The meaning of the female name Albina: softness and severity rolled into one. The meaning of the name Albina

The name Albina belongs to a group of German Catholic names. The origin of the name Albina is associated with the Latin nickname Albinus ("albus" - white). There is an opinion that the name is formed from the name of Alba (Albina). Very common in the USA and European countries (Czech Republic, Poland), in. The meaning of the name Albina speaks of a strict and measured personality.

The meaning of the name Albina spelled

The church name of Albina is not provided, because it is more used in Catholicism.

The meaning of the name Albina for a girl

Little Albina is a very active child. She is constantly busy with business: dancing, singing, jumping, laughing. This girl lacks balance. From adults, she constantly expects praise, even if she outlined all the wallpapers in the house. She believes that everyone should notice only her virtues. Parents are obliged to be attentive to the upbringing of Albina. Punishments and reprimands (only within reasonable educational limits) will not be superfluous.

The girl Albina constantly needs to instill a sense of respect for people. If the parents do not pay attention to this, then the adult Albina may have a terrible self-conceit. Does not refuse to help mom / grandmother. She loves to cook and clean the house. The meaning of the name Albina for a girl speaks of capriciousness. This can cause problems at school.

A girl with that name, born in winter, is very quick-tempered, in autumn she knows how to control herself, in summer she is active and emotional, in spring she is arrogant and vulnerable. The meaning of this name speaks of a living girl. She loves to fantasize. She remembers well what caused strong emotions in her.

Predisposed to water sports.


Two sides - that's what the name Albina means for her character. She can be impregnable and cold, show willpower and firmness of character. On another day, she is accommodating and soft, with might and main shows charm and joy. Weakness Albina is her pride. She can become angry in a few seconds. Offended Albina is extremely arrogant and proud.

He does not like quarrels, but he does not avoid them either. If her opponent is too aggressive, Albina will not accept the challenge. She will remain indifferent to any screams and will only give her opponent a contemptuous look. The quarrel only worsens from her usual behavior.

Albina knows how to control herself and considers this her advantage over the others. To many, she may seem rude and even boorish, because Albina does not tend to listen to other people's opinions and understand other people's feelings.

She knows how to manage people and herself. Does not go on about the feelings and emotions. He knows how to hurt a person with just words and where to hit so that the enemy retreats defeated.

It is better never to argue with her, not to test her. She will win and humiliate you as much as possible. Albina is inclined to start a quarrel in order to prove her strength and advantage to herself. He does a lot just to impress others.

Prone to euphoria, which develops into prolonged depression.

Profession and career

Albina's calmness and coldness help her in her career. She can outplay anyone in a business conflict. Such a girl is the immediate leader. Her inability to succumb to strangers, and own feelings makes her an iron lady in any crisis situation. The characteristic of the name Albina speaks of her success in any business.

Knows how to manipulate people, so it is better to choose a profession that is directly related to communication. She can become an excellent sales representative, consultant, broker. Good Albina in teaching. Such a girl is not inclined to pursue a prestigious position, it is important that she can express herself. Inclined to make discoveries in professional creative activity.

Willingly takes part in public life. Sees more joy in self-development (narcissism, if poorly brought up), than in the work process. Has good intuition.


Often forgets that you need to sympathize and feel sorry for loved ones. She does not know how to accept people for who they really are, so she tends to be disappointed in them for no reason. It is typical for her to quickly find and lose friends.

He does not tolerate ridicule. For this, she can turn from friend into enemy, and take revenge with all the grace and deceit that is inherent in her.

All these qualities do not mean at all that Albina is devoid of kindness. The interpretation of the name indicates that she defends her pride only when she feels threatened. At other times, this girl is calm and sweet. She has a very rich inner world. She is true friend and hospitable hostess.

Takes to heart all failures, even strangers and the most insignificant. She can not keep feelings in herself, otherwise she will get a nervous breakdown.

Romantic relationship

She is well aware of her own uniqueness. Because of this, it becomes arrogant. He does not like obsession, therefore he does not tolerate quick love from men. Everything should be measured and on time so that Albina does not feel humiliated.

