There is no type of computer mouse. Mice: description and photos of wild and ornamental representatives of the mouse family, types and breeds of these animals. Options for fur markings of decorative mice

Today there are more than three hundred in the world various types rodents, mice, and their subspecies are 5 times more numerous. In general, they differ from each other in habitat, appearance and body structure, but their lifestyle is practically no different. We will tell you in more detail about what types of mice usually inhabit homes, and about characteristic features that the little mouse has, wood mouse, and other varieties.

Few people have not seen mice with their own eyes. Most species have a similar body structure. These are predominantly small rodents, completely covered with fur. An outstanding muzzle with front incisors, with which the animal gnaws food and other objects.

On average, the body length is about 6-7 centimeters.

Rodents usually settle near humans, since it is easier to find shelter from frost nearby and there is always access to food. They live not only on farms where people grow grains, vegetables and fruits, but are also able to inhabit apartments. In the latter case, their population is much lower since there is less food available. At home you may encounter a baby mouse or a gerbil.

They live in closets, under the floor, near the sanitary unit, storerooms, cellars and basements. In these places they are quite difficult to detect.

These are pack animals. If one individual gets into a place where there is access to a large number food, then after a while there will be a whole colony of rodents here.

About the reproduction of mice

On average, after birth, mice reach sexual maturity at 40 days. Rodents are the most prolific rodents in the world. On average, their gestation period is only 21 days and in one litter up to 6 small mice are born, which will reach maturity within a month.

Common types

Currently, there are a huge number of species of rodents in the world, but we will dwell in more detail on the most common species, which are most often found at home and in nature.

There are a lot of wild mice in the world, which inhabit almost every corner of the globe.

Little mouse

Most small rodent in the world. The baby mouse does not dig holes in the ground, but creates nests from grass and twigs and other soft materials. They multiply very quickly. Most often found in England, Yakutia, the Caucasus and other northern territories. They tolerate cold climates well.

The little mouse easily climbs tall grass, using tenacious paws, and also successfully hides from predators due to its size. The baby mouse does not hibernate, so it spends a lot of time searching for food, including in winter.

Wood mouse (wood mouse)

The wood mouse is larger in size than the little mouse. The total body length can reach 10 centimeters, and the tail is almost the same length. Average weight– 20 grams, large protruding dark eyes on the muzzle of a pointed shape. The wood mouse has long ears. The ears of this species of rodent are among the largest among their fellows. The wood mouse is usually brown in color, but some individuals can be yellowish or red in color. The dull red color changes over time, becoming brighter.

Wood mice can live in the ground, hiding in burrows, but they also hide in trees at high altitudes. They create shelter from the rain for themselves and their supplies for the winter, as they do not hibernate. They settle near bodies of water, as there is more vegetation and insects nearby that they eat. Little mouse in winter time more active during the day, and in the summer at night, as it is sensitive to sunlight and overheating.


This mouse was brought to the United States for laboratory research. However, soon gerbils began to be kept at home, which is now popular all over the world. They do not have unpleasant odor, they practically do not need to be looked after, and are easily tamed.

There are several types of these mice: Mongolian gerbil, dwarf gerbil and others. It is advisable to keep them in pairs, since the established pair can last a lifetime. Gerbils easily dig soil and sand. Therefore, it is advisable to have nesting material nearby.

Steppe mouse

This rodent is capable of settling in middle lane, usually hides underground, creating burrows for itself. In the ground, it survives cold snaps well, hides from predators and preserves food. They dig burrows mainly on hills so that water from rain does not flow into the tunnel system.

Bank vole

Bank vole most often found in Lapland, Turkey. This red mouse prefers to live in deciduous forests, settles near the edges, where it easily penetrates sunlight. During the winter, the bank vole can move closer to humans, settling in haystacks, barns or granaries. It does not hibernate and is able to go out in search of food both during the day and at night.

Black mouse

Subspecies of house rodent. Often settles in people's houses. It is not found throughout the world, but mainly in dry, warm climates.

It should also be noted that there are special varieties of rodents that people raise for specific purposes. For example, a white mouse is special type rodent, which is used for laboratory research.

Most of the experiments carried out by medical scientists and biochemists require living organisms that are as close as possible to the level of human susceptibility. This type is considered the most suitable. Also, white rodents are often used to kill other predatory animals.

Since this species was bred artificially, as a result of crossing, other varieties of rodents were obtained, including decorative ones (for example, Japanese mice). Japanese view is one of the smallest mice in the world. All over the world they are raised as ornamental pets.

