Good and bad omens. What does the sign "sprinkle sugar" mean?

Signs associated with the human body:

Scratch your elbow - sleep in a new place.

The mustache itches - before the gift.

The head itches - scolding to hear.

The right palm itches for profit, the left - for loss.

The neck itches for a feast.

The nose itches for news, wine, christenings.

The eyebrow itches for a date, tears.

The left eye is itching to tears, the right eye is looking at the sweetheart.

Cheeks burn to tears.

Lips itch for kisses.

Hurt your leg - hurry.

The soles itch towards the road.

Bite your tongue - to a quarrel.

House-related notes:

You should not give and accept knives as a gift - this is enmity.

It is impossible to wipe the table with paper - this leads to quarrels and losses.

Also, you can’t knock with keys and put them on the table - this leads to conflicts.

Do not put an open umbrella in the bedroom or living room - this can be the cause of shed tears.

To avoid a quarrel at a party, cross the threshold with your right foot.

They do not sweep the floor when a person dear to you has left, so as not to cover his way to your house.

Do not play with a knife - a quarrel may arise.

Don't cut after sunset new bread, as this can lead to quarrels and lack of money.

The salt shaker should not be passed from hand to hand. You need to put it on the table.

If you have to pass a needle to someone, you need to lightly (jokingly) prick this person. This is done so that there is no enmity with him.

So that two brothers do not quarrel, one magnet is sewn into their clothes.

If someone is called by the name of the person who left, then this person will be angry when he arrives.

Item-related notes:

The brick fell out of the oven - not good.

If the pin was found, the friend remembered.

If the dishes remain untidy on the table, then the devil or other evil spirits will settle in the house.

Salt spill - quarrel, to avoid this, you need to laugh or hit yourself on the forehead.

Wipe your hands with a tablecloth - there will be burrs.

If you step on the place where the bucket stood, then sores will go through the body.

If the keys are left on the table - to a quarrel.

A girl pricks her finger with a needle - she will hear praise.

Stepping over a broom is hard to give birth to children.

Notes on the weather

Faithful weather forecasters, especially for the forecast for the near future, are plants and animals.
Cats are probably the most sensitive to weather changes.

Signs in the cold:
A cat in the stove - a cold in the yard; a cat in a ball - in the cold. And expect frost if the cat covers its muzzle with its paw during sleep.

Notes for warming:
The cat lies on the floor, fast asleep; lies in the middle of the room, tail thrown back; lies belly up; sits on the windowsill and looks out the window.

And if a cat scratches the floor, then there will be a blizzard. Some similarities can be found in the behavior of dogs. Curled up and lie in a ball - in the cold; stretched, spreading their legs - for warmth; ride in the snow - for a thaw and for a snowstorm. To a snowstorm, if the dogs chase each other and play in the snow.

People's observation did not bypass other domestic animals:
If, in good weather in winter, cows and sheep from the fence themselves go to the barn, expect a snowstorm.
Calves in a warm room played out - there will be a blizzard.
If in the evening when milking a cow, the nipples are warm, it will not be warm, and if they are cold, it will be frosty.
AT winter time goats tapping their feet, flapping their ears and sneezing - towards the snow.
Piglets squeal - to the frost.
Before frost and a snowstorm, adult pigs squeal, and even straw with various garbage in the mouth they carry, apparently, to protect themselves from the coming cold.

Signs in the Sun:
If at sunset the sky is light azure, golden, light pink, or a predominance of a greenish tint is noticeable, the weather should be good, even if the sun is covered with clouds.
The red disk of the sun sets in a cloud or fog - to rain or wind, in the mist - to drought.
After sunset, the sky in the west turned purple-red - to a strong wind and rain.
If the sun rises from the reddened clouds around it - to rain, in fog - to clear, calm and stuffy weather.
If the sun rises from the reddened clouds around it - to rain, in fog - to clear, calm and stuffy weather, with clear skies and it seems smaller than usual, and its rays are very bright - to drought.
If at sunrise the sky turns red - to rain in one or two days, it turns into all colors - to rain on the same day.
The morning sun is red - the weather will change for the worse, rain and wind are possible.
At sunrise it is stuffy (soars) - to rain on the same day.
The sun is covered by clouds in the morning - it will rain.

Notes on the Moon:
If the moon seems larger than its usual size and it is reddish in color, it will rain.
During the full moon, the moon is light and pure in color - the weather will be good, dark and pale - to rain.

Signs on the Stars:
The stars seem very shiny - to be hot, twinkle a lot and look smaller than usual - to rain.
Starry sky - to clear weather, rare stars- to the rain.
The stars in the fog - to the rain, the stars are falling - to the wind.
If the stars twinkle strongly, and in the morning there are clouds - there will be a thunderstorm at noon.
Strong twinkling of stars at dawn - to rain in the coming days.

Signs on the Wind:
Strong northern or northwest winds- to cold, inclement weather.
Wet wind - to prolonged bad weather, gusty and stripes - to calm weather.
If the wind increases towards night, the weather will worsen.
Strong wind in the rain - to good weather.
The wind blew from the north - to be a clear and cold day.
If at noon good weather the wind intensifies, and white clouds appear in the sky, similar to cotton wool, and in the evening they disappear and the wind weakens, then this is for good weather the next day.

Rain tips:
Light rain in the morning - to a good year, if bubbles form from raindrops on the water - to be protracted by bad weather.

Signs on Rosa:
Abundant evening and morning dews for good weather, and the more abundant they are, the more sultry the coming day will be. But if dew does not appear, it dries quickly - the weather will worsen.

Fog notes:
If the fog spreads along the ground or quickly dissipates in the rays of the sun, be stable, good and even sultry weather, and if it rises in the form of a column - to rain.

Signs on Thunder:
Deaf thunder - to a quiet rain, and rolling - to a downpour.
Long peals of thunder - to a protracted bad weather.
If lightning flashes after rain without thunder, the weather will be clear.

Notes on the Rainbow:
If a rainbow appears in the morning before noon - be rain; in the evening - good weather.
If the rainbow soon disappears after the rain - to clear weather, it stays for a long time - to bad weather.
If rainbows appear during rain, it will rain for several days.

People's clairvoyance did not bypass household signs of the weather. Here are some of them for the rain:
Wooden covers, plugs, window frames, doors open tightly; dew falls on the glass in double frames, the windows seem to weep; bubbles appear on the surface in a bowl of water, the same bubbles are visible on any water surface.

Now let's turn our attention to the behavior of animals. Domestic animals usually eat grass greedily before rain (even cats and dogs) and drink little, the horse shakes its head and throws it up; the cows raise their muzzles up, greedily inhaling the air as well, the cattle run away from the yard to shelters; the dog intensively digs the ground, climbs into the water; the cat shakes its muzzle, go ahead.

And here is how the birds behave before the rain: chickens bathe in the sand, flap their wings; a rooster crows for no reason in the middle of the day, a domestic goose splashes in the water and dives; loudly, often anxiously screaming, gathering in flocks, rooks, crows, jackdaws, seagulls. Well, the fishermen are well aware that before the rain, the fish jumps out of the water, does not bite; earthworms crawl on the surface of the soil; mosquitoes and midges bite more strongly.

But it will take the behavior of smaller animals to improve the weather: the cat washes, licks its paw; the horse snorts; the rooster crows at the start of the day rainy weather; birds in bad weather suddenly begin to chirp; seagulls land on the water and swim.

Signs: Not good

Place the bread with the top crust down.

· Cut the bread at once from both ends.

· Take last piece from a plate. But if you are offered to take the last piece, grab it immediately - this will bring happiness in love or material profit.

Spilling salt - to trouble. But if you are going on some important business, a pinch of salt in your left pocket will save you from trouble or disappointment.

Passing the salt shaker across the table means passing your troubles to someone.

Do not do this and in no case do not accept a salt shaker from others, even if it is handed to you without malicious intent, out of ignorance it will be accepted.

· When eating, one should not give a piece to another person to finish eating, as he will eat all his strength from the first. You can’t also let them finish drinking after themselves, so that they don’t recognize your thoughts.

· To prick bread with a knife or fork - forever deprive yourself of happiness.

If the child brought food to the house from strangers, under any pretext, make him take it out of the house and throw it away - the food can be charmed.
· A bad sign is a wooden chair accidentally overturned, especially if it happened in a hospital.

· If someone has moved a chair for you, in no case, after sitting and getting up from it, do not put it back in its original place. Away, this means that you will no longer be in this house.

If you have accidentally dropped a comb on the floor, do not rush to pick it up, let someone else do it, or, before picking it up, step on it with your left foot and spit three times over your left shoulder. Almost the same thing should be done with dropped gloves, but if someone else picks up and hands you a dropped glove, this sure sign that a pleasant surprise awaits you.

· If you forgot gloves in someone's house, and then returned to pick them up, then do not take them through the threshold, but enter the house, even if you are in a hurry, sit down and put them on your hands. Only after that you can leave - otherwise you will be in trouble.

Giving gloves - to a quarrel, but if out of ignorance this happened, then a little money should be given for the gift.

Humming on an empty stomach is a bad omen, you will have to cry in the evening. It is strictly forbidden to hum while playing cards or preparing flour dishes (pie, pancakes, etc.).

· To always have money in your pocket, put a bent coin or a coin with a hole in it. But she will help as long as, when you receive new money, you do not forget to spit on them.

Whistling in many cases brings misfortune. You can not whistle in the mine - a collapse may occur; on a ship - a whistle scares off a fair wind; behind the scenes of the theater - the audience will boo.

Gathering at a table in the amount of 13 people is a very bad omen. If this happened, in order to avoid misfortune, you need to set up an extra device and not leave it empty, but fill it with the same as the guests' plates.

A bad sign is to follow the guest with your eyes until he is completely out of sight. A person can turn around, after which he will be very homesick and loved ones.

· old omen says that when passing over the bridge, it is better not to talk to anyone, even with your companion.

· To protect yourself from bad omens, you need to spit over your left shoulder three times: after a quarrel or an unpleasant incident; before embarking on a dangerous and risky business, and especially when you feel that someone has looked at you with an unkind look.

Protects from bad omens and knocking on wood. A real tree in our time may not be at hand, so carry at least a small piece of tree bark in your pocket.

· To protect yourself from the evil eye, mentally place a mirror between you and this person facing him or, looking in his direction, say in a whisper: "I wish you the same."

The easiest way to protect against the evil eye - a safety pin is possible bigger size pin it closer to the heart, but so that it is not visible to others. The head of the pin should be pointing down.

If you feel that the person walking behind wants to jinx you or spoil you, turn your head sharply towards him, right hand move back to his side and make a sign of a goat with your fingers: the middle, ring and thumb are squeezed together, and the rest are extended. In this case, the hand is directed to the ground.

