Farewell words when laying off a male colleague. Wishes in verse. Which style to use

Dismissal is not only an organizational procedure.

If we take into account that various relationships develop between team members during work, then this process takes on a different shade. For example, saying goodbye to every colleague is a sign of good upbringing. But how to do this if the number of staff is greater than the occupants of one office?

Corporate rule of good manners

Large corporations are companies with big amount personnel whose economic activities are carried out through the coordinated work of each team member. Any society, large or small, has its own rules of behavior, standards, traditions and rituals.

Large corporations have a set of such rules called corporate ethics. These include:

  • The presence or absence of a dress code (uniform or established style of clothing).
  • Subordination.
  • Special gestures of greeting and farewell.
  • Morning and evening meetings aimed at bringing team members closer together and towards their unity.
  • Corporate and personal congratulations on holidays.
  • Rituals for joining the team when joining a job or a new position.
  • Farewell letters to employees when they change jobs or transfer to another department, and much more.

The last point remains the most controversial: “writing farewell letters to work colleagues.” What it is? Why and how to write them? Should I write at all? Let's start with the fact that a farewell letter is written to work colleagues if there is no opportunity or desire to say goodbye personally. In addition, it is quite difficult to monotonously repeat the same thing dozens of times.

The letter is written when you change jobs or positions; you may simply not have enough time to say goodbye, as you already have enough worries.

Writing farewell letters to co-workers is widespread in Western countries ah, where corporations have been developing for decades. In our country large organizations are still at the stage of their formation and are adopting experience from their Western colleagues. Thus, writing farewell letters has not yet become widespread in corporations in the post-Soviet space, but the process has already begun and the point of no return has been passed.

Why write a message?

Changing jobs is always stressful. Leaving your comfort zone and starting over is a serious matter and requires preparation. Considering the fact that the number of corporation employees can exceed several hundred, it is unlikely that it will be possible to say goodbye to everyone personally. And this must be done.

Even if we do not take into account corporate ethics, the rules good manners still worth following.

Ever since we were little, our mother teaches us: say hi, say bye, say thank you. Politeness beautifies a person and helps him in all areas of life.

Another important point, which should be taken into account is maintaining friendly and business relations with your former colleagues. The connections you’ve developed over the years will help you build your career more effectively in the future, so don’t burn any bridges when you leave. Write a farewell letter and send it out via internal mail. This is what most employees do who value their good name and reputation.

Is this necessary?

Let us answer right away - no, not necessarily. No one can stop you from leaving in English without saying goodbye.

A farewell letter does not apply to mandatory documents for the dismissal of an employee from his position, the transfer of official duties and affairs.

This is from a legal point of view. As for universal human rules and your own mercantile interests, saying goodbye to your colleagues will significantly increase your chances of success. This is described in more detail in the section “Why write a message?”.

How to write a farewell letter to colleagues?

To understand how to write a farewell letter to employees, put yourself in the reader’s shoes. Compose the letter in such a way that it does not take much time to read it, the text should be easy to understand and find a response in the soul of the addressee.

Stick to structure. To begin, indicate your position and your job responsibilities. Notify the reader that you are changing jobs. Not all company employees may be aware of this; for some, your disappearance may come as a surprise. Then you can explain why you decided to do this, what factors influenced your decision and who will take your position (the contact information of your successor will also help).

If you would like to remain silent about the reasons for leaving, then do not mention it in your letter, do not even give a hint.

Understatement will only lead to speculation, not always positive. Remember, the main goal is to leave behind a pleasant impression and secure your reputation as a well-mannered, tactful, consistent specialist who adequately perceives himself and those around him. Then tell the reader what you have learned and achieved while working for the company. Emphasize the importance of the team in this process, thank employees for their participation in their development as a professional.

Try to express your thoughts in a positive way. If you want to express some negative work aspects or point out imperfections in management, then do it as delicately as possible, based only on facts. Do not write your conjectures and do not get personal. If there are suggestions for improving any aspects related to economic activity company or relationship within the team, then, without hesitation, you can include them in your message. Just everything must be to the point, otherwise you will not present yourself in the best light.

In the end, wish your now former colleagues success, tell them about your desire to maintain friendly and working relationships, and leave your contact information. Remember, the letter should not be too emotional. You should not clutter the already busy heads of your employees with unnecessary hysterical attacks. This will show your moral instability, unprofessionalism and bad manners. Only losers do this. Moreover, this is only your subjective attitude to what is happening and, perhaps, has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Below is a sample farewell letter.

