General physical fitness rhythmic gymnastics. Work program of the general physical training section for rhythmic gymnastics. Showcases are welcome




Approved by the director


Tikhomirov A.A.

"___" ________ 2016

Working programm

“General physical training for rhythmic gymnastics groups”

general physical training coach Mordashova E.G.

Student age: 6 -1 6 years

Implementation period: 1 year




I. Explanatory note……………………………………………………… 3

II. Educational and thematic plan…………………………………………….5

III. Contents of the program……………………………………………………………..... 7

IV. Methodological support educational program……………... 14

V. Literature……………………………………………………………………………….. 17

    Explanatory note

An additional general education general developmental program of physical education and sports (hereinafter referred to as the Program) is compiled in accordance with Federal law"On education in Russian Federation» dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 - Federal Law, Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013. No. 1008, Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2013. No. 731, Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2013. No. 730, Federal standard of sports training for the sport of rhythmic gymnastics (Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated February 5, 2013 No. 40), Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2013 No. 1125. The work program is compiled on the basis of the main work program for rhythmic gymnastics, compiled by the coaching council of SC “ASSOL” FOK “TORPEDO”, Pavlovo.

Main directions of the program:

This training program is intended to help trainers and teachers working in sports recreation groups in rhythmic gymnastics, designed for age groups 6-16 years. The duration of the program is 1 year. The program serves as the foundation for effectively building many years of training in recreational rhythmic gymnastics. It is quite variable and allows you to show individual creative abilities.

The goal of the program: to create a unified direction in the educational and training process for the formation of physical, choreographic, musical development of students in sports and recreation groups.

The main task of the educational and training process is to strengthen the health and harden the body of students, versatile physical training and the development of special physical abilities necessary for mastering the elements of rhythmic gymnastics.

Program objectives:


Mastering, consolidating and improving a variety of motor skills.

Mastering the basics of exercise techniques without and with objects.


Development of specific qualities, plasticity, danceability, musicality, expressiveness and creative activity.

Versatile general physical training and development of motor qualities: coordination abilities and agility, flexibility, strength, speed and balance.


To foster the development of strong-willed and moral qualities that determine the formation of a child’s personality

To cultivate an emotional and value-based attitude towards the surrounding reality.

Participants in the program must belong to the main health group and have no doctor’s contraindications for doing gymnastics.

The relevance of the program is that various forms, methods and means of training and education, proposed by the program, allow not only to have a beneficial effect on the physical, moral, aesthetic development pupils, but also to realize their individuality, uniqueness and teach them to see the beauty around them and in themselves.

Basic forms of organizing the educational process: group educational and training sessions, participation in demonstration performances, public holidays.

The annual training plan is designed for 36 weeks with a maximum load of 3 hours per week (minimum load - 2 hours).

Basic form of tracking results: pupils demonstrate their achievements at open classes and city events additional education, demonstration performances.

II. Educational and thematic plan

1 year of study (2 hours per week)


Number of hours




Theoretical preparation

General developmental exercises


Control tests


2-3 years of study (3 hours per week)


Number of hours




Theoretical preparation

General developmental exercises


Studying and improving exercise techniques

Control tests



III. Contents of the program.

1.Theoretical preparation

Theoretical training is carried out in the form of conversations, lectures and directly in training, organically connected with physical, technical-tactical, moral and volitional training as an element of practical training.

Theoretical classes should have a specific goal orientation: to develop in students the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice in the conditions of training sessions.

Educational material distributed over the entire period of study. When conducting theoretical classes, the age of the students should be taken into account and the material should be presented in an accessible form. Depending on the specific working conditions, adjustments can be made to the theoretical training plan.

Theoretical training in sports and recreation groups is carried out in the form of short conversations at the beginning of the training session or during it. The content of the conversations and the completeness of the information depend on the student population. Some topics require repeated repetition, for example: injury prevention measures, first aid.

When conducting theoretical classes, it is necessary to cultivate a sense of patriotism, love for one’s homeland and pride in it!

