True fortune telling for love on cards. What are the simple fortune telling for love using playing cards?

For fortune telling you will need a playing deck of 36 cards. It is not recommended to guess in Orthodox holidays and looking at night.

If you already have a young man in mind and you want to find out about his feelings, fortune telling with cards is suitable for you "Love Counting". Draw four kings from the deck. Determine what kind of king the person you like will be.

The king's suit is responsible for a specific zodiac sign. The suit of diamonds is: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus. Worms are responsible for the air element: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra. The club suit belongs to the element of fire: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries. Water signs (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) are ruled by peaks.

Having chosen the king of the desired suit, close your eyes and imagine the right person, return the cards to the deck and shuffle. Laying out one card at a time, start reciting a little rhyme: 1) “Such and such a king (hearts, clubs, etc., depending on the previously chosen card)”, 2) next card- “tell me, dear”, 3) the next card – “do you love me?”, 4) “I love you”, 5) “with all my body”, 6) “with all my soul”, 7) “but there is someone better than you”. Repeat the phrases until the desired king appears.

The phrase on which the king fell will mean the feelings of the chosen one. If the card came up in the first phrase, it is too early to talk about any feelings, you are at the stage of superficial acquaintance. The second and third phrases mean that the man is interested in you, but still doubts his choice.

The fourth phrase speaks for itself - the man reciprocates your feelings. The fifth phrase - “with the whole body” - speaks of mutual sexual attraction, but love still has to be fought for.

Sixth phrase: your chosen one loves you sincerely and passionately. The seventh phrase means that the heart of the mysterious man is occupied by another.

The second way to tell fortunes on cards for love is called "Cycle". You need to choose the right king and queen from the deck. The Queen card is placed face down first on the table (the picture is open). The king is placed on top, face down, covering both pictures.

Shuffle the deck, mentally focus on your questions regarding the mystery man. Place a circle of eight cards around the pair clockwise. The meaning of the dropped cards will tell about the relationship.

Six light suits - a joint awaits you romantic trip. Dark suit - the chosen one will go somewhere alone, and separation will be painful for you.

Seven light - conversation about the future, possibly a serious proposal that affects further development events. Dark Seven - unpleasant conversation, quarrel, breakup.

Eight is light - a joyful replenishment is expected in the near future (pregnancy, admission Money, expansion of living space, etc.). Eights of a dark suit promise losses - deterioration of relationships, squabbles, gossip, disapproval of your relationship by relatives.

Light Nine - this man is your destiny, complements you in all areas, the relationship will be calm and strong. Nine is dark - you are united by “Italian” passions, you will be like on a swing - sometimes quarreling, sometimes making peace, and doing it with intense feelings.

Ten light suits - a man will be generous with gifts, but too domineering in love. Dark Ten - in relationships main role you'll have to play.

King, jack and queen of any suit mean that there is someone third in your relationship, and he is hindering development. The king is an obstacle from your parents (in the same scenario as the eight of the dark suit) or a secret patron older than you in age, who is against your relationship with this man. Jack - someone is in love with you, lady - they are in love with your chosen one.

Ace means house. Light card suit - living together will be cloudless, as they say, “the house is a full cup.” The dark suit of the ace is anxiety, discomfort.

Several cards of the same value in a layout enhance the positive or negative effect of the card’s characteristics. Two cards of the same meaning, but of different suits, indicate that your relationship contains both positive and negative characteristics.

The third method of fortune telling playing cards"Lines of Fate". The king and queen cards are placed side by side, face up. The deck is shuffled, and other pairs of cards are laid out under the pair until the deck runs out.

Matching cards are set aside. A match is considered to be the same value of cards on the horizontal and vertical lines. After laying out the entire deck, look at the meaning of those cards that matched.

Sevens – spiritual closeness. Friendly, partnership relations prevail over sexual attraction. You understand each other perfectly, but you are unlikely to move to the “family” stage.