Examples of farewell letters

A farewell letter can be written in different ways and using various literary techniques and techniques.

There are no specific rules for writing a farewell message to employees, other than maintaining structure.

Not only dry business statements and formal wishes are allowed, you can also joke, only delicately, without outlandish humor. Or you can write a whole ode in verse, which will once again demonstrate your Creative skills, education and creativity.


Dear Colleagues!

Effective June 1, I will be leaving my position as Head of Public Relations, which I have held for the past five years. This personnel decision was made by senior management and is related to my promotion to CFO.

My successor to the position of head of the public relations department will be V.V. Petrov. His contact details: 077 – 555 -55 -55, [email protected].

I am grateful to the PR team for their contribution to our common cause. Under my leadership, we achieved good results, which allowed me to achieve a promotion. Thank you for responsibly fulfilling your job responsibilities. I count on your competence for further fruitful work.

With uv. Tikhonov Viktor Veniaminovich.

With humor

Dear Colleagues!

I'm finally leaving! Yes, you heard right, I won’t be at work from the 1st. The reason for this is simple - I found a position where I can fully realize my creative potential. Now I will not be a sales manager, I am promised a career as a designer. Someone else will be hired for my position good man I don’t know which one, but I’m sure you’ll get along with him.

I want to thank you for making me understand that trading is not my thing. I appreciate the experience you shared with me, it will be useful to me in the future. I am grateful to the management of the Nova company for supporting my even attempts to become the best salesman of the year, even though the goal was so close. Many of you have become my friends. I'm glad that life brought us together under one roof.

I wish you good luck and professional success. Come to my new office for tea and cookies.

With uv. Stetsko Tatiana.

In verse

I'm writing a letter farewell to colleagues and friends.

In moments of parting I want to confess to you:

The decision to quit came to me a long time ago.

I pushed away that useless thought, but it still came back.

It tormented me at night and did not let me sleep.

“Go away! - I shouted to her - “get away”, sliding under the bed.

Like the best detective in England, she found me.

“Quit, you restless one,” she told me,

Find yourself something more worthy to do for your soul,

Come to your senses, you lost one, sit down and write poetry.

I quit all my studies, take up pen and canvas,

I scratch and mutter under my breath.

Something works out, and I like the result.

I am touched by myself, I feel delighted.

I never felt this way in my previous position.

Or maybe I really do have talent?

I carry it through life like a stone on my shoulders.

I need to reset it, drawing in ink,

Otherwise I’ll go crazy and won’t find peace.

I say goodbye to my colleagues and drag myself home

Don’t forget the workdays you’ve lived together

You will be immortal in my history.

You will be known in the future as my friends.

I hope for reciprocity

Poet Seryozha Stakh.

With a negative connotation

To put it bluntly, sending out a message that even on paper throws lightning bolts is not recommended. But in any case, if you’re already boiling over and want to vent your bitterness, you can write a farewell letter upon dismissal of this type:

I am resigning from my position as an accountant due to unacceptable working conditions for me. The main reason is the lack of additional payments for overtime. By decision of the management, an intern, a part-time student, was appointed to my position. I will work in a similar position in the Zima organization. If you have any work questions, I’m ready to help. You are a very friendly team, there are many professionals among you. I hope to maintain business relations.

With uv. Gorelko Irina.

Is it acceptable to send a letter to your manager?

Of course, it is acceptable, even preferable. Moreover, the manager should write a personal farewell letter. In it, thank him for the opportunity to realize your potential in your position, for the experience that you have gained. Emphasize the manager's positive personal qualities and how this helps in their work. Note his high qualifications (even if you don’t think so). If you were fired, a farewell letter is a way to explain yourself, to dot all the i's, in a word - an opportunity to smooth out a conflict situation.

Do not forget that at your new job you may be required to provide a recommendation from your previous place.

Even if this requirement is not received, the presence of a positive reference from a previous place of work can become a powerful argument for the employer in making personnel decisions.

Interesting cases in the practice of personnel services

There was one case when the girl Lena was slandered by envious employees. The matter became public and reached management. On the same day, a decree was written about her dismissal from her position. Lena was bitter that her innocent person was being deprived of the only thing she had - her favorite job.

