"Only Russians are capable of this." How the Airborne Forces land armored vehicles with people. Jumping from an airplane inside an armored personnel carrier - a unique technique of the Russian Airborne Forces Do they land equipment with people

In a few photos with my comments, I will tell you about the process of landing the military equipment of the airborne troops, using the BMD (Airborne Combat Vehicle) as an example. This post will not affect the preparation of the vehicle for landing, only everything that follows after the execution of the "reset" command, and will also practically not contain technical and special terms for the convenience of reading people unfamiliar with the military abbreviation ...

Opening the lock of attachment to the aircraft body and pulling out the landing platform occurs with the help of ejected domes, whose work begins with a small dome (exhaust).

For the landing of military equipment, two systems are used, one uses a special "cushion" to soften contact with the ground, the second (practically not used today) uses jet propulsion for braking. The multi-dome system (ISS) looks very beautiful in the sky ...

No less beautiful on earth.

Landing equipment and personnel preceded by the landing of reconnaissance units carrying out reconnaissance and cleaning (if necessary) of the landing site. During the exercises, equipment and personnel on the ground are met by "assistants" - technical personnel who assist in preparing vehicles for movement.

Tracks are wrapped in special covers and fastened with ties. The technical staff releases the tracks from covers and ties. In a combat situation, this is all carried out by the crew of the vehicle.

The driver is the first to run to the combat vehicle. The search for the car is carried out using a special radio beacon. The driver's hatch is in front, but only opens from the inside. Accordingly, to get inside the car, the mechanic needs to open the tower hatch with a special key.

The driver is dressed in a special thermal suit that can withstand high temperatures. The rest of the crew is dressed in the usual way.

BMD driver in the "stowed" position of the seat. The photo shows a fighter in a landing helmet. A paratrooper helmet differs from a tank helmet by the presence of headphones and a laryngphone (a variant of a microphone that reads the voice from the throat).

The engine is started using batteries, and if such a start is not possible, using a pneumatic system. The task of the driver is to maximize short term start the engine of the car, preparing it for movement. When landing, the BMD is in the lower position of the clearance control system. To start moving and separating from the base of the platform, the machine must be transferred to the normal position (raise).

The driver started the engine, lifted the car, changed the landing helmet to a headset and was ready to move to the assembly point (meeting with the crew).

In addition to the crew, the landing force can be placed in the BMD. The troop compartment is located at the rear. The landing hatch is located immediately behind the tower.

After being staffed with a crew and troops, the BMD is advanced to the place of assembly of the military formation or begins to carry out the assigned combat mission.

All photos are clickable to view full size. The photographs were taken by the author at the regimental exercises of the 106th Guards Airborne Division in the Ryazan region.

In the near future, I will continue my stories.

I thank the Press Club of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and Dmitry Petrakov personally for organizing the filming.

Reading time: 4 min

MOSCOW, May 30 - RIA Novosti, Nikolai Protopopov. Height - 800 meters, a multi-ton machine rolls out of the aircraft and, before opening the parachutes, is in free fall for several seconds. Near the ground, jet engines are triggered, suspension lines are dropped, the BMD gently touches the surface and ... abruptly moves off, covering the advancing paratroopers with heavy fire. About how the Russian " winged infantry"landing inside the equipment and why not a single army in the world can still repeat this, - in the material of RIA Novosti.

Almost astronauts

Landing in BMD is a dangerous and complex process, each stage of which is described in detail in the instructions and regulatory documents. Even experienced military paratroopers pass special course learning. The crew is preparing combat vehicle personally: he lays the parachute canopies, installs the components of the complex, is engaged in the so-called mooring, checks the performance of all nodes and the reliability of the fasteners.

The paratroopers train in special shock-absorbing chairs while still outside the car - they take the "waiting" and "ready" positions. It's like trying on lodgements by astronauts.

“When the equipped vehicle is loaded onto the plane, the fighters take their places in their seats, fasten their seat belts and wait for the signal to land,” Airborne Forces officer, combat veteran Alexander Sherin tells RIA Novosti. "- the belts must be tightened, the head and back tightly pressed to the chair. In general, today only Russia has the technology of landing people in armored vehicles. The rest do not dare."

Separated from the aircraft, the car dives sharply down, the crew experiences a state of weightlessness, and when the parachutes open and the BMD takes a horizontal position, the fighters have a feeling of rolling down the mountain. All this is described in detail in the instructions.

