Alena Khmelnitskaya has been living with her new lover for almost a year. Alena Khmelnitskaya: biography, personal life Former husband of Alena Khmelnitskaya

Talented actress Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband live a happy life...

The ardent interest in the life of this talented actress and very beautiful woman from a creative bohemian family is connected not only with her personally, but also with the people who surround her in life. Such big names, like Margarita Simonyan and Tigran Keosayan, everyone knows these prominent figures They are practically also the family of Alena Khmelnitskaya. For several years now, many people have been haunted by the celebrity couple’s divorce, and now the public is agitated by rumors that their idol’s personal status has changed.

Alena Khmelnitskaya is no longer alone, her new husband and daughters fill her life completely. In this article we will summarize known facts from various sources to get a brief look at how the life of a popular and beloved actress is shaping up.

Photo: Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband

Alena Khmelnitskaya: biography, personal life

It should be immediately noted that the bohemian environment surrounded the girl with early childhood, her parents’ social circle always consisted of celebrities from the cultural sphere. This remarkable biographical fact determined not only the choice of profession, but also contributed to the formation of a highly noble, intelligent character.

Born on January 12, 1971 in Moscow into a family of Bolshoi Theater ballet soloists. She was the only child in the family; the backstage area and the orchestra pit were the baby’s main place of stay.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in her youth

When Alena was already ten years old, and she consciously perceived the world, life presented her with the most vivid impression, a childish delight that she would remember for the rest of her life.

Her mother, who had changed her role by that time, participated in the choreography in the musical “Juno and Avos” and Alena with incredible pleasure was present at almost all rehearsals.

Maximum attention was paid to her daughter's education; Alena studied at a school with a French bias; theater, cinema and rhythmic gymnastics filled her life completely.

At the age of 12, Alena Khmelnitskaya starred in her first film, having successfully passed the casting of actors for A. Belinsky’s film “Carambolina-karamboletta”.


At the age of 15, I had to grow up sharply, my parents left their girl to finish her studies at school, and they themselves went to work in London.

The time of growing up passed without the participation of her parents; Alena began to have very adult novels and disappointments early on. Andrey Dellos, an artist and restaurateur, became her first love, which did not last long, having met another, he married her and they left for France.

In those days, youth and belonging to bohemian youth did not allow her to fall into depression; Alena went to live with her parents in the UK. New impressions, an opening world, calmed me down, a new acquaintance with Yegor Konchalovsky also helped, but the relationship did not work out.

The romance with Nikita Dzhigurda was also fleeting, and in the meantime it was necessary to think about further education and choice of profession. Everything about the profession had long been predetermined; all that remained was to choose a specific university. The choice turned out to be difficult, Alena auditioned at all three famous creative workshops - the Shchukin School, GITIS, and the Moscow Art Theater School. Studying in each of them opened up great opportunities, it was necessary to make a decision, and Alena Khmelnitskaya chose the Moscow Art Theater.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new common-law husband Alexander Sinyushin

Active beginning

Alena Khmelnitskaya entered the profession so quickly and so organically that she immediately became popular among directors. Several factors had an impact, the external characteristics of the young actress, who was incredibly pretty, as well as her obvious talent and existing acting experience. Even before entering the university, Alena starred in three films in episodic roles.

After successful work in two performances “Juno and Avos” and “Funeral Prayer”, the student was already enrolled in advance in the troupe of the Lenkom Theater. Alena did not notice the difficulties of combining study and work, life was so interesting and promising.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the film “Carambolina-karamboletta”

In 1991, she had her first leading role in the film “Date House,” but the real star breakthrough in the profession was the role of Leoncia Solano in the film “Hearts of Three,” which became a cult film for the whole country.

The first steps in the profession were confident and very successful, they were marked by the following film works:

  • "The Tale of the Merchant's Daughter and the Mysterious Flower";
  • "Arbitrator";
  • "Hearts of Three";
  • "Murder at Sunshine Menor"
  • "Musical Forecast".

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the film “Hearts of Three”

Family life

After the divorce, Alena Khmelnitskaya got a new husband quite quickly, even taking into account that the marriage was civil. But first things first…

Alena Khmelnitskaya has never had a shortage of fans, which is not surprising given such external data. However, the fateful meeting occurred by chance in the buffet of his native Lenkom. According to the actress herself, she immediately felt the reliability and responsibility emanating from Tigran Keosayan, which she so dreamed of seeing in her chosen one.

Both are young, talented with great professional ambitions and prospects; such a commonality quite naturally culminated in a wedding in 1993. And already in 1994, the beloved and desired daughter Sasha appeared.

The difficulties of the 90s were not felt at first, but with the appearance of a child and a change in the art world, when there was no time for him, the country was simply trying to survive, there was no work, I had to leave the stage.

Alena Khmelnitskaya decided to try herself in a new role and start a small business by opening her own boutique. It was difficult for the businesswoman, three years of attempts did not lead to prosperity, it became more and more difficult, but her beloved “Tiger” was nearby. According to Alena, this is exactly how her husband was recorded in his phone, even when he changed his status to “ex.”

The talented director has made three successful films in a row since 1997, became incredibly popular and saved the family situation.

Alena Khmelnitskaya returned to the theater again, having managed to star in two of these three films by Tigran, “The President and His Granddaughter” and “Silver Lily of the Valley,” which also became a cult film work. The role of Irma in “Silver Lily of the Valley” is recognized as one of the actress’s best roles; it has become a kind of symbol of Alena Khmelnitskaya’s return to the profession.

Successful return

Life has returned to normal again, active creative activity brought not only income, but also moral satisfaction. Offers for roles in films followed one after another; after Alena Khmelnitskaya returned, she starred in several popular films of that time:

Still from the film “Three Half-Graces”

  • "Directory of Death";
  • "The President and his granddaughter";
  • "Game of Love";
  • « Men's work»;
  • "Silver lily of the valley";
  • "March of Turetsky".

