Map of nuclear powers. The most powerful countries with nuclear weapons

Modern scientists, engineers and military personnel have managed to create unique weapon, which is much more powerful than the one used by America in 1945 during the bombing of Japanese cities. After this incident, many countries began to develop nuclear weapon and accumulate it in large quantities. IN modern conditions For some countries, the presence of nuclear weapons is a necessary element of security.
It would be interesting to know which countries have the largest nuclear potential, because they can be considered superpowers. For this reason, a top has been formed the strongest and most powerful nuclear powers in the world 2015. Both official and unofficial information were used.

10. Iran

  • : Unofficial
  • Start of testing: absent
  • Completion of tests: absent
  • Nuclear potential: 2.4 tons of uranium
  • : ratified

This country is constantly accused of illegal storage and development of nuclear weapons. Iran has never conducted a test in its history. The government signed an agreement banning nuclear weapons tests.

There is a lot of information that Iran is capable of producing one unit per year of this weapon. At the same time, engineers must spend at least five years building a full-fledged bomb. Between Western countries and the government of Iran, in nuclear issue, conflicts occur constantly. According to representatives of the country, developments are carried out exclusively for peaceful purposes to support the energy program.

When the first international review took place in 1979, the Iranian government froze its nuclear program. After 20 years, the program was resumed again. Later, the UN imposed sanctions to halt the development of the nuclear program and maintain peace in Asia.


  • Status of the military nuclear program: Unofficial
  • Start of testing
  • Completion of tests: probably 1979
  • Nuclear potential: up to 400 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): ratified

So far, Israel has unofficial status as the owner of nuclear weapons. Presumably the first and last tests were carried out in 1979. Israel has all the methods and technologies with which nuclear bombs can be delivered anywhere in the world. In 1950, engineers built the first reactor, and ten years later the first weapon.

So far, Israel has not developed a nuclear program, although many European countries actively support him. Previously there was information that mini-bombs had been created that could be installed even in small suitcases for transportation. According to some documents, neutron bombs are also available.

8. North Korea

  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: October 9, 2006
  • Completion of tests: January 6, 2016
  • Nuclear potential: approximately 20 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): not ratified

This country has the official status of a nuclear power. The test was carried out in 2006, and the last tests were carried out in 2009. What is noteworthy is that this country has not signed a corresponding agreement with the world community on containment nuclear threat. Availability of a large arsenal of weapons mass destruction allows us to talk about this country as a strong nuclear power. There are several working nuclear reactors.
North Korea has several successful tests, information about which was obtained after careful seismic analysis. Peculiarity North Korea in an aggressive foreign policy and non-recognition of a number of rules and international norms, which allows it to be considered one of the strongest nuclear countries in the world. North Korea tested a ballistic missile in 2016 medium range, capable of carrying nuclear charge, which caused serious fears of the world superpowers. After this, even stricter measures were applied to the country. economic sanctions, designed to contain North Korea's nuclear program.


  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: May 28, 1998
  • Completion of tests: May 30, 1998
  • Nuclear potential: up to 90 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): not ratified

In the ranking of the strongest and most powerful nuclear powers in the world, Pakistan is in seventh position. The first tests were carried out in the late 90s. The government did not sign the corresponding agreement.
The country had to restart its nuclear program to respond to India's tests. Exactly this situation is key in the decision of the Pakistani authorities to create nuclear weapons and thus protect themselves from possible military aggression from the outside. A considerable amount of time and money was spent on this program. Ultimately, the country justified all the costs and was able to achieve a positive effect.

Development first began in the middle of the last century, but later one of the presidents curtailed the nuclear program. It was reported that if the situation escalates, it will be possible to purchase weapons from other countries rather than create their own.


  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1974
  • Completion of tests: 1998
  • Nuclear potential: up to 95 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): not ratified

India tested nuclear weapons for the first time in 1974. IN last time tests were carried out in 1998. The country has many warheads in its arsenal that can be delivered anywhere in the world. In addition, India has a submarine fleet capable of carrying nuclear weapons.
After the latest tests, sanctions were imposed against India by Japan, the United States, as well as many other countries in the Western world.

5. China

  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1964
  • Completion of tests: 1964
  • Nuclear potential: up to 240 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): ratified

The first tests were carried out in 1964. The last time a launch was carried out was in 1996. Several hundred units of deadly nuclear weapons are a guarantor of the country's security. signed by the government international treaty on nuclear weapons. The first one was tested in 1964 nuclear bomb. Three years later, in 1967, tests were carried out again, but this time a hydrogen bomb was used.
It is noteworthy that China is the only nuclear state that has given guarantees to those countries that do not have nuclear weapons. There is a special document in which all guarantees are confirmed and apply to many countries of the world.


