Why dream when you fight in a dream. Fighting people in uniform. Fight - lunar dream book

A fight in a dream speaks of an unexpected development of events, rapid changes in everyday life. To understand why such a dream is dreaming, you need to remember in great detail all its smallest details, without missing any details, pay the main attention to the plot, acting characters, as well as your emotions in general. If you combine all the details, then you can get a meaningful image and find its interpretation in the dream book.

The interpretation of a dream about a fight is most often presented very ambiguously. Many dream books highlight the negative aspect of such a dream, but in order to understand exactly why this is a dream and what it means, you need to fully understand the entire dream, and not touch on individual details.

General explanation of dreams

Fights in everyday life do not happen so often, and quarrels in a dream, struggle and discontent are common.

Dreams help us look deep into ourselves, understand all our fears and worries, and determine our goals for the future. All this can be achieved with a serious approach to sleep analysis. In order to independently answer the question of why a fight is dreaming, you need to remember well its course and outcome.

The meaning of fights in a dream will directly depend on whether the enemy is a living person or a dead person, what gender he is (if it is a person) and the degree of acquaintance between you. You also need to decide whether you managed to win the fight. There are also dreams in which several people duel with pistols, knives or swords. In addition, the dreamer can see a real fight between animals.

Dream Interpretation

If you follow Miller's dream book, then fighting with someone means imminent trouble in the family or at work. If the struggle between two people ends in favor of the dreamer, then the person quickly and successfully gets out of an unpleasant situation. Being defeated in this case indicates bitter disappointment in the present, as well as the beginning of long trials and conflicts between colleagues or close relatives.

Of great importance in interpreting a dream is the motive itself, according to which a person began to swear or fight in a dream. If a sleeping person has to fight off robbers or some bad people, which means in real life there will be a strong and dangerous skirmish with the enemy, which can adversely affect the future life of a person.

Seeing other people fighting in a dream is explained by the dream book as a positive time for rational use their financial resources, luck, high chance to win a large amount of money.

Increasing own productivity, activities and active life, good deeds- this is what it means to see a fight or participate in it, according to Long's dream book. Participation in a fight speaks of the dreamer as a very active person who won't wait long time surprises, but will try on his own, calculating his capabilities, to fill his everyday life interesting events, positive emotions and new acquaintances.

Separating those fighting in a dream characterizes a sleeping person with good and positive deeds, such a person seeks to help anyone in need. However, if in the course of the proceedings the dreamer himself got a lot, then this means that in real life when interfering in the affairs of strangers, guided only by positive intentions, the sleeper himself will become guilty of the whole situation. In this case, the dream book advises to stay neutral and not to render “disservices” to people around.

According to the esoteric dream book, fighting people in a dream means happy events in your personal life in reality, recognition within the team, positive emotions and surprises. Seeing a fight is a high chance of winning something or getting some nice and expensive gift.

If there is some secret admirer who is afraid to tell the girl about his feelings, trying to find all the ways to be closer to his chosen one, then there will be a dream in which two men are fighting. For a man, such a vision informs about the possible presence of false friends in his circle, who can “stab a knife in the back” at any moment.

If a woman dreams fights between two men, then it would be best for her to show more attention to others and respond to sympathy from men if there is a desire to achieve a happy and correct relationship.

Woman fighting with other people

If a young lady has to participate in the fight with another woman, then in real life she will need to face various gossip that ill-wishers talk about the dreamer, pretending to be good and faithful friends. To prevent such a situation from happening, you need to tell others details about your personal life, as envious people want to add more bad events to your life.

Explanations of other details of the dream:

Dream, in which the late husband fights, reveals a woman's misunderstanding of her husband, resentment that her partner left her alone with her problems and unresolved difficulties. Also, such a picture indicates longing for a departed loved one, nostalgia for the past. happy life spouses.

Fight in a dream with your lover either ex-husband(not dead) means that soon the same person may appear in your life. Maybe he will begin to impose his will on you.

Fighting in a dream with your father is characterized by a dream book as a misunderstanding and certain difficulties in communication with loved ones in personal matters.

