Geopathogenic zones. How to identify abnormal zones in your home and get rid of them

First you need to understand where exactly the underground crack runs. An apartment is not a forest, where you can judge the structure by the nature of the vegetation earth's crust. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to your own well-being when determining geopathogenic zones.

Official information about geopathogenic zones

Do geopathogenic zones really affect all living things? Scientists once asked this question - and conducted a study (on animals, of course, although this is barbaric!) And here is the result. Of the 750 cows examined, living above a vast geopathogenic zone, 80 percent suffered from leukemia and mastitis. Chickens placed above the zone lost their feathers and stopped laying eggs. Mice, trying to get out of cages in a vivarium in Novosibirsk, ate their own tails to the ground and broke their teeth on the bars. But snakes and lizards with great pleasure inhabit areas unfavorable for people. They even spend the winter there.

And the man? Today it is already clear that the geopathogenic zone is unsafe for you and me. According to modern data, such a zone gives impetus to the development of cancer, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, ischemia and other cardiovascular diseases. Those who have an unstable, weak nervous system can “break down”, become suicidal, or go crazy. German doctors were simply dumbfounded when they tried to treat severe mental disorders without by medication, and... by simply moving the patient from the zone of exposure to underground radiation. And - oh, miracle! Paranoia suddenly receded and schizophrenia disappeared. Apparently weak nervous system unable to resist electromagnetic fields, which, by and large, are bad not because they exist at all, but because they are impulsive, that is, inconsistent - they have different intensities at different times. It is very difficult for our body to adapt to such effects. Once you get used to a certain dose, it begins to change. And our body does not have time to rebuild. Is that bad.

But on the other hand, it’s wonderful! Because it is in the geopathogenic zone, where we all constantly experience extreme stress, that our body, our soul learn to overcome difficulties, become tempered in this struggle.

How geopathogenic zones affect people

And yet, every city dweller should know about the danger of the geopathogenic zone. Why city dweller? And this is due to the fact that faults are concentrated in cities. It would be more correct to say that cities arose precisely at the intersection of faults! Geologists have calculated that in settlements with a population of over 100,000 people there is at least one major fault, and there is no need to talk about large cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg! These cities stand at the intersection of many faults, including regional ones, that is, stretching for many thousands of kilometers.

Experts say that the entire development of civilization is connected with faults. All ancient cultures arose in zones of intersection of faults: Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia, China, Egypt...

People seem to be drawn to these evolutionary centers, which are sometimes unsafe for health. But they are necessary for the development and existence of humanity. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to survive in cities. Feel healthy, raise healthy children.

The impact of faults is similar to the impact of another phenomenon. Some scientists identify so-called energy lattices as a special pathogenic group, about the existence of which we know very, very little. According to some studies, they have dimensions from 2 meters by 2.5, according to others - from 16 to 16, and are called either orthogonal or diagonal.

There are no geological inhomogeneities behind these lattices, and therefore one should speak about them with a sufficient degree of caution: after all, science can neither prove nor disprove their existence. True, until recently science did not recognize the connection between human well-being and the structure of the earth’s crust.

Well, if cities are located in geopathogenic zones... that means we need to learn how to use the zones. You need to organize your home so that it helps you avoid the destructive effects of faults, leaving only the potentially beneficial component.

Simply put, if you live in an apartment where there is an underground fault, and you cannot (or do not want) to move for some reason, you must learn to live in extreme conditions. Having answered the favorite question of the Russian intelligentsia: “Who is to blame?” (in the occurrence of our diseases), we move on to the second question: “What should we do?” (so as not to get sick anymore).

Thus, you can completely learn to get along with pathogenic zones of the earth’s crust by shifting the concern for your safety onto the shoulders of your own home - simply by correctly arranging the furniture in it. So the physical structure of the house will protect you even from the negative influence of mother earth herself.

But many of the anomalous phenomena that people observe in city apartments and rural houses are directly related to the existence of non-geopathogenic voids and cracks within the planet. There is even a theory that the manifestation in human world alien energy entities are also the result of these underground forces, which cannot be fought, which cannot be appeased, but contact with them can actually be weakened. A house that is holistic from an energetic, informational and spiritual point of view, maintaining its stability, can cope quite well with outsiders on its own - but this will be discussed further.

Hartmann networks

The visible world around us is covered with a thin energy network, in which there are areas of accumulation of positive and negative charges and neutral zones. The Hartmann network, which is used by radioesthetists, indicates places with harmful radiation that have a bad effect on the physical body and its energy centers. Unfavorable places in the house can be determined using a pendulum, and on the ground the most sensitive “indicator” is a U-shaped metal frame for determining geopathogenic zones. There are people who detect geopathogenic zones using their senses, without using any instruments. The network-like energy structure covering the surface of the Earth has protective functions. It controls the intensity of radiation from the Cosmos and planetary interiors. The accumulation of a huge amount of polarized energy charges can change the atmosphere in a closed space in an apartment or office and affect the human body, upsetting its balance.

If you suddenly develop chronic diseases, constant headaches, weakness, or increased fatigue, check your apartment. To do this, you need to consult with people who, by occupation, know everything about geopathogenic zones. That is, from geologists. Determining geopathogenic zones is their job. They will look at sections of the earth's crust and tell you what is hidden under your feet.

Frame for searching geopathogenic zones

You can also invite bioenergetics specialists who can identify geopathogenic zones in the apartment and can say a lot by working with the frame. But here you need to be sure that they are experts in finding underground anomalies, because psychics, who often take on the task of “checking” housing, do not always have an idea of ​​what they are looking for. One geologist who specializes in anomalous phenomena warned me that it must be dowsing people. “Because,” he said, “the frame itself cannot tell anything about the geological structure of the earth. This can be done by people who know how to handle it. Let's say you lost your watch in the forest, and you want to return it. So one specialist’s frame can show the desired watch, blueberries, and fir cones. The other has blueberries and pine cones. And you need a specialist who will look for the watch.”

And such specialists exist. They were known back in the days when people did not know the alphabet. People call them dowsers because they rural areas such people were used to search for aquifers, they indicated where it was worth digging a well, and where this activity was doomed to failure.

To search, they used a fork-shaped rod - the ancestor of all frames on the planet. And by the deflection of the rod or, as it was called, the vines, underground flows were determined, which, in essence, indicate the presence of geological heterogeneities and, naturally, indicate geopathogenic zones.

In any apartment you can find a place where the influence of radiation is not so dangerous. This is where you should place your bed, where you can work and relax.

In places where radiation is most active, children should not be allowed to play, and they should not stay for a long time. And your four-legged pets will never choose such a place! That is why the Afghan hound shied away from the cozy bedding, and one of our acquaintances parrot pulled feathers out of its tail until it was completely bald!

The easiest way to put a cabinet, TV or refrigerator there is because these objects don’t care whether there is harmful radiation underneath them or not, and the bioenergetic component of the impact of geopathogenic zones on inanimate objects is too small to turn the cabinet into an accumulator of negative energy or spoil the food in the freezer.

Apartment protection means

A person is also able to sense unfavorable places in the room and, if desired, determine geopathogenic zones in the apartment. If you often have a headache, if you wake up tired, swollen, with body pain, or suffer from painful insomnia, this is a signal that your bed in the apartment or desk in the office is located in a geopathogenic zone. The general rule is that they should be located in the direction from north to south, but in some cases the location from east to west is more favorable. Copper circles placed under the bed to the head and feet will balance the flow of energy and neutralize harmful radiation. You should not sleep without taking off your watch, rings, earrings, bracelets or beads, as they interact with planetary energies and create a force field around you. Unplug the TV or computer if it is in the room where you sleep. The bed should be located at least 70 cm from the nearest electrical outlet or switch.

Neutralization of the geopathogenic zone

  • The corners of any room concentrate negative energy, so you should not rest in this space. Once a month, place half a head of an ordinary onion in each corner of your apartment or office for 24 hours. This simple remedy will clear the room of energy smog.
  • Copper circles also help, eliminating the harmful effects of geopathogenic zones located under the foundation of a building.
  • Place a cactus, ficus or geranium in the corners of the room: these plants filter the air and neutralize the accumulation of unipolar charges.
  • Round white river stones also help counteract negative impacts in crowded spaces. For this purpose, smaller copies of the Cheops pyramid are also used, but they should be oriented to the four cardinal directions. Using a pendulum, you can independently determine where the negative node is located in your home and place flowers, a copper circle, a mirror, a consecrated icon, a pyramid or a special screen made by an experienced radioesthetist there.
  • After identifying geopathogenic zones, you can also neutralize the harmful effects of geopathogenic zones with the help of amber. These yellow-red droplets of pine resin, frozen in stone silence, have an extraordinary strong energy. Therefore, if you suspect that under your bed there is a crossroads of the Earth’s energy lines or a particularly active fault, place pieces of amber in this place - and see for yourself that your sleep (and therefore your overall well-being) has significantly improved.

Pets in the geopathogenic zone

The “energy vacuum cleaner” and regulator of the balance of energy flows in the house is the pet. Cats absorb negative energy. They love to bask in areas with positive charges. A dog that radiates devotion and affection for its owner heals him with its love. She sleeps in places where an excess of negative charges is registered. Animals themselves regulate their energy balance, adding what they lack with the help of an internal locator. For complete harmony in the house, it is advisable to have a dog and a cat. And if you were able to identify geopathogenic zones in the apartment, then pets are definitely needed.

How to protect yourself in a geopathogenic zone

Pay attention to the center in each room, where the diagonals intersect, mentally drawn from the corners of the room.

