The butt increased greatly in the first trimester. How not to gain weight during pregnancy. Why did my legs get so thick during pregnancy. What to do if you gain weight during pregnancy. Changes in everything

In the middle of pregnancy future mom is surprised to find that not only her stomach is increasing, but also the size of her legs. What is the reason for this and will the previous size return after childbirth?

More and more

Of course, in the first place, the change in size (and not only the legs) is due to the increase in your weight during pregnancy. First of all, “extra” kilograms appear on the arms, hips, chest and waist. Due to the natural weight gain, the center of gravity shifts forward, which causes a redistribution of the load on the legs and an increase in pressure on the feet. The arch of the foot flattens under the influence of increased weight, as a result, the old shoes become cramped.

Another reason for the increase in the size of the limbs is edema, due to which both rings and shoes suddenly become small.

As a rule, it is enough to start following a salt-free diet, rest more and wear proper shoes. But there is another reason to be aware of.

Objective reasons

A change in the body during pregnancy occurs due to the weakening of the joints and ligaments, which causes active production in the body of a pregnant woman. relaxin hormone.

During pregnancy, the production of the hormone relaxin only increases every month. Its level begins to rise from the 10th week of pregnancy, reaches its peak in the middle of the term and decreases to its usual values ​​3-4 weeks after childbirth.

It is relaxin that causes softening of the joints and ligaments, primarily in the pelvic joint. Thanks to this process, immediately before childbirth, the pelvic bones separate, soften and open the cervix, which facilitates the passage of the child through the birth canal.

Changes in everything

So, the hormone relaxin affects the joints and ligaments of the expectant mother, making them soft and elastic. And causes changes in the body of a woman. What?

Foot. Under the influence of relaxin, the ligaments weaken and the bones diverge, and the leg becomes wider and longer. That's why most moms-to-be have unexpected increases in foot size. As a rule, after childbirth, the bones do not close back. And most likely you will have to change all the shoes for new ones. But it is not uncommon for cases of the return of the previous leg size.

Hips. The main changes in the pelvic bones undergo immediately before childbirth and during childbirth. But even during pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone relaxin, both cartilage and bones soften. A woman, as they say, is distributed in the hips. After giving birth, a woman may lose enough weight to fit back into her "pre-pregnancy" jeans, but her hips will remain wide.

Spine. As the child develops, the spine slowly deviates back, making room in the small pelvis for the growing baby. Due to the overly mobile and softened joints of the spine, both posture and gait change. Therefore, it is so important to wear a bandage for a certain period. In addition, incorrect posture, stooping also affect appearance chest - it looks saggy.

Back. During pregnancy, it also becomes wider. This happens due to fat deposits on the back and shoulder girdle, and due to an increase in the mammary glands. This increases the girth not only of the chest, but also under the breast.

Since the hormone relaxin makes our bones and joints vulnerable during pregnancy, in order to avoid trouble, we should not forget some simple rules.

  • Wear low-heeled shoes to avoid twisting your foot and avoiding painful sprains.
  • Choose shoes according to the current size. Do not try to fit into "pre-pregnant" boots. Tight shoes lead to impaired blood circulation and ingrown toenails. It is better to buy inexpensive shoes during pregnancy, but in which the legs will be comfortable.
  • From the second half of pregnancy (agree on specific dates with your doctor) wear a bandage. Which one (belt or panties) is right for you, your gynecologist will also tell you.
  • Wear a dedicated bra. Firstly, it must be of the appropriate size, and secondly, with a wide part under the chest so as not to cut into the skin. Like a bandage, its function is supportive. Both the bra and the brace help the spine carry its load.
  • And, of course, do not fall into despair at the sight of new changes in your body.

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This question is often asked by expectant mothers on later dates pregnancy. The reason for this interest is emerging. Are they harbingers of childbirth? When exactly do the bones begin to diverge and what should pregnant women know about it?

Why does the pelvic area hurt during pregnancy

All organs of the small pelvis of a pregnant woman in the third trimester experience pressure from the growing uterus. Therefore, the pelvic bones also hurt. But such pains can appear in a woman and on early dates. In this case, the cause is a stretching of the round uterine ligaments. After all, the uterus in the pelvis is fixed by a complex of ligaments. They do not allow the main organ of the reproductive system to deviate forward. These ligaments are formed from connective tissue, and it is very poorly stretched. But it is already laid down by nature that the uterus of the expectant mother increases, and the connective tissue should stretch. And in the blood of a woman, a special hormone relaxin appears, which increases the extensibility of tissues.

And yet, stretching pains bother a woman to one degree or another throughout pregnancy. Sometimes they can be very sharp, and when you change the position of the body they disappear. Most women are already used to such pain on recent weeks bearing a child.

