Orthodox prayer for a drunkard. Prayer for drunkenness

Already after the first reading of the prayer, the man for whom they prayed will have a decrease in alcohol dependence and the craving for drinking and alcohol will disappear; of course, he will not immediately stop drinking or come out of the binge. Links to prayers for drunkennessPrayer and Scripture from alcohol addiction

Every day you need to read one chapter of the Gospel, and before and after the chapter - this prayer: Save, Lord, and have mercy on Your servant (name) with the words of the Divine Gospel, which are about the salvation of Your servant. I ordered prayers for health and lit candles. I noticed that she was biting her nails. A strong conspiracy against drunkenness and alcoholism to read over a sleeping person A STRONG CONSPIRACY AGAINST DRUNKENNESS AND ALCOHOLISM TO READ OVER A SLEEPING person The most powerful and effective conspiracy from alcoholism as a powerful way to rid a person of alcohol dependence and relieve him of the craving for alcohol can be read every day, but in practice a week is enough to cause a complete aversion to alcohol in a person.

Having sobered up, he began to ask for intimacy as usual. Alcoholism conspiracies made with a new padlock are considered effective against drunkenness. In addition, you need to often confess, pray the rosary, read the Psalter and Holy Scripture, and also fast. Coding will help you get your husband to stop drinking, do this. In case of failure, you need to start all over again. In an open field, in the blue sea and a key with a lock. I, the servant of God (name), will stand, blessing myself, I will go out, crossing myself, from the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gates. I will go down to the eastern side, on the eastern side there is an ocean-sea, In this sea there lies a large stone, a small pike swims near this stone. This pike has large cheeks, damask teeth, and fiery eyes. She comes and takes away the disease of bitter drunkenness from the servant of God (name). She frees him from terrible addiction with today and forever and ever.

What prayer to read so that a person stops drinking: in more detail

Amen". Somehow I felt lazy and reluctant to shout. If your son, husband or other loved one If the disease of alcoholism has overtaken you, do the following ritual yourself, which is aimed against alcohol addiction and heavy drinking. The effect of this consultation was such that the husband remained sober for quite a long period of time, as much as 40 days. The prayer for healing in front of the Inexhaustible Chalice icon is considered the most effective. Church ministers recommend doing this three times.

Faith is very strong feeling, she is able to help in the most seemingly hopeless situations. It was in front of her that many tears were shed with a request to save her husband or son from addiction. Faith will give strength and give hope for healing. Having made a decision, you need to act and not give in to temptation under any pretext.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. To prevent your darling from drinking at all, everyone can repeat the ritual moon month on the 19th lunar day. And he didn’t drink anymore, he even abandoned his beloved Coca-Cola and switched to kvass.

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O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. During the ritual, the mother or wife must read the most strong conspiracy on water and blood, which is used against drunkenness and can almost instantly relieve a person of cravings for alcohol.

What prayer to read for a person to stop drinking: what you didn’t know

The main condition for success is faith. No, what a scoundrel, huh?! Now let's rewind the film and return to this repentance of his after the binge. But we survived it safely, and my husband was completely calm and peaceful, saying that he didn’t even feel like drinking. How to pray correctly against alcoholism Prayer must come from the heart, it must be sincere.

Prayer to the matron against her husband’s drunkenness Blessed Elder Matrona, our intercessor and petitioner before the Lord! You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you. How alcohol destroys the life of the drinker and those around him. Treatment of alcoholism based on the teachings of the Orthodox Church. Maybe someone will say that to be sure, you need to wait a longer period: a year, or even two, in case it fails? This is correct, but there are so many unhappy families around that during this time could collapse when they could be saved. By performing this ritual, you can once and for all wean your husband from drunkenness without his knowledge. Then the baby was born, things got really complicated. Under no circumstances should you stop fighting the disease. Appeal to the Martyr Boniface.

This will help develop willpower. Spend more time with your family and loved ones. A conspiracy against alcoholism should be read over a sleeping person by a sober person standing at the head of a drunk sleeping man or woman. I also think that the husband- alcoholic I got it to cure me of pride. An independent folk conspiracy to prevent a person from drinking is done on the lid of the coffin as follows: they roll a bottle of vodka over the lid of the coffin, saying: “Until the deceased gets up from this coffin, until that time the slave (name) will not drink wine will become. He wanted to stop drinking as much as his wife and children did, maybe even more.

Before the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, people pray for everything that troubles their souls, and very often ask for deliverance of themselves, husbands, children, brothers, sisters from drunkenness and healing of alcoholism. The conspiracies will now tell you how to use magic and prayer to get a person out of a long-term binge. You will live forever in a damp land, but God’s Servant (husband’s name) cannot drink intoxicated wine!

Forever and ever, Amen!” After the floor has been thoroughly swept, the broom, along with the garbage that the wife managed to collect, needs to be buried in a hole behind the house, maybe further away from it, the main thing is that the broom is not “buried” from the side porch. You need to start charming alcoholic drinks on any Monday on the waning moon and do it as long as necessary. I didn’t even have time to really understand whether I wanted it or not. Just as people do not drink black sweat, so the servant of God (name) will not drink wine. If you don’t have an icon, print it from the Internet or buy it at a church, and you should also buy a church candle there. Take a bottle of alcohol and, having found a grave in the cemetery with the name of a patient with alcoholism, pour him a glass from the bottle you brought and placing it on the grave ground (next to the grave mound) say a strong spell from the bitter one. Is it possible to defeat alcoholism on your own and get rid of alcohol addiction forever - YES, IT IS POSSIBLE and Maginya will be happy to share my story of how I was able to cure my husband’s drunkenness in a way accessible to everyone - with the help of white magic, namely prayers for alcoholism and faith in necessarily good result. It can be read absolutely in any case and is effective for alcoholism. After some time, vodka was added to the beer, and the drinking binges became longer and longer: first for two days in a row, then for three, four, five.

Broadcast February 28, 2015 (video on the topic)

Akathists are read while standing. A strong conspiracy against drunkenness and alcohol addiction is read only once and strictly at midnight on the full moon. When a person returns from drinking and goes to bed, stand at the head of the bed and pray the Lord’s Prayer, read the spell against drunkenness over the sleeping person three times: Heaven, hear, heaven, see what I want to do over the body of God’s servant (name). Here his will, his decision, his choice manifested itself. Having seen her, you should say in a clear whisper: “Just as a dead person should not be among the living, so my husband, the Servant of God (name) should not take drunken things into his mouth. Everything started happening somehow quickly, and in less than three months we were already scheduled. Amen. Red moon, come down into my cage, but in my cage there is neither a bottom nor a door. In the same church, order a magpie for the health of a person from whom you need to remove the craving for alcohol.

After drinking the charmed against After drinking water, a person who has not stopped drinking for several days will feel disgusted with alcohol and will voluntarily quit the binge. On one day, 2 major holidays are celebrated: the day of Elijah the Prophet and Perun’s day, and it is on this day that the water charmed from drunkenness has a huge magical power and is capable of using magic to force a person to stop drinking alcohol and never feel cravings for it again. This can go on forever. You need to constantly control yourself and not give in. A conspiracy against alcoholism is read while drinking; to do this, they quietly take an unfinished glass from a person with alcoholism and pour vodka into a village toilet with a cesspool while saying the words. Conspiracies and prayers help cure a person’s alcoholism and bring him out of a long-term binge. Always remember that God does not always give exactly what you ask for in prayer, only He knows what is best for you, and besides, only He knows the real consequences of our desires. The abbot called the priest, and they said a prayer to Jesus Christ, the Son of God. After it is carried out, any person suffering from alcoholism and craving for alcohol will stop drinking strong alcoholic drinks and quickly come out of the binge. After this, the prayer placed at the end of the akathist is read.

My word is strong and indestructible forever, Amen!” Another version of the conspiracy is read 3 times in a row at 12 o’clock at night specifically for wine: “Do not rise from the coffin of a dead person, do not drink green wine, do not walk around the courtyards drunk. Amen. My attempts to convince him that for the sake of my daughter I was starting a divorce, in order to save her from life with her alcoholic father, infuriated him: Do you understand that I cannot live without my daughter? I can't do it at all! Do you understand this?! His words did not change my decision: You only think about yourself! You’d better think about your daughter, what it’s like for her to live with such a father! But to clear my conscience, I decided to do one last good deed for him.

And finally, one terrible day, I realized that I was the wife of an alcoholic. Take a glass of water and barely hear

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Conspiracies against alcoholism are considered the most effective against drunkenness. Wives of alcoholics know how sincerely after a binge the husband begins to assure that now he understands everything, he has already reached the point, he can no longer and does not want to drink and that was last time, you'll see, give me a chance! Then a few weeks pass, and he suddenly begins to say that he doesn’t drink that much, he will drink about once a month in order to relieve stress, he is not an alcoholic and you just haven’t seen real alcoholics.

Next, you need to rinse it in the basin. Using the magic of prayer, to make a person stop drinking and completely get rid of alcohol addiction once and for all, proceed as follows. He finally got ready and went out once. Place a photo of your husband on the table and sprinkle it with previously prepared holy water and place the glass on the photo of your husband and say the text. This is a very old and effective ritual for weaning from alcohol. Our family has survived, our daughter is not in danger of living with her stepfather, she will live with her relatives loving father. I persuaded my husband to undergo treatment, but after reading reviews on the Internet, he said that it would not help. Was he lying here? Did you pretend?

No, he was completely sincere, he really wanted to quit alcohol. I read that this is not just a bad habit, but a sign of nervousness, a sign of an unhealthy environment in which the child is. Lord, help and strengthen, free the servant of God (name) from passion for drunkenness. Often illness is our test, the sharpening stone of which is the task of changing a person’s life in better side. And no matter how many times breakdowns occur, it is important not to let your life take its course. The ritual will work if you remember that magical influence without trust in the light ones higher powers impossible. Even the church recognizes a person’s alcoholism as a demonic influence on his will. Now he began to look at us with surprise: why are we getting irritated over trifles and yelling? So I went and ordered an indestructible psalter for six months now for both me and my daughter. All folk recipes This means is time-tested and passed on from generation to generation.

