Geography of livestock farming in Russia. The main branches of livestock farming and the features of their location. Geography of agriculture. Industrial crops and livestock

Russia is a huge state, whose borders extend over more than seventeen million square kilometers. The world's largest country in terms of territory has the richest natural resources, fertile soils and forests, rivers and lakes, pastures and meadows. Russia has amazing potential for agricultural activities. This is a priority area that is now receiving close attention. That is why today we want to talk about agriculture. Industries Agriculture, priority directions of their development - all this is valuable information for those who want to connect their future with natural production.

Main directions

Today, there are a huge number of directions in which you can move and develop, producing this or that product and selling it to the appropriate consumers. Moreover, it is in Russia, with its vast areas and resources, that the least developed area is agriculture. Agricultural sectors are constantly developing, new ones are emerging, which means that every businessman has the opportunity to choose the niche that he likes best.

So, from time immemorial, this huge sector has been divided into two macro-industrial complexes. These are crop production and livestock production. In turn, each of them will be divided into dozens of industries. Distinctive feature agricultural activity is highly dependent on external factors, in particular on agroclimatic conditions. They determine not only the geography, but also the specialization of production. If you decide to lead own business, then think about the prospects that agriculture opens up for you. There are a wide variety of agricultural sectors, from traditional to exotic ones in the form of pineapple plantations and shrimp farms. But they all have one thing in common. The product produced will always be in demand.

Crop production as a branch of agriculture

Many thousands of years ago, man learned to cultivate the land and plant the seeds he found in order to receive big harvest the same culture. Since then, agriculture has not lost its relevance. Many kilometers of hectares of land sown with various plants - this is how many of us imagine agriculture. Agricultural sectors can be very diverse, they are distinguished by the amount of required investments and profitability. But all crops grown are important and necessary.

In which areas is it developed?

Mostly, land for arable land is given over to the forest-steppe and steppe zones of the country. Agriculture has pronounced zoning. This is understandable: growing beets or potatoes in the tundra is very problematic. But this is not the only reason. The problems with the development of agricultural sectors lie in the fact that without the immediate proximity of the final consumer, only large farms can exist that have the opportunity to export their products to cities. Therefore, a suburban type of agricultural economy has developed near large populated centers. And in the northern regions, greenhouse farming is developing.

The European part of Russia is the most favorable region. Here the agricultural areas are located in a continuous strip. In Western Siberia they are found only in the southern regions, in the Altai valleys. The central region is an ideal place for growing beets and potatoes, flax and legumes. Wheat is grown in the Central and Volga-Vyatka regions, in the Volga region and the Urals, and in the Caucasus. In more northern regions, rye and barley are sown.

Features of domestic crop production

It is in Russia that more than 1% of all arable land in the world is located. Huge territories, different climatic zones- all this allows the country to be an exporter of the most different cultures. Crop farming as a branch of agriculture specializes in growing useful, cultivated plants. It is based on grain farming. Grain is a product that is in maximum demand on the world market. More than half of the total sown area in Russia is occupied by grain crops. And of course, the leader among them is wheat.

Agriculture in Russia is, first of all, golden fields on which future grain is eared. Hard and soft varieties are grown. The first ones go to production bakery products, and the second - for pasta. Winter and spring varieties are grown in Russia, the total productivity is 47 million tons.

In addition to wheat, agriculture in Russia is the world's largest exporter of other grains and legumes, sugar beets and sunflowers, potatoes and flax.

Meadow growing is an important branch of crop production

Not everyone will remember the importance of growing meadow grasses for hay. But it is precisely this that is the basis of livestock feed. Today, the area of ​​grazing land is decreasing, and even private livestock farms purchase hay for their animals for the entire season. What can we say about large farms where animals do not leave their stalls?

Meadow farming as a branch of agriculture today is still completely undeveloped. Entrepreneurs prefer to simply buy or lease land and mow the grass that grows on it in a timely manner. However, if you take advantage of the achievements of modern agricultural science, you can get rich herbs, which means you can make more hay from a smaller plot of land. But that's not all. Targeted sowing of the land with the necessary herbs, as well as the use of modern fertilizers, make it possible to mow young and succulent grass many times in a row from the same area. There is a saving of useful space and obvious benefits.

