Lemon peel jam: simple recipes for all occasions. Nutritious salad with spicy chicken and grapes

A ripe juicy lemon is an ideal addition to black or green tea, but few people know that wonderful fragrant jam can be made from lemons. We offer you several options for making delicious lemon jam recipes ...

Delicious Lemon Jam (Easy)

Products: two large lemons total weight up to seven hundred grams), one and a half glasses of sugar, half a glass of water.
Cooking: lemons should be washed with running water, it is advisable to rub the skin with a washcloth in order to wash off nitrates and chemicals from the surface of the skins, then the fruits are cut into thin rings. Rings of lemons are folded into a deep, not wide saucepan. Water is added. The pan is put on fire and the lemon rings are boiled for five minutes. Then gets enough sleep granulated sugar, the fire is set to minimum. The jam is cooked for fifteen minutes. After this time, all lemons must be removed from the syrup, they must be removed with a slotted spoon so that the syrup is not scooped out of the saucepan. Set the lemon slices aside. Boil the syrup over low heat for ten minutes, without covering the pan with a lid, then return the lemon rings back to the syrup. Cook the jam for another fifteen minutes and turn off the heat.
Advice: in order for the jam not to be bitter, try to remove all the seeds from the fruits. For storage for the winter, lay out hot jam in boiled clean jars and roll up with metal lids (boil each lid for two minutes beforehand). Such jam can be stored in the refrigerator, in this case, not metal, but ordinary plastic lids are used.

Delicious Lemon Ginger Jam

Ingredients: one big lemon(approximate weight three hundred grams), two hundred grams of ginger, four hundred grams of granulated sugar.
How to cook: ginger root must be peeled, washed and cut special knife for vegetables in thin slices. Wash and peel the lemon, cut the pulp into thin small slices. Take out the bones. By the way, the skin can be removed with a grater and separately and also added to the jam, you get a brighter taste.
Sliced ​​lemons and ginger are poured into a saucepan and sugar is immediately poured. The contents of the bowl are mixed. The pot is put on fire. From the moment of boiling, lemon and ginger jam must be boiled for strong fire exactly five minutes. Sugar can burn when it boils violently, so it is important to stir the contents of the pan regularly. You can cook on low heat, in this case, the cooking time increases to fifteen minutes. As soon as the ginger becomes transparent, the jam is ready. It is poured hot into clean sterile jars and twisted with lids.

Lemon jam (three-way cooking method)

The ingredients needed are: one kg of ripe not soft lemons, 750 grams of sugar and 250 ml of water.
How to prepare: peel thinly from each lemon, bring water to a boil in a separate saucepan. All peeled lemons are sent to boiling water, kept in boiling water for three to four minutes and immediately removed, they should be transferred with a slotted spoon into a container with cold water. Cooled lemons must be divided into slices, that is, into slices, while the films, if they are easily removed, are recommended to be removed and discarded, and all seeds removed. Transfer the peeled lemon slices to a bowl.
From water and sugar, the correct ratio in the ingredients is indicated, sugar syrup is brewed. Pour the slices with this syrup. We put the pan on the fire and from the moment of boiling, boil the jam for exactly fifteen minutes (the fire is small). Turn off the fire under the pot. After ten hours, boil again for fifteen minutes and also turn off the heat, let the jam cool completely. For the third time, boil the jam for ten to twenty minutes, while you can additionally chop the mass by immersing the blender. If you intend to use a blender, be sure to boil the fragrant lemon mass after that for at least an additional five minutes.
Pour the finished hot lemon jam into jars, roll up with metal or tightly cork plastic lids. You can store jars warm on the shelves of kitchen cabinets or in the pantry at a lower temperature.

Delicious lemon jam (raw version, without heat treatment)

Ingredients: lemons one kg, sugar from one to one and a half kilograms (if you like a sweeter option, add more sugar).
How to prepare: lemons are washed and cut into slices, then all the seeds are removed, and the pulp with the peel is passed through a meat grinder. The rolled aromatic mass is covered with sugar and mixed. At room temperature, raw jam should stand for about two hours, after which the mass is mixed thoroughly and laid out in cold, clean (pre-hold over steam) jars. The jars are closed with washed plastic lids, the jars should be stored in the refrigerator (heat treatment is not provided, therefore, at room temperature, raw jam can begin to "play" and ferment).
Advice: along with lemons, you can twist two handfuls of blackcurrants or raspberries. Berries will give a beautiful color and bring a new shade of taste. In any case, the jam should be stored in the refrigerator. By value, such a preparation for the winter is considered the most useful, since all vitamins are preserved, not digested.

