Life of the verb. Vera Glagoleva: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. She was joyful and smiling: Vera Glagoleva came to Rodion Nakhapetov in a dream

TASS-DOSIER. On August 16, 2017, it became known that in Germany, at the age of 62, she died People's Artist RF Vera Glagoleva.

Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva was born on January 31, 1956 in Moscow. Father - Vitaly Pavlovich Glagolev (1930-2007), teacher of physics and biology, mother - Galina Naumovna Glagoleva (1929-2010) - worked as a teacher lower grades, then she was deputy director of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills.

In 1974 she graduated high school in Moscow. She was engaged in archery, played for the youth team of the capital, at the age of 16 she became a master of sports in shooting.

In 1962-1966 she lived in the GDR (now Germany), where her parents worked at a school with a group of Soviet troops.

Shortly after graduating from school, Glagoleva, at the invitation of a friend, came to the Mosfilm film studio, where she was noticed by actor and director Rodion Nakhapetov. He invited her to play the role of the girl Sima in his film "To the End of the World ..." (1975). The success of the film made Glagolev refuse to continue sports career and devote himself to cinema.

In 1977, she played the role of Varya in the film by Anatoly Efros "On Thursday and Never Again", after which the director invited her to work at the Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. However, Glagoleva refused, which, according to her, she later regretted.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Glagoleva acted in films a lot. According to critics, her acting role is fragile, sublime and poetic, but at the same time spiritually strong and independent women. Widespread popularity came to the actress in 1985 after the release of Vitaly Melnikov's melodrama "Marry the Captain", where Glagoleva played along with Viktor Proskurin. For the role of Lena in this film, she was recognized best actress 1986 according to a survey of the Soviet Screen magazine.

not received a professional acting education Glagoleva played roles in almost 50 films and television films, including in the films "Sincerely Yours ..." (1985), "Descended from Heaven" (1986), "Poor Sasha" (1997), the television series "Maroseyka, 12 "(2000) and others.

The directorial debut of the actress was the psychological melodrama Broken Light (1990) about unemployed actors. However, at the end of filming, the picture was never released due to copyright issues, the audience was able to see it only after 11 years. After the failure with the release of Broken Light, Glagoleva did not direct for many years. Her next work - the drama "Order" - was released only in 2005, in which Glagoleva also acted as the scriptwriter.

A year later, she filmed the melodrama "Ferris Wheel", which in 2008 received the Grand Prix of the First All-Russian Film Festival "Golden Phoenix" in Smolensk. In 2010, her film "One War" about the fate of women during the Great Patriotic War was released, in 2012 - the melodrama "Random Acquaintances". The tape "Two Women" (2014) based on Ivan Turgenev's play "A Month in the Country" was already created by Vera Glagoleva as a screenwriter, director and producer.

Theatrical works by Glagoleva - "Pose of an emigrant" (1998, Anton Chekhov Theater); "Russian roulette. Female version" (1999, entreprise "Mosfilm-TV"), "Under the blue sky" (2006, Studio Theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov).

In 2011-2014, she directed one of the workshops of the Theater Department of the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino".

Member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation.

She was a member of the jury of the KVN television game (since 2008).

People's Artist of Russia (2011).

Winner of many prizes at Russian and foreign film festivals, including ten awards for the drama "One War" ("Golden Nymph" of the 50th Monte Carlo Film Festival for directing, Grand Prix and the Audience Award at the 17th Russian Film Festival in Honfleur and others).

In 1976-1989 she was married to actor and director Rodion Nakhapetov. Since 1990, she has been married to businessman Kirill Shubsky. From her first marriage, she had daughters Anna Nakhapetova (born in 1978; actress, ballerina) and Maria Nakhapetova (born in 1980, computer graphics specialist). Daughter from a second marriage, Anastasia Ovechkina (born in 1993) is a graduate of the All-Russian state institution cinematography them. S. A. Gerasimova, actress. Her husband is a hockey player, three-time world champion Alexander Ovechkin.

Serious health problems for the actress and director began after the betrayal of her beloved men, according to her entourage

The news of the death of Vera GLAGOLEVOY took by surprise not only her fans, but even people from inner circle actress and director. As it turned out, she died after a long battle with stomach cancer. Vera Vitalievna flew for a consultation to one of the clinics in Germany (her brother Boris lives in this country), and a few hours after visiting the hospital she was gone.

