Essay four. Cudgel of the People's War. Club of the people's war based on the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

“Imagine,” Tolstoy wrote, “two people who went out with swords for a duel according to all the rules of fencing art ... suddenly one of the opponents, feeling wounded, realizing that this was no joke ... threw his sword and taking the first club he came across, began grumble at her. The swordsman who demanded a fight according to the rules of art was a Frenchman, his opponent, who abandoned his punks and raised his club, was Russian ... Despite the French's complaints about the failure to comply with the rules ... the cudgel of the people's war rose with all its formidable and majestic strength and, without asking anyone's tastes and rules , rose, fell and nailed the French until the whole invasion died. It is with the help of the "club of the people's war" that Lev Nikolayevich reveals the main idea of ​​the epic novel "War and Peace".

The Patriotic War of 1812 in the image of Leo Tolstoy appears as a people's war. The writer is convinced that the Russian people won the war. Further development people's war is drawn by the author in volume IV, the chapters of which are devoted to a strong and powerful partisan movement.

In those years, patriotic feelings and hatred for enemies swept all segments of the population. But even V.G. Belinsky wrote: "Patriotism does not consist in magnificent exclamations." L.N. Tolstoy opposes true patriotism to such an ostentatious one, which was heard in speeches and exclamations at a meeting of Moscow nobles. They were worried about whether the peasants would gain a free spirit (“It’s better to recruit ... otherwise neither a soldier nor a peasant will return to us, but only one debauchery,” voices were heard at a meeting of the nobility).

During the stay of the army in Tarutino, the partisan movement began to expand, which began before Kutuzov took the post of commander in chief. L.N. very accurately and figuratively spoke about the partisan movement and the popular character of the war of 1812. Tolstoy, for the first time using the expression "club of the people's war" in the first chapter of the third part of the fourth volume of the novel "War and Peace".

The partisan movement in the Patriotic War of 1812 is one of the main expressions of the will and desire for the victory of the Russian people against the French troops. The partisan movement reflects the popular character Patriotic War.

The movement of partisans began after the entry of Napoleonic troops into Smolensk. Before guerrilla war was officially adopted by our government, already thousands of people of the enemy army were exterminated by the Cossacks and "Partisans".

The image of Petya Rostov is an expression in the novel of the theme of guerrilla war, which shows that the people are the true force of history. He reveals the true value human life, human relationships.

The guerrilla war with the French took on a popular character. She brought with her new methods of struggle, "overturning Napoleon's strategy of conquest."

Tolstoy has an ambiguous attitude not only to the people's war, but also to the partisan one. The People's War delights the writer as supreme manifestation patriotism, as the unity of people of all strata in their love for the motherland and in the common desire to prevent the enemy from seizing Russia. Only a guerrilla war, that is, a liberation war, which is not a "game", not "the entertainment of idle people", but retribution for ruin and misfortune, aimed at protecting one's own freedom and the freedom of the whole country, is fair, according to Tolstoy. But still, any, even a just war, brings destruction, pain and suffering, is the personification of an evil, inhuman principle. Therefore, the partisan war, sung by Tolstoy in the novel, is, according to the author, a manifestation of popular anger, but not the embodiment of humanism and the highest good. tolstoy rostov novel war

The popular character of the war is shown by Tolstoy different ways. The author's historical and philosophical arguments about the role of the individual and the people in history in general and the war of 1812 in particular are used, vivid pictures of outstanding historical events are drawn; the people can be depicted (albeit extremely rarely) as a whole, in common, and as an innumerable multitude of living ordinary characters. The motives and feelings of the entire nation are concentrated in the image of the "representative of the people's war" commander Kutuzov, they are felt by the best representatives of the nobility who have become close to the people.

Tolstoy shows a combination of formidable strength, courage and kindness, heroic patience and generosity in the Russian character; this unique combination represents, according to Tolstoy, the essence of the Russian soul. The writer himself says: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth." Russian soldiers, having met Captain Rambal and his batman Morel, freezing in the forest, bring them porridge, vodka, lay out an overcoat for the sick Rambal. Smiling joyfully, they look at Morel.

Such is the main assessment of the people's war in Tolstoy's novel. “And it is good for the people who, in a moment of trial, with simplicity and ease, pick up the first club that comes across and nail it until the feeling of insult and revenge in their soul is replaced by contempt and pity.”

L. Tolstoy glorified and immortalized for all time the image of the "club of the people's war." At the same time, he glorified the Russian people, who boldly, decisively and recklessly raised it against the enemy.

"Cudgel of the People's War" (based on the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace")

War and Peace is an epic novel. The work shows historical events of exceptional importance and the role of the people in them. It would be wrong to try to explain the defeat of the French by some special genius of the Russian generals, even by commander-in-chief Kutuzov, or by the fatal miscalculations of Napoleon. The fate of the campaign was decided not in headquarters and headquarters, but in the hearts ordinary people: Platon Karataev and Tikhon Shcherbaty, Petya Rostov and Denisov, Timokhin and ... And can you name them all? Tolstoy the battle painter paints a large-scale image of the Russian people, who raised the cudgel of the liberation war against the invaders.