In addition, work continued on the stage of Lenkom, the only puzzling thing was that Alena was firmly assigned the role of a beautiful, self-confident bitch. Life is completely different, the actress dreamed of trying to play positive role, but the directors did not meet her.

Still from the film “Mannequins”

Career rise

Both spouses continued to successfully implement themselves in the profession; since 2007, Tigran Keosayan also began to actively participate in work on television, as a producer and host of several television programs.

Alena Khmelnitskaya was torn between several projects, including in the serial film “Ondine”, playing Tatyana Panchenko. In addition, films with her participation were released:

  • "The most beautiful";
  • "Hare over the Abyss";
  • "Mirage";
  • "Three Half-Graces";
  • "Not renounce loving";
  • "Paid by death";
  • "Who if not me?";
  • “Half an hour before spring”;
  • "Fatal Inheritance";
  • "Three Happy Women";
  • "Second Youth"

In 2003, another popular film, “The Joys and Sorrows of the Little Lord,” was released; people came not only to the film itself, but specifically to Khmelnitskaya, the popularity of the actress was so high.

And in 2009, filming stopped; Alena, together with her husband Tigran Keosayan, hosted the incredibly popular television program “You and Me.”

Problems in personal life

Imperceptibly, disagreements and disputes began to increasingly fill their lives, as Alena Khmelnitskaya later admitted, it was difficult to communicate with Tigran, for all his reliability, he practically did not take her opinion into account. In addition, the marriage had already been quite long and inevitably experienced a crisis; life is so structured that even stars do not escape its negative laws.

In an effort to save the relationship, Alena and Tigran decided to become parents for the second time, especially since this was the actress’s long-standing dream. In 2010, Ksenia was born, but the family climate continued to deteriorate, aggravated by new difficulties.

Tigran Keosayan with his new wife

A blow for the actress was the rumors that Tigran had another woman, a relationship with whom he even stopped hiding, appearing with her at various events. This woman was Margarita Simonyan, also a talented and successful person with a strong character.

As a result, in 2012, the couple decided to separate, and they did it without causing a scandal throughout the country with mutual insults, as often happens. It’s hard to imagine what the Actress went through, who at that time also had Small child in her arms, but she bore it with great dignity.

Hard times

Having parted, the star couple continued to communicate now as Good friends, the fact of divorce became known to the general public only two years later. By that time, everyone had already realized that Margarita Simonyan and Tigran Keosayan did not just have a friendly relationship, as it seemed at first.

U new couple children of their own appeared, but for his first daughters Tigran Keosayan continued to be a loving and caring father all the time.

For the sake of the children, Alena established a relationship with new family and even became friends with the new wife of her ex-husband, who also turned out to be a very worthy and noble person.

Life goes on

Life gradually got better, the support of her ex-husband smoothed out everyday difficulties and allowed her to take up her profession again. The role of the stepmother in the film “Cinderella”, released in 2016, became an incredible success; Alena again appeared before fans of her talent in all her professional and feminine beauty.

There were rumors that only a beloved and loving woman could blossom like this, which were soon confirmed. The new chosen one was the young businessman Alexander Sinyushin, and since the spring of last year the couple has been living together.

Photo: Alena Khmelnitskaya and her new husband Alexander Sinyushin

According to Alena Khmelnitskaya, an initially cautious relationship with a man 12 years younger than her grew into serious feeling. The young people discovered a lot in common, mutual respect and, most importantly, new chosen one found an approach to his youngest daughter Ksyusha. And Sasha is already an independent adult, studying in America, she has her own path, she never dreamed of becoming an actress.

Most performers in film and television become hostages of one image, which directors exploit for many years, from picture to picture. But Alena Khmelnitskaya is a versatile actress. She can equally convincingly play a sophisticated lady, a romantic girl and an outright bitch.

Starring in a video for a legendary rock band, in a light comedy, in a serious melodrama - she can do anything. But Khmelnitskaya’s main trump card is that she is not only talented, but also desperately beautiful - and this is a rarity in our time.

Childhood, adolescence, youth (almost like Tolstoy)

Alena is a native of Moscow, a child from a bohemian family. Her date of birth is January 12, 1971. Her parents, Alexander Khmelnitsky and Valentina Savina, are ballet dancers, and for about two decades they danced not just anywhere, but at the Bolshoi Theater!

At the same time, my father taught at a choreographic school, and my mother, having studied at GITIS, subsequently retrained as a choreographer. It is not surprising that their beloved daughter was interested in high art from childhood and subsequently connected her life with the stage and filming. It is quite possible that Alyonushka could continue her parents’ dynasty and become a ballerina, because people from the world of ballet always looked into their house. For example, Maya Plisetskaya sometimes dropped in to have dinner and drink tea, Olga Lepeshinskaya paid visits - all this was in the order of things. And indeed, the Khmelnitsky family seriously discussed the issue of admitting their girl to a choreographic school. But everything turned out differently, and again, not without the influence of my parents.
When Lenkom began staging the musical Juno and Avos, Valentina Savina was invited to the project as an assistant director for choreography. Ten-year-old Alena relentlessly followed her mother around the theater, carefully watching the progress of the rehearsals.
The atmosphere behind the scenes captured and enchanted the young creature and became a real revelation. Having directly delved into the peculiarities of theatrical life, the girl was already so early age I began to dream about the stage, to dream of entering drama school. The parents did not try to dissuade their daughter from these intentions; they treated them with understanding. They simply explained that first you need to successfully graduate from an advanced school French, and only then decide on the choice of profession.

