How much ppm is allowed while driving? Is there a legal limit for alcohol while driving?

Government bodies V mandatory establish the permissible limit for the presence of alcohol in the driver’s blood. Exceeding the legal threshold is fraught with significant penalties for a citizen who violates order and safety on the roads. In our country, alcohol in a person’s blood is calculated in ppm, that is, the ratio is indicated per liter of blood.

Each country sets the threshold for intoxication for motorists on its territory. For example, in Canada, 0.8 ppm is allowed, which corresponds to a glass of beer directly in front of the road. For residents of our country, precise rules have been established that are strictly not recommended to be violated. The punishment for drunk driving is constantly getting tougher, because innocent people suffer who get into an accident through no fault of their own.

For three years, until 2013, the blood alcohol content had to clearly show zero. Such a law completely denied the possibility of challenging the protocol of traffic police inspectors; the car owner was guilty and was punished. Many legal disputes arose as drivers sometimes found themselves in difficult and unproven situations.

A person could accept medicine and lose your driver's license. Quite a lot of food products soft drinks(kefir) gave the device an error, it was almost impossible to prove one’s innocence. When the law was changed in 2013, it became permissible to deviate from a zero breathalyzer reading.

Exhalation of air showing 0.16 mg/l of air is considered acceptable for further movement. Permille indicators are measured in blood, not in exhaled air. The conversion of units of measurement from exhaled air to ppm of blood is carried out according to the following ratio: 0.045 mg/l = 0.1 ppm. The permissible threshold for intoxication is 0.35 ppm and is established by the legislator.

The introduced norm is calculated in such a way as to eliminate possible measurement errors. The driver may not be afraid of unfair punishment for drunk driving, but exceeding the threshold will clearly indicate a violation of the law.

  • First of all, the readings of the device depend on the strength of the drink and the dose taken;
  • weight, gender and motorist return;
  • predisposition to alcohol, health status;
  • the presence of food, that is, after a snack, the device may show a smaller dose;
  • the person's condition at the time of inspection.

For comparison: the device will show intoxication of 1 ppm after drinking a bottle of vodka (0.5 l) by a middle-aged man weighing 70 kg. The maximum a person can drink is so much that the device shows 5-6 bars, this will be a fatal intake of alcohol. Based on these calculations, we can estimate and conclude that acceptable indicators will cover all random deviations of the device.

Thanks to laboratory studies, the following indicators have been established: drinking 0.1 liters of vodka gives 0.55 ppm. Beer in a volume of 0.5 liters will show 0.32 ppm, which cannot be attributed to measurement error. It is not always possible to obtain standard readings field conditions, devices can give deviations that are very significant for the driver. Quite often, borderline readings have to be rechecked again and again and again.

To remove any ambiguity, the law sets the limit of permissible intoxication at 0.35 ppm. Such a somewhat inflated figure will not allow the obviously guilty motorist to refer to an error in the readings of the control device. It is almost impossible to calculate the amount of ppm in the blood after drinking alcohol. In order not to make mistakes and to know how much you have drunk and what you can expect during a road test, it is enough to have a table with you.

Established experimental indications for men and women are different; the difference in the body’s perception and reaction to what is drunk is taken into account. Practical tables take 1 glass of vodka, with a capacity of 100 g, as a unit of measurement for drinking. The results, of course, are quite arbitrary, but sometimes they help the driver stop and abandon a dangerous trip.

Quite often, a motorist tries to estimate on his own how long it will take before moving. Drivers understand perfectly well what they face if they meet with the traffic inspectors. Conscientious drivers think about possible misfortune and a threat to other people, so they prefer to wait until the alcohol is removed from the body.

Each person spends his own specific time to sober up, depending on age, body weight and the strength of the drink taken. Depending on the strength, the presence of snacks and the number of drinks consumed, the peak of intoxication occurs between 0.5-2 hours. Experienced drivers can confirm that you should not drink at all before the actual trip, the tester will certainly show it.

If you need to get behind the wheel only after a day, the alcohol will wear off and the analysis will not show anything. Sometimes a proven folk rule fails when the situation in question is non-standard. The question of the speed of elimination of alcoholic beverages from the blood worries many; experiments have been carried out and approximate dates have been established.

Laboratory information is not exactly the same for all drivers. It is necessary to make allowances for the age, gender and weight of the driver. For example, if you drink 100 g of vodka, then exhaled vapors can be detected after 3-3.5 hours. For a man of middle age and build, the indicators will be within the following limits:

  • 0.5 liters of beer will disappear after 2 hours; if the drink is of high strength, then after 3 hours the device will not show alcohol;
  • 200 g of medium strength wine will dissipate in 2 hours;
  • 0.5 liters of alcohol over 40 degrees will not be detected by the device after 17 hours.

