Modern methods of recycling household waste. Modern technologies for the disposal and processing of solid household and industrial waste. Waste disposal equipment

Environmental protection is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. Industrial and household waste human activity reach large volumes, which affects the pollution of the atmosphere, water bodies and the bowels of the earth, the level of which today in many cities exceeds permissible sanitary standards. Environmental studies have shown that over the past decades, the destructive effects of anthropogenic factors have led to the onset of an environmental crisis.

Waste disposal is a complex environmental, technological and economic problem that many countries are struggling to solve at the highest level. The search for technologies and production of equipment for waste processing and disposal is today a popular and promising area, the development of which is supported by public and private investors.

Currently, in world practice, there are several methods for waste disposal, each of which has both positive and negative sides. The disposal method is selected depending on the quantity and quality of waste from the list below:

  • The fire method is one of the most universal and in many cases the only possible method. Such disposal can be used for liquid, solid and gaseous waste;
  • High-temperature pyrolysis is the decomposition of waste in conditions specially organized for this purpose, after which the resulting composition is burned in a special chamber. This process allows you to convert toxic products into less hazardous ones and is the cleanest method of waste disposal from an environmental point of view;
  • Plasma-chemical technology – used for processing highly toxic liquids and gases. When implementing this process, not only neutralization occurs, but also further production valuable product. Distinctive characteristic the technology presented is its high cost and complexity of implementation;
  • Recycling – along with positive qualities, this method also has negative sides. The disadvantages of recycling are the increased dynamics of replacing primary raw materials with waste. Among the most bright examples one can note a deterioration in the taste of a number of product categories in Food Industry. Didn't justify it this technology itself and in the production of cardboard - containers made from such raw materials are different low quality and cannot be used for food products;
  • Waste disposal can be carried out in specially designated landfills, as well as in underground storage facilities and quarries. Special permits are required for the establishment of landfills and other waste disposal sites, and the areas themselves must be equipped in accordance with a number of environmental safety rules.
  • 2.4. Teaching c. I. Vernadsky on the evolutionary development of the biosphere. Representations of the noosphere
  • 3. Basics of autecology
  • 3.1. An organism as a self-reproducing open system.
  • 3.2. Diversity of organisms.
  • 3.3. Organism and environment
  • 3.4. Environmental environmental factors (abiotic, biotic)
  • 3.5. Interaction of environmental factors,
  • 3.6. Ecological niche (potential, realized).
  • 3.6. Environmental quality
  • 4. Ecology of populations (demecology)
  • 4.1. Definition of the concepts “biological species” and “population”.
  • 4.2. Statistical characteristics of the population.
  • 4.3. Dynamic characteristics of the population
  • 4.4. Biomass dynamics. The concept of bioproductivity
  • 4.5. Stability and viability of populations
  • 5. Basics of synecology
  • 5.1. Biocenoses (communities)
  • 5.2. Types of relationships between organisms
  • 5.3. Stability (homeostasis) and development (dynamics and succession) of ecosystems
  • Succession of an ecological system
  • 6. Material and energy balance of the biosphere
  • 6.2. Trophic relationships between organisms: producers, consumers, decomposers
  • 6.3. Flows of matter and energy in an ecosystem
  • 6.4. Pyramid of biomass and pyramid of energies.
  • 6.5. Cycle of matter in nature
  • 7. Anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment
  • 7.1. Concept of environmental pollution.
  • Concentration of carbon monoxide and benzo(a)pyrene in the exhaust gases of gasoline engines
  • 7.3. Classification of natural resources. Features of the use of exhaustible and inexhaustible resources
  • 7.4. Problems of use and reproduction of natural resources
  • 7.5. Specially protected natural territories and objects as a natural reserve fund of the Russian Federation
  • Global environmental problems
  • 8.1. Global environmental problems associated with human impact on nature
  • 8.2. Ozone layer depletion
  • 8.3. "Greenhouse effect"
  • 8.4. Smog, acid precipitation
  • Ocean Pollution
  • 8.6. Declining Biodiversity
  • Radiation pollution of the planet
  • 9. Urbanization and ecology of the urban environment
  • 9.1. Dynamics of urbanization
  • 9.2. Urbanization in Russia
  • 9.3. The city as an artificial habitat
  • 9.4. Structure of the urban environment
  • 9.5. Problems of ecology and safety of the urban environment
  • 10. Environmental situation in the Omsk region
  • 10.1. Impact of economic sectors on the environment
  • Ecological state
  • 12.2. Features of the growth and development of modern man
  • 12.3. Health is an integral criterion characterizing the relationship between a person and the environment. Environmental factors and human health.
  • 13.1. Quality of life, environmental risk and safety.
  • 13.2. Demographic indicators of population health
  • 13.3. A healthy lifestyle of citizens as the basis for sustainable development of society
  • International cooperation in the field of environmental protection
  • 14.1. Principles of international cooperation
  • 14.2. International cooperation and national interests of Russia in the field of ecology
  • 14.3. Environmental strategies. The ideology of biocentrism as a path to sustainable development of humanity
  • 15. Legal basis for nature conservation.
  • 15.1. Legal aspects of nature conservation. Legislative acts of Russia
  • 15. 2. Environmental assessment, environmental control
  • 15.3. Department of Environmental Activities of Enterprises
  • 15.4. Responsibility for environmental violations
  • 16. Regulatory framework for nature conservation
  • 16.1. Standardization in the field of environmental protection (EP)
  • 16.2. Environmental Quality Principles
  • 16.3. Environmental monitoring and monitoring classification
  • Criteria for assessing environmental quality Requirements for water quality in water bodies.
  • Ambient air quality requirements.
  • 16.5. The concept of the summation effect
  • Soil pollution control.
  • 17. Fundamentals of environmental economics
  • 17.1. Features of the economic mechanism for environmental protection
  • 17.2. Licensing, agreement and limits on natural resource use
  • 17.3. Types of payments
  • 17.4. Environmental incentive system
  • 18. Eco-protective equipment and technologies
  • 18.1. Main directions for ensuring atmospheric cleanliness
  • 18.2. Wastewater treatment methods
  • Modern technologies for disposal and processing of solid household and industrial waste
  • 18.4. Scientific and technological progress and directions for improving environmental management
      1. Modern technologies disposal and processing of solid household and industrial waste