Indeed, Alena had plenty to choose from. IN school years she was studying rhythmic gymnastics(hence the grace and plasticity), table tennis (one can only envy the reaction and dexterity), attended courses for aspiring painters at the Surikov School (which helped to develop a delicate taste). And at the age of 12, the graceful Alenka received an invitation to shoot in the film “Carambolina-Caramboletta” directed by Alexander Belinsky and did a good job in her small debut role.
At the age of 15, Alena suddenly became independent. The fact is that her parents, authoritative teachers and choreographers, were invited to work in London. Yes, perestroika times have come in the country, travel abroad Soviet citizens was no longer regulated as strictly as it was 5-10 years before. Having weighed all the pros and cons, judging that their daughter was already old enough, the Khmelnitsky couple agreed to accept a tempting offer from abroad. So, for the first time in her life, the future star of the Russian screen tried for herself: what is it like to live without parental supervision?

Personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya

It must be said that freedom is a harsh examiner, and not everyone passes this difficult test. Alena, how bright representative the capital’s “golden youth”, did not constrain themselves in any way and did not limit themselves to any limits. Moreover, no one prohibited anything. The girl was worried about only one thing: as long as her mom and dad didn’t find out about her adventures. As a consequence, at this age beautiful girl Numerous admirers and suitors began to appear.
The fiery brunette’s first serious romance was with artist and restaurateur Andrei Dellos. They say that at one point they even decided to live under the same roof and moved in together for a while.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Andrey Dellos

If on the girl’s part these were sincere feelings, then the young man did not treat their relationship so responsibly. As soon as another spectacular lady met on his way, and French origin, Andreika broke up with Alena without regret and proposed new passion. The insidious tempter and the foreign homewrecker got married in Moscow and immediately moved to the bride’s homeland.
However, Khmelnitskaya did not worry about the break with her loved one for too long and was not very upset. While visiting her parents in the UK, Alena met Yegor Konchalovsky, who in those years studied at one of the prestigious educational institutions of Foggy Albion.

Everything happened more or less well, romantically, but love at a distance did not stand the test. Alena was given new bright love impressions by the then unknown but extremely ambitious actor Nikita Dzhigurda. Passion flared up instantly and faded just as quickly...
When they're over final exams at school, the girl immediately applied at three theater universities- to Shchukinskoye, GITIS and the Moscow Art Theater School. In the end, having received carte blanche to enter any of them, after consulting with her parents and friends, Alena chose the Moscow Art Theater.

Children and family

In some interviews, the actress admits that she always wanted to achieve two things in life: to enter the theater and definitely have children. She says that when her friend Katya Semenova first got married and had a child, the then student Khmelnitskaya nursed her little son with delight and enthusiasm, and a little later she agreed to become his godmother.
An affair with the southern handsome man Tigran Keosayan literally came out of nowhere. The year on the calendar was 1993. At first, someone introduced the young people at one of the parties. For a period of time they simply communicated, then they became friends, and a little later they shared shelter and a bed in common square meters. Then, having gathered their courage, they paid a visit to Alena’s parents in Europe.

Tigran so charmed his future father-in-law and mother-in-law, so elegantly asked for the hand of their daughter, that they did not even think of preventing this marriage. The couple really turned out amazing. Upon returning home, the lovers signed at the capital's registry office.

About a year later, their first child, daughter Sasha, was born, and in 1995 the couple realized how bad it had become in their country to make money on stage and in front of a movie camera. In the “dashing 90s” so few films were made, and they were all so similar that it weighed on both spouses morally with incredible force. In the theater they generally paid pennies.
Without thinking twice, Khmelnitskaya quit her job at Lenkom and began to learn the basics of entrepreneurship. So the artistic nature turned into a commercial one, Khmelnitskaya opened her own fashion boutique. It was completely not hers, but she had to “spin” for the well-being of the family. And here, fortunately, the talent and natural luck of the husband of the newly minted businesswoman came to the rescue.
In 1997, Tigran shot an undisputed hit at the time - the film “Poor Sasha” with Alexander Zbruev in the title role. The film's rental brought in good money. The public also received Keosayan’s next work well, “The President and His Granddaughter,” and the next work generally had the effect of a bomb exploding. For the late 90s, the film “Silver Lily of the Valley” looked like a masterpiece. In this film, by the way, the director’s wife played an incomparable role. Alena left the trade without regret and returned to the set. The role of the pop star - Irma - can be called, if not the best, then one of the best roles of Khmelnitskaya. In that work, Alena managed to convey the drama and ambiguity of a heroine who was generally negative in the plot.
In the hot summer of 2010, the Keosayan couple had a second girl, Ksyusha. It would seem that the second child should have strengthened the marriage. Alas, things did not go as most of us would have liked. A wonderful family and creative union broke up. Since 2011, the couple no longer appeared together at social events and film festivals. And subsequently Alena and the public learned that Tigran was having an affair. The charming director became interested in television journalist, editor-in-chief of the Russia Today television company Margarita Simonyan. In 2014, Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan filed for divorce.

Surprisingly, the former life partners did not throw mud at each other, as is usually the case. Moreover, the guys remained friends after the divorce, and Alena even maintains friendly relations with Margarita, and children from both families consider each other their closest relatives

Career and filmography

After Karambolina, Khmelnitskaya starred in episodic roles in such films as:

  • "Courier",
  • "Pen"
  • "Dating House"
  • "Arbitrator".