About the divergence of the pelvic bones

Note that from the 17-20th week of pregnancy, changes in the pelvis are reflected in the woman's gait. And this happens because the pelvic bones diverge. They become mobile. This is the gradual preparation of the female body for childbirth. When walking, a woman begins to tilt her body back a little. It turns out that her tummy seems to bulge forward, and her gait becomes like a duck. It was during this period of gestation that future mothers, who still walked in shoes on, refuse it. After all, moving in heels becomes very uncomfortable.

The pelvic bones themselves do not change. That's just the amount of calcium in them can decrease. And this is due to the fact that calcium is intensively taken by a developing baby. If the mother consumes little calcium-containing foods, then the pain in the pelvis may be felt more strongly. The divergence of the pelvic bones during childbearing occurs due to changes in the structures of the soft tissues, that is, the symphysis - a dense cartilage that connects the pelvic bones in front. The mobility of the symphysis just allows the baby's head to pass through the mother's birth canal.

It is the divergence of the bones that causes pain in the pubic region and symphysis. If female body is calcium deficient, then develops.

Extension pelvic bones also applies to the coccyx. A small bone with a sacrum has an inactive joint. As a rule, it is rejected inside the pelvis. The coccyx during delivery could interfere, for example, dislocate, if not for the relaxation of the sacrococcygeal joint. In expectant mothers, this small bone deviates backwards. Therefore, it does not interfere with the progress of the baby through the birth canal. Pain caused by the mobility of the coccyx just before childbirth is aggravated by sitting, especially on a soft surface.

The divergence of the pelvis also applies to the lumbosacral joint. In this zone of the musculoskeletal system, mobility increases. This happens already at the beginning of the third trimester. The pelvis in the process of delivery with the spine forms a single plane, and the above joint acquires greater mobility.

If a woman gives birth herself, without the help of obstetricians, then she intuitively takes those poses in which the advancement of the child is not difficult, that is, she squats, leaning forward, leaning on something. In the maternity hospital, in order to straighten the axis of the birth canal, special pillows (polsters) are placed under the buttocks for the woman in labor. However, even before a woman gets to the hospital, the mobility of the lumbosacral joint causes pain. They are more felt by those women whose back muscles are weak. No wonder they say that it is easier for athletes to give birth. Also, pain in the pelvis before childbirth can be strongly felt by those women who had problems with the spine before pregnancy: their pelvic bones diverge harder and more slowly.

After childbirth, pelvic pain disappears within two to six months.

The desire of a woman to be beautiful is especially great during pregnancy. In an effort to maintain a figure during childbearing and after childbirth, most of them follow a healthy diet and lead an active lifestyle. The efforts of expectant mothers are fully justified and the increase in extra pounds does not threaten them.

Losing weight at this stage is most desirable curvy girls. A growing belly and with it weight are reflected in a woman's self-esteem and confidence. Kilograms settle on the buttocks and legs, making the pregnant woman even more voluminous. Do not despair, remove centimeters in problem areas is quite real. The main thing is to do it correctly and gradually.

Normal weight gain during pregnancy

Of course, carrying a baby is accompanied by an increase in the body weight of the pregnant woman. 9-12 kg is the physiological rate of increase while waiting for the baby. Active growth of the fetus is observed from the II to III trimesters. Starting from 4 months, every month a woman recovers by 1-2 kg.

Such indicators during pregnancy are due to factors:

  • weight of the child - 3-3.5 kg;
  • an increase in the uterus - up to 1 kg;
  • placenta - up to 1 kg;
  • fetal water - up to 1 kg;
  • increase in blood volume - up to 1200 ml;
  • increase in adipose tissue and breast - up to 5 kg.

Control over a set of kilograms of a woman is carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist. By measuring weekly in the doctor's office, a pregnant woman will be able to prevent the appearance of sharp jumps in weight and, if necessary, quickly correct the results by introducing a healthy diet.

Causes of excess weight and its consequences

Unlike diseases, the causes of which are sometimes difficult to explain, quite objective factors influence the appearance of excess weight in pregnant women.

The main problem of girls in position is the constant desire to eat something. It would be nice to eat fruits or vegetables, but no, pregnant women are drawn to pastries and sweets. Girls quickly spoil the figure, including fried and smoked food on the menu.

Attention! The cause of excessive fullness in pregnant women is often a sedentary lifestyle.

It's hard to stay slim when you're too lazy to move. Pregnancy, proceeding without complications, does not imply compliance with the "bed" rest.

Uncontrolled weight gain can also be explained by hormonal imbalance. In this case, it is difficult for a woman to deal with the problem on her own. Only a qualified doctor can help a pregnant woman.

If the indicators on the scales exceeded the prescribed norms, it is time to correct the situation. Otherwise, the consequences of overeating may affect the unborn child:

  • There is a delay in intrauterine development of the fetus. Newborns are diagnosed with heart and abdominal wall defects, neural tube defects.
  • The child experiences oxygen starvation and lack of nutrients.
  • Children have an increased risk of diabetes and obesity;
  • The birth of a large child is accompanied by complications during childbirth.
  • The likelihood of miscarriage in the early stages increases.

