Bay leaf 1. Bay leaves are a useful seasoning and medicine! How to use a decoction of bay leaves. Bay leaf decoction for acne

Noble laurel - sacred tree Apollo, bringing happiness and health benefits. Bay leaves have been used to treat many diseases since ancient times. The beneficial properties of bay leaves were recommended by Hippocrates and Galen. Medieval healers used tinctures and decoctions as an expectorant, anti-fever and healing agent.

How does a bay leaf grow?

The tree on which the bay leaf grows reaches a height of up to 15 meters. The plant has smooth dark brown bark, non-hairy shoots, and a pyramidal crown. The leaves are elliptical in shape on short stalks, alternate. The length of the leaf plate is up to 20 cm. The flowers are small, yellowish umbels.

The Mediterranean is considered its homeland. The southwest is widespread in Russia Krasnoyarsk Territory. Capable of going wild, and found wild throughout the Mediterranean. Trees live up to 100 years or more.

Only young, but fully developed leaves are harvested. They are usually made in winter, December and January, and dried by laying them out in a thick layer.

The use of bay leaves in folk medicine

  • the bitterness of bay leaf is good for digestion and improves appetite;
  • plant phytoncides destroy many microbes, including tubercle bacilli;
  • if you chew a bay leaf you can get rid of any inflammation of the mouth;
  • remedies from the plant are used for neuritis, convulsive syndromes;
  • bay leaf treats headaches, relieves toothache;
  • it is a powerful cleanser;
  • bay leaf with honey - lung ulcers, chronic cough, suffocation;
  • a good remedy for intoxication - fastened behind the ear during a feast will prevent you from getting drunk;
  • wood is very calming; if you attach it to a child’s bed, the child will become calmer and sleep well;
  • infusion of bay fruits is a good remedy for flies - soak in water, then sprinkle throughout the house;
  • a good antidote against any poison;
  • Bay infusion helps with dysentery.

Bay leaf in folk medicine recipes

Bay leaf infusion: dry bay leaf - 15 pieces, boil one and a half glasses of boiling water for 5 minutes, let stand for 4 hours. Drink a tablespoon before meals to strengthen the immune system.

Milk infusion: add one bay leaf to 0.5 liters of milk, gradually bring to a boil, close tightly and leave for half an hour. Use twice a day.

Bay leaf tincture: Grind dry raw materials to powder. A glass of powder, 0.5 liters of vodka, close tightly. Keep in a dark and warm place for two weeks, filter. Take a teaspoon with water, through a straw, as the product destroys teeth, three times before meals, half an hour. They are treated for three days, after a ten-day break they are treated for another three days. The course is repeated only after six months.

  • use urolithiasis disease, dysentery, cholera;
  • tumors of the throat and thyroid gland;
  • initial stage of diabetes mellitus;
  • Bay leaf tincture is also used for nerve disorders, depression, and swelling;
  • removes waste and toxins well;
  • increases immunity;
  • Bay leaf tincture is useful after a stroke;
  • treats stomatitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • helps with allergic rashes;
  • neuralgia, muscle pain, joint diseases - externally and internally;
  • colds, cough - inhalation 10 drops per liter of boiling water;
  • removes freckles and age spots.

Bay leaf oil: Leave 30g of powder from the plant, 0.5l of vegetable oil for 14 days in a sunny place or an hour in a water bath, strain and close tightly.

  • rub sore joints;
  • helps with cramps, muscle pain;
  • paralysis
  • salt deposition
  • bay leaf oil treats ringworm, ulcers, and other skin diseases
  • runny nose - 2 drops three times a day in each nostril
  • increases blood circulation
  • heals long-lasting wounds
  • rub in during hypothermia

Bay leaf for joints: Mix 30g bay leaf powder, 40g goose fat, 30g hop cones thoroughly. Rub sore joints in the evening.

Bay leaf with juniper: 8 parts bay powder, 1 part unsalted butter, twelve parts. The ointment is a good remedy for rubbing: relieves pain, soothes muscle and rheumatic pain.

Cough: Boil 4 bay leaves, 200 ml of water over low heat, filter. Drink before bed for 5 days in a row.

Initial stage of hypertension: To treat hypertension with bay leaves, 5 bay leaves are thrown into a glass of boiling water. Leave it in a thermos overnight. In the morning, drink half of the prepared napar, the rest before dinner.

Cervical erosion: 5 bay leaves, a pinch of green tea, bring to a boil and cool. Add 3 tablets of streptocide to the composition. Use for douching for 10 days at .

Haemorrhoids: 25 bay leaves, 3 liters of water, boil for 2 minutes. Remove the container from the heat, wrap it warmly, and leave until cooled. Drink a glass in small sips all day. Use until the product runs out. When finished, prepare a new portion, which is taken after a short break.

Diabetes folk remedies bay leaf treatment: leave a tablespoon of raw materials, a glass of boiled water until cooled. Drink small sips per day in the early stages of diabetes.

Heartburn: useful bay leaf and oregano collected during the flowering period are mixed. 1 hour a spoonful of the mixture is steamed 200ml boiling water, filter after a while.

Pediculosis, scabies: finely chopped raw materials are boiled in a small amount of water until a concentrated extract is formed. The broth is mixed with pork fat and used for rubbing.

Salt deposits: 5g of raw bay leaves, 300ml of water, boil for exactly five minutes, stand for four hours, filter. They drink a tablespoon every hour from seven in the morning, finishing at six. The treatment is only a little for three days, but there is a long break of two weeks. Then the treatment is repeated.

Liver enlargement: Steam 300 bay leaves with 1 liter of water, add 10 tbsp. honey and boil until the water is reduced by half, filter. Drink half a glass, store in the refrigerator.

Barley: Boil 12 bay leaves, 250 ml of water from the beginning of the boil for a quarter of an hour, keep warm for half an hour, wrap it up, filter. Drink in small sips throughout the day. Treatment lasts 10 days.

Sweaty feet: Boil 15 bay leaves in 2 liters of water, do foot baths daily until a positive result. The effect will be better if mixed with oak bark and plantain leaves

Pain in bladder: Mix 100g bay leaves, honey - 0.5kg, 50g raspberry syrup. Simmer until the mixture has reduced by one third. Drink a third of a glass before bed. Store in a cool place.