Theoretical preparation:

1. Safety briefing during the training session.

2. Rules of conduct in the gym.

3. Hygienic basics of classes:

Clothes and shoes for classes;

The influence of morning exercises on the practitioner;

4. Nutrition and daily routine of those involved;

5. General theoretical concepts and terminology;

6. Influence physical exercise on the body of those involved;

7. Psychological preparation;

8. Hardening the body of those involved and strengthening the immune system;

9. Features of the development of the body of those involved;

10. Providing first aid;

11. Rules traffic and behavior on the roads;

12. Leisure. Daily regime.

2. General physical training

General physical training (GPP) is physical training carried out regardless of a specific type of human activity. It is aimed at strengthening the health and diversified development of those involved, increasing the performance and development of those involved, increasing efficiency and developing qualities without taking into account the specifics chosen type sports The main means of general physical training are drill and general developmental exercises.

Physical training is an organized process aimed at:

Comprehensive development of the body of those involved, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improving the activity of the autonomic and central nervous systems;

Improving health and increasing performance;

Development of physical qualities necessary for successful mastery of the technique of gymnastics exercises and their execution with the required quality: amplitude, speed, strength, etc.

Main means of general physical training are drill, general developmental exercises. When performing drill exercises, it is necessary to ensure that intervals and distances are strictly maintained from the very first lessons. Drill exercises are easier to learn if you use suitable figurative comparisons. When performing outdoor exercise, it is important to dose the exercise correctly. The dosage depends on the individual capabilities of the children. When performing outdoor switchgear, it is necessary to consistently include in the work different groups muscles.

2.1.Drill exercises.

Main stance: formation in a column; movement in a circle; walking on half toes; walking on heels; soft step; walking in a squat; sharp step; side step; easy running; running with high hip lifts; running with legs sweeping backwards; jumps; gallop; polka; a combination of various running and jumping exercises. Drill exercises: turning on the spot, changing from one column to 2-4, moving in a snake and diagonally.

2. 2. General development exercises (GDE).

- a set of exercises to develop the strength of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, neck and torso, legs, lower legs and feet

A set of exercises to develop the strength of small muscles of the hand, shoulder girdle, neck and torso (back and abdomen), leg and foot muscles

Sets of exercises to develop flexibility: spinal column; elbow and wrist joints; ankle, knee and hip joints

Development of the balance function:

Stands on various supports (floor, chair, carpet, bench) on one leg (with eyes closed and open).

A set of exercises with objects (gymnastic bench and gymnastic stick)

Sets of exercises to develop strength of all muscle groups

Sets of exercises to develop flexibility: spinal column; elbow and wrist joints; ankle, knee and hip joints

Sets of exercises for developing jumping ability

Sets of exercises to develop balance and coordination

A set of exercises with objects (gymnastic wall)

Circuit training complexes for developing strength of all muscle groups

Sets of exercises to develop flexibility: spinal column; elbow and wrist joints; ankle, knee and hip joints

Sets of exercises for developing jumping ability

Sets of exercises to develop speed, agility and general endurance(relay races).

Results of mastering educational activities.

At the end of the year of training, students must master the basic skills of physical physical training elements, learn the basics of choreographic and acrobatic training and master the program of exercises without an apparatus and exercises with an apparatus.

Control system and credit requirements.


Developed physical quality

Control exercises (tests)



I.P. - sitting, legs together

Forward lean

Fixing the position of 5 accounts

"5" - tight fold, knees straight

“4” - when bending forward, the hands go beyond the line of the feet, the knees are straight

“3” - when bending forward, hands on the line of the feet, knees straight


I.P. - lying on your stomach

“Fish” - bending back while supporting oneself on the hands with bending the legs

The distance between the forehead and feet is measured

"5" - feet touching forehead

"4" - up to 5 cm

"3" - 6 - 10 cm

When performing the movement, the knees must be together


I.P. - stand with your feet together, hands up, in the lock.

Pulling your arms back

"5" - 45°

"4" - 30°

"3" - 20°

Coordination abilities

Balance on one, bend the other forward, foot pressed to the knee of the supporting leg, arms to the sides

Drawing (not shown)

"5" - hold position for 6 seconds

"4" - 4 seconds

"3" - 2 seconds

Perform with both legs

Speed ​​and strength qualities

Jumping with two legs

Evaluation on a 5-point system (ease of jump, push)

Abbreviation contained in the table: "I.P." - initial position.

Average score - 5.0- 4.5 - high level of special physical training

4.4 - 4.0 - above average

3.9 - 3.5 - average level of special physical training

3.4 - 3.0 - below average

2.9 and below - low level special physical training.

IV . Methodological support of the educational program:

Organizational and methodological instructions are attached to each section of the program content. Thus, let us trace the methodological sequence of the educational and training process.