    According to experts, since the beginning of the twentieth century. In Russia, 80 billion tons of solid waste have accumulated and another 7 billion tons are added to it every year. Annual number of solids household waste-130-140 million m 3, of which most of– toxic and especially toxic.

    Solid waste disposal.

    The share of waste that is buried or disposed of in landfills is currently very large. Special landfills, operating for 25 years, alienate significant areas. After the landfill is fully loaded, it is covered with plant soil, the surface of which can later be used to create parks, gardens, and playgrounds. In household and food industrial waste, sealed from contact with air and located in the landfill embankments, an anaerobic process occurs, and biogas is released (a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide), which under certain conditions can be used as fuel. We have such experience. When the waste backfill height is 7 m or more, this gas is collected using pipes. Additional devices required for biogas extraction and utilization quickly pay for themselves.

    Solid Waste Incineration

    In the 70-80s, thermal processing of waste developed by burning it in furnaces at waste incineration plants. Such factories operate in many countries of the world, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk and other cities of the country. Existing combustion systems provide a high degree of waste destruction (up to 99%) and allow waste heat to be recovered. However, the disadvantages of such systems are more significant. Firstly, the cost of the combustion process in comparison with traditional methods (disposal to a landfill, discharge into the sea, disposal in waste mines) is quite high. Secondly, waste incineration plants are sources of emissions of zinc, tin, cadmium, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride and other harmful substances into the atmosphere. Among toxic metals, mercury is especially dangerous; during combustion, due to increased volatility, it easily turns into a vapor state and is released into the atmosphere. Only appropriate, careful sorting and preparation of waste, as well as effective flue gas cleaning (using electrostatic precipitators) can reduce the level of air pollution.

