Methodology for diagnosing the intellectual qualities of a leader. An empirical study on assessing the personal qualities of a leader. determination of activity goals

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D. Ya. Raigorodsky
. Psychodiagnostics of personnel
Methods and tests
M.: Bakhrakh-M, 2007, ISBN 5-94648-053-7, 978-5-94648-053-6

A person with all his qualities is the most important element of a diagnostic model of personnel management. Personality in the context of personnel management refers to a characteristic way of thinking and behaving in the context of a functioning organization. This characteristic includes character traits, personal values, motives, and emotional excitability.

The decisions and behavior of an individual are determined not only by rational, but also by emotional factors; the person acts in accordance with his internal inclinations, but also in accordance with the external situation. How to identify these characteristics of an employee, how to determine where to use it best qualities? All this is contained in this book.

Management and leadership

Test “Test yourself - your readiness to start your own business” F. Sram

Test “Are you capable of becoming a leader”

Test “Leadership Ability” R.S. Nemova

Test "Bipolar Assessment of Leadership Abilities"

Test “Characteristics” (to assess the business and personal qualities of a manager)

Test “Assessment of predisposition to management activities”

Methodology for determining organizational and communication skills L. P. Kalininsky

Leadership Effectiveness Test by P. S. Nemov

Test “Test your leadership qualities and management knowledge” M. Yarmarkt

Test “Identification of a leader’s orientation towards people or towards a task”

Test “Leadership Style” by A. A. Zhuravlev

Methodology for determining the management style of a work collective by V. P. Zakharov and A. L. Zhuravlev

Test "Lead or Execute"

Test “Assessing your leadership style”

Test “Diagnostics of the level of self-esteem of a leader’s personality”

Test “Check what kind of leader you are”

Test “Assessment of personal qualities of a leader”

Test for a manager “Your work temperament”

Test "Ineffective leader"

Test “Potential Entrepreneur” by R. Hisrich and M. Peters

Test “Your style of working with documents”

Test “Administrator or Leader” by S. Zharikov

Test "Leader or Administrator"

Test "Captain or Private"

Test “You and your enterprise” by I. V. Linein

Test “Polar profiles for studying subordinates”

Test “Determining the need organizational development enterprises"

Test "Production situations"

Test questionnaire “Enterprise productivity”

Test questionnaire “Manager's tasks”

Test “Your leadership style”

Test “Self-assessment of management style”

Integral test “Assessing your personal limitations” by M. Woodcock and D. Francis

Test “How do you conduct meetings”

Test "Do you own the audience"

Test "How do you deal with delegation of authority"

Test “Woman Leader and Career”

Methodology “Identification and analysis professionally important qualities specialists of the "Man - Technology" system"

Methodology for studying the professionally important qualities of personnel in the “Man – Machine – Sign System” system

Test “Vector of your activity”

Test “Determination of business and communication preferences in personality orientation”

Test “Self-esteem” N. M. Peysakhova

Test “Can you adapt quickly?” A. Assinger

Test “Business or businesslike?”

Test “Consumer or Creator?”

Test “Conservative or Radical?”

Test “Sail or weather vane?”

Test “Are you an organized person?”

Test “Leader or follower?”

Test "Can you succeed?"

Methodology for self-assessment of business and personal qualities of a manager

Test “Do you like risk?”

Test “How do you cope with things?”

Test “You and technical progress”

Test “Are you active enough?”

Test “Are you decisive” (1)

Test “Are you decisive” (2)

Determination test

Self-confidence test

Test "Will and attention"

Penetration test

Test “Do you have a strong character?” V. Roshchakhovsky

Methodology “Identification of the style of self-regulation of activity” by G. S. Prygina

Sachs and Sidney's Incomplete Sentence Method

Test method “Determining the degree of suggestibility”

Experimental psychological methodology for studying frustration reactions of S. Rosenzweig

Drawing test “Business situations” by N. G. Khitrova

Personal motivation and career

Test "Level of aspiration"

Test “Hierarchy of Personal Needs according to A. Maslow”

Test “Identification of the needs of individuals and identification of motivational layers in the organization”

Methodology “Value Orientations” by M. Rokeach

Test “Diagnostics of the structure of life values”

Test “Define your value system”

Test “Awareness of Life Goals”

Self-realization test

Test “What do people want to get from their work?”

