Geography of crop and livestock industries. Main agricultural zones of Russia. Livestock raising areas - territorial features of Russia

Agriculture consists of two interrelated sectors: agriculture (crop production) and livestock farming. They provide respectively 55 and 45% of the value of all agricultural products produced in the country. This ratio already indicates the backwardness of the domestic Agriculture. In developed countries, livestock products, as more valuable, sharply predominate.

since it uses the moisture of autumn and winter precipitation. But it does not tolerate frost well, so it is grown in the south of the Central Black Earth region and the Volga region.

Agriculture (crop production)

Due to the great variety cultivated plants The sectoral composition of agriculture is very complex. Most of the production comes from field farming. Its key industry is grain farming. Russia's share in world grain production is about 5%. Grain crops occupy more than half of all sown areas. For 1992-1999 Grain harvest and grain yield in Russia have decreased sharply and amount to 48 million tons and 9 c/ha. The most important grain crop in Russia is wheat (50% of the harvest). It is quite thermophilic and does not tolerate acidic soils. Therefore, its crops are mainly concentrated in the southern regions of the country. Due to the harsh climate of Russia most of This crop is sown with spring wheat, sown in the spring. It is sown in the steppes of the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, and in the Non-Black Earth zone of Russia.

The second most harvested grain crop in Russia is barley. It is used as livestock feed, and is also used as a food product and for the production of beer. Barley tolerates both high and low temperatures, not very picky about soils. Its crops are almost everywhere, but they are most extensive in the Central Black Earth region, the Volga region and the North Caucasus.

Rye ranks third in harvest. Rye is more resistant to cold weather and grows well in acidic soils. Therefore it is grown in middle lane and in the north of the European part of the country.

Technical crops include crops used as raw materials for certain industries. Unlike cereals, they are labor-intensive and are placed in compact clusters. Fiber flax produces fiber used for making textiles. To obtain good fiber you need non-heated and humid climate. Therefore, flax is grown in the north-west of the European part of Russia. Sunflowers and sugar beets, on the contrary, need dry and hot summers, which promote the accumulation of oil and sugar in the fruits. In addition, they grow poorly on acidic soddy-podzolic soils. The main areas of their growth: Central Black Earth and Northern Caucasus.

Potato crops (90%) are concentrated in the center of the European part of Russia. Potato farms have been established near major cities and potato processing enterprises. Most of the vegetables are grown here.

Horticulture and viticulture, as large branches of agriculture, are represented only in the southern regions of the country.


There are several branches of livestock farming. Cattle breeding (cattle breeding) has the largest number of livestock and produces the largest volume of products. The main livestock products are milk and meat. Based on their relationship, there are two main areas in cattle breeding. For 1993-1997 The number of cattle in Russia has decreased by almost 2 times (29 million heads).

The number of pigs has also decreased by half (17 million heads). The pig is practically an omnivore. She doesn't need pastures. Therefore, pigs can be raised everywhere. But still, pig farming is most developed in areas where grain and potatoes are grown, as well as near large cities and centers Food Industry. Here it is focused on the use of waste.

Big economic importance has sheep farming. It produces meat, wool, and sheepskin. Sheep are very unpretentious. They eat low and dry plants, tolerate long treks, year-round maintenance on pastures, and grazing on mountain slopes. Therefore, for their cultivation they use lands that are unsuitable for other branches of agriculture. The main direction of Russian sheep breeding is fine-fleece (the south of the European part and Siberia). In the central regions and in the north of the European part, sheep and fur sheep breeding dominates. IN last years The number of sheep decreased by 3 times (16 million heads).

Poultry is bred mainly in grain-growing areas, near large cities.

Horse breeding is developed in the south of the European part and the Urals. The main areas of reindeer husbandry are the Far North of Siberia and the Far East. In more southern areas, fur animals are bred

Slide 2

  • Agriculture is a primary sector
  • Main features of agriculture
  • Sectoral composition of agriculture
  • Geography of crop production
  • Slide 3

    New concepts and representations:

    Agricultural grounds,


    Industrial crops,


    Students should be able to:

    Name the main branches of agriculture,

    Name the types of agricultural land;

    Show on the map and explain the geography of the main grains and industrial crops

    Slide 4

    Agriculture is the oldest branch of the economy that provides people with food, and

    industry raw materials.

    Slide 5

    One of the most important factors in the development of agriculture is the size and quality

    agricultural landStructure of land in Russia

    Land used for agriculture is called agricultural land

    How can we explain that with such a large area of ​​the entire territory of Russia, the share of agricultural land is so small?