Joint pain: Boil 50g of bay leaf, 250ml of water by a third, strain the mixture and divide it into 4 parts. Every day they drink one part, in small portions, spread out throughout the day. Do not swallow immediately, it is advisable to keep it in your mouth for a while. The treatment is very effective, so it is repeated only after a year and a half.

To maintain masculine strength: Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, 3 bay leaves, 12 cloves of garlic, 12 cloves, 0.7 liters of natural wine, 1 teaspoon each of Rhodiola rosea, fennel fruits and natural honey. One clove is inserted into each clove of garlic. Then place it in a saucepan, add bay leaf, honey, wine, herbs. Boil until the volume is reduced by half, strain and place in containers with dark glass. Take a teaspoon at night.

Gout, rheumatism, osteochondrosis: half a pack of bay leaves, 300 ml of chilled water, let it boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Drink the whole remedy at once. Drink for three days, then break for 10 days and another 3 days. There may be pain when urinating, you need to increase the amount of water. Do not use this remedy during pregnancy or glomerulonephritis.

Bay leaf treatment contraindications

  • Pregnant women do not use
  • nursing women
  • having gastritis or gastric and duodenal ulcers
  • tendency to constipation
  • for severe diabetes mellitus
  • tendency to bleed
  • damage to the kidneys, liver, spleen by the starch-like substance amyloid

Overdose of bay leaves - nausea, dizziness, vomiting.

Collection and preparation of bay leaves

Benefits of bay leaf

The chemical composition of bay leaf is rich in elements natural origin. Based on the plant, decoctions, infusions, extracts are prepared, and essential oil is extracted.

Bay leaf contains phytosterol, linalool, essential oil, tannins, camphor, acids (formic, caproic, butyric, lauric, acetic). The composition includes a lot of useful compounds:

  • fats, proteins, carbohydrates;
  • vitamins of group A, B, C, PP;
  • macro- and microelements: magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, copper, selenium, iron, manganese, potassium.

Due to such a number of biologically active substances, bay leaves are used in pharmaceuticals to combat ailments. The healing properties of bay leaves are varied.

Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects

Bay leaf is a natural antiseptic that has anti-inflammatory properties and produces an analgesic effect. Its aqueous infusion is taken in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, pustular diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, and for the disinfection of abrasions or wounds. The antiseptic effect is provided by formic and caproic acids, camphor and tannins found in bay leaves.


Bay leaves are also useful for those who suffer from insomnia or increased irritability and nervous excitability. The smell of bay leaves or bathing with a decoction has a gentle effect on the human nervous system. The sedative effect occurs due to the linalool included in the composition.

Strengthens the immune system, fights flu and colds

A decoction of laurel leaves helps to cope with viral infections in the body and strengthen the immune system during seasonal diseases. But such a remedy is effective only in complex therapy. Bay leaves owe this beneficial property to lauric acid.

Has a diuretic effect, promotes weight loss

A decoction of bay leaves removes stagnant fluid from the body. Having gotten rid of it, a person will feel lighter, including physically: a couple of extra pounds will go away along with the liquid. The effect is achieved due to the presence of essential oils and butyric acid in bay leaves, which activate metabolic processes in the body. And fast metabolism plays main role in the fight against excess weight.

Removes excess salts from joints

Since salt deposits provoke pain in the joints, the salts need to be removed. Treatment with bay decoction is carried out subject to special diet for six days, with a short break between three days. A similar treatment method is also used for rheumatic diseases.

Improves the condition of facial skin and hair

Thanks to the rich complex of macro- and microelements that make up laurel, it is used to combat skin problems (acne, oily shine, enlarged pores) and weakened hair (dull color, brittleness). It is recommended to wipe areas with acne with a decoction of bay leaves. An infusion of bay leaves will help achieve shine and strengthen your hair. Toning masks with bay leaf extract are in great demand among women.

Treats fungal skin diseases

Infusion of bay leaves is used to wipe feet affected by fungus, with excessive sweating, severe itching and burning. This infusion quickly soothes damaged skin of the feet, eliminates bad smell, dries the skin and resists viral infection.

Prevents the development of diabetes mellitus

Bay infusions can be recommended for this disease as an adjuvant. It will help lower blood glucose levels and normalize carbohydrate balance. Let us note that it is advisable to carry out such treatment only at the initial stage of diabetes and after consultation with a specialist.

Eliminates bad breath

You should expect results here if the unpleasant odor is caused by a bacterial infection of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, bleeding gums). Water infusion of laurel has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, which helps destroy harmful bacteria.

Facilitates the course of nasopharyngeal diseases

The antimicrobial and antibiotic effects of acids, the “expectorant” property of camphor have a positive effect on the course of respiratory tract diseases (throat cancer, sinusitis, dry cough). Thanks to active action chemical substances bay leaf accelerates the patient's recovery process.

Improves digestion

Good metabolism promotes comfortable digestion, which is important for a person suffering from stomach problems. Butyric acid, contained in bay leaf, has a protective effect on the colon, protecting it from the harmful effects of toxins. It also acts as a catalyst for metabolic processes. The pungent smell of dried bay leaves increases appetite, even if a person is picky about food or eats poorly.

In addition, a decoction of bay leaves will help cope with mild dysentery, since the composition contains components that cause “fixation” of loose stools.

Reduces arterial pressure

Bay leaf infusion reduces the numbers on the tonometer if blood pressure increases slightly. At the same time, be careful because camphor, which is part of laurel, increases blood pressure and heart rate.

Reduces allergic reaction

Bay leaf helps with acute or chronic allergies. To do this, take a water infusion based on spices. The product neutralizes the negative reaction to the allergen and alleviates the symptoms of the disease.

Accelerates the onset of menstruation

If a woman experiences a slight delay (less than 10 days) in her period and is sure that she is not pregnant, then you can take a decoction of bay leaf. Drinking concentrated bay leaves will cause uterine contractions and cause bleeding. This way you will speed up the onset of “critical days”.

Harm of bay leaves

In addition to the positive effect on the human condition, bay leaf can also have a negative effect. The risk group includes those who self-medicate and take laurel medicines without a prescription from a specialist. Bay leaf poses a pharmaceutical hazard if it is taken in large doses without following special conditions. Unsystematic use of spices can cause constipation or cause poisoning. To prevent this, follow the instructions provided.

