Integrative teaching method. The concept of integrated learning and its types. Classification of integration according to A. Katolikov

Sections: Physics

Creating conditions for the formation and development of integrative thinking of teachers and students at all levels of the educational space is task number one. We need a graduate with a modern worldview, based on knowledge of the interaction in the “man-nature” system, which integrally reflects the world and objective connections in it. The task is not the collection of knowledge, but a systematic and holistic analysis of any natural phenomenon and human activity. An educational project is a didactic module or embodied pedagogical technology. Direct and indirect applied connections with biology, chemistry, physical education, and computer science are realized. The module includes: an overview lecture with an accompanying presentation and a demonstration experiment, independent work of students in a group on a project assignment, public defense of an information product. The value of integrative learning is also that it is a powerful means of professional development.

1. Introduction.

The history of physics is rich in events and shows that at different stages of development, physics built relationships with other natural sciences in different ways. R. Feynman is right (R. Feynman, “A Dozen Lectures: Six Simpler and Six More Complex,” M., Binom, 2011) when he says that “physics is the modern equivalent of that long-standing natural philosophy from which most modern sciences grew.” The desire of nature researchers to expand the number of objects of knowledge and to gain a more detailed insight into their essence has led to fragmentation and dismemberment of the natural sciences. And although the modern stage of development of natural science strives for integration, a real generalization of knowledge about nature, the differentiation of natural sciences introduced into the school education system remains effective. This is expressed in the school timetable. In the relationship between teachers and subject specialists. In the position of individual class teachers, who are inclined to support the unfounded opinion of parents about necessary and unnecessary school subjects.

In such a situation, getting a school graduate who has a holistic systemic worldview about the unity of the diversity of phenomena and events in which he is a participant turns into “a light feather of an unfulfilled dream.” This will certainly affect his culture of organizing relations with nature and society, and his success in life.

Unity and integration of natural and humanities knowledge will help resolve the contradiction created by the school. In this regard, one of the priority tasks of a comprehensive school is to create conditions for the formation and development of integrative thinking of teachers and students at all levels of the educational space. It is this approach that will help equip the graduate with a modern worldview, which is “based on knowledge about the interaction in the “man-nature” system (I.Yu. Aleksashina, “Natural Science”, M., Prosveshchenie, 2007)”, which integrally reflects the world and objective connections in real world”, will help him transfer them into subsequent life activities.

II. Definition and aspects of integrative learning.

Some of my colleagues tend to treat innovation processes “as a well-forgotten old thing” and the term integration is translated as interdisciplinary connections. However, this is only a small aspect of integration in learning. Unfortunately, there is no clearly defined definition. There are as many definitions as there are researchers of this pedagogical idea. For example, integration is considered as:

  • “movement of the system towards greater organic integrity” (I.P. Yakovlev)
  • “the leading form of organizing content based on the universality and unity of the laws of nature, the integrity of the subject’s perception of the surrounding world” (G.A. Monakhov)
  • “purposeful unification, synthesis of certain academic disciplines into an independent system of purpose, aimed at ensuring the integrity of knowledge and skills” (V.K. Sidorenko).

The list goes on. I am closer to the definition of an interdisciplinary approach in synergetics (R.G. Barantsev, “Synergetics in modern natural science”, M., URSS, 2003): “An approach that allows look at many phenomena, objects from a single point of view, studied in various scientific disciplines.” The task is not the collection of knowledge, but a systematic and holistic analysis of any phenomenon of nature and human activity.

In the educational process, integration can perform several functions. Firstly, it can act as one of the goals of pedagogical activity. Goal-result: the student receives knowledge that represents the world around him as a system in which all elements are interconnected, and he is a student, part of this system.

Second, integration can be a learning tool. When considering the content of a subject, we look for points of contact between facts, phenomena, content in other subjects, and include them in the context of the content of the subject in various forms.

Thirdly, integration can become an effective means of development for both teachers and students if connections between various forms of thought processes are used and the space of methods of natural science and humanities knowledge is mastered.

Thus, the integrative approach is the integration of goals, content, means and methods of teaching.

III. Practice of interdisciplinary content integration.

Interdisciplinary integration involves the use of content, tools and methods of natural science subjects in the study of physics. The result of this approach is a modern worldview and natural science culture. The result expression is:

  • “a holistic view of the world as a system;
  • a value-based view of the world and man’s place in it (man is part of nature);
  • an evolutionary view of the world – nature and man in general;
  • ecological view of the world (I.Yu. Aleksashina, “Natural Science”, M., Prosveshchenie, 2007).”

Most actively, within the framework of the school methodological association of natural science teachers, I use connections with biology and chemistry. Analysis of the educational content of these subjects made it possible to identify topics in the study of which the content of biology and chemistry naturally fits into the content of physics, promotes the development of a systemic and holistic view of phenomena, independence, the naturalization of socially significant ways of activity, and health care skills.

Key physical content

Additional content of biology, chemistry

Inclusion form

Pressure solids, liquids and gases. Root pressure. Blood pressure. The influence of pressure on the rate and equilibrium of a reaction. Solving qualitative, experimental problems. Presentation for the lesson.
Sound waves. The nature of hearing: structure of the ear, auditory perception. Measures to prevent hearing loss. Information and case studies prepared independently by students. Instructional design.
Mechanical energy, work, power Biomechanics of muscles, energy and power of muscle contraction Problem solving. Practical work on determining the work and power of muscles when performing physical exercises.
Conservation laws. Energy metabolism in the cell. Laws of conservation and transformation of energy in chemical reactions. Energy consumption by the body. Metabolism and photosynthesis. Solving qualitative, experimental problems.
Aggregate states of matter. Humidity. Lipid membranes of living cells. Information about the properties of the liquid crystal structure of membranes.
Molecular kinetic theory. Basic MKT equation. Temperature. Gas laws. Sizes of organic and inorganic molecules. Respiration of plants, animals and humans. Protecting the body from hypothermia. The role of the skin in thermoregulation. The water cycle in nature. Thermal effect of the reaction. Solving experimental, qualitative and computational problems.
Electric field, electric current. Biopotentials of rest and action in a living organism. Electric fields of organs. Ionization, ionic conductivity of cell membranes. Hydrolysis of sucrose, glucose, starch. Solving experimental problems. Comparative analysis with natural and technical devices. Creation of summary tables. Instructional design.
Magnetic field of currents. A person's own magnetic field. The influence of magnetic fields on the human body. Information and case studies prepared by students. Instructional design.
Electromagnetic oscillations and waves. Electromagnetic waves of human organs. The influence of electromagnetic waves on humans. Presentation for the lesson. Information and analysis specific situations prepared by students. Workshop.
Wave and quantum optics. Nature and mechanisms of vision. Measures to prevent visual impairment. Presentation for the lesson. Instructional design. Problem solving.
Physics of the atomic nucleus. Biological effect of radiation on a living organism. Radioisotope method for measuring time intervals. Workshop. Solving quality problems.