Industrial crops

Not all plants are used for food, but this does not make them any less useful. Today, growing cotton is becoming increasingly popular in Russia. The agricultural sector is quite new for our latitudes, but it has great prospects. Of course, because the need for natural fabrics is only increasing.

The climate of the Stavropol Territory is best suited for growing this crop. In fact, this is not a new direction in crop production at all. In the 1930s, more than 120 thousand hectares of cotton were cultivated here. At the same time, the harvest amounted to more than 60 thousand tons of raw cotton. Today this practice is being revived in the region, although it has not yet reached such a scale.

The second large section is livestock farming

Most entrepreneurs decide to start farming, considering this direction to be more profitable. Indeed, meat, milk, eggs and valuable furs are sold very quickly, at a decent price. But do not forget that livestock farming is a branch of agriculture that will require you special knowledge, great experience and the assistance of professional livestock specialists. Any mistake costs a lot of money. Poor-quality feed will lead to poor growth of young animals; a delay in vaccination can cause the death of animals.

Features of livestock farming in Russia

All countries are, to one degree or another, exporters of meat and other food products. This is not surprising, since livestock farming is the branch of agriculture that is most in demand. Quality products food will never be left without its end consumer. At the same time, in the vast expanses of Russia, livestock farming is completely dependent on crop production, since this industry is the natural producer of feed. Therefore, each region specializes in raising one or another type of animal.

Reindeer husbandry is developed in the North. In the central zone of Russia, cattle breeding for both dairy and dairy-meat production is widely represented. In more southern regions, small livestock are mainly raised for meat. This is due to the presence of rougher feed. Goats and sheep are raised in mountainous areas.


Continuing to consider what branches of agriculture there are, we never cease to be amazed at how many options livestock farming offers businessmen. Pig farming is widely developed almost throughout the country. This is one of the most productive sectors of the livestock complex. This is due to the fact that pigs grow quickly, are unpretentious, and their meat is common and even preferred in Russia.

In the Kuban and Don region, horse breeding is a traditional industry. Moreover, we are talking specifically about breeding. Today this industry is in decline, although it is very promising. In suburban areas, as well as in the cities themselves, poultry farming is developed almost everywhere. There are several directions here:

  • Breeding poultry for feathers (down).
  • For meat.
  • For an egg.

Depending on the choice of the entrepreneur, they raise chickens, geese and ducks. However, today new branches of agriculture have emerged. Some farms have been converted into ostrich or peacock farms. These are completely new directions, so livestock breeders have to learn all the intricacies of keeping them literally from scratch.

In forest areas, of which there are more than enough in Russia, fur farming is developed. For these purposes, huntsmen keep mink, arctic fox, and sable. Squirrels, martens and beavers are caught under natural conditions.

Beekeeping: features and prospects

Beekeeping products are in great demand; if you have even a few hives, they will bring a stable income. However, don't delude yourself too much. Beekeeping is a branch of agriculture that requires significant experience and knowledge. In addition, in order to receive a truly valuable product, you need to live in an ecologically clean area, preferably in the mountains, where there are lush meadows nearby. Professional beekeepers allocate an area of ​​120 square meters for an apiary.

In fact, the state of this industry in our country is far from ideal. Despite its huge area, Russia produces much less honey than, for example, Mexico. Although we have an abundance of luxurious meadows with honey plants and fruit trees. That is, there is a basis for the development of beekeeping in our country; we just need to realize the potential of our natural capabilities. And this can only be done by injecting investment into this industry, as well as creating special training centers. After all, only strict adherence to technology allows beekeeping, year after year, not only to maintain, but also to increase the number of colonies, and therefore the volume of products obtained.

Expert assessments

Today, the demand for high-quality honey on the market is about a million tons per year, and existing farms provide only 200 tons. That is, there is a shortage of fresh honey in almost all regions. It is covered by imports, so there is room to grow.