There are certain categories of people who are prohibited from treatment with bay leaves due to their specific chemical composition. In order not to worsen your health, remember for which diseases and conditions the use of laurel is not recommended or contraindicated.

Pregnancy and lactation

Drinking a decoction of bay leaves causes contraction of the uterus and increases its muscle tone. This can lead to miscarriage or abnormal fetal development in the pregnant woman. It is forbidden for nursing mothers to use a decoction of bay leaves.

Intestinal obstruction, gastric and duodenal ulcers

Serious illnesses require special diet and intake medicines. Many medications do not combine well with certain substances in bay leaves. In addition, decoctions and infusions of this plant can aggravate the course of pathologies.

Tendency to constipation

Taking an aqueous infusion of bay leaves, even in acceptable doses, can cause constipation. To avoid this, it is recommended to eat a lot of coarse fiber and water during the treatment period.

Cardiovascular diseases

Since bay leaves contain substances that can increase or decrease blood pressure and have a cardiac stimulating effect, you should take decoctions based on it with caution.

Acute forms of liver and kidney diseases

During an exacerbation, it is prohibited to prescribe treatment with bay leaves, as this can worsen the condition and lead to irreversible consequences. The property of bay leaves to remove fluid from the body can provoke the movement of kidney stones.

Severe diabetes

Bay leaf will only benefit diabetics who have early stage course of the disease. In severe cases of diabetes mellitus, decoctions and infusions of bay leaves are contraindicated.


Bay leaves can cure allergies, or they can cause them. If you are prone to allergic reactions or suspect that you have an intolerance to bay leaf components, then avoid taking products based on it.

If you do not have the listed diseases, and your attending physician approves of taking bay spice in medicinal purposes, it will not pose a health hazard.

Properties of bay leaf

The magical power of bay leaf

Bay leaf, its benefits and harm

Useful and healing properties of bay leaf

Chemical and vitamin composition

Using bay leaves in cooking

Bay leaf for weight loss

Bay leaves have a pronounced diuretic effect, which helps cleanse the body of toxins, waste and salts. Due to its properties, this spice is often used by people who want to get rid of extra pounds - a variety of infusions, decoctions and teas are made from it.

All this can bring some cleansing effect, however, such methods should not be abused and one must remember that the plant has a very powerful diuretic effect. Based on this, you need to control the amount of liquid you drink; it should not be less than two liters. And for those who are actively involved in sports, doctors recommend drinking two glasses of water a couple of hours before training. Plus, the disadvantages of bay leaves include the property of causing constipation; be sure to take this feature into account before starting cleansing. It is even recommended to do special enemas before it.

You should not use laurel infusions and decoctions for weight loss for too long, this can provoke severe dehydration. Plus, along with the liquid, there is a loss of useful substances, for example, potassium, which can have negative consequences on the cardiovascular system.

Plus, you need to properly organize your diet: for breakfast, choose hearty and healthy dishes, for lunch - first courses cooked in low-fat broth, and for dinner it is better to give preference to a light vegetable salad, boiled fish and meat. The diet should contain a large amount of fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. If to all this you also add infusions and bay leaf teas in moderation, you can quickly and without unpleasant consequences say goodbye to extra pounds.

Correct selection and storage of laurel

Growing bay leaves (laurel nobilis) at home

Harm and contraindications

Bay leaf decoction - benefits and harms

IN folk medicine Bay leaves are most often used not fresh, but in infusions and decoctions. It is worth taking a closer look at the healing capabilities of bay leaves and finding out how safe its use can be.

For what diseases is the decoction used?

The use of bay leaves for medicinal purposes has been known since ancient times:

  • it was widely used as an effective antidote, and it was claimed that it could neutralize any poison;
  • a decoction of bay leaves is used to improve the movement of bile through the ducts;
  • taking it helps get rid of kidney stones;
  • its use is recognized by traditional medicine as an effective means for cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  • A decoction of bay leaves is effective for treating joints - its long-term use ensures their release from salts and helps restore tissue elasticity.

Taking the decoction helps lower blood sugar levels. A decoction of bay leaves, the benefits of which have been repeatedly confirmed, is used to stimulate metabolic processes in the body, helps strengthen the immune system and normalize the activity of the nervous and other systems.

Noted positive influence decoctions on the functioning of the digestive tract: the essential oils included in its composition actively participate in this process.

A decoction of bay leaves is widely used in procedures promoting weight loss: being a fairly strong diuretic, it actively removes excess fluid from the body. However, do not forget that taking a decoction for weight loss should become only one of the components of a complex to combat extra pounds.

However, like any drug, a decoction of bay leaves can bring both tangible benefits and harm to the body if used thoughtlessly, without taking into account individual characteristics. It is strictly contraindicated for various types of inflammation occurring in internal organs, as well as for chronic diseases kidneys and liver. In addition, excessive use of the drug can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Experts say that bay leaf preparations can be used after consultation with your doctor.

Bay leaf: medicinal properties, contraindications, use

Use of bay leaf

The laurel has always had a good and kind reputation and was considered a sign of strength, victory and greatness. And this is not accidental, since from ancient times people knew not only about the semantic status of this plant, but also about its magnificent healing qualities. Bay leaf, the medicinal properties of which are known to many, is used very widely:

  • In cooking. The leaves of this plant have a pronounced aroma and bitter taste, which is especially appreciated when cooking. Laurel is often added to soups, stews, main courses, sauces, marinades and used for preservation.
  • In classical and folk medicine. Having a unique natural composition, bay leaf, whose medicinal properties are universal, can help with various diseases. It has antimicrobial and antifungal, diuretic, astringent, anticancer, immunostimulating effects, improves digestion and lowers blood pressure. Bay leaf extracts and oils are used as a basis in the production of medicines and in the practice of traditional medicine.
  • In chemical industrial production. Laurel leaves are used in technological cycle production of camphor and cineole.

