Green smoothies in winter recipes. Green smoothies in a blender: healthy recipes. Vegetables that are perfect for mixing

Very popular in the world Lately enjoy green smoothies. And this is not some kind of fashion statement.

The magical power of greenery

Everyone knows that it is best to use food natural products. Even the simplest of them can completely revolutionize the generally accepted understanding of human nutrition. For well-being and healthy image Green smoothies are very beneficial for your life. What is interesting about them, and why do scientists talk so confidently about some unique properties? In order to answer all the questions, you first need to understand the composition. It is known that green smoothies are mixtures obtained by whipping vegetables, fruits and herbs. The last component of the entire list is the most important. It is the plant component that contains one of the main nutritional ingredients - chlorophyll. It plays the same role for the plant as blood does in human body. Using the energy of the sun through complex chemical transformations, it synthesizes food for them and saturates them with oxygen. For a person, such an ability can be a real medicine, not to mention a rich one. vitamin composition and a complex of useful microelements. Interestingly, greens even surpass meat in protein content. Perhaps this is why vegetarians get sick less than kebabs lovers.

Gift for raw foodists

Human food changed markedly with the advent of fire. The food has become much tastier and more appetizing. But in this case we can hardly talk about benefits. As a result of temperature treatment, products, as a rule, change not only taste qualities, but also the composition, and not always in better side. Supporters healthy eating, studying this problem, came to the conclusion that the most best food- this is the one that did not pass heat treatment. There was even a whole movement called “raw food diet”. According to adherents of this trend, it is green smoothies that can give a person the very health that everyone dreams of. Of course, you can simply eat a bunch of parsley alive or chew a couple of dandelion leaves, but this is unlikely to give anyone pleasure. In addition to its benefits, food should also cause aesthetic pleasure.

Only through joint efforts can we achieve desired result. In this case, the cocktail provides just such a unique opportunity. And if you add fragrant and healthy fruits, and then adjust the consistency using water, you can get the perfect product.

Health drink

These days everything more people include wonderful green smoothies in your diet. Recipes for magic drinks are quite simple and do not require special skills and dexterity to prepare. Take, for example, a mixture that includes 1 apple, 1 kiwi, half a glass of water, as well as some greenery, nettle, dandelion and plantain.

To prepare the aromatic composition, you need to simultaneously put all the ingredients into a blender and beat thoroughly until smooth. The taste in this drink will mostly be of kiwi. and no one will guess the actual set of components.

If the composition turns out to be too bland, then you can add: for sweetness - a little dates or honey, for bitterness - ginger, for acidity - lime or lemon, and for spice - cinnamon. This is what’s good about green smoothies: you can come up with recipes yourself, adhering to one basic rule. For maximum digestibility, it is better to maintain a certain ratio: greens to fruits should be 40:60. In this case, the taste of the cocktail will be most balanced.

Product properties

I wonder what green smoothies do for people? The benefits and harms should be studied by those who use them. Some people call such mixtures healing, and this is true. Unusual cocktails have a lot of positive characteristics:

  1. They are very nutritious and easily absorbed by the human body.
  2. The mixtures taste good and are liked by both children and adults.
  3. They allow you to fully satisfy daily requirement in greenery, and as you know, it contains everything you need for life.
  4. Such food can be considered complete, as it contains fiber.
  5. Balanced mixtures have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin.
  6. The product helps solve problems with overweight and cleanse the body of unnecessary toxins.

It's just small part what green smoothies provide. Benefit and harm in this case are inseparable from each other. In order not to step over the forbidden line, you must:

  • eat only freshly prepared mixtures or store them in the refrigerator for no more than a day;
  • know moderation in everything;
  • Do not eat a cocktail if it contains products that cause an allergic reaction or other complications of this kind in a particular person.