    Solid waste recycling

    The cycle of substances in nature is an excellent example of waste-free production. Waste from natural processes (dead wood, leaves, etc.) decays, rots and naturally fertilize the soil. Aerobes are microbes that breathe oxygen and process easily rotting substances into organic fertilizers, rich in nitrogen, i.e. - into compost. At the same time, it stands out thermal energy. Nature suggested to people a technology scheme for composting household waste.

    In 1970, a pilot plant for mechanized processing of household waste was put into operation in Leningrad. On initial stage During processing, ferrous metal was separated from the mass of waste using electromagnetic separators. Next, the waste was crushed in crushers and entered into rotating drums - fermentors, in which the waste was processed into compost. However, the processed mass also contained non-compostable elements (polyethylene films, glass, cans etc.). clogging fertilizer. It was necessary to learn how to clean compost.

    In the late 70s and early 80s, a second generation of waste treatment plants appeared with improved and improved technology. Currently in Russia there are nine specialized plants for processing solid waste. Design of a similar plant for Omsk is underway in St. Petersburg.

    The waste processing technology is as follows. Garbage trucks drive along a wide overpass to the reception area and unload waste onto eight platforms. Then the waste is loaded into eight heat-insulated drums up to 60 m long, into the internal cavity of which air enriched with oxygen is supplied using fans. When the drums rotate, the waste is mixed and crushed, and its specific surface area increases. Constant aeration (0.2-0.8 m 3 of air is supplied per 1 kg of waste) awakens aerobic microflora to life. Microorganisms (mesophiles) come into play, heating the mass to 50 0 C. At the same time, another type of microflora actively multiplies - thermophiles, due to which the temperature reaches 70 0 C. An avalanche-like biothermal process disinfects the waste within two days. Neutralized waste is uniformly fed through a perforated nozzle at the end of the drum onto a belt conveyor. But this is not compost yet - there are contaminants in the form of glass, pieces of wood, plastic, stones, cans, etc. Next comes cleaning. First, ferrous metal is separated using an electromagnetic separator, which is mounted above the conveyor. This scrap metal goes into a storage hopper, is pressed into briquettes weighing 80 kg and sent for remelting. The mass, freed from ferrous metal, continues on its way. From the conveyor it falls onto a cylindrical sieve (screen) with cells with a diameter of 45-60 mm. The screen rotates quite quickly, at 15 rpm, so that small particles fall through. and large ones remain above the grate. Both products - over-grid and under-grid - are freed from non-ferrous metal using special installations that create an electromagnetic field, under the influence of which non-ferrous metal objects are thrown to the side. Ballistic glass separators are used to separate glass from compost. The release of compost from plastic film is carried out with a strong stream of air. The resulting compost is used in agriculture. But at first the compost is still immature and for a long time The biothermal process continues in it and the temperature remains high. Such compost can be used as biofuel for heating soil in greenhouses. Cooled and matured compost is used again in open ground in fields or in urban landscaping as an organic fertilizer. To treat non-composting fractions, pyrolysis is used - heat treatment without access to oxygen. During the pyrolysis process, a vapor-gas mixture is formed, as well as a solid carbon residue - pyrocarbon, which is used in metallurgy as a substitute for graphite. The economic feasibility of the considered process is obvious, because from one ton of solid waste 20 kg of ferrous metal, 2 kg of non-ferrous metal, 200-250 kg of non-compostable fractions and 600-700 kg of compost are released. From one ton of non-compostable fractions, approximately 200 kg of petroleum-like oils, 190 kg of gaseous products, and 330 kg of pyrocarbon are obtained.

