Initiation to fifth graders.docx - Initiation to fifth graders. Celebration of dedication to fifth graders

Extracurricular activity"Initiation to fifth graders"


Target: admit children into the ranks school organization middle management


    Introduce children to the traditions of the school and school organization;

    develop students’ interest in activities and desire to participate in the organization’s events;

    to cultivate the moral qualities of the individual;

    create a favorable emotional background for cooperation between children and adults.

Equipment: tape recorder, bell, attributes for games and competitions, lyrics, crackers, badges.

Hall decoration: on the board - fabric, name of the holiday, “lesson schedule”, Balloons, attributes and symbols of the organization, flowers; musical arrangement. Parents are invited to the celebration; Deputy Director for VR, performances of the dance group are prepared in advance, songs are learned in music lessons. The most important thing is that every child should have the opportunity to participate in festive moments.

Presenter 1 Good afternoon dear teachers and parents!
Hello, dear guys!
Presenter 2: Today is a holiday in 5.3 grade.

"Dedication to fifth graders"
Presenter 1 : And we are glad to welcome you to our hall

5.3 grade students and their class teacher

Ve next 1 : Today we have gathered to celebrate a solemn event: the initiation of yesterday’s elementary school students into fifth graders. Look at the guys! They have matured and become wiser.

AT 2. - And what they learned, we can see today.

IN 1. - At today’s holiday, each of you will be able to show all your talents, demonstrate what you managed to learn in elementary school. To do this, we will hold various competitions.

Presenter 2: 1. You once came to school, on the first holiday of September, everything was new for you there - from the doors to the ABC book.

Presenter 1: 2. The teacher met you first and then the hard way he led the faithful road, walking ahead himself

Presenter 2: 3. You have matured a little, you have become a little wiser. And on the new carousel you continued your journey.

Presenter 1: 1. And a whole regiment of teachers appeared before you, and science, like a tsunami, swirled around you faster.

Presenter 2: 2. And today is an important holiday, the heart beats in a small chest,

You are no longer a naughty person or a prankster - all your fun is behind you.

Presenter 1: 3. This is in life new road, a long and sometimes difficult path, there will be so many bright holidays, just don’t forget this holiday.

Presenter 2 : On September 1, you moved from primary school to secondary school without knowing its rules and laws.

Student. I finished fourth grade -

This time!

Secondly, I am a student -

Fifth grader, here's the diary!

Thirdly, you need to write down

How many books to buy?

(Scratching the back of his head.)

And these objects are darkness!

Am I smart enough?

Learn everything about white light?

How many years does it take to study?

Maybe it's worth working on?

Maybe not study at all?

The light will not converge like a wedge -

Should I be smart or not?

What to do next?

Who should I ask for advice?

Presenter 1 : You experienced your first difficulties, met your teachers,

with their new requirements, classrooms, and most importantly - you can be called real fifth-graders.

1st student: What is fifth grade?

I want to ask you. Think, guess

Answer in unison.

We run from lesson to lesson,

We got a call on the way!

2nd student: There will be no comments in the diary,

If you arrived on time!

Everyone needs to remember quickly

Teachers' names.

And never be confused

Do you agree with me? (YES).

3rd student: What is fifth grade?-

I want to ask you.

Think, guess.

Answer in unison.

All teachers are one

All disciplines are required.

To remember the lesson,

Let's shut our mouth.

4th student : What is fifth grade?-

I want to ask you.

Think, guess

Answer in unison.

Objects become more complex

But we will find all the answers.

Who can understand everything?

Highest mark gets five.

Hundreds of times more interesting -

This is what fifth grade is

Number: “School time” - 5.3 grade

Presenter 1. Thank you, guys! We are very glad to welcome YOU!

Scene. “Where did it all go?”

Teacher. Z Hello guys! Sit down! Open your notebooks and textbooks. Fine…

Vitya holds out his hand.

What do you have there, Vitya?

Vitya (rummaging through his briefcase). Tatyana Ivanovna! And my grandmother forgot to give me a notebook! She's old...

Teacher. It's time, Vitya, for you to look after your grandmother, and not vice versa! Here's your notebook. And let this not happen again. So, we opened our notebooks...

Vitya reaches out his hand again

What, Vitya?

Vitya. Tatyana Ivanovna! And my grandfather left my textbook at home...

Teacher. What does grandpa have to do with it? You are already big. What a shame! Here's a tutorial, but last time. So, we took the pencils...

Vitya (rummaging through his briefcase). Tatyana Ivanovna! Mom promised to put it in, but probably forgot...

Teacher. What is this? Because of you, we can't start class! Here's a pencil! All! We took the rulers...

Vitya (raises his hand again). Tatyana Ivanovna! My dad is responsible for the line...

Teacher. Horror! Grandparents, mom and dad, where are you, Vitya, student? Or do all Petrovs have a bad memory?

Vitya. No, we all have good memories. And yesterday they were collecting my briefcase in front of me... Where did it all go?..

Teacher. So, is your briefcase completely empty?

(Vitya, with surprise, takes out various toys and a shoe from his briefcase... Classmates laugh. More than all the Bulls.)

Bykov. Like in the movies! Well, Petrov! No adults are watching me, and I have everything!

Teacher. Peter oh, do you at least have a diary with you?

Vitya. I'll take a look now. (Joily takes out the diary.) Here! (He brings it to the teacher.)

Teacher. Diary of a 5th grade student... Oleg Bykov...

(Everyone is perplexed. Then a burst of laughter.)

Bykov, what is written on your diary?

Bykov.(takes out a diary from the same briefcase and reads) Diary of a 5th grade student Viktor Petrov...

Vitya. He took my briefcase in the corridor! Take your toys! Because of you I got into trouble. I told you, I myself saw how my briefcase was packed in the evening! Eh, Bykov! And aren't you ashamed?

Presenter 1: These are the kind of serious problems you sometimes have to face in school life. Our task is to together identify typical problems V educational activities. So that you guys can be independent, and everyone will help you. I think you guys are brave, curious, creative, knowledgeable and smart and will overcome all difficulties.

Number: 5.1 grade student Amina Musaeva congratulates you on the holiday

Presenter 2: We continue our holiday. And we invite two teams to the stage:

The brothers will be the judges: __________________________________________

Presenter 1: Questions for 1 team.

    He rode up to the royal chambers on a stove. (Emelya).

    The girl who, while running away from the palace, lost her shoe. (Cinderella).

    In which fairy tale did the cat eat the ogre? ("Puss in Boots".)

    The name of the girl who ended up with the three bears?) Masha).

    This poor fish swallowed so many ships that his stomach hurt. (Whale).

    The girl who brought pies to her sick grandmother. (Little Red Riding Hood).

    Which fish fulfilled the old man's requests out of gratitude? (Gold fish).

    Lives with a woman. (Grandfather).

    I sat on the stove for 30 years and 3 years. (Ilya Muromets).

10.He is jokingly called the master of the house. (Brownie).

11. A terrible robber with a bird's name. (Nightingale the Robber).

13. A little girl born in a flower. (Thumbelina).

14.What was the name of the postman from Prostokvashino? (Pechkin).

15.Fairytale bird with fiery feathers. (Firebird).

16.The most defenseless and cowardly hero of fairy tales. (Hare).

