Education Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation

The Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Financial University) is one of the oldest Russian universities that trains economists, financiers, lawyers in financial law, mathematicians, IT specialists, sociologists and political scientists.

Among university graduates different years- Chairman of the Government of the USSR V.S. Pavlov; Ministers of Finance of the USSR, the RSFSR and the Russian Federation A.G. Zverev, I.I. Fadeev, I.N. Lazarev, V.E. Orlov; V.G. Panskov, B.G. Fedorov; Chairmen of the State Bank Central Bank Russia N.K. Sokolov, N.V. Garetovsky, V.V. Gerashchenko; Chairman of the Board of OAO Gazprombank A.I. Akimov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Budget and Financial Markets N.A. Zhuravlev, Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of Russia A.V. Drozdov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of the Russian Federation B.I. Zlatkis, Governor, Chairman of the Government of Chukotka autonomous region R.V. Kopin, Minister of the Russian Federation for North Caucasus L.V. Kuznetsov, deputy State Duma, member of the faction " United Russia”, Member of the State Duma Counting Commission, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes N.S. Maksimova, Advisor to the Governor of the Moscow Region (with the rank of minister) M.E. Ogloblin, State Duma Deputy, member of the United Russia faction, member of the State Duma Committee on economic policy, innovative development and entrepreneurship E.V. Panina, businessman M.D. Prokhorov, Deputy of the State Duma A.V. Krutov,Deputy of the State Duma, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on physical culture, Sports and Youth Affairs D.A. Svishchev, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.G. Siluanov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation A.G. Khloponin, Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation V.E. Chistova, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Cong Nghyen , Rector of Liaoning University (Shenyang, China) Cheng Wei and others.

The university has gone from an institute, an academy specializing in training specialists in the financial and banking sector, to a large scientific and educational complex. At present, the structure of the Financial University includes 13 newly created educational and scientific departments, 15 faculties in Moscow and 6 faculties in branches; 11 general university departments, 2 departments of additional vocational education, 11 basic departments created jointly with employers, 1 academic research department and 76 departments in branches; 8 Institutes: Institute of Correspondence and Open Education, Institute of Development Projects, Institute of Abbreviated Programs, 4 Institute of Additional Professional Education, 1 scientific institute; 2 higher schools; 2 scientific center; 2 college. The branch network includes 28 branches ( 14 branches implementing higher education programs; 4 branch implementing programs of higher and secondary vocational education; 10 branches implementing programs of secondary vocational education).

Total number As of the beginning of the 2015-2016 academic year, there were 51,579 students enrolled in basic educational programs, including 23,712 people in full-time education, 567 people in part-time education, and 27,300 people in part-time education. Under the programs of higher professional education - 38,250 people (specialist - 3839, bachelor's - 31,427, master's - 2984), 13,329 students under the programs of secondary vocational education.

The Financial University is one of the leading universities in the country, implementing 12 areas of training for bachelors ( 28 training profile), 11 areas of masters training (more than 50 master's programs), 9 basic educational programs of secondary vocational education, as well as 10 MBA programs and 108 retraining and advanced training programs for specialists.


A graduate of this university: The reason that prompted me to write a review about my university was pure chance - I ended up at the bottom by the will of fate open doors and decided to look at his university from the outside, through the eyes of an applicant. I would like to write a real review, focused more on parents and thoughtful, adult applicants who want to do right choice.

About Open House Day (DOD)
To say that I was surprised would not be true, because I was SHOCKED by the lies that poured out of all the cracks and microphones of Leningradka that day. They advertised a completely different university, where I studied for 6 years.
The reason for such lies (ok, cunning) is the lack of money on the one hand (as a result, the need to attract payers by hook or by crook), and on the other hand, these are student volunteers who are selected for such events from the student council (hardened activists who are ready to do anything the administration wants, for the sake of various bonuses or a place in a hostel). In fact, these "activists" are far from total weight students and from studies in general, since adequate people do not perceive such characters at all. Students do not have their own opinion at these events, all words are dictated by the administration in advance.