Video “Vole drags baby mice”


It should be noted that mice are omnivores. They can eat both cereals with flour and meat. If hunger strikes, they may even begin to eat paper, straw and wood.

Of course, if rodents have the opportunity to move to places where there is more food, they will do so, since no one likes to starve. The abundance of food is the most basic criterion by which a place for further residence and reproduction is selected.

Wood mice (wood mice) or gerbils can feed on plant roots, nuts, plant seeds, and small insects. For the winter, the wood mouse is able to put aside reserves, since during severe frosts it is very difficult to find food. The wood mouse, like gerbils, creates a shelter for itself underground, where it takes refuge all year round from predators.

Harm from mice

Despite the small and harmless appearance rodents, they can cause enormous damage to crops and also pose a danger to human health. They are hunted by many predators, and the rodents themselves occupy last places V the food chain. But this has no effect on the decline in their population.

During the ripening of the crop in the fields, they are able to destroy a good part of it. These rodents are capable of harming winter supplies and planting material that the owners have put aside for next year. They gnaw through bags of provisions and are also capable of introducing infection into them, which always affects the quality of the product.

When settling in a large colony, a baby mouse is capable of quickly multiplying in a short period of time and destroying most supplies that a person has prepared. If signs of vital activity are not immediately detected, then there will be nothing to plant next season, and the flour cannot be used for baking.

For a long time, mice and humans have lived side by side. Therefore, it is not surprising that one day the owner of the house had the idea to tame this tiny creature in order to turn it from a pest into an object of care and a source of joy. This is how the domestic mouse appeared - an extremely funny and cute animal that does not bring much trouble, gets along well with humans, and is quite easy to care for.

Reason for choosing a mouse

Decorative house mice – perfect option for those who have decided to have their own animal or teach a child to take care of the weak, but are limited by time, funds and square meters.

You can squeeze the mouse

Unlike phlegmatic fish - other inhabitants that do not take up much space - they are able to respond to affection: you can stroke them, feel the warmth of a small body in a fur coat, they are quite affectionate and enjoy sitting in your arms.

Varieties: mouse and mouse are different

Oddly enough, tamed and domesticated mice are divided into only two types. The first species is the albino mouse, also known as the white laboratory mouse. The decorative house mouse is an animal weighing on average 30 grams. with a body 7-12 cm, a tail of the same length, hard, medium-length fur, often one-color: black, brown, gray, sandy color. The lifespan of this miniature animal is on average 2-3 years.

White mouse

The white mouse stands apart - the ancestor of the entire mouse movement. Bred before our era, this creature was a frequent guest in the homes of Chinese emperors, and later, brought to England, quickly won the sympathy of all pet lovers.

In the 19th century they were recruited to participate in laboratory experiments, which resulted in the appearance individual view- laboratory mouse. She was bred to participate in laboratory experiments to study models social behavior, testing medicines and many other things that directly benefit humanity. For pet lovers, this species is not so attractive, although albino mice can still be found in city apartments.

Each animal needs its own special space, which it will consider “its place” - sacred and inviolable. Therefore, before you bring mice home, you should take care of where they will live. It was before, not after. Because jars and cardboard boxes are absolutely not suitable for rodents. And any move is always stressful.

Avoid aquariums as well. They are cramped, stuffy, hot, the mouse will not be able to move normally in them and arrange a secluded corner for itself. The best solution would be a spacious cage with metal bars.

Rodent cage

Be sure to make it yourself or buy a small house - a hole where the mouse will spend all day long.

Place the wheel to provide your pet with physical exercise and realize his need for movement. For the same purpose, take care of shelves, ladders and ropes. The animal will be happy to show you its dexterity, and you will also have fun watching its amusing movements.

Sawdust for rodents

Litter is a very important element. The layer should be quite impressive - at least 5 mm. Animals use it not only for its intended purpose, but also to decorate their house, and when there are drafts or low temperatures, they burrow into it to keep warm.

The material should be natural and preferably inexpensive: sawdust, dry peat crumbs, shavings, hay. Avoid cotton wool and sand - the first absorbs odors too well and gets tangled between your fingers, and the second can become a breeding ground for lice. But something tells us that you don’t want such neighbors.

Care: mouse by mouse, and cleaning on a schedule

In fact, the house mouse does not need any special care. But taking care of the cleanliness of the cell is the most important condition. And not only for the animal, but also for the owner. Life cycle The infestation of these rodents is so intense that the cage needs to be cleaned at least twice a week. Otherwise, you are guaranteed to have a mouse smell in your apartment.

