How to properly care for a budgie. How to care for a parrot at home

Birds that get along well with their owners do not get bored in captivity, and therefore they are most often chosen by lovers as pets.

If you are planning to keep these bright and sociable birds, then you need to familiarize yourself with the information on how to care for budgerigar.

This knowledge will help make your feathered pet as comfortable as possible.

Description of the species

Upon reaching adulthood, they have the following physical indicators:

  • body length - 17–20 cm;
  • body weight - 40–45 g;
  • tail length - up to 10 cm;
The bulk of budgies have feather colors Green colour or a combination of green and yellow. The color of the feathers is white, acid yellow or blue flowers, such coloring is inherent in breeds bred as a result of directed selection.

Birds of this breed have wavy dark stripes in the back of the head, on the wings and back. The stripes are often located, on the head they are thin, gradually descending towards the wings, the lines thicken, become clearer and brighter. Because of these lines, parrots are called budgies. Before the first molt, young birds have a much shorter tail than adult parrots (6–8 cm).
The wings of budgerigars reach 9–10 cm, they are strong, with a well-developed flight feather. Wavy birds only use their wings to fly; they do not use them for climbing or sit on them. The neck has good mobility - in order to look back, birds only use a turn of the head. The paws have four toes, two of which look forward and two are turned in reverse direction. The skin on the paws is gray-blue, dark.

The eye color of these birds is dark blue, sometimes the iris is yellow or white. The parrot's eye is designed in such a way that it has a wide angle of vision.


Before giving your child a feathered friend, you need to find out how long budgerigars live at home. If she lives very little, then her death will become a serious psychological trauma for the child.

They can live in your home from 5 to 15 years. The difficulty in determining the age of a bird is that both young and old (fifteen-year-old) parrots look the same. If you purchase an adult bird, you cannot be sure of its age. The lifespan of birds depends on living conditions and diet.

A bird will live long if:

  • the menu will regularly include fruits, vegetables and herbs;
  • the birdhouse will be spacious and comfortable;
  • the parrot will fly freely around the apartment at least once a day.

The color of the strong and downwardly curved beak in young parrots is dark, while in adult birds the color of the cornea changes to a bright yellow color.

How to distinguish between a female and a male

In budgerigars, you can distinguish males from females by the color of the wax (growth at the base of the beak).

What does the color of the cere mean?

  • light purple is a young male;
  • bright blue - adult male;
  • light blue - young female;
  • light brown or dark brown - sexually mature female.
The feathers on the female's forehead have a fluorescent property and glow under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Ornithologists are convinced that the unusual spot is provided by nature to attract males of this breed to the female.

Did you know? Budgerigars have an unusual high speed visual perception, he can see up to 150 images in one second. For comparison, a person manages to see only 16 images in the same time.

Budgerigars come from Australia, where the climate is arid and hot, with rare heavy rainfall. Proper care of these birds involves keeping them in suitable climatic conditions so that parrots feel comfortable in different periods their lives (during the period when birds molt, adapt or reproduce).

To provide the right conditions contents it is important to observe:

  • light mode;
  • temperature regime;
  • permissible air humidity in the room where the cage is located.
Light mode for parrots

This mode implies not only the change of day and night so that the birds are awake and asleep in time, but also the brightness of the light in the room. Lighting is so important for birds because vision is one of their most important sensory organs. environment. With the help of vision, birds navigate in space and choose the most suitable food.
Lack of light causes depression in parrots, and anomalies in behavioral reactions occur (birds begin to peck feathers on themselves and other birds). Insufficient lighting causes disruptions in health - the body lacks vitamin D, and, as a result, female parrots fill the nest with unfertilized eggs, and male parrots lose interest in the opposite sex.

The light regime is very important for parrots because its disruption negatively affects the endocrine glands, which are located in the eye area.

For parrots, the night period (the period of rest and sleep) is very important. If birds do not have enough rest period, their immunity decreases, irritability increases, long-term stress occurs - the birds get sick.