An excess of kilograms also affects the well-being of the mother. Varicose veins, hypertension, diseases of the bones and joints, headaches are frequent companions obese women. It is much more difficult for them to give birth on their own. Sometimes C-section is the only way to give birth healthy child. It will not be easy for a woman and rehabilitation after childbirth.

Do expectant mothers need to lose weight

For girls in position, the main thing is not to gain kilograms in excess of the norm. It's also not worth it to eat for two. In order to fully provide yourself and your baby with vitamins and minerals, it is enough for a pregnant woman to follow the rules of rational nutrition.

Remember! strict diets pregnant women are prohibited, so there can be no talk of intentional weight loss.

Get embossed contours and easy gait sports will help. Physical activity will not leave kilograms any chance.

Women who were curvaceous even before conception should fight overweight after childbirth.

How to lose weight in legs during pregnancy

In pregnant women, not only the stomach is rounded, but also the buttocks. Following the buttocks, the legs grow fat. All clothes become tight. To stop the accumulation of fat in these parts of the body, it is important to develop the habit of eating right and constantly moving.

The basics of proper nutrition

Diet for pregnant women in no case does not mean giving up food. By no means, you need to eat more often, but only in smaller portions. You can lose weight and not harm the baby by maintaining the balance of food consumed.

For girls who do not want to gain weight in their legs, it is important to follow the rules:

  • Difficult to digest and high-calorie food consumed in the morning. In the evening it is good to have a snack with cottage cheese or salad. Before going to bed, it is enough to drink any fermented milk drink;
  • Avoid fast carbohydrates altogether. They have no nutritional value. If unbearable, you can eat sweets before dinner;
  • The menu should be dominated by protein food. Be sure to include in the diet of dishes from complex carbohydrates. Cereals, fruits, vegetables and legumes should be present on the table daily;
  • Fruit juices should not replace regular clean water. The fructose contained in juices contributes to the formation of fatty layers;
  • It is important to exclude fatty and smoked foods. Give preference to dishes baked in the oven or steamed;
  • Snacks should consist of nuts, bran, fruits.

Medications and dietary supplements can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. The consequences of this are very dangerous - premature birth, miscarriages.

Carefully! In pursuit of perfect body pregnant women should never drink pharmacy teas and diet pills.

After their application, a woman has the illusion that she does not want to eat at all. Starvation is unacceptable for girls in position.

In the video, a nutritionist talks about proper nutrition during pregnancy.

Keeping fit with physical activity

Pregnant women who attend group sports classes at polyclinics can boast of a figure. It is very important that the exercises are carried out under the supervision of medical staff. The occurrence of complications in this case is excluded.

Swimming is especially good for pregnant women. Aqua exercises help strengthen the muscles of the back, chest, hips and legs. Water procedures improve blood circulation, even out the skin and simply cheer you up.

home charging

To give elasticity to the buttocks and legs, light exercises will help reduce. Lessons can be done at home good weather- in the park. You don't have to use any additional equipment.

For beauty and health, use any activity:

  • Bike. The well-known exercise works well on the gluteal zone. Lying on your back, rotate your legs forward, as if pedaling.
  • Walking in place. The easiest exercise to get slender legs. Start slowly, then gradually pick up the pace. Don't raise your knees too high.
  • - Perform this exercise by leaning forward a little. Keep your back straight. 10-15 times is enough. The exercise works the muscles of the legs and buttocks well.
  • Butterfly. Sitting on the floor, join the divorced legs at the feet. Putting pressure on your legs, try to touch the floor with them.
  • Leaning forward. Sitting on the floor, spread your straight legs to the sides. Lean forward with straightened arms. Exercise is effective for the inner thighs.

Do exercise daily. The number of sets and repetitions for pregnant women does not matter at all. When performing classes, pay attention exclusively to breathing and well-being.

Fitball exercises

Improve respiratory function and circulatory system, relax the muscles will help exercises with the ball. Fitball exercises help strengthen the pelvic muscles. This is a good prophylactic against perineal tears and injuries during childbirth.

Attention! Exercise should be appropriate for the duration of pregnancy. In the I and III trimesters, the load should be gentle, excluding any effect on the abdominal muscles.

Basic exercises with the ball:

  • Hip rotation. Sitting on the ball with legs apart, alternately move your hips. Rotate the ball with your hips in one direction or the other;
  • Raising the legs. Sitting on the ball, straighten one leg first, then the other. Hold the legs raised parallel to the floor for a few seconds in the air;
  • Ball rolling. Lying on the ball, bend your knees at a right angle. Roll back and forth;
  • Squeezing the ball. Sitting on a chair, squeeze the fitball lying in front of you with your knees.