Cage cleaner

By “cleaning the cage” we mean changing the bedding and wiping all objects in the cage with a special product or soapy water. If you take the trouble and purchase a cage with a retractable tray, the cleaning process will be greatly simplified and will not take much time.


Domestic mice, like their wild relatives, are omnivores. But in natural conditions The mouse age is short and is marked by various diseases. It is in your power to avoid trouble and make sure that your pet eats well, does not get sick and does not cause trouble throughout its mouse life.

The mouse eats

The main rule is the same as for humans: balanced diet. For you this means a combination of dry and succulent food:

  • Dry: grains and seeds, as well as bread, crackers, mixed feed. Mice also happily eat food mixtures and even dry food for and;
  • Juicy: apple pieces, sprouted grains, green beans, not so much juicy herbs. It is useful to offer insects in the diet from time to time: flies, butterflies and even cockroaches;
  • Supplementing with vitamins and minerals once a month will also not be superfluous.

But what you absolutely cannot do is feed rodents with leftover food from your own table: nutritional supplements, spices and excess salt can harm your pet. If only occasionally you pamper yourself with a piece of cheese or other natural product, but not as the main diet.

Be sure to respect the feeding area. Food is only in the feeder. Otherwise, the mice will dirty your cage so much that you will get tired of cleaning it.


Get ready for the fact that mice are nocturnal creatures, which means that most of your waking hours they will sleep or hide in their house or nest of litter, and rustle at night. But even with this way of life, a mouse, like anything else, Living being, needs communication. At the same time, a lonely mouse needs much more of it than a family of mice. If you devote too little time to a rodent, it will soon become gloomy, withdrawn, quickly run wild and will hide when a person appears.

Don't let the mouse run wild

To make your pet active and friendly, talk to him, sit him in your palm, and play more often. It won’t take much time and won’t require excessive effort, but the return will not be long in coming and will be like in that cartoon: you come home, and he is happy with you.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Types of computer mice. There are all sorts of computer mice. Such diversity can even make your head spin. But just recently there was practically no choice. It would seem, what else can you come up with? But it turns out it is possible. Each company that produces these small and so necessary “animals” finds more and more new designs and functions for them.

Which There are types of computer mice?

There are just not that many species. Here they are:

  • Mechanical or ball (almost no longer used);
  • Optical;
  • Laser;
  • Trackball mice.
  • Induction;
  • Gyroscopic.

Mechanical or ball mice

Mechanical or ball mice can only be found among collectors. Although just seven years ago it was the only species. It was not very comfortable to work with it, but not having any other types, we thought it was a super mouse.

She was a bit heavy in weight and didn’t want to work without a mat. And her positioning left much to be desired. This was especially noticeable in graphics programs and games. And I had to clean it very often. What didn't fit under this ball? And if there were still animals living at home, then this process was repeated at least once a week.

I always had tweezers near my computer, because... my furry friends always tried to sleep near the computer, and their fluff clung to the rug, making it shaggy. Now I no longer have such a problem. The ball-shaped “rodent” was replaced by a more modern mouse – an optical one.

Optical LED Mouse

Optical LED Mouse - it works on a different principle. It uses an LED and a sensor. It already works like a small camera that scans the surface of the table with its LED and photographs it. An optical mouse can take about a thousand such photos per second, and some types even more.

The data from these images is processed by a special microprocessor and sends a signal to the computer. The advantages of such a mouse are obvious. It doesn't require a mat, is very light in weight and can easily scan almost any surface.

Optical laser mouse

Optical laser mouse - very similar to optical, but its operating principle differs in that instead of a camera with an LED, a laser is already used. That’s why it’s called laser.

This is a more advanced model of an optical mouse. She needs a lot less energy. The accuracy of reading data from the working surface is much higher than that of an optical mouse. It can even work on glass and mirror surfaces.

Trackball mouse

Trackball mouse – a device that uses a convex ball (trackball). The trackball is an inverted ball mouse. The ball is on top or side. It can be rotated with your palm or fingers, and the device itself remains in place. The ball causes a pair of rollers to rotate. New trackballs use optical motion sensors.

Induction mice

Induction mice – use a special mat that works on the principle of a graphics tablet.

Gyroscopic mice

Gyroscopic mice – using a gyroscope, it recognizes movement not only on the surface, but also in space. You can take it from the table and control the movement of the brush in the air.

These types of computer mice still exist in our markets.

