Where to pick mushrooms in Pine, coordinates. Mushroom places in the Leningrad region: where to go on a day off. When is the best time to go to the forest?

Kira Stoletova

Mushroom clearings located near highways and factory trash bins are unsuitable for collecting mushrooms. Mushrooms Leningrad region appear in large numbers in forest areas located near St. Petersburg.

Mushroom places

It is now dangerous to collect mushrooms in the Leningrad region due to large quantity roads and many factories that dump their waste into rivers. Under the influence of toxins, mushrooms accumulate hallucinogenic substances that have a bad effect on nervous system Therefore, collection sites are selected with special care.

Mushroom location coordinates:

  1. Sosnovy Bor - Priozersky district in the direction of Vyborg highway.
  2. Sosnovy massif - Sosnovo village. An electric train from St. Petersburg runs from the Finnish station to the village.
  3. In Scandinavia, turning to the village of Kirillovskoye, you will find excellent forests, full of mushrooms. The train is going there.
  4. After passing the Vsevolozhsk district, you will find Sosnovy Bor. The distance between settlements is 118 km. An atlas with the names of villages will help determine a more accurate location.
  5. To the south of the lake in the Luga region there is a forest. It's easy to find on the map.
  6. There is a train to the settlement of Zakhodskoye. This place is ideal for collecting edible mushrooms.

Mushroom places in the Leningrad region are represented by pine and mixed forests. The soil is peaty-sandy. Many mushrooms appear in the Leningrad region in the fall; in September, there are fewer of them in spring and summer. Near Lake Zerkalnoe there are the purest pine forests. More detailed descriptions You can find out the coordinates of mushroom places in the Leningrad region by visiting the St. Petersburg mushroom pickers club.

If mushrooms have grown in the Leningrad region, you should be especially careful not to mistake their poisonous counterparts for edible representatives.

Description of the region's mushrooms

Mushroom pickers in the Leningrad region collect the following types of edible mushrooms: Morel, White, Truffles, Oyster mushrooms, Veselka, Chanterelles, Boletus, Boletus, Honey mushrooms.

Inedible hallucogenic species: Psilocybin varieties, Toadstools, False honey mushrooms, Fly agaric, Yellow champignon, String.


First spring edible mushrooms- Morels. They settle in mixed forests in April-May. The mushroom cap is conical, wrinkled.

Leg length up to 10 cm. Color white. In terms of taste, it is second only to porcini mushrooms and boletus. The mushroom is used to prepare various culinary delights.


Porcini mushrooms in the Leningrad region are collected from July to September. They grow in a pine forest, on sandstones. The shape of the cap is round. The color is gray, the leg is dense and thick.

The edibility of a mushroom can be determined by its pleasant aroma. At the false porcini mushroom or toadstools - sulfuric acid smell. Porcini mushrooms can be used for preparing any culinary dishes, pickling, pickling, but are especially good when dried.


The Leningrad region is one of the few regions in which it grows white truffle. To collect it, you will need a pig or a dog.

Truffle collection is complicated by their underground origin. They grow at a depth of 15 cm, so it is difficult to find them. Always remember the place where the Truffles were dug up, next year they will grow there again. The distribution areas of this species are kept secret, because a bag of underground mushrooms can bring income equal to the average monthly salary.

By appearance Truffle resembles a wrinkled apple or quince white. The ball has a dense structure.

Oyster mushrooms

The oyster mushroom harvest season begins in September and continues until frost. Edible mushrooms have been praised for being low in calories. The cap is curved at the edges, shaped like a shell, the diameter of an adult specimen reaches 25 cm. The color ranges from milky to purple. The leg is thin, 2-3 cm high.

The pulp is juicy, dense structure. Grows on dead trees and stumps. Suitable for preparing appetizers, first courses and side dishes.


Grows singly in mixed and coniferous forests. Peak fruiting occurs in August. The mycelium does not form in one place for several years.

Used for making medicines from the most various diseases. They find it by its putrid smell. The cap and leg are covered with mucus. The most valuable mushroom is the one filled with a jelly-like liquid from the inside.


Delicious edible mushrooms. The surface of the cap is convex, along the edges of the wave, wrapped towards the stem. The older the specimen, the more the shape of the cap begins to resemble a funnel. The pulp has a compact structure, not brittle. It has a pleasant aroma and high taste.

