Degrees of combat readiness and their brief characteristics. The procedure for bringing troops into combat readiness. See what “Degrees of combat readiness” are in other dictionaries

the procedure for notifying military personnel serving under a contract and living outside the unit’s location;

the procedure for obtaining weapons and ammunition, equipment and property;

procedure for removal (removal) of property and material resources;

the order of security and defense of the unit's location;

teams assigned from the unit, time and order of their departure. The contents of the combat crew are clarified daily at the evening roll call.

4.2.2. Emergency equipment for personnel

To successfully complete the tasks facing the unit, in addition to planning, the unit commander needs Special attention devote to personnel training.

An important place here is occupied by his equipment, which includes:

1. Field equipment.

2. Means of protection.

3. Supply of food and water.

4. Entrenching tool.

5. Personal items.

6. Personal medical first aid equipment. Let's consider the composition of the equipment elements.

Field equipment is a set of items intended for

carrying by military personnel personal weapons, ammunition, protective equipment, entrenching tools, food and water supplies, and personal items.

The composition of a set of field equipment for a serviceman, based on the experience of the troops, is determined by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 1997 No. 340 (Appendix 2).

Items of field equipment are stored in units assembled on a waist belt (unloading vest, body armor) without ammunition.

The equipment is periodically inspected, disassembled and cleaned and any deficiencies found are eliminated.

Means of protection:


combined arms protective kit (OZK).

Food supply - dry rations or combat food rations (nutrition).

Entrenching tool – small sapper shovel. Personal items:

pot, mug, spoon;


household items (accessories, accessories for the care of uniforms and shoes);


spare foot wraps (socks);

one pair of underwear (if necessary);

steel helmet;


Personal medical products:

personal first aid kit;

individual dressing packages;

means for disinfecting individual water supplies;

individual anti-chemical package.

Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 1997 No. 210 determined the procedure for wearing and placing elements of a serviceman’s equipment.

On the waist belt (unloading vest, body armor) are located:

flask in case - left back;

grenade bag - front left;

small shovel in a case - right back;

shopping bag - front right.

IN The duffel backpack always contains:

a cauldron with a mug and spoon placed in it;


steel helmet, if not used for Everyday life.

WITH Upon receiving a signal to put the unit on combat readiness, the duffel backpack is replenished with other things and dry rations (combat food rations). In this case, toiletries, a towel and household items are placed in the pockets of a duffel backpack.

To make it easier to store toiletries, departments make fabric bags.

Stockings and gloves are worn on a waist belt (unloading vest, body armor) in a case on the right back (behind the case with a shovel), and a raincoat is attached to the backpack.

Place a protective coat, stockings and gloves in the duffel backpack


Personal first aid equipment is located:

personal first aid kit - in the left breast pocket of the jacket;

individual dressing bags - in the sleeve pockets of the jacket;

means for disinfecting individual water supplies - in the right patch pocket of the trousers;

individual anti-chemical package - in the gas mask bag.

4.2.3. Organization of training on combat readiness

The determining element of a unit's combat readiness is its combat effectiveness, which in peacetime conditions depends on combat training.

Combat training is understood as a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel, their moral, psychological and physical qualities, training and coherence of the unit to perform tasks in accordance with their purpose.

Unit training should be carried out during planned exercises and combat readiness drills, during planned and unannounced inspections carried out by senior commanders, as well as during tactical exercises.

Scheduled training on combat readiness with personnel is carried out at the beginning of each training period. Combat training programs provide for 3 combat readiness classes, each lasting 6 hours. The first lesson is carried out as part of a company, a separate platoon; the second - as part of a battalion; the third is in the composition.

Consistent coordination of units is carried out by the method of tactical drills, first in elements with repeated repetition, first of all, of those actions of personnel that are difficult for them to perceive or slowly assimilate, and then in combination with practicing all the measures to bring the unit into combat readiness.

In addition to training, these classes should also pursue such goals as checking the reality of developed plans, calculations and finding new ways and means of reducing the time it takes to transfer a unit from peaceful to war time.

