Kovalkov about lowering cholesterol. Bread provokes diabetes. Advice from a nutritionist. Cereals and legumes

Why do some people eat kefir and spend their days in the gym, but don’t lose an ounce of weight, while others overeat on fast food and can get up from the couch and go to the podium at any moment? Can children of slim parents become fat? How to lose weight while on vacation eating pickles from a hotel buffet? Well-known Russian nutritionist and specialist in the relationship between hormones and excess weight Alexey Kovalkov answers these and other questions - especially for the site.

A story of two glasses

To visualize why and how hormonal disbalance leads to obesity, imagine two glasses (or even put them in front of you for greater clarity). One glass symbolizes energy, the other - weight. Water that can be poured into glasses is food. In a healthy newborn child, all of whose vital systems are in balance and harmony, the level of filling of the glasses matches perfectly: the child receives nutrition, which is distributed in equal shares to energy and growth.

However, as the child matures, hormonal factors or carbohydrate abuse (or both) come into play, and the situation changes.

“Breakage” of weight regulation mechanisms leads to the fact that nutrients from food do not provide energy, and weight increases, but not because the child is stretched; it is growing in breadth. The energy glass is half empty, but the weight glass is constantly replenished. And it’s not a matter of the quantity of food or even its quality - the problem is the state of health.

The schoolboy is scolded that he is lethargic, fat, a mattress, and cannot run a hundred meters. Hormonal problems that cause disruptions in growth and development become more complex, and acquired eating disorders are added when, in desperation, a child or teenager who is actually sick tries to limit himself in food. But willpower has nothing to do with it, he is physically unable not to eat or eat less, his energy level is already below par, and his carbohydrate dependence and insulin sensitivity are such that without food he literally begins to shake. He eats a piece of bread or a chocolate bar and lets go. And so on endlessly.

Here you need the help of an endocrinologist, an experienced nutritionist, and not “character education,” a fitness trainer or a psychotherapist.

But, unfortunately, few people seriously think about it. And a person lives his life with one glass half-empty and the other full, goes on diets, and suffers from eating disorders. Because his parents did not understand that a person’s weight and desires are controlled by hormones. Well, we’ll try it now.

Proper nutrition is a complex science. In order not to anger the almighty hormones, you can neither starve nor force yourself to eat!

Weight loss hormones: height, masculinity, drive!

Maintaining a healthy weight in our body is responsible for the balance of three main hormones (they are often referred to as fat-burning hormones in women): growth hormone, testosterone and adrenaline. How do they work?

  • 1 Somatotropic hormone

This is the same hormone of growth and redistribution of resources, defects in the production of which can appear early in children. You don’t need to be a doctor to distinguish “baby fat” from unhealthy obesity by eye. But you should still seek help from a specialist so as not to turn the case into an advanced one and switch the somatrotropic hormone from the fat accumulation mode to the “energy/growth” combination.

By the way, for growth and physical development children, in combination with somatotropic vitamin D is also responsible, for which medical environment Literally last year the status of the hormone was also established. It is these two substances that provide the amazing “over the summer” effect that parents and teachers never tire of marveling at. The condition for producing a sufficient amount of vitamin D is normal exposure to the sun, and you should not give your child its medications without a reasoned prescription from a doctor. In adults, vitamin D is also involved in fat burning - in a secondary role, but quite effectively.

  • 2 Testosterone

Known as the “masculinity hormone,” however, one should not assume that women do not need it at all. In the fair half, testosterone is produced from cholesterol up to and plays vital role as a “regulator”, giving orders for the transformation of adipose tissue into muscle and bone. Testosterone is the real fat-burning hormone.

It is important that in female body testosterone was maintained by sufficient estrogen production. For those very lush hips that their owners don’t like so much, but men usually really like, it’s the latter who should be thanked. Adequate estrogen production protects women from cardiovascular disease; cases before menopause are very rare. And that's why men have weaker hearts - not because their lives are harder, but because there is no estrogen.