Sixes - relationships on initial stage, a romantic period is guaranteed. The more sixes, the longer the stage of “recognizing” each other will last.

Sevens – spiritual closeness. Friendly, partnership relationships prevail over sexual attraction. You understand each other perfectly, but you lack passion (if there are no eights). If you fell together with eights, then these relationships are almost ideal, as they are developed in all areas.

Eights - sex. There is such an intensity of passion between you that everything around you fades into the background. The main thing is to have time to find mutual language before the passion fades.

Nines - marriage. Four nines in one layout enhance the stability of relationships.

Tens - relationships are full of doubts, quarrels and are on the verge of extinction. If eights coincide with tens, sex is the key moment that will hold you and unite you.

Jack - jealousy. Either you or your chosen one are overly jealous, which can affect the relationship.

Lady is strength. You are putting too much pressure on the man. Allow yourself to be weak.

The king is masculine power. The coincidence of these cards means that, on the contrary, the man is overly self-confident and suppresses you with his character, actions, and opinions.

Ace – prosperity. Your relationship will be strong and supported financially.

When telling love fortunes using playing cards, do not forget that you can no longer play with these cards, as the cards begin to “lie.” Use a new deck for fortune-telling and do not take the results of fortune-telling too seriously - all values ​​are relative, the depth and duration of your relationship can only be determined by you and your chosen one.

This fortune telling will help you understand your love relationship with a close friend and will tell you how to act in a given situation. It is possible that the result may be stunning, completely different, which you did not even suspect. Then you should look at your relationship with different eyes and turn on your vigilance. After all, sometimes blinding love leads to disappointment.

For fortune telling you will need a deck of 36 cards. It is necessary to thoroughly shuffle the deck and lay out the cards according to to the following principle. In the middle of the table there are 3 cards face down, they will mean what is in your heart. The 3 on the left and right are the present time period. The three on top will tell you about the future. And the three below are the past period of time (previous events that have already happened). Extra cards must be removed - they do not participate in fortune telling.

The main cards that indicate love are the ace, jack and nine of hearts. If all four aces, a jack and even a nine of hearts come up in a reading, get ready for marriage. Aces - get ready for something new. Jack always means troubles, spades - unpleasant. Ten - curiosity.

When laying out the cards, you need to hold them face down in your left hand and remove them right hand. And one more unique rule: before starting the process of fortune telling, you should voice the following spell, which will contribute to a more accurate card forecast: “The ace of wine lay down, and the shawl fell from your shoulders, drink, dear, you are wine, why save it...”

People turn to cards for advice in completely different ways. life situations. After all, you don’t always know what to do, what to do?! The love sphere is no exception. Fortune telling on cards for love began in ancient times, which is not at all surprising. This method of fortune telling is quite simple and informative. The cards will help the girl decide on her choice of life partner, find out about his intentions, feelings, how serious the existing relationship is, the prospects for its further development and other issues.

Let us examine in more detail the preparation for fortune-telling, the most popular layouts, correct interpretation And useful tips.

Choosing a deck and preparing for card fortune telling for love

There are many card decks - Indian, Gypsy, Tarot, Lenormand, standard 36 and 54. For the correct layout and interpretation of the first four, many years of experience and certain knowledge in this area will be required. Even a beginner can master fortune telling with playing cards for love. Therefore, this method is very popular.

Before you begin the fortune telling process, do not forget to consider preparatory stages. Otherwise, the cards will give out false information, and the person will not receive answers to his questions.

  • For fortune telling, use a deck that is not played on, or a new one. Don't give your deck to strangers.
  • There should be no strangers or noise in the room.
  • Remove all jewelry and let your hair down.
  • It is forbidden to guess on Sundays and days church holidays!
  • Concentrate on the question, say it mentally, and tune in to a positive attitude.
  • You should not guess more than once a day.
  • After you have properly tuned in and taken into account all the tips, you can proceed directly to the fortune-telling process.

    It is necessary to associate the partners for whom fortune telling is being performed with figures of certain stripes.