Since all calculations are quite approximate and take into account many related factors, it is proposed to add a certain period of time for insurance. You should not take risks and calculate the departure time down to the minutes, because the instrument error is calculated as 0.1-0.16 ppm.

It may happen that an error will be added to the existing indicators and the driver will be guilty of violating the rules. It would be optimal to postpone the trip for another hour to be sure of your sobriety. Every citizen knows the characteristics of his body, so you should not take unnecessary risks and attract serious troubles.

Of course, the breathalyzer reading can be disputed or confirmed during an inpatient alcohol test. Long and unpleasant procedures can be prevented if you take care of your sobriety in advance.

Every year, the penalties for drunk driving increase and become more severe.

In 2017, the following penalties were established by law:

  • the first recorded case of drunk driving will result in a fine of 30 thousand rubles. The driver's license is revoked for 1.5-2 years, depending on the totality of violations in the episode in question;
  • repeated violation under this article leads to a fine of 50 thousand rubles and deprivation of the right to drive a car for 3 years;
  • if the driver has a punishment for drunk driving and continues to violate the rules on this point, then he will be arrested for 10-15 days under the administrative code;
  • The driver’s refusal to undergo a medical examination is equated to intoxication, with all the ensuing consequences for the culprit.

According to the law, if the owner of a vehicle gives the right to drive to a drunk citizen, he will be punished as if he were driving a car. It does not matter whether the owner was in the passenger seat or absent from the car when driving. Since deputies are constantly dealing with the issue of road safety, it is likely that another tightening of penalties awaits drunk drivers in 2017.

All car owners understand that the more time passes between drinking and driving the car, the calmer and more confident the driver feels when being checked by an inspector. In addition to the obvious advice, there are several points that we recommend paying attention to:

  • medications containing alcohol taken immediately before the trip may affect the readings of the device;
  • non-alcoholic homemade drinks sometimes distort the picture and show intoxication. It could be kvass, compote or dairy products drank immediately before a trip or while driving;
  • If a controversial situation or conflict arises with traffic police officers, the problem is resolved the only way by taking a blood test at a medical facility. The inspector will warn you about the consequences of refusing the examination, so you will have to change the route and follow the instructions of the traffic police officers;
  • alcohol cannot be neutralized chewing gum, oral products or cigarettes;
  • There is no need to aggravate the conflict; you need to behave appropriately and fulfill all the demands of employees.

If you are going on a trip soon and need to get yourself in order, it is recommended to take a hot shower, get some sleep and go for a walk. fresh air. If you feel intoxicated, you should not drive your car.

Permissible alcohol limit while driving. Why exactly 0.16 ppm?

Despite the harm alcohol causes to the body, many citizens are unable to completely give it up. Birthdays, weddings or New Year in most cases they cannot do without drinking alcohol. Depending on the type of drink, degrees, as well as the amount drunk, the perception of the surrounding world worsens, which in turn adversely affects the participants traffic.

In this article, we will tell you how many ppm of alcohol is allowed in the blood, as well as in the exhaled air in 2017 in Russia. You will also learn what sanctions are provided for violating current legislation, and whether there are ways to circumvent them.

Some statistics! There were 12,468 accidents due to drunk drivers in 2016

Permissible ppm of alcohol in 2017

It is worth recalling that until 2013 in Russia, as well as in some European countries, a “dry” law was in effect, and even consuming kefir or kvass while driving a vehicle could be considered an offense. Due to many disputes and judicial precedents, amendments were made.

In 2017 permissible ppm for drivers are:

  1. 0.16‰ in exhaled air (when tested with a breathalyzer)
  2. 0.35‰ in blood

But even these testimonies completely exclude the possibility of “legal” drunk driving.

What is 0.35 ppm comparable to?

Not everyone clearly understands this value, let's look at examples:

These are approximate indicators, the final result is individual and depends on many factors. Our next post will be dedicated to those who don’t know. We will also look at dangerous consequences from using non-seasonal tires.

Fines for drunk driving in 2017

  • Liability is regulated by Art. 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for driving while intoxicated, provided there is no criminal act, a fine of 30 thousand rubles + deprivation of driver's license for a period of 1.5 to 2 years.
  • If, however, you ignored the requirement to stop drinking alcohol after an accident with your participation, or after being stopped by a traffic police officer, then in accordance with Art. 12.27 clause 3 of the Administrative Code - the fine will also be 30,000 rub. + deprivation of rights from 1.5 to 2 years. In both cases, the car will be placed in a special parking lot.
  • In case of repeated detention (before the driver's license is returned), the driver faces criminal liability, providing for: a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles, forced labor for up to 2 years or imprisonment for up to 2 years
  • If serious harm to health is caused, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, forced labor - up to 3 years or imprisonment for up to 4 years.
  • Death, part 4 art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - imprisonment from 2 to 7 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to 3 years.
  • Death of two or more persons, part 6 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - imprisonment from 4 to 9 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to 3 years.

