What colors to choose from a psychologist. Luscher color test: description of an interesting technique. Basics of Luscher Color Test Interpretation

Gray is neither color nor light nor dark. He is absolutely not annoying and has no mental tendencies. Gray color is the neutrality of both subject and object, both inside and outside, it is neither tension nor relaxation. Gray is not a territory that can be revived, but simply a border; the border as no-man's-land, the border as a contour, as a dividing line, as an abstract division to separate opposites from each other, "gray is only territory" as an abstraction.

People who prefer this color are good at keeping their feelings in check and they often seem shy, but they are surprisingly patient. They have strong goals and avoid discord with the motto “live and live.” The only time they will strike at others is when their own personal freedom or purpose is threatened. Scarlet, a person who prefers scarlet, is someone who enjoys life to the fullest. These people usually live by their own rules and often do not follow traditional norms. They avoid boring people and always try to experience maximum pleasure and excitement from any endeavor.

The one who chooses the gray color, the border, in the first place, does not want to give himself away and wants to protect himself from all influences, so as not to get excited. In case of severe fatigue (as an expression of guarding) and in an exam situation, since they do not want to give themselves away, gray is often preferred to the others. The one who chooses the color gray last place, wants to attract everything within its borders, which may be perceived by others as interference. He considers gray a boring color and banishes its lifeless peace to the last place in the row. He prefers all other colors, full of affect, along with their contradictory tensions, because they express exciting experiences. One who rejects the color gray binds himself because of his own readiness for excitement and is afraid of being left out. He would like to exhaust all possibilities, striving to achieve the goal, and at the same time a state free from excitement. Anyone who puts gray in second place divides his world, on the one hand, into a zone that is compensatingly overvalued, which is represented by the color in first place, and on the other hand, into a zone represented by all the others that are next to gray, devalued or repressed colors, or, accordingly, life possibilities.

Luscher test - child's play or scientific tool?

Pink - Western culture has made pink a feminine color, emphasizing vulnerability and childlike feelings. But pink also symbolizes the gentle side of human nature, health, abundance and youth. Joe Arpaio, the self-proclaimed “toughest sheriff in America,” believes pink has a psychologically calming effect. Although many prisoners complain that pink is a "sentimental" color when worn by men, Sherriff Arpaio argues that the color helps prisoners calm down and reflect on the reasons that led them to improvise.

Even if gray is in third place, the discrepancy between the recognized colors up to borderline gray and subsequent colors is still so intense that first and second place should always be judged only as compensations. Colors that, during repeated test recordings, stand once before and once after gray, that is, they are either placed in front of the gray wall, then, in accordance with the instantaneous state of conflict, are hidden behind it again, such colors accompanying gray are charged with conflict, if only gray appears in the first half of the row.

Physiological characteristics of flowers

Blue is associated with wisdom, loyalty and royalty. Because it is a representative of the sky and ocean, it has extensive properties, often making a room appear colored. Blue colour more than she actually is. Blue has been shown to have a calming effect on people, reducing both their blood pressure and heartbeat. For this reason, it is often the color of choice for doctor's offices or waiting areas.

Blue is the color of the Virgin Mary, signifying her royalty as the "Queen" of Heaven. Nose negative side feeling "blue" usually means we are sad, and "blue films" are conditions for pronography. In fashion, blue, especially navy blue, is considered a very formal outfit. It commands respect and therefore the color of choice for uniforms for many militaries and police forces around the world.

According to statistics gray color ranks sixth on average. He can move up to fifth or seventh place without any doubt. In all other places he attracts attention. In case of fatigue and an examination situation, he moves to the front.