Based on the goals, it is advisable to conduct the first lesson in two stages: the first - lasting up to 4 hours - during daylight hours, the second - lasting 2 hours - in dark time days.

To conduct classes, training places are equipped at the company location: in the dormitory, a storage room for storing company property and personal belongings of military personnel, a room for storing weapons, as well as a training place for training persons daily outfit.

The following may be posted at training places for personnel:

1. In the sleeping area - a diagram of the stages and sequence of actions of personnel according to signals, a diagram of assigning windows to military personnel performing blackout, indicating the main and reserve use

workers, a poster with the conditions for meeting the standards for notifying and assembling company personnel, for the departure of drivers to the park, loading and unloading teams to warehouses, etc.

2. Before entering the weapons storage room, there is a schedule for receiving weapons, indicating the priority and time standards for receiving weapons and gas masks.

3. At the entrance to the pantry - a diagram showing the procedure for equipping military personnel, receiving and removing property.

At the training place for training the daily work order, all the documentation defining the content and sequence of its actions is laid out:

book of evening verification of the company with the combat crew, instructions to the company duty officer in case of alarm and muster, documents for recording departing teams (messengers, drivers, loading teams, etc.).

The purpose of the training places equipped in the park is determined by the content of the activities carried out by personnel to remove automotive equipment from storage, make it ready for use and bring it to the concentration area.

To conduct the lesson, the company commander draws up a summary plan (Appendix 3). The order of the lesson may be as follows.

In the introductory part, the company commander announces the topic, goals, educational issues, the procedure for conducting the lesson, resembles the content of the degrees of combat readiness, tests the personnel’s knowledge of warning signals, methods of their transmission (receipt) to the company and duties according to the combat crew.

Then the company commander distributes the platoons to training places, indicates the training time for them, and determines the order of replacement at training places.

IN Over the next hour, the platoon commanders in the deployment practice in the platoons the actions of the persons on daily duty and each serviceman from the moment of notification until the formation of teams to proceed to the places of further actions. During the lesson personnel masters actions during notification, raising and gathering on alarm, performing blackout, receiving weapons and property, leaving messengers, drivers and other teams for their intended purpose.

Classes at the company location end with a 50-minute comprehensive training session on performing all activities within the company. At the same time, special attention is paid to the organization and coherence of the actions of personnel when receiving weapons, personal protective equipment and other property, equipment, timely formation and departure of teams, the correctness of actions of persons on daily duty and senior teams.


Boss military department

Reserve Colonel A. Ibraev


Instances ______

Copy No. ______



For students studying in the specialty “Organization educational work", "Organization of ideological work", "Organization of special propaganda", "Legal work"

2011 edition program.

Topic 3: “Combat and mobilization readiness of units

And parts."

Considered at a meeting of the subject-methodological commission

Protocol No.____dated “____” _____________20___

Updated: “____” _____________20___

"____" _____________20___


Topic 3: “Combat and mobilization readiness of units and

Units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

Educational and educational goals:

Bring to students the content of combat readiness of units and subunits, types of combat readiness.

Explain the sequence of actions of military personnel at various levels of combat readiness.

To create responsibility for the fulfillment of military duty and selfless fulfillment of duties when bringing a military unit to the highest levels of combat readiness.

Time: 2 hours.

Place: lecture hall.

Method: lecture.

Material support:


Literature: 1. Rules combat use, part 2;

2. Charter of the internal service and regulatory documents of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Study questions and approximate time allocation

No. Study questions Time
I Introductory part - accept the report of the platoon duty officer; - check the presence of students, their appearance, readiness for class; - announce the topic and educational questions of the lesson. 5 minutes
II Main part 1. The concept of combat readiness of units and units, how it is achieved. 2. Degrees of combat readiness, their content and procedure for their introduction. 70 min 30 min 40 min
III The final part is to remind the topic and learning objectives of the lesson; - conduct a lesson review; - answer students’ questions; - give a task for self-preparation. 5 minutes


Training of students on the topic “Combat and mobilization readiness of units and units” is carried out as part of platoons.

The form of conducting classes on this topic is a lecture.