    Slide 6

    Slide 7

    Distinctive features of agriculture:

    Depends on natural conditions. Land is both a means of labor and a subject of labor. An agricultural enterprise, as a rule, occupies a large area.

    Slide 8

    Guys, who knows what two sectors agriculture is divided into?

  • Slide 9

    Plant growing.

    Cereals: rye,

    • wheat,
    • barley,
    • oats,
    • corn,
    • millet,
    • buckwheat,
    • rice, as well as legumes (peas, beans, soybeans, lentils).

    Industrial crops:


    Fiber flax

    Sugar beet

    Vegetable production

    Production of berries and fruits




    Tea, citrus

    Slide 10

    Task: fill out the table: indicate with a “+” the cultural requirements for this high conditions,

    and the sign “-” is the undemanding culture towards this condition

    Slide 11

    Assignment: work with a map and a textbook, determine in which regions of Russia the data is grown

    industrial crops.

    Industrial crops:


    Fiber flax

    Sugar beet

    Vegetable production

    Production of berries and fruits




    Tea, citrus

    Slide 12


    Tea, citrus fruits – North Caucasus.

    Slide 13


    5. In which area are the most concentrated industrial crops?

    Slide 14


    • Page 29 questions 1,2 in writing
    • Contour maps p. 2-3 all according to instructions
  • Slide 15

    Lesson 2.

    Questions covered in the lesson:

    Study of animal husbandry and its zonal specialization.

    Analysis of statistical data, maps "Agriculture"

    Development of skills to navigate the flow of information about geographic objects.

    Slide 16

    Checking homework:

    Geographical dictation:

    The most important grain crop in Russia is:

    A) buckwheat B) oats C) wheat

    2. In the Non-Black Earth Region they grow:

    3. Where is rice grown?

    A) Ural b) Volga region c) Kuban

    5. Distribute the crops

    Cereals 2. Technical 3. Legumes

    Slide 17


    1. The most important grain crop in Russia is:

    A) buckwheat B) oats C) wheat

    2. In the Non-Black Earth Region they grow:

    A) fiber flax b) sugar beets c) sunflower

    3. Where is rice grown?

    A) Ural b) Volga region c) Kuban

    4. The share of agricultural land is the largest...

    A) in the forest zone b) in the forest-steppe c) in the steppe d) in the semi-desert

    5. Distribute the crops

    1. Cereals 2. Technical 3. Legumes

    Rice, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, fiber flax, soybeans, rye, millet, sunflower, corn

    Slide 18

    Animal husbandry originated 10 thousand years ago.

    The main features of livestock farming are:

    It accounts for more than half the value of all agricultural products

    It employs 70% of workers in the industry

    Produces the most valuable products nutrition.

    Slide 19

    Question: Guys, what do you think is the basis of livestock farming in Russia?

    Crop production in the agricultural structure predominates mainly in developing countries.

    Cereals (wheat, rice, corn) occupy about half of all cultivated land in the world. China, the USA, India, France, and the Russian Federation provide more than 50% of the grain harvest. 10-15% of grains go to the world market: USA, Canada, Australia, France, Argentina. The main purchasers and consumers of grain: developing countries.

      Wheat- the main “bread” for half the world’s population. There are two wheat belts: northern (China, Kazakhstan, USA, France, Russia, Canada) - main belt- and southern (Argentina, India, Australia). In total, wheat is cultivated in approximately 70 countries.

      Rice- the main “bread” for the second half of the world’s population. It is grown in 100 countries, although 90% of the harvest occurs in Asia (China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh). Rice gravitates to monsoon climate conditions; it requires good moisture; rice sowing is a very labor-intensive industry.

      Corn- in the same place as wheat. Leaders: USA, China, Brazil.

    Other food crops :

      Oilseeds- 66% of all fats in the world. Main regions: Asia, Africa, Latin America. Main producing countries: USA (50% of the world's oilseeds), India (peanuts), France (rapeseed), Italy (olives), Brazil (soybeans).

      Tubers(potatoes, vegetables) - Russia, China, India, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany - the first in production.

      Sugar bearers- sugar cane (India, Brazil, China), sugar beets (USA, France, Germany, Turkey).

      Tonic- tea, coffee, cocoa - tropical and subtropical crops. Tea - India, China, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Indonesia. Coffee - Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, Cote d'Ivoire. Cocoa - Ivory Coast, Ghana, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil.

    Mostly developing countries export, developed countries import.

    Non-food crops :

      Fibrous- cotton, flax, jute. Cotton - harvested about 35 million tons/year: 1. Asia; 2. North America; 3. Africa. Linen: Russian Federation, France, Belarus. Jute: Bangladesh, India. Cotton: USA, China, India, Pakistan.

