The houses of the horoscope are the fifth house of the horoscope. Fifth house of the horoscope (natal chart)

Fifth house of the natal chart

Read about all the houses of the horoscope and the position of the Rulers in the houses.

fifth house

Symbolic rulers Leo, the Sun, Pluto culminates, Uranus and Saturn are imprisoned, Mercury is debilitated.

Fiery houses (1, 5 and 9) represent various hypostases of the "I" of a person. Unlike the 1st house, which determines the personality of a person that exists independently of the world (when the 1st house is turned on, the outside world seems to disappear, becomes insignificant), the 5th house represents the external (exteriorized) “I”, the image (or images) that a person puts between itself and the outside world in the process of interacting with it. At the same time, as in all night houses, the external world is secondary in relation to a person, but the existence and details of the surrounding reality are already of great importance, and the external image of the “I” is chosen in accordance with them. “You don’t know how to talk to people,” the mother bitterly states her pedagogical failure - her son’s lack of a developed 5th house. The art of “talking to people”, making the right impression on them and achieving your goals, is closely related to the ability to incarnate in a pre-prepared and polished image, which a person, of course, does not personally identify with himself, which is the difference between the 5th house and 1st. The question of what and why external images of the “I” are needed is decided depending on the level of elaboration of the 5th house.

In other words, we can say that the 5th house represents the actual personality, i.e. how a person appears to the outside world, and how he reacts to external situations that require his inclusion, in contrast to the potential personality of the 1st house, which is revealed in psychological tests, filled in a calm environment, when the outside world seems to be absent. A person with a strong 5th house and a weak 1st house is a brilliant actor who can play any role, transform into anyone, but it will be interesting to watch his game only when the play or director is strong; he himself will never be able to “pull out” the role; even less bright will be such a person in personal communication, when he is not offered any role and needs to play “himself”, and he does not understand what this means, who, in fact, is being discussed. On the contrary, a strong 1st house with an undeveloped 5th house can give an interesting, rich personality, but this person always plays as if himself, does not easily reincarnate into another, and it can be difficult for him to respond flexibly in an unusual situation.

Thus, if the 1st house represents the inner, personal image of "I", then the 5th house symbolizes visible to the world the image of a person, and these are completely different (although, of course, related) things. It is especially important to understand that although a person’s self-assertion goes, generally speaking, through all 12 houses of the horoscope, self-esteem is mainly determined (at least for the average person) by the image of the “I” of the 1st house, i.e. personality, and a personal assessment of a person by other people is his 5th house, i.e. the way he presents himself to them; about what he represents for himself, others can only guess, and this is of little concern to anyone.

The 5th house implies a certain alienation of a person from the image in which he is currently located. Typical example- children's speech games: "I will be a mother, and you will be a daughter." While the game is going on, the 5th house is turned on: the “mother” brings up the “daughter”, puts her to bed, gives toys and reacts within the framework of her role, in particular, tolerates treatment that would not be tolerated outside the game. But as soon as the game is broken and the 5th house is turned off, the same situation is instantly rethought and can become, for example, unbearably offensive, resolving in tears (1st house) or a fight (7th house).

The 5th house governs human creativity in the broadest sense of the word. Man came into this world for a reason: he has a common task, which is similar to the task of God the creator who created the world. Similarly, a person, during his life, must create the world, but not from nothing, but from himself, that which is potentially contained in it and should manifest itself outside. This is the main meaning of the 5th house, and the external images of the “I” are nothing more than a variety of tools with which the disclosure to the world takes place. internal content person. And throughout life, the 5th house manifests itself in completely different forms.

In childhood, the 5th house turns on in all games and role-playing situations in general, when a child puts on someone else's image, clearly realizing that it is not him (sometimes this image is forcibly put on him: “Tonight there will be guests, please be exemplary boy and don't pick your nose"). The roles of the 5th house differ from the masks of the 1st house in that, firstly, they are freely put on and removed, and secondly, in that they have a specific addressee, person or situation for which they are designed, while masks and incarnations of 1 houses exist as if absolutely, regardless of the surrounding reality.

In youth, the 5th house includes the most beloved of adult games - falling in love, roles for which all of humanity is preparing with such care and diligence, and which, despite this, are usually very bad and lifeless, since love relationships (karmically) involve joint evolutionary work, and not the friendly consumption of cosmic energy to the delight of a rapidly fattening ego.

In adulthood, the 5th house turns on at the moment of personal creativity, when a person creates a non-anthropomorphic image of his "I", for example, the idea of ​​​​a work of art, which (as he feels) asks out of his soul as its embodiment. It must be emphasized that the specific work of creating, say, paintings, goes (like any work) under the 6th house; the 5th house is the most intimate moment of creativity - the creation of an energy prototype (the poet will say: “I am hatching a plan”), which will then be framed in a specific canvas, ode or bas-relief. Accordingly, under the 5th house there is a pregnancy in a woman and a wife's pregnancy in a man (childbirth goes under the 8th house, and the last days of pregnancy - under the 4th).

Children go along the 5th house as a result of human creativity and, of course, as its object, i.e. under the 5th house is the actual upbringing of children (not necessarily their own; the 5th house stands above the kindergarten; the nursery, however, goes under the 1st house); and, of course, the 5th house is included not only in the raising parent, but also in the child being raised, so the 5th house in childhood is not just continuous joys and outrages, but also moments of retribution for them.

And, finally, the most mature form of manifestation of the 5th house is external religiosity. Man is needed by God; and not as such, but by the works that God asks him to do. However, God (or, in another language, karma) needs the creative participation of man in his own life and the realization of those potentialities that are inherent in it. Therefore, a person reveals himself to God (as well as to people) through the 5th house, through those images of himself (anthropomorphic and not) that he created in his life: honestly or falsely, beautifully or ugly, diligently or lazily. The 5th house turns on when a person goes to church, and carries all of himself, in the form in which he exists in the world, and the meaning of his communication with God (according to the 5th house) is to correct external images of a person, so that they better match his karmic program, which gives energy and direction to life. Another version of the 5th house (an octave lower) is a cinema or a theater stage, where the 5th house is also strongly included and you can enjoy the performance of life roles, and in addition, identifying with the actors, learn for yourself, which, unfortunately. currently not accepted (the public subconscious believes that a developed 5th house is needed only by artists who are paid money for reincarnation in an image, and why should the rest try to do it?).

When God wants to reveal himself to a person directly, He turns on the 5th house on a very strong energy - and the person communicates with Him almost directly, naively believing that he “just” fell madly in love or goes crazy with happiness for another reason.

At the first level of study of the 5th house man does not separate it from the 1st. In other words, he is unable to create an image of his "I" that is different from one or another facet of his personality. If we compare the 1st house with the body of a person, and the 5th with his clothes, then at the first level of study of the 5th house there is no wardrobe, and the person walks constantly naked, varying his appearance only by turning the body: front, profile, back. Naturally, this person is also inclined to consider other people, considering their external images of “I” as simply manifestations of the personality, which is sometimes completely wrong; nevertheless, such people often identify film actors with their heroes and cannot stand it when a comic role is replaced by a tragic one, since the image is torn at the same time.

At this level, a person always dresses not only in the same style, but also, if possible, in the same things, for him clothes are a continuation of his personality, and by clothes it is quite possible to both meet him and see him off. Such a woman will not use cosmetics at all, or she always wears makeup the same way, believing that “this is her style”; in reality, of course, not a style, but its only accepted external image, which has long been merged with the personality and has become part of it.

This person has a very rigid actual personality, ie. in all situations, it behaves in approximately the same and well predictable way. Creativity in the narrow sense, as well as a creative attitude to life, are not characteristic of him, and he hardly understands well what these words mean. It is very difficult for him to raise children who, in character and fate, are at least slightly different from himself; but if education succeeds, the offspring differ only in age. In love, this person strictly follows the official standards, applying them to himself, and can suffer greatly from the mismatch of appearance (his and his partner’s) with aesthetic patterns: with age, this problem is solved by adopting the life position of experienced grandfathers: “do not drink water from your face” , as well as "the main thing is that the legs reach the ground." External religiosity here is purely formal, since contact with God in the 5th house is achieved by changing the external images of the “I”, which in this case are very rigid, and a person is not inclined to change them voluntarily under any circumstances. A person loves cinema, theater and variety art that correspond to his harsh tastes, quite definite in plot and manner of performance, and treats them purely consumeristically, as entertainment or pleasure of the gastric type.

At the second level of study of the 5th house a person knows how, albeit with difficulty, episodically incarnated in an image unusual for him, for some time, somewhat clumsily, to resemble it. On the other hand, he has several images, already partly detached from his personality, in which he feels at ease and can behave differently; these are, for example, the roles of the Chief, Subordinate, Son, Husband, Father, Lover, Delighted Connoisseur. And a person tries to enter into a role that matches the situation, since the image of the Delighted Connoisseur will not work when talking with subordinates (although, as you know, it happens that way, just as the roles of the Chief or Subordinate can be useful when talking with a mistress, and the image of the Beloved when communicating with Mother).

At this level, a person already attaches some functional significance to his appearance, i.e. feels its influence on the image that he creates. A man has a special suit for work and, if possible, a special outfit worn on solemn occasions (anniversary of the company). A woman has several styles of clothing that exclude each other, and the same applies to makeup. In general, one should bear in mind that the paint on the face (as well as clothes, by the way) can be worn in the 1st, or in the 5th house, and the difference is very significant and visible to the naked eye; subjectively, it is expressed in the fact that under the 1st house a woman puts on makeup “for myself”, and under the 5th - focusing on a specific external situation, which, of course, is preferable.

At this level of development, a person already feels the limited possibilities of his personality (1st house) and begins to appreciate the possibility of expanding it with a set of external images of his "I", i.e. roles going through the 5th house. You cannot become different; however, one can present oneself to others, inwardly reincarnate as another, and much changes from this; but the main thing is that a person does not yet realize and does not appreciate the fact that this changes his perception of the world. On the other hand, he sees how his possibilities of influencing the external world are expanding, and he begins to realize the role of preliminary preparation, “getting used to” the image.