Application for weight loss

Contraindications for use

Features of the composition

The composition of bay leaves is very interesting in terms of the content of special chemicals. Its structure includes organic compounds useful for humans:

  • Formic and acetic acids have the properties of natural antibiotics and preservatives and can prevent the occurrence of putrefactive processes.
  • Butyric acid has energy properties and activates metabolic processes. It also has a protective effect on the colon, preventing the occurrence of pathological processes in it.
  • Caproic acid has the ability to stop bleeding and gives a good anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Lauric acid maintains the balance of healthy cholesterol and has excellent antiviral properties.
  • Phytosterol is able to suppress the deposits of bad cholesterol.
  • Linalool is an aromatic substance that has a mild sedative effect on the human nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Camphor has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, stimulating blood circulation and antimicrobial effects. This substance also has a vasoconstrictor, cardiotonic, expectorant effect on the human body, increases blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Tannins have pronounced astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

In addition, bay leaves contain many vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, PP. This makes it a valuable source of natural biologically active components. Bay leaves are also rich in micro- and macronutrients. It contains calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, selenium and manganese.

This is how many useful substances the bay leaf contains, which is accessible to everyone. The product may lose its medicinal properties after the expiration date. Therefore, it is very important to know how to choose the right bay leaf.

Purchase Features

Laurel cures many ailments

Bay oil

Water infusions and decoctions

The basis for preparing infusions and decoctions is bay leaf. Its medicinal properties are very extensive. You can use water or alcohol as an extractant. Water is most often used. For various diseases, infusions of different concentrations are used. The saturation of the water extract can be adjusted with a larger or smaller amount of raw material taken for a certain volume of water.

Infusions and decoctions based on bay leaves are used for the following diseases:

  • When salts are deposited in the body. An infusion is prepared from 5 g of laurel leaves and 400 ml of boiling water and kept in a thermos overnight. This is the daily dose of the product, which should be taken in doses, spread over 12 hours. The course of treatment is 3 days. Then you can rest for a week. After rest, the three-day course of taking the decoction is repeated. Treatment is carried out against the background of a light vegetarian diet with strict abstinence from drinking alcohol.
  • For fungal infections of the feet, excessive sweating, itching and burning, use a decoction of 30 laurel leaves (per glass of water). The mixture boils for just a couple of minutes, then infuses for about three hours. The decoction is added to a foot bath, which must be taken every evening for 10 minutes. This infusion can also be used for various allergic reactions in the form of lotions externally (provided that there is no allergic reaction to the bay leaf itself).
  • For problems with the oral cavity: stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, it is recommended to rinse with an aqueous infusion of laurel, which has a pronounced antibacterial, astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • For high blood sugar, an infusion of 10 bay leaves brewed in three glasses of boiling water will help. The product should be kept in a thermos for three hours. Then the strained solution is taken three times a day, 100 ml 20 minutes before meals. With regular use, blood glucose levels return to normal.
  • For barley on the eye, an infusion of three bay leaves brewed in a glass of boiling water effectively helps. A kind of tea, which must be steeped for at least 20 minutes, drunk in six cups, will help get rid of this ailment in the shortest possible time.
  • For colds and flu, a decoction of crushed bay leaves is used. One spoon of raw material is added to two glasses of boiling water and the mixture is boiled for 10 minutes. Next, you need to let it brew. The strained broth is drunk 100 ml three times a day 20 minutes before meals. This remedy fights infection and strengthens the immune system.
  • For acute and chronic sinusitis, inhalation with a decoction of bay leaves is recommended. To prepare it, boil 10 leaves of the plant in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Next, a five-minute inhalation is carried out over the hot broth, covered with a towel. This procedure promotes the drainage of purulent formations from the maxillary sinuses and provides an antimicrobial effect.

The fact is that if bay leaf is used incorrectly, you can spoil the taste of the dish and get harmful substances from food. But let’s not get scared ahead of time, but let’s begin a more careful study of this product and features of its use in cooking.

Laurel. This proud word associated with Apollo, the ancient God, symbolizing masculinity and strength.

There is a beautiful legend about how he fell in love with Daphne, the most beautiful nymph.

But the young god of love Eros played a prank and shot two arrows at them.

One pierced Apollo's heart and filled him with incredible love.

But another arrow hit Daphne’s heart, which, on the contrary, pushed her away from the handsome god.

In the end, she was tired of the constant persecution of her lover and she asked the Gods to save her from her suffering. Hearing her pleas, they turned her into a laurel bush. Daphne translated from Greek sounds like “laurel,” so where the name came from is no question.

From then on, Apollo always wore a wreath woven from laurel branches on his head.

Lavrushka has always been popular. It was used to aromatize homes and disinfect premises. They washed their hands with the solution before eating, and rinsed babies in it to protect them from evil spirits.

In general, there are many beliefs associated with the seasoning. Many people still believe that it is laurel leaves that save their homes from fires and lightning strikes, and that if you put them under your pillow, you will definitely dream about prophetic dream. The leaves sewn into the mattress help couples find happiness, and if you hang them around the house, not a single person with evil thoughts will get inside.

Where it grows.

Today, laurel bushes are found not only in Greece. The plant is quite common in Spain, Turkey, Portugal, Russia and many other countries. Why, you can even find it on window sills in apartments.

Surprisingly The fragrant leaves became a food seasoning relatively recently. But in folk medicine and cosmetology they have been used with great success since time immemorial.

Here are just some ways to use bay leaf:

  • infants are bathed in the broth to relieve inflammation and skin irritation;
  • the tincture is used as a tonic;
  • the infusion is used to cleanse the body, remove toxins, and normalize blood sugar levels;
  • essential oil helps in disinfecting the room and also has an excellent calming effect;
  • You can normalize children's and adult sleep by laying out leaves around the bedroom;
  • if you regularly make a foot bath with laurel leaves, you will be able to get rid of fungus, relieve sweating, and remove unpleasant odors;
  • Using the seasoning, remedies are prepared to treat throat, runny nose, ear and toothache, and aching joints;
  • By rubbing the skin with decoctions and tonics prepared from bay leaves, you can get rid of oily shine, pigmentation, inflammation, narrow pores, and restore natural regeneration processes;
  • Rinsing hair with decoctions is considered a long-standing secret of the voluminous hairstyles of Georgian beauties.

The popularity and demand of the plant is explained by its unique abilities.

About spices - composition, taste, aroma

The laurel bush is unique in itself.

In terms of lifespan, it can even compete with oak.

It also contains a lot of essential oils and essential oils. to the human body for the normal functioning of fatty acids.