      Rubber plants- Southeast Asia (85% of the world's rubber producers): 1. Malaysia; 2. Indonesia; 3. Thailand.

      Tobacco- Cuba, Brazil, USA.

    Geography of world livestock production, “Green Revolution”.

      "Green Revolution"

      this is the transformation of agriculture based on modern achievements of science and agricultural technology;

      1) the introduction of early ripening varieties of grain crops and, as a result, the opportunity to have 2-3 harvests per year;

      2) expansion of the irrigation system (irrigation, cultivation) and, as a consequence, an increase in productivity, an increase in the level of agriculture, especially important for developing countries;

      3) Wide application modern technology, fertilizers, chemicals, automation of the agricultural sector;

      The disadvantages of the “green revolution” include its focal nature (it bore fruit in only a few countries, such as Mexico, India, Pakistan, and the Philippines), as well as the fact that it affected mainly large farms, often owned by foreigners.

      World livestock

      mainly in developed countries, and moderate climate zone, surprisingly! The total livestock population in the world is 3.3 billion;

      Cattle(cattle) - 1.3 billion heads, produces 33% of all the world's meat, all the world's milk; There are two main areas of cattle breeding: 1) dairy and meat and dairy (in the forest and forest-steppe zone) (India, Brazil, China, USA); 2) meat cattle breeding (gravitates to the arid regions of the Earth) (Sudan, Ethiopia, Mexico);

      Pig farming- 0.9 billion heads, produces 40% of the world’s meat, gravitates towards humans (1. Waste, 2. Consumer); developed in China, USA, Brazil, Germany, Spain, Russia, etc.

      Sheep breeding- 1.1 billion heads, 2 main directions: 1) meat and wool (good moisture, mild climate); 2) fine fleece, astrakhan wool (arid areas of the Earth); there are especially many sheep in China, Australia, India, Iran, New Zealand, etc.

      There are also a number of small sub-sectors of livestock farming, such as horse breeding, camel breeding, breeding poultry, beekeeping.....

      main exporters of livestock products: developed countries ( New Zealand, Denmark, Australia, the Netherlands), some developing countries (China, Brazil, India, Argentina); consumers – most developing countries.

    The nature of the distribution of agricultural crops throughout the country is determined by both biological characteristics and socio-economic factors. The majority of grain crops are responsive to irrigation, even local (solid water)

    Grain farming is one of the main branches of crop production.

    Grain crops include: winter wheat (North Caucasus, central black earth region, part of the Volga coast) and spring wheat (Volga region, Southern Urals, Far East), rye (in non-chernozem zone and forest-steppe regions), barley (Northern Caucasus, Volga region, Central Black Earth), oats (except for non-chernozem and forest-steppe regions of the European part of Russia, also in Siberia and the Far East), corn (Northern Caucasus), rice (Don River, Kaban in the North Caucasus, Astrakhan region, Kalmykia, Far East), peas, beans, soybeans, etc.

    Industrial crops– fibrous, oilseed, sugar-bearing

    Fibrous flax fiber ( central areas forest zone of Russia with a humid mild climate Tver, Smolensk, Vologda, Pskov, Kostroma, Novgorod and other industries)

    Oil crops – sunflower ( Rostov region, Krasnodar region), mustard (Stavropol region, bg of the Urals), sugar beets (Krasnodar region)

    Vegetable and melon crops – tomatoes, peppers, etc.

    Fruit growing and viticulture North Caucasus.

    In areas with insufficient moisture, land is irrigated and pastures are watered. Land reclamation also includes the fight against soil erosion through deso plantings and shelterbelts.

    Irrigation and drainage of crop areas increases the level of intensity of their use.

    Intensive development means the use of larger volumes of capital investments per unit area, i.e. to ensure the development of agricultural production not in breadth, but in depth, and thereby obtain a greater number of products per unit area.

    Extensive development is development in breadth by increasing acreage, livestock, etc.

    Animal husbandry. It is the most important branch of agriculture. With the development of light and food industries, the growth of the population of cities and industrial centers, the need for livestock products both for feeding the population and for its processing is increasing. Therefore, much attention was paid to living and it developed until 1990 along an ascending line.

    From 1991 until recently, there has been a steady decline in the volume of livestock production. The main reason for the reduction in livestock and poultry numbers and the decline in their productivity is the transition to market relations and the imbalance of industries National economy as a result of the fact that the old system of their interaction was destroyed, and the new one has not yet arisen.