The actions of the defenders of the motherland are unconscious, but expedient. It is not some kind of logic or rules that makes people participate in the fight against the enemy. Perhaps it is the very “power of unconscious goodness” that one of the greatest artists of the 20th century wrote about later in his novel “Life and Fate”. Vasily Grossman. In any case, the spirit of the people manifests itself in full measure both in the battle of Borodino and in other important episodes of the campaign of 1812.

Leo Tolstoy draws the heroes of the partisan war with love and respect. Here Denisov, "blushing like a girl," outlines to Kutuzov a plan to "cut the enemy's line of operations between Smolensk and Vyazma." And "it was strange to see the color on this mustachioed, old and drunken face." But Denisov is sincere and natural. Soon we see him in the ranks of the partisans. "On September 22, Denisov, who was one of the partisans, was with his party in the midst of partisan passion." Together with Dolokhov, he is preparing the capture of French transport. They are not embarrassed by the numerical superiority of the demoralized enemy. The main thing is to find out which troops are accompanying the convoy. The peasant partisan Tikhon Shcherbaty was given the task of "taking the language." "Plastun" shows extraordinary courage, energy and dexterity. Being noticed by the French, Tikhon, “running up to the river, flopped into it so that the spray flew and, hiding for a moment, got to the surface, all black from the water, and ran on.”

Is it any wonder that “Tikhon was the most useful and brave man in the party. No one opened cases of attacks more than him, no one else took him and beat the French ... ”However, Shcherbaty’s story about the murder of a captured Frenchman does not cause us to think about any particular cruelty and vindictiveness of the peasant from Pokrovsky.

You can not call cruel and Denisov. The commander of the partisan detachment takes care of the French prisoners, pities them in his own way. The behavior of the careerist Dolokhov is more an exception to the rule than the rule. Recall that Tolstoy writes not only about the courage of this man, but also about his ruthlessness. He is indifferent to the death of Petit, which occurred during the attack on the French transport. He thirsts for the blood of a defeated enemy. Let's take a typical episode. Dolokhov approaches “the motionless, lying Petya with his arms outstretched ... - Ready,” Dolokhov repeated, as if pronouncing this word gave him pleasure, and quickly went to the prisoners, who were surrounded by dismounted Cossacks. - We won't take it! he shouted to Denisov.

But this scene, I repeat, is an exception. The war was won not by Dolokhov and those like him, but by an innumerable mass of ordinary people. And these people are well aware of mercy, compassion and sadness. Denisov's grief after the death of Petya Rostov is genuine, but he does not try to take out his suffering on the French prisoners ...

It seems to me that Tolstoy's idea that the people do not thirst for the blood of the enemy is very important in the novel. Isn't Kutuzov talking about this quality of the winners immediately after the Krasnensky battle?

The captured French evoke the compassion of the commander-in-chief and the entire Russian army: “While they were strong, we did not feel sorry for them, but now you can feel sorry for them. They are people too." Thus, history acquires a moral meaning. The "club of the people's war" is not so much military as moral retribution against the invaders and their proud emperor. This is a manifestation of that higher justice, which, according to Tolstoy, sooner or later wins in the life of human society.

Cudgel of the People's War

Cudgel of the People's War
From the novel "War and Peace" (vol. IV, part 3, ch. 1) by L. N. Tolstoy (1828-1910): "Let's imagine two people who went out with swords to a duel according to all the rules of fencing art ... suddenly one of the opponents, feeling wounded, realizing that this was not a joke ... dropped his sword and, taking the first club that came across, began to turn it around ...
the lumberjack, who demanded a fight according to all the rules of art, were the French; his opponent, who dropped his sword and raised his club, were Russians... Despite all the complaints of the French about the failure to comply with the rules... the cudgel of the people's war rose with all its formidable and majestic strength and, without asking anyone's tastes and rules, rose, fell and nailed French until the whole invasion is dead.
Allegorically: about the great possibilities of a people's war.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

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    Tolstoy L. N. TOLSTOY Lev Nikolaevich (1828 1910). I. Biography. R. in Yasnaya Polyana, ex. Tula lips. He came from an old noble family. Grandfather T., Count Ilya Andreevich (prototype of I. A. Rostov from "War and Peace"), went bankrupt by the end of his life. ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

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MOU secondary school No. 31

Literature abstract

"Cudgel of the People's War"

based on the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"


10th grade student



2006-2007 academic year

    Introduction. Patriotism ……………………………………………………... p. 3

    "Cudgel of the People's War" ………………………………………………….. p. 4

    1. "People's War"…………………………………………………... p. 4

      Captain Tushin. Merchant Ferapontov ……………………………… p. 4

      Partisan movement……………………………………………. with. 5

Tikhon Shcherbaty …………………………………………………... p. 6

      Battle of Borodino……………………………………………… p. 7

      Patriotism and selflessness of the Russian nobility………… p. eight

      Kutuzov - a representative of the people's war………………………… p. nine

      The debunking of Napoleon………………………………………………. p.11

    Conclusion. The winner is the Russian people……………………………….. p.13

    List of used literature………………………………………… p.13

"Patriotism does not consist in pompous exclamations ..."