    For girls and women the following apply:

    • A young unmarried girl under 25 years old – Queen of Diamonds
    • Married or aged 25 – 50 years – Queen of Hearts
    • Widow or woman over 50 years of age – Queen of Clubs (Cross)
    • Young unmarried guy – King of Diamonds
    • Married or over 25 years old – King of Hearts
    • Widower or over 50 years of age – King of Clubs (Crossie)

    Most popular layouts

    Fortune telling with six cards

    Focus your thoughts on your loved one, your relationship and your future together.

    A standard deck of 36 elements is taken and carefully shuffled. Remove the deck with the little finger of your left hand towards you. Turn over the top card and place it on the table. You should repeat these manipulations six times (shuffle six times, remove with your left little finger, set aside the inverted top card). Lay out the dropped cards from top to bottom. Their interpretation:

  1. What is the person you are guessing about thinking about?
  2. What's on his mind
  3. What awaits him in the future
  4. What does he really want?
  5. His future plans
  6. What is happening to him in the present

The old way of card fortune telling for love

Our grandmothers also used this method of layout.

Find a king in the deck that matches the type of man you need. Place this card in the center of the table. Mix the cards well, don’t stop thinking about your lover, slide the deck toward you with your left little finger.

  1. Remove the top three cards and place them on the king: they will tell about his heartfelt experiences.
  2. Place three cards to the right and left of the king - they symbolize his present.
  3. The three cards on top are information about his future.
  4. The three cards below will talk about his past.
  5. Detailed meanings by suit are given in the table below.

For the future of your relationship

Find your Queen and King in the deck, which represents your loved one. The King is on the left and the Queen is on the right. Be sure to leave a gap between them. Shuffle the deck and slide it towards you with your left little finger. Remove cards in a row, one after another, face down.

The layout will be as follows:

IN Lately All large quantity people are facing financial difficulties. Costs are rising and saving money is becoming more and more difficult. Perhaps your money has been damaged. Will help relieve lack of money Imperial amulet for wealth! Review: "Hello. I want to thank you for the wonderful amulet that helped me. My name is Snezhana, I’m from Almetyevsk. Several years ago, a period began in my life when I constantly felt anxious; communicating with relatives, friends, co-workers and just the people around me was very difficult. "

  • Two cards to the left of the King and to the right of the Queen mean information that the young people are hiding from each other;
  • The King and Queen have two at the bottom - plans for the near future;
  • The King and the Lady have two on top - the lovers’ thoughts about each other;
  • Two to the left of the outermost cards of the King, two to the right of the outermost cards of the Queen - obstacles that interfere with harmonious relationships on each side;
  • Two each directly for the King and the Queen - what is going on in the soul and heart of each partner;
  • One card each for the King and Queen - they show the real feelings of a man for a woman, and a woman for a man;
  • Place two cards three times between the King and Queen - they will tell you about the past, present and future of your couple;

The cards should be revealed and interpreted in the same order in which they were laid out.

Detailed meanings by suit are given in the table below.

Alignment for the feelings of a loved one

If you want to find out more about the feelings of your loved one, use this particular fortune telling.

Shuffle the deck, mentally think about your lover, remove the cards with your left little finger towards yourself, trying to bring them closer to your heart.

The cards are laid out in rows of six. Take a closer look at the diagonal values, if they coincide (two Aces, two Tens, and so on), set aside the resulting pairs from the layout. After all the cards have been laid out and the diagonal pairs have been removed, assemble the deck in order, STARTING FROM THE END OF THE SCHEDULE! Under no circumstances should you shuffle the resulting deck!

Place the cards in rows again, but now in groups of 5, removing paired ones diagonally. Then 4 at a time, then 3 and 2 at a time (the same ones diagonally are also put aside).