Duration daylight hours for parrots there should be:

  • in summer and spring - from 12 to 14 hours;
  • in autumn and winter - from 10 to 12 hours.
Light intensity

Ultraviolet light helps the body produce vitamin D, which promotes the hardness and elasticity of bone tissue. This is why lighting brightness is very important.

In summer, parrots benefit from sunbathing. To do this, choose the morning, not hot hours. The birdcage is exposed to the sun for some time, the time of the first five procedures is no more than 5 minutes. After the pet has adapted to the sun, the time for “tanning” is gradually increased to 30 minutes.

In winter, the same procedures can be carried out under a special ultraviolet lamp; it can be easily purchased in “Everything for Animals” stores.

Daylight hours should not be too long or too short, as deviation in either direction can lead to a deterioration in the health of the bird.

Abnormally long daylight hours lead to:
  • lack of sleep;
  • nervous condition;
  • reducing the threshold of stress resistance;
  • general loss of strength;
  • the awakening instinct of reproduction at the wrong time.
Abnormally long night time leads to:
  • exhaustion of the bird (it does not have time to eat);
  • constantly being drowsy and depressed;
  • the beginning of hormonal imbalances.
Air humidity

The air humidity in the room should be as close as possible to natural places wavy habitats. It doesn't rain often in Australia, but the air humidity constantly fluctuates around 55–70%.

What threatens excessively dry indoor air for a parrot:

  • skin diseases;
  • loss and brittleness of feathers;
  • prolonged period of molting;
  • depressed state;
  • to the fact that the mucous membrane of the eyes, nose and mouth suffers;
  • to decreased immunity;
  • to an increased likelihood of respiratory and viral diseases.

In order to avoid these unpleasant consequences, there should always be a bath of water in the cage for bathing. Budgerigars enjoy splashing around in the water.

Room temperature

Wavy plants do not do well at room temperatures that are too high. The optimal room temperature for keeping them is considered to be +22–25 °C. The bird should be protected from sudden fluctuations in air temperature and drafts.

Parrots do not have sweat glands, so when they overheat, they raise their wings, open their beaks and stretch their necks - this helps them lower their body temperature to an acceptable one.

How to determine heatstroke in a parrot:

  • the bird is breathing heavily;
  • trembling throughout the body;
  • unsteadiness on your feet;
  • disorientation in space;
  • loss of consciousness.

How to warm a bird

If your pet is sick and its body temperature has dropped significantly, it is important to warm the bird. Regular light bulbs (40–60 W) or special ornithological heating lamps are perfect for this.

IN winter time There are interruptions in heating, and to raise the air temperature, you can install a heater in the room. When installing a heater, it is important to remember that it should not be placed near the cage.

Did you know? In Australian nature you can observe huge flocks budgerigars numbering over a thousand birds. When a flock sits on a tree, from afar it seems that thousands of bright exotic flowers are blooming on it at the same time. Although the noise is deafening.

How to choose a home for a parrot

If a family has decided that a feathered pet is needed in the house, they need to think about where and how it will live. To make the parrot comfortable and cozy, he needs his own house - a cage. There is an opinion that the absence of a cage causes the death of parrots even before they reach three years old. When choosing a cage, you need to take into account several factors: size, shape, height, density of the lattice, installation of devices necessary for the life of the bird.

Dimensions and shape

Budgerigars can be kept in cages various shapes and size. Most convenient form It is considered a rectangular spacious cage with a dome-shaped top. The lower part of the cage is made of hard rocks wood or metal, and the walls and dome should be barred with thin, strong wire. The wire for the grill should not be copper, as the pet can be poisoned by copper oxides by chewing the wire.

If the cage tray is made of soft wood, then the bird will constantly peck holes in it, and soon you will have to buy a new cage. In order for the bird to have something to chew on, the cage must be equipped with cuttings of branches with thick knots. For one parrot, the cage size should not be less than 35×35 cm, and for a married couple, the extremely small living area is 65×55 cm. Height bird house is not as important as its length and width, because parrots do not fly in it, they only climb perches and ladders.