· According to folk omens If you pour water through a sieve three times, it helps against spoilage and many diseases.

Red thread bandages on the left hand protect from the evil eye and relieve joint pain. The power of the red color is also transferred to plants with red berries - viburnum and mountain ash. The mountain ash is believed to ward off witches.

· To protect yourself from the influence of an evil person, hang a branch of St. John's wort at the entrance to the house - it will save a person from bad thoughts. In case of family damage by a burning branch of St. John's wort, it is necessary to baptize the corners in the house within ten days. You can stick a kitchen knife into the window frame or into the door in the most visible place. Ordinary person will not notice this, and a person with bad thoughts will fly out as if scalded.

· When a person leaves the house for the first time after a serious illness, he should walk around the house in the course of the sun. If you do not do this, the disease will definitely return.

· The easiest way to protect against the evil eye or damage is to cross your arms or legs in a conversation with a person from whom you can expect trouble.

· Tie two rowan sticks with a red thread crosswise and hang this cross between the lining and the top of your outerwear. No sorcerer and no witch can hurt.

Boy or girl? Signs of determining the future sex of the child.

Determining the future sex of a child is a topic that has always interested future parents. After all, you need to prepare for the emergence of a new person and it is easier to do this, knowing who will be born: a boy or a girl. At least in order to come up with a name for this new person.

Of course, now there is modern medical equipment that makes it possible to determine the sex of the unborn child with almost 100% certainty, but there are cases when the position of the fetus in the womb is such that even ultrasound does not allow determining the sex of the child. In addition, many parents refuse ultrasound, and many simply do not have such an opportunity.

Here, signs come to the rescue, allowing you to find out the sex of the unborn child even before birth. Naturally, such signs often do not have any scientific justification, but for inexplicable reasons, they come true.

Some signs for the birth of a child
If the tummy is sharp and protruding - then this is a tummy with a boy, round and wide - inside a girl.
Leg hair grows more during pregnancy - there will be a boy. If hair is not added - a girl.
If the father and mother, at the time of conception, are already married or married, then a girl will be born, and if not, then a boy. The boy, as it were, will replace his father and become a man in the house.
If a woman loves more in a couple, a girl will be born. Instead, it's a boy.
If, before conception, the spouses often live sexually, then a girl will be born, and if with a break of several days, then a boy.
If a man wears tight underwear, then a boy will be born, if free - a girl.
If conception occurred on the day of ovulation, a boy will be born. If a couple of days before - a girl.
Future mom sleeps with his head closer to the north - a boy will be born, to the south - a girl.
The mother's feet became colder than they were before pregnancy - there will be a boy.
Expectant mother gets prettier during pregnancy - expect a boy. Appearance began to deteriorate - wait for the girl. Sometimes this sign mentions only the woman's face or chest. It is said that girls "steal" their mother's beauty. Dont be upset! Pregnancy is temporary.
A needle on a thread describes circles above the stomach - a boy will be born. If it sways from side to side, it's a girl.
If you are drawn to sweets, fruits - this means that you have a girl. If for salty or sour, as well as for meat and cheese - a boy.
A slightly swollen nose indicates a boy.

These are the most common signs of determining the sex of a child.

Remember: the very birth of a child is already a big joy and maybe the most significant event in your life. And what gender he is - this is secondary. The main thing is to be healthy.

Last sign (especially for men):

Fathers often want a boy, but then love a girl more. She reminds her father of her mother and his wife in her youth. Naturally, the sign also applies to mothers expecting girls.

Many of us believe that all signs and superstitions are a relic of the past. However, we are still afraid of black cats on the roads and broken mirrors. Consider the most famous signs and their meanings. Probably, after that you will be able to answer the question: is it worth believing in omens?

Why not celebrate 40 years?

The origins of this sign stretch from the time Kievan Rus. In ancient times, it was customary to check a buried person forty days later for incorruptibility. In this regard, the number 40 entered everyday life with a special mystical meaning. And if you believe the esotericists, then 40 is the number of death and corresponds to the “Death” card in fortune-telling on the Tarot card. It is believed that if a person celebrates his fortieth birthday, he will attract trouble.

Why can't you donate a watch?

Give a watch Bad sign. This superstition came to us from Ancient China. The inhabitants of this country still believe that the donated watch is an invitation to their funeral, and they will count the minutes until the death of the person who gave such a present.

Why can't you take the trash out of the house at night?

According to popular belief, those who take out the garbage from the house after sunset will become victims of gossip and gossip. The meaning of this sign and its origin is unknown. It is believed that people who took out the trash in the dark were hiding something. Curious neighbors saw everything and began to speculate about the contents of the trash can: after all, it’s not without reason that a person takes out the trash at night!

Why are the dishes breaking?

Many people think that broken dishes is a bad omen. However, it is not. The ancient Chinese believed that if, for example, a cup broke, it meant that it had accumulated a lot of negative energy and broke from the fact that she can no longer withstand the pressure of negative emotions. Broken dishes must be immediately collected and thrown away from the house.

Why does the left palm itch?

People say that if the left palm itches, then this is for monetary profit. If the right palm itches, then, on the contrary, you will have to give money. It is believed that the left hand is the taker and the right hand is the giver. So if you want to attract money, then scratch more often left palm, then the profit itself will be pulled to you.

Sprinkle salt - to a quarrel?

There is a popular sign that says: spilled salt - expect a quarrel. This ancient sign originated at a time when salt was considered a delicacy. She was brought to the table only on holidays, as she was very expensive. If someone spilled salt, then he was strongly scolded for it and could even be beaten.

Break a mirror - to grief?

The origin and meaning of this sign came to us from the ancient teachings of feng shui. The mirror, according to Chinese wisdom, is an indicator of the atmosphere in the house. If it broke, it means that a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the house. It is believed that if you break a mirror, then seven years of bad luck await you. This consequence can be avoided if you do not look at the fragments, quickly collect them and throw them away from home.

Wearing clothes inside out - to trouble?

It is believed that clothes worn inside out will attract trouble. In ancient times, holy fools wore clothes inside out. Therefore, the meaning of this sign is quite justified: clothes inside out are a sign of an unlucky, sick and poor person.

Why can't you eat with a knife?

According to this popular belief, eating from a knife means charging negative energy. Since ancient times, knives have been designed for hunting and war, so if you decide to eat from a knife, it will make you aggressive, angry and irritable.

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people?

The meaning of this sign is still not fully understood. Many argue that it is impossible to photograph sleeping people just because in a dream the soul of a person leaves his body, and in the picture he will turn out in this case without a soul, which can harm him.

The origin of these signs is connected with ancient beliefs, which at present have practically no justification. But this is no reason not to believe folk signs! Trust only good superstitions then they will bring you good luck and happiness! We are waiting for your comments on the topic and do not forget to click on the buttons and

11.02.2014 15:23

Signs after death have been observed for many hundreds of years. Despite the ban of the church, many are trying to fulfill the original ...

Signs associated with the human body:

    Scratch your elbow - sleep in a new place.

    The mustache itches - before the gift.

    The head itches - scolding to hear.

    The right palm itches for profit, the left - for loss.

    The neck itches for a feast.

    The nose itches for news, wine, christenings.

    The eyebrow itches for a date, tears.

    The left eye is itching to tears, the right eye is looking at the sweetheart.

    Cheeks burn to tears.

    Lips itch for kisses.

    Hurt your leg - hurry.

    The soles itch towards the road.

    Bite your tongue - to a quarrel.

House-related notes:

  • You should not give and accept knives as a gift - this is enmity.
  • It is impossible to wipe the table with paper - this leads to quarrels and losses.
  • Also, you can’t knock with keys and put them on the table - this leads to conflicts.
  • Do not put an open umbrella in the bedroom or living room - this can be the cause of shed tears.
  • To avoid a quarrel at a party, cross the threshold with your right foot.
  • They do not sweep the floor when a person dear to you has left, so as not to cover his way to your house.
  • Do not play with a knife - a quarrel may arise.
  • After sunset, new bread is not cut, as this can lead to quarrels and lack of money.
  • The salt shaker should not be passed from hand to hand. You need to put it on the table.
  • If you have to pass a needle to someone, you need to lightly (jokingly) prick this person. This is done so that there is no enmity with him.
  • So that two brothers do not quarrel, one magnet is sewn into their clothes.
  • If someone is called by the name of the person who left, then this person will be angry when he arrives.

Item-related notes:

  • The brick fell out of the oven - not good.
  • If the pin was found, the friend remembered.
  • If the dishes remain untidy on the table, then the devil or other evil spirits will settle in the house.
  • Salt spill - quarrel, to avoid this, you need to laugh or hit yourself on the forehead.
  • Wipe your hands with a tablecloth - there will be burrs.
  • If you step on the place where the bucket stood, then sores will go through the body.
  • If the keys are left on the table - to a quarrel.
  • A girl pricks her finger with a needle - she will hear praise.
  • Stepping over a broom is hard to give birth to children.

Weather notes:

  • Faithful weather forecasters, especially for the forecast for the near future, are plants and animals.
  • Cats are probably the most sensitive to weather changes.

Frost tips:

  • A cat in the stove - a cold in the yard; a cat in a ball - in the cold. And expect frost if the cat covers its muzzle with its paw during sleep.

Warming tips:

  • The cat lies on the floor, fast asleep; lies in the middle of the room, tail thrown back; lies belly up; sits on the windowsill and looks out the window.
  • And if a cat scratches the floor, then there will be a blizzard. Some similarities can be found in the behavior of dogs. Curled up and lie in a ball - in the cold; stretched, spreading their legs - for warmth; ride in the snow - for a thaw and for a snowstorm. To a snowstorm, if the dogs chase each other and play in the snow.

Notes on pets:

  • If, in good weather in winter, cows and sheep from the fence themselves go to the barn, expect a snowstorm.
  • Calves in a warm room played out - there will be a blizzard.
  • If in the evening when milking a cow, the nipples are warm, it will not be warm, and if they are cold, it will be frosty.
  • In winter, goats knock their feet, flap their ears and sneeze - to the snow.
  • Piglets squeal - to the frost.
  • Before frost and a snowstorm, adult pigs also squeal, and at the same time they carry straw with various garbage in their mouths, apparently to protect themselves from the coming cold.

