Transit of the lunar nodes. Cycle and transits of the lunar nodes by houses and planets of the radix

Rahu entered the sign of Cancer, Ketu entered Capricorn, and in connection with this, certain themes (houses of the horoscope) are activated or blocked in our lives for the next year and a half, depending on the rising sign and the sign in which the Moon is located in the natal chart.

As you know, Rahu and Ketu always move retrograde: from Taurus to Aries and further to Pisces. They make a full circle around the Zodiac in about 18 years. The speed of movement varies from 3 to 11 minutes degrees per sunny day. Transits of slow planets (Saturn and Jupiter) are always taken into account when assessing current events. Transits of the Rahu-Ketu axis are no less important than the transits of Saturn and Jupiter.

Evaluation of Rahu transits

1. The results of Rahu's transits through various houses must be assessed from both the Lagna and the Moon. Both points of reference are equally important.

2. Rahu's transit through a house literally rivets the native's attention to the indicators of that house. For example, if Rahu transits the 5th house, the focus is on creativity. If Rahu transits the 7th house, the focus is on the 7th house, etc. This house becomes a field of new experiences and new experiments. For example, if Rahu transits the 1st house, the person may try to change himself and his approach to other people. It is recommended to start something new in the affairs of the house through which Rahu is transiting. This usually gives good results.

3. There is practical experience that when a person tries to begin to develop something from the themes of the house through which Rahu passes, a fair wind helps him and fate provides new opportunities. For example, when Rahu transits the 8th house, a person may expect some kind of inheritance or financial profit from a spouse or from others. The amount of this profit will depend on the overall potential of the card.

4. Usually Rahu's transits are more beneficial for inanimate house indicators than for animate ones. For example, if Rahu passes through the 5th house, one can expect a surge of creativity and good luck in the creative field, but this is not the best time to give birth to a child. Children born during Rahu's transit through the 5th house usually turn out to be a source of great concern for parents whose horoscope included this transit at the time of the child's birth.

5. As a negative effect of the transit of Rahu, a person can expect some kind of embarrassment or increased ambition in connection with the affairs of this house. Rahu is capable of creating a smoke screen and therefore it can cloud a person's vision in matters of the house through which Rahu passes. For example, if Rahu transits the 12th house, the person's tendency to spend money unnecessarily increases. Also during this period, a person may have a tendency to overindulge in other indicators of the 12th house, such as sex and drugs.

6. Sudden results can appear in a person’s life when Rahu just enters a new sign. Tangible results are also seen when Rahu touches important points such as the Ascendant, the middle of the 10th house and the midpoints of houses. The results can be positive or negative, depending on the general inclination of the horoscope.

7. The transit of Rahu through the natal positions of planets releases the potential of that planet. For example, if Rahu transits natal Mercury, one can expect the fruits of Mercury's presence in that house (positive or negative), depending on how Mercury functions in a given horoscope. However natural indicators Mercury, such as commerce, communication, intelligence are enhanced in most cases.

8. Rahu enhances the natural energy of the planet through whose natal position it passes. If it transits natal Mars, energy levels and intensity increase. If Rahu transits natal Jupiter, optimism and luck in the area of ​​the house where Jupiter is located increases.

9. The effect of Rahu transit is felt especially strongly when Rahu enters exactly the degree of the natal planet or is within 5 degrees of the natal position of the planet.

10. The transit of Rahu through natal Rahu is a special case, which can be called the return of Rahu. This occurs at the 19th, 38th, 57th, 76th and 95th year of each person's life. Usually this transit gives a new direction in life. The first return of Rahu in the 19th year of life can be called the most important, because at this time the choice of direction in life usually occurs. Sometimes this chosen direction lasts for life, and sometimes it provides only a temporary path that will be discarded later when a better alternative appears.

11. It is observed that when transiting Rahu creates a trine with the natal Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and natal Rahu, it brings good fortune to a certain extent. This luck is usually felt in connection with the three houses involved in the trine during the transit and in connection with the indicators of the planets involved in the situation. For example, natal Jupiter is in the 2nd house in Pisces and Rahu trines it while transiting Scorpio. In this case, good fortune will be felt in connection with the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses and the indices of Jupiter will also increase. According to my observation (Prash Trivedi), trines with natal Jupiter, Sun, Moon and natal Rahu bring more luck than other combinations. This effect is felt within 5 degrees of transiting Rahu from the degree of the aspected planet.

12. The transit of Rahu along the Sun-Mercury-Venus arc is a very fortunate period. We know that the Sun, Mercury and Venus are never more than 48 degrees apart from each other. The Sun-Mercury-Venus arc is the zone lying between two of these three planets, which are furthest apart from each other. For example, take a chart in which the Sun is at 5 degrees Taurus, Mercury at 27 degrees Taurus, and Venus at 18 degrees Gemini. In this chart, the Sun-Mercury-Venus arc will extend from 5 degrees Taurus to 18 degrees Gemini. Rahu will enter this sphere with its retrograde motion when it touches the 18th degree of Gemini.

Evaluation of Ketu Transits

1. Transits of Ketu must be assessed in relation to the Ascendant and natal Moon. They have equal significance.

2. Ketu's transit through a particular house signals the end of a relationship with the indicators of that house. It also usually introduces some restrictions in the areas of this house or some unpleasant event occurs related to the indicators of this house. For example, if Ketu transits through the 1st house, a person has the opportunity to gather strength and feel like an individual. This favorable time to synthesize different aspects of oneself into a coherent whole. On the other hand, the person will probably find himself in some humiliating situation. This can turn out to be a blessing if a person draws wise conclusions from these seemingly negative events.

3. You can expect some surprises in matters of the house through which transit Ketu passes. For example, if Ketu transits the 3rd house, one can expect some eccentric and unusual manifestations in 3rd house matters such as writing, singing, dancing, musical performing, etc. This unusual approach to activity can produce small or large results, depending on total strength cards.

4. Usually Ketu transits are not very beneficial for the material indicators of the house, but they increase the influx of spiritual energy. For example, if Ketu passes through the 4th house, you can expect problems in your living conditions, but you can also expect some kind of positive transformation in the heart.

5. In extreme cases, you can expect a complete blocking of events related to the performance of a given house. For example, if Ketu passes through the 7th house, the person may lose his partner, suffer loss in business or lose his social status. In a word, all indicators of the 7th house completely overlap.