In choosing a partner is very picky. With difficulty finds his ideal. The interpretation of the name suggests that she will be happy if she accepts a man with all his shortcomings and comes to terms with her own. This does not mean that she should accept every weak guy. Let him just forgive his imperfection.

He knows how charming she is and knows how to use it. If she is comfortable with a man, she will give him unimaginable tenderness.

She is able to reach the heights, get rich or find a rich man, start relationships with "big" people. Powerful before marriage. Very sentimental, although he doesn't show it.


She is a leader not only in the office, but also at home. In everyday life, everything works out for her in the best possible way. Pretty practical. Even despite some indifference to the feelings of loved ones, she is ready to protect family and friends more than herself. He likes to equip his house and create comfort. Tries to comprehensively develop their children. He does not tolerate drunkenness in the house.


The meaning of the name Albina promises its owner problems with the genitourinary system and weight.

A girl will be happy if she can curb her character and see people as real. She will not be able to find the perfect husband and the perfect job to match her nature, and if she cannot accept this, she will become depressed.

In her career, on the contrary, nothing interferes with her. If she finds the desired place, she can achieve everything that she needs. Fate prepares for her the position of director.

In a relationship with her husband, discord can occur if Albina does not get rid of jealousy. Excessive coldness towards children can lead to their alienation. But following her character, Albina will be happy and healthy.

The meaning of the name Albina is quite interesting - this strong and determined woman can be either “white and fluffy” or “black sheep”, depending on which character traits will prevail.

A girl with such a rare and unusual name will definitely be in the center of everyone's attention. And therefore, from childhood, preferring the company of boys and surrounded by a crowd of fans, Albina gets used to being worshiped and put on a pedestal.

An explosive mixture of pride and dominance, embellished with charm and mystery - this is what the name Albina means.

From this name breathes the East, although it is not of Eastern origin at all. Albina values ​​herself and her individuality very much, she never wants to be one of several for someone, her most important desire is to be the one and only.

And this applies to both work and personal life or relationships with friends.

Would you name your child by this name?

Her story begins with the male nickname of Albion. The origin of the name Albina is Latin and is associated with the word "albus", which means "white" in translation.

At one time, the male version of this name was widely used, it was worn by famous commanders, scientists and philosophers. However, in the female version, this name was unknown for a long time.

On the one hand, it is completely non-Orthodox, and on the other hand, it is still quite familiar to us, Russian. After all, its ending is similar to such names as: Marina or Galina. Although it blows from Albina with some southern exoticism.

In Russia, it appeared in everyday life not so long ago, only in the 20th century, thanks to the appearance of many rare names and the popularity of the novel Albina von Schwalbach by Alexandre Dumas.

And it's still resonant and unusual name choose for their daughters quite often, despite the difficult, but very a strong character its owners.

Name Forms

Simple: Albina Full: Albina Ancient: AlbinaAffectionate: Alenka

The main secret of the name Albina lies in the fact that for all her attractiveness and temper, her character is still more masculine. It is from here that her imperiousness and tendency to dominate take roots. Alya always stands her ground, very rarely yields.

An exception may be Albina Alekseevna or Dmitrievna - for the sake of loved ones, she will gladly give up her interests.

The description of what the name Albina means is inextricably linked with emotionality and secrecy.

In an effort to show external coldness, Alya hides her true feelings.

which cannot but affect psychological state: if, due to circumstances, she has to control herself for a long time, this can even lead to depression.

It is worth noting that Albina perfectly benefits not only from all her advantages, but also from her shortcomings. Such a woman always knows what she wants, how to achieve it and who can help her with this.

The characteristic of the name Albina is energetic, decisive, domineering, but at the same time very feminine. Hot-tempered and explosive, if you managed to hurt her pride, expect a decent response - instead of screaming and tantrums, a pound of contempt, zero attention and complete indifference to the future.

When choosing a profession, only Albina's interest in her will play a decisive role, prestige or profitability do not matter.

But if Alya has already found herself, then she will be able to show herself in all her glory and will definitely succeed, in this case she will not hold endurance and restraint. Although Albina Andreevna or Evgenievna may be too principled - and then the career take-off will not be so serene.