17. A loaf is not a loaf, a pie is not a pie, but everyone wants to eat it. (Kolobok).

18.Whose death is at the tip of the needle? (Koschei the Immortal).

19.The bird that lays golden eggs. (Chicken Ryaba).

20. The smallest, the height of a little finger, the hero of fairy tales. (Boy-thumb).

Presenter 2:

Questions for team 2.

1.What did the Tsokotukha Fly buy? (Samovar).

2.Who became the Ugly Duckling? (Swan).

3. Sister Alyonushka, what was your brother’s name? (Ivanushka).

4. A witch living in a hut on chicken legs. (Baba Yaga).

5. Birds that carried away a little boy on their wings (swan geese).

6. Lives with grandfather. (Baba).

7.What kind of vegetable was the whole family craving? (Turnip).

8. A dear old man who comes once a year and gives gifts. (Father Frost).

9. A kind girl who turned from a dirty girl into a princess. (Cinderella).

10. Lives on the roof, eats jam and plays pranks. (Carlson).

11.The bird that wakes you up in the morning. (Rooster).

12.Where does the scientist cat live, who walks along a chain? (Near Lukomorye).

13.Drank some water from the hoof. (Brother Ivanushka).

14. Man made of logs. (Pinocchio).

15.Who was hit by the arrow in the swamp? (Into the frog).

16.What does the cat wear? (In Boots).

17.Who likes to visit in the morning? (Winnie the Pooh).

18. Baba Yaga's vehicle. (Mortar).

19. How many brothers were there that the princess ended up with? (7).

Music is playing.

Presenter 2: The next competition is called “ SHARP-WITTED "(for fans)

1. What is inside the square? (Its area).

2. Divide five apples between five people so that everyone gets an apple and one apple remains in the basket. (One person takes the apple along with the basket).

3. Increase the number 666 by one and a half times, without performing any arithmetic operations on them. (Write this number and then turn the paper upside down (180°). You get 999.)

4. 6 sparrows are sitting in the garden bed, 4 more flew to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one sparrow. How many sparrows are left in the garden? (Not at all, since the rest of the sparrows flew away).

5. There is an oak tree in the field. There are 3 branches on an oak tree. There are 3 apples on each branch. How many apples are there in total? (Not at all).

6. Which is lighter: one kilogram of cotton wool or one kilogram of iron? (One kilogram of cotton wool is equal in weight to one kilogram of iron).

7. Three horses run 5 kilometers. How many kilometers does each horse run? (5 kilometers each)

8. Grandmother has a jar of jam hidden in her closet. The jar contains 650 grams. Grandson Kolya found out where the jar is and eats 5 spoons every day. How many grams of jam will the grandmother find in the jar after 20 days, if it is known that each spoon eaten by her grandson contains 5 grams of jam?

Class 9.2a visited the dentist's office and had 12 baby teeth pulled out. After that, class 2b visited the dentist’s office and had 4 more baby teeth pulled out. How many baby teeth did both classes leave in the dentist's office, if it is known that one second-grader took his extracted tooth home?

10. In search of the Frog Princess, Ivan Tsarevich examined 4 swamps. Each swamp had 350 hummocks, and on each hummock there were 9 frogs. How many frogs did Ivan Tsarevich kiss in search of his bride?

11. When the owner went out into the garden with a gun, 4 neighbors fell from one apple tree, and 3 more neighbors from the other. How many neighbors fell from the second apple tree?

Number: Dance – 5.3 grade student

Q 1. Our next competition is called “Fun Alphabet”.

(The class is divided into two teams)

Exercise: We read out funny, humorous definitions of various words related to school life to each team. Your task is to quickly name the concept being defined. If a team finds it difficult to answer, the right to answer is transferred to the next team. If the answer is incorrect, the point is not counted. For each correct answer - 1 pointBe careful!

1.Letters lined up for roll call (Alphabet)

2.What they teach you to write with a thin feather in a notebook at school (Letters)

3. Mathematical action that occurs with the pocket money of a student buying a bun at the school cafeteria (Subtraction)

4.The best, but very a short time in the lives of students and teachers (Holidays)

5. Traditional formation of students for the ceremony of receiving the next head wash (Ruler)

6. The white pebble melted and left marks on the board (Chalk)

7.Part of the face that students sometimes hang up after receiving a bad mark (Nose)

8. The only place in the school where instead of spiritual food, students are offered normal food (Dining room)

9. What a student needs to cook every day, but cannot eat (Lessons)

10. A school subject that continues in the summer at stadiums, courtyards, and in recreation camps (Phys.)

11.Two legs conspired to make arcs and circles (Compass)

12. Institution where illiterate people are admitted (School)

13. A valuable human quality that is dulled at school. (Mind.)

14. A natural phenomenon that officially eliminates forced attendance at schools. (Freezing)

15. The loudest sound in school. (Ring.)

16. Place for students to walk during breaks. (Corridor.)

17. Sufferers who are called to the teacher for the misdeeds of their children. (Parents.

18. The most chatty human organ. (Language.)

19. The room where the class is driven during the lesson. (Cabinet.)

Presenter 1: Guys, in the meantime, warm-up for you!
We have a game for you,
We will read the poems now
We will start, and you are friends,
Answer in unison:
"And me too"
AT 2: This morning I woke up early....(Children: “Me too”)
IN 1 I washed my face with tap water...
AT 2 Went for a walk…
IN 1. I went to the zoo...
AT 2 I saw a lioness there...
IN 1 I saw a tigress there...
AT 2 There was a baby elephant sitting in a cage
IN 1 He was as funny as a pig...
AT 2 Someone loves pears...
IN 1 Someone doesn't wash their ears...

Presenter 1:

how did you recognize our school?

Competition "School".

(The presenters ask the children questions. The class answers in chorus, amicably, clearly.)

In which Is there a science lesson going on in your office?

Which classroom is the history lesson in?

Which classroom is the math lesson in?

In which classroom is the drawing lesson held?

On what floor is the geography classroom located?

On what floor is the library located?

What floor is the gym on?

On what floor is the director's office located?

Presenter 2: The word of congratulations goes to the Deputy Director for Educational Work(Evteeva Elena Nikolaevna)…

IN 1 . Guys, your first teacher Anna Sergeevna came to your holiday. We give her the floor:

Anna Sergeyevna:

“Hello, my dear children!

They all grew up and became very big.

Primary School- now behind.

New knowledge awaits you ahead.

But don't forget me

Invite me to visit more often.

For the younger ones you be an example,

Assistants for teachers.

With hope, faith and love

Look ahead more cheerfully!

AT 2. Your parents came to congratulate you on the holiday.
IN 1 . A word to those who, together with our fifth-graders today, will go through the difficult path of knowledge. They will worry and worry about you and help you. I think you understand who we are talking about. Word to your parents!

On behalf of all parents to congratulate your fifth graders we invite

Kalinina Oksana Alexandrovna

“To be a fifth grader,
You should value friendship
Think and read more
Do homework assignments
Don't download them on the Internet,
Achieve everything with your mind.

IN 1 . Here is the last test. We wish you good luck and patience in your studies - it's a glorious

Work! Great grades and a burning soul - the road of life awaits you ahead!

Presenter 2 . You know we have our own tradition -

Get ready for initiation, friends.

Believe me, you can do without it.

Not at all, not at all possible.

(A cool magazine is brought out on a satin pillow. Solemn music sounds.)