She became famous for her role as the burning beauty Leoncia Solano in the films “Hearts of Three” and “Hearts of Three-2” based on the works of Jack London. In an instant, the young actress gained nationwide fame. There was also a breakthrough in her theatrical career: Mark Zakharov invited the girl to play Conchita in the play “Juno and Avos”. Work in the theater continued until last months pregnancy.
Then Khmelnitskaya starred in films that were not the most significant for the history of cinema:

  • "Murder at Sunshine Manor"
  • "Marina",
  • “Funny things are family matters,”
  • "Death Directory"

This was followed by a series of successful roles in the films of her then husband, Tigran Keosayan, the aforementioned “The President and His Granddaughter” and especially “Silver Lily of the Valley”.
Then she participated in the series “A Man’s Work”, “Turkish March”, “Russian Amazons” and several others.
A notable work was participation in the serial film “Ondine”. Khmelnitskaya appeared in it as a photographer, the mother of the main character. The series received high critical acclaim and recognition from viewers.
In the melodrama “Three Happy Women” Alena played the psychologist Milena. Another one of hers strong women ready to overcome any difficulties on their own
In the series “Three Half-Graces” (2006), Alena skillfully portrayed the channel’s program manager, Alice. On the eve of her 40th birthday, she and her friends have remained close to each other and are struggling with everyday difficulties, as well as problems in their personal lives.
In the series “Who else if not me?” (2012) played the role of Ella Florenskaya - a slightly flighty, beautiful and lonely woman, always ready to help her friends.

10 facts about Alena Khmelnitskaya

  1. A taste for literature was instilled in her by a family friend, director Alexander Belinsky. As the actress recalls, he marvelously read Dickens aloud, and talked about literary heroes so naturally, as if he were drinking Calvados with each of them.
  2. In the 2000s, the actress starred annually, only in 2009 she worked on television, and then went on maternity leave. She returned to her favorite job after giving birth, in 2010.
  3. The 8th of March holiday is approached with humor, but does not mind if men once again congratulate women and present some kind of gift or flowers. And if on this day Khmelnitskaya herself is suddenly not congratulated, then she will not be upset.
  4. Alena's parents are on this moment live in Berlin.
  5. She loves to “work magic” in the kitchen, preparing various delicacies for her family and guests.
  6. Good with technology, he drives a motorcycle smartly.
  7. I liked myself only after 27 years.
  8. She likes to occasionally pamper herself with SPA treatments, but shopping stresses her out.
  9. With the eldest daughter they are friends, and with the younger daughter they are colleagues in entertainment and games.
  10. According to the actress, she finds it more interesting to play negative heroines - they turn out to be more characterful and deep.

Alena Khmelnitskaya currently

In 2016, the actress played the role of an evil stepmother in the musical Cinderella. At the premiere show she was noticed in the company of businessman Alexander Sinyushin. Since the spring of 2017, the lovers began to live together, and a year later, Khmelnitskaya’s new boyfriend boasted that he had finally established friendly relations with his beloved’s youngest daughter, Ksyusha.
In 2018, viewers saw the new mini-series “Galina” with Khmelnitskaya in the title role. Alena played a rural paramedic, a woman with a difficult fate, abandoned by her loved one. Also this year, the series “Presumed Innocence” was released, where the heroine of our report has one of the minor roles.

One of the most beautiful and talented actresses of Russian cinema is the beautiful Alena Khmelnitskaya. In her you can find a pleasant combination of beauty and intelligence, sincerity and ease of communication. She recently experienced difficult times related to personal life. But now she has found happiness with her new husband. Let's look at the latest news that has happened in her life over the past few years.

Start of a relationship

Not long ago, fans of the actress were struck by the news that after 20 years life together Alena Khmelnitskaya divorced her husband Tigran Keosayan. It was a very difficult time for the actress, which helped her rethink many things in her life. But soon her heart was won by a young man whose name was Alexander Sinyushin.

Before they started serious relationship they communicated only on a friend-to-friend level. The actress was finally able to enjoy freedom and completely change her attitude towards life. But at some point they both realized that they wanted to spend even more time together. Gradually they began to talk about the future. And recently, the lovers celebrated a significant date - a year of marriage.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Alexander Sinyushin

In an interview, the actress shared with reporters: “To be honest, I began to catch myself thinking for a long time that I really wanted to take care of this man. Our views on life are similar: we have the same preferences in relaxation, and taste preferences are similar. Apparently, this happens too.”

Despite the fact that Alexander is not directly related to creativity, he always supports Alena in everything. In addition, he has many acquaintances with actors who have repeatedly shared their impressions of their profession. Sinyushin has his own business and this suits him quite well, as does his chosen one.

Meeting family

The couple first appeared in public during the premiere of the musical Cinderella. In this performance, the actress played the role of the Stepmother. Places of honor in the front row went to Khmelnitskaya’s common-law husband and her parents, who came from Europe to meet their daughter’s new lover.

Alexander Sinyushin met the actress’s relatives

Relatives warmly welcomed Sasha into their home and wished their daughter great happiness and love. In addition, Sinyushin immediately found mutual language with Alena’s youngest daughter, Ksyusha, since he himself has little son from his first marriage. All this greatly influenced Khmelnitskaya, and then she no longer doubted that she really needed this relationship.

Joint vacation

Due to a busy schedule, actress Alena Khmelnitskaya for a long time I couldn’t afford a proper rest. Her new husband Alexander began to seriously worry about her health. Therefore, I suggested noting New Year holidays in India in Goa. Alena was very happy about this offer. The trip was planned quite quickly. In addition to the lovers, 7-year-old daughter Ksenia also went on vacation.

The lovers spent a holiday together

Such a peaceful atmosphere had a beneficial effect on the actress. She did not hide her joyful emotions from the trip, and every day she shared various photos with your subscribers in one of social networks. After looking at the pictures, fans were sincerely happy for her. Most of them are still waiting for the exciting videos that Alena posted on Instagram.

Also the other day, Alena posted a photo with her new husband and congratulated him on his birthday. It is known that the lovers celebrated it in Hungary.