Necessary equipment

In order to properly prepare the drink, you need to carefully consider the choice of equipment. Do not use meat grinders or juicers. They won't give desired result. Only a blender can do this job well. For green smoothies, it is better to use a glass version rather than a submersible one. In addition, everything will work out much faster if not two, but four knives are attached to the bottom. And, of course, power. It must be at least a thousand watts. A device with such indicators is capable of excellent grinding of products of different hardness. It does not crush, but grinds each piece, turning even the hardest of them into lush colored foam. Prominent representatives are, for example, blenders of the Binaton brand, which large quantities have now appeared on store shelves. The main thing is that in a stationary machine, in addition to a sufficient number of knives and good power, there are:

  1. Speed ​​controller that allows you to select the desired parameters for different products.
  2. “Pause” button for the possibility of reloading the container.
  3. Bowl made of glass or durable plastic.

Otherwise, everything depends on the choice of the hostess herself.

Product combination

Everyone may have their own favorite green cocktail. The recipe mainly depends on taste preferences and the desired end result. For daily use A classic combination consisting of one apple, half a banana, a glass of cabbage (or spinach leaves), 100 grams of water and 2-3 ice cubes is perfect. If desired, you can add another half glass of parsley. This amount will be enough to prepare two servings of this drink, rich in carbohydrates, protein and fiber. If the taste of the apple does not seem entirely pleasant, then it can be replaced with strawberries or another berry (or fruit).

For those who dream of slim figure, a cocktail prepared according to the following recipe will be especially useful: for one stem of spinach, take ½ banana and half a glass of chopped cucumber, spinach leaves, pineapple, Greek yogurt and water. But you should not overuse these mixtures. It is better to drink them no more than 2 times a day (morning and evening), so as not to overload the stomach. Do not swallow the contents of the glass in large portions. It is better to strain the mixture through your teeth. It will be much tastier this way. For the rest, you just need to try not to violate the recipe.

Equipment selection

Sooner or later, the moment comes when you need to make your choice and decide which blender is best for green smoothies. In the absence of a suitable option, you can, of course, use any other devices. For example, a food processor, juicer or meat grinder can also grind food. The question is how will they do it, and what will the resulting drink be like? As a rule, such issues are resolved by trial and error. But it’s better not to waste time, but to immediately turn to specialists and choose the right model for yourself.

Brands such as Bosch, Philips, Braun, Moulinex or Vitec will be able to cope with the task without any problems. The question is how long will it take. The power of some models is far from what is desired, so it is better to look for another option with at least 1000 watts.

Hello, dear blog guests! Recently, green smoothies have become increasingly popular in matters of losing weight and improving health. Green smoothies for health are a wonderful drink that can cleanse the body, tone the body, improve general and emotional well-being, and are also the best find for an overweight person.

Many people, having such a product in their diet, often notice that they become happy and energetic.

Today we will tell you what is so mysterious about this green drink, what determines its popularity and why it has such a beneficial effect on our body.

The essence of cocktails

A green smoothie is a nutritious mixture consisting of fruits (berries, vegetables) and greens, prepared by blending in a blender. Absolutely any greens can be used for the drink. It could be spinach, basil, dill, parsley or lettuce.

It is believed that tastier smoothies are obtained using neutral greens such as spinach or lettuce. However, some people prefer a unique range of tastes. It is better to choose greens based on personal preferences.

The ratio of fruits and greens in such a cocktail should be approximately 60:40.

You can also use vegetables or berries instead of fruits. Mixing vegetables and fruits is not recommended. Water is also added to the cocktail so that it does not turn out too thick, like mush or puree.

The drink can be used for breakfast, lunch and dinner, or instead of a full meal, or in addition to other dishes.

Reasons why this drink has a positive effect on the body


The main reason why this drink is beneficial is the chlorophyll found in greens.

Chlorophyll is a unique product solar energy. This is a real elixir of youth, as it contains antioxidants that rejuvenate and stop the aging process.

It also contains magnesium, which in turn improves the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Chlorophyll has a beneficial effect on circulatory system, increasing the production of hemoglobin, purifying the blood and improving blood delivery to the internal organs.