Many car enthusiasts wonder whether it is possible to drink alcohol in a parked car? Can they be deprived of their rights for this? The answer to this question is quite controversial, since the above article clearly states that responsibility comes only for DRIVING while intoxicated, but despite this, in most cases the courts side with law enforcement agencies.

To avoid punishment, you will need to prove that you were simply sitting in the car and not driving it; you can attach audio and video evidence, testimony of witnesses, but this is not enough. The only compelling argument may be the fact that the vehicle was in a faulty condition. Therefore, in order to save your nerves, time, money and rights, you should find another place to drink alcohol.

Products containing alcohol

Until 2013, in Russia, there was a law on zero ppm, which meant that even with a slight excess, for example when drinking kvass or kefir, the alcohol content in the body increased, which made driving unacceptable. Therefore, we would like to talk about such products.

— Kefir, kumiss, ayran — 0.04 — 0.05%

— Kvass — 0.04%

— Black bread — 0.1%

— Cheese — 0.2%

— Candy — 0.01%

— Grape juice — up to 0.35%

Negative consequences of alcohol for a driver

If you drive drunk, be prepared for not very pleasant and dangerous “bonuses”.

  1. Even at a level equal to 0.2 - 0.5 ppm or 50 g. vodka, it is more difficult for the driver to assess the road situation, the distance to the car ahead, and a feeling of euphoria arises. In this condition, the driver is distracted from the road and makes dangerous maneuvers. At the same time, he has a strong sense of sobriety and adequacy.
  2. If exceeded 0.6 - 0.8‰ or 2 glasses of vodka, reaction and concentration worsen, coordination of movements is disrupted, and the angle of vision narrows. The driver is practically unable to follow road signs, markings and traffic lights. All this increases the risk of an accident.
  3. More 1.2‰- considered a severe stage of intoxication.

Allowed ppm content in different countries

No matter how strange it may sound, there are countries where the level of exhaled alcohol does not make any difference when driving a vehicle, in other countries this value is comparable to drinking 1 bottle of beer or glass of wine, and there are also those where the permitted level of alcohol is equal to 0.

You already know how many ppm are allowed in Russia in 2017 - 0.16‰ in exhaled air and 0.35‰ in blood.

  • 0.0‰ - Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia.
  • In almost all European countries, the acceptable norm is 0.5 ppm
  • UK - 0.8‰
  • Ukraine — 0.2‰
  • Russia — 0.35‰
  • USA, Canada - 0.8‰
  • Japan - 0‰
  • Congo, Angola, Dominican Republic, Laos, Ethiopia - without limitation

Are your rights expiring? in this case, the article in which we told you how it happens will be useful to you, don’t miss it!

Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer?

Everyone has long known that if you have been drinking, you cannot drive, but many drivers are looking for ways to deceive the traffic police inspector and their body. You can find a lot of advice online on how to quickly sober up, but are they effective and is it worth risking your health and life? I think everyone understands that the rate of alcohol elimination cannot be measured, since this process completely depends on the characteristics of the body, because for some, intoxication occurs abruptly, for others gradually.

It is worth remembering that all means that guarantee the rapid elimination of alcohol only eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, while the amount of ppm in the exhaled air and in the blood does not decrease sharply. That is, the body itself tries to get rid of the poison as quickly as possible, and you should not interfere with it.

Despite the information provided, we have collected some tips from drivers:

  • Before meeting with the traffic police inspector, drink 100-150 ml. sunflower oil
  • Vitamin C 1 gr. dissolve in a glass of water and drink
  • Activated carbon in proportions 1 tablet. = 10 kg weight + water
  • Take several deep breaths to ventilate your lungs.

But all these ways NOT GUARANTEED rapid elimination of alcohol, so before you decide to drink, think carefully!

Alcohol withdrawal time

We have already said that the rate of elimination is not equal for everyone, and it all depends on many factors: gender, age, weight and other characteristics of the body. However, despite this, we have compiled an approximate calculation of the time after which the permissible ppm level for drivers in 2017 will be within the limits of the law.

  1. Beer with 5% alcohol content, 1.5 l. — 6.5 hours
  2. Wine 9 – 11%, 0.75 l. — 8 ocloc'k
  3. Vodka 40%, 350 gr. — 12 hours

If you have been drinking and need to go somewhere, then use public transport, taxi or “sober driver” service.