They love pine forests. Mycelia form in early summer and grow until mid-October. You should look for them in open areas, under grass and leaves. Used for making pickles and various culinary dishes. The main advantage that mushroom pickers value in chanterelles is that they do not become wormy.


Mushrooms are common in mixed and coniferous forests. If you find one, it means there is a whole group nearby. The mushroom cap is semi-conical, about 15 cm in diameter. Covered with an oily brown skin.

The leg is dense, about 8 cm. Painted white. The pulp has a dense structure, sponge-like. Has a pleasant aroma of pine needles. The product is used for frying, boiling, salting and drying. The fruiting season begins in May-June and ends in September-October.


The name refers to the habitat of the mushroom. The cap is hemispherical, bright orange-brown. In adult specimens, the diameter of the cap reaches 30 cm. In Sosnovo, you can collect 10-20 kg of boletuses.

The leg is dense, large, covered with small brown scales. The pulp has a fibrous structure. Refers to universal products in terms of use. When fried, it tastes like meat.

Honey mushrooms

They have a pleasant taste and aroma. They settle on stumps. The cap is convex, with age the edge becomes wavy. The average size 12 cm.

The leg has a fibrous structure. Thin, long - 10 cm, widened at the top. The pulp is white, fibrous. Autumn boletus actively bears fruit throughout September.

The color of the cap depends on the type of wood on which the mushroom has settled. Acacia or poplar produce honey-yellow tones. The oak is red, and the pine deadwood is brown-red.

Poisonous mushrooms

There are about 150 species of Psilocybe. Poisonous mushrooms that have a hallucinogenic effect. When used for the first time, there are no obvious consequences. Long-term systematic consumption of these mushrooms causes persistent mental disorders.

They grow on stumps and next to them. The cap is cone-shaped, the stem is thin. Painted in grey colour. The toadstools are the very first to appear. If you want to collect a lot of mushrooms, focus on their location, they will definitely grow nearby edible species. The toadstool's cap is cone-shaped and pink.

Fly agarics live in forests of any type and are poisonous. They cannot be confused with anything. White dots clearly appear on the red heads. The leg is tall and white. The habitat of poisonous mushrooms is similar to their edible counterparts. The legs are thin, hollow, the caps are brightly colored. The peel is smooth.

Yellowing champignons - poisonous mushrooms. The cap is white, turning bright yellow when squeezed. Consumption of this variety leads to serious poisoning. If you experience dizziness, vomiting, or loss of consciousness, consult a doctor immediately.

Lines – poisonous doubles morels. Their cap is shapeless, wrinkled, attached to the stem along its entire length. The pulp is light, fragile, without a pronounced odor. The season of increased fruit production begins in parallel with morels.

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Mushroom picking in the Leningrad region begins in the spring. To make your trip for mushrooms successful, get a reference book with the names of edible and inedible species, and also consider all the tips written above.

Mushroom season It’s already in full swing, which means it’s time to get out into nature. The site's editors have selected a list of must-see places depending on what mushrooms you prefer.

Mushroom picker's memo:
1. The first rule of a mushroom picker: if in doubt, don’t take it. And, especially, don’t try!
2. You need to go for mushrooms in the morning: while the dew is glistening on the caps, the mushrooms will be easier to find.
3. Shoes and clothing should be comfortable and as closed as possible, this way you will protect yourself from sharp twigs and insects.
4. Don’t forget to take with you a container of water, a knife and a map (or better yet, a navigator).
5. Get a “magic wand” that will be convenient for lifting moss, leaves and sticks (if you don’t want to bend down every time), it is advisable to have a “slingshot” at the end of the stick.
6. To collect mushrooms, it will be more convenient to get a basket or basket. This way the mushrooms will last longer.
7. Do not use bags, bags or backpacks to collect mushrooms. The exception, perhaps, is chanterelles. They do not break or crumble during transportation.
8. It is advisable to fold tubular mushrooms with the cap facing up, small ones - whole, cut off the stem of large ones.
9. You cannot take overripe old mushrooms. Toxic and harmful substances can accumulate in them.
10. Almost all mushrooms, as a rule, grow in families. If you find one, look for another one nearby.
11. For a long time Mushrooms cannot be stored (no more than 2-3 hours). Therefore, upon returning from the forest, you should immediately sort them out and begin processing. Rapid spoilage of mushrooms is associated with high moisture content and, accordingly, rainy weather mushrooms will spoil faster.

