Farewell words to colleagues. How to send a farewell letter. A poem wishing colleagues from a retiring

You're quitting, what a pity you're quitting.
All paths are now open to you.
Now you lie in bed to your heart's content,
After all, you can't go to work.
We wish you fragrance flowers
And a million untrodden roads.
Well, good luck with your endeavors.
And a purse full to the brim.

If change in life is always for the better,
Do not regret anything, there will be happiness in the future.
After all, you are a wonderful worker, you have nothing to be sad,
You will have a rest and in a new place you will surprise with work.

And we also wish - you do not forget about us,
We will remain friends, so you visit us.
We wish you happiness, it will be - just know
Congratulations on your new job soon!

You are our dear colleague, we respect you very much.
And today, as a team, with a slight sadness, we see off.
You were an example for us, a good friend and support,
Infecting daily with optimism and enthusiasm.
Your kind smile warmed me with warmth.
You are leaving guided by a guiding star.
We wish you good luck, no matter how difficult your path may be.
You don't forget us. We won't forget you either!

Today you leave our team,
To rush to new shores.
You leave us alone to work,
And therefore, of course, we are sad!

We wish you incredible luck
To solve effectively and easily
Fate, sometimes difficult, tasks
And to flourish in a new place!

Cool wishes for a colleague upon dismissal

You decided to leave us, well - good luck in everything.
Without you, we will have to solve problems here.
We will remember you as a team.
Your site is tough, it's not for the lazy.
Finally, we wish you happiness
You can keep it, we know for sure.
If anything, grab the tail, hug - and that's it,
Warm on your chest, but look - do not brag,
It's better to just share it, because it is
If you start giving people away, it will come back three times.

Dismissal is not a problem, but a big change,
Guiding star, let him lead boldly through life.
Will new job, interesting, cool.
And with a huge salary, to rest in Hawaii.

There will be good bosses and will appreciate what they deserve
And it will be more likely to advance up the career ladder.
In general, like this: you should not be sad, you need to keep your nose up,
Soon we will noisily congratulate you on your new job.

Are you leaving colleague? Well, a tablecloth path!
After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “The road to dinner is a spoon.”
It can be seen somewhere looked after a decent place?
Don't be angry, this is a joke. We sincerely wish you
The sky is peaceful, health and, of course, good luck,
fighting mood and Great love in addition.
To live and work with enthusiasm, inspiration.
You, colleague, can do anything, even the sea is knee-deep.

Today we will follow
We are in you good luck,
We are here alone now to plow,
But don't forget us!

Come visit more often -
For tea and just like that!
We wish you to get
More new goodies!

Wish to a colleague upon dismissal in prose

It is always a pity to part, and especially with good people. You leave and we stay. You leave not because it is bad here, but because there, ahead, it will be even better. May you only meet in life good people who will help, appreciate, teach. Let your ambitions help you move forward, and let your bold dreams turn into reality, giving way to new desires. Good luck in all your endeavors.

Well, it's time to raise the sails and embark on a new voyage! It may not be easy to leave everything you are used to and those with whom you worked side by side, but change is always for the better, you have to believe in it. Fate will surely respond and present a surprise that I could not even dream of. The main thing is not to regret anything and move only forward, towards new horizons!

Dear colleague, today you are leaving our team. We are eternally grateful to you for your labor contribution to our common cause. You will leave a good memory of yourself in our hearts. We wish you good health, peace and prosperity in your home, success in business. May your every day be fruitful, full of pleasant events. Greet and see him off with a grateful smile. Live long in love and happiness!

Colleague! Let your dismissal be the starting point on the path to new dreams come true. We wish you unsurpassed success, true prosperity, amazing benefits!

Wishes to a retiring colleague in your own words

You're about to leave. We are sorry to let you go, but we have no right to keep you. May all the best await you ahead. Know that we are always glad to see and hear from you. We will miss your knowledge and valuable advice, your wisdom and prudence. And yet, it is human nature to seek, to go forward, to strive for the ideal. Let all barriers part before you and all doors open. We sincerely wish you this.

It's very sad to part. There are many joint working days, successful start, achievements left behind. We will sincerely miss you. But we believe that everything will be wonderful with you: a new interesting job, good salary and career advancement. And we will always be glad to see you, success and good luck!

Dear colleague, we would like to find such words for you that they will be remembered for a long time. You deserve a sincere, warm attitude towards you for your conscientious fruitful work. Seeing you off, our team wishes you good unbreakable health, because health is the key to everything: happiness, love, prosperity. We wish you success in all your endeavors and longevity in the Caucasus!