Learning about death Glagoleva, her colleague Elena Valyushkina, the star of the movie hits “Formula of Love” and “Bitter!”, wrote on her page on the social network:

When a woman is betrayed, and not once, but twice - by her beloved men, but she gets up and continues to live, create, raise children, not show her appearance, win, delight, make a movie. And this vile pain gnaws from the inside, tears, does not let you sleep, does not go away with time. This is how cancer starts. These are my thoughts...

According to friends, Glagoleva did not like to share her problems with others and tried to hide them even from her relatives.

Only from the first love, which revealed in 16-year-old Vera the opportunity to admire the object of attention with all her heart, the actress left a feeling of incredible purity, romantic flair and slight naivety.

My first love is very talented person, musician, - our heroine shared. - I thought then that it was a feeling of something else, a feeling of joy when you walk by the hand.

By that time, in front of the future movie star and her older brother Boris, the family of their parents broke up.

Once upon a summer holidays Verochka and Borya went with their father Vitaly Pavlovich on a kayaking trip. A colleague of the pope with her child also sailed with them.

Returning to Moscow, the children complained to their mother that during the trip, dad paid too much attention to someone else's aunt and constantly fiddled with her offspring. Scandal erupted. Vitaly Pavlovich packed his things and left the house. Soon he left the prosperous capital for the North, where he started a new family.

From the marriage with Rodion NAKHAPETOV, GLAGOLEVOY left two daughters ... Frame of the RUSSIA 1 channel

Jump the brink

With first husband Rodion Nakhapetov- Glagoleva met when she was 18 and he was 30. Together with a friend working at Mosfilm, Vera, who was then fond of archery and became a master of sports, came to watch the film.

In the buffet, a girl in trendy trumpet pants flared from the hip was noticed by the operator Vladimir Klimov. It was he who invited her to audition for the tape "To the End of the World ...", which was filmed by Rodion.

The novel of Nakhapetov and Vera began before my eyes, - the actor told the author of these lines Vadim Mikheenko, who played one of the roles in the tape, father Egor Beroev. - Rodion insisted that we be attentive to each other, because we had to play love, vivid emotions. Once she broke into my hotel room, although I did not let her in because I was spending time with a prostitute. Seeing this disgrace, she began to treat Nakhapetov differently - he never allowed such liberties.

... Anna became a ballerina, and Maria tried herself as an actress. A photo:

According to Mikheenko, it was impossible to take your eyes off Glagoleva at that time.

Rodion was terribly jealous of her for me, ”Vadim continues. - Once an American friend of mine came to Moscow, and in the evening we gathered in a cafe with guys and girls. There was also Vera. But soon Nakhapetov flew in and took his beloved away. I understand him: when you work with a person, you are engaged in creativity, you cannot be distracted by some other things, you cannot cross the line. I was calm about this, and Rodion was anxious. I learned this trepidation from him.

The couple had two daughters - Anya and Masha. The presence of children did not interfere at all successful career spouses. Vera also starred with her husband (they have five joint films), and accepted invitations from other directors.

In 1987, Nakhapetov finished work on the film "At the end of the night", in which, alas, there was no place for his wife. It was this picture, bought for display in the United States, that broke their marriage. Nakhapetov decided that he had a chance to gain a foothold in America, and without thinking twice flew overseas. Secretly from his family, who were patiently waiting for his return to his homeland, he had an affair with a US citizen, a film producer Natalya Shlyapnikoff born into a family of Russian emigrants. Having broken with Vera, he became Natasha's husband.

Life is a complicated thing, - Nakhapetov commented on this situation to me. - I am sure that Vera would have taken place in life without me. To some extent, I helped her at the beginning of her career, they paid attention to her, and then her talent and charisma played. Then she herself became a director ... When our girls were little, they often talked with Glagoleva, and then they didn’t have general issues, daughters no longer need guardianship. Although my relationship with them has never been interrupted, they often visit my home in America. By the way, I raised my wife Natasha's daughter from the age of five and also consider mine.

Crazy Gift

In 1991, 35-year-old Glagoleva met a 27-year-old businessman Kirill Shubsky. It happened in Odessa during the Golden Duke festival. Fascinated by the gallantry of the young millionaire, Vera, without thinking twice, invited him to invest in domestic cinema. Cyril refused, but did not stop courting the actress, and later they got married.

A daughter, Nastya, was born in the family, the one who became the wife of a hockey player Alexandra Ovechkina.