The fact that the BMD has finally landed, the paratroopers understand by strong overloads and a dull blow to the ground. The squibs immediately fire, the wind pulls the parachutes to the side. The crew gets out of their seats, takes their places and proceeds to the task.

Dropping of airborne combat vehicles during joint exercises of paratroopers of Russia, Belarus and Serbia

The first flight

For the first time, an airborne combat vehicle with a crew was dropped in January 1973 at the base of the 106th Guards Airborne Division stationed near Tula. From the military transport An-12.

“At the command of the navigator, the pilot chute fell out, straightened out, gained strength and slowly began to pull out the Centaur,” recalled the son of the legendary commander of the Airborne Forces, Hero of Russia Alexander Margelov. “Like a giant pendulum with a swing center around the pilot chute, the car first collapsed 135 degrees from the horizontal , then began to sway with a decreasing amplitude. The brake parachutes opened, then the main parachutes.

According to him, in a state of weightlessness, the fighters turned upside down. “Especially unnecessary seemed a fairly decent size nut that“ popped up ”right between us,” said Margelov. “During landing, we experienced a sharp, rolling blow. "Without agreement, they began to free themselves from tethered systems. At all stages of landing, landing, movement, firing, they maintained full combat readiness and proved that paratroopers can fight with the greatest combat effect."

The release of airborne combat vehicles during exercises at the Raevsky military training ground near Novorossiysk

Time is life

They did not learn to land equipment with people in the Airborne Forces right away. By the beginning of the 1970s, they acted separately - the Ilys going in front dropped their "armor", and then, from the other sides, the fighters landed. But this scheme has a serious drawback - the crew could land five kilometers from their own car. It took too much precious time to search for equipment and bring it to combat readiness.

This reduced the effectiveness of the landing - the enemy could destroy most troops immediately after landing. From the commander of the Airborne Forces, General of the Army Vasily Margelov, an introductory message was received: to drastically reduce the time for bringing to combat readiness technology after landing. The only solution is to drop combat vehicles along with the crew.

Flight tactical airborne exercises in the Pskov region

to the development of a special parachute system under the code name "Centaur", the scientific and technical committee of the Airborne Forces began in the summer of 1971. After ejection from the aircraft, five domes with an area of ​​760 square meters each - and the BMD, installed on the platform, fell to the ground.

To reduce shock overloads, simplified shock-absorbing chairs for astronauts "Kazbek-D" were installed in the machines. Technical tests with dummies and dogs have shown positive results.

The system worked, but the leadership of the Ministry of Defense believed that the risk was too great. After all, in the event of a failure of the parachute system, everyone inside the combat vehicle is doomed - the crew will not be able to save themselves in an emergency. General Margelov managed to convince the Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal Andrey Grechko of the safety of landing equipment with people on board only after he appointed his son as one of the crew members - gunner-operator.

At the end of 1972, the Ministry of Defense nevertheless approved the Centaur system. During the first landing near Tula, it was possible to achieve main goal- BMD was ready for battle and fired shots within seconds after landing. But for real combat conditions, the Centaur parachute system was still of little use. Firstly, it weighed more than two tons (with the BMD-1 weighing seven tons). Secondly, the transportation and loading of the system into aircraft required a large number road transport, personnel, and most importantly, it took a long three to five hours. Did not suit the command of the Airborne Forces and low speed lowering equipment on a multi-dome parachute system.

Teachings of paratroopers of Russia, Serbia and Belarus in Krasnodar Territory

Jet thrust

Therefore, the designers began to develop a more modern strapdown parachute-reactive system "Reaktavr". For a smooth and quick descent of a combat vehicle to the ground, a light dome with an area of ​​​​only about 540 square meters is used here, the system is mounted and transported directly to the BMD, and the landing speed, reaching 25 meters per second, is extinguished near the ground almost to zero by jet engines.

Tests of "Reaktavr" in the winter of 1976 near Pskov at the parachute track of the 76th Guards Airborne Division were successful, and the system was put into service. The project, which at times increased the effectiveness of the landing force in the performance of combat missions, was continued. By the end of the 1990s for Airborne Troops created the PBS-950 "Bakhcha" complex, the main advantage of which is the possibility of landing a BMD-3 with a full crew.

The Russian Defense Ministry continues to work on improving parachute systems for landing equipment. This year, the Airborne Forces should receive a new parachute-strapdown system "Bakhcha-U-PDS", designed to drop BMD-4M, BTR-MDM with a crew inside.