    According to data for Russia as a whole, only about 5% of waste is processed industrially (at waste incineration and recycling plants), and the rest is transported to landfills and landfills (authorized and unauthorized). Recently, the problem of processing sludge from water supply and sewage treatment plants has arisen.

    Methods for recycling waste from polymeric materials.

    Waste from polymeric materials does not decompose naturally and therefore they are strong environmental pollutants. Most polymers burn well, releasing a significant amount of heat and consuming a large amount of air. The released energy can be used. However, when burned, many polymers produce harmful gases such as ammonia, nitrogen oxides, cyanide compounds, hydrogen chloride and other substances, which requires additional devices for cleaning and processing gas emissions.

    The most common method of recycling waste from polymeric materials is burial and removal to landfills. Currently, special polygons for polymer materials are increasingly used.

    We have experience in recycling old polyethylene film and turning it into new, as well as producing pipes that are not susceptible to corrosion. Creating polymers with a controlled service life is an effective, promising way to protect the environment. In a number of countries, special, self-destructive types of packaging have been developed and are already being produced. These are photo- or biodegradable polymers that, under the influence of light, heat, atmospheric oxygen or microorganisms, decompose into low molecular weight products without polluting the soil.


    Significant climate change and loss of biodiversity are just two of the many serious environmental problems that continue to grow in on a global scale. The planet's population is this moment is more than 7 billion and with this there is growing concern about shortages of food, water, energy and other resources. To reduce the harm caused environment, and a shortage of resources, we should get serious about recycling used items. Electronics recycling is very important.

    Electronic waste (in English e-waste) includes all devices that have expired, whose operation depends on electric current and/or electromagnetic field. Phones, laptops, TVs, etc. turn into waste, becoming obsolete faster and faster, falling into disrepair to ensure the need to purchase new devices.

    Electronic waste includes printed circuit boards, which, although they make up about 3% of the total amount of this type of waste, are very dangerous due to the high concentration of toxic substances. Such waste, if not properly disposed of, has a negative impact on the ecosystem, both its biotic and abiotic parts. The presence of a variety of highly toxic materials and heavy metals makes landfilling or simple incineration unacceptable methods of managing such wastes. Therefore, the most optimal way to dispose of electronic waste is to recycle it.

    In addition to the fact that electronic waste poses a great danger to the environment, we must remember that production mobile phones and personal computers consume significant shares of the gold, silver and palladium mined annually around the world. Of course, in each individual device precious metals contains a tiny amount, but if we consider global production (more than 1.2 billion annually), then it is unreasonable to neglect this amount. It should be noted that the concentration of these precious metals in printed circuit boards ah is more than ten times higher than their concentration in the mined ore. However, processing of printed circuit boards is a technologically complex process due to the heterogeneity of materials, because they consist of many heterogeneous components.

    The amount of electronic waste in Russia and in the world

    According to some estimates, e-waste accounts for approximately 8% of total household waste.

    Unfortunately, it is very difficult to determine the exact amount of e-waste produced. According to UNEP estimates, 10 years ago, electronic waste amounted to about 20-50 million tons per year (2005). In Russia they are estimated at approximately 1.5 million tons. The US Environmental Protection Agency reported that each US household uses about 34 electronic devices and electrical appliances (2010 data). This on average results in the generation of more than 5 million tons of electronic waste per year. For the EU, it has been estimated that on average each citizen produces about 15 kg of e-waste per year, resulting in the generation of 7 million tons of waste (2010 data).

    Also, statistics indicate that China produces electronic waste in excess of 1.1 million tons, in particular from the manufacturing industry. A recent study showed that the total amount of e-waste in India during 2007-2011 was 2.5 million tons with an annual growth rate of e-waste of 7-10%.

    In addition, the amount of electronic waste in new industrial and developing countries is growing due to the import of waste from developed countries. According to recent studies, currently up to 50-80% of e-waste generated in developed countries, is supplied to developing countries for reuse and disposal, which is often contrary to international laws.