If a man fights with other people

Conflicts and fights with a soul mate due to jealousy, lengthy and tedious proceedings that can lead to a complete break in relations - this is what a fight in a dream with a girl means. The dream interpretation advises in this case once and for all to clarify the relationship with her, to understand all the slippery questions and never return to them.

Other dream explanations for men:

Fight with an animal in a dream

In order to understand why in a dream there is a fight with a bear, a cat or another animal, you need to remember all your emotions and the outcome of such a battle:

It is for this reason that dreams with victories should be perceived as something positive and supportive. A person who saw in a dream a victory over his conditional enemy is definitely following the right path. Dreams with defeat must be considered as a symbol of revising one's life positions, clarifying goals and desires, the need to trust oneself.

Features of dreams

In general, a fight in a dream is positive sign. The dream book associates a quarrel and a fight in a dream with quick, quick changes and unpredictable events:

At different times in life experiencing such sensations is normal, but if it is too long, then you need to without fail turn to a specialist or to close people for advice and a look from the outside.

Attention, only TODAY!

There are many strange things in dreams, and sometimes you have to not only see something atypical or unusual, but also do something yourself that is simply unthinkable and unacceptable in real life.

Do you have to fight in your life? For many people, especially for lovely ladies, a fight is something unacceptable, unacceptable, unpleasant. You want to avoid fights, even looking at them from the side is disturbing and extremely unpleasant.

Nevertheless, in the world of night dreams, sometimes you have to not only see people fighting, but also get involved in the massacre on your own, strike or be injured. How to understand why a fight is dreaming, and what to expect from reality after such a dream?

In order to correctly interpret what the fight is dreaming of, you need to carefully recall all the details of what you saw and experienced in your dreams - even if it is unpleasant. From the one who fought, what role you played in what was happening, and with whom you had to meet in battle - equal or not - depends on the meaning of sleep and the real state of things in waking life.

Variants of such "combat" dreams are very diverse:

  • You saw just strangers fighting people.
  • We saw familiar men who were fighting.
  • You dream of fighting women.
  • The girl dreamed of a beloved fighting with another man or even a woman.
  • You are fighting with an unfamiliar man or girl.
  • You are chased and beaten.
  • You were beaten to death.
  • They beat with a stick.
  • You beat someone with a whip.
  • Fight with knives.
  • Fight with a friend or acquaintance.
  • You are in a fight with the dead.
  • Fight someone with knives.
  • Beat yourself.
  • You win the fight.
  • You dream of professional or sports fights.

Such dreams, of course, are more reminiscent of action movies, and few people will like to participate in them. But as the dream book says, a fight in a dream portends a lot of important things, and most often, unfortunately, it promises danger.

Such a dream is useful - you can take into account the warning and avoid troubles. So be careful if you had such a dream - and remember what the fight was like.

Become a witness to the fight

Consider why the fight is dreaming - in a dream in which you were a witness, but did not participate and did not interfere. Remember who fought and how, and what feelings in your dreams did this incident evoke in you?

1. Such an "action-packed" dream in which a fight strangers happened before your eyes, may portend you the troubles and troubles associated with the arrival of guests. Perhaps you will meet with unpleasant, unwanted people, or the need to solve some unpleasant things - but they need to be solved.

2. If you saw a fight in which someone's blood was shed, expect troubles and troubles from relatives.

3. A dream in which a fight takes place between people in uniform - military men, soldiers, sailors are fighting - portends you the visit of an important, long-awaited, respectable guest. Get ready for this meeting.

4. According to the dream book, a professional fight, for example, a fight between boxers or another fight that you saw in a dream, does not bode well. You must be ready for difficulties on the way to the goal that you now have. But do not be afraid of difficulties and be ready to fight, do not give up your goal.

5. If you saw a very strange and rare dream in which girls or women fight, the meaning of such a dream is disappointing. It promises diseases, and quite aggressive ones - so try to take care of your health especially strongly.

6. If in your dream people you know are fighting, namely brothers or two well-known, close men, this dream portends great profit and good luck in commercial affairs.

7. The meaning of the dream in which one of the men is killed in a fight is strange - it promises more happiness in everything. Although it’s unpleasant to see this, wait in reality for the realization of a dream and complete harmony in life.