Yoga for pregnant women

Women who wish to continue their studies while carrying a child are only allowed to perform certain postures. Stretching is possible in poses: baddha konasana and ardha chandrasana. They will provide the body of a pregnant woman with oxygen and relieve fatigue of the pose of a cat and a warrior.

If practice in the classroom is not enough, perform asanas only under the supervision of a trainer. Yoga exercises strengthen not only the spine, they work well on the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis. During classes, the pregnant woman stretches the pelvic ligaments, which improve labor activity.

Forbidden exercises

Physical activity should be moderate. It is better to postpone cardio and strength exercises for a while.

Forget about the following exercises for 9 months:

  • jumps, including from;
  • fast ;
  • ice skating, rollerblading, cycling;
  • classes accompanied by sharp movements of the arms and legs;
  • exercises with lifting heavy dumbbells;
  • step aerobics and other intense types of training.

It is important! Your goal is to endure healthy baby. Active activities sports, especially those that involve a load on the abdominal muscles, are prohibited during the period of bearing a child.

Useful video

A set of yoga exercises for expectant mothers.


mobile lifestyle and proper nutrition help control weight during pregnancy. You can't get fat with new habits. On the contrary, the body will quickly return to shape after childbirth.

Girls, most of us pelvic bones diverge by the time of birth. In my case, from 44-46 rubles of trousers, now they have expanded to 50, I am horrified ... In the first pregnancy, the butt and hips were smaller, now much more. -I'm worried about this.

Tell me, please, after the second and subsequent pregnancies, the hips become in place or someone does not? After all, you want to become slim and beautiful again over time.

3 ultrasounds (last 32 weeks). Night cramps in pregnant women.

I will listen. in general, it’s interesting what will happen there after the second birth)) with a figure, I mean

the bones do not diverge in any way, this is all a myth. when I asked about the bones, my gynecologist almost fell under the table from laughter

By the way, my doctor also told me that the bones do not diverge.

how so???? why then the panties are too small, despite the fact that the weight after the birth even improved by -4 kg ?????????????????????

How do they not diverge? The pelvis is preparing for childbirth ... As far as I know, the butt does not increase much with girls, but the opposite is true with boys.

it's like a butt on the sex of the child so reacts? Well, this is just nonsense!!! I had a butt, and remained the same. I argued with my mother, but ... well, how can bones break apart? G told me that the bones do not diverge in any way, during the birth, the cartilage moves away and falls into place immediately. And the weight can be less due to the waist, legs ...

of course they will converge a little, but it will be easier for you to give birth

after the first B, I got narrower, but not much ... but I can tell you, I still became slim, so don't worry

The doctor told me that when the bones hurt, it means that the pelvis diverges a little. + Of course, the butt itself grows fat. But it was my bones that ached - the sacrum and even the bones on the sides ached.

I used to have 96 hips now 105….

If the butt gets fat, then it is added body fat, and what for it is necessary that to the child it was softer to pass?????? Complete nonsense. If our pelvic bones did not play any role at the birth of a child, then nothing would change there.


perhaps they do not diverge, but become, as it were, softer (my personal guess), and therefore they hurt ...


the fat layer is nourishing substances, therefore, for berets with a lack of weight during an interesting position, it should arrive more

butt is falling apart))))

she's just getting fat! after childbirth, run after the baby and everything superfluous will disappear !!!


Why, then, ache ass? Is it because it is overgrown with fat?

In fact, the bone pelvis is a single bone ring, consisting of two pelvic bones, the sacrum and the coccyx. At the age of 16-18, less often by the age of 20, in women, the final ossification of the pelvic bones occurs. Only the pubic and sacral joints are cartilaginous tissue.
Therefore, neither the bones that are rigidly joined together nor the cartilaginous tissue can normally "disperse" in any way, the cartilaginous tissue is very malelastic.
However, since the time of Hippocrates it has been known that during pregnancy there is a moderate softening of the joints of the pelvis and stretching of the pubic joint, which contributes to the favorable passage of the fetus through the bone pelvis.
In some cases, these changes cross the physiological boundaries, and then there is an excessive relaxation of the joints of the pelvis, accompanied by pain, leading to their excessive stretching and even rupture during childbirth, especially during mechanical action or surgical interventions.
As you might guess, the bones of the pelvis cannot “come together” back after a rupture of the pubic joint on their own.
That's all about the mythical divergence of the pelvic bones.
Questions often arise: why, then, does the size of trousers and skirts really increase for many, and after giving birth, after a while, a woman can again fit into them without problems? This is because during pregnancy there is a redistribution of body fat according to the female type. We all vaguely suspect what it is, but we can fully verify it by looking at African figurines or figures of Polovtsian women (see, for example, the Wikipedia article “Stone Woman”).
So it turns out that "the bones of the pelvis converged back."


Thank you, they enlightened me scientifically. Now at least something is clear. But you know, girls, look at adult skinny women with big butts and you think...