Signs in the Sun:

  • If at sunset the sky is light azure, golden, light pink, or a predominance of a greenish tint is noticeable, the weather should be good, even if the sun is covered with clouds.
  • The red disk of the sun sets in a cloud or fog - to rain or wind, in the mist - to drought.
  • After sunset, the sky in the west turned purple-red - to a strong wind and rain.
  • If the sun rises from the reddened clouds around it - to rain, in fog - to clear, calm and stuffy weather.
  • If the sun rises from the reddened clouds around it - to rain, in fog - to clear, calm and stuffy weather, with a clear sky and seems smaller than usual, and its rays are very bright - to drought.
  • If at sunrise the sky turns red - to rain in one or two days, it turns into all colors - to rain on the same day.
  • The morning sun is red - the weather will change for the worse, rain and wind are possible.
  • At sunrise it is stuffy (soars) - to rain on the same day.
  • The sun is covered by clouds in the morning - it will rain.

Notes on the Moon:

  • If the moon seems larger than its usual size and it is reddish in color, it will rain.
  • During the full moon, the moon is light and pure in color - the weather will be good, dark and pale - to rain.

Signs on the Stars:

  • The stars seem very shiny - to be hot, twinkle a lot and look smaller than usual - to rain.
  • Starry sky - to clear weather, rare stars - to rain.
  • The stars in the fog - to the rain, the stars are falling - to the wind.
  • If the stars twinkle strongly, and in the morning there are clouds - there will be a thunderstorm at noon.
  • Strong twinkling of stars at dawn - to rain in the coming days.

Signs on the Wind:

  • Strong north or northwest winds - to cold, inclement weather.
  • Wet wind - to prolonged bad weather, gusty and stripes - to calm weather.
  • If the wind increases towards night, the weather will worsen.
  • Strong wind in the rain - good weather.
  • The wind blew from the north - to be a clear and cold day.
  • If at noon in good weather the wind increases and white clouds appear in the sky, similar to cotton wool, and in the evening they disappear and the wind weakens, then this is for good weather the next day.

Rain tips:

  • Light rain in the morning - to a good year, if bubbles form from raindrops on the water - to be protracted by bad weather.

Signs on Rosa:

  • Abundant evening and morning dews for good weather, and the more abundant they are, the more sultry the coming day will be. But if dew does not appear, it dries quickly - the weather will worsen.

Fog notes:

  • If the fog spreads along the ground or quickly dissipates in the rays of the sun, be stable, good and even sultry weather, and if it rises in the form of a column - to rain.

Signs on Thunder:

  • Deaf thunder - to a quiet rain, and rolling - to a downpour.
  • Long peals of thunder - to a protracted bad weather.
  • If lightning flashes after rain without thunder, the weather will be clear.

Notes on the Rainbow:

  • If a rainbow appears in the morning before noon - be rain; in the evening - good weather.
  • If the rainbow soon disappears after the rain - to clear weather, it stays for a long time - to bad weather.
  • If rainbows appear during rain, it will rain for several days.

Weather notes. For rain:

  • Wooden covers, plugs, window frames, doors open tightly; dew falls on the glass in double frames, the windows seem to weep; bubbles appear on the surface in a bowl of water, the same bubbles are visible on any water surface.
  • Now let's turn our attention to the behavior of animals. Domestic animals usually eat grass greedily before rain (even cats and dogs) and drink little, the horse shakes its head and throws it up; the cows raise their muzzles up, greedily inhaling the air as well, the cattle run away from the yard to shelters; the dog intensively digs the ground, climbs into the water; the cat shakes its muzzle, go ahead.

Birds before the rain

  • Chickens bathe in the sand, flap their wings; a rooster crows for no reason in the middle of the day, a domestic goose splashes in the water and dives; loudly, often anxiously screaming, gathering in flocks, rooks, crows, jackdaws, seagulls. Well, the fishermen are well aware that before the rain, the fish jumps out of the water, does not bite; earthworms crawl on the surface of the soil; mosquitoes and midges bite more strongly.

But it will take the behavior of animals to improve the weather:

  • The cat washes, licks its paw; the horse snorts; the rooster sings at the beginning of the day in rainy weather; birds in bad weather suddenly begin to chirp; seagulls land on the water and swim.

Signs: Not good:

  • Lay the bread with the top crust down.
  • Cut the bread at once from both ends.
  • Take the last piece from the plate. But if you are offered to take the last piece, grab it immediately - this will bring happiness in love or material profit.
  • Spilling salt is in trouble. But if you are going on some important business, a pinch of salt in your left pocket will save you from trouble or disappointment.
  • Passing the salt shaker across the table means passing your troubles to someone.
  • Do not do this and in no case do not accept a salt shaker from others, even if it is handed to you without malicious intent, out of ignorance it will be accepted.
  • When eating, one should not allow another person to finish eating a piece, since he will eat all his strength from the first. You can’t also let them finish drinking after themselves, so that they don’t recognize your thoughts.
  • To prick bread with a knife or fork - forever deprive yourself of happiness.
  • If a child brought food from strangers to the house, under any pretext, force him to take it out of the house and throw it away - the food can be charmed.
  • A bad sign is a wooden chair accidentally knocked over, especially if it happened in a hospital.
  • If someone moves a chair for you, in no case, after sitting and getting up from it, do not put it back in its original place. Away, this means that you will no longer be in this house.
  • If you accidentally dropped a comb on the floor, do not rush to pick it up, let someone else do it, or, before picking it up, step on it with your left foot and spit three times over your left shoulder. Almost the same thing should be done with dropped gloves, but if someone else picks up and hands you a dropped glove, this is a sure sign that a pleasant surprise awaits you.
  • If you forgot gloves in someone's house, and then returned to pick them up, then do not take them through the threshold, but enter the house, even if you are in a hurry, sit down and put them on your hands. Only after that you can leave - otherwise you will be in trouble.
  • Giving gloves is a quarrel, but if out of ignorance this happened, then a little money should be given for the gift.
  • Humming on an empty stomach is a bad omen, you will have to cry in the evening. It is strictly forbidden to hum while playing cards or preparing flour dishes (pie, pancakes, etc.).
  • To always have money in your pocket, put a bent coin or a coin with a hole in it. But she will help as long as, when you receive new money, you do not forget to spit on them.
  • Whistling in many cases brings misfortune. You can not whistle in the mine - a collapse may occur; on a ship - a whistle scares off a fair wind; behind the scenes of the theater - the audience will boo.
  • Gathering at a table in the amount of 13 people is a very bad omen. If this happened, in order to avoid misfortune, you need to set up an extra device and not leave it empty, but fill it with the same as the guests' plates.
  • A bad sign is to follow the guest with your eyes until he is completely out of sight. A person can turn around, after which he will be very homesick and loved ones.
  • An old sign says that when passing over the bridge, it is better not to talk to anyone, even with your companion.
  • To protect yourself from bad omens, you need to spit over your left shoulder three times: after a quarrel or an unpleasant incident; before embarking on a dangerous and risky business, and especially when you feel that someone has looked at you with an unkind look.
  • Protects from bad omens and knock on wood. A real tree in our time may not be at hand, so carry at least a small piece of tree bark in your pocket.
  • To protect yourself from the evil eye, mentally place a mirror between you and this person facing him or, looking in his direction, say in a whisper: "I wish you the same."
  • The easiest way to protect against the evil eye is to pin a safety pin as large as possible closer to the heart, but so that it is not visible to others. The head of the pin should be pointing down.
  • If you feel that the person walking behind wants to jinx you or spoil you, turn your head sharply towards him, move your right hand back to his side and make a goat sign with your fingers: the middle, ring and thumb are squeezed together, and the rest are extended. In this case, the hand is directed to the ground.
  • According to popular beliefs, if water is drained through a sieve three times, it helps against spoilage and many diseases.
  • Red thread bandages on the left hand protect from the evil eye and relieve joint pain. The power of the red color is also transferred to plants with red berries - viburnum and mountain ash. The mountain ash is believed to ward off witches.
  • To protect yourself from the influence of an evil person, hang a branch of St. John's wort at the entrance to the house - it will save a person from bad thoughts. In case of family damage by a burning branch of St. John's wort, it is necessary to baptize the corners in the house within ten days. You can stick a kitchen knife into the window frame or into the door in the most visible place. An ordinary person will not notice this, and a person with bad thoughts will fly out as if scalded.
  • When a person leaves the house for the first time after a serious illness, he should walk around the house in the course of the sun. If you do not do this, the disease will definitely return.
  • The easiest way to protect yourself from the evil eye or damage is to cross your arms or legs in a conversation with a person from whom you can expect trouble.
  • Tie two rowan sticks with a red thread crosswise and hang this cross between the lining and the top of your outerwear. No sorcerer and no witch can hurt.

Boy or girl? Signs of determining the future sex of the child:

  • Determining the future sex of a child is a topic that has always interested future parents. After all, you need to prepare for the emergence of a new person and it is easier to do this, knowing who will be born: a boy or a girl. At least in order to come up with a name for this new person.
  • Of course, now there is modern medical equipment that makes it possible to determine the sex of the unborn child with almost 100% certainty, but there are cases when the position of the fetus in the womb is such that even ultrasound does not allow determining the sex of the child. In addition, many parents refuse ultrasound, and many simply do not have such an opportunity.
  • Here, signs come to the rescue, allowing you to find out the sex of the unborn child even before birth. Naturally, such signs often do not have any scientific justification, but for inexplicable reasons, they come true.

Some signs for the birth of a child:

  • If the tummy is sharp and protruding - then this is a tummy with a boy, round and wide - inside a girl.
  • Leg hair grows more during pregnancy - there will be a boy. If hair is not added - a girl.
  • If the father and mother, at the time of conception, are already married or married, then a girl will be born, and if not, then a boy. The boy, as it were, will replace his father and become a man in the house.
  • If a woman loves more in a couple, a girl will be born. Instead, it's a boy.
  • If, before conception, the spouses often live sexually, then a girl will be born, and if with a break of several days, then a boy.
  • If a man wears tight underwear, then a boy will be born, if free - a girl.
  • If conception occurred on the day of ovulation, a boy will be born. If a couple of days before - a girl.
  • The expectant mother sleeps with her head closer to the north - a boy will be born, to the south - a girl.
  • The mother's feet became colder than they were before pregnancy - there will be a boy.
  • Expectant mother gets prettier during pregnancy - expect a boy. Appearance began to deteriorate - wait for the girl. Sometimes this sign mentions only the woman's face or chest. It is said that girls "steal" their mother's beauty. Dont be upset! Pregnancy is temporary.
  • A needle on a thread describes circles above the stomach - a boy will be born. If it sways from side to side, it's a girl.
  • If you are drawn to sweets, fruits - this means that you have a girl. If for salty or sour, as well as for meat and cheese - a boy.
  • A slightly swollen nose indicates a boy.

These are the most common signs of determining the sex of a child.

Remember: the birth of a child in itself is already a great joy and, perhaps, the most significant event in your life. And what gender he is - this is secondary. The main thing is to be healthy.