Vitamin jam from lemons, orange and mint (raw version)

Ingredients: two medium-sized lemons, one dense large orange, half a glass of red or black currant, three-quarters of a glass of granulated sugar, five to six leaves of fresh mint.
How to cook: all fruits, berries and mint leaves are washed, cut into pieces and redirected to a blender. If possible, all seeds are removed and discarded (they give bitterness). Sugar is poured and everything is crushed until smooth on high speed. The crushed mass is laid out in small jars, corked and sent for storage in the refrigerator. This vitamin jam can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a year. Very tasty, fragrant, dense in structure, that is, it can be spread on buns, bread and any pastries.

Jam with lemon and kiwi (boiled in two steps)

Ingredients: one kg of kiwi, one large lemon, juice from two large lemons, nine hundred grams of sugar, one hundred ml of water.
How to prepare: lemons are washed with a brush, one lemon is cut into thin circles, juice is squeezed out of the remaining two. Kiwis are peeled and cut into thin rings. Water is poured into the pan and poured into most of sugar - only one hundred grams. Syrup is boiled, juice from lemons is added to it and chopped lemons are laid. The mass is boiled for five minutes, then chopped kiwi fruits are added to the pan and the entire portion of the remaining sugar is poured out. After five minutes of cooking, the fire under the pan turns off. After complete cooling, the contents of the pan must be poured into a ceramic bowl and left for ten hours. Then the kiwi in the syrup with lemons is again transferred to the pan and boiled for ten minutes (counted after boiling) over low heat. The jars are washed, sterilized, hot jam is distributed among the jars and sealed with boiled lids for the winter. You can store jars on a shelf at room temperature.

Delicious lemon and kiwi jam (bread machine recipe)

The ingredients needed are: half a kilogram of kiwi, half a kilogram of ripe oranges, half a kilo of granulated sugar or the same amount of powdered sugar.
How to cook: peel the kiwi and cut the pulp into cubes, peel the lemons and immerse each peeled fruit in boiling water for half a minute. Then the lemons are cut into cubes, the seeds are thrown away. All chopped fruits, along with sugar, are sent to a clean, dry bucket of a bread machine. The corresponding mode for cooking jam and jam is set (designed for 1 hour 10 minutes). The finished jam is transferred to a jar, into one or more and sealed. Jars must first be washed, sterilized in the oven or over steam (at least three minutes).
Advice: such jam can be cooked in a saucepan if you do not have a bread machine. Duration of cooking - half an hour with a moderate boil. Ready cooked jam is laid out in jars and corked. If you want to cook a homogeneous jam, without pieces of whole fruits, puree the citrus mass with a blender in the middle of cooking, then boil it for at least ten minutes and roll it into jars.

Lemon is the fruit of a citrus plant, characterized by a special acidity. Many are afraid of this fruit, and only real daredevils can use it in its original form without sugar and tea. However, it makes a magnificent jam that everyone will love.

It gives a pleasant sourness and will cure any cold. Lemon jam is nice to eat with a cup of tea on a cold day. winter evening. But how to cook it?

The benefits and harms of lemon jam

Still from childhood they know that lemon is a pantry of vitamins and minerals. useful substances and it cannot be denied. We often use this fruit for colds, add it to tea, make tinctures. Jam with citruses is not only tasty, but also a healthy delicacy. It helps to bring the temperature back to normal, remove sore throats and slow down inflammation.

Lemon heals, strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol. Lemon jam is recommended for the prevention of heart disease and reducing the level of edema. A double effect can be achieved by adding honey, ginger, mint, cinnamon.

However, it is worth remembering that any product has its drawbacks. Lemon jam is dangerous for people with high sugar and obesity, as sugar is used to neutralize acidity. Nursing mothers should also refrain from this delicacy. Ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis can worsen when consuming lemon. People suffering from this disease should not lean on this dessert, as well as those who monitor their weight.

Classic recipe


  • Lemon (with skin) - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg
  • Plain water - 1 liter

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the lemon without peeling, cut into small slices in the form of semicircles. Add half the sugar. Let it brew for a couple of hours so that the fruit has time to let the juices out. It is necessary to stir the mixture periodically.
  2. While the lemons are infused, prepare the syrup. Just mix the water with the remaining sugar and you're done.
  3. We send the pulp of the fruit and the dissolved sugar to the pan, mix. We put on a small gas and boil for 15 minutes. If foam forms, it must be removed. Then we set aside the jam for 5 hours.
  4. The above operation is repeated two more times.
  5. We lay out the uncooled delicacy in sterile jars. For storage we use a cellar, a refrigerator.

Lemon jam without cooking

This no-boil lemon jam recipe is perfect for those who don't like fiddling with pots. However, you will have to work a little with the preparation of the ingredients. For cooking you will need:

  • Lemons - 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar - add according to individual taste preferences

Cooking process:

  1. Wash lemons. So that the jam does not turn out bitter and does no harm, it is necessary to hold the fruits in boiling water for 10 seconds.
  2. Then cut into small pieces. We fall asleep with sugar and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  3. Then we scroll the lemon jam (with peel) through a meat grinder. Dessert is ready. Now the sweetness can be poured into jars, cleaned for the winter or immediately served on the table.

