Tatyana Navka. Tatyana Navka has written a new page in her biography Tatyana Navka's mother Raisa Anatolyevna year of birth

At the age of 14 she moved to Moscow, and at 16 she already played for the USSR national team, and she is also the owner of Olympic gold and Honored Master of Sports of Russia. In addition, Tatyana is one of the most stylish women in Russia. We will tell you how she managed to achieve such heights.

Biography of Tatiana Navka

Tatyana was born in Dnepropetrovsk into the most ordinary family. Mom, Raisa Anatolyevna, worked as an economist, dad, Alexander Petrovich, worked as an engineer.

All photos 16

And although the professions of both of them are in no way connected with sports, they have always been partial to sports. And they instilled this love in their daughter.

Tatyana immediately decided that figure skating would be her life’s work. And all she saw was Elena Vodorezova’s brilliant performance on TV. And she decided that no matter what, she would dance on ice the same way, and even better.

The parents first bought roller skates for the girl, and she learned to skate on them. And at the age of five, she went on the ice for the first time. “Azam” was taught to the young athlete by Tamara Yarchevskaya and Alexander Rozhin.

Soon Navka became the champion of Ukraine among juniors.

But when the girl turned 12, she sports career was under threat. In one summer, Tatyana grew by 14 centimeters, which is why her previously brilliant jumping technique went wrong.

Then the coaches advised the young figure skater’s mother to transfer her to ice dancing.

And at the age of 14, Tatyana moved to Moscow to join Natalya Dubova’s group, who paired her with Samvel Gezalyan. Soon after this, Dubova left for America and took the boys with her for training. So Navka ended up in the States, where she spent more than 15 years.

But this did not prevent Tatyana and Samvel from entering the USSR national team in 1991.

And after the collapse of the USSR, beginners, but already famous athletes, competed for Belarus. And they represented the country at the Olympic Games in Lillehamer, where they finished eleventh.

From 1996 to 1998, Nikolai Morozov became Navka’s partner, 12 years older than her...

But at the same time Navka pulls out his “ happy ticket" And the new coach, the idol of his youth, Alexander Zhulin, comes into view.

And it was he who paired the 18-year-old figure skater with Roman Kostomarov, who was two years younger than her.

Needless to say, the young people suited each other perfectly. By temperament, dance style and most importantly, external appearance. While Tatyana was quite tall for a figure skater, 170 centimeters, Kostomarov was almost 15 centimeters taller than her.

The couple began training in Natalia Linichuk’s group. But soon the coach advises Roman to change Tatyana to Anna Semenovich. And Kostomarov did not dare to disobey.

And Tatiana was left without a partner for the season. Fortunately, for Navka this period occurred during her pregnancy with her first daughter.

A year later, the athlete triumphantly returned to action. She accepted Kostomarov’s apology and continued skating with him. True, she admitted that the return was not easy - Tatyana gained a lot of excess weight during her pregnancy.

From that moment on, Zhulin himself began to train the couple (by this time he had already become Navka’s legal spouse - editor’s note). And success was not long in coming. In 2003, the skaters became Russian Champions for the first time. And after two years they became undisputed favorites. Tatyana and Roman did not lose a single competition, be it the Russian or European championship.

And in 2006 they won the coveted “gold” at the Olympics in Turin. Navka embodied one of the most passionate and sensual images of Carmen.

After a resounding victory, Vladimir Putin invited Tatyana and Roman to the Kremlin.

At the same time, Navka made a confession, which was written about in the newspapers for a long time. The Olympic champion told the head of state that “she has nowhere to live.” And soon Roman and Tatyana were provided with housing in Moscow for their sporting merits.

And although, having reached the top, both Roman and Tatyana left the big sport, both continued demonstration performances, and also participated more than once in ice shows on television. In particular, the couple constantly appeared in Ilya Averbukh’s show “Ice and Fire.”

Since 2015, Tatyana, at the invitation of Tina Kandelaki, has become the host of the Match TV channel.

Personal life of Tatyana Navka

At the age of 25, Tatyana married her figure skating coach, Alexander Zhulin, who was 12 years older than her.

But it was Alexander’s experience and fame that attracted Tatyana. When the athlete was still in school, she watched his performances with bated breath. Therefore, it is not surprising that upon closer acquaintance, the couple began a relationship. In addition, Alexander’s marriage to figure skater Maya Usova was already “bursting at the seams.”

