What qualities are inherent in people born in the year of the tiger? Tiger: description and characteristics

If you have an excellent conversationalist, interesting person, simply attractive externally and internally, perhaps this is a representative born in 1986. It is easy to determine which sign this is based on the horoscope of twelve animals - it is the Tiger. This year is unique because of the mixture of the power of fire and the power of the animal world. They are characterized by leadership in everything, in family, in love, in work, and simply in society. This is not a goal, but character traits that appeared at birth and are laid down on a subconscious level.

1986 to eastern calendar: Year of the Fire Tiger

In this article you will learn:

What year is 1986 according to the Eastern calendar?

1986 is the year of the beast, which can rightfully be called dominant in the animal world. People born this year with enviable ease find everyone mutual language. They don’t need to choose words; they feel their interlocutor, intuitively knowing all his secret desires and fears. This sign attracts attention, he is endowed with charisma, wit and charm.

The element of fire rages in this sign, it constantly rushes forward towards its goal, its desire, its peaks.

He has a lot of ideas and looks for everything available methods their implementation. This sign never sits still; it requires movement.

People born under this sign are more likely to become bosses. They want and know how to lead, sometimes excessive emotionality and stubbornness get in the way, but this can be not only a minus, but also a plus.

Whatever these people undertake, they succeed, and this is what gives them strength and courage for new actions and achievements. They can also become poets or artists; any task can be done by a tiger. This is what makes him proud of himself, sometimes crossing the boundaries of what is permitted, but the tiger allows himself this, because he can do anything.

Features of the Fire Tiger sign according to the Chinese calendar

The eastern horoscope states that the Tiger in the element of Fire has an explosive character. Fire has destructive power, but it also cleanses.

The fire tiger is powerful and calm, he acts decisively, but knowing in advance the success of his business. Best time The year for this sign is summer, the tiger loves the heat and feels good in it.

The most common diseases are heart diseases, he rushes forward towards life, forgetting to slow down for a break, which leads to heart attacks.

Also, the spirit of competition always lives in this sign; he is ready to rush into competition at any moment, be it a race, an argument, or simply the opinion of another person that contradicts his own.

Very often the Tiger defends his point of view without even really understanding whether he needs it...

In relationships, the Tiger always dominates; it is impossible to tame it and make it a gentle and affectionate kitten. The other half of this sign needs to understand and accept the essence of this beast, to give in somewhere, to remain silent somewhere. Not a little important role Wealth and security play a role in their lives, it is easy for them to earn money, but they do not always spend it wisely.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Fire Tiger

  • In the year of the Tiger Chinese horoscope people are born purposeful, active, brave, but these qualities are easily overshadowed by their shortcomings, such as stability, aggression, reluctance and inability to cool down their ardor in time and understand the situation.
  • They are used to “cutting from the shoulder.”
  • They cannot stand lies and deception.
  • From tiger women Not when she fails to be the keeper of the home, she cannot sit in one place, a passion for travel and conquering the world lives in her soul. If on life path Such darkness meets a person whose words she listens to, she will achieve everything in life, from career heights to a happy family life.
  • The tiger man is always surrounded by fans; his natural charm does not allow girls to pass him by. In family life he is the king, words and actions are not negotiable. It is better not to expect any heights from this sign, otherwise disappointment can be very painful.
Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2016-11-23,

Years of the Tiger:

1902,1914,1926,1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,1998, 2010, 2022

In the mythology of Ancient China, the Tiger drove away all kinds of demons, so tombstones were often decorated with stone sculptures of him, and doorposts with his images. Respect for this animal was mixed with superstitious fear, which is why people tried to avoid meeting a tiger.

Usually boys born under this sign are brave and endowed with a strong character. A tiger should never count on a quiet life. However, he does not want her. Filled with accidents, his life will be passionate and stormy. And his taste for risk will push him to constantly gamble with his life. If circumstances are favorable, the Tiger will find a way to tighten everything to the limit.

People of this sign are sensitive, reflective, but sometimes irritable. They often make rash decisions or come to right decisions too late. In general, these are strong and courageous natures, and they are, as a rule, appreciated.

Basically, representatives of this sign are born leaders and can achieve success in any field.