Last sign (especially for men):

Fathers often want a boy, but then love a girl more. She reminds her father of her mother and his wife in her youth. Naturally, the sign also applies to mothers expecting girls.

1) To be identified in a person - for a wedding or for a dead person.
2) To lose a glove - unfortunately.
3)) Break the mirror - for worse.
4) If you step on someone else's footprint, your legs will hurt.
5) Sew a dress on yourself, sew on a button - you will sew a memory.
6) Clothes inside out - either drunk or you will be beaten.
7) The right eye itches - to look at the cute.
8) Whose cheeks are burning, there is a rumor about that.
9) The eyelash will fall out - for a gift.
10) Hiccuped - did you remember it for good?
11) The elbow itches - to grief.
12) The back of the head itches - unfortunately.
13) Itching in the nose - to the good news.
14) Cheeks itch and burn - to tears.
15) The right eyebrow itches - to a date with a friend, the left one - with a secret enemy.
16) Bread or a spoon will fall at dinner - the guest is in a hurry.
17) Choking at dinner - the guest is in a hurry.
18) A spoon forgotten on the table - to the guest.
19) Accidentally extinguish a candle - to the guests
20) Whoever's ear is on fire, they say about him: the right one is the truth, the left one is a lie.
21) Ringing in the right ear - a good mention; in the left - thin.
22) Accidentally spilling salt - to a quarrel (and so that a quarrel does not happen, sprinkle salt on your head, laugh or let yourself be hit on the forehead).
23) When the sun has set, do not throw rubbish on the street: you will be thrown through.
24) At sunset, do not count money, do not conduct calculations.
25) In one hut, do not take revenge with different brooms: wealth will scatter in the corners.
26) During the new moon, do not show the moon an empty wallet: it will always be empty.
27) To wipe yourself with one towel with two - in the next world to be torn.
28) On Monday you sneeze - a gift in the week.
29) He sneezed - so he told the truth. Sneeze for the truth.
30) He who is ticklish is jealous.
31) Elbow itches - sleep in a new place.
32) To go out in the rain is a harbinger of a prosperous road, as in any enterprise.
A lot of signs are associated with animals. It was believed that they, unlike people, developed a special flair for upcoming events or changes in life. By their behavior, they always helped people, warned them or, on the contrary, gave the go-ahead for decisive action.
1) Raven. If a raven sits on the dome or bell tower of a temple, the deceased will be buried in that church. If on the roof of the house - someone will die.
2) Dove. A dove will fly in the window - to be a fire or someone to die, sometimes to be news.
3) Cat. When a cat washes its paw towards itself - to be guests, and when it sleeps with a stigma under its belly - to bad weather or to cold.
4) Swallow. There is a sign that if someone kills a swallow (which is recognized as a mistress, a housewife, a housewife) or a dove, a titmouse, then he will not be happy in cattle breeding.
5) Spiders. According to popular Russian belief, all spiders are harmful - from small to large. Whoever accidentally eats a spider will suffer from dropsy or swelling in the stomach.
6) Dog. By popular belief, the dog howls - either to the fire, or to the dead, or to his death. To a fire - howls up with his muzzle, to a dead person - down, and to his death - sitting or lying down. If the dog reaches out to someone, then to the update.
7) Owl. This bird is popularly considered destructive, because it portends misfortune (as if). Superstitious people carry her claws with them to protect themselves from sorcery.
8) The yard bird is plucked - to bad weather.
9) The chicken stands on one leg - to the cold. A mother hen puts chickens under her - to bad weather.
10) Crows gather in a bunch or bathe - to bad weather.
11) Sparrows bathe in dust or chirp - to rain.
12) Swallows fly low - to rain, and high - to the sun.
Signs of our grandmothers for especially superstitious people. These signs will also help you protect yourself from various troubles and surprises.
1) It was customary for some superstitious people to keep hair and nails, who thought that in the next world they would have to give an account for every hair. When combing, leaving a strand of hair not braided meant - the road from home.
2) Road. In the old days, it was not advised to leave on Monday: a failure on the trip. It was also considered a bad omen if a hare ran across the road. And if someone wants to see the person leaving on the road as soon as possible, he, returning to the threshold, should look back after the person leaving.
3) Porridge. When the porridge boiled in the oven rose above the edges of the pot and leaned back, it was a superstitious sign of happiness and abundance, and when the slop was at the mouth of the oven - loss, damage, ruin of the house.
4) Moon. Whoever sees the new moon on the right side, according to old Russian beliefs, will receive income for a month, right out of the blue, on the left - an expense. It is also advised to hold on to money at the sight of a new moon so that there is a profit for the whole month.
5) A pregnant woman. In the old days, they assured that a pregnant woman certainly had to put aside all the troubles and objects of an unpleasant appearance - animals, ugly people. Otherwise, she could give birth to a child whose face or image could bear a strong resemblance to an animal or that freak that she often saw or was frightened of.
6) If someone notices a mother that her baby is beautiful or healthy, in a word - praises, then the superstitious mother, so that they do not take lessons from the baby, licked his face three times and each time spat on the ground. The same is done with the child in the bath.
7) Update. The one who spat on the dress inadvertently hoped to receive or sew a new one by all means. White spots on the fingernails also indicate updates; their size is used to judge the value of these updates.
Do not leave pieces of bread and other food after eating. To small children, mothers and grandmothers, worried about the poor appetite of their child, say that without eating, they leave their strength. Bread has long been considered a symbol of prosperity and well-being. Therefore, according to the sign, if a person leaves pieces of bread, then one of his relatives far from him is in need. Or soon he himself will face material difficulties.
You should not give things over the threshold. Also, you should not say hello through the threshold, as you risk quarreling. The threshold, according to popular belief, served as a border dividing the space into two halves, one of which was the possession of evil spirits. And a person standing on this line, as it were, had one foot in the world of evil spirits and therefore became vulnerable to them. For the same reason, it is considered a bad omen, also foreshadowing a quarrel, for two close people to bypass the pillar from different sides.
When leaving home, do not rush so as not to forget something in a hurry, as returning is considered a bad sign, indicating failure awaiting you. By returning, you kill your beginning. If it so happened that you had to return, then it is better to give up on this day from any serious matters. There is also a belief that if you had to return, then when you leave, you need to look in the mirror. However, if you do not attach importance to this folk wisdom, but you have had to return more than once, then following this superstitious rule will not hurt you: you will become less distracted.
You can’t sew clothes on yourself or sew on buttons, especially in front of the road: you will sew the road, in other words, there is a possibility that trouble may happen to you on the road. In general, everything that, one way or another, is connected with the human body, has long been given great importance.
Sorcerers and sorcerers, in order to bring damage to a person, made a doll similar to him and stuck needles into it, after which the one who became a victim of damage began to slowly fade away. Another sign is connected with this phenomenon, according to which, when talking about illnesses, physical defects or wounds of another, one cannot show on oneself that this person is in pain.
This series of superstitions also includes numerous signs associated with human hair: you can’t leave your hair in a comb, because in this case you leave all your worries of the current day for the next day. It is considered a bad sign to cut your own hair. Hair should not be thrown anywhere, but it is best to bury or burn it. These signs are also associated with the fact that hair carries information about a person. And if they fall into the hands of a fortune teller, he can use it to harm a person.
In no case should you wear other people's things and give your own. Since things, being in the long-term use of their owner, are also a kind of treasury of his energy information. Every thing has its own energy field. All changes in the energy of a person are reflected in his things. The antiquity of this superstition is also indicated folk tales: sorceresses often used in their magical actions (damage, evil eye) personal items of the person they wanted to harm.
Break dishes, glass during some celebration was considered a good sign. From here came the custom at the wedding to beat the dishes for good luck. In the Urals, in rural regions, the custom is still tenacious, according to which, on the second day after the wedding, the young husband must break the plate, which covered the pancake dish, presented by the mother-in-law to her new relative.

Eat from cracked, broken dishes - unfortunately, to a "cracked" life. - Broken dishes have always symbolized inferiority, misfortune - with the exception of ...

Do not take someone else's handkerchief - with it, other people's tears will pass to you. If they give you a new handkerchief, give a symbolic ransom, at least a penny. - In general, any foreign thing is endowed by the people with the peculiarity of keeping the memory of its owner. It is believed that a mirror remembers the faces of its previous owners, a broom remembers its brownie, etc. A handkerchief is no exception. Let me give you another belief about the "memory of things" - this time a positive one: if you carry a rich man's wallet with you a little, then your wallet will learn to store money from him. We have already talked about the ransom for a small gift. We can also say about the purely hygienic meaning inherent in the sign: do not use someone else's handkerchief (as well as a towel, comb) in order to avoid infection.

If you want to give a wallet - put a coin or a bill in it so that it is never empty. - This applies literally to all things that are designed to store something in them, they are filled with something. In the same way, it is not recommended to give empty bags, suitcases, even dishes. Taking a frying pan for a while, a neighbor would return it with what was baked in it, most often with a pancake. It is believed that a thing should immediately get used to the fact that it cannot be empty.

Two people cannot look in the mirror at the same time: they will love and suffer the same person. - The mirror is one of the most magical, mystical items in the house. With its help, they guessed fate (guessed), they closed it when there was a dead person in the house (“so that the soul does not get lost”), it was removed away from babies (so that they would not be frightened and not remain dumb), etc. In all this there is both a mystical and everyday meaning. Mystically, the mirror symbolizes the duality of existence, the border between the worlds, the "receptacle of souls." It is believed that in the mirror you can see both your old age and your death. This superstition is built precisely on the mystical perception of the mirror, having captured yourself together with someone in the same space, in the future you will have a relationship with everything only together with him. In particular, you will love the same person with him. Given the presence of mirrors in all public places (for example, in a theater), one cannot treat this superstition without irony.

After sunset, they don’t lend money or things: there will be no return. - We have already mentioned a similar sign earlier. The sunset symbolizes the advent of the temporary kingdom of darkness, dark forces who only want to quarrel people. After sunset, it was also not allowed to cut a new loaf of bread, throw away garbage, etc. In other words, you can neither start a new business, nor take something out of the house (protected space) beyond its walls, beyond the threshold, because this is to the detriment. The belief also reflects the ancient deification of the sun - Dazhbog, Yarila, Khors (depending on the function emphasized, the Sun God had different names).

In order for money to flow, one must look at the newly born month, while holding on to money or gold. - To become rich is a normal desire of every person, because wealth gives independence. Therefore, people associated many signs with the ability to achieve wealth: here and long hair, and a fur coat pile up, and ants, and even cockroaches (according to the quantitative principle), and the cry of a cuckoo, and washing with water in which golden objects lie ... In this case, we mean the association with the growing month (moon): it will grow - and the money will be added. The full moon resembles a large coin, and its light is like a color precious metals, which contributed to the appearance of signs.