Another characteristic for Albina is of no small importance - her sensitivity, even sentimentality. This woman is not always as strong as she wants to appear. And sometimes life's failures for a long time can knock her out of a state of peace of mind.



Strength of will








The most important thing for Albina in a relationship is attention. From youth, accustomed to universal worship, in her chosen one she will value, first of all, loyalty and devotion. It is vital for her to feel that she is desired and loved.

At the same time, Albina is a terrible owner and jealous, she can maniacally control the entire female environment of her husband, especially if she receives less attention.

She herself is a faithful wife and an ideal mistress, she easily takes care of herself and her home. Only with her husband is she ready to give up her interests, provided that he is ready to give up leadership positions in some way and, of course, loves her very much.

For the sake of the children, Alya is ready for a lot, no matter what happens and no matter how it turns out financial position, she will definitely achieve the best for her children - whether it be clothes, school or some special sections.

The meaning of the name Albina for a girl

For a girl named Albina, she herself, her thoughts and desires will always have the most importance. Very charming, independent, attractive, Alya can be aloof and even cruel with others.

This child is sure to achieve his goal thanks to his self-confidence and perseverance.

Albina is quick-tempered, impulsive, sometimes too emotional. She looks like a time bomb, which means that if the "hour has come" and the girl's pride was hurt, then the offender is clearly out of luck. Even without making scandals, this child, with his contempt, will make you regret your words or deeds.

In what way will Albina succeed?

The girl, who received the name Albina, will only do what she is interested in. And if she was not "hooked", to achieve good results it will be very difficult. She likes to communicate with people, she knows how to manage them, organize them correctly, and therefore she can connect her life with the public, in a narrow or broad sense.

The owner of this name should definitely be taught compassion and patience, the ability not to notice other people's shortcomings, or at least not openly point out them. Sensitive Albina must be taught to take life's failures calmly, the ease of perceiving failed projects will greatly help her in the future.

What games will Albina like?

This child is very active, besides, he is not deprived of talents. Albina loves to dance, sing, and just run down the street with other guys. She likes to be in the center of attention, and therefore she can even start a courtyard concert and act as the main "star".


According to the main version, the name Albina comes from the Latin word "albus", which translates from Latin as "white", "light" or "clear". In ancient Roman culture, this name was not popular, and was found only in families that were awarded high social statuses.

The female name Albina has interesting story origin and has a good significance, promising a lot of good things for a named girl, like many names. It is popular and in demand throughout Europe, and below we will discuss it in as much detail as possible ...

Conversational options: Not available

Modern English counterparts: Not available

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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According to the girl, the meaning of the name Albina promises a huge number of conflicting qualities. This is usually an effective girl who cannot sit still. She needs to develop, improve, travel, feed on the energy of adrenaline and unpredictability. She is active, tries to always be in the spotlight, does not ignore social events. Every day should be routine, not boring. If boredom comes into the life of this girl, then she can turn into an aggressive and irritable predator - it is better not to mess with this one.

An ideal mistress, a wife, can also become a good mother, but she is in no hurry to be married, because she values ​​\u200b\u200bfreedom and independence.

Advantages and positive features: energetic, active, positive and optimistic, mobile, talkative, sociable and sociable, never sits still, hardworking and purposeful.

Albins do not treat well secretive, distrustful, silent, boring and tedious people, and also do not like traitors, liars, selfish and too intrusive people.

The name Albina is absent in the name book of Orthodox Russian names and is Catholic. During baptism, it can be replaced by the names Alla or Alevtina, which are similar in sound.

The nature of the name Albina

The nature of the name Albina is such that it endows the bearer of this name form with a very difficult nature. Her inner world is colorful, she is a dreamer and has a great imagination, but her character is so complex and conflicting that not every person can put up with it. Albina has the character of a leader, the features of a future boss and businessman are good. But on the other hand, Albina is too conflicting and principled, and this can lead to disagreements with people from the environment, to their dissatisfaction with her and her behavior, to their renunciation of communication with her. Her character is such that she does not allow her to deceive people, take advantage of the weaknesses of loved ones and profit from someone's grief, and in trouble she will not leave anyone, even a little-known person, and all this is good, but there is a counterbalance to all this in the form of unwillingness to go compromise and inability to trust. Distrustful, secretive, independent and independent - it is not easy to earn her trust, she keeps all her experiences and feelings in the depths of herself, does not even trust her relatives. Only one who actually sacrifices something personal for her and her good can earn her trust. Although, despite her secrecy and distrust, she has many comrades and well-wishers.

