lunch with colleagues can turn into a scandalous meal - due to the fact that one colleague accidentally sneezed or made a slurping sound while eating a bun.

What should we do now, not work at all, and lock ourselves at home, staring at the laptop screen? The stars will tell you the way out, but you can’t do it without magic. We will be able to adapt to any circumstances, and will get along with even the most unpleasant people, if on the twenty-third lunar morning we stand in front of the mirror and say: “I am good-looking, and I can enter any door. I understand people, I respect myself. The moon is happy, things are going well.” Well, that’s it – let’s calmly go to work.

Students are crafty people, and they will come up with anything they can to get out of difficult situations and improve their lives. They may get a sore throat on the day of the exam, or get stuck in a snowdrift in the middle of a field on the bus, despite the fact that it is hot summer outside. There is no talk about the ability to write cheat sheets, and with all sorts of electronic gadgets at hand, the students completely lost their belts.

Stop playing pranks, because Luna knows a secret that will help you appease your teacher and get a good grade.

There is no need to talk about freebies on the 23rd lunar day - they are not in honor today. But you can read the magic spell: “I’m going to study, and now I won’t get lost. And the Moon will help me, even though it’s not visible in the sky. I know the subject perfectly, and I will know even more.” It would seem like complete nonsense, but it works! You need to mutter the spell before leaving the house, and again before entering the classroom.

Today more relevant than ever folk wisdom that the eyes are afraid, but the little hands do it anyway. Therefore, no matter how our competitors and lunar advisers scare us, we go about our important business and believe in our own success.

On the twenty-third lunar day, money must be handled with care, accuracy, and even gentleness. We don’t count other people’s bills, we don’t give ours to anyone, and we don’t brag in any way if we’re lucky enough to win some lottery - money doesn’t like being discussed.

In general, to improve your finances, on the 23rd lunar day you should arrange a magical money cleaning, or even a magical money repair. We ruthlessly get rid of the trash, and after the apartment is sparkling with cleanliness, we take a nail and a hammer. We are looking for a place where the nail sticking out of the wall will not interfere, and we drive it in, saying: “My home, my fortress, be strong like Mother Earth. There is wealth, there are funds, and the opportunities are countless.”

If the walls are concrete, the same manipulations can be done with a hammer drill - such a serious approach will certainly appeal to Money Luck.

Health on the 23rd lunar day

Today we easily succumb to temptation and are ready to go to great lengths, not paying attention to prohibitions. But the main sin will be Gluttony. The moon advises us to go hungry in general, but as if out of luck, on the twenty-third day people will constantly loom near us with bags full of sausages, with backpacks of cheeses, and with skewers on which aromatic and huge pieces of pork are dripping with juice.

Of course, you don’t need to take food away, but it doesn’t hurt to take care of your stomach, otherwise it will get offended and start rumbling so loudly that even the neighbors can’t stand it, and they’ll instantly turn on their favorite drill.

In general, we wash a kilogram of carrots, a bucket of cucumbers, and a box of tomatoes, buy a liter of low-fat sour cream, and make a bowlful of salad. There will be no harm from vegetables, and a full stomach is not a problem - excess weight will go away as quickly as it came.

For people with willpower, the Moon allows you to go to a cafe and indulge in ice cream - today you deserve it. But those with a sweet tooth, gluttons, and smoked meat lovers need to lock themselves in a room on the 23rd lunar day, throw the key out the window, and chew nuts and crack seeds.

It’s scary to even imagine what will happen to smokers on the twenty-third lunar day. It feels like there are only tempters around - some are offered a pack of expensive cigarettes, while others are given a pipe filled with terribly tasty and rare tobacco. Well, then, all that remains is to smoke and drive away annoying thoughts about the dangers of cigarettes?

Give up this business, dear smokers, on the 23rd day the Moon did not forget about you, and prepared an amazing and wonderful potion to get rid of tobacco addiction. The broth is also tasty, the main thing is not to get addicted to it. Quitting smoking does not mean that you have to look for a substitute for pleasure.