It has been known since ancient times that drinking alcohol greatly affects reaction speed and mental condition person. For this reason, the Highway Code prohibits driving while intoxicated and imposes strict penalties for this violation. Therefore, it is very important to understand the established standards and rules of examination, so as not to lose your rights due to an unfortunate mistake.

What is ppm

When determining small quantities or parts of certain objects and substances, it is rather inconvenient to use integers. To simplify calculations, people began to use first parts of a number, for example, 1/8, and then - special sign%, which meant 1/100. Finally, for cases requiring even greater precision and reflection of the smallest details, ppm was invented. It represents a percent sign followed by another zero at the bottom (‰).

The term "ppm" means 1/1000th of a number and comes from the Latin expression per mille, meaning "per thousand." Most known application This term was found to measure the alcohol content in a person's blood. It should be noted, however, that according to the current legislation, the alcohol content in exhaled air is measured in other units: milligrams per liter. In addition, ppm is used to display the salinity of seas and oceans, slope railways and many other phenomena representing small quantities.

Finally, in order to finally clarify the simple mathematical content of the term under discussion, I will give several examples:

  • 15‰=0.015%=0.00015;
  • 451‰=45.1%=0.451.

Thus, ppm helps to give calculations with small fractions a form convenient for human perception.

Permitted amount of alcohol in the blood for motorists in Russia for 2018

Behind last years In our state, the legislator’s approach to the permissible amount of alcohol in the blood of a car driver has already changed. Until 2010, the law allowed a pure alcohol content in the blood of up to 0.35 ppm and in exhaled air - up to 0.16 milligrams/liter. Then this period of three years gave way to extreme tightening public policy. From 2010 to 2013, any ethyl content in the body exceeding 0 was punishable. Even for one hundredth of a ppm (adjusted for instrument error) one could quite legally receive an administrative penalty.

Today, according to the note to Article 12.8 of the Code on Administrative Offenses, the amount of alcohol in a mixture of gases exhaled by a person should not exceed the same 0.16 milligrams per liter. Any breathalyzer readings below those listed are not considered evidence of alcohol intoxication. On April 3, 2018, the President of Russia signed a law amending Article 12.8 - the standard for pure alcohol in the blood is now permissible at 0.3 ppm. This rule comes into effect on July 3.

The idea of ​​​​introducing the so-called zero ppm, in my opinion, was obviously unsuccessful for several reasons. Firstly, the error of the device measuring the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the air was not taken into account. Even minimal doses were considered the same violation as being heavily intoxicated. Secondly, it became possible to be held accountable for consuming products that are not alcohol, for example, overripe bananas, black bread or juices. And in general, such strictness did not make sense, since tiny amounts of alcohol in the air are not capable of affecting the reflexes of a motorist or causing an accident. Finally, the way was opened for arbitrariness and fraud on the part of traffic police inspectors.

How much alcohol can you drink within the legal limit?

The abolition of the “zero ppm” action was greeted with enthusiasm by the majority of motorists. Many of them perceived this decision of the legislature as permission to drive cars while slightly intoxicated. In fact, this is not true at all. This decision by the authorities was made not to encourage drunk driving, but to avoid mistakes due to technical errors measuring instruments and corruption of government officials.

It is difficult to answer the question of how much alcohol you can drink before driving. The fact is that the proportion of alcohol in exhaled air, which is measured by breathalyzers of traffic police officers, depends on many factors. In addition to such obvious things as the amount of alcohol consumed and the strength of drinks consumed, the following matters:

  1. Weight. With the same amount of alcohol consumed, a person with a large weight will have a lower blood alcohol concentration.
  2. Floor. In women, alcohol enters the blood faster and more intensely, and is eliminated more slowly.
  3. Age and health status. Young healthy person alcohol is eliminated from the body faster and has a less noticeable effect.
  4. Individual characteristics of the body.

Only one conclusion can be drawn from this: there is no universal answer to how much alcohol a person can drink in order to remain within the law. However, there are some average indicators established empirically. For example, half an hour after drinking a small bottle of low-alcohol beer (0.33 ml), the breathalyzer does not detect alcohol vapor in the exhaled air of most men of average build. At the same time, wine and drinks based on it turn out to be much more insidious in practice and do not “dissipate” for a long time, even when drinking one glass. It is under no circumstances recommended to drive after drinking strong alcoholic drinks. Even a shot of vodka or cognac will lead to unacceptable test results.

However, the above should not be taken as a call to drink alcoholic beverages while driving. This, like most other rules, is based on the experience of millions of people and is designed to ensure the safety of all motorists, their passengers and pedestrians. Even a barely noticeable state of intoxication for the driver himself greatly affects his ability to make decisions under time pressure, reaction and thinking.