The frequency of the wire placement should create a grid of such density that the bird cannot stick its head in there and get injured. The diameter of the wire should not be thicker than 2 mm, and the distance between two wires should not exceed 15–20 mm. If the wire is placed thicker, it will make it difficult for the bird to see the room, it will take longer to get used to its owners and will be less contactable.

The cage size can be any, but the most acceptable size is one where the parrot can calmly spread its wings. Parrots often perform such actions, compensating for the lack of active movement.

You also need to plan for visits to the veterinarian. To do this, buy a small carrying cage. This cage has small dimensions (20x7x9 cm) and three walls that are impenetrable to view; there is a lattice wall only in front of the carrier. The opacity of the carrier cage is due to the fact that the bird experiences stress when moving outside or when seeing unfamiliar people.

Arrangement of the cage

After purchasing the cage, you need to equip it for the bird’s convenience. There are several perches in it. Such perches are located in places where a sitting parrot does not clog the water bowl or food bowl with droppings; the bird's tail should not reach the walls of the cage.

The following tree species are suitable for perches:

  • oak, beech, maple, birch - these will be durable and strong seat supports;
  • willow - these will be healing perches;
  • apple tree, pear tree, cherry, plum, rowan - these will be “delicious” seats containing minerals and.

Important! Coniferous trees (spruce, pine, cedar) are absolutely not suitable for perches - they can give rise to the development of diseases in birds. It is also unacceptable to use poisonous tree species.

Drinkers and feeders are installed in the cage. There may be one or two drinking containers; the water in them must be changed every day.

Typically you need three feeders:

  • for mineral feeding (crushed eggshells, red clay, sand, charcoal);
  • for solid feed (millet and other grains);
  • for soft food.
Birds love to swim, especially in the hot season, and use drinking bowls for this. During bathing, water splashes, the cage becomes dirty, fluff and feathers fly in all directions. This can be avoided by purchasing a special bathing container. This “bathroom” has transparent walls that protect the cage from splashes. It can be hung from the ceiling of the cage.

To ensure that the cage is always clean and the owner can quickly and conveniently clean it, the bottom of the cage is made retractable. This bottom is easy to pull out, shake out of debris or wash. At a height of 1.5 to 3 cm from the bottom, a fine mesh net is fixed in the cage. Such a net is needed to prevent birds from pecking at dirty food (that has fallen to the bottom of the cage and mixed with droppings).

Did you know? Your parrot may be left-handed. Take a closer look at him - a left-handed person will take the treat with his left paw, and a right-handed person with his right.

Caring for a budgie

Budgerigars are very curious birds and need to stick their beaks everywhere. When they are let out to fly around the apartment, they are interested in everything, they try everything to their teeth. Owners need to provide for this bird feature and ensure their pets’ safety in everything: proper nutrition, the interior of the bird’s house, and the conditions when walking around the apartment.

It is very important for future owners to become familiar with what budgies eat at home, because ignorance of such an important issue can undermine the health of their pets.

Most of the budgerigar's diet consists of millet of various colors (yellow, red and white). They don’t refuse oats either, sunflower seeds, canary grass and wild grass seeds. Every other day in bird menu you need to include a soft mixture: grated carrots, finely chopped chicken eggs and nettles grated into dry dust.
If the parrot has hatched offspring, then the soft mixture should be given every day. You can change the components of this mixture and replace carrots with red beets, and eggs with homemade cheese. After lunch with grated beets, parrots can smear themselves from head to toe in the coloring juice and frighten their owners for a couple of days with the creepy appearance of their feathers.

In winter, sprouted grain feed (a source of minerals and vitamins) is beneficial for the birds’ bodies, and in summer birds are given greens (lettuce leaves, dandelion leaves, parsley and dill leaves) daily. It is necessary to ensure that the greens are not treated with insecticides so that the parrots do not get poisoned. Also, in winter and summer there should be twigs in the cage fruit trees, willow branches are very useful.

From time to time you can treat your pet to a peeled piece of apple; it is undesirable to give soft fruits (bananas), which can clog the bird's crop, and pieces of white bread dried in the oven until crisp.

  • Rye bread;
  • salt or salty foods.