  • One - possible early marriage
  • Two - your partner sincerely loves you
  • Three – mutual interest
  • Four - the beloved is sad
  • Five - his thoughts are connected only with you
  • Six - perhaps your husband is cheating on you
  • Seven - your person is indifferent to him

Fortune telling for a homewrecker

If you are unsure of the fidelity of your spouse or lover, make the following arrangement. Mentally ask one specific question, shuffle the deck and slide it towards you with your left little finger. In random order, pull out four cards, which will be the answer.

  • The first one means your current position.
  • The second will describe a possible homewrecker.
  • The third one will tell you how to change the current situation.
  • The fourth one will explain why your partner is cheating on you.

If you work on your own mistakes in your relationship with your loved one in time, you can avoid divorce or separation.

Meanings of cards in layouts


When deciphering the dropped cards, correlate the values ​​with real life, listen to the prompts of your inner voice. In this case, you will be able to analyze the situation more specifically and get a clear answer.

  1. Only guess when you really need the help of the cards. This ritual exhausts a person energetically.
  2. Give the deck a break, at least for a couple of days.
  3. Avoid fortune telling at night, this can attract attention dark forces.
  4. Don't guess out of boredom or curiosity.

The love sphere of human relationships is quite complex and confusing. Sometimes a person is not able to independently understand the events taking place and make the right decision. Then cards can come to the rescue. If you follow all recommendations and advice, they will answer all questions and suggest further actions.

You can predict love and the further development of relationships between a man and a woman, open the door to the secrets of your destiny, and see the prospect of marriage with the help of fortune telling. Its popularity has lasted for many years among people different ages.

Decoding the cards gives direct answers to the troubles that have arisen in love relationships. The most accessible tool for fortune telling with cards for love is a playing deck consisting of 36 pieces.

Fortune telling rules

In order for the prediction result to be true, certain rules must be followed. Most favorable days To predict the future for women, Monday, Wednesday and Friday are considered. The art of fortune telling loves silence, so there should only be two people in the room - the fortune teller and the person to whom she is telling fortunes.

Before a fortune-telling session, the fortuneteller talks to his cards, asks them to tell the truth, and whispers a certain prayer when using the cards for the first time. The spoken words of the conspiracy strengthen the invisible connection between the fortune teller and the cards. During the day you are allowed to use one deck of cards no more than 3 times.

How to set up cards to predict correctly

There are many ways to customize the cards so that they give accurate answers to questions asked. For example:

  • find the door handle attached on both sides, pass the entire deck of fortune telling cards through it 36 ​​times (this is a proven exact way);
  • if the person who came to tell fortunes is a virgin, she needs to sit on a deck of cards for 1 minute, and the fortune-telling will become 100% truthful;
  • the shift from the deck is carried out in the direction where the person for whom the future is being predicted is located.
  • an unmarried, sociable representative of the fairer sex, unmarried or divorced - the lady of diamonds;
  • girl - a woman aged 28 - 50 years old who is married - queen of hearts;
  • a woman who is a widow or over the age of 50, loves power and is quite successful - the queen of clubs;
  • a widow or a female representative of the older generation - the queen of spades.

Each type of man also corresponds to a certain card suit:

  • a young, unencumbered and very sociable guy who is popular with the fairer sex - the king of diamonds;
  • a young, but already married man - the king of hearts;
  • a man over 50 years old, a respected person - the king of clubs;
  • no matter what age, a representative of a strong figure with dark hair, in a certain position, possibly a widower - the king of spades.

There is another way to determine suit, which is very often used by experienced fortune tellers - by hair color. This method is convenient for work and does not cause confusion. Clients with dark brown hair are perceived as being of cross color. Blonde-haired people are of the suit of diamonds, and fair-haired people are of the suit of hearts. People with black hair are the suit of spades.

Rules for using a card deck:

  1. Single unused new card deck.
  2. Under no circumstances should you transfer your fortune-telling tool into the hands of others.
  3. You cannot tell fortunes with atlas or foreign maps.
  4. It is prohibited to carry out the ritual of fortune-telling on Sundays and on major church holidays.
  5. It is a sin to cast spells on fasting and days of remembrance.
  6. During the divination session, you need to let your hair down and remove your jewelry.
  7. Fortune telling about love must be done with lit red candles.
  8. Mentally ask the cards for help and only then can you ask your question.
  9. One question is asked only once, even if the answer of the cards is not to your liking.