Do not keep an empty bottle on the table - there will be no money. - The sign refers to any empty dish, because it has already exhausted its functions. On a mystical level, this is explained by the fact that an unclean force can move into an empty bottle (“a holy place is never empty”). For this reason, housewives turn pots, pots, jars upside down at night if they are empty.

He casually put on his underwear inside out - ask your family to knock on the back, otherwise you will be beaten. - To put on something inside out means to offer to the external, hostile world that which is usually guarded, guarded, protected. In other words, become defenseless. Asking your family to knock on the back is a kind of sign that you have already been beaten and you don’t need to be punished for this oversight a second time. If we move away from mystical interpretations, then, naturally, a person who walks all day in clothes worn inside out experiences discomfort.

If you want to protect yourself from the evil eye, wear a pin on your clothes. If you want to save the house, stick a needle and thread over the door or into the door. - As has been said more than once, a needle is a tool of damage in the hands of an evil person; she also protected, if you direct her point against the enemy, because then his gaze will stumble upon the point and will not be able to cause harm. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether he sees this needle (pin) or does not see it. The main thing is that you are confident in your security. The same function is performed by a needle in the door or above the door. One can only smile at this superstition, but note how many people wear pins for this very purpose, even pretending to use them for their intended purpose. And that's good. If it were not for the belief in omens, it would have been difficult when the button suddenly comes off or the lightning breaks.

It is impossible for a child to see himself in the mirror: he may be frightened. If he has already begun to speak, he will become a stutterer. If you haven’t started yet, then you may not learn from fear. - Beliefs about mirrors, as already mentioned, there are a great many, moreover, in different countries. Most of them are connected with the mystical belief that a double of a person lives in a mirror. But in this case, the belief is based on real observations: the baby still does not understand what a mirror is, has no idea about the possibility of his own reflection in it, and the appearance in front of his eyes of some little man with the same movements that he himself is by no means makes the baby laugh (as young parents sometimes think), but scares.

Wipe yourself together with one towel - soon quarrel. - Basically - a ban on the use of the same thing by two people. We have already talked about this, I will add here: it is impossible for two to bite off from one piece (with the exception of a husband and wife); You can't drink from the same glass. A lot of proverbs are devoted to this (for example, about two bears that do not get along in the same den). The reason is the indivisibility of personal space, that which is in close contact with a person and, as it were, takes on part of his energy, spirit, and thoughts. From a household point of view we are talking, of course, about observance of elementary hygienic rules.

I borrowed a pan (a frying pan, a plate, a glass, a bag, etc.) - do not return empty, otherwise your dishes will also be empty. - The roots of the signs are the same as in the case of an empty wallet. But if we reason not from a mystical, but from an everyday point of view, then this belief contains good sense: borrowed a thing - return it with gratitude, with a real "bestowal", with a gift. In addition, thanks to this, the hostess will know that her pot, frying pan, plate were really used for their intended purpose.

Having sold the first thing designated for sale, touch the rest with money - then they will be bought quickly and profitably. - The sign is not only known, but also actively used by everyone who is associated with trade. Its essence is in sayings: money clings to money; some money calls others. Naturally, the omen does not carry a real basis. But, if you think about it, it is true from the point of view of psychology. Seeing money in the hands of a merchant, we note for ourselves that the goods are bought from him, which means that he is worth it. And this is the first step to stop your choice on this product.

Giving sharp (knife, pin, scissors, etc.) - to a quarrel. It is necessary to take a ransom - then it will cost. - If in the case of a donated handkerchief it is necessary to "buy" it so as not to cry later, then all sharp objects must be "redeemed" so as not to get hurt by them and, consequently, not to quarrel ("I got hurt with your knife!" - "Ah , you don't like my gift?!" - etc.). The belief also arose because sharp objects are associated with the evil eye. If they are "bought", then they cease to belong to another person. Own sharp objects, on the contrary, already serve as a means against the evil eye.

If any thing is missing, you need to tie a handkerchief to the leg of the chair and say to the brownie: "Play, play and give it back!" Soon lost thing there is. - This is one of the most common beliefs, it is often remembered even now. According to legend, the brownie loves to play with things and sometimes - not out of malice, but playing too much! - forgets to put them back in place. He especially loves multi-colored rags, scarves, scarves. It is this love that catches him. As soon as he sees a handkerchief, especially bright, tied at the level of his height (to the leg of a chair), he immediately returns the thing. At the same time, in this way, he thanks for the respectful attitude towards him. Strange, but often this belief comes true. Recently, the author of these lines happened to again to watch as a whole pulpit in full force was looking for a lost key. Only after turning to the brownie and tying a handkerchief to a chair was the key found. True, it is still not clear whether there is a brownie in the department (after all, this is not quite a "house"), and if not, then why are things found precisely after addressing him? It is likely that the confidence that appeared after that helps - and the search becomes more focused.

Find a horseshoe - fortunately. Gotta hang it over front door. - Belief in the protective power of the horseshoe is widespread throughout the world. Perhaps its positive impact is also understandable from the point of view of physics. But the legend says that the devil, who usually walks in a circle, in the case of a horseshoe is doomed to rush from one end of it to the other, because the circle is open. Therefore, he has no time to intrigue people. The second legend says that the blacksmith, to whom the devil came to shoe a hoof, severely punished the unclean: he let him go, only taking a promise from him that he would never enter the house in which the horseshoe hangs.

Often you lose the keys to the house - it means that they will soon rob you. - A very true omen! She doesn't even need an explanation. Especially if the keys are lost along with the documents containing the address. The only thing that can be said here: lost the keys - change the locks (that is, fix one more "belief").

Putting the keys anywhere - to a quarrel. - The sign is no less true than the previous one. How many times did any of us, looking for lost keys, blame our family for the fact that this happened precisely through their fault! As a result, relations heated up and a quarrel broke out. Moreover, as a rule, they remember the keys just before the exit, when there is no time.

Signs related to plants

Flowers donated in pots will not grow unless they are given a symbolic ransom. - About the reason for at least a symbolic payment for a gift, especially a living one (whether it is a cat, a bird or a plant), we have already said: there must be a gift for a gift; since you can forget about a gift for an inexpensive thing, it’s better to “buy it out” right away. On a mystical level, one can also accept this version: a plant, simply left in a strange house, considers itself a stranger here, and if it was bought, it understands that it has a new owner.

Before the Apple Savior, it is a sin to eat apples. - The belief originated on a mystical level: apples before the Savior cannot be eaten by those whose children have died - so that they get apples in the next world (meaning the spiritual substance of the fruits stored on the tree). But this was forgotten over time, and only a ban for everyone remained. It is based on the fact that in the villages before August (that is, before the Savior), not all apples have time to ripen; children, having eaten green apples, then suffer from indigestion. To avoid temptation, they are told about this ban.

Do not sleep near henbane - Eating henbane or long inhaling the smell of its flowers leads to hallucinations, temporary mental breakdown and rash acts. They say: "He's fooling around, as if he ate too much henbane." If you inhale its scent for a long time, you can actually die.

Stolen flowers and other plants take root better than bought or donated ones. - This is quite a household sign, leaving aside both ethics and mysticism. The stolen ones take root better than the bought ones, because they are planted in the ground faster before they have time to catch them. In addition, the roots of a plant bought or received as a gift can dry out, and a stolen one can just come out of the ground and back into the ground.

Scatter peas - to tears. - Belief is built on resemblance tears and peas. But there is a more legendary explanation, when the human race was punished by hunger for sins, then, in order to save people, the Mother of God wept and her tears became peas.

Peas this only when the night before was starry. - A very simple relationship: the desire to have as many peas as there are stars in the sky.

I’ll scout someone else’s misfortune on beans, but I won’t apply my mind to my own. - This refers to the widespread divination on beans, which are credited with mystical, supernatural properties. On beans, they do not just guess, but seek to prevent trouble, spread it "in different directions", and destroy it.

If you see a lilac flower with five petals, eat it. This is good luck. - It is believed that happiness is as rare as a flower with five petals. Therefore, having become its full owner (having eaten), a person secures luck for himself. By the way, you can compare this with the discovery of a "chicken god" - a stone with a hole in the middle - on sea ​​coast. The finder is considered lucky and must make a wish that will surely come true. The author of these lines within one day, to the envy of vacationers in Koktebel, accidentally discovered two dozen such stones with holes. But the wish made - to buy a ticket for the Moscow train - came true only two days later.

If the snow has melted and mold has appeared in this place - to the mushrooms. - It's not just about the harvest of mushrooms, but about the abundance of mushrooms in this particular place. The mold that appeared from under the snow indicates a mycelium (it is also a mycelium) - the thinnest branched and intertwined threads that form the vegetative body of mushrooms.

Whoever plants a willow near the house with his own hands prepares a spade for himself. - It means that this person will die when it will be possible to carve out a shovel from the willow planted by him. The belief is among the sparing: the willow grows for a long time, and by that time you can really die of old age. Unlike the young willow, which symbolizes health and fertility, the old willow was universally considered "cursed" because it does not give fruit or shade. Proverb "fell in love like hell in old willow"confirms negative attitude. Such a tree, especially a hollow one, was known as a refuge for evil spirits. One of the explanations may lie in the already forgotten legend about the nails with which Jesus was crucified: they were not made of iron, but made of willow.

A large harvest of mountain ash - for a long and frosty winter. Mountain ash in the forest is fruitful - by a rainy autumn, if not - to a dry one. - The sign is time-tested and captures the regulatory functions of nature. As already mentioned, before a long frosty winter, mountain ash bears more fruit than usual, because without its berries, birds will not be able to survive until spring. The question is how nature maintains this regularity. But the sign itself is true, like the second of those given here.

The birch, planted next to the house, scares away evil and protects from lightning. - Protects everything from lightning tall tree, since it serves as a natural lightning rod (lightning arrester). That is why in the field during a thunderstorm you cannot hide from the rain under a tree: being the only towering object, it will first of all become a victim of lightning. As for the peculiarity of the birch to scare away evil, this is due to its white color and legends. Once a birch sheltered the Mother of God and Jesus from bad weather, and another time it hid Holy Friday in its branches from evil spirits, which is why it enjoys the patronage of all three. One of the explanations may lie in the legend that on the Trinity the souls of deceased relatives move into the birch branches, who continue to help the survivors. In general, birch is the most beloved tree by the Slavs. It was included in various magical rites of pre-Christian times. Birch bark served as "paper": birch bark scrolls were preserved in Novgorod and other lands until the 20th century, testifying to the literacy of the ancient Rus (even before the adoption of Christianity).

