Feeding tomatoes at the end of June. How to feed tomatoes - the best folk remedies. How to make organic “green fertilizer” yourself

Properly preparing the soil for planting and growing healthy seedlings does not mean that you will have a good tomato harvest. During the season, tomatoes go through several stages of development at each of them; tomatoes require their own set of nutrients.

Signs of lack of nutrients in tomatoes

Weak tomato seedlings are not always a consequence of infection or the presence of insect pests. External symptoms may indicate a deficiency nutrients. Knowing these signs, you can help the tomato plant with timely fertilizing.

With a lack of nitrogen, the old leaves of tomato bushes turn yellow, the stems become thin and elongated, the leaf blades are small, their color is not bright green, but pale, almost white. To eliminate nitrogen deficiency, mineral or organic fertilizers containing it are needed.

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When tomatoes lack phosphorus, the stems and leaves develop a bluish tint; if you look at the underside of old leaves, a purple tint is clearly visible. Roots with phosphorus deficiency develop poorly, and the plant lags behind in growth. The problem can be solved using any fertilizer containing phosphorus.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency:

  • young leaves curl;
  • old leaves first turn yellow and then dry out;
  • Brown spots appear on the leaves.
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The deficiency is made up for with potassium nitrate, the dosage is taken from the instructions for the drug.

With a lack of magnesium, the leaf blades curl upward. If tomatoes lack zinc, then gray-brown spots appear on old leaves, young leaves almost do not increase in size and are covered with yellow dots. Spraying the bushes with magnesium nitrate (5 g per 10 l) eliminates the problem.

A lack of calcium during fruiting contributes to the appearance of blossom end rot on the fruits; a rim similar to a burn appears on young leaves; calcium nitrate helps. For boron deficiency:

  • color falls off;
  • growing points die off;
  • the plant forms many stepsons;
  • deformation of the tops of the central and lateral shoots occurs.

Iron deficiency begins to manifest itself with changes in the color of the lower leaves. They first turn pale, then begin to turn yellow, while the veins remain green.

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Iron deficiency leads to slower growth of tomato bushes. Eliminate the deficiency with iron sulfate.

Types of feeding tomatoes

When growing tomatoes in open ground and in a greenhouse, it is necessary to properly organize the nutrition of the tomatoes and use two types of fertilizers:

  • foliar;
  • root.

Foliar feeding is carried out by spraying tomato bushes with nutrient solutions. Fertilizers falling on the leaves are absorbed faster. It is advisable to carry out foliar feeding in certain cases:

  • bad weather;
  • the plant is weakened;
  • obvious nutritional deficiency.
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To carry out foliar feeding, it is worth purchasing an industrial sprayer with a volume of about 8-10 liters. Plants are treated in the evening or early morning, this helps avoid sunburn on the leaves.

Important! Don’t make the mistake of feeding tomatoes at the root if the weather has been cool for more than 3 days. Nutrients are absorbed if the air and soil temperatures are above 15 °C.

All summer residents do root feeding. Water the tomato bushes at the root with any liquid fertilizer. A prerequisite: the tomatoes must be watered the day before, this will protect the roots from burns.

How to feed tomatoes with folk remedies

Let's look at popular folk recipes fertilizing tomato seedlings after transplanting to permanent place.


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Many summer residents do not believe in the benefits of iodine for tomatoes, and in vain. Iodine helps plants absorb nitrogen found in the soil, which stimulates the growth of green mass of tomatoes. From sowing seeds for seedlings until the end of the growing season, no more than 3 fertilizing with iodine is carried out:

  • the first time - seedlings in the phase of 2 true leaves;
  • the second time - during the formation of flower ovaries;
  • the third and final feeding is during fruiting.

The main benefit of feeding with iodine during the formation of buds is an increase in the number of flowers; many more of them are formed.

Important! Plants can be fed with iodine both at the root and at the leaf level.

Watering with water with iodine during the fruiting period guarantees:

Preparing water for irrigation is simple. Add 1 drop of iodine to 3 liters of warm water and the fertilizer can be used for watering tomatoes at the root. An adult plant consumes 1 liter of liquid. Do not water the soil before fertilizing.


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Ash is a universal remedy that protects tomatoes from pests and diseases, replenishing the lack of nutrients. Feeding with ash is especially useful in cool weather, which in our northern latitudes occurs just after transplanting tomato seedlings into the ground (greenhouse).

When the soil is cold, tomatoes do not absorb potassium well, so in cool weather it is better to first fertilize with ash infusion instant cooking. After transplanting the seedlings, at least 10-14 days should pass.

Sequence of quick preparation of ash infusion for feeding tomatoes:

  • take a container with a volume of up to 80-100 liters;
  • fill it with water;
  • for every 10 liters of water add 0.5 liters of wood ash;
  • mix everything well and the ash fertilizer is ready.

Important! There should be no chlorine in the water. Ash is only wood or made from grass. Ash obtained from burning other materials (cellophane, wallpaper) is not suitable.

It is best to prepare an infusion from rainwater. The solution can be used immediately after preparation. You need to pour 0.5 liters of infusion onto one root. The benefit of feeding with ash is that tomato bushes receive and quickly absorb:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium.

These are exactly the elements that tomato seedlings need to adapt and grow after transplanting into the ground (greenhouse).


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To prepare, take a plastic bottle with a volume of 5-6 liters. Pour warm water into it.

Important! The water temperature should not exceed 38 °C. When used more than hot water the yeast won't work.

  • water 3 liters;
  • 1 pack of any dry yeast;
  • sugar 10 tablespoons.

Mix all the ingredients, close the bottle with a stopper and place in a warm room for 4-8 hours. It is worth preparing the solution in the morning, because you should feed tomatoes in the evening.

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For root and foliar feeding, a non-concentrated infusion is used; it is diluted with plain water:

  • 3 parts mash;
  • 7 parts water.

Tomatoes are pre-watered, after which you need to pour 1 liter jar yeast water. Tomatoes can be fed at the root once every 14 days.

Important! Feed your tomatoes in the evening. There will be no sunburn on the leaves, nutrients will be better absorbed.

Yeast foliar feeding is useful for tomatoes. They serve as an excellent prevention of fungal diseases. The working solution is used at the same concentration. The frequency of treatments is no more than once every 2 weeks. You can feed tomatoes with yeast throughout the season.