If there is too much estrogen, it suppresses testosterone and it is unable to regulate weight. At the same time, if there is too much testosterone, this is also a problem. Oddly enough, "testosterone" women gain weight - and in the "apple" type, which is characterized by a pronounced "lifebuoy" at the waist and thin limbs. It’s easier for them to lose weight than for steep-hipped “estrogen women,” but the difficulty is not that the woman’s waist volume is larger than her hips or her figure resembles a pear, and she cannot wear a fitted dress, but that there is such a pronounced “fruity” in her appearance - a reason to visit an endocrinologist.

  • 3 Adrenalin

The last of the main fat-burning hormones and the most effective. Adrenaline is a drive hormone, and it is produced sporadically. Adrenaline appears in the body during periods of stress, and stress does not necessarily mean trouble - it can be a jolt filled with excitement and delight. Therefore, we often hear that someone has gained weight due to a slow life - and this was not due to family happiness with borscht, but to a lack of adrenaline.

Common side effect adrenaline - it not only starts the process of fat breakdown (lipolysis), but also makes you forget about hunger. Falling in love, enthusiastically working on a project, hectic preparation for an exam, when strength comes from out of nowhere without any food at all - we should thank this hormone for all this. As in situations when on vacation, despite all inclusive and a buffet, you lose weight - the combination of rich “adrenaline” impressions and vitamin D can work wonders.

Chemically, the adrenaline reaction is triggered by ephedrine and its derivatives. “Thai pills” and fast-acting fat burners that make a person run on the ceiling are based on provoking adrenaline receptors. Therefore, playing with the most effective of fat-burning hormones is bad: constant stimulation of its production depletes the adrenal cortex, affects the brain, and quickly exhausts the resources of the cardiovascular system.

Have you ordered assembly and disassembly of fat?

Three dominant hormones help us burn fat, and if factors of the opposite direction did not interfere with their action, we would simply lose weight constantly and without any effort, without thinking. But a powerful force works to increase weight and sensitively protects fat reserves. This hormone insulin.

If you've ever bought large furniture for your home, you know that it is delivered disassembled - the parts are brought into the room, assembled, and then the table or cabinet is ready. If you need to move it from the room to another place, then it will not fit entirely through the door, you need to disassemble it again, but whether it will work and how quickly is the question. And such processes of assembly and disassembly occur in our cells every second. Only small formations, fatty acids, can penetrate the cell membrane. Inside, they are assembled into triglycerides, obeying the command from insulin, and in order to leave the cell, they need to undergo a reverse transformation - again, according to the signal of this hormone.

Neither running, nor yoga, nor fitness, nor athletic triathlon will help change the processes of fat storage or deal with existing accumulations, if there is no will of hormones.

Insulin is anti-catabolic. It prevents cells from decaying and takes care of their restoration and growth. And it can become a good helper if you have a clear, honest relationship with this hormone: it captures from the blood not only glucose and fats, but also amino acids, so athletes after training eat a carbohydrate product so that the release of insulin blocks the destruction of muscle fibers.

A person’s relationship with insulin is largely determined by his genetics, and specifically by the number of receptors on the cell surface that respond to insulin. Some people have extremely few of them, and this person eats like crazy without any consequences, while others, on the contrary, have a lot, and this is the case when a person literally gets fat from the air and it is very difficult for him to lose weight.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the fat on your waist has increased not because you ate fatty foods, but because of carbohydrates, which increased the level of insulin and it gave the body the command to make reserves.

Practical dietetics solves one main problem - in many ways it prevents insulin from rising. Due to this they act popular diets: , . But in cases where the cells are hypersensitive to insulin, or the situation is even worse, for example, a person has insulinoma, and his insulin is constantly elevated, you can go through diets for a very long time and suffer, you will not be able to lose weight.

According to statistics, only 5% of people who try to lose 20 kg or more on their own achieve any obvious success and only 1% of them manage to maintain the result for more than a year, the rest fail - and then, with a high degree of probability, the lion's share of this tiny percentage of winners. Heroin addicts cope with their addiction more successfully than those who depend on fast carbohydrates and develop eating disorders.