Love at this level is traditionally perceived passively and consumerly in relation to karma and the Absolute, but a person already understands that one must look at a partner and not be carried away by his ideal image created by his own imagination, since discrepancies may appear. At this level, the beloved is more interesting (not so stereotyped) and can even remember (or, worse, compose) a few lines of poetry on occasion. At the second level of study of the 5th house, attempts at creativity in the narrow sense of the word begin; with long efforts and great effort, a person can endure a creative idea that will not be completely stereotyped (i.e., dictated by the public subconscious), but will also be marked with the imprint of his individuality, which, however, will be very difficult to break its way through the barrier of generally accepted dullness and stamps. Therefore, a person is very strongly attached to his brainchild that is born with such difficulty and, like other external images of the “I”, separates it from himself only partially and therefore does not have the freedom necessary for true creativity, and it is important for him that his last name is on his creations. .

This person brings up children more democratically, allowing liberties in their self-expression, but keeping in mind the compulsory education of several standard social roles: Polite Teenager, Exemplary Student, Loving Grandson, etc., and it is in this that he sees, mainly, his educational function.

External religiosity at this level already gives a person something (for him) really tangible. During prayer, confession, just visiting the temple, he shifts the accents of attention, and he sees his affairs and his roles differently, from a higher point of view, getting the opportunity to review and change his external images, thereby adjusting the roles and, in ultimately, behavior (a person at this level thinks little about perception). In addition, those of his external images that are pleasing to God receive energy and informational support from Him, are strengthened and formed (subjectively, this is expressed in the fact that a person feels that he is becoming more energetic and skillful). For unbelievers (believers, of course, too) similar states occur in the theater or at any other performance that shifts the view of themselves and their roles in life, which, of course, is one of the goals of every good director.

At the third level of study of the 5th house a person completely separates from the external images of his "I", considering them as convenient tools, and with their help he works out the life situations in which he finds himself. Now he demonstrates his roles and external images of "I", which he develops, polishes and learns to fill with energy, knowing that these images are his main way of influencing all external situations in which he finds himself. For him in any difficult situation main question it does not sound like “what should I do”, but “what should I be”, i.e. what is the most appropriate image to take in this case; and then the image itself thinks and works, and often much more efficiently than could be expected in advance. Now a person has a whole wardrobe of external images, each of which must be regularly brushed, as well as systematically dressed and aired on the street. At the same time, the problem of influencing the situation begins to transform into the problem of perception of the situation; and then a person discovers that incarnation in one or another image greatly changes his perception of what is happening around him, and helps to feel and understand what is not comprehensible in any other way.

At this level, a person attaches great importance to his clothes and appearance, being able to make them "work" for the created image, and under no circumstances will he voluntarily put on a suit that contradicts the image, rather, he will partly change the latter, being able to adapt it to the first. This is the level of professional actors, rather actresses, pop singers etc. At the same time, such people are also found in ordinary life, being able to make the strongest impression without much personal effort, using clothes, makeup, jewelry, in fact, as magical means, i.e. power amplifiers or generators; the latter can be gold, silver, precious and semiprecious stones, rings, necklaces, furs, etc. An image that appeals to a strong egregor, for example, “a rich woman”, works especially effectively.

In art, this is the level of the creative elite; such a person fills the image he creates with such strong energy that the work of art created by him breaks a channel into the subtle world and actually becomes a window into this world, at least for a while, which is perceived as a miracle (then this channel is taken away by epigones and gradually vulgarized by the public and closes, however, the first one learns from it, and the second partly grows spiritually). At this level, the work of art is alienated from the author and continues to live its own life. In life and love, this person is internally more independent, original and much less vulnerable: for the most part, his images of “I” suffer, i.e. costumes, but not personality (physical body). It is much easier to admit that “I played the role badly” than “I turned out to be a complete nonentity”, although the situation is the same. His reactions are not stamped, and it is interesting with him, at least if he wants to, regardless of the level of his knowledge and ability to think.

This person thinks of the upbringing of children, first of all, as the development of their abilities and talents, laid down by nature, within the framework of morality, imposed by him from above as restrictions; however, if the child discovers an independent conscience, parental restrictions can be lifted.

External religiosity at this level gives a person a lot, if it is not suppressed artificially (but even then it finds its own, sometimes ugly, manifestations). The freedom that a person has in creating images of the “I”, both life roles and images embodied in art, is ultimately intended to serve the egregor that gives a person general direction efforts and energy (and in many ways semantic) filling of these images, which happens at the moments when a person turns his thoughts upward, whether he does this in front of an icon, in a church or alone with himself. At such moments, a person feels the Divine presence very clearly, although he does not always associate with Him the solution of his creative problems and, in particular, the dynamics of the images of the “I”. But in any case, religiosity, whether a person wants to admit it or not, plays a very important role in his life, and serving God and His care for a person become facts of life, not faith.

At the fourth level of study of the 5th house a person can incarnate in almost any image, with complete (for the audience) authenticity, not only externally, but also emotionally and mentally, which gives him, first of all, the opportunity to directly feel another person. He uses these images, including them as necessary in accordance with emerging situations and filling them with energy and supplementing them with specific needs, depending on their content. At the same time, he acts in situations - talks, moves, smiles, etc. - the image, and the person himself, almost completely separated from him, observes the situation from the side, exercising general leadership. The image thinks, worries, radiates and perceives energy and information, but all this concerns a person to a very small extent, just as the excitement of a doll does not touch the puppeteer. At this level, a person sees the spiritual meaning of the situation quite well and takes part in the external performance, focusing on it, but at the same time observing the basic rules of the game.

This person feels well the energy of his body, clothes, cosmetics and jewelry and knows how to dress and move, creating the necessary and appropriate energy ensemble; from the outside it seems that he has a wonderful taste in everything he does, and something else, some secret of charm and power that cannot be expressed in words, but one really wants to imitate.

If this person is engaged in art, he creates works, each of which is completely individual; if he paints a portrait of a person, then it will be a portrait of the latter, and not of the author. If you put together all the works he created, then it will be difficult to find something in common between them, except for an almost elusive style that is associated with his peculiarities of seeing the world.

The whole life of this person passes in constant contact with God, who helps him select the appropriate roles, images and actions for situations, and, in addition, prepares these situations for him so that the person helps Him resolve them. Divine attention and care are felt at this level clearly and constantly, most often in the form of love, which a person feels as coming to him from all sides, from all people, objects and landscape. This love fills all his images into which he is embodied, and gives him the strength to play his difficult role in the game that is gloomy for most of the participants, called life.

5th house situation this is any position in which a person feels that he is playing or rehearsing, and feels himself partly independent of his role, i.e. potentially capable of abandoning it or replacing it with another. The 5th house stands above a theatrical production with clearly defined characters of the characters, when the actors have something to transform into, it controls all kinds of spectacles and sports competitions, where there is something to see. The 5th house governs the wedding, carnival and costume ball, where each of the participants portrays a character, indicated by a mask and costume; in the higher octave 5, the house stands above an art exhibition, where the materialized outer selves of the artists are presented in the symbolic form of works of art; 5th house stands above the father raising a child, depicting anger (if the parent experiences it, 1st house is turned on); The 5th house stands above a person who thinks over his demeanor in the responsible situation ahead of him. A rather unpleasant variant of the 5th house is an exam, where the student must play the role of an Excellent student who is fluent in the subject, in contrast to the Loser student, who dreadfully bends under the unbearable burden of unlearned knowledge. Psychological preparation, which consists in getting used to the first role, will provide invaluable help in life, even if the exam fails.

A person who needs clothes in order to keep body heat and fulfill the minimum social requirements (cover shame) dresses under 1 house. The 5th house implies respect for the dress as such and its relatively independent existence, which should be treated with due respect. A schoolgirl, putting paint on her face in a thick layer, clumsily, but strongly turns on the 5th house, to the indignation of the moderate views of her mother, who uses cosmetics fundamentally under the 1st house and considers the 5th as a stage immediately preceding the panel (which is also in phases 1 and 2 goes under the 5th house, and finally under the 2nd or 8th, depending on the amount of payment).

In all life situations there is an element of the game, and how free, creatively original and religious a person will be in them depends on the level of elaboration of the 5th house. to what extent his actions will be consistent with the will of God.

Strong 5th house gives a person who cannot live just like that, being "himself" - he is constantly drawn to something "out of himself" to build, portray, and at a low level this is perceived by others as antics. However, antics in the 5th house are very different from showing off in the 1st, when a person wears and demonstrates unsuccessful masks, facets of personality. The inclusion of the 5th house at any level of study is much safer for a person and more dangerous for others. When a person enters an image, realizing that it is an image, he can endow it with much more energy and expressiveness than if he simply perfected himself; because he, as it were, remains on the sidelines and works as a creator, endowing the image with exactly those features that are necessary, and thereby concentrating energy on the right moments and achieving an incomparably greater effect than with “sincere” behavior in the 1st house. At a low level, a strong 5th house gives an extreme propensity (and ability) to dramatize. If this person is fined on the bus, he will tell you about it as if his car had crashed, and his child's illness looks like just a universal catastrophe. On a low energy, a person with a strong 3rd house, on the contrary, is strongly suggestible, but suggestions on the 5th house do not work quite the same as suggestions on the 1st when the personality is suppressed. Here, a phantom appears around a person, forcibly driving him into a certain role, forcing him to behave in a certain way, practically without affecting his personality. If this phantom (i.e., the image of “I” induced by another person) is strong enough, a person may experience something similar to a split personality, as if there are two faces in him, each of which has power over him and wants to act in his own way .

This person loves to play, loves the theater (with the defeat of the 5th house, he is very picky), knows how to deal with children very well and can be very expressive in creativity and love, if he can only overcome the appropriate social clichés, which is difficult for him, especially with harmonious aspects to 5 home. When working out - a very creative person in all its manifestations; in general, this person is loved if he does not require too much attention to himself, which is typical at a low level, especially with a weak 2nd house. A strong superficial religiosity is possible, which, when working through the 4th house, will give a lot.