The best time for fortune telling has long been considered evening or night, but only experienced fortune tellers can cast fortunes at night. Everyone else is advised to carry out the ritual throughout the day. Layout rules:

  1. The deck of cards is thoroughly shuffled several times.
  2. Then, only with your left hand, approximately a fifth of the deck is removed strictly towards you.
  3. Repeat 5 times and lay out 5 pieces of cards on the table.
  4. Place one card separately.
  5. Carry out the described manipulation 2 more times (unfold).

Thus, there were 5 piles of cards, each of which had 3 cards and one separately. The cards are interpreted as follows:

  • I stack – characterizes a person as a person;
  • Second pile – will tell about the worries and anxieties that torment a person;
  • ІІІ pile – information about the house, family and friends;
  • IV deck - will tell about events from the past;
  • The V pile is information about the near future.

The last card to be considered is the one that lies separately. She will give information about the intended question. And from it you can get the main recommendation.

36 playing cards: options for simple fortune telling for love

Although it is said that dear ones scold - they are only having fun, but if suddenly a quarrel arises and a loved one behaves unfriendly, and actions raise only questions, then it is necessary to understand a number of issues. Fortune telling on playing cards for love using all 36 cards will help you get an objective picture of the current situation and understand what the intentions and desires of your loved one are. Layouts do not require special preliminary preparation.

The principle of fortune telling using three cards

Take the entire deck and shuffle it three times. Mentally hold the guy you want next to you and ask a certain question about him. Take 3 cards from the deck and arrange them in a row (from right to left). Carefully consider the predominance of color and, of course, suit. Decoding of the laid out cards:

  • all dropped cards are red - the only reliable answer is positive;
  • if black cards fall out, the answer to the question asked is, of course, negative;
  • if suddenly two cards are red and one is black, the answer is regarded as more likely to be positive;
  • when drawing two black cards and one red from the deck, the answer is of course not.

For a guy's love

The fortune telling will tell truthfully about the feelings of a man or guy, and will tell a lonely heart when and where it is possible to meet true love.

The technique is this: the deck is shuffled, the lover’s card is in the deck and it is placed on the left.

  • Similarly, your card is found and placed on the table on the right side. Space is left between cards. The deck is shuffled again, remove a small part of the cards with your left hand (towards the heart). Cards must be taken in a row, but they must be laid out face down. The breakdown is as follows:
  • put 2 cards at the feet (bottom) of the king and queen - they will talk about the near future;
  • Place 2 pieces above your heads - they will reveal secret thoughts about each other;
  • Place 2 cards next to the left pile from the king, and accordingly with the right pile from the queen - these cards will show life’s obstacles;
  • 2 cards placed on top will tell you what is hidden in both of their hearts;
  • by placing 1 card under the queen and under the king - you can accurately find out about the true relationship to each other;
  • 6 cards laid out 2 each between the king and queen three times - they will open the curtain on the recent past, what is happening now and the relationship in the future.
  • Fortune telling of this type is interpreted in the same order as the cards were laid out.

    The performed ritual will help determine the feelings of the partner, will tell you what fate has written - both in love and in separation, and will give answers to troubling questions.

    Interpretation of cards

    First of all, the fortune teller pays attention to the color prevailing in the cards. This is what is important.

  1. If worms predominate, this symbolizes a quick marriage, strong friendship and love. Sometimes it tells the right way out from the current situation.
  2. The predominance of clubs predicts sadness and minor troubles. A long separation from a person is possible.
  3. Most of Diamond cards indicate material wealth, predict a certain monetary income and possible career growth.
  4. Spades suit the most terrible and quite unpleasant. It predicts failures in love relationships and symbolizes loss. According to some card combinations, it foretells mourning.