Physical qualities of a person are usually called individual motor abilities, such as:

1) Coordination - the ability to expediently organize muscle activity by including only the necessary ones in the work muscle groups appropriate speed and strength of muscle tension;

2) Agility is the ability to quickly master new movements and rebuild motor activity in accordance with the requirements of the changing environment;

3) Flexibility is the ability to relax muscles well, the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude, passively and actively;

4) Strength - the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscle efforts in static and dynamic movements;

6) Quickness - the ability to quickly react and perform movements with high speed and frequency;

7) Jumping ability - speed-strength quality, manifested in the height of repulsion;

8) Balance is the ability to maintain a stable body position. There are static balance - in postures, and dynamic balance - in movements;

9) Endurance - the ability to withstand fatigue and perform work for a long time without reducing efficiency.

All of the above qualities develop during certain sensitive periods, which are important for recreational gymnastics.

Coordination abilities develop most intensively from 9-10 to 11-12 years. At the age of 7-8 years, motor coordination is characterized by instability of speed parameters and rhythm. In the period from 11 to 13-14 years, the accuracy of differentiation of muscle efforts increases, and the ability to reproduce a given tempo of movements improves. Girls 13-14 years old are distinguished by a high ability to master complex motor coordination, which is due to the completion of the formation of a functional sensorimotor system, the achievement maximum level in the interaction of all analyzer systems and the completion of the formation of the basic mechanisms of voluntary movements.

At the age of 14-15 years, there is a slight decrease in spatial analysis and coordination of movements. During the period of 16-17 years, motor coordination continues to improve to the level of adults, and the differentiation of muscle efforts reaches an optimal level.

Flexibility . The growth of this quality increases intensively between the ages of 6 and 10 years. The maximum leap in the development of this quality comes at 10 years. In subsequent years, flexibility develops mainly under the influence of special training.

Force. The natural growth of muscle strength is insignificant until the age of 11-12 years. With the onset of puberty (from 12 to 14 years), its growth rate increases noticeably. The most intensive development of strength occurs at 14-17 years of age.

Rapidity. The development of speed is observed from 7 to 20 years. The most intensive rate of natural growth of this quality occurs from 9 to 11 years, at the time of puberty from 14 to 15 years and later.

Jumpability . As is known, the sensitive period for the development of jumping ability corresponds to the age of 11-14 years and by 17-18 years it reaches its highest results. However, talking about the conservatism of jumping ability for further development or maintenance high level There is no basis for the results achieved at a later age.

Modern representations in the theory and methodology of sports training on the development of jumping ability, it comes down to the fact that the use of exercises of a predominantly jumping nature helps to improve only the speed of repulsion, and the use of exercises of a strength and speed-strength nature ensures an increase in both speed and force of repulsion.

Equilibrium. The sensitive period of working on a stable position corresponds to the age from 7 to 14 years. By about 10 years of age, work is underway on balance in complicated conditions: after dynamic movements; after irritation of the vestibular analyzer; with vision turned off; on reduced and increased support.

Endurance. The aerobic capacity of the body and, in particular, aerobic power, characterized by the indicator of maximum oxygen consumption, increases with age. Aerobic power indicators increase most intensively during puberty (14-15 years) and slow down only after 18 years. At the same time, the relative indicator of BMD remains almost unchanged between the ages of 10 and 17 years.

V. List of references.

1. Adapted program for students of the Youth Rhythmic Gymnastics School (MBOU DOD Youth Sports School No. 1) Smolensk 2013

2. “Rhythmic Gymnastics” textbook under the general editorship of Professor L.A. Karpenko, All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics, St. Petersburg State Academy of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft, Moscow, 2003.

3. L. A. Karpenko, I. A. Viner, V. A. Sivitsky Methods for assessing and developing physical abilities in rhythmic gymnastics practitioners: Tutorial/ VFGST SPbGUFK im. P.F. Lesgaft. – M., 2007.