Important! When kept in cages, birds should not be overfed, since their movement is limited by the space of the cage or apartment. Parrots can become obese.


The water in the drinking bowls is changed every day to avoid stagnation. In winter, you can add a little lemon juice to drinking water; for every 150 g of water, add 15 drops of juice. Lemon juice serves as a source of vitamin C and at the same time disinfects water.

When parrots go through particularly difficult periods in their lives (they are feeding chicks, molting, or have recently been ill), vitamins or fish oil are added to their drink or food.


When a new tenant arrives in the house, the owners need to anticipate all dangerous situations for him and prevent them. Caring for budgies is not difficult, but it is worth remembering what is contraindicated for your pet.
Dangers at home:

  • open windows and doorways - a bird may fly out of the apartment and never find its way back;
  • mirror surfaces made of glass - in flight, a parrot can hit them hard and get injured;
  • electrical wiring - parrots love to chew everything, if a mischief maker damages the insulation of an electrical cable, the bird may receive an electric shock;
  • poisonous houseplants - lily, narcissus, amaryllis, dieffenbachia, foxglove, monstera, rhubarb, English ivy, croton are deadly for birds. Conditionally edible for parrots: violet, aloe, ferns, edible fig, gardenia, grape ivy. Your pet can chew these flowers and survive, but this is best avoided;
  • cords from blinds and thread curtains - the bird can become entangled and die;
  • a smoldering cigarette or cigarette butts in an ashtray - the parrot can get burned or eat tobacco and get poisoned;
  • open freezers, washing machines, ventilation grilles - a bird’s curiosity can lead to injury or death;
  • water in the bathroom, without a lid, a bucket of water - a parrot can drown in them;

  • unhindered access to the trash can - having decided to take a closer look at what is interesting there, the bird can be taken out and thrown away along with the trash bag;
  • household chemicals, markers, felt-tip pens, insecticides - getting into gastrointestinal tract or in respiratory system may end tragically;
  • and - the cat’s feigned indifference to its feathered neighbor should not weaken your alertness;
  • inattention of the owners - an affectionate bird can nestle next to its sleeping owner, turning over to the other side a person can crush the fragile pet;
  • newspapers - newsprint used as bedding in a cage tray can become a source of lead poisoning;
  • New Year's garlands and toys - the parrot's attention is simply drawn to itself by the festive tinsel and sparkles, which the bird can die from eating, and the parrot also definitely needs to taste it electric garlands, which threatens an electric shock.
When going on a short vacation (five to seven days), it is better to leave your pet at home and not give it away for foster care. A familiar environment, a sufficient amount of food and drink, a home cage, toys, swings and mirrors will help brighten up the bird’s sadness for its absent owners. By moving a cage with a parrot to relatives or friends, you cause the parrot much more trauma than with your short absence.

Did you know? With the body motionless in rotation, the parrot's neck moves remarkably, and the bird can turn its head almost 180 degrees.

In addition to ensuring safety, caring for budgies at home includes:

  • daily cage cleaning;
  • daily replacement drinking water and feed;
  • washing food and drinking containers with hot water;
  • feeding varied and fresh food that is beneficial for poultry;
  • careful attention to the health of birds;
  • walks around the apartment, ideally daily;
  • ensuring a “day and night” regime, for which the cage is covered with a dark, light-proof fabric while the bird sleeps.
It is normal for budgies to defecate 35 to 50 times per day. The health status of a budgie can be determined by its droppings:
  • white “blamba” with a green edging, odorless - the bird is healthy;
  • dark green or brown droppings (the presence of seeds and grains in the diet) - this also indicates that the bird is healthy;
  • droppings that are too light, droppings with blood, or a smell coming from the droppings are the first signal that something is not right with the bird’s health.
If in addition to “incorrect” bowel movements physical state the birds are also far from in better shape, she is vomiting, trembling all over her body, the bird sits ruffled and refuses food - you need to immediately contact a veterinarian!


It is easier to start with a small parrot, but it is quite possible to teach the pronunciation of some words to adult birds. Both females and males are trained, but wavy birds in pairs refuse training. If a bird learned to talk before it found its soul mate, it will continue to talk and can teach its mate to do so.