Test “Influence on the position and motivation of the individual”

Test “Determination of motivation at work”

Test "Diagnostics of the motivational structure of personality"

Job Satisfaction Test

Test “Diagnostics of the motivational-need sphere using personality questionnaires” by A. Jackson

Test “Determination of motives for achievement”

Test “Your career paths”

Test "Success"

Test "Your business prospects"

Test "Your ambition"

Test “Are you holding on to your job?”

Test “Lazy or hard worker?”

Test “Do you consider yourself a valuable employee?”

Test "Are you right for your job?"

Test “Are you satisfied with your job”

Test “Your success at work”

Personality and group

Test “Diagnostics of the value-oriented unity (VOU) of an organization”

Test “Individual's Perception of the Group”

Test “Are you susceptible to other people’s opinions?” (conformity of behavior)

Express method for studying the socio-psychological climate in the work team by O. S. Mikhalyuk and A. Yu. Shalyto

Test “Determination of the psychological climate in an organization”

Methodology for assessing the psychological atmosphere in the team of A. F. Fidper

Test “I” or “we?” (are you able to work in a closely interacting group)

Test " Service relations: Do you know the “rules of the game”?”

Test “Defining the business roles of organization members”

Test “How ethical is your behavior at work?”

Business Ethics Test

Test “What type of relationship between employee and organization do you prefer?”

Test "Pulsar" (the quality of your organization) L. G. Pochebut

Test "Study of preferences in teamwork"

Test "Manager and communication"

Test “Knowledge of communication methods”

Questionnaire “KSK” (social and communicative competence)

Diagnostics of the leading state of “I” in management communication

Test “Assessment of Interpersonal Communication Style”

Test 1 “Can you listen?”

Test 2 “Can you listen?”

Test “Your communication style”

Test “How do you feel about criticism?”

Test 1 “Listening skills”

Test 2 “Listening skills”

Test “Speaking and Listening Ability” by V. McLeney

Test “Test yourself, can you listen?”

Test “Can you listen to the truth?”

Personality and conflicts

Test "Conflict Personality"

Test “Assessing the level of personality conflict”

Test method “Are you prone to conflict?”

Test “What is your conflict resolution style?”

Test “How do you act in conflict?”

Personality and stress

Test "Can you work in a stressful environment?"

Test "Degree of Tension"

Test “What state are you in?”

Test "Stressors"

Diligence stress test

Test “Human stress resistance”

Test “Self-assessment of personality’s resistance to stress”

Methodology “Self-assessment of the relevance of the stressful state”

Methodology " Personal profile crisis"

Methodology “How do you feel about your own health?”

Methodology “What is your resistance to stress?”

Methodology “Do you lead healthy image life and do you know how to work productively?”

Test “The degree to which you are susceptible to stress”

Express personality diagnostics

Test “House – Tree – Person” by D. Beech

Expert personality assessment

Test “Expert assessment of personal and business qualities”

Cognitive Style Questionnaire

Test "Personality Questionnaire"

Test "Manager and individual verification"

Test "Manager and Human Relations"

Test “Analysis of opportunities to obtain support for an organization when making changes in it”

Test "Manager and transformation"

Every good leader cares about strengthening his authority and increasing the effectiveness of his activities. A competent manager is always interested in obtaining reliable information about his potential capabilities, personal characteristics, professional qualities Oh. After all, it is known that most people find it difficult to evaluate themselves objectively. Often we are either too demanding of ourselves, or, on the contrary, we tend to somewhat “embellish” our merits. In such cases it is invaluable professional help qualified specialist.

Business consulting, psychological diagnostics - methods that will allow you to obtain reliable information about your character, positive, negative personal and professional qualities. In addition, an experienced specialist, based on the data obtained in the study, will be able to give you valuable recommendations on increasing the efficiency of your work, overcoming certain mental problems, and optimizing the activities of the entire enterprise.

However, practice shows that some managers are often not particularly enthusiastic about such diagnostic examinations, even when it comes to testing by professional psychologists? The main reason for this is most often lack of time. It is clear that many managers already have irregular working hours and carving out two or three hours from their schedule to undergo diagnostics seems too wasteful for them. However, we should not forget that we live in an age of new technologies, where helpful information is often equated with objective values, since it allows one to increase labor productivity and significantly improve the quality of life of a manager.


In building a business, it is impossible to do without changes, and most managers understand this very well. To learn to survive in conditions market economy today, companies must go completely new level activities. Other requirements are also imposed on the managers of enterprises, who are obliged to correspond to their status, always be aware of events and control the situation.