4. A. Vasilyeva “Program of education and training in kindergarten” Moscow, Education, 1985.

5. E.N. Vavilova "Teach to run, jump, climb, throw."

6. Manual for educators kindergarten. Moscow, Education, 1983.

7. N.V. Gureev. "Active Leisure" Moscow, Soviet sport, 1991.

8. M.A. Godik, A.M. Baramidze, “Stretching mobility flexibility

9. Zakharov E.N., Karasev A.V., Safonov A.A. Encyclopedia of physical training: Methodological foundations for the development of physical qualities /

10. M.F. Litvinov "Russian folk outdoor games" Moscow, Education, 1986.

11. T. Nesteryuk, Skoda A. "Gymnastics of little wizards. Elements of yoga for children" Moscow, DTD, 1993.

12. E.S. Kryuchek St. Petersburg state academy physical culture named after P.F. Lesgaft, educational and methodological manual.

13. Matveev L.P. General theory sports and its applied aspects: a textbook for universities of physical culture / L.P. Matveev. - 5th ed., rev. and additional – M.: Soviet Sport, 2010. – 340 p.: ill.

14. Matveev L.P. Fundamentals of the general theory of sports and the system of training athletes. - K.: Olympic literature, 1999 - 320 p.

15. Melnikov V.N. Psychology - Textbook for institutes of physical culture - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1987. - 138 p.

16. Nikitushkin V.G. and others. Organizational and methodological foundations for the preparation of sports reserve: monograph / V.G. Nikitushkin, P.V. Kvashuk, V.G. Bauer. – M.: Soviet Sport, 2005. – 232 p.: ill.

17. Nikitushkin V.G. Sports reserve training system - M.: VNIIFK, 1994. - 320 p.

18. Platonov V.N. Athletes training system in olympic sport. General theory and its practical applications [Text] / V.N. Platonov. – M.: Soviet Sport, 2005. – 820 p.: ill.

19. Rostovtsev V.L. Modern technologies sporting achievements. – M.: “VNIIFK”, 2007. – 199 p.

20. Suslov F.P., Sych V.L., Shustin B.N. Modern system sports training. – M.: SAAM, 1995. – 445 p.

21. Theory and methodology of physical culture: a textbook for universities / ed. Yu.F. Kuramshina - M.: Soviet sport, 2010 - 464 p.

22. Filin V.P. Education of physical qualities in young athletes. – M.: Physical education and sports. 1974. – 232 p.

Physical training of female athletes sports school in rhythmic gymnastics includes general and special physical training, special motor, functional and rehabilitation training.

General physical training (GPP) is a comprehensive process of comprehensive physical education aimed at strengthening the health, musculoskeletal system and developing the general endurance of gymnasts. This is physical training carried out without regard to a specific type of activity.

With the help of general physical training, athletes master motor skills, abilities, physical, psychomotor, moral and volitional qualities that serve to solve the following problems:

  • general physical education and the improvement of future gymnasts, who must be able to run, jump, ski, and master the basic elements sports games, i.e. be physically versatile athletes;
  • expansion of functional, motor capabilities and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system of future gymnasts, taking into account the specifics of rhythmic gymnastics.

The means of general physical training are: general developmental exercises, running, swimming, skiing, skating, cycling, sports and outdoor games.

Special physical training (SPT) is a specially organized process aimed at developing and improving the physical qualities necessary for the successful development and high-quality performance of rhythmic gymnastics exercises.

7 Basic Physical Abilities:

  • coordination - the ability to expediently organize muscle activity and agility - the ability to master new movements and rearrange activities in accordance with the situation; for development they use tasks, games, relay races, including complexly coordinated actions and exercises with objects;
  • flexibility - mobility in joints - the ability to perform large amplitude movements passively and actively, its development is facilitated by exercises to develop the mobility of various joints - spring stretching, swings, fixing poses, relaxation;
  • strength - the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it due to muscle efforts in static and dynamic movements; there are exercises for the strength of the muscles of the arms, legs, and torso: flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, circular movements, running, jumping, lunges, squats;
  • speed - the ability to quickly react and perform movements at high speed and frequency, develops when performing exercises to develop reaction speed, speed and frequency of movements when performing basic exercises;
  • jumping ability is a speed-strength quality manifested in the height of take-off; its development is facilitated by exercises to develop strength, speed and height of take-off, as well as jumping endurance;
  • balance - the ability to maintain a stable position in static and dynamic exercises, is improved in the process of maintaining a stable position in complicated conditions: after dynamic movements, after irritation of the vestibular analyzer, with vision turned off, on a reduced, increased support;
  • endurance is the ability to withstand fatigue, developed in the process of performing various tasks against a background of fatigue.