Blue color (1)

The dark blue color represents peace free from irritation. When viewing dark blue, vegetative calm occurs. Pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and guard functions are reduced and trophotropically regulated. The body adjusts to a gentle regime and rest. With illness and languor, the need for blue increases. Sensitivity and willingness to perceive painful sensations increases. Dark blue is, like each of the four primary colors, a color expression biological need: physiologically it is peace, psychologically it is satisfaction. Satisfaction is a period when there is peace and contentment. Anyone who is in such a balanced, harmonious state, without tension, feels adjusted, belongs to the team and is safe. Therefore, the color blue represents attachment to everything around us: unity, close connection. And people say: “The color blue is fidelity.” In a state of unity, they feel especially sensitive to differences. Therefore, blue color corresponds to all types of emotionality (sensibility).

People who prefer blue usually dislike confrontation and play the role of diplomat to avoid further conflict. Blue is also the color of the throat chakra, centered around the thyroid gland, and individuals who prefer blue are believed to be good speakers, capable of giving good speech.

Some shades of blue. By doing so, it allows the person wearing these colors to overcome obstacles through a sense of peace and tranquility. People who prefer this color have the attitude that "the journey is better than the destination" and they enjoy the search so much that if they achieve it, they quickly come up with new goal. Pale Blue - This color speaks of gentleness and a desire for a great cause. This will often be the color of surgeons or hospital staff working in and around the operating room.

From the basic meaning of the color blue, countless numbers can be seen from different angles. special meanings and opportunities, of which only a few have been mentioned here. Blue color, as a calm (discharged) emotionality, is a prerequisite for feeling for aesthetic experience and spiritual thoughts. The color blue represents eternity and therefore also tradition. If dark blue is rejected in a test as unpleasant, then the need for peace and trusting affection remains unsatisfied. Existing human or professional attachments are rejected because they do not live up to the expected ideal and are considered boring or paralyzing. Since existing attachments are burdensome and depressing for the chooser, he strives to avoid them. Rejecting the color blue means running away from relaxation and peace, believing that you cannot currently afford peace without giving up something important. Premonition says that relaxation and peace can cause that very weakness and relaxation that is so feared, most often without realizing it. Relaxation can just lead to depression, which they want to avoid. For such people, the blue color is not a “charming nothing,” but a threatening nothing: since for them the basic need for affection, which the blue color represents, is not embodied in a significant way; often this is an attitude towards a partner (in love); sometimes it’s an attitude towards the work team or even towards the place where you have to live. Anyone who always rejects the color blue is “deprived of the calming influence of belonging” that he so needs. The result is a restless and tense restlessness, constant self-inflation and search for excitement in order to avoid the lurking relaxation or even depression that results from such a lifestyle devoid of meaning.

It is the color of United Nations peacekeeping troops and some religious orders. People who prefer this color announce to everyone that they have an important task to achieve and that they are absolutely determined to succeed. The color signifies depressed feelings, and wearing it often indicates having unhelpful worries and a lack of trust in others. Since humans evolved from environments filled with vegetation, green color is a special color that stimulates a calm, safe and balanced feeling.

In a study of 5,000 cigarette smokers, it was found that more than half of them rejected the color blue, especially those who smoked dark, strong varieties of tobacco. Here, probably, the stimulating effect of smoking is defensive, and is used to avoid relaxation. With excessive exposure to irritants (for example, television) and instability, restless behavior, the ability to concentrate also suffers, which is expressed, especially in children, in difficulties that arise when studying. Prolonged excitement can lead to neurotic organ diseases in adults. The repression of the dark blue color, as an unsatisfied emotional attachment, can, as compensation, contribute to the preference for the green color. Since green means self-affirmation, this gives rise to a claim to proud oppositional independence, which can often be found among young people who want to free themselves from family ties. But the aversion to dark blue - like fear of peace - is often compensated by red, which means "thirst for exciting experiences." If an unsatisfied spiritual attachment uses red in the first place as compensation as a “necessary means,” then “passionate” sexual intoxication arises because of this.

Many interior decorators offer green themes for city dwellers who want to create an oasis from the busy and frenetic surroundings of the metropolis. On a smaller scale, surrounding yourself with an assortment of living plants can achieve the same effect. Green is considered a great harmonizer, capable of creating a balance between positive and negative emotions. People who prefer green are almost always able to see both sides of an issue, have a strong moral sense of right and wrong, and tend to be idealistic.