Integration of educational content provides optimal conditions for the formation of a holistic systemic perception of the surrounding reality. Conditions are created for the detection of contradictions and problems when the student discovers that in order to solve an intellectual difficulty that has arisen, the knowledge and skills that he has already acquired are not enough for him, that there is a need for internal and interdisciplinary integration.

IV. Organizational forms of integrative learning.

The goals of integrative learning can be realized different ways. This could be additional information in a lesson, a conference, a workshop on an interdisciplinary problem, or solving qualitative, experimental, research and computational problems.

I have chosen an educational project as one of the forms of interdisciplinary integration - a didactic module or embodied pedagogical technology on a given topic. In this case, direct and indirect applied connections with biology, chemistry, physical education, and computer science are realized. I have been using this form in my practice for the last 3 years. Topics of educational projects are selected: Firstly, due to their practical significance for the life and health of students. Secondly, due to the availability of educational content for independent mastery by students. Third, due to the availability of interesting modern information and video content, the possibility of students conducting an educational experiment.

Today we have identified the following topics:

  • “Levers and pendulums of our body” (9th grade),
  • “How and why do we hear? How to save your hearing” (9th grade),
  • “External electric fields and biopotentials of the human body” (10th grade),
  • “Electric current in various environments” (10th grade) ( Annex 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 4),
  • “The Earth’s magnetic field and man” (11th grade),
  • “The nature of vision. Color and Light” (11th grade),
  • “Man and the physical fields of the surrounding world” (11th grade) ( Appendix 3, Appendix 4).

All of the listed topics are an integral part of the curriculum, revealing the practical significance of the material, helping to choose a strategy of behavior and methods of action in real life.

In terms of time, the didactic module of educational design requires 3-6 hours (lesson). The module includes: an overview lecture (key issues of the topic) with an accompanying presentation and the necessary demonstration experiment - 1-2 hours, independent work in a group of 2-4 students on a project task - 1-2 hours, public defense of the completed information product - 1-2 hours. So that students can meet the allotted time, didactic support is prepared:

  • a library of additional texts with reference to the educational subjects from which the additions are taken;
  • video library;
  • educational equipment for the experiment, plans - tasks for each group.

All materials are displayed on group laptops. Depending on the volume of content, students are divided into groups. They do not have to be numerous, but are needed for the development of social practice. The group must prepare a substantial presentation of 3-5 slides and defend it in front of the class. Very often, a public presentation turns into a discussion, during which the actual, theoretical and practical value essences of the content are summarized, and the personal values ​​and resources of students are revealed.

An effective form of integrative training is a workshop. This is a series of specially prepared high-quality, experimental tasks of cross-curricular content to be completed in class. The tasks are united by one problem that requires a meaningful generalization. Most often, these are non-standard tasks that require holistic creative activity to solve. Often, reproductions of works of fine art, photographs of natural phenomena and situations are offered as material for research and analysis. Such tasks do not have a ready answer; they encourage students to think, look for reasons for what they see, and formulate their own statements. These are very valuable moments in which “the truth must be experienced, not taught (G. Hesse, “The Glass Bead Game”).”

All organizational forms of integrative learning provide students with the following opportunities:

  • demonstrate efficiency and flexibility of thinking - the ability to see something new in the known, to go beyond the usual way of acting;
  • demonstrate originality of thinking - the ability to use non-standard methods solutions;
  • develop depth of knowledge - the ability to make conceptual generalizations;
  • show curiosity, active thinking - the ability to search in various sources and forms;
  • develop critical thinking - the ability to analyze and evaluate the results of activities.

System various forms allows us to talk about the use of integrative learning technologies in the educational process. The value of integrative learning is also that it is a powerful means of professional development. Communication and business connections between subject teachers are being established. The content area of ​​learning is increasing. Points of professional growth are discovered through constant reflection: what resources are in demand? What resources of colleagues urgently need to be mastered? By and large, this is a lot of work to transform the educational space of the school. Integrative learning can be an idea for the development of the entire school community.


  1. Korshunova O.V. “An integrative-differentiated approach to teaching physics in rural school”, dissertation
  2. Kubyshkina S.A. “Integrated problems in a physics course as a means of developing creative thinking,” dissertation 2006,
  3. Antonov V.F., Chernysh A.M., Pasechnik V.I., Voznesensky S.A., Kozlova E.K., “Biophysics” textbook for universities, M.,”Vlados”, 2006.
  4. Aleksashina I.Yu., Galaktionov K.V., Dmitriev I.S., Lyaptsev A.V., Sokolova I.I., “Natural science” integrated educational and methodological complex grades 10-11, M., Prosveshchenie, 2006.
  5. Tarasov L.V., “Modern physics in secondary school”, M., Prosveshchenie, 1990.
  6. Barantsev R.G. “Synergetics in modern natural science”, M., URSS, 2003.
  7. A.I. Semke, “Practical works in physics with environmental content”, M., “Chistye Prudy”, 2008.

A new reality of educational policy in Russia is the spread of integrated (joint) education of children with developmental disabilities with their normally developing peers.

The educational process with an inclusive approach allows students to acquire the necessary competencies, according to educational standards. The main subject to whom inclusive technologies are aimed is a child with disabilities. The term “child with disabilities” became stronger in the practice of Russian specialists working with children in the 90s of the 20th century. It was borrowed by domestic specialists from foreign experience. In the field of education, the concept of a “disabled child” characterizes a part of children who, due to physical, mental, and intellectual disabilities, cannot master the regular school curriculum and, for this reason, need specially developed standards, methods, and educational content. At the same time, in Russian pedagogical science, many different terms are used, which are covered by the general concept of “child with disabilities”: children with developmental disorders, children with developmental disabilities, pedagogically neglected children, etc. .

Along with the usual concepts of “disabled person”, “disabled child”, legal matters use such terms as “children with developmental disabilities”, “children with mental and (or) disabilities” physical development", "children with disabilities", "persons with disabilities".

With the existing variety of terminology, the following features are common to all concepts characterizing the group of persons under consideration:

  • ? the child has physical, mental limitations or functional deficiencies, and these deficiencies must be recorded by a competent commission;
  • ? these shortcomings or limitations, to one degree or another, make it difficult for a person to perform normal vital functions;
  • ? These shortcomings or limitations are quite long-lasting, which entails the need to provide assistance to a person and create special conditions for his life.