So, all smokers in the world should write down a simple recipe: dilute a liter of orange juice with a glass of oatmeal jelly. Add the juice of five lemons, stir, and drink at those moments when the craving for cigarettes becomes unbearable. To enhance the effect, you can do a little magic. Take five cigarettes (or cigars) and place them on the ground in a row. Next you need to put on heavy shoes and jump on your faithful friends. They, of course, will press for pity and squeak with their tobacco mouths - don’t give up, but say loudly: “You are no longer my friends, and I’m quitting smoking. I will be healthy and strong, goodbye cigarettes!

But if the remedy does not help, do not tempt fate, and smoke calmly - it is better to scold yourself for weakness than to take it out on your close relatives.

Avoiding doctors on the twenty-third lunar day is allowed, unless, of course, the situation is advanced. Therapists today are evil, ophthalmologists are harmful, and dentists generally sit in their chairs and drink coffee, cursing all the toothless and unfortunate patients.

Doctors of Beauty are hiding in their offices and trying to improve their own appearance - we won’t go to them, otherwise we’ll hear so many “compliments” that there won’t be enough money for procedures.

On the 23rd day, the traumatologists are really overwhelmed - everyone keeps falling out of the blue, so we walk carefully and don’t rush to see these to the good doctors. Psychiatrists and psychologists are also crowded - there is a crowd at the door nervous people who are trying to get into the office and get a wonderful pill of happiness.

We don’t even want to go to the stadium - the grass is slippery, there are piles of moles, and nothing interesting at all. If you are drawn to sports and physical education, on the twenty-third day it is better to limit yourself to squats, and even then with insurance.

It will be especially difficult in the second half of the day - it will seem to us that a conspiracy is brewing, and those around us set out to ruin our mood. We are not in a hurry to hold a rally and appeal to the conscience of friends and acquaintances - we go to the kitchen and brew tea according to Carlson’s recipe called: Calmness. Brew a handful of oregano, a pinch of chamomile, a few linden flowers in a thermos and take it during particularly strong attacks of anger - the Moon allows it, but to be sure, let’s call your doctor.

Bottom line

Makara has turned into a kind crocodile Gena, Cerberus wags his tail affectionately and squeals cheerfully - have we really managed to tame the evil monsters and cope with negative impact twenty-third lunar day?

But here there may be a catch: the clumsy crocodile is waiting for us to fall into his mouth, and the kind dog invites us to Hell - insidious tempters may be hiding behind good faces. So, don’t relax and don’t try to make friends with everyone.

We also remember about ourselves, because we can deceive our friends, throw dust in the eyes of our enemies, but the Moon cannot be fooled, and she will instantly see through our plans and feel the hypocrisy. And the punishment for dishonest play will not be long in coming - the situation will be repeated and repeated until we learn the lesson and begin to behave “correctly”.

If things get rough, we don’t look for those to blame, but go to a place where we will feel good and calm. On the 23rd lunar day, we can take a walk alone in the garden, or call the person with whom we parted ugly, and make an appointment with him - the conversation will not be pleasant, but we will drive out all the demons from the soul, and clear the place for goodness and light.

Today stones have great power, and these may not even be amulets, but ordinary pebbles under our feet. So, we don’t count crows, but rather look at the ground more often. If we come across an unusual stone, we will take it home. Big stones we’ll give it a wide berth, because we won’t call a crane and drag a nice boulder into the garden.

Wash the pebble with running water, dry it in the sun, and place it in Right place(the stone itself will tell you where it wants to perch).

Who knows, maybe the Moon did not arrange this “stone meeting” by accident, and we might come up with some creative ideas? Someone will want to paint a stone with magical patterns, someone will paint a cat’s face on it, and some will even feel like sorcerers and depict symbols that protect against the evil eye and damage.

And most importantly, we don’t contact people unnecessarily, because we can talk with our neighbors about who unscrewed the light bulbs in the entrance again another day.

In general, we do good deeds, and more often we remember where the road paved with good intentions leads.

The symbol of the 23rd lunar day is a crocodile that seeks to grab you, bite you, and swallow you. A very difficult day, full of heavy and aggressive energies. This day is characterized by seizure, violence and adventurism. At the same time, it can become a day of repentance, forgiveness and self-sacrifice.