Chicken droppings

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In chicken manure, all the beneficial substances are in a form that is convenient for tomatoes to absorb. If you want to get a rich tomato harvest, then the first fertilizing after transplanting is done with a solution of fresh chicken manure.

There is no need to infuse it; you can use it immediately after preparation. We prepare it, strictly observing the proportions:

  • 1 part liquid, fresh chicken manure;
  • 10 parts rain or settled tap water.

We water the tomato beds well the day before. Mix the chicken manure solution several times and pour no more than 1 liter into each well. Exceeding the concentration of the solution or dose when watering has a bad effect on the seedlings.

Reference. Do not throw away the grounds remaining at the bottom; pour them under any fruit-bearing tree or shrub.


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Mullein is a fertilizer that benefits any type of plant, especially tomatoes. This is a fertilizer complete in micro- and macroelements. List of what you need to prepare mullein solution:

  • plastic bucket with a volume of 10-15 liters;
  • cow dung (fresh);
  • pour ¼ of the total volume into a bucket of flatbreads;
  • fill the rest of the bucket with water;
  • Cover the bucket with a lid and leave for a week to infuse.

The infused solution must be mixed. Add 1 liter of mullein infusion to a 10-liter bucket and mix well. Use the prepared fertilizer immediately, spending 1 bucket per square meter.

To get a good tomato harvest, you need to use high-quality seeds. These can be ordered on the official website "Gardens of Russia". The newest and most productive varieties can be viewed by clicking on the button.

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Let's learn how to prepare original fertilizer from nettles. Nettle is used as a fertilizer after transplanting seedlings into the ground. This is the plant that contains the maximum amount of nitrogen. And, as you know, tomatoes need nitrogen for the rapid growth of green mass.

To prepare, take a container (bucket) of 10-15 liters, fill it 70 percent with chopped nettles. We also send a decent dose of any jam there. Many people will ask why it is needed. The answer is simple - the lactic acid bacteria that we want to dilute in our infusion love sweets.

Important! Add 1 cup of nettle infusion prepared in this way to a bucket of water.

Add water and 0.5 liters of Baikal EM solution to the container. For the bacteria to work well, wrap the bucket tightly with film; you need to remove it 2 times a day and mix the contents of the bucket. After a week, fertilizer rich in nitrogen and beneficial microorganisms, ready.

The readiness of the fertilizer is indicated by the specific smell and decomposed remains of nettle. This fertilizer can be applied before the tomato blooms; later, other plants containing potassium rather than nitrogen are needed.

When to feed tomatoes correctly

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During the season, 3 root feedings are carried out. The first, very important feeding is carried out 10-12 days after transplanting tomato seedlings into the ground. There are many fertilizer options. You can use mineral fertilizers. For example, nitrophoska: 1 tbsp. l per bucket of water, consumption 1 liter of solution per 1 bush.

With high-quality soil preparation before planting using the entire complex of organic and mineral fertilizers, it is enough to fertilize the seedlings:

  • potassium sulfate (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water);
  • potassium magnesia (1 tsp per 10 liters of water).

Among organic fertilizers, at the first stage of development, herbal infusions or solutions of mullein or chicken droppings are used.

The tomatoes should be fed a second time during flowering. Take a solution of mullein (10 l), add to it:

  • complete mineral fertilizer 1 tbsp. l;
  • copper sulfate 3 g;
  • potassium permanganate 3 g.
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The consumption of the working solution for dwarf tomatoes is 1 liter, for determinate type bushes - 1.5 liters, for indeterminate plants - 2 liters.

To ensure better fruit set, root fertilizing is alternated with foliar fertilizing. The bushes are actively forming ovaries after spraying the bushes with a solution of boric acid during flowering. For 10 liters of water you need 1 gram of boric acid and magnesium sulfate.

Apply the third fertilizing during fruiting with ash infusion. How to prepare it was described above. It is effective to use superphosphate during this period. Prepare the solution according to the instructions given on the package.

The table shows cases when tomatoes need foliar feeding.

By monitoring the condition of the planted seedlings and applying fertilizers on time, you can grow strong tomato bushes with excellent immunity. Healthy plants always delight with a good harvest, which is distinguished by its presentation, good taste and long shelf life.

It's time to load the fruit. The bushes are green and well-groomed. My harvest is usually not gigantic, but quite decent and reliable, just according to the minimum care that I provide to my bushes.

Many years of experience have shown that this minimum includes several requirements that make it possible to have a stable harvest of healthy fruits that ripen on the bush. These are the requirements:

1. The seedlings should be strong and not elongated. I devote a lot of time and effort to growing it. I don’t sow too early, I sow mid-season indeterminate and determinate varieties on March 16–19, and early-ripening varieties on March 20–25. These dates are determined empirically for my conditions and capabilities. I add light to the seedlings and keep them cold at night by opening the window.

2. I'm in no hurry to plant seedlings in. The planting date greatly influences the yield. Here, too, I learned from experience: if you plant it early, while the ground is cold, the plants freeze for a long time and do not grow. You have to wait until the soil warms up top layer 20 cm to 10…15°С. To speed up the warming of the soil, I plant the seedlings on ridges 20–25 cm high. Of course, I monitor the weather forecasts and do not plant the seedlings under frost, so that the plants do not fall into a prolonged depression.

3. I don’t thicken the plantings. The distance between plants is 45–50 cm, between rows – 60 cm.

4. I add superphosphate, ash, and quite a bit of nitrogen to the soil for seedlings, but I never add organic fertilizers. Sometimes I put last year’s leaves or hay at the bottom of the groove - by the time the fruits are filled they will rot.

5. When the bushes begin to bear fruit and reach the size of a pea, I begin to feed them with organic matter: between the rows I place either incompletely decomposed compost in the grooves. My soil is thin, and therefore such feeding will not be superfluous. Our famous gardener V.N. Silnov taught me the groove method. The method suited me very well. Previously, I spread manure over the entire surface of the bed, it dried out, and it was not as effective as with ditches. If manure is applied before the fruits begin to grow, the plants will become fatty, the fruits will turn out tasteless, they may have cracks and deformities. If manure or compost is added in a timely manner, the effect is dramatic. Even relatively small-fruited varieties produce fruits that are quite large for this variety.

The remaining methods of care are ordinary, according to the needs of the plants. I water deeply when I see that the plants are suffering from the heat. I can water the bushes even during the day. I didn't notice anything bad from this. My soil is light and does not hold moisture well, so after watering from above, I cover the soil with a layer of chopped grass to reduce evaporation.