Jam from all diseases with the addition of ginger

Another variant of lemon peel jam. As an excellent addition to the mixture, take best product for colds - ginger. Such a jam will help tone the body, cure the blues, eliminate colds and cheer up.

Dessert Ingredients:

  • Lemon - 1, but large
  • Ginger - one root
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg

Cooking process:

  1. As usual, we wash the ginger and lemon under running water, you can additionally pour over boiling water. Peel the ginger root and cut into thin circles. Cut the lemon fruits in a similar way.
  2. Place all ingredients, including sugar, in a bowl. Mix thoroughly, leave for 10 minutes.
  3. We put on a slow fire. Then gradually bring the fire to high, constantly stirring the contents of the pan with a spatula. If the ginger has become transparent and soft, you can stop stirring. We cook the jam for about five more minutes, then turn off the gas. Pour warm dessert into clean jars and put away for storage.

Lemon jam without peel

There is usually bitterness in lemon jam, which makes it so different from the rest. Most often it is prepared with a peel, which carries this bitterness. However, there is a jam made from lemons without peel. It is easy to prepare, and the taste of delicacy will please any sweet tooth.


  • Lemon - 9 pcs
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Water - 1 glass

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the fruit, peel it. You can use a grater or special device. Put peeled lemons in cold water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then cut into thin circles.
  2. Place sugar in a saucepan, add water and stir. The sugar should completely dissolve into the liquid and become like a syrup.
  3. Add lemon to sugar, mix again. Put on the stove and cook for 10 minutes. Then we give the jam a break for about 8 hours, and repeat the procedure again. Delicate, soft lemon jam without peel is ready!

Technique to help

A slow cooker helps busy housewives prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, if you enlist her help, you get the most delicious lemon jam. And the convenience and the ability to save energy is another plus of this unit. To make Lemon Dessert you will need:

  • Water - 2.3 l
  • Sugar -2.5 kg
  • Lemon - 2 kg
  • Honey - 50 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the lemons and put in hot water for a few minutes to eliminate bitterness from the zest.
  2. We cut the fruits into thin rings, throwing out the seeds along the way.
  3. Sliced ​​lemons, along with water, are sent to the multicooker bowl. The "stew" and "multi-cook" modes are great. Let it cook for 1 hour.
  4. After the time has elapsed, add the remaining ingredients, stir well, cook for about an hour in the same mode.
  5. The jam is ready to eat and store. Bon appetit!

For a long time, in the hinterland of the country, citrus fruits were considered exotic delicacies, and if they were purchased, then, as a rule, in order to put them on the table as decoration, not so much for food. Not every family could afford tea drinking with lemon in the morning, the fruits of this fruit were sold in the markets from under the floor, by the piece, in stores, when this product appeared, long lines instantly gathered.

In the countries of the Transcaucasus, it is difficult to surprise with citrus fruits: an abundance of orchards of tangerine and lemon trees are available almost everywhere, so fruits are used in different ways. They are often harvested as seamers for the winter during the harvest season. Although the fruits keep well for a long period, citrus fruits are often boiled into sweet treats for winter time, and bright to that For example, lemon jam. As soon as lemon jam is not boiled: with a peel, adding other citrus fruits, thick like jelly, slices, mixed with ginger, and all this is not only a tasty treat with a wonderful smell, but also a product that is very useful in terms of vitamin content.

Lemon jam with peel - has high healing properties

Lemons can be harvested as seamings for the winter, using various prescription features, and one of these recipes in cooking is lemon peel jam. Lemon jam, the recipe of which includes zest as ingredients, has high healing properties: an extraordinary combination of vitamins and trace elements protects and strengthens the immune system from a host of diseases. This dessert is often used for colds and to restore strength after their transfer. Lemon is a natural treasury of vitamin C, which is used in medicine as a means to reduce fever, increase the resistance of the immune system and has many more useful properties. Lemon jam with peel, when heat treatment of the fruit is used in the recipe, is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • a little salt (a little more than half a tablespoon);
  • 750 gr. medium-sized lemons;
  • 750 gr. sugar (the culinary formula of this product is conditional, the amount of this ingredient can be changed at your own discretion).

Lemon jam, whose recipe uses salt, is not the only dessert where this product is included in the ingredients. It all starts with preparations that look like this: the lemons are thoroughly washed, divided into four parts together with the skin, and poured with water and salt, set aside for three days. The water is periodically changed (three times a day), but it is already done without adding salt, this is required once at the beginning, so that it draws out the bitterness from the zest, which it then gives to jam. If lemons small size I didn’t manage to get it, it’s okay: everything can be chopped with a blender, but if possible, before that, the skin is removed and cleaned as much as possible from the white film and grains.

Cooking can be considered complete: the pulp is mixed with sugar and cooked until it boils. The mixture should boil for a maximum of half an hour, after which everything can be poured into jars previously prepared (sterilized).