When our father Rodion Nakhapetov left my mother, it was insanely hard for her, because she loved him very much, - she recalled eldest daughter actress Anna. - Then I was very happy that my mother had a new man. Kirill treated my sister Masha and me like our own daughters. When Nastya appeared with them, he did not distinguish between us, many men do not treat their own children the way he treats us. She and her mother got married in the church, and Masha and I carried crowns, which they then put on their heads. Everything was beautiful.

Ironically, both Vera's husbands were born on the same day - January 21st. That's just Rodion Nakhapetov suits Kirill Shubsky as a father. The first husband of the actress is exactly 20 years older than the second. Alas, just as in alliance with Nakhapetov, during her marriage to Shubsky, our heroine had to endure the vile betrayal of her beloved.

When they were not even four years old with Glagoleva's daughter, Kirill was part of the delegation of the national Olympic Committee, where he entered, flew on a business trip to Lausanne. TV presenter in Switzerland Julia Bordovskikh introduced a millionaire to a friend - a gymnast Svetlana Khorkina.

The son of Svetlana KHORKINA Svyatoslav is very similar to his father. Photo by Boris KUDRYAVOV / website

Kirill turned out to be not only a pleasant companion, but also a gallant gentleman: as soon as we were at the lake, he threw his light cashmere coat over my chilled shoulders, Khorkina described this moment in her memoirs.

According to the gymnast, her new acquaintance immediately decided to give her mobile phone. To hear her voice at the first desire.

Crazy gift for those times! - said the gymnast. - We often called each other, whenever possible, he flew to Moscow to support me at the championships and Cups of Russia, was in the support group at the European Championships in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and then in Sydney. He was always there, both in the most difficult and in the happiest moments of my sports life.

A few years later, Khorkina realized that she was pregnant from a married boyfriend. True, Shubsky was not at all happy about this news. At his insistence, the athlete gave birth in Los Angeles under a false name:

The person from whom I was expecting a child hid me from everyone. He didn’t want to advertise our relationship, so he tried not to show me to any of his compatriots, ”Khorkina recalled. And she clarified that after the birth of their son Svyatoslav in July 2005, an end was put in an exhausting relationship.

The millionaire officially recognized the child only a few years later, when peace and harmony returned to his marriage with Glagoleva, who managed to forgive the missus for a long trip to the side.

Wisdom in relationships comes only with age, - Vera Vitalievna sighed. - I was able to leave behind all the bad things that happened between us.

Shattered plans

AT last years Glagoleva was engaged in raising her grandchildren and went to work with her head.

I just don't believe in Verochka's death, - the actor barely holds back his tears Valery Garkalin. - So smart, gentle, talented. I didn't know about her terrible disease... When my beloved wife Katya was alive, we were friends with families - she and Kirill and I and Ekaterina. And then my wife passed away and I had two heart attacks. I stopped communicating with many, but I kept in touch with Verochka, at least by phone. I was glad for her that she smoothly became a director, filmed real psychological pictures, each of which became a discovery for me. Her life was in full swing...

Russian cinema cannot be imagined without this person. Bright actress, who easily succeeds in comedic and dramatic images, has become the standard of a simple Soviet woman. Vera Glagoleva, whose biography will be discussed below, realized herself not only as a sought-after actress, but also as a director.

"Random" debut

Vera was born in 1956. Her parents-teachers had nothing to do with cinema. The girl herself, like her older brother Boris, did not think of getting on the screens. Vera's grandfather, who in the 1930s served in design office for the production of high-speed trains, allocated an apartment on Patriarch's Ponds, where she spent her childhood. Only at the age of 6 did the girl move with her parents to a new apartment.

Biography of Vera Glagoleva knows a lot interesting facts, testifying to the time when she was just starting her first creative steps. However, as mentioned earlier, she did not want to become an actress. Even in high school, Vera seriously took up athletics, was fond of archery, got into the youth team and even became a master of sports. True, the roads of fate still brought her to the set. In 1974, having barely finished school, Glagoleva went on an excursion to the Mosfilm studio. Coincidence or not, but then the assistant director, who was preparing the production of a new film, drew attention to her. So Vera got leading role Sims in the teenage melodrama "To the End of the World".