Video: about the number of ppm after drinking certain alcoholic beverages

After what drugs is alcohol detected in the blood?

Obviously, drugs prohibited for drivers include ethanol itself in its pure form, medina alcohol solution, various pharmaceutical tinctures (motherwort, hawthorn and similar), as well as popular heart drops with the addition of ethanol (Valocordin, Valoserdin, Corvalol). There are some other drugs that contain ethyl alcohol:

  • Saledez;
  • Salesept;
  • Firtanol;
  • Sintomycin;
  • Inhalipt;
  • Bittner;
  • Aflubin;
  • Aflubin;
  • Gentos;
  • Pansoral.

In addition to those listed, there is another type of medicine that can cause an overestimation of breathalyzer readings without containing alcohol. Among them: Novocain, Pertussin, Levomycetin, Microcide, Etol.

In the instructions for use for many medical drugs contains categorical prohibitions on driving vehicles. This requirement may be dictated for various reasons. They can cause drowsiness, impair coordination of movements, slow down a person's reaction, cause nausea, low blood pressure and other dangerous side effects.

The conclusion from what has been said is simple: read the instructions for the medications you take. If they indicate that it is prohibited to drive a car or contain ethyl alcohol, refrain from driving to avoid problems with the law.

Amount of ppm in kvass, kefir and other products

In those three years, from 2010 to 2013, when the state banned even minimum blood and breath alcohol levels, many myths appeared in society about how certain foods and drinks can contribute to the deprivation of rights.

In accordance with the rules for testing for intoxication, you can require a repeat test within 15–20 minutes, so even kvass drunk directly on the trip will not have negative consequences

Indeed, many products contain small proportions of ethyl alcohol:

  • overripe fruits (bananas);
  • black bread;
  • kvass;
  • kefir and other fermented milk products;
  • candies filled with liqueur;
  • nonalcoholic beer.

Consuming the products listed above will not result in a fine or loss of license. Based on the results of numerous checks and tests carried out by our fellow citizens, these products, even if they provoked an increase in ppm, completely disappeared within 10–15 minutes. Therefore, you should not be afraid to consume soft drinks, fermented milk and other food products, since they will not lead to breaking the law.

Video: checking ppm after kvass, kefir, Corvalol

How is the amount of alcohol in the blood measured?

To measure the level of ethyl alcohol in the blood or exhaled air, the legislation of our country provides for a special procedure, which is designed to establish a balance between protecting others from drunk drivers and respecting the rights of motorists brought to administrative responsibility.

General concepts

First, you need to understand the basic terms when measuring a driver's blood alcohol level.

An alcohol intoxication test is a measurement of alcohol level by a traffic police inspector on the spot (either in the car or at the nearest post) using a breathalyzer.

A medical examination for alcohol intoxication is a measurement of alcohol level carried out by professional doctors in a medical institution by examining a person's blood. Simply put, an examination by a doctor.

The difference between the two above terms is enormous: if the first of these procedures can be completely legally refused, then for refusal of a medical examination there is administrative liability under Art. 12.26 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Examination procedure

The main documents from which one can gain knowledge about the examination procedure are Russian Government Decree No. 475 and a number of provisions from the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Alcohol intoxication test

  • refusal of on-site examination;
  • disagreement with the results of the examination by the driver;
  • disagreement with the results of the examination by the inspector.

In my practice, I have encountered dishonest government officials who refuse to sign a refusal to undergo a medical examination, rather than an on-site breathalyzer examination. If you inadvertently sign such a document, you will be held accountable under Art. 12.26 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Medical examination occurs as follows:

  1. The traffic police inspector draws up a protocol on referral for a medical examination according to the form from Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 676 of 08/04/2008.
  2. The procedure must be performed in a licensed health care facility by a physician who has undergone appropriate training. In the absence of a narcologist, this procedure can be carried out regular doctors or even paramedics (subject to examination in rural areas).
  3. The driver is asked to provide urine. If the required amount of urine is not given by the motorist, then blood is drawn from a vein. In this case, the injection site should be treated without alcohol, which can distort the results of the study.
  4. Based on the results of the medical examination, a report is drawn up in triplicate. The form is established by Order of the Ministry of Health No. 933n.
  5. If, even if doctors have established that there is no alcohol in the blood, the driver’s condition is in doubt, then the motorist is sent for a chemical and toxicological study.
  6. If the driver is confirmed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, then a report on an administrative offense and the detention of the vehicle is drawn up. Otherwise, the driver is free to continue driving his vehicle.

Permissible blood alcohol limit abroad

The legally established minimum level of alcohol content for a driver largely depends on the traditions of the country and tolerance to alcohol in its culture.