Alena Khmelnitskaya with her new lover

How it all began

It is worth recalling that in 2014 Alena divorced her ex-husband Tigran Keosayan. This news became the most discussed, and the couple’s fans were simply shocked by what was happening.

The history of their relationship goes back to the distant 90s. At that time, the actress was just beginning her development in a professional environment. They first met on the set and their friendly sympathies quickly grew into adult feelings.

WITH ex-husband Tigran Kiosayan

In 1993, Tigran and Alena became legal spouses. A year later, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra, and 16 years later, Ksenia was born. The young parents tried to overcome all difficulties together and for 20 years they succeeded. Starting in 2011, a serious crisis arose in the family, which was difficult to solve through joint efforts.

The couple appeared less and less often together in public, and thereby created doubts among people about their relationship. ideal relationship. In addition, she constantly appeared in the media new information that Tigran had another woman for a long time. But Khmelnitskaya did not comment on this in any way, so everything was only at the level of rumors.

A. Khmelnitskaya with her eldest daughter

Their divorce became known only in 2014. Only then did the public find out the real reason, which in fact everyone had already guessed for a long time. Keosayan cheated on his wife with. By the way, in September of the same year she gave birth to Tigran’s son.

Life after divorce

For some time after the separation, the former spouses did not communicate at all and did not comment on the situation in the press. All this time the man was enjoying the changes in his personal life. But Alena decided to completely immerse herself in work and raising her youngest daughter. Eldest daughter She has long reached adulthood, so she is building her life on her own.

In addition, all colleagues and close friends tried to support Khmelnitskaya. They were worried that the actress might sink into deep depression, but Alena coped with her emotions with dignity.

Alena Khmelnitskaya with her daughters

A few months after breaking up with her husband, Khmelnitskaya told some details about family relationships. According to her, her husband rarely considered her opinion. And they often had misunderstandings about this. She also admitted that she is trying to improve relations with her ex-husband, if only because they have common children, which they still have to talk about.

In addition, she noted that she does not hold a grudge against Margarita, Tigran’s current wife, and is ready to communicate with her at any time: “Rita and I quickly found a common language. And no matter what they say about her, she good man And clever woman. Not so long ago they came to our daughter’s birthday...”

Alena Khmelnitskaya: photo

A very wise and understanding woman. Perhaps thanks to these traits she managed to survive Hard times and become even stronger. Despite all the difficulties in her biography and personal life, she met her new love- husband Alexander.


The future star of Russian cinema was born on January 12, 1971 in Moscow. The spirit of creativity has always prevailed in her family, since both parents were members of the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe. They were absent from home very often, as they constantly went on tour around different cities Europe, and the audience always greeted them with thunderous applause.

Despite the fact that Alena really loved what her parents did, she preferred to be interested in other professions. In addition, as a child, the girl was partial to sweets and her figure was not suitable for ballet classes. However, her artistic inclinations were visible to others since early years. One day, the parents took their daughter with them to the theater, where they had to choreograph for a group of artists. Then the girl had just turned 10 years old, but that same day she realized that she wanted to tie her future fate with the stage.

Actress in her youth

In addition, she managed to meet such wonderful actors as Alexander Abdulov and Oleg Yankovsky. This meeting was imprinted in her head for a long time. After this, the girl began to dream of becoming an actress. Alena hastened to tell her parents about this, and they decided to support her choice.

At the age of 12, the girl played her debut role in the production of “Carambolina-Caramboletta”. That's when it started creative biography.

After graduating high school, Khmelnitskaya decided to enter the Moscow Art Theater School. Studying brought the girl great pleasure, and she dreamed of quickly returning to the walls of her native Lenkom theater. Soon this happened. When she entered her second year, she was accepted into the theater troupe as an actress. The most memorable works were:

  • "Juno and Avos";
  • "Memorial prayer".

The audience immediately recognized the actress’s enormous talent and incredible desire to give people positive emotions.


In 1991, Alena Khmelnitskaya played her first main role in the film "Date House". This was followed by films such as:

Still from the film “Hearts of Three”
  • "The Tale of the Merchant's Daughter and the Mysterious Flower";
  • "Arbitrator";
  • "Hearts of Three";
  • "Musical Forecast";
  • "Murder at Sunshine Manor."

These were mainly projects in which she participated while studying at the university. Immediately after graduating from university, her career skyrocketed. She received many offers, so the actress had to star in several films at once in one year.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the film “The Joys and Sorrows of the Little Lord”

After a while, she realized that she could not combine work in the theater and a complex filming schedule and she had to make a serious choice. Khmelnitskaya decided to consolidate her position in cinema, but soon she greatly regretted it. At that time, the film industry was suffering huge losses in connection with the “harsh” 90s.

Both in Russia and in others nearby countries small funds were allocated for this industry, which were not enough to create good project. Therefore, offers from directors came less and less often, and, in the end, Alena was left completely without work.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the film “Carambolina-karamboletta”

But the girl was not going to sit idly by for long. She decided to open her own business. Khmelnitskaya opened a boutique that sold fashionable clothes from the world's most famous designers. She independently selected staff and was involved in economic policy. But as a creative person, she managed all this with great difficulty. Business was developing poorly due to large quantity competing companies, so she had to close the boutique.

Return to cinema

In the early 2000s, the actress decided to try her luck in the field of cinema again. Just at that moment, a period of slight thaw began, and some directors were looking for talented actors. At first, Alena had to agree to any, even the most insignificant roles. But gradually her creative biography began to be replenished with the most in different ways. The actress managed to appear in the following films:

Still from the film “Second Youth”
  • "Directory of Death";
  • "The President and his granddaughter";
  • "Game of Love";
  • "March of Turetsky";
  • "Silver lily of the valley";
  • "Men's work."