During this time, we had to endure difficult trials with the loss of housing and long trials that led to nothing. I agree with your psychologists that you cannot correct a person by force, you cannot force your husband to stop drinking, but still. If faith and willpower are not enough, there is no need to refuse the help of medicine. Spellbound broom Any spell with a broom is considered very strong and effective when it is necessary to cleanse the house of something dirty and unclean. Together with prayer, you can use water blessed in the church: it must be stored in a glass container with a lid. Why doesn't he quit?

Why did he change his mind so brazenly? Because an alcoholic is not able to do this on his own, although he does not want to admit it. Prayer to St. Moses Murin.

I advise everyone to turn to magic who has the same grief in their family, this is a way out. Having finished reading the conspiracy against alcoholism, you need to make sure that the person suffering from a craving for alcohol drinks all the charmed water. Water can be diluted, then it will last for a long time. A woman who drinks regularly, even if it seems to her that she does not abuse alcohol, will not be able to rid her husband of drunkenness. Be sure to try reading a prayer so that your husband doesn’t drink anymore. Amen. A strong conspiracy against drunkenness and alcohol addiction is read only once and strictly at midnight on the full moon. He became disgusting to me, and our marital relations stopped.

Akathists should be read in the morning or evening after other morning or evening prayers. I read the articles on your site and understood that I needed to make a decision, I needed to save my daughter before she, too, went bald. But God is Love and Mercy, the essence of which is not always clear to us. A strong conspiracy to get rid of alcoholism is read about water that should be given to a drunkard to drink. To make a spell to get rid of binge drinking, heat the key on the fire and throw it into previously prepared cold water. You must pray sincerely. After confession, I was surprised to see a long-forgotten human expression on his face, instead of the now familiar mask of complacency and cynicism. The conspiracies will now tell you how to use magic and prayer to get a person out of a long-term binge.

Our baby became capricious and completely uncontrollable. Many people turn to the church for help when other treatments have failed. Matrona of Moscow is considered the patron saint who helps people get rid of the harmful effects of alcoholism. In this case, it is the husband’s bad habit. By pronouncing it, the performer seems to tie a bad habit to the deceased, who goes into the ground in order to bury her once and for all.

It is very important to get rid of other bad habits. Conspiracies in such cases help build energy protection. Then the husband said that he did it for the sake of his daughter. The dog must not swim across the ocean, and the Servant of God (husband’s name) must not drink wine forever. In the six years that we have been living together, my husband has never lasted more than 40 days. sober image life. Likewise, the Servant of God (husband’s name) should not drink wine either in the morning, or during the day, or at night! Amen!"

ALL VIDEOS OF THE CHANNEL (video on the topic)

An important condition when casting a spell over alcoholic beverages is that the wife, who wants her beloved husband not to drink, is herself absolutely sober. I was working hard, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and had a hard time finding time to have a quick snack at least a couple of times a day. The husband finally agreed, and even took it seriously: he fasted for three days, then went out (for the first time in his life). In the same church, order a magpie for the health of a person from whom you need to remove the craving for alcohol. Amen. How to cast a spell on water and blood and what spell will help save a person from alcoholism and constant drunkenness. Prayer to Matronushka to relieve alcohol addiction from her husband

Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me in my troubles (..). By performing this ritual, you can once and for all wean your husband from drunkenness without his knowledge. First of all, you need to repent of your sins, including drunkenness. But I didn’t even know, although I had heard about Matrona and had been planning to visit her for a long time.

In such a situation, it is worth turning to faith and using prayer to ask for healing of the addicted person. They take her with them and go to the cemetery. Often people turn to prayer for alcoholism after coding, or after unsuccessful treatment of alcoholism by magicians, psychics and other saints of Satan; people who turn to them betray God and then expect a miracle of healing from him. And in any case, it won’t get any worse! Believe, ask, act!

What impossible man, then perhaps to God now I know this for sure! What prayers exist for the drunkenness of a son or husband, how to pray correctly? How to pray and what mistakes to avoid? Prayer for alcoholism can help a person suffering from a destructive addiction. Words of the spell of prayer that delivers from

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A conspiracy against binge drinking is read on water that is given to a suffering person. alcoholism. The Akathist consists of 12 songs, each of which has a kontakion and an ikos. A conspiracy against alcoholism is read while drinking; to do this, they quietly take an unfinished glass from a person with alcoholism and pour vodka into a village toilet with a cesspool while saying the words. Conspiracies and prayers help cure a person’s alcoholism and bring him out of a long-term binge.

It's me! Clever and beautiful! Over the years, some changes have also happened to me: under the influence of various circumstances, I gradually began to come to faith, and I began to ask my husband to stop drinking. pray at Sunday services. Speak to Mother of God not necessarily in the Temple.

For a complete home course of treating alcohol addiction with the help of church magic, you need to serve at least 3 prayers in church for deliverance from drunkenness, performing the next one as soon as you have read the water from drunkenness. Prayer to Matrona Moscow against drunkenness and alcoholism of the husband REVIEWS WHO DID: What to do at home so that the husband does not drink When marrying for love, a young wife wants to be happy, build harmonious partnerships and love relationships with her husband, and raise children. But my husband always boasted before that he was a believer. An important condition of the conspiracy: you cannot offer your husband a drink, he must reach for the bottle himself. Binges became more frequent, and a crisis was brewing in the family. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

He almost didn’t argue: Okay, we’ll get a divorce, but my daughter will live with me. I understood that divorce was really a death sentence for my husband; without me and my beloved daughter, he would drink bitterly and go downhill even faster, and nothing would save him. I am very grateful to him.

Amen". Yes, he drank beer on weekends, sometimes he got a little drunk, but at the same time he looked quite cute, becoming childishly helpless. Amen. Under the influence of alcohol, a person: loses interest in life, the purpose of his existence is drinking and this continues day after day until the illness completely destroys his life

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Not only does the alcoholic suffer, but his relatives and wives shed a lot of tears while living with such a spouse, and often reach despair from hopelessness; the children do not receive paternal attention and care. To stop the disease and help a loved one, many use any possible treatment methods. I’m not calling for anything, but if suddenly, like me, you’re at a loss, try reading this Akathist. My husband opened his own business, began to earn good money, I was able to refuse additional work, and at the same time we were able to take mortgage and buy an apartment. I found one that satisfied all parameters. Although I didn’t really believe in this miracle.

Conspiracies for alcoholic drinks By reading the words of conspiracies for alcohol, you can change its structure in order to arouse disgust for it in your drinking husband. Each of them uses its own treatment method.

At the very beginning, the performer will have to collect a broom from trees in the nearest forest or grove male: ash, oak, maple and any others. You need to read a spell for any alcohol: beer, vodka or wine in a cemetery. Wipe off the sweat with a handkerchief drinking man and draw 13 crosses on it with a birch twig, then bury the scarf in the ground, after reading above it: “In the black sea there is a black raft, on a black raft there is black sweat. The words of the spell of the prayer that delivers from the binge are read on the water that is given to a person suffering from alcoholism. Before the conspiracy, you need to read the Lord’s Prayer three times, and after it the conspiracy itself, healing from alcoholism, and If you urgently need to discourage a person from alcohol, read the old conspiracy for alcohol after drinking which drunkard once and forever he will stop drinking and every time he takes up alcohol he will vomit violently. The spell begins to take effect as soon as the drinker takes the first sip. No one will interrupt my business.

Amen!” Upon returning home, the bottle is displayed in front of everyone, so that the drinker will certainly pay attention to it. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Teachings of the Church In many church scriptures you can find useful commandments that will help you resist temptations and get rid of addiction. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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Conspiracies to stop your husband from drinking Often a drinking man is not able to cope with his bad habit on his own and loving wife To save him, you have to read conspiracies. Find a twig in the shape of a spear in a birch broom.

Prayer for those possessed by the disease of drunkenness is no exception, we are obliged to help such people, but often it is not so simple, but for a believer, prayer is a special, invisible force that has no boundaries. But there is a way out! What is impossible for man is possible for God! Well, now our story itself. After drinking water that is charmed against binge drinking, a person who has not stopped drinking for several days will feel disgusted with alcohol and will voluntarily quit the binge. Clear stars, come down into the wedding cup, and in my cup there is mountain cleansing water. True, psychologists work with patients there. It is best to do this from Wednesday to Thursday. It turned out that this was the monastery of Matrona of Moscow. The patient himself and those close to him can pray for healing.

In one of the videos of nun Nina Krygina, she heard advice that for an alcoholic you can order an indestructible psalter from the monastery; this will inflame passions. A few weeks later this happened, well, and no vows could keep him drunk; he caught up with vodka. The ceremony is carried out in secret from everyone, especially from the drunkard himself. And my daughter stopped driving me crazy, her concerts stopped. To read the plot, the wife needs to prepare in advance a bottle of that alcoholic drink that her husband especially likes and which he drank regularly in the past.

If you are unable to refrain from drinking alcohol while visiting, it is better not to attend holidays and celebrations for now. This should be done daily, especially in moments of uncontrollable craving for alcohol. As soon as a person with an addiction to alcohol drinks the water that has been charmed for drunkenness, the spell will immediately begin to take effect and as a result the person will begin to experience a strong aversion to any alcohol, even the smell and taste of beer will seem disgusting to him. After you finish reading the most powerful conspiracy against alcoholism, read the Lord’s Prayer again and go about your business. May his drunken illness and the damned disease pass away. Millions of people turn to Saint Matronushka in prayer and write reviews about the help they received! Believe me, the prayer to Matrona of Moscow against drunkenness is unusually strong and very effective, it has helped many, and it will also help your husband get rid of the disease of alcoholism. It’s also better to immediately start using THIS strong drug for drunkenness based on traditional medicine recipes.