Weak 5th house was with a girl who once silently looked at herself in the mirror for a long time, and in conclusion said: “Well, nothing, I’ll take it with my mind,” meaning compensation for her 5th house by the development of the 1st. It is difficult for such a person to be different in the same type of situations with the same people, and it is unlikely that he shone in the school drama club or expressively recited poetry in childhood, and when he, as a little boy, was placed in the middle of the room in order to find out who he looks more like, on mom or dad, he was completely uncomfortable. Such a person, especially with a strong 1st house, will prefer to be rather than seem, and therefore he will have some difficulties with the design of anything, from a school wall newspaper to his own behavior towards a loved one: it is much easier for him to love, how to express your feelings. However, there are no big obstacles in this for him either, and with some effort he will be able to express what he has, but not three times against it, as is typical for people with a strong 5th house. This person does not really like to play, especially with reincarnation in the image; for him it is a load that does not give any return, at least at first. He will carefully read the play, but he may not go to the theater: why, after all, everything has already been written? Outward religiosity is little developed, and for a long time it is completely incomprehensible why people go to church and why it is customary to dress well in the theater.

Harmonious 5th house gives a person who is pleasant in all respects. It is easy for him to enter into any role and it costs nothing to get out of it, forgetting about those promises that he indirectly, by the very fact of his acceptance of the role, generously distributed. This person is indispensable in superficial social contacts, he always knows how to make a good impression, soften awkwardness and smooth out conflict. Unfortunately, people are usually not interested in working out their harmonious houses, and the 5th house is no exception: with a strong defeat with this person, it is almost impossible to have a normal affair, it immediately turns into a Shakespearean drama or passions according to Dostoevsky.

External religiosity is very important for this person, but at first (and for a long time) instead of God, the devil appears and behaves in a rather standard way, very similar to what is described in the literature: he seduces, deceives, leads astray, threatens, etc. ., specific details will show aspects of the 5th house. It is rather difficult to shame this devil; first you need to study it, and then find and eradicate in yourself those lower subconscious programs to which it appeals: pride, vanity, jealousy, etc., each case will have its own characteristics. Only after that a person will begin to hear the voice of God, and this voice will sound completely different from what he thinks.

Affected 5th house gives a person who is terribly drawn to the stage and at the same time pushes out the fear of being completely ugly in his favorite role. However, one thing can be said for sure: the behavior of such a person will never be ugly. Whether he wants it or not, he will always wear one or another image, which will be alien to him in many respects and often most unpleasant; it is important, however, that these images be adequate to the situation and manageable by it; love for them (and for oneself) comes much later, when they prove their usefulness and functionality in practice.

At a low level, this person is very deceitful, constantly playing and depicting what he does not think and does not feel; one should try, at least, not to do this with selfish goals. Corresponding distortions will also be in his perception of the external world (which, of course, goes through the image of the “I”, which is active at the moment). Therefore, the first life position this person: never trust anyone, and in particular, yourself. Working out begins with the separation of the 5th house from the 1st, i.e. roles from a person, which is often not easy, since it drastically reduces self-assertion in 1 house (recognition “I have a rich set of roles” instead of persuading “I have rich personality” hits hard on self-esteem). Next, you need to learn to manage the images of "I", which always, and in this case especially, tend to live their own lives and push the person around instead of serving him.

Relations with children are uneven, love turns into jealousy.

He likes to dress brightly, also appreciates works of art, and it is very difficult to resist his love impulse; fortunately, he most likely will not be too intrusive, and if you show him the door, he will leave. But at the same time, he will look so unhappy that your conscience will torment you for the rest of your life. A. Underwater

Fifth house. Significator Sun, in exile Uranus and Saturn. Calm confident flame. The warmth of the heart, the warmth of the soul. social level.

The sun determines the creative potential of a person. In this house, we look at the roles that a person chooses for himself in life, the level of his artistry, individual creativity. Realization of oneself in children, their upbringing, attitude towards them. Pride, self-esteem, the level of claims.

With the 5th house we associate guardianship, luck and fortune (related to Jupiter). The sun, being the source of love, joys and pleasures, will show their level in the house, as well as the attitude towards the game and the nature of this game. The exaltation of Pluto determines the level of pleasure from sexual relations.

Here you will see what a holiday, rest means for a person, determine the level of his optimism. In essence, the 5th house is a theatrical stage, it controls the spheres of indirect expression of a person.

In case of defeat of the 5th house, the role of a person is gloomy, the masks are gloomy, the fruits of creativity and children do not bring joy, love remains without reciprocity.

Unlike roles 1 at home, roles 5 are not glued to a person, he can change them at his own discretion, but not quite arbitrarily, since any external situation puts a lot of pressure on him. The 5th house contains the person's favorite and natural masks. The roles in the hidden 1st house are replaced by the roles of the 5th house. N. Markina

5th house - Fili.

Feeling of spontaneous self-expression, creativity and play - Instincts, joys, pleasures, games - Love - Sports.

In astrology, the subsequent, that is, transitional, 5th house denotes a part of the ecliptic, which has long passed its point of entry on the western horizon, but is still far from the nadir, the Bottom of Heaven.

If we consider the analogy with human life, the 5th house governs all kinds of spontaneous gaming activity, allowing to reveal the deep essence of the personality, as well as to express our likes and dislikes on an emotional plane.

The 5th house expresses desire, not necessarily related to sexual instinct. It will also determine the way personality manifests itself in outside world, in its environment, since the involuntary self-expression of the personality and its life force is most pronounced during leisure hours.

This house indicates the emotional qualities of a person, his need to love, to continue himself in children, as well as to teach and educate.

Self-expression of a person in the 5th house is purely selfish. A person seeks to show himself, to emphasize his importance relative to other people.

D. Redyar believes: “Creativity is associated with the fifth house, since for a person to create means to project the properties of a person onto his immediate environment, to leave his mark on society. Obviously, this can manifest itself in different ways. Giving birth to a child and raising a sociocultural personality out of him is a biological path. Create a work of art or literary work, to establish a cultural society, to come up with an important invention that changes the way people live, or to lead a nation to its peak - through all this, the power of a creator, inventor or leader can be manifested.

In some cases, external forces and apparent purpose originate in the transpersonal realm. A person becomes a conductor of some collective cosmic or evolutionary idea, and he can be compared to a transparent, perfectly made lens that collects and focuses light. Spiritual force can manifest in any physical form through the focal point. His work is a creative process, and the result of this work is determined, no doubt, not only by the character and temperament of the person himself, but, in a deep sense, by transcendent factors independent of his desires or attempts to control the creative process and direct it to a consciously set goal. . L. Winkler

5 house. Masculine, personal, subject to the Sun, happy occasions, pleasure, theatre, art, children, sexuality.

In the fifth house - again intermediate - we are talking about the happiness that "falls to the lot" of a person and which is difficult to explain. This "falling to the lot" happiness is mainly understood as gambling, lotteries, betting, and in general any kind of speculation.

This house also contains the unfinished experiments of life and the desire to enjoy life, to experience everything.

The vital forces that a person receives from birth on his life path for use in the struggle of life can be used positively and economically, or squandered carelessly and playfully. Thus, one can squander one's youth in the wild enjoyment of life, but one can also give one's life a deeper meaning through systematic work.

The risk of going down new paths and discarding something outdated applies here as well. Like no other, the fifth house is a factor of fate, as a person ultimately decides the fate of his descendants with his way of life. Whether or not they intend to procreate is a decision that affects the fate of human existence and has a long-term impact on it. This house gives us information about children, their upbringing and their life path.

In addition to children, offspring and births, the fifth house gives us information about love and relationships between partners. From the position of the stars, signs and oppositions of the planets in the fifth house we can see the desire for pleasure or inhibition, as well as complexes in the sexual area.

Practice shows that the statements received here are extremely multi-layered and do not always inspire confidence. Esoterics. T. II

5 house. Bona fortune, Agatha quiet, Good fate.

Meaning. The house is subsequent, referring to love, children, speculation, games, pleasures.

Meaning in an individual horoscope

1st third. Lover, physical contact, children, death in youth, helping children, risk of loss and income. Personal property of the father, second brother or sister. In a woman: childbirth, danger from childbirth or loss.

2nd third. Gifts, speculation, lottery, attitude to the theater, entertainment establishments, music. Enemies of subordinates. It is related to the profession of a teacher, writer, artist, actor.

3rd third. Games, sports, special inclinations and addictions, dance, cottages, spiritual activities of all kinds, adverse effects on health.

Significance in the mundane horoscope. Fertility, population, child rearing, youth in general, schools, theatres, music, entertainment and celebrations. Death of the head of state.

Significance in the horoscope horary. Betting, lotteries, running, privileges, message success. Further, as in the individual and mundane horoscope.

A Few Rules

  1. A superplanet in the 5th house emphasizes powerful sexual passions.
  2. Damaged causes ascetic inclinations, damaged by Neptune, with an attitude towards Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - provokes alcoholism.
  3. A malefic in the 5th house suggests a difficult birth (in women), premature death of a child, or disappointment in children (in men). J. Kefer

5th house, Leo, Sun, Pluto in exaltation.

House of creative expression. A series of stages of human development continues. Spiritual and physical extension of oneself. This is the house of children, physical and spiritual, the house of creativity, art, especially the fine arts, love affairs, pleasures and pleasure centers, banquets, games (also for money, including speculation on the stock exchange). Children and affairs related to their growth and upbringing, study, sports and everything related to creative self-expression and social recognition. Creative activity requires continuous efforts of the will, so Leo, the constant creative sign of Fire, is in charge of this house. Here the dynamics of the Self is expressed by the Sun, love to create and dramatize. The individual is full of the joy of life and seeks it in a loved one. From their unity, offspring are born, and life becomes not in vain.