In foreign armies, systems for landing equipment along with the crew have not yet taken root. According to some reports, the French tried to repeat the Soviet experiment. As a "guinea pig" they invited a criminal sentenced to death penalty. If the tests were successful, he was promised a pardon. But during the landing, the volunteer died.

Parachute landing of military equipment of the Ussuri formation of the Airborne Forces during tactical exercises in Primorye

In mid-July, a large-scale tactical exercise of the Airborne Troops and Military Transport Aviation took place near Ryazan. The Ryazan sky has not seen so many domes for a long time: over 2.5 thousand military personnel took part in the maneuvers, and several hundred units were involved military equipment, including 66 aircraft. Dome systems blossomed over 70 platforms with combat vehicles. One of the goals of the exercise was to test promising landing means: in particular, as reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense, during special flight tests as part of the Bakhcha-U-PDS development work, two BMD-4M and two BTR-MDM were landed, and in the last two there were crews. Powerful 14-ton vehicles, dropped from a height of almost two kilometers, landed successfully, showing their readiness to immediately engage in battle. About how in Russia they learned to parachute military equipment with crews inside, how complicated this process is and how our designers managed to make armor " flying", and her "flight" is safe, journalist Alexei Yegorov will tell in a new issue, coming out on a festive week for the "blue berets", three days after the Day of the Airborne Forces. From the sky - immediately into battle The idea of ​​dropping equipment by parachute with crews inside belongs personally to the legendary creator of the Airborne Forces Hero Soviet Union Army General Vasily Filippovich Margelov. Previously, cars were dropped separately, personnel - separately. On the landing site, the crews had to look for their cars, and they could sometimes be at an impressive distance. However, for the mass use of such a landing method, much was not enough, including the ejection seat system was not fully thought out. This method presented an impressive risk. And then the commander decided to send his son, senior lieutenant Alexander Margelov. On January 5, 1973, together with an experienced paratrooper, Lieutenant Colonel Leonid Zuev, they made a jump inside the BMD-1 on parachute platforms from the An-12 military transport aircraft. Three years later, in January 1976, the BMD-1 made a soft landing, landing on parachute-reactive system in the Reaktavr complex. Inside the car were also two crew members - Alexander Margelov (now a major) and. The landing was carried out at the risk of life, because the paratroopers did not have any individual means of salvation. However, the application jet systems made this jump successful. New scheme made it possible to ensure the introduction of airborne divisions into battle not within a day, as before, but within hours and minutes. During cold war this has become a serious trump card for our country and its armed forces. In 1996, for the courage and heroism shown in testing, fine-tuning and mastering special equipment, both officers were awarded the title of Hero of Russia.
Naturally, our experiments soon became known abroad. Works on similar subjects started in the USA, France, England. But, as acknowledged CEO JSC "Research Institute of Parachute Engineering" Sergey Khursevich, to this day, no one in the world conducts such tests.