An acute shortage of honey leads to traders selling counterfeits, which interferes with the correct formation of prices for finished products. Of course, this hurts the pockets of novice beekeepers. Few people know that beekeeping in our country is extremely profitable business. Only 15-20 families are enough to be profitable at the end of the season. However state support We don’t have beekeeping at all, like in Europe, for example. Therefore, a novice businessman is left alone with emerging problems. They are completely solvable, but they require time and money.

Fishing in Russia

No, we won’t talk now about amateurs who are ready to sit with fishing rods along the banks of rivers and reservoirs all weekend. We are interested in fishing as a branch of agriculture. It is common to think that fishing takes place somewhere on the shores of China, India and Japan, where delicious marine life is found, and their catch brings fabulous money. But in Russia, fish production is carried out regularly. To do this, specialized minesweepers go to sea. They return to ports with rich booty, which is distributed fresh or frozen or used to prepare canned food.

Among the commercial fish that are caught in Russia, there are red (salmon, white fish) and white (pike, pike perch, catfish and carp, crucian carp). The most important commercial fish belong to the herring and cod families. Huge commercial value have fish from the carp, salmon and sturgeon families.

Fish farming

In fact, this branch of agriculture is not very developed in Russia. This is primarily due to climatic conditions. But today, paid ponds have become increasingly popular. These are artificial reservoirs that are regularly stocked with fish. certain types underwater inhabitants. For a certain fee, you can spend several hours or even days on such a reservoir and catch the desired trophy.

Fish farming includes activities such as breeding at all stages life cycle, raising and maintaining broodstock. Equally important are activities such as acclimatization and selection.

Why is the potential not realized today?

Indeed, you involuntarily ask yourself this question. All branches of agriculture in the world are more developed than in Russia, despite the richest resources and vast areas. Why is this happening? According to experts, the field of agricultural business today has four main problems:

  • Climatic features. Our country is the only one in the world that includes eight natural and climatic zones. Only 30% of Russia's territory has a favorable and relatively predictable climate, which allows farming without risk.
  • Financing. If in European countries the state sponsors a start-up business and takes on part of the risks associated with its development, then our lending to peasant farms is going extremely poorly.
  • Shortage of agricultural machinery fleet. Most small farms are forced to partially or completely use manual labor because they cannot afford to purchase equipment.
  • Management factors. Often, the head of a peasant farm is a person who does not have an agricultural or veterinary education. As a result, operational efficiency, and therefore profitability, is much lower.

As you can see, there are many problems. However, the domestic manufacturer is accustomed to overcoming difficulties. If even in such conditions people achieve good results, which means that this niche in the market is free and you can safely try to realize yourself in it.

Instead of a conclusion

Agriculture as a branch of the economy is a large complex aimed at providing the population with food and clothing. The most important industry, it is a reflection of the development of the state as a whole. After all, meeting the basic needs of the population is a priority task for any country. Russia has amazing potential to provide products not only to its citizens, but also to export them. However, today many sectors of agriculture are experiencing problems. It should be noted that the government today has paid attention to this trend and is making efforts to correct the situation, so big changes may await Russia. In fact, the future development of the country depends on the level of personnel training, as well as on agricultural subsidies.

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Livestock production provides about 65% of all agricultural products, and its share is constantly increasing. There are several branches of livestock farming. These are cattle breeding, pig farming, sheep farming, poultry farming, which provide big influence on the economy of the agro-industrial complex.

Cattle breeding - raising cattle - has a large volume of products (including 2/5 of meat). There are dairy, meat, dairy and meat cattle breeding.

Cattle raising is the largest, most productive and versatile industry. It is developed to produce milk in all agricultural areas close to the most major cities and industrial centers. Dairy bias is also possible in places remote from industrial centers, if this is not prevented by the nature of the food supply. In this case, milk is processed into transportable products (butter, cheese, milk powder, etc.).

Pig farming is divided into meat, bacon, semi-fat, and lard. It is the second largest meat producing industry. Its placement is based on proximity to agricultural food supplies and product consumption.