Chlorophyll has the ability to destroy harmful effects free radicals, protecting the body from diseases, including cancer.

In addition to all of the above, it strengthens the immune system and is a natural medicine for the gastrointestinal tract.


The vegetables used in cooking are rich.

Fiber, like chlorophyll, contains a lot useful qualities. One of these is slowing down the absorption of glucose, which in turn helps normalize insulin levels in the body.

Fiber also has cleansing properties, removes waste and toxins, preventing the risk of developing diseases, and has a beneficial effect on overall health.


The green drink is especially enriched with vitamins and minerals found in vegetables and fruits.

Vitamins are an important need for the body, as it the best remedy to strengthen the immune system and the health of all organs.

A lack of vitamins, especially in autumn or spring, can negatively affect human health.


The most alkaline food there is is greens.

Such a product is able to effectively restore the acid-base balance, thereby helping to normalize metabolism and lose excess weight.

These properties activate and improve the functioning of the body, fill the body with energy and a feeling of lightness.

Green smoothies are especially useful for people who want to lose weight, because this is one of the most effective means in the fight against excess weight.

It’s better to start taking such cocktails small so as not to overload gastrointestinal tract, since over a long period of time eating thermally processed food, it will be difficult to digest so many nutrients at once.

As soon as the body gets used to this type of nutrition, it will begin to work like clockwork, problems with the digestive tract will disappear, and weight will normalize.

5 recipes for the most delicious healthy green drink

Recipe No1. Cocktail ingredients: banana, mint, lettuce, raspberries, water.

Recipe No2. The composition uses water, parsley, cucumber, dill.

Recipe No3. Cocktail ingredients: water, basil, spinach, apple, freshly squeezed orange juice.

Recipe No4. Ingredients: cucumber, tomato, water, dill and parsley.

Recipe No5. Ingredients: plantain leaves, mint, banana, blueberries, water, lettuce.

Contraindications for use

Naturally, like any other food product, a green smoothie has contraindications.

The use of this type of drink is entirely individual, as some people may have an allergic reaction to its components. In addition, containing a large amount of vitamin K contributes to blood thickening, so it all depends on the person’s health status.

To summarize, we highlight the following advantages of green smoothies:

  • contain many useful substances;
  • saturate the body for a long time without leaving heaviness in the stomach;
  • easy and quick to prepare;
  • help get rid of excess body weight;
  • cure and prevent most diseases, including cancer;
  • green smoothies have a pleasant and rich taste;
  • They are universal in their composition, you can mix the ingredients as you wish.

Let us remind you that if your goal is to lose weight, then you will also be interested in the guide “Weight down! The effect of negative calories" .

Do you like green smoothies? Share your recipes. See you soon!

Magic health drinks- so you can call it green smoothies, so easy to prepare and incredibly healthy. All we need is greenery fresh vegetables or fruit and blender. The result is a surge of strength and energy, strengthened immunity and a good mood!

Benefits of green smoothies:

  1. Smoothies with greens are very nutritious due to the high content of proteins and amino acids, they give a feeling of fullness without causing heaviness in the stomach.
  2. These drinks are very rich in mineral salts and trace elements, vitamins and chlorophyll.
  3. Green smoothies contain fiber, which is necessary for normal bowel function and helps eliminate toxins and harmful substances from the body.
  4. Green smoothies contain antioxidants that protect the body from harmful environmental factors.
  5. Green smoothies are quickly and completely absorbed by the body.
  6. Green smoothies help normalize weight and cleanse the body of toxins, and help in the treatment of many diseases.
  7. Green smoothies tone you up, give you lightness and energize you.
  8. Green smoothies are very beneficial for children, pregnant women and the elderly. Children can be given cocktails from the age of six months.
  9. Green smoothies are very tasty, they evoke a lot of positive emotions and pleasant sensations when consumed regularly.