And the fact that I don’t see him praying doesn’t mean that he doesn’t pray. I bought several icons, including the icon of the Mother of God of the Inexhaustible Chalice, and when he saw it, he immediately took it for himself, joyfully saying: Oh, this is for me! My previous aversion to my husband disappeared somewhere, and some forgotten tender feelings for him even began to appear. We need to focus on clearing our mind and remembering what Jesus did for us, how He lived, why He came to us. The church can be a good support for former alcoholics passed coding or drug treatment to prevent relapses. As soon as huge bottles of Coca-Cola appeared in the house, I already knew that in a couple of days my husband would take up beer. Read the plot from drunkenness you need to use illuminated water on the 19th day of any month by placing a jar of holy water next to the icon of the Savior on the Plot read on the water on the day of Elijah the Prophet (Perun’s day) will save a person from alcohol addiction and quickly lead him out of binge drinking.

Even the church recognizes a person’s alcoholism as a demonic influence on his will. After the wedding, he really somehow calmed down, became more confident, because he was no longer threatened by separation from his daughter. A strong Old Slavonic conspiracy against drunkenness needs to be read on Elijah the Prophet while taking a glass clean water. As soon as a person with an addiction to alcohol drinks the water that has been charmed for drunkenness, the spell will immediately begin to take effect and as a result the person will begin to experience a strong aversion to any alcohol, even the smell and taste of beer will seem disgusting to him.

At the same time, not a single ritual guarantees a 100% result, but under no circumstances should you lose faith in your strengths and in a favorable outcome of the situation. What are akathists and how to read them correctly? An akathist is a large liturgical poem in honor of the Lord, the Mother of God or a saint. He prays every evening, but it doesn’t help! During one of the periods of post-drinking repentance, I convinced him to go to Sunday service, confess and take communion. Do not leave me with your help and intercession, Pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). Amen". Such conspiracies begin to work after the third time. At one time, he also suffered from an addiction to alcohol, but thanks to his faith he was able to heal and began to help the same patients.

You can add herbs that bear “masculine” names, for example, St. John's wort. Already after the first reading of the prayer, the man for whom they prayed will have a decrease in alcohol dependence and the craving for drinking and alcohol will disappear; of course, he will not immediately stop drinking or come out of the binge. During your free time from work, spend your time reading, playing sports, or doing something exciting. During the ritual, the mother or wife must use her monthly blood to read the most powerful spell for water and blood, which is used against drunkenness and can almost instantly rid a person of cravings for alcohol. With God's help, slave (name) will not drink wine. By the way, it was with Coca-Cola that his drinking binges usually began, no matter how funny it sounds. In this case, the conspiracy that the wife reads so that her husband stops drinking is akin to a prayer that acts on the subconscious of the drinker and without his knowledge. And she gnawed them furiously, as they say, to the point of meat.

It’s worth getting a blessing from the priest. It is this ancient and effective method self-recovery from heavy drinking at home has been helping wives and mothers for centuries! To carry out the conspiracy, buy a new padlock, and when you come home, lock it with a key. Before the conspiracy, you need to read the Lord’s Prayer three times, and after it, the conspiracy itself, healing from alcoholism and

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If you urgently need to wean a person away from alcohol, read the old alcohol spell, after drinking it, the drunkard will stop drinking once and for all, and every time he takes up alcohol, he will vomit violently. It is best to pray in front of images.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. First of all, you need to read the Our Father, which all believers know. The Inexhaustible Chalice icon has proven to be especially effective in the treatment of alcohol addiction and drunkenness. I reminded him of my wedding conditions. Today, my husband has not drunk for two months, he is still calm and peaceful. I again needed to look for an additional job, because with one job I couldn’t feed my child and couldn’t pay the mortgage (it was unreasonable to rely on my alcoholic husband). You can stop your husband from drinking using folk methods

Collect geese feathers on the road, and on the odd day of the month hang a bunch of feathers on an aspen tree, saying: “I command you to be here, and for the servant of God not to drink wine forever and ever. You need to read a spell for any alcohol: beer, vodka or wine in a cemetery. She went up to her relics and cried: So I came to you Matronushka! I don’t even love my husband anymore, and I don’t want to live with him, but still Help us as much as you can. If you can. In general, I didn’t really know what to ask, because I didn’t want to live with my husband anymore. I am the same woman who always caused me bewilderment and pity: Why don’t they get a divorce? Do they like having their feet wiped on them? These are pathetic creatures! I wouldn't put up with that! And now I am like this myself.

As you are our Master Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on Your Servant (husband’s name). A week later, I noticed that in response to my husband’s unfair words, out of habit, I try to scream and swear, but this happens without the same ardor and heat. Amen. However, a cemetery plot with the intention that a loved one will no longer drink is rather an exception. During binges, the husband stopped working completely, and these binges became more frequent and longer. They advised me to contact a magician, supposedly he heals people and helps with this. Store the resulting consecrated water in closed jar and diluting the charmed water 1:1 with holy water, drink a glass every morning on an empty stomach. A person who prays should think about God, and not about his problems.

Having finished reading the conspiracy against alcoholism, you need to make sure that the person suffering from a craving for alcohol drinks all the charmed water. It turns out that saving your family is not even considered. At home, where a person suffering from alcoholism lives, at sunset, light all 3 candles, placing them on a saucer in the middle of the table. But nothing helped. Now, looking back on the past, I think that it helped little by little, step by step. one step at a time: and my prayers, and candles, and prayer services, and the prayers of our daughter, all this ultimately led to the situation being resolved and to a happy outcome, so that God would direct my steps to the Matrona of Moscow monastery, so that my husband would heed my requests to go to confession , thereby demonstrating your will, your aspiration. Amen. I think many of you have heard about miracle prayer in front of the icon is the Inexhaustible Chalice, which helps people get rid of alcoholism and drive out alcoholics from themselves. Magic will help you cure alcoholism on your own, namely, church magic will help you quickly stop drinking. If you don’t have an icon, print it from the Internet or buy it at a church, and you should also buy a church candle there.

Key, lock, tongue. Vanga taught how to wean her husband off alcohol without his consent by telling a conspiracy against alcoholism that needs to be read every day in a photo of a drinking husband. I waited with fear for this critical point. I think many of you have heard about the miraculous prayer before the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice, which helps people get rid of alcoholism and drive out alcoholics from themselves. Magic will help you cure alcoholism yourself, namely, church magic will help you quickly stop drinking. Pour into a mug cold water, throwing a small piece of ice into the water, read the plot to cool off. The plot will help you independently cure a person of drunkenness and alcoholism.

I persuaded my husband to go to Serpukhov to see the miraculous icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice, which, judging by the reviews on the Internet, helped a lot of people, but he didn’t have time for everything, there was a lot of work. But what if new husband turns out to be a pedophile? And I have a little daughter, there are so many scary stories around that grown women tell about their childhood! What if juvenile justice (social patronage) takes over for us? After all, a broken family is a very convenient target for him. Vanga's conspiracy against drunkenness is done in a photo of her husband, holy water and 3 church candles yellow wax.

I also learned that all kinds of hypnosis and coding do not relieve addiction, and besides, the church is against it. My husband's binge continued for the prescribed five days. Arriving home, they first sweep all the corners in the house with a broom, and then the entire floor. It is necessary to realistically assess what is happening. Most likely, out of despair, I began to read the Akathist to the Icon of the Mother of God, the Inexhaustible Chalice, every day. Maybe I just want to believe in a miracle, but it seems to me that my father (if you can call him that) began to drink less.

Conversation (2014 01 25) - Dmitry Smirnov (video on the topic)

I understood that he was right and despaired. This cannot continue like this, it will only get worse! The question of divorce arose. The most powerful prayers are considered to be the Our Father - the Lord's Prayer, the Virgin Mary and the Heavenly King - this is the Prayer to the Holy Spirit. Make a firm decision to get rid of alcoholism and call upon Gentlemen to help. For a complete home course of treating alcohol addiction with the help of church magic, you need to serve at least 3 prayers in church for deliverance from drunkenness, performing the following as soon as you read water from drunkenness. A strong conspiracy against drunkenness will help bring any person at a distance from you out of the binge. During this difficult period, I was thrown from one extreme to another: I was preparing for divorce and leaving; then she convinced her husband that we needed to get married, receive God’s blessing for marriage and then everything would be fine (without a wedding, now she did not agree to sleep with him, no matter how much he persuaded).

In order to once and for all heal your husband from alcoholism and constant drunkenness, you need to read all 3 prayers to Saint Matrona in front of her image. You should avoid companies where alcohol is consumed. It was necessary to either leave or code, but he did not consider himself an alcoholic. What to do if a dependent person refuses treatment in a medical institution and does not admit his illness. No one was invited to the wedding, only my husband and I stood before God and prayed together.

She is the one who can help cope with any difficulties and resist temptations. To obtain this result, you need to read the prayer “Inexhaustible Chalice for Drunkenness” every day for 33 days. If your son, husband or other loved one is overtaken by the disease of alcoholism, do the following ritual yourself, which is aimed against alcohol addiction and heavy drinking. Unhealthy desires very often arise from idleness. The husband said that during confession the priest asked him to make a vow to never drink strong alcoholic drinks again, and he made such a vow to him. Amen. To obtain this result, you need to read the prayer “Inexhaustible Chalice for Drunkenness” every day for 33 days.