Since energy decreases on the 23rd lunar day, it must be spent on the essentials. Today there are frequent quarrels, conflicts, and fights. It is necessary to maintain balance and calm. A person is susceptible strong influence Space. In inharmonious people, energy goes in the wrong direction, resulting in scandals. But for harmonious and trained people, energy brings only benefits and is directed towards creation and creativity.

The 23rd lunar day does not like empty chatter, which leads to conflicts and gossip. Today the principle is that silence is golden.


Diseases of the 23rd lunar day are long-lasting and dangerous. Diseases of the genital area may worsen, since on this day the testicles and ovaries are considered especially vulnerable. The 23rd lunar day is very traumatic. Possible fractures, dislocations, bruises. Therefore, it is recommended to cancel even training on this day. It is necessary to protect the spine and carry out health and strengthening procedures.

The energy of the 23rd lunar day contributes to the activation of human vampires. The goal of a human vampire is to anger, pity, scare you, that is, to cause a surge of emotions in you. At the same time, the vampire is fed, recharged with your energy, and you lose strength, you develop a bad mood and a depressed state, physical weakness and fatigue. Try to avoid contact with such people.

The energy of 23 lunar days contributes to the activation of human vampires

A person on the 23rd lunar day needs to borrow the behavior of a crocodile. While remaining internally calm, a person must be active externally. You cannot lead a sedentary lifestyle. Do not allow negative emotions, and under no circumstances should you take revenge. If a person misuses the energy of this 23rd lunar day, he may develop skin problems, acne, rashes, and boils. On the 23rd lunar day you cannot perform surgical operations, you cannot overeat. Dairy foods are recommended.


Problems that previously seemed insoluble can be successfully solved on the 23rd lunar day. Signing a contract, obtaining a loan, concluding an agreement - everything will work out for you. All you need is dedication and activity.

Take the example of the crocodile. At first glance, he seems slow and lethargic until he sees his prey. His reaction becomes lightning fast. He attacks quickly. But it is necessary to remember the peculiarities of the 23rd lunar day - you should avoid conflicts, maintain restraint and calm, maintain friendly relations with your superiors and colleagues. The day is fraught with betrayal; caution must be maintained.

It is better not to resolve financial issues on the 23rd lunar day, not to change jobs, not to deal with real estate and legal proceedings, it is recommended to cancel long trips, and limit communication with management.


The energy of the 23rd lunar day is very insidious. The day is replete with fights, robberies, and squabbles. It is necessary to avoid crowds because their behavior cannot be predicted. Therefore, weddings, engagements, and marriage registrations cannot be held on the 23rd lunar day. Families will still fall apart. It is not recommended to even apply for marriage registration.

Conception on the 23rd lunar day is not desirable. You may end up with a bright personality or a person with genetic abnormalities. Choose for yourself. People born on the 23rd lunar day are of two types. The first type are those who live according to a high program. These are true monks, heavenly protectors. They are convinced of the correctness of their path, practice self-sacrifice, forgiveness, repentance. The second type are those who do not develop. They are distinguished by a very strong grip, composure, concentration, and readiness to attack.

Men may develop a craving for extramarital contacts

It is not recommended to have sex on the 23rd lunar day. Sexual abstinence is indicated, since the sexual process during this period greatly depletes the body. Even passive sex on the 23rd lunar day can undermine your health. Women need to be especially careful as there is a high risk of violence. Men may develop a craving for extramarital contacts. It’s better not to take risks and just do household chores, help with housework, and walk with the children.

A haircut

Haircut on the 23rd lunar day is contraindicated. It is not recommended to cut hair and nails. Nothing should be torn off, separated, or removed from your body, so as not to become food for vampires. And your hair will grow very slowly if you cut it on this day.

You can dye your hair on the 23rd lunar day, especially if the dye is natural. You can improvise with your hairstyle, curl it, make curls, or simply wash and style, even without fixation. Let the wind blow them freely and tune them to the energy of the Cosmos.


Dreams of the 23rd lunar day are deceptive and often turn out to be empty. So, even if your dreams are full of anxiety and worry, do not pay attention, do not attach any importance to them. Dreams of this day rarely carry useful information.