8. A dream in which your beloved or spouse is fighting with a man, a crowd of men, or a girl - no matter who - this dream always has an unpleasant meaning. The dream book hints that this man is not worthy of you, and you will soon be disappointed in him.

Try not to idealize your loved one, so as not to experience the shock later when you see his real one. Perhaps he will show his character in a conflict - and you will be unpleasantly surprised.

Win everyone!

Seeing a duel in a dream is not very pleasant, it often leaves a negative mark on the soul. But what does a dream similar to a crime movie mean, where the fight takes place with your direct participation?

The meaning of such a "combat" dream can be bad or very good - depending on whether you fought with an enemy, a friend, with yourself, or, what happens in dreams, even with a dead person who came to life ...

1. It is extremely important in a dream who defeated whom in a fight. If you won your enemy in a duel of sleep, expect victory in waking life. You will cope with any, even the most unimaginable difficulty, so do not hesitate to go to the cherished goal that you have chosen.

2. If in a dream you are fighting with your partner, husband, lover, conflicts and even a quarrel await you. The reason for this is the insincerity of both sides, you keep silent and keep silent, do not open up to each other. For men and for you, sincerity and honesty are important - if you do not change anything, the relationship may collapse.

3. If someone caught up with you and hit you in a dream, be on the lookout, because your enemies or competitors can harm you, win the rivalry. Try to avoid conflict, act with intelligence, cunning.

4. If you were kicked on your leg in a dream, this is a clear sign of imminent profit, rather unexpected. A nice cash surprise is on the way!

5. Fighting with a woman with whom you know in life, with a friend or relative is not good sign, and no matter who wins, the dream does not bode well.

  • If a woman beats you, you will lose strength and risk getting sick.
  • And if you beat a friend, you will have unpleasant news or an event that will upset your plans.

6. Fighting in a dream with a dead person is a good sign.

A fight with a dead man promises recovery and that things will get better - but only if you win in a dream.

If the dead man is stronger than you - in life it will not be so easy for you to overcome troubles, you will have to work hard.

7. If you are beaten by a stranger in a dream, this promises surprise, unforeseen events. This does not mean at all that a terrible misfortune awaits you in reality, just the intended path and plans will not coincide with reality.

8. Hit in a dream with a stick? Expect a sharp improvement in business and great Fortune.

9. If you desperately beat someone with a whip or whip - this weird dream portends you a brilliant victory in a difficult, tedious and long struggle. With difficulties you fight, enemies or poverty - you will win anyway.

10. If you were beaten to the point of blood in a dream, be very careful, because in reality your friends can hurt you, or rather those people whom you consider friends. In fact, they are imaginary, and do not wish you well. Try to figure out the hypocrites to protect yourself.

11. If someone just beat you badly, to unconsciousness, be prepared to lose, difficulties and troubles await you, which will be difficult to prevent. You just have to go through a difficult period, but it will pass, so be more optimistic.

12. If in a dream you risked separating fighting people, this indicates your dissatisfaction with your life. You try to change circumstances, to influence them. But know that in order to do this successfully, you need to show a lot of strength and fearlessness, and not retreat.

13. Did you have to fight with someone in a dream with knives or swords? Expect great happiness, recovery, a surge of vitality. Everything will be on your shoulder, use this one especially favorable period for yourself to the maximum!

14. If you beat yourself in a dream, some great benefit awaits you in reality.

15. If you had to fight in your dreams with any animal, this always means enemies that you have to fight in reality. Although, to conflict or not, the choice is always yours.

There is nothing joyful and positive in fights and duels, this should not be denied. But dreams of this kind do not always carry disturbing signs.

And they often help to understand what to do in reality in order to win, win and live happier. You will understand how to do it! Author: Vasilina Serova

A dreamed brawl promises surprises and quick changes. To understand what the fight is about in a dream, you need to recall all the events of the vision in your memory: the smallest details noticed in a dream, your own emotions experienced in a night dream. And, of course, not the last role in the interpretation is played by the heroes, or rather, the participants in the fight.