Colleague! Today you are leaving our team. So, you are waiting for unexplored horizons and, possibly, meeting new bosses and new colleagues. May these changes be positive!

Parting words to a colleague upon dismissal

Breaking up with you is hard. After all, today a mentor and a friend, an experienced worker and just a good person are leaving the team. But, your desire is the law, and go forward a better life no one can forbid. Know that we are always happy to see you. And the fact that you are leaving the team does not mean that you are leaving the life of each of us.
Good luck in your endeavors
success ahead.
Like this, and not otherwise -
Bon Voyage!

In life, sometimes you have to take the hard fateful decisions and job change is one of them. It is not a pity to leave, but we must hope and believe that the best is ahead: new prospects, friendly team, successes, discoveries. In other words, the beginning of a new interesting life.
Let change into your life
Sometimes it's hard sometimes
But always be brave in life
And fate will smile again!

We, your colleagues, part with you with regret. You have been a model of diligence and honor for us. Thank you for your kindness, sympathetic heart and willingness to help fellow workers. Many thanks to you from the whole team! We dedicate a few lines of poetry to you:

Thank you to our friendly team.
Let neither thorns nor thunderstorms stand in your way.
You are friends: a fair wind, a clear hello to the sun.
We sincerely wish you good health and long life!

Colleague, with the dismissal! Having decided to take this step, do not regret what you have done. Strive exclusively for the best and remember us. We are always waiting for your visit!

You have a close-knit team
Wishing you nice days
Great new vistas
Colleagues, like us, good!


In the West, it has recently become fashionable to write farewell letters to colleagues upon dismissal. They can be sent as mass mailing to the whole team, as well as to write individual letters to the employees who have become the closest to you. It is best to start such a letter with an appeal (friends, dear colleagues, etc.), thank them for their cooperation, remember joint projects (this will allow you to associate your colleagues with their work done in the future, and their successes will subconsciously be reflected in your thoughts as yours). Same). It is advisable to wish success and prosperity to colleagues and the employer and be sure to leave your new contacts - anything happens in life and old connections can be useful to you. Also, if you are working in big company, and not everyone knows you, in a letter you can announce from what date you will no longer be at work and indicate the employee who will perform your duties after your departure.

After a farewell letter, you can have a party, but whether it will be a modest gathering with tea and cake at lunchtime or a large-scale party in a cafe is up to you, it all depends on your relationship with colleagues and on your financial position. Alternative option- arrange a small tea party after work, invite all colleagues and, of course, the leader. At the same time, you can thank all those present for the experience that you got while working with them, and give a small souvenir as a keepsake (a magnet / calendar with a common photo of all employees from some corporate party). And on weekends, invite your closest colleagues to a restaurant or bar where you can have fun, remembering joint work, you can discuss the first working day in this organization - it will definitely make you smile with nostalgia.

There are options for parting with colleagues for more original personalities. True, they will incur rather big costs, but your departure will definitely be remembered. former colleagues. You can invite employees to wine or whiskey tasting - with elite varieties of alcohol, toasts will definitely be more refined and memorable. Invite colleagues to play paintball - fun, active and rewarding. You can invite a large number of people there and not worry about farewell speech- balls with paint will replace all the words. Other options for a farewell evening with colleagues: jazz dinner (refined, bright and elegant); bowling (banal, but always relevant and fun); a farewell photo session with colleagues (that will certainly remain a memory for a lifetime).

Where does a person spend most of your time? No, not at home! Of course, he is forced to spend a third of the day at work. Basically, the working shift lasts 8 hours, but sometimes it reaches up to 12 and even up to 20 hours. Naturally, work colleagues automatically become best friends and faithful companions. Unfortunately, often, the team breaks up. What, then, to wish a colleague at work? How to please a person with whom you have been in the same office for many years, with whom you shared experience and discussed problems? Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job should be sincere and positive.

How to congratulate a colleague if he was promoted

If a colleague was able to stand out and moved up the career ladder, then you should come up with congratulations for him on the promotion. It can be expressed both in verse and in prose. Here are some examples of what it might look like:

“Our dear friend, you have reached the heights you aspired to. On this significant day for you, we want to wish you an excellent salary, good relations with superiors and success in work. Now you will have a new team, may there never be quarrels and misunderstandings in it. We wish you, despite the workload, always have time for a pleasant rest.