Lemon jam with peel through a meat grinder - a simple recipe

Lemon jam with peel through a meat grinder according to the manufacturing principle is very simple and the only thing to consider: a long time to prepare the ingredients. Lemon jam, the recipes of which include the presence of peel in the list, require preliminary soaking of the peel in an aqueous solution, and, initially, you need to add a small amount of salt to the liquid, but you can do it differently, here's how it will look like in terms of ingredients: target="_blank ">http://gotovte-s-udovolstvyem.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/2-5-150x150.jpg 150w, http://gotovte-s-udovolstvyem.ru/wp-content/uploads /2016/08/2-5-144x144.jpg 144w />

  • kilogram of lemons;
  • sugar is added based on individual taste.

To remove the bitterness that is present in the zest, it is removed with boiling water: they pour over the surface of already washed fruits. The procedure is done as follows: with the help of a slotted spoon, the fruits are placed in boiling water for 5 to 10 seconds. Lemons are cut into fragments, removing the places where there were inflorescences and stalks and, if possible, cleaned of grains. Grinding in a meat grinder and falling asleep with sugar, the mixture can be poured into jars. With the help of special lids that seal well (with deep sides), the jars are well stored for a long period, but the dessert must be placed in a cold place, otherwise it will spoil.

Lemon and ginger jam - an extraordinary taste, a powerful remedy for colds

Lemon and Ginger Jam amazing little thing: extraordinary in taste, it the most powerful tool with colds and beriberi. The combination of the two main ingredients perfectly complement each other's properties in the fight against fever, colds and inflammation. To make Lemon Ginger Jam, you will need the following ingredients:

  • ginger root (large up to 200 gr.);
  • two medium sized lemons;
  • 300 gr. Sahara.

The peel is removed only after the fruits are washed with running water and scalded with boiling water. It needs to be cleaned of white pulp as much as possible. Grains and veins also need to be removed, they are not needed, but the pulp and the peeled root are crushed, mixed, sugar is added and boiled over medium heat. After the mixture boils, you need to make sure that the pulp becomes uniform, which means that stirring is required for the boiling period. Jam should be boiled for 5 minutes, after which it can be poured into glass containers.

Lemon jam without peel for the winter recipe - a simple recipe

Another kind of dessert is lemon peeled jam for the winter, the recipe of which is not something difficult to make. Often, housewives discard citrus peels - and the reason for this is the same bitterness and the time it takes to make. Leaving one pulp, you can speed up the cooking process of the dessert, while the main part of the vitamins will be preserved, and the benefits of such jam will not decrease.

  • nine medium-sized lemons;
  • sugar from 1.2 kg (taste qualities are taken into account);
  • half a glass of water.

No need to philosophize - the fruits are cleaned and, having selected the grains and peel, removing the white soft layer as much as possible, the pulp is mixed with sugar and water. Bringing the mixture to a boil, you need to cook for 15 minutes, after which the dessert is rolled into glass, previously sterilized jars. As dishes in which desserts are cooked, you can take basins with wide edges, which were used by our grandmothers, and they understood a lot about cooking no less than ours: it is much more convenient to cook and observe the processes in them.

Lemon jam without cooking - all vitamins are preserved

Heat treatment, which is part of the recipe for many dessert preparations, destroys some of the trace elements, so some housewives, in order to avoid this, prepare lemon jam for the winter without cooking. The result is a powerful weapon against colds, which has high energy properties. The dessert recipe is extremely simple:

  • kilogram of citrus fruits;
  • kilogram of sugar.

The fruits must be scalded with boiling water, or the skin completely removed, cut into pieces as small as possible (no need to grind), mixed with sugar and packaged in jars. Such raw-cooked desserts should be stored in a cool place: a cellar, a refrigerator, but the jars are covered with suction plastic lids, which must be placed in hot water before covering, so it will be more convenient to pull them over the neck.

Lemon jam with ginger and lavender and apples

Be sure to try lemon jam with lavender, ginger and apples. This lemon jam can be prepared different ways, the extraordinary combination of some ingredients is simply amazing with its palatability. You can cook lemon jam in a slow cooker, so most of the vitamins will be preserved, but if this is not possible, the classic method used by our grandmothers will do.

The dessert is easy to make: the fruits are washed, grains, peel are removed and the lemon is cleaned as much as possible from white tissue and veins. The pulp of the fruit is cut into pieces and, adding sugar and water, they wait until the fruit releases juice (an hour and a half). Putting the mixture on the stove, you need to let it boil, and adding a chopped sprig of lavender, cook for 15 minutes. The smell of this ingredient is simply amazing: the taste is so chic that having tried the dessert at least once, most likely, you will want more.

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Every year, for the winter, when lemons have not yet risen in price, I make delicious jam from them. This delicacy turns out to be very tasty, and useful too. Do not think that jam can be used only by adding it to tea, by no means! It can be eaten just like that or spread on bread.