  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1960
  • Completion of tests: 1995
  • Nuclear potential: more than 300 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): signed

France is definitely included in the ranking of the most powerful and powerful nuclear powers in the world. The first tests were made in 1960. The country has signed and fully ratified a treaty that prohibits any testing.

The first developments began after World War II, but the weapon was created only in 1958. Two years later, tests were carried out, which made it possible to verify the quality and reliability of the created arsenal. France has several hundred nuclear weapons.


  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1952
  • Completion of tests: 1991
  • Nuclear potential: at least 225 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): signed

The first tests were carried out in the middle of the last century. And the last test was in 1991. The arsenal contains more than two hundred nuclear weapons. The UK has signed and ratified the Nuclear Weapons Treaty. New technologies and developments allowed us to enter the top three among the most powerful nuclear powers in the world 2015 of the year.

They maintain mutual cooperation with many countries, including the United States, regarding defense and peace. Additionally, the secret services of both countries constantly exchange big amount classified information, which is used solely for security purposes.

2. Russia

  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1949
  • Completion of tests: 1990
  • Nuclear potential: 2,825 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): signed

The official launch of the first bomb took place in 1949. The last time tests were carried out was in 1990. There are slightly less than three thousand nuclear weapons in storage.
Exactly Soviet Union became the second country after the United States to launch nuclear weapons. After the first test, several hundred additional tests and checks were carried out using new developments and technologies. On this moment Russia is in second position in the ranking, with the world's most powerful nuclear powers. The correct budget allocation policy and the use of our own developments allowed us to occupy such a high position.

At the moment, one of the bombs is the heaviest of all existing ones. The charge was planned for one hundred thousand kilotons, but it was decided to use half as much because there was a possibility of large amounts of precipitation. And it is worth considering the fact that Russia has the technology to produce hydrogen bombs.

1. USA

  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1945
  • Completion of tests: 1992
  • Nuclear potential: 5,113 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): ratified

Many people know that the first launch of a nuclear weapon was carried out in 1945, and the last test in 1992. Total There are more than five thousand weapons in the arsenal.
Over the course of its existence, more than a thousand different tests have been carried out. This allows us to say that the United States is the most powerful nuclear power in the world on given time. Intercontinental ones available ballistic missiles(ICBMs) capable of delivering a nuclear warhead over a distance of 13,000 km. It is also worth noting that the United States of America has a year of surpassing its competitors in many quantitative and qualitative characteristics.
Information about several dozen facilities that are key to the development of the nuclear program is kept in the strictest secrecy.

To begin with, let's remember that nuclear weapons can destroy all living organisms, people, including the most as soon as possible. And accordingly, this particular type of weapon is capable of destroying our entire world within a few seconds.

The second question that arises before creating the list is why did these countries still create nuclear weapons, despite the fact that they are an active form of destructive material? The answer to this question is that this type energy is useful for humanity, but if it is used for peaceful purposes. Basically, the reason for the appearance of nuclear weapons in a country is the desire to protect itself from external aggressors. Interestingly, only the Americans actually used nuclear weapons in World War II against Japan, but the effect of this is still felt in the relevant areas of the country.

Here is a list of ten countries with the largest number nuclear weapons all over the world.

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Today, Iran is not a nuclear weapons country because there is only one Islamic country in the world that is considered nuclear weapons - Pakistan. But before that, it was believed that Iran had created several types of nuclear or chemical weapons. The Islamic Republic of Iran signed a treaty with the United States to eliminate nuclear weapons, as more than 1,000,000 people were killed during the Iran-Iraq war.

After the fatwa of the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran stopped creating nuclear and other types of weapons, and everything created previously was destroyed by the UN Security Agency. But rumors still persist that there are still nuclear weapons left in Iran that have not been destroyed, but no one knows exactly how many.

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The country's official name is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. We constantly hear about North Korea in the news as it seeks to increase the number of nuclear weapons. It was also reported that North Korea fired three ballistic missiles towards the United States. This country does not have a good reputation, as it is considered the most hated of all countries in the world.

It is quite difficult to determine the level of well-being of the people due to the closed nature of North Korea, but huge amounts of money are regularly spent on defense. This country created nuclear weapons for defense, tests have already been carried out and the Koreans have about 10 nuclear warheads. But this country is considered one of the most dangerous for life.