Cards have a certain significance:

  • Ace - pleasant official notice, news, power;
  • The king is a young unmarried guy, a friend;
  • Lady - a young representative of the fairer sex, you yourself or a friend;
  • Jack - troubles, difficulties in life, minor problems;
  • Ten - friendly interest, a dream come true, professional success;
  • Nine - independent friendship, love, there may be a slight obstacle;
  • Eight – evil and anger, hatred, conversation, discussion of a joint future;
  • Seven – joyful meetings, pleasure and achievements, friendships, possibly betrayal;
  • Six – pleasant road, vacation.
    • Ace - the house where a loved one lives, love, tenderness and romance, wedding;
    • The king is a passion, an older man, most likely a father, a beloved;
    • Lady - a close relative (mother, sister), maybe the lover’s sister or rival;
    • Jack – problems in the intimate sphere, experiences;
    • Ten – dream come true, pleasant warm conversation;
    • Nine – mutual feeling of love, new relationships, warmth of feelings;
    • Eight – date, recognition, pleasant conversation, pleasure, friendship;
    • Seven - secret date, important conversation, family life;
    • Six is ​​the road, a short but pleasant journey.
    • Ace - work, evil intent, litigation;
    • King - man - boss, lover, married admirer;
    • Lady - relative, colleague - intriguer, boss;
    • Jack – financial troubles, problems, separation;
    • Ten - monetary profit, an expensive gift;
    • Nine – love, passionate romance, care;
    • Eight – conversations about the budget, unfulfilled dreams;
    • Seven - business meeting, problems in government agency;
    • Six is ​​a trip long road, business trip.
    • Ace - major unpleasant news, separation, failure in love and business;
    • The king is a man - a representative of power, a noble person;
    • Lady - a strong evil enemy, jealousy, rival, loss;
    • Jack is a waste of time, useless chores and affairs;
    • Ten - unfulfilled dreams, disappointment, deprivation;
    • Nine – serious illness;
    • Eight – road, jealousy, faded feelings;
    • Seven – tears, quarrel with a lover, grief and sadness;
    • Six is ​​a long road that must be avoided.
    • It is also important to learn to recognize the meaning of cards in their combination with each other.

      Popular fortune telling with 6 cards

      This type predictions are the most common and simple. It goes like this:

  1. Mix the deck thoroughly.
  2. Use the little finger of your left hand to remove the top card.
  3. Shuffle the deck and remove the card with your little finger again.
  4. Place the cards diagonally.
  5. Repeat 4 more times.

The meaning of the cards is:

  • the first card tells about the thoughts of the mysterious person;
  • the second popularly describes anxieties and emotional experiences;
  • the third predicts future events;
  • the fourth describes his secret dreams and desires;
  • the fifth talks about the plans of a loved one;
  • the sixth is the present and the near future.

It is important to know that fortune telling is a warning about possible events and it depends only on the person whether everything will happen as the cards said, or whether the person will independently change the future.

It is impossible to determine how long ago people had the opportunity to use fortune telling on cards for love as a clue in life situations. It is only known that this knowledge is ancient and secret, like all occult rituals. And only initiates are able to recognize the deep meaning inherent in various combinations.

In the article:

Fortune telling with cards for love - what is its secret

Not a single science to this day has been able to find a clear definition of how, with the help of a small number of cards with printed symbols, specific answers to any questions are revealed. Incredibly, in most cases the correct interpretation of the layout gives the result as close to the truth as possible.

It is pointless to delve into secrets that have been kept for hundreds of years. They are carefully guarded by representatives of occult knowledge to this day. And using such a ritual to get a quick answer is practical and absolutely safe.

The answer to any question - fortune telling for love on cards

For predictions about love, the development of cordial relationships and the prospect of marriage, it is best to use traditional ones. Their unambiguous decoding provides direct answers to possible vicissitudes in the relationships of people united by sympathy, passion and deep feeling. Below you will find layouts that are good for beginners, as well as interpretations of playing cards that are used in love fortune-telling.