Until recently, children with developmental problems received education only through a system of special educational institutions. The very problem of allocating special classes for children who require special pedagogical attention remains controversial. Supporters of the segregation process advocate delimitation, singling out children with developmental disabilities and carrying out targeted correctional work with them. Supporters of integration argue for the need to carry out corrective measures with the child in the usual standard conditions of a comprehensive school. Both one and the other approach are scientifically substantiated, and their effectiveness is experimentally proven.

Integration (Latin - combining parts into a whole) is a two-way process that involves joint efforts both on the part of the child and on the part of the environment in which he enters, which is characteristic of the evolutionary path of development of integration, in contrast to the revolutionary one.

One of the first to substantiate the idea of ​​maximum focus in teaching on normally developing children in his works was L.S. Vygotsky, who pointed out the need to create an education system in which a child with disabilities would not be excluded from the society of children with normal development. He noted that for all its advantages, a special school is distinguished by the main drawback that it confines its pupil to a narrow circle of the school community, creates a closed world in which everything is adapted to the child’s defect, everything fixes his attention on his defect and does not introduce him to real life , develops in him skills that lead to even greater isolation and strengthen his separatism.

Therefore L.S. Vygotsky believed that the tasks of raising a child with a developmental disorder are his integration into life and compensation for his deficiency in some other way. He understood compensation not in a biological, but in a social aspect, therefore the broadest focus on normal children should serve as the starting point for revision special education. Thus, L.S. Vygotsky was one of the first to substantiate the idea of ​​integrated learning. Subsequently, his idea was implemented in the practice of schools Western Europe and the USA and is actively being implemented in Russia and Belarus.

Integration as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon dates back several centuries. The idea of ​​joint education of children with developmental disabilities and ordinary children has existed since the time when the former’s right to education was recognized. In most cases, examples of organizing joint education of children with special educational needs and ordinary children were not successful, because The public school teacher did not possess special teaching methods and techniques. In parallel with the process of pseudo-integration, the process of educational segregation of children with developmental disabilities arose and expanded.

In the 20th century The formation of a system of segregated educational institutions was completed. In the USSR by the mid-80s. There were eight types of schools for children with developmental disabilities; world practice also knows a more finely differentiated system of special education, numbering up to 12-13 types.

The first private integration initiatives were noted in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1975, Law 94-142 "mainstreaming" was adopted, according to which every special child from 3 to 21 years old has the right to choose the most optimal form of schooling for him.

Country experiences Northern Europe can be called the "cradle of integration". From 1961 to 1980, in Denmark and other Scandinavian countries, enormous social and pedagogical work was carried out to comprehend and master integration by teachers, parents, and the entire population.

In the UK, the integration process officially began with the adoption of the Special Educational Needs Regulations in 1983. Integration in the country is two-way in nature and is carried out in various ways.

In Germany, integrated education in primary school is represented by several models: an integrated class, a cooperative class, a stimulating class, a class with the constant care of a speech pathologist teacher. In integrated classes, individual curricula are widely used, individual care is practiced, and communication is organized within the framework of school life. In cooperative classes, the learning process partly takes place jointly and is supplemented by communication. In stimulating classes, the general curriculum is supported by special programs. In the fourth model, the learning process of an integrated child is strictly individualized.

By the end of the 20th century, in many countries (USA, UK, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Scandinavian countries), sending children to special (correctional) educational institutions seems to be a last resort, when all other possibilities have already been used and have not given desired result. In the educational practice of these countries, the principle of an integrated approach is implemented - providing children with developmental problems with the opportunity to study in a public school together with ordinary children. At the same time, additional conditions for special assistance and support are created for them to facilitate learning.

In general, the whole world is characterized by four options for integration in education: combined, partial, temporary, complete. With combined integration, children with the level of psychophysical and speech development corresponding or close to the age norm, are in mass groups or classes, receiving constant correctional assistance from a speech pathologist teacher. Partial integration - children with developmental problems, who are not yet able to master education on equal terms with their healthy peers, join mass groups (classes) for part of the day. Temporary integration - all pupils of special groups, regardless of the level of psychophysical and speech development, are united with healthy children at least 1-2 times a month to carry out various educational activities. The name "full integration" speaks for itself.

Successful implementation of integrated learning, as noted by N.N. Malofeev, is possible subject to the following conditions:

  • * democratic social order with guaranteed respect for individual rights;
  • * financial security, creation of an adequate range of special educational services and special living conditions for children with special educational needs in the structure of a mass comprehensive school;
  • * non-violent nature of the integration processes, the possibility of choice, alternatives in the presence of a guaranteed list of educational and correctional services provided by the education system general purpose and special education;
  • * readiness of society as a whole, its constituent layers and social groups, individuals to integration processes, to coexistence and interaction with people with disabilities.

The acceptance of integration by every person is a long process of educating the entire society, raising from early childhood a new generation (and perhaps more than one generation), for which integration will become part of their worldview. The key point of this point of view, according to a number of authors, should be the conviction that people with disabilities do not adapt to the rules and conditions of society, but are included in its life on their own terms, which society understands and takes into account.

In recent years, abroad (USA, Canada, UK and other countries) the concept of “integration” has been replaced by the concept of “inclusion”. This was facilitated by the dissemination of the UNESCO Declaration on Social Policy Measures to Promote “Inclusive Education” (Spain, 1994). An inclusive approach involves understanding the different educational needs of children and providing services in accordance with these needs through greater participation in the educational process, community involvement and the elimination of segregation and discrimination in education. Thus, the Declaration of Salamanca defines inclusion as a reform that supports and welcomes the differences and characteristics of each student. Its goals are to avoid social segregation resulting from differences in gender, race, culture, social class, nationality, religion and individual abilities.

The initiators of the introduction of a new concept and the corresponding system of actions believe that the mechanical combination in one class of children with normal and special development does not mean the latter’s full participation in the life of the class. The English verb include is translated as “contain”, “include”, “encompass”, “have in its composition”. Therefore, the word inclusion seems to be a term more reflective A New Look not only on education, but also on a person’s place in society.

The concept of “inclusive education” is a form of education in which students with developmental problems:

  • 1) attend the same schools as their brothers, sisters and neighbors;
  • 2) are in classes with children of the same age as them;
  • 3) have individual educational goals that correspond to their needs and capabilities;
  • 4) are provided with the necessary support.

The components of successful inclusion are: a teaching team of like-minded people, information about the transformation process, preparation and constant support.

The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education provides for the principle equal rights for education for persons with disabilities. Legislative acts - the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, and other federal laws set the task of maximizing education coverage of all children: “the right of any child to receive an education that meets his needs and fully utilizes the opportunities for his development becomes legitimate, which entails the need structural-functional, content and technological modernization of the country’s educational system."