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Another popular country in the world, officially called Israel, is also considered a Jewish state. On the other hand, Israel is another one of the most hated countries in the world due to its continuous war with Palestine, so it is not only fiercely hated in Muslim countries, but in others too.

It was reported that Israel has a large number of nuclear weapons, but mainly they are being developed with the help of America, which is considered Israel's strategic partner. The state was formed in 1947 and has not expanded its territory due to the war with Palestine, so there are still about 80 nuclear weapons in this country.

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India, official name - Republic of India, one of the most important countries in the world and is one of the most large countries, the second largest population in the world with approximately 1.3 billion people.

If we talk about the defense of this country, it has surpassed many countries in the world, because last year it acquired a large number of weapons from Russia, now there are from 90 to 110 nuclear weapons - this is the third figure among all countries in the world. Many of this country's nuclear experiments have failed, but they are constantly being carried out due to the state of cold war on the border with Pakistan.

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France - extraordinary beautiful country, which is officially called the French Republic and has a population of about 67 million; its capital is Paris, which is also the most beautiful, largest and cultural center peace. The country itself is also considered the cultural center of Europe and has a dominant position in terms of defense.

If we talk about past wars, this country took part in both the First and Second World Wars. France is known as a country of nuclear energy, there are about 300 nuclear weapons, so the defense capability of this beautiful country is also considered the best in the world, as the highly organized army has new technological weapons.

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Great Britain

Great Britain is one of the oldest countries in the world, which is also known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Besides this, this rich country With a population of 65.1 million, it is the fourth most populous country in Europe. The capital of Great Britain is London, it is an important financial center for different nations peace.

The defense capability of this country is considered one of the highest in the world; this country is also a nuclear power, which has about 225 nuclear or chemical weapons. The army is also known throughout the world as one of the best - due to the presence of highly qualified personnel. And this is one of best countries in terms of living conditions, even despite nuclear energy.

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China is the most developed country in the world, because almost everything that is used on our planet is produced here. It is the leader in population with more than 1.38 billion inhabitants. This happy country officially called People's Republic China, also the largest electronics manufacturer, ships its goods to almost every country in the world.

China is also a nuclear energy country, so there are 250 nuclear weapons here, so the defense of this country is very high level due to the use of new technologies in the manufacture of weapons or other equipment used in the army. China is the world's oldest state and occupies the third largest territory in the world, after Russia and Canada.

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Pakistan is one of the most beautiful and important countries in the world, appeared on the map in 1947, according to the 1973 constitution, it is called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is the second largest Islamic country in the world due to its population of almost 200 million.

Thus, Pakistan is the only Islamic country in the world that has nuclear weapons. Defense is a priority, so no money is saved on purchasing weapons. Pakistan's stockpile is about 120 nuclear weapons.

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The United States of America is considered one of the most powerful and influential countries in the world. The country includes 52 states and a total population of 320 million. If we talk about defense capability, this is the most highly organized army, which has new and best weapon, and also this country is number one among the nuclear powers in the world, having almost 7,700 nuclear weapons.

It is the only country to have used nuclear weapons against its population - Japan in 1945 during World War II. The USA has many differences with many countries including Russia, China and Pakistan, hence also considered as the most hated country in the world.

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Russia is also one of the most influential countries in the world, known for the high quality of its weapons. Official nameRussian Federation. It is the largest country in the world by area, but has a population of about 146 million.

One of the most ancient countries in the world. Russia is the largest arms manufacturer in the world. Its stockpile of nuclear weapons is the largest among all countries in the world, amounting to about 8,500 units. Russia sells weapons to all countries of the world, so there is no doubt about their quality. This allows the country to claim the title of superpower.

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It was an article about the most powerful countries with nuclear weapons. Thank you for your attention!

At the session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, many states have already signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (it was adopted on July 7, 2017 at UN headquarters and opened for signature on September 20. - Ed.). As UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres put it, they want to create a world “without weapons.” doomsday"But countries that have nuclear weapons (nuclear weapons) are not participating in the initiative.

Uwho has nuclear weapons and how many?

It is generally accepted that today there are actually nine nuclear powers in the world - the USA, Russia, France, Great Britain, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and the DPRK. At their disposal, according to the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) as of January 2017, there are a total of about 15 thousand nuclear warheads. But they are distributed very unevenly among the G9 countries. The United States and Russia account for 93 percent of all nuclear warheads on the planet.

Who has the official nuclear status, and who doesn’t?