Nowadays there is a very wide variety of such devices. Some designs deserve special attention. And I will describe them. Follow site updates.

There are more than 300 species and more than 1,500 varieties in the mouse family. Among the representatives of the order of these mammals there are: omnivorous species, and herbivores. Some species of mice have been bred artificially and are kept as pets. Mice can be found on any of the continents with the exception of Antarctica, as well as in the highlands. All species and varieties differ from each other in lifestyle, size and color.

It is difficult to find a person who has never met mice in his life. The fact is that many representatives of this family live next to humans for thousands of years. They not only live, but constantly annoy people with their presence. In addition, they spoil food, furniture, clothes and everyday items. Over the long history of coexistence, the mouse has become the hero of some cartoons, and some of the species have become pets. Mice are easy to distinguish from other mammal species because they have different characteristic features. For example:

  • They have an elongated body.
  • The long tail can occupy up to 120 percent of the body.
  • The head is small with a blunt or elongated muzzle.
  • Ears can be large or barely noticeable.
  • Small eyes resemble small beads in appearance.
  • The nose is small and pink in color.
  • The hind legs are designed so that the animal can jump and also rise up, leaning on the outstretched foot.
  • The forelimbs are slightly smaller than the hind limbs.

Interesting to know! Mice can be distinguished by the presence of long teeth located in the center, both upper and mandible. The size of teeth changes every day by a couple of millimeters upward. Therefore, the animal constantly grinds them down, often gnawing wood products, including furniture.

The entire body of mice is covered with coarse hair, the length of which depends on the type of animal and always feels smooth on the surface of the body. There are no mice with fluffy fur.

Coat color can also be very different. Under natural conditions, mice are found in gray, brown, red, black, and ocher colors. Quite rare, but there are albino mice, which are distinguished by white fur and red eyes and nose. If you pay attention to decorative mice, their color can be very diverse - blue, yellow, orange, smoky, etc. The abdomen and sides of mice are always lighter, with white hairs.

It is important to know! wild mouse from mice that are found in human homes can be distinguished by the presence of a longitudinal strip of a dark or light shade on its back.

In some species of mice, the entire back is painted with longitudinal stripes, both dark and light shades.

Mice are rodents that are not impressive in size. The body structure of different species is not noticeably different and has similarities. The maximum body length without a tail is within 13 cm, although species with a body length of about 9 centimeters are mainly found.

In nature, a mouse is capable of gaining weight of about 20 grams, although under conditions of intense nutrition this weight can increase to 50 grams. In other words, animals that live near humans are in more comfortable conditions, compared to those that live in natural conditions.

Mice are classified as mammals because they give birth to live young. After birth, the female feeds her offspring with milk for a month. Each female has 8 nipples. After mating, the female carries the future mice for about 25 days. 9 days after giving birth, she can mate again and again bring forth offspring. Each time she can give birth to from 1 to 12 cubs. She can become pregnant up to 5 times in a year. The rodent population increases noticeably once every 7 years.

Newly born mice have no fur, no teeth, and they cannot see yet. After just 1 week, the offspring have teeth and hair begins to grow, and after another 20 days they can feed on their own. After 3 months, the young offspring are able to fertilize themselves, increasing the rodent population.

In addition to the fact that the mouse is an omnivore, it has to constantly chew something in order to wear down its teeth, which are constantly growing. In this regard, it seems that the rodent eats ingredients that are not at all edible. Therefore, her appetite is explained by some features of her life. So:

  • Mice constantly chew on hard objects to keep their teeth from reaching gigantic proportions.
  • Mice digest food quickly because they are constantly on the move. During the day, the animal should eat at least 5 grams of food and drink up to 20 ml of water.
  • Mice differ in one thing characteristic feature– they taste all new objects.

The mouse is considered a predator that prefers food of plant origin. She eats worms, insects, chicks, eggs, due to which she replenishes her body with proteins. In addition, if she climbs into the nest of the chicks, she will eat them, and then she will set up her own mouse nest in the bird’s nest.

Despite this, she happily eats seeds, roots and greenery of plants. If there is not enough food for her, then she turns to vegetables, fruits and berries.

Interesting Facts! Having settled in a human home, mice eat everything - sausage, cheese, meat, lard, cookies, candy, soap, napkins, toilet paper and other non-food components. I can’t even dare say that a mouse is a predator.

It is believed that mice are quite timid by nature. This may be true, but if the mouse does not behave this way, then it will not survive, since it has a sufficient number of natural enemies.