The optimal tool for fortune telling for love is a playing deck consisting of 36 pieces. Sometimes a large deck of 52 cards is used. Although, in fact, a small deck is enough to get an answer to any question. It is desirable that the deck be new, but the place of purchase, price and external design do not matter.

Love fortune telling on playing cards belongs to gypsy rituals, since it is the representatives of this culture who best interpret various combinations in relation to matters of the heart.

Fortune telling for a loved one - find out his plans, feelings and future relationships

The most common layout of 36 playing cards. Initially, the deck is thoroughly mixed, and six cards are removed one at a time using the little finger of the left hand. After each draw, the deck is shuffled. Cards are placed diagonally.

  • the first is the thoughts of the mysterious person;
  • the second describes his emotional experiences and anxieties;
  • the third gives a perspective of future events;
  • the fourth reveals secret desires;
  • the fifth shows the plans of a loved one;
  • the sixth symbolizes the present.

Helps you look into true intentions partner and see real prospects in the relationship. Below are the meanings of the cards that will be useful to you, as well as more specific layouts - for rivals, the future of relationships, the difficult situation in them.

The meaning of playing cards in fortune telling for love

6 -ka means road, travel, work trip;
7 -ka predicts a pleasant meeting or date;
8 -ka - a conversation with a positive theme;
9 -ka is a confirmation of love;
10 -ka symbolizes prospects, hopes and interests;
Jack warns about problems, forced efforts;
Lady shows a friend, mother or possible rival;
King- a man who plays a role in your life;
Ace- this is the house, the place where the couple stays.

6 - everyday, minor road;
7 - not love dates, friendly meetings;
8 - light conversation, empty communication;
9 - love of a person free from marriage
10 - hopes, expectations, interests;
Jack- hassles, minor troubles that require urgent solutions;
Lady- the same age as close circle, girlfriend, in some cases, an indication of a mistress;
King- a possible admirer, an unmarried young man;
Ace- an important official letter, troubles with documents.

6 - short-term travel on business;
7 - successful business meeting;
8 - important business conversation;
9 - heartfelt affection;
10 - monetary profit, unexpected income, additional income;
Jack- ordinary daily chores, current affairs, worries;
Lady- an adult woman, blood relative or employee;
King- mature man, boss, close relative;
Ace- official activities.

6 -ka - a sign of a long road or an evening trip;
7 -ka warns of possible tears and worries;
8 - predicts a drink or a very serious conversation;
9 -ka, as a rule, means illness;
10 -ka symbolizes failed plans, empty monetary interest;
Jack- unnecessary worries;
Lady- feelings of jealousy, internal annoyance and dissatisfaction may indicate angry woman;
King- official, military.
Ace can have two meanings: with the point up - an unscheduled sabantuy or the need to communicate with representatives of the law, and with the point down - unexpected problems, serious troubles.

Fortune telling about the situation in a relationship - what will be its outcome

IN in this situation, the most important thing is to ask correct question. For example:

  • Will marriage take place with this particular person?
  • Will the relationship last for a certain period?
  • How does your partner see their future together?

It is necessary to turn the deck face down and remove three cards at a time, placing them in a column. Cards are laid out until the queen of diamonds in women's fortune-telling, or the king of diamonds in a layout for a loved one, is revealed. Cards surrounding the queen or king are events of the present period. It is worth carefully analyzing the combinations lying above and below. They contain information about thoughts (three above the head) that concern the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out and immediate plans (three at the feet).

We leave the personality card in the center, face up, and collect all the rest in a deck face down. We place one random card on top and bottom of the queen or king, without turning over. We arrange all the rest into four piles with a cross around the central one. Let's start collecting cards. From the top pile we open the first three and lay them out above our heads - these are plans. We do the same with the bottom pile - these are events on the threshold. On the left - what happened, on the right - what will happen. We lay out 2 pieces crosswise between the four open triplets. And we put the remaining ones in the center one after three: we open the first, throw three aside, and so on until the end of the deck. From them we determine what is in the heart. Next, we collect the cards around the center, and do not touch the ones set aside, they do not participate in the layout.