V. G. Belinsky

"We would have died if we hadn't."


"Guys! Isn't Moscow behind us?

Let's die near Moscow.

M. Yu. Lermontov

1. Introduction.

Patriotism is devotion and love for the motherland, fatherland, one's people, readiness for any sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of one's homeland. These feelings, love for the Motherland and devotion to it have long been inherent in the masses. The peoples driven by them rose to fight against foreign conquerors. At the heart of patriotism lies devotion to one's people, the desire to devote all one's strength to protecting its interests. Historically, it so happened that for the entire time of its existence, starting from Kievan Rus, the Russian people were constantly attacked from outside. And each time, not only the army, but the whole people rose up to fight the enemy, showing miracles of courage, heroism and patriotism.

L. Tolstoy's writing of the epic "War and Peace" can also be considered a manifestation of patriotism, since in his work he recognizes the decisive role of the people in the historical process. In this idea of ​​the role of the people in the movement of history, Tolstoy turned out to be close to the views of the revolutionary democrats. The idea of ​​creating a historical novel came to the writer under the influence of the social atmosphere of the 60s of the XIX century. During this period, the movement of revolutionary democrats is formed.

Here L. Tolstoy conceived to combine two eras: the era of the first revolutionary movement in Russia - the era of the Decembrists - and the sixties - the era of revolutionary democrats. Tolstoy tried to accomplish a difficult task: to understand and comprehend modernity through the prism of history. And the more he delves into work on the novel, the more he wants to "lead not one, but many heroes and heroines through historical events ...".

Having told in his novel both about historical figures and about the best representatives nobility, about distant families and persons, fictional and real, and revealing the "character of the Russian people and troops", L. Tolstoy created an epic novel. The writer expressed his admiration for the heroism and sacrifice of the "best people" in his work. The Patriotic War of 1812, when the efforts of the entire Russian nation were gathered into a single fist to repel the Napoleonic invasion, was a noble theme. This theme formed the basis of the novel, because in a time of difficult trials, patriotism brings people together, uniting representatives of different classes in the struggle against the conquerors.

2. "Cudgel of the People's War"

2.1. People's War

L. N. Tolstoy, depicting the war in his grandiose novel "War and Peace", does not show military parades, rewarding distinguished soldiers, graceful horses, heroes sitting on them, generals. This is a form. Lev Nikolaevich prefers to this the inconspicuous, but at the same time losing their meaning, military everyday life; modest, but capable of heroism, ordinary soldiers; their daily struggle with the enemy. This is the content.

War as the physical annihilation of a mass of people is "an event contrary to human reason and all human nature." Thirst for power, which has a wide variety of manifestations; the struggle for power led to the emergence of forms of behavior that have no analogues in nature. But the war of the Russian people is a just war, because it is not against France. She doesn't even against outrage and evil, she behind native Russia, for its freedom, for its beauty, for goodness. Another proof that affirmation, not negation, is the true path. The author gives his readers a unique opportunity to dive into the depths of the inner world ordinary person. There is no bravado, false prowess, desire to get "an extra cross or ribbon" in it; there is simplicity, goodness, truth in it (it could not do without Tolstoy's signature triad); will are combined with ordinary unusualness, unique individuality and spiritual beauty.

It is on the joint actions of such people that the further step of History, the result of the war, depends. “There are no and cannot be reasons for a historical event, except for the single cause of all causes. But there are laws that govern events, partly unknown, partly groping for us,” continues our reflections, the writing philosopher Tolstoy, whose ideas came into irreconcilable disagreement with those who proclaimed the “formula of the European hero" of Hegel and Nietzsche.

A people bound by common feelings and aspirations, and not an exceptional individual, decides the fate of mankind - such is Tolstoy's opinion on the question of the role of the individual in history.

2.2. Captain Tushin

Tolstoy began his narrative with the first clashes between the Russian army and the French in 1805, describing the battle of Shengraben and the battle of Austerlitz, where the Russian troops were defeated. But even in the lost battles, Tolstoy shows real heroes, steadfast and firm in the performance of their military duty. We meet here heroic Russian soldiers and courageous commanders. With great sympathy, Tolstoy talks about Bagration, under whose leadership the detachment made a heroic transition to the village of Shengraben.

But another inconspicuous hero is Captain Tushin. This is a simple and modest man who lives the same life with the soldiers. He is completely incapable of observing the ceremonial military regulations, which caused dissatisfaction with his superiors. But in battle, it is Tushin, this small, inconspicuous man, who sets an example of valor, courage and heroism. He, with a handful of soldiers, not knowing fear, held the battery and did not leave his positions under the onslaught of the enemy, who did not expect "the audacity of firing four cannons that were not protected by anyone." Outwardly unsightly, but internally collected and organized, the company commander Timokhin appears in the novel, whose company "one kept in order." Seeing no point in a war on foreign territory, the soldiers do not feel hatred for the enemy. Yes, and the officers are disunited and cannot convey to the soldiers the need to fight for foreign land.