“This is a very complex technical event, and the Russian school of parachute construction is the only one that provides the proper level of reliability of parachute equipment and technologies,” says the head of the research institute.
Per last years landing systems that allow you to throw military equipment with crews inside from the sky have undergone tangible changes. According to the host researcher Research Testing Center for Aerospace Medicine and Military Ergonomics of the Central Research Institute of the Air Force of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Dr. medical sciences Professor Yuri Moiseev, among the adjustments - the rejection of the use of jet engines. Used in braking systems, they could fail. Reactive brakes have replaced inflatable shock absorbers, which provide a much softer landing. A special sensor, displayed on the monitor inside the combat vehicle, allows the crew to control the compression of the filling of the shock-absorbing system. Airplanes first If for paratroopers the key task is to make a jump, then for pilots military transport aviation the main thing is to raise future paratroopers to the required height. The Commander of the VTA, Lieutenant-General Vladimir Benediktov, at the past large-scale exercises, personally checked the readiness of people and equipment for this task. In total, more than seven dozen rose into the sky then aircraft- these are not only airplanes, but also helicopters, drones. The commander's special concern is for the pilots to bring their aircraft to the drop point with an accuracy of seconds, and this is not easy, given that the aircraft take off from the airfields of Ryazan, Ivanovo, Ulyanovsk, and the Tver region.
“The way to control the flight crew is called “walking flight,” General Benediktov notes. - This is when particularly complex and responsible sections, especially in mixed formation, are subject to a raffle. So that each crew understands the role and place in any order, at any time, be able to respond correctly in the event of any introductory and emergency situations.
The aviators also control the loading of armored vehicles intended for landing. There are enough difficulties here. For example, the BMD-4M occupies the interior of the IL-76 almost completely: the distance at the narrowest point is only 26 centimeters. Such tiny gaps, as the pilots say, are a real headache. Indeed, in the event of an emergency during a reset, the combat vehicle can come off the rails and jam in the opening. And if a cargo parachute is also released ... Such unpleasant situations have already occurred, fortunately, there were no serious incidents. That is why every little thing is thought through. For example, to exit the BMD-4M from the cargo compartment, special “skis” are provided, which, in turn, roll along the cargo deck on rollers. In this case, the caterpillars do not touch the floor - distortions or derailment from the guides are excluded. Test of characters AT Russian army The 929th State Flight Test Center named after V.P. Chkalov is, in fact, entrusted with testing everything related to the sky, with flights. A department for flight tests of parachute equipment was even created here, and it was its employees, acting officers of the Russian army, who participated in the landing inside combat vehicles at that very exercise near Ryazan. Before the jump, all the equipment was carefully checked again, the equipment was adjusted. Falling from the sky is the weakest link human body- spine. If a person sits, as in a regular chair, when the back is held vertically, then the load on the spine will be maximum. Associate Professor of the Research Institute of Aerospace Medicine and Military Ergonomics of the Central Research Institute of the Air Force of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Candidate of Medical Sciences Nikolai Olenev notes that the current landing technologies inside equipment are akin to space ones. “Remember how you worked with astronauts: a lodgement was made for each,” he notes. - Shape, shape. They had overloads of up to 12 or more units. Here, in general, there will be an overload, and in a good way, of course, there should be a lodgement.
Everything is provided inside the combat vehicle for a special jump. The testers are fixed with six attachment points: on the toes of the legs, above the knee, the head and hands are also fixed. The innovation of the current test was the use of an updated chair. If in previous cases chairs of the Kazbek type were used, which were suitable only for landing, and when the BMD needed to be put into a combat position, then it was necessary to put ordinary, full-time seats, then the current chairs are unified. From the landing position to the working state, they are transferred very quickly. An important point: in the case emergency provided for the crew to leave the car directly in the sky. To do this, each paratrooper carries a PZ-81 reserve parachute. The minimum safe height at which it can be used is 150 meters. Of course, this is an emergency situation. It can occur if, for example, the shock-absorbing system sensor mentioned above informs about a failure, and then the car will have to be left by individual landing. airborne jump no more than 60 people passed inside the military equipment. In June 2003, seven officers performed such a landing, and in the winter of 2010, six paratroopers landed on three BMD-2s. On the ground, the heroes were personally met by the then commander of the Airborne Forces, Lieutenant-General Vladimir Shamanov: he handed each one a nominal watch, and also announced the decision to present military personnel - officers, sergeants and privates - to be awarded the Order of Courage. At the current exercise, not only people, but also new technology Airborne troops. For example, the BMD-4M is a completely new generation of airborne combat vehicles, a reliable all-terrain vehicle, equipped, moreover, powerful weapons. The gun of this BMD is akin to a tank gun, it has a caliber of 100 millimeters. Moreover, it can shoot not only shells, but also guided missiles. The BTR-MDM "Shell" is also famous for its cross-country ability. "Military acceptance" about this car, arranged for her testing off-road, water, snow. The exam was passed flawlessly.
According to the commander Airborne Forces of Russia Colonel-General Andrey Serdyukov, an ostentatious tactical exercise with a practical airborne landing turned out to be recent times the largest in scope and was successful. One of the goals of the maneuvers, according to the general, was to test advanced landing equipment for modern models of equipment supplied to the Airborne Forces. “The testers coped with the task, their courage is admirable!” - stressed Andrey Serdyukov after the completion of the exercise. The headquarters of the Airborne Forces also believe that the successful demonstration of the landing of the BTR-MDM with testers inside the vehicle allows us to say that a full-fledged Combat vehicles, capable of performing the widest range of tasks in the interests of the "winged infantry".

Landing of BMD-2 with personnel at the exercises of the 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division of the Airborne Forces, 2010 © Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation / TASS

Not a single army in the world has yet been able to repeat this. Landing military equipment with a crew inside is a very dangerous and complex process, each of its stages is described in great detail in instructions and special documents. Even experienced paratroopers of the Airborne Forces (VDV) undergo a special training course, a serious selection is carried out for medical reasons. The landing crew also personally prepares the combat vehicle, stacks the parachute canopies, checks the performance of all components and the reliability of the fasteners.