The 5th house is where the universal life seed of solar energy finds its expression. In the 5th house, a person is a creator, like God. F. Sakoyan, L. Ecker

The consolidated personality of the 4th house feels the need for self-expression, i.e. wants to imprint its uniqueness on something external. It can be a product of social creativity: a picture, a play, a movie, or it can be biological creativity - the birth of children. The energy of the house is spent spontaneously and in a sense aimlessly, i.e. has no specific task other than to enjoy the here and now.

According to the apt remark of D. Rudhyar, “in the 5th house, our ability to act on the basis of our own innermost nature and purity of motives is tested without interest in the fruits of action.” The fifth house symbolizes the holiday, free time pastimes, play and pure joy. This is where our hobbies come in - what we fill the time free from important things. He is responsible for the ability to love and for the objects of our love - our pets. B.Israel.

Traditionally, the 5th house in astrology is responsible for children. The layout determines how prone a person is to conception and indicates the relationship that he will have with his youths. If a defeat falls out, then this is either a symbol of the fact that he cannot have babies, or clarifies the restrictions that his offspring will bring to him. If speak about women's field, then here the most important indicator is the 5th house of Vedic astrology from the Moon, rather than from the ascendant.

Also, the 5th house in astrology is responsible for creative development in any manifestation. It determines how original we are able to think and how strongly our brain is developed creatively. By this indicator, you can understand how correctly a person can advise something. In this understanding, the 5th house in astrology will be especially important and indicative for professions such as politics, lawyers and lawyers. In general, this is the main indicator of how developed our intellect is. If there is a defeat, then this suggests that a person’s thinking is often distorted by emotions, and judgments at the moment are erroneous.

If we talk about the spiritual level, then the 5th house in astrology allows us to understand what merit and karma we have brought from a past life. It also determines how skillfully we use our words and thoughts for spiritual purposes.

It is also the house of love, which makes it clear how strong our romantic relationships are and determines the behavior of our lovers, and not only those with whom we are married. It also determines our hobbies, favorite activities and entertainment, the presence of good health and vitality.

Indirectly, this also applies to wealth. If you are speculating on the stock exchange, then the 5th house will help you understand whether you are moving in the right direction or not. Here is the result of your work.

Putra bhava - home of children

The main correspondence comes from the sign of fire. Accordingly, Putra bhava got its name from him - the goal of life, duty.

Main interpretation: youths, abilities of the mind, credit received in a past life, speculation, risky situations, sports, art of drawing, moral standards, virtues, kindness and mercy, the direction of religiosity, romance, affairs in love, life satisfaction, prayers, development in spiritual plan, wisdom, broadening one's horizons, positive deeds.

According to its interpretation, the 5-1 house is considered beneficial. That is why its owner brings good to any house, no matter where it is located. In addition to all the above indicators, the fifth house is considered to be dominant over purvapunya. This is a loan that has passed from a past life into the current life. Almost all successful people have a strong, intensified 5th house. First of all, this suggests that in a past life such people worked hard, and now they have received a reward for their work. In addition, purpuvanya gives a sense of predestination, so a person knows his fate from childhood.

Since it is also an indicator of dignity and morality, a person with a strong fifth house is highly gifted, intelligent, but at the same time honest and modest.

Since marriages are concluded quite early in India, here this alignment speaks of love, which is transmitted by the spouse. But in the West, he talks about love relationships both before and after marriage.

The reason why the order of the passage of the horoscope is violated is that along the axis of 5 and 11 houses in astrology there is one of the most important topics for humanity - the topic of babies. And precisely because both houses are responsible for the youths, they will be united in our analysis.

Lord of the 5th house

The lord of the fifth house in the first house means high learning, joy from conception or the birth of a child, insatiability and uncertainty of character.

5th house in astrology in the second house means a large number of male heirs, respect from others, profit, income received from the state. A person of this level will be smart, rich, and at the same time devoted to the family. If the planet is afflicted, then it will lead to problems related to the family.

The house in the third house indicates that the person on whom the alignment is carried out is a pleasant conversationalist, a family favorite, smart and notorious. At the same time, he does not pay due attention to requests for help, but at the same time he treats relatives well. As a rule, it has positive heirs.

The appearance in the fourth house means profit, wealth, happy children.

In the fifth house, this is love and understanding of friends, and if the planet also favors you, then you can additionally count on the birth of male heirs.

The owner in the sixth house is the difficulties associated with the birth of a baby. Children in such families often get sick or quarrel with each other and with their parents. In some cases, this means the adoption of a non-native child. Also, children who are born may have speech defects.

A house in the seventh house is resistant to obstacles, honest and respected by family, relatives and friends, as well as work colleagues. He is spiritually devout and has good youths.

The lord in the eighth house has diseases related to the respiratory system. May suffer from lung diseases and speech defects. Lack of spirituality and pleasure from fatherhood. Accordingly, his children are not too happy and lucky.

The owner in the ninth house bathes in luxury and abundance. Popular, can be a writer or an actor. Creative person.

The alignment in the tenth house is a person who has material well-being and has his children. The son of such a person will become famous and will allow the whole family to be proud of himself.

The presence of the owner in the eleventh house speaks of the owner as a person with great mental abilities, profiting from his children, and as a responsive nature.

If the planet is damaged, this can promise enmity with the youths.

The lord in the twelfth house suffers from digestive problems. Speech defects may appear. Man is not in too good relations with children and does not take the best position to reproduce offspring.

Planets in 5th house

The appearance of the Sun indicates that you are always ready to show your creativity. You love life and are ready to share the joy with others. The only thing you need to be wary of is dictatorial tendencies. In addition, you should beware of unjustified risks.

Mars in the 5th house of astrology is typical for those who, being creative, spend a lot of energy on it. The people of this planet prefer sports and entertainment. Like to pay attention opposite sex and get it yourself. Too much time is spent in romantic relationships.

The appearance of Venus suggests that you are very attractive to the opposite sex - perhaps even more than is necessary to benefit from the situation. You will be gladly accepted in any company, but beware of excesses.

Saturn symbolizes people who consider themselves deprived. They feel that no one loves or appreciates them. In order to correct the situation, you need to learn how to show your love to loved ones.

Neptune characterizes those people who are artistic, eccentric, prone to irregular relationships. Everything that is connected with chaos is very attractive to such people. Try to moderate your fantasies and become more practical.

Pluto characterizes people with great creative potential. Children of such people, as a rule, are also creatively developed and unusual. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the fact that such people are too predisposed to sex. And it would be better if it did not grow into their hobby.

The life of the people of the planet Moon is built on emotions that can interfere not only with their creativity, but also with family relationships. Therefore, if you do not want discord with your children, pull yourself together.

As you can see, the fifth house is primarily associated with children. However, neighboring houses and planets can affect the final result.

Pluto in astrology plays the role of the arbiter of fate and is the natural rulereighth house. He is responsible for death and rebirth, esoteric knowledge and transformation. The owner of the horoscope is constantly in suspense and waiting for the next trick from life. This habitual state leads to a craving for extreme situations that allow him to experience life in its full manifestation.

can be compared with the mythical phoenix bird, which dies in fire, and then comes to life again from the ashes, ready for a new life and trials. A person who finds himself in a crisis situation and survives feels strong changes in himself due to symbolic rebirth. When it seems to him that he is crushed and at an impasse, in fact, he is experiencing the end of a difficult period and the onset of a new life stage. The planet knows how to thank for endurance and willpower, and when it takes something, it sends a reward.

Pluto is the natural ruler of Scorpio, which is responsible for sexuality, power and magic. This position of the planet means that the owner of the horoscope is a magician who knows how to control people and subordinate them to his will. He knows how to foresee the future, but his expectations of trouble are confused with premonition and do not allow for correct predictions. The owner of such a position is always on the alert: he expects the worst, but hopes for the best. Not every human mind can withstand such a load, but Pluto in the eighth house is not capable of such “miracles”.

It is worth considering the aspects of other planets to the "arbiter of fate." All of them indicate the development of the spiritual sphere and are mandatory tests. All the events described by Pluto standing in the eighth house are inevitable, like death itself. Fate will be "merciless" until a person realizes what exactly he should extract from the events that have occurred. No matter how senseless the ongoing actions may seem, they carry meaning and draw hidden reserves to the surface. Difficulties are given by fate in order for a person to learn how to respond to them correctly. Only in this way will he rise higher spiritually, become stronger and wiser.

Jupiter, known as the benefic planet, is responsible for happiness in relationships. Luck, success and future prospects depend on it. Favorable degrees of Jupiter to any personal planet (Sun, Moon, Venus) is called the "happiness aspect". It has the best effect on relationships and softens many negative aspects.

The strongest manifestation of the connection of Jupiter with personal planets:
  1. Conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun. This aspect fills the relationship with optimism, happiness and hope. It promotes spiritual growth, helps to gain and accumulate wealth. Partners treat each other with kindness and nobility. The Jupiter man supports and protects the loved one, and the Sun man feels happy next to his beloved.
  2. Jupiter sextile the Sun. Helps family relationships to acquire mutual understanding, strength and harmony. Partners travel a lot, go in for sports and discover new joint hobbies.
  3. Jupiter trines the Sun. Aspect is the basis of mutual assistance and trust. The owner of Jupiter charges with optimism and lifts the mood of a loved one.

A square (90°) indicates a lack of self-discipline or a mature relationship. Emphasizes the independence, folly and arrogance of each of the partners. The opposition provokes a divergence in views on life, indulgence in extremes and points to the selfishness of one of the partners.

Mars in Scorpio is a strong position of the planet in the natal chart. In harmonious aspects, it guarantees its owner a firm and decisive character. A person with this position has endurance, self-control, insight, honesty and magnetism. He is fearless and intuitive, but his courage is observant. A person does not rush to the "battlefield", but follows what is happening from the side. As if in the thick of things, but at a safe distance. He loves risk, often gets into crisis situations, but gets out of the water dry, however, he does not always draw the right conclusions.

A calm life does not suit this position of Mars, and its owner feels life, a kind of battlefield. The harder life circumstances, the stronger it becomes. After crisis situations, a person discovers in himself a reserve of forces that contribute to transformation, changes in character and outlook on life.