Lectures form the basis of theoretical training. They have a goal: to provide a systematized basis of knowledge on tactical training, reveal the most difficult questions educational material with detailed theoretical reasoning, contribute to the development of trainees’ thinking, their understanding of the nature of modern combined arms combat and the requirements of the rules of combat employment Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, exclude prerequisites for a pattern in actions and, as a rule, be of a problematic nature.

Problematic issues may include substantiating the provisions of the Rules of Combat Employment of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, revealing the dynamics of the development of combat, the correct use of military equipment and platoon weapons, and means of strengthening them in combat.

The degree of problematic nature of the lecture should increase consistently with the increase in the amount of knowledge acquired. The content of the lecture and the direction of its presentation should encourage students to study additional educational literature and force them to show interest in independently uncovering problematic issues.

I. Introductory part

Accept the report of the platoon duty officer;

Check the presence of students, their appearance, readiness for class;

Announce the topic and educational questions of the lesson;

Conduct a quiz on the topics covered.

II. Main part

Question #1: « The concept of combat readiness of units and units, how it is achieved.”

Combined arms combat forms the basis of combined arms (joint, amphibious, anti-landing) operations and is carried out by the combined efforts of all troops participating in it, using tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), artillery, weapons air defense, airplanes, helicopters, other weapons and military equipment. It is characterized by transience, high maneuverability, intensity and decisiveness, the deployment of combat operations on the ground and in the air, simultaneous fire and radio-electronic impact on the entire depth of the formation of the parties, a complex tactical situation and its sudden changes, a variety of methods used to perform combat missions .

Modern combined arms combat requires that the formations, units and subunits participating in it : high combat readiness, continuous reconnaissance; skillful use of weapons and military equipment, means of protection and camouflage; high mobility and organization; full tension of all moral and physical strength, an unshakable will to win; high military discipline and cohesion. This is achieved by: high combat training, conscious fulfillment of one’s military duty, perseverance, courage, bravery and readiness of personnel in any conditions to achieve complete victory over the enemy, importance to their everyday combat life and needs, high demands on them, education from subordinates, faith in the rightness of our cause, devotion to the homeland and government.

In modern combined arms combat, a variety of forces and means will be widely used in various combinations with full use of their combat capabilities. Our units and units are equipped big amount a variety of modern first-class combat equipment.

The basic principles of modern combined arms combat are: constant combat readiness of units; decisiveness, activity and continuity of combat; coordinated use of units of military branches and special troops; other troops and military formations and maintaining continuous interaction between them; surprise of actions and the use of military cunning (measures to deceive the enemy); concentrating the main efforts of units in the main direction and at the decisive moment; maneuver by units, strikes and fire and combination of fire with movement; modern restoration of the combat capability of units and comprehensive support for combat; the use of moral and psychological factors in the interests of fulfilling the assigned task; firm and continuous management of departments.

The constant combat readiness of units lies in the ability to enter into battle at any time in an organized manner, on time, and successfully complete assigned tasks.

The most important elements of combat readiness are: knowledge of upcoming tasks and timely, even in peacetime, implementation of measures to prepare for their implementation, high combat training; maintaining weapons and military equipment in readiness for immediate use; maintenance of military equipment reserves in required sizes; constant readiness to repel a surprise enemy attack; high moral and psychological state, discipline and vigilance of personnel.

Combat readiness- this is a state of the Armed Forces in which they are capable at any time and in the most difficult conditions of the situation to repel and thwart enemy aggression, no matter where it comes from and no matter what means and methods are used for this, including nuclear weapons.

The most important elements of combat readiness are:

Knowledge of upcoming tasks and timely, even in peacetime, measures to prepare for their implementation;

High combat skills;

Maintaining weapons and military equipment in readiness for immediate use;

High moral and psychological state, discipline and vigilance of personnel.

Requirements for combat readiness:

1. The combat readiness of troops located in border areas and in the interior of the country must ensure, at any time of the year and day, in any climatic and physical-geographical conditions, the organized transition of formations and units within the time limits established for them from peacetime conditions to martial law.