Officially, only those that signed the 1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons are considered nuclear powers. These are (in order of the creation of their first atomic bomb) - USA (1945), USSR/Russia (1949), Great Britain (1952), France (1960) and China (1964). The remaining four countries, although they have nuclear weapons, have not joined the treaty on their non-proliferation.

North Korea withdrew from the treaty, Israel has never officially recognized its nuclear weapons, but Tel Aviv is believed to have them. In addition, the United States suggests that Iran continues to work on creating an atomic bomb, despite the official renunciation of military use nuclear energy and monitoring by the IAEA.

How the number of nuclear warheads changed

Although over time more and more states have begun to possess nuclear weapons, the number of nuclear warheads today is significantly lower than during the Cold War. In the 1980s there were about 70 thousand. Today, their number continues to decline in accordance with the disarmament agreement concluded by the United States and Russia in 2010 (START III Treaty). But the quantity is not so important. Almost all nuclear powers are modernizing their arsenal and making it even more powerful.

What initiatives are there for nuclear disarmament?

The oldest such initiative is the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The signatory states that do not have nuclear weapons undertake to permanently abandon their creation. The official nuclear powers undertake to negotiate disarmament. However, the agreement did not stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Another weakness treaty - it divides the world in the long term into those who have nuclear weapons and those who do not. Critics of the document also note that the five official nuclear powers are also permanent members of the UN Security Council.

Have there been successful nuclear disarmament treaties?

The United States and the USSR/Russia have destroyed a significant number of nuclear warheads and their delivery vehicles since the end of the Cold War. According to the START I treaty (signed in July 1991, entered into force in December 1994, expired in December 2009. - Ed.), Washington and Moscow have significantly reduced their nuclear arsenals.

This process was not easy and was slowed down from time to time, but the goal was so important for both sides that Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev signed the START III treaty in the spring of 2010. Obama then announced his desire for a nuclear-free world. Further fate treaty is considered uncertain due to the policy of demonstration military force carried out by US President Donald Trump, and Russian actions towards Ukraine.

Which countries have given up nuclear weapons?

From trying to create atomic bomb refused shortly before the abolition of the apartheid regime in South Africa, as well as Libya in 2003. The former republics of the USSR stand apart here, having inherited nuclear weapons after its collapse. Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed the Lisbon Protocol, making them parties to the START I treaty, and then acceded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

Ukraine had the largest arsenal, the third in the world after the United States and Russia. Having refused it, Kyiv received in return financial assistance, as well as guarantees of safety and territorial integrity from nuclear powers, enshrined in the so-called Budapest Memorandum. However, the memorandum was in the nature of a voluntary commitment, was not ratified by any of the states that signed it, and did not provide for a sanctions mechanism.


Since the beginning of the conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014, critics of the memorandum say that Kyiv’s refusal to renounce nuclear weapons has not justified itself. They believe that Ukraine's nuclear weapons would not allow Russia to annex Crimea. On the other hand, experts note that the example of North Korea can cause a chain reaction when everyone more countries will want to get atomic warheads.

What are the prospects for banning nuclear weapons?

The current initiative to ban nuclear weapons is nothing more than a symbolic gesture against race nuclear weapons. If only because all nine nuclear powers are not taking part in this initiative. They claim that nuclear weapons are best protection from attack, and point to a pre-existing non-proliferation treaty. But this agreement does not talk about a ban.

NATO also does not support the treaty, which opened for signature on September 20. The campaign for its signing, as stated in the official statement of the alliance, “does not take into account the increasingly threatening international situation in the security sector." Jean-Yves Le Drian, France's foreign minister, called the initiative an "almost irresponsible" "self-deception" that would only weaken the non-proliferation treaty, he said.

On the other hand, Beatrice Fihn, head of the international campaign for the abolition of nuclear weapons, called on countries around the world to join the initiative. She emphasized that nuclear weapons are “the only type of weapons of mass destruction that have not yet been banned, despite their destructive power and threat to humanity.” According to her, with Donald Trump coming to power in the United States, this threat has increased.

See also:

    North Korean missiles and bombs

    Missile launches in North Korea last years have become noticeably more frequent. Pyongyang is testing ballistic missiles in defiance of UN resolutions and gradually tightening sanctions. Experts do not even rule out the outbreak of hostilities on the Korean Peninsula.