Love is near

The picture was staged by Rodion Nakhapetov. The biography of Vera Glagoleva also includes a curious fact that will be of interest to all her fans. On the set of Nakhapetov, who older than Glagoleva for 12 years, literally fell in love with an 18-year-old girl. Between them began a relationship that was not immediately accepted by others. Be that as it may, Nakhapetov became Vera Vitalievna's first love, she soon married him and starred in several of his films.

Impressed by Glagoleva's performance, Anatoly Efros invites her to the youth drama "On Thursday and Never Again". He was pleased with the work of an unprofessional actress and called Vera to the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Glagoleva long remembered the missed opportunity, but then she refused to accept the invitation.

No breaks

Born in the late 70s new star- actress Vera Glagoleva. Vera's biography notes the fact that she played her first roles in a dramatic role. She succeeded so much that long years became a trump card. In 1978, Vera starred in the films Enemies and Suspicious, and later tried herself in the military epic genre, playing a minor role in Starfall. In the same period, Glagoleva's first daughter Anna was born. Now she dances leading roles at the Bolshoi Theater, but she started as an actress. It is noteworthy that in the film "Sunday Dad" she starred with her mother, playing the daughter of her heroine.

Personality, character, features of images

Vera Glagoleva is distinguished by the unique manner of performing each of her roles. And this despite the fact that she does not have the appropriate education. She harmoniously combines fragility and plasticity, which allowed her to become the leading actress of the 80s.

The biography of Vera Glagoleva contains information that characterizes her on the other hand - in 1990 she made her debut as a director for the first time. It was the drama "Broken Light" in which she also starred. Success in the new role was warmly received by critics - not so much that Glagoleva felt like a great director, but enough to sometimes sit in the director's chair.

This is the most "sometimes" for her creative activity, she will embody more than once. The biography of Vera Glagoleva is also interesting in that some of her works as a director won prestigious awards at various festivals. So, this applies to the films “Order”, “Ferris Wheel” and “One War”, which deserved the “Golden Phoenix” and “Pacific Meridian”. In 2012, Vera Vitalievna shoots the comedy melodrama “Random Acquaintances”, and two years later she sets the bar high for herself - a free adaptation of Turgenev’s play, which “resulted” in the film “Two Women”. Glagoleva managed to invite the Hollywood actor Ralph Fiennes to the main male image.

Public favorite Vera Glagoleva: biography, personal life

Any success brings with it a wave of speculation and gossip. Vera Vitalievna was no exception general rule and fully felt the “benevolent” attitude of the press, willingly washing her bones not only in connection with the release of the next picture, but also because of her divorce from Rodion Nakhapetov. In 1980, his second daughter, Maria, was born from him. And although she starred in her father's film "Infection", she did not become a professional actress. Long time she lived in America, has now returned to Russia.

Acquaintance with businessman Kirill Shubsky grew into official marriage, from which the third daughter Glagoleva Nastasya was born. After graduating from VGIK, today the girl is engaged in producing activities.

Biography of actress Vera Glagoleva: main achievements

The track record of the favorite star of the Soviet screen includes more than 60 films, in which Vera began acting as a teenager. The actress often appeared before the audience in various roles, but her dramatic path remains the main one, of course. She appeared on television more than once, participated in talk shows, was remembered for such films as “Descended from Heaven”, “Marry the Captain”, “Poor Sasha”. accumulated over the years invaluable experience, Glagoleva generously shares it with novice actors - she heads the theater workshop of the Ostankino Broadcasting Institute.

Some friends of Vera Glagoleva believe that serious problems her health was provoked by the betrayals of her beloved men.

The news of the death of the actress shocked not only her fans, but even people from her inner circle. As it turned out, Glagoleva struggled with stomach cancer for a long time. Vera Vitalievna flew off for a consultation to one of the clinics in Germany, in which, by the way, her brother Boris lives, and a few hours after visiting the hospital she died.

Upon learning of the death of Glagoleva, her colleague Elena Valyushkina, the star of "Formula of Love" and "Bitter!", Wrote on her Instagram page: " When a woman is betrayed, and not once, but twice - by her beloved men, but she gets up and continues to live, create, raise children, not show her appearance, win, delight, make a movie. And this vile pain gnaws from the inside, tears, does not let you sleep, does not go away with time. This is how cancer starts. These are my thoughts…»

According to friends, Glagoleva did not like to share her problems with others and tried to hide them even from her relatives. Only from her first love, which revealed in 16-year-old Vera the opportunity to admire her beloved with all her heart, the actress had a feeling of incredible purity, romantic flair and slight naivety .