2. Combat readiness - must ensure the rapid withdrawal of troops from places of permanent deployment, in order to avoid loss of combat capability from nuclear strikes enemy in short time and fulfillment of assigned tasks with the outbreak of war.

3. Combat readiness - must ensure warning of a potential enemy in preparing and organizing an attack.

Troop mobilization this is the process of systematic and organized deployment of troops and naval forces to wartime levels with additional staffing in a timely manner with personnel called up from the reserve, provision of equipment and materiel from resources National economy, combat coordination of troops and bringing them into full combat readiness to carry out combat missions.

Constant combat readiness units is the ability to engage in battle at any time in an organized manner, on time, and successfully complete assigned tasks.

Constant combat readiness of units is achieved:

Correct understanding by unit commanders of their tasks and skillful preparation of troops, anticipation of possible changes in the situation and timely implementation of the necessary measures to prepare for upcoming actions;

The staffing and provision of units with everything necessary for combat;

High combat training of units and their readiness to act in conditions of enemy use of weapons mass destruction;

Constant readiness of weapons and military equipment for use, and personnel to carry out assigned tasks;

Placement of units taking into account their purpose; continuous reconnaissance;

Clear organization and vigilant performance of service;

Organized and rapid bringing of units to combat readiness;

Organizing and maintaining firm and continuous management of departments.

Conclusion: Thus, the combat readiness of units is an assessment of the entire life and activity of the troops, and you, as future officers, are obliged to study military affairs, and then pass on your skills and knowledge to your subordinates and strengthen the combat readiness of the troops in every possible way.

Question #2: « Degrees of combat readiness, their content and procedure for their introduction ».

The Ministry of Defense has established 4 levels of combat readiness:

Combat readiness "Constant";

Combat readiness "Increased";

Combat readiness "Military danger";

Combat readiness "Full."

Based on the Deployment Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on military doctrine republics each military unit has a specific purpose for a special period (explain the provisions of the special period:

Law on Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Law on martial law of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

The law on the transition of the state to martial law), and the military unit and its staff in peacetime draw up and constantly improve the Plan for bringing the military unit to various degrees of combat readiness.

Let's consider the activities carried out in a military unit at various degrees of combat readiness:

1. “Constant” combat readiness b - this is an everyday condition

formations and units contained in peacetime states and time sheets and the provision of all types of military reserves capable of moving into high readiness, into a state of “military danger” or full combat readiness within the established time limits.

The allocated units and subunits are on combat duty and carry out combat missions in accordance with combat training plans.

Units and headquarters are on 24-hour duty. Formations and units of all types of troops with allocated forces are on combat duty.

Military equipment and weapons are kept in constant combat readiness in accordance with the norms and procedures established by orders and directives of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Materials and technical means are stored in warehouses or on machines. Ready for delivery and withdrawal to concentration areas. In formations and units of reduced strength:

Ammunition, fuels and lubricants and other material and technical means are stored for a specified period of time in warehouses;

Equipment at reception points for personnel and equipment is kept ready for loading and transportation to the mobilization area.

2. Combat readiness “Increased”- this is an intermediate state between constant combat readiness and a state of “military danger”, introduced to carry out a number of measures aimed at reducing the time it takes to bring formations and units into readiness to carry out their assigned tasks.

At this level of combat readiness:

At headquarters of all levels and in military registration and enlistment offices, 24-hour duty is established for generals and officers from among the leadership. Security and defense of garrisons, important facilities, headquarters and command posts are established, additional posts are set up, and patrols are organized. Formations, units and subunits located at training grounds and training areas return to their garrisons. By additional order, personnel are called back from vacations and business trips. Armament and Combat vehicles is given in combat status. Enlisted personnel undergoing training and automotive equipment supplied from the national economy are in the troops until further notice. The dismissal of persons who have served their terms of active service is suspended.

Military stocks of material and technical means are loaded into combat vehicles and motor transport.

Excess stocks (in excess of mobile standards) of material and technical means, barracks funds, educational equipment and property are being prepared for transfer.

The time for bringing headquarters, formations and establishments of the Ground Forces to “increased” combat readiness is set at no more than 4 hours.