6. Sudden results can appear in a person’s life when Ketu just enters a new sign. Tangible results are also observed when Ketu touches important points such as the Ascendant, the middle of the 10th house and the midpoints of houses. The results can be positive or negative, depending on the general inclination of the horoscope.

7. Transits of Ketu according to the natal position of the planets activate the energy of the planet at the internal level. In some cases, a hidden talent associated with a particular planet suddenly finds its way out. For example, if Ketu transits the natal Sun, one can expect a sublimation (elevation) of the sense of self. This is a very intense period when, when a person dives into himself in search of fundamental answers. He can connect with the ocean of his experience past life, draw wise conclusions and choose the most suitable path for this life.

8. Sometimes Ketu can completely block the energy of the planet through which it transits. If it transits Jupiter, the person may find it difficult to remain optimistic; if Ketu transits the Moon, it is difficult for a person to manage his emotions, it is difficult to communicate with his mother, etc.

9. The strongest effects of Ketu's transit on a planet are felt when Ketu exactly enters the degree of the natal position of that planet or is at a distance of 5 degrees from the natal planet.

10. Transit of Ketu through natal Ketu is a special case, which can be called the return of Ketu. This occurs at the 19th, 38th, 57th, 76th and 95th year of each person’s life. The results are expected to be approximately the same as in the case of Rahu returning to its natal position. (see point 10 of Rahu Transits)

11. Transit of Ketu on natal Rahu is also a special case. Obviously, at this time, transit Rahu will pass through natal Ketu. The first time this happens is at the age of 28. This point symbolizes the completion of the cycle when the energies of the two nodes meet. If a person has followed his true destiny until this time, then during this period he experiences deep inner satisfaction. If this is not the case, at this age a person experiences an intense internal upheaval. At this moment, a person looks back and rethinks everything he has done so far. If he realizes that he was busy with something wrong, he begins new life. For this wise decision to come to a person and for him to start a new life, there must be some element of luck present.

12. When transiting Ketu creates trines with the natal Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Ketu itself, the completion of certain processes is observed. Sometimes it brings something from past life karma in the form of unexpected good fortune. This luck usually concerns those three houses that are involved in the trine and the indicators of those planets that are associated with these houses. Transit trines in relation to natal Jupiter, Mars and Ketu are more favorable than in relation to other planets. These effects are most clearly felt when the transit degree of Ketu corresponds to the degree of the natal plant or within 5 degrees.

This article assumes basic knowledge of astrology. It is aimed at the reader who has information on dividing the map into houses. But perhaps something will be interesting for the general public as well.

The lunar nodes are the intersection points of the Solar and Lunar orbits. When the Sun passes through them, eclipses occur. The nodes are responsible for accumulated experience and have a strictly polar purpose. The North Node places us in a new environment and requires the development of specific experience. Consequently, it acts in two directions: it creates new conditions and attracts everyone’s attention to us, turning on the spotlight.

The South Node completes the learning process and takes the exam. Having reached the point, it closes our right to use this potential for 9 long years. But before that, it tests us in these matters for the level of wisdom, maturity, and awareness.

Another one important feature. The nodes are the only ones that move retrograde across the zodiac, only occasionally and only briefly in the direction of the direct one.

So, any fictitious point (in the absence of a physical body) can only do 2 things in transit. Enter your natal house and move through it. And go through a conjunction with the natal planet.

The nodes travel through the zodiac in 18 years, that is, they are located approximately 1.5 years in each sign. By entering a certain pair of houses, they inevitably create the activity of this axis. A person will definitely be involved in the theme of the houses. Moreover, only for the Nodes the entry into the house comes from the end of the house, gradually moving towards the cusp. It is experienced in accordance with this. At first there seemed to be an inexplicit, soft involvement in the sphere of the home. Further increase in interest and complexity. Climax. And the release of tension. But in essence, it’s just a transition of the Node to the next house with the introduction of an unobtrusive new hobby.

A house visited by the North Node will be constantly active. Situations will be created for a person to gain new experience in this area. Characteristic feature is the fundamental novelty of the situations. They will be ones he has never been to before. He will have to react as the play progresses. After passing through the house, a person is enriched with knowledge and experience in this area and then lives for about 7-8 years with the level of achievements that he himself was able to achieve during the transit period.

And then His Majesty, the South Node, will come to this house. This is where it gets interesting. What will happen when the South Node leaves the house is clear - the activity of the house will be “frozen” for a long 7-8 years. You simply will not have new opportunities to learn or comprehend something. Of course, something will happen. But there will be no serious changes in your level of impact on the World. I'll try it with an example.

Well, the closing of the 9th house by the South Node probably won’t scare anyone. The fact that in the next 8 years you will not emigrate, you will not rush to get a second higher education and don’t change your global religious views - somehow it doesn’t sound like a sentence.

And let’s wait until the South Node closes the 7th house. So what, you haven’t seen your personal life at all now for 8 years? Will he get to the 2nd and screw his income? And after leaving the 10th, don’t expect normal career advancement at all?

No, of course, events will happen. Training - no. That is, after leaving the 10th house, your career will be able to develop only based on the level to which you reached before entering your 10th house of the South Node. If, at the time of the transit of the northern node through the 10th natal house, you boldly explored the opened horizons and opportunities, took risks, fell, rose, gained a reputation and connections. By the time the Northern Node transited the MS, they started to rise upward with acceleration. Then they wisely used the experience, comprehended and systematized it for themselves. Then we passed the Mir exam and received a “certificate of maturity” or “diploma” (who passed what) during the transit of the South Node through the same 10th house. Then your career will go as usual. This is the determining factor. What you've dashed off is what you'll go with. All your further assignments will be determined by this level of yours.

And it's the same with money. Personal life and everything else. You simply won't get a chance to change anything. You can continue to switch partners (in the 7th house) and even enter into marriages and divorces. But for 8 years you will be trapped in your knowledge. It's like Groundhog Day. It's the same with every new one.

We must clearly understand that Nodes do not change life, they do not have a physical body for this. The key word that reveals their essence is TRAINING. They change the level of knowledge, the level of human wisdom in those areas and houses that they affect with their inclusion. And you will agree that a lot then depends on the level of knowledge.