    A strong food supply of livestock is a decisive condition for the development and placement of the industry; therefore, great attention currently needs to be paid to increasing the production of grain, corn, barley, and oats by increasing their yield.

    Cattle are located everywhere, but the main areas of their breeding are the Volga, central, West Siberian, North Caucasus and Ural economic regions.

    Meat and dairy livestock in the Stavropol Territory, Rostov Region, Saratov, Vologda region, Orenburg region, etc.

    Dairy and dairy-meat livestock are developed in many regions of the country.

    Dairy and meat live. Krasnodar region is part of the Urals, Volga region, Western Siberia.

    Pig farming - North Caucasus, Ural, Central, Volga and other regions.

    Sheep breeding. North Caucasus, East Siberian, West Siberian and Ural.

    Poultry farming provides the production of eggs. Central, Ural and other regions. Horse breeding, camel breeding, yak breeding, and reindeer husbandry are also developed.

    More on topic 3. geography of the most important sectors of crop and livestock production in Russia. Modern development in conditions of transition to the market. Progress of economic reforms in agriculture:

    1. 12. Geography of thermal power engineering in Russia. Location of the largest thermal power plants. Modern problems of industry development in conditions of transition to the market.
    2. 13. Geography of transport engineering in Russia. Modern problems of development in the conditions of transition to the market.
    3. 4. geography of the Russian gas industry. The problem of industry development in conditions of transition to market relations.
    4. 10. Geography of the textile industry of Russia. Regions of its concentration. Modern problems in the transition to market relations. Causes of the crisis in the industry.
    5. 14. Geography of the Russian coal industry. Modern problems of industry development in the conditions of formation of market relations.

    The territorial features of Russia allow certain regions to raise specific types of livestock, so areas of dairy and beef cattle breeding are distinguished separately, due to certain geographical and climatic factors. Understanding the preferred choice of direction for business, according to territorial division, will allow the farmer to make greater profits.

    Livestock farming includes many industry sectors, which are distinguished by the type of animals raised: cattle breeding, pig farming, sheep farming, poultry farming, fish farming, etc. Dominance of certain industries in different regions the world is determined both by natural and climatic conditions more suitable for certain animals, and by the cultural and economic traditions of the peoples living there.

    Features of livestock geography

    The geography of crop production and livestock production is generally similar and their agricultural areas with the greatest productivity coincide. Like crop production, the livestock industry is distributed throughout the world and adapts to any climatic conditions. At the same time, on a global scale, the area of ​​natural and cultivated pastures is three times larger than the area of ​​arable land. But even taking into account the fact that for any climate zone You can find a highly productive type of farm animals; the main producers of livestock products are regions lying in the temperate zone.

    By and large, the geography of world livestock farming is based on the possibilities of breeding cattle, pigs and sheep. Where it is possible to breed cattle with a high degree of efficiency, farmers specialize in it. In other regions, pigs and sheep are raised. The periphery of world animal husbandry are regions where, due to natural and climatic conditions, breeding these animals is impossible or irrational. This happens primarily because the entire livestock industry “stands on the shoulders” of crop production. Where climatic conditions make it possible to grow feed grains and fodder crops in large volumes (and this is temperate zone), intensive livestock farming is possible there. This is the reason why the world's leading crop production and commercial livestock production areas coincide.

    Another feature of the livestock industry is the stark contrast in the level of its development in rich and developing countries. A high degree of industrialization and an advanced scientific base have allowed developed countries to provide livestock farming with highly productive breeds of animals and advanced equipment that radically reduces labor costs. And while many developing countries experience food shortages, developed countries, on the contrary, are forced to restrain the development of the industry in order to prevent a crisis of overproduction.

    Dairy farming areas

    As already mentioned, the level of development and specialization of livestock farming strongly depend on the feed supply, which in turn is determined by the capabilities of the crop production industry. The most feed-intensive activity is cattle breeding, especially dairy cattle. And although cows are bred almost everywhere in the world, the largest volumes of dairy production occur in the regions temperate climate, rich in natural meadows, where, in addition, enough fodder is grown to feed livestock.

    The world's leading areas of commercial livestock farming for dairy production are industrial the developed countries: USA west of the Great Lakes, southern Canada, Northern Europe, Australia, New Zealand. In Australia, New Zealand and parts of the USA, the climate allows livestock to graze on pastures throughout the year. But in most dairy-producing regions of the world, grazing in the summer alternates with housing in the winter.