The pelvic bones diverge a little by the time of childbirth, but after childbirth everything returns to normal, they only remain a little wider than before childbirth ... but if after childbirth you have not a size, but three, four, your butt is larger than before childbirth, then that's extra kilos

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During the period of bearing a child, significant changes occur in the body of a woman. If some of them please the expectant mother, such as a growing tummy and baby movements, then others cause concern. These include pain in the hips.

Let's look at the nature of the origin of this pain and what is the norm or deviation during pregnancy. Can a feeling of heaviness in the hips be a sign of a disease that is dangerous for a woman and a baby?

What are the causes of pain?

Orthopedic diseases in the expectant mother. These include violation of posture, curvature of the spine, osteochondropathy. Unpleasant sensations in the hips can cause joint diseases, intervertebral hernia, displacement of the lumbar vertebrae, and previous injuries.

Doctors now diagnose many women with such a diagnosis as hypodynamia. The disease is caused by a decrease in motor activity and muscle load. This leads to various disorders in the body, including the musculoskeletal system. If a woman led a sedentary lifestyle before pregnancy, then it is likely that she will face such a problem as heaviness in her hips while carrying a child. The fact is that a constantly growing belly shifts the center of gravity, and the main load just falls on the spine, back and hips.

The most common reason is related to physiological changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. The growing uterus puts pressure on the pelvic bones, which provokes pain.

Deficiency of calcium and phosphorus.

For the development of the fetus and its skeleton, these minerals are required, and if they are not enough supplied to the woman's body, then reserves from her bone tissue are consumed. As a result, diseases such as osteomalacia and osteoporosis develop, one of the symptoms of which is the occurrence of pain in the pelvic bones, decreased motor activity and lameness.

Excessive physical activity during pregnancy can adversely affect the hip joints and lead to pain in the hips.

Heaviness in the hips can be a sign of the imminent onset of labor.

The body of a woman a couple of weeks before important event starts getting ready. changing hormonal background women, as a result of which colostrum may appear, the mucous plug leaves, training contractions become more frequent, the pelvic bones begin to slowly diverge to facilitate the passage of the child through the birth canal.

The etymology of the occurrence of pain in the hips should be established by the gynecologist observing the pregnant woman. Localization of painful sensations can help him in this. If, while walking and at rest, a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen and on the inside of the thigh, then these are symptoms of the imminent onset of labor. If a pulling pain occurs closer to the buttocks and radiates to the lower back, then, most likely, we are talking about sciatica or pinched nerve. If a pregnant woman complains of pain in the pubic area, then this is probably symphasitis - excessive divergence of the pubic bones.

What is hip pain

  • Starting. Occurs when walking, squatting and getting up from a sitting or lying position. At rest, it subsides or dulls.
  • Mechanical. Appears with prolonged power loads, such as lifting weights or walking with heavy bags. Painful sensations completely disappear after several hours of rest in the supine position.
  • reflected. The source of pain is localized in the abdomen or spine, and gives to the hips.
  • Night. It manifests itself exclusively at this time of day, which is associated with an incorrect sleeping position and squeezing of the sciatic nerve. It is no coincidence that doctors strongly recommend that all pregnant women sleep only on their left side, which, by the way, is also beneficial for the child.

Several Ways to Eliminate or Relieve Hip Pain

First of all, the expectant mother should go to an appointment with her gynecologist. After examining and familiarizing yourself with the symptoms, the doctor may send her for an additional consultation with a surgeon or neurologist to clarify the diagnosis.

A general recommendation for women experiencing heaviness in the hips during pregnancy is taking vitamins prescribed by a doctor, constantly wearing an orthopedic bandage, which relieves stress from the spine, massage, correct posture during sleep, preferably on an orthopedic mattress. It should be recalled that during the period of bearing a child, a woman needs to observe the daily regimen, visit more fresh air and, of course, rest. Often, pain in the pelvic bones is provoked by weak muscles and ligaments, so if there are no contraindications, you can do yoga, fitness, Pilates and swimming.

In the case when aching pain in the hips begins at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, this is most likely a harbinger of childbirth, which can begin as early as a week or two. However, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about this to make sure that there is no symphasitis.

If pain in the pelvic bones reminds of itself every day, then the expectant mother is treated with preparations containing calcium and phosphorus, and it is also recommended to minimize physical activity and adhere to a gentle daily regimen. With severe pain, it is permissible to use ointments for topical application. Before using them, you should consult your doctor to make sure total absence their harm to the child.