With Navka, they were perfect for each other. Both were at the peak of their popularity. And what can we say, both have been recognized more than once as “the sexiest athletes.”

The marriage produced a daughter, Alexandra. After this, the couple lived together for another 10 years. And in 2010 they confirmed the rumors about their breakup.

Over the next few years, the skater was credited with an affair with Marat Basharov and Alexei Vorobyov. But none of the couple officially confirmed the relationship.

In August 2015, Tatyana Navka married the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov. The ceremony took place on the Black Sea shore in Sochi.

“He’s great – he took it with elegance and perseverance. Somehow he did everything cunningly. It seemed like he was courting, but it seemed like he wasn’t. He seemed to say that we would be together, but for a year I called him Dmitry Sergeevich and called him “you.” There was no way I could cross this line, only “you”... She didn’t call or pick up the phone. And he managed to find me through friends. And he achieved his goal. And rightly so, you couldn’t take me rudely, no way,” Navka said in an interview with Tatler magazine.

Tatyana and Dmitry had a daughter, whom they named Nadezhda.

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka was born in Ukrainian Dnepropetrovsk on April 13, 1975 in the most ordinary family. Mom was an economist, and dad worked as an engineer. Her parents played sports in their youth and, therefore, instilled in Tatyana a love for it. The girl chose what kind of sport to do herself. At the age of five, Navka started skating; her parents were able to get them even in conditions of shortage. However, before that I was roller skating. On the ice, the girl didn’t even feel much difference between skates and rollers.

By the way, little Tanya was bought skates after the girl watched and was delighted with the television broadcast of Lena Vodorezova’s performance. Soon figure skating took one of the leading places in Tatiana’s life. Before her hobby, Tatyana Navka brought only A's from school, but after the start of figure skating classes, the first B's appeared in her diary.

As a child, Tatiana Navka really didn’t like her own last name. Classmates constantly teased: “Navka is an astronaut,” “Navka is a ditch.” However, now that the surname has become known throughout the world, journalists have found out that in Ukrainian mythology “Navka, Nyavka, Mavka” mean “mermaid-like forest creatures, the souls of dead children.”

Figure skating became a part of Tatiana Navka's life in 1980. The capable, hardworking and patient girl was noticed by coach Natalya Dubova. At the age of 14 (in 1988), Navka was invited to Moscow. The teenager's life has become even more difficult. Every day Tanya had to get up in the dark and get to the capital from Mytishchi. Mom constantly told her daughter: “You are the best! You can handle anything!” As a result, Tatyana truly became the best.

Sports career of Tatyana Navka

In 1993, Tatyana Navka began to storm sports competitions. The girl's first appearance on the big ice was playing for the national team. Soviet Union. Then the skater performed in pairs with Samvel Gezalyan. After the collapse of the USSR, athletes represented Belarus. At the Olympic Games in 1994, the couple received 11th place.

Interview with Tatyana Navka (“No comment”, 2012)

The partnership between Navka and Gezalyan eventually fell apart, after which Tatyana began to go on the ice with Nikolai Morozov. Together with the figure skater, the girl performed at the 1998 Winter Olympics, again from Belarus. Then the couple received only 16th place.

Since 1998, Tatyana Navka began playing for the Russian national team. By this time, the girl had already broken up with her ice partner Nikolai Morozov. New couple for Tatiana was Roman Kostomarov. The famous coach Natalya Linnichuk bet on the duo and invited her to train with her in the United States. However, a year later she changed her mind - in her opinion, the couple Roman Kostomarov and Anna Semenovich turned out to be more promising. Linnichuk told Roman about her decision and asked to notify Tatyana about it. At the same time, the coach herself feigned great surprise in front of Navka.

The couple reunited in 2002. Alexander Zhulin began to train the duo, and Elena Tchaikovskaya advised the athletes. Tatiana Navka's collection includes 9th place at the 19th Winter Olympics and the 2000 World Championships, two silver and a bronze medal from the Russian Championships, bronze from the 2003 European Championships, two victories and a silver in the finals of the Grand Prix series competitions. Navka is three times Russian Champion, twice European and World Champion.