Main types of integration: social and educational. Some scientists also distinguish physical (being in the same room) integration, functional (activity: subject-spatial unification) and socio-ethical (included: complete removal of social distance, equal partnership in activities).

Forms of integration: internal and external. Internal integration takes place within the special education system. External education involves the interaction of special and mass education. An example of internal integration is the joint education of the deaf and hard of hearing, the blind and visually impaired, children with mental retardation and severe speech impairments, etc.

The problem of integrated education is currently debatable, since integration, according to a number of scientists, has its positive and negative sides. It is good that children with problems will not be isolated from society, but it is bad that in public schools the opportunities to meet their special educational needs are limited. It is necessary to take into account the requests and wishes of parents, who have different attitudes towards integration, especially in its forced version. Supporters of cooperative education highlight the following positive aspects:

  • * stimulating influence of more capable classmates;
  • * presence of a wide range of familiarization with life;
  • * development of communication skills and innovative thinking;
  • * the opportunity to demonstrate humanity, sympathy, mercy, tolerance in real life situations, which is an effective means of moral education;
  • * reducing the risk of snobbery in successful children under conditions of emphasizing their exclusivity;
  • * disappearance of fear in healthy, normally developing schoolchildren of possible disability.

Opponents of the idea of ​​integration put forward the following arguments:

  • * heterogeneity of class composition harms high-achieving students, depriving them of the opportunity to advance in learning at a faster pace, slowing down the growth of capable students;
  • * children with problems are in unfavorable and unfair competitive conditions, they do not receive the necessary attention;
  • * teachers face an insoluble moral problem: who should be deprived of attention, care and time;
  • * the country needs citizens who have intellectual potential.

who studies, i.e. For which groups of children with developmental problems is integrated education in a public school accessible and beneficial?

where, i.e. What are the organizational forms of possible education for children with developmental problems in a public school (in a special class in a general education school, in a regular mass class, in a rehabilitation center, etc.)?

what, i.e. What is the content of special education in conditions of integration, what are the training options, the possibilities of flexible transition from one option to another?

when, i.e. what are the dates for the start of integrated education (in preschool, junior, middle or senior school age)?

who teaches, i.e. What should be the training of a school teacher to work with children with developmental disabilities, what are the functions of a special teacher and a special psychologist in a secondary school? .

The main idea of ​​integrative pedagogy is the position: from integration in school to integration in society. Coeducational education is not only intended to guarantee the right of a child with disabilities not to be isolated from the mainstream, but also to provide him with the opportunity to attend the school that he would attend if he were healthy. The main principle of integrative pedagogy is as little external differentiation as possible and as much internal differentiation as possible.

In our country, various models of integrated education have been used since 1995/96 school year. Today, 65% of children with disabilities are covered by integrated education.

Thus, by integration in the pedagogical process, researchers understand one of the aspects of the development process associated with the unification of previously disparate parts into a whole. The essence of the integration process is qualitative transformations within each element included in the system. Integrated education acts as one of the forms of alternative education, the basic principles of which are: early correction, educational psycho-correctional assistance to each child, reasonable psychological, medical and pedagogical selection of children for integrated education, the presence of a positive system and relations from society, etc. Integration of children with limited opportunities in an institution for normally developing peers occurs taking into account the level of development of each child and ensuring a real choice of integration model.

Integrated education is caused primarily by the need to overcome the isolation of the existing special education system.

Integration is a long and complex process in which students with full capabilities also play an important role. It consists in the manifestation of altruistic and prosocial relationships between students with both full capabilities and those with reduced capabilities.

The following forms of integrated learning have been identified:

1. A special class at a general education school with a population of 6-12 people in accordance with the standard number of students established for each category of children. This form of organizing the education of children with special needs of psychophysical development makes it possible to conduct extracurricular activities on a broader, integrated basis than in a special boarding school. In Belarus, there is positive experience in the operation of special classes in secondary schools in Minsk, Gomel, Soligorsk, etc.

2. Integrated learning classes. The class size is no more than 20 people. There can be no more in a class three people with a severe pathology of a homogeneous nature (deaf, blind, mentally retarded, with complex and combined defects) or no more than six people with homogeneous minor impairments (children with poor hearing, vision, with mental retardation, with severe speech impairments, musculoskeletal disorders, autistic children). The maximum number of children with heterogeneous impairments is 2-4 people (2 people with severe pathology or 4 people with mild impairments, but no more than 2 types of impairments). Academic and extracurricular activities are carried out on a broadly integrated basis. Such classes can operate in general education and special schools.

3. Correctional pedagogical consulting as a specially organized form of education covers children with developmental disabilities who study in different secondary schools rural areas, as well as students with persistent functional changes caused by severe long-term illness. The content and volume of defectological assistance can be systematic, regular or episodic. A defectologist provides consultations to teachers and parents, works with the student himself according to an individual program aimed at developing the child’s capabilities and compensating for his physical or mental disabilities. The development of compensatory abilities is a prerequisite for the successful adaptation of a child with peculiarities of psychophysical development of life in modern society.

The choice of form of integrated training is determined by a number of factors:

The need of the students themselves for integrated learning (determined by the psychophysical capabilities of each student, the conditions of his family upbringing).

The financial situation of the family, its psychological and pedagogical readiness for educational work.

Taking into account the mental characteristics of the child.

The same child can move from one education system to another depending on the dynamics of the child’s development, which can change and thereby determine the form of education.

When considering the feasibility of integrated education, the choice of its form, and its significance, it is necessary to determine whether it will contribute to the comprehensive development of the child and whether it will create conditions for his effective social adaptation and integration.

Achieving this goal is possible only if integrated training solves the following problems:

Relate content educational process with the possibilities of cognitive activity of a child with developmental disabilities.

To develop the skills and abilities of the student’s educational activities necessary for his learning on an integrative basis.

Provide favorable conditions for joint activities of children in the classroom and out-of-class time, which will help overcome the isolation of children with special needs.

To create in the child’s social environment a favorable psychological climate for moral and emotional education children with special needs.

To develop children's independence and their readiness to participate in socially useful life.

Issues of organizing integrated education are resolved in accordance with the Law “On the Rights of the Child” (Article 27) by parents of children with special needs of psychophysical development, as well as by regional, district (city) education authorities with the active participation of teaching staff of special or mass schools.

In accordance with the demands of the modern system of education and upbringing of children and adolescents, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus has developed a number of regulatory documents on the organization of integrated education.

The Regulations on the Center for Correctional and Developmental Training and Rehabilitation speaks about the regulatory and legal support for a system of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assistance and the timely provision of educational and correctional and rehabilitation services to disabled children and children with special needs of psychophysical development at their place of residence.