The ingredients that are needed to prepare the treats consist of two components: lemons and sugar. Like this! Everything is quite simple and without big expenses.

There are two ways to make lemonade jam. The first is that lemons are simply twisted in a meat grinder, and then sugar is added to them. This delicacy is called fresh lemon jam. However, in our case, we will stick to the second method, where the jam will still be cooked.

As you understand, the consistency between the two types of jam will be different. If in the first case, it will turn out to be just a liquid mass, then in the second, it will be thick and viscous.

Well, let's start with the longest and my least favorite process - washing lemons. Wash them very well with soda, and then each, dip in boiling water. This process is necessary due to the fact that now the peel of a lemon is treated with wax. Therefore, in order not to harm the body, this procedure must be followed.

We twist the washed lemons together with the peel in a meat grinder.

Add sugar to twisted fruits. Let's mix.

Then we put the resulting lemon jam into jars.

If you will immediately eat jam, then cover the jar with a regular nylon lid. If you plan to eat it later, then screw the jar with a metal cap.

Lemon jam without cooking

Do you love lemonade jam? Then cook it fresh. So all the most important and useful will be preserved, and the delicacy will please you with an amazing aroma.

Lemon jam without cooking

In order for all the beneficial properties of fruits, berries and vegetables to be preserved in your jam, you simply do not need to boil it. And in this recipe, I will just tell you how to prepare such a delicacy from lemons.


  • Lemon 1 piece
  • Lime 1 Piece

can be replaced with another lemon

  • fresh ginger 1 piece
  • Pumpkin 200 Grams
  • Honey 150 grams

First, we wash all the necessary ingredients. Then we put the lemon and lime in a bowl and pour boiling water over them, leave for a couple of seconds, this will help us get rid of bitterness.

Peel pumpkin and ginger and cut into small cubes.

Drain the water from the lemon and lime, cut them together with the peel into small pieces and remove the seeds from them.

We shift all the ingredients into one container, add honey and grind everything with a blender or other kitchen appliances, if any.

Of all the above ingredients, approximately 500 ml of finished jam is obtained. By the way, you can change the amount of certain products depending on your preferences, but this jam must contain lemons, ginger and honey. Bon appetit and good health!

Lemon jam without cooking - step by step recipe from photo to

In order for all the beneficial properties of fruits, berries and vegetables to be preserved in your jam, you simply do not need to boil it. And in this recipe, I will just tell you how to prepare such a delicacy from lemons.

Lemon jam, 6 delicious recipes

For a long time, in the hinterland of the country, citrus fruits were considered exotic delicacies, and if they were purchased, then, as a rule, in order to put them on the table as decoration, not so much for food. Not every family could afford tea drinking with lemon in the morning, the fruits of this fruit were sold in the markets from under the floor, by the piece, in stores, when this product appeared, long lines instantly gathered.

In the countries of the Transcaucasus, it is difficult to surprise with citrus fruits: an abundance of orchards of tangerine and lemon trees are available almost everywhere, so fruits are used in different ways. They are often harvested as seamers for the winter during the harvest season. Although the fruits keep well for a long period, citrus fruits are often brewed into sweet treats for the winter, and a prime example of this is lemon jam. As soon as lemon jam is not boiled: with a peel, adding other citrus fruits, thick like jelly, slices, mixed with ginger, and all this is not only a tasty treat with a wonderful smell, but also a product that is very useful in terms of vitamin content.

Lemon jam with peel - has high healing properties

Lemons can be harvested as seamings for the winter using various recipe features and one of these recipes in cooking is lemon peel jam. Lemon jam, the recipe of which includes zest as ingredients, has high healing properties: an extraordinary combination of vitamins and trace elements protects and strengthens the immune system from a host of diseases. This dessert is often used for colds and to restore strength after their transfer. Lemon is a natural treasury of vitamin C, which is used in medicine as a means to reduce fever, increase the resistance of the immune system and has many other useful properties. Lemon jam with peel, when heat treatment of the fruit is used in the recipe, is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • a little salt (a little more than half a tablespoon);
  • 750 gr. medium-sized lemons;
  • 750 gr. sugar (the culinary formula of this product is conditional, the amount of this ingredient can be changed at your own discretion).

Lemon jam, whose recipe uses salt, is not the only dessert where this product is included in the ingredients. It all starts with preparations that look like this: the lemons are thoroughly washed, divided into four parts together with the skin, and poured with water and salt, set aside for three days. The water is periodically changed (three times a day), but it is already done without adding salt, this is required once at the beginning, so that it draws out the bitterness from the zest, which it then gives to jam. If you couldn’t get small lemons, it’s okay: everything can be chopped with a blender, but if possible, before that, the skin is removed and cleaned as much as possible from the white film and grains.

Cooking can be considered complete: the pulp is mixed with sugar and cooked until it boils. The mixture should boil for a maximum of half an hour, after which everything can be poured into jars previously prepared (sterilized).