Navka-Kostomarov. I dream about your eyes

Personal life of Tatyana Navka

Throughout her conscious childhood, Tatyana Navka was in love with the famous figure skater Alexander Zhulin. The athlete, together with his wife Maya Usova, once came to Tatyana’s native Dnepropetrovsk. Young Tanya and her friend went to the couple’s training every day, and every time they asked for autographs. There were about twenty of them. However, the skater himself did not pay any attention to the girl. While already studying in Moscow, Navka saw that Zhulin and Usova were also skating at the stadium where she trained. The teenager's happiness knew no bounds!

Tatyana Navka saw how the relationships between famous athletes gradually deteriorated. And at this time, on the contrary, the young figure skater began to have more and more in common with Zhulin. 18-year-old Navka flew to training camp in France and dreamed that Zhulin would be there. It turns out that the skater himself wanted this no less. From that time on, the couple began to live together.

After five years life together, February 17, 2000 Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin registered their relationship. This happened in one of the notary offices in the USA. A few months later, on May 2, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra. At this time, the couple lived in the USA and trained in Montclair, New Jersey (USA). Immediately after giving birth, just 12 days later, Tatyana Navka returned to the ice.

Tatiana Navka and Alexey Yagudin

Ice passions

The name of Tatyana Navka began to appear on the pages of newspapers and magazines more often than usual since 2007. The girl returns from the USA to Russia and takes part in television show projects. It all started with the first season of the “Stars on Ice” competition, where Tatyana Navka performed in tandem with actor Marat Basharov.

The couple took first place. This was followed by the projects “Ice Age” and “Ice Age – 2”, where the girl skated with actors Ville Haapasalo (2007) and Vadim Kolganov (2009), respectively. In both the first and second seasons, Tatyana Navka became second.
In 2008, Tatyana Navka, paired with professional dancer Alexander Litvinenko, danced ballroom dances at the Eurovision Dance show. The couple also takes only second place.

In the fall of 2009, Tatyana Navka and Marat Basharov took to the ice as participants in the show “Ice Age. The best". This duet was a favorite of the program. The audience idolized the couple, who, by the way, won. After this, in ideal biography Tatiana Navka's spot appeared: rumors spread that the beauty and exemplary wife Navka is dating married womanizer Marat Basharov. The media actively discussed the celebrity romance, but the athletes themselves denied everything. Meanwhile, Tatyana Navka becomes first on the list of “Most sexy women Russia." By the way, her husband, Alexander Zhulin, by that time had been rightfully considered the country’s sex symbol for several years.

Gradually, rumors about upcoming wedding Tatiana and Marat. And while she was away, journalists increasingly talked about the impending divorce of Zhulin and Navka. Adding fuel to the fire was the information that Alexander had a young mistress - his ward Natalya.

In 2010, the couple officially announced their separation. However, the relationship between Navka and Basharov did not work out, and Alexander Zhulin, meanwhile, does not part with the young figure skater.

Tatiana Navka and Alexey Vorobyov

In the fall of 2010, Navka reappeared on television screens. This time in the project 29 August 2015, 20:22

Well, why did I want to make this post, all the text that is in italics is clarification or my opinion)

About life in Moscow:

Raisa Navka: In Moscow we didn't have one loved one, no relatives, no friends. From then on I found an apartment, it was, of course, horror. She did her homework in the toilet because there was no space there. She slept in the hallway, on the sofa. This housewife comes, lies down on the sofa and watches TV, until the program ends, she doesn’t leave, and Tanya sits sleeping on a high chair, then the program ends, she wakes her up, then she just leaves, and the 14th child just goes to bed. At 11 o'clock at night Tanya calls me and says that I am at the station, she kicked her out, a child, at 14 years old. I say, Tanya, don’t go anywhere. Tell me the phone numbers of your girlfriends, I called one girl back at home, my grandmother arrived and took Tanya from the Kursk station. The next day, of course, I arrived.

On struggling with weight in adolescence:

Tatiana Navka: Natalya Ilyinichna forced me to run at ten in the evening with weights in a backpack on my back from Baumanskaya, where I lived then, to her in Sokolniki. When I went up to her apartment, barely alive and wet with sweat, Dubova took the scales off me and weighed me. If the weight was no higher than in the morning, she approvingly patted him on the shoulder: they said, well done, Navka, he didn’t gain extra pounds today.
... But one morning, before training, she measured fifty-three kilograms in me. And she ordered that by evening only fifty-two and a half remained. I did my workout, ate only three peaches and drank a cup of coffee without sugar. After another workout, the control weigh-in in the locker room suddenly showed fifty-three and a half kilograms. I was shocked: this cannot be!
“So,” said Dubova, gloomily staring at the scales. - So this is how we follow the coach’s instructions... And then she suddenly turned around and slapped me in the face, so hard that I hit the back of my head against the wall. She was probably scared herself. The next day I didn’t come to training. Then the second coach called and I came to the ice. Natalya Ilyinichna came, didn’t pay attention to me for the whole training session, and at the end she called me over and said: “Well done, you’ve lost weight,” and added: “Please forgive me that this happened.” I forgave.