On the other hand, it should be noted that all of the above is only a theory. The character may be quite different, and moreover, it may depend on many side factors. For example, the character can change depending on the influence of the sign of the zodiac, the year after Chinese calendar, and even the impact of the energy of the stone-talisman of the name.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a baby named after Albina is usually full of good emotions and movement. This girl has a difficult nature, but she is filled with good features in her childhood. Among their huge list are fantasy, excellent imagination, efficiency and energy, restlessness, cheerful disposition, kindness and good nature, friendliness and eloquence, honesty and justice. This girl has the ability to easily make friends, the value endows her with incredible friendliness, but she is too demanding, which can sometimes lead to conflicts with potential friends. But she is true to her principles, and even in such early age demonstrates an incredible craving for leadership - the meaning of the name Albina can turn the bearer into a leader, a person whose opinion everyone will always listen to. But there is one “but” - parents should pay attention to her upbringing, because the thirst for leadership and power can turn her into a too narcissistic and self-sufficient person. And the value of this name can give the character of this girl such a trait as uncompromisingness, which can bring many problems in communicating with people in the future - it is worth paying attention to softening this trait. On the other hand, Albina is a person with a great imagination, who cannot sit still and always has a whole list of ideas in reserve that will sooner or later come true ...


A teenage girl who received the name Albina can have a very difficult character with improper upbringing and if her parents fail to extinguish her ardor of inflated self-sufficiency and pride. The girl whose parents in childhood decided to choose rare name Albina can be quite a complex character - she is ambitious, principled, uncompromising, straightforward, always tells people the truth in the face and never yields to anyone. But this does not apply to all cases - the meaning can give rise to another nature, which is very different from the one described above. And yet, plus everything, this girl can also have a bunch of good, important qualities for a teenager girl - the value of this name can bestow honesty, diligence, responsibility, commitment and diligence, diligence and perseverance, eloquence and desire to help everyone around. Truth. There is one “but” - the fact is that she will only help those who, in her opinion, deserve it, and it’s not easy to deserve it, in everyone and always Albina always finds something that she can’t put up with. But at school, she usually has such continuous success - her leadership inclinations and ease of learning allow her to achieve good results, moreover, as in studying exact sciences and in the study of the humanities. Relations with teachers, of course, are unlikely to be ideal, the meaning of the name form Albina is to blame for this, but they will definitely respect her opinion.

grown woman

Adult Albina, as a person, and as a woman, is very complex. The meaning of this name can endow her with a bunch good performance, but along the way and a bunch of shortcomings. Her worst flaw, perhaps, is arrogance - it is this trait that repels her potential friends, but on the other hand, there is one virtue that overlaps this trait, this is the ability to remain calm and be reasonable at times when conflict is brewing. And in general, Albina, this is a person who knows how to resolve conflicts where it seems unrealistic. Well, plus everything, the value can bestow the ability to prove the case without conflict and insults, and a bunch of leadership inclinations, and excellent imagination, and creative thinking, and the ability to find solutions where they would seem to be absent, and eloquence, and sociability, and benevolence, and honesty, and fidelity, and reliability, and diligence. In fact, the meaning turns a girl named Albina into a woman with whom you can both be friends and do business. But there is also a huge “but” - she is principled and simply does not compromise most of these principles, if she has made a decision, she will not change it, even if she realizes that this decision may turn out to be detrimental or fatal. Albina can become a boss and leader. People listen to her opinion, but she has very, very few real friends, and even more like-minded people - the fault lies with her failure to trust people and get close to them ...