Hot topic: what to eat to lose weight

What should those who want to finally do something about carbohydrate addiction and help their hormones find balance again? To begin with, realize that it is not the blood sugar itself that is scary, but the insulin that is secreted into it. And here knowledge about (GI) and (AI) products will help. The first makes it clear how intensely the blood is filled with sugar in response to eating certain dishes, and the second shows how much insulin comes from this sugar.

These two indicators coincide in the vast majority of cases; there are only two examples when the AI ​​of a product exceeds its GI - we are talking about yogurt And oranges.

In my work, I do not use index tables; they are interesting only from the point of view of demonstrating the basic principle of healthy eating. Moreover, any person who has taken the trouble to more or less understand the basics of dietetics will accurately name the most dangerous products for figure and weight - potato, White rice, refined sugar, bread and all their combinations and derivatives.

Somewhere at the intersection of ideas about GI and AI is the degree of saturation that different products can provide. It is due to many factors, including individual ones: some people eat cottage cheese well and for a long time, while for others, perhaps, a leaf of lettuce does not allow them to feel hungry all day long. But according to science, two main foods keep you full for a long time by controlling insulin spikes and slow absorption: soft-boiled eggs and lamb (boiled or baked without oil or sauces). The “lamb diet” is the secret to the slimness of many stars.

A short course on a happy hormonal life: four frequently asked questions to Dr. Kovalkov

Is it true that if you always try not to let insulin rise, the cells will develop hypersensitivity to it and then you will get better, and nothing can be done?

Not true. It is physiological for a person to eat protein, fat and vegetables, in which carbohydrates are absorbed slowly and do not provoke insulin surges. Humanity is 2 million years old, of which only 200 we have been short with sugar, and this acquaintance has not brought us anything good - sugar acts on cells like an acid and destroys them, which provokes the most various diseases, from atherosclerosis to diabetes.

Therefore, returning to the roots and abandoning fast carbohydrates, semi-finished products, as well as large quantity Eating fruit will only bring benefits, and if parents monitor this, they will insure their child from developing carbohydrate addiction and related problems. There will be no breakdowns in metabolic engineering due to the control of insulin release.

Is it true that the main thing is not to eat after six, and then you will definitely lose weight?

This is not exactly a myth, but there is confusion about cause and effect. Many will agree that if you hang out at night in front of the computer or TV, the result in the form of extra pounds will not be long in coming. Of course, television or Internet traffic has no calorie content, and again it’s a matter of hormones. Somatotropic hormone (“growth hormone”), which you already know about, is released between 0:00 and 1:00 in the deep sleep phase. Accordingly, for it to be synthesized, two conditions are needed: restful sleep and the absence of a surge in insulin several hours before the “scheduled release.” Fast carbohydrates in the evening block the production of somatotropic hormone and, by eating ice cream or drinking beer with an evening TV series, you do not burn fat at night. And during the day the body does not have the opportunity to burn them, all lipolytic processes start in dark time days. The conclusions are obvious!

Is it true that breakfast is the main meal of the day, and even if you don’t want to, you have to force yourself to eat in the morning?

Continuing the adventures of growth hormone: if you for a long time are midnight sleepers, the time of its production from the physiological period “around midnight” shifts to more late date. Or you get up too early. Therefore, when you wake up to an alarm clock, you don’t want to eat and even feel disgusted with food. This means that the hormone has entered the bloodstream and is still working on fat burning.

In this case, you can’t force yourself to eat breakfast! In response to food intake, insulin will be released and block the action of growth hormone. Listen to your body, not general recommendations. If you don't want to eat, don't.

Is it true that it doesn’t matter what you eat and how much if you constantly exercise, especially fat-burning cardio exercises?

The fitness and cosmetology industry is actively claiming its rights to help in the fight against overweight, but in fact they have neither the ability nor the competence to help with really serious problems. Regular training This is great, but they do not work against the essence of the problem. On a treadmill, you can burn up the fat from the lunch you received three days ago, which floats in the blood in the form of tiny droplets and sits in the tissue fibers, but this will not affect the formed fat reserves in any way.