  • Place a flower, a clay or copper decorative vessel, a panel there, or, if possible, strengthen the mirror.
  • Hang bells, traditionally used by the Chinese to distribute energy.
  • You can also use the melody of three Rhodope copper vats. They are wonderful neutralizers of negative energies.
  • A consecrated icon on the wall, a home altar and a censer are energy neutralizers in the home of a Christian believer. They bring harmony and calm.
  • A Bible in a room where strangers are often present protects the house from negative influences. If holy book or a prayer book are located near your head, then insomnia, nightmares and fears will go away and the energy metabolism of the sleeping person will be regulated.
  • It’s good to change where you sleep every six months. This will lead to the fact that the energy imprint of the body will disintegrate, and this will change the balance in the entire room, reprogram the radiation and have a beneficial effect on the state of the physical body and its subtle shells. A long-term energy imprint from many years of sleeping in the same place leads to the penetration of the aura, the emergence of powerful, mostly unipolar, charges that have a harmful effect on health.
  • You can also protect your home graphically: draw a plan of it and place copper wire around its perimeter. The wire should be attached to the drawing with transparent tape, without connecting the ends. This will neutralize the harmful effects of the Hartmann network and protect your home from unfriendly people.

How to neutralize a geopathogenic zone

Vibrations produced by traffic lights, electronic displays, elevators, pumps of water and steam installations have a destructive effect on cells and cause them harm qualitative changes.

Harmful radiation can be mitigated by installing a pyramid in the elevator car, and copper circles with a diameter of 70 cm on the floor and ceiling. They can also be placed in the elevator shaft, on electronic displays and in telephone exchange rooms. Pyramid the right size, made on the recommendation of a radioesthetist, also reduces negative influences. All these simple measures eliminate aggression, improve relations between neighbors and dispel an unfriendly atmosphere in the house.

Pets living in large residential buildings are part of a range of preventive measures that support the physical and mental health person. They restore the disturbed balance in the human body, cut off from contact with natural energies and vibrations of the earth. We should take into account the zodiac characteristics and the dominant natural element of the people with whom we live under the same roof.

If, for example, there is no earth or air in a house where people with earth or air signs live, then tension, illness and conflicts are inevitable in such a house. Often fate brings together opposites, which mutually balance each other and are self-exhausting. Divorce is coming. This ending can be avoided if you bring into the house vitality and additional energy of some basic earthly elements. For example, if a married couple is a carrier of the elements of fire and water, then in the house you should have flowers, stones and metals characteristic of the elements of air and earth in order to enhance vitality and the potential for the development of relationships.

Protection of geopathogenic zones

  • To neutralize geopathogenic zones indoors, place a copper conductor under each threshold.
  • To protect against human evil and outside interference, place a clove of garlic, a red woolen thread dipped in holy water, and blue beads under the threshold.
  • The space can also be protected by drawing a pentagram in the middle of the threshold and mentally encoding what you want to protect the room or the whole house from. The defense of the home should be built from the front door, going around the rooms clockwise.
  • Every year on March 22, mentally burn the old rapids in a fire with a bright white flame. After that you can actually burn them.
  • Once a month, mentally “wash” your home with a bright white light, and if problems arise, do this once a week. Start from the front door from bottom to top and from left to right.
  • Mentally cleanse your home with a foam of sparkling white bubbles. They will absorb dirt from walls, ceilings, floors, furniture and things. As soon as they darken, mentally collect them in a suitable vessel and pour the dirty foam into the toilet. Having completed the virtual cleaning procedure at home, you will feel how the atmosphere in it has changed: you can breathe easily, the mood is cheerful, everyone is healthy and friendly.

If there is a nervous environment at work, conflicts and arguments often arise, clear the room, and then the floor or office in the same way at the beginning or end of the week. This procedure can also be done in the boss’s office to make him more calm, tolerant and accommodating. You will see that your colleagues radiate goodwill, the work is progressing, and the results will not take long to arrive. We are accustomed to expecting help from the outside, while the meaning of life in the body lies primarily in the ability to help ourselves in order to grow and develop. An attempt to cope with the situation on your own affects the subtle energy structures and causes changes leading to a solution to the problem. What happens is what we have heard hundreds of times: “Help yourself if you want the Lord to help you.” Everything is within our power.

"), and also outline the main recommendations for searching for geopathogenic zones using dowsing, already mentioned in the article “Dowsing. It’s also dowsing.”

Geopathogenic zones and dowsing are closely related, since the former cannot be determined by almost anything other than with the help of the latter. But let's start with the first one so that it is clear what to look for. As various sources say:

Geopathogenic zones are areas where different types of radiation from the Earth's surface intersect and overlap. There are several types of radiation - these are radiation from several types of energy grids:

  1. E. Hartman (2m x 2.5m),
  2. F. Peyraud (4m x 4m),
  3. M. Kurri (5m x 6m),
  4. Z. Vitman (16m x 16m)

And also from underground water flows and geological faults. The result is a complex grid, which is a series of separate intersecting vertical walls about 20 - 60 cm wide and pillars at the intersection points (at nodes). The walls of buildings, floors and roofs are not a barrier for them; radiation passes through them freely.

Some researchers believe that the basis for the damaging effect of geopathogenic zones is the modulating effect of underground water flows on gamma radiation emanating from deep-lying granite rocks. It is also assumed that the formation of geopathogenic zones and their dangerous unusual type of radiation are based on anomalies in the electromagnetic and gravitational fields of the Earth, forming standing electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves

The modern most widespread idea of ​​geopathogenic zones and their sources can be presented in the form of a figure:

As you can see, the figure shows lines of different grids intersecting in various places. The areas where the grids overlap are the same geopathogenic zones that we will try to learn how to find using dowsing.

However, the representation shown in the figure is INCOMPLETE.

It does not take into account, in particular, that the Earth has a spherical shape. And that the overlay nodes, which on the surface of the Earth measure, say, 2 by 2 meters, at the height of the fifth floor will be at friend distance from each other. And on the tenth floor the distance will increase even more - and so on. Therefore, if you come across a quote like this on the Internet or in books

The main grid in terms of its significance for human health is the global lattice network, which is oriented: from east to west 2.5 m, from north to south 2 m and forms geopathogenic nodes at intersections. The height of the nodes is endless. Such a rectangular “chessboard” covers the entire surface of the globe and not only covers, but also rises up. So, on the ninth or sixteenth floors and above it is determined in exactly the same way as at the surface.

Now you know that this is written by people who are very far from reality, who are not familiar not only with the theory of geopathogenic zones, but also with the basics of elementary physics.

But let's return to our sheep.

With increasing height above the Earth's surface, not only the distance between the intersections of energy grids increases, but the width of the geopathogenic stripes themselves will increase, and if not for the next paragraph, then at a certain critical distance the energy grids would become so wide that the “free” space would disappear, and the entire surface at a given altitude would become a continuous geopathogenic zone.

However, " the height of the nodes is endless” (expression from the previous quote) is an artistic generalization that relates more to marketing than to reality. Any energy, if it somehow manifests itself in physical world, follows the laws of this physical world. And therefore, the intensity of geopathogenic nodes, maximum on the surface of the Earth, with distance from the source will decrease inversely proportional to the square (or cube) of the distance - that is, very, very quickly.

Accordingly, there is a certain altitude at which geopathogenic nodes of energy networks do not play any role and do not manifest themselves in any way.

It’s not for nothing that people constantly want to climb higher: climb mountains, try to build high-rise buildings, skyscrapers - the intuitive feeling that it’s safer at the top fuels more and more new architects to create masterpieces kilometers high. What is the practical benefit of this clarification? At a minimum, if an “expert on geopathogenic zones” comes to you and finds on the 16th floor cells are exactly the same, as on the surface of the Earth), then you will know what is in front of you charlatan and don’t give him money :)

So the questions arise:

  1. What are the actual characteristics of geopathogenic networks, nodes, zones depending on the height above the Earth?
  2. How do these characteristics change with altitude above the Earth's surface?
  3. The surface of the Earth - do you mean a certain average plane, such as “sea level”, or is the intensity and geometry of the geopathogenic zone high in the mountains the same as in the swampy lowlands?
  4. At what altitude does the impact of a geopathogenic node drop, say, by half?
  5. What is the geometry of geopathogenic zones, for example, on the 9th floor?
  6. What is the safe altitude from geopathogenicity?

And many other practical comments. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, “experts on geopathogenic zones” do not answer these questions. Therefore, there are no clear recommendations yet. However, everything is in your hands - because there is a method with which you can deal with these issues - at least for yourself. This method is dowsing.

And now the promised method of detecting geopathogenic zones using dowsing.

Despite attempts to create equipment for determining geopathogenic zones, human body, the pendulum and bioframe continue to be the simplest and most reliable method. The frame is made of calibrated copper and aluminum wire with a diameter of 2 - 2.5 mm. The length of the handle is 12 cm, the sensitive arm is 22 - 25 cm. A pendulum or ring, weighing up to 10 grams, on a thread, 30 - 60 cm long, is a type of sensor and, making various movements (circular, linear), they can also determine geopathogenic zones.

What do you need to know in order to practically identify anomalous zones in your apartment? The sequence is very simple:

  1. It is advisable to use a compass to orient yourself to the cardinal points and, while walking along magnetic lines (for example, from north to south), hold a frame or pendulum in your hands.
  2. The moment you pass the geomagnetic grid line, the frame in your hands begins to deviate - this will be the grid line.
  3. Then, going perpendicularly (from east to west), they find the second line.
  4. Mentally crossing these lines will give you a geopathogenic zone, and knowing its dimensions (from north to south - 2 meters, from east to west - 2.5 meters) will help you quickly find these zones.
  5. Check the level of negativity of the zone and correct location(its diameter is 20-30 cm) you can use a pendulum (ring).

Well, it would be nice to put these zones on the apartment (room) plan. What can prevent you from finding these zones? These are the three most common difficulties:

  • frame or pendulum make chaotic, erratic movements. The reasons are either there is a continuous geopathogenic zone around you, or you are on the 16th floor and the intensity of geopathogenicity is minimal, or you are poorly concentrated on the task.
  • the frame / pendulum clearly identifies geopathogenic zones, but when measured and compared with other rooms distances do not match. The reasons are exactly the same - either you are measuring different floors of the building, or you need to concentrate on completing the task.
  • frame/pendulum doesn't move. Likewise, you either need to make an adjustment to the height above the Earth, or calm down and concentrate on the task.