The calorie content of the leaf is 313 kcal per 100 g., but this figure will not scare anyone, because it is not consumed in such quantities.

Laurel cannot boast of a large number of vitamins, but it contains more than enough representatives of groups B, A, C and PP. It should also be noted calcium, manganese, iron, potassium, etc.

Lavrushka has long been recognized as an antiseptic even by representatives of traditional medicine. These are explained unique abilities high content of resins and phytoncides.

Everyone who uses seasoning in their life needs to know beneficial features and contraindications of bay leaf. The first list can include the ability:

  • provide the body with the majority essential vitamins and microelements;
  • awaken appetite;
  • improve the absorption of nutrients coming from other foods;
  • increase immunity;
  • remove toxins and waste;
  • support kidney function;
  • reduce blood sugar levels;
  • regulate the content of bad cholesterol.


Scientists have proven that bay leaves contain substances that prevent the development of cancer cells.

Bay leaf has no contraindications, but caution will not hurt people who have problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, as well as pregnant women. There may also be individual intolerance to the product. Also, harm to the body can be caused by consuming low-quality leaves that were either collected incorrectly or were not stored in accordance with existing rules. Take responsibility for your health and nutrition.

Many works are devoted to the use of laurel in medicine and cosmetology, but still, most often this seasoning is used in cooking, so this issue should be discussed in more detail.

It is quite difficult to imagine cooking without laurel. It is added to soup, used to enhance the aroma of main courses and appetizers, and used for canning, but is it done correctly?

What do most of us do? Just at a certain moment, so to speak, “by eye,” he adds a couple of bay leaves to the food being prepared and that’s it. And the recipes always say to add salt, bay leaf and other spices to taste. What are the subtleties here? But they exist, and it is very important to know them, and first of all, everything depends on what dish they are used for.

For convenience, the information is presented in tabular form.

First meal

Cooking option When to add
Thick soups The leaves are placed 10 minutes before readiness, left after turning off for a couple of minutes and removed.
Liquid soups Added 5 minutes before the end of cooking, then be sure to remove
chicken broth Doesn't fit. May spoil the taste.
Vegetable broth If you use it, then in a minimal quantity, but in general it is better to use fresh or dried herbs.
Fish broth In fish broth, laurel is used depending on the type of fish. If it is already bitter, then it is better to discard it, and if not, then at the very end of cooking, perhaps even when the pan is already turned off, put it in for a couple of minutes and immediately remove it.
Meat broth It should be added to the meat 15-20 minutes before it is ready, then removed.

Second courses




Preparations for the winter

If you carefully studied the table, you will notice that the recommendations are often repeated. We will answer the most common questions:

  1. Why do you have to remove the whole bay leaf from the finished dish? Because if this is not done, saturated essential oils will begin to be released from it, which will make the taste of the finished dish sharper. It is worth noting that some people love such a rich taste in thick meat soups and gravies. Also, these substances are harmful to the body. But here we're talking about about small quantities. which can be neglected.
  2. Is ground bay leaf harmful in prepared foods? No. When milled under industrial conditions, the leaf undergoes additional processing and retains only its aromatic properties.

The bay leaf is an evergreen plant, a fact that confuses many. Remember, under no circumstances should you pick off the leaves whenever you want and use them for food. Their lifespan is 4 years, and only those collected from a one and a half or two year old bush are safe for use.

They are not picked individually, but with a branch. Dry for 7-10 days in the shade. According to the rules, you need moderate humidity and a sufficient amount fresh air. The laurel goes on sale in the form of twigs. Normally, the shape should remain unchanged. The smoother the sheet, the smoother its matte surface, the better quality it is.

You should not purchase bay leaf that is broken, has stains, or has an unnatural shine. Also, when choosing, you should pay attention to the size of the sheet. It is believed that the most optimal length is 5-6 and width 2-3 cm.


If you use bay leaf that you grew yourself on the windowsill, also use only leaves that are 1.5-2 years old.

How to store at home

After purchasing the package with bay leaf (most often it is plastic packaging), you need to open it. Carefully pour out the contents, sort it out and put it in a glass, hermetically sealed jar for storage.

The seasoning can be stored for no more than a year in a dry, dark place, so carefully monitor the expiration date of the product.

In accordance with GOST, not only olive-matte, but also pale and yellow laurel leaves are allowed for consumption. However, it is worth remembering that they are no longer so useful and have lost most such important essential oils.

Many housewives, before adding laurel to a prepared dish, break the leaf, believing that this way they can get more flavor. Indeed, there is more aroma. But getting such particles out of the finished dish in time is problematic.

Using bay leaves in cooking helps make ready dish tastier, more aromatic and much healthier. But only if you follow all the rules and recommendations for its use.


How does a bay tree grow:

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In the modern world, the medicinal properties of bay leaves have been somewhat forgotten, replaced by use only as a flavoring spice. But traditional healers remember about the medicinal properties of the plant, who actively use the leaves on their own and introduce them into medicinal preparations.

Description of the plant

In its homeland - in the Mediterranean and Asia Minor - the noble laurel grows among other evergreen plants. This grouping is called "maquis". It is typical for tropical climate. The heat-loving plant grows well in Spain, Italy, France, and Portugal. It is actively cultivated on the territory of the Crimean peninsula.

Unpretentious to the composition of the soil, noble laurel can grow in the mountain steppe, on rocky and sandy slopes. The main condition for normal vegetation is constant temperature and absence severe frosts. At temperatures below 12 °C the plant dies.

Morphological characteristics

Laurel laurel is classified as an evergreen perennial plant. Depending on the conditions, a shrub or tree is formed, the height of which sometimes reaches 15 meters.

  • Roots. The root system is well developed, but lies shallow in the soil, which causes the plant to be unstable to severe frosts.
  • Escape. Covered with brown, smooth bark, laurel shoots stretch upward, developing especially well in flooded sunlight areas. Strong branching forms a dense pyramidal crown.
  • Leaves. They are densely located on the branches of the crown alternately. The elliptical leaf blade can reach a length of about 20 cm. The width is up to 4 cm. The edge of the plate is solid, the surface is leathery, very smooth, glossy. The green tint on top of the leaf blade is several tones darker than the color of the bottom side. The plate narrows towards the base. Attached to the branch with a short petiole.
  • Flowers. Small, up to 1 cm in diameter, collected from six pieces into small umbrellas. Several umbrellas are collected in the axils of the leaves at the ends of the branches. Before flowering, the umbrellas are covered with several dry scales, which fall off when the flowers open. The color of the corollas is white-green, with a yellowish tint.
  • Fruit. The drupes are black or dark purple in color, reaching 2 cm long, and have a round or oval shape. There is a large seed inside.