As a result, a certain plot with characters and development may turn out. A hint for deciphering such a picture is given by the dream book in the “fight” section. A dream with a similar plot has a lot of interpretation options. Most of them are negative. But you should carefully study all versions. After all, it may happen that one tiny detail that you read about when you open the dream book will completely change the interpretation of the vision.

Miller prophesies troubles in the service to those who waved their fists in a dream. However, he explains in some detail what he might dream of fighting, depending on the outcome of the battle. If the dreamer turned out to be the winner, then in reality he will deftly wriggle out of the most unfavorable situation. But when he was defeated, deep disappointment awaits him, and an endless series of conflicts and skirmishes with colleagues and relatives.

Miller dwells in detail on the motives of the person who entered the fight. If in a dream you bravely fought off the robbers, then in reality it is likely extreme situation in which you have to fight for your good or interests. And this "skirmish" will have a greater impact on future fate dreamer.

When you dream that strangers are fighting, then upon awakening you can count on luck in money matters. And this applies not only to work, but also to entertainment, for example, gambling.

You are full of energy healthy lifestyle life, are extremely optimistic, you see the future in pink colors - such a characteristic is given by Longo's dream book to someone who fought in a dream. And the more actively the sleeping man fought, the more actively he life position. This is a person who does not tolerate vegetation, boredom and routine, who knows how to independently accept important decisions and find time and money for interesting travels, acquaintances and learning new things.

If in night dreams you try to prevent bullies and try to separate them, then you probably often behave like a diplomat or a wise teacher who is used to building relationships and reconciling people. It’s bad if in a dream this peacemaker was beaten on the neck. The meaning of the plot is this: do not meddle in other people's business. remember, that good intentions paved the way to one unpleasant place. The dream interpretation strongly recommends not to show excessive initiative and interfere in the relationships of strangers.

Memorable happy moments, celebrations, stunning luxurious gifts, surprises and tremendous success - this is what, it turns out, dreams of fighting on Esoteric dream book! Even if you are not a participant in the mess, but just passed by, you can still hope to receive a gift when you wake up.

A lady may dream of gentlemen fighting in a hand-to-hand fight. This vision should please the beauty: a certain gentleman is passionately in love with her, afraid to confess his feelings. But take a closer look around, this Romeo does everything in his power to be close to the object of adoration. Why does a man dream of fighting? This is a warning that there is a nasty hypocritical person nearby. She is up to no good and is ready at any moment to betray or substitute.

Women's fights

Why can a woman dream of fighting? If one lady in a dream met in hand-to-hand combat with another, then in real life she will find out that her dear friends are in fact harmful distributors of disgusting rumors and gossip. And envy drives these harmful women. Therefore, do not devote your friends to the details of your personal life, do not brag about new acquisitions and do not disclose your plans.

When a woman dreams of a fight with a rival, then, upon waking up, she must remember who initiated the showdown. If the dreamer herself acted as a bully, then she has good reasons for suspecting her husband's infidelity. It is necessary to act, and decisively, otherwise the lover will be able to achieve her goal - she will take the man away from the family. In the case when a rival attacked a sleeping woman, there is no reason for concern - a loved one is faithful.

A dreamed fight with a girlfriend is explained as a reflection of thoughts that often visit the dreamer in reality. She thinks about the fact that her friend is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and, perhaps, uses friendships for personal gain. Another explanation may relate to the atmosphere prevailing in the work team. In the service, you have to endure some colleagues and their incorrect statements and actions.

Fighting in a dream with a loved one is by no means not bad. It turns out that such a vision prophesies the harmonious, stable development of the novel. But beat young man, who does not pretend to be a gentleman, means that in reality this young man will have to come into conflict. It will be necessary to show originality of thinking, to activate Creative skills to achieve a certain goal - that's what dreams of fighting with a dead man!

How to explain the dream in which you had to fight with your spouse? Please note that this is a warning that your relationship is far from ideal. The tension in the family has reached the limit, and a huge scandal is about to happen. To prevent such a development of events, first calm down and consider the strategy of your own behavior. If there are claims to the husband, then formulate them. Then analyze, try to talk with your partner calmly, without giving vent to emotions.

Husband started a fight? Then the wife has a reason for dissatisfaction. She alone has to solve difficult everyday problems, endure inattention and selfishness of the household. The same plot may dream of a lady yearning for her youth and past.