Tatiana Navka: She locked me in the locker room and told me I didn’t eat to lose weight.

Raisa Navka: Can you imagine a child, 13 years old, spending the night alone in the locker room, in this big palace, in Sokolniki, when she wakes up at night, we see some mice walking there...

Tatiana Navka:"I had a very funny story in weighing. My partner was always very worried before weighing what he should wear. So, after the next weighing I go and buy big piece cake, I go into the subway with it, I take a breathy bite from it, and suddenly someone hits me on the shoulder like that... I turn around and see my partner. He grabs the remaining piece of cake and throws it in my face with the words: “Are you full?” But I’m a good girl, with character! I scrape the remaining cake off my face and back into my partner.”

About falling in love with Alexander Zhulin:

Raisa Navka: It so happened that at three o’clock in the morning, my neighbor called me, we didn’t have a phone then, and say that Tanya was calling, naturally my husband and I got up. I hear her cry and she says: “Mom, I can’t do it anymore, I don’t know what to do, I fell in love.” I laugh and say it’s such a blessing that you fell in love, because people live their lives and don’t know what it is tell me who you even fell in love with. She says: "Sasha Zhulina."

Tatiana Navka: I decided to sacrifice my career and, in general, everything I wanted for the sake of love.

I can say that Tatyana and her partner took 5th place at the World Championships in 1995, which was considered a very good result, especially for Belarus, for which Navka and her partner competed. But in order to continue training, Navka and Gezalyan had to live in a city that was very far from A. Zhulin’s place of residence.

About cheating:

Tatiana Navka: Cheating on your husband is not a reason for divorce! There are probably things that cannot be forgiven. But still, a woman should be wiser. It all depends on the situation, but I don’t think it’s necessary to file for divorce because of my husband’s infidelity!

Tatyana knows what she’s talking about. Alexander left her three times, even proposed to another woman.

Oksana Grischuk: At the end of 1998, we skaters went on a tour of America. Under New Year ended up in San Francisco. Then Sasha Zhulin and I had a romantic period, and I hoped that the holidays would also be unusual. And so it happened. On the morning before the New Year, I woke up and suddenly heard a sound from the street. I looked out the window and found the following picture: Zhulin with a bouquet of flowers under his arm was climbing the fire escape. I gasped! Just like in the movie “Pretty Woman,” he walked to the window of our room, got down on one knee and handed me a bouquet with a small box. There was in the box wedding ring. This New Year was unforgettable. But, despite such a romantic engagement, we never got married.

Alexander Zhulin:

And then a thought came to mind: why not pair up with Oksana Grischuk? I shared this idea with Tanya. She, as an intelligent woman with phenomenal intuition, was against it. They say correctly: don’t wake up the trouble while it’s quiet. But, alas, I did not listen to her opinion. And it was difficult for me at that time to refuse a promising job. Despite Tanya’s protests, I called Oksana: “What if we pair up?” She agreed, and we began to prepare for the World Professional Championship. At first, the relationship with Grischuk was purely partnership, but soon the old things came back to mind. I admit, I gave up. This woman and I often crossed paths at work. The craving for her was a thorn in my heart. And he came home, and everything was fine. Tanya is nearby, I am calm. But as soon as I left, I didn’t understand what was happening to me. And so for six months... I scolded myself, said: “Idiot, what are you doing? After all, Tanya is the best!”, but he could not cope with the obsession.

In the video Oksana Grischuk and Alexander Zhulin:

P.S. I wanted to make a more complete post, but this was only enough)

Tatyana Navka is an amazingly beautiful woman who married a worthy man. Among Tatyana’s advantages, it is worth noting that she is not only an incredibly talented figure skater, but also an excellent mother and simply a gorgeous girl.