In order to create equal opportunities to obtain education for children with special needs of psychophysical development, to provide optimal conditions for their personal development and social adaptation, as well as to bring special education into line with the reform of the general education school, the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated November 3, 1999 No. 660 approved the Concept of Reform of Special Education.

The main objectives of special education reform are:

Development national system special education.

Creating optimal conditions for personal development and preparation for independent life.

Ensuring that education is given priority over education.

Providing multi-level, varied training for students, taking into account their psychophysical characteristics.

Development of a system of preschool, correctional and pedagogical assistance to children with special needs of psychophysical development, starting from the first months of their life.

Elimination of educational overload and creation of flexible educational programs.

Increasing the role of the family in education.

Improving the organizational and management mechanisms of special education based on its decentralization and developing the democratic foundations of management.

The Concept substantiates the need to reform special education, reveals the principles, main directions and stages of implementation of the reform of special education, its legal, economic and information support. The implementation of this Concept necessitated the adoption of a number of regulations and documents that economically provide the possibility of developing transformation processes, as well as further development of existing and new development of documents relating to the upbringing and education of children with special needs of psychophysical development.

Preparation for integration of preschool children with mental retardation.

Education and training of preschool children with developmental disabilities in preschool institutions (groups) of a compensatory type, in institutions "Primary school - kindergarten» compensatory type, in preschool departments (groups) of special (correctional) institutions, in short-stay groups are carried out in accordance with special curriculum and programs, including licensed copyright ones. In these institutions, a subject-specific developmental environment is created that meets the developmental characteristics of preschoolers with certain developmental disabilities. The upbringing and education of children is carried out by specially trained speech pathologists, educators, music directors and physical education instructors.

Thus, a child with a developmental disorder can be educated both in specialized (compensatory or correctional) conditions and in integrated (joint with normally developing children) education.

Preparation for integrated education of preschoolers with mental retardation should include:

Implementation of early (from the first weeks of life) correction of developmental deviations and the formation of compensatory mechanisms;

Providing mandatory correctional assistance to every child raised in a general education environment educational institution;

Availability of medical and pedagogical justifications when choosing one or another model of integrated education.

Integration is not opposed to the special education system, but acts as one of the forms within the system. Integration is a model of special pedagogy; A child with developmental disabilities integrated into the general educational environment remains under her patronage: he is either brought up in a special group at a combined preschool institution, or he necessarily receives correctional assistance, being brought up in a group together with normally developing children. It can be considered that integration brings two educational systems - general and special - closer together, making the boundaries between them permeable.

In institutions of a combined type, taking into account the level of development and individual developmental characteristics of children, integration should be carried out in its various forms:

- combined integration. Children with a level of psychophysical and speech development that corresponds or is close to the age norm, who care for themselves independently, are brought up in mass groups of 1-2 people, receive systematic correctional assistance from a teacher-defectologist and an educational psychologist;

Partial integration. Children (1-2 people), who are not yet capable of mastering program requirements on an equal basis with healthy peers, spend only part of the day (for example, the second half) in a group of normally developing peers;

Temporary integration, in which pupils of a special group, regardless of the level of psychophysical and speech development and self-care skills, are united with healthy children at least 1-2 times a month to carry out various educational activities (this model of integration can and should be implemented in educational institutions of a compensatory type , in preschool departments (groups) of special (correctional) schools, boarding schools, orphanages).

The implementation of all these forms presupposes the mandatory management of the integration process by a teacher-defectologist and educational psychologist, who help in organizing the upbringing and education of a child with developmental disabilities in a group of healthy peers.

Full integration can be effective for children with developmental disabilities who, in terms of the level of psychophysical and speech development, correspond to the age norm (or are close to it), care for themselves independently and are psychologically ready for joint learning with healthy peers. Such children, 1-2 people each, are included in the regular groups of the general developmental kindergarten of the “Primary School - Kindergarten” institution, and they must receive correctional assistance either at the place of study, or in short-term groups of a preschool institution (group) of a compensatory type or preschool departments (groups) of a special (correctional) school, boarding school, or in specialized centers or in clinics at the place of residence.

The implementation of various forms of integration of children with developmental disabilities into a group of normal peers should contribute to the socialization of preschoolers with special needs, and for normally developing children should create an environment in which they begin to realize that the world is a single community of people.

Purposeful work to prepare children with mental retardation for integrated education is a mandatory component of the activities of preschool educational institutions, both general developmental and combined, as well as compensatory.

If special preschool institutions (groups, departments) are faced with the task of carrying out correctional education and training of preschoolers with developmental disabilities, then general developmental preschool educational institutions and “Primary school - kindergarten” institutions, which educate individual children with developmental disabilities, there are fundamentally different tasks:

Pedagogical observation and screening diagnostics aimed at identifying preschoolers with suspected developmental disabilities;

Working with the parents of such children in order to convince them of the need for a comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical examination of the child;

Raising the question of mandatory provision of a child with developmental disabilities with individual correctional and developmental classes with a teacher-defectologist, educational psychologist and other specialists (in an institution or outside it). Classes are structured taking into account the developmental characteristics of a child with one or another developmental disorder;

Security individual approach to the upbringing and education of a child with developmental disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of specific disorders, in accordance with the recommendations of specialists: a doctor, a teacher-defectologist, an educational psychologist;

Ensuring contact between a general educational institution and specialists who provide correctional assistance to a child with developmental disabilities outside of it;

Working with the parents of a child with developmental disabilities in order to ensure a unified approach to his upbringing and education, following the recommendations of specialists, assisting the preschooler in mastering program requirements designed for normally developing children;

Purposeful monitoring of the development of a child with developmental disabilities, his progress - in order to timely resolve the issue of changes in the process of his upbringing and education.

It could be:

a) about the desirability of transferring a preschool child to a special institution (group);

b) on intensifying correctional and developmental classes with a specialist, providing assistance to the child during these classes in mastering program requirements designed for normally developing preschoolers, on improving the material and technical base of integrated education;

c) on providing assistance to educators in organizing the education of a child with developmental disabilities in an environment of normally developing children.

Creation special conditions carried out in order to solve a complex of correctional, developmental and educational tasks in the process of dynamic psychological and pedagogical training and upbringing of the child.

In this case, the following conditions are met:

Objectives and content correctional work with children, the structure, degree and nature of developmental disorders are taken into account;

Material, technical, medical and social conditions, subject-specific development environment correspond to educational and correctional tasks;

Professional training of specialists is aimed at protecting and strengthening the child’s health, his physical and mental development, and correcting his existing deviations. In addition, it must be constantly improved and comply with the achievements of advanced science and practice.