3.Combat readiness "Military danger" » - this is a state in which formations, units, and subunits withdrawn to areas of concentration are quickly brought into readiness to carry out tasks in accordance with their purpose. Bringing formations, units and subunits into combat readiness for “military danger” is carried out on a combat alert.

Connections, parts constant readiness and the control bodies of communications, security and service units are staffed according to wartime staffing levels and are made ready to carry out combat missions, reduced personnel, personnel and newly formed ones are taken from the organizational reserve. core and are preparing for mobilization.

At this level of combat readiness:

Formations, units of all branches of the armed forces, on combat alert, go to the concentration area (for each formation, part of the establishment), two or three areas are prepared, remote no closer than 10-15 km. from the point of permanent deployment, one of which is secret, not equipped in engineering terms.

The end time for exiting military camps from the moment the combat alert is declared should not exceed:

- from combat readiness “constant” - 1 hour in summer, 1 hour 30 minutes in winter;

- from “increased” combat readiness – 40 minutes in summer, 1 hour in winter.

Establish the time for bringing formations and units in concentration areas into readiness to perform tasks:

Without additional staffing to wartime levels:

- with additional staffing to wartime levels - no more than 12 hours.

Reception time org. core and deployment of a personnel reception point and equipment reception point should not exceed 8 hours.

All types of weapons and military equipment are brought into readiness for combat use.

Personnel are issued cartridges, grenades, steel helmets, secret gas masks, dosimeters, dressings and anti-chemical bags.

Dismissal of persons who have served the established terms of active service and the next conscription young replenishment is suspended.

4. Combat readiness “Full”- this is the state of the highest readiness of formations and units withdrawn to designated areas, having completed the entire range of measures for transferring from a peaceful to a military situation, including full mobilization and direct preparation for combat operations, ensuring an organized entry into battle and the successful completion of the assigned task. Bringing troops to “full” combat readiness is carried out on a combat alert.

At this level of combat readiness:

On command posts Full shifts of combat crews are on duty around the clock.

Formations and units of reduced strength, cadres and newly formed ones are staffed according to wartime standards, combat coordination is carried out and brought to “full” combat readiness.

Formations and units are prepared to perform tasks for their operational purposes.

The time for bringing formations and units from constant combat readiness to “full” combat readiness is to establish:

- without additional staffing to wartime staff:

a) from “constant” combat readiness – no more than 5 hours.

b) from “increased” combat readiness – no more than 4 hours.

- with additional staffing to wartime staff:

from combat readiness “constant” and “increased” - no more than 12 hours .

The timing of deployment to wartime states and bringing to “full” combat readiness – formations, units and institutions of reduced strength, personnel and newly formed ones – are determined by mobilization plans.

The order of bringing troops into combat readiness.

Combat readiness “Increased”, “Military Danger”, in the Armed Forces is introduced by the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan or on his behalf by the Chief of the General Staff.

Bringing troops to various degrees of combat readiness, depending on the situation, can be carried out sequentially or immediately to the highest level, bypassing intermediate ones.

Troops are put into “Military Danger” and “Full” combat readiness following a combat alert.

Orders are given :

In writing, with delivery by courier or transmission via secret communications;

Installed signals, with their transmission through automated control, warning and communication systems;

Orally, in personal communication or via technical means of communication.

Combat readiness- a state that determines the degree of readiness of troops to carry out the combat missions assigned to them. One of the main indicators of the level of combat and mobilization readiness is the ability to bring units, units and formations into readiness to conduct combat operations within a specified time frame. Moreover, combat readiness is assessed not only by the time the unit goes out on alert, but also by the ability to arrive in full force in a timely manner to the specified areas, maintaining high combat readiness regardless of their removal.

The Ministry of Defense has established 4 levels of combat readiness:

Combat readiness “Constant”;

Combat readiness “Increased”;

Combat readiness “Military danger”;

Combat readiness "Full".