But real recognition and love from TV viewers came to the actress after the release of the serial film “Ondine”. In the series, she played the role of Tatyana Panchenko, who was the mother of the main character. After some time, the actress shared her impressions of the series: “I was interested in this project from the very beginning, since I have never had to play a leading role for such a long period of time.

And here we have 90 episodes right away! In fact, this story is very intriguing,” admitted Alena. Indeed, this series achieved high ratings and was popular even after its end. That is why the directors and screenwriters decided to make a sequel to the film.

Still from the series “Mannequin”

Thanks to this project, the actress managed to restore her former popularity and return to the top. creative success. Over the course of several years, Khmelnitskaya managed to star in such famous films as:

  • "The most beautiful";
  • "Hare over the Abyss";
  • "Three Half-Graces";
  • "Paid by death";
  • "Mirage";
  • "Not renounce loving…";
  • "Who if not me?";
  • "Fatal Inheritance";
  • "Three Happy Women";
  • “Half an hour before spring”;
  • "Second Youth"

As you know, actress Alena Khmelnitskaya has gone through a long and thorny path in order to reach insurmountable heights in the field acting. Now in her life there is everything that she has dreamed of for so long.

Today Alena Khmelnitskaya is a happy woman


In addition to success in her work, the actress always wants to look young and attractive. To achieve this, she tries to devote Special attention your diet and exercise regularly. In addition, Alena always adheres to a healthy lifestyle, enjoys yoga and loves to travel.

Alena Khmelnitskaya’s acting career has been very successful: with more than sixty works behind her, she is still in demand among directors today. Often the actress gets the roles of lonely women who have a strong and even tough character.

Alena herself would gladly play other characters, appearing in a classic film or some military story.

Brief data

  • Name: Alena Khmelnitskaya;
  • Date of birth: January 12, 1971 (age 47);
  • Education: acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School;
  • Age: 47 years old;
  • Height: 173 cm;
  • Activity: Russian actress theater and cinema, TV presenter;
  • Marital status: divorced.

Childhood. Early acting roles

The parents of the future actress performed on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater: mother, Valentina Savina, was a soloist and danced in almost all performances; father, Alexander Khmelnitsky, was not so successful at first. Soon they left for Berlin, where the father was able to demonstrate his talent by dancing leading parts. After Alena was born, they returned to Moscow, continuing their dance career at the Bolshoi Theater. The parents were often absent from home, being on tour for months at a time, which is why the girl was raised by her grandmother. Little Alena had pointe shoes and tutus, which she loved to wear, posing as a ballerina. Legends of Russian ballet such as Maya Plisetskaya, Ekaterina Maksimova, Vladimr Vasiliev, Olga Lepeshinskaya often visited the family, however, she perceived them as close friends of her parents.

“Carambolina-karamboletta” (1983).

The future actress never became seriously interested in dancing, but theatrical life she was interested. At the age of 10, she often visited the Lenkom Theater, where her mother worked as a choreographer, staging the play “Juno and Avos.” The girl fell in love not only with this performance, but also decided to become an actress. She managed to appear on television at that time, when 12-year-old Alena played her granddaughter in the concert film “Carambolina-Caramboletta”. After graduating from school, she applied to the Moscow Art Theater School, where she successfully entered. As a sophomore, Khmelnitskaya got into the Lenkoma play “Juno and Avos,” where she was entrusted with the role of Conchita.

Filming and participating in performances

IN student years the girl tried her hand not only on the theater stage, but also in cinema: she starred in such films as “Date House”, “The Tale of the Merchant’s Daughter and the Mysterious Flower”, “The Arbiter”, “Murder at Sunshine Manor” and others . After graduating from university, the aspiring actress played on the stage of Lenkom, but four years later she left the theater without receiving any bright roles. The girl’s first success and recognition came after working in the film “Hearts of Three,” where Leoncia Solano became her heroine. The script of the adventure film, as well as the performance of the actress and her partners on the set (Sergei Zhigunov, Vladimir Shevelkov, Igor Kvasha and others) did not leave the audience indifferent, thanks to which a continuation of this exciting story was filmed.

The photo shows Alena Khmelnitskaya in her youth. Still from the film “Hearts of Three”.

Despite the success, at that time Alena could not boast successful development career, since the 90s left their mark on all areas of activity. She got a job in a fashion boutique, where she served as director, but the business did not attract her. In 1994, the actress had the opportunity to try herself in a new role, acting as the host of the music program “Morning Mail”. In the 2000s, she continued acting, thanks to which people started talking about her again. In the top-rated series “Ondine,” Khmelnitskaya played the mother of the main character, photographer Tatyana Panchenko. Working in a multi-part project (90 episodes) did not tire her, but on the contrary, aroused her interest in a melodramatic story.

“Turkish March (season 1)” 2000.

Next in her filmography appeared such roles as Nonna from the melodrama “The Most Beautiful”, Alice from “The Three Half-Graces”, Ella Florenskaya from “Who If Not Me?”, Larisa Tursunova from “Fatal Inheritance” and others. In 2009, the actress joined Tigran Keosayan, becoming the co-host of the show “You and Me” on the Rossiya TV channel. This program, whose guests were celebrity couples, lasted about a year. Among Khmelnitskaya’s latest works, one can note her heroines in the films “Three Happy Women”, “The Secret of the Idol”, “Half an Hour Before Spring”. She manages not only to act in films, but also participates in enterprise performances. In 2016, the actress appeared in the musical “Cinderella,” which premiered on the stage of the Rossiya Theater. In this fairy-tale story, she got the role of stepmother.