Quite a different state Russian soldiers and officers after the entry of the Napoleonic army into the territory of Russia. Tolstoy portrays this war as a people's war of liberation. The whole country rose up against the enemy. Everyone stood up to support the army: peasants, merchants, craftsmen, nobles. "From Smolensk to Moscow in all the towns and villages of the Russian land" everything and everyone rose up against the enemy. Peasants and merchants refused to supply the French army. Their motto is: "It is better to destroy, but not to give to the enemy."

Let us remember the merchant Ferapontov. At a tragic moment for Russia, the merchant forgets about his goal. Everyday life, about wealth, about hoarding. And the general patriotic feeling makes the merchant related to ordinary people: "Bring everything, guys ... I'll set it on fire myself." The actions of the merchant Ferapontov echo the patriotic act of Natasha Rostova on the eve of the surrender of Moscow. She forces the family property to be dropped from the cart and the wounded to be taken. From Natasha comes the energy of renewal, liberation from the false, false, familiar, leading "to the free light of God." And here her role is tantamount to what gives the searching heroes of Tolstoy communication with the people. Lydia Dmitrievna Opulskaya wrote: "Natasha's image embodies one of the main ideas of the novel: there is no beauty and happiness where there is no goodness, simplicity and truth." It was a new relationship between people in the face of a national danger.

In the battle of Shengraben, in the battle on the Borodino field, there were many moments of hesitation, fear, and uncertainty. At such moments, the infantry regiments are helped by an inexplicable upsurge, enthusiasm, embracing individual soldiers who are capable of shouting "Hurrah!" to lead an army that had lost hope. So did officer Timokhin, a modest fellow, without any ulterior motives "with one skewer" and "insane determination" rushed at the French. In the same way, the head of the battery, Tushin, with his gunners, who was not afraid to take the initiative, makes a significant contribution to the overall victory.

The reason for the defeats in Austria, Prussia is the lack of purpose and motivation. Now everything is different. Purpose of the Patriotic War of 1812
defined, it is the same for all its participants. A soldier who met Pierre in Mozhaisk speaks precisely about this: "They want to pile on all the people; one word - Moscow. They want to make one end." Revenge for the insults experienced, for the native land, for past failures, everyone is covered. In the "people's battle" - the Battle of Borodino, the victory was ensured by the common "spirit of the army",
added to the "hidden warmth of patriotism." The losses were virtually the same, but the victory of the Russians was not measured in them: it was "a moral victory, one that convinces the enemy of the moral superiority of his enemy and of his impotence." The "wonderful, incomparable people" endure everything: misfortunes, torment, pain - and all for the sake of the liberation of their native land.

2.3. partisan movement.

The partisan movement rose in a mighty wave: "The cudgel of the people's war rose with all its formidable and majestic strength." “And it’s good for that people ... who, in a moment of trial, without asking how others acted according to the rules in similar situations, with simplicity and ease will pick up the first club that comes across and nail it until there is a feeling of insult in their soul and revenge will not be replaced by contempt and pity. Tolstoy shows the partisan detachments of Denisov and Dolokhov, talks about the deacon who headed the detachment, about the elder Vasilisa, who exterminated hundreds of Frenchmen.

Undoubtedly, the role of the partisan movement during the war is great. Villagers, ordinary men with pitchforks in their hands, unconsciously went to the enemy. They destroyed the invincible Napoleonic army from within. One of them is Tikhon Shcherbaty, "the most useful and brave man" in Denisov's detachment. With an ax in his hands, with a boundless thirst for revenge that sometimes turns into cruelty, he walks, runs, flies towards the enemy. He is driven by natural
patriotic feeling. Everyone is charged with his energy, dynamics, determination, courage.

But among the avenging people there is not only ruthlessness, but also humanity, love for one's neighbor. Such is the captive soldier of the Apsheron regiment Platon Karataev. His appearance, a peculiar voice, "gentle-melodious caress" - the opposite, the answer to Tikhon's rudeness. Plato is an incorrigible fatalist, always ready to "suffer innocently in vain." He is characterized by diligence, the desire for truth, justice. It seems impossible to imagine Plato militant, fighting: his love for humanity is too great, he is the embodiment of "everything Russian, good and round." L. N. Tolstoy, nevertheless, is still for the people who are fighting, rather than passive, like Karataev: “It is good for the people who, in a moment of trial, without asking how others acted according to the rules in such cases, with simplicity and ease picks up the first club that comes across and nails it until the feeling of insult and revenge in his soul is replaced by contempt and pity.
It was the people who dared to raise the club against the enemy, but in no case the crowd, which, distraught, welcomes the king; not the crowd that brutally cracks down on Vereshchagin; not a crowd that only imitates participation in hostilities. In the people, unlike the crowd, there is a unity that unites the beginning and there is no aggression, hostility, senselessness. The victory over the French was not won thanks to the fantastic exploits of single heroes, it was deserved by the "strongest spirit" of the Russian people - the bearer of the highest moral values.