She earned the title of Olympic champion and all her medals through backbreaking work. According to Tatyana herself, there are only two important things in her life - love and profession. She lives only for them.

Many admirers around the world admire Navka, and most of them want to know all the possible facts about the figure skater. Among the main ones are her height, west, age. She herself does not hide how old Tatyana Navka is. Despite the fact that she is already 42 years old, the woman still looks luxurious. And the sports profession contributes to this in many ways.

The figure skater's height is relatively high - 170 centimeters. At the same time, she has a luxurious figure. The woman's weight is 55 kilograms. By nationality, Tatyana is Jewish. And I must say that she treats this very carefully. When Navka performed in the Ice Age program, one of her numbers was dedicated to the tragedy of the Holocaust.

Biography 👉 of Tatiana Navka

Tatyana Navka was born on April 13, 1975, in Dnieper. Father - Alexander Navka - works as an engineer, and mother - Raisa Navka - works as an economist. Tanya also has younger sister– Natasha, who, unlike Tanya, is not public.

Interest in figure skating began in childhood, when Tanya saw Elena Vodozerova perform. The girl started figure skating at the age of five, and subsequently won the title of national champion in the children's league. Due to the fact that figure skating became Tanya’s main priority, she went from an excellent student at school to a good student.

When the girl was old enough, she was sent for an internship to America, where Samvel Gezalyan became the young figure skater’s companion. The biography of Tatyana Navka took a new turn during this period.

Navka lived in America for fifteen years, after which she returned to the USSR, where she subsequently joined the Soviet national team. He and Samvel won victories at world competitions more than once. In addition to the Soviet national team, they also competed in the Belarusian national team, and represented the country many times at Olympic competitions.

Since the late nineties, Tanya performed with figure skater Roman Kostomarov, but he very soon left for Anna Semenovich. With the beginning of the 2000s, Navka left performing for a while. The girl was surprised by Kostomarov’s return. The man repented, and they began to go out on the ice together again.

In 2006, the couple became favorites at the Olympic Games, but later publicly announced the end of their joint career. Over the next eight years, Tatyana participated in entertainment program"Glacial period".

A year later, Navka performed as Carmen, directed by Ilya Averbukh. The fans received it with great delight.

Several documentary film adaptations have been made about this talented woman. She was the host of various celebrations, participated in competitions as a jury member, and was even the host of her own television show.

Tatiana Navka and Dmitry Peskov wedding photo July 17, 2015 - one of the brightest and important points in the life of an athlete. It is noteworthy that these two are complete opposites, but their strong marriage one can only envy.

Personal life 👉 Tatiana Navka

First of all, it is worth noting that during her school years Tatyana was not particularly popular with guys, and as she grew older she was in no hurry to start a relationship.

Nevertheless, Tatyana Navka’s personal life is full of interesting details. For a long time she loved Alexander Zhulin, who was her idol. But the feelings were unrequited. In addition, the man was already married.

After the figure skater took part in the Ice Age program, fans matched the girl with Marat Basharov, who was her performance partner. But the couple tirelessly denied these rumors. In addition, it was rumored that Basharov’s mother was also against their potential relationship. Tatyana was also credited with a relationship with Alexei Vorobyov, who became her partner in performances in the Ice and Fire program. But these assumptions, among other things, turned out to be groundless.

Her personal life has now finally found the long-awaited stability. She is absolutely happily married and adores her husband.

In addition to figure skating, Navka is very fond of horses and skiing. She enjoys cooking and listening to music. Among other things, the woman tried her hand at singing and advertises the Oriflame cosmetics brand. Tatyana is also not against testing herself as an actress.

Family 👉 Tatiana Navka

It is known that Tatyana’s parents have nothing to do with professional sports, however, at one time, both the figure skater’s father and mother went to sports clubs. But in the end they preferred more stable professions to provide for their children. At the same time, the parents happily supported their daughter’s desire and contributed to the development of her talent. Tatyana’s sister is also married now, but she doesn’t have her own children yet. Since childhood, the sisters have maintained a warm relationship.

Currently, Tatyana Navka’s family consists of her beloved husband, Dmitry Peskov, and two beautiful daughters, albeit from different men.

Children 👉 Tatiana Navka

Tatyana Navka's children were born from different figure skater husbands. Note that there is quite a significant age difference between the sisters - 14 years. Tatyana's first daughter loves her sister very much and enjoys spending time with her. Teaches singing and even teaches figure skating.