Insufficient attention to the development of at least one of the components of physical training leads to a delay in the learning process, long-term stagnation in the growth of sports skills, failures in preparation, and, accordingly, performances in competitions. In this regard, at the stage of specialized training, individualization of SFP is important. It is important for the coach to know the peculiarities of the structure of the motor qualities of each gymnast, the characteristic deficiencies in her preparation, and to know the main ways of their possible elimination. SPT is most effective when it is carried out in conjunction with general physical therapy.

Special motor training is the process of developing the abilities necessary for the successful mastery and high-quality performance of exercises with objects.

These include the following psychomotor abilities:

  • propriaceptive (tactile) sensitivity - “sense of an object” - performing exercises with objects with varying their parameters: increasing and decreasing, making them heavier and lighter;
  • coordination (coordination) of body and object movements - performing exercises in unusual starting positions, simultaneously with several objects, asymmetric movements, movements in pairs, threes;
  • distribution of attention to the movement of the body and object, to two objects, to oneself and partners, to “one’s” object and partners’ objects - work with double or two objects, parallel and asymmetrical, work
  • speed and adequacy of reaction to a moving object (object) - throws and throws to a given height and distance, catches from partners after a roll, rebound, throw, with a turn after the signal.

Functional training is the development of the ability to perform large volumes of training loads at high work intensity and without reducing quality, i.e. development of special endurance. The means of functional training are: - running, cross-country, swimming; 15-20 minute aerobics or rhythmic gymnastics complexes; dances of any style for 15-20 minutes; jumping series with and without objects (especially valuable with a jump rope); double competition combinations; a circle of competitive combinations with short rest intervals.

Rehabilitation and recovery training is an organized process of eliminating the adverse effects of intense exercise and accelerating recovery processes after stress. Special attention in rhythmic gymnastics, rehabilitation and preventive measures for the musculoskeletal system (spine, ankle, knee and hip joints) and restorative measures for nervous system gymnasts

From the Rhythmic Gymnastics Training Program of the Kirov Youth Sports School

Akhmadullina Lyudmila Mikhailovna, coach-teacher in artistic gymnastics, MBU DO “Children's and Youth Sports School No. 1” NMR RT, Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.
This material is intended for additional education trainers. Here we consider SPP (special physical training) material for NP (initial training) groups: exercises for developing strength, flexibility, jumping ability, etc.

Date of publication: 06/07/2018


Special physical training (SFP) in gymnastics is a process that includes a system of methods and techniques aimed at developing or maintaining an optimal level of specific motor qualities that ensure technically correct, reliable performance of gymnastic elements, connections and competitive combinations.

The focus of SFP is varied. It is used for both general and local, local effects; as a developmental and supportive tool. The load received by gymnasts during SPT can be “impact” or gentle in nature, used to restore body functions, etc.

In progress biological development physical, psychomotor qualities of gymnasts and their motor abilities develop in accordance with general patterns evolution of the human body and the growth of the athlete's skill. However, as practice and research show, the course of natural development of qualities itself cannot satisfy the ever-increasing demands on the complexity of exercises and the technical capabilities of gymnasts. Therefore, in parallel with training, technical training and training of athletes, systematic work must be carried out to develop, improve and maintain the optimal physical and functional state of gymnasts at all stages of their sports career.

The most important aspect of TFP in relation to modern practice artistic gymnastics is integrated development physical qualities in specific operating modes , characteristic of certain types of gymnastic all-around and specific exercises. At the same time, the importance of the so-called basic physical training , which includes a set of special tools and methods that ensure the effective formation and implementation of basic gymnastics skills in competitive practice. In this regard, it is legitimate to talk about SPT in relation to the development of various structural groups of movements and basic motor actions. This is, in particular, jumping (jerk), rotational (including pirouette), board jumping, rack training, etc.

The coordination complexity of many gymnastic elements and the development of movements that are new in structure require each time additional improvement of SPT methods that can provide the necessary physical basis for the most effective learning exercises. For example, performing elements hanging from behind on uneven bars of different heights, “twisted turns”, flights, transitions from a small amplitude of movement to a large one and vice versa, requires special stretching and (or) “pumping” that meet the structural and technical specifics of these movements.