Congratulation on a promotion can also be presented as a short verse:

May you have a good life in your new place,

Let there be everything, health and success;

And whatever you do, let it succeed right away,

So that there are no serious matters and up to joys.

Let there be room for inspiration

And life will instantly become bright, like flowers,

May every moment be happy

Brings joy and fulfillment of dreams.

in prose

What other options are there? If a colleague decided to quit one place and move to another, then it is best to come up with sincere wishes colleague in prose. They may have the following content:

“You went to the trick, decided to change jobs. While no one knows whether your choice will be right or wrong. But, I want to believe that you will not regret your step. We will certainly miss someone like you. But your happiness is more important for us. May your pockets always rustle at your new place of work, may all your dreams come true, and you will forget about what financial difficulties are.

Congratulation can also look like this.

“Today we are sending our colleague (colleague’s name), whom we have known for many years, on a good journey. We know that a new door in life is opening for you, now you will have a new job, new responsibilities, a new team. But we sincerely believe that, despite this, you will not forget us! During this time, you have become a part of us all!”

Wishes in verse

Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job can also be presented in the form of a short verse.

May there be many clear days in life,

The time of long successes will begin,

And good health, which is more important,

Than searching for meaningless tasks

So that you can boast of constancy,

And let life always give

What fun do you call happiness

And why does it feel so good!

Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job can also be presented in the form of short wishes:

huge salary,

Have a nice work,

More clients

Understanding bosses

cheerful team,

successful projects,

Interesting business trips.

Further, wishes can be made independently, depending on what work the hero of the occasion goes to. Usually, such congratulations are presented collectively, that is, all those gathered take turns calling one phrase.

How about work

In addition to wishing a colleague when moving to another job, you need to make a small holiday for him, since he must remember his last day at the workplace for a long time.

  • The first thing to do is create a holiday moment. In the office, you should hang balloons, decorate your colleague's desktop.
  • If possible, then at lunchtime or after work shift need to make a small buffet.
  • It is worth devoting special time to memories: remember how a colleague first came to work, how he was received by the team and the funniest stories with his participation.
  • It is best to supplement these memories with photos and videos.
  • It is imperative to make a memorable gift, which will later remind a colleague of this day.

Wishes to colleagues at work should be sincere and come from the depths of the soul. Of course, very different feelings can be present on this day: someone will be glad that he will take the vacant place, someone will envy that the person managed to “climb” higher, and someone will really be sad that a colleague leaves. But, despite this, you need to accept and understand the choice of a person and congratulate him cheerfully so that he will remember this day for a long time.

Number economic associations in Russia is increasing every day. The concept of corporate ethics is becoming familiar to us, the purpose of which is to create a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Psychologically difficult moments(reorganization, change of leadership, acceptance and departure of employees) are accompanied by certain rituals, one of which is writing a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal.

Why a farewell letter?

Large corporations, offices have hundreds and even thousands of employees. There is no way to approach everyone for a personal farewell. Gather a team in the meeting room, too, if the person leaving is not the head of the enterprise.

It is also worth remembering that dismissal is stressful, not conducive to personal communication. And if you consider that in the conditions of a large team, not all employees are closely acquainted, you can also get into an awkward situation.

The best way to avoid trouble is to send out internal email.

Psychologists give another reason for writing a farewell letter to colleagues. When a person understands that he should quit, but cannot decide in any way, the process of composing farewell lines will help him objectively answer the questions: why does he want to leave, how does he work in the same place, what has he achieved, what is he striving for, what are the relationships with colleagues and bosses. Together with the last point, a reasonable, balanced decision will come.

When is it customary to write corporate farewell letters?

  • when moving to another place of work;
  • when transferred to another branch or department;
  • when changing positions and steps in the corporate hierarchy;
  • upon retirement;
  • when going on maternity leave.


The main objective - compliance with the rules good manners . Leaving in English is incompatible with corporatism. The person leaving the letter shows respect for colleagues and the company and helps to ensure that his departure does not affect the atmosphere in the team.

The second goal is personal and slightly selfish. This the desire to maintain a reputation in professional circles and business ties. A person rarely leaves bankers for musicians. He usually gets profitable proposition from competing organizations. And business relationships with former colleagues can greatly help in career growth in a new place.

How to write a farewell letter when leaving

The formality of the style of writing is manifested in objectivity and unobtrusiveness. But it is desirable to abandon the dryness of the presentation, making the message warmer and more benevolent.