You are tired of the excessive guardianship of relatives and do not find with them common language- that's why you dreamed of a fight with your father.

fighting men

An extremely tense relationship with a loved one, quarrels based on suspicions of infidelity - this is what a representative of the stronger sex dreams of fighting a girl in a dream. It is good if, upon awakening, he takes the initiative and chooses a favorable moment to calmly, frankly talk with his soul mate.

Did you have to fight with a man in a dream? Then the dreamer needs to prepare for a forced meeting with people who will do their best to harm, and even encroach on his life. The dream book advises to listen to the advice and wishes of parents if a man dreamed about how he was fighting with his mother. Such a vision promises a tense relationship between fathers and children. And more often than not, children will be wrong. Why dream of a more than strange situation in which you have to fight with the dead? It turns out that this is just advice from above to put things in order, to complete what has been started. Otherwise, you will be blacklisted by the boss, and he will reprimand and deprive you of bonuses.

Having experienced a fight with a friend in a dream, one must remember that in reality there are some troubles ahead, in which your friend will also be a participant. Show frugality and prudence if you saw a phantasmagoric picture of a fight with your brother. This dream promises material costs due to distraction and inattention.

Animal fights

Anyone who saw mating dogs in a dream needs to learn generosity and generosity. Unfortunately, this dreamer is likened to the stingy Gogol hero Plyushkin. If before he was economical and prudent, now he is a vivid example of greed and stinginess, which in the end will turn against him and lead to ruin.

Why dream about how you had to fight with a wolf? In addition, there are many hypocrites surrounded by the sleeping person, who are still hiding under sheepskins, but as soon as the opportunity arises, they will show their predatory nature.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 03/23/2019

Sleep from Friday to Saturday can also be used in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions presented by Morpheus speaks ...

Those who are just about to enter into a confrontation with the enemy in reality may have a corresponding dream. Fighting in a dream is not as dangerous as in real life, but the situation shows the extremely aggressive attitude of the sleeper towards some person. This does not mean that a person is ready to start a massacre immediately. However, he is angry with his opponent and will defend his innocence by any means.

The fight begins when the arguments in the dispute are exhausted, and emotions overwhelm. Primitive instincts wake up in a person when the strongest won and, therefore, survived. Despite a highly developed civilization, people did not get rid of the desire to get their way with the help of their fists. Let's talk about the meaning of a fight in a dream.

A fight may arise after a rude conversation or out of the blue. Friendly fights happen when friends jokingly push each other or throw pillows. In any situation, people throw out the accumulated energy and can take a more reasonable look at the circumstances.

The philosophical interpretation of the question of why one dreams of fighting lies in the emergence of a contradiction between the mind and the subconscious. Education and life in modern society impose restrictions on human actions. A fight with an offender threatens with serious consequences, and unrealized impulses are reflected in a dream.

Participation in a fight in a dream, many interpreters explain by disappointment in the surrounding reality. The reason can be both the collapse of plans and a break with a loved one.

Winning the battle means that bad events will happen a little later, but you won’t be able to completely get rid of the negative after the fight.

Interpretation of a fight by various dream books

Opinions of popular dream interpreters differ on the causes of aggressive sleep and its consequences. Some believe that a fight will not bring good luck and it is better to watch it from afar. Others, on the contrary, advise not to give up the fight and try to win it, so that in reality the situation will change for the better.

A girl who watches a fight of her fans in a dream is a real coquette in life. She will receive a marriage proposal from both and will act wisely, not giving them a reason for hand-to-hand combat in reality.

A fight between two women will be a bad omen. The sleeper is expected by the intrigues of enemies and trouble. The lady who attacked the dreamer during a crowd of people personifies envious people and enemies spreading gossip behind their backs.

A fight with a lover portends a successful union and prosperity. Living together it will turn out great. You should not separate the fighters in a dream, otherwise in reality you will have to make excuses because of an unfair accusation.

According to Freud

Sigmund Freud interpreted the dream with a fight with a tendency to be rude in sex. A man who sees such a dream is far from a romantic by nature. He is persistent, stubborn and quite capable of raising his hand to his partner. For a woman, a dream speaks of sympathy for men younger than her.