An example of the above can be seen in the "green world" movement, where members of the organization often put their lives in danger to protect wildlife, such as whales and other endangered species. We used the word "green" to represent efforts to stop pollution and conserve the planet's scarce resources.

Often the rejected blue color requires yellow as compensation. The color yellow means "searching for a liberating way out." Depressing, unsatisfied emotional attachment here requires, first of all, relief to eliminate depression. Unsatisfied emotionality turns into a non-stop search for a way out. This is not only liberation from mental vulnerability, but also a search for satisfying harmony, which can find expression, among other possibilities, also in the search for the meaning of life (worldview) or in a mathematical mindset. On average, according to statistics, the color blue should be paid attention to if it does not occupy places from first to fourth.

Wearing green clothes has been found to increase our ability to remember things. Some say it's the result of evolution, where traveling through a jungle or forest requires remembering landmarks or specific edible plants. These abilities can be improved by imitating the green colors of vegetation.

Green is considered the most relaxing color and also the color most responsible for healing. It turns out that being surrounded by green is a cure for nausea and vomiting, but green can also cause claustrophobia in people prone to this problem.

Green color (2)

Green with a blue tint became the reference color for determining psychological state stress. Tension is expressed psychologically as tension of will for perseverance and perseverance. The bluish-green color is an expression of perseverance, firmness, toughness, and above all, aggressiveness in relation to all changes. Therefore, it represents constancy, both in self-consciousness, as a representing, evaluating principle, and in all forms of self-affirmation and possession. Possession increases confidence and especially self-confidence. Therefore, the color green, which comes first, indicates that the person who chose it wants to increase his self-confidence, either through self-affirmation in order to maintain an idealized picture of his own self, or through the confirmation that he expects from others, and he wants to inspire sympathy with the help of something that he himself possesses, and which is of a financial, physical or spiritual nature. Green, like tension, accumulates excitement and as a result creates a feeling of proud superiority, power, strength and the feeling of being able to control or at least lead. The accumulation of excitation leads to countless forms and degrees of control. This includes not only impulse control, but also precise control, recording and memory, clear disposition, critical analysis and consistent logic down to abstract formalism.

On the negative side, green is associated with mold and decay. Being "green with envy" describes the belief that envious emotions can cause a person to be destroyed from within by harboring such feelings. Pale green - This color is associated with youth, play and a touch of immaturity. They are often indecisive and put off taking better action in order to pursue rather than do anything truly constructive. Jade Green - Jade is the most important color in the East and this stone is believed to bring good luck.

People who surround themselves with this color are considered enlightened and capable of understanding life from a higher philosophical point of view. Olive Green - People who wear this color have usually experienced emotional trauma in their lives and are dealing with bitterness towards life. On the bright side, people who prefer this color will fully appreciate difficult times that affect other people and will have more empathy than others. A good example is Castro, who chose to wear this color throughout his political career as a fighter for the working people of Cuba.

“Green” behavior can also be expressed in the desire to have health, and in the desire to live long or better, that is, it can be expressed in reformism. But the one who chooses the green color is most often distinguished by the fact that he necessarily wants to put his views into practice - often justifying himself by saying that he defends principles. At the same time, he idealizes himself and teaches others. Anyone who puts green first wants to be liked. He needs recognition and wants to assert himself despite resistance. He who puts green in seventh or eighth place desires the same, but he is crushed by resistance and feels humiliated by lack of recognition. He suffers from tension resulting from his own demands, except when it is due to bodily weakness. He perceives it as resistance, as pressure (for example, as with pectoral sore throat), as cruelty and coercion, which he is trying to avoid.