"The cudgel of the people's war rose with all its formidable and majestic strength, and, without asking anyone's tastes and rules, with stupid simplicity, but with expediency, without analyzing anything, it rose, fell and nailed the French until the entire invasion died" …

Tolstoy gives the main role in the victory to the common people, prominent representative which was the peasant Tikhon Shcherbaty.

Tolstoy creates vivid image tireless partisan, the peasant Tikhon Shcherbaty, who joined Denisov's detachment. Tikhon was distinguished by good health, great physical strength and endurance. In the fight against the French, he shows dexterity, courage and fearlessness. Characteristic is the story of Tikhon about how four Frenchmen "with skewers" attacked him, and he went at them with an ax. This echoes the image of a Frenchman - a fencer and a Russian wielding a club.

Tikhon is the artistic concretization of the "clubs of the people's war." Lydia Dmitrievna Opulskaya wrote: “Tikhon is a completely clear image. He, as it were, personifies that “club of the people’s war,” which rose up and nailed the French with terrible force until the entire invasion died. He himself, voluntarily, asked to join the detachment Vasily Denisov. In the detachment, which constantly attacked enemy carts, there were a lot of weapons. But Tikhon did not need them - he acts differently, and his duel with the French, when it was necessary to get "language", is quite in the spirit of Tolstoy's general reasoning about the people's liberation war: "Let's go, I say, to the colonel. How to make a noise. And there are four of them. They rushed at me with skewers. I attack them in such a manner with an ax: why are you, they say, Christ is with you, ”Tikhon shouted, waving and frowning menacingly, exposing his chest.

He was "the most the right person"in a partisan detachment, because he knew how to do everything: lay fires, get water, skin horses for food, cook it, make wooden utensils, deliver prisoners. It is these workers of the earth, created only for peaceful life, who become the defenders of the Motherland.

2.4. Battle of Borodino.

Such popular support gave the Russian army tremendous strength. This was revealed with particular fullness in the Battle of Borodino. The main action of the Battle of Borodino took place on the twenty-sixth of August. Kutuzov mathematically accurately calculated that, "accepting the battle and risking losing a quarter of the army, he probably loses Moscow," but Napoleon, "accepting the battle with the probable chance of losing a quarter of the army," stretches his line even more.

The battle itself was terrible, "in blood, suffering and death." It was hard and difficult work. L. Tolstoy depicted the battle of Borodino, looking at it as if from two sides: Russian and French. We see this battle through the eyes of Pierre, who accidentally fell into the center of the battery. And together with Pierre we never cease to be amazed at the courage and heroism of the Russian people.

Once on the Raevsky redoubt, Pierre decided that this was the most insignificant place in the battle, "where a small number of people engaged in business were limited, separated from others by a ditch" - here one felt the same and common to everyone, as if family revival. Cheerful conversation and jokes were heard from everywhere. The soldiers, as it were, did not notice the broken guns, flying shells and bullets, but this is not just daring, this is the heroism of people, and they, like all living things, are inherent in the fear of death: "because she will not have mercy ... one cannot but be afraid." And death did not escape many of the defenders of the redoubt: in front of Pierre, a young officer was mortally wounded, and, returning after some time to the redoubt, “he did not find anyone from that family circle that took him in.” And, despite the crowds of wounded, Russians and French, thousands of dead, "the roar of shots, shooting and

the cannonade not only did not weaken, but also intensified to the point of desperation, like a man who, overstrained, screams with all his might. Tolstoy portrayed the true heroism of the war as an everyday affair and at the same time as a test of all mental strength man at the moment of their highest tension. This battle was a moral victory for the Russians, and the French received a mortal wound.

2.5. Patriotism and selflessness of the Russian nobility

A sense of patriotism was also characteristic of the nobility, which preserved good national traditions. Andrei and Marya Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova, Pierre Bezukhoye are Tolstoy's favorite characters. It is on the example of the Volkonsky and Rostov families that Tolstoy shows the patriotism and selflessness of the Russian nobility. It was these families who were close to the people, loved Russian nature, national culture. Their serious intellectual and moral demands in a time of serious trials were the basis of a patriotic impulse. "Hidden patriotism, which is expressed not in phrases ... but imperceptibly, simply, organically and therefore always produces the most powerful results" was the driving force for the victory over the French. As in Smolensk, most residents understood that leaving Moscow was not a betrayal, but a grievous necessity. “It was impossible to be under the control of the French: that would be the worst of all. They left before the battle of Borodino, and even faster after it.

On the other hand, with great hostility Tolstoy writes about the world of the aristocratic nobility, which is far from the people. The government itself is anti-people. Ruthlessly Tolstoy draws Rostopchin, the mayor, who is trying to "defend" Moscow. Predation, heartlessness, stupidity are the characteristic features of aristocrats who gather in the salon of the maid of honor Scherer. Intrigues, court gossip, career and wealth are their interests, they live by this. All this lazy and hypocritical crowd was against the appointment of the commander-in-chief of the "old man" Kutuzov.