The market situation changes almost daily: new directions appear, subsidiaries and departments are formed, management information systems and innovative technologies are introduced. All these aspects require changes to general structure business, as well as in the system of personal and professional qualities of enterprise management. Diagnostics allows a leader to identify his strengths and weaknesses and create an individual strategy to achieve his goals.


What is the main purpose of the company's management team? Effective, high-quality and timely fulfillment of one’s professional duties - management of the enterprise’s activities, its development, improvement, and increase in profitability. What is needed for this? Have certain professional knowledge, skills, personal characteristics and a desire to succeed.

Diagnostics of a manager allows you to:

  • measure the degree of management potential,
  • determine the degree of conflict of the leader and the trust of his subordinates in him,
  • open priority areas of work for the manager,
  • show new opportunities,
  • raise morale, increase self-esteem and increase motivation.

It is clear that such work should be carried out by external experts in order to ensure an objective assessment of the data obtained. The methods for diagnosing a manager are quite varied, starting with simple tests and ending with complex programs that require precise calculations.

We use only proven, tested methods in diagnostic procedures that have proven their effectiveness and efficiency. In each specific case, we select a special set of research methods that take into account the specifics of the enterprise, the industry in which it operates, and the characteristics of the team. Individual approach, significant experience, professionalism and focus on the interests of the client are the main principles of our work.


Diagnosis of management is carried out in several stages and includes, first of all, a study of the professionally important qualities of the subject. Such procedures make it possible to determine the exact psychological picture manager and identify his potential in the workplace. Diagnostics of the management team will differ significantly from similar studies for subordinates.

In addition to assessing professional knowledge and skills, diagnosing a manager in mandatory includes testing that is aimed at identifying it personal characteristics. This could be a study of intelligence and attentiveness, stress resistance, responsibility and the ability to respond to any unusual situation. Using various methods in combination allows you to create the most accurate possible portrait of a person holding a leadership position.


Diagnostics of the manager opens up new horizons in the work of the enterprise.

Ultimately, it performs the following functions:

  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses leader.
  • Determining the strategy and tactics of managerial behavior.
  • Planning of personnel changes, rotation of top management.
  • Purposeful construction of a new organizational structure at the enterprise.

Diagnostics of the manager - an important aspect for self-knowledge and an excellent tool for people practicing business communication.

Knowing his professional and personal characteristics, development prospects, a person gets the opportunity to effectively build harmonious relationships, both with senior management and subordinates.

It will also be useful for each enterprise to conduct a comprehensive personnel diagnostics. Comprehensive diagnostics gives an assessment management situation in general: problems, opportunities, people's behavior, processes, structure, centers of influence and authority of management. This kind of research is very important when changing the management team; they allow you to choose a worthy candidate for the role of the future director, or in acute situations. crisis situations, when the enterprise literally falls apart before our eyes.

In any case, diagnostics of a leader will be useful both for the leader himself and for the entire company, even if its results are not fully used. This is a responsible act of a manager who is ready to take a step towards the team. Today, such studies are becoming increasingly popular and this is quite obvious, because many business owners understand that in order for a business to always prosper and develop, first of all, you need an excellent leader.

Do you think your company needs positive changes?

Start with yourself!

Professional diagnostics will help you determine the path for further development!


Test instructions

You are offered triplets of words, to which you need to choose another word so that it is combined with each of the three proposed words. For example, for a trio of words “loud – true – slow” the answer could be “ speak"(speak loudly, speak truth, speak slowly). You can change words grammatically and use prepositions without changing the stimulus words as parts of speech.

Try to make your answers as original and bright as possible, try to overcome stereotypes and come up with something new. Try to come up with the maximum number of answers for each three words.