Planning the level of physical fitness and step by step process related training aimed at comprehensive development of motor abilities necessary for training (speed-strength and strength qualities, joint mobility, type-specific endurance, psychomotor and muscle-motor differentiation abilities, vestibular stability, etc.) is one of the main conditions for managing the learning and training process in artistic gymnastics. Insufficient attention to the development of at least one of the components of physical training leads to a delay in the learning process, long-term stagnation in the growth of sports skills, failures in preparation and, accordingly, performance in competitions.

In this regard, at the stage of specialized training it is important individualization of SFP . The coach must know the peculiarities of the structure of the motor qualities of each gymnast, the characteristic deficiencies in his preparation, know what causes them, and the main ways to eliminate them.

Frequently encountered disadvantages of SPT include, for example, weak extensor muscles (both legs and the whole body) and, as a consequence, a deficiency in the speed-strength capabilities necessary for push-offs.

The consequence of weakness of the back muscles, especially in the lumbar and thoracic regions, is errors in posture, loss of “line” when performing exercises on the crossbar, uneven bars, etc.

Insufficient active flexibility in the lower spine and hip joints is the cause of incomplete flexion, “folding” during swings, passes, etc. The lack of good mobility in the shoulder and hip joints negatively affects the performance of elements on pommel horse, balance beam, and floor exercises.

Unpreparedness of the muscles of the thigh, lower leg, and ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint to work in a yielding-stopping mode often causes not only errors in landings, but also serious injuries.

It is important to emphasize that the training effect, caused by repeated performance of various gymnastic elements, combinations, and competitive combinations, cannot in any way replace SPT. Only with properly planned (including individualized) SPT will the potential of gymnasts’ motor abilities be constantly increased in accordance with principle of advanced development and effectively interface with technical training in each type of gymnastic all-around.

It has been established that SFP is most effective only when it is carried out in unity with general physical training . At the same time, however, the required ratio of general physical training and physical training depends on the stage of long-term training. So, if for beginner gymnasts the required ratio of these two types of training is approximately equal, then for masters of sports, even in the preparatory and transition periods, general physical training is no more than 5-15% of training time, not to mention competitive microcycles, when physical physical training means are used even less . At the same time, it is an erroneous practice when, when preparing for competitions, gymnasts completely abandon physical training exercises, such as morning running, walking, outdoor games, swimming in the pool, etc. There are also cases when coaches in the competitive mesocycle sharply reduce or completely stop working on SPT, without taking into account that those lagging behind physical qualities need constant, systematic improvement.


Exercises to develop strength


1st year of study 2nd year of study


1 . Raising and lowering your arms to the sides, forward, up, with bending at the elbow joints

With a medicine ball, with dumbbells weighing up to 1 kg

(fast and slow)

2. Tilts and turns of the body in different directions from different starting positions. Circular movements of the body

With a gymnastic stick, with dumbbells up to 0.5 kg


With a medicine ball, with dumbbells weighing up to 1 kg


(fast and slow)

H. Hanging pull-up while lying on a low pole or bar

For 5-6 years: 3 series three times at a fast pace

4. Hanging on a high switch or top pole

Two series of 5 times at a fast pace and to failure

To failure and half of the maximum at a fast pace

5. “Push-ups” in a lying position (back straight)

Legs on gymnastics.


On parking lots

In one series 50 0/0 from the maximum, number of series 3-4, rest periods 30-40 s.

6. Tossing and catching a medicine ball

Up to 1 kg

up to 2 kg

7. Flexion and extension of the arms while lying behind

Hands on a gymnastic bench or on a support (25-30 cm).

Do it fast and slow

8. Lying on your back, on the mat: flexion-extension, catch asp with your legs

Fast, 12 times

Fast, 16 times

Two or three series with rest pauses of 20 s

9. Lying on your stomach, bent over, arms up

"rocking chair"

7-10 times, 5-7 ser.

12-15 times, 5-7 ser.

Rest pauses 6-8 s

10. The same on the right, left. side

1 1. Hanging on the anthem, raising straight legs to the wall, hanging at an angle

5-8 times, 4-5 episodes

8-10 times, 5-6 episodes

Rest pauses 6-8 s

12. Hanging angle on the anthem, wall (hold)

6 s, 4-5 episodes

8 s, 4-5 episodes

Rest breaks:

13. Lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs secured, bending your torso. to right angle

Fast: 10 times, 4-5 series, rest pauses

Fast: 15 times, 5-6 series, rest pauses

up to 8 s.