How to properly prepare a green smoothie:

Have to take greenery(dill, lettuce, parsley, spinach, sorrel, celery, beet and carrot tops, nettle leaves, dandelion or other greens) and vegetables(or fruits) in a ratio of 2:3, i.e. 2 parts greens and 3 parts vegetables or fruits (it is better not to use vegetables and fruits in the same cocktail). Grind everything in a blender. Add water to obtain the required consistency. If you do not add water, you will get a thick mass that can be eaten with a spoon. You can also add freshly squeezed juices to green smoothies.

It is advisable to use dark green greens (with the maximum content of nutrients). It is also recommended to constantly alternate the greens, using different recipes every day.

It is best to use the cocktails immediately after making them, but if necessary, they can be stored in a cool place for 3 days.

How to drink green smoothies:

The daily intake is 2-4 green smoothies.

It is better to start with small portions (1 glass per day) to avoid food allergies.

Green smoothies can be drunk before meals or instead of meals.


Fruity green smoothie recipes:

  • apples – 3 pcs.;
  • banana – 2 pcs.
  • lemon – ½ pc. or sorrel leaves;
  • lettuce – 5 leaves;
  • water – 1-2 glasses.
  • strawberries – 1 glass;
  • banana – 2 pcs.;
  • lettuce – 5 leaves;
  • water – 1-2 glasses.
  • banana – 2 pcs.;
  • lettuce – 5 leaves;
  • dill (parsley, sorrel) - several sprigs;
  • water – 1 glass.
  • pear – 3 pcs.;
  • lettuce – 5 leaves;
  • mint - several sprigs;
  • water – 1-2 glasses.
  • banana – 2 pcs.;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • nettle (quinoa, dandelion) - several fresh leaves;
  • water – 1-2 glasses.
  • sweet plum - several pieces;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • basil - a bunch;
  • water – 1 glass.
  • green seedless grapes – 1 cup;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • lettuce - a few leaves;
  • water – 1-2 glasses.

Vegetable green smoothie recipes:

  • tomato – 5 pcs.;
  • lemon – ½ piece;
  • parsley, dill - a bunch;
  • chopped garlic – 1 clove;
  • water – 1 glass.
  • chopped carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • juice of a piece of fresh ginger;
  • lettuce - a few leaves.

Recipe 10:

  • brine sauerkraut– ½ cup;
  • tomato – 4 pcs.;
  • parsley, dill – 1 bunch;
  • water – ½ cup;
  • a little sugar.

Recipe 11:

  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 5 pcs.;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • a little salt.

Recipe 12:

  • chopped carrots – 1 pc.;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • celery root;
  • dill, parsley – 1 bunch;

You can prepare very unusual and tasty green mixtures. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and listen to your taste sensations. And healing greens will take care of you and your health!

Eat with pleasure and health!

Green smoothies are smoothies shaken with green leafy plants. Greens are extremely rich in nutrients, but people are not willing to eat them enough, with many claiming that they are difficult to digest. There are suggestions that this is caused by a lack of gastric juice and too weak jaws, which cannot chew the greens to a creamy consistency. The whipped greens are already sufficiently chopped and well prepared for digestion. If you add fruit to it, the taste will be simply wonderful. And in general, you need to eat more fruits, because people eat them, like greens, in completely insufficient quantities.

Those who have introduced green smoothies into their diet note a significant improvement in their well-being.
This nutrient factory is mainly credited to raw foodists, who thus increase the nutritional value of their already nutritious diet and receive the missing substances needed to maintain high level vital energy.

Below I'll go into detail about the theory behind this delicious food and drink and give a few delicious recipes with photos. Enjoy!

Green smoothies - what and why!

Why greens?

According to Victoria Butenko, greens are the main food group that most fully satisfies human nutritional needs.

Our standard diet consists of more than 50% cooked carbohydrates such as potatoes, bread, pasta and rice. It contains approximately 35% solid and liquid fats and animal protein, and the rest is fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Even the average raw food diet contains about 35% solid and liquid vegetable fats and a small amount of greens.