The tiger loves to be the center of attention, knowing perfectly well how to impress others. To do this, he uses both his external attractiveness and pleasant manner behavior.

He is very lively, witty, you might get the impression that his mind never rests. His views are original, he is always full of new ideas and is eager to bring them to life, but he “cools down” very quickly.

The Tiger has a quick temper, and he often rebels against his superiors. Surprisingly, despite the fact that the Tiger is proud and arrogant, and sometimes does not show due respect to elders, he is favorably accepted in society.

Tigers are fantastic cleanliness and aesthetes. Attempts to treat Tigers as pets lead nowhere. Neither a cat nor a dog can ever be made from a Tiger. The tiger does not want to be obligated to anyone, even parents or loved ones. He reserves the right to belong only to himself.

Such people make revolutionaries and leaders. Fighters by nature, they are able to sacrifice themselves for the cause. Selfish in small things, the Tiger can be completely selfless in something great. A taste for risk is in his blood. He is ready to defend his ideas to the point of recklessness. And it is difficult to resist his magnetism. They respect him even when they try to destroy him.

The Tiger has a restless nature, which sometimes leads to rash actions, but, fortunately, he is almost always lucky. Acting impulsively, this person is capable of ruin, but if he is careful and listens to the good owls out there, he will definitely succeed.

Sometimes one gets the impression that everything in life works out for Tigers not thanks to, but in spite of. They beat him, but he grows up kind; they caress him, and he turns out to be a misanthrope.

But, no matter how terrible the Tiger’s life may be, he continues to create brightly and joyfully. Optimism lifts the Tiger above vanity, putting him in a philosophical mood. His slogan: “No matter what happens, everything is for the better.” The tiger is confident in the victory of good in any situation.

Tigers can be tolerant, but only as long as their honor is not involved. Tigers have royal generosity and readily forgive, as they are not petty at all. The tiger knows how to be harsh with himself, but he is also demanding of those around him. He is honest and open with everyone. True, his honesty often borders on excessive straightforwardness.

He is disgusted by everyday life, but he takes on this burden. He hates to obey, but can make others obey. Even if the Tiger's actions are impulsive, his incredible intuition keeps him from complete disaster. But, despite everything, the Tiger, with his sensitive nature, is characterized by deep thoughtfulness, and his warm heart is capable of ardent love.

Naturally, they will not let go of the reins of power in the family. They will definitely find a spouse who is capable of not only managing the household, but also decorating their lives.

Those born in the year of the Tiger know how to earn money, but do not always spend it wisely. People of this sign easily operate in financial spheres, achieve success in transactions with movable and immovable property, in stock exchange transactions. They can often be found in theater salons or at sports competitions, where they invariably emerge as winners.

Tigers need to be very rich because they have higher demands than other people.

Their childhood is full of various adventures and pranks. The youth of Tigers is very exciting, emotional, full of conflicts and changes. Tigers have a passionate nature, and therefore they often encounter other people's misunderstandings. If they are not looking for adventure, then adventure will certainly overtake them and take them by surprise. But in general, they live the first part of their lives happily.

The maturity of the Tigers is interesting. But if they have not learned lessons from the past and have not learned to restrain themselves, then a period of frustration and disappointment begins. They are usually haunted by financial difficulties, family conflicts, and love dramas. In old age, Tigers also find it difficult to calm down, because they cannot get used to their situation. Old age was not created for Tigers, and it is difficult to live to see it after such battles. In general, their lives are very varied, full of passions, and, in the end, they live the life they want.

No one is as lucky as the Tiger. For the eastern peoples, the Tiger is a magnificent sign that personifies the power of the earth and is an emblem of protection human life.

Tiger man. Characteristic

A sharp, hot-tempered fighter, he is capable of sacrificing himself for the sake of the cause. He loves all activities that involve risk.

Tiger is slow-witted. Not seven, as in the saying, but a hundred times he must measure before he decides to cut. But the value of the decision increases many times over, because all options are calculated in it, all consequences are foreseen.

The tiger is selfish in small things. Tenacious and stubborn, litigious and petty, often in conflict with someone. However, in great matters he is capable of selflessness.