About the FU brand, and even under the Government ...
As for the brand "Financial University", and even more so "under the Government of the Russian Federation", today we can say with great regret that it has seriously devalued itself. There was a time when people could not enter the Financial Academy and went to the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University in disgrace. Today the situation has changed radically. His real level is sharazhkin offices, of which there are thousands today. Below I will detail why. The reason for this was the accession of several universities at a lower level, as a result of the mixing of the teaching staff, territories, the loss of identity and reputation of the once powerful and prestigious Financial Academy.
About "under the Government of the Russian Federation." This university has nothing to do with the government, as well as RANHIGS with the President of the Russian Federation. These are just advertising slogans, which are used with great success by golden youth and their parents, for the most part, Caucasians appreciate this prefix.

About education and its quality ...
Everything is sad here ... There are several reasons for this:
1) Transition to the Bologna system bachelor-master (4+2 years) instead of a specialist (5 years). As a result, everything that was in the 5-year specialty was put into the 4-year bachelor's degree, while throwing out the block of professional disciplines in the specialty, replacing them with general ones (the bachelor's degree is now the first so-called "initial" stage of higher education). You probably think, ok, but there is a master's program - this is a highly specialized add-on to a bachelor's degree! No, nothing like that. Master's degree is the same bachelor's degree, only 2 years. The reason for all this, of course, is the general misunderstanding of the Bologna system, primarily by our Ministry of Education. The programs are raw, not adapted, everything is tops, but zero sense.
2) Accession of several universities at a lower level, as a result, mixing of the teaching staff, change curricula and programs.
3) Teaching staff. He is good, but there are less and less quality teachers every year. Enthusiasts remain, and today they are few in number. The main reason is low salary. A candidate, associate professor, and even more so a doctor of science, a professor simply should not receive 60-80 thousand for the hellish workload that the university gives. I agree that the labor market is not fair, especially in Russia, but the salary of a university teacher should not be at the level of a cleaning lady in big company type "Gazprom".
4) Point-rating system. She kills everything. Instead of knowledge and its quality, you are constantly chasing points - this is how the system works.
5) The absence of dropouts, as a result, the indifferent attitude to learning among many students. It is not profitable for the university to deduct, because it is a loss of money (either public or private).
6) Exams are all in writing. This was done in order to remove subjectivity in grading. Unfortunately, he remained during the certification (40 points you can get during the semester - this is the certification, and 60 on the exam itself. Then these points are added together and converted to the usual 5 point scale. 50-69 points is “3 ”, 70-85 is “4”, 86-100 is “5”). So that's what is written with a pen, you can't cut it out with an ax, as they say. It would seem, what a blessing! In fact, such rigor is compensated by wholesale cheating - all exams are taken either with the help of cheat sheets (paper or telephone), or through a micro earpiece. This is how 95% of students pass. The reason is the pursuit of points, as I wrote above.
7) Presentations. This word can describe the entire FU. You will do them all the time. What does constantly mean? Personally, I made 152 presentations in 4 years of undergraduate studies. This is the level of a red diploma, let's say so. At least 100 in my opinion. On average, 1-2 per week, not counting the rather voluminous dz. You have to put up with this if you want points.
8) Foreign languages? Lets mi speak from may heart. If during your studies at FU you do not forget what you knew at school, this will already be considered a great success.
9) Rating of faculties (my subjective):
1. MEO, FEF, KEF, U&A - approximately one level. Previously, KEF was the leader in all indicators, since it has the most interesting graduating departments (banking management, monetary regulation, financial markets). Dialed in Lately The popularity of the FEF is purely a marketing ploy (whose face is Siluanov), before no one went there at all because of the dry and unpromising graduating departments (insurance, state and moon finance, corporate finance). Now the nominal dean of the FEF is Siluanov, but do not flatter yourself. He does not conduct classes, he visits the university 1-2 times a year with public lectures, that's all. MEO is a hodgepodge of everything and a little bit + languages. UIA-accountants are needed always and everywhere.
2. MFF, NiN, GUiFK, Law Faculty - ordinary specialized faculties. MFF-zakos under MGIMO for the rich, in fact, there are only majors from English special schools.
3. Management, MTSG, AR&EB, FSP-Gutter FU. Just to have a place to talk for 4 years for those who need a crust (it’s not clear why they need it?)