Let's return to the complex and subtle South Node transit. How to describe the closing process? How to feel it and live it correctly? There is a direct dialectical contradiction here. Since the South Node has entered a house, it means there should be activity in the spheres of this house. But it freezes, which means complete unusual silence and isolation. What happens during the transit itself?

The passage of the South Node through the house will create situations in which a person is forced to somehow express himself, showing everyone what he is worth and shows. Moreover, pairs of opposition houses are interconnected. To gain experience in the Sulfur Knot, it is necessary to rely on knowledge of the Southern Knot and vice versa.

Let's look at examples:

North node in the 1st house, South node in the 7th. The individual has to declare himself, defend his personal interests and desires. Lead a lot and speak in the first person, present yourself to the World. In some ways, inevitably taking energy away from family and home, devoting less time and attention to your spouse. At the same time, it is important to build on the already achieved ability to partner. Your marital relationship (7th house) will become a support or an obstacle to your personal advancement. They will be shown to you all the time. This will be the activity of the South Node. Well, for example, during a political campaign, a candidate promotes himself. But facts about his family biography and insidious questions from journalists constantly emerge. He can no longer change anything there (the South Node has fixed the situation), but he constantly holds the answer for this. In addition, the experience and wisdom of partnerships (developed by past transits of the 7th house) will become the basis for public ethics now. This is the basis on which you form your personal image.

The opposite. North node in the 7th house, South node in the 1st. The person knows how to behave in public and lead very well. But now conditions have been created that something can only be achieved through established joint relationships. Not necessarily family. And it is necessary to somewhat dampen your own charisma (South Node) for the sake of partnership. On the other hand, the South Node will constantly remind itself of itself. You can build relationships only based on what you show as a person. This is an exam for level 1 practice at home. It's too late to change anything there. But you have to show up all the time.

North node in the 2nd house, South node in the 8th. Opportunities for accumulating personal finances have opened up. This is inevitably accompanied by the development of a new material ethics, and the attitude towards money and other benefits changes. In any direction, not necessarily in the direction of strengthening. The 2nd House is about issues of personal ethics and resources, and the 8th house is about ethics and resources of public or partner ones. That is, your new opportunities to redistribute something in your favor will constantly collide with your past attitude towards other people's benefits. Your spouse will constantly confront you. Like, before you didn’t disdain to take something of mine, now come on and don’t forget about me, since you got something. Same at work. You will remember how you treated the income of others and how harmoniously you fit into the team. And based on this, others will approve or accept with hostility an increase in your salary. Or, on the contrary, its reduction will be condemned and to some extent restrained by the team, for your past services in supporting the team (your 8th house). The bosses may simply be afraid to cut you, knowing your authority (and this is an exam in the 8th house) in the company. Or your spouse will be embarrassed to refuse you something, remembering how you supported him in difficult times.

North node in the 8th house, South node in the 2nd. You find yourself in a situation where it is not time to pull the blanket over yourself. Now your future depends on how you can fit into the team and enlist its support. Or from what your spouse can get. And it is necessary to sacrifice something personal (material, maybe time and effort) for the sake of the achievements of another. But you can only sacrifice what you have. Here is the exam for the 2nd house. How much were you able to put into your assets while the North Node reigned there? Based on this, you can now make your contribution to the common pot.

North node in the 3rd house, South node in the 9th. It's time to change your social image. Based on what moral and religious views you adhere to (9th house), how educated you are and how wise you are, you will now rebuild your relationships with your environment. There was a need and opportunity to change the style of communication. Perhaps you have moved or changed your marital status. But the goose is no friend to the pig. A respectable Christian will not hang out with a Satanist or a Goth, and a decent girl will not hang out with hooligans. The views you hold (9th house) will completely determine your lifestyle (3rd house).

North node in the 9th house, South node in the 3rd. It's time to think about the eternal. Well, this is a joke. But seriously, now circumstances are pushing us to fully work out our ethics, rethink our religious views, and perhaps re-fit into a new environment (emigration). Define ideals and goals for yourself. Report them. Immerse yourself in serious learning, something that changes your worldview and life. By the way, higher education comes under the 9th house. And schooling is simply the accumulation of general knowledge, under the 3rd. And the natural basis for all this will be the already accumulated knowledge, established contacts and acquaintances. Earned reputation in your usual environment. The implementation of your ideas will depend on your communication skills. Your ability to collect information will be the starting point for its systematization and for further conclusions. Who you communicate with will determine where you can strive.

North node in the 4th house, South node in the 10th. This is a situation of activity in your family nest. There can be many options. Change of place of residence, change in family composition (directly in the house where you live), restructuring of relationships with parents. The 4th house is also the house of your deepest ethics and religiosity. Here, do not confuse it with the 9th house. At the activity level of the 4th house, we decide for ourselves what to believe. And only after this control passes to the 9th house. And from it our faith determines what we can and cannot do. You can change something at home only within the framework of your current achievements (10th house). Your career level will allow you to buy an apartment or not. Your reputation will determine your relationships in the family. Respect or condemnation of parents. Your external results will become the basis for transforming the conditions inside your home.

North node in the 10th house, South node in the 4th. Opportunities for a career and a statement open up for you. But your external achievements directly depend on your internal ones. And your career is from your rear. Without a solid base and foundation, there is no talk of real advancement. Your family will either support you or put a real spoke in your wheels. You will be able to realize yourself only if your personal problems have long been resolved. Simple practical example. If you have a place to live and no dogs, you can afford any turn in your career. A change of profession, a bold attempt to change something. If you have to pay for a rented apartment, the parents will not look after the child, and the loan deadline is running out - all you can do is sit still and work your ass off wherever you are currently working. You don’t even dare think about any risky projects. So, others are only allowed to envy and dream...

North node in the 5th house, South node in the 11th. You are drawn to the stage. There is an opportunity to flirt, to flirt, to keep attention on one’s own person, to charm and charm. This is also a period of realization through creativity and through raising children. Both are driven by the need to leave something behind. The success of your child or your project creates your reputation. The level of all this will be determined by how true you were to your dreams (11th house). How free have you learned to be? Do you know how to make friends? Be interesting? How are you able to express yourself in companies? What your free time was spent on and how you spent your leisure time will now dominate how brightly and interestingly you present yourself. What will your creative and parental reputation be like? Agree that dry and boring parents do not have talented and creative children.