Thanks to strategic thinking, the ability to adhere to the same views, and also due to their hypnotic effect on people, Tigers are the best organizers. The tiger always goes forward, despises established authority, hierarchy and conservatism.

Paradoxically, he may be so delayed in making an important decision that it will be too late to make it. This, by the way, also applies to Tiger women who strive to be the first to declare war.

The Tiger is never directly interested in money, but he can make a fortune for himself.

This is a man of extraordinary action. As soon as things get hot, heavy, bad, the Tiger enters the arena of life - with his will, equanimity, self-control, calculated on long years action plan.

This is a man of exceptional destiny, unexpected situations. Such people usually pull you out of the swamp of the crisis and lead you away from the edge of the abyss.

In reality, this warrior is sensitive, emotional and capable of deep thinking, strong love, but, being very passionate, he is rarely happy in love.

Tiger woman. Characteristic

Women of this sign are too active and emancipated. They cannot constantly carry out someone’s orders and command only in the family. The Tiger woman succeeds everywhere, but only if her husband does some of the housework. A Tiger woman can run a home for career success.

Women born in the years of the Tiger, with rare exceptions, give the impression of strong, integral and powerful natures, in no way inferior to men of this sign. They have a powerful and unique timbre of voice, a solid appearance, and confidence shines through in their movements and actions.

For all their majesty, Tiger women have an excellent reaction, a thirst for fight, and fighting fervor. They will not get confused in unexpected circumstances and will not succumb to fear.

Women born in the years of the Horse, Dog and Tiger show great abilities in the field abstract thinking, give rise to a lot of original ideas.

They are interested in everything related to intellectual activity, scientific research, and the creation of fundamentally new worlds.

Tiger women will have many adventures in life, which can sometimes end badly.

The appearance of these women says one thing, but their thinking is structured completely differently. The image is strong-willed, and the thinking is logical.

It is very difficult for them to find balance, a golden mean, they often rush from one extreme to another.

Tiger Species

Metal Tiger (1950, 2010, 2070)

Water Tiger (1902,1962, 2022)

Wooden Tiger (1914,1974, 2034)

Fire Tiger (1926,1986, 2046)

Earth Tiger (1938,1998, 2058)

Born in the year of the Tiger

Marco Polo, Georg Hegel, Admiral Horatio Nelson, Emilia Bronte, Karel Capek, Maximilian Robespierre, Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan the Terrible, Niccolo Paganini, Alexander II, Karl Marx, Arthur Rimbaud, Francois Rabelais, Romain Rolland, Maria Stuart, Oscar Wilde, Peter Kropotkin, Ludwig van Beethoven, Dwight Eisenhower, Ho Chi Minh, Charles de Gaulle, Agatha Christie, John Steinbeck, Louis de Funes, Marilyn Monroe, Pyotr Wrangel, Vyacheslav Molotov, Yuri Andropov, Mikhail Suslov.

Tiger - beautiful and amazing graceful predator. His plasticity fascinates at first sight. A woman born under the auspices of this strong animal largely adopts his temperament and beauty. In addition, she is incredibly active, devoting a huge amount of time to work, business interests, and career. Since the Tiger woman is endowed with a flexible mind, her efforts are almost always rewarded, including financially.

Important! There is a strong opinion that any person born in the year of the tiger is guaranteed to be protected by his patron from three evils: theft, deceit and fires.

The tiger woman is distinguished from other representatives of the fair sex by her fighting temperament. She is not without well-founded ambitions, her desire for success is constant and unstoppable. The thirst for vigorous activity never leaves such women. The main positive character traits of the tigress:

  1. Loyalty.
  2. Deep mind.
  3. Natural grace.
  4. Luck in various matters.
  5. Courage.
  6. Frankness.
  7. Honesty.
  8. Impeccable taste.

It is believed that young ladies born in the year of the tiger are lucky not only in business, but also in love. At home, with a loved one, they cease to be assertive career women, and become affectionate and devoted wives. But even such an interesting woman has her drawbacks, the main ones being:

  • passion for work at the expense of family;
  • it is difficult to reach compromises;
  • conflicts with superiors;
  • jealousy.

In the east they say that women born in the year of the proud tiger are always lucky. Often they are not only lucky, but also happy. Their temperament and thirst for action almost always lead them to victory. And external attractiveness allows you to enjoy success with men.