    North Korea's missile and nuclear tests: a project of three generations of Kims

    Beginning - during the late Kim Il Sung

    Although the number of missile tests has increased in the last four years, the first of them were carried out back in 1984 - under then North Korean leader Kim Il Sung. According to the Nuclear Threat Initiative, over the last 10 years of his rule, the DPRK conducted 15 tests, with no launches from 1986 to 1989 inclusive.

    North Korea's missile and nuclear tests: a project of three generations of Kims

    Kim Jong Il: the beginning of nuclear tests

    Kim Jong Il, the son of Kim Il Sung, who led the country in July 1994, also did not stand aside. During the 17 years of his reign, 16 missile tests were carried out, although almost all of them occurred in two years - 2006 (7 launches) and 2009 (8). This is less than in the first 8 months of 2017. However, it was during the reign of Kim Jong Il that Pyongyang conducted its first two nuclear weapons tests - in 2006 and 2009.

    North Korea's missile and nuclear tests: a project of three generations of Kims

    Kim Jong-un: unprecedented activity

    Under the son and grandson of the former rulers, North Korea's missile activity reached an unprecedented level. Over the past 6 years, Pyongyang has already carried out 84 ballistic missile launches. Not all of them were successful; in some cases, the rockets exploded at launch or during flight.

    North Korea's missile and nuclear tests: a project of three generations of Kims

    Towards Guam

    In early August 2017, reports emerged that the North Korean army was developing a plan to launch four medium-range ballistic missiles towards the US military base on the island of Guam in Pacific Ocean. US President Donald Trump's response was predictably harsh and threatening.

    North Korea's missile and nuclear tests: a project of three generations of Kims

    Over Japanese territory

    On August 29, 2017, the DPRK carried out another test, and this time the missile flew over Japanese territory - the island of Hokkaido. Kim Jong-un said that launching a missile towards Japan is preparation for war in the Pacific Ocean.

    North Korea's missile and nuclear tests: a project of three generations of Kims

    Sixth nuclear

    A few days after the missile was launched over Japan, the DPRK announced that it had successfully tested a nuclear weapon, clarifying that it was hydrogen bomb. This was the sixth underground nuclear explosion carried out by Pyongyang. Experts estimated the bomb's yield to be approximately 100 kilotons.

    North Korea's missile and nuclear tests: a project of three generations of Kims

    Meetings and condemnatory statements

    After almost every North Korean missile or nuclear test, the security councils convene for emergency meetings. different countries and the UN Security Council. But they, like the condemning statements of world leaders, have not yet brought any effect.

CROCUS A nuclear reactor is a device in which a controlled nuclear chain reaction is carried out, accompanied by the release of energy. First nuclear reactor built and launched in December 1942 at ... Wikipedia

Describes the path by which fuel enters and leaves a nuclear reactor. The fuel cycle is a set of activities for the production, processing and disposal of waste nuclear fuel. The term "fuel cycle" ... ... Wikipedia

- ... Wikipedia

- (YARD) a type of rocket engine that uses the energy of fission or fusion of nuclei to create jet thrust. They can be reactive (heating the working fluid in a nuclear reactor and removing gas through a nozzle) and pulsed ( nuclear explosions... ... Wikipedia

Nuclear rocket engine (NRE) is a type of rocket engine that uses the energy of fission or fusion of nuclei to create jet thrust. They are actually reactive (heating the working fluid in a nuclear reactor and releasing gas through... ... Wikipedia

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This term has other meanings, see Club (meanings). This article is about communities of people united by common interests; about an entertaining public establishment, see: night club. Club (from the English clob or club via ... ... Wikipedia

NUCLEAR SOVEREIGNTY- immunity that arises in a state due to the creation of nuclear weapons and means of their delivery against open aggression and capture by other states. Not a single state in the world will start a war, fearing the use of nuclear weapons against it... ... Large current political encyclopedia

Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) is a nuclear reactor in which a steam-water mixture is produced in the core. Contents 1 Distinctive features 2 Working conditions... Wikipedia

A reactor using ordinary (light) water as a moderator and coolant. The most common type of pressurized water reactor in the world. VVER reactors are produced in Russia, in other countries common name such... ... Wikipedia


  • , Rabinovich Yakov Iosifovich. Nuclear Club - informal international organization, which includes states that have nuclear weapons in their arsenal. The author explores how secret work was carried out to create a nuclear...
  • World Nuclear Club. How to save the world, Yakov Rabinovich. The Nuclear Club is an informal international organization that includes states that have nuclear weapons in their arsenal. The author explores how secret work was carried out to create a nuclear...