If a person is notorious and unable to express his feelings, his dissatisfaction can also result in a dream with a fistfight. It is easier for him to be a confidant with others than to start his own relationship.

According to Miller

Gustav Miller associated a dream with business problems if a man dreamed about it. Those who get involved in a brawl face a battle with competitors. He is self-confident and professional, but underestimates their strength. The case may end in court or tangible losses if the sleeper was defeated in a fight.

Approximately the same consequences await the dreamer if he was wounded in battle. Getting hit by relatives or loved ones - that's what a fight with blood is about. Such a dream entails the division of inheritance, family squabbles or a break in relationships.

Wasteful persons dream of someone else's fight, and a dream warns a young girl against communication with a fighting man. Stopping the fight is also not worth it, as this threatens a woman with a loss of reputation, and a man with dissatisfaction with financial issues.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

A person fighting in a dream must remember who exactly he fought. If the enemy was a person, unexpected incidents and stormy adventures are coming in life. A fight with an animal portends failure and trouble. Watching the massacre will have a cloudless and prosperous existence.

By Longo

The white magician had nothing against a brawl and showdown with fists. Such a dream shows the dreamer that he is ready to take fate into his own hands and not wait for the right moment to come.

The sleeper controls events and makes efforts to make dreams come true. He is energetic and assertive.

If in a dream you have to separate the fighters, the sleeper feels the need to intervene in the affairs that are happening around him. He doesn't care if they touch him or ask him for help.

Often the dreamer's authority is not enough to be attracted to the role of arbitrator, but this does not stop him. When, as a result of a fight, he also ends up bruised, in reality his initiative will be punished.

Who has a dream: interpretation features

In everyday terms, a dream with a fight has non-fatal consequences. More often it reflects the strength of passion or emotion. Having understood the details of the dream, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the events that caused it and return the course of life to its usual track.

A woman fights with a woman or a man

The collision that the girl dreamed of means her stiffness and secrecy. For a long time she did not give an outlet for negative energy, and the subconscious thus reflects the heated situation. A fight with a woman speaks of a tough rivalry with her in reality. Over time, others may be drawn into the conflict.

Fighting in a dream with a man is a good sign. The woman is well aware that he is interested in her and attaches to their union great importance. Most likely, a surge of passion awaits the couple, and the spouses will diversify their intimate life. If a girl slaps a guy, she hopes serious relationship marriage with him.

A man fights a man or a woman

There are two main interpretations of the reasons for night vision of a fight with a man. The sleeper is too tired of the troubled relationships in the family and scandals with the family. Another is that he is full of energy and wants to take a leading position in the company, no matter what it is about: friends or a work team.

Much more positive sleep with a confrontation between a man and a girl. It promises a happy relationship or married life. The man found his ideal and is very passionate.

different dream situations

Only professional wrestlers fight in training and competition. For everyone else, fighting becomes the last way to get the truth. Quarrels and disagreements in reality are often mirrored in a dream, where the sleeper fights with an opponent.

Fight of Strangers

It is possible that a man is subconsciously jealous of his beloved. He does not know for sure if he has a rival, so he fights with a stranger in a dream. The Union has certainly become love triangle, but the dreamer is ready to defend his rights.

To beat a friend or friend dreams of realizing that communication with him is coming to naught. The sleeper wants to contact him more and more often, but does not know how to attract his attention.

Mass brawl

According to Miller, being on the side of the winners in a mass brawl guarantees the fulfillment of desires and the successful completion of the plan. For girls and women, participation in the massacre indicates the presence a large number fans, if they are not badly hurt in it. In case of scratches and bloody wounds, the girl will face deceit close friend or a native person.

Loff believed that a man fighting with a crowd in reality would raise his status and gain authority in the eyes of others. When a guy bursts into a crowd of angry girls, he will be the reason for their quarrels.

Get into a fight yourself

Getting into a fight even in a dream is far from The best decision. Interpretations of sleep from various sources promise separation, problems in the family and at work, and major disappointments. According to Freud, a man who has such a dream is an unimportant lover and avoids intimate relationships.