Scales: types of perception: auditory, visual, kinesthetic

see question 2)

Methods for diagnosing anxiety and anxiety in schoolchildren
Test school anxiety Phillips
Diagnostics of anxiety conditions in children (CMAS)
Academic Anxiety Scale
2.3. Methods for diagnosing anxiety and anxiety in adults
Situational (reactive) anxiety scale (full version)
Situational (reactive) anxiety scale (short version)
Personal scale of manifestation of anxiety (anxiety)
Anxiety scale
Personality Anxiety Scale (Spielberger Questionnaire)
Diagnosis of professional and parental anxiety
Anxiety and Depression Scale

12 Children preschool age have a number of psychological and behavioral characteristics, knowledge of which is necessary in order to obtain reliable results in the process of their psychodiagnostic examination. These features include, first of all, the comparative low level consciousness and self-awareness. For most preschoolers, cognitive processes such as attention, memory, perception, imagination and thinking are at a relatively low level of development.
To correctly judge the level of development, achieved by the child, it is necessary to select psychodiagnostic test tasks in such a way that they are simultaneously designed for both voluntary and involuntary levels of regulation of the cognitive sphere. This allows us to adequately assess, on the one hand, the degree of arbitrariness of cognitive processes, and on the other hand, the real level of their development in the event that they are not yet arbitrary. Children 3-6 years old already have elements of voluntariness in managing their cognitive processes. But the main part of children of this age is characterized by a predominance of involuntary cognitive processes, and the child relies on them, learning the world. Psychodiagnostics of children of this age, therefore, should be two-directional:
Detailed Study development of involuntary cognitive processes.
Timely detection and accurate description of voluntary cognitive actions and reactions.
Preschool children are very poorly aware of their own personal qualities and cannot correctly assess their behavior. Starting from 4 to 6 years old, children can already evaluate themselves as an individual, but within limited limits. Therefore, it is recommended here to turn to the method of external expert assessment, using as experts adults who know well of this child.
Also, personality questionnaires containing direct judgments of a self-evaluative type are not entirely suitable for preschool children. If we're talking about about indirect judgments, then they also should not include features of the psychology of behavior that the child is not yet well aware of. In general, the use of such questionnaires for psychodiagnostic purposes in preschool age should be minimized, and if resorting to them is inevitable, then each question must be explained in detail and clearly to the child.
Only then will preschoolers demonstrate their abilities in the process of psychodiagnostics, i.e. show results that correctly reflect their level mental development, when the methods themselves and the tasks contained in them arouse and maintain the child’s interest throughout the entire time. As soon as the child’s immediate interest in the completed task is lost, he ceases to show the abilities and inclinations that he actually possesses. Therefore, if we want to identify the actual level psychological development the child and his capabilities, for example, the zone of potential development, it is necessary in advance, by drawing up instructions and methods, to ensure that all this evokes involuntary attention from the child and is interesting enough for him.
Finally, one should take into account the characteristics of the involuntary cognitive processes themselves, for example, the inconstancy of involuntary attention and increased fatigue of children of this age. Therefore the series test tasks should not be too long, requiring large quantity time. The optimal time for completing test tasks for preschool children is considered to be in the range from one to ten minutes, and the younger the child’s age, the shorter it should be. The best psychodiagnostic results can be obtained by observing children in the process of engaging in the leading activity for a given age - play.

When taking a child for diagnostics, you must keep in mind that he should not be torn away from an activity that is interesting to him and brought against his will. In this case, the research results may be unreliable. Establishing friendly contact and good mutual understanding between the child and the experimenter - necessary condition to obtain reliable results. The ways of establishing contact may be different depending on the individual characteristics of the child and his relationship to the psychologist. It may be advisable at first not to pay attention to the child at all, let him orient himself in the situation and get used to the new environment, then offer him an interesting toy, and then try to organize playing together and gradually transition the child to following instructions. Sometimes a preliminary calm conversation on topics that are not burdensome for the child is effective. A friendly, trusting attitude towards the preschooler, complete acceptance of the child, without requiring him to comply with mandatory standards of behavior (say hello, address him as “you”, etc.), positive assessment his personality and his actions create the background against which the child’s intellectual capabilities can be realized and the characteristics of his personality can be most fully manifested.

An important condition for psychodiagnostics is adaptation to the individual characteristics of the child: his pace, level of fatigue, fluctuations in motivation, etc. If you get tired quickly, you can take a break and talk to your child or give him the opportunity to stand up, walk around, play ball with him and do some physical exercises. In general, the examination can take from 30 to 60 minutes.

13cm notebook

14 Method of Diagnostics of Interpersonal Relations (adapted L.I.R. test) identifies the style of interpersonal behavior of an individual in a work collective, team, crew, company, or any management hierarchy; allows you to compare an individual’s self-esteem with the ideal to which the person strives; makes it possible to identify an assessment of the style of interpersonal behavior of any group member from the point of view of this person compared to expected ideal option(ideal leader, partner, subordinate, etc.).