The interaction of the character of Albina with the seasons

Winter - this sultry and frosty period brings into our world Albina, quick-tempered, aggressive, but passionate and decisive. You can do business with this one - she is responsible, but she needs to be controlled, because she is highly dependent on emotions and mood. But passionate - the stronger sex is crazy about this, she attracts with the simplicity of her character and then manipulates.

Spring - and the mysterious springtime, on the contrary, endows the girl named by this name with a strange, secretive, sensitive, vulnerable and at the same time arrogant character. It is pleasant to communicate with her, if she wants to, she is also obligatory, but she lacks diligence and determination. She rarely brings things to an end, tries to avoid responsibility.

Summer - hot summer days, due to the combination with the origin of the name, give rise to a nature that is just as emotional, sensitive, cheerful, vulnerable and capricious, but also endows with determination, which the spring lady lacks. It’s nice to be with everyone like that - it attracts people with positive and optimistic. Ready to overcome obstacles in achieving goals, but not ready to lose independence for the sake of creating a family.

Autumn - capricious autumn months give a serious and moderate character. She doesn't know how to have fun. Guided common sense and logic, reasonable and prudent, focused on achieving their own goals, a little selfish. Demanding, especially to representatives strong half. The choice of a companion will be scrupulous. It is unlikely that she will become a housewife - her destiny, career growth and material wealth.

The fate of the name Albina

The fate of the name is the most complex and mysterious factor, but as for the specific case with the name Albina, it is still more difficult here due to lack of information. However, we do know something. So, researchers who studied the situation with such a factor as the fate of Albina came to the conclusion that in the future the bearer of this name may face too many difficulties, in particular in terms of relations with the opposite sex.

The main problem of the relationship of a girl named after Albina with representatives of the male half of humanity is that she does not know how to find a compromise. The fate of Albina suggests to her the presence of such a drawback as uncompromisingness and adherence to principles, which in turn adversely affects relationships with men. Her fate can lead her along the road of parting - she will look for a very long time for a person who is ready to give in to her in everything, compliant, complaisant, calm. But on the other hand, her fate also implies the possibility of adapting her behavior - for example, she can begin to give in to a man who is ready to give in to her, and this is already a plus, isn't it?

In general, fate is one of the most difficult factors, and it is almost impossible to predict with 100% accuracy how it will turn out. And plus everything, fate depends on many additional factors, and not only on the characteristics of the name form, but also on parental upbringing, and even on the time of year of birth.

Love and marriage

An amorous nature and a desire to quickly slip away from parental care can push Albina to an early marriage. Moreover, being in love to unconsciousness, Albina can marry a man who will not at all meet her standards and criteria. The result is one - the first marriage is unsuccessful.

But on the other hand, Albina will certainly treat her second marriage with maximum responsibility. Moreover, the husband will have to meet a whole bunch of criteria: he must respect her opinion, not be a snob, be promising in terms of material well-being and career growth, treat her as gently and gently as possible. This is certainly difficult to find, but Albina is not one of those who give up ahead of time.

Married to a husband who meets all her criteria, she can become perfect wife and a housekeeper. She will succeed not only in the household, but also in household affairs in general. He will always put things in order and prepare food, follow the neatness of a family member, support everyone and bestow his attention, devote a piece of himself to everyone.

Albina as Mother

Unfortunately, not much is known about what kind of mothers Albins become. But if we rely on statistical data and the previously named features inherent in Albins, then we can say with 100% certainty that such women make excellent mothers. Yes, this is not surprising. Can such traits as purposefulness, responsibility, punctuality, sociability and sociability belong to a bad mother? Excluded…

When it comes to love and intimacy, there can be problems. The fact is that most Albins are too narcissistic women. She can pay sadly little attention to the child, forget about upbringing and, in general, behave as if her child is already an adult and independent person needing nothing. Dad should take on all parental responsibilities, because otherwise the child may grow up notorious and insecure.

Compatibility with male names

It's time to touch on the topic of compatibility of the name Albina with names for boys. Although, there is nothing to touch on here, because the topic has long been unraveled by researchers in this area ...

It turns out that the best combination in terms of passion and love can be achieved with Akim, Gordey, Nikolai, Ostap, Pankrat and Spartak.