Personal life: divorce from husband and new romance

Alena has always enjoyed increased attention from men, so there were many romances in her personal life. However, the actress gave her heart and love to her longtime acquaintance Tigran Keosayan, whom she married in 1993. A year later, their family was replenished with their first child: their daughter Alexandra was born. When Khmelnitskaya was already 39 years old, she gave birth to her second daughter, Ksenia. But the baby was unable to maintain the relationship between the star spouses, and in 2014 they divorced. As it turned out, the reason for the divorce was new lover husband - Chief Editor Russia Today channel Margarita Simonyan. Despite the creation of a new family, Tigran maintains communication with both the children and Alena. The former spouses noted that the relationship between them is now even better than it was before. Children forever connected them, thanks to which they remain family.

In the photo Alena Khmelnitskaya with her family: ex-husband Tigran Keosayan and daughter Sasha.

The eldest daughter graduated from school as an external student, and then studied in the UK for two years. The girl received an international diploma and studied at the Tisch School of the Arts in New York, intending to become a film director. She now lives in America, where she plans to start her own business. The youngest daughter also demonstrates Creative skills: she attends “Domisolka”, where she studies choreography, vocals and solfeggio. In addition, the girl is passionate about swimming and goes to the pool.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Alexander Sinyushin.

Now the actress is happy in her new relationship. Her chosen one was Alexander Sinyushin, who has his own business renting sound and lighting equipment. Happy future common-law husband Alena met in Nice, where she has been constantly going on vacation for many years. It was there, in the company of mutual friends, that they met for the first time, and then continued communication upon arrival in Moscow. Despite the difference in age of 12 years, mutual understanding and harmony reign in the relationship between the lovers. The only thing is that Alexander can hardly tolerate the increased attention of journalists and fans of the actress, so he rarely agrees to go with her to a social event.

Actress with daughters: Alexandra and Ksenia.

Her parents have been living in Berlin for a long time, where they are still doing what they love. Mom is sometimes invited to work as a choreographer, and dad teaches students the dance craft. Now they live and work for their own pleasure and have no plans to return to Moscow.

Secrets of success and beauty

Many fans still say words of admiration to Khmelnitskaya, considering her a successful and beautiful woman. She does not hide the fact that although she is critical of herself, she nevertheless accepts herself as she is. The actress does not forget to work on herself and constantly improve in order to be interesting to people. She loves meeting friends at home and preparing them delicious Caucasian dishes. Alena likes to cook khachapuri, salads, lobio, the recipes of which she often experiments with.

Now the actress looks amazing, however, she does not spend time in the gym or diet. For a long time, Alena was always losing weight, which is why she adhered to various diets. Over time, she simply eliminated some foods from her diet, but sometimes she indulges herself and eats something tasty. To keep her weight constant, the movie star works out at home on a treadmill and also practices yoga. She loves a change of scenery and, if given the opportunity free time, will definitely go on a trip, while receiving a boost of energy and great impressions.

Alena Khmelnitskaya is a famous Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter. She never tires of delighting her fans with high-quality paintings, good real acting, and her radiant smile.

Alena has been acting in films for over 30 years and during this time she has played absolutely different women, so we can say with confidence that she is an actress from God. The artist's collection includes melodrama, comedy, and real, soul-touching dramatic cinema. Khmelnitskaya is a very popular artist even today, with her participation several films are released a year, and in 2018 she managed to star in two films that will soon be released on television.

Brown-haired with bright green eyes, Alena received recognition and love from fans in her youth. The series in which she starred were discussed in every office and in every kitchen and, of course, the girl’s appearance and parameters, for example, height, weight, age, were not ignored. It’s not difficult to find out how old Alena Khmelnitskaya is; to do this, you just need to look at her Wikipedia page, but it’s simply impossible to believe that the artist is already 47 years old!

Alena looks great, has maintained her figure all her life, eats right and plays sports. Her height is 173 cm, and her weight has never been more than 63 kg. At one time, Alena wore red hair, which suited her perfectly; it was this star that TV viewers fell in love with.

Biography of Alena Khmelnitskaya

Alena was born in Moscow in 1971. Her parents were firmly connected with the world of art, so the girl began to study very early gymnastics. It’s hard to believe, but Alena was a fairly well-fed child as a child, so her parents introduced the girl to sports from an early age to make it easier for her to stay in shape in the future. She competed in the gymnastics section and also went to tennis. The young tennis player won several national competitions, but she did not want to connect her life with sports; rather, Khmelnitskaya did it out of inertia, and in order not to disappoint her parents, rather than out of great desire.

Someone will say that since Alena was born in the capital, she had more options for a bright future, but for a long time the girl had no idea where she would go after graduating from school. She studied at a school with an emphasis on studying French, and at one time she was thinking about enrolling in foreign language, but the older she got, the more she didn’t want to. At the same time, Alena went to an art studio.

Most likely, the biography of Alena Khmelnitskaya would have turned out differently if not for a happy accident. At the age of 12, the girl accidentally ends up on the set of a film, and before graduating from school she stars in three episodes, then she decides that she wants to become an actress. In 1988, Alena entered the Moscow Art Theater School and studied on the same course with the future stars of Russian cinema, Gosha Kutsenko, Katya Semenova and others. As a second-year student, Khmelnitskaya went to a casting at the Lenkom Theater and successfully passed it. She makes her debut in the play “Juno and Avos,” and for a long time this performance has been her calling card.

Alena played her first serious film role in 1991, in the film “Date House,” and then she was invited to play the main character in the film “Hearts of Three.” She plays together with Sergei Zhigunov and it is this film that makes the girl famous.

Today, the actress acts a lot in films; at one time she hosted various television shows, including a joint project with her husband, Tigran Keosayan, called “You and Me.”