Since Lena was a true professional, following corporate etiquette, she wrote a farewell letter to her employees and manager. In it, she explained the current situation, did not ask for forgiveness, did not beg to return her to work, but simply wanted to explain herself and save her good name. Coincidentally, her manager read a farewell letter from the corporate mailing list, something he had never done before.

The story of an unfairly fired employee touched a nerve. The next day, using his informants, he collected diverse information and conducted an analysis. On the same day, he called Lena on her mobile phone and admitted that the corporate system was imperfect. He said that he had sorted out the situation and those responsible were punished, and he suggested that she return to work. Given the difficult economic situation, his proposal was a ray of hope. Lena currently works as a deputy commercial director. This is what it means to comply with the rules of corporate ethics. If she had not written a letter then and left, offended, all this would not have happened, and justice would not have prevailed.

Stories where writing a farewell letter turned the course of a procedure are far from common. But in any case, your colleagues will be pleased to receive a message from you. Who knows under what circumstances we will meet in the future.

Where does a person spend most of your time? No, not at home! Of course, he is forced to spend a third of his day at work. Basically, a work shift lasts 8 hours, but sometimes it reaches up to 12 or even 20 hours. Naturally, work colleagues automatically become best friends and faithful companions. Unfortunately, often the team breaks up. In this case, what should you wish to your work colleague? How to please a person with whom you have been in the same office for many years, with whom you shared experiences and discussed problems? Wishes for a colleague when moving to another job should be sincere and positive.

How to congratulate a colleague if he has been promoted

If a colleague was able to stand out and move up the career ladder, then it’s worth coming up with a congratulations message for him on his promotion. It can be presented both in poetry and in prose. Here are a few examples of what it might look like:

“Our dear friend, you have reached the heights you aspired to. On this significant day for you, we want to wish you an excellent salary, good relations with your superiors and success in your work. Now you will have a new team, let there never be quarrels or misunderstandings. We wish that, despite your workload, you always have time for a pleasant holiday."

Congratulations on a promotion can also be presented in the form of a short verse:

May you have a good life in your new place,

Let there be everything, health and success;

And whatever you don’t do, let it succeed right away,

So that there are no serious matters and no pleasures.

Let there be room for inspiration,

And life will instantly become bright, like flowers,

Let every moment be happiness

Brings joy and fulfillment of dreams.

in prose

What other options are there? If a colleague decides to quit one job and move to another, then the best thing to do is come up with sincere wishes to a colleague in prose. They may have the following content:

“You used a trick and decided to change your job. No one knows yet whether your choice will be right or wrong. But I want to believe that you will not regret the step you took. We will certainly miss a specialist like you. But your happiness more important for us. May your pockets always rustle in your new place of work, may all your dreams come true, and may you forget about financial difficulties.”

Congratulations can also look like this:

"Today we are sending to bon voyage our colleague (name of colleague), with whom we have known for many years. We know that a new door in life is opening for you, now you will have new job, new responsibilities, new team. But we sincerely believe that, despite this, you will not forget us! During this time, you became a part of us all!”

Wishes in verses

Wishes for a colleague when moving to another job can also be presented in the form of a short verse.

May there be many clear days in your life,

The time of lasting success will begin,

And good health, which is more important,

Than searching for meaningless tasks,

So that you can boast of constancy,

And let life always give you something

What fun do you call happiness,

And why does my soul feel so good!

Wishes for a colleague when moving to another job can also be presented in the form of short wishes:

Huge salary

Have a nice work,

More clients

Understanding authorities

Cheerful team,

Successful projects,

Interesting business trips.

Further, wishes can be made independently, depending on what job the hero of the occasion goes to. Usually such congratulations are presented collectively, that is, all those gathered take turns saying one phrase.

How about work

In addition to wishing your colleague when he moves to another job, you need to make a small holiday for him, since he should remember his last day at work for a long time.

  • The first thing to do is create a moment of celebration. You should hang balloons in the office and decorate your colleague’s desk.
  • If possible, during lunch break or after work shift we need to make a small buffet.
  • It is worth spending special time on memories: remembering how a colleague first came to work, how the team received him and the funniest stories with his participation.
  • It is best to supplement these memories with photographs and videos.
  • It is imperative to make a memorable gift that will remind your colleague of this day in the future.