The strength of marriage is guaranteed in relations with Dmitry, Ruslan, Miron, Semyon, Ernest, Nathan and Mark.

Albina- "white" (lat.)

By nature quick-tempered, emotional. She has to be held in her hands since childhood. She cannot sit still, constantly moving, dancing and singing. She lacks balance and stability. Often she stirs up anger herself in order to give herself courage and impress others.

Strives for intensive participation in public life. Overconfident. Has a strong intuition. Her excitability is increased, and this leads to irritability. Hence the stormy manifestation of joy, most often unreasonable, after which a long depression sets in.

Albina extremely active, especially when we are talking about the family, which she is ready to protect by any means. However, he also participates in public life not without pleasure. However, she is more passionate about her inner world than work. A pleasant occupation for her is the improvement of her home. With early childhood she likes to help her mother or grandmother, she learns to cook and perform early homework. Labor activity Albina requires extensive contact with people: in the service sector, Catering, trade, educational institutions.

Her intuition is associated with impressionability. A charming and charming woman, she perfectly uses these qualities to her advantage. She has a synthetic mind. Has a lively, well-developed imagination, excellent visual memory, remembers for a long time what struck or alarmed her. Too sensitive and susceptible to failures and troubles of various kinds. Albina tries to hide her feelings, which is extremely harmful for her, as it can lead to frustration nervous system. She is equally pleased with both her own and other people's successes. The fall of others hurts and annoys her.

Her health is initially good, but she tends to be overweight. AT adulthood problems with the genitourinary system may occur. She should lead healthy lifestyle life, to play sports - especially water sports. You can not abuse drugs, especially tranquilizers, to which she is prone.

Albina's sexuality is great and manifests itself early. But she is more loyal and sentimental than she wants to appear.

Seminal and social taboos can lead to a sexual complex. He likes noisy companies, gladly receives guests. She is the perfect hostess. He adapts well in life, feels great everywhere, and sparkles with the joy of being. Albina a very interesting woman, in the family - the core, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

"Winter" - quick-tempered, a hurricane, if angry.

"Autumn" - more restrained. Can work as a chief accountant, economist. The name is suitable for patronymics: Nikitichna, Gordeevna, Lyubomirovna, Mikhailovna, Isaevna, Grigorievna.

"Summer" - active, emotional, receptive.

"Spring" - sensitive, vulnerable, arrogant.

Albina can work as a teacher, trade worker. The name is suitable for patronymics: Ruslanovna, Kazimirovna, Voldemarovna, Igorevna, Innokentyevna, Arkadyevna, Afanasyevna.

The meaning of the name Albina option 2

1. Personality. Singing women.

2. Character. 83%.

3. Radiation.88%.

4. Vibration. 94,000 vibrations/s

5. Color. Blue.

6. Main features. Will - susceptibility - excitability - intuition.

7. totem plant. Cherries.

8. Totem animal. Cicada.

9. Sign. A lion.

10. Type. They often intrigue: you never know if they will explode or sing. From childhood, you need to keep them in your hands.

11. Psyche. They can never sit still, they need to move all the time, dance and sing. Such women lack balance and stability. Often, for greater courage, they show their anger in order to impress others. Strive for an active social life. Overconfident.

12. Will. Strong, sometimes just despotic.

13. Excitability. Albina so strong that it makes them irritable and nervous. They express their feelings extremely violently, after which a long depression sets in.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. Very fast, especially when it comes to loved ones. They are ready to defend them with teeth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.

15. Field of activity. More interested in their inner world than work. best deal for them is the improvement of their own hearth. These girls love to help, they can be allowed to cook and do other housework early ... Professions that require communication with people are most suitable for them - in the field of catering, trade, education.

16. Intuition. associated with their impressionability. They are charming and charming and perfectly able to use these qualities to their advantage.

17. Intelligence. They have a synthetic mindset, they have a lively, well-developed imagination and an excellent figurative memory, they remember for a long time what struck or alarmed them.

18. Susceptibility. Although they try to keep a distance, but this hides a highly developed sensitivity and susceptibility. Too restless.