Human chronic diseases not found in wildlife. So why not take a peek at what their secret is? There is no secret: a different lifestyle and a different diet - and all this is radically different from human ones. The benefits of a greens diet are clearly demonstrated in cows and sheep. And let's not forget about the monkeys! How strong these animals are - and they are true vegans!

According to fans of a raw food diet and people who can boast of excellent health, for a person a diet consisting of:

  1. 50% from fruits,
  2. 40% from greens,
  3. 10% or less from fat is ideal.

So green smoothies are a great way to add some greens to your diet, in addition to, of course, the plenty of green salads you already have. Greens contain tons of amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and chlorophyll.

Green smoothies are a great source of protein, especially if they contain a good 40% greens.

Greens are rich in proteins. 30% of the calories in spinach come from its proteins. For cheese this figure is 26%, for milk - 23, for meat - 50. But remember that during heat treatment, 50% of the proteins are destroyed. Therefore, 100g of cooked meat in terms of available protein is the same as 80g of spinach.

Greens can be combined with any other food to stimulate digestion by stimulating the production of enzymes. This makes green smoothies (a combination of greens and fruit) much healthier than combining fruit with other types of food, such as starches and proteins (as in classic cheese sandwiches or cereal with milk).

And now about the fats in our cocktail...

Fats ( good fats, of course) actually help the absorption of soluble vitamins (for example K and E). Both of these vitamins are super important. Also, minerals are better absorbed with fats. Greens have a lot of these things, so add a splash of oil to your smoothie, and a splash of oil to your salad. Try adding coconut pulp, coconut solid or liquid oil, sage, flax or hemp seeds, some peanuts, sesame paste, avocado, coconut milk, linseed oil. You don’t need a lot - no more than a tablespoon of such fats per serving of cocktail.

Why through a blender?

At the molecular level, greens are biologically very stable because they contain cellulose. Nutrients are stored in plant cells and the cell walls must be broken down to release them. This requires us to chew our food thoroughly, which many people don’t like because our jaws are not strong enough and we don’t have the patience. In addition, you need a lot of gastric juice, which many people also produce insufficient quantities.

So cocktails - perfect option, because in a blender the cell membranes of plants are destroyed and nutrients are released.

How many green smoothies should you drink?

Fans of green smoothies drink 0.5-2 liters of these drinks per day.

Eating any unchopped greens is also welcome, but they should be chewed thoroughly!

What is the best blender for cocktails?

What qualities should a blender have in order to grind greens into a homogeneous foamy mass:

  • have 4 knives (not 2);
  • a bowl blender, not an immersion blender;
  • from 1000 W.

All these characteristics are very important. But the cost of a blender with such parameters starts from $200. That's why I hesitated for a long time to buy a blender and start drinking green smoothies. When I decided that I would drink ZK at all costs, I accidentally found a comment on some forum about the wonderful blender for ZK BINATONE BL-661. It costs about $65.
I took a risk! And that's exactly what you need! The cocktails turn out amazing, works wonderfully and grinds the greens into a soft green foam.

This is what my greens blender looks like after 1.5 months of daily use!

This is how he “works” grinding greens into foam!

But my favorite blender made this cocktail!

Green smoothies recipes

Of course, everyone will find the most delicious combination of fruits and herbs. But in order not to get confused at the first stage, I offer several options for green smoothie recipes.

1. Of the fruits, banana turned out to be the most delicious for me. Therefore, it replaced all the variations of fruits for me. Of course you can also use mango. But I was still able to find a supermarket that sold ripe mangoes. Maybe apricots. Delicious. But we have them in great abundance every other year, and this year is not very productive.

2. the healthiest greens are wild, i.e. growing on its own. Since we have a dacha and there is just a sea of ​​greenery there in the summer, this is exactly the kind of greenery I use. I especially recommend quinoa, plantain and beet tops. Quinoa is incredibly rich in protein, plantain normalizes the production of gastric juice, beet tops have 100 times more glands than the root vegetable itself….