Photo: aif.ru

12. You can store unprocessed mushrooms in the refrigerator for several hours. If you don’t have a refrigerator, you can stack the mushrooms in one layer and place them in a cool place.
13. If it is not possible to sort the mushrooms right away, you should pour salted boiling water over them: then they will not spoil within 24 hours.
14. All mushrooms, in particular lamellar and russula, must be cut only with the stem to ensure that there is no filmy ring characteristic of the toadstool.
15. Always carefully check your “catch”; remember: even a small part of the pale grebe is enough to send a person on his last journey.
16. For drying, salting and pickling, you need to take whole and strong mushrooms.
17. Never. Not. Try it. Mushrooms. On the. Taste. Even if they smell nice.
18. Conditionally edible mushrooms (they are used for pickling) should be immediately placed in a saucepan and poured over cold water in order to remove bitterness and milky juice.
19. You cannot use galvanized and aluminum utensils for salting and marinating.
20. It is not advisable to go mushroom picking alone, big company less risk of getting lost. If you are walking alone, then warn your relatives and friends, indicating the approximate route and how far you will go.

The hot, but at the same time rainy summer did its job. Already from mid-July, mushrooms began to appear near St. Petersburg, and, in large quantities! This means that now is the time to take a larger basket, put a Panama hat on your head, and rubber boots on your feet and go into the forest. In which? Here you go help will come mushroom map, prepared by Komsomolskaya Pravda.


Coordinates: 61.7, N 29.52 E.

How to get there: perhaps the most difficult route (you will need a boat), but also the most profitable. You can get to Kuznechny by train from Finlyandsky Station, and then move to the islands.

What is: knowledgeable people they say it's the best place in the area for collecting chanterelles.


Coordinates: 60.70 N 28.75 East

How to get there: you can get to Vyborg from the Finland Station. You can also get there by car along the Vyborg highway, or by bus from the Grazhdansky Prospekt metro station.

What is there: the forest near Vyborg is very dry. Therefore, during the season, you can often find boletus, boletus, and porcini mushrooms here. Get a big basket ready!


Coordinates: 60.24 N 29.21 E.

How to get there: also move towards Vyborg, but get off a little earlier, at Zakhodskoye station.

What to eat: in the surrounding forests you can find moss mushrooms, aspen boletuses and a rich harvest of porcini mushrooms.


Coordinates: 60.40 N 30.00 east

How to get there: you can get to Losevo by train from Finlyandsky Station to Losevo station or by bus from Sosnovo.

What to eat: You can find porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, butter mushrooms and moss mushrooms.


Coordinates: 60.33 N 29.51 E.

How to get there: minibus No. 678 runs to Michurinsky from Ozerki, or you can get to Sosnovo, and from there by bus.

What to eat: chanterelles and black milk mushrooms. You can also find boletus, boletus, white boletus, but much less frequently.


Coordinates: 60.33 s. w. 30.14 East

How to get there: by direct train from Finland Station. Travel time: about 2 hours.

What to eat: The variety of mushrooms is impressive. Here you can find boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and boletus mushrooms.


Coordinates: 60.00 N 30.36 East

How to get there: just half an hour from the Finland Station or by minibus along the Road of Life. And another half hour walk to the forest.

What to eat: near Berngardovka you can find chanterelles, boletuses and even white ones.


Coordinates: 60.3 N 30.28 E.

How to get there: the most accessible, and therefore the most difficult site in terms of mushroom competition. You can also get there by metro. And then go deeper into the forest.

What to eat: Great variety of mushrooms. There are even porcini mushrooms.


Coordinates: 59.89 N 29.08, east

How to get there: there are electric trains from the Baltic station, and from Avtovo - minibuses. It's not easy to get into the city itself. The Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant is located there, so you may be asked for special permission. And passports.

What to eat: boletus and moss mushrooms.


Coordinates: 59.37 N 61.3 E.

How to get there: minibuses from the Ligovsky Prospekt metro station.

What to eat: chanterelles, boletus, boletus, boletus.


Coordinates: 59.54 N, 31.04 E

How to get there: locality located 45 km southeast of St. Petersburg. You can get there by your own car or train.