A child’s mental retardation depends not only on the state of his nervous system, microorganic pathology of the brain, but also on the nature of his social contacts with adults, the general and professional culture of the latter, the organization of activities taking into account age, individual developmental characteristics for a given period of time, etc. . Working with these children to study and correct their development, of course, requires the highest scientific and professional qualifications and should begin as early as possible. This is the general principle of organizing psychological and pedagogical assistance to a child with problems in mental development.

Nowadays, it is no longer a scientific sensation that mental retardation is the only form of a child’s developmental delay, which can in principle be compensated by psychological and pedagogical means adequate to his condition and under certain microsocial and psychological and pedagogical conditions, and in early and preschool age; at primary school age, subject to continued correction mental development, started before school, it is possible to compensate for the main developmental defects in children with the most complex forms of mental retardation.

It is important to emphasize that if full model integration can be effective only for a part of atypical children with a relatively high level of psychophysical development, then partial and especially temporary forms integration is appropriate for the vast majority of children with disabilities health. This association will not only increase the level of sociocultural integration and adaptation of such children, but will also contribute to the humanistic education of ordinary children and adolescents.

An obligatory point in the implementation of educational and sociocultural integration technologies is the creation of a system of dynamic medical-social and psychological-pedagogical, as well as legal and volunteer support for integrated education. This is due to the fact that without competent correctional and developmental assistance either in the educational institution itself, or at the place of residence, or in various centers (consulting, rehabilitation), the success of the social integration of a child with special needs will be minimal.

It is in preschool age that a child’s ability to compensate for impaired and underdeveloped functions is much higher than at school age.

Therefore, the identification and inclusion of children with mental retardation in the system of correctional and developmental education at earlier age stages (in preschool age) makes it possible to overcome it in the majority of children (75%) before entering school and their subsequent education in regular classes of a general education school.

It should be noted that integration is an opportunity, but by no means an obligation. An atypical person can enter society, but is not required to do so. People with problems of psychophysical development should have the right to choose their path: to take part in the life of society, or to prefer security and solitude.

1.3. Intersubject and intra-course connections of legal disciplines.

1. Integration into legal training

Legal education is considered as a condition for the formation of individual abilities, acquisition of knowledge and skills of social functioning.

Legal education, to be successful, can be continuous and continuous. Depending on the development program, profile, and real capabilities of the educational institution, a law course from grades 1 to 11 can be structured as follows:

§ systematic (end-to-end) course;

§ modular course along with other social and humanitarian courses or an integrated social science course;

§ part of an integrated social studies course.

IN integrative approach consideration of legal issues is carried out within the framework of the “Social Studies” course, aimed at a comprehensive study of the fundamental concepts of political science, cultural studies, philosophy, economics, ethics, and law. Integration is one of the didactic principles. Integrative education is a means of personal development; a way to enhance students’ cognitive activity; This is a type of individual work with each student. It promotes the development of a student’s cognitive-cognitive and affective systems. This is what it's all about developmental effect of integration.

Integration is a deep interpenetration, merging, as far as possible, in one educational material of generalized knowledge in a particular area.

This is a whole field of science, which can roughly be called the structural methodology of integration. Modern system Education allows teachers to use not all types of integration in their practical activities. The results of integrated learning are manifested in the development of students' creative thinking. It promotes not only the intensification, systematization, optimization of educational and cognitive activities, but also the mastery of cultural literacy (linguistic, legal, ethical, historical, philosophical). And the type of culture determines the type of human consciousness, therefore integration is extremely relevant and necessary in a modern school.

Classification of integration according to A. Katolikov.

§ Horizontal (combining similar material in different academic subjects).

§ Vertical (combination by one teacher in his subject of material that is thematically repeated in different years training on at different levels difficulties).

Classification of integration according to O.I. Malchina.

§ Special courses that combine several subjects.

§ Blocking different sections.

§ Study of one topic based on two or more subjects.

§ A course that combines knowledge based on generalized thinking operations.

Classification of integration according to A.A. Yataikina.

§ Thematic integration (2-3 academic subjects cover one topic).

§ Problem-based integration (students solve one problem using the capabilities of a number of subjects). A generalized situation arises, suggesting different solutions).

§ Conceptual integration (the concept is considered by various educational subjects in the totality of all means and methods).

§ Theoretical integration (philosophical interpenetration of different theories).

Types of integration links by:

1. Method of absorption– reproductive, search, creative.

2. Breadth of implementation– intra-cycle, inter-cycle.

3. Implementation chronology– successive, accompanying, promising.

4. Installation method– unilateral, bilateral, multilateral, direct and reverse.

5. Consistency of implementation– episodic, periodic, systematic.

6. Form of “organization”- lesson-based, thematic, end-to-end, complex.

The introduction of an integrative educational model determines the feasibility of a comprehensive educational system:

§ selection of psychological and pedagogical literature;

§ implementation of elements of developmental learning technologies;

§ integration of subjects through binary lessons and extracurricular activities;

§ drawing up programs for elective and optional courses.

Integrated lessons give the student a fairly broad and vivid understanding of the world in which he lives, the interconnection of phenomena and objects, mutual assistance, and the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main emphasis is not so much on the assimilation of certain knowledge, but on the development of imaginative thinking. Integrated lessons also require the mandatory development of students' creative activity. This allows you to use the content of all educational subjects, attract information from various fields of science, culture, art, referring to the phenomena and events of the surrounding life.

In the 70s, the question arose about intensifying the cognitive activity of students, about overcoming the contradiction of artificial division according to subject matter. The student did not perceive holistically either the educational material or the picture of the world around him. This led to active search interdisciplinary connections, to their use in differentiated teaching.

Need in the emergence of integrated lessons explained in a whole series reasons.

Firstly, the world surrounding children is known by them in its diversity and unity, and often the subjects of the school cycle, aimed at studying individual phenomena of this unity, do not give an idea of ​​​​the whole phenomenon, breaking it up into isolated fragments.

Secondly, integrated lessons develop the potential of students themselves, encourage active knowledge of the surrounding reality, to comprehend and find cause-and-effect relationships, to develop logic, thinking, and communication abilities.

Thirdly, the form of conducting integrated lessons is non-standard and interesting. Usage various types work during the lesson maintains the attention of students at a high level, which allows us to talk about the sufficient effectiveness of the lessons. Integrated lessons reveal significant pedagogical opportunities. Such lessons relieve fatigue and overstrain of students by switching to a variety of activities, sharply increase cognitive interest, and serve to develop students’ imagination, attention, thinking, speech and memory.

Fourthly, integration in modern society explains the need for integration in education. Modern society needs highly qualified, well-trained specialists. To meet this need: the preparation of educated, well-trained specialists must begin with junior classes, which is facilitated by integration in primary school.