    Electronics recycling

    E-waste recycling is done both formally and informally. In official recycling, well-developed methods are used to separate the necessary fractions from the waste. However, factories built in compliance with all the necessary requirements for technological processes turn out to be expensive both during construction and during startup. In various underdeveloped and developing countries, where waste recycling is not properly funded, it is often carried out informally and without the necessary requirements and regulations, and pregnant women and children may work in such plants.

    Hazardous Chemicals in Electronics

    The most common routes of exposure to hazardous components of e-waste during recycling are through ingestion of hazardous substances through skin contact and inhalation, through contaminated soil, water, food and air.

    Dangerous chemical substances V electronic waste may be present either in their components or released during their processing. The main pollutants in e-waste are persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which have long period half-life Some of the most common POPs released during processing are brominated flame retardants (BFRS), polychlorinated biphenyls, hexabromocyclododecanes, polybromobiphenyls, dibrominated diphenyl ethers, polychlorinated or polybrominated dioxins. and di-benzo furans dioxins. POPs generated during disassembly and smelting processes consist of polychlorinated dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons appear due to incomplete combustion of fuels such as coal, gas, oil, etc. Heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, copper, manganese, nickel, arsenic, and zinc are also dangerous.

    Printed circuit board recycling technologies

    Printed circuit boards are one of the most important components electronic equipment. They provide a platform on which microelectronic components such as semiconductor chips and capacitors are mounted and interconnected. Circuit board recycling includes three types of processing: pre-processing, physical recycling and chemical recycling. Pre-treatment includes dismantling reusable and toxic elements, crushing or separating. Then comes physical processing. The materials are then recovered through a chemical recycling process.

    Physical methods

    Mechanical recycling

    This is a physical recycling method in which disassembled parts are ground into required sizes, after which they are sent to a fine grinding plant. The resulting powder is subjected to eddy currents in separators where metals are separated due to their electrical conductivity. The powder is then separated based on density and particle size. Bundle on various materials can be observed on a column of liquid.

    Air separation method

    In this method, the separation of dispersed solids occurs due to different particle sizes and their different densities. Particles suspended in a gas, mainly in air, occupy different positions in the separator under the influence various forces depending on the material. Heavy particles have a terminal settling velocity greater than the air velocity, while lighter particles have a terminal settling velocity less than the air velocity. Consequently, heavy particles move down against the air flow, while light particles rise with the air flow in top part separator.

    Principle of air separation of printed circuit board waste

    Electrostatic separation method

    This method uses an electrostatic field to separate bulk materials, which is applied to uncharged or polarized bodies. These technologies are used to recycle metals and plastics from industrial waste. Electrostatic separation technologies can be used to separate Cu, Al, Pb, Sn and iron, and some noble metals and plastic.

    Magnetic separation

    Magnetic separators are widely used to separate ferromagnetic metals from non-ferrous metals and other non-magnetic waste. The disadvantage of magnetic separation is the agglomeration of particles, as a result of which the magnet pulls out non-metallic inclusions along with ferromagnetic metals. Therefore this method is not very effective.

    Chemical methods


    Pyrolysis is a chemical technique that is widely used to process synthetic polymers, including glass fiber polymers. The pyrolysis of such polymers produces gases, hydrocarbons and a charred residue. These substances can later be used as chemical raw materials or fuel. The circuit boards are heated to a high enough temperature to melt the solder used to bond the electrical components together. The charred conglomerate, also called "ferrous metal", contains a high percentage of copper, as well as small amounts of iron, calcium, nickel, zinc and aluminum, which can then be reduced.