Warlike tiger men

If a woman who has such a patron as a tiger is almost always fearless and firm, then in men these qualities are expressed even more noticeably. Quiet life is destructive for people with such a temperament; they naturally feel comfortable in a situation of constant change and struggle.

Important! The ancient Chinese deified tigers; they believed that animals ward off evil spirits. In the old days, people had a superstitious fear of these predators.

Tiger men often have pronounced leadership qualities that help them take leadership positions. Such people are not afraid to be in the spotlight; they never shy away or try to retreat. On the contrary, they skillfully use natural beauty and charm to achieve what they want. These bright men have many positive qualities, such as:

  1. Sharp mind.
  2. Determination.
  3. Selfless courage.
  4. Unwavering in your decisions.
  5. Sensitivity.
  6. External attractiveness.
  7. Love for cleanliness.

Tigers are able to lead, lead other people, and infect them with their ideas. They make odious leaders, revolutionaries, militant fighters and military commanders. Such a commander is capable of making non-standard decisions, discouraging enemies. However, it also has a number of disadvantages, such as:

  • hot temper;
  • problems with subordination;
  • irritability;
  • tendency to take unreasonable risks;
  • excessive impulsiveness.

However, thanks to luck and its multifaceted mind, troubles and misfortunes rarely happen to the tiger. He is favorably received by society. Charm and beauty play an important role in this.

Compatibility with other years of birth according to the Chinese zodiac

The Tiger patronizes people born in the following years:

  • 1902;
  • 1914;
  • 1926;
  • 1938;
  • 1950;
  • 1962;
  • 1974;
  • 1986;
  • 1998;
  • 2010.

The next year of the tiger will not come until 2022. Since people born in these years are very bright character and extraordinary disposition, it is worth discussing separately their compatibility by year of birth.

Important! It is believed that the time of day when a child is born is very important for tigers. This is how people born at night live their lives less violently and more thoughtfully. And those who appeared at noon are characterized by harshness, passion, and a desire for danger.

Two tigers most often have difficulty getting along with each other. The horoscope considers such unions to be short-lived. Since each partner will strive for leadership at any cost. Numerous conflicts can arise on this basis.

The most suitable, according to astrologers, is the union of a tiger and a dragon. These are two strong allies who do not come into conflict with each other, but, on the contrary, support each other. The relationship between the tiger and the following signs can be possible and strong under certain circumstances:

  • rat;
  • horse;
  • dog;
  • pig.

If one of these partners can calmly relate to the passions that overwhelm the tiger, then living together It will be very cloudless. Are considered problematic joint relationship tiger with the following signs:

  1. Rabbit.
  2. Snake.
  3. Goat.
  4. Monkey.

You can have different attitudes to horoscope advice. But probably everyone has noticed that people born at the same time still have similar features. And although everyone is undoubtedly individual, perhaps sometimes it makes sense to listen to astrologers.

Year of the Tiger according to the Chinese horoscope: video

The four cardinal directions and the center. In Asia, the strength of this royal beast aroused admiration and fear. Gods and heroes wore tiger skins, and above all, the fierce guardian gods (they were also often depicted riding tigers, thereby demonstrating their power, for example, the Hindu Durga).

IN Ancient China The tiger was the symbolic beast of the third sign of the zodiac, which roughly corresponded to Gemini. Tigers were respected and feared, they made unique sacrifices to them, and they believed that a tiger could turn into a human and back if it wanted. Criminals and sorcerers, wearing tiger skin, have repeatedly taken advantage of this circumstance.

Intellectual aspect

Out of superstitious respect, people often tried to avoid pronouncing the word “tiger”, pronouncing it only in the context of the words “king of the hill”, “large reptile”. His positive value was determined by the fact that he drove out and devoured wild pigs that devastated the fields. His life force and energy made him a Yang beast (masculine) - while the albino white tiger was associated with Yin ( feminine) - as well as with autumn and the west. “White Tiger” was an offensive nickname for scandalous women.