Have you noticed that the further you go, the more incomprehensible the processes occurring on the planet become. It is explainable. Firstly, there are more and more residents. Secondly, they are not sitting on a palm tree, but developing. But their creations are not always safe. Therefore, it is necessary for a person to understand where the threats lurk. It is proposed to study the list of countries that have politicians and the military closely monitoring what is happening inside these states. Yes, and you and I need to take a closer look, is it going to burn?

What are we talking about?

Before talking about how many countries in the world have nuclear weapons, it is necessary to define the concepts. The fact is that not everyone imagines the strength and power of the described threat. Nuclear weapons are a means of mass extermination of populations. If (God forbid) someone dares to use it, then there will not be a single person left on the planet who has not suffered as a result of such an act. Some will simply be destroyed, the rest will be subject to secondary risks. The nuclear arsenal includes the devices themselves, the means of “delivery” and control. Fortunately this complex systems. To create them, you need to have the appropriate technologies, which reduces the risk of joining the “owners club.” Therefore, the list of countries with nuclear weapons remains unchanged for a long time.

A little history

Back in 1889, the Curies discovered strange behavior in some elements. They discovered the principle of releasing huge amounts of energy during the process of their decay. This topic was studied by D. Cockcroft and other great minds. And in 1934 L. Szilard received a patent for the atomic bomb. He was the first to figure out how to put the discovery into practice. We will not delve into the reasons for its work. However, there were many who wanted to take advantage of the discovery.

Such weapons were then believed to be the key to world domination. There is no need to use it. Swing it like a club, everyone will obey in fear. By the way, the principle has been around for almost a century. All nuclear powers, the list of which is given below, have significant, compared to others, weight on the world stage. Of course, many people don't like this. But this is the order of things, according to philosophers.

Which countries are nuclear powers

It is clear that technologies could not be created by undeveloped states that do not have an appropriate scientific and industrial base.

Although this is not all that is needed to create such complex devices. Therefore, the list of countries with nuclear weapons is small. It includes eight or nine states. Are you surprised by this uncertainty? Now let's explain what the problem is. But first, let's give a list of them. List of countries with nuclear weapons: Russia, USA, Great Britain, France, China, Pakistan, India. These states were able to implement Curie's discovery to varying degrees. Their arsenals differ in composition and, naturally, in threats. However, one bomb is believed to be enough to destroy life.

On the discrepancies in the quantitative composition of the “nuclear club”

This is the kind of intrigue that exists on the planet. Some experts include Israel on the list of countries with nuclear weapons. The state itself does not recognize that it can already be included in this “club”. However, there is some indirect evidence that Israel does possess lethal weapons. In addition, some states are secretly working on creating their own nuclear “baton”. They talk a lot about Iran, which does not hide it. Only the government of this country recognizes the development of the “peaceful atom” carried out in its laboratories. I am inclined to believe that such a program, if successful, will make it possible to create weapons of mass destruction. Experts say this. They also say that nuclear powers supply technology to their “satellites.” This is done for political purposes to strengthen their own influence. Thus, some experts are trying to convict the United States of supplying nuclear weapons to its partners. So far no one has presented any recognized evidence to the world.

About the positive effects

Not all experts consider nuclear weapons only a threat to the existence of the planet. In times of crisis, it, oddly enough, can act as a powerful tool for “peace enforcement.” The fact is that some leaders consider it possible to resolve claims and conflicts by military means. This, of course, does not bring good to people. Wars mean death and destruction, a brake on the development of civilization. It was like that before. Today the situation is different. All countries are connected in one way or another. As they say, the world has become very small and cramped. It is almost impossible to fight without hurting the “nuclear club.” A power that has such a “club” can use it in the event of a serious threat. Therefore, you have to calculate the risks before using conventional weapons. It turned out that peace is guaranteed by the members of " nuclear club».

About differences in arsenals

Of course, the club of the “chosen ones” is not homogeneous. Countries have completely disparate parameters. If the USA and the Russian Federation have a so-called triad, then other states are limited in the potential use of their bombs. Strong countries (USA, RF) have carriers of all types. These include: ballistic missiles, air bombs, submarines. That is, it can be delivered to the point of impact by land, air and sea. Other members of the “nuclear club” have not yet achieved such development. The issue is further complicated by the fact that powers do not seek to reveal their secrets. Their ratings nuclear arsenals very relative. Negotiations are being conducted in strict confidence. Although efforts are being made constantly to establish parity. Nuclear weapons are currently not military, but political factor. Many politicians and specialists are working to ensure that this state of affairs remains unchanged. Nobody wants to die.

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