IN 1 . Class teacher, I ask you to take a step forward!

Put your hand on the most valuable thing you have - a cool magazine. You, in charge of your class, swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

Besides the truth ? Vow to be strict but fair?

Class teacher: I swear!!!

B 2. -Here the desired hour has come:

You are enrolled in fifth grade.

You, my friend, listen to us,

We give you an order.

IN 1 - Wake up early in the morning,

Wash yourself well

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at your desk.

AT 2 . - Accustom yourself to order:

Don't play with things,

Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

IN 1 - Dress neatly

To make it pleasant to watch,

Don't giggle in class

Don't move the chair back and forth.

AT 2 .- Don’t tease, don’t be arrogant,

Try to help everyone at school,

Don't frown for nothing. Be bolder

And you will find friends.

IN 1 - That's all our advice.

They are no wiser and simpler!

You, my friend, don’t forget them in class.

All in bon voyage!

AT 2. Guys, the solemn moment has come!! And now you, “5th graders,” must take an OATH. Let us ask everyone to stand up and loudly and unanimously repeat after us, hand on heart, the word- "We swear!"

( The presenters take turns saying the words of the oath:)

In 1 - We, students of grade 5.3, on this solemn day,

In the face of his comrades, teachers and parents

We swear:

AT 2 - Run to school for the first lesson.

(All in chorus: We swear! We swear! We swear!)

IN 1 . - Absorb all knowledge with a voracious appetite.

(All in chorus: We swear! We swear! We swear!)

AT 2. We swear in front of everyone to try to be healthy!

Go to our school regularly!


IN 1 . We swear to write and read decently

Carry “good” and “excellent” in the backpack.


AT 2 We swear that we will try very hard

Don't fight with your friends anymore!


IN 1. We swear to be educated students,

Don't run around the school, but walk!


AT 2. - Swear to honorably carry the title of “5th grader”

Until the end of the school year.

IN 1. - Swear that throughout the year you will help your

To the class teacher in his hard work!

AT 2. - Swear, without jokes, to truly love your Motherland, your school, your parents!WE SWEAR!

IN 1. Our new 5th graders deserve thunderous applause.

The word for the presentation of certificates and medals that the children have been accepted into 5th graders of school No. 7 is given to YOUR CLASS TEACHER!Congratulations, my dear students! And I present you with medals.

Presentation of medals “I am a fifth grader!”

Presenter 1:

Now you are real students of grade 5.3 of school No. 7..

- To seal the words of the oath, you must chew a cracker - a symbol of the granite of science.

IN 1 Well, our holiday is coming to an end. I want this day to be remembered for a long time.

AT 2. It's great if this holiday helps you with confidence

1. Our meeting, guys, ends,

But don't be sad about it!

2. Let your heart be more cheerful,

Let your faces shine with smiles,

3. Let there be more good friends,

Let there be fewer errors in the test.

4. We wish you not to know fatigue,

Walking on white light,

1. And we want to wish you a happy life

And as good as this music!

2. Guys, your friendship is strong

Take it to 5th grade

And for many years

Save everyone!

3. As always, “one for all”

Be responsible

Then everyone will tell you:

These are the kids!

Presenter 1: And with this our holiday came to an end. Thanks everyone for your attention. See you soon.And now, guys, your parents invite you to a tea party!

Scenario of the holiday "Initiation into fifth graders

Annotation: The holiday is held at the end of the first or beginning of the second quarter, when children are a little accustomed to new teachers and working conditions. This general scenario, which includes individual class performances (business cards), competitions, and an oath for fifth-graders. Such an event promotes team cohesion, adaptation, helps students open up, show themselves, their skills, abilities, interests. For the class teacher of the 5th grade, this holiday allows him to get to know children who are new to him, get to know them better, find out their interests, hobbies, helps to unite the team, and attract parents.
Target: 1) Help students adapt to new conditions and requirements in the 5th grade.
2) Introduce students to the rules of high school and awaken students’ interest in further studies.
2) Develop children's communication skills and create a festive atmosphere.
3) Cultivate kindness, mutual assistance, and respectful attitude towards the teacher and your classmates.
1. Organize meaningful leisure time for children;
2.Create a positive attitude;
3. Contribute to the formation of aesthetic taste;
4. Foster a culture of behavior in public places.

Initiation to fifth graders

(music sounds)
Presenter 1 . Lesson - change, lesson - change...
And the day at sunset and sunrise again.
Pass school days gradually,
The educational process is slowly progressing.
Presenter 2 .- Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome everyone to our holiday1 Let's all greet the hero of the occasion together! Let's meet! (students of the 5th grade with their class teachers enter the hall to the music and take their seats in the hall)
5A class (class of hands.....)
Grade 5B (hand class…..)
5B class (class of hands....)

Presenter 1 .Today we all gathered
Congratulations, friends!
And so you came to us here,
Believe me, it’s not in vain!
Presenter 2 . The path in life to you yourself
We'll have to choose.
And to be lucky in life,
It's a must try!
/CHANTS 5A, 5B, 5B/
Presenter 1 .- At our holiday, each of you will be able to show your talents, resourcefulness, ingenuity, and demonstrate everything that you managed to learn at school.
Presenter 2 .- Let's see what you like. I ask questions, and you will answer “I” if this is inherent in you, and “be silent” if this does not suit you.
Presenter 1 . -Who loves chocolate?
Presenter 2 .-Who loves marmalade?
Presenter 1 .-Who loves pears?
Presenter 2 .- Who washes their ears?
Presenter 1 .-Who loves pomegranate?
Presenter 2 .-Who are the grapes?
Presenter 1 .- Who loves the lesson?
Presenter 2 .- Who doesn’t wash their hands?

Presenter 1 .- We have one doubt...
Is the surroundings worthy?
What can they do? What do they live on?
Let this be presented.
Presenter 1 To be a fifth grader
You should value friendship
Think and read more
Do homework assignments
Don't download them on the Internet
Achieve everything with your mind...
Presenter 2. - Can you do all this?
We will find out now...
/COMPETITION “VICTIM OF SPORTS”. 3 people from the class are invited to the stage, they need to depict the situation/
A weightlifter who did not have time to jump away from the barbell;
The skydiver who forgot what to pull;
A skier who did not have time to escape from an avalanche.
/While the participants are preparing, a competition is held with spectators/
Presenter 1 .- I ask questions, and you answer: “It’s me, it’s me, these are all my friends” or “be silent”

-Who walks to school in a cheerful band every day?
- Which of you comes to class an hour late?
- which of you keeps books, pens and notebooks in order?
- Who completes their homework on time?
- Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?
- Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