Feeding tomatoes

In early June, when the plants are rapidly developing, you can apply foliar feeding to the leaves with urea - 1 tbsp. spoon on a bucket of water. This is the case if you notice signs of nitrogen starvation on the plants, for example, yellowing of the leaves, starting from the lower ones. If the plants are green and vigorous, I do not feed them with nitrogen.

When the ovaries form on the first inflorescence, it is useful to feed the tomatoes with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers - superphosphate 20-25 g and potassium sulfate - 15-20 g per square meter. At this time, when the ovaries grow to the size of a pea or nut, I add organic matter to the grooves.

Feeding tomatoes in open ground or in a greenhouse - is there a difference? What types of fertilizers are there in general? How to feed tomatoes? Which fertilizers are better, root or foliar? Last years When feeding tomatoes, gardeners (those I know) give preference to organic matter, trying to use less mineral fertilizers, but do not completely abandon them. Homemade cheap but very effective “green fertilizer” is very popular. But about him, a little lower.

So, two weeks have passed since you planted the tomato seedlings in the greenhouse or open ground. It's time to feed.

Variety Evpator

Types of fertilizing

There are two types of fertilizing. Root and foliar.

Root is used by most gardeners. It nourishes plants through the root system, that is, it is watering a nutritious mineral or organic solution under the root.

Many people know about foliar, but they use it less often, but in vain.

Foliar - this is when we apply the same nutrient solution directly on top of the leaves and branches of plants. This type of fertilizing with mineral or organic fertilizers has a number of advantages.

Firstly, it allows you to save fertilizer. Because when we apply them to tomatoes, a significant part of the nutrients is washed away with watering or during rain. Not all nutrients reach the plant.

And when we apply the solution on top of the leaf, all the nutrients pass through the leaf into the plant. And this happens very quickly. Therefore, the foliar one acts much faster than the root one.

Secondly, it is used to quickly help a plant suffering from a deficiency of one or another microelement. I try to use foliar fertilizer more often for seedlings, for recently planted plants, that is, for younger seedlings.

For foliar application, lower concentrations of solution are used than for root application, so as not to cause leaf burn. It uses fertilizers that completely dissolve without sediment and do not contain chlorine. Typically these are liquid forms of fertilizer mixtures, no matter whether they are mineral or organic. Try to use non-chlorinated water for preparing nutrient solutions - rainwater or at least settled tap water.

Both root and foliar feeding are equally useful for open ground and greenhouse tomatoes. During the first half of the growing season it is better to alternate them. In the second, go to the root ones. At high humidity, the greenhouse should be ventilated more often, especially after spraying. In order for the plant to get the maximum benefit from any fertilizer, you need to know when - in the morning, during the day, in the evening - it is best to apply it.

Foliar feeding

One reader of our blog, Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, shared her experience of using foliar and root fertilizers for tomatoes. The experience, as far as I can tell, is priceless.

Look at Anna's tomato alleys! Isn’t this proof that her fertilization strategy was chosen correctly!

Tomato alley of Anna Nepetrovskaya (Novokubansk) - variety Cio-Cio-San

You should start feeding tomatoes a week after planting.

These are the compositions of foliar fertilizers she uses:

  1. One liter of milk or whey + 10 drops of iodine + 9 liters of water.
  2. Microfertilizer Zdraven + Fitosporin - dosage according to instructions.
  3. Whey (2 liters) + 0.5 cups of sugar + 15 drops of iodine + 8 liters of water.
  4. Bifungin (birch mushroom (chaga) - dilute with water until dark color.
  5. One teaspoon each of boric acid, copper sulfate, magnesia + manganese on the tip of a knife + coarsely grated laundry soap or 3 tbsp. l. dilute liquid soap with 10 liters of water.
  6. Trichopolum (10 tablets) + 1 small bottle of brilliant green + 10 liters of water.
  7. 1 teaspoon of boric acid, copper sulfate, urea (cabamide) per 10 liters of water.
  8. A weak solution of manganese.
  9. Lactic acid solutions (whey) with the addition of 0.5 cups of sugar (10 liters).

All these solutions for foliar feeding are very effective for nutrition and protection of tomatoes from fungal diseases, especially from late blight.

They should not be applied simultaneously, but either one by one, as written, or choose those that, in your opinion, will bring the greatest benefit to the crop. With the accumulation of experience, you yourself will determine “what is yours.”

Alternate foliar feeding with root feeding. Below is, again, the experience of our reader from Novokubansk.

Root feeding

Anna advises to be sure to water the tomatoes at the roots before each fertilizer. clean water- settled water supply or rainwater.

The first root - no earlier than 10 days after planting the seedlings.

The second - 15 days (two weeks) after the first.

The third feeding will be most effective during the beginning of flowering. Namely, during the flowering of the second cluster. On the first cluster, many gardeners advise picking off the double flower, since the fruit most often sets is ugly and different from the others. (But I would not call this recommendation mandatory - I have very rarely seen such a flower in my home).

  1. One tablespoon of ammonium nitrate + 10 liters of water. Ammonium nitrate can be replaced with infusions of chicken or cow manure. The proportions are as follows: 0.5 liters of chicken infusion or 1 liter of cow manure + 10 liters of water.
  2. Ingredients: 0.5 liters of chicken manure infusion + 2 tablespoons of superphosphate + 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate + 10 liters of water. Please note that superphosphate is very poorly soluble in water. Therefore, you need to start preparing this solution at least a day before use. First, dissolve the superphosphate - let it sit for at least 24 hours, and only then add other components. By the way, superphosphate can be replaced with monophosphate (phosphorus fertilizer).
  3. Ingredients: 0.5 liters of infusion of chicken manure or cow manure + 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate + 7 grams of boric acid + 10 liters of water. Pour 1.5 liters of solution under each bush, not forgetting to water the plants with clean, settled water before doing this.
  4. Once a month, Anna advises feeding the roots with organic fertilizer. She calls it “Kurdyumov’s compote,” and I call it “green fertilizer.” The process of its preparation is described in detail below.
  5. Every 2 weeks, it doesn’t hurt to fertilize the tomatoes with an ash solution - pour 1 glass of ash into a bucket of water, let it brew for several hours. The ash solution contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and many different microelements necessary for plant development.