« My first love is a very talented person, a musician- shared Vera Glagoleva. - I thought then that it was a feeling of something else, a feeling of joy when you walk by the hand».

By that time, in front of Vera and her older brother Boris, the family of their parents had broken up. Once, during the summer holidays, Vera and Borya went on a kayaking trip with their father Vitaly Pavlovich. A colleague of the pope with her child also sailed with them.
Returning to Moscow, the children told their mother that during the trip, dad paid too much attention to someone else's aunt and constantly fiddled with her offspring. Scandal erupted. Vitaly Pavlovich packed his things and left the house. Soon he left for the North, where he married again.

Glagoleva met her first husband, Rodion Nakhapetov, when she was 18 and he was 30. Together with a friend working at Mosfilm, Vera, who was then fond of archery and became a master of sports, came to watch the film. In the buffet, a girl in trendy trumpet pants flared from the hip was noticed by operator Vladimir Klimov. It was he who invited her to audition for the tape "To the End of the World ...", which was filmed by Rodion.

« The romance of Nakhapetov and Vera began before my eyes, - said the actor Vadim Mikheenko, who played one of the roles in the tape, the father of Yegor Beroev. - Rodion insisted that we be attentive to each other, because we had to play love, vivid emotions. Once she broke into my hotel room, although I did not let her in because I was spending time with a prostitute. Seeing this disgrace, she began to treat Nakhapetov differently - he never allowed such liberties».

According to Mikheenko, it was impossible to take your eyes off Glagoleva at that time.
« Rodion was terribly jealous of her for me- continues Vadim. - Once an American friend of mine came to Moscow, and in the evening we gathered in a cafe with guys and girls. There was also Vera. But soon Nakhapetov flew in and took his beloved away. I understand him: when you work with a person, you are engaged in creativity, you cannot be distracted by some other things, you cannot cross the line. I was calm about this, and Rodion was anxious. This trepidation I learned from him».

The couple had two daughters - Anya and Masha. The appearance of children did not interfere with the successful career of the spouses. Vera also starred with her husband (they have five joint films), and accepted invitations from other directors.

In 1987, Nakhapetov finished work on the film "At the end of the night", in which, alas, there was no place for his wife. It was this picture, bought for display in the United States, that destroyed their marriage. Nakhapetov decided that he had a chance to gain a foothold in America, and without thinking twice flew overseas. Secretly from the family, who were patiently waiting for his return to his homeland, he had an affair with a US citizen, film producer Natalia Shlyapnikoff, who was born into a family of Russian emigrants. Having broken with Vera, he married Natasha.

« Life is complicated, - Nakhapetov commented on this situation. - I am sure that Vera would have taken place in life without me. To some extent, I helped her at the beginning of her career, they paid attention to her, and then her talent and charisma played. Then she herself became a director ... When our girls were little, they often talked with Glagoleva, and then they didn’t have common questions, their daughters no longer needed guardianship. Although my relationship with them has never been interrupted, they often visit my home in America. By the way, I raised the daughter of my wife Natasha from the age of five and also consider it my own.».

Rodion Nakhapetov with his wife Natasha, daughters Anna and Maria and Nastya Shubskaya

In 1991, 35-year-old Glagoleva met 27-year-old businessman Kirill Shubsky. It happened in Odessa during the Golden Duke festival. Fascinated by the gallantry of the young millionaire, Vera, without thinking twice, invited him to invest in domestic cinema. Cyril refused, but did not stop courting the actress, and later they got married. The family had a daughter, Nastya, who recently married hockey player Alexander Ovechkin.

« When our father Rodion Nakhapetov left my mother, it was insanely hard for her, because she loved him very much- recalled the eldest daughter of actress Anna. - Then I was very happy that my mother had a new man. Kirill treated my sister Masha and me like our own daughters. When Nastya appeared with them, he did not distinguish between us, many men do not treat their own children the way he treats us. She and her mother got married in the church, and Masha and I carried crowns, which they then put on their heads. Everything was beautiful».

Ironically, both Vera's husbands were born on the same day - January 21st. That's just Rodion Nakhapetov suits Kirill Shubsky as a father. The first husband of the actress is exactly 20 years older than the second. Alas, just as in alliance with Nakhapetov, during her marriage to Shubsky, Vera Glagoleva had to endure the vile betrayal of her beloved.