Another interpretation speaks of the imminent receipt of money that needs to be invested in a worthwhile project, otherwise they will quickly evaporate. There is a prediction about the unexpected arrival of a guest.

If the dreamer is beaten in a dream, he will soon meet new love. In fact, she will find him herself. The arrival of people who are pleasant to the dreamer to visit is another interpretation of sleep. A fight with blood says that the visitors will be relatives. Income from long-forgotten plans and ideas is also possible.

Fight with a relative

Dream with a friendly tournament, not carnage marks the establishment of trusting and warm relations with relatives. In the case when the struggle escalates, the interpretation of the question of why one dreams of fighting in a dream speaks of urgent problems that require thorough study. Relatives are offended by something and seek to convince others of the correctness of their point of view.

A frank conversation and a search for a compromise will help the dreamer to prevent a general discussion of actions.

Winning a fight

The one who wins the battle and in reality will win the girl's interest or advance in the service. Triumph over enemies or unfortunate circumstances is not ruled out. It will be possible to find out what exactly will happen in reality by remembering exactly who was thrown down by the dreamer. Fate will come to the aid of the sleeper in case of victory in the struggle.

Dream Interpretations give a favorable forecast of the consequences of sleep in the near future.


Participation in a fight does not always characterize a person as a quick-tempered and unrestrained type. The young man who protected the girl from hooligans is doing a noble deed. He does not think about his own safety, worrying about a weaker companion.

Of course, starting a battle because of an unflattering remark thrown at your address is not worth it. It is better to solve such a question in words, and not in fists. However, in the event of an attack, you will have to stand up for yourself.

The current state of affairs and prior events are different in each situation. Resentment against an opponent can be burning and fair. Giving vent to the negative, a person tries to resolve the contradictions by a fight, but in fact they become much more serious. If you want to resolve the conflict, it is better to pull yourself together and try to discuss what happened without offending the enemy.

It happens that the fault is the usual misunderstanding, and after a fight, the relationship will deteriorate forever. For the sake of maintaining calm, it is worth making a choice in favor of a peaceful settlement of the dispute or bringing the warring parties to an agreement. Fighting in a dream is also an unwise act, but it can be explained based on the context.

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Experiences. Anxiety, fear, inconsistency of mind and heart can result in an unpleasant dream. Special attention you should pay attention if you dreamed that you fought in a dream with a woman.

The weaker sex is generally not inclined to solve problems with fisticuffs, and, of course, the question arises: why did you dream of a fight with a woman? Dreams can be interpreted in different ways, you should also pay attention to who the opponent is.

Deciphering the vision

The meanings of dreams may differ in interpreters. Sometimes a fight in a dream has the character of a "shifter". Dream bad - it will be good. It is worth extracting small details from a dream: the nature of the fight (brawl or massacre), the number of people involved in the incident, the look of the dreamer (opponent or observer), consequences, scale, place and time. Most often, negative emotions disturb the subconscious and are reflected in night vision.

If a little bad energy has accumulated, then a fight in a dream will allow you to cool down and calm down., thereby saving good relationship with loved ones.

  • Esoteric interpreter dreams allude to big win, happy event, good luck.
  • Dream Interpretation Longo- if I fight in a dream with a girl - this means a surge of vital energy.
  • Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov promises well-being in family life.
  • However noble interpreter of dreams Grishina says that a fight with a woman in a dream portends disappointment.
  • By Freud's dream book you can see that such a dream is directly related to intimate life. When a girl has such a dream, this may indicate her masochistic tendencies or a secret desire to find a younger partner.
  • Miller's dream book portends an unpleasant meeting, disagreements in business.
  • In the Chinese interpreter dreams speak of a fight with a woman as a future illness.
  • Dream Interpretation Small Velesov promises long-awaited guests, a pleasant meeting.

An important role is played by the factor what place the dreamer occupies in his vision:

  • Passes by- to waste.
  • carefully observes to internal conflict.
  • Participates- to the futility of undertakings.
  • wins- to avoid trouble, inner satisfaction.
  • Separates the participants in the fight- to an unjust accusation.
  • Gets hurt- to betrayal, quarrel, disappointment, resentment.