And no magic, don’t sin SUBSCRIBE Healing from alcoholism: what is impossible for a person... I decided that I definitely need to write you our story about alcoholism, since this particular topic on your site differs from all others in its hopelessness. Effective conspiracies against drunkenness and alcoholism are read in cases where persuasion and threats do not work and in order to save the family, a wife or mother, in secret from the alcoholic, independently reads this strong conspiracy for any alcohol that is given to a person addicted to alcohol. I sent him a photo of my husband, he said that he would quit drinking in 3 days and would never touch alcohol, and that’s what happened. On one day, 2 major holidays are celebrated: the day of Elijah the Prophet and Perun’s day, and it is on this day that the water charmed from drunkenness has enormous magical power and is capable of using magic to make a person stop drinking alcohol and never feel cravings for it again. The sun is free, rise into my yard, and in my yard there are no animals or people. Place a photo of your husband on the table and sprinkle it with previously prepared holy water and place the glass on the photo of your husband and say the text

This is a very old and effective rite of weaning from alcohol. No need to drink to your health. I just asked that everything be fine. I also have the same situation, please give me the coordinates. Maybe my advice will help someone. They are replaced by scandals and quarrels, psychological and material problems, disappointment and loneliness. I swore every time that this was the last, and it all started again. What is good about the prayer against drunkenness to the Mother of God, the inexhaustible cup, is the opportunity. This ancient Vanga conspiracy to discourage alcohol and relieve alcohol addiction will quickly help a person stop drinking alcohol while drinking, causing a strong disgust from alcohol.

Priest Nikolai Karov (video on the topic)

However, in Lately, paradoxically, our financial position has improved significantly. When does it occur desire drink, you need to take a few sips of consecrated water and read a prayer. This alarmed me! The catch was that in order to get drunk, my husband did not need strong alcoholic drinks, he reached required condition with the help of beer the same beer alcoholism.

Persuade your son or husband to serve a prayer service to the Saints for alcoholism. A strong conspiracy to get rid of alcoholism is read about water that should be given to a drunkard to drink. Much more terrible forces dominate over him. If in other matters you offer some kind of successful way out of the situation, then regarding alcoholism you have one proposal: divorce to save yourself and your children. There the wife will have to stand near the gate and wait for the first funeral procession. But unfortunately, people expect an immediate effect from prayer, not having true faith and being in sin. Like all prayers, the prayer against drunkenness is read in front of the icon of St. to the martyr Boniface and here is its text: O holy passion-bearer of Christ, warrior of the Heavenly King, despising earthly sensuality and ascending to the Heavenly Jerusalem through suffering, martyr Boniface! Hear me, a sinner, offering a prayer song from my heart, and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive all my sins, in my knowledge and ignorance. It will help to wean my husband or son from alcoholism and completely get rid of drunkenness. strong prayer which must be read before the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice. The final 13th song expresses the direct request of the person who is praying.

After it is carried out, any person suffering from alcoholism and craving for alcohol will stop drinking strong alcoholic drinks and quickly come out of the binge. The most powerful and effective conspiracy against alcoholism, as a powerful way to rid a person of alcohol addiction and relieve him of the craving for alcohol, can be read every day, but in practice, a week is enough to cause a complete aversion to alcohol in a person. An entity that feeds on the energy released by cells dying from the poison contained in alcohol forces the drunkard to return to the glass again and again, since it is beneficial and vital for it that the person drinks. Half a year has passed, and my husband still doesn’t drink. You can do this at home, most importantly, sincerely and with faith. Enlighten the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solve the problem (.) Thank you for your holy help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Significant changes are noticeable after reading the plot. The ritual begins to take effect as soon as the broom rots thoroughly in the ground. We started having scandals, during which I flew into a rage, scolded and even beat him.

It is best if the plot against alcoholism is read by a wife against her husband or a husband against her wife, in this case the effect of the conspiracy has a stronger effect and the consequences can discourage the craving for alcohol in a few days and the person will stop drinking forever. When your period starts, stain a rag with it. Watch the video of a conspiracy against drunkenness so that your husband does not drink. My husband also drank for 5 years every day. Amine". How dangerous is this hobby and how much trouble has it already brought. Rest assured, Matronushka will definitely help and beg God for healing from alcohol addiction for your husband, and soon your husband will stop drinking alcohol forever. A person who has decided on a ritual against drunkenness in order to stop drinking once and for all needs to serve a prayer service in church to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the healer Panteleimon and the martyr Boniface with the blessing of water. It is also considered very effective for getting rid of alcohol addiction.

Therefore, it is necessary to organize your day so that there is no time for drinking. Again, everything somehow started spinning quickly and three days later we got married. Amen. It is advisable to pronounce the text of the conspiracy before sunrise or at sunset: “Bell church bells It rings and rings, the abbot cannot sleep since dawn. Vanga's conspiracy against drunkenness is done using a photo of her husband, holy water and 3 yellow wax church candles. A strong Old Slavonic conspiracy against drunkenness must be read on Elijah the Prophet while taking a glass of clean water. A glass of holy water is poured into a three-liter jar and plain clean water is added to the top.

The Horned One offers drunkenness, but the Mother of God forbids. At midnight of the full moon, leave the house and go to the nearest crossroads or there is one good prayer to the holy martyr Boniface of Tarsus, healing from drunkenness and severe alcohol addiction and even drug addiction. The child saw scandals, quarrels, fights, I couldn’t stand it anymore.

Don't put off solving the problem until tomorrow. Choose from many recipes folk way, which will seem most useful and feasible to you, they also say that a complex drug for drunkenness has proven itself well, on plant based can be viewed HERE. Then I stood in line at the church store and ordered an everlasting psalter about my husband’s health for six months. An important condition is that there should not be a soul in the house (not even pets) except the woman performing the ritual. But now, when I suggested that he go to church, he replied that in order to pray, it is not necessary to go to church, that God in his soul is the most important thing. No matter how much he drank on the day of the conspiracy, one cannot scold him. But the basis is prayer and physical labor.

But the psychologist I went to brought me down to earth, explaining that with such binge drinking by my husband, all our imaginary well-being would very soon end. You need to read the conspiracy against drunkenness on illuminated water on the 19th day of any month by placing a jar of holy water next to the icon of the Savior. A conspiracy read on water on the day of Elijah the Prophet (Perunov’s day) will save a person from alcohol addiction and quickly lead him out of binge drinking. Now I believe that with God's help and with the help of Matrona, he got out of the power of this terrible power. The problem is that we do not always trust God, we forget that everything we have is given by God, including our life, we rely on our own strengths and sometimes forget about the Creator. How to pray correctly

Answers to questions (video on the topic)

Not every believer knows how to pray correctly at home, what rules must be followed, and in general, how to behave during prayer. to contents What prayers exist for drunkenness? List of prayers for drunkenness. Take a check and, after reading a prayer on it, the words of which will later go to church with alcohol to defend the service there.

Sometimes the 13th song needs to be read three times, and then the first and the prayer at the end, but this depends on the akathists themselves. Sun, turn the slave (name) away from wine, keep the slave (name) away from wine for a month, Stars, pacify the slave (name) from wine. Some monasteries organize specialized centers where assistance is provided to patients with alcoholism. Store the resulting consecrated water in a closed jar and dilute the consecrated water 1:1 with holy water and drink a glass every morning on an empty stomach.

Next, you need to rinse it in the basin. Using the magic of prayer, to make a person stop drinking and completely get rid of alcohol addiction once and for all, proceed as follows. Pour cold water into a mug, throwing a small piece of ice into the water and read the conspiracy to cool off. The conspiracy will help you independently cure a person of drunkenness and alcoholism. After a conspiracy against drunkenness of the beloved husband, the bottle is taken to the grave with the same name as the drinking relative. I persuaded my husband to go for a consultation with my psychologist. In simple words they can be formulated as follows. During Lent, a prayer and akathist to the Inexhaustible Chalice icon are read daily. Alcohol has not added it to anyone yet. He doesn’t have the willpower to give up alcohol on his own, so he can’t do it without the help of his family.

He became calmer, more attentive, and loves us. He will never know toil and melancholy, from this moment to the grave. Just one drink can return you to your previous destructive lifestyle. As a result, I got married late, at almost 30, and chose everything, experiencing one disappointment after another.

At midnight of the full moon, leave the house and go to the nearest crossroads or There is one good prayer to the holy martyr Boniface of Tarsus that heals drunkenness and severe alcohol addiction and even drug addiction. I looked for information and came to the same conclusion. I realized that I didn’t love him anymore and said that I decided to divorce him.

The husband, as usual, snorted mockingly, but in the end, a few days later, he went to church again, confessed and took communion. It will be useful to visit the temple, especially during the service, as well as reading prayers. Magical consciousness explains such a phenomenon as drunkenness by an addiction, that is, by a certain entity, an otherworldly body that has penetrated into a person’s energy structure in order to destroy it.

What is good about praying for drunkenness to the Mother of God, the inexhaustible cup, is the opportunity

Answers to questions from Nikolai Peychev (video on the topic)

This old Vanga conspiracy to discourage alcohol and relieve alcohol addiction will quickly help a person quit drinking alcohol while drinking, causing a strong disgust from alcohol. The thorns of all his sins have fallen, Lord, and may Thy grace dwell in him, scorching, cleansing, sanctifying the whole person in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Several years have passed.

Try not to allow this terrible vice into your life. A prayer that delivers from drunkenness can be read by both a mother for her son who needs to be cured of alcoholism, and a wife for her drinking husband. At home, where a person suffering from alcoholism lives, at sunset, light all 3 candles, placing them on a saucer in the middle of the table. Having read that the prayer of small children is very powerful, I taught our little girl how to ask God for her dad to stop drinking, and she asked: prayerfully folding her hands, repeating the necessary words after me, and then hilariously crossed herself. Prayers for drunkenness and alcoholism Prayer for alcoholism It is very difficult to look at people obsessed with drunkenness, at people who have no goal in life, who do not see what is happening under their feet, it is very difficult for such people, they cannot find the strength to give up alcohol, so where Should they take the willpower to pray? It is the duty of every Christian to pray, not only for himself and for his loved ones, but also for other people, even for his enemies, as Jesus Christ teaches us.