On the contrary, having spent available energy, a person with carbohydrate addiction will half-faint and reach for a cake or chocolate bar, and then eat another one - because he was in training and “deserved it.” Don’t overeat so as not to unbalance your body, then you won’t have to kill yourself in the gym.

What should everyone know about this “sworn” enemy of our health and how are “good” and “bad” cholesterol related? 1. Cholesterol is fat

In fact, without going into biology, it would be more correct to call it fat-like substance. It is present in our cells (more precisely in their membranes) and performs many different functions, in particular, it regulates the permeability of membranes, is involved in the production of sex hormones and adrenal hormones, promotes the formation of “sunny” vitamin D in the body, as well as vitamins A, E and TO.

2. Cholesterol is bad for you

As we have already found out, we need this substance. By circulatory system Cholesterol is carried by special compounds - lipoproteins, consisting of lipids (fats) and proteins (proteins). And this is where the division into bad and good cholesterol. Low-density lipoproteins (aka low-density lipoproteins, LDL, LDL) carry cholesterol from liver cells, where it is formed, to all other cells of our body. High-density lipoproteins (high-density lipoproteins, HDL, HDL) operate in reverse direction, binding and removing excess cholesterol deposits. And if there is too much low-density lipoprotein, cholesterol does not have time to be eliminated and begins to accumulate, primarily in the form of “plaques” on the walls of blood vessels. This is where it becomes “bad”, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis, coronary disease heart and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

“Low-density cholesterol forms plaques inside blood vessels, gradually narrowing their lumen. Atherosclerosis occurs. And if a blood clot “attaches” to such a plaque, the lumen may close completely, causing a heart attack or stroke “- Alexey Kovalkov, nutritionist, host of the programs “Food with and without rules”, “Family Size”.

3. The main culprit of high cholesterol is food.

Of course, “cholesterol-rich” foods ( butter, lard, hard margarine, cottage cheese and cheeses with a fat content of more than 30%, cream, egg yolk, ice cream, condensed milk, fatty meat and offal, sausages) inevitably increase “bad” cholesterol. But, as scientists have found, the body synthesizes up to 80% of cholesterol on its own. And most often in its increased content in blood metabolic disorders are to blame (average normal level of total cholesterol in blood - 3.0-6.0 mmol/l, in different laboratories, as well as for different ages standards may vary). By the way, many doctors believe that women should have more low level cholesterol (up to 5-5.5 mmol/l). And for example, National service UK health calls the ideal level less than 5 mmol/l. Of course, if cholesterol is close to the upper limit of normal or there is “bad heredity,” you cannot do without a diet. It's also worth keeping in mind that increased cholesterol A sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, smoking and alcohol may contribute.

4. The lower the cholesterol, the better.

There are a number of studies showing that cholesterol level below normal can lead to immunological disorders and depression. In addition, many doctors believe that normal (and not low!) cholesterol also helps prevent cancer.

5. Vegetable oils are a source of good cholesterol

In fact, they contain no cholesterol at all. And the inscription on the bottle sunflower oil "No cholesterol"- nothing more than a marketing ploy. But the polyunsaturated fatty acids and other substances present in many oils actually help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. Avocado and olive oils are especially useful in this regard.

What should everyone know about this “sworn” enemy of our health and how are “good” and “bad” cholesterol related?

1. Cholesterol is fat
In fact, without going into biology, it is more correctly called a fat-like substance. It is present in our cells (more precisely in their membranes) and performs many different functions, in particular, it regulates the permeability of membranes, is involved in the production of sex hormones and adrenal hormones, promotes the formation of “sunny” vitamin D in the body, as well as vitamins A, E and TO.

2. Cholesterol is bad for you
As we have already found out, we need this substance. Cholesterol is transported through the circulatory system by special compounds - lipoproteins, consisting of lipids (fats) and proteins (proteins). And this is where the division into bad and good cholesterol begins.