Element: Tree.
Direction: East-northeast.
Color: medium green, salad.
Yin Yang
: Mostly Yang.
Chinese name: Yin.
courage, courage.
: winter.
Favorable month:
Horse, Dog.
Enemy: Monkey.
Positive sides
: brave, enthusiastic, courageous, sociable, energetic, optimistic.
Negative sides:
changeable, impulsive, impatient, impulsive, disobedient.

Basic character traits

The tiger is not angry. He's just a natural predator and he needs to eat. But he is strong and dangerous, so the Tiger man will be characterized in the same way. He is already initially aimed at attack, he is predatory, he is looking for where to snatch something. And there is no need to anger him again. This is a tree sign, and the tree here is on the rise, and interpreting, we can say that we're talking about about a tree in growth, oh young tree, a strong tree that has not yet risen to its full height. This fits perfectly with the characterization of the eastern tiger as an animal just given. A growing tree is an active tree, it “strives” to grow. Therefore, they say about the Tiger man that he constantly strives for activity, he searches for it.

The tiger in this scheme (and others are theoretically possible) in the combination of signs is frankly lucky: its Yang sign is a sign of activity. Getting on the Tiger, and even on the “growing tree”, it further enhances the active properties of the Tiger man. This is a strong, bright, rather unselfish person, although, undoubtedly, something “tiger” is always hidden in him. You can communicate with him frankly, but you don’t have to deceive him. Then he will begin to “steal” you like prey, like a tiger.

Personal qualities of a person born in the year of the Tiger

In China, five legendary tigers guard the cardinal directions and the center: blue - east, black - north, red - south, white - west and center. White Tiger-^this western regions, autumn, element of metal; he should always face his head to the south and his tail to the north. Blue Tiger is plant life, east and spring. The Red Tiger is fire, south and summer. The Black Tiger is water, north and winter. The yellow tiger is the center, the Sun, the Ruler.

Water Tiger (born 1902-1962)

A versatile person, a researcher and experimenter by vocation, he often gets scattered, abandoning the work he started halfway and getting carried away by something else. True, in moments of danger he retains the ability to control himself and show composure. He has imaginative thinking. Among the people of this sign there are speakers, politicians, writers - they know how to present themselves to others from the most favorable point of view. Eager for affection, voluptuous.

Wood Tiger (born 1914-1974)

He is an intellectual because he early years strives to explore the world, has a lively and developed imagination. Figuratively speaking, from an early age he gets used to “hunting in a pack,” that is, he does not see himself outside of society, so his character is less aggressive and less independent than that of other tigers. An innate sense of irony helps him endure the hardships of life, especially in moments of depression, which sooner or later overtakes him.

Fire Tiger (born 1926-1986)

The Fire Tiger is in the true sense of the word “king of beasts”, and his horoscope in the greatest possible way similar to the Leo horoscope of the European zodiac. He is an enthusiast of his work, an ardent and efficient person. He always goes ahead, despises the established order, and does not see an obligation for himself to obey someone else's authority. At the same time, he sometimes allows delay in accepting important decisions. A person born in the year of the Fire Tiger may be a military commander or the head of a company, capable of rising from the very bottom to the top rung of the social ladder and falling again overnight.

Earth Tiger (born 1938-1998)

This is the most stable and self-possessed of the people of the sign, for he stands firmly on the ground and does not plague those around him with moaning and throwing. He chooses a path for himself quite early and progressively follows it. However, on this path he tends to get too carried away and not take into account the opinions of others. They make successful businessmen, analysts, artists and successful politicians.

Iron Tiger (born 1950, 2010)

His character is as if forged from steel; he is a strong and courageous Guardian Tiger. He is proud of his mission to preserve and protect a person (the owner) from all sorts of hostile forces and is ready to selflessly work in this position. However, his impatient nature cannot withstand inaction and he sometimes rushes into battle at random, when no one asks him to do so, and then, of course, he finds himself out of work. The state of uncertainty infuriates him.

Tiger Man

The Tiger of any element has a great taste for risk, he is a gambling person and goes to extremes in pursuit of his goal. He has the ability to ignite other people with his speeches, and his charm often has an irresistible effect on women. He looks impressive and has an innate ability to wear things. He is able to force people to obey him with words, for which they respect him. He hates lies and is jealous (mostly out of pride). He may be a scrupulous egoist in something insignificant, but he is capable of self-sacrifice in a great cause.