As we move into the summer, I will add new green smoothie recipes.

Ingredients of greens for cocktail: banana + sorrel, spinach, dandelion flowers, mint

Cocktail ingredients: banana + plantain leaves, dandelion flowers, chamomile flowers.

Cocktail ingredients: banana + grape leaves, lemon balm and quinoa (right)

Cocktail ingredients: banana + grape leaves, lemon balm, arugula.

Ingredients for the cocktail: banana (I just didn’t put it in for the photo) + young beet tops, marigold flowers, lemon balm.

What other greens can you add to your smoothie?

These are spinach leaves. Sold all season in supermarkets and easy to grow summer cottages in the middle and southern zone.

Beet leaves

They are added not only to green smoothies, but also to regular salads. The amount of iron, which is why beets are recommended for people suffering from iron deficiency anemia, is many times greater in the leaves (tops) than in the root vegetable. Of course, the most delicious beet leaves are at the beginning of summer and in the middle, when they do not yet have a strong dense structure. But they are suitable for cocktails at any time.


Honestly, I couldn’t understand this vegetable after growing it in my dacha. What they eat, how they eat it... I didn’t appreciate the taste. But the leaves are great for a green smoothie. Its seeds are sold in any vegetable store, but rarely anyone buys them.

According to the legends of the Incas, this is generally the “food of immortality.” The leaves and seeds are so full of all sorts of benefits that amaranth is included in programs to solve the problem of hunger in some areas of the Earth. It is very easy to grow, and many have seen this plant as an ornamental plant growing in flower beds and gardens.

Green cocktail recipe from a fiery girl

And another recipe from the fiery girl from the video:

  1. lemon peeled
  2. small piece of peeled ginger
  3. green basil
  4. lettuce leaves

I hope this is a selection of 13 different recipes will help you be healthy and successful in the new year!

How to cleanse the body?

From year to year, it is in January, for obvious reasons, that this question becomes more pressing for many of us. Some people consider it necessary to quickly get rid of the extra money accumulated during the holidays ( kilo)grams, waste and other unnecessary internal baggage. For some, it has become a kind of ritual to start the year with “ spring cleaning» organism. One way or another, but precisely in the cold winter time The topic of detoxification comes up in conversations more often than usual.

There are many radical ways to cleanse the body. But for many of us, they may seem overly complicated and even dangerous. Not everyone will risk fasting or gradually drink olive oil in large quantities. It would be much safer (and perhaps more useful) not to “accumulate garbage” for months, but to “clean your feathers” naturally every day. The same priceless green leafy vegetables can help with this. spices and fruits and berries, combined together into cleansing drinks - green cocktails (or smoothies, if with ice).

They have more than enough advantages compared to squeezed juices. In addition to important nutrients (in an easily digestible form), whole fruit smoothies provide us with valuable fiber with all its health benefits. And if you find the opportunity to drink cleansing drinks 30-40 minutes before the rest of the meal, then it is possible that you will soon notice weight loss. After all, after such a densely packed start with nutritional wealth, the body may no longer need the usual amount of calories (often “empty” from sweet or salty snacks). By including a green smoothie in your daily menu, you will bring significant benefits to your health, not excluding excess weight loss.

Briefly about the advantages of green smoothies

  • They contain much more nutrients (especially vitamins A, C and K, folic acid, calcium and iron) and fewer calories compared to conventional smoothies made from sweet fruits and berries.
  • Green smoothies are a convenient way to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. And, according to medical scientists, they need to be consumed no less than 100,000 in order to protect themselves from chronic diseases. In one average serving of a cocktail (smoothie) costing 150 - 200 calories, we can easily get at least a quarter, or even a third, of the recommended amount. We have already spoken about the uniqueness of green leafy vegetables more than once. and you can find out more.
  • By consuming green smoothies for breakfast, we not only initiate the process of cleansing the body, but also nourish it at its very core. effective form. As you know, nutrients are absorbed much better from carefully crushed liquid forms (cocktails, juices, smoothies) compared to others.
  • If you need to improve the functioning of your digestive tract, then green smoothies can help here too, thanks to the abundance of fiber from fruits and leafy vegetables. This means that waste and toxins will be eliminated from the body regularly ( no delays), which, as we well know, has an impact on overall health (including immunity and weight control).