Constant combat readiness- this is the daily state of formations and units contained in the states and time sheets of peacetime and the provision of all types of military reserves capable of moving into high readiness, into a state of “military danger” or full combat readiness within the established time limits. The allocated units and subunits are on combat duty and perform combat missions according to combat training plans. Increased combat readiness- this is an intermediate state between constant combat readiness and a state of “military danger”, introduced to carry out a number of measures aimed at reducing the time it takes to bring formations and units into readiness to carry out their assigned tasks. Combat readiness "Military danger"- this is a state in which formations, units, and subunits withdrawn to areas of concentration are quickly brought into readiness to carry out tasks in accordance with their purpose. Bringing formations, units and subunits into combat readiness for “military danger” is carried out on a combat alert. Formations, constant readiness units and control bodies of communications, security and service units are staffed according to wartime staffing levels and are made ready to carry out combat missions, reduced personnel, personnel and newly formed personnel are taken from the organizational reserve. core and are preparing for mobilization. Combat readiness "Full"- this is the state of the highest readiness of formations and units withdrawn to designated areas, having completed the entire range of measures to transfer from a peaceful to a military situation, including full mobilization and direct preparation for combat operations, ensuring an organized entry into battle and the successful completion of the assigned task. Bringing troops to “full” combat readiness is carried out on a combat alert.

Notification of units takes no more than 3 minutes. Notification and gathering of officers 30-40 minutes. Removing equipment from short-term security in the summer - 15-20 minutes, in the winter – 30-40 minutes. Equipment output in summer is 1 hour, in winter - 1.5 hours. The speed of movement from permanent deployment points is 30-40 km/h. Arrival of personnel and vehicles for replenishment within 18-24 hours. Arrival of the organizational core 6-8 hours. Arrival of the main team 18-20 hours. Deployment of reception points for personnel and equipment in 2-4 hours. Bringing combat supplies to final equipped form in the MSBR-15 hours, in the TBR - 19 hours. Bringing batteries into working condition: 1 battery for an infantry fighting vehicle - 1 hour, for a tank - 2 hours, all batteries - after 72 hours.

The purpose of a motorized rifle battalion. List the main units of the battalion, their weapons and military equipment.

Motorized rifle battalion is one of the main combined arms tactical units. Usually consists of motorized rifle (tank) companies, communications, support and medical unit of the battalion. In addition, it may include a mortar battery, anti-aircraft, anti-tank, grenade launcher, machine gun, and reconnaissance units. A motorized rifle (tank) company, in turn, usually consists of motorized rifle (tank) platoons. Mortar battery designed to support combat motorized rifle company first echelon. Anti-tank guided missile installation units and anti-tank grenade launchers battalions are designed to fight tanks and other armored vehicles the enemy, covering flanks, joints and gaps. Grenade unit is an effective fire weapon for a motorized rifle battalion and is designed to destroy enemy personnel and fire weapons located outside shelters, in open trenches and behind folds of terrain. Machine gun unit designed to destroy and suppress enemy manpower and firepower, destroy low-flying targets, landing forces in the air and on the ground, in order to successfully advance on the offensive and stubbornly hold their positions on the defensive. Communications Division battalion is designed to establish and maintain stable communications. Medical Center designed for searching, removing wounded from the battlefield, and providing medical care.

Combat readiness

armed forces (troops), a state that determines the degree of preparedness of each type of armed forces (troops) to carry out the combat missions assigned to it. The presence of weapons of mass destruction in the army's arsenal and the possibility of its sudden and massive application They place high demands on the military forces of the armed forces (troops). The armed forces must be capable of launching active fighting on land, at sea and in the air. To this end, in modern armies provision is made for the maintenance of troops in a constant (everyday) battlefield. Constant warfare is ensured by the necessary staffing of the troops with personnel, weapons, equipment, supplies of material resources, as well as high training of personnel.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “Combat readiness” is in other dictionaries:

    Combat readiness- COMBAT READINESS is the name given to the readiness of troops for a campaign during the transition from a peaceful situation to a military one. Term B. ready. consists of the time required for mobilization, i.e., for staffing with people, horses, replenishment of supplies and... ... Military encyclopedia