The general norm for the EU is a pure alcohol content of up to 0.5 ppm. This rule has been established in almost all European countries.

More strict attitude to alcohol while driving is mainly concentrated in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. For example, in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania.

On the contrary, a more loyal (up to 0.8 ppm) attitude towards alcohol consumption has developed in the UK, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and San Marino.

IN North America As a standard for drivers, the ethanol content in the blood is also provided for no more than 0.8 ppm.

For eastern states characterized by an uncompromising attitude towards drunk driving. For example, Japan has a zero ppm policy.

Thus, before going to any foreign country, the driver should definitely find out more about its traffic rules, since sometimes they can differ dramatically from the country of residence.

In Russia, a fairly reasonable standard of ppm alcohol in the blood is set for drivers: 0.3. Such an amount cannot significantly affect the driver’s skills and cause an accident. For drunk driving in our country, severe punishment is provided, including imprisonment for up to two years. At the same time, on this issue Russia does not stand out from the global trend. Therefore, after a good party, it is better to take a taxi again instead of driving.

The mortality rate on the road exceeds all acceptable standards. After all, many motorists drive while drunk. But current legislation allows you to drive a car with a small amount of ethyl alcohol in your blood.

Alcohol limit

Many citizens want to know how many ppm are allowed in 2017. In accordance with the amendments to the Russian article, every motorist has the right to drive if the amount of alcohol in the volume does not exceed 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air. Previously, the indicator in accordance with part of a similar legal act was 0.01 ppm in the blood. Now an amendment has been made according to which it is allowed to drive a car in this state.

If previously the driver was worried about the indicator after drinking kvass and kefir, now there is no need to worry.

But taking pills and alcohol-containing products is not worth it. Certain boundaries in paragraph 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses allow this without penalties.

Many drivers are irresponsible when driving and therefore actively break the rules. On this moment ppm are slightly different from previous years, as amendments were made annually. And they were added in accordance with the impurities that are often found in products and show ethyl alcohol indicators on the tester.

These products include:

  • nonalcoholic beer;
  • kvass and kefir, including yogurt and other fermented milk products;
  • chocolate and candies;
  • warm juice;
  • cigarettes and oranges, bananas;
  • mouth fresheners;
  • sandwiches with sausage and black bread.

Each of the products presented above has a specific amount of ethyl alcohol content, for which they were previously punished. Alcohol, of course, disappears, but after a certain time. On the Internet you can find quite a few ways that can increase the rate of metabolism and weathering of alcohol. But you should not use such methods and get behind the wheel. You will have to answer according to the law in accordance with 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses in the Russian Federation.

These are the reasons that led to the abolition of the zero limit. Indeed, in accordance with Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia, a driver who is found to have an increased coefficient is deprived of his driver’s license for 18–24 months for a repeated violation. The permissible ppm rate is 0.16 when exhaled and 0.35 in the blood. The amendment was made to paragraph 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia and traffic rules.

Determination of quantity

In other words, ppm is considered the degree of intoxication of a person. And they are often calculated based on the ethyl alcohol content in the blood. The calculation takes 0.1 ppm, which contains 0.045 mg of alcohol per 1 liter. Now establishing intoxication has become much easier. But you should understand that alcohol wears off quite quickly. a large number of time. And this period directly depends on the alcohol consumed and the person’s body weight.

Withdrawal time

Breathalyzers allow you to accurately determine the presence of ethyl alcohol. It is worth understanding that different alcohols dissipate differently.

Let's take an average person weighing 70 kilograms to calculate:

  1. beer up to 4% 100 grams – 30 minutes;
  2. 200 grams – 1.29 hours;
  3. 300 grams – 2.29 hours;
  4. beer up to 6% 100 grams – 45 minutes;
  5. 200 grams – 2.14 hours;
  6. 300 grams – 3.44 hours;
  7. champagne 11% 100 grams – 1.22 hours;
  8. 200 grams – 4.06 hours;
  9. 300 grams – 6.50 hours;
  10. liqueur 30% 100 grams – 3.44 hours;
  11. 200 grams – 11.11 hours;
  12. 300 grams – 18.39 hours;
  13. vodka 40% 100 grams – 4.58 hours;
  14. 200 grams – 14.44 hours;
  15. 300 grams – 24.51 hours;
  16. cognac 42% 100 grams – 5.13 hours;
  17. 200 grams – 15.4 hours;
  18. 300 grams – 26.06 hours.