About infrastructure, atmosphere, contingent…
Infrastructure, material and technical base - everything is perfect here. There is enough of everything everywhere - renovated buildings, bright and large auditoriums, computer classes, projectors, media libraries - everything is at the highest level, you can’t fault it.
The relations of students in the group are very strained and contradictory. The reason for this is the fierce competition for points. For all the time of training, I have never met a friendly group. Everyone keeps in small subgroups of 3-4 people, do dz together and prepare for exams.
The atmosphere in the university itself is quite pleasant. Of course there is pathos, but everything here is due to the contingent of students themselves. MEO and MFF is a parade of majors. KEF and FEF are mostly normal guys, middle class. In short, taxes are 90% Caucasians (historically, since the NIN faculty arose on the basis of the former VGNA, which was considered a hangout for Caucasians. I won’t dare to talk about the rest, because I didn’t cross paths much.
Many people are concerned about the Caucasian issue - they are everywhere, there are quite a lot of them. They are in the majority in taxes, in other faculties they are less (20-30% of the group). Expensive cars, exam for 120 points out of 100, pistols and knives are their mandatory attributes. And yes, they are practically not expelled. What is the reason, you ask? Read the rector's biography. We do not abandon ours, as they say.
Canteens are expensive and not tasty. This is a problem in all buildings, since they are all outsourced. There are poisonings.
Dorms are cool if you're lucky enough to get one. Places are catastrophically small, because the university is huge. Olympiads mostly get it, the queue does not always reach others, so get ready to rent an apartment for 1-2 courses.

About employment and prospects….
The rector at the DOD: “Employment of our graduates is almost 100%, because they are top-level specialists. Plus, we do a lot of career events, and the employment department is always there to help.”
These words touched many graduates. I completed my undergraduate degree in 2014 and still can't find a job in my specialty. All this time he worked part-time not in his specialty and studied at the magistracy. Experience, everywhere we need specialists with at least 3 years of experience and incredible skills for this age. Neither a red diploma of a bachelor's degree from a financial university, nor a master's degree give me absolutely any advantages today over vocational school graduates (oh yes, now they have the fashionable name college) with 3 years of work experience. I thought that knowledge was power, but it turned out differently. The employment statistics in my group are about 30/70. More than half of the group sit without work and do not understand what they did wrong. How did the others get along? Under the patronage of parents or relatives. They, in fact, needed education for show.
Well, if you are lucky and you got a job somewhere, then know that all your future life this is a computer with Excel in an 8-hour schedule for 30 thousand, if it is a small office or a government institution, or if you catch luck by the tail and you will have 50-60 thousand in a large company.
Employment department. It exists and, in theory, should help in finding an internship and subsequent employment. For all 4 years of my contacts with this department, they did not offer me anything worthwhile. I had to look for practice in the bachelor's degree, as well as a part-time job in the magistracy.

And now what to do, where to go?
What to do and where to go for an applicant in 2016?
If you successfully passed the exam and you have enough points for the budget of Moscow State University, HSE, go there. There is simply no better in Russia today.
If you go to the budget of FU, Pleshka, Ranhigsa and so on, choose FU.
What to do if you do not pass on the budget - is it worth paying, and if it is, then for what?
Dear Parents! I want to convey to you main idea, to which the majority of paid graduates come. Education in Russia is not worth the money. Let your child go to work - (try to attach where you can, it will be more useless), and use the saved 1-1.5 million rubles to create a primitive, but business. Personal business is the best entrepreneurial school for your child.
If you live in the past and think that education is mandatory, even if it costs crazy money (1-1.5 million), pay for Moscow State University or the Higher School of Economics. FU costs + - the same, but far behind.
If you still choose paid education in the FU-100 times think. It's not worth it. With the same success, go to all sorts of MFUA, etc. office-there will be the same quality, but for a relatively sane price.
If there is a choice between a budget "somewhere" and paid education at the FU, then it is better on a budget "somewhere".
Don't neglect distance learning. The correspondence + work formula is more advantageous today than ever, since experience is in 1st place, not a diploma. Zaochka in FU interesting option in terms of price-quality-prestige.