North node in the 11th house, South node in the 5th. Great period. There is an opportunity to relax, there is a lot of free time and resources for entertainment and leisure. Moreover, such manifestations are expected from you. Maybe these will be long visits from out-of-town relatives, receiving delegations at work, organizing corporate events and celebrations. You will definitely have to communicate a lot in an informal setting. Well, of course, how this period will turn out for you will depend on your personal ability to present yourself and play. Will this be a painful time of increased attention, or, on the contrary, a long-awaited high point? Naturally, someone who is endowed with a lot of talents (5th house), sings with a guitar, dances, easily rhymes epigrams, knows a lot entertaining stories and anecdotes - it’s a pleasure for him to position himself at parties, corporate events, and other informal events.

North node in the 6th house, South node in the 12th. The time has come for original works and personal research. The 6th house is the house of work and achievements, under which you sign your name and business reputation. This is the author's work. The 12th, on the contrary, is the house of impersonal labor. When, having gone through the entire circle of the horoscope, you reach the level that you give something to the World from yourself, free of charge and secretly, impersonally. Just to decorate this World and thank you for everything. We derive the formula accordingly. Today, what you can do under your own name will depend on how capable you were at one time of simply searching, working, creating and developing something in silence and for the sake of your own interest. While going through the 12th house, you learned to live without public and external stimulus. Just do what is close to you without hope for external interest and gratitude. Plunge into yourself and come to an understanding of what you really want. The quality of this stage will now determine what you are able to produce. When all the world's attention is focused on your skills and abilities.

North node in the 12th house, South node in the 6th. The circle is closed. Everything has been completed and mastered, the last house remains. Do you know how to be alone with yourself? Work only on self-motivation? Give without asking or expecting gratitude? What are you worth anyway? The 12th house puts up an invisible wall between a person and the World. You see everything, even unusually clearly, but the World, on the contrary, does not notice you. At the same time, you need to somehow continue to live, do something, move somewhere. And only the awareness of what you are as a professional, what you have learned (6th house) will become a support during this period. In cases where a person is not ready to go into the shadows himself, the 12th house is capable of forcibly neutralizing activity. This could be hospitalization, prison, work in a closed facility, or a long-term illness. And the 6th house, among other things, is also the ability to take care of your body and health. It will be needed in such situations.

In general, any configuration where the North Node falls into the day house and the South Node into the night house is natural. Our personal is always the basis on which we can do something in the outside World. The reverse also works. When the external world determines our existence. All that remains is to apply the principle of houses to this formula.

I would like to immediately touch on one more basic principle, which is clearly visible through the elaboration of the nodes. All opposition houses and signs are clearly related to each other. Night give our personal. When the World acts as a donor, and the individual consumes. And vice versa. Daytime - the personality acts as a donor in relation to the World, in them the World is stronger. And the relationship between houses leads to an understanding of the eternal law - what can be achieved and on what basis. Day houses are what we will receive in external life (if there is a Northern Lunar Node) or what we must do in the external world (if there is a Southern Lunar Node) in order to get something for ourselves.

Let's run in order, or a cheat sheet for any occasion:

If we want to get a partnership, get married (7th house) - we ourselves need to be bright, interesting, attractive, charismatic (read - develop your 1st house). If we want to freely change our living conditions, move from job to job at will, move to new places (8th house), we need to develop a strong material base (2nd house). Without set aside funds, few people will allow themselves the luxury of writing a letter of resignation, will endure everything, but continue to work. If we want to develop personally, comprehend the philosophical foundations of the World, and perceive a foreign culture (9th house), we need to communicate a lot with people and study (3rd house). If we strive for a career and external achievements (10th house), this requires strong personal ethics and support (4th house). To make your dreams come true and interesting life(11th house) you must be a creative, courageous and bright person yourself (5th house). Well, in order to change something in this World (12th house), you must be able to work and not be afraid of difficulties and stress (6th house).

And now for the day houses. When you build partnerships (7th house) - you grow and develop personally (1st house). If you meet the expectations of other people, the team, the market (8th house) - you will make good money from this (2nd house). If you are a Philosopher and Teacher with a capital P (9th house), students will come to you and people will flock to you (3rd house). If you have made a career and have saved a lot (10th house) - you will be loved and surrounded by members of your household (4th house). Remaining true to your dream, being free (11th house) - you will develop creatively, live bright life, leave behind your mark and your creations (5th house). By selflessly serving the World and loving it, you will receive in gratitude the opportunity to do something, even under your own name (6th house).

A simple law that clearly shows which key opens which door.

Alla Kudlyuk, Voronezh, 2015

The most important and significant astrological event of August 2017 was the transition of the shadow karmic nodes Rahu and Ketu into the new signs of Cancer and Capricorn on August 18.

Rahu has moved from the fiery, domineering Leo to the watery, sensitive and emotional sign of Cancer. And Ketu moves from the airy, freedom-loving Aquarius to the earthly and practical sign of Capricorn.

First of all, the transits of Rahu and Ketu through these signs will be important for those who will live their 19th, 37th, 56th and 95th years of life during this period. For you, this means that these planets are moving through their natal signs (and this happens once every 18 years), i.e. the signs in which these planets were located at birth in the natal chart. These transits will help you choose new ones or establish and maintain the directions you have already chosen in life.

Rahu and Ketu go through a transit house in an average of 1.5 and will stay in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn from August 18, 2017 to March 7, 2019.

Rahu shows what karma you need to go through, what to learn, where to develop. The transit of Rahu through a certain house indicates that it is in the spheres of this house that the most interesting events, changes, experiments, and opportunities for development will occur in the spheres of this house. And Ketu is a planet that indicates the karma of past incarnations, accumulated experience and Moksha (liberation). And the transit of Ketu indicates restrictions, what needs to be limited, restrained, perhaps completed or even cut off in the spheres of the passing house.

Of course, when making an individual forecast and the influence of new transits of Rahu and Ketu on the fate of a particular person, one must take into account the strength of the house where these planets fall, the strength of their dispositors, the presence of natal planets in the houses, general karma and personal planetary periods.