So it will be perceived as an act of respect for a caring person, and not a burdensome duty. In a farewell letter, correct, delicate humor is allowed.

Such a letter is not a document, but has a clear and binding structure.

Name, position

To save the time of colleagues, to avoid misunderstanding and sending the letter to spam, you first need to introduce yourself and remind colleagues who and in what department the sender worked. In the subject box of the e-mail, you should also indicate "Farewell letter, full name, position in the genitive case."

Leaving notice and reason

A corporate letter does not need bright emotions. It should leave the impression of the writer as a balanced person, able to accept both failures and victories with dignity. The reason is formulated clearly and clearly, without hints that give rise to rumors and gossip.

When the reason for dismissal is unpleasant, you can not indicate it.

If a person still decides to do this, you need to suppress resentment, anger and the desire to express everything that is sore about former colleagues and the place of work.

A pleasant reason is also reservedly indicated. In a farewell letter to colleagues, there is no place for boasting, gloating, expressing superiority.

If desired, they explain what influenced the decision to quit, but remember the inadmissibility of negative statements. When it is impossible to do without criticism, it is presented as a series of proposals for improving the work of the enterprise, indicating specific facts. This once again underlines the competence and decency.

Name of the successor, his contact details

The debugged mechanism of the corporation should work without failures and delays. If the departing employee informs colleagues about the changes in a timely manner, they will be grateful to him.

Description of the achievements of the retired person during work

The starting point for describing achievements is the team. Professional successes should not be presented as personal victories.

You should start with what the writer has learned while working at the enterprise. It is advisable to indicate the names of those who contributed to his development as a professional, to express special gratitude to them.

At the end of this part of the letter, it is imperative to show that the professional improvement of the resigned is the result of the work of the team that supported his undertakings, helped, showed patience and mutual understanding.

After expressing gratitude, it would also be appropriate to apologize to the team if the person leaving feels discomfort after a misconduct.

Wishes to colleagues

This part is drawn up in different ways depending on the size of the team and the nature of the relationship between employees. Wishes can be specific if a small team has friendly relations.

If the team is large and unfamiliar, a few general points will suffice. You can wish success in work, career growth, creative success, professional discoveries, decent wages, personal and family well-being.

At the end, they express a desire to maintain business and friendly relations in the future.

New contacts

So that the previous phrase is not an empty formality, former colleagues must leave their contacts. This could be a personal email address, cell phone number, or home phone, residence address.

If data from a new place of work (address, phone number) is provided, the position must be indicated so that it is easier to find a new employee.

Should I send a farewell letter to my boss?

A farewell letter to the boss must be written.

  • This is again a manifestation of tact and good breeding.
  • This is an opportunity to leave with dignity and leave about yourself good impression, especially if in the field of your activity are accepted letters of recommendation and calls to the previous place of work.
  • This is a good opportunity to highlight your professionalism. If the leaving employee did not have free access to the boss's office, he can unobtrusively express the accumulated ideas and proposals in a letter, which will also have a beneficial effect on future recommendations.
  • This is the last chance to resolve a conflict or correct a mistake. By talking frankly with the boss, describing your vision of the situation, you can even avoid dismissal or demotion.

How and what to write to the boss? Unobtrusively, respectfully, observing subordination, without unnecessary emotions and flattery, express gratitude for the support, assistance in self-realization, advanced training.

Emphasize that the experience gained is the result of the high professionalism of the authorities. If the dismissal is related to a promotion, the role of governing bodies in this achievement.

Examples of a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal

There are no strict rules in the form of farewell letters. They can be in prose and poetry, humorous and serious, official and friendly.

The only limitation is volume. If the letter is addressed a large number employees, do not distract them from work with hundreds of farewell lines. A long letter is acceptable only in a narrow circle of colleagues who will definitely read it to the end.

Dismissal is not only an organizational procedure.

If we take into account that during the time of work various relationships develop between the members of the team, then this process takes on a different shade. For example, saying goodbye to every colleague is a sign of good parenting. But how to do this if the number of staff is greater than the inhabitants of one office?

Corporate etiquette

Large corporations are companies with big amount personnel whose economic activity is carried out by the method of coordinated work of each link of the team. Every society, large and small, has its own rules of conduct, standards, traditions and rituals.