If you use the energy of the 23rd lunar day correctly, then the abilities of a healer are revealed in a person. It is recommended on this day to carry out health and cleansing procedures, get rid of karmic debts, and free yourself from negative memories. You can cleanse your home or office using stones. Stones are brought in - protectors that attracted your attention, without flaws.

You have probably often observed how people collect pebbles on sea ​​coast. They then serve as a talisman for the home. If you put basalt under the threshold of your house, it will protect your home from quarrels, and flint will provide energy.

It’s good to clean the house with incense on the 23rd lunar day

It’s good to clean your home or office on the 23rd lunar day, get rid of unnecessary trash and things. You can sprinkle it with holy water, clean it with candle fire or incense. To avoid becoming a victim of vampires, today you need to practice persistence and confidence. One hundred percent protection from vampires is internal purity. The vampire will quickly lose interest in you; if you have pure thoughts and actions, he has nothing to cling to.


Stones of the 23rd lunar day – black jade, topaz. Energetically, jade is a very strong stone. For a purposeful and selfless person, the stone will tell you a way out. difficult situation, will share your energy and direct you on the path of spiritual perfection.

Do you feel a surge of incredible strength and energy that came from nowhere in the morning? Don’t be surprised, the 23rd lunar day, its active and rapid energy, affects you. Incredibly fast, bright and active, this day is given to us for great accomplishments, victories and achievements. So don’t resist the lunar energy of day twenty-three, get up early and go ahead!

On the 23rd lunar day, the power of the Moon is enormous, the planet pours its streams on us, and people feel cheerful, sometimes turning into aggressiveness. The main thing to remember about this time is: you need to be more active, not sit idly by, but also not fuss internally. Aggression and belligerence should not be confused with productive activity, and the state of mind should be calm, cool and not excited. Characteristics of the 23rd day according to the lunar calendar:

  • Its symbol is Makara, the crocodile.
  • Element of the day – Earth.
  • The number is five.
  • Colors are shades of brown and orange.
  • The stone of luck is jade.
  • The best day is Tuesday.
  • Direction - center.
  • Shape - square.
  • The patron angel of the day is Batis.

The angel of this day, Batis, patronizes muses, inspiration, helps people who actively act and achieve their goals. This once again confirms that the energy of the 23rd day will contribute to good luck where they achieve it, strive for it, and do not sit still.

How to feel the energy of this day, how to live it and what to set yourself up for so that the results are only positive and this day does not bring any losses?

1. From the very morning you should tune in to active work and hard work. It doesn’t matter at all what exactly you do: creativity, business or science, or you’re even on vacation - in any case, get ready to work hard.

In the morning, make a clear to-do list, schedule the whole day hour by hour: what needs to be done, where to be in time. And most importantly - firmly follow your list today, do not deviate from it during the day. Keep your inner calm, don't fuss. A to-do list will help you keep your thoughts clear and calm, take your time, and be balanced. Don't rush, but don't sit still.

2. You can’t put something off today “for later”, it will end in failure. In general, the 23rd lunar day is good for getting rid of “tails”, for completing all the things that have been “hanging” for a long time, are not finished and drain energy from you. If there is not much to do today, do just that: look at what is not finished, not perfected, not done. Keep your promises today, do what you haven’t had the energy and strength to do for a long time, what you’ve been planning to do for a long time.

3. The danger of this period is that powerful lunar energy creates tension, and people become more irritable today. As if asking for conflict, people flare up like matches and quarrel literally out of nowhere. But the quarrels that will occur this day will drag on for a long time, it will not be easy to smooth them over, and they certainly will not go away on their own.

It is important to remain calm, be more tolerant and not react to irritation, and avoid conflicts at all costs. It’s even better to stay alone as much as possible, not communicate, and do business. To avoid quarrels, just focus on your business and don't get distracted.

4. Today, on the 23rd lunar day, there is a wonderful and rare opportunity to resolve issues that have not been resolved for a long time, to do something complex and requiring energy expenditure. Don’t take on simple and familiar everyday tasks - take on a complex, important task that you were afraid of and didn’t dare to start. And today everything will work out! Put all your energy there, fully concentrate on this problem, and you will be happy to see how it is solved.