What will the new transit bring for Rahu and Ketu (ascending/lunar) signs. Let me draw your attention once again to the fact that this forecast affects only part of the changes and does not full picture changes that await you, since it is still important to see the individual parameters of the map associated with these signs, where the shadow nodes are moving. But the main general trends for the signs are as follows.

For Aries (ascendant and lunar according to the Vedic system), Rahu will move to the 4th house. Your vector of attention will switch to your home and its arrangement. Relocations or home renovations, acquisition or profitable sale of movable and immovable property are possible. Focus on family. Maybe an important event in your mother's life.

Taurus will be puzzled by issues of religion and current goals. You will begin to demonstrate your abilities and talents even more, there will be time to show your own efforts and decisive actions, extensive communication, there will be many short trips. Your bond with your younger siblings will strengthen.

For Gemini, Rahu will pass through the house of finances and the parental family. An increase in cash savings and financial flows, but also sudden spending, purchases of valuable things, here it is on the financial side that you need to pay attention - it’s time to learn how to competently manage financial affairs and regulate financial flows. Interest will be shown more in your family than in your married one.

For Cancers (ascendants and lunars), this year and a half will be very significant, as Rahu will affect the house of their personality. A sharp rise up the career ladder, expansion of your personality, marriage or changes in partnerships, opening your own business, or success in an existing one are possible.

Leo - will withdraw a little into himself, want more solitude, trips abroad, pilgrimage trips, visits to places of power are possible and favorable. Time for spiritual development and the practice of forgiveness. Increased expenses, there may be losses and expenses.

Virgos will shift their vector of interests to the sphere of business, social contacts and communication with a large circle of new acquaintances. It is possible to receive income from your deposits and earn additional income. Interesting events related to older brothers and sisters await you. Help and support from influential friends and acquaintances.

Sidereal time for Libra. You will focus on work. Expect global changes and career success. I congratulate all Ascendant and Lunar Libra (and there are a lot of them among my clients) - our time has come, my dears - HURRAY!

Scorpios will begin to become more interested in spiritual knowledge and philosophy. It is possible to make pilgrimages or search for and help from a Guru, teacher, or mentor during this period. There will be a desire to learn something new, foreign culture, history, religion. Travel abroad.

Sagittarius is in for a time of transformation, which can affect any area of ​​life; there may be unexpected events in life. Your intuition will sharpen, listen to hints and signs - this will bring you great benefit. The study, application of psychology and spiritual practices will be very successful. It's time to take care of your health.

Active Capricorns will withdraw a little into themselves. However, your personal life will blossom. The emphasis is shifting to the partnership sphere. You will finally take care of yourself, but you will take more care of your partner (personal partners and business partnerships have their place here). This is a time to serve loved ones. Travel and emigration are possible.

Aquarius - time to compete for a place in the sun. You will win in the fight against competitors and enemies. You may want to get a pet or help with charity. Pay attention to your health.

Vedic astropsychologist Natalia Lebedeva

Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets in Vedic astrology. Once every 1.5 years they move to a different zodiac sign. And in the fall of this year, or more precisely from September 9, the transit of Rahu Ketu 2017 2018 will begin. Rahu will move into the sign of Cancer, and Ketu into Capricorn, respectively. You can read about the specifics of the past transit.

The importance of this kind of transits lies in the fact that they are long-lasting and their influence will be felt by all ascending signs (lagnas).

In the period from September 2017, Rahu will begin transiting through the ascendant (lagna) of Cancer and Ketu through the lagna of Capricorn. Each transit carries the energy of the sign in which the planets fall. Rahu in Cancer will give you more peace and desire for home comfort, and a desire for self-development. The energy of Rahu can bring dramatic changes to those areas that will be affected by the transit.

Since Rahu is the planet of outward expression and future-oriented, I will concentrate on it. Ketu draws our attention to the past, which we should forget and think more about ourselves.

Transit of Rahu for 2017 - 2018

For Aries (I remind you once again, we're talking about about the ascendant in Vedic astrology) – Rahu will move to the 4th house. Your vector of attention will switch to your home and its arrangement. Moving or home renovations are possible. Focus on family. Perhaps an important event in your mother's life.

Taurus will be puzzled by issues of religion and current goals. You will begin to demonstrate your abilities and talents even more. Your connection with your younger brothers and sisters will strengthen, your friends will also play a lot during this period important role.

For Gemini, Rahu will pass through the house of finances and the parental family. Sudden spending and purchases of valuable items are possible. Interest will be shown more in your family than in your married one.

For Cancers, this year and a half will be significant, as Rahu will affect the house of their personality. A sharp rise up the career ladder, marriage, opening your own business, or success in an existing one is possible.

Leo - will withdraw a little into himself, want more privacy, trips abroad are possible. Time for spiritual development and practice of forgiveness. B - more details about the stages of forgiveness.

Virgos will shift their vector of interests to the sphere of business, social contacts and communication with a large circle of new acquaintances. It is possible to receive income from your deposits. Interesting events related to older brothers and sisters await you.

Sidereal time for Libra. You will focus on work. Expect global changes and career success.

Scorpios will begin to become more interested in spiritual knowledge and philosophy. It is possible to make pilgrimages or search for a Guru during this period. There will be a desire to learn something new.

Sagittarius is in for a time of transformation that can affect any area of ​​life. Your intuition will sharpen, listen to hints and signs - this will bring you great benefits. It's time to improve your health.

Active Capricorns will withdraw a little into themselves. However, your personal life will blossom. You will finally take care of yourself and take more care of your partner. This is a time to serve loved ones. Travel possible.

Aquarius - time to compete for a place in the sun. You will win in the fight against competitors and enemies. You may want to get a pet or help with charity. Pay attention to your health.

So, a time of interesting transformations awaits us all; each sign will have its own surprises and gifts of fate.

Current page: 12 (book has 17 pages total) [available reading passage: 12 pages]

Transits of nodes to planets

Transit of the North Node across the Sun: after some tension and stress on initial stage the person receives more recognition. This transit typically promotes empowerment, elevation, personal success, and confidence. Important things are associated with the father or father figure; receiving help from these people and making a profit for them. During this period, useful acquaintances are made and new roads are opened. After the contact of the transiting North Node with the Sun, a person’s expression of his individuality increases, and he gains more freedom - this is reminiscent of the natal North Node aspect to the Sun, except that the effect is temporary. Where success and freedom await a person will be shown by the House in which the connection will occur; The affairs of the House ruled by the Sun will also improve due to this aspect. The connection of the transiting North Node with the progressed Sun is also favorable. During this period, help and support from men comes, a person rises, he receives recognition, and new opportunities open up for important male figures in his life.