Before starting training sessions, the owner must find an approach to his pet, gain his trust and love. The parrot itself must want to communicate; for this, the person needs to spend as much time as possible with him.

You can start talking to your parrot as soon as it stops being afraid of a person approaching the cage. Conversation with gentle intonations is the main element of taming a bird.

You need to address your pet by name; usually birds remember their name first. It’s good if the name has a rolling “r”, such a word is easily remembered and pronounced by parrots, but birds also readily pronounce other melodious names. Possible names for parrots:

  • Gerochka;
  • Kesha;
  • Kuzya;
  • Gosha;
  • lemon;
  • Arseny;
  • Kira.

Features of reproduction

If budgerigars have a pair, they readily breed in cages. At home, they mature for sexual relations by four months, but the most successful reproductive age for males and females occurs after a year of life.

Parrots meticulously choose their mates and do not always agree with the owner’s choice. It is not uncommon for a female to refuse to allow a parrot bought by her owner to approach her. The bird has to be carried back.

In order to avoid such a situation, it is best to give the bird a choice of several partners that it likes - and leave that one. They remain faithful to this choice forever. When the owners notice that the parrot begins to care for the female (cleaning her feathers, carrying pieces of tasty food and feeding her from her beak), they can prepare for the appearance of offspring in the bird family.
In order for the birds to want to have offspring, they need to install a special house in the cage for hatching the chicks. If there are several bird pairs in one cage, then there should be one house for each of them. If this condition is not met, the females will fight among themselves for “living space.”

Wavys reproduce most readily in spring and summer, but you can get offspring from them in winter. There are usually six to ten eggs in a clutch; the bird lays eggs every day or every other day. When all the eggs have been laid, the mother sits down to hatch them. After 18 days, a new inhabitant appears in the cage, his brothers and sisters begin to hatch a day after him. The last chick emerges from the egg that was laid last.

Did you know? Swans are not the only ones famous for their loyalty. It is not for nothing that people call budgies - they create pairs for life. If one of the pair dies, the other parrot will remain alone for the rest of its life.

Possible diseases

Diseases found in budgies:

  • poisoning- birds can be poisoned by household chemicals, stale food, vegetables, fruits or herbs treated with insecticides and chemicals, salt or salty foods. Before visiting the veterinarian, the patient should be given crushed black Activated carbon, mixed in a spoon with boiled water, or decoction of flax seeds;
  • occurrence of tumors- wavy animals are prone to tumors, which develop quickly and are difficult to treat. If the tumor is small, the veterinarian can remove it surgically; unfortunately, such an operation is not always possible. Almost always, the occurrence of such a disease eventually leads to the death of the bird;
  • iodine deficiency - this disease occurs quite rarely; it is often the excess of iodine in the body that harms birds;
  • broken legs and wings- injuries are caused by falls from a height or impacts hard surface. As first aid for fractures, you need to tape the damaged limb to a solid base using electrical tape and contact a veterinarian. Such injuries in birds heal quite quickly;
  • concussion- can be caused by hitting a wall, glass or mirror. The bird will behave unusually, shaking its head, staggering. Only a veterinarian can accurately determine whether a bird has a concussion, but if there is a suspicion, the parrot should be placed in a small cage, slightly covered with a dark cloth (twilight is created). At this time, the parrot is given medications: nootropil or piracetam;
  • colds - tropical birds react to drafts, cold air and viruses. The parrot may begin to cough, runny nose, and begin to sneeze. A bird that has suffered severe flu may develop heart complications.
Treatment of bird diseases should be carried out by a specialist. Therefore, if the owner notices that his pet is feeling unwell or injured, he should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Now we know everything about and see that there is nothing complicated in their maintenance, care is not at all complicated. The owners need to put in a little effort, affection and care, and in return they will receive the love of their winged pets.