5. On the twenty-third lunar day, you cannot waste your internal strength and energy in vain, on trifles. Boring tasks and boring work, routine, useless communication, and especially quarrels - all this is contraindicated during this period and will only bring harm. Choose only what is important.

An excellent reason to think and prioritize: what is truly vital and important for you in life, and what is trifles and a waste of energy. Think about it. What things do you do daily? What for? What's the big goal behind this? Are you wasting your energy every day, without results that are truly important?

Is it worth doing this?

Let's see what the 23rd lunar day says about daily and more important matters, what is worth planning and doing, and what is not. Is this a good period for cutting hair, giving birth and conceiving a child, getting married and other things?

1. For work and business, the twenty-third lunar day is simply ideal and can provide an opportunity to achieve great success and fruits. But only if you actively and correctly, rationally use your resources, don’t sit still, don’t be lazy and don’t skimp. Fussing around in vain, rushing, getting annoyed with everything and everyone is also wrong.

Stay cool and calm inside at work, be hot and active outside - and you can become as productive as possible. Today you have more strength than usual, and you can work a little more, but you also can’t overexert yourself.

2. Sports people Those involved in training today can use the power of the Moon to their advantage. Yoga should be active and dynamic, strength training – “until you break a sweat.” It is ideal to practice self-defense and train in martial arts. Today you can remove accumulated aggression through sports activities, strength training, even just hitting a punching bag.

3. Avoid any communication. People today are aggressive and even dangerous, so it is better to be alone as much as possible. Business meeting, meetings, large crowds of people are strictly contraindicated. The interview will not lead to success. It’s also better to postpone dates and get-togethers, otherwise everything will end in conflict. If communication is unavoidable, then try as much as possible to control yourself and not only not get irritated, but also not anger others. Watch every word and gesture, be careful.

4. If today is your day off and you want to take care of your home, then the best thing to do is protect your home. Installing new locks, doors or windows, rituals aimed at energetically protecting the home - this is ideal and will bring great benefits.

5. Health is at risk and must be protected. The loads should be heavy, but reasonable; you should protect your body from injury and not take risks. Don’t eat meat today; it’s better to fast altogether or limit yourself to fish and poultry. Alcohol and other harmful substances will especially harm today big damage health, so refrain from consuming them.

6. If you do not want to live with your future spouse in quarrels and war, then postpone the wedding. This day is extremely bad for marriage and any events related to relationships. The family will be very unstable, you will have to experience numerous frictions and conflicts. To save such a family, both spouses will have to be incredibly wise.

7. As for cutting and coloring hair, today it is absolutely contraindicated, and there are no exceptions. A haircut will do absolutely nothing good either for your hair or for your health, and it will also bring you a lot of misfortunes in life. The same applies not only to haircuts, but also to hair coloring, and any procedures in general.

8. On the 23rd lunar day, a person born is an absolutist and perfectionist. He will bring any task to perfection, otherwise he simply won’t take it on. He has an incredibly tenacious grip, and literally from birth this person is determined to achieve goals, and in an impeccable manner. In addition, these people are often hermits, loners, they go through life on their own, allowing only a select few as companions and friends.

9. The time is not the best for conception, it is better to abstain. A child can become a leader and a winner, or maybe a loser.

About dreams

What do dreams mean and symbolize during this difficult period?

1. Dreams of this time are also ambiguous and difficult to interpret. They often point out conflicts and their causes. This could be a vision symbolizing the reason internal conflict or rejection of some part of one’s personality. The cause of conflicts and failures in communication with others or with a loved one may be shown. Carefully remember your dreams and read the dream book, you will find many useful tips.

2. Very often dreams of this period are unpleasant, even nightmarish. But they need to be soberly assessed and not worried; they often carry very valuable instructions and advice, and can even show the way out of problematic situations.

3. If the dream book says that your dream indicates some of your personal vices and shortcomings, take this into account and start working with it.