How to prevent hip pain and heaviness

  • At the stage of pregnancy planning, engage in exercise, strengthen back muscles.
  • The expectant mother, in no case, should not lift and carry weights.
  • There is a well-known expression: “Pregnancy is not a disease”, therefore, if there is no threat to bearing a baby, it is necessary to exercise. You can contact a sports club, where the coach will select a set of workouts that take into account the “interesting” position of a woman, or go swimming. If there is no time to visit gyms, then long walks in the park, forest, river embankment, etc. are recommended for the expectant mother.
  • In the second trimester, it is mandatory to wear a bandage for pregnant women, which will reduce the load on the spine, pelvic bones, and besides, this is a good prevention of premature birth.
  • Reception of special vitamins for pregnant women, which will be recommended by a gynecologist.
  • The right choice of shoes: on a small heel with wide toes. Tight clothing with a narrow belt should be discarded.


Very often, women who are expecting a baby complain about the occurrence of specific pains that they had not experienced before. These include a feeling of heaviness in the hips, even at night. There is also stiffness in movement. What should mothers-to-be know about the nature of such pain? Why is this happening? Isn't it dangerous for health? Causes of the manifestation of pain Hormonal changes and changes in the body of a woman cause discomfort and discomfort in different parts body, especially in the lower torso. But in some cases, from among the troubles, they become real pains in the hips. In some cases, only when moving, and in some cases even at rest. What reasons? These include:
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If a woman had osteochondrosis, arthrosis of the hip joint, curvature of the spine, bone injuries before pregnancy, then the risk of hip pain increases.
  • Leading a sedentary lifestyle before pregnancy. How a woman's pregnancy will proceed depends largely on the lifestyle that she previously led. Active physical activity or sports help strengthen the spine and back, make the joints elastic. When there is such a basis of health, then a woman can much more easily withstand the loads that increase during pregnancy on the body, avoid various problems that are associated with a change in the center of gravity.
  • Physiological changes. First of all, it concerns the growth of the uterus. It additionally begins to put pressure on the hip joints, sometimes causing pinching of the sciatic nerve and the occurrence of sciatica of the lumbosacral.
  • Micronutrient deficiency. During pregnancy, the need for many mineral components increases greatly. It is necessary to get pure calcium in the amount of 1.5 g per day and the same amount of phosphorus. This is necessary so that the baby's musculoskeletal system can develop and function normally after birth. The deficiency of these components causes the development of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, osteomalacia and osteoporosis. However, such a disadvantage is most dangerous for the development of symphysitis in a pregnant woman - this is inflammation in the pubic joint. The disease is accompanied by pain in the hip joint and pubis, the manifestation of lameness, the woman cannot lift her legs up.
  • Increased motor activity and overwork of the expectant mother with increased body weight provoke pain in the later stages of bearing a baby.
  • The body's natural preparation for childbirth. The body of a woman prepares in advance for such an event. Hormones begin to soften the interosseous joints, gradually affect the divergence of such bones, relax muscles and ligaments.

When determining the causes that provoked the occurrence of hip pain, it is necessary to take into account the place of their localization. If a woman has pain from the inside of her thighs, then this is most likely caused by the preparation for childbirth of the body and the divergence of the pelvic bones. If the pain is localized closer to the gluteal muscles or in the pelvis, then we can talk about sciatica or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. If the pain is localized in the pubic area, then this may indicate the presence of symphasitis.

Classification of hip pain

During the bearing of a child, doctors classify such pains into:

  1. starting. They appear at the beginning of physical activity, after a while they disappear or decrease.
  2. Mechanical. They appear during prolonged physical exertion and disappear after a long rest.
  3. Reflected. They occur in the hip joint, but this is only irradiation (when pain radiates from the abdomen or back to the thigh).
  4. Night. It is at night that a woman experiences severe discomfort, during the day it is not felt.

What to do if you have hip pain

When a pregnant woman experiences such discomfort, the first thing to do is to consult a gynecologist for advice. Maybe he will refer you for a consultation with a neurologist or a surgeon.

In the presence of such pain, general recommendations - you should use multivitamin complexes, which contain phosphorus and potassium, wear a special bandage, perform massages, sleep on an orthopedic mattress. Future mothers should observe a sparing regimen. You should also try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, because under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is produced, which is necessary for normal calcium metabolism. It is useful to take warm baths, limit strong physical activity. It is recommended to engage in physical activities that are allowed for pregnant women - this can be yoga, swimming, physiotherapy, which aims to strengthen the oblique and rectus abdominis, back extensors, hip extensors and flexors, gluteal muscles.

If discomfort occurs a week or two before the date of the expected birth, then this may portend the onset of an important event.

If soreness in the pelvic bones and in the lower back begins to bother the pregnant woman regularly, then more drastic measures should be taken. Calcium-based preparations should be used, 1000-1500 mg per day. It is best to take calcium compounds such as Ca lactate, Ca carbonate, which are very well absorbed (over 40%), this is a lot compared to the bioavailability of calcium gluconate - only 4%. If symphasitis has developed, lumbar sciatica, you should limit physical activity, start taking B group vitamins and calcium supplements. If the pain is very severe, drugs such as fastum-gel, voltaren, indomethacin can be used.