South Node Transit on the Sun: Changes in recognition of your successes are possible, often associated with unforeseen problems. Some suppression of a person's ego and personality; the forced need to fade into the background, difficulties in maintaining the previous status and position. You feel out of the game and forced to retreat. During this period, there may be a decrease in self-esteem, despair, the development of an inferiority complex or a crisis of self-identity. There is often a deterioration in health and a decline in vital energy. Changes for the worse are observed in the lives of people who have a positive influence on you. People important to you may fail, suffer losses, or be unable to help you. All this resembles a similar natal aspect, but is temporary. The spheres of action of the Houses in which the Sun is located or which the Sun rules are subject to severe tests. Similar themes emerge when the South Node transits the progressed Sun; while failures are associated with the progressive house ruled by the Sun.

Transit of the North Node on the Moon: changes in mood and temperament, increased sensitivity. Changes in the house; changes affecting family members - often an increase in their number due to the birth of children. Strengthening connections with households and family hearth. Women play a very important role in a person’s life, and often benefits are associated with them. All attention is focused on matters related to the mother or maternal figure. There may be increased support from others, receiving benefits from them and gaining popularity with them. Immediately after the contact of the transiting North Node with the Moon, personal benefits and joys enter a person’s life. The affairs of the House ruled by the Moon are prosperous; new opportunities open up here. The same themes appear during the transit of the North Node over the progressed Moon, and there is an improvement in affairs in the progressed House ruled by the Moon.

South Node Transit on the Moon: Changes in mood and temperament. A period of melancholy or blocking of emotions. Feeling overwhelmed creativity. Excessive imagination, leading to fears or obsessive anxiety. Changes on the personal front, in the family environment and in everyday life cause distress. Great importance have health issues and problems related to the maternal figure. There may be troubles due to a woman prone to excessive dominance; possible separation. During this period, health is very vulnerable, especially those functions and parts of the body that are controlled by the Moon. This is very similar to the natal aspect, but is temporary. The affairs of the House ruled by the Moon fail, or happen slowly and with effort, causing great frustration. The same themes are noted in cases where the transiting South Node goes along the progressed Moon: a decline is noted in the affairs of the progressive House ruled by the Moon.

North Node Transit on Mercury: A very busy time. Changes at work, in the immediate environment and in communication are usually positive. The human mind is activated, and nervous energy requires an outlet. The time for important discussions and decisions is coming. Travel appears on the agenda, plans are being made. A person can buy a car and start exploring the surrounding area and getting to know his neighbors. Things and the situation between the siblings take an unexpected turn. Young people play an important role in human life. Note for yourself which House Mercury is in and which House it rules, because things will go well for these Houses. The same rise in business is observed when the transiting North Node moves along progressed Mercury; at the same time, there is also an improvement in affairs in the progressive House ruled by Mercury.

South Node Transit on Mercury: Changes for the worse at work and in other areas. Complications arise in the areas of contracts, communication and travel, which gives rise to a feeling of dissatisfaction. A person's ideas are challenged, although this may be a good time to work through ideas. There is a breakdown in communication and misunderstandings arise. A person must satisfy the demands of others, but this does not meet the needs of his soul. The person is nervous and anxious, he feels that he cannot cope with the changes that are taking place. Difficulties arise in areas under the jurisdiction of the House in which Mercury is located, as well as the House that is ruled by Mercury. The same themes arise when the transiting South Node moves through progressed Mercury - at this time there is a decline in the affairs of the progressed House ruled by Mercury.

North Node Transit on Venus: There is a need to re-evaluate finances and/or feelings. There may be some cooling in relationships at the very beginning of the transit as the person reflects on their relationship and does not want to feel that the relationship is suffocating them or that they are obsessed with it. Under this transit, a karmic craving for someone, attachment or romantic relationships may arise. Financially, this transit is usually positive and is accompanied by financial growth if the person deserves it. The North Node multiplies, but sometimes also distorts, the energy inherent in the planet with which it forms a conjunction, so a person may experience an increased need to indulge himself in everything. This is something that needs to be closely monitored to control. There is often a revival in social life, with frequent holidays and fun events. The focus is on young women and their interests; they play an important role in human life during this period.

South Node Transit on Venus: a person must carefully monitor false priorities in everything related to love and money. This period marks a decline in feelings, romance and love. The person feels misunderstood or on a different wavelength with their partner or romantic interest; Maintaining a relationship requires significant effort. This is a time of re-evaluation as the person may be involved in the wrong relationships. At this time, karmic attachments, especially of a romantic kind, may end - the end does not necessarily result in separation, the karmic element simply leaves the relationship, and one of the partners is freed from obligations. The amount of finance is sharply reduced due to a reduction in assets or the inability to use them. Unexpected and unusual troubles and losses occur with finances. This is the time to take precautions and re-evaluate things. Social life discouraging.

North Node Transit on Mars: The main theme of this aspect is that a person takes on large projects and tries to exceed his own physical capabilities. A person may suddenly be seized by the desire to do something grandiose, which he usually does not even think about. This is an uncontrollable desire that makes you feel like a puppet. As a result, there may be a sharp increase arterial pressure, and the person will feel irritated and overworked. The person may even become prone to accidents. Therefore, this transit is a time to closely monitor the movements of our physical body, as well as the burden we place on our body and the level of stress it experiences. Important experiences can be associated with a strong male figure. A person makes new acquaintances and starts new ventures. The energy of this transit is very high, but at the same time reckless, all actions should be carried out without forgetting about safety measures. Consider the various Martian dangers from cuts, fire, burns and so on, check the activity of the House ruled by Mars.