One person per class. Sing in the image: opera singer, military, three-year-old baby
Presenter 2. - On the eve of the New Year we sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
Presenter 1 If you go on a journey with a friend, the journey is more fun.
Without friends there is little of me, but with friends there is a lot...
/COMPETITION “FRIENDLY CLASS” / The class needs to depict: a train, an orchestra, a centipede, a zoo, and the rest of the students from other classes must guess what they are depicting/
Presenter 1 .- All trials are over,
And all of you are WELL DONE!
And we want to congratulate you
From all our hearts!
Presenter 2. Well, it's time to end,
It's time for us to make a decision -
Admit to fifth graders,
You just need to take an oath!
Presenter 1. - So, right here, in front of everyone, in a formal atmosphere, I ask you to take an oath of allegiance to the school - the Oath of FIFTH-GRADES! At the end of each quatrain we all say together: “I swear! I swear!”
Presenter 2. We have chosen the path of learning,
Bless us, our Rus'!
The granite of science is undoubtedly
I'll chew it! I SWEAR! I SWEAR!
Presenter 1 . And, like the great Lomonosov,
I will achieve the teacher's love.
From the science of marble cliffs
I won't lose my temper! I SWEAR! I SWEAR!
Presenter 2. I won’t forget about the code of honor,
After all, he is the basis of all foundations,
I will be decent and honest,
Always ready! I SWEAR! I SWEAR!
Presenter 1 . We swear here three times:
Treasure the honor of the school!
We swear sincerely and honestly
Be her pride and glory!
Presenter 2. This oath is not a trifle,
It will be like this and only like this!
Presenter 1. - Guys, your friendship is strong
Take it to 5th grade
And for many years
Save everyone!
Presenter 2. As always, “one for all”
Be responsible
Then everyone will tell you:
These are the kids!!!
Presenter 1. Our holiday is coming to an end,
We are all equal now friends!
You are called fifth-graders!
And we all - Friendly family! (together)

The transition from primary school to 5th grade is a very exciting and responsible event. Therefore, a holiday such as “Initiation into Fifth Graders” should be organized for students who have entered secondary school. The event scenario can be anything, it all depends on the imagination of the organizers and the abilities of the students. The most important thing is for children to feel the significance of the event and their responsibility in this matter.

What is the celebration of initiation into fifth graders?

This holiday is filled with special taste. After all, yesterday's students junior classes With a confident step they rose one step higher and moved to high school. The holiday “Initiation into fifth graders”, the script of which can be chosen in different variations, should be filled with emotions and experiences.

This event in itself opens the door to high school for fifth graders. And with the help of a matinee dedicated to those admitted, you can make it clear to children that the event is important not only for them, but also for teachers and parents. Therefore, it is worth filling this day with vivid emotions, a whirlpool of memories and unforgettable performances. Children should feel at their best and absorb previously unknown knowledge with renewed vigor. The holiday “Initiation into fifth graders” can be arranged as the first of September on the first day of school in high school, or maybe on last call, if students remain within the walls of the same educational institution for further training.

What activities to include in the program

Initiation into fifth graders is the same matinee, which should be filled with diversity and versatility. Therefore, this event should have its place:

  • dancing;
  • songs;
  • poems;
  • competitions.

In general, everything that is at regular school special events.

Initiation into fifth graders: class card for greeting

If there are three or four fifth graders in a school, then each of them must introduce themselves. You can, for example, come up with a name and motto for the class. The holiday “Initiation into fifth graders” can begin, for example, with the following greeting:

  1. Name: "Die Hard" Motto: “Our class is very friendly and strong in its aspirations, we will show our dreams to come true. We have strong teeth, the granite of science will gnaw through our fifth grade.”
  2. Name: "Smart kids." Motto: “We guys go anywhere. Look, gentlemen. Let us study well and accept knowledge without any boundaries.”
  3. Name: "Eaglets." Motto: "We graduated junior school, ready for new knowledge. We are not just guys now, we are strong and persistent eaglets.”

Such a greeting will set the rhythm and indicate the coherence of each of the classes. Thanks to such sayings, there will be the brightest and most intense initiation into fifth graders! The holiday script will help make the event full of emotions and impressions. And his children will never forget him.

Initiation to fifth graders: holiday script for children

Of course, for a full and smooth celebration, you need to first think about the sequence of events. It is important to give children a fifth-grade initiation full of new ideas and activities. The holiday scenario could be like this:

  • Two presenters, graduate students, come out and say:
  1. “Today new kids in fifth grade came to study. To become successful, they will have to work hard. We sincerely congratulate you, you have entered the fifth grade.”
  2. “Now life will be filled with new knowledge, acquaintances with teachers and high recognitions. We invite you now, our dear fifth grade!”
  • Students come out and sing a song to the tune of the well-known melody “From a Smile.”
  • Then each of the classes, headed by the headman, announces the name of the class and the motto.
  • Fifth grade students dance a waltz.
  • Then four students come out and recite poems:
  1. “Yesterday we were in junior grade, today we are in fifth grade. We have a lot to learn, guys.”
  2. “But changes are not scary, they are interesting to us. New subjects are needed for good knowledge, of course.”.
  3. “Fifth grade is no joke, going from class to class now. The main thing is that our school keeps the door open.”.
  4. “Oh, I can’t believe it, friends, that I’m already in the fifth grade. We will help each other and solve difficult tasks.”
  5. “Good luck to us. Have a bright road. Not a bit of worry. And no worries!».
  6. All together: “Meet us at the high school, we have come to study in the fifth grade!”
  • The presenter comes out and says the words: “Dear fifth-graders, now I must take the fifth-grader’s oath from you.”
  • A representative from each class pronounces an oath invented in advance.
  • Then the classes come out one by one and sing songs. The first ones are based on the song “Baby Mammoth”; the second - to the tune of the song “Clouds”; the third - “One word.” If there are four classes, then the fourth class sings a song to the tune of “Unfortunately, it’s a birthday.”

Humorous numbers for the holiday

The guys can also show theatrical production with humorous situations between teachers and students. For example:

  • Two students come out, one of them in the role of teacher:

Teacher: " Petrov, why weren’t you in class?”

Student: " Maria Ivanovna, I was in class.”

Teacher: “How can that be, you weren’t in class.”

Student: " I was, Maria Ivanovna, I was! Only I went to the wrong class, I was in history, not mathematics.”

  • Three students come out again and recite poems.
  1. “Our concert was a great success, now we are no longer children. We were already initiated into the fifth grade and given the key to a new life.”
  2. “Yes, guys, the holiday has come to an end, but let it not pass in our lives. And every new day will fill us with knowledge, and such a joyful bell will ring for us.”
  3. “I want to congratulate all of us, friends, because new way opened up before us. Now our fathers and mothers have already become parents of adult students. I am always ready to please and surprise them!”
  • Dance to cheerful disco music.
  • Leading: “The holiday “Initiation into fifth graders” has come to an end. The oath of new students has been accepted and the doors to new life, life of high school students. I declare the event closed and congratulate the students and their parents on entering high school! ».

Songs for the day of initiation into fifth-graders

At the holiday there should certainly be funny, but meaningful songs. At the presented event “Initiation to fifth-graders,” the script suggests the following songs. All melodies are from famous cartoons, but the words are new.

1. “From a smile”:

  • First verse: It was not easy for the first-graders, because we had only just arrived at school. And now we are entering the fifth grade, we are quite ready for these changes.
  • Chorus: We know for sure that we will get used to it easily, and we will click the granite of science for sure. Let everything be new for now - classes, lessons and teachers. But we know that we are ready for dating!
  • Second verse: In fifth grade we will learn many new, unidentified subjects. In order to always be smart, we must know all this.
  • Chorus.

2. “Baby Mammoth”:

  • First verse: Rather, I want to meet someone new, I’ll tell you about myself from the good side. And I will do my homework, prepare to hand in my tickets, learn everything new and expect a lot of answers from the school.
  • Chorus: It doesn’t scare me that all those who enter the fifth grade change classes. There are a lot of us, right, children? We will all get through this together.
  • Second verse: Knowledge will open up deep possibilities, teachers will not hide anything from us. We will soon absorb everything that they know now, like sponges.
  • Chorus.