The baby also loves her older sister very much and even, in a sense, perceives her as her mentor. Girls often go on trips with their parents and share great photos on social networks. In turn, Tatyana has repeatedly said that she is not against having another child. Perhaps sooner or later this will actually happen.

Daughter 👉 of Tatyana Navka - Alexandra Zhulina

Tatyana Navka’s daughter, Alexandra Zhulina, was born in 2000, in the capital of America. Her father is the athlete’s first husband, Alexander Zhulin. It is noteworthy that the girl is officially an American citizen, but lives in Russia. Although she played tennis since childhood and won numerous awards in competitions, Alexandra decided not to follow in her mother’s footsteps and become a singer instead of an athlete. Which she does very successfully.

The girl performs under the pseudonym Alexia, and has already released her debut song. And also tries himself in modeling business. Sasha no longer plays sports.

Daughter 👉 of Tatiana Navka - Nadezhda Peskova

Tatyana Navka's daughter, Nadezhda Peskova, was born just three years ago, and is illegitimate daughter. Tatyana did not reveal the name of her dad to her fans for quite some time, but as a result it became known that this is very famous man. The girl's father was political figure Dmitry Peskov.

For quite a long time Tatyana did not publish photographs of her little daughter online. Despite her young age, the baby is already seriously interested in sports. She does figure skating like her mother and loves tennis, How elder sister. In addition, the girl goes to kindergarten where they study English language. In appearance, Nadya is an almost complete copy of her famous mother. She can rarely sit still, but at the same time she is very responsible.

Ex-husband 👉 of Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulin

Ex-husband Tatiana Navka - Alexander Zhulin is a former famous athlete and famous figure skating coach. The man met Navka in 1994. Alexander was already married then, but he noticed the girl immediately.

He trained the figure skater for five years, after which they moved to the USA. There their daughter Alexandra was born. For the most part, Tatyana owes her success and fame to her husband’s training. It was thanks to his mentoring that the athlete was able to achieve such phenomenal success.

They did not divorce even after rumors appeared about Tatyana’s relationship with Marat Basharov, who was already mentioned above. They separated after fourteen years together. The reason for the breakup was Alexander’s betrayal with his next protégé, Natalya Mikhailova.

Husband 👉 of Tatiana Navka - Dmitry Peskov

Tatyana Navka’s husband, Dmitry Peskov, met his future wife shortly after Tatyana’s breakup with her first husband. They met at their mutual friend's birthday party. They went on a few more dates before the couple realized they shouldn't be apart anymore. Even the noticeable age difference did not stop them. The romance was actively developing, but both kept it a closely guarded secret from the press.

Navka was not stopped even by the fact that her lover already has a wife and four children. In turn, the man also learned about the firugista’s daughter.

Ultimately, Peskov divorced his wife, and after a while he and Tatyana had a daughter, Nadya, who, however, was born before the couple’s official marriage. The politician's four children also get along well with Tatyana.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Tatiana Navka

Instagram and Wikipedia of Tatyana Navka are very popular among admirers of the figure skater. After all, it is there that you can find the most reliable data regarding both the biography of a woman, her personal life, and plans for the future. The athlete’s Instagram profile has more than half a million subscribers.

Tatyana often shares with them photographs and videos from her personal archive. Subscribers like and comment on materials with pleasure and admiration. In particular, they like photographs and videos in which Navka is captured with her daughters.

Tatyana Navka is one of the most famous figure skaters, whose performances were followed by fans not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. After finishing her sports career, the woman, together with her partner Roman Kostomarov, takes part in various show projects.

The personal life of our heroine is currently happy. She loves and is loved. Together with her husband, the woman is raising two daughters.

IN free time Tatyana loves to travel, choosing the most interesting places for visiting. This year Navka is going to spend his holidays on Cote d'Azur Mediterranean Sea, as can be judged from entries from the figure skater’s Instagram page.


Height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Navka

Since the beginning of the new millennium, Tatyana Navka has had a large number of fans who were interested in the fate of the figure skater. People wanted to know what height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Navka can be calculated, knowing that the woman was born in 1975. In 2018, the figure skater celebrated her 43rd birthday. She looks gorgeous and younger than her biological age. Many Russians give her several years less than now.