You also need to take into account that the grid of geopathogenic zones is not a constant value. Zones can change their location in response to various environmental influences (for example, solar flares). So if “today” you get one result, and “today” you get another, don’t be alarmed and don’t give up on further attempts to understand the structure of the Universe.

What could be an experiment to find answers to the above questions? Very simple: you perform an analysis and discover Hartmann and Curry grids, their thickness, intermediate and main nodes, and so on in the basement of a high-rise building, draw a map of the detected grids taking into account the thickness of the energy lines. You go up to the roof of the house and carry out a similar analysis. Overlay the maps and compare the thickness and location of the lines. And also the intensity negative impact(which is also very easy to determine using a pendulum or frame).

For self-correction: if at the height of the 10th floor you received the same intensity of geopathogenic influence (and the same geometry of zones) as in the basement, then you are a bad biolocator and are violating the laws of this world :)

Thus, you can independently obtain data on the behavior of geopathogenic zones and their changes with height above the Earth’s surface. And use these results for your own pleasure to improve your life and the lives of your loved ones. Well, save money on various charlatans.

So, geopathogenic zones are easily detectable using dowsing.

You just need to practice a little :)

Based on materials from

All nations have signs for identifying pathogenic areas, the so-called dead spots...

The point of view of St. Petersburg researchers on the problem of geopathogenic zones differs from the opinion of their Moscow colleagues. Professor Vyacheslav Rudnik, chief Researcher Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes that the negative impact of tectonic faults and underwater watercourses on human health can be considered proven, and in its results this impact is often superior to anthropogenic ones.

The correspondent tried to find out what this confidence was based on.

As far as I understand, on the issue of geopathogenic zones, the St. Petersburg school is in opposition to the Moscow one. What is this connected with?
- Perhaps because this problem is more pressing for our region than for Moscow. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region located at the junction of the Baltic Shield and the Russian Plate, where a system of geologically active faults has been developing for more than 650 million years. We have been dealing with this problem for a long time and have found irrefutable evidence of the impact of geopathogenic zones on living organisms. Firstly, these are plants. Research 11 thousand fruit trees showed that in apple trees growing above fault zones, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off first, and cancerous growths appear on the trunks. Plums and pears in such areas quickly wither and dry out. Among conifers growing above geopathogenic zones, the number of trees with forked tops increases. If raspberries are planted over a geologically anomalous area, within a few years, by moving the root system, they will “go” beyond the geopathogenic zone and begin to grow wildly there.

But a person is still not a bush. Is there evidence that geological faults affect human health?
- Such information appeared a long time ago. All nations have signs for identifying pathogenic areas, the so-called dead spots. At the end of the 20s, German and Czech oncologists discovered that people living in houses built in dry river beds (precisely where geological faults pass) have the most high percent mortality from various diseases. In the 50s, a large-scale study was conducted that included 11 thousand people in 14 countries. Scientists have concluded that cancer and mental illness were due to the fact that the patients’ sleeping places were located exactly at the intersections of pathogenic zones. Moving the bed to another location usually resulted in gradual recovery.

Do you yourself believe in these results?
- This is not the only such study. In our country, a study was conducted along the western shore of Lake Baikal in the cities of Shelekhov and Ulan-Ude. All foci of cancer and cardiovascular diseases spatially coincided with the intersection points of zones of geological heterogeneity. In St. Petersburg, studies were also carried out in which materials from geological surveying and geophysical work were compared with medical statistics on mortality and general morbidity in individual areas of the city. Analysis of the data obtained shows that within geopathogenic zones associated with geological heterogeneities, the number of cancer diseases increases three to four times.

It has been established that one of the causes of a number of cancers is ionizing radiation. It is also no secret that radon, a natural radioactive gas, oozes from fractures in the earth’s crust, which you call geopathogenic zones. Maybe the increased incidence of cancer is related to this?

An increased radioactive background is indeed one of the components of geopathogenic zones. But this is not the only factor. Moreover, it does not explain other phenomena that we have established. For example, the number of traffic accidents increases over fault zones. We analyzed the statistics of road accidents for two years in the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg and compared it, on the one hand, with the complexity of the route and traffic intensity, and on the other, with the geopathogenic zones we identified. It turned out that on streets with relatively calm traffic, the number of accidents over geopathogenic zones increased 10 times, and at intersections with heavy traffic, that is, where the level of accidents is already high, by 1.5 times.

There are dangerous areas in the structure of the Earth's Form Field. These places are called biosphere pathogenic zones. Russian scientist V. Nekrasov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician, studied more than 9,000 such zones and, in particular, studied the features of their influence on the human body.

In some cases, knowledge of the topography of biosphere pathogenic zones makes it possible to explain the emergence of “black spots”, “cancer houses”, the disappearance of ships and aircraft, increased accident rates on highways, the appearance of sinkholes or swelling of the road surface on the roads, the causes of aviation accidents, collapses of buildings and bridges, malfunctions of navigation equipment, etc.

Opening a medical reference book, we are convinced that the root cause of many diseases is still unknown. In most cases, these are severe, socially significant diseases, including cancer, Crohn's disease, tuberculosis, vitiligo, hypertension, diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, bronchial asthma and others.

To date, V. Nekrasov and his colleagues have proven that there are several types of biosphere pathogenic zones (BPZ) on Earth. According to the leading diseases that occur in the human body, BPZs are divided into two main types: “Onco” and “Crohn’s”:

When living in the Onco zone for a long time, cancer may become the leading pathology. In addition, a person can get sick: psoriasis, schizophrenia, inflammatory joint diseases (arthritis) and other diseases;

with long-term residence in the Crohn's zone, Crohn's disease may become the leading pathology and, in addition, a person may become ill with: tuberculosis, eczema, leishmaniasis, manic-depressive psychosis, metabolic joint diseases (arthrosis), and other diseases.

As a result of a chain of discoveries, a NEW CLASSIFICATION of DISEASES was created according to the root cause of their occurrence in the human body.

The main features of BPZ “Onko” and “Krona”: in them people feel a feeling of oppression, depression and fear. In the “Onco” zone, as a rule, a person experiences a constricting headache, and in the “Crohn” zone, difficulty breathing occurs. Some of the biospheric pathogenic zones “Onko” and “Krona” have the property of having a significant negative impact on the function of the endocrine system organs and/or the spleen.

The radius of biosphere pathogenic zones ranges from 1 to 3000 m or more. For example, in Moscow. in Ostankino there is a “Krona” zone with a radius of more than 200 meters, on the territory of which the TV tower itself is partially located. In the American city of Minneapolis, in the area of ​​the bridge over the Mississippi River that collapsed in 2007, there is a “Crown” zone with a radius of more than 100 meters.

In the Bermuda Triangle, on the route of the 5th Squadron of the US Air Force, which disappeared in 1945, there is a Krona zone with a radius of about 23,000 meters.

Research in the cities of Phaselis and Kekova, built by the ancient Greeks in the 6th-5th centuries BC. on the territory of modern Turkey, in the city of Nessebar (Bulgaria), as well as in the city of Luxor (Egypt, 15-13 centuries BC) show that the construction of these facilities, including roads, was carried out exclusively on areas free from biospheric pathogens zones areas of the area.

Five hundred years ago, the great scientist and physician Paracelsus (1493-1541) wrote in his writings that pathogenic rays come not from the Earth, but from the stars, and that these rays are the root cause of most human diseases: “... there are two types of diseases, the cause of some is the elements, and the cause of the second is the stars" and that "there are much more star diseases than elemental diseases." He also wrote: “... the stars can wound in the same way as they do with a sword, but they do not cut like an ordinary sword, but open the body in accordance with their heavenly blade. Such diseases are treated in an appropriate way, because elemental medicine is completely powerless here.”

The placement of hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power plants, bridges, multi-storey buildings and other objects in the Krona and Onko zones poses a particular danger to people.

Research shows that the topography of biospheric pathogenic zones on Earth is constant. But their parameters (radius, power, etc.) may change.

The discovery of pathogenic zones in the biosphere and methods for neutralizing them was the basis for the development of a New Concept for organizing a healthy and safe life. In order to preserve health and ensure the safe life of people, it is necessary to exclude in the biosphere pathogenic zones “Onko” and “Krona”:

Construction of residential buildings and other facilities for long-term stay of people;

Construction of high-risk industrial structures, for example, nuclear power plants, bridges, etc.

Laying railways and roads, as well as sea and water routes.

In order to ensure fire safety BPZs identified in natural conditions should be localized: fenced off from the surrounding space, dug up, plowed, mowed and removed dry forest, etc.

In all cases where it is not possible to prevent people from staying in the BPZ, mandatory neutralization of the BPZ must be carried out

Currently, devices have been created to determine pathogenic zones.

Based on the readings of these devices, design and construction organizations, as well as individuals, can be given recommendations on the construction and construction of various objects, including the layout of apartments and rooms in houses and even the safest arrangement of furniture.

Anomalous zones in the house and nearby.