When to feed tomatoes

Very important point: if you do foliar feeding or root feeding, then this should be done in the morning or evening. Why is that? If we're talking about about foliar, then the nutrient solution should be on top of the leaves for as long as possible so that it has time to be absorbed. And in bright sunshine, spraying leaves can cause burns. This is, firstly. And secondly, the sun will quickly dry out the droplets of the nutrient solution; it will not have time to be completely absorbed by the leaves. When foliar, you should ensure that the solution gets not only from the top of the leaf, but also from the bottom.

You also need to water the plants at the roots with a mineral or organic solution early in the morning or in the evening. I prefer evening watering. And my neighbor in the country waters his cucumbers and tomatoes in a greenhouse or open ground only early in the morning. The reasons also seem to be clear: water or a nutrient solution that gets on the leaves during the day can cause them sunburn. Tomatoes should not be forced to expend energy to restore or heal wounds.

How often should you fertilize?

The question usually asked is how often should tomatoes be fertilized with mineral or organic fertilizers? The short answer is not very often. And, to be more precise, I carry them out as root ones, also foliar ones in 10-15 days. That is, about 2-3 times a month. I alternate them. Once - foliar, next time - I feed the tomatoes at the root.

People often ask: is it permissible to fertilize tomatoes during fruiting? I answer: after the ovaries have appeared, fertilizing is only at the root, that is, root.

I do foliar spraying during the first half of the growing season. That is, as soon as I noticed that the first fruits have begun to form, I stop feeding them by spraying. And I continue to do root work throughout the growing season (development).

The second popular question: feeding seedlings after picking - with what, when. The first time you should fertilize tomatoes 10-12 days after planting the seedlings. And what, when you read above.

It is advisable, I would even say, obligatory, to foliar, root feeding when tomatoes begin to bloom. Do not miss deadlines - the number of ovaries and the harvest will depend on this.

In a greenhouse or open ground, fertilizing is carried out as follows. Each plant must be fertilized individually. If the soil under the tomatoes is dry, then before fertilizing it is necessary to slightly moisten the bed. We water with clean water, the temperature of which is not lower than 20-22ºС. When watering greenhouse plants, try to prevent water from getting on the leaves - there is no need for excess moisture there. Water in the morning - be sure to ventilate the greenhouse afterwards. And after watering, pour half a liter of nutrient solution under each bush.

I try to do foliar spraying of tomatoes in the greenhouse in the morning so that the nutrient solution is absorbed by the evening. At night, leaves, stems, and fruits should be dry.

How to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse or open ground

If you have little time for care or it is difficult to find all the components of fertilizers that Anna Nepetrovskaya advises, then you can use fertilizers based on humates.

I used Kuznetsov’s GUMI (natural elixir of fertility) - the tomatoes acquired a good appearance and pleased me with the harvest. 10 liters of water + 2 tablespoons of elixir.

But you can proceed from the assortment of your gardening stores. It’s good to use Gumat-80, Gumat+7, Gumat-Universal, Emerald, Ideal. For 10 liters of water, 1-2 tablespoons of fertilizer is enough. Add here 1 tablespoon of instant mineral fertilizer(for example, Fertika Universal).

For each plant, 0.5 liters of solution is enough.

It is better to underfeed open ground or greenhouse tomatoes than to overfeed them. Therefore, when planting seedlings from mineral fertilizers, I use only ash and compost. After planting - fertilizer based on humates with Fertika Universal. All. The following fertilizers are only organic.

How to make organic “green fertilizer” yourself

I really like the positive reaction of my tomatoes to the “green fertilizer”. How do I cook it? Very simple. There are a lot of recipes for such “green fertilizer”. Its basis is mowed green weed grass.

I have an old metal 200 liter barrel. But it is not recommended to use a metal barrel to prepare this fertilizer; apparently, the oxidation process negatively affects the quality. I don't have a plastic barrel. You know, there are almost no hopeless situations. I bought huge 300-liter plastic bags. I put one bag inside another (for strength) and placed them inside the barrel. I filled 1/3 with water so that it straightens them. The polyethylene heated up a little in the sun, became elastic, stretched, and the bags were tightly placed on the outside of the barrel. I ended up with a metal barrel with a plastic liner.

So, I already had a little water in the barrel, so I added mowed grass there. Experienced gardeners advise filling the barrel with cut nettles. But I didn’t have that many nettles, so I threw in an almost full (2/3) barrel of various weeds. There were nettles there too.

On top I threw about 1 kg of wood ash, half a bucket of chicken manure, added 2 liters of “store-bought” whey (natural, they say, 1 liter is enough), a pack of baker’s yeast (100 g). I added water almost to the top.

This recipe was taken a long time ago from the book “Reasonable Farming” by Yu.I. Slashchina. He calls this solution an infusion of microbial organisms. The author recommends adding mash instead of yeast - 3 liters of non-chlorinated water, 150 g of sugar, leave for 2-3 days.

The solution ferments very actively, the stench, sorry for the details, is not the most pleasant. And you need to mix the fertilizer at least once a day. All this is infused for 1.5-2 weeks. Then I take out the fermented grass. When it dries, I put it under the zucchini. Why under zucchini - I don’t know. Something like this happened from the very beginning. Zucchini is very grateful.

You can try using this mulch on other plants.

A little more than half of the nutritious infusion in the barrel is obtained. I fill the barrel to the top. I take the prepared infusion (500 ml), add it to a watering can with water (6 liters), water the tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, pumpkins - half a liter of solution for each bush. Yes, I almost forgot. The effect will be better, and feeding will not cause harm. There will be no burn to the roots if the soil under the plants is watered first. That is, before fertilizing the roots, be sure to water the tomatoes in the open ground or greenhouse with settled water if you are using tap water or rainwater.

I really like the result of this organic feeding - the plants are always green, they look healthy, they tolerate bad weather well, they grow very quickly, they produce a lot of fruit and, it seems to me, they are getting sick less, that is, their immunity has increased.

This solution can be used for root and foliar feeding. I usually do foliar for young plants planted in open ground or a greenhouse. Watering at the roots - every 10-12 days.

This solution lasts me a long time. But everything, of course, depends on the number of plants planted. If I feel that there is not enough “green fertilizer”, then after less than half of it remains in the barrel, I add new grass. I don't add anything else except water. I wait 10-15 days - the new nutrient solution is ready.

But it’s not in vain that they say, live forever and learn. I didn’t do everything right when preparing this fertilizer. Read to the end and you will understand why.