Fifthly, by strengthening interdisciplinary connections, teaching hours are freed up, which can be used for studying foreign language, for in-depth study of fine arts, music, for the developmental activities of students, as well as additional practical lessons.

Sixthly, integration provides an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, teacher creativity, and contributes to the development of abilities.

Benefits of integrated lessons are that they:

§ contribute to increasing the motivation of learning, the formation of students’ cognitive interest, a holistic scientific picture of the world and consideration of the phenomenon from several sides;

§ to a greater extent than ordinary lessons, they contribute to the development of speech, the formation of students’ ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions, intensify the educational process, relieve stress and overload;

§ not only deepen the understanding of the subject, broaden one’s horizons, but also contribute to the formation of a versatile, harmoniously and intellectually developed personality.

§ integration is a source of finding new connections between facts that confirm or deepen certain conclusions and observations of students in various subjects.

Structure of integrated lessons is different: clarity, compactness, conciseness, logical interdependence of educational material at each stage of the lesson, large informative capacity of the material.

In the form of integrated lessons, it is advisable to conduct generalizing lessons in which the problems that are most important for two or more subjects will be revealed.

In high school, integrated lessons are the most important part of the system of interdisciplinary connections. Each of these lessons is taught by two or more subject teachers. The material of such lessons shows the unity of the processes occurring in the world around us and allows students to see the interdependence of various sciences.

At school, it is advisable to work on creating a system of integrated sciences. The first stage of this work is the coordination of curricula in subjects, discussion and formulation of general concepts, coordination of the time for their study, mutual consultations of teachers.

Then it is necessary to consider how they approach the study of the same processes, phenomena, laws, theories in different courses of academic disciplines. And finally, planning the topics and notes of integrated lessons.

An integrated lesson solves not many individual problems, but their totality. The forms of the lesson may be different, but each should contain enough material to exercise the “active forces” (I.G. Pestalozzi) of the child given to him by nature. An integrated lesson requires careful preparation, professional skill and spirituality of personal communication from the teacher, when children perceive the teacher positively (respect, love, trust), and the teacher is disposed towards the children (polite, affectionate, attentive). A teacher will give more to children if he reveals to them that he is a multifaceted and passionate person.

The pedagogical and methodological technology of integrated lessons may be different, but in any case their modeling is necessary. Independent search for new optimal (according to Babansky) schemes-models is a manifestation of the teacher’s creative activity.

Patterns integrated lesson : the entire lesson is subject to the author's intention; the lesson is united by the main idea (the core of the lesson); the lesson is a single whole, the stages of the lesson are fragments of the whole; the stages and components of the lesson are in logical-structural dependence; the didactic material selected for the lesson corresponds to the plan; the chain of information is organized as “given” and “new” and reflects not only structural, but also semantic connectivity; the coherence of the structure is achieved sequentially, but does not exclude parallel communication (in the first case, the sequence of actions is observed, in the second, related tasks are performed that correspond to another logically constructed thought).

Compliance with the indicated patterns allows us to consider the lesson as a scientific and business structure, in which, from the point of view of content, the following are important: a complex of knowledge and skills and the free use of them; the relationship between what is studied and what is being studied; combining individual tests into one common one; prevention of shortcomings.

Integrative lesson- this is a lesson that organically connects the content of several complex academic disciplines. It is used in cases where it is necessary to form in students a holistic, systematic understanding of complex processes, large concepts, laws, problems. Particularly important in cases where it is necessary to show an organic connection between theory and practice.

Examples of the use of integration methods in legal education.

The teacher can give the task to write an essay on one of the following topics:

1. Issues of state and law in the works of A.S. Pushkin

2. Legal motives in the works of V.D. Polenov

3. Legal Issues in the Bible

Or poses the problem “Natural sciences: their connection with law” with a series of interrelated questions

1. The place of chemistry in forensics

2. Biology in the service of investigation

3. The use of physics achievements in solving crimes leads students to solving this problem

Integration is one of the current problems in education

With the development of science, the complexity of the material studied at school increases, and the volume of information increases. Current programs in natural science subjects offer students to master a large number of concepts, which, due to the subject-centric nature of our education, sometimes act as disparate elements of knowledge. This creates difficulties in forming a holistic picture of the world, interferes with the organic perception of culture, and becomes one of the reasons for the fragmented worldview of a school graduate.

This problem is of particular importance today when, in accordance with the demands of society in the conditionsbuilding a new educational systememphasis is placed on the developmental goals of education.The integrative approach is one of the resources for developmental learning andimproving the quality of the educational process at school.

The idea of ​​integrative education is one of the conceptual ideas of a modern school.

Integration is the process and result of achieving the integrity of the content of education through the establishment of intra- and interdisciplinary connections, interaction between various educational programs(Annex 1).

Advantages of an integrative approach in education

For the student

    Formation and development of a more objective and comprehensive picture of the world, a holistic worldview and a common culture

    More engaged, personally relevant and meaningful learning experiencesby understanding their need and social significance(motivation)

    Opportunities for the development of intellectual creative thinking

    More active application of one’s knowledge in practice, because knowledge more easily reveals its applied nature

    Formation and development of UUD

    Removing overload in the educational process

For the teacher

    Adequacy of the modern level of scientific ideas about the world

    The opportunity to unfold to the student a multidimensional picture of the world in dynamics, in multiple relationships

    Expanding the “horizons” in teaching the “own” subject and implementing new prospects for activity.The teacher sees and reveals his subject in a new way, more clearly realizing its relationship with other sciences.

    Incentive to find new ones methodological forms interaction with the student (teacher), corresponding to the integrative approach

    Combining the efforts of different specialists in solving common problems, the ability to take into account the value orientations and motivation of students

    Formation, development and education of the individual, taking into account her cognitive intentions, abilities and capabilities.

    Formation of natural scientific thinking of students

    Obtaining a qualitatively new pedagogical result


    Lack of educational and methodological complex (but they are already beginning to appear)

    Insufficient preparedness of teachers in this direction work (which we try to cope with through self-education, the work of the Ministry of Education, seminars and courses to improve professional teaching skills).

Forms of training with an integrative approach

Integrated course

Integrated lesson

The subject of analysis in an integrated lesson is multifaceted objects, information about the essence of which is contained in various academic disciplines. This leads to the emergence of a qualitatively new type of knowledge, which finds expression in general scientific concepts, categories, and approaches.

The participation of teachers of related disciplines in the organization of integrated lessons solves the psychological problem, allowing children to easily join in new block information, contributes to the growth of the level of general and professional culture of the teacher, the development of value orientations of schoolchildren from the perspective of global education.