Sheep farming is of great economic importance. Wool is the most valuable raw material for the textile industry. There are semi-fine-fleece, fine-fleece, and fur sheep breeding. The main direction of Russian sheep breeding is fine wool.

Poultry farming is divided into egg, meat, and general use. Poultry farms gravitate towards places of consumption and grain production.

Geographical features distribution of this industry

The geography of livestock farming is influenced by two main factors:

orientation to the food supply;

attraction to the consumer.

As urbanization processes develop, the importance of the second factor in the distribution of livestock production increases. In suburban areas of large cities and highly urbanized areas, dairy farming, pig farming and poultry farming are developing, providing city residents with perishable types of livestock products (fresh meat, milk, eggs), i.e. enhances the azonality of livestock farming.

However, even today, focus on the food supply (zonal factor) plays a big role in the geography of the industry. Thus, for dairy cattle breeding, pastures with forbs are optimal, and the feed composition requires succulent (silage, etc.) and rough (straw, hay) feeds in combination with concentrated feeds (compound feeds). Dairy cattle breeding is located in the Northern and Northwestern regions, as well as in some regions of the Urals, the Far East and the Non-Black Earth Zone.

Drier pastures are also suitable for meat breeds, and succulent feed may be almost absent. It is advisable to place beef cattle breeding in areas where there are few natural pastures. Mainly beef cattle breeding is developed in the regions of the North Caucasus (Stavropol Territory, Rostov region), Volga region (Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan region) and on Southern Urals(Orenburg region). These areas also supply leather raw materials, in addition to meat.

Dairy and meat production is typical for the Krasnodar Territory, the Central Black Earth Zone, part of the Urals and Volga regions, and Western Siberia.

Pig farming using field feed (compound feed and root crops) is located in areas with the production of corn, sugar beets, and sunflowers (sugar production waste - pulp and oil mill waste - cake is an excellent feed). Therefore, in the Russian Federation the main pig-breeding regions are the North Caucasus, Volga, and Central Black Earth regions. economic regions(almost 1/3 of the total pig population in the country is concentrated in these 3 regions), as well as the Krasnodar Territory, Belgorod and Kursk regions.

Sheep farming is focused on pasture feed in the steppe and dry steppe zones. Its main habitats are the eastern, most arid part of the North Caucasus, the southern Volga region, as well as the south of Eastern Siberia.

The production of eggs and poultry meat is located everywhere, but most of concentrated in the southern regions: the North Caucasus, the South of the Central Black Earth Region, and the Volga region.

Agriculture is called special kind activities aimed at growing, processing and manufacturing products, as well as providing related services. Its main industries are animal husbandry and crop production. The well-being of its people largely depends on how developed agriculture will be as a branch of production in a particular country.

Characteristic features of crop production in Russia

There is a lot of land in our country and, it would seem, all the prerequisites for successful development This direction of agriculture is available. However, unfortunately, Russia is geographically located in such a way that climatic conditions and various kinds natural factors the possibilities in this regard are quite seriously limited. Crop production as a branch of agriculture in our country is quite a promising area, but only if new technologies are used and

Only 35% of Russian lands are located in temperate climate, which is quite suitable for growing crops such as rye, wheat, oats, buckwheat, etc. The huge areas beyond the Arctic Circle are completely unsuitable for crop production. Besides large areas Our country is occupied by the taiga, where cultivating the land is a process also associated with a huge number of difficulties.

Crop production as a branch of agriculture: main directions

At the moment, the main areas of agriculture in Russia include:

  • The grain sector is of utmost importance for the population of any state in the world, including our country. Bread can be considered a staple human food product. The most valuable feed for farm animals is also produced from
  • Feed production. This is the name given to a system of various activities aimed at the production, procurement and processing of animal feed. In this case, the land is used for growing mainly meadow crops, root crops, tubers, melons, etc.
  • Growing industrial crops. These include cotton, flax, sunflower, sugar beets, tobacco, etc.
  • Vegetable and potato growing.
  • Viticulture and gardening.