A person with Mars in Scorpio is vindictive and vindictive. He does not forget the offenses inflicted and is ready to harm himself for the sake of revenge, if only to get even with the enemy. His actions are clear and consistent, and it is impossible to defeat such an enemy. Better not to stand in his way or betray his friendship. After all, this is a good friend who will always help out and come to the rescue.

Negative aspects they incline a person to cruelty, sadism, alcoholism and push them onto the path of self-destruction. Mars afflicted in Scorpio gives rise to rebels and desperate warriors. These are scandalous, very vindictive and morbidly jealous people. They try to subdue their will by any means. Often they choose a criminal path and can become both a victim and a criminal.

Mars in Scorpio in the female horoscope

Women with Mars in Scorpio It is important to feel wanted and loved. She is very offended if she notices a lack of interest in herself on the part of her beloved man. In her opinion, if he does not show his feelings, then his love has cooled down. It will be difficult for her to live with a person who does not love her, and sooner or later, resentment will lead to a break in relations.

According to Eastern calendar 2019 falls under the influence of the Yellow Earth Pig. She will come to power on February 5, and the year under her rule will be remembered for pleasant events, changes and new acquaintances. Many people will stop worrying about the future or living in the past and learn to enjoy the present. Changes will occur due to the end of the twelve-year cycle, which closes the Boar.

Horoscope for 2019 for Aries

For representatives of this zodiac sign, the beginning of the year will be remembered for fateful meetings and unexpected turns fate. In 2019, Aries will show themselves from the other side: they will avoid conflicts and demonstrative scandals. They will direct their warlike character to the struggle for career growth, skillfully showing their strengths and masking their shortcomings.

In the new year, the financial situation will improve and there will be a chance to meet your love. Married couples will feel a renewal of feelings and will once again be convinced of the right choice regarding the second half. Aries who are already in a relationship will delight each other with romantic surprises and gifts.

Many will have the opportunity to travel abroad and indulge in pleasant experiences. In the third decade of the year, health problems will appear, but if you notice the malaise in time, it will not turn into a protracted illness.

Horoscope for 2019 for Taurus

Taurus in the year of the Pig should not forget about loved ones and pay more attention to them. It is not worth traveling alone, as the stars do not guarantee protection, and a lonely traveling Taurus will have many difficulties along the way.

Lonely representatives of this earth sign will have a chance to meet a future spouse, and established couples will want to formalize their relationship. Lovers and spouses will face misunderstandings that will arise due to financial disagreements. And not because Taurus will feel financial instability, but because they want to save and increase profits, and not spend it on buying expensive things.

The stars are also not advised to lend money and conflict with partners or work colleagues. In 2019, Taurus need to watch their reputation and keep their outrages in check so that people don't get the wrong impression.

Planets in the seventh house of the horoscope:

The sun. The couple is prominent, beautiful and respected. Often spouses are engaged in one thing and run a joint business. The partner can be an influential, famous person. If the Sun is afflicted, the spouse is arrogant, selfish and capricious. It is difficult to compromise and requires increased attention. A harmonious luminary gives happiness and prosperity. If the Sun is in a fixed sign, the relationship is stable and harmonious. In mutable - everyone will "pull the blanket over themselves" and make excessive demands on the partner.

Moon. In a fixed sign, the night "luminary" creates favorable conditions for the development of relations. In mutable - inclines to divorce. With the Moon in the seventh house, relationships are filled with sensuality, intuition and tenderness. People strive for home coziness and comfort. They love to eat, sleep and tend to spend all their free time together. A woman expects devotion and protection from her husband. To be able to sympathize and guess her mood. A man is looking for a wife who looks like his mother. He needs an economic, caring and domestic wife who will warm and feed at the end of a hard day. Family life alternates with a calm and scandalous period, with tantrums, resentment and reconciliation.

Mercury. Both men and women need a partner who will become a friend, companion and comrade of interest. Everyone expects a light, cheerful and inquisitive character from a loved one. The depth of feelings is not important, since love is viewed from the side of affection, thanks to common views on life and an easy attitude towards it. The partner is usually younger in age, has poor eyesight, a strict, intelligent appearance and a passion for books.

Venus. This is a happy marriage, which is made for love and exists for a long time. The husband is handsome, romantic and charming. Non-conflict and economic. If the planet is afflicted, he will be moody or lazy. The owner of this position strives for an ideal relationship and has high demands on the appearance of a loved one.

Bill Herbst

09/29/2003 | Visitors: 1260586


  • Hemisphere - western - orientation to other people and responsiveness.
  • Hemisphere - lower - subjective and personal.
  • Zone - the second third of the circle - interactive and interpersonal.
  • The type is subsequent - reactive and specific.
  • Axis - 5/11 - behavior, creativity and love.
  • Planet - the Sun - power, determination and pride.

Traditional interpretation:

  • creative expression,
  • pleasure,
  • sex, romance and love affairs,
  • having children
  • sports, games and entertainment,
  • risky business, speculation and investment.

Modern interpretation:

  • the conscious person is the deliberate presentation of the ego, life as a theater, personal charm;
  • romance, giving love - the experience of active courtship; the characteristic way in which love is offered;
  • a sexual performance - love as an exaltation of one's own ego, a performance for a loved one;
  • personal creativity - all forms of self-expression centered on the ego, both artistic and non-artistic;
  • risk in any competition concerning personal skill.

Exploration of the fifth house

Theoretically, at this point in the space of houses, we are fully aware of ourselves. We have self-awareness (1st house), we have anchored ourselves in our bodies (self-determined) (2nd house), explored with our nervous system the space immediately around us (3rd house) and gained security and a sense of personal significance by satisfying our emotional needs (4th house).

Reaching highest point space of personal growth and having really gained security, we enter a new stage of accumulation of experience, we enter the second four houses, we enter into a social space of interaction with strangers.

Of course, most of us do not reach the level of a completely safe person, but even if we do, moving deeper into the social space is still risky. And everything that the 5th house tells us about is about conscious risk. We know our worth, but we also begin to realize that strangers may not pay attention to us, and indeed, they have no special reason to be attentive to us. We must create a person who can win their attention, love and approval.

The 5th and 1st houses are similar in that each of the houses relates to ways of expressing one's personality. But the fundamental difference between the houses is that the 1st house is elemental, natural and relatively automatic. The fifth house is conscious, everything is done intentionally, and it is very purposeful. This house presents you as if you are an actor on stage, aware of the presence of the audience. These two houses tend to merge in a holistic expressiveness of the personality, but a careful observer will be able to tell when one house strengthens its influence and weakens the other.

Of course, the height of perfection is to make the "acting" so convincing that the audience does not guess about it, and if you play well enough, then you can lose yourself in the person you are portraying. This does not mean that you give up your own "I", but connect your hidden temperament with a more conscious personality; You, as a person, increase your efficiency and, by gaining creative power, strengthen your connection with the Divine.

The 5th house deals with all kinds of personal creativity or conscious risk, from thinking about what you are going to say to drawing a portrait of the Mona Lisa. The fifth house is subsequent and is located below the horizon line, therefore it is the sphere of subjective judgments, like the 2nd house. But the 5th house is located in the western hemisphere, so the quality of the house is orientation towards other people. This house is dominated by the quality of subjectivity (based primarily on our feelings and sensations), but now we are going to judge ourselves based on how other people react to our behavior. At first glance, such a statement may seem very difficult, but nevertheless, this type of experience is quite common and invariably accompanies each of us. It is in those situations where the influence of the 5th house manifests itself that we experience the first real fear of social exclusion. By this the only reason romance, courtship and love affairs belong to the 5th house because they contain the possibility of rejection.

If you are in the courtyard of the house with a Spanish guitar in your hands, soliciting the love of a decent girl and hoping that she will come out onto the balcony in response to your virtuoso performance, then you risk that she will simply ignore you, or worse: she will appear on the balcony, but to pour slop on your head. Select good song, but sing it badly, and as a result you will lose everything. If the performance is perfect, but the song is inappropriate, then you again bathe in the slop. To win, you need to combine a good song and a great performance.

And so it is with all personal adventures, with all risky situations; You create a certain pattern of behavior - consciously, intentionally - and the 5th house tells us about this.

Conscious person- intentional presentation of the ego, life as a theater, personal charm.

Following the acquisition of true, deep self-centeredness, manifested in the safety of home and family, after the full development of the personal sphere (4th house), we turn our attention to the environment around us. huge world. Having learned the meaning of acceptance, we strive to realize the opposite: we explore the risk of rejection. We overcome this fear through the development of social skills, which include the use of the qualities of a conscious person.

The first house symbolized the natural and spontaneous manifestation of the self, the 5th house symbolizes the conscious and intentional presentation through the well-formed ego. The first house symbolized the experience of kinetic radiation, the revelation of self-awareness through action in environment; The 5th house symbolizes the next stage of self-expression, the creation of a conscious image that is officially displayed to the world.

"The whole world is a stage, and all people are actors." The fifth house is the realm of life experience where we become aware of the theatricality of life. Each of us is a "star" in our own "movie". We "go up on stage" whenever we interact with someone, giving a performance in the spirit of our own carefully chosen roles. And like the Hollywood stars of the 1940s—Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, Bogart, Tracy, and Hepburn—we strive to portray ourselves as remarkably unique, regardless of the diverse roles we are called upon to play. We consider everyone with whom we come in contact as a spectator or critic, we strive to entertain him, win him over, convince him that our performance is creativity.

The fifth house reveals the experience of creating this performance; the state of the house indicates the natural "script" used in the development of the conscious image, the psychological elements that we will use to create our character.

Romance, giving love- experience of active courtship; the characteristic way in which love is offered.

The fifth and opposite 11th houses form the axis of romantic love. In the 5th house we are lovers, in the 11th house we are lovers. The 5th house experience is active, conscious courtship. As with all levels of 5th house experience, romantic courtship requires putting on a great show, otherwise you may be rejected by the object of your affections. You stand in the courtyard with a Spanish guitar in your hands and sing songs of love in the hope that the girl will appear on the balcony, smile and throw you a rose - a symbol of acceptance of your love. The experience of conscious giving of love, opening of the heart, regardless of the risk of rejection - this is the essence of personal creativity.