It was laurel fruits that were attributed the most active pharmacological properties in the first edition of the pharmacopoeia. At that time, drupes were called beans, and the ointment prepared from them was called bob.

Procurement process

The main medicinal raw material of bay laurel is its leaves. Due to the high content of essential oil, fresh leaves are partially processed. The same is done with freshly picked bay fruits. The leaf preparation looks like this:

  • Collection. It begins at the moment the first inflorescences bloom on the plant. As a rule, this is early spring. Only good, sunny weather is suitable for harvesting, so that there are no droplets of dew or moisture from the air on the foliage. Leaves are often collected along with young branches. These are the leaves that contain greatest number valuable essential oil.
  • Preparation. The raw materials are sorted for spoiled or damaged leaves. Check the moisture content.
  • Drying. Place in dense shade with good ventilation. When using devices, observe low temperature conditions to maintain oil concentration. To dry bay leaves yourself, you can hang young branches on a stretched string.
  • Storage. After complete drying, the leaves are collected in an airtight container made of glass or cellophane. Bay leaves should be stored in a dark place, away from humidity.

The crushed leaves are processed by distillation to obtain the essential oil. The use of high-tech devices makes it possible to obtain an extract from leaves that retains all the beneficial properties of fresh raw materials. Bay fruits are harvested in the fall. They are used fresh and prepared for future use by freezing. Under industrial conditions, fatty oil is obtained from the fruit, which is a thick granular substance with a characteristic odor.

Medicinal properties of bay leaf

The benefit of bay leaves lies in the content of especially valuable essential oil. Its volatile components have bactericidal, astringent, regenerating properties, have a sedative effect on the nervous system, and stimulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Multicomponent essential oil of laurel nobilis contains:

  • limonene;
  • camphene;
  • cineole;
  • pinene;
  • geraniol;
  • myrcene;
  • cadinene;
  • sabinen.

Organic acids contained in the leaves (valeric, caproic, acetic) can stimulate the production of bile and urine, and have anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and vasoprotective properties. Phytoncides and flavonoids provide the antitumor effect of laurel, as well as its ability to improve the condition of blood vessels.

Fatty oil extracted from laurel fruits is an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which comprehensively improve the functioning of the body, reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Bitterness and resins help improve appetite and activate the production of digestive juices.

The vitamin composition of laurel is as follows: vitamins C, A, K, PP, E.

Also found in the laurel are the main macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium. Rich chemical composition determines the characteristic taste of the plant and its high nutritional value.

Pharmacological effects

Laurel laurel has many therapeutic properties that are actively used in folk medicine. They use fresh and dried leaves of the plant, as well as oils and extracts extracted from the leaves and fruits. Due to its low cost, treatment with laurel leaves is most widespread. Indications for use include the following ailments:

The essential oil extracted from laurel has an equally long list of medicinal properties. They disinfect the air indoors where there are patients with severe infectious diseases. Inhalations are made with laurel oil for bronchitis and pneumonia to eliminate coughing attacks. Ingestion helps eliminate inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) mucosa, normalize stool and bile discharge. External use allows you to get rid of scabies, eczema, psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis. Laurel oil is dissolved and diluted with water intended for washing festering wounds. Rubs with essential oil are used for joints, body aches, muscle and vascular spasms.

Fatty oil has tremendous anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. It is recommended to use it instead of cocoa butter to make suppositories for hemorrhoids. Laurel oil will complement the effect of medications with its own healing properties. Ointments made from fatty oil help heal wounds, eliminate the symptoms of arthritis, and completely cure varicose veins of the lower extremities. Fatty oil from the fruit cleanses the body of waste, toxins, radionuclides, and provides effective cleaning of blood vessels. Taking it internally helps treat and prevent:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • complications with diabetes mellitus;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • nervous disorders;
  • obesity;
  • hormonal imbalances.

Traditional medicine uses laurel to induce abortion. Nowadays, laurel is recommended for girls suffering from regular delays in menstruation, as well as infertility caused by hormonal imbalances. Some traditional healers successfully treat alcoholism using bay leaves.


Treatment with laurel is easy to do right at home, because ready-to-eat dried leaves are sold in the nearest store and are available to people with any level of income. Before treatment, you need to understand some rules.

  • Who can't? Contraindications for bay leaf include individual sensitivity. If you are allergic to the plant, even external use is prohibited.
  • Side effect. Among the side effects is a diuretic, so people with large kidney stones should not be treated with laurel.
  • Timing of therapy is important. Damage to the plant can occur when it accumulates, so the use of fragrant raw materials should be moderate, and it is important to take a break every two weeks of treatment.


Peculiarities. It is used to treat colds, respiratory diseases, and joint ailments. Helps improve the functioning of the stomach and gallbladder.

Preparation and use

  1. 30 g of crushed dried bay leaves are poured with a glass of high-quality olive oil.
  2. Place the mixture in a dark place for a week, shaking the container regularly.
  3. Take a teaspoon of oil three times a day before meals.


Peculiarities. A decoction of bay leaves at home is used to treat colds and strengthen the immune system. You can also wash your face with it to get rid of acne. The use of bay leaves for hair can also be done according to this recipe - the decoction will strengthen the roots and improve the structure of the hair along the entire length.

Preparation and use

  1. A handful of bay leaves is poured with half a liter of boiling water.
  2. Place the container with the mixture on low heat and bring to a boil. Boil for five minutes.
  3. After the specified time, remove the decoction and leave it for four hours.
  4. After filtering, use the product up to six times a day, one tablespoon at a time, or use it externally.


Peculiarities. According to reviews, this ointment copes well with scabies, boils, eczema and psoriasis, as well as inflammatory diseases of muscles and joints.

Preparation and use

  1. Bay leaf powder (6 g) is mixed with 1 g of juniper needles crushed into powder.
  2. Add 12 g to the plant mixture butter, mix until smooth.
  3. Apply the ointment under the bandage several times a day.