Optimal type of activity

Many veterans recall bitter memories from wearing their olive green uniforms. Emerald green is the traditional green color used by the Irish to reflect on their culture and history. The color is said to represent the vibrant green landscape of Ireland. Dark Green - People who prefer dark green are possessive and usually obsessive, oblivious to the needs of others. These dads usually had some dark episode in their life that turned them inward, and they harbor resentment for something they either did or wished they had done.

Green in the seventh or eighth place signifies “liberation from pressure and coercion,” the loss of one's own strength to resist and patience, and even the fear of one's own powerlessness and how this leads to compensatory shifting of blame onto others and to contempt for them. Aversion to the color green is often compensated by the color blue, because it is supposed to bring calm and relaxation. Such people are looking for a peaceful refuge where they can find careful attitude and they would not have to assert themselves. Sometimes the rejected green color is compensated by red in the first place. Since red means “excitement,” and rejected green expresses unbearable tension, which leads to impatience and loss of self-control, impulsiveness follows, which can cause convulsions with partial loss of consciousness. Unbearable tension is often compensated by the preference given to yellow as a search for a liberating outlet. This escape to freedom is an attempt to escape the convulsive state and often self-induced compulsion with all its painful consequences. But compensation remains fictitious and leads only to a surrogate activity, such as, for example, in love to travel and fly.

Colored Personality Tests Measure your personality through your choice of color!

Can you imagine your behavior? It's clear that colors affect your mood and emotions. However, personality tests of color go one step further. They claim that not only your current state of emotions, but also future behavior can be determined by your preferred choice of colors. By the way, some corporations, colleges and schools give color more weight, than ever. They tend to accept the most important decisions about your career through your choice of colors.

Green color attracts attention if it is not in places two through four.

Red (3)

Red mixed with yellow represents an ergotropic physiological state. The color red increases blood pressure, pulse and breathing. Red is an expression vitality and the height of vegetative excitation. Therefore it has the meaning of desire and all forms of appetite. The color red is the desire to gain influence, to gain success and to greedily desire what the intensity and fullness of life can provide. Red is the color of impulse, the vital will to conquer and potency, ranging from sexual instincts to revolutionary transformations. Red is the impulse for motor action, for sports, for fighting and for enterprise in the field of production. The color red is " impact force will" as opposed to the green color as "tension of willpower". In time, the red color corresponds to the present time, symbolically full of energy masculinity, directed upward towards phallic forms and fire as a spiritual flame, for example, the flame of the Holy Spirit of the Trinity. Red seeks to penetrate, transform and conquer. Red, as sexual desire, and blue, as tender satisfaction, complement each other and create erotic harmony.

And here is the Luscher test itself online

Can you show them your “true colors”? Watch color tests on video. He confirmed that different colors affect your emotions differently. Reversing logic, he argued that different colors represent different shapes behavior. Therefore, your choice of color reflects your current emotional status. When you repeatedly visit a certain choice, it shows your way of coping with the world around you. He proposed eight colors that could be used for identification various types behavior.

If the color red comes first, then the person who chooses it wants to experience an exciting intensity as a result of his activity. If the color red is in the seventh or eighth place, then the person who chooses it feels the exciting intensity of the red color in an exciting and threatening way, because he feels a lack of vitality in himself - for example, from exhaustion and heart failure - or because of painful conflicts. Red in the seventh or eighth place means "prudently avoiding debilitating excitement." As a compensatory internal means Most often, the color blue appears first because it needs reinforcing calm. At the same time, “blue” attachment becomes painful, masochistic and is accompanied by a painful feeling due to failures in love. There are rarely tests when red is rejected and preference is given to green, since in a state of helplessness one can only a short time be able to assert oneself with the help of green tension of will. Such a choice is always made, for example, when the patient tries to overcome autonomic disorders by volitional effort.

The Scientific Reasons Behind Flowers

He suggested that your choice is for four primary colors; blue, gold, green and orange, depicts your emotional reactions in real situations. The color of an object is its characteristics that reflect certain frequencies of light wavelengths. The blue background of this site is visible because it absorbs all frequencies of light except those associated with the color blue.