But there are other special prayers designed to get rid of drunkenness, drugs and other sinful passions: prayers to the Savior, prayers and akathists against alcoholism in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, prayers and akathists against drunkenness to the martyr Boniface, prayers to the Venerable Moses Murin, prayer against the saint’s alcoholism John of Kronstadt, prayer against drunkenness and intoxicating potion to the Pechersk healer Venerable Hypatius. It was hard for my husband too, but from time to time he most vilely left me alone with all the problems that had befallen us, allowing himself to relax with a beer. Take a check and, after reading a prayer on it, the words of which will later go to church with alcohol to defend the service there. But, if this happened, if your husband began to drink alcohol excessively. keep the situation under control. I know firsthand what an alcoholic father is like, I won’t go into the details of my life with this psychopathic alcoholic, but believe me, it was not sweet. Until the goose takes its feathers from the aspen tree, until then the servant of God (name) will not drink wine. We needed to somehow share our mortgaged apartment. My husband started drinking again. If he tried to hold on, then just by this time he became extremely irritable, began to accuse me of non-existent sins, brought me to a scandal and thus again received the moral right to drink. Conspiracy for a dead person

Traditionally, cemetery conspiracies are considered black magic, like any other actions related to death. Having gotten rid of addiction, you can be completely calm in the company where they drink alcohol and not give in to temptation. I looked on the Internet for the location of monasteries, chose the one on Taganka, and arrived. Take a glass of water and barely hear it. Conspiracies against alcoholism are considered the most effective against drunkenness. List of prayers against drunkenness Firstly, any sincere prayer will help you. The Inexhaustible Chalice icon has proven to be especially effective in the treatment of alcohol addiction and drunkenness.

The consequences of the conspiracy from drunkenness and alcohol addiction do not occur immediately, but after the first reading of the conspiracy, a person’s craving for alcohol weakens and every day he drinks less and sobers up faster. Our daughter rushed between us: she either tried to defend her dad, or scolded him along with me. Effective conspiracies against drunkenness and alcoholism are read in cases where persuasion and threats do not work and in order to save the family, a wife or mother, in secret from the alcoholic, independently reads this strong conspiracy for any alcohol that is given to a person addicted to alcohol. I thought that I would have to look for a new husband, because I always dreamed of having many children, one child is not enough for me. Before reading the conspiracy against alcoholism, cook any jelly, light a candle near the icon of the Mother of God of the Inexhaustible Chalice and place a glass of hot jelly. A month later, I realized that against the backdrop of my peaceful husband, my daughter and I now look like irritated shrews, although before it was the other way around. Take a bottle of alcohol and, having found a grave in the cemetery with the name of a patient with alcoholism, pour him a glass from the bottle you brought and placing it on the grave ground (next to the grave mound) say a strong spell against the bitter

#134 Why do I cry all the time during prayer? Christian Alexander (video on the topic)

Is it possible to overcome alcoholism on your own and get rid of alcoholism forever? dependencies- YES, IT IS POSSIBLE and Magina will be happy to share my story of how I was able to cure my husband’s drunkenness in a way accessible to everyone - with the help of white magic, namely prayer for alcoholism and faith in a necessarily good result. After this, it is recommended to undergo a 40-day fast, which will help to cleanse yourself spiritually and physically. There are many problems with divorce. He said that he understood a lot about himself, but he wouldn’t go back. My words are the lock, my deeds are the key. Independent conspiracies so that the husband does not drink. Orthodox prayer that helps in the treatment of prolonged drinking bouts: “Lord, help! God bless! Appeared at midnight Mother of God and forbade taking hop mash. Prayer, confession and fasting are the very road that leads to the house of our Heavenly Father.

Very often, people who have achieved healing begin to help other patients with alcohol addiction. Text of the plot: “The herbs are ants, the trees are green, strong and fragrant! From now on you won’t see the golden sun, you won’t drink rain, you won’t rustle leaves. I watched videos of conversations on the topic of Orthodoxy on the Internet. How to cast a spell on water and blood and what spell will help save a person from alcoholism and constant drunkenness. As soon as he hisses, quickly say a conspiracy against A strong conspiracy against drunkenness and alcoholism read over the sleeping person REVIEWS WHO DID: Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow from her husband's drunkenness and alcoholism PRAYER TO THE MATRONA OF MOSCOW FROM DRUNKENNESS AND ALCOHOLISM Husbands reading a prayer from their husband's drunkenness and alcoholism Matrona of Moscow helped her husband get rid of alcohol addiction and completely stop drinking alcohol.

And how hard it is to accept and survive your husband’s drunkenness! Everything collapses - dreams, plans, love. From my youth I was sure that I, smart and beautiful, would marry the best man in the world: smart, kind, handsome, etc. by the list. When a person returns from drinking and goes to bed, get up. Vanga taught how to wean a husband off alcohol without his consent by telling a conspiracy against alcoholism that needs to be read every day in a photo of a drinking husband. Ikos (addition to the content of the kontakion) is a prayer that complements the kontakion, after which there are many words of glorification of the one in whose honor the akathist was composed. And alcoholism treatment clinics specialize only in detoxification; they do not provide relief from addiction. Even skeptical people turn to masters of magic or read conspiracies on their own if there is a person in the family who has been drinking for several years in a row and is not going to give up the habit. It is unacceptable to pronounce the text for fun over alcohol; for such an act, higher powers can severely punish.

A person who has decided on a ritual against drunkenness in order to stop drinking once and for all needs to serve a prayer service in church to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the healer Panteleimon and the martyr Boniface with the blessing of water. When your period starts, stain a rag with it. It is best if the plot against alcoholism is read by a wife against her husband or a husband against her wife, in this case the effect of the conspiracy has a stronger effect and the consequences can discourage the craving for alcohol in a few days and the person will stop drinking forever.

Kontakion (short song) is a prayer in which an event in the life of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God or a saint is briefly glorified. Like all prayers, the prayer against drunkenness is read in front of the icon of St. to the martyr Boniface and here is its text: O holy passion-bearer of Christ, warrior of the Heavenly King, despising earthly sensuality and ascending to the Heavenly Jerusalem through suffering, martyr Boniface! Hear me, a sinner, offering a prayer song from my heart, and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive all my sins, in my knowledge and in my ignorance. A strong prayer that must be read in front of the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice will help to wean your husband or son from alcoholism and completely get rid of drunkenness. Before reading the conspiracy against alcoholism, cook any jelly, light a candle near the icon of the Mother of God of the Inexhaustible Chalice and place a glass of hot jelly.

Very often people ask: “How to pray for a drinker? What prayers can help him? What icons should one turn to so that a person susceptible to the passion of alcoholism receives a speedy healing?”

We understand: it is very important to help a drinking person spiritually. An alcohol dependent person is often a person possessed, a person who has been possessed by a fallen spirit, a demon, through the passion of alcoholism. Only God can help an alcohol-dependent person break out of a state of obsession.

But God helps when He is asked for help. If they do not ask God for help, if they refuse His help, then this help does not come.

God does not force himself on anyone. He gave every person free will and expects from a person a free expression of will, a free desire to come to Him.

What to do if an alcoholic person is in such a difficult spiritual state that he cannot turn to God for help, when he cannot and does not want to come to the temple of God? In this case, he needs the spiritual help of family and friends.

First of all, they need to start praying for the person suffering from alcoholism. It could be home prayer, it could be church prayer. You should also give alms and do good deeds to save the drinking person.

The personal life of a person who wants to pray for someone suffering from alcoholism is very important. It is very important that such a person lives according to the commandments of God and is a churchgoer. So that he observes fasts, has no mortal sins, regularly confesses and receives communion. Then his prayer will have real power.

In home prayer for an alcohol-dependent person, you can read an akathist in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” read two chapters from the Gospel every day, and one kathisma from the Psalter. You can read various kinds of prayers for the healing of the sick.

Stories from our readers

See more advice from a priest on praying for a drinker here:

SENSATION! Doctors are dumbfounded! ALCOHOLISM goes away FOREVER! You just need it every day after meals...

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

O most merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Undivided Trinity, look graciously upon Thy servant (name), who is overcome by illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from his illness; restore his health and bodily strength; Give him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that together with us he brings grateful prayers to You, our All-Bountiful God and Creator.

Prayer to the Lord

Master Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, strengthen those who fall, raise up the overthrown, correcting bodily sorrows of people and, we pray to Thee, our God, visit Thy servant (name), who is weak with Thy mercy, forgive him every sin, voluntary and involuntary. Hey, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, extinguish the fire, tame passion and all lurking infirmity, be the doctor of Your servant (name), raise him from the sick bed, and from the bed of bitterness, whole and all-perfect, grant him to Your Church pleasing and doing Your will, for it is Yours to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You. To the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.

Another prayer to the Lord

Lord Almighty, Physician of our souls and bodies, humble and exalt, punish and again heal! Visit Thy servant (name) who is infirm and heal him, raising him from his bed and infirmity. Rebuke the spirit of infirmity, leave from it every ulcer, every disease, and even if there is sin or lawlessness in it, weaken, leave, forgive Your love for mankind. To her, Lord, have mercy on Thy creation in Christ Jesus our Lord, with Him art thou blessed, and with Thy Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at a dispensary, nothing helped. An effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva helped. EFFECTIVE METHOD

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice”

O most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers; and heal the serious illness of drunkenness of those possessed and for the sake of your mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of our fallen brothers and sisters and relatives. O merciful Magi of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of orphans and poor children abandoned as lost, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours come through Your prayers to the throne of the Most High. Cover and keep us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeal without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for endless centuries. Amen

Prayer to the martyr Boniface

O long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface! We now resort to your intercession; do not reject the prayers of us who sing to you, but graciously hear us. See our brothers and sisters, obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, see for the sake of their mother, the Church of Christ, and eternal salvation falling away. O holy martyr Boniface, touch their hearts with the grace given to them by God, quickly raise them from the falls of sin and lead them to saving abstinence. Pray to the Lord God, for His sake you suffered, so that having forgiven us our sins, may He not turn His mercy away from His sons, but may He strengthen sobriety and chastity in us, may His right hand help those who are sober to keep their saving vow to the end in days and nights, oh He is awake and a good answer will be given about him at the Last Judgment. Accept, servant of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives, weeping for their husbands, orphaned and wretched children, abandoned by the pianists, all of us, falling down on your icon, and may this cry of ours come through your prayers to the throne of the Most High, granting to all through their prayers health and salvation of souls and bodies, especially the Kingdom Heavenly. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, and with your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation. Pray to the Lord to grant us unfeigned and unshakable love for our Fatherland, before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, invincible power, so that the mercy of God will cover us for endless centuries. Amen

Prayer before and after reading the Gospel

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on Your servant (name) with the words of the Divine Gospel, which are about the salvation of Your servant. The thorns of all his sins have fallen, Lord, and may Thy grace dwell in him, scorching, cleansing, sanctifying the whole person in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer against drunkenness is the only salvation for a person who suffers from this illness. Nowadays, many families suffer from terrorism, the nagging of a drinking person who lives with them under the same roof. To endure this you need to have a lot of strength and health or be a person indifferent to the world around you and what is happening. Everyone who is faced with alcoholism wants to help the drinking person, save their husband, son, daughter or mother. This desire is very justified, because addiction to alcohol needs to be eradicated not only from the body, it is necessary to treat the soul of the patient.