If you give a patient to Maxim with birch sap, he will recover. - Day of Maxim and Jason (Jasson) - April 28 old style - May 11 new. On this day, birch sap is usually collected. The most healing is the juice from the upper part of the trunk. The extraction of juice was furnished with magical rites and strictly regulated so as not to damage the tree. The meaning of the sign is that it is on this day - "on Maxim" - that birch sap has the greatest healing properties.

If you go on a journey with an elder staff, then neither evil people nor wild animals. - Such an attitude towards elderberry was recorded by researchers not only in Russia, but also in England, Germany, Scotland and other countries. This is based on its healing properties and beneficial smell. An infusion of elderberry flowers cures fever. An elderberry branch is carried with them from the evil eye. Naturally, these features are transferred to the staff, which can also physically protect the traveler. Let us recall that Pushkin went on distant lonely walks around the neighborhood of Mikhailovsky, then still rich in forests, always with a staff - perhaps just an elder one, for he knew well the signs of the people.

Mushrooms grow on the wall - to wealth. - We are talking, of course, about the outer, and not the inner wall of the house. The meaning of belief has been forgotten, and now very few people can reveal its true origin. Many say that the basis is quantity: they say, wealth will be like mushrooms. Or that it will appear by itself, as mushrooms appear. In fact, the forgotten meaning is that the mushroom was one of the phallic symbols (it is no coincidence that mushrooms are still divided into "male" and "female"). That is why the interpreters of dreams to this day interpret the mushroom as a groom or as a pregnancy, that is, in any case - "profit". On the surface, there is an explanation - in the proverb: "If it's mushroom - so it's bread." That is, the abundance of mushrooms is also associated with the grain harvest. Well, even if mushrooms appeared on the wall of the house, it’s sure to be wealth (bread).

You can’t cut a century-old spruce - to trouble. - The people believe that the old, centuries-old spruce is the dwelling of the goblin. If you cut it down, then the goblin will begin to take revenge on him with all accessible ways up to and including arson. And he will certainly start knocking him off the road in the forest, where he is the owner.

A man addicted to cannabis can remain childless. - Previously, it was just a sign based on experience, on observations. Now, knowing about the narcotic properties of hemp and its effect on the body, one can be convinced of the fidelity of a long-standing popular observation: indeed, the use of hemp (meaning very frequent) reduces potency.

If you fumigate a gun with thorn grass, then it becomes well-aimed. - Of course, the gun itself, without a hunter, cannot be well-aimed or not well-aimed. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that we are talking about the impact of thorn smoke not on the gun, but on the hunter's vision.

If you want good flax to be born, sow it naked. - The belief was born in pre-Christian times, when nature was spiritualized and deified; The Slavs believed that any plant thinks and feels the same way as a person. Getting naked, they wanted to deceive flax - so that he would think: I need to ugly, otherwise a person has nothing to put on himself! After all, linen served as the main fabric for clothing: all the everyday clothes of Russian peasants were made from coarse linen, and festive clothes were made from finely crafted and decorated ones.

He who loves almonds also loves his wife. - This observation can be attributed to any nuts (including forest nuts and walnuts). All of them are recommended for men as food. have a positive effect on the sexual function of the body. Recipes, both ancient and modern, there are a great many. In addition, nuts are well satiated, and vegetarians successfully replace them (as well as beans) with meat.

To find an overpowered grass and carry it with you - to find talent and goodness. - Overcome-grass - vernacular name water lilies. It was endowed with special properties because it was used in medicine, serving as an antidote and a remedy for toothache. Over time, based on the name, she was credited with the ability to overcome not only pain, but also evil people, sorcerers, all sorts of misfortunes.

In order to protect the newlyweds from spoilage, they put pieces of alder bark in their pockets. - Alder has become a magical amulet because of the red color of the bark, which is associated with blood. Like everything bright, the red bark attracts the eye and, accordingly, protects from the evil eye. Even if the bark is hidden in a pocket, a person has confidence that he will not be jinxed. It is believed that bathing in the river, washing the roots of the alder, protects against diseases, and its branches, stuck along the edges of the field, protect against hail.

Whoever carries a double nut with him will be rich. - At the heart of the belief is the quantitative principle and the belief that an empty nut - to hunger, and a full one - to prosperity. Especially - a walnut-double.

It is possible to cure a patient of a fever by hiding his hair and nails in an aspen stump. In order for the child to outgrow his illness, his hair and nails must be hidden in the trunk of an aspen at the level of the child's growth. When the aspen grows up, it will carry away the disease. If a sick person sits on a fresh aspen stump, the stump will take away his illness. When a child has insomnia, you need to put a sprig of aspen in his cradle. - At the heart of these and many other beliefs is the attitude to the aspen as a talisman. At the same time, it was forbidden to plant it near the house, to heat the stove with firewood unnecessarily (although it was noted that the smoke of this firewood destroys soot in the stove) and to use it in construction.

Petunia-grass protects from intoxicating drink. - Indeed, this plant, often found in gardens, has the ability to neutralize the effects of alcohol. The recipe is simple: before drinking, mix a spoonful of olive oil with two tablespoons of crushed petunia and take it inside.

If you attach a tear-grass to the lock, it will immediately open or shatter into pieces. Gap-grass breaks iron, and steel, and gold, and silver. If you throw it into the forge, then the blacksmith will not be able to work. - These and many other beliefs associated with the legendary tear-grass do not yet have clear grounds. It is believed that the leaves of this mysterious herb are in the form of crosses, its flower blazes like fire. Like a fern, the gap-grass blooms only on the night of Ivan Kupala. It blooms for a very short time - during this time it is only possible to read "Our Father", "Theotokos" and "I Believe". The legend says that few people have seen this magical herb and few people know where it grows. Moreover, its extraction is associated with mortal danger. It is said that ordinary grass thrown into a river floats with the flow, while tear-grass goes against the current. That's how they recognize her. Beliefs about gap-grass exist not only among the Slavs, but also among other peoples, which may indicate either that it really exists in nature, or that there is a universal dream about it. Some gap-herb qualities are found in chicory. IN AND. Dahl writes that plants close to her are jumper, rosopas, touch me, saxifraga, impatiens.

Keep dried shamrock in the house - to well-being. - It seems that storing in the house any dried herb that is used in folk medicine, whether it be St.

If you cut a radish or radish with a knife not from above, but from the root, then there will be no belching. - Indeed, this is how the fibers of this plant are arranged. By the way, folk jokes are built on this feature using another plant: if a hot pepper is cut across, then its bitterness is obvious, but if the same fruit is cut lengthwise, then you can safely eat it, instead of bitterness feeling sweetness.

If you cook turnips and wash the boils with the remaining water, they will soon disappear. - Observation based on experience traditional medicine. This remedy has entered some, herbalists. It is likely that turnip decoction contains substances that help heal.

Accidentally waking up rye is good luck. - The belief is based on the same principle as the shedding of newlyweds with grain: grain is a symbol of fertility and life.

Evidence-grass returns the husband to his wife, and the wife to her husband. - It is possible that this herb really has such a feature, but the author did not have a chance to meet real evidence. A conspiracy has been preserved that must be pronounced, preparing a drink from evidence-grass for someone who has fallen out of love: "As you, grass, bowed your head to the ground, so would he (she) bow his head to me and be with me heart and soul to the grave!" Herbalists report that this grass is red-cherry in color, the flowers are yellow, the leaves are paws.

Whoever carries dry hops with him, he is saved from spoilage. - Hops is among the natural amulets due to the fact that it is used both in medicine and in the manufacture of food products(e.g. beer). Therefore, the concept of fun and health is associated with it.

If they swear in the house, then the flowers die. - An old and, of course, true observation. Many paid attention to the fact that in some houses the flowers grow magnificently, while in others they do not take root. It can be both in quarrels, and in character, in the biofield of the owner. Some types of flowers even react to harsh sounds. It has now been proven that flowers also react to unfavorable places in the apartment. Therefore, it is recommended to put a well-growing flower for a month near the bed or desk and monitor its condition. If, with the same care and amount of light, it begins to wither, then you most spend time in an unfavorable zone and it makes sense to think about it.

Withered flowers in the house - for renovation. - Quite naturally, since you will have to buy or breed new ones. The sign is aimed at consolation, which, unfortunately, is not so common in the beliefs and signs of our people.

Whoever eats Chernobyl with food, he may not be afraid of either sorcerers or snake bites. If you hang a Chernobyl in the house, then evil spirits will not appear there. Who, before the day of Ivan Kupala, puts a wreath of Chernobyl on his head, that headache and eye pain will pass. - Chernobyl (he is Chernobyl, he is also an alarm clock, artemisia vulgaris) is a type of large wormwood. Its root is given for epilepsy. Like many plants with a pungent odor, this herb serves as a talisman: it either scares away or causes dominant attention, leaving no strength to the envious eye.

If you take a thistle with you on the road, it will save you from temptations. With a decoction of thistle stalks, it is good to rub the sides and back with a cold. Thistle protects the house from witches, and people from damage. - Thistle, also known under the names: murat, sow thistle, thistle, repets (species cirsium and carduus), is a prickly weed. Frightening properties are attributed to her because of the thorns. It is believed that everything piercing (needles, pins), directed with a point at an evil person, deprives him of the ability to induce damage, since his gaze stumbles upon a sharp one. A significant role here is played, as in many similar cases, by the effect of self-hypnosis: when a person knows that he is being protected by some kind of amulet (for example, a thistle covered with wax in an amulet), he is more calm, and, accordingly, less prone to negative emotions. The grass got its name because of the confidence of people that it is the best thing to drive devils with it. The respectful attitude to the thistle as a talisman was recorded not only among the Slavs, but also among other European peoples.

Whoever eats garlic is even afraid of evil spirits. If crushed boiled garlic is applied to boils, they will soon pass. When bitten by a snake, this place should be smeared with garlic fried in wooden oil. Whoever eats bread with garlic will not get sick. Eat roasted garlic on an empty stomach - your voice will be ringing. If the fever has overtaken, it is necessary to insist on garlic vodka and drink a little after the attacks. - There are a lot of signs and beliefs associated with garlic. This plant is equally revered by the Slavs, and the Egyptians, and the British, and the Germans, and the Persians, and the Turks, and the Greeks, and many other peoples. The reason is that garlic is a natural pharmacy, a pantry of vitamins. Nowadays, as often as in the old days, garlic is used in the fight against colds. As for the ability of garlic to scare away evil spirits, protect against the evil eye and spoilage, this ability is attributed to it due to its persistent pungent odor, which distracts "eyed" people and the evil spirits themselves. Since ancient times, garlic has been treated as a precious product, and this has consolidated its mystical cult.

Notes about housing.