Geography of crop production in Russia

So, the main agricultural industries in our country are livestock farming and farming. Geographically, Russia is located in several climatic zones. On crop production, and in particular on the variety of compositions of cultivated crops, this reason primarily influences.

So, wheat, demanding thermal conditions, which prefers nutritious loamy soils and is a fairly drought-resistant crop, is grown mainly in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. The growing area of ​​less fastidious rye has wider boundaries. Barley is distributed throughout almost the entire agricultural territory of the country - from the cold northern regions to the arid southern ones.

Different types of industrial crops are also common in different zones. Sunflowers, for example, grow very well in arid regions. The only thing is that to obtain good harvests, this crop should be planted only on sufficiently fertile soils. Sunflower is grown mostly in steppe and forest-steppe regions of the European part of the country. Sugar beets, on the contrary, are very demanding on moisture conditions. Therefore, it became widespread mainly only in central and western regions forest-steppe zone.

Vegetable growing includes a huge number of crops belonging to different biological species. Therefore, it is well developed throughout almost the entire agricultural territory of Russia. The most common open-farming crops are cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkins, onions, beets and carrots. They are grown in industrial scale most often in places where there is access to water - along the banks of lakes, rivers and reservoirs. The largest centers of vegetable growing have developed in the lower reaches of the Volga and Don and in the North Caucasus.

Horticulture is also an important area in agriculture. Agricultural sectors related to the cultivation of fruit and berry crops have also become widespread in Russia, especially in its European part (Volga region, Krasnodar region). The greatest diversity of fruit crops is observed in the North Caucasus. A lot of gardens are also planted in Bashkiria and Altai.

Characteristics of livestock farming

This industry is also promising for our country. Suffice it to remember that before the crisis at the end of the last century, it was one of the leading ones. The characteristics of the agricultural sector in this case will be incomplete without a short excursion into history. In the Soviet Union, livestock farming, and in particular cattle breeding, was very well developed. However, the economic crisis of subsequent years had more than Negative influence. From 1991 to 2005 alone, the cattle population decreased from 54.7 to 21.4 million tons. According to the results of the same 2005, livestock farming in our country was considered unprofitable. Therefore, there was an increase in imports of this product.

However, at the moment, agriculture (including livestock farming) in our country can be considered more or less profitable. To some extent this is due to the development of private farming.

Main industries

So, what are the main areas of agriculture represented in this case? The branches of agriculture in livestock production are as follows:

  • Cattle breeding. Cattle breeding, along with grain growing, is one of the main areas of agricultural production.
  • Pig farming. This is the second most important branch. Its importance is also difficult to overestimate. This direction is classified into meat, half-fat and bacon.
  • Goat and sheep breeding. These directions are most widespread in the steppe zones, as well as in mountainous regions.
  • Horse breeding. This industry is designed to provide the national economy with purebred breeding animals, sporting and productive.
  • Camel breeding. This direction has received wide development in desert and semi-desert regions of Russia. Also, very high quality wool and milk are obtained from these animals.
  • Reindeer husbandry. This industry is a specialization of areas located in the tundra (Magadan, Arkhangelsk regions, etc.).
  • Poultry farming. Another important branch of livestock farming.
  • Fur farming. The main task this direction is to provide the national economy with skins of small fur-bearing animals.
  • Beekeeping. This industry is responsible for the production of a range of the most valuable products- honey, wax, royal jelly, bee venom, etc.

And agriculture is directly related to each other. This also applies, of course, to livestock farming. Without well-developed pig and livestock farming, for example, it is unlikely to be particularly profitable food industry. If the state does not pay attention to such industries as fur farming and sheep farming, the population of Russia will be left without their own warm clothes.

Geography of livestock farming in Russia

The placement and specialization of this area are determined mainly by the availability of food supply for a particular group of animals. That is, livestock farming as a branch of agriculture, although to a lesser extent than crop production, is also dependent on natural and climatic factors.