In large corporations, a set of such rules is called corporate ethics. These include:

  • The presence or absence of a dress code (uniform or established clothing style).
  • Subordination.
  • Special gestures of greeting and farewell.
  • Morning and evening meetings aimed at bringing the members of the team closer to their unity.
  • Corporate events and personal congratulations on holidays.
  • Rituals for infusion into the team when applying for a job or a new position.
  • Farewell letters to employees when changing jobs or transferring to another department, and much more.

The last point remains the most controversial: “writing farewell letters to colleagues at work.” What it is? Why and how to write them? And write at all? Let's begin with Farewell letter written to colleagues at work in the event that there is no possibility or desire to say goodbye personally. In addition, it is quite difficult to monotonously repeat the same thing dozens of times.

The letter is written when changing jobs or positions, you may simply not have enough time to say goodbye, and without that there will be enough worries.

Writing farewell letters to colleagues is widespread in Western countries where corporations have been developing for decades. In our country large organizations are still at the stage of their formation and adopt experience from their Western colleagues. Thus, the writing of farewell letters has not yet become widespread in post-Soviet corporations, but the process has already been launched and the point of no return has been passed.

Why write a message?

Changing jobs is always stressful. Leaving your comfort zone and starting over is no small matter and requires preparation. Given the fact that the number of employees of the corporation can exceed several hundred, it is unlikely that it will be possible to say goodbye to each personally. And it must be done.

Even if you do not take into account corporate ethics, the rules of good form are still worth following.

Even from small nails, mom teaches us: say hello, say bye, say thank you. Politeness paints a person and helps him in all spheres of life.

Another important point, which should be considered is the preservation of friendly and business relations with their former colleagues. The connections you've made over the years will help you build your career more effectively in the future, so don't burn bridges when you leave. Write a farewell letter and make an internal mailing list. This is what most employees do who value their good name and reputation.

Is it necessary?

Let's answer right away - no, not necessarily. No one can forbid you to leave in English without saying goodbye.

A farewell letter does not apply to mandatory documents for calculating an employee from his position, transferring official duties and affairs.

This is from a legal point of view. As for universal rules and your own mercantile interests, saying goodbye to colleagues will significantly increase your chances of success. This is discussed in more detail in the section “why write a message?”.

How to write a farewell letter to colleagues?

In order to understand how to write a farewell letter to employees, put yourself in the place of the reader. Compose the letter in such a way that it does not take much time to read it, the text should be easy to understand and find a response in the soul of the addressee.

Stick to structure. To get started, indicate your position and your job responsibilities. Notify the reader that you are changing jobs. Not all company employees may be aware of this; for some, your loss may come as a surprise. Then you can explain why you decided to do this, what factors influenced your decision and who will take your position (the contact details of your successor will not interfere).

If you would like to remain silent about the reasons for leaving, then do not mention this in your letter, do not even give a hint.

Innuendo will only lead to speculation, not always positive. Remember, the main goal is to leave a good impression and secure a reputation as a well-mannered, tactful, consistent specialist who adequately perceives himself and others. Then let the reader know what you have learned and achieved while working for the company. Emphasize the importance of the team in this process, thank the employees for their participation in their development as a professional.

Try to express your thoughts in a positive way. If you want to express any negative working points or point out the imperfection of management, then do it as delicately as possible, relying only on facts. Do not write your conjectures and do not get personal. If there are suggestions for improving any aspects related to economic activity company or relations within the team, then feel free to include them in your message. Only everything should be on business, otherwise expose yourself not in the best light.

At the end, wish your former colleagues success, inform about your desire to maintain friendly and working relations, leave your contacts. Remember, the letter should not be too emotional. You should not clutter up the already loaded heads of your employees with useless hysterical attacks. By this you will show your moral instability, unprofessionalism and bad manners. Only losers do that. Moreover, this is only your subjective attitude to what is happening and, perhaps, has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Below is a sample farewell letter.

Examples of farewell letters

A farewell letter can be written in a different way and using different literary techniques and tricks.

There are no specific rules for writing a farewell message to employees other than keeping structure.

Not only dry business statements and formal wishes are allowed, you can also joke, only delicately, without outhouse scream. Or you can write a whole ode in verse, which will once again demonstrate your Creative skills, education and creativity.


Dear Colleagues!

As of June 1st, I am leaving my position as Head of Public Relations, which I have held for the past five years. This personnel decision was made by senior management and is related to my promotion to CFO.

Petrov V.V. will become my successor as the head of the public relations department. His contact details: 077 - 555 -55 -55, [email protected].