There are certain cells in the retina of the eye. They contain three main pigments; blue, green and yellow. They collect related information from your environment and transmit it to your primary visual cortex, where it is processed to be understood. Sometimes, due to complex genetic interactions or a disease, these cells begin to malfunction.

Most often chosen yellow comes first to compensate for debilitating anxiety. The color yellow means "searching for a liberating way out." Often this choice is short-term, since it reflects a picture of doubt.

Red attracts attention if it is not in places one through three.

Yellow color (4)

Yellow color is the lightest bright paint, and therefore affects easily and vividly. Red seems denser and heavier than yellow, which is why it excites. Since yellow appears lighter, much thinner and weightless than red, it is stimulating. In accordance with this, it increases autonomic functions: blood pressure, increases heart rate and breathing in the same way as the color red does, but is immeasurably more labile. The main feature yellow is reflective of light, and therefore radiating brightness in all directions, weightless gaiety. Yellow light corresponds to unhindered expansion, liberation. In contrast to bluish-green, which reflects contraction of tension to the point of convulsions, yellow represents release and relaxation. Psychologically, liberation means liberation from something heavy, something oppressive or paralyzing.

Psychological reasons behind color reactions

However, color blindness is not a big problem. These tests contain colors that are equally available for regular and colored blinds. Psychologists agree that different colors can have different influence on different people, depending on their past related memories. A garden of red roses can make you more cheerful. However, red blood can have a completely different effect. However, generalized behavioral meanings of colors have been developed in color tests.

Different personality color tests use different sets of colors. They even differ in the number of colors. Some important colors and their associated generalized color meanings are given here for your entertainment. Orange is associated with energy, strength and strength. Your preferred choice of orange is shown to you by the fighter. You are considered better suited for careers in sports, architecture and technology. You dream of design and form. Personality tests describe you as an energetic motivator.

If yellow is chosen first, then it indicates a desire for liberation and hope for or expectation of happiness. The expectation of happiness in all its myriad forms, from sexual adventure to ideologies that promise an ideal state at the end, is always oriented towards the future. Whenever in a series of eight colors green and yellow stand next to each other and form one group, then tension and release are combined for the purpose of direct release of tension and neutralizing balancing of tension.

The color gold symbolizes loyalty and responsibility. When your primary choice is for gold, color personality tests consider you the organizer. You love a peaceful environment. You value the challenges of work and maintenance. You are more productive, stable and organized.

Structural meanings of "primary colors"

Color preference tests suggest that the color green represents a stoic, determined, and stable state of mind. You care very little about feelings and focus on available information before making a decision. You can analyze details in a minute.

Anyone who prefers green and yellow needs immediate recognition; he wants respect. He watches with great tension to see whether he is given the expected appreciation and confirmation so that the tension (+ green) can be released (+ yellow).

Green is persistence, yellow is change. Green is voltage, yellow is discharge. Between these poles lie conflicts that grow out of dissatisfaction. Here, “green” ambition, self-affirmation and prestigious claims fight against the “yellow” desire for experiences, filled with the expectation of happiness. If the green color gains an advantage, then also the smooth muscles are subject to constant coercion, so that this can manifest itself in the form of spasms gastrointestinal tract or the cardiovascular system, that is, in the form of pathological disorders. Since the tension is unbearable, most often these patients reject the green color, while compensatory preference is given to yellow due to the desire to free themselves from the spasmodic state.

If yellow is in seventh or eighth place, this is a disappointment in hopes. A person stands in front of emptiness and feels isolated. Due to the seriousness of the mood in this case, the brightness and intangibility, the lightness of the yellow color is perceived as emptiness and a deceptive surface. Since, due to disappointment, the tension of expectation cannot come to any resolution, overstimulation sets in, so the yellow color is rejected as too bright. Overexcitement manifests itself in irritability, anger, bad mood and distrust. If you think that many people feed their interest in life on expectations and hopes, then you can understand the destructive effect of hopelessness revealed by the rejected yellow, i.e. a fearsome absence, at least for a significant part of life.