Famous Male Tigers

Maximilian ROBESPIERRE (1758-1794), leader of the Great French Revolution, one of the leaders of the Jacobins.
Karl Marx (Marx) (1818-1883), thinker and public figure, founder of Marxism.
Oscar WILDE (1854-4900), English writer.
Warren BEATTY (b. 1938), American film actor, director, screenwriter, producer.
Paul VERHOEVEN (b. 1938), Dutch film director.
Vladimir Semenovich VYSOTSKY (1938-1980), Russian poet, actor, author and performer of songs.
Joe DASSIN (1938-1980), French chansonnier, composer.
Vakhtang (Buba) Konstantinovich KIKABIDZE (b. July 19, 1938), Georgian singer, actor, National artist Georgia.
Herbert J. WELLS (Wells) (1866-1946), English writer. A classic of science fiction literature.
Romain ROLLAN (Rolland) (1866-1944), great French writer.

Tiger Woman

Ladies born in the year of the Tiger are true socialites, among them there are many outstanding beauties, many of them go on stage and act in films. Look how many famous movie stars are on this list! These women are passionate, sensual, inclined to either develop vigorous activity or fall into melancholy. They are believed to treat people favorably, but sometimes they become hysterical and take their anger out on their own. a loved one. They are capable of very hasty and very rash decisions. They are very selfish and selfish, tend to take advantage of their beauty, sometimes embark on adventures, which for them, as a rule, end badly and they are very repentant of what they have done, but do not show it.

Famous Female Tigers

Marilyn MONROE (1926 - 1962), American film actress, one of the brightest film stars of the 1950s.
Marina Vlady (b. March 10, 1938), French film, theater and television actress.
Natalie WOOD (now, name Natalya Gurdina) (1938 - 1981), American film actress of Russian origin,
Faye DUNAWAY (b. 1941, according to other sources 1938), American film actress.
Liya Medzhidovna AKHEJAKOVA (b. 1938), Russian actress, People's Artist Russia.
Jodie FOSTER (Foster) (present, name Alicia Christian) (b. 1962), American film actress, director, producer.

Personal life

The Tiger can, as they say, “fall” for the ardent and simple-minded Horse, and the union between them will be passionate and harmonious, but the Tiger will dominate it.

The Dragon will willingly share its power with the Tiger (after all, both are quite strong personalities) - after all, together they form a force that has no equal, and they are ready to conquer the whole world and move mountains for the sake of building their happiness.

A faithful and honest Dog will serve her Tiger and protect him faithfully and selflessly, being content with the meager crumbs of attention given to her. But this loyalty will not be enough for the Tiger and he will most likely go to great lengths. Woe to him if he connects his life with the sneaky mocker Monkey, who, without any pity, will begin to deceive him and mock him openly and secretly. For her, fooling the mighty and suspicious Tiger is a pleasure and a holiday for the soul. Some young and inexperienced Tigers try in their youth to measure their strength (mentally) with the handsome Ox, but this task is doomed to failure, because the Ox is much stronger than the ardent Tiger, it is the first to attack and destroy it without any pity - you are unlikely to meet two more antagonistic signs. Experts advise the Tiger, who finds himself in the same house with the Ox, to leave first before it is too late.

The Hare and the Tiger are creatures of different spiritual qualities - the petty, calculating Hare is far from the regal and magnanimous king of the jungle. The Hare will do everything to annoy the Tiger, and he will be the first to shout that he is being offended.

And finally, Tiger has nothing to do with Tiger in the house. They are creatures of too equal caliber, they can squabble due to heightened feelings. Roughly the same thing happens in real life- the tiger and tigress conceive a cub and part peacefully. The law of analogy is not so stupid after all!

The fate of those born in the year of the Tiger

Typically, the Tiger’s childhood and adolescence passes without any particular problems, unless, of course, some cataclysm occurs, from which none of us is immune. But youth and maturity are spent in passions and struggle. Difficulties pile up all at once: both financial and personal, and you have to conquer the world and assert yourself. However, for him all this is in the order of things, because the Tiger does not imagine himself outside of struggle. As a result, the Tiger meets old age in a relatively peaceful and prosperous environment (if, of course, his risk-filled maturity allows him to live to old age). Unlike other signs, whose lives are adjusted by the seasons of their birth, the conditions for a happy or problematic future for Tigers are determined by the hour of their birth.