3. "Clouds":

  • First verse: Today we have entered the fifth grade, and we are counting the seconds until the lesson, because we want to show our class. We can do this, we know it for sure.
  • Chorus: Fifth grade, open your notebooks for us. Fifth grade, a lot of new things, guys. Please don't judge us down. Give us better knowledge, teachers.
  • Second verse: We promise you that we will try. We will taste new knowledge, because we want to become smart and then write dissertations.
  • Chorus.

4. “One word”:

  • First verse: Only yesterday we just entered school, and today we moved to the fifth grade. We never even suspected that this hour would come so quickly.
  • Chorus: Change, change in our lives. We have new lessons and assignments. Change, change, show us what fifth grade is.
  • Second verse: New lessons are coming soon, and we will do tasks in the notebook without looking back, we will get to know those who teach us, and we hope that each of us will receive a medal.
  • Chorus.

5. “Song of the Crocodile Gena”

  • First verse: Today we guys are going somewhere, but where? Will any of you say? Well, of course, let's say, because today we have all arrived
  • Chorus: Today we have initiation into fifth graders, Lyalya. The day promises a lot of joy and accomplishments, friends.
  • Second verse: Many new lessons, the classes are also different and all the teachers are different. We really hope and we will try our best to make you and I friends.
  • Chorus.

The holiday “Initiation into fifth graders”, the script of which is filled with songs in new way, will certainly appeal to both teachers and students.

Fun scenario

Of course, everything can be turned upside down and this event will be based on humor. Why be sad? After all, a new step in life is exciting and educational. For example, at a fun formal event you can use the following poems:

  • We're in fifth grade, right? I don't believe my words! I hope the new teachers like us? The class is fun and mischievous. Don't miss either one or the other. Welcome us, school, we are ready!
  • Oh, and I’m scared, guys, to go to the fifth grade, there are different classes and all the paths are confusing. Let's agree that only together from class to class, so that none of us gets lost.
  • My parents told me this morning that I was going to fifth grade today. I don’t believe, believe me guys, that this fate has befallen us too. But in fact, we are glad that there will be new knowledge. And we hope that the teachers will accept, understand and love us.

Competitions and performances on the day of initiation into fifth graders

Competitions, relay races and competitions can also be prepared for the “Initiation into Fifth-Graders” holiday; they will be appropriate. You can come up with many outdoor games that will unite all classes and help children get to know each other better.

What oaths might be like for fifth graders?

Oaths from fifth graders can have different contents. For example:

  1. We swear that we will never mix up the classes. We promise that we will always take the necessary textbooks and notebooks with us. We swear that we will be a source of pride for parents and the class teacher.
  2. We swear to study well, to be strong and not to be lazy, to always be proud of you, because now we are in fifth grade!

Why organize such a holiday?

Initiating fifth graders will help introduce teachers to children. And also such informal events are excellent for communication with parallel classes, which is very useful in the learning process.

Let the holidays be bright, emotional and memorable for everyone!

1. To promote the successful process of students’ adaptation to studying in secondary school, developing their respect for the norms and values ​​of life of their classmates;
2. Contribute to the unity of the class team, the development of communication skills, implement, analyze and evaluate joint activities.

Goal: development creativity students; ability to act in a team; instilling a sense of pride in your school.

Music is playing

Sasha D

Hello adults! Hello children!

Today is an unusual day in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

There are 27 of us, mischievous and cheerful,

kind and funny,

Polina and Katya S.

Moderately well-fed and moderately educated,

But in general, very friendly and responsive boys and girls!

Each of us has our own character, our own habits and our own habits.

And we all love to sing, dance, receive guests,

we are friends with sports,

Sometimes we play pranks, but overall they are very nice and friendly guys!

Sasha D.

These are the kind of students we are, 5th grade!

5B! !(Second words - in chorus)

Always happy!

To school To lovers!

Faithful in friendship!

Music "Rap"


Everyone (in multi-colored Moscow caps)
We are from Moscow guys

We live a very fun life.

If you want, we will dance for you,

If you want, we'll read a rap!

Andrey K., Veronica O.

I really like to study

And get straight A's

Well, more than that, have fun,

Run, jump and scream!

Fariz, Sasha

We will overcome all sciences,

We will succeed,

Because our mothers

Learn with us again!

Nikita P., Lesha K

My diary is like a faithful friend,

He tried for me,

I didn't learn my lesson-

He stayed at home!

Nikita P., Lesha

By cell phone today

I talked for three hours...

The battery has evaporated

What miracles!

Andrey K., Veronica

I visited the Web

And I got on the Internet.

In my head from the Internet

Just a complete vinaigrette!

Andrey K., Veronica

On the computer recently

I played Constrike.

After games in all lessons

He only shot with his eyes!

Fariz, Sasha

All day from morning to night

I wear headphones.

I don't see you, I don't hear you,

I won't tell you anything!

Andrey K., Veronica

I was running for recess

Stretch your body,

He pressed his forehead against the wall,

What I taught - I forgot again!

Anton O.

Our teacher in silence

Explains the topic...

And the neighbor whispers to me:

What a change!

Sasha D.

And at our school today

An interesting case was:

On the test I took a dictation

I forgot all the letters!

Yesenia, Nastya S


We read the raps

You are extraordinary,

Because we are children

All super modern CALL FOR CLASS Oh!!! The bell rings for class! (They run and sit at their desks!)

Presenter: Sketch. “Where did it all go?”

Teacher. (Sonya N.) ZHello guys! Sit down! Open your notebooks and textbooks. Okay... (Vitya extends his hand).

What do you have there, Vitya?

Vitya (Sasha D. is rummaging through his briefcase).Tatyana Nikolaevna! And my grandmother forgot to give me a notebook! She's old...

Teacher. It's time, Vitya, for you to look after your grandmother, and not vice versa! Here's your notebook. And let this not happen again. So, we opened our notebooks...

(Vitya reaches out his hand again)

What, Vitya?

Vitya. Tatyana Nikolaevna! And my grandfather left my textbook at home...

Teacher. What does grandpa have to do with it? You are already big. What a shame! Here is the tutorial, but for the last time. So, we took the pencils...

Vitya (rummaging through his briefcase).Tatyana Nikolaevna! Mom promised to put it in, but probably forgot...

Teacher. What is this? Because of you, we can't start class! Here's a pencil! All! We took the rulers...

Vitya (raises his hand again). Tatyana Nikolaevna! My dad is responsible for the line...

Teacher. Horror! Grandparents, mom and dad, where are you, Vitya, student? Or do all Petrovs have a bad memory?

Vitya. No, we all have good memories... And yesterday they were collecting my briefcase in front of me... Where did it all go?..

Teacher. So, is your briefcase completely empty?

(Vitya, with surprise, takes out various toys and a shoe from his briefcase... Classmates laugh. More than all the Bulls.)

Bykov. (Nikita P) Like in the movies! Well, Petrov! No adults are watching me, and I have everything!

Teacher. Peteroh, do you at least have a diary with you?

Vitya. I'll take a look now. (Joily takes out the diary.) Here! (He brings it to the teacher.)