What to eat: boletus, chanterelles and saffron milk caps grow in the forests around the village; sometimes you can find porcini mushrooms and capsicum mushrooms. But that's if you're lucky.


Coordinates: 59.24 N, 30.20 E

How to get there: located 60 km south of St. Petersburg. It is very convenient to travel by electric train from the Baltic station.

What to eat: from the end of July, chanterelles, milk mushrooms and russula grow abundantly in these forests.


Coordinates: 59.33 s. sh., 30.54 east.

How to get there: by train or minibus to Tosno, and then by bus to Stekolny.

What to eat: They say there are most boletus mushrooms here. Well, other, less elite mushrooms have not been canceled.


Coordinates: 59.45 N 30.57 east

How to get there: By train from Moskovsky station towards Volkhov or Kirishi.

What to eat: chanterelles, russula and capsicum grow here. IN lucky days Porcini mushrooms can also be found.

Leningrad region is the northwestern region. It is important for amateur mushroom pickers and even professional “hunters” to know mushroom places. The Leningrad region is large, and therefore such information is necessary so that time is not wasted looking for non-existent “riches”. A map of mushroom places will help detectives collect whole baskets of different caps for a big friendly family and for sale.

Professionals for whom a decent profit is important prefer to load large body trucks. To collect such a number, you need to travel to many places with a whole team of searchers. All this takes a lot of time, and therefore it is important to know places rich in mushrooms in order to determine in advance the most optimal route. For an amateur, such a map will help you find the nearest place to pick mushrooms, and each of them will have different types hats, and therefore you can determine the best item, taking into account your preferences.

The region is located in temperate latitudes, at the junction of taiga zones and mixed-species forests. A map of forests in the Leningrad region shows how territorial features places influence education large mycelium. To search at certain times of the year, you must be guided by the mushroom picker’s calendar and knowledge of the area. The annual harvest of mushrooms collected by seekers varies. Every season it changes, and you can only hope for luck. However, mushroom places do not go anywhere; you can travel around the Leningrad region more than once a year.

Priozersky district

Starting from the very north, the Priozersky region is rich in mushrooms. Here you can not only collect big harvest, but also to have a pleasant and useful time. Along with quiet hunt the trip will give you pleasure with beautiful views forest areas and the lake-river system of Vuoksa. Truly picturesque corners will bring joy to those who like to take pictures and study every bush. The peaceful landscape, which is so beautiful with the gentle sun rising, will give you unforgettable moments in the Priozersky region.

From north to east

The village of Kuznechnoye immediately catches your eye on the map. The island territory of this place is famous for its mushroom diversity. Chanterelles are most often found here. Since they usually grow in birch trees and mixed woodlands, the village is an ideal place for the development of mycelium. Both boletus and boletus are characteristic of the islands. It's not for nothing that they are called that. You can also find porcini mushrooms. You need to get to the village itself on 4 wheels, but you will have to swim to get to the mushrooms. There are local boatmen who will help you get to the shores of the islands for a small fee. Well, if you carefully prepare for the trip, it won’t hurt to take an inflatable boat with you.

The village of Kommunary is located to the east and slightly to the south. To the east of Millupelto station you can find entire families of the most different mushrooms. High yields attract more and more “hunters” here every year. Getting there is not easy, so it is better to have your own transport.

Even further south and east are the villages of Michurinskoye and Borisovo. The forests between them are famous for milk mushrooms and chanterelles. There is a bus from Sosnovo to the village. This method will help a simple amateur get to the point, because teams need large equipment.

Moving even further south and east, you can get to the village of Losevo. Vuoksa is the largest, originating in Finland. On its bank, near the village, a mixed forest grows. Boletus and aspen boletuses are often found here. Moss mushrooms and chanterelles are also characteristic of this place. There is a bus from Sosnovo and trains from Finlyandsky Station.

The predominance of conifers in the mixed forest of the village of Snegirevki provides an opportunity for the development of families of moss and russula. Oddly enough, there are no less chanterelles here. The place surprises mushroom pickers with its diversity. The bus will help you get to the village.

The amazing village of Sosnovo

The most amazing place in the Priozersky region from the point of view of a mushroom picker is the village of Sosnovo - in the south. It’s easy to get there by train from Finlyandsky Station. The place is large and completely surrounded by mixed forest. It is no coincidence that the village is named so. The predominance of pine, spruce and dry air characterize the forest. The variety of mushrooms is a real joy for a detective. Chanterelles, milk mushrooms, multi-colored russula, white, boletus - this is just a part natural wealth of this territory.