I am grateful to the staff of the public relations department for their contribution to our common cause. Under my leadership, we have achieved high results, which allowed me to achieve a promotion. I thank you for the responsible performance of your official duties. I count on your competence for further fruitful work.

With uv. Tikhonov Viktor Veniaminovich

With humor

Dear Colleagues!

Finally I'm leaving! Yes, you heard right, I will not be at work from the 1st. The reason for this is simple - I found a position where I can fully realize my creative potential. Now I will not be a sales manager, I am promised a career as a designer. Another one will be hired for my position good man, which I don’t know myself, but I’m sure you will get along with him.

I want to thank you for letting me know trading is not my thing. I appreciate the experience that you shared with me, it will be useful to me in the future. I am grateful to the management of Nova for supporting my even attempts to become the best seller of the year, even though the goal was so close. Many of you have become my friends. I am glad that life has brought us together under one roof.

I wish you good luck and professional success. Come to my new office for tea and cookies.

With uv. Stetsko Tatiana.

In verse

I'm writing a letter farewell to colleagues and friends.

In the moments of parting, I want to confess to you:

The decision to quit came to me a long time ago.

I drove that thought worthless, returned anyway.

She tormented me at night and did not let me sleep.

"Go away! - shouted to her - away, "- I, sliding under the bed.

As the best detective in England, she found me.

“Get out, restless,” she told me,

Find yourself a worthy occupation for the soul,

Come to your senses, lost, sit down and write poetry.

I quit all classes, I take pen and canvas,

I scratch scribbles, I mumble under my breath.

Here something turns out, and like the result.

I am touched by myself, I feel delight.

I didn't feel like that at the same place.

Or maybe I really have a talent?

I carry it through life like a stone on my shoulders.

I need to throw it off, drawing with ink,

Otherwise, I will go crazy, I will not find peace.

I say goodbye to my colleagues and drag myself home

Do not forget lived joint workdays

You will be immortal in my history.

You will be known in the future as my friends.

Hope for reciprocity

Poet Seryozha Stakh.

with a negative connotation

To put it bluntly, sending out a message that throws lightning even on paper is not recommended. But in any case, if it’s already boiled up and you want to pour out bitterness, you can write a farewell letter upon dismissal of this kind:

I am resigning from my position as an accountant due to unacceptable working conditions for me. The main reason is the lack of surcharges for processing. A trainee, a part-time student, was appointed to my position by decision of the management. I will work in a similar position in the Zima organization. If you have any business questions, I'm ready to help. You are a very friendly team, there are many professionals among you. Hope to keep business relationship.

With uv. Gorelko Irina.

Is it acceptable to send a letter to the manager?

Of course, it is acceptable, even preferable. Moreover, the leader should write a personal farewell letter. In it, thank him for the opportunity to be realized in his position, for the experience that you received. Emphasize the positive personal qualities of the leader, and how this helps in the work. Mark his high qualification (even if you do not think so). If you were fired, a farewell letter is a way to explain yourself, dot the i's, in a word - an opportunity to smooth out the conflict situation.

Do not forget that at a new place of work, you may be asked for a recommendation from your previous place.

Even if this requirement is not received, the presence of a positive reference from a previous job can be a powerful argument for the employer in making personnel decisions.

Interesting cases in the practice of personnel service

There was one case when the girl Lena was slandered by envious employees. The case was publicized and reached the leadership. On the same day, a decree was written on her dismissal from her position. Lena was bitter because her innocent was being deprived of the only thing she had - her favorite job.

Since Lena was a true professional, following corporate etiquette, she wrote a farewell letter to her employees and manager. In it, she explained the situation, did not ask for forgiveness, did not beg to return her to work, but simply wanted to explain herself and keep her good name. Coincidentally, her boss read the farewell letter from the corporate mailing list, which he had never done before.

The story of an unfairly dismissed employee touched him to the quick. The next day, using his informants, he collected versatile information, conducted an analysis. On the same day, he called Lena on his mobile and admitted that the corporate system was not perfect. He said that he understood the situation and the perpetrators were punished, and he offered her to return to work. Given the difficult economic situation, his proposal was a ray of hope. Now Lena works as a deputy commercial director. This is what it means to comply with the rules of corporate ethics. If she had not written a letter then and, offended, left, all this would not have happened, and justice would not have prevailed.

Stories when writing a farewell letter turned the course of any procedure are far from frequent. But in any case, colleagues will be pleased to receive a message from you. Who knows under what circumstances they will have to meet in the future.

What else to read