For myself, for 6 years of study in undergraduate and graduate programs, I have identified three types of pastime for modern students:
1) Study - because I want to, because it's interesting
2) Party - because I don’t want to study when I’m young, but this way my parents will be calmer
3) Just talk somewhere and somehow, because that's the way it is
Take a good look at your child, consider what type he is, talk to him about what he wants, what goals he pursues and, based on this, help him make a decision.

Hope my review helps you. Good luck and success in your studies!

The Financial University is considered one of the oldest universities in Russia. Its graduates are financiers, economists, lawyers, sociologists, mathematicians, political scientists and information technology specialists. He is included in the list Among the outstanding students of the university - I.I. Fadeev, N.K. Sokolov, A.I. Akimov, A.V. Drozdov, N.S. Maksimova, M.D. Prokhorov and many others. The university is engaged in the implementation of 13 areas for the preparation of bachelors and 11 - masters. Nine core programs for secondary education, ten MBA programs and 108 professional development and retraining projects have been created and tested.

History of the Financial University

The foundations of the future FU under the government of the Russian Federation were laid in 1919 thanks to the opening of the Moscow Financial and Economic Institute. In 1946, it was merged with the Moscow Credit and Economic Institute of the State Bank of the USSR. The result of the merger was the Moscow Financial Institute, which in 1992 received a new name - " Financial Academy under the Government of Russia". Since 2010, the academy has been given the status of a university. On January 18, 2014, a Decree was issued on the appointment of rectors of the Financial University by the Government of the Russian Federation.


The university is large-scale: its branches operate almost all over Russia. It consists of two colleges (informatics and programming, Moscow Financial), three schools ( government controlled and law and business school international level), eleven institutes. As an example of the latest reorganization, one can cite the institutions of short-term programs, business administration and business, financial and economic research, tax policy and administration, problems of an effective state and civil society and others.

Also in the structure of the FI under the Government of the Russian Federation there are two directorates (information technology and capital construction), various departments in the field of legal service, transport, office work, procurement and others. There are departments of postgraduate and doctoral studies, dissertation councils, development programs and others. But that's not all. Opened on the basis of the university scientific centers: editions scientific journals, innovative language strategies, quality management and others. Built sports, educational and household, library complexes, created its own educational and scientific sociological laboratory. And this is not the whole list of large-scale scientific activity run by the Financial University. Faculties are also famous for their active work on the education of worthy specialists. There are 24 of them, nineteen of them are in such faculties as:

1. International economic relations.

2. Sociology and political science.

3. Credit and economic.

4. Management.

5. Legal.

6. Municipal and state administration.

7. Open education.

8. Economic security and risk analysis.

9. International financial.

10. Taxes and taxation.

11. Education in the full-time and part-time department.

12. Information technologies and applied mathematics.

13. Accounting and auditing.

14. Financial and economic and others.

Recently, the faculty of open education has been operating, which conducts training remotely. Graduates are bachelors and masters. Correspondence education is carried out in the following areas: economics, taxes and law, management and business informatics, training of masters. This type of training makes it possible to study practically on the job, and the quality of the knowledge gained is not lower than that of full-time students.

Eleven university buildings are located throughout Moscow. For example, the Faculty of Sociology and Political Science is located on Leningradsky Prospekt, the Faculty of Management is located on Prospekt Mira, the Faculty of Accounting is located on Usievich Street, which is not far from the Sokol metro station.

Ways to improve the quality of knowledge

The following innovations are used in the FU training system under the Government of the Russian Federation:

1. Modular form of education.

2. Formation and use of the principles of creating mobile groups.

3. Creation of an institute of tutors.

4. Invitation of foreign professors and specialists to give lectures.

6. The use of active forms of learning (business and role-playing games, case studies, situational tasks, and so on).

7. Use of electronic textbooks, multimedia training programs.

8. Carrying out computer testing.

9. Application of distance learning.

A huge role in improving the quality of students' knowledge is played by 12 university libraries in Moscow and 36 in the regions.