Not everyone is happy to welcome greens in a glass. Using a home example, I can advise starting with a smaller amount than in the recipe, gradually increasing it to the required amount. You can reliably “hide” greens using blueberries. Masks everything!

What fruits and vegetables are best for making green smoothies?

Even in the winter season, which is much more stingy with fresh vegetables and fruits, you can manage to prepare cocktails with herbs. Cabbage varieties, beets and pre-frozen fruits and berries will be used. If you have a large freezer, this alternative to preparing things for future use is much more useful than grandma’s compotes and jam!

For the cocktail you can use:

Fresh and frozen fruits and berries: pear, peaches, grapes, papaya, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, lemon, apple, banana, orange, pineapple.

Greens for smoothies the following is suitable: cabbage (kale - especially!), lettuce, spinach, arugula, parsley, cilantro, basil, mint, cucumber, celery greens. (IN winter time You can use green leaves frozen from summer).

What else can you add to a cocktail?

To make it more filling, use nut butter (about 1 tablespoon per serving) and/or unsweetened, low-fat yogurt. Instead of water, you can use milk (I recommend vegan milk). If your blender has increased power, then you can add 1 teaspoon of flaxseed (add healthy Omega-3) or chi seeds into it.

What are the features of preparing a winter cocktail?

At this time, in my opinion, you can do without ice and use more spices due to their warming effect. And above all - ginger and cinnamon - to help the immune system to resist flu and colds. In addition, cinnamon, as we know, is involved in normalizing blood sugar levels, and the sharp-tasting ginger helps better digestion and has a detoxifying effect. ( Find the recipes below.).

What are the calories in green shakes/smoothies?

It all depends on what is included in the product. Standard serving as given below classic recipe provides just over 100 calories. Nut butter will add about 100 more calories, yogurt or milk from 40 to 100 calories.

Are there any contraindications?

As elsewhere, moderation is important here. Each of us has our own and depends on general condition health taken medical supplies, features of the digestive tract. In particular, if you have contraindications for taking vitamin K (it is also found in very large quantities in green leaves and cabbage), it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before adding cocktails to your diet.

You can learn more about the benefits of green smoothies and the technology for their preparation here:


4 variations of the classic green cocktail


(my choice for every day)

(2 servings)

  • 1 apple (sliced, skin included, if “organic”)
  • 1 cup spinach leaves or kale (or cabbage)
  • ½ cup parsley (optional)
  • ½ glass of water and/or
  • ice (3 cubes) - optional

Place the ingredients in a blender and blend thoroughly, adding water and ice as needed.

Nutritional properties:

Per serving: 125 calories; 0 g fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 32 g carbohydrates; 25 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 2 g protein; GN 10.


Tropical taste

  • 1 orange, peeled
  • 1/2 cup pineapple chunks, frozen
  • ½ -1 banana (depending on desired sweetness)
  • 1 cup fresh spinach or romaine lettuce
  • ice cubes and/or water


  • 1 cup strawberries (can be frozen)
  • ½ -1 banana (depending on desired sweetness)
  • 1 cup spinach leaves
  • handful of parsley leaves

4 options for cabbage cocktails

Special mention should be made about them. In the winter season, like a lifesaver, cabbage often replaces many other vegetables and fruits that are unavailable to us at this time. (ABOUT useful composition cabbage varieties can be viewed.) Some tips on cooking technology:

1. It will be better if you first grind the cabbage in a blender with a small amount of liquid. Only then add the frozen ingredients and grind them further until smooth.