Slimming Tea

Peculiarities. Laurel stimulates metabolic processes, so the leaves in any form are used to prepare slimming drinks. It is best to brew bay leaf for weight loss along with cinnamon.

Preparation and use

  1. Five dried bay leaves and a cinnamon stick are placed in a standard tea cup.
  2. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Drink three cups per day: on an empty stomach in the morning, after breakfast, and at night.


Peculiarities. The recipe for tincture of bay leaves involves the use of fresh raw materials. The prepared remedy is used to treat serious illnesses such as atherosclerosis and cancer of various localizations.

Preparation and use

  1. Two glasses of fresh bay leaf are passed through a meat grinder several times.
  2. The resulting substance is poured with a liter of pure vodka.
  3. Place the container with the mixture in a dark place for two weeks and shake it daily.
  4. After straining, the tincture is taken three times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

Dried bay leaves are used in folk medicine after simple steaming in boiling water:

  • for headaches– applied to the forehead and temples;
  • for cough - applied at night instead of mustard plasters;
  • for pain - make a compress from steamed leaves at night;
  • for wound healing– wrap the leaves under the bandage.

The healing properties of bay leaves are transmitted essential oil, which is sold freely in pharmacies. It can be used in its pure form and added to neutral base oils.

Treatment with bay leaves will help get rid of many ailments and will have effective prevention diseases of the blood, immunity, joints, colds and flu. Timely consumption of bay leaves as a preventive measure will prolong health for many years.

It would seem that a well-known spice, bay leaf, is fraught with many valuable secrets. It has been used in folk medicine for many centuries. During this time, many amazing properties for the treatment of all kinds of ailments were discovered and established. The list of medicinal products included leaves, seeds, bark and other components of the laurel tree.

Due to the fact that the plant allows you to get rid of many diseases, bay leaf has gained particular popularity not only as a spice, but also as a medicinal plant struggling with complex illnesses.

Medicinal properties of bay leaf

Having such a storehouse of wealth as a bay leaf, you can easily cope with many ailments. At first sight evergreen nothing interesting, but when you learn more about the medicinal properties of bay leaves, it becomes clear that it is literally a unique assistant in the fight for health and longevity.

Among the useful components contained in laurel, it is worth highlighting:

  • Potassium – helps normalize heart rate.
  • Copper – participates in the formation of bone, tissue and the creation of blood cells.
  • Selenium has an antioxidant effect and also helps in the fight against cancer cells.
  • Zinc – is involved in the normal functioning of the genital organs and affects their normal development.
  • Iron is an active participant in the formation of blood cells.

Among the vitamins that increase the healing properties of bay leaves, it is worth highlighting the following components:

  • A – promotes active growth of the retina.
  • Group B - are invaluable assistants in the formation of the mucous system, stabilization of metabolism, and the creation of red blood cells.
  • PP – is an active participant in enzyme metabolism, promotes normal functioning nervous system and the functioning of mucous membranes.
  • C – affects the strengthening of the body’s immune system, maintains tissue elasticity, promotes correct construction teeth and bone tissue.

There is no need to list all the beneficial properties of bay leaves. You just need to take into account everything that it can give to the human body and use these gifts to the fullest extent.

The use of bay leaves in folk medicine

Due to the fact that the beneficial properties of this spice have been known for a long time, the use of bay leaves in folk medicine is wide and varied. Among the ailments that bay leaf helps to cope with are the following:

  • Spasmodic pain.
  • Psoriasis and eczema.
  • Arthritis and joint diseases.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Diabetes.
  • Barley.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Convulsive states.
  • Joint pain.
  • Bedsores.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Insect bites.
  • Liver diseases and others.

Each specific disease has its own popular recommendations on the use of bay leaves. Systemic use of the spice allows you to cope with ailments and give health and longevity.

Bay decoction

Due to the fact that the leaves can be used different ways, treatment of diseases can be carried out using almost any method. Bay decoction is especially valuable in folk medicine, as it helps to cope with quite serious ailments and problems without unnecessary time and financial costs, and most importantly, without harm to health.

The valuable properties of the decoction are used to prevent excess salts - their formation and elimination. With just a week's consumption, one liter daily, you can achieve positive results. But, it is necessary to remember that such a drink can serve to remove kidney stones, so you should be prepared for such a “surprise” in advance. If a significant amount of salts is concentrated in the joints, then the course of treatment should be extended to two weeks.

Bay decoction will also provide invaluable help for cholecystitis. But it must be used with extreme caution, since the treatment is complex and at the same time several organs can be cleansed immediately.

For patients with diabetes, the product can also provide invaluable benefits. Before taking the drink, you should consult with your doctor. Some do not welcome traditional medicine in their practice, but noticing beneficial properties and a significant decrease in blood sugar, they recognize the benefits of bay decoction.

Sometimes, in the absence of advanced conditions, laurel also helps with hemorrhoids.

Bay oil

In order to prepare bay oil, which is an invaluable aid in the fight against many ailments, you will need the following components:

  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh bay leaves.
  • 1 cup olive oil.

After mixing well, you need to put the oil in a warm place for 10-12 days, after wrapping it in paper. Once the oil is ready, you can safely rub it into the skin and use it as directed.

Bay oil in folk medicine is used to treat:

  • Sinusitis. In order to quickly cope with the disease, you need to instill 2-3 drops into each nasal passage twice daily. A noticeable effect will appear on the 3rd day. In addition, bay oil can be used as an inhalation to speed up treatment.
  • Eczema and psoriasis. Rub into affected areas for a week. The skin will return to normal and will stop peeling and turning red.
  • Metabolism stimulant. Inhalations with laurel oil will speed up metabolic processes and stimulate appetite.
  • Restoration of hair, nails and skin. Masks and applications made from bay leaf oil allow you to restore spectacular shine to your hair, firmness to your nails, and elasticity to your skin.

Bay oil has other uses in folk medicine. But it should be used with extreme caution, since special diligence can negate the positive results obtained.