If the fact of exceeding the amount of ethyl alcohol is proven, the driver faces the following liability:

  • primary stop - administrative offense– 30 thousand rubles, additionally deprivation of a driver’s license for up to 2 years;
  • the next time you stop and exceed the specified amount, the fine will be 50 thousand rubles and deprivation driver's license for a period of up to 3 years;
  • In case of repeated violation, the driver faces imprisonment for up to 15 days;
  • if a motorist refuses to undergo a medical examination, he is entitled to a fine, as in the first paragraph.

If the driver has transferred the right to drive the car to his friend, who is also there, then the first one pays a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles in accordance with Article 12.8 of the Administrative Code.

Legislation on permitted ppm

All amendments to legislation are reflected in Articles 12.8 and Part 3 of Article Russian Federation. As already mentioned earlier, now the permissible degree of intoxication is 0.16 ppm per liter of exhaled air.

Liability is also governed by Article 12.8. To begin with, the driver faces a fine of 30,000 rubles. Besides administrative fine he is prohibited from using vehicle within a period of two years. And the more often the driver gets behind the wheel while drunk, the greater the punishment will be.

If he refuses, he is automatically equated to the status of a drunkard, and accordingly, a fine or other punishment is imposed. The issue is further regulated by the article of the Russian Federation. The main aspects of the offense and penalties for them are outlined here.

How much can you drink

Before drinking alcohol, you need to know exactly how many ppm are in the bottle. And only then can you relax in the evening. The calculation directly depends on the percentage of alcohol and the amount of product consumed. This is also affected by a person’s weight and metabolism.

It is worth understanding that in men it is much faster than in women. And accordingly, alcohol dissipates somewhat differently.

Other products

Many motorists are concerned about their rights. That's why they are interested in ppm. After all, they are also found in everyday products. For example, in kvass. Kvass contains 0.4 ppm, which will allow the employee to be sent for a medical examination. Therefore, you must also wait after drinking this drink.

Non-alcoholic beer contains even less ppm – 0.2. Every car enthusiast should understand that now new technology it is impossible to deceive.

The same thing happens with a breathalyzer. If previously it was possible to exhale a little, now it is no longer possible to cheat like that.


Taking medications also affects the level of ethyl alcohol in the blood. And often this is stated in the annotations.

For example, during the period of illness, many take antiviral drugs, which also contain ppm:

  1. Aflubin;
  2. Rhinital;
  3. Pertussin;
  4. Vertichel;
  5. Bittner;
  6. Biovital.

It is also worth noting the alcohol content in various tinctures of motherwort and valerian. Corvalol is also not recommended for use by drivers.

Alcohol level measurement

At the moment, you can measure your alcohol level using several methods:

  1. when exhaling. When a car enthusiast breathes into a tube and this allows you to measure ppm. Must be less than 0.16 ppm in accordance with Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
  2. measuring the presence of alcohol in the blood. He voluntarily donates blood for testing. In this case, the indicator should be 0.35 ml/l.

Naturally, a blood test is the best way to determine alcohol. It is also considered decisive in the final determination of alcohol level.

Data on the amount of alcohol is entered into the documentation. And this document is already the basis for accusing the perpetrator. The patrol service uses a breathalyzer to detect alcohol intoxication. These devices change the level of alcohol in the blood in ppm.

You can independently determine the ppm level before the trip.

There are several methods for this:

  • use of test strips for driving;
  • indicator tubes.

The first and second methods do not give results about the amount of ethanol content. But it is convenient to use to determine the fact of alcohol intoxication.

Types of breathalyzers

Breathalyzers are considered the optimal devices for obtaining information about the level of alcohol in a person’s blood.

There are several types:

  • electronic allows you to measure the electrical conductivity of steam and indicates the value on the screen;
  • electrochemical allows you to determine the composition of exhaled air. Clearly determines the number of ppm;
  • spectrophotometric. It is often used only in medical institutions where accurate indicators exist.

The most accurate here are electrochemical sensors installed in electronic devices. This item can be used for a long time. The advantage of this method is ease of use, since it does not require additional settings.

Now there are breathalyzers with infrared detection. Often intended for analysis in clinical settings. The indicator directly depends on temperature regime. Not an accurate indicator.

Experts advise not to drink alcohol while driving. And if a person drank the day before, it is better not to drive the next day. You must wait at least 24 hours after your last drink of alcoholic beverages with high alcohol content.

You should not trust known means for quickly removing alcohol from a person’s blood. There are no such things in nature. This is all a marketing ploy.

Driving while drunk is unacceptable. Majority major accidents with human casualties, as statistics show, occur precisely due to the fault of drivers who are heavily intoxicated. But in life anything happens. It happens that car owners are subject to fines who did not even suspect that at the time of the test they had alcohol in their body in an amount that was contrary to driving rules. Is there even a permissible dose of alcohol for drivers?

What is the norm?