15 · Methodology "Verbal Fantasy" During the story, the child’s imagination is assessed according to the following criteria: speed of imagination processes, unusualness, originality of images, richness of imagination, depth and elaboration (detailedness) of images.

· Methodology "Seasons" This technique is intended for children aged 3 to 4 years. The child is shown a drawing and asked, after carefully looking at this drawing, to say what season is depicted in each part of this drawing.

Method "Cut out shapes" The technique is intended for psychodiagnostics of visual and effective thinking of children aged 4 to 5 years. Her task is to quickly and accurately cut out the shapes drawn on it from paper. The six squares into which it is divided depict various figures.

Methodology "Who lacks what?" This technique is intended for psychodiagnostics of the thinking of children aged 3 to 4 years.

LSI (Life Style Index)

Plutchik-Kellerman-Conte Questionnaire

MMPI technique. Features and principles of use, Krugov S.
Lie scale MMPI questionnaire: experience of experimental validation, Myagkov A.

PGI (Perceived Guilt Index)

Perceived Guilt Index (PGI), Otterbacher D.

PARI Method

Eysenck test

In the first chapter we spent theoretical analysis the influence of a manager’s personal qualities in the process of developing management decisions. Based on this, we conducted a study, during which it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis that allows us to identify the influence of the personal qualities of a manager in the process of developing management decisions. To achieve this goal, we used the following techniques.

Method 1. Test "Motivation for Success"

The technique was developed by N.A. Litvintseva. and is aimed at studying the level of motivation for success.

The test consists of 41 questions that must be answered “yes” or “no.” You must answer “yes” or “no” to 41 questions in the test (Table 14.1).

The questionnaire form, instructions and keys to the test are presented in Appendix 2.

The answers are recorded on a piece of paper: 1 - “yes”, 2 - “no”, 3 - “yes”, etc. The time allotted to complete the test is 15 minutes.

Interpretation of results.

Calculate your points:

from 1 to 10 - low motivation for success;

from 11 to 16 -- average level of motivation;

from 17 to 20 -- moderate high level motivation;

Over 21 - a high level of motivation for success.

Method 2. Expert assessment psychological characteristics leader's personality

The technique was developed by A.A. Karelin. and is aimed at assessing the psychological characteristics of the leader’s personality (see Appendix 2).

The expert assessment form presents 9 psychological characteristics of a leader’s personality, which are diagnosed based on the manifestation of seven signs of each characteristic in their activities:

Certainty - reveals the structure of interests to the crisis aspects of its activities.

Awareness is awareness of the goals of organizational activities.

Purposefulness is the priority of motives for organizational activity.

Selectivity - the ability to deeply and fully reflect psychological characteristics team.

Tactfulness - the ability to maintain a sense of proportion and find best shape relationships.

Effectiveness is the ability to captivate people, intensify their activities, find the best means emotional-volitional influences and choose the right moment to apply them.

Demandingness - the ability to be demanding in various forms depending on the characteristics of a specific management situation.

Criticality is the ability to detect and express deviations from established norms that are significant for activity.

Responsibility is the ability to take responsibility for the results of one’s own activities and the activities of the team.

It is explained to the experts that the qualities indicated in the expert assessment form must be assessed by them in relation to a specific manager on a five-point scale: lowest grade-- 1, highest -- 5. Experts speak anonymously and do not sign the expert assessment form.

Processing and analysis of research results. After the experts have given their assessments, the psychologist and researcher must calculate the sum of points for each of the nine characteristics in the expert assessment forms, transfer the results obtained to the table of generalized expert assessments and calculate the sum of points given by each expert for all nine indicators;

the average PHLR score based on the results of the work carried out by each expert;

the sum of points given by all experts for each of the nine indicators;

the average score for each of the nine indicators based on the work of all experts;

the total sum of PHLR points based on the results of the work of all experts.

Lesson protocol


Manager______________________________ Date____________

Generalized expert assessments PHLR

If, when processing the results, it turns out that the maximum and minimum expert assessments differ sharply from the rest, then it is advisable to exclude the results of the work of these experts from the overall calculation. Large variability in expert assessments may indicate heterogeneity of the expert group, at different levels competence of experts.