Fight with unknown woman can mean different phenomena in reality. To prevent trouble, it is recommended not to enter into conflict situations in reality, but restrain yourself for a while. Fights may involve two or more people.

If you dream of a massacre, emotional outbursts, a storm of feelings await in the future. The way the fight ends, how the winner behaves - it’s worth taking a closer look, perhaps the dreamer will need to behave in the same way in real world in solving difficulties. If after mass brawl in a dream, the girls remained in clean clothes, without wounds - this means that attention and popularity among them are coming.

Usually, specific people, relatives or acquaintances, are dreaming, those who are sitting in the subconscious, with whom some events are associated. Fights with familiar people are a more unpleasant sight, leaving a mark. It is worth noting that rarely close people in a dream appear as an enemy, but in the future they will be. Perhaps there are some inner feelings about the relationship with this person.

Fight and win is a very good symbol. If you know this person, then your relationship will improve significantly in reality.

In every dream there is a certain sign, a small detail - it can be an object, an event or a fleeting feeling that you should grab onto in order to unravel the complex tangle.

With whom is the conflict?

If you had a fight with best friend, then this course of events is a warning. It is worth watching a loved one, perhaps there is deceit and hypocrisy in the relationship. Conversation "on clean water” will help to understand the fears. It is recommended to think about whether the dreamer himself has hidden grievances.

When in a night dream you see your ex-girlfriend - this dream warns of understatement in a relationship. Most likely with ex girlfriend not all issues were resolved, there is a topic for conversation. When a person from the past is dreaming, it is worth finding out about him through mutual friends or calling with a question: is everything all right? It is possible that the dreamer has unpleasant memories and resentments. It's best to let this situation go.

A fight with your mother is an ugly event that leaves behind a feeling of guilt. Need to cool down. Such dreams help to understand that there is an internal barrier to something and you need to get rid of it.. According to the dream books, further disagreements in the family are also read if they are not prevented in time.

It is in the power of the dreamer to understand family problems and not bring the matter to the breakup of the family. Also, a fight with mom in a dream directly depends on the relationship in reality. A person who sees such a picture in the subconscious may actually fear or be afraid of a parent. Miller's dream interpreter promises to abandon the planned actions in order to avoid collapse.

Dreams in which the husband's mother is present are directly related to the environment. Either in this moment, or in the near future, unpleasant personalities will appear in it. A fight with the mother-in-law dreams that the enemies will annoy, get in the way, create problems.

Such a picture portends a meeting with a ruthless and unprincipled person. It is worth giving up new acquaintances, trips to new places, etc. for a while. A change of environment will bring inconvenience and problems.

In Miller's dream book, a fight with a sister means that a relative will convince you of something, force you to do something. Vanga's dream interpreter says that her sister is afraid to talk about the problem. It is worth showing care and attention to her.

Tsvetkov in his interpreter implies a misunderstanding in the family, future tensions. Freud considers his sister to be guilty of something before the dreamer. However, the Chinese interpreter sees the blame for the person who dreamed of a fight with his sister. The Islamic dream book believes that harmony will come in relationships.

The appearance of a mistress in a dream or a rival confirms the uncertainty about the future of the relationship between husband and wife. There is distrust and misunderstanding in the family. It is better if you dream of a normal conversation with a rival - this indicates mutual understanding between the spouses. Worse, a fight. Interpreters of visions do not recommend cracking down on the enemy even in a dream. If the reprisal occurred, this portends a quarrel, a serious family conflict, a divorce.

A fight with a mother-in-law dreams of illness. With a foster mother (stepmother) - to failure to achieve goals, the collapse of efforts, cruelty. With a godmother - imminent danger. If the opponent is unknown, this indicates a character, a tendency to abuse people. Frivolous brawls in a dream mean a drop in tension. A conflict with a friend in a dream is a reflection of fear.

Fights between women are a condemned, unpleasant, harsh spectacle. From time immemorial, men have solved problems with fisticuffs. AT modern world Problems are usually solved verbally. It's about reality. Fights in a dream, like any other events, are signs. Correct interpretation and understanding of these mysteries can help to avoid conflicts, dramas and disagreements.

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