Anomalous zones have long been known and widely discussed bright colors. The COSMOPOPISK group has conducted and is conducting research into anomalous zones of the Earth, collected and summarized in its works extensive material on the influence of these zones on the physical health and psyche of people. Materials on the expeditions were published in the books of V.A. Chernobrov.
You will find the most interesting material on anomalous phenomena in the books of E.R. Muldashev and many other authors.
Anomalous zones of the Earth are dangerous for living organisms. These zones include geopathogenic zones, pathogenic zones and places of power.
What, in our opinion, are pathogenic and geopathogenic zones? The Earth's radiation carries all the information about any processes occurring in it. We imagine the pure energy of these radiations, energy without distortion, as the biological energy of the Earth. The Earth's radiation is distorted by processes occurring both inside the Earth and on its surface - read the link geophysics of the Earth. We imagine the energy of the Earth, distorted by the energies of geopathogenic, pathogenic and other processes, as the psychic energy of the Earth, which is formed by superimposing information about the state of a given place on the bioenergy of the Earth. The earth radiates energy across its entire surface, which is absolutely necessary for living organisms. During evolution, all inhabitants of the Earth have adapted to natural fluctuations in the natural level of radiation. But in those places where there have been significant changes in concentration or qualitative changes in the Earth’s radiation, reversible and, unfortunately, very often irreversible pathological processes occur in the human body, which has been in these places for a long time. These processes cause various diseases, including mutations in genes. The earth is a mother, but she is also a living organism. She may be sick and suffer. This means that if there is a dangerous geopathogenic or pathogenic zone on the surface of the Earth, the Earth is sick there, and a person does not need to stay in those places for a long time, much less live there.
In strong geopathogenic and pathogenic zones, a person feels discomfort, unpleasant, previously unknown sensations, even the fear of death. In weak geopathogenic and pathogenic zones, a person does not feel anything, but nevertheless, over time, he begins to get sick, conflicts may begin in the family and at work.
In places of power, the human body heals. In our opinion, the healing of the body in such places occurs due to the influence of the positive mental energy of the Earth. The positive mental energy of the Earth is formed by superimposing positive information about the state of a given place on the bioenergy of the Earth. What positive component of psychic energy are we talking about? For a person, this can be energy from a job well done, from love for people, for one’s family, from the desire to live. People are drawn to such a person, his family lives calmly and comfortably around him; no matter who we're talking about about a man, woman or child. Without exaggeration, one can say about such a family, about the house of this family, that this is a place of power. Inside the earth, this is the energy of clean underground springs and rivers. On the surface of the earth, this is the energy of holy places where holy people lived and prayed, where our ancestors prayed; this is the energy of temples, monasteries and just chapels along the road.
Let's consider various anomalous zones that may be located in and nearby a person’s place of residence:

Geopathogenic zones.

Pathogenic zones:

pathogenic zones with man-made radiation,

pathogenic zones with altered levels of natural radiation from the earth,

pathogenic zones with induced biofields,

pathogenic zones with energy-informational biofields,

pathogenic zones of infernal connections,

pathogenic zones of astral entities.

Places of power

While working on the article, we had to divide it into parts, since pathogenic zones can be found in the solid body of the Earth, in the etheric body of the Earth, in the astral body of the Earth and in man himself. Pathogenic zones can be divided into external and internal, artificial and natural. A separate pathogenic zone is formed by clusters of infection. A particular difficulty is that many pathogenic zones are associated with the Astral world. We will talk about pathogenic zones associated with humans in the article “Pathogenic zones associated with humans.”
Using the radiesthesia method (R-method), we tried to find out what the astral world is like. Let us present our reasoning. In isoterics it is accepted that any biological object is sevenfold. This means that the Earth, like man, has seven bodies. Using the classification according to Puchko L.G. , we accept, by analogy with man, that the Earth consists of:

physical body and biofield (introduced by us),

etheric body,

astral body,

intuitive body

causal body,

mental body,

spiritual body.

Anomalous zones.
Fig. 1 Since the article assumes a conversation about geopathogenic and pathogenic zones of the Earth associated with human existence, we will talk only about the physical, etheric and astral bodies of the Earth (Fig. 1).
1. There is a complete analogy in the ratio of the sizes of the physical, etheric and astral bodies of man and the Earth.
2. The ethereal body of the Earth (Fig. 1, 2) follows the contours of the Earth, permeates the Earth through and through and does not mix with the solid (physical) body of the Earth and its biofield. The etheric body of the Earth rotates counterclockwise. The P-method shows that the radius of the Earth’s etheric body is twice the radius of the Earth. The radius of the Earth is 6371 km. R ef. = 2R Earth = 12742 km.

3. The astral body of the Earth (Fig. 1, 3) follows the contours of the Earth, permeates the physical body of the Earth, its biofield, the etheric body of the Earth without mixing with them. The astral body of the Earth rotates clockwise. The radiaesthetic method says that the radius of the Earth's astral body is four times the radius of the Earth. R astr. = 4R Earth = 25484 km.
4. Man is an inhabitant of the Earth; We are used to saying that man lives in the physical world of the planet. The R-method shows that the physical world of our planet is the space over which the influence of our planet extends. R physical = 41R Earth.
But, in addition, man lives in the etheric body of the Earth. What about the astral body of the Earth? A person cannot live in the astral body of the Earth; it is inhabited by other entities and beings - representatives of the astral world, who live well in the physical world. Everything has the right to exist. The etheric and astral bodies of the Earth form, as it were, parallel worlds for representatives of the astral world and for representatives of the physical world.
5. In humans, linear dimensions predominate. The size of a person’s etheric body is twice the size of the area of ​​the body in question. The etheric body completely follows the contours of a person and penetrates him through and through, without mixing with the person’s physical body and his biofield.
6. The size of the human astral body is four times larger than the area of ​​the body in question. The astral body completely follows the contours of a person, permeates the physical body of a person, his biofield and his etheric body, without mixing with them.
7. The etheric and astral body of a person form, as it were, parallel worlds of the person himself.
8. The etheric body of the Earth is identical to the etheric body of a person in structure and does not penetrate the physical body of a person and his biofield.
9. The astral body of the Earth is completely identical to the astral body of a person in structure and does not penetrate the astral, etheric and physical bodies of a person and his biofield.
10. Representatives of the astral world of the Earth can move from the astral body of the Earth to the astral body of a person and interact with it. Also, a person, with the help of his astral body, can interact with the astral body of the Earth.
Now let's return to geopathogenic and pathogenic zones.

Geopathogenic zones.

If you want to follow us, first draw or photocopy a plan of your home or apartment. But you can work from the drawing if you live there, have been there several times, walked around the house and around the area. It is better to do an analysis of a home or apartment on the spot.
We hope that you are already familiar with the methods of working with a pendulum and know how to get ready for work. In the ARTICLES section on our website you will find detailed recommendations (see article R-method). So, we have a diagram personal plot or apartments, a pendulum and the desire to competently approach the structure of your life.
First you should inspect the site, and then the living space. The direction of inspection of a personal plot is chosen arbitrarily. We ask the subconscious various questions so that the answer to them is short - YES, NO.

Question to the subconscious: “Can I work?”

Question to the subconscious: “Is there Akasha?”

Answers: YES, NO

We bring the pendulum to the diagram at the beginning of the inspection.

Question to the subconscious: “Is there a geopathogenic zone?”

Answers: YES, NO

The pendulum rotated counterclockwise, indicating that there was no geopathogenic zone. After we approached the facade of the house, the pendulum suddenly changed the direction of rotation and began to rotate steadily clockwise - the answer is YES, indicating the presence of a geopathogenic zone. Further analysis of the plot of land in front of the house indicated that the geopathogenic zone was located throughout the land ownership in front of the front part of the house, slightly skirting the house on the left side. Next, we once again went through the scheme from the beginning of the zone of geopathogenic radiation, periodically asking the subconscious the question:

Question to the subconscious: “Has the radiation intensity changed?”

Answers: YES, NO

We painted the geopathogenic zone in a single color pink color.
You can look at the house in any order, but in the rooms you should follow one walking direction, i.e. all rooms should be viewed clockwise or counterclockwise (determined by the P-method). The survey was carried out according to the methodology adopted above. In rooms 1,2,3, the pendulum rotated counterclockwise, indicating the absence of a geopathogenic zone. In room 4 near the front part, the pendulum rotated clockwise, indicating the presence of a geopathogenic zone, and further examination of rooms 5 and 6 made it possible to identify the entire zone, which occupied part of rooms 4,5,6 near the front part of the building. In the figure, the entire geopathogenic zone is colored pink. In rooms 4 and 6 the residents of the house slept, and in room 5 there was a study. What does it mean? And it's very simple. House residents most days were spent in the zone of geopathogenic radiation, which led to persistent impairment of health on the part of the endocrine and immune systems. We advised the residents of this house to undergo a bioenergetic examination and bioenergetic treatment and urgently change places of rest and work.

Pathogenic zones.

After you have examined your home for the presence of geopathogenic zones, check whether there are possible pathogenic zones in the house and near it.
Pathogenic zones with man-made radiation. An example of such pathogenic zones are places associated with the operation of various radio frequency sources, these are places associated with the operation of industrial power plants, territories contaminated with radionuclides, etc. At home, this is the place where you and your children spend hours at the computer, the kitchen is full of electrical appliances, the place in front of the TV if you are a TV fan. There are acceptable sanitary standards for the impact of such pathogenic zones on the human body. Exceeding these standards causes various diseases in humans. See table.
Approaching a working computer with a pendulum, ask your subconscious a question:

Question to the subconscious: “Is a pathogenic zone formed from a working computer?”

If your house or cottage is located near a high-voltage power line, close to a repeater, etc. , check using the P-method whether their territories are included in the pathogenic zone with man-made radiation.

Question to the subconscious: “Is there a pathogenic zone from a working power line?”

Answers: YES, NO (required answer).

It is impossible to remove pathogenic zones from man-made radiation, but using the P-method it is possible to determine their boundaries and the time during which a person can stay in this zone. If you use a computer, then look at how far away from a working computer you should sit. Place the pendulum near a running computer.

Question to the subconscious: “Is there a pathogenic zone from a working computer?”