Low-density lipoproteins (also known as low-density lipoproteins, LDL, LDL) carry cholesterol from the liver cells, where it is formed, to all other cells of our body. High-density lipoproteins (high-density lipoproteins, HDL, HDL) act in the opposite direction, binding and removing excess cholesterol deposits. And if there is too much low-density lipoprotein, cholesterol does not have time to be eliminated and begins to accumulate, primarily in the form of “plaques” on the walls of blood vessels. This is where it becomes “bad”, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Low-density cholesterol forms plaques inside blood vessels, gradually narrowing their lumen. Atherosclerosis occurs. And if a blood clot “clings” to such a plaque, the lumen may close completely, causing a heart attack or stroke

Alexey Kovalkov, nutritionist, host of the programs “Food by and without rules”, “Family Size”
3. The main culprit of high cholesterol is food.
Of course, “cholesterol-rich” foods (butter, lard, hard margarine, cottage cheese and cheeses with a fat content of more than 30%, cream, egg yolk, ice cream, condensed milk, fatty meats and offal, sausages) inevitably increase “bad” cholesterol. But, as scientists have found, the body synthesizes up to 80% of cholesterol on its own. And most often, metabolic disorders are to blame for its increased content in the blood (the average level of total cholesterol in the blood is 3.0-6.0 mmol/l; standards may vary in different laboratories, as well as for different ages). By the way, many doctors believe that women should have lower cholesterol levels (up to 5-5.5 mmol/l). For example, the UK National Health Service calls the ideal level less than 5 mmol/l. Of course, if cholesterol is close to the upper limit of normal or there is “bad heredity,” you cannot do without a diet. It is also worth keeping in mind that a sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, smoking and alcohol can contribute to high cholesterol.

4. The lower the cholesterol, the better.
There are a number of studies showing that cholesterol levels below normal can lead to immunological disorders and depression. In addition, many doctors believe that normal (and not low!) cholesterol also helps prevent cancer.

5. Vegetable oils are a source of good cholesterol
In fact, they contain no cholesterol at all. And the inscription on a bottle of sunflower oil “No cholesterol” is nothing more than a marketing ploy. But the polyunsaturated fatty acids and other substances present in many oils actually help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. Avocado and olive oils are especially useful in this regard.

Doctors and scientists have dispelled misconceptions that long years confused us and made us feel upset over every extra bite of “dangerous” food

Myth number one: Cholesterol levels rise due to unhealthy foods.

I recently underwent medical examination and found high cholesterol“Now I’ll have to give up my favorite scrambled eggs for breakfast,” a friend laments. It is also planned to “impose sanctions” on butter, cottage cheese (except low-fat), whole milk, fatty sea fish... In general, you will not envy. Of course, not many heroes can withstand such a strict diet, but millions of people around the world worry, worry and worry about “bad” food that increases cholesterol.

If you give up eggs, the yolks of which actually contain a lot of cholesterol, then you will lose it... by 10 percent,” he shrugs. geneticist at the Atlas biomedical holding Irina Zhegulina.– The effect of fatty foods on increasing cholesterol levels in the body, to put it mildly, has been greatly exaggerated. In fact, our body is designed in such a way that 80 - 90% of cholesterol is synthesized in the liver - regardless of whether you eat butter or carrots. That is, a diet, of course, can somewhat adjust the level of this substance in the body, but not at all significantly - only by that same 10 - 20%.

Myth two: The lower its blood levels, the better

The generally accepted international norm for total cholesterol in the blood is up to 5.5 mmol/l. However, the principle “less is better” does not apply directly in this case, doctors warn. There are several important nuances.

As a rule, cholesterol circulates in our blood, through our vessels, not on its own, but in the form of lipoproteins - that is, compounds with protein complexes. They have different densities and sizes. Low-density lipoproteins are often called “bad cholesterol” because they are one of the risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis (note, only one of the factors and not at all decisive!). High-density lipoproteins are known as “good cholesterol.” They not only do not provoke atherosclerosis, but even serve as a means of preventing it - they prevent the attachment of “bad” cholesterol to the walls of our blood vessels.