Keeping small domesticated parrots in an apartment has many advantages, but without knowing how to care for a budgie, you should not rush to buy such a pet. Improper maintenance, care and feeding of budgies can lead to serious illnesses and the death of birds. At the same time, for residents of large cities, keeping a small bird has many advantages, because you don’t need to walk with your parrot, and if you have a well-equipped cage and the ability to purchase high-quality food and supplements, taking care of the bird will not be difficult. So what will it take to keep this bird? Let's see what the experts recommend.

Rules for caring for budgies

At proper care The lifespan of birds is about 20 years, but many common mistakes lead to a significant reduction in their life to 6-8 years. And in order to provide your pet with a full life, the following rules should be followed:

How to care for a budgie in the autumn-winter period?

During the heating season, in addition to the above recommendations, you should especially carefully monitor the humidity and temperature in the room. Wet cleaning should be done in the morning and evening. In order to compensate the parrot for the lack sunlight Minimum 100W light bulbs should be used. To boost immunity during this period, it is recommended to add 2-3 drops of fresh lemon juice to the water. Also, strictly following the instructions, you should use vitamin and mineral supplements.

How to care for a budgie in the hot season?

During the summer period you should pay attention Special attention hygiene, clean the cage more often, monitor the cleanliness of the feeder and drinking bowl. It would not be a bad idea to carry out wet cleaning of the premises every day. You should also protect the bird from exposure to direct sun rays. Keeping, caring for and breeding budgies can be an interesting hobby for both adults and children, because watching and communicating with these wonderful pets gives a lot of positive emotions and new impressions.

Owners of budgerigars know very well that the house is never quiet with these birds. If this cute creature appears in your home, know that it will always make you happy good mood and cheerful chirping. However, for a parrot to be healthy and happy, it needs good care. Budgerigars require good nutrition and constant communication with their owner!

If you or someone in your household has free time, be sure to communicate with the bird at least two hours a day. This way the bird will become tame and sooner or later will start talking. Do not place it near a radiator or a window. drafts are contraindicated, as he quickly catches a cold. The heat emanating from the battery can also harm the health of the bird. Budgerigars do not need to be bathed. Water baths are perfectly replaced by river sand, into which the birds “dip” with pleasure. True, some parrots love water very much, and if your pet is one of them, prepare a bath for him with water at room temperature once a month. If you release your bird from its cage, be sure to be safe. Turn off heaters, close windows and cover water containers.

Eating a budgerigar

What to feed your budgie? A healthy diet is the key to a long life for your pet. Place two feeders in the cage: one for vegetables and fruits, and the other for grain. The third container should serve as a drinking bowl for the parrot. The main basis of poultry nutrition is cereals. Give two teaspoons of cereal mixture per day. Parrots also love sprouted millet and oats, plantain and dandelions. Don't forget to give protein products, it is best to take a teaspoon of boiled egg every day. You can feed your parrot cottage cheese, porridge and white bread soaked in warm milk. Attach cookies or crackers between the bars of the cage. If we talk about fruits and vegetables, the most essential ones in a parrot’s diet are pears, cabbage, apples and peaches.

Parrot health

If you notice that he has become lethargic, inactive, and does not want to fly out of the cage, rush to show it to the doctor. Ornithologists often visit patients’ homes. The owner can provide first aid to the bird himself. If you think your parrot has been poisoned, pour it into the drinking bowl instead of water. weak solution potassium permanganate. If the bird has a cold, “warm it up” with a regular lamp placed next to the cage. When you don't see improvement, contact your doctor.

The most popular and widespread species among parrots are. Before you bring this beautiful bird into your home, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions and rules of keeping it. Budgie very active and curious. Therefore, in order to avoid damage or even death of the bird, it is necessary to follow some recommendations.


Preparing to buy a bird

Before you bring a parrot into your home, you first need to purchase a cage, equipment for it, and food. The equipment consists of a feeder, a drinking bowl, a place for taking water procedures, perches, and you can hang a special mirror for the cages. As a supplement to the main food, you can add eggshells and river sand. If pet stores in your city do not have a wide range of products, then you can order everything you need from the online store with home delivery.