    Hydrometallurgical method

    This method is mainly used for processing circuit boards to recover the metal fraction. The method involves leaching of metals using acid and alkali solutions, followed by electrorefining of the desired metals. This method is considered more flexible and energy-saving, therefore cost-effective. Widely used lixiviants are aqua regia, nitric acid, sulfuric acid and cyanide solutions. In the case of non-metallic substrates, metals leach into solution from the substrate. In the case of a metal substrate, electrochemical processing can be used to restore the metals. Thus, the hydrometallurgical method makes it possible to restore metals without any additional processing, while the rest of the materials in the board are reuse or burial must undergo additional heat treatment. The main disadvantage of this method is the causticity and toxicity of the liquids used.

    Biometallurgical separation method

    This method has been used to extract precious metals and copper from ores for a long time, but it is still not very well developed. Microorganisms use metals present in external environment and on the surface of cells, for their intracellular functions. Each type of microorganism has a characteristic tendency to tolerate a particular metal in a particular environment. Bioleaching and biosorption are generally two main branches of biometallurgy used to extract metals. Bioleaching has been successfully used to extract precious metals and copper from ores for many years. The same technique can be used to recover copper and other valuable metals from waste circuit boards.


    The main application of the gasification process is the generation of synthesis gas (CO, H2). Gasification occurs at approximately 1600 °C and a pressure of approximately 150 bar. Hydrogen-rich synthesis gas is the main product of gasification, which is a valuable raw material for the production of methanol. After appropriate processing, some fractions of this gas can be used to produce thermal and electrical energy.

    Principle of gasification process of printed circuit board waste

    Application of physical and chemical processing methods

    Advantages of physical processing methods, such as magnetic separators, separators that separate materials depending on density, etc., relative to chemical processing are that they do not require large financial investments, they are relatively simple, convenient, pollute the environment less, and require less energy. Metal fractions obtained by physical processing methods can be used for commercial purposes without significant recovery procedures. However, for non-metallic fractions to be used commercially, they must be chemically processed. Thus, physical processing methods are more economical for processing metal fractions than non-metallic ones. The main purpose of chemical processing methods such as pyrolysis is to convert polymers contained in non-metallic fractions into chemical feedstocks or fuels. Chemical methods reprocessing has advantages in converting brominated flame retardants and recovering heavy metals left over from physical recycling methods.

    Use of non-metallic fractions of printed circuit boards

    Large amounts of non-metallic waste printed circuit boards, which are often hazardous to people and the environment (due to the presence of brominated flame retardants and heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, beryllium, etc.), are dumped in landfills. To prevent this, it is necessary to find their optimal use.

    Non-metallic fractions are lighter than cement and sand; their granules are much smaller, therefore, they have a more reliable microstructure. The mechanical strength of the material increases in the presence of coarse glass fibers. Therefore, thanks to the above properties, non-metallic fractions can be successfully used as a filler in building materials, for the production of adhesives and decorative agents.

    A method has been developed for using non-metallic fractions of printed circuit boards in the production of non-metallic plates, which can be used to produce composite boards. Composite boards are used in many areas, including the automotive industry, furniture, various equipment and finishing materials.

    Phenolic compounds are used in the production of radio components and kitchen utensils. Due to the decrease forest resources and increasing their costs, manufacturers are looking for alternatives wooden floor. Non-metallic paper-based PCBs seem to be a good replacement option for wood flooring.


    Recycling electronics is very important because the components of hardware and electronics items are resources rather than waste. Electronics components that are subject to recycling contain relatively high levels of useful resources, which makes their extraction economically profitable. But minimizing the environmental impact we achieve by recycling electronics is much more important!

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    In the context of modern growth of industry and urban population, the problem of waste disposal is becoming increasingly urgent. Landfills are limited and in short supply. In addition, they provide Negative influence on the environment, which already suffers from gas pollution and emissions from large enterprises. Therefore, it is necessary to build waste processing plants far from settlements, as well as the use of modern methods of obtaining recyclable materials and recycling.