The fifth house shows which elements of character are involved in the state of the lover; it reveals what we feel when the most conscious impulses of love fill us, and it also demonstrates how we offer our love to other people.

Sexy performance- love as an exaltation of one's own ego; performance for a loved one.

The fifth house is the second house among the three realms of sexuality; the first is the 2nd house (pure, closed sensuality), and the third is the 8th house (the union of two people becoming one). Here in the 5th house the emphasis is on creating love for another person. Largely emotional, this act is similar to a theatrical performance where the person plays the role of a lover, looking for ways to please the loved one with the help of the conscious ego and the validation of the social abilities of the ego. This is the realm of pleasure; by satisfying the partner, the self builds confidence in its own talents.

The confirmation we so badly need here is material, not abstract, and since the most tangible proof of a person's fertility is children, the level of experience of the 5th house becomes the birth of children, especially the first pregnancy.

The state of the 5th house reveals the characteristic ways of creating love, the emotional style of stimulating the people we love, and the difficulties or paradoxes we are likely to encounter in the self-centered but other-oriented expression of sexuality.

Personal creativity- all forms of self-expression centered on the ego, both artistic and non-artistic.

All types of personal creativity are levels of experience in the 5th house. Creative impulses rise from the depths of the self, often even from beyond the self, and the conscious ego gives them an original form.

This is the realm of traditional artistic creativity: painting, sculpture, acting, and all artistic forms that glorify the creativity of the individual. But this house also reveals a more general tone of creativity, not so much formally structured, which is daily presented to other people for viewing.

The state of the 5th house indicates the characteristic importance for any person of creative efforts and the creative process as a whole, as well as the tone of the natural consonance of these processes with the motivations of the individual.

Competition- risk in any competition concerning personal skill.

The fifth house is also the realm of competition, representing a sense of challenge, a deliberate test of ego skills. This area includes traditional sports, especially doubles sports such as tennis or boxing, where a person relies only on himself and risks failing in an attempt to prove to himself that he is more skillful than his opponent. This also includes gambling and risky activities, but not the simple entertainment of Las Vegas, but all speculative investments, such as the stock exchange, real estate transactions or the search for oil. This area includes both sports and business, because in all cases your ego competes with the egos of other people.

The condition of the 5th house reveals both the intrinsic importance and the natural attitude towards any kind of competition that requires risky action from your ego.


Conscious person. The position of the Sun in the 5th house indicates that you are truly the "star" of your own movie of life. For this position, the persona and the paradox of controlled, but still spontaneous behavior that accompanies this persona are decisive. You have come to Earth to develop awareness of the radiant energy of the ego and use that energy like an actor to feed the performance of the role consciously chosen by the ego. Every time you see your name on a huge billboard illuminated by spotlights, every time you are in the center of rapturous attention, you absorb the basic life energy, which is then transformed for use in other areas of the soul. Trap- to be so self-centered, so in love with the presentation of your own ego, that other people will be rejected by you. Puffiness does not suit your nobility. A task- consciously develop a powerful personal charisma, while maintaining susceptibility both to the audience and to other performers.

Romance, giving love. Life is an endless romantic adventure. You are a courtier who does nothing but pursue his potential lovers. The center of your life purpose is love, risk, excitement, the subtle thrill of courtship. The theatrical aspect of the love game is part of your being, a way of absorbing life energy from the cosmos. If you are on a short time stop the creative love flow, then the flow of energy will be sharply reduced, and you will restore homeostasis due to the "radiation outward" of the accumulated unfulfilled cases. But if this flow is stopped for a long time, then your life energy can be endangered. Love alone is not enough, you must have a powerful impact on other people in order for this love to manifest itself. First create charisma, and then learn how to use it properly.

Sexy performance. Sex is an important part of your life purpose. You aspire to be "the world's greatest lover". Focusing energy on another person, experiencing the thrill of seeing, touching, and feeling the result of such mental - and physical - penetration, is a life experience that leads directly to your essence. Naturally, the sign in which the Sun is located, and aspects to it, greatly modify the attitude towards love games, but in any case, the real experience of confirming your own significance, acquired through the successful manifestation of sexual fervor, is important for you. You like the idea of ​​having children. However, whether you like to educate them is a completely different question.

Personal creativity. By nature, you are a creative person, and what matters to you is what exactly you intend to develop and manifest in life. You can go down the artistic path, but it's more likely that you find your place in the world for other reasons and then try to use it as a channel or arena for your creative impulses. Will your Creative skills, or not, whether creativity will be successful or vice versa - it all depends on a myriad of factors that do not affect the state of the Sun and are generally not subject to the symbolic indications of astrology, on such qualities as "heart", development of character and especially flexibility in the face of criticism.

Competition. Life is a game of chance, a game that ends in victory or defeat, and no one values ​​it as highly as you. Every time you take a risk, every time you compete, life energy flows into you. The essence of your life lies in the paradoxical balancing act between certainty and risk. Winning or losing doesn't matter here. The challenge is to play at full strength, as consciously as possible for you. Play inspired.


Conscious person. The fifth house is the sphere of active radiation of the personality outward and conscious behavior - life as a theater and ego as a "star". The psychological function of the Moon encompasses responsive care and behavior based on habits. How can you be a star if - by definition - you are in a supporting role? How can you be both conscious and unconscious at the same time? Often, you play the part that comes from childhood imprints, especially those related to protection. Trap- too selfish upbringing - the perception of other people as distressed and in need of your help, while in fact you feel a real need - the need to give, to feel necessary and important. A task- fill these emotions with consciousness as much as possible, and help other people only with what they really need. Help boldly, but only when help is requested from you.

Romance, giving love. You seek courtship like a moth flying to a candle flame. Courtship is one of the basic needs of life, similar to the need for food and shelter. Your love is more automatic than conscious; it is more a product of habit than of a deliberate pattern of action. Even desire is somewhat automatic. Characteristically, your romance is based on the safety of you, the person you love, or, more likely, both of you. If u exist trap The thing to watch out for is the syndrome mentioned above: the need for an artificial sense of dependence on your strong, powerful shoulders. A task- cherish the person you love, but do it in such a way as to contribute to the upbringing of a healthy, independent person.

Sexy performance. This position corresponds to the state of "mother-as-lover" (or vice versa) and reflects all the difficulties that arise in such a merging of roles. Sexual activity is seen as food for satisfaction internal sources hunger. But since your sexuality is responsive in nature, you often have to manipulate your loved one to initiate contact. The tone of sexual relations here is emotional, resonating more with feelings than with the physical body, and this feature gives you more happiness and pleasure compared to the sexual process itself. You judge the quality of your performance by the "fullness" of your partner's feelings. In this case, fertility is emphasized in the literal sense of the word, it is expressed here most clearly in comparison with the symbolism of the position of other planets in this house. A task- respond to sexual requests in an appropriate way without creating trap interdependence, and satisfy your need for security through soft and heartfelt sexual expression.

Personal creativity. Creativity is your second nature, however, it is somewhat more synthetic than original, because it is based on all the accumulations that you have made before. This does not mean that your creation is somehow defective; here the emphasis is on the fact that the act of creativity is supported by processes occurring below the level of your consciousness. If you have children, then most of your creative process will probably be directed towards raising them; this position is most pronounced if you are a woman and a mother, but, by the way, it is no less strong if you are a man.

Competition. You need competition, although the holistic concept of risk is contrary to the basic lunar functions of safety and self-defense. Paradoxically, the only way you can protect yourself is by putting your ego at risk. The moon indicates the method of keeping a person soft, pliable and nourished, and here this method transcends the usual boundaries of the "I", goes out into the world, into the arena of battle or play. However, your carefulness can obscure and complicate the natural atmosphere of the competition. And as a result, by challenging people to a competition, you often give them support, and as a result, the competition will either succeed or not.


Conscious person. The position of Mercury in the 5th house shows that you are an actor of the mind, a person prone to mental pyrotechnics or verbal gymnastics. In your view, every message is presented to the listeners as at a press conference; you realize that words are the most creative part your action. Traps- mental vanity and pedantic humiliation, while a task- develop a charismatic and conscious perception of the mind and its presentation.

Romance, giving love. Where it comes to love, you are a poet, a magician of words. The courtship process is between minds, and what is said is far more important than what is done. Love flares up extremely quickly, because the nervous system instantly responds to the ringing call of romance. However, on levels other than the mental, love can be cold, and this is persistent. trap. The key concepts here are stimuli and images; the flirtation of the mind is transformed into art. A task, of course, lies in deep penetration into the thoughts of a loved one, comprehending both your thoughts about him and his thoughts about everything. To win the heart, you must charm the mind.

Sexy performance. An act of love is something you think about before, during and after. Great importance has a performance technique, and your brain is constantly busy developing scenarios for a sexual performance. Communication is just as important as touching, and often even more, because for you the creation of love is like a "dance of the mind." Relationships have a quickness of mercury; it is an atmosphere of slight detachment from the act itself, as if you are a photographer recording an event. And, like a photographer, you go from image to image, snatching the perfect pose, and then continue the search again. Mercury does not look at, does not savor the details, but creates a rapidly changing collection of images, therefore trap- refined sexual perversions. A task- first satisfy the need of your nervous system for stimulation with beautiful images, and then direct this beauty to your loved one.

Personal creativity. Your mind is involved in any creative process. However, the position of Mercury in this house is small, which indicates the full use of your mind. Instead, it emphasizes quickness of perception, ease of handling words and wit. The sign in which the planet is located and aspects to it are especially important when analyzing your motivation and style of creativity. For example, you can be light-hearted and playful, presenting pleasure as the main product of your creativity, or you can be serious and focused, working on creative projects that require drafting. complex schemes and strategies. A task~ create new ways of communicating with emotional spaces.