Lemon jam with peel through a meat grinder - a simple recipe

Lemon jam with peel through a meat grinder according to the manufacturing principle is very simple and the only thing to consider: a long time to prepare the ingredients. Lemon jam, the recipes of which include the presence of peel on the list, require preliminary soaking of the peel in an aqueous solution, moreover, initially you need to add a small amount of salt to the liquid, but you can do it differently, here's how it will look like in terms of ingredients:

  • kilogram of lemons;
  • sugar is added based on individual taste.

To remove the bitterness that is present in the zest, it is removed with boiling water: they pour over the surface of already washed fruits. The procedure is done as follows: with the help of a slotted spoon, the fruits are placed in boiling water for 5 to 10 seconds. Lemons are cut into fragments, removing the places where there were inflorescences and stalks and, if possible, cleaned of grains. Grinding in a meat grinder and falling asleep with sugar, the mixture can be poured into jars. With the help of special lids that seal well (with deep sides), the jars are well stored for a long period, but the dessert must be placed in a cold place, otherwise it will spoil.

Lemon and ginger jam - an extraordinary taste, a powerful remedy for colds

Lemon and Ginger Jam - an amazing little thing: extraordinary in taste, this is a powerful remedy for colds and beriberi. The combination of the two main ingredients perfectly complement each other's properties in the fight against fever, colds and inflammation. To make Lemon Ginger Jam, you will need the following ingredients:

  • ginger root (large up to 200 gr.);
  • two medium sized lemons;
  • 300 gr. Sahara.

The peel is removed only after the fruits are washed with running water and scalded with boiling water. It needs to be cleaned of white pulp as much as possible. Grains and veins also need to be removed, they are not needed, but the pulp and the peeled root are crushed, mixed, sugar is added and boiled over medium heat. After the mixture boils, you need to make sure that the pulp becomes uniform, which means that stirring is required for the boiling period. Jam should be boiled for 5 minutes, after which it can be poured into glass containers.

Lemon jam without peel for the winter recipe - a simple recipe

Another kind of dessert is lemon peeled jam for the winter, the recipe of which is not something difficult to make. Often, housewives discard citrus peels - and the reason for this is the same bitterness and the time it takes to make. Leaving one pulp, you can speed up the cooking process of the dessert, while the main part of the vitamins will be preserved, and the benefits of such jam will not decrease.

  • nine medium-sized lemons;
  • sugar from 1.2 kg (taste qualities are taken into account);
  • half a glass of water.

No need to philosophize anything - the fruits are cleaned and, having selected the grains and peel, removing the white soft layer as much as possible, the pulp is mixed with sugar and water. Bringing the mixture to a boil, you need to cook for 15 minutes, after which the dessert is rolled into glass, previously sterilized jars. As dishes in which desserts are cooked, you can take basins with wide edges, which were used by our grandmothers, and they understood a lot about cooking no less than ours: it is much more convenient to cook and observe the processes in them.

Lemon jam without cooking - all vitamins are preserved

Heat treatment, which is part of the recipe for many dessert preparations, destroys some of the trace elements, so some housewives, in order to avoid this, prepare lemon jam for the winter without cooking. The result is a powerful weapon against colds, which has high energy properties. The dessert recipe is extremely simple:

The fruits must be scalded with boiling water, or the skin completely removed, cut into pieces as small as possible (no need to grind), mixed with sugar and packaged in jars. Such raw-cooked desserts should be stored in a cool place: a cellar, a refrigerator, but the jars are covered with suction plastic lids, which must be placed in hot water before covering, so it will be more convenient to pull them over the neck.

Lemon jam with ginger and lavender and apples

Be sure to try lemon jam with lavender, ginger and apples. This lemon jam can be prepared in various ways, the unusual combination of some ingredients is simply amazing in its taste. You can cook lemon jam in a slow cooker, so most of the vitamins will be preserved, but if this is not possible, the classic method used by our grandmothers will do.

The dessert is easy to make: the fruits are washed, grains, peel are removed and the lemon is cleaned as much as possible from white tissue and veins. The pulp of the fruit is cut into pieces and, adding sugar and water, they wait until the fruit releases juice (an hour and a half). Putting the mixture on the stove, you need to let it boil, and adding a chopped sprig of lavender, cook for 15 minutes. The smell of this ingredient is simply amazing: the taste is so chic that having tried the dessert at least once, most likely, you will want more.

Lemon jam

As soon as lemon jam is not boiled: with peel, adding other citruses, thick like jelly, slices, mixed with ginger, and all this is not only a tasty treat with a wonderful smell, but also a very useful product in terms of vitamin content. Although the fruits are well stored long period, citrus fruits are often brewed into sweet treats for winter time, and a prime example of this is lemon jam.