This “green fertilizer” works well against late blight. At least, it seems to me that after I started using it, there were almost no cases of late blight on leaves and fruits. In 2013, only a few fruits (5 pieces) growing in open ground were thrown away from one bush. I didn’t notice any signs of late blight on the remaining bushes. And for the next two years there was no late blight either. Although I suspect that the reason for this is not only fertilizing, but also the dry, hot summer.

But, for example, 2014 garden year started with rainy weather. The humidity is high, both in the greenhouse and in the garden. In order to prevent the appearance of late blight on tomatoes, powdery or downy mildew on cucumbers and zucchini, I additionally treat the plants with a whey solution (1 liter + 10 liters of water) with 10 drops of iodine. This solution has a particularly beneficial effect on tomatoes. Iodine helps to increase the number of ovaries, and whey inhibits the growth and development of pathogenic fungi.

To prevent late blight, I alternate treatments. Once with a whey solution, and the other with a Fitosporin solution. This drug not only protects tomatoes from the development of late blight, it also nourishes plants with bioactivated microelements, especially its new modification - Fitosporin-M. Sometimes I skip the lactic acid treatment, but I always replace it with a solution of Fitosporin, which well suppresses the development of fungal and bacterial diseases on plants.

Don't forget that moisture high humidity in greenhouses or gardens during the rainy season is beneficial for the development of late blight and other fungal and bacterial diseases. Be sure to treat your seedlings and do not wait for the first signs of the disease to appear. If the disease begins to manifest itself, then it is too late to fight it, it is practically useless.

So the answer to main question. What fertilizers and fertilizers are the best for tomatoes? Mineral or organic?

I would answer this way. For young seedlings - foliar, complex. For tomatoes during the second half of the growing season, it is best to use natural mineral fertilizers (ash, compost), also organic (based on humates, “green fertilizer”). In order not to overfeed the plants, fertilizing is carried out infrequently - 2-3 times a month - more often in the first half of the growing season, and less often in the second.

P.S. Just a few days ago I watched a video and realized that I was not preparing the “green fertilizer” quite correctly. The author of the video is a biologist. I have no reason not to believe him. Moreover, my knowledge of biology is school level, and he’s not very tall either.

So, the specialist advises that after filling the barrel with all the ingredients, wrap it tightly with some kind of air-tight material. Film, for example. Spunbond is not suitable for this purpose, as it allows air to pass through. And the process of fermentation in the water column should, according to the biologist, take place in conditions without access to oxygen. In this case, a significantly larger amount of humic substances is formed in the solution. Such fertilizer will have a much higher value than the one I received in an open barrel. Apparently, for the same reason, you should not stir the liquid in the barrel every day.

Here is the video. I advise you to look.

Happy harvest!

Tomatoes grown in a greenhouse or open ground at home are much tastier than those bought in a store. That is why not a single garden plot is complete without these incredibly beautiful and delicious vegetables. To obtain a good harvest, it is necessary to apply fertilizers in a timely manner.

Tomato care

It is recommended to plant vegetables in previously prepared soil. You should worry about it in the fall. During this period, compost, ash and eggshells are added to the beds where the tomatoes will grow. Vegetables are grown using seedlings. This means that the seeds are sown in containers, and after germination and the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, they are planted. They are planted in separate containers and only after the threat of frost has passed are the seedlings planted in a permanent place.

Plants require regular watering, loosening the soil and pinching. Depending on the climatic conditions It is necessary to remove the lower leaves before the ovary. It is also important to monitor the condition of the soil. The soil should not be too dry, but it should not be flooded either. In addition, it is necessary to promptly remove weeds that interfere with the normal development of plants.

Diseases and pests of vegetables

Vegetables can be susceptible to many diseases. Throughout their growth, they are attacked by various pests. To combat them, they use products that can be purchased in specialized stores.

Some diseases can be avoided if you regularly change the location on the site for planting tomatoes. It is also recommended to take into account common diseases of vegetables and plant them away from each other. To increase yield and improve taste qualities tomatoes need to use various additives.

Types of fertilizing

Different types of fertilizers have different effects on plants. Nitrogen species contribute to the fact that the green mass begins to grow quickly. At the same time, fruit ripening slows down. You can improve the taste and reduce the nitrate content by adding potassium-phosphorus fertilizers to the soil.

It is extremely important to have an understanding of fertilizers and their effect on vegetables. Otherwise, you can make sure that fertilizing will only harm the plants. Potash fertilizers are very often used because they are beneficial. But there are different types of fertilizer and some of them can be harmful, for example, like potassium chloride. It is not recommended to use it; it is better to fertilize it with ash or potassium sulfate.

Organic fertilizers have a beneficial effect on tomatoes. They are especially often used when growing vegetables in greenhouse conditions. Mullein or bird droppings are added to the soil. To preserve moisture and protect the beds from pests, the soil is mulched with humus or cut grass.

Methods of fertilizing

Various additives will help increase productivity and improve the taste of vegetables. They are applied in different ways, and depending on this, fertilizing is divided into root and foliar.

The first method is the introduction of useful components by watering at the root. Necessary organic and mineral supplements enter the plant through the root and nourish it.

Foliar feeding is used much less frequently. They provide nutrition with beneficial substances by spraying leaves and branches. This type It is considered more economical, since fertilizers are required in smaller quantities, and all of them go to the vegetable. When watering, most of them are washed away during rains.


The introduction of useful components occurs by watering directly at the root, hence the name of the method. Tomatoes require 3 root feedings over the entire period:

  • 8-10 days after the seedlings are planted;
  • 14 days after the first;
  • At the flowering stage.

You can feed tomatoes with ammonium nitrate. Dilute 1 tbsp. spoon per 10 liters of water. You can also use mullein or chicken droppings instead of ammonium nitrate.

The plant will receive a huge amount of useful components when adding ash to the soil. 1 glass is enough for a bucket of water. You can water every 14 days. Tomatoes will receive the potassium, phosphorus and calcium they need. Wood ash is an effective additive and at the same time quite affordable. You can collect branches, leaves, straw and burn them. In addition, the ash can be removed from the stove. It is formed when wood is burned. Ash will provide tomatoes with microelements for a long time.

Did you know! Vegetables before adding useful substances You need to water it with plain water, otherwise the roots of the plant may get burned.


Foliar application enriches the plant with nutrients and protects against many diseases. Apply them one by one. Below are some examples of beneficial supplements.