Wishes to work colleagues must be sincere and come from the depths of the soul. Of course, on this day there may be very different feelings: someone will be happy that they will take the vacated place, someone will be jealous that the person managed to “climb” higher, and someone will actually be sad that a work colleague leaves. But, despite this, you need to accept and understand the person’s choice and cheerfully congratulate him so that he remembers this day for a long time.

A farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal becomes an integral part of corporate ethics. Whatever the reasons for dismissal, the process of leaving an employee always carries with it some sense of loss both for the person leaving and for the entire team. This is not surprising, since a person spends most of his life at work and gets used to the people with whom he works. A farewell letter upon dismissal will help brighten up your departure.

How to write a farewell letter?

When composing a farewell message, you should first decide on the nature of the letter, which can be humorous or thank you. It is also necessary to determine target audience: either this will be an appeal to the entire department, or to each employee individually.

You can write a message to each colleague and leave it on your desk; sending by email is also acceptable. If you decide to write general circulation, nevertheless, it would be better to address each colleague in it. For example, write that it was very pleasant to work with each of them and note the individual qualities of each.

The main purpose of a farewell letter is to leave a good impression of yourself. Therefore, even if there were some conflicts with colleagues during the work process, it is better not to mention it.

Depending on your mood, you can choose any style of address, even in poetic form.

An example of a poetic form.

This sample can be adjusted and rephrased in your own way.

Example of an official letter

I, Nikolai Petrovich Ivanov, am resigning from the position of head of the sales department. Thank you, dear colleagues, for working together. Only thanks to you I learned patience and endurance, as well as making informed, wise decisions.

Wish you professional growth and prosperity. I hope to maintain business relations with you and will be glad to be of assistance.

Example of friendly treatment

Dear friends! I am very sad to part with you, but due to moving to another city, I am leaving our wonderful team. Thank you for putting up with me for 5 years as an inventory accountant. Together with you, I grew professionally and became a real specialist in my field. Thanks to this work, I made many true friends, whom I will miss so much in the new city.

In parting, I want to wish you all all the best, and may all your wildest dreams come true. Support and help each other, because only a team of like-minded people can achieve real success.

Should you write a letter to your boss?

Regardless of the relationship between the employee being fired and management, it is best to leave a positive message for the boss as well. When starting a new job, new employers often call the employee’s previous place of work to collect as much information as possible. more information not only about his professional skills, but also about his human qualities. Therefore, a message to the boss is a kind of guarantee of successful work in a new place.

It is important to leave only pleasant memories about yourself, so you should not criticize colleagues and management in your message. There is no need to overload your farewell letter with regrets or problems that occurred at work.

Example of a letter to management

Dear Alexander Ivanovich! I am sorry that I have to quit my favorite job, but circumstances have developed in such a way that I am forced to leave. It has been a pleasure working under your leadership, and despite our frequent disagreements, I am grateful for the experiences and lessons I have learned.

I wish you further career growth and prosperity. I will be glad if I can be useful to you in the future.


In the West, it has recently become fashionable to write farewell letters to colleagues when leaving a job. They can be sent either as a mass mailing to the entire team, or by writing individual letters to the employees who have become closest to you. It is best to start such a letter with an address (friends, respected colleagues, etc.), thank them for their cooperation, remember joint projects (this way you can further associate your colleagues with their work done, and their successes will be subconsciously reflected in your thoughts Same). It is advisable to wish your colleagues and employer success and prosperity and be sure to leave your new contacts - anything happens in life and old connections may come in handy. Also, if you work in big company, and not everyone knows you, in the letter you can announce the date on which you will no longer be at work and indicate the employee who will perform your duties after your departure.

After the farewell letter, you can throw a party, but whether it will be modest gatherings with tea and cake at lunchtime or a large-scale party in a cafe is up to you, it all depends on your relationship with colleagues and on your financial situation. Alternative option– arrange a small tea party after work, invite all your colleagues and, of course, your manager. At the same time, you can thank everyone present for the experience that you gained while working with them and give them a small souvenir (magnet/calendar with a common photo of all employees from some corporate event). And on the weekend, invite your closest colleagues to a restaurant or bar, where you can have fun, remembering your work together, you can discuss your first working day in this organization - this will definitely make you smile with nostalgia.