South Node Transit on Mars: in any action, especially new ones, it is very easy to make a mistake. When launching a new project, you need to be well aware of all the factors and know all the people involved in this endeavor. Circumstances and people tend to interfere with progress, and confrontations and conflicts often occur. There is irritation. Disappointments and difficulties are associated with male figures. Sorrows, problems and failures associated with them may be inevitable, especially when it comes to the female chart. Sometimes these figures carry danger. This aspect increases the tendency to accidents, and physical health becomes vulnerable. Energy levels may be low; the person may feel weak. There may be mechanical breakdowns of the car. This is the transit when people need to be very careful and conscious in all areas. Check the House ruled by Mars to find out in which matters the negative influence of the aspect will manifest itself and complications will arise.

Transit of the North Node through Jupiter: Jupiter is “Big Happiness” and Venus is “Small Happiness”, so this transit is similar to the transiting North Node conjunct Venus in terms of material and financial matters. Although this aspect gives a lot of control over these aspects of life, the person examines his spending habits; here a revision of the financial sphere and even some frustration in the early stages is possible, before a person begins to work through the current circumstances to find the right solutions. The additional money coming in can only offset the increased costs. Large expenses can bring acquisitions of a spiritual or philosophical kind. Interest in religion or metaphysics increases. It often appears in life useful person, which acts as a kind of catalyst for financial or spiritual growth. All endeavors related to publishing are developing successfully, or new opportunities are opening up in this area. Long journeys usually go well. The North Node has an expansive vibration, making it easy to gain weight during this transit.

South Node Transit over Jupiter: The situation is exactly the opposite of the one described above. Sudden unexpected and unforeseen expenses leading to deficits and depletion of finances. A person takes on risky activities that end in failure; he sees opportunities where there are actually many dangers. A person can take on too much and make impossible promises, which reflects poorly on his reputation. The human problem is the desire to spread things around too much, as well as the tendency to overestimate the amount of time that he has. A person's philosophy and belief system are tested during this period. Publishing is difficult, and long journeys are unsatisfying. Weight loss may occur.

North Node Transit on Saturn: This is a very powerful and beneficial aspect if a person spends a lot of time and effort on doing the right things, lays a strong foundation for his success and plays by the rules of society. This person will be rewarded for their constant efforts and hard work. He will learn lessons and experiences that will ultimately prove constructive and bring with them stability. During this transit, a person learns patience, deepens knowledge about himself and his abilities, and all this helps to improve his “I” image (image of himself) after the transit is completed. Usually someone older than him comes into a person's life and gives him guidance or plays an important role in his life. The person is ready to take on additional obligations and responsibilities. He enters into a relationship or situation that ensures his survival in the long term, especially in the professional sphere.

South Node Transit on Saturn: such standing imposes significant restrictions on all human efforts. This may be the result of weakening health, emotional decline, deteriorating prospects, or the emergence of obstacles and obligations placed on the person. The person sees life and limitations in a more negative light than at other times, and may feel dark clouds gathering overhead. He has problems with authority figures - a boss or business colleague, a judge or someone else with more power. high rank And great knowledge. A person faces typical Saturnian problems - diseases of the teeth, bones and skin, frequent colds, etc. There may be experiences, sorrows and losses associated with people of the older generation. A wide variety of illnesses and deaths may occur. Look at the House ruled by Saturn, as well as the House in which Saturn stands, and you will know in which areas of life you should expect troubles and complications.

North Node Transit on Uranus: This is often a very powerful aspect that can lead to sudden and unexpected events. Anything can happen, events will have a Uranian bias and depend on which House Uranus is in. A person can get a chance. In life, short encounters occur and short relationships are established that are incredibly meaningful; as a rule, they open up new paths for a person. A person may be unexpectedly noticed. He may suddenly develop an interest in the New Age or any other areas ruled by Uranus - astrology, computers, various gadgets and technologies. Usually this aspect is constructive, and unexpected events mostly have a favorable outcome. Also pay attention to the House ruled by Uranus - unusual things can happen there too.

South Node Transit on Uranus: surprising or unplanned events. At this time it is difficult to know anything in advance; you need to learn flexibility and follow the flow. This transit has a disruptive and destructive vibration. Lack of stability. Events happen like thunder among clear skies and tend to end badly. This is the time when you need to take care of preserving your reputation and avoid unnecessary risks, since a person can easily become a victim of scandal or blackmail. In the affairs of a House ruled by Uranus, unusual circumstances or difficulties may arise.

North Node Transit on Neptune: stimulation of imagination; very creative aspect. Previously hidden abilities for art may be revealed. A person can feel inspired, loved and compassionate towards others. The spiritual side of human nature is expanding. This is the vibration of high love, love for life and all its beings, a feeling of acceptance and happy contentment. Interest in meditation and dreams may increase. Intuition strengthens and becomes more reliable, and a person can gain spiritual or psychic experience. Visualization exercises produce quick results due to a happy state of mind combined with the ability to see and feel the desired result. Hypnosis becomes a way of self-improvement. The travels are going very well.

South Node Transit by Neptune: a person can be carried away by intrigue, alcohol or drugs. The imagination leads in the wrong direction, it is too strong; a person is prone to self-deception. Relationships may arise with vicious people or those who deceive him. You need to be very careful with all new people who come into your life during this transit. This is the time to question your own judgment. You need someone whose advice you can trust. There is a high probability of fraud, it depends on how pronounced the effect of Neptune is in the natal chart. During this transit, there is confusion, unresolved issues, everything is in a fog, and there may also be a feeling that everything has gone awry. Traveling does not bring the pleasure that was expected.

North Node Transit by Pluto: change of consciousness, important and long-term changes in life. A person is ready to confront obstacles, his energy and inner strength necessary to make previously planned changes increase. This is often a great time to deal with underlying psychological issues. A person makes decisions that affect the most personal areas of life: everyday life and family life, financial situation or personal habits. A person feels an urgent need to do certain things. This transit is associated with major undertakings. There is a transformation and reorganization of life; this is a constructive period, a period of sufficient strength to radically improve the situation. This is a great time to give up bad habits. There may be contacts with healers; the emergence of a new relationship marks a turning point in life. Activities related to general resources, taxes and insurance come to the fore.

South Node Transit by Pluto: intense and difficult relationships, often accompanied by a struggle for power and confrontation. Something is falling apart. Some profound or compelling event occurs that acts as a catalyst for new experiences and changes in consciousness. Circumstances may force you to change plans and force you to agree to new conditions. Some important problem may be resolved that goes back to a conflict in the past. Sometimes someone's death occurs in a close circle or separation from someone occurs. There is a danger that a person will be attacked and have a violent crime enter their life. A person must be very careful about environment. Contacts of Pluto with the nodes are accompanied by such unpleasant events as kidnappings, miscarriages, suicides, abortions, etc.