Cage with a parrot

The cage should not be placed in direct sunlight, but it should be well lit. You need to be wary of drafts, since the bird can catch a cold and get sick, but you shouldn’t overheat it either. It is necessary to clean the cage every day - change the water, rinse the drinking bowl, remove droppings and other dirt. It is advisable to carry out more thorough cleaning every month: wipe the feathered pet’s home with a solution of chamomile or wormwood.

Bird care

The parrot should be fed with special mixtures, which can be easily found in any pet store. You can also add millet, wheat, and oats to the main diet. From time to time you need to treat the bird with spinach, dandelions, clover, fruits and berries (although parrots do not really like them). Proper nutrition- the key to health and long life.

Parrot food

To avoid injury, do not leave your parrot unattended if its cage door is open. Care must be taken when handling indoor plants, which may be poisonous to him. If there is an aquarium in the house, then you need to make sure that the bird does not fall into it, the same goes for water containers and bathrooms. Mirrors can pose a threat; a bird colliding with it can be seriously injured, and this also applies to glass doors.

The friendship between a cat and a parrot is an exception

There is still a threat if there are other animals in the house, for example, and. The bird should not be left unattended with them. But, despite the dangers, which can be easily eliminated by following the recommendations, the parrot must be allowed out for a walk every day to maintain good shape.

If you adhere to certain rules in the care and maintenance of your pet, then it will for a long time will delight and decorate your life.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

In this section, you will find answers to all questions regarding the care of parrots: choosing a cage, the correct diet of the bird, bathing, how to build a nest and house for parrots, safe living with other pets and the needs of a parrot, according to its species. To prevent keeping a parrot at home from becoming burdensome, it is better to study the maximum amount of information about the type of bird and its care before purchasing.

Suitable size cage, access to sunlight, good nutrition, daily walks with games and your attention will be provided to the bird decent life with the opportunity to show all your talents and become your true friend. By initially accustoming your parrot to the correct regular rituals: cleaning/feeding, etc., you will ensure that the bird reacts adequately to what is happening in your home, which will undoubtedly affect the parrot’s balance and strengthen its trust in you.

How to care for a parrot if you are not its first owner, if the bird is wild, sick, in adulthood, or if it is a chick before its first moult? An endless number of questions arise, since cases are always unique, no matter how trivial the appearance of a parrot in your home may seem. The fact is that living conditions and attitude towards the bird affect its character and perception of the world around it. In this case, parrots, like people, have many-sided characters, so caring for parrots at home requires enormous patience from you and a willingness to study in detail the character of the bird, its psychological and physical health.

Regardless of the type of parrot, there are clear requirements for compliance with all rules for keeping birds. Experiments with nutrition and living conditions for birds are extremely dangerous; you should not draw parallels with your lifestyle. What is acceptable to you may not always be acceptable to the bird. And also the concept that if a bird likes it, it means it’s good/useful/correct—it’s absolutely not true!

Caring for parrots implies great responsibility; when purchasing a bird, it is important to realize that now its life is in your hands and its well-being and longevity will depend only on you.

This article, first of all, will be useful to those who are just thinking about purchasing a parrot. Our goal is not to dissuade you from purchasing, although that may seem exactly what you think. We will not embellish the “life of birds” and our proximity to it. The purpose of this hundred...

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Feeders and drinkers for parrots are mandatory and necessary elements in a bird’s cage. To decide which of the attributes will be relevant and most convenient for your parrot, you need to know the tendency of your bird species to roll over, chew...

Caring for a budgie begins long before its appearance. You should bring the bird into the house after purchasing everything necessary to make your friend feel as cozy and comfortable as possible. new family. If you take into account all the requirements for...

Our feathered favorites are very mischievous and playful. Their curiosity sometimes borders on self-destruction. There are often cases when a curious budgie gets stuck somewhere, eats the wrong thing, or goes in the wrong place. In order to protect your parrot from troubles, ...

The fluff and feathers on the bottom and around the cage indicate that your parrot is shedding. This is a natural process of renewing a bird's plumage. For parrots, molting is a great way to keep their hair bright and colorful. appearance, which, undoubtedly, with ...

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