Scientific activity

Another factor that gives the university the right to be classified as "The Best Universities of Russia" is the conduct of scientific and research work. The scientific block consists of 17 departments and a directorate for planning and preparing R&D. As part of the research, several studies were carried out on the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation. For example, the implementation of a project to guarantee the successful work of the Military Industrial Commission.

The University holds a number of events to attract students to scientific activities. So, in 2013, it became widely known international competition scientific works graduate students and students among universities in Russia and CIS countries. The Financial University in the same year was a participant in the VIII Moscow Science Festival with a teleconference connecting higher educational institutions of Russia's regions and abroad. The III International Youth Forum of Financiers was also held.

The year 2013 was remembered by many events: All-Russian competition theses in the direction of "Accounting, analysis and audit", the All-Russian student Olympiad "Fincontest", the International student scientific and practical conference "Financial markets of the future", a conference in Russia" and others.


The FU under the Government of the Russian Federation has set its sights in the long-term future on the role of a multifaceted center in the field of financial and economic sciences, which will be able to make a practical and theoretical contribution to the development of new technologies, as well as increase the competitiveness of Russia. To achieve such a complex task, the university is successfully addressing the following issues:

1. Development of innovative forms in education, new programs, standards, technologies.

2. International cooperation.

3. Improving the quality of work of personnel.

4. Creation of more favorable living conditions for students, classrooms, etc.

How the educational process is organized

Monitors the quality of knowledge acquisition at the university special management organizations educational process. It consists of the following departments:

1. Organization of the educational process for master's programs.

2. Organization of the educational process for undergraduate programs.

3. Practice and state certification of graduates.

4. Licensing and accreditation of educational programs.

5. Testing.

6. Educational departments of the complexes at two addresses.

7. Testing of distance learning.

The department is headed by the rector of the university, vice-rector for academic methodical work and the head of the UOP.

Financial University: Lipetsk Branch

The university occupies one of the honorable places among universities Lipetsk region. It opened in 1965. The branch has five departments with 36 teachers. The university is located on Internatsionalnaya street, 126.

Every year, the Financial University in the city holds a "Career Day". Here students are offered various vacancies by profile. Upon graduation, a student can receive not only a diploma, but also a certain work experience. The branch has well-equipped classrooms, a large library with a reading room, four computer rooms, a sports room and a medical room. The university has a museum of FU. It clearly presents the stages of the formation of the university, talks about its international relations, as well as success in scientific activities.

Branch in St. Petersburg

The St. Petersburg branch of the Financial University was originally established as the Leningrad Financial College in 1930. After a series of transformations in 2012, the branch was named the Financial University (St. Petersburg), as it is called for short, located on Syezzhinskaya street, house 15-17. Its main strategies are the training and retraining of specialists, as well as the improvement of their knowledge. The university adheres to the following stages in training:

1. Studying in colleges that provide education.

2. Pre-university training of schoolchildren.

3. Education for a bachelor.

4. Retraining and improvement of qualification of specialists.

The St. Petersburg branch of the Financial University is open to both schoolchildren, applicants, and experienced professionals.

Financial University. Omsk

In 1961, the first educational base of the branch produced its first graduates in the field of statistics, finance, economics, and accounting. In 2012, he joined the Financial University of Moscow. The educational buildings are located at the addresses: Maslennikova street, house 43, and Partizanskaya street, house 6. The university has two faculties: "Economics" and "Management and Business Technologies". Departments opened: "Economics, Management, Marketing", "Finance and Credit", " Social Sciences", "Foreign Languages" and others. The Financial University is located in three buildings. Two dormitories were built for students.

Krasnodar branch

In 1994, the Financial University began its work. Krasnodar thus replenished with another high-class educational institution. Educational buildings are located at the addresses: Highway Neftchilar Street and Fyodor Luzan Street. The university annually organizes two scientific and practical conferences international class, student regional conferences, two regional competitions scientific research young professionals. The branch received an award in the educational exposition "Educational Environment" for the development of an information and software complex of network educational technologies.

The Financial University graduates specialists in the field of economics, management, business informatics, public and municipal government. Professional retraining is carried out in the following specialties: "Financial management", "Banking", "Accounting and audit".

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