There are options for saying goodbye to colleagues for more original individuals. True, they will incur considerable expenses, but your departure will definitely be remembered by your former colleagues. You can invite employees to a wine or whiskey tasting - with elite types of alcohol, the toasts will definitely be more refined and memorable. Invite your colleagues to play paintball - it’s fun, active and useful. You can invite there a large number of people and don't worry about farewell speech– paint balls will replace all words. Other options for a farewell evening with colleagues: jazz dinner (sophisticated, bright and elegant); going to bowling (banal, but always relevant and fun); farewell photo session with colleagues (this will definitely remain a memory for a lifetime).

Farewell letter upon dismissal- a document that is not mandatory, but is still part of the corporate culture, a sign of respect for former colleagues and a manifestation of basic politeness. Such farewell messages came to us from Western countries, where they are very common. Today in our country their writing is not a generally applicable rule, but in many large companies With a large number of employees, farewell letters have ceased to be something extraordinary and out of the ordinary.

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Why write

By and large, the main task of such a message is one: to inform colleagues, colleagues, partners, etc. about dismissal. In addition, the letter quite often indicates a new place of work (to maintain business contacts in the future), as well as information about the successor. Warm, friendly words addressed to former colleagues allow you to save with them a good relationship, which, in turn, may have great value for the future career of the departing employee.

To whom to address

The recipient can be the sender’s colleagues within the employing company, regardless of their official rank, as well as representatives of other organizations with which the resigning employee had to work closely in deciding professional issues. Also, a farewell letter can be addressed to clients and customers with whom you want to maintain good business relationships.

An important clarification: if the letter is addressed to a group of employees, then it should be indicated in the address, without listing specific names, and if the recipient is a manager, then he must be addressed by his first name and patronymic.

Which style to use

In fact, the style of a farewell letter can be very different - here the imagination and capabilities of the resigning employee are not limited in any way. Among other things, the form in which the letter is submitted may largely depend on the reason for dismissal.

For example, if you were fired due to inadequacy for your position, you could write a humorous message, with an emphasis on thanking your colleagues for helping them understand what this work does not suit the author of the message. The only requirement: do not descend into irony towards colleagues, much less into evil satire.

Another option is to express in a letter all the dissatisfaction that has accumulated over the past long years teamwork. Such a letter is usually of a strongly negative nature, but for a while it helps reduce the stress of being fired. True, in this case, you should not count on maintaining friendly relations with former colleagues in the future.

In practice, there have also been poetic farewell messages, but these are special cases when the author not only wants to make a bright farewell gesture, but also has certain creative skills.

Well, the simplest and most uncomplicated way to say goodbye to colleagues is to compose a formal message. It is especially relevant when we are talking about a completely peaceful and even profitable dismissal (for example, when the author of the letter moves to a higher position).

What to Avoid When Writing a Letter

It is undesirable to include emotionally charged expressions, unreliable, and even more so deliberately false information and caustic remarks addressed to colleagues in the letter. Profanity, frivolity and rudeness are strictly unacceptable.

There is also no need to write too long messages - you should respect other people’s time, but it is also better not to limit yourself to too short messages (so as not to create a feeling of understatement, which can cause rumors and gossip).

Rules and example of writing a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal

It is clear that there is not and cannot be a single sample letter. It is always compiled according to widely used templates or in free form, but it is still advisable to adhere to some rules and regulations in any case.

  • First of all, it is necessary to use a polite and fairly standard form of address, for example, such as “dear colleagues”, “dear colleagues”, etc.
  • Then you should inform about the fact that happened and name a successor.
  • You can also indicate the reasons for dismissal, but if you do not want to advertise them, then this is not at all necessary.
  • Also, if desired, you can include a new place of work and position in the letter.
  • It is good form to thank your colleagues and convey to them any positive, good wishes related to their professional activities.
  • If you feel the need to make constructive suggestions, recommendations for optimization, improvement of the work of the former team and the employing organization, this can also be done in farewell letter, but without excessive fanaticism.
  • In conclusion, the message must be signed.

The tone of the message should be friendly, calm, and restrained. When writing, you should carefully adhere to the rules and norms of the Russian language, especially in terms of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.

The letter can be written either by hand or printed on a computer, and the first option will make it clear to former colleagues about the special, even somewhat personal nature of the message.

How to send a goodbye letter

The simplest and quick way- do mass mailing through email. This will allow you to reach the largest possible range of recipients and bring to their attention the necessary information. You can also use fax forwarding or sending via Russian Post (the second option is suitable in cases where informing the interested party is of an official nature). And although both of these methods are last years are used extremely rarely, but they also find their users.

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