14. The same, sitting on a bench, horse, etc.

The same, but in last attempt holding a horizontal position for a while

15. The same, lying on a horse on the hips, face down, raising the body to the horizon. positive

16. The same exercises, arms fixed, legs raised

17. The same exercises, lying face up

Perform to failure

Perform to failure

18. “Sticked points” emphasis on the anthem, the wall facing the column, touching the support with the whole body

3 s, 5 episodes

6 s, 5 episodes

Rest pauses 6 s

19. From hanging while standing, bending your back to the gymnastic wall, bending over with force

2 times, 3 episodes

3 times, 5 episodes

Rest pauses 5 s

20. Climbing and hanging movements on the anthem, wall

Spanish in different directions: up, down, to the sides

21. Climbing on a rope, pole

With the help of the legs

At the end of 2 years without the help of legs -2m

22. For constipation, crouching called roll. - roll vp. jump up bending - crouching emphasis

5 times

10 times

Execution at a fast pace

23. Push-ups lying on parallel

5 times per set

24. The same in support with a straight back

3x3 times

25. Movement in support on parallel bars

Along the entire length of the poles 1-2 times

26. Turn over by force point-blank on the floor or on the crossbar

Per approach 2 times

Approach 3 times

27. Squatting on the right, left leg (“pistol”) at the support

Approach on each leg

3 times

5 times

28. The same on a gymnastic bench, standing beam, across

Approach on each leg

1-2 times

3-4 times

Exercises to develop flexibility



1 . Jerking movements with arms in all directions

Gradual increase in strength and amplitude of jerking movements

2. Arm circles in all directions

Gradual increase in range of motion

3. Bend forward

Reach the floor with your palms, hold

From a sitting position, legs apart at an angle of 90 0, hold for 5 s

4. "Bridge"

From a lying position; from the main rack tilting backwards

Lowering from the main stands, legs straight; from Art. on the river

5. Splits

Anterior-posterior (both legs) and frontal splits

The same, one leg on a raised (15-20 cm) support

6. Swing your legs

At the support forward, to the side, back

The same from attached, legs

The same from the position of the leg, one ch. (45-90 6

7. Circles and swings with the right hand,

left over an obstacle, facing it, sideways

Height 45-80 cm

8. Twist and close. in the shoulder joints

With a jump rope, gymnastic stick, gradually bringing the grip points closer to shoulder width

9. Movements with the anthem, a stick with different grips

Dv. from bottom to top and back to xv. above, below, reverse (from the position of the stick in vc.), in the hv. below and St. (from position behind back)

Exercises forjumping ability


1st year of study 2nd year of study



1 . With a jump rope, double and simple, with turns

On two and with a change of n. (4 to 9), 25-30 ave.

Double, 35-40 Ave.

2. Length from place

Push from two and from

Push one and two with

3. From place to place mats

Three series of 12 ave. with pauses of 5 s. Slide height 25-30 cm

Three series of 20 ave. with pauses of 5 s. Slide height

35-40 cm

4. Through the anthem, bench or rope (to a height of 20-30 cm)

With two legs, forward, backward, sideways

5. The same with moving forward by jumping v., v., v. through 4 m a rope 25-30 cm high

On two and alternately on one, two

b. On a foam cube or a slide of 4 mats

3-4 series of 6 runs with pauses of 6 s

3-4 episodes of 10 each with pauses

7. On both nos. with the promotion of vp. and called

Along the entire length of the acrobatic track or on the platform for high-impact exercises - 2-3 straight lines with pauses in the form of walking 5-7 s

8. In length, jumping onto a platform 50 x 50 cm

From a height of 40-45 cm

From a height of 45-50 cm

9. The same for a pile of mats

45-55 cm

50-60 cm

Exercises for developmentyou were fast


1st year of study 2nd year of study


1 . Running segments at speed

15-20 m

20-25 m

2. Changing direction while running,

stops in specified positions for a specified

Extremely fast abrupt change directions and stops on an unexpected command

H. Performing exercises for a while

Emphasis crouched - emphasis lying down, 4-6 times

Basic stand - pack crouching, lying position - up. crouching to stand up. 6-8 times

Exercises to develop endurance


1st year of study 2nd year of study


General physical training exercises and repeated performance of physical physical training tasks (to failure)

1 . Balance on one, hold.