This is the end of the Priozersky region - the richest in mushrooms, but the journey on the map does not stop there. In the west is the city of Vyborg. The clean Leningrad region surrounding the city and the mountains make this place a truly beautiful corner of nature. Transport connections here are much better developed, and therefore getting to mushroom places is not difficult. In dense forests, many boletus, aspen and porcini mushrooms are found. You need to be extremely careful when moving through the thickets, since the Finnish border passes through them, and it is advisable not to cross it. It doesn't hurt to take a map of the area, a compass or a navigator with you.

Resort area

South of Priozerskoye is the Kurortny district. The mild climate of the Baltic states, relief terrain, and many lakes are a great place for the mushroom kingdom. The area is rich in wide beaches and sand dunes, where you can happily relax after a walk through the forest picking mushrooms. The nature here is not so picturesque, but true hikers will find their joys in many ways. Russula, chanterelles, milk mushrooms, and boletuses grow in these places. IN good year You can leave here with overflowing baskets of friendly hats.

Vsevolozhsk district

Vsevolozhsk district is very a nice place The Karelian Isthmus between the cultural capital and where mushrooms are picked in St. Petersburg. Picturesque hills and groves create beautiful landscapes. Hats grow in the villages of Novoye Devyatkino and Bengardovka. The first one is closer to the city of Vsevolozhsk. Porcini mushrooms are more common here. In the forests of the second place there are boletuses, chanterelles and aspen boletuses. White ones grow less frequently.

Other areas

The marshy area of ​​the Gatchina region is covered with dense mixed mushrooms. Around the village of Vyritsa, seekers will find chanterelles and porcini mushrooms. Bitters are less common. By the way, geyser-fountains gushing out of the ground are a miracle of this place.

Kirovsky district is located to the east. The mushroom picker's points are the village of Sinyavino and Near the villages there are forests in which a wide variety of mushrooms grow: boletus, russula, chanterelles, bitter mushrooms and podgruzdi. White can also be found. You need to get to Sinyavino by bus from the Dybenko metro station, and to the village of Gory by train from Ladozhsky station. In the Kirovsky district they predominate mixed forests. There are groves and forests. Local lakes are a great place to relax.

In the village of Kolchanovo in the Volkhov region, unfortunately, there is no passenger transport. From the nearest station you will have to travel several kilometers to the Syas River yourself. Behind it is a forest where you can collect boletus mushrooms, russula, and fly mushrooms.

East of Leningrad region

The easternmost region where mushrooms are collected in St. Petersburg is Lodeynopolsky. The village of Alekhovshchina is located on the banks of the Oyat River, this is one of the few places in the Leningrad region where you can find pure deciduous forest. There are various mushrooms here. In the deep pine forest Boletus mushrooms are growing. Nature is interesting, it provides secluded places where you can take a break from the city noise while doing your favorite pastime - quiet hunting.

Mushroom pleasure

So the journey on the map, where mushroom places are indicated, has ended. The Leningrad region is open for search. When collecting forest delicacies, you should not forget about precautions, which are often forgotten due to the overwhelming joy of the find. You should only collect familiar mushrooms, so as not to harm your life and health, first of all, your own, and secondly, your family and customers.

Myceliums are a network of small tubes connecting teams of caps in one small area, and therefore if there is one in the clearing good mushroom, then probably a bunch of his friends were located somewhere nearby. The main quality of a mushroom picker, or any hunter, is attentiveness.

For harvesting, it is better to use containers where free air exchange will occur, such as a basket or mesh. So Forest mushrooms will not spoil before they get home, and amateurs tasty food will be able to enjoy an excellent delicacy at the table.

It’s not for nothing that mushroom places are famous for such productivity. The Leningrad region and its forests are characterized by the presence of different tree species: alder, rowan, spruce, aspen, pine, birch, bird cherry. This diversity gives the forest the opportunity to expand the species range of fungi. Swampy terrain is another factor influencing the formation of large myceliums. Looking at the map of places in the Leningrad region, it is worth concluding that this is one of the richest natural places, where picking mushrooms is a special pleasure.

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