This day is difficult, but can become very productive and useful if you live it, taking into account all the recommendations. Gain strength, fortunately the Moon will give it to you in full. And take action! Author: Vasilina Serova

Features of the twenty-third lunar day:

  • energetically active period;
  • number 5 is the luckiest;
  • the natural element Earth becomes the strongest;
  • pay attention to brown shades - they bring happiness on the twenty-third lunar day;
  • The meditative technique of the Fortress is especially strong;
  • when choosing jewelry for the twenty-third lunar day, choose black jade, sarder, or rauchtopaz;
  • female organs (uterus, ovaries) are very vulnerable;
  • the period in energy terms corresponds to Tuesday;
  • the happy direction is considered central (main);
  • the outlines of the 23rd lunar day resemble a square;
  • a creature that is half fish and half crocodile (Makara) serves as a symbol of the period;
  • time for the smooth completion of all previously started work, there is an opportunity to understand and correct erroneous steps, and make fundamental changes in plans;
  • The Guardian Angel is Batis - a heavenly creature who controls the gentle morning wind (guides the mood of the fair sex, allows for pranks, whims and other whims).

23 lunar day: main characteristics

The atmosphere that fills the 23rd lunar day is characterized by excessive activity. The energy of the Moon not only promotes decisive action, it can sometimes cause aggressive behavior in humans. If you do not meet the requirements of the current period, then irreparable consequences are possible - a powerful energy flow will destroy your inner world.

Be as active as your strength and temperament allow. But your emotional background should be calm. Astrologers categorically forbid showing weakness, feeling sorry for yourself, or getting angry. Keep all internal impulses under strict control. This situation can be compared with horse racing: the more active the horse, the calmer the rider leading it. That is, the better you can control yourself, the more successful the day will be.

There is a danger on the twenty-third lunar day of directly encountering criminals and villains. Unfortunately, the activity of lunar energy has an impact not only on people who are positive and strive for good deeds. Those who suffer mental disorders and unstable, also receives a significant energy charge. They use it to express their own immorality and inadequacy. Astrologers' advice: be careful and avoid uninhabited places so as not to become a victim. And those places where a lot of people gather should not be visited on the twenty-third lunar day - crowding creates unpredictable behavior.

Each person has an outer shell consisting of energy flows. Ideally, they should circulate on single vibrational waves with universal energy. But almost all of us do not have complete harmony in the operation of the energy system. As a result, on the 23rd lunar day a huge number of conflict situations arise, leading to scandals, fights and other negativity. The human aura cannot cope with the influence of the Moon.

The resulting energy begins to break out. The body is full. The mind is on edge. The person's behavior becomes inappropriate.

It has long been noted that people who constantly practice meditative techniques do not suffer from similar problems. It is much easier for them to withstand strong external pressure, since their energy fields are trained and balanced. For these groups, the 23rd lunar day does not cause nervous tension and excesses.

What should everyone else who is not able to master the situation do? There is an exit. Think carefully and painstakingly about which questions are the most difficult for you and require immediate answers. Perhaps you just can’t cope with pressing matters, and have already concluded that any new attempts only lead to failure. The lunar energy that reigns on the 23rd lunar day gives a person incredible strength - both mental and physical.

Your most important task is not to waste the provided energy of the Moon on useless activities. Inner strength on the twenty-third day is great, so aggression is possible (not everyone is able to tame such a powerful charge). If you create conflict situation or just become one of its participants, do not count on the Universe to become your assistant.

Astrologers highly recommend limiting your conversations to a minimum. Today actions are valued, not words. Especially if your dialogues do not relate to the business process, then the internal energy system can easily fail. The harmonious connection of the body with outside world. Do not gossip under any circumstances!

The symbol of the period is the crocodile. Everyone knows that his hunt is special and unique. He begins to take his first steps very slowly. Sometimes it seems that the animal is not moving at all. But his composure and ability to wait give him a huge advantage: as soon as the victim is in close proximity, the crocodile’s movements resemble the flash of lightning - clear, swift and accurate.

Our actions will lead to success if we follow the example of the crocodile on the hunt. Be as collected and calm as possible. Even if they are a little phlegmatic. But don't be distracted from the current activity. Do not try to do several things at once - in this case, it is unlikely that you will succeed in one.

Advice for the 23rd lunar day: “Don’t try to do several days at the same time”

In Tibet it is advised to start on the twenty-third lunar day construction works- the result will be successful. The sages also recommend not to refuse friendly help.