  • You need to watch your own posture;
  • While carrying a child, you should not lift any weights;
  • During pregnancy, physical activity is necessary, so easy charging or classes with an instructor will significantly reduce the risk of pain;
  • When wearing a bandage, the load on the hip joint will significantly decrease;
  • You should use the vitamin-mineral complexes that your doctor has prescribed for you in a timely manner;
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

The period of pregnancy is characterized by various changes in the body of a woman, both physiological (growing belly, weight gain) and hormonal (changes in metabolism). All this brings new sensations into the life of a pregnant woman, not always pleasant, which require some changes in everyday life.

So, at any stage of pregnancy, a woman may experience acute, paroxysmal or long-term pain in the leg in the thigh area. They can occur at any time of the day, very often hip pain occurs during a night's sleep. Sometimes painful sensations can appear only when moving or, conversely, after a long rest.

In this article, we will consider in detail the questions why the hips hurt during pregnancy? what could this indicate? How can you eliminate discomfort?

Types of pain

  • Mechanical - pain in the hip joint occurs during prolonged physical exertion and disappears after a long rest.
  • Starting pains occur with the appearance of motor activity and subside after a short period.
  • Night - aching pains bother at night, with daytime activity they disappear.
  • Reflected pain manifests itself in the hip joint, but the causes of occurrence are associated with a disease of other organs.

Causes of pain

  • Sedentary lifestyle before pregnancy.
    Management plays an important role healthy lifestyle life not only during but also before the onset happy moment. Active physical activity before pregnancy will strengthen the spine, body muscles, joints will become more elastic. This will avoid many problems associated with an increase in the load on the musculoskeletal system and a change in the center of gravity of the woman's body during this period.
  • The presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
    If a woman before pregnancy had a disease associated with disruption of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, arthrosis of the hip joint, bone injuries, underdeveloped pelvic muscles, then the risk of hip pain during pregnancy increases to 30-50%, and after childbirth it increases up to 70%.
  • Micronutrient deficiencies. During pregnancy, the body's need for trace elements increases. A pregnant woman should receive up to 1.5 g of calcium and the same amount of phosphorus per day.

The lack of one of the elements can lead to a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism and, as a result, to osteoporosis (fragility of the bones) and osteomalacia (softening of the bones and their deformation).

A lack of calcium can cause the development of the disease symphysitis - inflammatory process in the pubic joint, which occurs during pregnancy or after childbirth and is characterized by

pain in the pubis, hip joint

Resulting in a limp gait, inability to lift the legs up while lying down. A complication of it can be a complete rupture of the ligaments of the pubic joint.

  • Physiological changes
    Huge changes in the body of a pregnant woman are associated with the genitals. The uterus of a pregnant woman in 9 months grows from the size of a fist to the size of a huge watermelon. Such growth of the uterus gives an additional load on the hip joint, and can also cause pinching of the sciatic nerve, thereby provoking the development of sciatica.
  • A common cause of aching hip pain in late pregnancy is the natural preparation of the body for childbirth. Due to the action of hormones, the interosseous joints soften, the muscles and ligaments relax, become elastic, and the pelvic bones gradually separate.
  • Domestic problems, overwork of a pregnant woman, increased activity with increased body weight, bad rest due to an uncomfortable mattress (too hard or soft) can also provoke hip pain.

What is osteoporosis and all the ways to treat it: /> Find out what pills are needed to treat osteoporosis here.
Here you will find information about what tests you need to take and what examinations you need to undergo in order to early stages identify osteoporosis.

An important role in finding out the causes that led to the development of hip pain is played by its localization:

  • If it hurts inner side hips, then most often this is due to the natural preparation of the body for childbirth: the divergence of the pelvic bones, stretching of muscles, ligaments.
  • If pain occurs in the pelvis and / or the thigh hurts closer to the gluteal muscles, then we can talk about inflammation of the sciatic nerve - sciatica.
  • Localization of pain in the pubic bone may indicate a divergence of the womb - symphysitis.

Often the diagnosis of hip pain is difficult, since the pain radiates to the knee joint and treatment begins with it.

If any pain occurs in the hip areas, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. Your gynecologist may refer you to another qualified specialist (surgeon, neurologist) to find out the causes and develop a treatment plan.

  1. Eat right, if necessary, follow a diet.
  2. Under the supervision of a doctor who will prescribe a regimen and dosage, take calcium, magnesium or vitamin-mineral complexes.
    • Alphabet for pregnant women and nursing mothers;
    • Complivit Mom;
    • Multi-tabs;
    • Elevit Pronatal;
    • Calcium Sandoz Forte;
    • MAGNE B6 forte.
  3. Buy an orthopedic mattress or pillow for pregnant women, which will help relieve pain in the thigh during sleep and fully relax.
  1. Also, on the advice of a doctor, you can purchase a bandage that will support a rapidly growing tummy.
  2. Sign up for a massage that will help you relax, relieve tension, pain, reduce swelling of the legs, give good results with increased uterine tone. Massage is carried out by a specialist in a sitting position or lying on its side, 1-2 times a week.
    You can also do self-massage, stroking the tummy clockwise, kneading the feet - reflexology.
  1. You shouldn't overwork. Pregnant women are supposed to be gentle physical activity during the day. Gymnastics for pregnant women can only be done under the supervision of a specialist.
  2. More time should be spent outdoors.
  3. To relax, you can take warm baths, which will reduce the discomfort if you have a sore leg in the thigh.