Alcohol addiction is a disease

According to statistics, not a single drinker has ever admitted that he is an alcoholic. Usually such people say that they can stop drinking at any time, it’s just a way to realize themselves in life, prove their importance, and have a great time with similar friends. But is this really so?

In our country there are a handful of non-drinkers who do not even touch alcoholic beverages and can calmly sit in the company of drinking friends. And then, some of them by nature do not like alcohol, others have undergone appropriate treatment. Thanks to their own willpower and endurance, they look at alcoholic drinks with disgust.

But that part of humanity that remains at least sometimes drinks. Agree, they are forced to do this by the occasions themselves, some have a birthday, a wedding, another celebration, some simply wish at the end working week relax and have a drink with work colleagues or go to a beer bar with friends. As for me, there is nothing wrong with this if a person does not abuse alcohol, does not come home late at night, getting all his relatives out of bed, gets up in the morning and calmly, without another dose, begins to do his usual work.

True, which drinker will agree to treatment, most likely, if this happens, then such a case will be an exception. In order for an alcoholic to voluntarily agree to treatment, a long way of working with him is needed, various consultations in rehabilitation centers, begging relatives, a sea of ​​tears. But even this does not guarantee that after treatment he will not return to his previous habits. Don’t despair, there is one real way that, thanks to your efforts and perseverance, will help someone suffering from alcohol addiction forget about alcohol for life.

Prayer for alcoholism is the only, surest way that will help you get rid of addiction and save your husband or son. People who resorted to him say that miraculous prayers, sincere faith in God’s power and help more than once saved souls drowning in alcohol, cleansed them, made them bright and pure.

If you want to save the lost soul of your husband, son or other person close to you, who is lost in sin, sincerely believe in the power of God and pray, pray with all your might, without feeling tired. The Almighty will hear your prayers, he will definitely open doors for you, listen and help. The main thing is, don’t give up, don’t stop hoping, and sooner or later your prayers will be heard, you will be rewarded for your patience, faith and perseverance.

The Power of Prayer

It’s not for nothing that people compare alcohol addiction to the temptation of a snake. After all, even in the Bible the serpent is mentioned as a tempter who, with his cunning, lured the first people and forced them to commit a sin, for which all humanity is paying today. If you look around you, you can easily notice people who have fallen under the power of the tempting serpent, who are drowning in sins, and one of them is alcohol. The serpent does not stop there, in every possible way he conquers and seduces all new and pure souls.

But it is possible to defeat the serpent, he is not omnipotent, because he was created by God, and he will die by his hand. Therefore, by turning to the Almighty for help, we will thus, with His hand and strength, defeat the tempting serpent that has taken possession of the soul and thoughts of an alcoholic.

A person, drinking alcohol, loses his essence, becomes aggressive, impudent, rude, like a beast, it seems that everything human that was once in him has long been drunk away.

But this is not so, the spark of humanity does not disappear; if you turn to God in time, pray for the drinker sincerely, especially in front of the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice, then the spark may turn into a huge flame. At first glance, a long-lost alcoholic will become ideal husband, who will help cope with an illness as sick as he himself once was.

If your husband or loved one has faith in God, ask him to pray for his own recovery. Only strong faith in healing, your direct help and the Almighty are capable of working miracles.

Alcoholism destroys the mind, blinds human soul, depletes the body. Orthodox Christians are true believers and often ask for help from the Mother of God; her icon called the Inexhaustible Chalice has miraculous powers. Many mothers and wives who washed her with tears were themselves convinced of her strength and help.

Miraculous Icon

In churches and Temples of God there are many miraculous icons, in front of which those suffering pray and ask for help. Not a single icon has ever been washed with such bitter tears as the Inexhaustible Chalice. This is probably because alcoholism in our country affects people unusually quickly, acting like a virus or pathogenic bacteria.

In front of the icon, people who want to help their drinking relatives and friends pray for the healing of soul and body from alcohol addiction. Many icons are decorated with the image of the Mother of God with the Divine Child in her arms. The Inexhaustible Chalice is distinguished by the fact that it depicts the Mother of God with her hands stretched out over the chalice with the Divine Child. The vessel is the Chalice of the Lord's Communion, giving humanity joy, consolation, and filling it with vital and spiritual strength.

History of the icon

Humanity learned about the miraculous Icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice in 1978 from the Nativity of Christ. At that time, one soldier, who came from a peasant family, began to drink heavily after finishing his service. Yes, he became so addicted to alcohol that soon his legs gave out, he could not move freely only on all fours. One night, when he was fast asleep, a holy schema-monk appeared to him in a dream, who told him that in the Serpukhov holy monastery there was an icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice. He told the servant to go to the monastery, find an icon there and order the Divine Service in front of its face. In this way he will be cured of his drunkenness and his illness. The soldier was very frightened and did not believe the schema-monk, and was afraid long journey, which he cannot cope with with sore legs. But the elder did not retreat and appeared to the servant a second, and then a third time, strictly ordering him to step into the indicated holy place.

The soldier had no choice but to obey and he went in search of the monastery and the icon, which the monks found with difficulty and agreed to serve a prayer service in front of the Inexhaustible Chalice icon. At the end of it, the serviceman felt great relief, the passion for alcohol passed, he got to his feet and walked, completely healed from a serious illness. A miracle happened before the eyes of all the inhabitants of the monastery, who spread the glory of the icon throughout the world.

Since then, wives who want to save their husbands, mothers of sons come to the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice and ask for help, washing it with tireless tears.

How to pray correctly

You have decided to fight alcohol addiction, to help your loved one, then you must turn to God. And not only the wife should pray for her husband, or the mother for her son, or the daughter for her mother, it is better if the whole family says the prayer. It is advisable that all family members go to church and order a Divine Service in front of the Inexhaustible Chalice icon with the blessing of water.

The water that will be blessed must be taken home and given to a patient with alcoholism to drink. Turn to God with all sincerity, with an open soul, prayer and water will definitely help you heal. If the patient wants to drink, but there is no blessed water at hand, then he must say three times, Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner. After the words are spoken, the desire will pass. It will also be useful for the patient to read the Gospel every day, at least one chapter a day.

In addition to prayers before the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice, they are also read before the faces of other saints. The face of the Savior, akathists in front of the icon of the martyr Bonifatius, the icon of the Monk Moses Murin, the icon of St. John of Kronstadt, prayers to the healer of the Pechersk Venerable Hypatius will help.

Anyone who wants to get rid of his addiction to alcohol must regularly attend church liturgies, pray the rosary, go to confession, read the Psalter, scriptures, stick to fasting.

Spouse's drunkenness ordeal for family. Alas, you can read about its consequences in crime chronicles, or simply hear from friends. Often it not only changes loved ones forever, but also spoils families, maims and takes the lives of children and mothers. Therefore, the church does not condemn women who do not want to rehabilitate their drinking spouse and who choose divorce. After all, drunkenness is considered one of the most serious illnesses that can ruin the life of the entire family, setting a bad example for children, not to mention the fact that living with an aggressive alcoholic is unsafe. But if there is still a chance to return a loved one to normal life, then it would be a sin not to take advantage of it. It is for this reason that it is worth going to the temple. You can pray for a drinking person to save his soul and, possibly, his own family. A strong prayer for a husband’s drunkenness can work miracles, if only a person approaches it wisely.

How and to whom to pray

John of Kronstadt. This saint had the gift of clairvoyance and could see many things. Therefore, you should definitely read a prayer and light a candle in front of his icon. In addition, a saint can not only heal your husband from drunkenness, but also allow you to understand why this happened in your family. The truth is revealed not only in the form of clues in life, but also with the help prophetic dreams. A prayer to the saint can be read in front of his icon at night or during services in the temple. Here is its text:

However, the most powerful prayer for a husband’s drunkenness is usually addressed to the “Inexhaustible Chalice.” This is an icon of the Mother of God, which allows you to treat such an ailment. Usually they pray to her 40 evenings in a row so that a person stops drinking. In some situations it really works wonders.

Why doesn't the icon help?

Even the strongest prayer for your husband’s drunkenness may not help you if he doesn’t want to quit. bad habit. Or if he likes to drink, and he does not consider it necessary to correct anything. It may not help if the wife herself drinks or has committed a serious sin that can negatively affect the family. For example, men often become drunkards with women who, contrary to fate, have married their beloved and cast a love spell on him. Drunkenness also happens if the wife has chosen the wrong person. Therefore, sometimes it is better to separate from your spouse than to try to improve the relationship.

Remember that prayer for a husband’s strong drunkenness does not immediately help, and may not help at all if the person himself is not going to stop drinking. So in some cases, it’s worth letting go of the situation or your spouse on all four sides in order to save yourself and not ruin the lives of your children.