IN wildlife mouse adapts to different conditions of its existence: it crawls, swims, digs holes in the ground, and some species have learned to fly. Such abilities of such a small mammal allow it to survive in such harsh conditions nature.

A mouse can build its nest anywhere - underground, in the hollows of old trees, in bird nests, under stones, etc. When she settles in a person’s house, her nest can be found under the floor, in the attic, in the basement, in the openings between the walls. The rodent goes hunting at night, but does not go far from its nest. IN daytime mice sit quietly in their hiding places.

Interesting Facts! Some species of mice live in large packs, where the head of the pack is a male with several females. Each individual is responsible for its own territory, where it obtains food for itself. The offspring are raised by all females together, and after they reach “adulthood”, the young are expelled from the pack.

Mice wait out the winter different conditions. For example:

  • In the ground, in deep holes.
  • In hay or straw stacks.
  • In outbuildings for various purposes.

Mice that spend the winter in natural conditions store food supplies for the winter. To do this, rodents set aside special places in their burrows where they carry everything that might be useful in winter, just so as not to die of starvation.

Mice have a sufficient number of natural enemies - these are reptiles, hedgehogs, cats, dogs, foxes, and others predator birds and animals.

In nature, a mouse can live no more than a year, although at the genetic level the term is about 5 years. This is due to the fact that this rodent has too many natural enemies. In artificial conditions, rodents live for about 3 years, and in laboratory conditions - 7 years.

Each species of mouse has some characteristics that are dictated by their living conditions. The main difference is their size and color. If you study the characteristics of each species, it is easy to distinguish them from each other.

The smallest representative of the mouse family. The length of the body and tail does not exceed 7 centimeters, so the animal easily fits in the palm of even a child. The rodent forms its nests from grass and small plant branches. Thanks to its tenacious paws with sharp claws, the mouse easily climbs trees. Well tolerated winter frosts, therefore it behaves actively even in winter.

The coat color is more red, so it is called a yellow mouse. As for the color of the abdomen, muzzle and tips of the ears, it is almost white. This small rodent can cause significant damage to garden crops. Mainly prefers to eat plant foods, but occasionally eats small worms and beetles.

Already from the name it becomes clear where this animal lives. The forest mouse grows up to 10 cm in length, while the tail is about 7 cm long. It settles mainly on forest edges. It is distinguished by a sharp muzzle and dark red, sometimes almost black color. Distinctive feature This rodent is distinguished by the size of its ears - they are large. This type of mouse became the prototype of the hero of one of the cartoons called “Mickey Mouse”. They are not only big, but also round.

A wood mouse can build a nest for itself either in an earthen hole or in a tree, as high as possible. Waits out the winter in burrows. Up to 2 meters deep. During thaws it can be seen in the snow. An absolutely harmless living creature for humans, but a threat to garden plants.


The USA is considered the birthplace of the gerbil. The rodent was brought in for laboratories. Who carried out special studies. After this, the gerbil became widespread and was kept as a pet. The advantage of this rodent is that it does not have the characteristic “mouse” smell. This animal has a rather cute and attractive appearance. In nature there are up to hundreds of varieties of this unique creation. The dwarf and Mongolian varieties of gerbil are extremely popular.

The back of this attractive creature is brownish-red, and the belly is almost white. A contrasting dark stripe runs along the back. The nose is pink, the ears are small and round, and the muzzle is blunt. This species has several big eyes compared to other mouse species. Another feature is the presence of a tassel at the tip of the tail.

The steppe mouse is similar in appearance to the gerbil mouse and grows up to 7 cm in length, while the length of the tail is one third longer than its body. Capable of causing serious damage agriculture because it lives in the wild. Lives in deep burrows, stocking them for the winter. It settles in cereal fields, as well as among bushes located near water bodies. For the normal functioning of this pest it is necessary dense thickets grass or bushes. This type of mouse is often called voles. They are also active in winter, as evidenced by their numerous tracks in the snow.

It is considered the most widespread rodent on the planet. With the onset of cold weather, it tries to move closer to people. It’s not a problem to meet her even on the upper floors apartment buildings. The pest is still the same! His teeth affect food, things, furniture, interior items, as well as electrical wiring, which often leads to fires.

It grows up to 6 cm in length and has a gray coat color. The rodent's tail is small, its muzzle is slightly elongated, and its ears are small and round.

In fact, these are albino mice that can appear in any of the rodent species. This is due to failures in genetics, due to which the wool becomes pure White color. As a rule, white mice always have red eyes. Such specimens can often be seen within the walls of laboratories.

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