Milk and iodine are considered an effective remedy. The feeding scheme looks like this:

  1. Take a bucket to hold 10 liters of useful solution.
  2. Pour 9 liters of water.
  3. Add 1 liter of milk. You can replace it with whey.
  4. 10 drops of iodine are enough for the resulting solution.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly.
How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


In addition, a solution of potassium permanganate is used. You can take 10 Trichopolum tablets and dilute them with a bottle of brilliant green in 10 liters of water. According to the instructions, use Fitosporin or Zdraven.

When should you fertilize tomatoes?

It is important to choose correctly not only the type of fertilizer, but also the time of its use. For any type of fertilizing, tomatoes are fertilized in the morning or evening. When foliar spraying, the solution will not have time to be absorbed into the plant if the treatment is carried out during the day. The sun's rays contribute to its rapid evaporation. In addition, droplets of solution on the leaves on a hot day can cause the plant to burn. It is recommended to process the leaves not only from above, but also from below.

Organic and mineral additives are added to the soil at the root only in the early morning or evening. It is recommended to do this at a time when there are no scorching sun rays. This applies to tomatoes growing both in a greenhouse and in open ground. Not only adult plants need feeding, but also tomatoes at the seedling stage.

Feeding seedlings

How and when do you fertilize tomato seedlings? The plant itself will help you find the answer to this question. If you look at it, you can see it is green and strong or pale and frail. In the second case, it immediately becomes clear that the seedlings lack nutrients. The main thing is not to overdo it, as an excess of nutrients will negatively affect the plant.

When tomatoes lack nutrients, they should be watered with a complex product called Agricola. It is necessary to feed strictly following the instructions. In this case, there is no need to additionally fertilize the seedlings.

In addition to complex supplements that are purchased in stores, you can use folk remedies. Fertilize during the formation of two leaves on the plant. Add 1 spoon of urea to 9 liters of water. After 14 days, a second feeding is carried out. Some people use chicken manure for this.

The method for preparing it looks like this:

  1. Mix the litter with water in a ratio of 2 to 1.
  2. The mixture ferments for 2 days.
  3. Dilute 10 liters of water and water the seedlings.

When the time comes to plant tomatoes in the ground, you can feed them again. Approximately 7 days before planting, fertilize with an ash solution.

How to fertilize seedlings after picking

Even plants planted according to all the rules in separate containers sometimes need additional feeding. The appearance of the tomatoes will tell you exactly what to feed the tomatoes with.

With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become pale and the seedlings stop growing. If there is an excess of phosphorus, the leaves may begin to fall off, and if there is a deficiency, they will turn purple. If the leaves of the seedlings curl, this most likely indicates a lack of potassium.

Immediately after picking, tomatoes do not need fertilizer. Feed only 14-15 days after planting. First, use a complex fertilizer. For 1 liter, 1 tsp of product is enough. After 10 days, feed with nitrophoska in the same proportion.

Feeding after planting in the greenhouse

Typically, tomatoes grown in special soil do not require additional nutritional components. After planting in a permanent place of growth, they will need additional feeding. IN additional substances ah, greenhouse plants need it most of all. This is due to the fact that in warm weather they begin to grow quickly and require more feeding.

Did you know! It is important not to oversaturate the plants with nitrogen; in this case, all the additives will be used for the rapid growth of greenery, and the ovaries will not form.

How to feed tomatoes planted in a greenhouse? If you don’t have enough time, you can purchase ready-made products. For example, Gumat-Universal or Gumat-80. diluted with 1 tbsp. products for 5 liters of water. Such fertilizing helps to increase the yield. For each tomato, the consumption is 0.5 liters of the prepared solution. It is recommended to fertilize tomatoes again during the flowering period. Complex means are also used for this.

Top dressing after planting in open ground

Over the course of 2 months, seedlings are formed in pots indoors, after which they are ready to be transplanted to a permanent location. At this time, she needs vermicompost. In the future, when the fruits begin to set, it is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers. The most commonly used are urea and superphosphate. In addition, you can use ammonium nitrate at this stage of tomato growth.

For proper development Tomatoes need phosphorus in their root system. It is also responsible for the process of fruit set. Such additives are applied to the soil several times. The first feeding is necessary after about 21 days have passed after planting the plants in open ground. You can feed tomatoes a second time at the flowering stage. Additives such as “Master Tomato” and “Signor Tomato” have proven themselves well.

Recipes for preparing fertilizers

There are many recipes for preparing them at home. Each gardener has his own favorite fertilizers, which are time-tested. These are the most common fertilizers and are prepared using grass, yeast, eggshells and onion shells.

Fertilizing from mowed grass

Fertilizer made from weeds received positive reviews. To prepare it, you will need a large container in which to place the mowed grass. It is not recommended to use metal containers. The fact is that the oxidation process begins in it. This may have a negative impact on the tomatoes in the future. Thus, it is better to use plastic containers. Grass is placed in it and filled with water. Nettle has a positive effect on tomatoes, so you can add it to the barrel. In addition to these, you will need the following ingredients:

  • chicken droppings;
  • yeast;
  • serum;
  • ash.

All ingredients are mixed and filled with water to the brim of the container. Next, the contents are left to ferment for 10-14 days. The mixture must be stirred regularly, at least a couple of times a day. Once cooked, you can remove the herbs and place them in your beds, such as zucchini or other vegetables. After all the grass has been removed, more than half the container should remain. You need to top it up with water again. The resulting fertilizer in an amount of half a liter is diluted in 6 liters of water. First, water the plant with water, then 500 ml of fertilizer for each bush.

How to use fertilizer from grass clippings

Weed fertilizer is used for root and foliar feeding. Plants are watered at the root. The interval is maintained for approximately 10-14 days. It is also good to use the resulting spray solution.

Fertilizer nourishes tomatoes essential microelements, and also prevents the development of late blight. This disease especially often affects plants in rainy weather, as high humidity and warm weather promotes its rapid spread.

Yeast feeding of tomatoes

The most common fertilizers are: wood ash and bird droppings. Yeast feeding also has a beneficial effect on plant growth. It is recommended to use it at the moment when the tomatoes are planted in a permanent place of growth. It is suitable for processing tomatoes both outdoors and in the greenhouse.

You can feed tomatoes with yeast no more than 2 times. Otherwise you will end up with a complete mess. The time for feeding is June. During this period, it is important for the plant to have thick stems and powerful roots. This is what yeast is used for. To prepare the infusion, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Pour 5 liters of water and 1 kg of yeast into a container.
  2. Dissolve yeast in water.
  3. Leave for 24 hours.