    The ability of troops (forces) in any situation to begin military operations on time and successfully complete assigned tasks. Determined by the combat effectiveness of troops (forces), correct understanding by commanders, staffs, timely... ... Naval Dictionary

    combat readiness- kovinė parengtis statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Ginkluotųjų pajėgų būsena, kai jos pasirengusios bet kurioje situacijoje ir nustatytu laiku pradėti kovos veiksmus ir sėkmingai įvykdyti kovos užduotis. Kovinę parengtį… Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas

    combat readiness- Combat readiness (number one) 1) The ability of troops to begin and successfully conduct combat operations at any time. 2) joke. About complete, instant readiness for anything. Put yourself on alert number one... Dictionary of many expressions

    Combat readiness- a state that ensures the ability of troops (forces) in any situation to begin military operations on time and successfully complete assigned tasks. Determined by the combat effectiveness of troops (forces), timely preparation for the upcoming... Glossary of military terms

    Combat readiness- the state of formations, formations, units (ships), subunits of troops and bodies of the RF PS, which determines their ability to carry out the assigned combat missions in an organized manner and on time for the protection and security of the RF Civil Guard, the protection of internal ... Border Dictionary

    Combat readiness- the ability of troops to quickly concentrate efforts to repel superior enemy forces in a defensive battle or to deliver a powerful blow to the enemy in a chosen direction in an offensive battle. The strength of troops depends on training... ... A brief dictionary of operational-tactical and general military terms

    COMBAT READINESS- the state of the troops (forces), allowing them to begin combat operations in an organized manner, on time, and in the course of this, successfully carry out their assigned tasks. Determined by the combat effectiveness of troops (forces) and timeliness. their preparation for upcoming actions. IN … Encyclopedia of the Strategic Missile Forces

    Combat readiness of fortresses- COMBAT READINESS OF FORTRESSES, which are for the most part advanced strongholds of the state, no less important than B. Goth. army and navy, relying on these fortifications: the unpreparedness of the fortifications, as an essential sign of the general unpreparedness of a given state for ... Military encyclopedia

    The state of a ship (formation), characterizing the ability to engage in battle with the enemy (including repelling his surprise attack). Has several states (No. 1,2). For example, according to the combat readiness of ship No. 1, the entire personnel of the ship... ... Naval Dictionary


  • The bitterness of taiga berries, Vladimir Petrov. Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Nikolaevich Petrov is forty-four years old. Twenty-eight of them he was closely connected with the army, with service in the air defense forces. Onsam was a pilot, signalman,...

Against the backdrop of massive calls for world peace, almost every state is constantly developing its military-industrial complex. After the Second World War, two superpowers took absolute leadership in the political arena: the USA and the USSR, whose successor was modern Russia. Over the seventy-year period, no direct armed conflict arose between these countries, but relations often entered a rather aggravated phase.

That is why it is advisable to periodically check the military potential of the armed forces. This is achieved by organizing exercises or combat drills, but there is also a political subtext, since any test of the level of combat readiness of the RF Armed Forces is regarded by a potential enemy as an aggressive step. At the same time, such events are aimed at demonstrating the capabilities of the Armed Forces and their readiness to take active action, which should significantly reduce the ardor of presumptuous “partners.”

It is necessary to soberly assess the situation in the world associated with the constant expansion of the NATO military bloc. It is gratifying to understand that the US worries are not unfounded, because the success of the Russian Aerospace Forces during its implementation showed a high degree of preparedness of military personnel, as well as superiority in many positions domestic technology ahead of their Western counterparts.

Concept of combat readiness

Each of us has probably heard about the degree of combat readiness, but the direct understanding of the basic term is sometimes quite far from the truth. Combat readiness is defined as the state of the armed forces at the current moment to mobilize and complete the assigned task in the conditions real fights with the enemy.

In wartime, a high degree of combat readiness is important for all units and subunits. The tasks must be completed by everyone possible ways, for which the use of equipment, weapons, nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction.

Bringing to combat readiness

The process of bringing the armed forces to a state of combat readiness is proceeding according to plan. Regulatory document for personnel and commanding personnel, as well as for officials, there is a manual on combat training in the RF Armed Forces, which includes the corresponding order of the Ministry of Defense, a collection of standards that discuss combat training in the RF Armed Forces, standards for physical training. This should also include a drill manual, a manual on methods and means of camouflage, rules for using PPE, behavior when using MP weapons, and, finally, textbooks for officials.