North Node Transit on Chiron: the position of Chiron in one of the natal Houses shows a zone of vulnerability and at the same time - the area in which a person is endowed with talents and can help in healing others. Transits of the North Node can cause a peak in activity in the House in which Chiron is located and associated vulnerable areas. At the same time, this transit is a period when a person establishes important relationships with others, when opportunities for internal healing and healing of other people open up.

South Node Transit via Chiron: sad events that return to a once-received trauma; this affected area is symbolized by the House in which natal Chiron falls, or aspects to Chiron. During this period, losses, failures, and serious troubles occur. Contact with those who are sick or suffering. This transit can have multiple effects, but often its manifestations are related to the natal House in which natal Chiron is located. Pain and worries increase, forcing a person to take on problems. The square of transit nodes to Chiron causes a similar effect.

The above descriptions of node transits can be applied not only to natal House, in which it is located natal planet or which she rules, but also to the progressed planets. In this case, you should check the position of the planet in the progressed House and the progressed House it rules to find out in which areas you should expect gains or losses. The following descriptions can be applied to the progressed House cusps through which the transit nodes pass.

Transits of the nodes along the nodes and cusps of the angular Houses

North Node Transit via North Node: This transit marks an important crossroads, as it is a time of karmic transition to a new stage. Next year will be very important. It is a time of ending the old phase of growth and experience and moving into a new phase that marks new projects to complete and new lessons to learn. It looks like you will be led higher power. Man has had eighteen and a half previous years at his disposal to learn the karmic lessons of the previous stage - and now he is entering a new era, which depends on the level of his evolution achieved up to this point. The stability, maturity and spiritual insights accumulated up to this point are just an investment in future opportunities. Some confusion and frustration at the very beginning of the transit is explained by the fact that the person continues to work on the old situation, but at the same time feels new impulses. Some people may become aware of the shift in focus even before the connection begins. Others are trying to stay in the old rut. You have a whole year to make this transition.

Transit of the South Node to the North Node: This transit also often marks a crossroads on the path of life, because it greatly promotes development. A new consciousness is born, mainly through interaction with other people. A person must combine what he has learned about himself with acceptance of other people and different points of view. A period of intense contacts with others, establishing new relationships.

Transit of the North Node on the Ascendant: A dynamic period of personal change and various events. Often important changes occur and karmic relationships with other people are established. People are starting to actively notice you. Personal efforts are supported by others. During this period, it is very easy to attract other people into your life. There is a need to balance your own goals and needs with those of your partner and others, which can feel like a heavy burden. This is a stressful time. There is a possibility of weight gain.

Transit of the South Node on the Ascendant: You may want to become invisible during this period. You are experiencing internal changes. In the eyes of others, you may look quite successful person with a perfectly organized life, but you yourself feel that everything is completely wrong. You tend to work for others, make concessions to them and sacrifice something for them. It seems that you are dominated by those around you, that they control your life, and your choices are severely limited. Your relationships with other people are changing. Possible weight loss.

Transit of the North Node via MS: This is usually a very favorable transit for career growth, raising your status and revising your ambitious plans. Neil Armstrong's North Node was approaching the progressed MC when he was the first man to set foot on the Moon. Period good relations with superiors. Difficulties in trying to balance life and career can lead to you starting to sacrifice household chores. Either homemade and family life can cause displeasure and a feeling of emptiness, forcing you to switch your main energy to the outside world. Moving is possible; many events are connected with parents and home. You may need to do some repairs.

Transit of the South Node via MS: attention switches to the family and household sphere, so a person can devote less time to his professional career. Effort must be made to balance home and work life, otherwise your career may suffer as a result. You have to make some sacrifices in your career. A person’s status may decrease, and higher authorities may be dissatisfied with the results of his work. Ego and external ambitions fade into the background and give way to the needs of personal growth. A person can change his goals or change his attitude towards home life. Household affairs and events become of great importance. You can count on the help of your parents; Things are going well for the parents.

North Node Transit on the Wheel of Fortune: period of favorable conditions; Often at this time there is a meeting with a person who can change your destiny in better side. Thanks to this happy meeting, the trends in your life may change. This is when your efforts pay off - this is good point when you can make the right choice and direct efforts to improve the situation. Look at which House this conjunction occurs in to get the most out of this aspect.

South Node Transit on the Wheel of Fortune: human efforts do not find proper support; this is a much less fortunate period in all respects. You have limited choices, you may be pushed into a corner, or you may have to confront those who have completely different intentions and goals than you. You can easily make a mistake by making the wrong choice and making a less than wise decision. The house in which the conjunction falls will show what kind of troubles should be expected, and the area that needs special attention and caution.

Transit of the North Node along the vertex: This is a fatal contact. You feel that you are practically unable to control the fateful meetings and experiences that occur in your life. You are vulnerable - others use you for their own purposes or hurt you. You may feel depressed, lonely and rejected. This is a time to think carefully about who you are intimate with and to whom you have given power. Important decisions, taken at this time, have a long-term effect. Even if everything is stable and going well, it seems to you that you are not able to make independent decisions and think that it is better to proceed from what others advise you. Work through the circumstances. The squaring of transit nodes to the vertex is about as difficult.

Transit of the South Node along the vertex: This transit is similar to the one we just discussed in that the person feels as if the external forces that set events in motion are beyond his control, forcing him to gain new experiences but limiting his options. However, the end result is often very successful. Space Force work for you. People around you look more favorably at your needs and desires and are sympathetic to your affairs, although your dependence on other people still remains. Important decisions made at this time have a long-term perspective. Significant changes may occur in close relationships. During this period, karmic connections stretching from the past may end, but others begin at the same time.

Nodal trine and sextile to planets or angular house cusps are reminiscent of North Node transits. The square of transit nodes to a planet or an important point in the celestial sphere resembles the influence of the South Node. The affairs of the House ruled by the planet through which the transit node passes are affected accordingly.

In the next chapter we will look at the various effects of transiting planets contacting the natal nodes.

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