A Tiger born at night has fewer problems in life, a happy genius averts danger from him, he does not seek risks and thrills. But a morning Tiger or one born at noon will experience a full cup of passions and anxieties, his life will be more interesting, but also risky and unpredictable.

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Tiger: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010.

Tiger comes third counting in the 12-year cycle of animals. Correlates with the sign “yang” and is associated with the element “wood”. Symbolizes courage, strength, bravery, activity and leadership qualities.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Tiger

In the countries of the East, the tiger personifies the power of the earth and is an emblem of the protection of human life. His strength inspires admiration and fear.

The tiger is energy personified. People born in the year of the Tiger are characterized by indiscipline and hot temper. But, nevertheless, these are very sensitive natures, prone to reflection, and respected. They are distinguished by the fact that they make rash decisions very quickly and come to the right conclusions or decisions too late.

He loves to take risks, and his taste for risk is so great that it makes him do reckless things. Leaders and revolutionaries are often born in the year of the Tiger, but due to their eccentric nature they often lead to disaster. His natural power gives him some prestige. He hates to obey, but makes others obey. He is respected. No one dares to tell him the truth. And even when they try to destroy him, he is respected and revered. But if he can think before acting and listen to advice about caution, he can achieve great success. By the way, he can even sacrifice himself for the sake of his plan. Selfish in small things, but selfless in great things.

For the Tiger, the main thing in life is self-respect. At the same time, he has old-fashioned concepts of honor, politeness, and chivalry. He is brave, sincere and always ready to take risks for the sake of justice and goodness. He himself will never get into a quarrel, but if you hurt him, it means hurting his honor, and then you can’t stop him. He is always principled in his reactions, even if it contradicts common sense.

A person born in the year of the Tiger is a leader and a rebel. The rules by which society lives are not for him. He is used to living by his own laws and always follows the dictates of his restless heart. Unlike the Ox, who only walks along well-trodden, well-known roads, the Tiger is always looking for new, more promising and interesting ways. It happens that he really finds them, but it also happens that he loses everything along the way.

Tigers are courageous, self-confident, noble, tolerant, sensitive, passionate, powerful, very active, full of imagination, and love to be leaders. But they can also be frivolous, fickle, undisciplined, grumpy, vain, stubborn, untrustworthy. The Tiger's charm and attractiveness are given by his vitality, independent character, love of everything unusual and adventure, as well as cordiality and unpretentiousness, colored, however, by a certain sense of superiority. Tigers consider only those who are equal to them in vitality and intelligence, but, at the same time, do not disdain those who are weaker.

If in front of you is a person with impetuous movements, open and charming, then most likely. He was born in the year of the Tiger. He always has a lot interesting ideas, his words are sincere and passionate, and he easily manages to infect others with his enthusiasm. Very often Tigers are ideological inspirers any business or event. They easily know how to organize people new project or drag them into a new adventure. But it would be useful for others to remember that the Tiger himself does not see the difference between a project and an adventure. He loves risk and dangerous adventures, therefore, most of his original and non-standard ideas contain risky elements.

Confident in the infallibility of his intentions, the Tiger lives in constant danger, harming himself with his inconstancy, stubbornness and arrogance. Doesn't make plans for the future, doesn't foresee. In his projects, Tiger tries to get everything or nothing. He goes all-in with youthful maximalism and wins often, but not always. Thanks to his love for adrenaline, Tiger loves dangerous species sports, and also chooses professions in which you need to take risks. Often, and quite suddenly, he can do something completely different, even change his profession. Does it without special effort and without preparation.

In love, the Tiger behaves passionately and sincerely. But he often fails because he frightens his partner with his violent onslaught. But for those who are not afraid, a happy life awaits family life full of amazingly deep feelings. Love for the Tiger is an adventure in which he is looking for romance, something unusual.

The Tiger's relationships with the people around him are rarely ideal, even despite his innate charm. He is always straightforward and often offends people with his harshness and love of truth. And at work he doesn’t know how to obey, which also causes him a lot of problems. He is also truthful and trusting, and unscrupulous people use these qualities for their own purposes.