When they and Glagoleva's daughter were not even four years old, Cyril, as part of the delegation of the National Olympic Committee, where he was a member, flew on a business trip to Lausanne. In Switzerland, TV presenter Yulia Bordovskikh introduced the millionaire to her friend, gymnast Svetlana Khorkina.

« Kirill turned out to be not only a pleasant companion, but also a gallant gentleman: as soon as we were at the lake, he threw his light cashmere coat over my chilled shoulders., - Khorkina described this moment in her memoirs.

According to the gymnast, her new acquaintance immediately decided to give her a mobile phone. To hear her voice at the first desire. " Crazy gift for those times!- said the gymnast. - We often called each other, at every opportunity he flew to Moscow to support me at the championships and Cups of Russia, he was in the support group at the European Championships in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and then in Sydney. He was always there, both in the most difficult and in the happiest moments of my sports life.».

A few years later, Khorkina realized that she was pregnant from a married boyfriend. True, Shubsky was not at all happy about this news. At his insistence, the athlete gave birth in Los Angeles under a false name.

« The person from whom I was expecting a child hid me from everyone. He did not want to advertise our relationship, so he tried not to show me to any of his compatriots, Khorkina recalled. And she clarified that after the birth of their son Svyatoslav in July 2005, an end was put in their relationship.

The millionaire officially recognized the child only a few years later, when peace and harmony returned to his marriage with Glagoleva, who managed to forgive her husband for a long trip to the side.

« Wisdom in relationships only comes with age.- sighed Vera Vitalievna. - I was able to leave behind all the bad things between us».

In recent years, Glagoleva has been raising her grandchildren and has plunged into work.
« I just don't believe in Verochka's death, - actor Valery Garkalin barely holds back tears. - So smart, gentle, talented. I did not know about her terrible illness ... When my beloved wife Katya was alive, we were friends with families - she and Kirill and I and Ekaterina. And then my wife passed away and I had two heart attacks. I stopped communicating with many, but I kept in touch with Verochka, at least by phone. I was glad for her that she became a director, she shot real psychological pictures, each of which became a discovery for me. Her life was in full swing…»

« Verochka is a real filmmaker, our comrade-in-arms,- confirms the words of Garkalin operator Alexander Nosovsky, who worked for her last movie"Clay Pit" - She was maximalist both in details and in general. I didn't know that Veruni had such a serious illness now just in shock. She called me four days before her death. We discussed what was left to finish in our film. We planned to work at the end of September in Kazakhstan. I don't know what will happen to the painting now. Vera was really looking forward to these species shots. She wanted the tape to be visually beautiful. She herself remained a beauty to the last, she looked good. I don't believe she doesn't exist. I do not believe…»

Personal life

In 2006, Anna Nakhapetova, the eldest daughter of Glagoleva, marries. Soon the actress becomes a grandmother for the first time - granddaughter Polina is born. In the same year, the film "Ferris Wheel", another work by director Vera Glagoleva, is released. 2007 was marked by the marriage of the middle daughter, Maria, the birth of her grandson Cyril and the death of Vitaly Pavlovich, Glagoleva's father.

In 2009, the film "One War" was released. It raises a complex ethical problem from the time of the Great patriotic war: tape talks about Soviet women who became pregnant and gave birth to the soldiers of the invader. Glagoleva is not only a director, but also a producer. Despite the fact that the film collected more than 30 awards at various competitions and festivals, it did not get into wide release. The complex drama fell out of favor with theaters.

year 2014. Glagoleva takes on the film adaptation of the work of I.S. Turgenev “A Month in the Village”. This is the same play, in the theatrical embodiment of which she was invited back in 1977 by Anatoly Efros. In addition to directing, Vera Vitalievna, in reverence for Turgenev, writes the script, and also takes on the work of the producer. The result of the project - the film "Two Women" - was awarded the Grand Prix at three film festivals.

In the period 2011-2014, Vera Vitalievna cooperates with the MITRO Institute as a leader theater studio. She can be seen on the jury of the Major League of KVN, on a TV show. In 2016, Glagoleva's third daughter Anastasia marries world hockey champion Alexander Ovechkin.

March 2017. Glagoleva starts filming Clay Pit. On August 16, 2017, she unexpectedly dies. The cause of death is stomach cancer. The film producer Natalya Ivanova is finishing the shooting of the film.

In 2018, at Kinotavr, our heroine is awarded a special prize as an actress and director who taught the pursuit of a dream. Posthumously.

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