Intensive development in our country is mostly in the European part - in the upper reaches of the Volga and Dnieper. These are mainly the Moscow and Yaroslavl regions. The same direction is typical for the south of the St. Petersburg region. They are engaged in cattle breeding in other regions of the European part of the country, as well as in southern regions Siberia in the Urals. However, in this case we are talking mainly about the meat and dairy direction of cattle breeding. It is also widespread to the north - in most of Siberia, but in these areas it is mostly extensive. In the polar regions great development received reindeer husbandry. Most cattle are bred in the Urals, the Volga and Central regions, as well as in the North Caucasus.

Cultivation in our country has become very widespread in the Volga region, the North Caucasus, the Urals and Eastern Siberia. Sheepskin fur production is also well developed in the central regions of the European part of Russia. Pig farming is practiced almost throughout the country. This direction is somewhat less developed in the Far East.

What influences the development of agriculture

In addition to climatic and weather conditions, the development of livestock and crop production in any state may be influenced by the following factors:

  • Degree of support from the state. How more money will be invested in new technologies, the more profitable agriculture will be. Agricultural sectors of any direction are very dependent on the amount of subsidies. These funds are mainly used for development innovative production, purchase of equipment, development of new technologies.
  • Carrying out measures to restore depleted soils in areas of intensive crop production. In order for a country to compete with other states in the global agricultural market, its territory must have as much fertile land as possible.
  • Another very important factor in the development of the economy of a given country in a market environment is the presence of a healthy competitive environment. The main branches of agriculture are no exception in this regard.
  • State of science and technology. The more innovations are introduced, the more profitable livestock and crop production becomes. Scientific progress is one of the main factors in reducing food costs.

Problems of environmental management

All sectors of Russian agriculture, in addition to the above factors, directly depend on the environmental situation. Unfortunately, in our country, a predatory attitude towards natural resources and mismanagement have led to a significant deterioration of the situation in this regard.

In the steppe and forest-steppe zones it is severely disturbed, mainly due to wind and water erosion. Meanwhile, the experience of creating environmentally sustainable landscapes was laid down at the end of the 19th century by V.V. Dokuchaev in the Voronezh region, in the tract Stone steppe. Nowadays the Research Institute of Agriculture is located here. This experience is definitely worth using today.

Disruption of the ecological balance in the deciduous-forest and forest-taiga zones is usually associated with the draining of swamps and uncontrolled deforestation.

How can environmental problems be solved in modern Russia?

Fortunately, on this moment The situation in our country in this regard is beginning to change dramatically. The most important task of the recently created science - environmental economics - is not only the assessment of the state environment in light of the possibility of its use, but also forecasting the development ecological systems, attempts to foresee the future and the ability to manage them today. Of course, such an approach will have a more than beneficial effect on the main sectors of agriculture.

The main methods of greening modern land use at the moment are the preservation of biological organisms and the creation of natural environmentally friendly fertilizers based on fungi, bacteria and algae. The science that deals with the biology of humus is the future of agriculture.

The latest developments in this area are being introduced into all sectors of Russian agriculture today. For example, in Krasnodar region Herbicide-free technologies for the production of rice and corn are used. In some farms in the Omsk region, the abandonment of the use of pesticides and the use of new farming technologies have led to a significant increase in yield.

New methods include, for example:

  • Drip irrigation, adopted not only by large farms, but also by many owners of personal plots.
  • No-moldboard plowing.
  • Natural biological seasonal rotation of crops.

Plans awaiting implementation in the near future include the introduction of comprehensive and comprehensive monitoring natural environment. That is, observing her reaction to economic activity person and taking appropriate measures in advance. Of course this will have positive influence for agriculture. Agricultural sectors - livestock and crop production - will become profitable and profitable.

Agriculture in Germany

When reviving livestock and crop production in Russia, one should, of course, pay attention to the experience of those countries where these industries are very well developed. Germany is often cited as an example. At the moment, a lot of attention is paid to the development of agriculture in this country. The profitability of all its structures is greatly influenced by the impeccable and most thoughtful organization, as well as rational and careful use natural resources.