The overall average score of the PHLR assessment allows us to make a conclusion about the level of qualities of a leader, focusing on the following indicators:

Method 3. Assessing the need for achievement

The test questionnaire was developed by A.A. Karelin. and is aimed at measuring the level of achievement motivation. This scale consists of 22 judgments to which you must answer - “yes” or “no”. The questionnaire form, instructions and keys to the test are presented in Appendix 3.

Interpretation of results.

Answers that match the key ones (by code) are summed up (1 point for each such answer).

The methods used in the work allowed us to determine the motivational-need sphere of a leader’s personality, in a person’s desire to have power over other people, to dominate, manage and dispose of them.

This technique was developed by V.P. Zakharov. The methodology is based on 16 groups of statements reflecting various aspects of interaction between management and the team. The technique is aimed at determining the leadership style of the workforce.

Application of the technique does not require individual testing. It can be used in a block of tests; it is especially effective when used together with sociometry in order to optimize the socio-psychological climate in a team.


“The questionnaire contains 16 groups of statements characterizing business qualities leader. Each group consists of three statements, designated by the letters a, b, c. You should carefully read all three statements within each group and choose the one that most closely matches your opinion of the leader. Mark the selected statement on the questionnaire with a “+” sign under the appropriate letter. If you are evaluating two or more managers at the same time, compare them to each other on the following three statements. Select one statement that describes each leader (or one statement that characterizes two or more leaders) and indicate your opinion about each on the questionnaire different signs: *; +; -. Mark your answer sheet."

Questionnaire text

A. Central management requires that all matters be
they reported to him.

B. Tries to solve everything together with his subordinates, single-handedly solving only the most urgent and operational issues.

B. Some important matters are resolved virtually without the participation of the manager; his functions are performed by others.

A. Always orders, manages, insists on something, but never asks.

B. Gives orders in such a way that you want to carry them out.

V. He doesn’t know how to give orders.

A. Tries to ensure that his deputies are qualified specialists.

B. The manager does not care who works as his deputy or assistant.

B. He achieves trouble-free execution and subordination of deputies and assistants.

A. He is only interested in the implementation of the plan, and not in the attitude of people towards each other.

B. Not interested in work, approaches things formally.

B. When solving production problems, he tries to create a good relationship between people in a team.

A. He is probably conservative because he is afraid of new things.

B. The manager does not accept the initiative of subordinates.

B. Encourages them to work independently.

A. The manager usually does not take offense at criticism and listens to it.

B. Does not like to be criticized and does not try to hide it.

V. He listens to criticism, even plans to take action, but does nothing.

A. One gets the impression that the manager is afraid to be held accountable for his actions and wants to reduce his responsibility.

B. Distributes responsibility between oneself and subordinates.

B. The manager alone makes decisions or cancels them. 8. A. Regularly consults with subordinates, especially experienced employees.

B. Subordinates not only advise, but can give instructions to their leader.

V. Does not allow his subordinates to advise him, much less object.

A. Usually consults with deputies and subordinate managers, but not with ordinary subordinates.

B. Regularly communicates with subordinates, talks about the state of affairs in the team, about the difficulties that must be overcome.

B. To do any work, he often has to persuade his subordinates.

A. Always addresses subordinates politely and kindly.

B. Often shows indifference in dealing with subordinates.

B. In relation to subordinates he can be tactless and even rude.

A. In critical situations, the manager does not cope well with his responsibilities.

B. In critical situations, the manager, as a rule, switches to stricter leadership methods.

B. Critical situations do not change the way he leads.

A. He himself solves even those issues with which he is not entirely familiar.

B. If he doesn’t know something, he is not afraid to show it and turns to others for help.

B. He cannot act on his own, but waits for “pushing” from the outside.

A. Perhaps he is not a very demanding person.

B. He is demanding, but at the same time fair.

Q. It can be said about him that he can be too strict and even picky.

A. By monitoring the results, he always notices positive side, praises subordinates.

B. Always very strictly controls the work of subordinates and the team as a whole.

B. Supervises work from case to case.

A. The leader knows how to maintain discipline and order.

B. Often makes comments and reprimands to his subordinates.

B. Cannot influence discipline.


A. In the presence of a manager, subordinates have to work under tension all the time.

B. It’s interesting to work with the manager.

B. Subordinates are left to their own devices.





1. a b c

9. a b c

2. a b c

10. a b c

3. a b c

11. a b c

4. a b c

12. a b c

5. a b c

13. a b c

6. a b c

14. a b c

7. a b c

15. a b c

8. a b c

16. a b c

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