Bay water

Bay water is used as an excellent preventive and stimulating folk remedy. To prepare it, you need a liter of boiled chilled water, to which 20 grams of whole dry laurel leaves are added. In order for the laurel to highlight its useful material it will take at least three hours. After the leaves have given up everything they have, you can safely take one glass of the drink before meals. They are excellent appetite stimulants and help activate metabolism. Regular consumption of this drink is also a good prevention of cancer and viral diseases.


This method of using spices has long gained popularity among beauty connoisseurs. Bay infusion is used in folk medicine to restore the relief of the dermis (as a component of bath procedures), cleanse the skin surface of dead cells, peel the face, restore skin elasticity and add shine to hair.

Bay infusion is considered no less useful for diabetes. If you pour 20 grams of bay leaf with boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours, and then add one tablespoon of natural honey, you can help reduce sugar in the body. But, you need to take into account whether a person is allergic to bee products.

As a fixative against diarrhea, bay infusion has also proven effective with the best side. From the moment diarrhea appears, you should take half a glass of infusion every hour and a half. The effect will occur after approximately the fourth dose.

We should not forget about the use of laurel as an active fighter against allergies and skin rashes. In this case, the infusion can be used both externally and internally.

Bay leaf tincture

It should be noted that tincture of bay leaves in vodka helps to cope with throat cancer. In order to prepare the medicine, you need to grind a glass of fresh laurel leaves and pour 500 milligrams of high-quality vodka. Place in a dark place for about two weeks. After this, you need to strain the infusion and use it one tablespoon an hour before meals. Recommended course of use: until complete cure.

Bay leaf treatment

Anyone who wants to gain or regain their health should remember that using bay tree leaves is good in moderation. Therefore, you should never overdo it to achieve the best effect. It is not recommended to exceed the indicated dosages. If interruption of use for several weeks is indicated, then this must be done as prescribed. Like all folk remedies, laurel can help, but its intake must be dosed.

Bay leaf treatment for joints

In order to cleanse joints, remove salts and reduce pain, treating joints with bay leaves has been known for a long time. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to pour 10 grams of laurel, add 500 milligrams of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 10 minutes. Pour the resulting broth into a thermos and let it brew for about 4 hours. Consume in small portions throughout the day. The first week you need to drink the decoction for 3 days. After four days, repeat the dose. The next course should start in three months.

You need to understand that laurel promotes the active removal of salts, so joint pain is inevitable during the treatment process. But after cleansing you will feel significant relief.

Diabetes treatment

In this case, consultation with a doctor is necessary, since not every patient is able to achieve the desired effect. And taking into account the fact that treating diabetes with bay leaves also involves taking a small amount of honey, you need to know about the complications in advance. Although regular consumption of this drink has a very positive effect on blood sugar levels and helps to actively reduce it.


Traditional medicine has many secrets, and treating sinusitis with bay leaves is one of them. In order to cope with this unpleasant illness, it is necessary to carry out three different procedures using spices in a comprehensive manner. First, self-prepared bay oil must be instilled into the nasal passages, two drops twice a day. In principle, it is recommended to carry out this procedure until a therapeutic effect is achieved. Secondly, inhalations with laurel. After adding a few drops of bay oil to an inhaler or to a pan of boiling water, you need to breathe well through your nose for ten minutes. Thirdly, take laurel infusion 100 milligrams orally three times a day to stimulate the immune system. This approach will help achieve good results and cure sinusitis in a matter of days.


In order for treatment of osteochondrosis with bay leaves to bring decent results, it is necessary to use oil and infusion. In principle, self-prepared oil must be rubbed into the surface of the dermis in the spine area. Take the infusion daily three times a day for one week. Positive results will be noticeable within a week.


Skin rashes can be treated if done correctly. Treating allergies with bay leaves involves taking baths with its infusion. To do this, you need to steam 30 grams of dry leaf in boiling water and let it brew for a couple of hours. Next, you need to mix the infusion with bath water. The procedure should last at least 10-15 minutes. Baths should be taken daily for one week. In addition, treatment of allergies with bay leaves also involves taking the infusion orally. Just a couple of tablespoons a day is enough and the result will be obvious.

Diathesis: treatment with bay tree leaves

This spice is also perfect for small children as a preventive measure. The well-known diathesis treatment with bay leaves is simple: daily baths. But it’s worth thinking carefully about oral intake, since the baby’s body does not always tolerate new drinks well. Therefore, you should give no more than two teaspoons per day for three days.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

This delicate disease worries many. In order to cope with it, you will need a whole range of procedures, and only then will treatment of hemorrhoids with bay leaves bring the expected effect.

  • Baths. It is necessary to pour boiling water over 30 grams of bay leaf and let it brew for a couple of hours. After this, add about 4-6 liters to a shallow basin warm water and pour the infusion into it. After this, you need to sit in the basin and stay there for about 10-20 minutes.
  • Applications of laurel leaf infusion applied to the tailbone reduce pain and prevent new manifestations of hemorrhoids.
  • Taking the infusion orally also stimulates the healing process.
  • Microclysters made from a weak infusion of bay leaves help to quickly cope with pain and speed up the process of intestinal restoration.
  • Laurel oil lotions are recommended only in rare cases. Before using them, you should consult your doctor.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with bay leaves almost always gives positive effect and fights the disease in just a few days.

Alcoholism: treatment with bay leaves

It’s hard to imagine that ordinary spice will help cope with such addiction. Alcoholism is treated with bay leaves, not only very simply, but also effectively. It has long been found out that the main problem of alcoholics is insufficient potassium in the blood. For this purpose, in order to dull the feeling of dependence on alcohol, it is necessary to restore it by everyone accessible ways. Therefore, a decoction of laurel leaves has become an excellent way to combat addiction. In addition, it helps to cope with cleansing the liver, which has been exposed to destructive effects for a long time.

In order for bay leaf treatment to be positive for alcoholism, it is necessary to add honey to the infusion, which is a natural storehouse of potassium. And one more nuance that needs to be remembered is that a person who is undergoing treatment for alcoholism should under no circumstances know that he is being treated specifically for this illness.


In this case, the infusion helps a lot. At the same time, bay leaf treatment for psoriasis is effective and simple. It is enough to rinse 15 large bay leaves well and pour 700 milligrams of boiling water over them. The infusion should be prepared in a thermos so that everything useful components went into infusion. 100 milligrams of the drink should be consumed daily for a week, 30 minutes before meals.

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