First in new house included an old man- Belief primarily reflects respect for elders. But it also has a mystical meaning. It is connected with the fact that the beginning of a new business, a new stage of life requires sacrifice. The role of the victim was taken on by the old man, since it was believed that the one who was the first to cross the threshold of a new house or spend the night in it would be the first to die.

The cat is the first to be let into a new house - In essence, this custom is based on the same as the previous one. But one more interpretation is added to it: the cat is able to find the healthiest, most comfortable place in the home. The house is entered after the cat settles down in this place. Usually they put a bed there for the young, and after the birth of a child - a cradle. I specifically observed future fate cats that were the first to be admitted into a new home. There were no deaths among them. Moreover, one lived fantastically long life- about twenty years.

On the first night in a new house, you need to lock up the rooster - It is clear that the reason for this belief is the same as the previous ones. The main thing is to make a sacrifice, and it is desirable that it be as less "bloody" as possible, not human. In addition, the rooster Slavic mythology the ability to disperse evil spirits was attributed (three times the rooster crowed, announcing the dawn, and the devils fled). A rooster is also allowed into the house for the reason that it was considered one of the symbols of fertility. Consequently, his stay in the new hut provided the new settlers with the appearance of children and wealth.

Do not take Fedora out of the hut copy - In every hut there is a "grandfather", "owner" - a brownie. He lives where he wants to - behind the stove, or in the closet, or under the threshold. His favorite item in the house is a broom. On Fedorin's day, the brownie does not come out from under the broom, so the hostess must be careful not to throw out the "grandfather" with the garbage, otherwise he will be offended and start playing dirty tricks.

When moving to a new house, carry an old broom with you - This belief, like the previous one, is due to the fact that a brownie can live under a broom. But, in addition, the people have developed uneasy attitude to the broom due to its mystical duality. On the one hand, a broom and a broom are the favorite tools of witches that fly on them, and shake off the dew with them, and induce damage, send diseases (thrown a broom after or threw it under the threshold - and you're done!). On the other hand, since with the help of a broom they get rid of dirt, they also attribute to it the ability to get rid of evil spirits (they sweep their way in front of the newlyweds, etc.). If the straw on which the deceased was washed was swept with a broom, such a broom must be thrown away. But when moving to a new house, they always took an old broom with them: firstly, to transfer the brownie; secondly - so that the thrown broom is not stepped on and thereby does not cause trouble to the owners.

Do not whistle in the house - there will be no money. You can’t whistle in the house, otherwise it will become empty - People generally have a negative attitude towards whistling. Whistling is the entertainment of loafers. In addition, whistling sharply, you can scare a child, a pregnant woman, so this fun is dangerous. And mystically, this is associated with the whistle of the wind, which can take money, goodness out of the house. But the closest thing in this case is an everyday explanation: how can everyone else in the household like it when one of them constantly whistles? So they let him know: if you whistle, you will call misfortune on everyone, including yourself.

Washing or sweeping the floor immediately after the departure of a loved one or guest is like washing it out, sweeping it out of the house - A belief, the essence of which is in the mystical perception of a person and "traces from him." The person left, but the atmosphere in the house where he stayed for some time still remains, as well as a certain "spiritual trace" from the food on the dishes from which they just ate. It is not necessary to destroy these mystical traces immediately (unless, of course, we are talking about the "traces" of the enemy).

To forget any thing in a strange house - to return there soon - It seems that here it is clear without any mysticism: if you have forgotten something, then willy-nilly you will have to return. And since they usually carry the things necessary for every day with them (in our time - a telephone book, an umbrella, etc.), it is logical that they will have to return as soon as possible.

To greet and say goodbye on the threshold - to a quarrel - The meaning of this belief goes back to the special role of the threshold in the house (like the stove) - the mystical border between outside world and housing (which we have already discussed). But the everyday meaning is clear enough: it is not good to start greetings before inviting a person to enter, or to continue the conversation when the guest is already leaving. That is, we are talking about the rules of decency, politeness.

The broom should stand in the corner with the handle down: this saves from the evil eye - the broom is perceived not only as an item for cleaning the house, but also as one of the important mystical symbols. Garbage was associated with the restless souls of the dead, and the broom was in constant contact with garbage. Broom - and one of the haunts of the brownie. At the same time, witches fly on a broom (on a broomstick), evil spirits cover their tracks with them, by means of a broom left somewhere by a negligent hostess, you can cause damage, send illness. Based on all this, the attitude towards the broom is ambivalent. Putting it with the handle down means using its protective function, namely, calling for help from the brownie and showing the enemies of the house that you are ready to take them out. In fact, thrifty housewives always hold the broom with the handle down for the simple reason that it lasts longer this way. And, finally, only a clean broom can be placed with the handle down, which this custom prompts implicitly.

Store broken dishes - unfortunately - Broken dishes symbolize inferiority, incompleteness (you can recall the custom of breaking dishes at a wedding, associated with the fact that the bride is losing her virginity). Therefore, storage of broken dishes in the house can lead to discord, disagreement. From a household point of view, broken dishes are simply dangerous: you can get hurt. And therefore it is better not to provoke misfortune by gluing the shards, but to get rid of them. It is not in vain that the old belief has been preserved: "Dishes break - fortunately." Everyone has already forgotten that this has to do with the bride, and they repeat, just so as not to darken their mood because of a broken cup.

Do not sit on the threshold - you will get sick - We have already spoken about the mystical role of the threshold more than once. In the everyday sense, everything is clear: sitting on the threshold, a person holds the door open and finds himself in a draft. In addition, the threshold is located close to the ground, to dampness, which also provokes the disease.

When moving to a new house, do not leave garbage in the old one: they can damage it - Very useful advice, we say, especially if we imagine those words and thoughts of the new owners that will be addressed to the sluts. And the word, as you know, has physical power. Sometimes it is proposed to transfer old garbage to a new house, and then throw it away. It seems that this is excessive zeal; it is better to use such zeal for cleaning - then there will be no reason to induce damage.

In the evening, do not throw out the garbage: they can rob - The mystical meaning of belief is associated with the danger of losing something, taking something away from oneself after sunset, when evil spirits begin to rule. Remained in this ban and a trace of the belief that garbage is a haven for restless souls; therefore, it is unsuitable to get rid of it at night looking, in the dark. For the same reason, the custom of throwing garbage on the road, at the crossroads has been preserved in some places (the author of these lines has observed this many times in Ukraine, in particular in Ilyinka and Znamenka, where the meaning of the actions was explained in this way). And for the same reason, it is not recommended to burn household, indoor garbage.

To protect the house from sorcerers and evil people, you need to stick a pin or needle into the door with the point outward - Belief is associated with the attitude towards sharp objects as a mystical protection from the ill-wisher. It doesn't matter if he sees the needle or not. The main thing is that the owners are calm, knowing that the evil look is neutralized. Mystical power was also attributed to amulets, which either have thorns (thistle), or are capable of causing burning (nettle), or have a pungent odor (mint), pungent taste (pepper).

I moved into a new house - the ceiling does not need to be whitewashed for a whole year - During the year the house gives a draft, the ceiling is deformed and the whitewashing will still be damaged. Having whitewashed the ceiling, the hostess will walk around with a broom and sweep all the time (as is happening now in all new houses, especially urban ones).

Do not sit, girl, on the windowsill - you won’t get married - One of the prohibitive signs that should work if the normal explanation does not work that it’s not worth it for a girl to sit on the windowsill. First, it's dangerous; and secondly - from time immemorial, a girl should not have flaunted herself. About the girl sitting on the windowsill, who only does what she stares into the street, fame will go that she has only one thing on her mind: to get to know the guys, look out for the groom.

In one day, do not sweep with two brooms: you will sweep away wealth - Here you can see a mystical connection with the brownie, who is alone in the house and therefore cannot be immediately under two brooms. The everyday reason lies in the proverb: "Every broom sweeps in its own way": That is, sweeping with different brooms, the hostess, against her will, can leave garbage somewhere.

If the house is swept with a broom of wormwood, evil spirits will not start - At the heart of the belief is the attitude towards wormwood as one of the amulets. It is believed that the pungent smell of this herb repels not only evil spirits, but also evil people, and also resists damage.

When you sweep in the house, sweep not to the threshold, but from the threshold, otherwise you will sweep all the wealth - Revenge to the threshold means moving beyond the boundaries of your home, your space. At the same time, along with garbage (which, as we know, was also mystified), you can sweep away something of your own - good, valuable. Even in the yard, after the removal of the deceased, the garbage was swept towards the house, motivated by the desire that all the living in the house remain.

Signs related to food

You can’t eat in the dark and furtively, otherwise the children will become thieves. - We have already talked about this sign in connection with the care of pregnant women, but this applies to all people. Probably, the belief has first of all ethical sense. Food is an important life process, and it should take place in convenient, comfortable conditions. Unlike animals that, having obtained food or stolen it, eat, hiding from prying eyes, a person eats openly: he has no need to hide, he himself has earned his bread. If someone eats in the dark, it means that he is hiding. Why? Maybe he is a thief? Then his children can also become thieves, according to the proverb about the apple tree and the apple tree. A parable about a father who sent his son to steal a ram is appropriate here. The son did not steal, but bought a ram, but did not tell his father about it. They ate a ram for a whole month. The son recovered, looked well-fed, and the father remained as thin. And all because one was calm, and the second was constantly afraid that the theft would be revealed, and the food did not suit him for the future.

Do not eat from a knife - you will be evil. - The belief is associated with the mystical perception of the knife as a talisman against evil spirits. Therefore, it must be treated with respect. The everyday side of the issue is much simpler: if a person eats with a knife, he can injure his tongue or lips. This is where you will become evil.

Whoever eats stale bread swims well and is not afraid of thunderstorms. - Modern doctors also talk about the benefits of dried, "yesterday's" (but not stale, not moldy) bread. Maybe that's why crackers have been so popular for centuries. But, I think, it is better to agree with V.I. Dalem that the basis is the usual pedagogical "trick": they say, eat, children, what they give, do not be picky. And since everyone wants to swim well, this skill is also promised. The connection of swimming with a thunderstorm is interesting here. The fact is that in the old days it was considered very useful to swim in a thunderstorm: people who lived in unity with nature could not help but notice the energy saturation of water in a thunderstorm. We went and communicate with the god of thunder and lightning - Perun.

Throwing away bread is a big sin. Whoever throws half-eaten pieces, and does not feed the birds, will become poor. - The belief is very ancient, and its meaning is clear: bread must be protected, it grew with the help of Dazhbog (the Sun), a lot of work was spent on its cultivation and processing. Who is not frugal with bread, heavenly forces will be punished. This is also true in the everyday sense: whoever is not thrifty is doomed to be poor. As for the birds, the people have been to them since ancient times careful attitude because the birds symbolized the souls of the dead. It is better to give the bread to them and thereby accomplish a good deed than to throw away a piece without any sense.