    Natural waste recycling

    In the last century, recycling household waste through composting was popular. To do this, they dug pits and dumped organic waste there and covered it with earth. Through processes of rotting and decomposition, organic fertilizers were formed over time. Not long ago, this method was improved: special heated sealed installations began to be produced. When heated, organic waste decomposes faster, resulting in the formation of biogas (methane), which is used to produce biofuels.

    Large companies began to produce mobile stations that are capable of providing processing to private farms and small villages. For large cities, large plants similar in operating principle could be used, but they are unprofitable, since it takes quite a lot of time to decompose, and the resulting fertilizers need to be put somewhere. In addition, such installations are not capable of processing other types of waste that will accumulate. These include construction waste, plastic and polyethylene products, etc. The solution would be to build specialized factories, but this is not economically viable.

    Recycling waste by thermal action

    Thermal processing is the combustion of municipal solid waste in order to reduce the volume of organic substances, neutralize them and subsequently dispose or dispose of them. In this case, as a result of combustion, the initial volumes are reduced several times, all bacteria are destroyed, and the released energy can be used to heat water in heating systems or generate electricity. Typically, such factories are located near large landfills where garbage removal from all over the city and there is an opportunity to bury waste from recycling at landfills.

    Combustion can be direct or pyrolysis. Direct combustion produces only thermal energy, while pyrolysis produces two types of fuel: gas and liquid. Both methods have a significant drawback - during combustion, harmful substances are released into the atmosphere, which causes significant harm to the environment. Even installing filters to retain solid volatile substances in the situation better side doesn't change fundamentally.

    Plasma waste processing

    Plasma processing is currently the most in a modern way destruction of garbage. The essence of the process is as follows:

    • The waste is crushed, compressed and, if necessary, dried to obtain a granular structure;
    • The granules are placed in a special reactor, where the required amount of energy is transferred to them using a plasma jet, and they turn into a gaseous state.

    To prevent combustion, an oxidizer is introduced into the chamber. The result is a gas similar to natural gas, but with less energy content. It is collected in large sealed containers for subsequent processing and use as fuel for diesel generators, boilers, and gas turbines.

    This method of waste disposal has long been used in the USA and Canada. They have learned not only to recycle waste, but also to effectively use the by-product - gas as fuel. All conditions have already been created for this in the West, but in the post-Soviet space the new technology has not become widespread due to expensive equipment and high requirements for the qualifications of service personnel.


    New waste processing technologies require financial investments and interest at the state level. But while there are factories with outdated equipment, and they can cope with the volumes, build modern plant no one will, or until an environmental disaster occurs.

    Every year the problem of garbage accumulation becomes more acute. Today she presents big threat nature and man. This is due to the emergence of new industrial enterprises and an increase in the volume of their products. According to statistics, the amount of solid waste from consumption and production increases annually by an average of 10–15%.

    Just a few decades ago, garbage was simply taken to landfills and left untouched. However, the situation has changed dramatically for the better. Scientists have come to grips with solving environmental problems and have developed special waste processing technologies. These innovations make it possible to reduce waste disposal costs and even extract economic benefits from the remaining raw materials. As a result, recycled materials are new life. They can be reused in various areas of human activity, for example, in construction or agriculture.

    Target setting

    Since waste recycling technologies are a way to preserve natural resources, in many countries special programs are being developed and subsidized to return waste to the production cycle.

    To successfully implement them, authorities often involve ordinary citizens who can help collect household waste. necessary for several reasons:

    • it allows you to save limited natural resources and gives time and opportunity to replenish them;
    • used products are the strongest source of ecosystem pollution;
    • secondary and tertiary materials are cheaper and more accessible compared to natural sources.

    Subsequent waste processing, or recycling, is associated with technogenesis. It is ideal for printing and organic waste, as well as for rubber, polymer products, glass, etc.

    Profit and costs

    Each waste processing technology is viewed through the prism of capital investment.