Lemon jam for the winter - two simple recipes: with and without zest

Lemon jam will appeal to everyone, without exception. Delicate, with a pleasant sourness, invigorating aroma and fantastically beautiful in appearance. After a spoonful of lemon jam, a migraine will go away and a cold will be cured faster. But, it would be a mistake to think that lemon jam is prepared solely for treatment. This is a wonderful independent dessert, or a filling for a delicate biscuit roll.

Some are repelled by the bitter skin of a lemon. They do not like candied fruits and for such fussy people there is a recipe for tender jam.

Lemon jam: "tender"

  • 1 kg of lemons;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • 250 gr of water.

Wash the lemons in warm water with a brush. If you plan to continue using the peel for candied fruits, or just dry the peel, douse them with boiling water.

Pat the lemons dry with a paper towel, remove the skin and cut into small pieces. Be sure to get rid of the seeds, they are very bitter and completely ruin the dessert.

Pour water into a stainless steel saucepan and add sugar. Put on the stove and boil the syrup. As soon as the sugar dissolves, pour the chopped lemon wedges into the syrup.

Bring the jam to a boil, stir it very gently with a wooden spoon and remove the pan from the stove.

Let the jam rest and cool.

Place the pot back on the stove, bring to a boil, and simmer for 5 minutes. Such approaches with boiling and cooling should be done 3-5, depending on how thick the jam you want to get.

lemon on its own excellent preservative, and paired with sugar, the shelf life of such jam completely exceeds all reasonable limits. And yet, follow the rules of hygiene: pour the jam only into sterilized jars and store it in a cool place.

Recipe for lemon zest jam

The zest can be somewhat bitter if not pretreated, but if that doesn't scare you, you can just chop the lemons, along with the rind.

But I suggest Alternative option that will please everyone.

So, wash the lemons and remove the peel with a sharp knife. Cut the fruits themselves, sprinkle with sugar and leave them to let the juice flow.

Cut the peel into thin strips. You can take not the whole zest, but from one or two lemons. Leave the rest for candied fruits, or dry.

Pour the chopped peel into boiling water and boil it for 10 minutes.

Drain the water and add the boiled zest to the lemons. If the lemons have given little juice, add water and put the pan on the stove. Cover the pan with a lid and boil the lemon jam for 20-30 minutes. After that, pour the hot jam into jars and close them with lids.

Lemon jam is quite stable and no special conditions are needed for its storage. The main thing is the absence of direct sun rays and normal room temperature.

How to make lemon jam at home - two simple recipes for delicious lemon jam

Lemon jam for the winter - two simple recipes: with and without zest Lemon jam will appeal to everyone, without exception. Delicate, with a pleasant sourness, invigorating aroma and fantastically beautiful on

Citrus jam - 9 recipes

Ingredients for Lemon Jam

Useful properties of lemon jam

strengthens the immune system;

helps to strengthen capillaries;

performs the function of cleansing the body from toxic substances and cholesterol;

prevents heart disease and atherosclerosis.

lemon jam

I made jam from one lemon, weighing about 150 g. I also needed 300 ml of water and 450 g of sugar for one such lemon.

Rinse the lemon thoroughly and cut into thin slices. Remove the seeds, otherwise the jam will be bitter.

Lemon slices put in an enamel bowl, pour water and leave for a day.

After a day, boil the lemons under the lid until the peel begins to be crushed with your fingers. Then add sugar to them and boil for another 20 minutes.

After that, pour the jam into a clean, dry jar and put the jar in hot water until completely cooled.

Mandarin jam from wedges

Tangerines are a holiday for everyone! Do you want the holiday to last until the summer? Then you need a recipe for tangerine jam slices! Delicious, fragrant, beautiful, like amber. Tangerine jam slices will make any day a holiday for you!

Tangerines peeled 1 kg

How to make tangerine jam slices:

Make syrup from sugar and water. Put tangerine slices into boiling syrup, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Turn off the gas, cover the jam with a lid and leave for 6-8 hours, preferably overnight. After the specified time, turn on the gas again and cook the jam until cooked, so that the syrup boils down a little and the tangerines are cooked. Add lemon juice and fold the finished tangerine jam into sterile jars. For sterilization, I pour clean jars and lids with boiling water. Close the lids on the thread and store the jam in a dark place.

How to make orange jam

Today I offer you orange jam. Oranges should be bought with a thin crust and as ripe as possible. Of course, it is desirable to cook from ecological oranges that did not come from Turkey and Morocco. It is desirable that they were Georgian. Here they are not exposed a large number chemistry. In this recipe, the orange goes absolutely all. The jam turns out very tasty and fragrant!

Citric acid 10 gr. optional (can be replaced with the juice of 1 lemon)

Cinnamon 1 stick optional

Wash oranges thoroughly. Cut into small pieces. Pour 1 liter of water and put on gas. When it boils, wait 7-10 minutes. Turn off the gas, drain the water. We do this in order to remove the bitterness from the orange skins. Pour in sugar, and boil the orange min. 20-30. At the very end, add citric acid (cinnamon stick), leave for 2 minutes on fire. Pour into sterile jars and close with screw caps.