"I think that this can be compared with a flight into space," the head coach of the Russian Armed Forces for parachuting lieutenant colonel Alexander Ivanov. It is to him in early spring In 2010, I had the opportunity to be responsible for the training of BMD-2 crews and personally land myself from an Il-76 aircraft inside an airborne combat vehicle.

On January 23, 1976, at the parachute track of the 76th Guards Airborne Division Kislovo, for the first time in the world, military equipment was dropped from an aircraft, together with the crew, using a parachute-rocket system, which received the name Reaktavr. The crew included A. V. Margelov and L. I. Shcherbakov.

Landing of the BMD-1 at the Reaktavr launch pad.

The adoption of this parachute-rocket system by the Airborne Forces in the same 1976 made it possible to reduce the time for collecting personnel and equipment at the landing site after landing.

In practice, it looks like this. During the experimental exercises in 1983, eight objects with Reaktavr systems were landed.

From the moment the first car left the plane to the collection of all eight cars at a distance of 1.5 kilometers from the landing site, only 12-15 minutes passed, while with separate landing of crews and equipment, this would take 35-45 minutes.

By 1976, the Centaur multi-dome parachute-platform system had already been developed in the USSR, which made it possible to parachute the crew inside the BMD-1 airborne combat vehicle, first tested on January 5, 1073.

Usually, the crew leaves the planes after their combat vehicles, watching their movement in flight. However, in this case, after landing, the paratroopers are scattered within a radius of several kilometers from the vehicles and, accordingly, spend a lot of time searching for it and preparing for movement. It was the full awareness of the importance of quickly preparing the vehicle for the start of hostilities that prompted the commander of the USSR Airborne Forces, General of the Army V.F.

After many experiments in 1973, the first joint landing took place using a system called the Centaur. The operation of the system was as follows: the airborne combat vehicle was equipped with two chairs for cosmonauts of the Kazbek type, developed by the chief designer of the Zvezda plant Gai Ilyich Severin, Hero of Socialist Labor, but in a simplified version - Kazbek-D (it was not possible to install shock absorbers in the headrest area , and also had to abandon the individual casting of the inside of the chair, like astronauts).

Landing was carried out on the P-7 parachute platform. The result of the reset proved that the use of this method allows not only to save the life of the paratroopers, but also their combat readiness.

However, preparation for landing BMD on a parachute platform with a multi-dome system (ISS) required a lot of time and material resources, especially with mass landings that were planned to be used in a "big" war. The landing platforms, already loaded with combat vehicles, were towed to the airfield on dutik wheels from their locations by trucks at a speed of up to 10 km / h, and it was still necessary to precisely “roll” the platform to the aircraft, which was done manually.

The multi-dome system was transported separately by additional vehicles, mounted on a car directly at the aircraft, and only then the resulting monocargo was brought into the cargo compartment of the aircraft with the help of a hoist. Transportation to the airfield required the availability good roads, since it was impossible to tow platforms with military equipment off-road. Preparation of platforms for landing, loading and mounting military equipment on them, concentration to aircraft parking areas, installation; parachute system, loading into aircraft took up to 15-18 hours (according to the experience of regimental exercises). This had a negative effect on the combat readiness and operational use of airborne assault forces.

The design of the parachute-reactive systems (PRS) made it possible to store the BMD-1 in parks with landing aids mounted on them in the “stowed” position. Cars moved to the waiting areas for loading onto the aircraft under their own power, and the method of placing landing equipment on them made it possible to march over rough terrain up to 500 kilometers and, if necessary, even fire from standard weapons. On the spot, the crew could immediately start transferring the PRS to the “landing” position, which took no more than 30 minutes. Then the BMD-1 moved for loading onto the aircraft also on its own (strapdown parachute landing systems with the same advantages appeared later). Thus, the time from leaving the park to loading onto the plane was significantly reduced.

The landing itself also accelerated, since the speed of lowering the load on the PRS reached 20-25 m / s (about 3 times higher than on the parachute-platform system), which made the system practically invulnerable to enemy fire from the ground. Near the ground itself, due to the work of the braking propulsion system, which consisted of three soft landing jet engines, the speed was reduced to almost zero. This increased the accuracy of landing. For depreciation during landing, two foam cushioning bars were installed under the bottom of the combat vehicle.