A lost item on the 23rd lunar day is an important sign. The Universe is telling you that you don’t need this item. It only brings you harm. Therefore, do not be upset - everything that happens during this period is for the better. Even if the item was dear to you, do not panic. Such a reaction will cause Negative consequences which will manifest as health problems (primarily the nervous system may be affected).

Be sure to remember: if you lose something on the twenty-third day, you will gain much more in the near future. For example, if you couldn’t find your mobile phone, they will soon give you a better model.

Unfortunately, in this period, very often we do stupid things. This is the result of the inner demons that everyone has. Try to go against them: in any provocative situation, behave at ease and calmly. If someone yells at you, just smile back. If you are blamed for an unfulfilled project, do not feel remorse. Today, such a course of behavior will help win the internal struggle with one’s own fears and negative emotions.

On the twenty-third lunar day, do not engage in noisy activities. Do a thorough cleaning of the house (just don't play music while doing it). Rid your home of excess trash. In addition to regular cleaning, do a mental cleansing of your home.

One of the important tips on the 23rd lunar day is that it is better to postpone trips to crowded places until another day.

If you feel suddenly ill and start to panic, you should know that your energy system has been penetrated. energetic vampire. Someone is trying to suck the life force out of you. Don’t give in - with all your might, control yourself. Also, keep a calm mind and do not show aggression.

Aspects of the 23rd lunar day

Mystical aspect

On the 23rd lunar day it is worth training well. Take a self-defense class. In addition to testing your physical training, try to learn how to protect your own energy system on a mystical level. To do this, you should contact a specialist - he will definitely help you learn how to control all the necessary processes.

Don't give in to your inner fears. The period is not created for noisy activities, but laziness is not welcome. Find yourself an easy job that will last you a long time.

Due to the fact that the entire emotional component moves to new level development, a person experiences rapid mood swings, sudden surges of adrenaline into the blood, and a craving for everything harmful and evil. Some people have animal instincts. Those who succumb to such processes begin to suffer from various diseases.

On the twenty-third lunar day, all evil spirits awaken.

Social aspect

Communication of any kind in given time not successful. Business conversations, meetings, negotiations will not be productive, but rather, on the contrary, will lead to the starting point.

Negative period for holding court hearings.

Household aspect

You should devote the 23rd lunar day to household chores. For example, clean the entire apartment, prepare an unusual dinner for all family members, decorate the bedroom with photographs. In addition, consecrate the house with holy water, clean all corners with a candle flame.

Do not be afraid to travel - on the twenty-third lunar day it is not prohibited.

It is extremely important to control yourself during this period. Don't allow yourself to get angry or angry. Limit your diet (although your appetite will likely be brutal).

Surgery is prohibited - any operation will not be beneficial.

The main thing is to restrain your awakened instincts. It will be difficult to do at first, but every moment your inner strength will grow stronger.

Large crowds of people where you can get injured or become involved in a fight should be avoided. This applies to rallies, large concerts, and sporting competitions.

Astrologers prohibit eating meat on the twenty-third lunar day. You should increase the amount of milk in your diet, as well as all dairy products. For kids, you can bake cottage cheese cookies or cheesecakes with nuts.

Medical aspect

A person’s immune strength becomes weaker during this period, so there is a danger of getting sick. If the infection enters the body, the disease will be difficult, with multiple complications.

Chronic diseases of the genitourinary system are renewed. The spine is also vulnerable: unnecessary stress on the back and neck is prohibited. Light warm-up exercises won't hurt.

Conception and birth on the 23rd lunar day

The variety of personalities conceived on the 23rd lunar day is surprising. Some children are born geniuses, unlike others. And others may be crazy. In any case, the uniqueness of such individuals is noticeable from the first days of life.

If the birth of a child coincides with this period, it is guaranteed that his character will be firm and unshakable. He will complete every task to completion. No obstacle can stop his plans. Some are destined for the fate of monks.

Business and work

For people from the business world, time has prepared many useful surprises, but caution and attentiveness will not hurt. Businessmen have the opportunity to accomplish something that has never been possible before. For example, you have long wanted to conclude a very profitable contract with a foreign partner. But all past attempts were not successful. On the 23rd lunar day, you should be active and purposeful in order to take advantage of the given chance.