These secular people include both Boris Drubetskoy and Berg, whose goal in life is to get a good place, make a brilliant career, get to the "top". “They are only busy with their little interests” and wait only a minute to “get an extra cross or ribbon,” says A. Bolkonsky about such people.

Moreover, such "militant" soldiers not only did not contribute to the common cause, but even interfered with it. So Count Benigsen ordered to move the troops to the heights, not realizing that the troops were ambushed. Moreover, he did not even report this change to the commander in chief. The young prince B. Drubetskoy, "an invaluable person" in the retinue of Count Benigsen, "pays obsequious respect to Kutuzov", making it clear to those around him that the old man is bad. He speaks patriotic phrases "with the most natural air", but "obviously, only in order to be heard by the brightest."

Prince Andrei occupies a special place in the novel, in which love for the Motherland, for the people gives birth to a real hero. He searches for a long time and finds the meaning of his life.

“So that my life would not go on for me alone,” says the prince. He seeks to live for others. AT difficult period war, wherever the prince is, he shows himself to be a true patriot and an honest officer, deeply experiencing the suffering of his people, the disasters of the Motherland. He wins the sympathy of the soldiers, he is affectionately called "our prince", they are proud of him, they love him.

But not only battles give birth to heroes. For example, Pierre Bezukhov is fighting the enemy in burning Moscow. Showing the best qualities human soul, he saves a girl from the fire, and a little later rushes to the aid of an Armenian girl, because of which he is captured. Pierre did not know how to be indifferent to the suffering of others, without realizing it, he accomplishes a real feat. Lydia Dmitrievna Opulskaya wrote: “Pierre gains peace of mind, confidence in the meaning of life, having survived the heroic season and the suffering of captivity next to ordinary people, with Platon Karataev. people who are imprinted in his soul under the name they ". "To be a soldier, just a soldier," Pierre thinks with delight. It is characteristic that the soldiers, though not immediately, willingly accepted Pierre into their environment and nicknamed "our master" like Andrey "our prince". Pierre cannot become "just a soldier", a droplet merging with the entire surface of the ball. The consciousness of his personal responsibility for the life of the entire ball is indestructible in him. He fervently thinks that people should come to their senses, understand the whole crime, the whole impossibility of war."

So, in these images we see truly real heroes. To overcome doubts and become real heroes, they are helped by a miraculous power emanating from hundreds of inhabitants of the Russian land, with whom this accursed war brought them together.

2.6. Kutuzov is a representative of the people's war.

The image of the great Russian commander Kutuzov is inseparable from the people. This is a truly historical figure, it is with his help that Tolstoy substantiates his philosophy about the significance of the individual in history. The basis of his views is the consciousness that the creator of history, historical events is the people, and not individuals. A great man, according to Tolstoy, is a man who is able to give up personal interests, to subordinate them to the needs of the whole people. And the point is not that Kutuzov foresees the actions and maneuvers of the enemy, but that the will of the people is expressed in his activities. "The source of extraordinary strength and special Russian wisdom was in the popular feeling that he carried in himself in all its purity and strength." The best people from the nobility feel Kutuzov to their relatives. Therefore, in the time of danger, Russia "needs its own, dear person." Carrier folk spirit and the will of the people, Kutuzov deeply and truly assessed the events and made the only correct decision. So, after the victorious Battle of Borodino, he insisted on a retreat, pitying his soldiers, his bloodless army.

Kutuzov has no other task than serving the fatherland and the desire to expel the invaders. He doesn't think about fame like Napoleon or Alexander. He is extremely subtly versed in the meaning of the people's meaning of events, he feels what is happening inside each soldier. Mikhail Illarionovich - the greatest
the commander, if only because he realized the role of the "swarm principle", comprehended the true spirit of the army, shared the will of the people and embodied all this in himself. In the full, loose, stooped figure of this old man there is no place for personal ambitions, there is a phenomenal sensitivity to the will of the people, to the will of God. "With many years of military experience, he knew that it was not the orders of the commander-in-chief, not the place on which the troops stood, not the number of guns and killed people, but that elusive force called the spirit of the army that decides the fate of the battle." That is why, at first glance, Kutuzov seems to be an inactive, indifferent, doubting "grandfather" in everything. But behind this external inertia lies the highest inner activity. In general, the well-known criterion for success is the least effort applied. Kutuzov, apparently, is familiar not only with the laws of history, but also with the laws of life, spiritual laws. No meetings, no intricate strategic calculations make any sense at all, because the source of victories is something ungraspable, invisible, elusive, imperceptible.

According to Tolstoy, it is useless to oppose the natural course of events, it is useless to try to play the role of arbiter of the fate of mankind. During the Battle of Borodino, on the outcome of which much depended for the Russians, Kutuzov "did not make any orders, but only agreed or disagreed with what was offered to him." In this seeming passivity, the deep mind of the commander, his wisdom are manifested. What has been said is also confirmed by the insightful judgments of Andrei Bolkonsky: "He will listen to everything, remember everything, put everything in its place, will not interfere with anything useful and will not allow anything harmful. He understands that there is something stronger and more significant than his will - this is an inevitable move events, and he knows how to see them, knows how to understand their meaning and, in view of this meaning, knows how to renounce participation in these events, from his personal will directed to something else. Kutuzov knew that "it is not the orders of the commander-in-chief, not the place on which the troops stand, not the number of guns and killed people, but that elusive force called the spirit of the army, that decide the fate of the battle, and he followed this force and led it, as far as it was in his power."