Competition. Competition excites you nervous system. Mental competition stimulates you, you enjoy mental gymnastics. Here you are most exposed to verbal risk, which often occurs in complex logic games and games with intricate strategy. Trap- "transfusion from empty to empty", not being able to engage in the real deal, you can talk about how confidently and decisively you rush into risky events, but in reality it will be just a pun. A task- to conquer people not with external brilliance, but to take possession of them in all aspects of life so that the games can continue.


Conscious person. The position of Venus in the 5th house indicates a life role formed around images of personal beauty and grace. Do you want to look loving person. From a psychological point of view, you are more like a dancer or fashion model than an actor. The presentation of the conscious ego is socially tactful with an emphasis on magnetic receptivity. Trap- disorder and confusion arising between subject and object, between the entertainment of others and the entertainment of oneself, while a task- make sure that your personal beauty is filmed for everyone, so that everyone can see it and enjoy it.

Romance, giving love. You are capable of falling in love with love. This position is unsophisticated and, like the position of the other receptive planets, the Moon and Neptune, in this case, the normal modes of operation of the 5th house are inverted. You give love by (accepting it. In other words, you attract people to you by presenting your own "attractiveness" - this way is magnetic and perceptive, not assertive. Seduction and insincerity are possible traps, along with confusion about giving and receiving love. A task- to love in a balanced way as well as beautifully: to turn the risk of courtship into an even dance, where the loved one feels charmed, not forced. In the case of Venus, the creation of beautiful images is extremely important, in comparison with the symbolism of the position of the other planets in this house.

Sexy performance. Love relationships are an aesthetic art, a reflection of grace and beauty. You have a strong "feminine" energy, regardless of your biological structure; centripetal charisma is your natural form of self-expression - ever deeper involvement of a loved one in the flow of your personal beauty. As in the case of the position of the Moon, in this house this position indicates the active expression of the "I", which is reactive in form, but, unlike the Moon, here we are dealing with receptivity, not responsiveness. The gracefulness of your perception captivates people. Sometimes you become a victim traps vanity - "come on, mirror, tell me ..." - but Venus is so calm and even that even such an insult rarely causes a protest from your loved ones, at least from the first time. A task for you to become beauty itself, personified in an act of love; create heaven on earth.

Personal creativity. Of course, the emphasis here is artistic creativity, but it merges with the general background, and does not stand out from it. You have a wide variety of aesthetics, and oftentimes your body and personality are the canvases on which you paint your favorite paintings. Trap- narcissism in relation to one's own ego, falling in love with one's mirror image. A task- to make sure that every creative process turns out to be a natural continuation of the "I"; let the graceful acceptance of the applause become truly sincere.

Competition. By nature, Venus wants to minimize any dissonance, so competition doesn't appeal to you unless you're competing in the name of beauty. The usual interpretation of this level of experience varies; here competition turns into an opportunity to achieve harmonious interaction in the face of conflict. You will "fight" within yourself to maintain a balanced self presentation in a social setting. This is not "victory over other people", but "pulling them" to your side, this is winning their love, friendship and support. Trap- refusal of any competition, while a task- make every risky situation turn into a smooth, effortless dance.


Conscious person. The position of Mars in the 5th house indicates that your conscious personality is spontaneous, direct and very masculine in tone. The projection of the ego is so autonomous and assertive that often the main motive for your action may be the desire to influence other people (viewers). You are like a missile with a thermal seeker; you throw yourself on stage, in the spotlight. The desire for personal recognition and the ability to improvise in crisis situation are yours hallmarks. Your ego is right to be at the height of the situation. Trap- an imperious invasion, while the task is to concentrate like a laser beam in order to carry out a brilliant vigorous activity.

Romance, giving love. Your romance is full of passion. It has a powerful drive, a sense of conscious desire. This feeling has the color of competition, it literally challenges, it is an outburst of aggression. You are an arrow flying into the bull's eye. Love relationships here are more direct in comparison with the symbolism of the position of other planets in this house; they are more physical and quick-tempered. Often in romantic relationships, you don't say "no" in response, and this is a serious trap For you. You think that we are accepted, although in reality this may not be; special a task for you to successfully create a love relationship, regardless of the influence of adrenaline of personal fire. Desire is everything for you.

Sexy performance. Mars complements Venus and gives the 5th house the masculine aspect of sexuality. This "masculinity" in sexual intercourse exists regardless of the biological structure of the body. She indicates an incentive for a love affair, as if you are a warrior who is thrown and a breakthrough to storm the mountain.

To say that this position indicates a passionate nature is to express it very restrainedly. Sexual relations can be characterized in the most physical terms, such as "fusion of bodies through the heart." Trap- a very quick loss of yourself in an effort to fulfill your plan and leave, while the task is to reveal all the facets of the desire inherent in the interaction in which you are, let this desire manifest itself in full force.

Personal creativity. Creativity is not just an event for you. This is the cutting edge of your life. When you create, you are doing more than just expressing yourself. You generate yourself in every creative event. And as a result, your ego gets more and more involved in the creative process and you become more and more vulnerable to failure. But fortunately, despite the devastating impact of rejection or failure, you rise from the ashes every time a new adventure enters your field of vision. A task- use creativity for self-renewal.

Competition. You are a strong competitor and a noble opponent. This position indicates youthful boasting, where all the challenges are "cross this line if you have the courage" - both personal and territorial. You like to throw yourself into new realms, for every situation that exudes the flavor of risk provides an opportunity to prove not only your skill, but mainly the legitimacy of your existence. Adventure is often an irresistible lure, like a red flag flying in front of a bull's face. However, just before the moment of action, you may experience overwhelming fear. The military metaphor is especially appropriate for this case: rewards are not given for trifles, rewards are given for bravery - for action in the presence of fear. The higher the mountain, the more you want to climb it.


Conscious person. The position of Jupiter in the 5th house indicates that you seek to project outward an aura of cheerful generosity, good-natured optimism, social aplomb and, most of all, a naturally wise mind. As in the case of Mercury, thinking is emphasized here, but it is less pedantic, less verbal, and more generalized, oriented to figurative understanding. As with Venus, there is social grace and natural tact, but these qualities are less peaceful and more enthusiastically expressive. You have a keen sense of what appropriate social behavior should be, and you also enjoy grand social rituals. Trap lies in overconfidence - not to study in detail your style of action, but to rely on your talent to take you out. A task- make full use of your charisma, which, it seems, was given to you from birth.

Romance, giving love. Your courtship rituals are more even and smooth than those of other people. You feel the risk of rejection not very clearly, as if your confidence is as solid as a concrete wall. Your love is extravagant, you are just swimming in a sea of ​​romance. Love is the experience of many, the experience of "we". Trap- separation of performance and reality; although outwardly love relationships develop easily, sometimes you promise more than you actually do. A task- let love flow out of you, let it blossom in the outer world of personal relationships.

Sexy performance. The creation of love is a natural, free act of self-expression, an opportunity to express yourself outside. The love game pleases you, you look forward to it and anticipate the physical sensations that it gives you. You are somewhat promiscuous in the choice of partners, because you are more interested in the pleasure received from courtship than the reaction of a loved one. Trap such good-natured relationships - much in the way your love is supposed to be accepted can be taken for granted to you, while a task- comprehensively "exploit" every possibility of expressing your sexual creativity, creating a fun performance.

Personal creativity. Jupiter is a symbol of expansion, and here it symbolizes expanded expression, increasing in size and more and more dramatizing every creative action. You are probably not very satisfied with one or two creative actions. The options for synthesizing old forms into something original in this case are so numerous that you may be casually, at an amateur level, superficially interested in various areas of creativity, grabbing this from here and this from there, sometimes creating a completely new category of artistic expression. Trap- useless extravagance, while the task is a deliberate, purposeful drama.

Competition. You are a born team player, a person who is able to fully integrate into the group and eventually become its captain. You appreciate any socially usable aesthetic forms, but in the art world you are more of a commentator than a participant. A powerful premonition of good luck pervades the symbolism of this provision. You are sure of victory, and this faith, thanks to subtle intuitive factors, often bears fruit - you get to the right place at the right time, but it can lead you to fall if you rely too much on Lady Luck without paying attention to details. without working with them. A task- use your natural talents to win gracefully by describing to other people how amazing life's gambling can be, and in the process strengthening self-confidence and social position.


Conscious person. The imperative of a conscious person is your "pain point". You are so sensitive that stage fright turns into a bottomless trap. You want to overcome the fear of criticism from the audience, which at worst seems to you openly antagonistic, and at best - they just discuss you on the sidelines and hide critical remarks for now. When you are young, your "play style" is rough and overly cheeky, but as you age, it becomes refined, conservative, calm, and authoritative. Less is better; intentional restraint is often interpreted by other people as calm depth. A task- turn vulnerability into strength by slowly abandoning silent and secondary roles and eventually achieving a strong position as a "star". Carefully study your style of play and realize that a strong character is the key to your safety.

Romance, giving love. The risk associated with courtship is a very serious problem. Romance is irresistibly attracted to you, but the possibility of rejection provokes powerful and inexhaustible anxiety. Before you take action, you imagine everything possible forms rejection so as not to be taken by surprise by the pain of rejection. Of course, such a position leads to the goal in very rare cases, because romantic relationships flourish with difficulty in the presence of such powerful pessimism. On the other hand, you may not notice the real danger and throw yourself at your loved one with such brute force that he will turn away from you, and the result of all is the very rejection that you are so afraid of. To be successful in love, you should treat your loved one with care, without losing ground with your feet. A task- to realize that success in romance brings patience and maturity. Gentle perseverance leads you to the goal.

Sexy performance. You feel the burden of doing the whole love show. An increased susceptibility to risk and failure is accompanied by a deep desire to overcome fears and eventually prove to yourself that you are a brilliant lover. Too much failure or prolonged frustration can cause rejection of oneself, other people, or both. However, it is curious that rapid sexual success creates exactly the same result. The goal must be reached slowly, gradually. Sex here is understood in its most physical forms, love relationships are abundant, sometimes even too much for your partner. Traps- impatience and frustration, and a task- with the help of gentle attention, become confident and skillful in sexual intercourse, turn brute force into an exquisite product.