If the pendulum rotates clockwise (the answer is YES), move the pendulum away from the computer towards the chair you are sitting on, asking the subconscious mind the previous question. The boundary of the pathogenic zone will be where the pendulum begins to rotate counterclockwise (answer NO). Place the chair you are sitting on on the border of this zone. Adjust your workspace. If the pathogenic zone is large and you are uncomfortable working, then determine the time during which you can work at the computer. This should be done after you have determined the distance from the computer in the pathogenic zone and have worked at the computer for at least a few minutes.

Question to the subconscious: “How long can I work at a computer without harm to my health from the pathogenic zone?”

You should offer the subconscious the answer: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hours. Let’s assume that the pendulum begins to rotate counterclockwise at the number five (the answer is NO), which means that you can be in the zone of man-made radiation from the computer at the distance you set for no more than four hours.
Pathogenic zones with altered levels of natural radiation from the earth. An incident led us to explore such a zone. A friend turned to us for help in treatment. The disease arose in childhood. When determining the underlying causes of the disease, it was discovered that the cause of the disease was a fungus that affected the musculoskeletal system of the body, Fig. 14. The wavelength at which the fungus emitted 2 ml was determined. km. , Fig. 20.1 and Fig. 25. What was the impetus for the rapid development of the pathogenic fungus that entered the child’s body? Using the P-method, it was determined that the factor causing the rapid development of the pathogenic fungus in the body was the pathogenic radiation of the earth, Fig. 10. We visited the place where the woman lived as a child. The household was located near a large ravine. When examining the site using the P-method, we used a pendulum. Let us present our reasoning.
Anomalous zones. Fig. 3 Question to the subconscious: “Is there a geopathogenic zone in this place?”

Answers: YES, NO

Question to the subconscious: “Is there a pathogenic zone in this place?”

Answers: YES, NO

Question to the subconscious: " Natural level Earth radiation has changed upward (Fig. 3, a)?"

Answers: YES, NO

Question to the subconscious: “Has the natural level of earth radiation changed downward (Fig. 3, b)?”

Answers: YES, NO

On the ground, we were unable to determine the size of the pathogenic zone. Determining the size of the pathogenic zone using a map of the area showed that the zone is vast and includes not only the ravine, but also the left side of the ravine, where residential buildings are located. This means that there is a pathogenic zone on a vast surface, with a reduced level of natural radiation from the Earth. This means that processes are taking place in the earth related to the absorption of the energy of the Earth’s biofield. This can be an extensive plantation of microflora and microfauna, the life activity of which is associated with the absorption of energy. A person can get used to the changed level of radiation, but moving to a permanent place of residence in another area, especially if it is a weakened child, can lead to an outbreak of disease caused by pathogenic microflora and microfauna that is in the child’s body.
Check your home or dacha for pathogenic zones with low levels of Earth radiation. Pay attention to the surrounding areas. We had to examine the territory of the summer cottage for the presence of geopathogenic and pathogenic zones. In the area adjacent to the dacha plot, in a place where cut trees were dumped and vegetables and fruits were thrown away, we discovered a pathogenic zone with a reduced level of natural radiation from the Earth. The R-method showed that the land in this zone is a habitat for colonies of micro and macroflora. There was no such zone in the household we examined (Fig. 2).
Pathogenic zones with induced biofields. The practice of examining pathogenic zones has shown that in the house where a person lives, it is possible to detect pathogenic zones with biofields induced by the person himself. You can have good methods of healing and self-healing, but if you live in an apartment where there are pathogenic zones with biofields induced by you, treatment may be delayed. Let's take a closer look.
First, a little theory. In our view, a person is a combination of a physical body and an energy system. The human energy system is the totality of a person’s own biofield and its field structure. A person’s own biofield is the initial bioenergy of a person, transferred to him at conception from his parents and distributed in a certain volume. The field structure is the subtle bodies of a person - etheric, astral, intuitive, causal, mental and spiritual. Each of the subtle bodies of a person is also a biological field. The biofields of the field structure penetrate each other, penetrate a person’s own biofield, his physical body, but do not mix. One’s own biofield and subtle bodies, being biological fields, have all the characteristics of biofields, Fig. 6:





Energy filling

Information content

Vibration range

Direction of rotation

Rotational speed

Thoughts about illness, thoughts about death, painful thoughts that a person indulges in generate biological fields around a person and near the places where he works, sleeps or rests. Induced biofields are generated in the etheric body of the Earth. The R-method shows that such biofields establish an energetic connection with the human etheric body and through it with the human biofield. This means that a person’s bioenergy is partially taken away and is not used to treat the disease or to support the person’s life. Induced biofields can be associated with a person, move with him, or can be stationary, associated with a specific place where a person is often located. Even if there is only one such field in the room, then we can talk about a pathogenic zone.
When examining the household, we decided to see if there was a pathogenic zone with stationary induced biofields in room No. 4 (Fig. 2, Fig. 3). Start walking around the bed from the wall counterclockwise.

Question to the subconscious: “Is there a pathogenic zone with an induced biofield?”

Anomalous zones. Fig. 4 In our case, at the beginning of the bypass, the pendulum rotated counterclockwise, indicating that there was no pathogenic zone. After we moved to the other side of the bed, the pendulum changed the direction of rotation and began to rotate steadily clockwise - the answer is YES, indicating the presence of an induced stationary biofield. If you follow us, then go through all the rooms of your household in a similar way. Draw on the house plan all the pathogenic zones you have discovered with induced stationary biofields. If you live in an apartment alone, then it is clear that these zones were created by you. But if you live as a family, then this is a reason to talk with family members about their problems and ask permission to examine your household for the presence of induced biofields associated with a person.
How to get rid of stationary induced biofields? They are cleaned with a candle, prayer, drawing up Puchko rows, with the help of thought forms, you can and should turn to cosmobioenergy. If a person is absent for a long time, then due to a lack of nourishing energy, pathogenic zones with stationary biofields are destroyed. Therefore, it is good to rearrange the bed and other furniture that is in the room. It is very useful to periodically change your place of residence: go to the country, to a holiday home, etc., but the best thing is to solve your problems.

To clean pathogenic zones with stationary induced biofields with a candle, walk with a lit candle in the place where you found the pathogenic zone, go through it several times, as if burning through all the space that it occupies. What is achieved by such a technique? In isoterics there is a concept: like attracts like. By treating the location of the field with a candle, you erase the information that makes up the information content of the biofield, i.e. you deprive the field of the ability to focus on you based on the psychic energy you emit. This way you can remove the induced pathogenic zone not only in your room, but also in the rooms of your loved ones. Do such examinations and cleanings once a month. In order for the biofield not to be restored, a person needs a positive attitude, an attitude towards healing, towards life itself.
Pathogenic zones with induced energy-informational biofields (hereinafter with energy-informational biofields). Where people live, pathogenic zones with energy-informational biofields are often found. In such pathogenic zones one can detect biofields that contain a certain type of information, i.e. These are biofields with a certain energy-informational content. . Such pathogenic zones are the influence of other people. It may be conscious or not, but the essence does not change. The zones in which energy-informational biofields are located are formed in the etheric body of a person or the etheric body of the Earth - stationary energy-informational biofields. How can you determine whether you have pathogenic zones with stationary energy-informational biofields in your home? This can be done using a pendulum. Walk around your room with a pendulum, as if stitching it all from wall to wall, asking your subconscious the question:

Question to the subconscious: “Is there a pathogenic zone with an induced energy-informational biofield?”

The energy-informational biofield will be where the pendulum begins to rotate clockwise (the answer is YES). How to remove a pathogenic zone with an induced stationary energy-informational biofield that is located in a room? Perhaps you will be able to find someone else’s thing in the detected pathogenic zone, or yours, but whose place is in another place, etc. Burn this thing. To eliminate the pathogenic zone, you need to erase the information contained in the induced biofield. The main method is high temperature, candle flame: go through the entire detected area several times with a burning candle. You can use the services of a psychic, a cosmoenergist, or you can erase information by creating Puchko’s ranks. After any of the impacts, you should check whether the energy information field remains in the pathogenic zone you found. How can a psychic or an operator working with a pendulum detect a pathogenic zone with an energy-informational biofield? During mental activity, a person generates a biofield at the mental level with very specific information, for example, about the lack of money for the owner of the apartment. The energy-informational biofield distorts the natural background of the earth in the pathogenic zone. These distortions are detected by the operator using a pendulum. The classification of the pathogenic zone and its purpose do not play a role, this is only an interesting side of the matter.
Since the article is about anomalous zones in the house and nearby, we will not consider pathogenic zones with induced biofields and pathogenic zones with energy-informational biofields associated with a person - this is the topic of a separate article.
Pathogenic zones of infernal connections. L.G. Puchko gives the concept of infernal connections in his works on Multidimensional Medicine. The presence of infernal connections indicates a person’s connection with the subtle material world, the so-called infernal world. The infernal world is considered to be a world of demonic basis. Monographs on MM give a classification of the inhabitants of this world according to Edgar Cayce. L.G. Puchko writes about the introduction of alien energy structures of the infernal world-entities of the astral plane into the subtle bodies of a person through the infernal connections that a person has. A description is given of the four degrees of connection with the infernal world with possible consequences from the introduction of foreign energy structures into the human body, pp. 102-103. This includes the emergence of persistent chronic diseases, the occurrence of auditory and visual hallucinations, and mental disorders. But what’s interesting is that sick people who turned to us for help were found to have dozens of infernal connections. Moreover, these people were not obsessed, their mental health was not in doubt, and the diseases were not chronic. After the elimination of infernal connections with the help of Puchko series, they arose in the patient again after some time. Over time, relatives who cared for a sick person developed additional infernal connections that had to be eliminated. This suggested that the concept of infernal connections is much broader. When studying the households of sick people, after geopathogenic and pathogenic zones already known to us were identified using the P-method, we went around the rooms, asking the subconscious question:

Question to the subconscious: “Are there infernal connections?”