up to 30 s

2. Headstand, hold.

up to 50 s

3. Swings from emphasis on the crossbar, uneven bars

Without taking into account the swing height

Above horizontal


1. Menkhin Yu.V. Physical training in gymnastics. - M.: FIS, 1989.

2. Smolevsky V.M., Gaverdovsky K).K. Gymnastics. - Kyiv: Olympic literature, 1999.\

Z. Artistic gymnastics / Ed. Yu.K. Gaverdovsky, V.M. Smolevsky. M.: Fis, 1979.

Promotion of rhythmic gymnastics in children's and youth physical education and sports clubs, centers and community associations, secondary schools, and educational institutions;
- strengthening the health of children and adolescents, involving them in regular activities physical culture and sports;
- strengthening sports ties with specialized rhythmic gymnastics centers of the Russian Federation;
- increasing the level of sportsmanship of gymnasts and their acquisition of competitive experience.

  1. Dates and place of the competition:
  1. Ensuring the safety of participants and spectators:

Physical education and sporting events are held at sports facilities that meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory legal acts in force on the territory of the Russian Federation and aimed at ensuring order and safety of participants and spectators, as well as subject to the availability of certificates of readiness of sports facilities for holding events approved in the prescribed manner.

Participation in these competitions is carried out only if there is an agreement on life and health insurance against accidents, which is provided to the credentials committee for each participant in the competition.

  1. Competition organizers:

The general management of the organization and conduct of the tournament is provided by the ANO "SK Alexandra Ermakova".

The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the main panel of judges.

Chief judge of the competition: Ermakova A.A.

  1. Competition program:

4-5 years:

1. fold

2.butterfly with forward bend



5.knee bridge

6.bridge standing/from the floor

7. twine right, left

8. balance on the pass

9. roll forward

10. turn on the pass

6-7 years:

1. standing bridge

2. roll onto the chest from the bridge

4. corners on the floor in 10 seconds.

6.balance of arabesques

7.balance attitude

8. turn passe

9.rotate attitude

10.flip forward

12.jumping over a double-folded jump rope in 15 seconds.

8-9 years:

1. standing bridge

2. roll onto the chest from the bridge

3.right split, left split from the bench

4. corners on the floor in 10 seconds.

5.balance with leg to side with arm

7.balance attitude

8.rotate attitude

9.jump touching from gallop

11.jumping rope in 20 seconds.

12. eshapé forward (3 attempts)

13.throw with a knot, catch on the neck in a wheel

14.spinner with hoop right and left hand

15.rotation on the right, left hand forward, rotation on the neck

16. Throw the hoop, somersault forward, catch while sitting on the floor at the feet.

10-11 years:

1. standing bridge

2. roll onto the chest from the bridge

3.right split, left split from the bench

4. corners on the floor in 10 seconds.

5.balance with leg to side with arm

6.balance ring using hand

7.balance attitude

8.rotate attitude

9.jump touching from gallop

10.jump touching with a push from both legs

11.spinner with hoop right and left hand

12. rotation on the right, left hand forward, rotation on the neck

13.throw a hoop, somersault forward, catch in a wheel on the elbows

14.throwing a hoop with a plate, catching it in the aisle on a goat

15. roll the ball over the back and back

16.three hits with the right and left hands

17. throwing the ball, catching at the feet while sitting on the floor

Showcases are welcome!!!

The competition starts at 10:00 at the address: Mitino, Novotushinsky proezd, building 8, gymnasium 1538 (blue building). Entry fee 1500 rub. For any questions, please call 8-965-377-99-75 Ermakova Alexandra.

  1. Determination of the winners:

Winners and runners-up are determined by the highest amount of points.

  1. Awards:

Gymnasts who took 1st, 2nd, 3rd places in each age group are awarded medals, diplomas and valuable prizes; gymnasts who took 4th, 5th, and 6th place are awarded diplomas and valuable prizes.

Specialist. prize for the team that scores greatest number points!!!

  1. Financial expenses:

The entry fee is 1,500 rubles per gymnast.

  1. Conditions:

Expenses associated with the travel of participants, judges, and representatives are borne by the sending organizations.

Expenses associated with the organization, holding of competitions and awarding the winners are carried out by the ANO "SK Alexandra Ermakova".

  1. Applications:

Confirmation of participation will be accepted until November 25, 2017.

Applications for competitions are accepted:

E-mail: [email protected] tel: +7 965 377 99 75 Ermakova Alexandra.

This Regulation is a challenge to the competition.

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