Teacher. Diary of a 5th grade student... Oleg Bykov...

(Everyone is perplexed. Then a burst of laughter.)

Bykov, what is written on your diary?

Bykov. (takes out a diary from the same briefcase and reads) Diary of a 5th grade student Viktor Petrov...

Vitya. He took my briefcase in the corridor! Take your toys! Because of you I got into trouble. I told you, I myself saw how my briefcase was packed in the evening! Eh, Bykov! And aren't you ashamed?

Host: These are the kind of serious problems you sometimes have to face in school life.CALL FOR CHANGE

(CLASS STUDENTS PERFORM THE SONG “WONDERFUL SCHOOL” to the tune of the song “ Chunga-changa ") (Yesenia, Veronica)
Miracle School - there is no better place!
Miracle school - let it not know troubles!
Miracle school! Who's been here for an hour?
Miracle school! He won't forget us!
CHORUS: Miracle school, miracle school,
The world is cordial and cheerful,
The miracle school opened its doors to us again.
Our happiness is to study here,
Meet, Make Friends!
Miracle school! Miracle school! Miracle school!

Presenter: Katya S . There is trouble in our school

The bell is ringing in the morning,

Hello school!

Hello, desk!

Hello, my school friend!

Attention! And now tips for fifth graders!

Music - ditties Yesenia
1. The desired hour has come:
You are enrolled in fifth grade.
You, my friend, listen to us,
We give you an order

2. Wake up early in the morning
Wash yourself well
So as not to yawn at school,
Don't peck your nose at your desk

3. Accustom yourself to order:
Don't play hide and seek with things
Treasure every book,
Keep your briefcase clean

Radmir, Sasha
4. Dress neatly
To make it pleasant to watch, don’t giggle in class,
Don't move the chair back and forth

Presenters: Polina and Katya . Following these tips

Our class will be very smart!

And also hardworking!
And even if it’s beautiful!






Presenter: Polina
7 years will pass and they will say
All teachers then:
Oh, what a pity to leave
We are in 11th grade, right?

Veronica O. performs.

Song " Oh, school, school"

Ah, school, school,
Primers and books,
At the ringing changes
Boys are running.

I'm walking along a long corridor
Every year from class to class,
It's funny and sad here
And it’s sad for each of us.

Hey guys,
Don't rush to grow up!

Hey guys,
There is no need to rush the years,

Oh, school, school -
Golden time
Difficult problems
They don't give me peace.

Our different paths around the world
They'll get divorced, but for now
The joy of school springs
You and I are carried straight into the clouds.

Hey guys,
Don't rush to grow up!
We really, really want to be on time everywhere,
Hey guys,
There is no need to rush the years,
After all, childhood is gone forever.

Presenters: Polina and Katya

We are just at the beginning of the path called high school. We have a lot to learn:

learn to be friends

respect each other,

do good deeds for each other,

to help each other.

Only in the same way as a house is built, brick by brick, will we build our relationships, putting kindness, warmth, love into them...

Pauline :
Waiting for us interesting life in the fifth form!
We will be stronger and smarter! And it will help us become better

Poems read: Masha L.

Friendship is a warm wind
Friendship is a bright world
Friendship is the sun at dawn,
A joyful feast for the soul.

Lyuba L.
Friendship is only happiness
Friendship is one thing people have.
With friendship you are not afraid of bad weather,
With friendship - life in spring is full.

Angelina P.

A friend will share pain and joy,
A friend will support and save.
With a friend - even an evil weakness
In an instant it will melt and go away.

Veronica O.
Believe, keep, value friendship,
This is the highest ideal.
It will serve you well.
After all, friendship is a valuable gift!

Treasure the honor of the school,Song to the tune of "The Bremen Town Musicians" Leila, Yesenia
There is nothing better in the world,
What to study in best school this one.
Fifth graders don't sit still
And always, everywhere, in everything we are together.

Presenters: Katya S.

We will study at school,

Don't be lazy in class.

We will respect adults

Raise your hand more often. Together: Kataya and Polina

To be the friendliest class!!!

We will try

Polina and Katya:
Cherish the honor of the class!
Increase the glory of the school!
News healthy image life!
Show care not only for those whom we love and who love us!
Comprehend wisdom various areas knowledge!

And we will remember: Only by good deeds is a good name born!

Final part There's a song playing There are schools large and small (backing track)

Primary school teacher:

Hello, my dear children!

They all grew up and became very big.

Primary school is now behind us.

New knowledge awaits you ahead.

But don't forget me

Invite me to visit more often.

Be an example for the younger ones

Assistants for teachers.

With hope, faith and love

Look ahead more cheerfully!

Take your strong friendship to 5th grade,
And save each one for many years to come!
As always, “one for all”, you will be responsible,
Then everyone will tell you: wonderful children!

Word to your parents!

To be a fifth grader
You should value friendship
Think and read more
Do homework assignments
Don't download them on the Internet,
Achieve everything with your mind.

Remember, fifth grader:

Only he will achieve his goal who goes towards it!

Be content with the present, but strive for the best!

Cherish your strong friendship!

Good luck!

There's a song playing There are schools large and small

Words and music by T. Kolomeitseva

There are schools large and small,
Lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges,
And people with open hearts
Their memory is cherished in the soul.
But the first school of Moscow
For us it will always be the first,
The only one, kind and faithful,
In her childhood space and comfort

Our roads will be different,
But we will definitely meet,
And we won’t forget you, beloved ones,
Great teachers.
After all, the first school of Moscow
It glows for us with the warmth of the window,
Let someone play pranks, someone spin around,
Together we are a big family.

Everyone had their first teacher
In lyceum, gymnasium, college,
And the memory of him is grateful
The guys cherish it in their hearts.
You, the first school of Moscow,
You will forever be worthwhile to us,
We will repeat you again in our children,
We left our childhood here.

Initiation script for fifth graders

Objectives of the event:

1. To promote the successful process of students’ adaptation to studying in secondary school, developing their respect for the norms and values ​​of life of their classmates;

2. Contribute to the unity of the class team, development communication skills, implement, analyze and evaluate joint activities.

From minutes and from moments
Sad and happy
A wonderful world is growing
Our school days
It is very important to choose in life
The right school
So that it would not be offensive that I studied there.

2 presenter:

Everyone who believes good fairy tales,
They will find joy in it.
Everyone at school is a storyteller
I wouldn’t mind becoming at all!
And while the road to knowledge
Fifth graders are looking for
We'll probably have to
Help them a little!

1 presenter:

Good afternoon, residents of our school state! Hello, dear students and teachers! Today, here in this hall, fifth-graders will be initiated: they will move to new level and become intermediate students.

The heroes of today's celebration are invited to the hall - 5th grade students! (music)

Presenter 2 Have you already met your class teacher,

teachers and school staff. But in order for you

truly felt that the Borovsk school -

this is your school, we decided to initiate you into fifth graders and

be accepted into our children's organization.

Presenter 1: Every year we accept new students into our ranks. Your turn has come.

Presenter 2: And first, a representative, or rather a representative from the oldest, an 11th grade student, will contact you.

High school student:

We will all get together, it will be fun for all of us!

We will smile at each other, no worries and no problems!

And fun and luck always accompany us,

And it cannot be otherwise, since we are all friends here!

Contests and games await you, and fortune never ends

It won’t leave you guys, it will always be great!