The combined approach relieves the monotony of the lesson, allows you to switch attention, and this ensures high activity and maintains interest in learning.

Integrated extracurricular activities (projects, excursions, intellectual games).

The main stages of the work of teachers of education in the natural sciences on the development of integration interactions

Preparatory stage

    Literature study and analysis of the concept of integrated learning

    Purchase of educational and methodological literature

    Discussion of problematic topics at MO meetings and training seminars:

    Modern problems of integration of natural science subjects

    Development of OUUN and universal educational activities of students through the integration of subjects in the field of Natural Sciences

    Integration of Natural Science subjects based on general vertical and horizontal planning, conducting integrated lessons and extracurricular activities

    Integration of studied disciplines based on the development by teachers of common approaches to the formation of leading concepts of an interdisciplinary nature

    Integration of Natural Science subjects as a means of forming and developing key competencies of students

Practical stage

1. Determination of resource provision:

    methodological literature;

    media resources

    material and technical equipment

2. Introduction of an integrative approach to the formation of UUD

3. Creation of a bank of integral cognitive tasks

4. Mutual attendance at lessons in order to exchange experience in implementing intra-subject and inter-subject integration of geography, biology, physics, and chemistry.

5. Mutual attendance at lessons in order to exchange experience in using the integration of subjects in the field of Natural Science as a means of student development

6. Organization and holding of interdisciplinary Olympiads

7. Guide project activities students, including in the implementation of interdisciplinary projects

8. Conducting open integrated lessons

9. Conducting integrated extracurricular activities by teachers of natural disciplines (including open ones) at school (intellectual-cognitive and role-playing games, scientific-cognitive marathons, conferences, quizzes, tournaments of experts, discussions, debates, round tables, presentations of educational project products on the subject and interdisciplinary)

10. Conducting on-site integrated extracurricular activities

    Discovery Week in Valdai (annually)

    Excursions to the Polytechnic, Zoological museums, Darwin Museum, etc. (Appendix 2)

11. Popularization of the experience of interdisciplinary integration:

    Conducting joint meetings of teachers of natural science disciplines and teachers of other educational institutions to exchange experience in the use of interdisciplinary integration


G.G. Lysova, T.A. Nikiforova, L.G. Prilezhaeva, N.N. . Savelyeva. "Integrative study of natural disciplines." Monograph “Criteria-based assessment of student achievements.” Moscow. Scientific publication of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University. 2010

G.G. Lysova, E.A. Mendeleev . “Distance teaching of chemistry at NP “Teleschool”. RAO ISMO. Collection of materials "2010.

G.G. Lysova. Activity-based learning technologies in the formation of universal educational actions of students. Formation of universal educational activities in chemistry lessons. Diagnostics in the work on the formation of universal educational actions. Moscow. Scientific publication of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University. 2012

G.G. Lysova, A.I. Ashtrafzyanov, T.A. Nikiforova, L.G. Prilezhaeva, N.N. . Savelyeva. Collection of methodological articles “Subject integration as a resource for developmental learning.” ANO secondary school "Premier". 2014

12. Annual analysis of work to implement the integration of subjects in the field of natural science

Results of the activities of the Ministry of Defense on implementation

subject integration

    We manage to integrate academic disciplines in search of their interaction in relation to a holistic vision of the world

    We are trying to find common approaches to the formation of leading concepts of an interdisciplinary nature

    We carry out integration by strengthening the practical orientation of both a specific subject and the cycle as a whole through classroom and extracurricular activities

    Teachers of the Natural Sciences Educational Institution purposefully, in accordance with the methodological theme of the school and the work plan of the Educational Institution, form and develop educational activities, contribute to the achievement of personal results of students

    Our focus on an integrative approach to teaching helps create an atmosphere for the development and manifestation of students' personal qualities,formation of a holistic picture of the world,to a more interested, personally meaningful and meaningful perception of knowledge,strengthening motivation to study subjects in the field of Natural Sciences.

Annex 1


Integration is the process and result of achieving the integrity of the content of education through the establishment of intra- and interdisciplinary connections, interaction between various educational programs.

Integration interactions – general actions aimed at bringing together and connecting the sciences, along with their characteristics.

Integral tasks – tasks in which various intra-subject concepts are inextricably linked (combined), requiring the application of general laws and theories (in the case of chemistry for organic and inorganic chemistry), or these are interdisciplinary tasks, intended to establish cause-and-effect relationships and form a unified natural-scientific picture of the world.

Integrated course (elective, elective courses, additional trainingsubjects, etc.) is an autonomous scientific discipline with its own specific subject of study, which includes elements of different disciplines, but in a complex and at a qualitatively different level.

Integrated Lesson – a special type of lesson that combines training in several disciplines simultaneously while studying one concept, topic or phenomenon.

Integrative an approach means the implementation of the principle of integration in any component of the pedagogical process.

The idea of ​​integrative education – one of the conceptual ideas of the modern school.

Purpose of Integrative Learning – formation of a holistic vision of the world.

Appendix 2

Integrated extracurricular activities

1. Interdisciplinary Olympiad"Erudite". 8, 9, 10 grades

2. Debate “Nuclear energy needs to be developed in Russia.” 9th grade

3. Intellectual bio-chemical game "An erudite can become a millionaire!”

Grade 10

4. Intellectual physico-chemical game "An erudite can become a millionaire!” Grade 10

5. Scientific and educational marathon “Life on Earth”.5th, 6th grades

6. Mad Science Optical illusions" 5 – 8 grades

7. Intellectually - educational team game "Treasure". 8, 9, 10 grades

8. Round table “I want to know everything: what about chewing gum; secrets of aromatherapy."8th grade

9. Round table “Assorted: Be Healthy!” 8, 9 grades

10. Role-playing game “Trial of ethyl alcohol.” 8 – 11 grades

11. Intellectual game"The smartest in the field of Natural Science." 7 – 10 grades

12. Integrated intellectual and cognitive game “Who is the wisest of all in the Premiere?” 7 – 10 grades

13. Lomonosov Day.8th grade

14. Discovery week in the Moscow region, Valdai, Meshchera

15. Excursions to the Polytechnic Museum, Darwin Museum, Mineralogical Museum. A.M. Fersman, Moscow Planetarium, Tsaritsyn Arboretum, Kolomenskoye Estate Museum, etc.

16. Interdisciplinary projects (annually)

    "Time" 5th grade

    "Order" 6th grade

    "Interactions" 7th grade

    "Water" 8 grade

    "System" 9 grade

    “Energy”, “Changes” 10 grades

    "Cosmos" 5 - 11 grades

    Tourist gathering “The World Around Us” 5 – 11 grades

17. Quest

18. Personal projects of students on topics in the field of Natural Science (annually).

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