If the hips hurt during pregnancy, but this is not associated with diseases of the body and does not threaten the health of the expectant mother and child, then the pain is the natural preparation of the woman for delivery. After giving birth, the pain will go away on its own. A pregnant woman should take care of herself and her unborn child and try to make her life as comfortable as possible during this period.

How to forget about pain in the joints and spine?

  • Does pain limit your movement and fulfilling life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systemic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?
  • People who have learned bitter experience for the treatment of joints use ... >>

Read the opinion of doctors on this issue

Every woman understands that during pregnancy she will gain weight. And when it comes to the fact that the belly will grow, the breasts, buttocks and hips will increase, a woman often says: “Well, you have to endure it! Because that's how it should be." IN modern world few people take this process positively. To a growing belly - still all right, but the attitude to an increase in other parts of the body is often different.

In fact, weight gain during pregnancy is not only due to the fact that a child grows in the body. The breasts are enlarged, preparing for lactation, which means that from 200 to 500 grams are added to the previous weight, and in some cases, 1-1.5 kg.

In addition to the child itself, the uterus grows, which becomes very heavy, it is filled with amniotic waters surrounding the child, there is a placenta that grows during pregnancy and also has a certain weight. In the body of a woman, the number of collagen cells also increases, which actively multiply in order for the tissues to become more elastic by the time of childbirth.

Weight gain during pregnancy also causes an increase in the amount of adipose tissue, because at this time special reserves are formed for the future, since fat is one of the energy suppliers. It can well help out a woman in a stressful postpartum state. In addition, it is clear that after childbirth, a young mother needs to recover and immediately begin to care for the baby,. It turns out that the need for energy increases many times, but where to get it? Of course, a woman will eat, but it often happens that young mothers are so twisted that they do not have time to eat, and then the fat reserves accumulated by the body during pregnancy on the buttocks, hips, back and stomach come to the rescue.

In addition, the amount of circulating blood in the woman's body increases, and the child develops a whole bloodstream. All these components are summed up and turn into that “terrible” figure that a pregnant woman sees when she gets on the scales.

Do not forget that these are useful grams and kilograms that are needed just in order to bear a healthy child, give birth safely, recover and breastfeed the baby.

Now let's move on to the numbers. The norm of weight gain during pregnancy in our country is from 9 to 12 kg. Such a norm, in my opinion, is narrower than is required by understanding how unique and diverse the situations of pregnant women are. If we take the Dutch norms, then we will see completely different indicators - from 5 to 25 kg. Such a norm is rather more realistic: you need to understand that every woman becomes pregnant under her own, specific circumstances.

Some in the first months of pregnancy suffer from severe toxicosis, which leads to significant weight loss: sometimes a woman loses several kilograms in the first three months. There are women who become pregnant with an initial weight deficit or, conversely, with an initial overweight. And these are completely different situations. And then, the constitution and physique also have a significant impact on weight gain during pregnancy: a woman with a height of 1.56 cm and an expectant mother with a height of 1.85 cm certainly will not gain the same amount of kilograms during pregnancy. And in this sense, the Dutch norms are, of course, more correct.

I can give you a good example: Recently, a woman came to me for courses who had excess weight before pregnancy. But, having become pregnant, she began to eat much less than she had eaten before that time. This is a very good indicator, indicating that the body has activated its forces in order to use excess fat, the accumulation of past years in the energy of the child's development. And this woman gained only 5.5 kg, while giving birth to a healthy baby weighing 3.5 kg. And for her, this is the norm.

But if a woman becomes pregnant with an initial body weight deficit, then for her a set of 5.5 kg will be rather an alarm signal. In my experience there were pregnant women who worked in modeling business. It is clear that the weight gain during pregnancy for such a woman will be completely different: first, the body will work to overcome the mass deficit, then for the child, and then already for the reserve for the future. And it turns out that then a pregnant woman can gain all 25 kg, given the fact that there are more often tall girls in the modeling business. And for her, the norm will be 25 kg. Although if you compare her weight gain during pregnancy with the 5.5 kg gained by a woman with an initial excess weight, of course, the numbers will simply not seem comparable, and both have become the norm. Therefore, I believe that our standards are still narrow, and here we need to look at each situation separately.

Larisa Sviridova
Text written by: Olga Schmidt

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