Imagine our surprise when the pendulum began to rotate clockwise (the answer is YES) in many places in the room where the sick person lived. This led us to the idea that we can talk about a stationary pathogenic zone of infernal connections. But what is this zone? What are its properties? The zone turned out to be mobile, i.e. after their destruction, infernal connections were resumed, sometimes in a different place. We tried to develop this topic using the R-method. Let us present the main arguments.

Question to the subconscious: “Did the pathogenic zone of infernal connections arise in the etheric body of the Earth?”

Answers: YES, NO

Question to the subconscious: “Did the pathogenic zone of infernal connections arise in the astral body of the Earth?”

Answers: YES, NO

Question to the subconscious: “What contributes to the emergence of a stationary pathogenic zone of infernal connections in the house of a sick person?”

This means that in addition to the pathogenic zone of infernal connections associated with a person, described by L.G. Puchko, we can talk about a stationary pathogenic zone of infernal connections associated with the location of the sick person. How do such zones arise? This is what we were able to understand using the R-method.

Anomalous zones.
Fig. 5 The physical body of a person studies psychic energy in the environment, which carries information about the state of his physical body. These radiations are transmitted into the etheric body of the Earth. Radiations of psychic energy inform the environment about the state of a person. Currently, such radiation can be detected on Professor Korotkov’s device in the form of a multi-colored halo around the human body. The causal body of the human field structure, which is connected to the nervous system and ultimately to the human mind, emits waves of a certain length into space, carrying information about the person to the astral body of the Earth. Any human illness changes the picture of emitted psychic energy and changes the spectrum of waves emitted by the causal body to the astral plane. The subtle worlds of our planet, in our case its astral body, is the habitat of bioobjects: bioparticles, bioobjects, organic biostructures and organic compounds that exist due to energy environment. The R-method shows that infernal connections with a sick person create biostructures of the astral world, which are oriented towards the energy emitted by the sick person. The biostructures of the astral world are, as it were, “lured” by the wave radiations of the causal body of a sick person. An infernal connection is established with the human astral body.

As the R-method shows, an exchange of energies occurs through an established infernal connection. What does it mean? An infernal connection is created in order to take energy from a person. Thus, the person is weakened energetically, which contributes to the development of the disease. But the biostructures of the astral world are interested in human energy. Therefore, as the R-method shows, the biostructures of the astral world are capable of supporting the patient with energy. Why are stationary pathogenic zones of infernal connections dangerous for the sick and for a healthy person? We have already written above that an infernal connection is created in order to take energy from a person. Thus, the person is weakened energetically, which contributes to the development of the disease. A healthy person enters the zone of infernal connections while in the same room with a sick person. As the P-method shows, if the radiations of the causal body of a healthy person contain waves emitted by pathogenic pathogens, then the pathogenic zone establishes an infernal connection with this person.
How to remove a pathogenic zone with infernal connections that is located in the room of a sick person? The pathogenic zone can be detected using the P-method according to the method outlined above. It is impossible to destroy the zone, since it is located in the astral plane and is generated by the disease itself. But you can break infernal ties in order to help a sick person with the help of Puchko’s series. Perhaps fresh infernal connections can be eliminated with the help of thought forms, confession and communion of the patient? Infernal connections are eliminated with a change of place of residence of the sick person. In this case, the destruction of the pathogenic zone of infernal connections occurs within a day (P-method). Elimination of the pathogenic zone of infernal connections makes it possible to stop the outflow of human biological energy. Physical state the patient is improving.
Pathogenic zones of astral entities. We have already written above that through infernal connections, the penetration of astral essences into the field structure of a person also occurs. There may be several of them, and then we can talk about a pathogenic zone of infernal connections associated with a person. Astral entities are also identified using the R-method according to the methodology of Multidimensional Medicine - this is the topic of the next article. But the penetration of astral essences into a person’s field structure can occur not only through infernal connections. The penetration of astral entities into the human astral body can be accomplished by a simple transition from the astral body of the Earth to the astral body of a person. Let us explain what we mean by astral entities. We have already written above that in the astral body of the Earth, according to our ideas, one can observe the life of various biological objects: bioparticles, bioobjects, organic structures, organic compounds. Organic compounds, their highest phase, are the essences and beings of the astral plane. The higher essences of the astral, as shown by the R-method and further developments, have the ability to transform, materialize and telepathy. They have intelligence and creativity . How to imagine what the essences of the astral plane are? One of the provincial newspapers described the case. In 2008, children took several photographs of their school using video phones. Amazement knew no bounds when the photographs clearly showed disembodied creatures in the form of an elongated comma on the facade of the school. These are partially materialized astral entities. The photographs are posted on the Internet. There is nothing mystical about this, although all this is carefully covered with mystical secrets. For what? This is just the astral world. The accumulation of such entities can be called a natural zone of temporary origin. We visited this place. The R-method showed the presence of a small zone of astral entities, but on the other side of the school building: the zone had changed location. The R-method showed that the astral beings were attracted by the energy that radiated from the students in the school. A zone of astral entities has formed, feeding on higher energies, radiations from the mental bodies of students. But as the R-method shows, such entities are not destructive. But in polluted places on the surface of the earth, in hot spots, in drinking establishments, in places where there is physical and moral dirt, you can find zones of astral entities of a different kind, zones of entities of the infernal world. In areas of landfills and garbage dumps, the pendulum always indicates the presence of various pathogenic zones. We classified such pathogenic zones, Fig. 14. In these places, pathogenic zones of astral entities were discovered, as well as pathogenic zones of microflora and microfauna. For those who are engaged in self-diagnosis and self-healing according to the L.G. system. Puchko let's say that when differentiating the pathogenic zone of astral entities, we discovered almost the entire spectrum of astral entities that cause painful changes both in the physical body of a person and in his psyche, Fig. 61, 66, 68. Having penetrated into the subtle bodies of a person, such an entity begins broadcast the information contained in the information component of the entity’s biofield. Being under the influence of transmitted information or under the influence of telepathically suggested thoughts, a person is able to perform actions that surprise people close to him. A person develops a craving for alcohol, drug addiction, stealing, he becomes a liar, a lazy person or is overcome by fears, he becomes imaginary sick or begins to commit crimes. Of course, all these vices can be the result of upbringing and environmental influences, but their sudden manifestation should suggest the introduction of a lower essence of the astral plane. Anything can happen in life, you can end up up to your ears in mud, but it is very important whether a person wants to stay there. To overcome the beginning of a difficult path, a person is given the will. But if a person cannot cope with himself, then this should lead to the thought of an invading entity and he should go to the temple, pray and ask higher powers, God for help.

Places of power

In places of power, the human physical body is healed. It is possible that in places of power, a sick person falls into the required range of radiation. What do we mean? The French radiaesthetist G. Lessur, using the P-method, measured the wavelengths of radiation from pathogenic pathogens and, to eliminate them, selected medicinal herbs that have the same wavelength as the pathogenic pathogen. When exposed to infusion medicinal herb the vital activity of pathogenic pathogens is suppressed.

Half wavelength L/2, cm

Disease or pathogen

Medicinal plant

Measles, scarlet fever, chickenpox, influenza

Pine sprouts, shepherd's purse, chicory, rhubarb, mistletoe

Syphilis, enterococcus, encephalitis lethargica, glanders, polio

Lingonberries, blueberries, wormwood, bittersweet nightshade, gentian, horseradish (root)

Tuberculosis, malaria

Poppy, yarrow, eucalyptus, thyme

Coal sickness, white staphylococcus (causes flu-like reactions), pneumococcus, meningococcus, influenza

Cornflower, hops, saponaria, green walnut peel

Some types of cancer, serious tumors, ulcers

Coffee beans, strawberry bush, seaweed, plantain, ginger, carrots, celandine, parsley, sage, bay leaf, chaga, sea buckthorn berries

Gonococcus, tetanus, colibacillus, dysentery

Quinoa, birch bark, blackberry, borage

Streptococci, rabies, hydative hydatid cyst, endocarditis, some types of rheumatism

Alder, burdock, wheatgrass, ash

Staphylococcus aureus, diphtheria, typhus, smallpox, paratyphoid, pneumobacillus, roundworms, pinworms, trichocephalus, tapeworms, giardia, cholecystitis, some types of rheumatism

Black currant, centaury, watercress, corn silk, wild pansy, buckwheat, bearberry

Whooping cough, micrococcus Doyen, causing laryngitis, chronic tracheitis

Dill, red willow (willow), rose petals, linden, thyme, hawthorn

Bacillus Friedlander, Bacillus pyocianum, Tetracoccus

Cherry (syrup, compote), raspberry (syrup), red cinchona, hare cabbage

Pfeiffer bacillus, bacillus proteus, anaerobes: septic (putrefactive) vibrio, sporogenic, edematous diseases, pseudobacterial bacillus

Angustura true (perennial scilla)

Question to the subconscious: “Which one physiological systems is determining in the creation of human immune defense at the wave level?

The P-method shows that such a system is the peripheral nervous system. ,Fig.3. But this is a separate topic.
Let's return to places of power. In places of power, the human energy system is also cleansed from energy-informational influence. Treatment in places of power, like any bioenergetic treatment, takes time. You can find a place of power in any area using the radiaesthetic method.
Let's share our experience. To find a place of power, you can use a map of the city or area where you live. Mark the routes where you often go, the places where you often go. Walk along the first route, then look for a place of power on the map, using the technique you already know for identifying anomalous zones using a pendulum. Start from the beginning of the route (we work with a map or area diagram).

Question to the subconscious: “Is there a place of power?”

The pendulum will rotate counterclockwise if there is no force. If along this route you find a place of force, then the pendulum will change the direction of rotation to the opposite - the answer is YES.

Question to the subconscious: “Is the place of power strong?”

Answers: YES, NO

Question to the subconscious: “Can I use this place of power to treat chronic fatigue, hypertension, etc.?