Strong Orthodox prayer for husband's drunkenness

Most women in our vast homeland have to deal with their spouse’s alcohol addiction. A destructive addiction to alcohol is a huge problem that can unsettle anyone, especially if all means to eliminate it have already been tried, but there has been no result. A strong Orthodox prayer against a husband’s drunkenness often becomes the last saving straw for wives who want to pull their life partners out of the suffocating noose of the green serpent.

The role of Orthodox prayer in the fight against alcoholism

It is not for nothing that the symbol of alcoholism is the green serpent. According to the Bible, it was the serpent who once acted as the tempter and directed humanity onto the path of sin. And the fruits of this are being reaped to this day. An example of this is widespread drunkenness, which has captured and ruined many good and kind human souls in its tenacious clutches.

Alcoholism does not even think of stopping its hunt for souls and continues to doom people to suffering. Moreover, it is not known who else is harmed by drunkenness more grief– to alcoholics themselves, or to their relatives and friends. I sincerely feel sorry for those courageous, patient and at the same time unhappy women who have to carry a heavy cross in the form of a drunkard spouse.

Passion for alcohol over time takes away everything human from a person and turns him into a weak-willed and cruel animal. The alcoholic does not notice anything except his addiction, which is gradually killing him. He does not want to admit his illness (and this is nothing more than a disease of the soul), he does not want to be treated. In such cases, sometimes faith in God becomes the only way out of the situation.

A person who sincerely believes in the Lord will always be able to overcome hopelessness and despondency (and they invariably follow any drunkard), will be able to find peace of mind and rise to the level that will allow him to win the green serpent. Powerful and effective means On the path to this victory, the Orthodox prayer against drunkenness appears.

Icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” and a strong prayer against drunkenness

Drinking has a detrimental effect on all sides human personality: exhausts the body, damages the mind, destroys the soul. The Orthodox Church interprets alcoholism as a demonic influence and believes that it requires special help. To provide this help, the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” is most often used, in front of which a prayer for drunkenness is said.

The image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” differs from other icons of the Mother of God in that on it the Mother of God does not hold the Baby in her arms, but extends them over the sacred Chalice of the Lord’s Communion, in which the Baby Jesus is located. This cup has the amazing property of giving a person joy and consolation, and quenching his spiritual thirst.

The “Inexhaustible Chalice” is addressed to the face of the Mother of God with a request to heal relatives and friends from drunkenness. The prayer with which it is customary to appeal to this icon for deliverance from alcoholism sounds like this:

This prayer, which can help save a husband, son and other relatives from drunkenness, is one of the most powerful and effective. It must be said several times and, preferably, with the blessing of the priest.

It is necessary to offer prayer to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon sincerely, with an open heart. While reading it, it is also recommended to take on a feat in the form strict fasting 40 days long. Be sure to regularly visit the temple all this time and submit notes on the health of a person obsessed with alcohol addiction.

From the history of the appearance of the icon “Inexhaustible Chalice”

The prototype of the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” appeared to the Orthodox world in 1878.

In the Efremov district of the Tula province lived a drunkard peasant. Possessed by the green serpent, he drank away all the property in his house and came to a miserable existence. Because of alcohol, his legs were paralyzed, but he did not give up his habit. Exactly until he had a dream in which an old man appeared to him and suggested to him a remedy for healing from a destructive addiction: go to Serpukhov, to the Vvedensky Vladychny Monastery, find there the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” and serve a prayer service in front of it. However, the peasant did not dare to follow the elder’s advice - because of his sore legs and lack of outside help.

The dream was repeated 2 more times, the third time the old man in it already gave the drunkard a threatening order. Frightened by him, the peasant set off on the road on all fours, stopping along the way in one village for the night. The old woman, whose guest the traveler was, saw his suffering, took pity on him and rubbed his feet at night and put him to sleep on the stove. At night, the peasant felt relief, was able to get up, and then continued his journey on his feet, first leaning on 2 sticks, then on just one.

Having reached Serpukhov, he came to the indicated monastery and told about his dreams, but it turned out that no one had heard about the image of the Holy Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. Then someone suggested looking at the icon hanging in the passage from the church to the sacristy - what if this is it? Having examined the icon, everyone was extremely surprised to see the inscription “Inexhaustible Chalice” on its reverse side. And in the old man from his dream, the peasant recognized the man who built this monastery - Father Varlaam.

The face of the Mother of God was immediately taken to the temple and a prayer service was served in front of it. The peasant returned home completely healthy - on healthy legs, cured of his craving for alcohol.

The news about the newly appeared icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” and the peasant’s miraculous recovery very soon spread beyond the monastery. Suffering people began to flock to the image of the Mother of God from everywhere. They offered their prayers to her, asking for deliverance from drunkenness, and were convinced of her mercy and miraculousness.

Other prayers for husband’s drunkenness - effective and proven

A prayer against a husband’s drunkenness can be addressed not only to the image of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”. With a request to help her husband cope with his harmful addiction, a wife can turn to:

  • Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow;
  • Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Powerful prayer against her husband’s drunkenness to Matrona of Moscow

Prayers for healing from addiction to alcohol, addressed to Saint Matronushka, have enormous miraculous power and help to cope with even the most severe forms of alcohol addiction.

The text of the petition, which is erected before the face of the Matrona of Moscow in order to receive assistance in the fight against the green serpent, reads like this:

A prayer against drunkenness directed to Matronushka can be read both in church and at home. It is important that it, like all prayers for alcoholism, is said regularly.

Prayer for husband’s alcoholism to Nikolai Ugodnik

Another strong prayer for a husband’s drunkenness is to turn to God’s Pleasant Nicholas. The prayer process can be carried out in a temple or at home.

Home use of the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker against alcoholism requires a special ritual, for which you must purchase:

  • icons: St. Nicholas the Pleasant , Holy Mother of God“Inexhaustible Chalice” , Lord Jesus Christ , Holy Matrona of Moscow. In general, these icons should be in any house where there is a person addicted to alcohol;
  • 3 church candles;
  • holy water.

Nicholas the Pleasant needs to conduct a prayer ceremony at home in absolute silence. Procedure:

  1. Place all the icons on the table.
  2. Light 3 candles in front of the images and place a container of holy water next to them.
  3. Peering into the vessel with consecrated water, say the text of the prayer against drunkenness to St. Nicholas the Pleasant:

Let the candles burn out completely.

During the ritual, the consecrated water receives a healing charge from prayer. The charmed liquid should be regularly added to your husband’s food and drinks - so that he does not notice or suspect anything.

An indispensable condition for this prayer ritual is daily visit to the temple for a 10-day period. On each of these 10 days, you need to pray to the holy elder and submit notes about the health of a person suffering from alcoholism.

Listen also to prayers against drunkenness in this video:

Any prayer against drunkenness must be said sincerely, with the prayer’s concentration on every word. At the moment of turning to higher powers, you need to think only about the problem (your husband’s drunkenness - in this case) and not be distracted by extraneous thoughts. The text should be spoken in a whisper or out loud, clearly and clearly, with expression. There must also be a deep faith in the help of God and His saints.

My husband used to drink heavily all the time. They treated him in a drug treatment clinic, but it was difficult to persuade him to go there. At the same time, she went to church secretly from him and prayed in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon. With God's help and the help of doctors, we were able to overcome alcoholism. Now he doesn’t even drink on holidays.

My father has been drinking for several years, and stubbornly refuses to get treatment and code. There is no strength to see how his mother suffers next to him... Thank you very much for your prayers! I’ll definitely tell you and show my mom.

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A very powerful prayer for alcoholism

This old Vanga conspiracy to discourage alcohol and relieve alcohol addiction will quickly help a person quit drinking alcohol while drinking, causing a strong disgust from alcohol. A strong conspiracy to get rid of alcoholism is read about water that should be given to a drunkard to drink. As soon as a person with an addiction to alcohol drinks the water that has been charmed for drunkenness, the spell will immediately begin to take effect and as a result the person will begin to experience a strong aversion to any alcohol, even the smell and taste of beer will seem disgusting to him.

Read the conspiracy against drunkenness you need to use illuminated water on the 19th day of any month by placing a jar of holy water next to the icon of the Savior on the photograph of the person from whom you need relieve alcohol addiction and once and for all wean you off alcohol. Having put everything as said, lean towards the glass of water and barely audibly say into it (like into a well) words of conspiracy against drunkenness :

Strong prayer and icon Inexhaustible cup against drunkenness of a son or husband

A strong prayer that needs to be read in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon will help to wean your husband or son from alcoholism and completely get rid of drunkenness. Already after the first reading of the prayer, the man for whom they prayed will have a decrease in alcohol dependence and the craving for drinking and alcohol will disappear; of course, he will not immediately stop drinking or come out of the binge. To obtain this result, you need to read the prayer “Inexhaustible Chalice for Drunkenness” every day for 33 days. A prayer that delivers from drunkenness can be read by both a mother for her son who needs to be cured of alcoholism, and a wife for her drinking husband. What is good about the prayer against drunkenness to the Mother of God “inexhaustible cup” is the opportunity to pray without a person suffering from alcoholism.

Prayer to the holy martyr Boniface from the disease of drunkenness and alcoholism

There is one good prayer to the holy martyr Boniface of Tarsus that heals drunkenness and severe alcohol addiction and even drug addiction. Like all prayers, a prayer against drunkenness is read in front of the icon of St. Martyr Boniface and here is its text :

O holy passion-bearer of Christ, warrior of the Heavenly King, despiser of earthly voluptuousness

And ascended through suffering to the Heavenly Jerusalem, martyr Boniface!

Hear me, a sinner, offering prayer songs from my heart,

And beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive all my sins,

What I did in knowledge and ignorance.