We also have a motto,

This will be a surprise for you: Live on five!

Study for five!

Learn to dream about the future!

Presenter 1: I hope that you will remember this motto and live with it all your life. school years.


Time flies very quickly,

Autumn has come again

Fifth graders came to school

Conversations started

1st fifth grader

If I suddenly became an adult,

I would change everything around

I wouldn't go to school

And I didn’t teach any lessons

2nd fifth grader

If I became an adult,

I wouldn't waste time

I wouldn't read books

I would walk all day long

3rd fifth grader

If I suddenly grew up,

I would sit down at the computer.

Every day I would play

Stopped doing homework!

Presenter 1: Guys, in order for us to adequately accept you into our ranks, you must pass the test. You are ready? Then go ahead! And we will pass the tests on the teams that we already have ( children are seated in teams in advance). And your parents will help you cope with your tasks

Very often, the most difficult things for students are not academic tasks, but the need to live in compliance with the rules accepted in school, society, and family. But it is these very rules that help people build relationships and work in harmony. At our event today, we are also introducing certain rules. You need to remember them and follow them. And how successful you will be, we will ask the jury at the end of the holiday.

So, rules:

We listen to the speaker.

Everyone present participates in completing our tasks.

Each person's right ends where the other's right begins.

Well, let's check how you know fairy tales

1. Which of the Russian heroes folk tale was bakery product? (Kolobok)

2. Name the heroine of the French fairy tale, who got her nickname thanks to her headdress (Little Red Riding Hood)

3. Name the heroine of a Russian folk tale who was an agricultural product. (Turnip)

Name a fairy tale by an Italian writer, where all the heroes are fruits and vegetables (Cipollino)

Where did A.S. Pushkin’s most famous cat live and what did he do? (At Lukomorye, sang songs, told fairy tales)

The next lesson is “school studies”.

Now we will find out how attentive you are and whether you have studied the school enough. Teams will take turns answering questions. Let's start with the easy ones.

    What is the name of the teacher who teaches natural history? ()

    On what floor is the buffet located? ()

    What is the name of the school principal? (.)

    What is the name of the school librarian? ()

    How many classrooms are there in the school? ()

    How many windows are there in the 2nd floor foyer? ()

    How many computers are there in room No. 10? ()

    In which classroom is the history lesson taught? ()

    How many desks are there in our office? ()

    How many stairs are there on the porch of our school? ()

    In what year was your school founded? (1932)
    12 What is the address of our school? (Mira, 11)

And now, school vocabulary connoisseurs, try your hand at solving the Chinese word puzzle.

1. A valuable human quality that is dulled at school. (Mind.)

2. A natural phenomenon that quite officially eliminates forced attendance at schools. (Freezing)

3. The loudest sound in school. (Ring.)

4. Place for students to walk during breaks. (Corridor.)

5. Sufferers who are called to the teacher for the misdeeds of their children. (Parents.)

6. A relative of the “Greek”. ("X")

7. food distribution point. (Dining room.)

8. The most chatty human organ. (Language.)

9. The room where the class is driven during the lesson. (Cabinet.)

Presenter 1: We continue our fun lessons, and next -"versification".

We'll start, you continue

Be careful,

Don't make mistakes.

Dashingly measured their steps

Two huge legs.

Size forty five

He bought boots.

Uncle Styopa every step

Described by the poet... (Mikhalkov, not Marshak)

Soap, soap, soap, soap

I washed myself endlessly

I washed off both the polish and the ink.

From an unwashed face.

My face is still burning!

Who is he? (“Moidodyr”, not “Doctor Aibolit”)

Everyone knows without a doubt

Whom do we ask here?

What according to the table is six seven,

Of course...(42, not 48)

Greek rode across the river,

The cancer sees the Greek in the river,

Help Greka - SOS!

Greku was bitten by cancer on the... (hand, not nose)


I offer you rhymes. And you, using them, must compose poetry.

(Children are given envelopes with assignments. While they are preparing, songs about school are played)

"fairy tale paints"


to the glass - in the corner",

"cold by the window."

"Wizards are not scary"


We have a game for you,

We will read the poems now

We'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison:

"And me too"

This morning I woke up early...

I washed my face with tap water...

Went for a walk…

I went to the zoo...

I saw a lioness there...

I saw a tigress there...

There was a baby elephant sitting in a cage...

He was as funny as a pig...

Someone loves pears...

Someone doesn't wash their ears...

1. He owns the words that for some reason he shouted in the bath. Those words were: “Eureka! Eureka!" (Archimedes)

2. An institution that admits illiterate people. (School)

3. The white pebble melted and left marks on the board. (Chalk)

4. Letters constructed for roll call. (Alphabet)

5. The best, but very short time in the life of teachers and students. (Holidays)

6. Time interval between lessons. (Turn)

7. Between A and C. (B)

8. Nanny Pushkina. (Arina Rodionovna)

10. Its length is measured in parrots. (Boa).

What wonder of the world is located in Egypt? Pyramids

2. What is the main god in Egypt, revered by all peoples? Ra

3. Both grass and paper. (Papyrus)

4. What are the letters called in Egypt? Hieroglyphs

5. This thing is now very common, it folds and unfolds, but in Ancient Egypt only the pharaoh could use this. What is this? (Umbrella)


NAFANYA: Of course, you recognized me? Hi guys! I'm your school brownie. I was lucky when the houses were divided at the council - I came across your school. At first I was upset, I almost went to drown myself: running around, kids, all sorts of dirty tricks, riots.

SPEAKER 2: What are you saying, Nafanya? Why are you ruining our holiday?

Where did you come from here?

NAFANYA: Oh, oh, oh, I scared you. How scary! I'm shaking all over!

EDIT 2: Yes, we weren’t going to let you in. What do you want?

NAFANIA: What do I want? Yes, the guys are almost like relatives to me. How many of their bits have I pulled out because of the batteries, how many calls have I listened to!? How many times have you been nervous during tests and hid your class magazine, ringing the bell ahead of time?! I tried everything with you: I skated, and I can speak your way and dance! let's dance together.

(Students are invited to the stage)

EDIT 1: You are invited to dance the dance as original as possible.

Each participant gets their own partner.



NAFANYA: Next task. You need to depict:

the letter "sh" the audience must guess what the letter is.

NAFANIA: We had a lot of fun. But I'm very worried about you.

We still have a whole academic year. And before we part, I wanted

I wish you all the best. And remember that I am helping you. Good luck. Bye!

Guys! Let's dream now about what kind of disciples you will be. You have seven years of study ahead of you at our wonderful school named after Timur Ibragimov. What class will you become?

12) Our class will be very smart - A's will hardly be enough!

13) Maybe it will be very noisy - you will feel dizzy.

14) Our class will be very friendly - Just don’t spill the water!

15) Our class will be thrifty. We are always for order!

16) I know! The class will be active!

17) Cheerful! Initiative!

18) And also hardworking!

19) And let him be handsome!

20-24) -Strong-willed! Provocative! Business! Persistent!

25-28) -Creative! Great! Bright! Vigorous!

Organization, best quality every fifth grader.

    Each of you must be organized. The task is as follows:

You need to line up in a column, but in a certain order. (Conducted between teams)

    1) By height: from tallest to shortest;

    5) B alphabetical order, as recorded in the journal. (whole class)

Presenter 1: Every morning you go to school and don’t even think about what would happen if there were no schools. But this is exactly what is sung in the song that we will perform together with you.