Being a lipid (fat), cholesterol is building material for the membranes of all cells of our body. That is, it is simply vital for us! Cholesterol is also involved in the production of the most important hormones: female estrogen and progesterone, male testosterone. Accordingly, the lack of this “disgraced” substance is fraught with a decrease in male strength, and in women - a violation menstrual cycle and increased risk of infertility. Also, with a lack of cholesterol, which also forms the membranes of our skin cells, the appearance of wrinkles accelerates.

The lower limit of normal for total blood cholesterol for adults is 3 mmol/l. If the indicators are lower, then this is a reason to think about serious disorders in the body. The risk of liver damage is especially high, hepatologists warn and advise an examination of this organ.

Myth three: The culprit of atherosclerosis

Cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes, rank first among the causes of premature death in our country. And one of the most common reasons disorders of the blood vessels and heart - atherosclerosis. That is, narrowing of arteries and other vessels due to unwanted growths and blockage with cholesterol plaques. Traditionally, cholesterol is considered the main culprit of atherosclerosis: the higher its levels, the stronger the risk of the disease jumps in direct proportion.

If your blood vessels themselves are healthy and not damaged, then cholesterol build-ups and clogging plaques will not form for any reason! - geneticist Irina Zhegulina refutes a popular myth, based on modern research the work of our body. And he explains: “If a person, say, smokes and tars and other harmful substances enter his body, or the level of glucose in the blood is elevated, then under the influence of these factors, damage to the walls of blood vessels occurs. The collagen from which the walls are built is exposed, and blood cells, platelets, inflammatory substances and cholesterol compounds rush to this place. And since the vessel is already damaged, the way in is opened for cholesterol. And over time, as it accumulates along with platelets, those very cholesterol plaques form.

So cholesterol itself simply cannot be the main culprit of atherosclerosis and the worst enemy of our blood vessels. Rather, it plays the role of an “accomplice”, connecting to the process launched by other factors ( see further section “Beware!”).

Myth four: Lenten dishes more useful

Since our liver synthesizes cholesterol on its own, maybe reducing fat in food is still beneficial? For example, those who are losing weight are keen on low-fat diets; fashionable vegetarianism tells them to avoid animal fats.

Don’t forget that 60% of our brain consists of fat, reminds one of the world's leading neuroscientists Philip Khaitovich.– The amount and ratio of fats in the diet seriously affects the condition and functioning of the brain. In particular, studies have proven the benefits of unsaturated fatty acids– Omega-6 and Omega-3. It is known that they are good for brain development, and therefore they must be added to a child’s diet. At the same time, it is very important to maintain a balance: the ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids in food should be 4:1. However, in fact many modern people consume too much Omega-6 and too little Omega-3 acids. This imbalance can lead to memory impairment, depression, the number of which is growing, and even suicidal thoughts.


We balance the fat balance and support the brain

Sources of Omega-6 acids– sunflower and corn oil, eggs, butter, pork. Their use prevents the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, ensures the functioning of the immune system.

Omega-3 acids help protect against depression, cope with chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, and also significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The main sources are fatty varieties sea ​​fish: halibut, mackerel, herring, tuna, trout, salmon. However, it is important to keep in mind that valuable acids are found in wild fish that fed on seaweed and small fish. Artificial trout and salmon raised on animal feed are practically devoid of Omega-3.

Except wild fish There are a lot of these acids in cod liver, walnuts, flaxseed oil, spinach, sesame, flax seeds. In practice, the cheapest and easiest way to increase the amount of Omega-3 in your diet and balance the balance with Omega-6 is by eating a handful of walnuts daily and adding flaxseed oil, sesame or flax seeds to cereals and salads.

Myth five: Healthy image life – the strongest protection against heart attack

Of course, proper nutrition, sleep, minimum stress and bad habits dramatically reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. However, sometimes we come across sad examples: a person did not drink, did not smoke, did not overeat, but died in early age from heart attack/stroke.