The popular figure skater does not hide her nationality. She openly declares that she is Jewish. IN last years the woman tries to find out everything that concerns Jews and their national independence. Even in her show numbers, a woman brings motives Jewish people. For example, in one of the seasons of the show “Ice Age,” our heroine danced, talking about the difficult trials that the people endured during the harsh times of World War II.

Tatyana Navka, photos in her youth and now which her fans often post on in social networks, has a height of 170 cm and a weight of 55 kg. Every day our heroine performs a set of exercises that allow her to stay in perfect physical shape.

Biography of Tatiana Navka

The girl was born in the mid-70s of the last century in one of the Dnepropetrovsk maternity hospitals. The parents decided to name their daughter Tanya. Father - Alexander Navka was an engineer at one of the enterprises in Dnepropetrovsk. Mother - Raisa Navka worked in economic sphere. The girl did not grow up alone. She has a younger sister, Natalya.

Already at the age of two, Tanyusha amazed with her talent in various fields. She tried to sing after the popular performers of those times.

Having seen the extravaganza on ice performed by the outstanding figure skater Elena Vodorezova, the little girl began to dream of becoming an Olympic champion in figure skating. The girl began to beg her parents to take her to the ice stadium, and in the meantime she began to learn to skate on the roller skates she had bought.

At the age of 5, Tanyushka began learning to skate on ice. A few years later, the girl took part in the Ukrainian championship and won. Sports activities did not prevent the young figure skater from being one of the best students in her class. The girl dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion.

At the age of twelve, Navka switched to ice dancing. This was due to the fact that the girl performed the jumping element uncleanly. There was no trainer for our heroine on the territory of Ukraine, so she had to move several thousand kilometers from home. First, Tatyana skated at the Moscow Ice Palace under the guidance of the outstanding coach Samvel Gezalyan, and then went to the United States of America for an internship.

After returning to Moscow, Tatyana first skated for the Russian national team, then for several seasons for Belarus. But the girl’s career was not entirely successful. She couldn't win Olympic Games and world championships. The ambitious figure skater dreamed of becoming a champion.

Tatyana Navka's biography became what she dreamed of after meeting Roman Kostomarov. After some misunderstanding, Tatyana and Roman were able to find mutual language. They began to win at various international events. The skaters were coached by their partner’s husband, Alexander Zhulin. After winning the Olympics in Turin, the athletes ended their sports careers. But after that they began to participate in various show programs and perform with indicative numbers. Tatyana Navka in several seasons " Ice Age“became a winner or took second positions with partners.

In 2012 on screens Russian Federation A documentary film was released that told about the fate of the legendary figure skater. In the same year, Tatyana began hosting a program on one of the television channels.

A figure skater goes in for alpine skiing. She rides horses, records music and spoils her beloved husband delicious dishes. Tatyana recently recorded a CD with songs, which fans can purchase in the fall of 2018. Since 2013, Navka has become the official face of the famous Oriflame cosmetics.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov, wedding, photo July 17, 2015, who attracted the attention of numerous star fans, live happily together and raise a daughter. The girl became the embodiment of love between the skater and her lover.

Personal life of Tatyana Navka

The personal life of Tatyana Navka is of interest to all figure skating fans. IN school years the girl did not look at the opposite sex as an object of adoration. From the age of 16, Tatyana was secretly in love. Alexander Zhulin was, according to her assumptions, an unattainable dream. But after a few years, Navka became the wife of her idol. 8 years after the wedding, the couple separated, remaining friends for the sake of their daughter.

In 2008, information appeared in the press that Tatyana began dating Marat Basharov. Young people appeared at various social events. But after a few months of relationship, Tatyana and Marat broke up. The reasons for the discord are still unknown.

Then the press started talking about a relationship with Alexei Vorobyov. But it turned out that the guys were just friends. Soon the musician became the lover of Oksana Akinshina.

The personal life of the currently popular figure skater is quite happy. Her husband is the famous politician Dmitry Peskov. The couple are raising a daughter, Nadya. The figure skater also dreams of giving her husband a son, who may be born in the near future.

Tatiana Navka's family

Currently, Tatiana Navka’s family consists of herself, her beloved husband Dmitry and two daughters - Alexandra and Nadezhda.

Our heroine's parents did everything to make their beloved daughter successful in figure skating. Tatyana's dad was an engineer by training. He worked at one of the enterprises in Dnepropetrovsk.

The girl’s mother received an economic education. In the difficult 90s of the last century, she did everything to eldest daughter I was able to play my favorite sports.