(The song “If There Were No Schools” is performed)

If there were no schools,

What lengths would a person go to!

A person would reach this point:

A person would reach this point:

I would turn into a savage again.

If it weren't for

If it weren't for

If only there were no schools!

If it weren't for

If it weren't for

If only there were no schools!

If there were no schools,

What would a person come to:

- I would eat raw meat with my hands

Both for the first and for the second!

- I would eat raw meat with my hands

Both for the first and for the second!

If it weren't for

If it weren't for

If there were no schools! (2 times)

If there were no schools,

What would a person come to:

- All shaggy and in animal skin,

He would come to visit... with a club!

If it weren't for

If it weren't for

If only there were no schools!

Assignment for teams. Artists.

You need to come up with and draw the figure described below.

Blooming flower; octopus in motion; sounding bell; active volcano.

And now the solemn moment has come! To become real 5th grade students, you must say the words of the 5th grade oath. For the oath, I ask the fifth graders to stand. Repeat after me: We swear!

Never go to school...with lessons unlearned.

We swear!

Never wear spare the same bag with sandwiches.

We swear!

Never solve problems by copying them from your neighbor.

We swear!

Never open textbooks...with dirty hands.

We swear!

Never finish a quarter...s bad grades.

Running to school for the first lesson with eyes burning with curiosity. We swear!

Absorb all knowledge with a voracious appetite. We swear!

Maintain the fire of love and respect for teachers and educators. We swear!

Be friendly and proactive. We swear!

Cherish the honor of the class! WE SWEAR!

Carry with dignity through the Bredinsky district high rank student of our school. We swear! We swear! We swear!

Increase the glory of the school! WE SWEAR!

Lead a healthy lifestyle! WE SWEAR!

Show care for those we love and who love us! WE SWEAR!

Comprehend the wisdom of various fields of knowledge! WE SWEAR!

SPEAKER 1: Guys, your friendship is strong

Take it to 5th grade.

And for many years

Save everyone!

VED.2: As always, “one for all”

Be responsible

Then everyone will tell you:

These are the kids!

Fifth graders sing a song motive: “Atas!”

And we can learn and sing,

And even before any problem,

We learned not to be timid anymore.

We can handle any drawing,

Atas! You have already loved us,

Now you are real fifth-graders, full-fledged residents of our school.

A word of congratulations school administration

Now allow us to address
For those who start studying in the 5th grade

Cl. hands: We congratulate you fifth graders,
We wish you excellent success in your studies

1: And also find your new friends
And spend many happy days here

2: Be friends with the school and teachers
And soon you will become graduates

“Comic advice” from your teachers:

1. The desired hour has come:

You are enrolled in fifth grade.

You, my friend, listen to us,

We give you an order.

2. Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself well

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at your desk.

3. Accustom yourself to order:

Don't play hide and seek with things

Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

4. Dress neatly

To make it pleasant to watch,

Don't giggle in class

Don't move the chair back and forth.

5. Don't tease, don't be arrogant

Try to help everyone at school.

Don't frown for nothing. Be brave.

And you will find friends.

6. That's all our advice.

They are wiser and simpler.

Don't forget them, my friend.

On lessons. Good luck!

It's hard to raise your children,

There is a lot you need to know for this.

I would like to wish my parents:

Always help children with everything,

Get the child ready for school in the morning,

Give good parting words in time,

And don’t forget to take a walk on your day off,

To avoid everyone's illnesses,

We still need to toughen up the children,

Everyone also attends meetings,

Help the school as much as possible.

And most importantly - without a doubt -

I wish you patience!

Dear parents! It's your turn

take an oath for parents of fifth graders!

Oath of parents of fifth graders

I swear (be I the mother or be I the father)

Always say “Well done” to your child!

I swear I will not “build” my child’s education,

I swear to master a foreign language with him.

I swear I won’t scold him for getting bad marks.

And help him do his homework.

And if I break my oath,

Then I give away my last tooth,

Then I promise my child

Feed daily boiled condensed milk!

Then I will be an ideal parent

And I will never forget my oath!

Presenter 2 word from parents of fifth graders

(speech by parents of fifth graders)


Our meeting, guys, ends,

But don't be sad about it!

May your heart be more cheerful,

Let your faces shine with smiles,

Let there be more good friends,

Let there be fewer errors in the test.

We wish you not to know fatigue,

Walking across the white world,

And we want to wish you a happy life

And as good as this music!

Presenter 2:. Now look under the chairs. There are letters hidden there, from which you need to create a phrase that is very important to you. And under one of the chairs there is a clue.

(participants of the holiday make up a phrase and all say it together FIFTH GRADER)

Presenter 1: The most solemn moment has arrived. The title “Fifth-grader” was awarded to a student......

Presentation of Diplomas for 5th Graders

Presenter 1: Now you are real school students. To seal the words of the oath, you must chew a cracker - a symbol of the granite of science. And this symbol will be given to you by 11th grade students who have been gnawing on this granite of science for the 11th year. ( 11th graders crackers are distributed to children)

Who is smarter than a fifth grader?

the participant must be named,

and decide unanimously

Who is smarter than a fifth grader?

remember the formulas and fables.

and don't be afraid to let them write off.

Who is smarter than a fifth grader?

let it be decided in the struggle,

prove to yourself.

Who is smarter than a fifth grader?

remembers the rules and the classics.

get it at our cash desk

a whole million.

Who is smarter than a fifth grader?

his career was a success, and so

Tomorrow he will be in sixth grade.

Who is smarter than a fifth grader?

ready to prove by playing,

that is friendly to the head.

Who is smarter than a fifth grader?

Worthythe mostamongusBylaw
Hand overhonorablesignAndrankfifth grader!

Dear Galina Viktorovna!

5th grade students

Worthythe mostamongusBylaw
Hand overhonorablesignAndrankfifth grader!


We invite you to Initiation into fifth graders.

5th grade students

Worthythe mostamongusBylaw
Hand overhonorablesignAndrankfifth grader!

Dear Antonina Alexandrovna!

We invite you to Initiation into fifth graders.

5th grade students

Worthythe mostamongusBylaw
Hand overhonorablesignAndrankfifth grader!

Dear Galina Pavlovna!

We invite you to Initiation into fifth graders.

5th grade students

Fifth graders sing a song motive: “Atas!”

Believe me, we guys are what we need,

And we can learn and sing,

And even before any problem,

We learned not to be timid anymore.

The dancing has become just like family,

We can handle any drawing,

We are waiting for someone to trust us to wear it,

Tie in color and take blue!

Chorus: Atas! How do you like this fifth grade?

Atas! What boys! What girls!

Atas! You have already loved us,

We are the best 5th grade! Atas! Atas! Atas!

Fifth graders sing a song motive: “Atas!”

Believe me, we guys are what we need,

And we can learn and sing,

And even before any problem,

We learned not to be timid anymore.

The dancing has become just like family,

We can handle any drawing,

We are waiting for someone to trust us to wear it,

Tie in color and take blue!

Chorus: Atas! How do you like this fifth grade?

Atas! What boys! What girls!

Atas! You have already loved us,

We are the best 5th grade! Atas! Atas! Atas!

What else to read