Personal creativity. Every time. when given the opportunity, give your creativity a physical form. Saturn is a symbol of mundane reality, the comprehension of matter, so your natural arena is a sphere of solid structures. Of course, thinking is involved in the creative process, emotions are also a natural component of creativity, but structures are emphasized here. This can be understood in the literal sense of the word as sculpture or urban planning, or in a completely different way - as the management of resources, the combination of the necessary components into the final product. A task- make your work creative and equally make creativity your work.

Competition. The competition lives within you, but you may consider yourself an unsuccessful person, so you need to win back the very chance of success. You feel ashamed of your own fear and therefore risk everything, dare everything. Avoid traps inconsistencies, either completely refusing to win a chance for success, or participating, from time to time, in reckless adventures. A task- Appreciate every small victory on the way to improving your skills. Don't worry about the rules of any game putting you at a disadvantage, learn these rules from cover to cover and don't bet when the odds are against you. Safety and success are achieved only with moderate risk.


Conscious person. Eccentricity is a key concept in the image of a conscious personality. You like to surprise and even shock viewers by not meeting their expectations. The conscious expression of your ego is passive, almost cold-blooded, but as soon as you grab the center stage on the stage, there is an energy explosion, a hurricane of electrification rises. Your divine gift lies in the unexpected display of unyielding will combined with revolutionary susceptibility. Trap- capricious inattention to the public, while a task- demonstrate your ability to perform any number of unusual roles in the most incredible situations.

Romance, giving love. In courtship, you show true individuality. Often you exude a detached composure, almost passive solitude, and other people consider you not interested in love adventures. But at some point in time, you inevitably switch to an exuberant romantic feeling. The rules of ordinary social behavior are thrown out the window; love here is not just a ritual, it is a hurricane fueled by your ego. Your focus on your loved one, mentally and emotionally, like a laser beam, is manic. Traps- inconsistency and insane exactingness: "Give it, or else ...". Remember, love cannot survive if you willfully demand freedom for yourself and deny the same freedom to others. A task- let the shock of romance break your old expectations and change your orientation.

Sexy performance. Your attitude to the love game is revolutionary, experimental, impossible to describe logically. Extremism reigns here. Disconnection and inclusion in love games change each other, and often these states are mutually exclusive. Willfulness, which exists outside the boundaries of a conscious personality, can rumble, pushing you either towards a loved one or away from him. Sexual style changes from situation to situation, from moment to moment. What is always present is the susceptibility to the electrical shock of change, coupled with the need to look completely unique, different from others. Traps- a confusing cyclic change of insatiable thirst and causing rejection of love relationships. A task- to make sexual relations become a means of transformation, raising you above the ordinary.

Personal creativity. There is a strong desire within you, almost a compulsion, to break the rules, to go beyond your own limits in an eternal majestic act of creativity and mental radiance. And often you achieve spectacular success. By never performing the same song twice, you rush to new creative achievements, rarely looking back. Trap- take your ego for yourself, and a task- fill with true originality what you create.

Competition. You are not particularly competitive, although you are capable of demonstrating an iron will to win if you "rise". Neither a successful game nor a warning about danger play any role here, the will dominates here. The feeling of rejection that so often haunts the Saturnian personality only strengthens the reputation of the Uranian: "I don't care what they say about me, as long as they spell my name correctly." Traps lurk in unpredictability - when it comes to risk, nothing can be predicted. A task- remember that adventures are a natural part of the process of your development. Success or failure means little. A new consciousness is the final result.


Conscious person. The position of Neptune in the 5th house indicates that the conscious personality is marked by the imprint of otherworldliness and mysticism. The image you create is characterized by the magic of grace and empathy of soft receptivity. You are not narcissistic, because you are more interested in the feeling of unity, community between the performer and the audience. However, you can become a "star", because the intangible poetic flow of charisma obscures many other shortcomings, such as the lack of obvious strength of character. Your expression may be solid and grounded, but the mask itself creates a feeling of almost complete transparency. Trap- deception of the audience, as well as oneself, while a task- develop the quality of universal empathy, empathy with each viewer.

Romance, giving love. If Mars is a romantic warrior, Mercury is a romantic poet, Venus is a romantic beauty, then Neptune symbolizes a romantic mystic. Courtship is transcendent, almost religious. Majestic holiness pervades love. When it comes to love, you are transported to the Olympian heights of spiritual aspiration and courting from there; the physical aspect of romance is not very important to you. But there is also traps. Universal and personal love are mixed with each other, and very often romance carries suffering and sacrifice - you hurt someone. You need "true love", and you can swear to yourself and others that you have finally found it, but in fact ... A task- successfully combine the transcendent desire for spiritual Unity with the more pragmatic requirements of earthly life.

Sexy performance. For you, the sexual act is an interlude of liberation from worldly concerns; it resembles more fantasy than reality; he is more emotional than physical; it's a fabulous mix of Hollywood and Paradise. Outwardly, sexual relations proceed smoothly and gently; it is a smooth dance of empathy with your partner, as if your body is fused into the body of a loved one. Trap- passivity or preoccupation with oneself; your boundaries dissolve very easily and you flow into the Land of Tra-la-la, leaving your partner to do all the work. A task- to make sure that love relationships open the way to the Cosmic Center for you. Sex should be like a flight of inspiration, not a sweatshop; baptize yourself in its calm waters - but do not drown.

Personal creativity. Your creativity is spiritual rather than material; more intangible than real. Whichever direction you choose to take your creative endeavors, the creative process itself is likely to be a bit of a mystery - it's not so much a literal urge to create something new, but an awakening of majestic energies. You are the master of the divine wand, the rain caster, a medium in a trance, connecting to another world. You are also capable of being an illusionist, a prestigeist, a swindler. Just make sure you know how these creative states differ.

Competition. The symbolism of Neptune is not consistent with the raw energies of the competition. Refinement of sensations is the basis of your skills. Something within you senses what are the most natural decisions to make in any contest. However, when you win, then your ego is removed. You do not need recognition, do not strive for applause, for pocketing winnings. However, the concept of rules is just beginning to be realized by you. You can cheat without knowing it, or naively assuming that such behavior is part of the fun. But such trap can lead, in the end, only to the final death of your reputation. A task- develop an ideal flair for the game of life; play softly, gently, without forcing anyone, including yourself.


Conscious person. The position of Pluto in the 5th house indicates that the ordinary conscious person, with his heightened sensitivity to the audience here, is unconscious and unaware of the presence of the audience. This is Method in its highest tripling; you don't "play" the role, you "become" the role by immersing yourself completely in it. You don't so much get into character as you become your natural self, but on a deeper level than usual. Each characteristic is intensified and emphasized so that the "I" comes on the scene, capable of deep and powerful impact. It is curious that the audience sees your game, but not you. The "game" here is a direct reflection of what is going on in your subconscious mind. Trap- complete loss of control over personal ego, while a task- transform both yourself and the audience with the power of your ego, respecting the dignity of each person.

Romance, giving love. The urge to courtship comes from the emotional depths of the subconscious. Romance is a powerful explosion of the need for love, fusing you and your loved one with the heat of passion. It hardly matters to you how this process is carried out, and the main trap lies in the abuse of power - in dominance or subordination. Total romantic love uproots you, and this experience can torment and torment you. Love and hate are often intertwined with each other. The task is to allow love to arise in its own time and place, and then to banish all negative emotions, disharmony or hatred, purifying them in the fire of love. Don't try to transform love. Let love transform you.

Sexy performance. The physical act of love is paradoxical. At times it is like the kiss you give your sister. You wonder where that passion has gone. But beware. Suddenly, an insatiable wave of feelings can rush in, emanating from God knows where. In any case, the role of your consciousness in managing sexual relations not too big. Majestic charismatic state and painful insensitivity replace each other in an endless cycle. Sexual success is brought to you by the power of your emotional radiation, not by skillful technique. The trap is emotional blindness, while the goal is to bring about fundamental change. But if only your lover transforms, then everything will end in failure: you also have to go through "death and rebirth" provoked by your powerful sexuality. Otherwise, everything will come down to an unconscious desire for power and control.

Personal creativity. Despite the great potential, at times you are not able to "pay the bills". This is largely due to the unconscious nature of creative impulses. At times you may not feel them at all, believing that you are not capable of creating, and at other times the creative process completely subordinates you to itself. Trap- extremes in response: you may be tormented by the sudden blocking of the creative process, or, equally, when the creative flow permeates your ego, you may not take into account the variety of options for the creation you create at all. A task- to create something that affects every person.

Competition. You fail to appreciate the power of your desire to compete. You are recklessly putting yourself at risk, or you sit gloomily on the sidelines, not understanding the essence of the game. But there are no rules or road maps here. However, the "tops" you reach surprise even you - explosive exploration of unknown realms, ingenuity, wit and the fire of competition. If you really decide to get involved in the competition, then do not hold yourself back from anything at such moments. A task- let your radiance manifest in its own time and in the way it sees fit, without your ego's claims to control it. Create something from nothing and share recognition with the Gods.

Harmonious Pluto: Love experiences contribute to renewal and spiritual growth, are perceived as a blessing and a gift of fate.Promotes the development of leadership qualities in the child, ambition, attention is paid to physical development. The child grows up to be a well-known, popular personality with good physical inclinations, an ambitious and enterprising person.

Tense Pluto: Excessive assertiveness in love or secrecy, loss of a partner or spouse, unwillingness to have children.Inclined to use the methods of dictatorship and psychological pressure up to the use of violence. The result is a little dictator and despot, always inclined to insist on his own and not to concede in anything. However, this does not exclude that the child will be successful in life and profession.

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Tags: The symbolic ruler of the fifth house of the horoscope will be the Sun Planets in the fifth house Pluto Neptune Uranus Tense Saturn Jupiter Mars conjunction Venus Mercury Moon

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