The leadership of bringing into combat readiness rests with the unit commander. The plan spells out methods for alerting personnel, signals and locations, determines the actions of the daily squad and all duty officers, and appoints the leadership of the commandant service.

The signal to put on combat readiness is received by the HF duty officer. The command is then transmitted, using available warning systems, to the unit commander or, alternatively, to unit duty officers. Be sure to carry out the command clarification procedure.

The raising of a company on alarm is assigned by the unit commander and announced by the unit on duty. All soldiers are informed about the start of a certain operation and a general gathering is announced. If a citizen does not live on the territory of a military unit, he will receive a collection order from a messenger. Drivers of military equipment are required to arrive at the park, where they will have to prepare their vehicles before the appointed time.

Often, a stay at the place of deployment involves the transportation of certain property. These works are assigned to the personnel, where the chief is appointed from among those senior in rank. After successful preparatory measures, it is necessary to wait for the officers. Military personnel not included in the combat crew must independently arrive at the assembly point.

Constant combat readiness

The degree of combat readiness depends on external factors. First of all, this is the level of threat of violation of state borders. It should be noted that for each level of readiness a set of measures is clearly prescribed, which covers the entire chain of command in the army. This is the only way to achieve high efficiency to reduce the response time to a threat.

Statistics show that the quality of combat readiness depends on the preparedness of military personnel and their field training. The professionalism of the officers also has a direct impact. Here it is most appropriate to mention the implementation of all points of the combined arms regulations. Not on last place and logistics support of the unit. When fully staffed, the unit can be easily brought to any level of readiness.

One of the approved degrees of armed forces readiness in which a unit can remain in peacetime is constant combat readiness. All units are geographically located in a stationary location, general activities is carried out in a routine manner. There is no need to talk about maintaining proper discipline, since it must be present in any military unit. Weapons and ammunition are stored in specially equipped warehouses, and equipment may be subject to scheduled maintenance. But we should not forget about the possibility of transferring the unit to a state with a higher degree of readiness.


The state of a unit in which it carries out planned activities, but at any time can carry out real ones combat mission, is called high alert. There are some standard activities for this degree. They are appointed by the command of the unit, based on external conditions and internal structure.

  • Vacations and dismissals, as well as transfers to reserve, are not temporarily assigned.
  • The daily outfit is reinforced by personnel.
  • A 24-hour duty regime is established.
  • The availability of weapons and equipment is regularly checked.
  • Officers are issued weapons and ammunition.
  • All military personnel, without exception, are transferred to barracks status.

In a state of heightened combat readiness, a unit must react not only to the expected actions of the enemy, but also be prepared for a sudden change in his plans. But in fairness it should be noted that to remain in similar status some can only during exercises. In reality, either the foreign policy situation becomes more complicated, or everything returns to a peaceful course. Long stay in a state of high alert is fraught with significant financial costs.

Military threat and complete BG

Military danger arises in the maximum permissible conflict without active combat operations. At the same time, the armed forces are redeployed in such a way that the equipment is withdrawn to alternative areas, but in general the unit performs its main function. Military units rise upon an alarm and can be sent to carry out strategic tasks. The third degree of readiness is characterized by standard activities.

  1. Military personnel who have completed their term of service are not subject to dismissal.
  2. Young recruits are not recruited for service.

Speaking about financing, it should be noted that in this case the volume Money for the maintenance of the army is even greater than in the previous case considered. Alternative areas are being developed no further than 30 km from the previous location. One of them must remain secret, and therefore may not be equipped with communications. The equipment must be refueled, and the personnel must be supplied with ammunition.

With full readiness, the state is on the verge of conducting hostilities. At the same time, various options for introducing martial law are provided. All officers are subject to general mobilization. 24-hour duty is organized. Staffing units that were reduced in peacetime are being staffed again. Communication between officers is subject to encryption. Oral reports must be documented. The unit can be transferred to full readiness from any of the listed states.

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