19. Morality. They are equally pleased with both their own and other people's successes.

20. Health. Good, but they tend to be overweight. Possible disorders of the genitourinary system. Maintain a healthy and active image life, to play sports, especially water sports. They tend to abuse drugs, especially tranquilizers.

21. Sexuality. Strong and shows up early. However, they are sentimental and more loyal friends than it might seem. Family and social taboos can contribute to the emergence of their sexual complexes.

22. Activity. Depends on the circumstances. They expect sincerity from friends, and if one of them deceives, they are able to take revenge.

23. Sociability. They love to receive guests, these are ideal hostesses. They adapt well and feel light and free everywhere. They sparkle with the joy of life. Albina achieves some success not so much in the professional sphere, but in the realization of his own personality.

Conclusion. These interesting women are as charming as their totem - cherry blossoms, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

The meaning of the name Albina option 3

Feminine form of the name Albin. It comes from the Latin word "alba" - white.

Albina she is very similar to her father, in this regard, it is better to judge her character by her patronymic. True, Albina almost always has such traits as adherence to principles, stubbornness and arrogance, which her father may not have. Nevertheless Albina - father's daughters, and as such they are perceived from childhood.

Albina's principledness as a teenager can cause a school conflict or a family quarrel when Albina"out of principle" will not yield to his class or decide to pout on his mother. At school Albina strives to keep boys, she likes their interests more than purely girlish joys and problems. With age, this trait will continue, and an atmosphere of mutual understanding will always reign in Albina's family: for the sake of her husband's adored football, she may well neglect her favorite program.

In choosing a specialty Albina proceeds from what she likes, considerations of the prestige and profitability of the profession are usually in the background for her. The stubbornness and arrogance inherent in Albina will not please the mother-in-law, and if Albina will not try to change at least a little after marriage, conflicts are inevitable in the family. And you need to try, because with their husbands Albina, as a rule, mutual language find. They live by their interests, adopt their habits and tastes, demanding one thing in return - worship. At worst, it can be just ordinary attention, but it should be a lot and it should be constant. Albins are neat in conduct household, delicious food. They like to put things in order in the room and closets. Able to easily forget a recent offense. They are jealous of the female environment of the husband. Children at

Albin is usually visited by all the prestigious; sections, schools and circles. Albins do not tolerate the drunkenness of their husbands, they practically do not drink alcoholic beverages themselves.

The meaning of the name Albina option 4

Albina- from lat. white. Derivatives: Albinka, Vina, Alina, Alya, Lyalya.


This woman is noticeable in any society, she attracts the most demanding connoisseurs female beauty and strong intellect. Her rich spiritual world, ardor, sensitivity are perfectly combined with common sense and practicality. Albina skilled housewife and loving wife. But the circle of her interests is not limited to the framework of the house; she easily converges with people, however, and parted with them without much regret.

The meaning of the name Albina option 5

ALBINA - white (lat.).

  • Zodiac sign - Virgo.
  • Planet - Proserpina.
  • White color.
  • The auspicious tree is the silver willow.
  • Cherished plant - white aster.
  • The patron of the name is the stork.
  • Talisman stone - white agate.


Albina has a rich spiritual world, a subtle, sensitive nature. By her very presence, this woman can decorate any society. She is hospitable, sociable, gentle. Quickly converges with people, but also easily parted with them. The ardor of her nature is perfectly combined with practicality: Albina wonderful hostess and loving wife.

The meaning of the name Albina option 6

Albina she is like her father in everything, and her character should be judged by her patronymic, but at the same time, one should not forget about those features that are inherent in Albina herself. She is stubborn and principled. Unusually devoted to her children. Most of the time, she is happy with the marriage. Despite the fact that her husband often turns out to be a cunning person, Albina, as they say, on your mind. But for her in the family, everything is decided by children. For them, she is ready for anything.

Choose a specialty to your liking. Do something you don't like Albina can not. Its performance depends on mood and on peace of mind, stability in family relationships. Among friends, she prefers to see men. She is close to their hobbies and interests. Albina loves hockey, visits the stadium with pleasure, watches football matches. She also likes running.