Answers: YES, NO

Question to the subconscious: “Can I use this place of power for general health improvement body, harmonization of family relationships, etc.? "

Answers: YES, NO

Question to the subconscious: “How long can I stay in this place of power without harm to my health?”

You need to offer the subconscious the answer: 1,2........5 minutes, etc.

For example, at the count of 1, 2, 3 minutes the pendulum rotates clockwise, which means the answer is YES or does not make any rotational movements, but at the count of 4 the pendulum begins to rotate counterclockwise, which means the answer is NO. This means that the time you can spend in a place of power for the overall health of the body is 3 minutes.

Question to the subconscious: “How many times a week can I visit a place of power, remaining in it for three minutes?”

You need to offer the subconscious the answer: 1,2....7 times.

Suppose that at count 2 the pendulum begins to rotate counterclockwise. This means you can visit the place of power once a week.

Question to the subconscious: “How many months can I visit a place of power?”

You need to offer the subconscious the answer: 1,2....12 months.

Suppose that on count 7 the pendulum began to rotate counterclockwise, which means you can visit the place of power for 6 months, once a week and stand there and pray asking for health for 3 minutes. Check the method after the first visit. You should not interrupt your visit to the place of power. Mark the location on the map. Explore other routes, and don’t forget to inspect your property. Tell your family and friends about this place, don’t be afraid to be branded an eccentric, but here you should take into account that if you tell others about this place of power, then the whole visiting method must be selected for each person personally; For some, this place will be just a place in the sun, while for others it will help cure any disease.
Visit a place of power, ask for help, we recommend that believers pray there. You will definitely get answers to your questions, and there will definitely be help. Everything will depend on how much you believe in your find

Kass V.V. 2008


 Puchko L.G. Multidimensional medicine. M.: ANS Book House, 2002.

 Puchko L.G. Radiesthetic cognition of a person. A system of self-diagnosis, self-healing and self-knowledge of a person. M.: ANS Book House, 2007.

 Kass V.V. Preparations "Doctor Nonna". R-method. Health website. 2009.

 Kass V.V. Human biofield". R-method. Website "Health". 2009.

V. Vernadsky considered the process of the origin of life as a direct continuation of geochemical evolution; and as a necessary condition for its occurrence, he put forward the presence of dissymmetry in the Earth’s biosphere, i.e., the predominance of rightism, or leftism. In his opinion, only such a nonequilibrium state of the environment ensured the emergence of a living form of material movement. The ideas of V. Vernadsky originate in the works of L. Pasteur on the optical activity of molecules, where L. Pasteur showed the dissymmetry of molecules containing an asymmetric atom. V. Vernadsky expanded the results of L. Pasteur on the study of the role of dissymmetry of organic molecules in protoplasm to the significance of the dissymmetry of matter in the biosphere, although without discussing its physical substrate.

A. Gurvich in his works showed and proved the existence of a field of shape of a cell and the whole organism (biological field), defining it main role in the passage of all processes in cells.

The proposed report will show that the ideas of V. Vernadsky and A. Gurvich were further developed. The source of fine-field dissymmetry in the Earth's biosphere is the upper layer of the Earth's crust and that the biological field of a cell and a multicellular organism is the physical carrier of the dissymmetry of living matter.

The works of both V. Vernadsky and A. Gurvich emphasize the leading role of the fine-field factor and its dissymmetry in the functioning of a biological system, since it determines its very origin and existence. The report will show the validity of this statement by V. Vernadsky and A. Gurvich, which actually introduces a new factor of the subtle field into the theory and practice of biomedical science and its most important parameter - the dissymmetry of the subtle field.

The presence of an energy network in the biosphere, which is of a non-electromagnetic nature, was known to mankind in ancient times. Evidence of this is the results of studies that were carried out in cities such as Phaselis, Kekova and Alimpos on the Mediterranean coast, built in the XIII-VI centuries BC. e. The results of the study showed that the foundations of all buildings in these cities are precisely tied to the matrix of the upper layer of the earth's crust, and more specifically, to the structure of the global coordinate geobiological network (GCGS), strictly oriented to the cardinal directions, with cell sizes of 2 m from North to South (size "A") and 2.5 m from East to West (size "B"), and a stripe width of 21 cm (sizes "D" and "C").

Geopathogenic zones are an invisible danger that can await a person anywhere: at home, at work, on the street. If a person stays in such a zone for a long time (for example, lives), he may constantly feel unwell, often get sick and even die. Such places exist in various parts of our planet. Finding them is not difficult if you know some rules. The features, varieties and rules for searching for geopathogenic zones can be found in this article.

A house is not built just anywhere

Since ancient times, people have very carefully chosen a place to build a building, which could be a house, a temple, and much more. No buildings were erected in “negative” areas - geopathogenic zones, since they knew very well what consequences this would cause. "Bad spots" were determined in various ways. Most often, in each settlement there was a special person who could identify them with the help of simple devices. He could also find “places of power” with a positive energy charge, in which they tried to build temples and other particularly important buildings.

In ancient times, geopathogenic and positive zones were searched for by dowsers, in which they were helped by an ordinary wooden Y-shaped flyer. They also used twigs, mainly vines, to search, which is where the name of this profession came from. Dowsers found water underground, indicated where to dig a well, and could discover valuable minerals. In addition, to search for negative and positive areas, people used various signs that almost everyone knew.

IN modern world no one pays attention to geopathogenic zones when constructing buildings. Nowadays profit rules the world. The house will be built where it is more profitable for the developer: in an area with good developed infrastructure and convenient location. Is this area dangerous for humans? Nobody thinks about this. That is why today a huge number of people live in geopathogenic zones without knowing it. As a result, houses with a “bad reputation” appeared, in which entire hallways of residents died out for unknown reasons. Such buildings cannot exist for long: negative energy quickly destroys them.

What is a “geopathogenic zone”

The concept itself is based on three words: “geo” - Earth, “pathos” - suffering and illness, “genesis” - origin. By the way, building codes established in 1995 provide for a preliminary inspection of the construction site for the presence of geopathogenic zones. These standards include: “SNiP 11-02-95” and “SNiP 30-01-95”. Unfortunately, modern developers almost always skip them.

Experts in geopathogenic zones believe that they cover a wide area. If, for example, there is a geopathogenic zone in a building on the 1st floor, then residents of apartments on the 11th floor should not think that they are not in it. Such zones have a detrimental effect not only on living organisms, but also on inanimate objects. You really should be afraid of them. They are very real and incredibly dangerous. Often specialists can find such an area, but cannot determine how high its destructive potential is.

Types and main features of geopathogenic zones

Geopathogenic zones arise for several reasons. There are not many main reasons:

  • heterogeneities in the earth's crust;
  • tectonic faults;
  • intersections of underground water flows.

In such areas, instruments, which anyone can purchase these days, record changes in radiation, geomagnetic parameters, and increased emissions of certain gases. Based on the above, it can be noted that geopathogenic areas are natural features of our planet, and not something paranormal and mystical.

In addition, zones are “biopathogenic” and “technopathogenic”. “Technopathogenic” arise after human activity disrupts the structure of the earth’s crust. For example, such zones appear at the construction site of the subway, giant structures with an appropriate foundation, laying underground communication systems, and in similar cases. “Biopathogenic” areas, in turn, arise at the site of large-scale burials: human and animal cemeteries.

In buildings constructed in “biopathogenic” zones, people often go crazy - they experience various mental disorders that can lead to serious illnesses and even suicide. Many residents of such buildings complain of a constant feeling of anxiety and distraction, fear and even horror.

Recently, scientists have noticed that geopathogenic zones can not only cause illness in humans, but also literally destroy their structure. At the end of the 90s, at one of the seminars on dowsing, most interesting case, associated with geopathogenic territory in Norilsk. There was a powerful zone there, the houses in which quickly grew old, wore out and collapsed. The equipment in the houses often broke down, and the residents themselves looked very “worn by life.” Young people resembled old people who had seen life: “gray”, not cheerful, indifferent, irritable, tired.

A geopathogenic zone can be recognized, first of all, by its ugly vegetation. Trees in such places grow twisted, crooked, and downright scary. Small vegetation may be absent. Cultivated plants They practically do not bear fruit and grow slowly. In such places, only willow and willow, nettle, and fern feel good. The above plants are considered negative, releasing and accumulating bad energy. There are geopathogenic zones different sizes– tiny, able to fit in the corner of an apartment, and gigantic, covering an entire district or city.

How to neutralize a geopathogenic zone

Find a large negative zone simply by vegetation and other signs, which can be determined using special equipment. But if the zone is small, occupying part of an apartment or house, it is more difficult to determine. Fortunately, in modern times there are specialists searching for such sites. You can invite them to your house, after which they will scan all its premises using special equipment.

If there is a geopathogenic zone in an apartment or house, it is recommended to try to neutralize it. Experts have invented a lot of methods for this. Some of them look extremely strange, but despite this, they are effective. The following neutralization method can be called very simple and accessible: from a thin transformer wire it is necessary to randomly twist a small cake with a diameter of 10 cm. For such a neutralizer you will need approximately 100 m of wire, the diameter of which should not exceed 0.1-0.2 mm. This cake should be placed in an insulator, for example, embedded in a plaster or concrete tile. Even simple cardboard sheets, between which a wire structure is located, can serve as an insulator. The neutralizer should be placed in the center of the geopathogenic zone (it will be determined by a specialist, if desired). After a few days, the room scan should be repeated, as the geopathogenic zone should become inactive. The method is simple and, most importantly, affordable, so it can be used by anyone.

Greetings, my dear readers!

Let's continue to study hidden ones. One of them is related to the energy of the Earth. On Earth there are outlets for both energy flows that positively affect all living things, and negative ones. Places with negative energy are called geopathogenic zones. Getting into them, a person loses his energy, gets sick, and sometimes loses his mind. Geopathogenic zones in the apartment not as uncommon as it seems. Anyone who wants to know how to identify geopathogenic zones and be able to protect their body from the harmful radiation of these zones will find the answer in the article.