We take the deck and open it one at a time, putting the matching ranks aside, for example, two sevens, or two tens, or two aces. We place the matching ones in pairs in two piles. We count the rest. We analyze by quantity:

  • 1 - indicates an unfavorable period in life;
  • 3 - wishes will not come true in the near future;
  • 5 - the implementation of plans will be postponed, insurmountable obstacles will arise;
  • 7 - good luck awaits you, everything will turn out well;
  • 9 is the time for action, a favorable period.

Fortune telling about a rival - does she exist and why did she appear?

Often, for the peace of mind of a woman who is not confident in her husband’s devotion, a layout for a rival is used. High-quality prophecy is given by the same gypsy layouts.

All your doubts must be put into one single question, which will be answered by four cards containing information about all the details in the relationship of a couple or a love triangle.
The first card will show the true position of the fortuneteller. The second will characterize the existing rival. The third will explain how the situation can be corrected. And the fourth will describe qualities that are valuable to the partner and absent from the fortuneteller. You can do a separate one. Correcting your own mistakes in a timely manner will help preserve the relationship.

the site will tell you about fortune telling with 36 cards for love. For it you will need a new deck of regular playing cards, which you either just bought or use for your solitaire and fortune telling games, that is, you do not play with it. With the help of fortune telling with 36 cards for love, you will find out what a guy thinks about you, what awaits your relationship with a guy and how it will end.

Card layout for fortune telling 36 cards

  • Before you start guessing, think about a specific person for whom you will make the layout.
  • Shuffle the deck well, then remove some of the cards once with the little finger of your left hand towards you.
  • Take the card that appears at the top of the deck and place it face down on the table.
  • Repeat all these steps 5 more times.
  • As a result, you will get a horizontal row of cards in front of you, which lie face down.
  • Now you can turn them over and find out the interpretation. Each of the 6 cards will give a truthful answer to your question about your loved one.
  • Turn over the cards in order and ask questions: 1st card - “What is my loved one thinking now?”
  • 2nd card - “What is in my lover’s heart?”
  • 3rd card - “What will happen in the near future for my loved one?”
  • 4th card - “What does my lover dream about?”
  • 5th card - “What does my loved one not want (not expect)?”
  • 6th card - “What kind of love and relationships does your loved one currently have in their life?”

Now that you have all the cards with the answers in your hands, it’s time to find out the interpretation of fortune telling on playing cards for love. In this case, not only the value of the card plays a role, but also its suit.

Card meanings for fortune telling 36 cards

Meanings of cards for fortune telling 36 cards of Hearts

6 - there's a trip ahead

7 - wait for an important conversation

8 - you have a date

9 - his love is sincere

10 - plans and dreams

Jack- worries about problems

Lady- a close woman (usually a mother)

King- a mature man (most likely a father)

Ace- the house or city where a loved one lives

Card meanings for fortune telling 36 cards of Spades

6 - slow road

7 - sadness, possible tears

8 — a trip is possible or you will be invited to visit

9 - illness soon

10 - dreams that won't come true

Jack- empty chores and vanity

Lady- there is a strong enemy

King- a man, usually a representative of the authorities

Ace- bad news

Card meanings for fortune telling 36 cards of Tambourines

6 - on the road soon

7 - joyful meeting

8 - pleasant conversation

9 - love from an unmarried girl

10 - easily achievable dreams

Jack- difficulties in the near future

Lady- faithful friend

King- Friend

Ace- good news.

Card meanings for fortune telling 36 cards Clubs

6 - quick trip to work

7 - work meetings

8 - negotiation

9 - ardent love

10 - financial wealth

Jack- hassle

Lady- relative

King- superior man

Ace— there is important work ahead.

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