Last year, fans were shocked by terrible news - everyone’s beloved and famous actress Alena Khmelnitskaya. The cause of death and the date of death of the artist were not indicated, but spiteful critics started the rumor so successfully that many actually believed it! Thank God, everything is fine with the artist, she is alive and well, and the information is just someone’s terribly stupid joke.

Personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya

The actress cannot be blamed for high-profile romances, affairs or relationships with married people. She fell in love for the first time in her youth, and this feeling grew into strong marriage, in which Alena lived for many years. Her future husband, Tigran Keosayan, like the artist, worked in creative environment. They crossed paths a lot at work, and then one day the working relationship grew into a great feeling. Alyona - good example and confirmation that “To live with a general, you must first marry a lieutenant.” Today Tigran is a famous film director and presenter, but then he was the same aspiring actor whom no one knew yet. The couple got married in 1993 and lived together for 21 years. Alas, in 2014 the couple announced that they were getting a divorce. It happens that after many years of life people suddenly realize that they have long been strangers. And this happened in their family. There were no scandals or betrayals, they simply divorced peacefully, and today they maintain good relations.

Alena Khmelnitskaya’s personal life after the divorce also does not stand still. The actress came to one of the social events with her companion, PR director, Pyotr Lidov, but so far the couple only spoke about the fact that they have a strong friendship.

Family of Alena Khmelnitskaya

If Alena had followed in the footsteps of her parents, she would not have become an actress at all. Her mother and father are ballet dancers; they danced on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater all their lives. The girl’s father, Alexander, not only danced himself, but also worked as a choreographer in the theater and choreographed dances for performances. And my mother, Valentina, received a GITIS education and worked as a choreographer. She staged the play, and in 198, fashion shows of Vyacheslav Zaitsev. It was she who staged the play “Juno and Avos”, in which their daughter made her debut, so Alena, with her mother’s support, was able to pass the casting.

Alena Khmelnitskaya's family really wanted their daughter to also become a theater prima, but Alena never liked dancing. As a child, the girl was overweight, embarrassed to wear a nude swimsuit for classes, and did not want to go to dances at all. Today, the actress’s parents live and work in Germany.

Children of Alena Khmelnitskaya

Married to Tigran, Alena gave birth to two children. Tigran is Armenian, and in their family it has always been accepted that the man is the head of the family. Like all women, the actress really wanted to have two children: a boy and a girl. But fate gave this one wonderful couple two daughters. The children of Alena Khmelnitskaya are very smart girls, and are already thinking about the future today.

As the actress herself says, after her divorce from her husband, her daughters, of course, were stressed, but the parents did not let the children feel unneeded. Tigran constantly came to talk with the girls, took the girls to his place on weekends, and they had absolutely friendly relations with Alena, so they didn’t see their daughters quarrel or swear.

Daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Alexandra Keosayan

Alena Khmelnitskaya’s daughter, Alexandra Keosayan, was born in 1994. The girl studied very well at school, and even graduated as an external student. Immediately after school, her parents sent the girl to the UK, where she studied for two years to master English language. After training, Sasha received an “IB” diploma, confirming her level of knowledge of English, and after that she left to study in the USA.

Last year, the girl graduated from the New York School of Film Directing, and is still searching for an answer to the question of how to build her future life. Sasha has not yet decided where she wants to live, in the USA or in Russia, but she often comes to her mother in Moscow.

Daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Ksenia Keosayan

The youngest daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya, Ksenia Keosayan, was born in 2010. Today the girl is 7 years old; last year her mother boasted on her Instagram that her daughter went to school. You can see in the photo happy Alena with a large bouquet of sunflowers, and Ksyusha, who is holding a “1-A” class sign in her hands.

Both of Khmelnitskaya’s daughters are similar to her and Tigran, but if Sasha is still more like her mother, and her Armenian roots are revealed only by her hair color, then Ksyusha is typical Armenian girl: eyes like olives and curly dark hair. She hasn’t decided yet what the girl wants to become in the future, but she goes to sports clubs and enjoys drawing.

Alena Khmelnitskaya's ex-husband - Tigran Keosayan

The ex-husband of Alena Khmelnitskaya is Tigran Keosayan, the son of the famous Soviet film director Edmond Keosayan. He graduated from the All-Union Institute of Cinematography, after which he began making films.

During his career, he directed 15 films and also directed videos for Russian music stars. In addition, Tigran himself acted in films, as an actor, hosted television programs, as well as national awards. After divorcing Alena, the director married journalist, editor-in-chief of the RT television channel, Margarita Simonyan. The couple had two children in two years: a boy Bagrat and a girl Maryana.

During her career, the actress often received offers to appear in men's magazines that publish candid photos. But the artist always refused. Who knows, maybe her inner modesty did not allow her, or her authoritative husband forbade her, but Alena Khmelnitskaya’s photos in Maxim magazine, which offered the girl a photo shoot, never appeared. In addition, on the Internet it is impossible to find photographs of the star in a negligee, or footage from the filming of erotic scenes where the actress would be naked.

The only photos available to fans are from social networks, where Alena recently posted a photo in a swimsuit. The actress went on vacation to India, and from there she spoils fans beautiful photos from vacation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Khmelnitskaya

Despite the star's success, there were also difficult times in her life. After the collapse of the USSR, cinema was in stagnation, and the artist was almost never invited to act in films. At that time she was completely desperate to become an actress, but she did not give up. I got into business and went to work in a fashion boutique. They remembered her in 1999, and Khmelnitskaya returned to her pedestal.

Today the actress is truly happy, she lives for herself, works, acts a lot and is raising her youngest daughter. The artist is very sociable and is happy to share news from her life with fans on her Instagram. Both Alena Khmelnitskaya’s Wikipedia and online fan pages contain a lot interesting facts, as well as a list of the actress’s works.

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