Short form of the name Albina. Albinka, Bina, Alina, Alya, Lyalya, Alvinka, Bella, Bine, Albininha, Bininya, Binka, Ala, Alba, Alba, Albushka.
Synonyms for the name Albina. Alvina, Albine, Albin, Albinnen, Albella.
Origin of the name Albina The name Albina is German, Catholic.

The name Albina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name comes from the Latin cognomen (personal or generic nickname) Albinus, derived from "albus" - "white". The Roman generic name Albinius is also derived from the cognomen Albinus.

According to another version, the name Albina is a form of the name Alba, which is a related name for Albina. These names are used as diminutives for each other.

The name Albina has various pronunciations. Most often, the name Albina is used among Czechs, Poles and Americans. In Russian, the name Albina can be an analogue of some Slavic names, such as Belyan, Belana, Belyanitsa, Bela. Sometimes Albina is called Albella, Bella. In Russia and the CIS, this name is widespread among the Tatars and other Turkic peoples.

Some diminutive variants of the name Albina - Alya, Alina, Bella, Lyalya - are also independent names and are used independently.

The name Albina is not customary to use among the Orthodox. For the name Albina, Catholic name days will be indicated.

Albina's personal qualities contradict each other. On the one hand, she may seem like a cold and strong-willed girl. On the other hand, she shows charm and softness of character. She is sweet and calm only as long as her pride is not hurt. At this point, she becomes arrogant and haughty.

Albina really likes her rare name. She is selfish and proud. Some representatives of this name have a pronounced sense of their own uniqueness. This illusion can evoke arrogance and a sense of superiority in Al.

The girl does not like conflicts, but not infrequently she herself is their provocateur. Ali's opponent usually reacts violently and splashes out all the negative emotions. Albina, in turn, usually shows contempt and indifference to such an interlocutor. As a result, such a quarrel is inflamed even more. At these moments, Alya feels her "elevation" above the rest. In Albina, unreasonable conceit develops very easily. She is not always able to understand another person, which often leads her to the manifestation of "boorish" character traits. Therefore, from childhood, a child with that name should be educated with respect for others.

Albina's poise conflict situation, the ability to remain calm and arrogant behavior contribute to Albina's career advancement. Her personal qualities make Alya a leader in the team and provide her with an advantageous position in the issue of dispute resolution. Albina is a leader not only at work, but also in the family. She's doing great. This woman does not show her emotions in vain, but knows how to find the most painful point of the interlocutor.

Albina is able to succeed in almost any field. She must not forget about the ability to sympathize and accept people for who they really are. Only in this case, Albina will be happy and warmed with warmth.

To establish communication with Albina, you do not need to impose your company on her, insult her or try to prove anything. Any mockery directed at her can bring Alya out of balance. Then in one moment she changes and becomes vindictive, cold and arrogant. It is best to avoid such situations with her.

The owner of the name Albina tends to choose a profession associated with direct communication with people. She will make a good teacher, an excellent sales representative. She will reveal her abilities in the field of trade, catering or education. The prestige of the profession does not matter to Albina at all. She chooses a profession based mainly on her desires.

Albina's name day

Notable people named Albina

  • Albina Deryugina ((born 1932) Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics coach)
  • Albina Akhatova ((born 1976) Russian biathlete, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1998))
  • Albina Dzhanabaeva ((born 1979) Russian-Ukrainian singer Kazakh origin, soloist of the Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra" ("Nu Virgos"))
  • Albina Shulgina (Mikhailova) ((1937 - 2009) screenwriter, poetess, playwright)
  • Albina Shishova ((born 1966) Soviet gymnast, master of sports international class. World champion in team championship (1983). Bronze medalist European championship in all-around (1983). Champion of the USSR in beam exercises (1982), silver medalist in all-around (1982).)
  • Albina Lucy Charlotte Van Ayken ((1911 - 1964) American swimmer, two-time Olympic champion in 1928)
  • Albina Osterman ((1856 - 1936) Moldavian ethnographer)
  • Albina Apanaeva ((born 1981) popular Tatar pop singer)

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