2. You can place the cabbage in the freezer in advance by placing it in a bag. This step seems to eliminate the strong cabbage taste. Works as one of my family's green smoothie disguises. The same applies to kale.

Classic (Tart) Kale Smoothie

(2 servings 120 calories)

  • 2 cups raw chopped broccoli
  • 1/2 cup chopped cabbage
  • 1/4 cup celery stalk, chopped into pieces
  • 1/2 cup apple juice or 2 green apples
  • ice cubes and/or water (as needed)


1 serving 125 calories

  • 1 cup raw chopped broccoli
  • 1 cup seedless grapes (I use dark ones)
  • ice cubes and/or water (as needed)

"Ice Beetroot"

1 serving 88 calories

This recipe is especially good for athletes who require increased endurance. The secret is the combination of beets and spinach.

  • 1 medium sized beetroot, raw and cut into pieces
  • 1 sweet red pepper, peeled and cut into pieces
  • 1 cup spinach leaves (or kale)
  • 1 tsp chopped ginger root
  • ½ tsp. lemon juice
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • water, ice cubes


2 servings 150 calories

  • 4 cups cabbage
  • 1 banana, pre-frozen (1 hour minimum)
  • 1 cup strawberries or blueberries, frozen
  • Stevia (to taste) or Orange juice(about ¼ cup)
  • 4 ice cubes
  • 1- 1.5 glasses of water

First, grind the cabbage in a blender with water. Then add other ingredients and bring everything to a homogeneous consistency.

2 Hearty cocktails

Protein green smoothie

1 serving 217 calories 0 g fat 14 g protein

Particularly good for weight control . This refreshing, green-packed smoothie is formulated with Greek yogurt (which has twice the protein) to balance out the protein and carbohydrate content. Most commercially produced cocktails contain predominantly only carbohydrates, which has an unfavorable effect on the value (GL) of the product and can provoke sharp jumps in insulin release .


1. Place spinach, cucumber, celery and water in a blender. Grind thoroughly until a homogeneous liquid consistency is obtained.

2. Add banana, pineapple, yogurt and ice cubes. Grind again to obtain a homogeneous smoothie.

Nut milk smoothie

1 serving 270 calories 9 g protein

  • 1 cup vegan milk of choice (I use unsweetened almond)
  • 1 tbsp. nut butter (peanut or almond)
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 cup spinach leaves
  • about 1/2 cup water
  • 3 ice cubes

3 Spiced cocktails

Ginger green cleanser (hearty too)

1 serving (260 calories with honey, 200 with stevia)

from ChefMD's Big Book of Culinary Medicine

  • 2 kale leaves
  • 1 cup spinach leaves
  • 1 green apple, cut into pieces, without core, but with skin if organic)
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1/4 avocado (without peel)
  • Fresh lemon juice (to taste)
  • a little fresh ginger (1 cm in size), peeled and chopped
  • honey to taste or 1/8 tsp. stevia
  • water and/or 3-4 ice cubes

Smoothie “Autumn Assorted”

2 servings for 125 calories

  • 1 small apple, cut into pieces, without core, but with skin if organic)
  • 1 small carrot, cut into pieces
  • 1 cup kale leaves
  • 1-2 cm piece of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
  • 1 banana, it is better to keep it in the freezer for 1 hour first
  • 1 glass of water or more as needed

“Not-only-pear” in chocolate

(and serve well for dessert!)

1 serving 210 calories with stevia,230 with honey

1 serving 210 calories with stevia, 230 with honey

  • 1 medium pear, halved, skin but core removed
  • 1 cup vegan milk (I use unsweetened almond milk)
  • 1 cup spinach leaves
  • 1 tbsp. cocoa good quality(better unprocessed)
  • a little stevia or honey or agave
  • a little cinnamon
  • water and/or 3-4 ice cubes

Prepare as usual.

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