Modern research shows that there is another serious risk factor that damages blood vessels, which few people think about: elevated levels of homocysteine, explains geneticist Irina Zhegulina. This is an amino acid that is formed in our body during the processing of the essential amino acid methionine and the metabolism of B vitamins. If a person has impaired absorption of one of them - vitamin B9 (folic acid), then the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood increases, and, being in excess, this substance begins to damage blood vessels.

Therefore, people who have signs of cardiovascular problems are recommended to get their homocysteine ​​levels tested.


What actually destroys arteries?

- Smoking: Resins and other toxic substances enter the body, damaging the walls of blood vessels.

- Abuse of sweets: with an increased level of glucose in the blood, the destruction of the walls of blood vessels begins, primarily in those organs where the vessels are thin and form capillary networks: the brain, eyes, kidneys.

- Increased level amino acid homocysteine, the content of which in the blood goes off scale if a person has problems absorbing folic acid .

Giving the body the desired shape without harming one’s own health is the main goal of anyone who dreams of getting in shape and maintaining it for many years. But what diet should you choose so that the process of getting rid of extra centimeters does not become stressful for the body?

The famous nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov proved that to get desired result, violence against oneself is undesirable and even contraindicated. Severe restrictions lead to negative consequences, so the doctor developed his own weight loss method and shared the secret of how to lose weight wisely in a book of the same name and a program called “Family Size.”

Kovalkov’s program is not just a diet, it is a set of measures necessary for a smooth, step-by-step transition to proper nutrition and restoration of metabolism. The Kovalkov diet has a varied menu and is suitable for the whole family.

Advantages of the Kovalkov technique

The prolonged diet from Dr. Kovalkov stands out favorably against the background of fanatical weight loss programs and is fundamentally different from them. The author is an example of the effectiveness of his technique, with which he managed to lose up to 50 kg, thereby earning the respect of his patients.

The Kovalkov Clinic has an impeccable reputation and is recognized as one of the most sought after in Moscow. Using Kovalkov’s method, many grateful clients lost weight and regained their health. Today, everyone can appreciate the benefits of a diet: no need to count calories, no fasting, self-torture and grueling workouts, a step-by-step diet that allows you to lose weight without Herculean efforts and stress, cleansing the body and improving general condition health, prevention of many diseases and balanced healthy eating for the whole family.

Cruel treatment of your body and excessive restrictions are fraught with nervous breakdowns and eating disorders. Kovalkov’s program, on the contrary, is suitable for anyone who has enough patience and strives to maintain the results for a long time.

Preparing the body for a diet

Any changes in nutrition require some effort, so switching to new way requires moral and physical training. It may take 2-4 weeks, during which you need to be patient and have a positive mood.

  • eat small meals 5 times a day;
  • drink at least 1.5 liquids (unsweetened);
  • replace animals with plants;
  • limit consumption of complex foods after 18:00 and more than 5g;
  • include dairy products in the diet;
  • do not forget about light physical exercise;
  • forget the taste of alcohol, fast food and foods with a high glycemic index (GI).

A GI index above 70 is considered high; the list of the most popular products and components that need to be avoided is presented in the table. Their absence reduces the risk of developing diabetes and the level.

Products and ingredients to avoid
Product name GI indicator
French baguette long 136
Rice noodles 131
, ale 130
Cookie 106
Wheat toast bread 100
fried, baked 95
Hamburger buns 93
Pasta 91
Mashed potatoes 90
Rice flakes 90
Donuts 88
Ice cream 87
Corn flakes, popcorn 85
boiled 85
White bread, rice 85
Boiled potatoes 83
Chips, crackers 80
Muesli with nuts and dried fruits 80
Brown rice 79
sweet canned 78
Waffles 76
Millet groats 71
and other feed 70
Boiled sweet corn 70
White chocolate, milk 70
Marmalade, marshmallow 70
Granulated sugar 70
, vareniki 70

Dietary food according to Kovalkov is varied and balanced, so the list of permitted foods changes depending on the current stage. The third phase has practically no restrictions, however, products with high rate GI should be excluded from the diet permanently to maintain the effect.