Unity with the people, unity with ordinary people makes Kutuzov for the writer the ideal of a historical figure and the ideal of a person. He is always humble and simple. A winning pose, acting is alien to him. Kutuzov, on the eve of the battle of Borodino, read the sentimental French novel by Madame Genlis "The Knights of the Swan". He didn't want to seem like a great man - he was. Kutuzov's behavior is natural, the author constantly emphasizes his senile weakness. Kutuzov in the novel is a spokesman folk wisdom. His strength lies in the fact that he understands and knows well what worries the people, and acts in accordance with this. The correctness of Kutuzov in his dispute with Bennigsen at the council in Fili is, as it were, reinforced by the fact that the sympathy of the peasant girl Malasha is on the side of "grandfather" Kutuzov.

S.P. Bychkov wrote: “Tolstoy, with his inherent great insight as an artist, correctly guessed and perfectly captured some of the character traits of the great Russian commander Kutuzov: his deep patriotic feelings, his love for the Russian people and hatred for the enemy, his closeness to the soldier. Contrary to the false legend created by official historiography about Alexander I - the savior of the fatherland and assigning Kutuzov a secondary role in the war, Tolstoy restores historical truth and shows Kutuzov as the leader of a just people's war. Kutuzov was connected with the people by close spiritual ties, and this was his strength as commander. "The source of the extraordinary power of insight into the meaning of occurring phenomena," says Tolstoy about Kutuzov, "lay in that popular feeling that he carried in himself in all its purity and strength. Only the recognition of this feeling in him made the people, in such strange ways, choose him, an old man in disfavor, against the will of the tsar, as a representative of the people's war.

Kindness, innocence, wisdom, sacrificing personal interests for the sake of
the benefits of an entire nation are the keys of Kutuzov, with the help of which he is able to lead, captivate, direct, unite ...

After the liberation of the country, the representative of the people's war feels that he has fulfilled the main mission in life. And he dies in 1813.

2.7. The debunking of Napoleon

In the novel, Tolstoy contrasts Kutuzov's "simple, modest and therefore majestic figure" with the "deceitful form of the European hero Napoleon". These are the two poles of the novel. The writer emphasizes everything repulsive in the guise of Napoleon.

The emperor was deprived of the ability to understand that the world does not exist to fulfill his desires. He could not imagine that someone, including enemies, did not adore him. According to Tolstoy, Napoleon is a deceitful hero. He is far from his soldiers. The main driving stimulus for Napoleon was the thirst for personal glory, greatness, power, no matter how it was achieved.

In "War and Peace" two ideological centers are created, as it were: Kutuzov and Napoleon. The idea of ​​debunking Napoleon occurred to Tolstoy in connection with the final clarification of the nature of the war of 1812 as a just war on the part of the Russians. The image of Napoleon is revealed by Tolstoy from the position of "folk thought".

S.P. Bychkov wrote: “In the war with Russia, Napoleon acted as an invader who sought to enslave the Russian people, he was an indirect killer of many people, this gloomy activity did not give him, according to the writer, the right to greatness. Tolstoy debunked the legend of Napoleone from the position of true humanism. Already from the first appearance of Napoleon in the novel, deeply negative traits of his character are revealed. Tolstoy carefully, detail by detail, writes out a portrait of Napoleon, a forty-year-old, well-fed and lordly pampered man, arrogant and narcissistic. "Round belly", "fat thighs of short legs", "white puffy neck", "thick short figure" with wide, "thick shoulders" - these are the characteristic features of Napoleon's appearance. back", "overgrown fat chest", "groomed body", "swollen and the yellow "face", "thick shoulders" - all these details draw a person who is far from working life, fat, deeply alien to the basics of folk life.

Napoleon was a selfishly narcissistic man who presumptuously believed that the entire universe obeyed his will. People were of no interest to him. The writer with subtle irony, sometimes turning into sarcasm, exposes Napoleon's claims to world domination, his constant posing for history, his acting. Napoleon played all the time, there was nothing simple and natural in his behavior and in his words. This is expressively shown by Tolstoy in the scene of admiring Napoleon's portrait of his son on the Borodino field. Napoleon approached the portrait, feeling "that what he will say and do now is history"; "his son in a bilbock played with the globe" - this expressed the greatness of Napoleon, but he wanted to show "the simplest paternal tenderness." Of course, it was pure acting. Here he did not express sincere feelings of "fatherly tenderness", namely, he posed for history, he acted. This scene clearly reveals the arrogance of Napoleon, who believed that with the occupation of Moscow, Russia would be conquered, and his plans for gaining world domination would be realized.