The Year of the Tiger corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal Tiger: 1950

People born in the year of the Metal Tiger have a very bright and memorable appearance. These people, with early childhood They get used to being admired. They have a very persistent character. Vain and incredibly hardworking. In order to achieve the goal, they will work as long as it takes. Disadvantages include impatience and short temper. The Metal Tiger loses his temper very quickly if not everything goes the way he would like. Therefore, he needs to learn patience and humility.

Water Tiger: 1902, 1962

People born in the year of the Water Tiger have a rich imagination and fantasy. Among the representatives of this sign there are many talented writers, speakers, artists, and directors. In general, the Water Tiger has varied interests and loves experimental and research work. Sometimes he can show indecisiveness, but in difficult moments he always maintains restraint and calm. Thanks to his character and abilities, he easily achieves his goals. He has many friends, he is respected and appreciated. Water Tigers belong to the category good people, easily find a common language with others.

Wooden Tiger: 1914, 1974

People born in the year of the Wood Tiger are active social life. They have a pleasant, friendly character, have a great sense of humor, are very popular and often find themselves in the very center of events. Easier to cooperate than other Tigers. Disadvantages include the fact that he often jumps from one type of activity to another and easily becomes depressed. They need to learn to concentrate on the task they have undertaken, and also not to worry if everything does not go as they would like.

Fire Tiger: 1926, 1986

The Fire Tiger is distinguished by its irrepressible optimism and liveliness of nature. The Fire Tiger is an unconditional optimist and belongs to that category of people who are ready to completely devote themselves to any business. He does all the things he undertakes with cheerfulness and energy. He is a man of action with leadership qualities and the ability to infect others with his enthusiasm. He has a pleasant, friendly character, he is witty and an excellent speaker. Easily becomes the center of any company. The disadvantage of Fire Tigers is that they often forget that people do not always share their aspirations, and therefore one cannot demand full dedication from them in achieving them.

Earth Tiger: 1936, 1998

The Earth Tiger is responsible and balanced. When reasoning, he tries his best to be objective and fair. Tigers have a large social circle and their reputation and appearance, to which they devote a lot of time. Unlike other types of Tiger, he is inclined to devote himself completely to one thing, but often does not accept the opinions of other people. In business, as a rule, he is successful.

Year of the Tiger - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Tiger personality

People born in the year of the Tiger have an unconventional train of thought, unexpected actions and strength. Thanks to these qualities, people around him treat him with a mixture of respect, admiration and apprehension.

Negative aspects of the Tiger personality

The Tiger's disadvantages include his desire to play cat and mouse with the feelings of others. He does not accept compromises and it is almost impossible to agree on anything with him. The desire to lead always and everywhere: at work, in sports, in personal life.

Career and money of the Tiger sign

The tiger is sharp and unpredictable. His career is the same. He can rise to dizzying heights, and then suddenly and unexpectedly fall into the abyss. But, in general, thanks to unshakable self-confidence, the Tiger, as a rule, moves upward. In this he is helped by his talented nature and ability to infect others with his enthusiasm.

The same applies to money. The tiger never saves for a rainy day or a comfortable old age. But it is in his spirit to play on the stock exchange or invest all his property in unknown shares and find himself the owner of an impressive fortune or completely bankrupt. In everyday situations, money slips through the Tiger’s fingers like sand. But his pocket is rarely empty, since he has a wonderful ability to get this “sand” almost out of thin air.

Life periods of the Tiger

Tiger's childhood and youth are calm, without difficulties. The second phase is rapid and stormy in solving both financial and family problems. If the Tiger can solve all its problems and tasks in the second phase, then the third phase will be peaceful and calm. True, if the Tiger was born during the day or at night, then his life even in old age will not be very calm, however, he does not want this. His fate is full of accidents, passion, and risk. Such a life, a taste for risk, will push him to constantly play with his fate. This is a man of both violent death and a man of luck. No one is as lucky as the Tiger.

Stones: carnelian, tiger's eye, sapphire.

Plants: orchid, ivy, vanilla.

Best time of day: from 3 to 5 am.

Time of year: spring.

Colors: green, blue

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