First phase: cleansing the body

The first stage is aimed at comprehensive cleansing of the body from waste and toxins. Its duration is 1-2 weeks until desired result. During this time you can lose 5-10 kg overweight and more.

This period is the only one in the cycle when you should strictly adhere to the nutritionist’s recommendations and limit your diet.

An example of an optimal menu for the first week:

  • breakfast – a glass of low-fat or fresh vegetable juice, a tablespoon;
  • lunch – half or sour;
  • lunch - stewed vegetables or fresh buckwheat with greens;
  • afternoon snack - or green apple, a glass of juice;
  • dinner - vegetable salad with a piece of low-fat cheese.

Before going to bed, it is permissible to eat the white of a boiled egg or drink a low-fat glass, and unsweetened apples are suitable to satisfy hunger during the day. If you drink water an hour before meals, you can trick your body into filling your stomach and get a feeling of extra satiety.

Losing weight can weaken the body, so forceful exercise and nervous tension should be avoided.

Examples of simple recipes

Since this period is considered the most difficult, the menu should be as varied as possible.

The first ingredients that come to mind for dinner are:

  • cucumbers, tomatoes - 2 pcs each;
  • red sweet onion – 1 piece;
  • pitted - a third of the jar;
  • or low-fat – 100 g;
  • and other fresh greens;
  • – 1 tsp;

In this combination, it is easy to recognize the famous “Greek” salad, in which you can replace high-calorie components with dietary ones without deviating from the classic recipe.

Remembering the benefits of apples, you can prepare a healthy sweet and sour salad, having on hand following products:

  • – ½ head of cabbage;
  • cucumber – 1 piece;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • apples – 2 pcs;
  • olive oil – 1 tsp.

A vegetable-based diet is a godsend for vegetarians who have managed to modify even traditionally meat salads. During the first phase of the Kovalkov diet, vegetarian recipes will help you discover a new dish every day.

Second phase: proper nutrition

After achieving the desired size, a person switches to a healthy diet. The first stage gets rid of fat deposits and restores the intestinal microflora, while the second allows you to smoothly exit the restriction regime.

The second stage lasts from one month to six months, during which time natural weight loss is observed. To stabilize your diet, you should gradually include seafood, lean meat, fish, and low-fat.

Sample menu for a month:

  • breakfast - oatmeal with fruit or low-fat with bran;
  • lunch – a handful of nuts or dried fruits;
  • lunch – vegetable puree, boiled chicken breast;
  • afternoon snack - cottage cheese;
  • dinner – steamed fish with vegetables.

The diet still excludes foods from the list of prohibited foods and salt in large quantities. Vegetables, meat and fish should be stewed or steamed. It is important to eat five meals a day and not overeat.

Third phase: consolidation of the result

At the third stage, the body becomes aware of its new weight and finally gets used to the new way of life. During this period, a person creates the most comfortable diet for himself, since the list of acceptable products expands and includes the entire range that the technique can offer.

It is not forbidden to occasionally indulge yourself with baked goods, bitters and other delicacies, without deviating from the norm. It is also acceptable to use quality, which is moderate amount will definitely benefit.

The effectiveness of Kovalkov's technique

Dr. Kovalkov’s program is a classic healthy diet, so it has no contraindications. Its effectiveness is confirmed by reviews from patients who noted positive changes in organism:

  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • lowering cholesterol and sugar levels;
  • normalization of metabolism and water-salt balance;
  • acquiring healthy habits that help avoid debilitating feelings of hunger;
  • acquiring a diet and general improvement well-being;
  • maintaining tone and elasticity of the skin;
  • strengthening hair and nails.

The list of advantages of the technique can be supplemented with the remark that from proper nutrition affect all aspects of human life. Taking care of your health motivates those around you to change better side, and this is the key to personal happiness, successful career and family well-being.

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