But remember: conflict can arise out of nothing. Watch your words, your behavior, your own reactions. Also, you should not take to heart everything that people around you say. During this period, bad human qualities awaken, such as meanness and betrayal. Even true friend on the 23rd lunar day it can let you down, so be on your guard.

Ignore all sorts of gossip and unnecessary conversations, and especially do not participate in them. Rash words can turn against you - it is better to devote the day to work.

Marriage and Marriage

Astrologers do not recommend formalizing relationships on the twenty-third lunar day. In most cases, families created at a given time do not live in harmony and soon fall apart. Each spouse wants to live only by their own rules, disagreeing with the opinion of their loved one.

If you hold a wedding celebration on the 23rd lunar day, then everyone will remember it for a very long time. Fights and quarrels are possible right at the table.

Health and Wellness

Two strong energies with opposite charges are fighting at this time. The human body's reaction can be unpredictable. Possible manifestation of long-standing chronic diseases. There is also a chance of getting a dangerous injury, a fracture.

Limit physical exercise. Even a small blow or sprain will cause great discomfort. And the pain will not subside for a long time.

Intimate relationships

The reproductive system is quite sensitive during this period, so you should refrain from sexual relations. Even ordinary caresses are not recommended. It’s better to find a mutual activity of a different nature.

In the evening, stay in a quiet home environment. It is dangerous for women to go out at night, as the psyche of rapists is very agitated. And men are easily seduced and can also become victims of scammers.

Dreams and dreams

In night visions, answers come that help you get out of crisis situations. Dreams especially help to deal with internal problems, misunderstandings self. The correct interpretation of images will tell you how to overcome social fears.

Nightmares happen, frightening ones, containing many frightening visions. Do not be afraid of them - sometimes they contain many clues.

If you are not going to contact a professional dream interpreter, then do not take seriously the dreams that appeared to you on the 23rd lunar day.

Esoteric and spiritual aspect

The period is suitable for cleansing procedures. Be sure to get rid of things that have a detrimental effect on karma. It is also recommended to engage in dynamic meditation practices.

Magic rituals: 23 lunar day

There are many variations of such rituals. You can use a lighted candle, special water blessed in the temple, and aromatic oils. A ritual using stones with protective functions is very effective. You just need to know how to place them.

We do not always understand that while walking on the ground, we sometimes stumble upon stones with magical properties. Their power is so great that it can control many aspects of life. What is required of us? Just take such a stone and bring it to your home. And help will be provided immediately.

There are several important points. The stone surface must be flat and smooth. Cracks are not allowed. The size is not important, but it is still more convenient to place a small stone in a house or apartment.

Magic stones:

  • Granite– helps to improve family relationships and resolve long-standing conflicts with relatives. Has an effect on brain activity. Granite of variegated colors is placed on top (for example, on the top shelf of a cabinet). Dark colored granite is placed near doorways. The red stone is placed near the place where food is prepared.
  • Limestone– protects the house from burglars and from unnecessary guests, so it is better to put it under a rug at the threshold.
  • Marble– a stone that perfectly cleanses of everything unnecessary. For people born under the sign of Scorpio, a dark-colored stone is suitable. For Cancers and Pisces, white marble should be selected. Place it by the bed.
  • Gypsum– has the ability to accumulate various energies. In this regard, being in a good mood, take the stone in your hand. Think about something good. Now he will become your savior. In any stressful situation, turn to the cast - a few moments will pass and your soul will feel much lighter.
  • Basalt– helps to achieve family well-being, brings mutual understanding to the house. The stone should be placed at the front door.
  • Diabase– strengthens family ties. Usually the family gets together for dinner, so the most suitable place for diabase is the kitchen table.
  • Flint– saturates with creativity and strength. Place it on top of a cabinet so its energy is distributed evenly throughout the house. The effect comes instantly.

23 lunar day (video)

In that short video(06:14 min) practical esotericist Olga Stepanova will tell you about the esoteric characteristics of the twenty-third lunar day.

Alena Golovina

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