    This approach involves dividing secondary raw materials into types:

    • High quality products such as scrap metal or glass. They do not contain impurities, so their processing does not require enormous amounts of costs.
    • Materials of average quality require the use of special technologies and capital comparable to the profit from the sale of processed products. This group includes textiles and waste paper.
    • Difficult to recycle waste - polyethylene, broken glass and leftovers. During their processing, valuable substances are extracted, and this requires certain costs.
    • To the dangerous secondary waste Special methods of neutralization and technology are used. This is an expensive business from an economic point of view.

    Solid waste processing technology

    Different variants

    Each type of raw material has its own processing technology:

    • Sorting waste into small fractions precedes waste disposal and recycling. This process can be done manually or using special machines. Consumed materials are reduced in size as their constituent components are crushed and sieved.
    • One of the most common methods is burning. It allows you to obtain additional products necessary for the production of electricity and heat supply. The fire method reduces the amount of waste used by 10 times. Since innovations are aimed at renewing resources, the government of many civilized countries encourages their implementation, abandoning the usual burning of waste. Scientists have recognized that this method is expensive and has an adverse effect on human health. During combustion, toxic substances are released into the atmosphere that can cause cardiovascular disease and illness. respiratory organs. Therefore, waste processing by combustion must be carried out in special installations or incineration plants, taking into account all rules and requirements. Waste incinerators, depending on the type of furnace, use different waste processing technologies, for example, layer combustion, fluidized bed method, pyrolysis, gasification.
    • Composting technology is used in agriculture and livestock farming. It is based on natural reactions. Microorganisms that live in the soil and in organic waste, process the source material. As a result, New Product– compost that can be used as fertilizer. Composting is useful way recycling waste, as it retains moisture and saturates the soil useful substances and improves her condition. Over time, it was improved: in practice, heated sealed installations began to be used to speed up the decomposition process.
    • Earth backfilling of animal waste involves obtaining it for further use as organic fuel. This process is carried out at special testing sites. Processing takes place in the depths of the earth, where ideal conditions are created for the proliferation of microscopic bacteria. An industrial installation with ventilation pipes, gas collectors, boilers and tightly closing containers is built in there. Biomass decomposition occurs in stages and over a certain period.

    Keep up with the times

    Not long ago, new technologies for the further use of industrial and household waste appeared. They allow you to derive economic benefits, and therefore attract the attention of businessmen and public figures.

    The thermal method consists in burning solid household waste, freeing it from organic compounds and rendering it harmless for subsequent disposal and burial.

    As a result, the starting material is significantly reduced in volume, and some types of raw materials can be reused. Thermal method suitable for, as it destroys pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.

    is a unique and promising waste processing technology.

    The process is carried out at very high temperatures melting, resulting in the production of gas necessary for the generation of electrical and thermal energy. This method is environmentally friendly. It allows you to achieve good results.

    “3R” technology came to life in 2000. Specialists from various fields are involved in its implementation using the latest equipment - a pyrolysis unit.

    The innovative method involves the stage-by-stage implementation of production tasks. First, the waste to be recycled is analyzed and classified. Then calculations are made of their payback and efficiency of use.

    At the next stage, the collected material is automatically sorted, crushed and cleaned. It's complicated technological process, to which any type of debris can be exposed.

    Scientists have proven that from 100 kg of waste, 96 kg of finished high-quality raw materials are produced. "3R" technology was tested by German engineers. Today they are ready to share their work with specialists from other countries.

    A look into the future

    The modern waste disposal technologies used make it possible to simultaneously solve problems aimed at eliminating and recycling waste, saving natural resources and obtaining additional sources of energy.

    Science does not stand still. Scientists and environmentalists work together to decide ecological problems world level. Today, in many laboratories they are researching new methods of recycling and waste disposal using improved equipment.

    Who knows, maybe very soon innovations will be added to the traditional list, and humanity will receive the greatest benefit from this.

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