In the central regions of Germany and in the south of this country, agricultural production is mainly carried out by owners of small farms. This situation becomes the reason for the emergence of healthy competition and a powerful incentive to introduce the latest techniques. Germany's agricultural sectors - livestock and crop production - bring huge profits to this country.

In our country, the possibility of implementing most projects and developing new technologies in animal husbandry and agriculture will largely depend on the perfection of the legislative framework in the near future. Reasonable management and conservation of natural resources should become priority tasks states. Perhaps in the future the structure of the Russian agricultural sector will resemble the German one. However, at the moment, the bulk of food in our country is produced by fairly large agricultural organizations.

Like grain crops, livestock farming is widespread almost everywhere, and in the structure of land, meadows and pastures occupy three times more land than arable land. The bulk of livestock production comes from countries temperate zone.

The geography of world livestock production is primarily determined by the distribution of livestock. In this case, the leading role is played three industries: cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding.

The contrasts in livestock development in developing and developed countries are even greater than in .

In most developing countries, livestock farming is a minor industry. In developed countries, livestock farming predominates over agriculture and is characterized by an intensive type of farming. Industrialization, improved food supply and advances in breeding have allowed developed countries to achieve enormous success in increasing livestock productivity. Due to the fact that livestock farming in them faces the same problems as agriculture - overproduction, a policy is being pursued to contain and reduce production.

Livestock industries

The livestock industry includes several sub-sectors:

  • cattle breeding (cattle breeding);
  • pig farming;
  • sheep breeding;
  • poultry farming;
  • horse breeding;
  • reindeer husbandry;
  • fur farming;
  • beekeeping.

The main ones are: cattle breeding, pig farming, sheep farming and poultry farming.

Cattle breeding

Meaning cattle breeding(1.3 billion heads) is that this sub-sector produces almost all the milk and more than 1/3 of the meat.

In general, we can say that the dairy sector is most typical for densely populated areas of Europe and North America(in forest and forest-steppe zones of the temperate zone).

Beef and dairy cattle breeding is common both in temperate zones with intensive agriculture and in drier areas that are less well supplied with labor resources. Beef cattle are raised primarily in drier regions of the temperate and subtropical zones.

Pig farming

The most dynamic sectors of livestock farming include pig farming(more than 0.8 billion heads). The successes in pig farming have been so significant that pork is now cheaper than beef. Pig farming is possible everywhere. IN Muslim countries Pig farming is practically non-existent for religious reasons. Typically, this industry is located near densely populated areas, as well as areas of intensive potato and beet growing. Almost half of the world's pig population is found in Asia, primarily China.

Sheep breeding

Sheep breeding(1.2 billion heads) prevails in countries and areas with extensive pastures. At the same time, fine-fleece sheep breeding is most often found in areas with a drier climate and is carried out in steppe and semi-desert pastures. Semi-fine-fleece, meat-wool sheep breeding predominates in areas better supplied with moisture and with a milder climate. The world's largest sheep-raising area is the steppe regions of Australia.

Trade and production in the livestock industry

Economically the developed countries significantly ahead of developing countries in terms of absolute indicators of livestock production. This is due to lower livestock productivity in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Suffice it to say that they account for only 25% of global beef production and 14% of milk production.

International trade in livestock products

Livestock products and livestock

Main exporting countries

Beef and veal

Australia, Germany, Finland, New Zealand, Ireland, Netherlands, USA, Hungary

Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, Hungary


New Zealand, Australia, UK

Poultry meat

France, USA, Netherlands, Brazil

Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Uruguay, South Africa


Brazil, Argentina, Mexico

Ethiopia, China, Netherlands, Canada

Sheep and goats

Australia, Türkiye, Somalia, Ethiopia

Per capita production of livestock products in economically developed countries is usually many times higher. Small countries with highly intensive livestock production (New Zealand, the Netherlands) stand out especially. But high per capita rates can also be found in countries with more extensive livestock farming and smaller populations (for example, Australia).

The table clearly characterizes international trade livestock products. It shows that the leading positions in trade are occupied by economically developed countries; they act as the main exporters of meat products and wool.

The share of developing countries in the livestock trade is slightly higher.

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