For many centuries, people have already studied the harmful effects of these places on humans. They do not build houses in these places and try to avoid these places. But this most often applies to places with very negative energy, from contact with which symptoms of loss of health or mental problems immediately appear.

But there are areas whose pathological influence on a person is not immediately visible, but when living in such places for a long time, a person systematically loses energy and the disease comes unnoticed. Most often, such radiation causes heart and vascular diseases, neuropsychiatric diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and cancer. That is why it is very important to know where the geopathogenic zones are in the apartment and neutralize their impact on humans.

Moreover, traditional treatment will never cope with diseases, the cause of which is the harmful effect of the negative energy of geopathogenic zones on the human body. But moving to another place of residence can amazingly improve a person’s health if the disease is in the phase of functional disorders of the body. Therefore, everyone should know about this. A person who is forewarned means he is armed and can cope with this problem.

Zones with pathogenic energy are:

1. Geopathogenic (natural).

Geological faults, cracks.

Places of intersection of geological faults with underground water flows.

Lattice coordinate structures.

Underground water flows.

Voids, both natural and man-made.

Places where UFOs landed, meteorites fell.

2. Technogenic (man-made).

Powerful transformers.

High voltage power lines.

Household electrical appliances.

Psychotropic devices.

Cell phones.

Geopathogenic zones.

These are places on Earth that are called unfavorable, anomalous. The radiation of negative energy there is very powerful. Often geopathogenic zones can be found in apartments, garages, and garden plots. True, in this case, the radiation of negative energy is somewhat less pronounced.

Signs of geopathogenic zones.

Strengthening gravity and making objects heavier.

Changes magnetic field land.

In these places, food quickly deteriorates, turns sour, and wine turns into vinegar.

Metal objects rust quickly.

In these places, household appliances do not work well (the computer often freezes, the radio hisses, cars often break down).

People in these zones quickly get tired, they develop headaches and strange nervousness.

Geopathogenic zones can be qualitatively determined by specialists using special devices. You can determine their presence using frames and pendulums. But people who are attentive to their health can figure them out by how they feel and try not to be in these areas or limit their presence there. And thereby maintain your health.

Geopathogenic radiation is always directed vertically upward, their diameter reaches 40 centimeters, they can easily reach even the 12th floor of houses. So geopathogenic zones can occur in any apartment, on any floor. If these radiations fall on some areas of the projection of organs too often, then it is in them that diseases develop.

More than once I had to examine the homes of people who, for unknown reasons, often had headaches or suffered from insomnia at home; their children were often sick for a long time. In almost all cases, the presence of pathogenic zones in apartments was discovered precisely in those places where there were beds, recreation areas or play areas for children.

By making a simple rearrangement, you can significantly reduce the harmful effects of these places on the human body. You should not place household appliances in these places; they will often break down. By the way, dogs will never go to sleep in these areas. If they jump on your bed, be glad your bed is in a good area. But cats love to feast on negative energy and often settle down to sleep in unfavorable areas.

In garden plots and vegetable gardens, such places can also be identified by simple observation of plants. Plants in these areas grow slowly, bear fruit poorly, often get sick and die. But weeds, lichens and mosses and poisonous mushrooms They feel great and are growing quickly. In these areas it is better to arrange decorative slides from stones and put up garden sculptures.

True, some plants also grow well in pathogenic zones. This is also worth knowing. Nettles, blackberries, coltsfoot, willow, ferns and oaks are larger in these areas than in normal areas. Spiders and ants love these areas. Ants always build their anthills in geopathogenic zones. Bees in these places produce more honey, however, it is better for them to winter in normal areas. But mammals, like people, waste away in these places.

How to identify geopathogenic zones.

Geopathogenic zones in an apartment can be determined using a pendulum. This technique is simple. Anyone can easily handle it. For this you need a pendulum. Pendulums of various designs can be purchased in special stores or online. Or you can build a pendulum from available materials.

How to make a pendulum yourself.

You can take gold wedding ring, nut, key and hang it on a cotton or silk thread. The length of the thread is 10-20 cm. Woolen and synthetic threads, as well as black threads, should not be used for these purposes.

Of course, working with a pendulum is a whole science. At its core, this is working with your subconscious, which is always connected with the energy-information field of the Earth. I plan to give more on this topic later full information. After all, a pendulum can be used in everyday life for a variety of purposes: selection healthy products nutrition, cosmetics, useful medicines and herbs, you can even study relationships between people. But for these purposes, you need to calibrate the pendulum for yourself and follow many rules.

In the meantime, it’s enough to make a pendulum from scrap materials and you can start working with it to identify pathogenic zones in an apartment, house, office, garage and country house. Experts do this in empty rooms by constructing Hartmann grids. But you can simplify this process and simply examine the areas in your home where you spend a long time: the bed, resting and working areas, the kitchen and dining room.

Before the study, you need to activate the subconscious and give it a task. After all, it will help you find unfavorable areas. To do this, you need to build a clear intention, and since the subconscious speaks to us in images, you need to mentally imagine how streams of energy come out of the Earth, and you determine their charge.

To detect pathogenic zones in the apartment, take the pendulum by the thread at a height of 15-20 cm. thumb and forefinger and sweeps over the object under study with stops, very slowly and carefully at a height of 10-15 cm. In this case, you should carefully monitor its behavior.

The pendulum is calm – there is no pathogenic zone.

The pendulum begins to spin clockwise – a place where positive energy comes out. You can rest here and gain strength sometimes, but you can’t stay here all the time. I will tell you separately about places of power and interaction with them.

The pendulum spins counterclockwise – this is a zone of negative radiation. It’s better not to be in this place at all or try to film it. As a protective material, you can use red metlakh tiles, red bricks, sea shells, shungite crystals, or build a pyramid. There is a statement in the literature that thick polyethylene film also shields harmful radiation.

Of course, if there are pathogenic zones in the room, then it is better to change the apartment or office. But this is a difficult task, and for many, impossible. Therefore, you can simply arrange the furniture so as not to stay in bad areas for a long time. After all, the pathogenic radiation of the Earth goes straight upward and does not spread around these zones. And dangerous places should be shielded using any of the methods suggested above.

Technogenic negative radiation.

These radiations are more insidious than natural ones. They not only take away our energy, but also have a detrimental effect on the cells of our organs. In addition, we often bring them into our home ourselves and surround ourselves for convenience. I mean a lot of electrical appliances and fixtures. It is difficult to imagine life without a TV, computer, washing machine, microwave or electric oven. And it has become impossible to live without mobile phones and gadgets. And their radiation practically permeates the entire atmosphere around us.

The electromagnetic radiation that they emit is insidious in that it does not propagate linearly, but it permeates all space by different distances depending on the type of source. One good thing is that the further this source is from us, the weaker the harmful effects. This is what we will use to protect ourselves from them.

There are 3 types of protection against all types of radiation:

1. Distance from them.

2. Time of contact with them.

3. Screens.

It is probably clear to everyone without words that you should not be in areas near powerful transformers, high voltage lines, much less live next to them. This powerful radiation is difficult to protect against. But the harm household appliances can be significantly reduced with a reasonable approach.

There should be no electrical equipment in the bedroom, where we relax and recharge ourselves for the next day. Those who have televisions, computers, and telephones (especially mobile phones) in their bedrooms act recklessly. But if people cannot live without it, then at least during sleep they should be turned off and completely separated from the network. Otherwise, electromagnetic radiation continues.

Harmful radiation even comes from wires, so it will be impossible to completely get rid of it. But to reduce their harm, you can use plants that absorb negative energy: cacti, ferns. It is advisable to place it on the nightstand near the bed instead mobile phone install a shungite pyramid.

Both geopathogenic zones in the apartment and man-made emitters of negative energies have one feature that harms our body. In the area of ​​their influence, they form a huge amount of positive ions - cations, which are pathogenic factors for humans. It is positive cations that disrupt the energy of the human body. With the help of ionizers, which work on the principle of a Chizhevsky chandelier and produce negatively charged particles - anions, the harmful effects of negative radiation on humans can be neutralized.

Anions neutralize cations and create life-giving energy in the room. Anions give the air a fresh smell. Nature itself periodically cleanses the Earth of accumulated negative energy with thunderstorms. During lightning discharges, a huge amount of anions is formed and the atmosphere is purified. This principle is incorporated into the operation of ionizers.

Well, we will protect ourselves from the rest of our electrical assistants by distance and time. There are a lot of such helpers in our kitchen, where we women spend a lot of time. Therefore, it is necessary to use plants that absorb negative energy and ionizers there too. You should always leave the kitchen to clean areas when microwaves, electric ovens and ovens are on. You should not install TVs and computers in the kitchen in order to be present there for a long time and “swim” in harmful waves for a long time.

Nowadays, a huge number of people spend a lot of time in front of the computer. Many people now work using a computer. All of them should also follow safety rules so as not to harm their health. You should take more frequent breaks from work, during which you should do eye exercises and light stretching. different groups muscles. It would be nice to have a cactus and a shungite pyramid near the computer.

I would like to draw the attention of parents to this, who, according to the principle “no matter what the child enjoys, as long as it does not cry,” allow their children to play games all day long. computer games. And this is fraught not only with a detrimental effect on the child’s fragile body electromagnetic radiation. This is fraught with the development of gaming addiction and diversion of the child from the normal path of his development.

Although natural and man-made radiation is very harmful to humans, if a person lives consciously, he will cope with this task. You now know how to identify geopathogenic zones in an apartment and eliminate their negative impact on health. And here, not only the safety precautions that we discussed in this article will help you. It is very important to pay close attention to the energy of your body and regularly correct it. In the following articles I will offer you a very simple set of exercises that will help correct unfavorable changes in the energy system

Put all the tips into practice and be healthy!

Sincerely. Your Tatyana.

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