The resulting solution is diluted before use. Half a liter of infusion is diluted in a bucket of water. Water at the rate of about.5 liters per bush. There is another recipe using yeast. It looks like this:

  1. Place 100 g of live yeast in a 3 liter jar.
  2. Add 0.5 tbsp there. Sahara.
  3. Fill the contents with warm water.

When the fertilizer is ready, you can fertilize the tomatoes. Take 1 glass of solution per 10 liters of water. 1 liter of yeast fertilizer is poured onto each plant.

Chicken manure as fertilizer

You can mix chicken manure with superphosphate. First, add 2 tbsp to 10 liters of water. l superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l potassium sulfate. Litter is introduced later. Since superphosphate dissolves in water for a long time, it is kept for 24 hours. The next day, chicken manure is added.

Other popular recipes

You can make a huge amount of fertilizers for tomatoes yourself. At home, some gardeners make fertilizer from banana skins. They enrich the plant with potassium. To prepare, you will need the skins of 3 bananas. They are placed in a 3 liter jar and filled with water to the brim. The banana solution is infused for three days.

In addition, eggshells are widely used. First it is ground, then filled with water. The contents are left for some time until the water becomes cloudy. The mixture will begin to emit a characteristic odor, which means the fertilizer is ready for use. This infusion activates plant growth.

enrich useful components and at the same time, an infusion of onion peels will help cope with diseases. It is placed in a container and filled with boiling water. When the solution has cooled, it is diluted with water and the beds are watered.

Other ways to replenish missing plant elements

At first glance, it may seem like caring for tomatoes is a hassle. Some also believe that plants in a greenhouse do not require additional feeding. However, they are wrong. Almost all plants need additional nutrients, especially if they grow in infertile soil.

Avoid fertilizing large quantities Timely application of fertilizer directly into the soil will help. When digging the earth in spring and autumn, it is recommended to fertilize the soil. If the site also uses correct crop rotation, tomatoes will delight you with a rich harvest.

Fertile soils, as well as a quick response to changes in the appearance of the plant, contribute to a significant increase in tomato yield.

From the above it follows that it is better to fertilize tomatoes. For young plants, it is better to use complex and foliar feedings. Mineral and organic are recommended to be used in the second half of the growing season. As for the regularity of applying fertilizer, the main thing here is not to harm it with frequent use. It is best to add nutrients no more than 2-3 times per month.

We get a rich harvest by feeding tomatoes

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Oleg Gazmanov, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Attention, TODAY only!

Like all berry plants(and tomatoes belong to the nightshade family), tomatoes need feeding during the period of growth and fruiting. To increase productivity, you need to know which fertilizers for tomatoes are best to use, how to feed tomatoes in different periods growth, what is the difference between growing in open ground and greenhouse.

It is necessary to start caring for plants from the moment the seeds are planted:

  • monitor soil moisture;
  • prevent diseases;
  • Apply fertilizers in the right quantity on time.

You need to monitor the plants throughout the entire period to detect nutrient deficiencies in time.

Fertilizers for young seedlings

If you start germinating seeds at home or in a greenhouse, the first step is to soak them for 10 minutes in a 5% salt solution. This is 1.5 tablespoons of salt per liter of water. This way the seeds are disinfected. Next, wash and transfer to clean water for swelling for 15 hours (approximately).

The procedure must be carried out shortly before sowing into the soil.

The next step will be preparing the soil. If it is purchased in a store, then no processing is required. If garden soil is used, then the best way It will be good to pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate. After this, the soil should stand for a couple of weeks. It's too early to plant seeds.

A small amount of complex fertilizer for tomatoes in liquid form or an organic solution diluted to a minimum is added to the garden soil. When the seedlings sprout, you can begin to observe what color the foliage is and how the shoots develop.

After 2 - 3 weeks, you can once again feed the tomatoes with natural fertilizer. For example, an infusion of herbs.

You can plant seedlings in the ground after 1.5 months. The signal will be the first ovary of flowers. Some gardeners remove it to dateLet the plant get stronger. The most favorable conditions for transplantation will be overcast.

Fertilizing tomatoes in open ground

If autumn fertilization activities garden plot were not carried out, then 2 weeks before the expected relocation of the seedlings it is necessary to dig up the soil with compost or add some mineral fertilizers so that they have time to dissolve. These are phosphorus and nitrogen.

Fresh manure must be prepared. Fill the bucket one third with manure and add water. Then take one part of the infusion and dilute it in 10 liters of water. Pour the liquid into the soil within 4–5 days so that soil bacteria begin to digest it.

Video: How to properly feed tomatoes

If fertilizer for tomatoes was applied in the fall, then in the spring you can limit yourself to watering with an organic nutrient mixture or a small amount of urea. This is the best way to feed tomatoes for a good harvest in the future.

Requirements of tomatoes for mineral fertilizers

In addition to nitrogen fertilizer for tomatoes, it will be necessary to add potassium. But this is later - about a week after landing. Feeding tomatoes with potassium fertilizer is very important, since this element affects the number of fruits and their ripening. The best way to feed tomatoes is potassium magnesia or ash. In the first case, tomatoes are fertilized with potassium sulfate. In the second - a natural supplement, which, in addition to potassium, contains trace elements - sulfur and magnesium.

Tomatoes do not like chlorine, so potassium chloride cannot be used as a mineral fertilizer.

Phosphorus fertilizers are best applied in the fall, so that they have time to dissolve and transform into a form accessible to plants. In spring, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with phosphorus 2 - 3 weeks before planting seedlings in the ground. The dry mixture is scattered and dug into the ground.

Phosphorus affects root growth and nitrogen uptake, so you need to know that these two elements must be present in the soil at the same time.

The best phosphorus fertilizer for tomatoes is superphosphate. It can be combined with organic matter. This is healthier than simply fertilizing tomatoes with manure, which contains a lot of nitrogen and potassium, but no phosphorus.

The nitrogen requirement of tomatoes is greatest during the growth stage of shoots and foliage. How to properly feed tomatoes and how to prepare fertilizer can be read on the fertilizer package.

If the instructions give a certain amount of a substance, and the gardener simultaneously uses organic matter for root feeding, then the amount of the mineral mixture should be reduced so as not to damage the root system of the plants

During the period of fruit set and ripening, nitrogen fertilizing should be stopped. It's potassium's turn. Feeding tomatoes with potassium accelerates the ripening of fruits and affects the duration of fruiting.