Do not eat peas on an empty stomach - you will jinx someone. - Belief is associated with a twofold attitude to peas. On the one hand, this is one of magic symbols fertility (it is no coincidence that they sprinkle the bride, wishing new family a lot of children). On the other hand, peas are quite heavy food and should be added to food little by little. A breakfast started with peas can ruin a person's mood for the whole day. And this will have a bad effect on the attitude towards others.

Do not eat when you cross the threshold: the unclean can take possession of you. - As we have already said, the threshold separates one's own, homely, protected space from someone else's, inhabited by various forces, including evil ones. Therefore, crossing this border with an open (chewing) mouth, a person gives an opportunity for the unclean to move into him. But, probably, the everyday meaning of the belief is even more important: while eating on the go, you can stumble over the threshold. You have to eat at the table.

Do not eat while studying: you eat what you have learned. - The same belief applies to reading while eating. Its essence is based on physiology: while eating, blood rushes to the stomach, and not to the brain, so the learned is "jammed", that is, it is simply not perceived, not remembered. The belief also reflects a respectful attitude to food, to the very process of eating, which is quite strictly regulated among the people: when, where and how you can eat.

Forget the spoon on the table after dinner - to the guest. - These and many other signs and beliefs associated with the guest are based on the inseparability of the guest and treats, food. Leaving a spoon on the table after everyone is already full, dined, is possible only for the guest. Let us also note the partial resemblance of this sign with the belief about two pieces of bread: he began to eat the second piece, when the first one was still undernourished, which means that someone close is starving. That is, everything that happened to be superfluous at the table - for another or in memory of another. On the day of remembrance loved one for him even put a separate device.

If you cook corned beef during the new moon, then it will soon deteriorate. - Spoilage of almost all food products is associated with the new moon among the people. This is not accidental, because many legends and myths are based on the fact that the Moon is the planet of the dead, their souls that have flown away from the Earth live there; accordingly, the light of the moon is a dead light that negatively affects all living things. In this sense, the Moon is opposed to the life-giving Sun. "On the waxing Moon" (from new moon to full moon), its light is more active than "on the outgoing moon." Therefore, all food preparations at this time are doomed to failure. There is some reason to listen to this sign, based on experienced folk observations, because in different phases of the moon, some processes (including salting) proceed differently.

Do not drink with an attack (that is, lying or kneeling), otherwise the devil will push with a spatula. - Based on this belief, fairy tales were created about brother Ivanushka and sister Alyonushka, about a peasant and a devil, etc. It is based on a mystical prohibition to drink water from open reservoirs, not separating oneself from them, but, on the contrary, uniting with them, as if bowing to the water and other evil spirits, submitting to them. Everyday meaning is even more clearly visible: after all, drinking, leaning towards the water (river, lake), means exposing yourself to the danger of drowning. In addition, using a glass or a mug for drinking, a person is able to evaluate the quality and purity of water.

Whoever fasts all four fasts, all four evangelists pray to God for him. During the fasts, you can’t say the word “meat” - you have to say “quickly”. Whoever eats fast during fasting will have a pockmarked bride. Whoever fasts before the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, he will be saved from the attempt of the evil one. Whoever fasts on the Friday before Ascension will be saved from drowning. Whoever fasts on Friday before the descent of the Holy Spirit will be saved from the sword. Whoever fasts before the day of Kozma and Demyan will be saved from mortal sin. Whoever fasts on Friday before Elijah's day will be saved from eternal torment. - All these beliefs are built, of course, on the desire to support those who fast, that is, do not eat fast, fast, fast on Wednesdays (observe fasting on Wednesday and Friday), etc. In this case, we see the interweaving of church prescriptions with folk art, which in its own way explains and justifies these prescriptions. Medicine confirms the necessity and strict thoughtfulness of fasting, which are aimed at maintaining health.

Wipe the table with paper - to a quarrel. - This belief is not so old, but it is based precisely on the old respect for the table, which must not only be wiped, but washed thoroughly, and wiped not just somehow, but carefully, with a soft cloth or even a towel intended for this. The belief is also based on the association: the noise, the rustle of paper - the noise of a quarrel.

Do not brush the crumbs off the table with the palm of your hand, otherwise you will have to ask for the crumbs with the same palm. - A prohibitive belief emphasizing respect for bread. Even crumbs must be collected and eaten. Or give it to the birds, but in no case should it look like on the floor.

At the beginning and at the end of dinner, eat a piece of bread with salt - fortunately. - Bread and salt is not only a symbol of hospitality, but also a magical amulet. It was believed that salt protects against evil spirits and it is useful to eat it along with another holy product - bread. The very origin of the word salt is connected with the Sun: the ancient Slavic name of the Sun is Solon (that, by the way, was the name of the Macedonian city - now the Greek port of Thessaloniki); "to go salting" (an old expression, still existing in some places) - means: "to go along the Sun." "Bread and salt!" - a traditional wish for good, prosperity, good appetite. And hospitality is close in meaning to hospitality. Finally, one more explanation for this sign: if you can eat bread and salt before dinner, it means you are hungry; and if you can after dinner, it means you haven’t overeaten. Good omen.

Shed tea - to a misunderstanding. - One of the many "softening" signs, which does not carry either a positive or a negative load. Its meaning is only to defuse the situation, to prevent psychological discomfort from arising. Someone spilled tea (already a misunderstanding!) - and everyone remembers the sign. Thus, the misunderstanding is settled, you can immediately forget about it.

A teaspoon floats in a glass - for a gift. - There is a similar belief about a fly that got into the soup. We are dealing with the function of a sign, which is aimed at reassuring a person, with a hypothetical promise to brighten up a little annoyance.

An apple fell from the table - to a date with a lover. - The point here is the symbolism of the apple as the fruit of love (you can recall the myth of Paris, and the biblical apple, and the apple on a plate, which helps to see the sweetheart). The second symbol is a dropped object; it is believed that he portends a meeting: a masculine object (knife) fell - to a meeting with a man, feminine (spoon, fork) - to a meeting with a woman. Since the apple is of the middle kind, it is easy to interpret it in your favor for both the girl and the boy.

A woman salts food - it means she has fallen in love. - Associated with one of love plots, which involves salting food for her lover: in order for everything to work out, the girl did not spare salt. One of the wedding rites required the bride to salt the food for the groom's parents; in this case, so that she would not be suspected of greed, she threw salt into a larger pot. In such cases, oversalting was not the result of an error, but of intent, the root cause of which was the desire to achieve love. By the way, not so long ago, another explanation appeared in the press, shedding light on this old sign. Turns out to be in love female body feels a lack of salt - that's why a woman oversalts food, without knowing it herself, because what is salty for others seems to her at the very time.

For whom you finish drinking, you accept sins. - In addition to the mystical meaning, in this case, the simplest explanation is also acceptable: drinking from someone else's glass, you can get infected (accept other people's sins).

Sprinkle salt - to a quarrel. Collect the sprinkled salt in a pinch and throw it over your left shoulder, laughing at the same time - then everything will work out. - Salt is one of the most ancient food amulets. It has been known in this capacity since pre-Biblical times. The fact that it does not deteriorate from time to time made it possible to treat it as a symbol of eternity. In Russia, salt was expensive for a long time, which contributed to the attitude towards it as a very valuable product. Accordingly, spilling salt meant incurring wrath. It is believed that salt is afraid of evil spirits. That is why the custom arose to meet guests with bread and salt - a symbol of well-being (bread) and a talisman against dark forces (salt). The one who tasted bread and salt with you cannot be an enemy. To spill salt means to contribute to the triumph of hostile forces. To prevent this from happening, you must either spit three times over your left shoulder, or throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder. It was believed that it was behind the left shoulder - the tempter. And since you spilled salt, then throw it in - not upset, but laughing. Laughing is recommended by tradition for two reasons: firstly, one should not show one's fear and despondency to the evil one; secondly, do not be unnecessarily upset because of some kind of loss - you can bring more big loss. In addition, a laughing person involuntarily improves his mood, which helps him avoid a “planned” quarrel.

If at the table they ask you to pass the salt, you must definitely smile when passing it - otherwise you will quarrel. - The hidden meaning of the advice lies in the fact that the transmitter runs the risk of spilling salt - and then he will involuntarily become angry with the one who asked. To prevent this from happening, smile, do not be nervous. Plus, a smile is a must. table etiquette, manifestation good manners. Caution is not even mentioned in the belief: everyone knew that when passing the salt shaker, one must be careful not to drop it or overturn it. This is what Judas did at the Last Supper. The deplorable result of this oversight is known.

Dishes with drink cannot be kept open - the enemy force will settle. In an open container with a drink left for the night, evil spirits frolic. - Such beliefs are common (sometimes with specification of harm from evil spirits: "the devil will spit in the bucket"). It was believed that open, unprotected vessels are more likely to be attacked by any evil spirits than closed ones. The author of these lines happened to translate from Ukrainian language- for the book "Tales, legends, myths and legends of the Slavs" - several similar cases told by "eyewitnesses". In fact, the essence of the belief is that water (like other drinks) must be closed so that midges, flies, dust, etc. do not get into it.

I choked at the table - it means that someone is in a hurry for dinner. - Haste in eating is transferred to the hurried guest. Everything that happens at the table is interpreted broadly and allegorically. "How many at the table, so much in the Kingdom of Heaven", and therefore do not rush, treat food with respect. Any incident at the table is not an accident, but a sign from above. Haste for food was condemned in every possible way - such, for example, as a joke: "He eats, he pushes himself so that the other does not get it if he has time."

Sauerkraut will not go bad if you put an aspen branch in it. - Many beliefs are associated with the aspen among the people and will accept the Christian time, from which it follows that it is a cursed tree; not without reason, according to legend, Judas hanged himself on an aspen. But our remarkable folklorist S.V. Maximov writes something completely different on this score: “Aspen, or trembling poplar, unlike other trees, has some peculiarity in the structure of the leaf petiole. The leaf petiole is long, often longer than the blade, and is widely flattened ... This is the reason that from the slightest breeze the leaf begins to tremble. This is how the botanists explain this phenomenon. The people repeat their own, blindly believing the traditions of their ancestors and not making inquiries about whether this species from the willow subfamily grows in the Holy Land ... The people stubbornly believe that on this tree Judas the traitor hanged himself. Since then, the aspen, with all its descendants, has been unjustly cursed in all countries of the world. At the same time, they forgot that it brings the greatest benefit to mankind, especially our Russian, in comparison with other tree species. In the villages, all household utensils from it, and in the cities - even the paper on which these lines are printed. In addition, aspen is the best material for arcs. And she really has the ability to preserve cabbage - thanks to the peculiarities of her bark.

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