The figure skater has a younger sister, Natasha, who often communicates with Tatyana. Many fans say that the sisters have a physical resemblance.

Tatyana calls her fellow skaters her family. Navka is friends with Roman Kostomarov, Ilya Averbukh and others.

Children of Tatiana Navka

The famous figure skater is the mother of two daughters who were born from different relationships of women. Tatyana Navka's children are brought up with love and affection. The figure skater pays attention to each daughter. She is aware of their affairs, despite being busy in various projects.

The woman's daughters go in for sports and singing. They stand well on the ice, play tennis and sing.

Tatyana often posts videos on her Instagram page in which users can see the figure skater’s daughters.

Navka recently shared with her subscribers her dream of a son, who may appear in the family of the figure skater and her husband in the near future.

Daughter Tatyana Navka - Alexandra Zhulina

In one of the New York maternity hospitals, our heroine became a mother for the first time. The woman named her daughter Sasha.

When the baby was one year old, her parents moved her to Moscow. Here the girl began to engage in figure skating, tennis, music, and theater. Since the age of 16, Tatyana Navka’s eldest daughter, Alexandra Zhulina, has been a popular pop singer. The girl participates in fashion shows.

The girl is currently finishing school. After school, the girl decided to enter GITIS. Now she is intensively preparing for exams.

Daughter of Tatyana Navka - Nadezhda Peskova

In mid-2014, the figure skater became a mother for the second time. Who the father of the baby was born was unknown to many for some time. Only a few months later it became clear that the woman gave birth to a child from Dmitry Peskov, well-known in diplomatic and political circles.

Tatyana Navka’s daughter, Nadezhda Peskova, despite her young age, speaks English and Russian well. The girl is skating. In the future, she dreams of becoming a figure skater. Nadyusha is learning the basics of playing tennis. In April, the girl performed at one of the fashion shows, demonstrating clothes for children her age.

Recently, the popular figure skating star posted photos of her daughters on her Instagram page. Users were amazed at the similarity between the youngest heiress and her star mother.

Ex-husband of Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulin

Our heroine's first husband was a figure skating star. Tatyana looked at the man through pink glasses. She was in love with him and did not hope for reciprocity. The girl was glad when the man began to train her. Just a few months later, Alexander left his family for the sake of a young pupil. They began to live together, raising their daughter. Zhulin became his wife's coach. It was thanks to him that the Navka-Kostomarov couple began to win first places.

In 2010, the union broke up. Tatyana Navka's ex-husband, Alexander Zhulin, currently lives with another lover. He maintained friendly relations with Tatyana for the sake of his daughter Alexandra.

Tatiana Navka's husband - Dmitry Peskov

The future spouses met back in 2013. Tatyana and Dmitry were introduced by their mutual friend, Ilya Averbukh. A spark of sympathy immediately ran between the young people, which quickly turned into love. At first, the lovers thought it was an affair. They did not change their time even after the birth of their daughter Nadezhda.

After a short period of time, Dmitry left the family. He realized that he couldn’t imagine life without Tatyana and Nadezhda. In 2015, the lovers officially registered their marriage.

Tatyana Navka’s husband, Dmitry Peskov, surrounded his beloved with attention and care. A man spends time with his wife in moments of rest from work. He gives her little surprises and gifts.

Photo of Tatiana Navka before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Tatiana Navka before and after plastic surgery are quite easy to find on the global web. In the reviews of some ill-wishers you can read that a woman after plastic surgery became outwardly unattractive.

The figure skater herself has repeatedly denied rumors that she resorted to the help of surgeons to correct her face and breasts. Tatyana says she doesn’t mind at all plastic surgery, therefore, perhaps in the future she will resort to correction of her figure, but for now she does not need it.

Tatyana Navka, whose photo in a swimsuit can be easily found on social networks, often posts her pictures on her Instagram page. Fans can see that the skater is in excellent physical shape.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatiana Navka

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Navka is visited by everyone every year large quantity users of the global web.

On Wikipedia you can see how our heroine decided to become a figure skater, how her sports career and personal life developed. On the page you can find out about the skater’s opinion about the latest events in the country and the world.

Tatyana Navka is registered on Instagram. She is a fairly active user, posting to her subscribers news that happened in her life. Users, in addition to photographic materials, can view videos from various competitions in which the woman took part.

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