    Favorable climatic conditions and the high technological level of the countries listed above allow them to conduct dairy farming on an intensive basis. Natural feeding grounds here are fertilized and moistened for greater productivity, high-productivity breeds of animals are used, and the most labor-intensive types of work are mechanized and even automated as much as possible. The result of this is high productivity of dairy cattle. For example, in the USA, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, one cow produces more than 8-9 thousand kg of milk per year. While in India, considered one of the world leaders in gross milk yield, one cow produces less than 3 thousand kg of milk per year.

    About 600-700 million tons of cow's milk are produced annually in the world, that is, about 100 kg per person. The leaders in this indicator are New Zealand (2400 kg per person), Ireland (1500 kg), Holland (900), Belarus (700), Denmark (500). These same countries are major exporters of dairy products.

    Beef farming areas

    Raising livestock for meat is less resource-intensive, including in terms of feed consumption, so beef herds can be raised exclusively on natural steppe pastures. For this reason, the world's leading areas of crop production and livestock production for meat do not always coincide. The leaders here are countries with large, sparsely populated steppe areas suitable for free grazing: Brazil, China, USA, Argentina, Ethiopia, Sudan, Mexico, Russia, Australia and other countries.

    It is noteworthy that while the dairy industry mainly specializes in cattle, the gross meat production consists of only 30% beef. Its main producers are steppe countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, USA, Argentina).

    A significant portion of the meat for the global food market is supplied by sheep farms. Sheep are much less demanding in terms of living conditions and food supply than cattle, and therefore are distributed almost throughout the world. At the same time, sheep breeding has reached its highest level of development in dry steppe, semi-desert and mountain regions, where raising cows is problematic. Most sheep are bred in Australia, China, New Zealand, India, Turkey, Kazakhstan and others.

    Pig production is the world's largest meat producer (40%). The areas of livestock production where this industry dominates are, first of all, densely populated regions of the planet: countries South-East Asia, Europe and USA. Only in Muslim countries, also characterized by high population density, pigs are not raised (for religious reasons). The nature of the spread of the pig industry is explained by the fact that pigs can be fattened food waste, including food industry waste. In addition, in pig farming the production cycle is much shorter than in cattle breeding. The world leaders in livestock numbers are China (about 40% of the world population), the USA, Brazil, Mexico, Germany, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and Japan.

    Poultry farming is the fastest growing branch of livestock farming, which produces about 20% of meat and also supplies the food market with eggs. Since birds are relatively easy to keep indoors, large poultry farms exist almost all over the world. However, in absolute numbers, the leaders in livestock numbers are China (more than 5.5 billion heads) and the USA (more than 2.5 billion heads), followed by Brazil, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Thailand, and Iran.

    Livestock regions in Russia

    All major livestock sectors are represented in Russia, including those that are exotic for most countries of the world.

    The most important direction of the Russian livestock industry is cattle breeding. Large cattle in Russia they are bred primarily for milk (cows provide more than 90% of all milk in the country), but they also play a primary role in meat production (more than 40% of domestic meat). Dairy cattle breeding is concentrated mainly in the western regions of Russia and primarily in the south. The main livestock farming areas in Russia are: the North Caucasus, the Black Earth Region, and the Volga region. There is also a fairly large cattle population in the Northern and Northwestern economic regions, in the Urals and the Far East.

    Pig farming is one of the main suppliers of meat to the Russian food market. It is also this industry that provides Russians with lard. In terms of precocity and fertility of animals, pig breeding is a leader in domestic livestock farming. The main pig breeding areas in Russia are the North Caucasus, the Volga region and the center of the Black Earth Region.

    Sheep farming is also quite well developed in Russia, but its geography is not so extensive. The largest herds are concentrated in arid and mountainous areas North Caucasus, Southern Trans-Volga region and in the south Western Siberia. We raise sheep both for meat, which is in greatest demand among the peoples of the North Caucasus and Muslims in general, and for the production of valuable industrial raw materials - wool fiber.

    In Russia, as well as throughout the world, poultry farming is the most dynamic branch of livestock farming. Poultry farms located almost throughout the country provide the population with dietary meat and eggs. The largest poultry population is in southern regions western part of the country: in the North Caucasus, in the south of the Central Black Earth Region, in the Volga region.

    Horse breeding, as a meat and dairy industry, is widespread mainly in the regions inhabited by the peoples of the Altai language family. Bashkiria, Tatarstan, Buryatia, Tuva, Altai are the main livestock farming areas in this direction. Horses are also bred in Yakutia and a number of regions of the North Caucasus.

    Reindeer husbandry is developed in the northern tundra and taiga regions of the country. The largest herds are registered in the farms of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yakutia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

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