As a player and actor, the writer portrays Napoleon in a number of subsequent episodes. On the eve of Borodin, Napoleon says: "Chess is set, the game will begin tomorrow." On the day of the battle, after the first cannon shots, the writer remarks: "The game has begun." Further, Tolstoy shows that this "game" cost the lives of tens of thousands of people. Thus, the bloody nature of the wars of Napoleon, who sought to enslave the whole world, was revealed. War is not a "game", but a cruel necessity, Prince Andrei thinks. And this was a fundamentally different approach to the war, expressed the point of view of a peaceful people, forced to take up arms under exceptional circumstances, when the threat of enslavement hung over their homeland.

3. Conclusion.

The people in Tolstoy act as the creator of history: the millions of people ordinary people, not heroes and commanders create history, move society forward, create everything valuable in material and spiritual life, accomplish everything great and heroic. And this idea - "people's thought" - Tolstoy proves on the example of the war of 1812. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy denied the war, argued heatedly with those who found the "beauty of horror" in the war. When describing the war of 1805, Tolstoy acts as a pacifist writer, but when describing the war of 1812, the author switches to the position of patriotism. The war of 1812 appears in the image of Tolstoy as a people's war. The author creates many images of peasants, soldiers, whose judgments together make up the people's worldview.

Patriotism and closeness to the people are most characteristic of Pierre Bezukhov, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova. The people's war of 1812 contained that enormous moral force that cleansed and reborn Tolstoy's beloved heroes, burned out many class prejudices and selfish feelings in their souls.

4. List of used literature.

    Bychkov S., L. N. Tolstoy. Sketch of creativity - M., 1954

    Gromova - Opulskaya L.D. The epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" - M .: Nauka, 1987

    Gromova-Opulsskaya, Lidia Dmitrievna. Selected works / L. D. Gromova-Opulska; Ros. acad. sciences; Institute of World Culture. A.M. Gorky. - M.: Nauka, 2005.

    Shepeleva Z. S. Tolstoy's skill in "War and Peace" - Kostroma, 1954

Cudgel of the People's War
From the novel "War and Peace" (vol. IV, part 3, ch. 1) by L. N. Tolstoy (1828-1910): "Let's imagine two people who went out with swords to a duel according to all the rules of fencing art ... suddenly one of the opponents, feeling wounded, realizing that this was not a joke ... dropped his sword and, taking the first club that came across, began to turn it around ...
the lumberjack, who demanded a fight according to all the rules of art, were the French; his opponent, who dropped his sword and raised his club, were Russians... Despite all the complaints of the French about the failure to comply with the rules... the cudgel of the people's war rose with all its formidable and majestic strength and, without asking anyone's tastes and rules, rose, fell and nailed French until the whole invasion is dead.
Allegorically: about the great possibilities of a people's war.

  • - foundry and cannon master of the XVII century. His works squeaked: the 6-pound "Wolf" and the 50-pound "Troil" are in Moscow, near the Armory, on the Kremlin Square ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Derived from oak with a suffix. At first, the meaning of this noun is only "a thick stick of oak"...

    Etymological dictionary Russian language Krylova

  • - who is stupid, slow-witted; fool, fool. It means that the person is a person with very limited mental faculties, absolutely unable to comprehend the simplest situation, stupid. Spoken with disdain...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

  • - Roughly simple. Bran. Stupid, stupid, dumbass. Misha slapped his forehead, as if he had killed a mosquito, - he was going to set up a net, yes, when he saw me, he forgot about everything, a kind of club, headless ...

    Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language

  • - ; pl. dubi/ny, R....

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - DUBINA, -s. 1. female Thick heavy stick. 2. male and wives., trans. Blunt, stupid man. | caress cudgel, -and, wives. ...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - DUBINA, clubs, husband. and wives. 1. female Thick wooden stick. Hit the head with a club. 2. male || female little receptive, stupid man. I don't even want to talk to such a cudgel. Cudgel...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - cudgel I Thick heavy stick. II m. and f. 1. decel.-decrease. Stupid, stupid person. 2. Used as a censure or abusive word...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - oak...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - stupid, stubborn person Oak - stupid, stupid Cf. Dumm wie ein Stock. Wed Bagas is a fool. Wed Ut bagas constitisti - stupid as a stick. See log...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - stupid, stubborn person. Dumb - stupid, stupid. Wed Dumm wie ein Stock. Wed Bagas is stupid. Wed Ut bagas constitisti - as stupid as a stick. See log!...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - Twentieth century cudgel. Jarg. school Jottle-iron. Bytic, 1991–2000. Stoerous club. Prost. Bran. About an extremely stupid, slow-witted person. FSRYA, 146; BMS 1998, 170; BTS, 1271; ZS 1996, 246; Mokienko 1990, 106, 112; Arbatsky, 105...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

  • - BATON, -s, m. and f., BATON, -i, f. Policeman, guard...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

  • - 1. club, clubs, clubs, clubs, clubs, clubs, clubs, clubs, clubs, clubs, clubs, clubs, clubs 2 ...

    Word forms

  • - See wood, stick.....

    Synonym dictionary

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