The permissible alcohol limit is the amount of ppm that may be present both in the driver’s exhaled air and in his blood. The numerical expression of this indicator is as follows: 0.35 ppm of ethyl alcohol in the blood and 0.16 in the exhaled air. These indicators are determined using special instruments. The permissible value is derived taking into account the possible error.

The permissible level of ethyl alcohol in the blood is 0.35 ppm. The concentration of pure alcohol in the air exhaled by the driver cannot exceed 0.16 mg/l.

The legal limit of alcohol in the blood of a person (in ppm) while driving assumes a minimum amount of alcohol that does not cause any abnormalities in the mental and physiological state. Concentration, redistribution of attention, reaction speed, overall stability emotional condition and well-being are necessary aspects when driving a vehicle. A drunk driver is always a serious danger on the road. The indicator 0.35 is exactly the ppm norm, the presence of which will not harm physiology or disrupt mental processes.

How much can you drink before driving?

Ethyl alcohol causes alcohol intoxication and disrupts natural life processes human body. But from one dose of alcohol, intoxication lasts for a certain time, then the alcohol begins to disappear from the body. A person is again able to think soberly. And even if the blood still contains some percentage of alcohol, the person’s condition is acceptable for driving a car.

The fact is that ethanol is neutralized by the liver; this process lasts at a rate of 0.1 ppm per hour in men, and 0.085 in women. By simple arithmetic, you can calculate the time required for complete neutralization of alcohol. Thus, with the help of simple calculations, the driver can determine on his own how much he can drink before getting behind the wheel in order to protect himself from punishment.

Consider the option of drinking beer. Most varieties of this intoxicating drink contain 3-6% alcohol. So, when drinking 100 ml of beer, a man weighing 75 kg will have an alcohol content of 0.08 ppm (that is, 0.08 g of alcohol per 1 kg of weight). This quantity less than 4 times what is allowed. It turns out that the average man can drink no more than 0.4 ml of beer before driving. It is impossible to deceive your body: by drinking just 100 ml more (that is, a whole bottle of beer), the driver is breaking the law, since the presence of alcohol in his blood is already off scale.

Number of ppm depriving rights

So, the figure of 0.35 is defined by law as the permissible dose of alcohol. It was developed taking into account the error of the breathalyzer and the fact that some drivers take alcohol-containing medications. If we translate everything into specific alcoholic drinks, then an hour before driving a man weighing 80 kg can drink one of the following:

  • 400 ml beer;
  • 150 ml dry red wine;
  • 40 ml vodka;

Traffic police officers consider a driver to be sober if the breathalyzer shows a reading of 0.2. Primary detention and detection of an excessive dose of alcohol threatens with an administrative penalty (financial fine) and a ban on driving a vehicle for 2 years. Repeated detection of such violations leads to deprivation of rights for a period of 3 years and a fine of 50,000 rubles. It turns out that a drunk driver is not only dangerous, but also costly.

At the time of arrest, the offender is tested for alcohol content in the body. This procedure is carried out using a breathalyzer, special device with a tube into which the suspected driver must exhale. The inspector draws up a protocol and records the established fact. If necessary, a medical examination is carried out, based on the results of which the driver’s vehicle may be seized, it may be temporarily confiscated and the car owner’s license may be deprived.

Products dangerous for the driver

During the period of existence in Russian legislation Only the “zero option”, that is, no permissible level of alcohol, revealed the existence of certain problems. The difficulty was that people who did not drink alcohol were subject to penalties for driving while intoxicated. How is this possible, many will be surprised? It's simple. The human diet, as it turns out, contains a number of food products that can treacherously bring a driver under administrative charges. These products are:

  • nonalcoholic beer;
  • warm juices;
  • overripe fruits;
  • chocolates with alcohol-containing fillings;
  • oranges;
  • kvass;
  • dairy products.

When consuming the above products, ethyl alcohol is present in the driver’s body, albeit in insignificant quantities, for a short time.

And since no one particularly cared about driver education, and similar information was not brought to the attention of motorists, unpleasant situations often occurred. A traffic police inspector's test for the presence of alcohol could give a positive result because the driver drank a glass of kvass before getting behind the wheel.

Permissible blood alcohol limit in different countries

The legal blood alcohol limit is determined differently around the world.

Until now, in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, a driver is considered sober only if the indicator is zero.

In Albania, 0.1 ppm is allowed.

Ukraine, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Poland are countries in which the permissible minimum is 0.2 ppm.

In Russia and Moldova this figure is 0.3.

In Lithuania – 0.4.

Belarus, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Greece - these countries allow a mark of 0.5.

In Luxembourg, Great Britain, Malta, and Ireland this figure reaches 0.8.

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