Alcohol conspiracy. A strong conspiracy against drunkenness read on alcohol

If you urgently need to wean a person away from alcohol, read the old alcohol spell, after drinking it, the drunkard will stop drinking once and for all, and every time he takes up alcohol, he will be severely “thrown out.” A strong conspiracy against drunkenness and alcohol addiction is read only once and strictly at midnight on the full moon. Effective conspiracies against drunkenness and alcoholism are read in cases where persuasion and threats do not work and in order to save the family, a wife or mother, in secret from an alcoholic, independently reads this strong conspiracy for any alcohol that is given to a person addicted to alcohol.

At midnight of the full moon, leave your house and go to the nearest crossroads or paths. Place a bottle of alcohol in the center of the intersection and say three times drunkenness spell :

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness to read at home on the icon “Inexhaustible Chalice”

Conspiracies and prayers help cure a person’s alcoholism and bring him out of a long-term binge. The “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon has proven to be especially good in the treatment of alcohol addiction and drunkenness. Even the church recognizes a person’s alcoholism as a demonic influence on his will. If you don’t have an icon, print it from the Internet or buy it at a church, and you should also buy a church candle there. Before reading the conspiracy against alcoholism, cook any jelly, light a candle near the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” and place a glass of hot jelly. Before the conspiracy, you need to read the Lord’s Prayer three times, and after it you yourself healing spell for alcoholism and drunkenness :

A conspiracy to relieve cravings for alcohol

This is a very old and effective ritual for weaning from alcohol.. After it is carried out, any person suffering from alcoholism and craving for alcohol will stop drinking strong alcoholic drinks and quickly come out of the binge. Alcoholism conspiracy they read while drinking, to do this they quietly take the unfinished glass from a person with alcoholism and pour vodka into a village toilet with a cesspool, while saying the words of the conspiracy:

Vanga's conspiracy to stop her husband's drunkenness and deliver him from alcoholism

Vanga taught how to wean her husband off alcohol without his consent by telling a conspiracy against alcoholism that needs to be read every day in a photo of a drinking husband. By performing this ritual, you can once and for all wean your husband from drunkenness without his knowledge. Vanga's conspiracy against drunkenness is done using a photo of her husband, holy water and 3 yellow wax church candles. At home, where a person suffering from alcoholism lives, at sunset, light all 3 candles, placing them on a saucer in the middle of the table. Place a photo of your husband on the table and sprinkle it with the previously prepared holy water and place the glass on the photo of your husband and say conspiracy text :

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness and alcoholism read over a sleeping person

The most powerful and effective conspiracy against alcoholism, as a powerful way to rid a person of alcohol dependence and relieve him of the craving for alcohol, can be read every day, but in practice, a week is enough to cause a complete aversion to alcohol in a person. Read a conspiracy against alcoholism over a sleeping person a sober person should stand at the head of a drunken sleeping man or woman. It is best if the plot against alcoholism is read by a wife against her husband or a husband against her wife, in this case the effect of the conspiracy has a stronger effect and the consequences can discourage the craving for alcohol in a few days and the person will stop drinking forever. When a person returns from drinking and goes to bed, stand at the head of the bed and pray the Lord’s Prayer, read the conspiracy against drunkenness over a sleeping person three times :

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow against her husband’s drunkenness and alcoholism

Wives reading a prayer against their husband’s drunkenness and alcoholism to Matrona of Moscow helped her husband get rid of alcohol addiction and completely stop drinking alcohol. Matrona of Moscow is considered the patron saint who helps people get rid of the harmful effects of alcoholism. Before the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, people pray for everything that troubles their souls, and very often ask for deliverance of themselves, husbands, children, brothers, sisters from drunkenness and healing of alcoholism. Millions of people turn to Saint Matronushka in prayer and write reviews about the help they received! Believe me, the prayer to Matrona of Moscow against drunkenness is unusually strong and very effective, it has helped many, and it will also help your husband get rid of the disease of alcoholism.

Prayer for healing yourself from drunkenness and alcoholism

There is a good prayer for drunkenness and alcoholism that you need to read to yourself. The Church claims that alcohol addiction is damage caused by demons to a person. That is why you need to pray in church to stop drinking and read a prayer to yourself in front of the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. This prayer has already helped many to relieve their addiction to alcohol, and many, having read the prayer healing themselves from drunkenness just once, have gotten rid of the craving for alcohol forever. If you have the desire and faith in the result, go to church and read a prayer to heal yourself from the habit of alcoholism. Prayer text :

Prayer against drunkenness by St. John of Kronstadt

Healing prayer for drunkenness to John of Kronstadt very popular and has helped several thousand people get rid of alcohol addiction. In order to independently get rid of alcoholism and addiction to alcohol, chapter 15 of the Gospel of John is read along with prayer, together they help in healing from drunkenness for a very short term. Text of the prayer:

Lord, look mercifully on Your servant (name), seduced by the flattery of the belly and carnal joy. Grant him (name) to know the sweetness of abstinence in fasting and the fruits of the Spirit flowing from it. Amen.

Ice spell for drunkenness - cold, hard ice

A strong spell on ice will cool the craving for drunkenness and, as a result of a turn away from alcoholism made on ice, the spellbound person, when he takes a glass, will experience a strong aversion to alcohol. You can read the ice plot for three months in a row on the waning moon. Place a piece of ice or an icicle in a cup on the windowsill so that it melts overnight and you can see the moon. Getting up early in the morning at sunrise when the ice icicle melts into the resulting melt water, read three times within seven days (week) spell to get rid of drunkenness :

The plot to quickly get out of binge reading, lock and go

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness will help bring any person at a distance from you out of binge drinking.. Considered effective against drunkenness spells for alcoholism made for a new padlock. This one An ancient and effective method of self-relief from heavy drinking at home has been helping wives and mothers for centuries! To carry out the conspiracy, buy a new padlock, and when you come home, lock it with a key. To do spell to get rid of binge drinking heat the key on the fire and throw it into the cold water prepared in advance. As soon as he hisses, quickly say conspiracy against binge drinking :

Magic treatment of alcoholism for yourself to get rid of drunkenness

Magic will help you cure alcoholism on your own, namely, church magic will help you quickly stop drinking. To the person who decided to anti-drinking ritual to stop drinking once and for all You need to serve a prayer service in church for Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the healer Panteleimon and the martyr Boniface with the blessing of water. Store the resulting consecrated water in a closed jar and dilute the consecrated water 1:1 with holy water and drink a glass every morning on an empty stomach. On a complete home course of treatment for alcohol addiction using church magic you need to serve at least 3 prayers in church for deliverance from drunkenness, performing the next one as soon as the water you read from drunkenness runs out. In addition to the ritual, in order to quickly cure your drunkenness, you can read a prayer for the treatment of alcohol addiction for 40 days in a row in front of the Akathist icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”:

How I overcame alcoholism or how you can overcome your husband’s alcohol addiction

Is it possible to overcome alcoholism on your own and get rid of alcohol addiction forever - YES, IT IS POSSIBLE and Maginya will be happy to share my story how I was able to cure my husband's drunkenness in a way accessible to everyone - with the help of white magic, namely prayer for alcoholism and faith in a necessarily good result. I think many of you have heard about the miraculous prayer before the icon.” Inexhaustible Chalice” that helps people get rid of alcoholism and cast out “alcoholic demons” from yourself.

Conspiracy against drunkenness and alcoholism for alcohol

The conspiracy will help you independently cure a person from drunkenness and alcoholism. You need to read a spell for any alcohol: beer, vodka or wine in a cemetery. Take a bottle of alcohol and, having found a grave in the cemetery with the name of a patient with alcoholism, pour him a glass from the bottle you brought and placing it on the grave ground (next to the grave mound) say strong conspiracy against bitter drunkenness :

A conspiracy against binge drinking. Binge-breaking spell against drunkenness

A conspiracy against binge drinking is read on water that is given to a person suffering from alcoholism.. After drinking water that is charmed against binge drinking, a person who has not stopped drinking for several days will feel disgusted with alcohol and will voluntarily quit the binge. The conspiracies will now tell you how to use magic and prayer to get a person out of a long-term binge. Pour cold water into a mug, throw a small piece of ice into the water and read the spell to cool off from binge drinking :

Conspiracy prayer for drunkenness is read for alcohol

Using the magic of prayer, to make a person stop drinking and completely get rid of alcohol addiction once and for all, proceed as follows. Take a check and, after reading a prayer on it, the words of which will later go to church with alcohol to defend the service there. In the same church, order a magpie for the health of a person from whom you need to remove the craving for alcohol. Words of the prayer to get rid of drunkenness :

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness without the participation of the drunkard

Conspiracies against alcoholism are considered the most effective against drunkenness. If your son, husband or other loved one is overtaken by the disease of alcoholism, do the following ritual yourself, which is aimed against alcohol addiction and heavy drinking. During the ritual, the mother or wife must read on her monthly blood the most powerful spell for water and blood that is used against drunkenness and is able to almost instantly relieve a person of cravings for alcohol.

How to cast a spell on water and blood and what spell will help save a person from alcoholism and constant drunkenness. When your period starts, stain a rag with it. Next, you need to rinse it in a basin with plain water and read water spell pour it under any aspen tree and bury the rag there. Conspiracy against drunkenness next:

Conspiracies for Elijah the Prophet against drunkenness and alcohol addiction

A spell read on the water on the day of Elijah the Prophet (Perun’s Day) will save a person from alcohol addiction and quickly bring him out of binge drinking. 2 major holidays are celebrated on one day: the day of Elijah the Prophet and Perun’s day, and on this very day water charmed from drunkenness has enormous magical power and is capable of using magic to make a person stop drinking alcohol and never feel craving for him again. Strong Old Slavonic conspiracy against drunkenness need to read on Elijah the Prophet taking a glass of clean water. After graduating read a conspiracy against alcoholism you need to make sure that a person suffering from a craving for alcohol drinks all the charmed water. Take a glass of water and say softly over it words of conspiracy against drunkenness .

What else to read