Video: Fertilize tomatoes to increase yield

Professional gardeners recommend choosing one fertilizer rather than feeding tomatoes throughout the entire period of growth and fruiting. And then - depending on the situation. It can be diluted or mixed, or foliar feeding can be used. It is useless to look for the best fertilizer, since the algorithm of action is the same. There are slight differences in the concentration of additional substances. It is better to focus on the composition of the soil in the garden.

Signs of nutritional deficiencies

Malnutrition can be identified by appearance shoots, leaves, fruits. It depends on what stage it arose.

If there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil:

  • shoots are weak;
  • leaves are small and light;
  • the ovaries may fall off;
  • small size fruits.

In order to notice a lack of nitrogen in tomatoes in time, you need to monitor plants that consume nitrogen in large quantities– peas, beans, potatoes, cabbage. If their leaves begin to turn yellow from below, then soon it will be the tomatoes’ turn.

When there is a lack of water in the soil, plant nutrition is disrupted. Cold cloudy weather has a bad effect on nitrogen absorption. A lack of phosphorus slows down plant growth when the root system develops poorly.

This is what a tomato lack of nutrients looks like

Phosphorus deficiency:

  • foliage turns red or purple;
  • delayed fruit ripening;
  • The roots lengthen and turn black.

A lack of phosphorus affects tomatoes immediately, so it is urgent to decide how to feed the tomatoes so that phosphorus deficiency does not affect the yield. Basically, these are foliar feedings in parallel with watering. This method quickly helps to save the situation.

In open ground on clay soils, deficiency appears more often. Acidic soils also prevent plants from absorbing phosphorus, so it is worth adding chalk or dolomite flour to feed tomatoes.

Potassium deficiency:

  • leaves turn yellow at the edges;
  • spots on leaves;
  • The roots turn yellow.

Appears on heavy soils, swampy and peaty. Fertilizing tomatoes by spraying is the most quick way. At the same time, it is necessary to organize watering with a potassium solution.

Micronutrient deficiency

The lack of even one important element can negate the efforts of gardeners. With a deficiency of magnesium, boron, calcium, copper, sulfur or iron, certain signs appear on plant leaves:

  • magnesium - leaves darken and die;
  • sulfur - the foliage turns pale and yellow;
  • boron - fruits of irregular shape appear;
  • calcium – fruits die off starting from the calyx;
  • copper - leaves curl on the sides;
  • iron - leaves dry around the edges and die;
  • zinc – spotted leaves.

In addition, if there is a lack of microelements, plants are susceptible to diseases. Weak shoots cannot resist the action of pests and die. There are situations when, with a complex deficiency, it is impossible to determine what to choose for feeding tomatoes. There is only one way out: start with leaf feeding. Preferably complex mixtures.

Do-it-yourself feeding

On summer cottage or on your own farm there is always something to feed your tomatoes so that there are a lot of fruits. This could be cow manure, chicken droppings, waste from other animals or birds - sheep, ducks, horses, rabbits.

You should once understand that fresh organic matter in large quantities can burn the roots of plants. Therefore, it is necessary to first infuse and then dilute the slurry. This process takes a week.

The second option is to apply fertilizer for tomatoes in the fall. Over the winter, organic matter is consumed by soil bacteria and becomes available to plants.

The third option is to lay compost pit or a bunch. If you do this at the beginning of summer, then next year you will have something to feed the tomatoes in the spring for harvest. One square meter of fertilizer for tomatoes consumes up to 8 kg.

Yeast is gaining popularity as a fertilizer for tomatoes in open ground. To do this, they are bred in warm water and water the soil, add it to green fertilizer. The goal is one - to provoke the growth of beneficial bacteria in the soil in order to improve its quality. To do this, crumble a 200 g packet of yeast into water and wait until the liquid begins to foam. Next, one liter for each bush (the soil must be moist before watering with yeast).

It’s not difficult to prepare green fertilizer for feeding tomatoes with your own hands. In summer, weeds are mowed or weeded. It can be put into action. A third of the grass is poured into a large container and filled with water. It takes 2 weeks for the fertilizer to sit before fertilizing the tomatoes. Tomato feeding is carried out by watering or spraying.

If it is possible to fertilize tomatoes several times with whey or milk, this should definitely be used. Sugar is often added to such mixtures - about 1 glass per 3 liters of milk. Tomatoes love this additive very much and the fruits quickly gain weight.

Fertilizer application scheme

The feeding scheme for tomatoes depends on the type of soil on the site, the amount of precipitation, and the presence or absence of organic matter for application to open ground. It just so happens that each gardener has his own feeding regime, as well as types of fertilizers. Some people use exclusively mineral mixtures, some mix organic matter with complex fertilizers, others prefer to grow bio-products.

You should not go to extremes - sprinkle everything you have under vegetables or use one type of additive for all occasions. There is a risk of losing crops and poisoning the soil. It’s good if no one gets hurt after too much fertilizer.

Before you decide to feed tomatoes, you need to carefully read the fertilizer manufacturer’s instructions - how much of the substance is consumed per square meter. This is to protect people's health. When and how much fertilizer should be applied so that there is no excess. This is for plant protection

It was not for nothing that one prominent scientist said: you cannot hide a lack of knowledge with an excess of fertilizers. Or something like that. The result, and most importantly the harvest, will be disastrous.

For greenhouse tomatoes

Greenhouse tomatoes are fertilized 4 times per season. The first time they add: mullein solution and nitrophoska (as an option). For 10 bushes, 10 liters of water, half a liter of mullein and 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska are required.

After about 10 - 12 days, a second feeding of the tomatoes is done. For a bucket of water, take 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate (or other fertilizer without chlorine) and a tablespoon of prefabricated complex fertilizer.

A special feature of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is constant care and disinfection of the soil. When tomatoes grow in one place for several years, they become affected by diseases. First of all - late blight. Various methods are used for prevention:

  • sulfur bombs for treating the interior of the greenhouse;
  • copper sulfate 3% for soil;
  • feeding tomatoes with the microbiological composition Fitosporin.

After watering copper sulfate The soil must be dug up and then watered again with the solution. The bulk of fungal spores are found in the soil. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to annually remove old bushes from the greenhouse and burn them. Monitor weed growth. The procedure for preparing the premises for planting should begin in the fall. Before feeding the tomatoes, in September the greenhouse walls and soil are completely disinfected.

What else to read