Lemon jam

Lemon jam is a wonderful treat for tea, which is distinguished by a special sourness. By the way, if you wish, you can add some spices, such as cinnamon, vanilla or cloves - this will only improve the recipe. I advise you to try the jam during cooking - is it not sour. If you feel sour, feel free to add sugar.

Lemons - 4 Pieces

Sugar - 1 Kilogram

Lemon jam in the microwave

Lemon jam in the microwave is a very simple recipe for delicious jam, the preparation of which does not require a lot of money and time. Cheap and cheerful! It takes no more than 30 minutes to prepare, while the jam does not turn out worse than that that takes hours to digest.

First, all the seeds must be removed from the lemon.

Secondly, the microwave must be powerful enough. When making lemon jam, you need the most powerful mode.

Thirdly, remember about safety, you need to be very careful, as the jam will boil and the bowl will heat up, take care of your hands.

And lastly, do not forget to periodically stop the microwave and mix the contents. Sugar should dissolve well, if it does not have time to do this within 18 minutes, then lengthen the cooking process.

  • Lemon large - 3 Pieces (about 500 grams)
  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • Sugar - 3 Cups

How to make Lemon Jam in the Microwave

Do not forget to remove the bones, put everything in a convenient deep bowl and fill it with water.

We send it to the microwave for 10 minutes, the contents should boil. We take out the bowl (very carefully) and fall asleep with sugar. Then we send for another 8 minutes, periodically stopping the process and mixing the contents.

Then we take out the bowl, let it stand for 5 minutes and pour the contents into hot sterilized jars and close

Lemon jam in a slow cooker

If you have a slow cooker, then why not use it to the maximum and make delicious lemon jam with it, because this smart technique can make our task much easier.

In principle, the preparation of jam takes the same time as on the stove, but the hassle is much less. You don’t need to constantly run to the kitchen and see if the jam is burnt, and the heat from the multicooker doesn’t go that much. In general, I highly recommend that you make lemonade jam in a slow cooker, it is much more convenient, and the jam itself turns out to be incredibly tasty.

  • Lemon - 6 Pieces (thin-skinned)
  • Sugar - 1.2 Kilograms
  • Water - 1.2 Liters
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon

I offer you an incredibly useful and at the same time very simple recipe for lemon jam without cooking, in which, in addition to the main ingredient, we will use others healthy foods to enhance the medicinal effect of our delicacy.

In fact, here we kill two birds with one stone, firstly, we get a delicious treat that can be eaten with tea, cookies, pancakes or pancakes. And secondly, with the help of such a jam, we will strengthen our immunity and cope with any disease, so this recipe for making lemon jam without boiling is full of benefits and nothing superfluous.

  • Lemon - 1 Piece
  • Lime - 1 Piece (can be replaced with another lemon)
  • Fresh ginger - 1 piece
  • Pumpkin - 200 Grams
  • Honey - 150 Grams

How to make Lemon Jam without Boiling

Orange and lemon jam

Jam made from oranges and lemons is very exotic and really tasty, it delays the aging of the body. If you pour it into beautiful jars, then in winter you will have wonderful gifts!

To cook delicious jam from oranges and lemons, you need:

1. Dip lemons and oranges in a peel in boiling water for 5 minutes.

2. Cut off the peel (with white pulp).

3. Cut the fruits into thin rings or half rings.

4. Be sure to remove all the bones!

5. Boil syrup from water and sugar, throw prepared fruits into it.

6. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes, stirring frequently.

7. Pour hot jam into jars.

I love lemons very much and add them to almost all dishes, but when I made jam from them for the first time, its taste upset me, the jam turned out to be a little bitter, I ate it without much pleasure, and the children flatly refused to try it.

As it turned out later, the bitterness came from the skin, so I asked around with my friends and found out how to roll lemon jam without a peel. The recipe is very simple and preparation does not take much time, and the result is so excellent that it cannot be expressed in words, it is better to try it right away.

This is tender jam with a mild lemon taste, the whole family eats it with pleasure and asks for supplements. Therefore, to all lovers of citrus fruits and preparations from them, I highly recommend this simple recipe for peeled lemon jam.

Sugar - 1.2-1.5 Kilograms

Water - 100-150 milliliters

1) To begin with, the lemons must be thoroughly washed and carefully cut off the peel from them with a vegetable peeler or a fine grater. Put the peeled lemons in a bowl and fill them with water, leave for 15 minutes. Then drain the water and cut the lemons into thin slices.

Citrus jam - 9 recipes - Women's World

A boiled delicacy that combines berries and honey. It is this in ancient Russia considered to be a boil. Today, honey has been replaced by sugar, and along with berries, fruits, vegetables, and even flowers are used. These

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