The PRS, mounted on the BMD-1, made up a smaller share of the airborne monocargo, both in terms of mass and dimensions, which, in general, made it possible to land more cargo as part of one air echelon. In addition, the combat vehicle landed with increased amount ammunition and fuel. After landing, the PRS did not leave huge panels of parachutes around the car - a “white swamp”, which often prevented it from starting to move - the system had only one dome with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b540 square meters, the Centaur landed on five domes of 760 square meters each.

The testers of the Reaktavr are A. V. Margelov and L. I. Shcherbakov.

Placement of a crew member in the chair "Kazbek-D" in the body of the BMD-1 during landing.

From the memoirs of the Hero of Russia Alexander Vasilyevich Margelov - one of the creators of the "Centaur" and "Reaktaur", the first tester of these systems:

“As for the test of the Reaktavr, the specialists were most worried about the reliability of the parachute-reactive system. Its design reliability was 0.95, but there were only 47 practical resets after all the improvements and upgrades. But this result was considered quite good, given the significant advantages of the system with combat use compared to parachute-platform means ...

Commander Margelov entrusted this experiment to two volunteers - me and Lieutenant Colonel Shcherbakov. I was appointed as the crew leader. Leonid, who knew the combat vehicle very well, was appointed as a driver. Upon arrival at the 76th Guards Chernihiv Airborne Division, we were presented with backups - guards paratroopers military service. There were three of them left out of six selected - half of them suddenly lost their health ... The guys actively, with soul, took part in all preparatory work: when laying the parachute system, equipping engines with powder cartridges, mooring the PRS on a combat vehicle.

Vitaly Pariysky, Deputy Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Committee, boarded the aircraft (it happened by chance that the same AN-12B arrived for landing with the same crew as in the first experiment with the Centaur), he controlled our landing in the chairs of the Kazbek- D", and then carried out the communication of the crew with the ground through the pilots.

We did not have to fly for a long time, after declaring a two-minute readiness, the crew switched to direct communication with the ground. And again a coincidence - the connection was again prepared by Colonel B. G. Zhukov, and, as during the landing in the Centaur, it turned out to be one-way. Only this time, the “reactaurs” heard the “ground”, but they were not heard ... Zhukov briefly, but in detail, during several seconds of descent, reported to the crew about the operation of the parachute system - everything is fine! The pilot chute removed the complex from the aircraft - again the “pendulum” - moments of descent on a stabilizing parachute - the main canopy opened, two telescopic probes were deposited to the prescribed length. At the moment they touched the ground, the soft landing engines fired: an explosion, gases, smoke! Parisky, who jumped after the complex, landed nearby.

For the experiment, a landing site was specially chosen, where there was more snow. However, the complex was placed on a well-packed icy road, so we felt a solid shock overload. At the moment of impact on the ground, communication began to work - just at that time Shcherbakov congratulated me on a safe landing.

The car sped across the landing area. The crew completed all the tasks of driving and conducting aimed fire. Having approached the podium, he reported to the commander on the completion of the task. After congratulations, the doctors "captured" the crew. Our body temperature turned out to be elevated, as well as pressure. Leonid felt nauseous, his head was spinning, all his bones ached, he could not even drink the beaker of alcohol offered by a serious doctor. But within an hour, vital parameters returned to normal. Leonid Ivanovich believes that this landing significantly "damaged" his spine. A few years later, he even had an operation on his vertebrae. I didn’t feel any deterioration in my health after the experiment.”

On the armament of the Airborne Forces there are the following parachute-reactive systems of the following modifications:

parachute-reactive system PRSM-915 (for BMD-1);

parachute-reactive system;

parachute-reactive system PRSM-916 (for BMD-2);

parachute-reactive system PRSM-926 (for 2S9 "NONA").

For example, here are the characteristics of PRSM-925 (for BTR-D):

flight weight of the machine with PRSM-925, 8000–8800 kg;

landing height above the landing area, 500–1500 m;

landing site height above sea level, up to 2500 m;

vertical rate of descent on the main parachute at an air temperature near the ground from -50 to +50 degrees, 23 m/s;

charge and air temperature range. 0С from -50 to +50;

nominal landing speed of the machine, 3.5-5.5 m/s;

the maximum (permissible when dropping) wind speed near the ground is up to 10 m/s.

Scheme of landing BTR-D on the Reaktavr launcher.

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