Yellow in seventh or eighth place means “preserving yourself from disappointment, loss and isolation.”

compensation is varied. Often the color blue is chosen first. This shows that there is a need for peace and affection as a means of satisfaction. The rejection of the color yellow and at the same time the preference given to the color blue reflect the painful attachment that can be found in many people. This type of love is often marked by features of masochism. Hopelessness can also be offset by a desire for confidence and affirmation. In this case, green comes first as a necessary means. If the color red comes first, then the most intense experiences possible, especially sexual intoxication, should help to forget disappointment and isolation. Yellow color attracts attention if it is not in places two to five.

Purple color (5)

Purple color is a mixture of red and blue. The color violet tries to create a single fusion of opposites, that is, from red, like an impulsive conqueror, and blue, like gentle selflessness; and therefore it is an expression of identification. Such identification is a delicate feeling that becomes the only possible emotion, so that everything I think and want must correspond to reality. This power is called magic, magic, and this is precisely the meaning of purple. Anyone who prefers the color purple would like a magical relationship. He wants to be bewitched, but he himself would like to have witchcraft power and impressive charm, since in magical identification the opposition between subject and object is destroyed. Purple color - this can be identified as an erotic fusion, or as an intuitive-sensual understanding. But it can simply mean unity, as well as undifferentiation and unresolvedness. Thus, testing of 1,600 schoolchildren who had not reached puberty showed that 75% preferred the color purple. Test statistics from 1,000 Iranians, blacks from Tangonica and Gao, and Indians from central Brazil reveal a marked preference for the color purple. The action of hormones also apparently leads to a preference for violet, as shown by studies carried out among women during pregnancy (Erbele), as shown by tests for functional disorders of the thyroid gland, and as shown by experiments with the choice of colors in homosexuals.

If purple are chosen in eighth place, then the desire for a sensual erotic fusion, the magic of identification with one’s partner is hidden in secret, because there are no prerequisites. This gives rise to an often undetected isolation and the desire to create the clearest possible relationships. The ability for emotional premonition and the need for the magic of charm are transferred to such objects that require aesthetic assessment and embodiment and which often become a professional task.

Violet does not attract attention when it is in places three through seven, even if it is in second place during pregnancy or before puberty.

Brown (6)

Brown is a darkened yellow-red. The impulsive vitality of red in brown is darkened, muted, calmed or "broken" as the artist would say. Brown has an expansive impulse that lacks the active vitality of red. Liveliness no longer acts actively, but is perceived passively. The color brown represents vibrant sensory perception. Therefore, the position of the brown color gives an idea of ​​​​the relationship to life's physical sensations. If the brown color is in the position of indifference, in the fifth, sixth or seventh place, then the vital perception of the body is “destroyed”, since a healthy and satisfied body is not felt. But if he stands in the first half of the row or even in the first two places, then there is an increased need for rest, created by comfort and sensual peace. Brown color is preferred when it corresponds to problem-free, conflict-free comfort.

If brown is in eighth place, then its stress-free comfort is rejected. The color brown is perceived as a dull banality of a “man from the crowd”, from which the chooser, as an individualist, would like to be different. Because of this, the ability to receive sensual pleasure suffers, resulting in a deficit that causes compensation, including obsessive sexual ideas.

Brown color attracts attention if it is not in places five to seven.

Black (7)

Black color is the most dark color. In black the concentric direction of dark colors is completed until the final point. Black is the absolute border where life ends. Therefore, the color black expresses the idea of ​​"nothing". Black is negation in relation to affirmation, which reaches its highest point in white as absolute freedom (hence impeccability). The banners of the anarchists and nihilistic unions were black. Black color conveys accumulation, defense and repression of the effects of irritants. Therefore, black means refusal. Anyone who chooses black as the color first wants to refuse out of wayward protest. He rebels against his fate. He who chooses the color black in second place believes that he can give up everything if he can force what the color expresses in first place before black. If, for example, red comes first before black, then unbridled experiences should compensate for deprivation. If blue is in front of black, then peace without tension should recreate the destroyed harmony. If there is a gray person in front of black, then complete fencing should help overcome the unbearable state. Anyone who chooses black in eighth place, where it is found most often according to statistics, does not want to give up. For him, refusal means deprivation and frightening scarcity. Since he cannot refuse, he avoids danger and makes increased demands that are authoritarian in nature.

Nowadays, many have heard about the impact of colors on the human psyche. Correctly selected colors help solve many problems. Thus, a competent choice of color combinations allows restaurateurs to attract customers. For many people, the right shades help create cozy interiors rooms. For psychological assistance people, in the selection of personnel, psychologists use the Luscher test, the interpretation and analysis of which gives good results.

From a layman's point of view, colors have the following meanings:

  • blue - promotes calm, it is associated with the sky, with seascapes. This color in excess can lead to depression, as it creates the impression of coldness. The best option- combine deep with another color or choose intermediate shades between blue and green;
  • pink - associated with youth, tenderness, femininity. The color pink is present in both the clothes of little girls and teenage girls. It is firmly entrenched in the female gender and will create a romantic atmosphere;
  • red is the color of activity and success. Red color stimulates the psyche. It has been found that when surrounded by a red hue, people eat faster and more. Red is the most aggressive of the colors. It is associated with the carnal joys of life. Love the color red " the mighty of the world this”;
  • black - many associate with the unknown and death. Those who prefer to look at life gloomily try to surround themselves with this color. However, black is the color of spirituality. This is the color of the monks' clothes. For almost all people, the color black evokes thoughts about eternity, about the meaning of life. It is also the color of confidence and formality;
  • white is the color of virtue and spiritual purity. White color unique, it can be combined with any color. Although white is the most easily soiled of colors, it is also the purest. Perhaps for this reason it is the color of medical gowns;
  • yellow is the color of the sun and spirituality, joy. The influence of yellow color on a person is very great. Hidden deep in the subconscious is the connection between earthly life and the yellow disk. But, given color contains duality. One side of it is warmth, the other is heat, which can seriously burn;
  • green is undeniably the color of rebirth. It is associated with fertility and health. Therefore, it is recommended for people subject to significant mood swings.

Characteristics of colors according to Luscher

Max Luscher divided colors into 4 primary and 4 additional.

  • Blue - gives satisfaction and peace.
  • Blue-green is confidence, perseverance, stubbornness.
  • Orange-red - aggressiveness, excitement, willpower.
  • Light yellow - cheerfulness, activity.

Additional colors include: purple, brown, black, zero. Which respectively symbolize: anxiety, stress, worries and grief.

Luscher test and interpretation

According to the Luscher test, choosing one of the primary colors will indicate the state desired by the person, choosing one of the additional colors will show the actual position of the person being tested. The result is eight positions:

  • the first two will show a pronounced preference, their designation is: ++;
  • the third, fourth will give preference (xx);
  • the fifth, sixth will show indifference to color (==);
  • the seventh, eighth will give complete antipathy to color (—).

During testing, record the selected colors using a list of numbers, in order of preference, indicating positions. The Luscher test carried out and its interpretation give the necessary values. First, the position of the primary colors is assessed; if their position is further than the fifth, then the person’s needs are not satisfied and there is a state of anxiety. If colors occupy positions 1 to 5, needs are more satisfied. The assessment of a person’s performance is determined by the following premises: green and red - mean the manifestation of will and performance in different conditions, yellow color - reduces hope for success, which will affect future work. If these three colors are at the beginning of the row, then productivity is really high,
if they are found - the second half of the row and the colors are separated - this indicates a possible low performance.
As a result of the interpretation of Luscher tests compared with questionnaires and conversations with a person, one can judge the character traits and characteristics of a particular individual.

Video: How to pass the Luscher color test?

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